BCC Minutes 12/05/1978 R .~ r - . '--r'n"'-' .. '. . ,',~..~,l.~..~..."\ .:';'J/,f Naples, Florida, Deoember 5, 1978 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commilsioners in and for the County of Collier, and also aoting a8 the Governing BoardCs) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9s00 A.M. in Regular Session in BUilding "1"" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present. CHAIRMAN. David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN. Clifford Wenzel John A. Pbtor C. R. "RuI." Wimer Thom.. P. Aroher ALSO PRESENT. William J. Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Offioer, Debbie Pantano, Deputy Clerk, Assistant County Attorney, Ron Dillion, C. William ~orman, County Manager; Administrative Aide to the Board, Mary Morgan, Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer, Dr. Neno Spagna, Direotor of Community Development, Raymond DUlaney, Building Director, and Depu~y Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff'. Department. AGENDA ,'I.. .1IIt. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA December 5, 1978 REQUESTS TO ADDRESS TaE BOARD OF COm~TY COMMISSIONERS, WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA, WILL BE HEARD AT 11100 A.M. UNDE~ "PUBLIC PETITIONS" 1. .!.!fVOCATION 2. PLEDGE 01" ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL 01" AGENDA . . 4. AFl'ROVAL 01" MINUTES. Rogular Neeting of Nov. 21, 1978 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATION OF AWARDS A. Proclamation designating December 5, 1978, as "Youth in Government Day". .-....... '-..~..._..._.-' ',-...- ......_.......~_...-.,-......" ....""""1. .. ....,.... ~..."..".."....~.---_........ ~..-....~ ......: !OQK 0<<' rAcr586 'j . . ~ Deoember 5, 1978 FINAL AGEnDA APPROVED Commiasioner Wimer moved, seoonded by Commisaioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Final Agenda be approved as presented. MINUTES 01" NOVEMBER 21, 1978 - APPROVED Commiss~oner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commiasioner Piator , and carried unanimously 5/0, that the minutes of the Regular Session of November 21, 1978 be approved as aubmitted. CHAIm~ PRESENTS PROC~"TION DESIGNATING THE WEEK DECEMBER 3, 1978 AS "YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT WEEK" TO REPRESENTATIVES 01" BARRON COLLIER AND LELY HIGH SCn~)LS Chairman Brown read from the Proolamation which deaignates the week of December 3, 1978 as "Youth in Government Week" and .' proceeded to introduce all participating students of Lely and Barron Collier High School who were counter-parts of County officials for the day as fol10WSJ County Commissioners - Ken Brett, Chairman Pete Jordan, Vioe-Chairman Janet Truoks Wal t Drexl Katie Winters Parks , Reoreation - Terry Went Clerk of Cirouit Court - Kim Witoher Data Processing - Tuoker Baloh Supervisor of Eleotions - Debbie Barlett Animal Control - Vicki Rana County Manager - Carl Turba Zoning Direotor - Teresa Roberts Fiacal Officer - Terri Johnson Health - Debbie Govoni Civil Defense Direotor - Thomas Trippe Sheriff - Ernie Beat Property App~ai.er - Ed Hone Tax Collector - Arrista Cowan CoUnty Attorney - Jenny Frueohtemeyer Director of Utilities - Tim Butler Public Defender - Amy Disse1er . Agriculture.Director - Kyle Jerome Building Inspector - Wes Starling County Engineer - Ramiro Campins Library Direotor - James Lumetta Personnel Direotor - Heidi Ingle Conaumer Affairs - Mary Postore Director of Planning - Mark Wood a~Ok 044 PACf590 -. ,~o~ 044 rACE 59f December 5, 1978 Me~.r8. Don Berry and Jack Stanley, Optimi8t Club of Naples, expre.8ed their appreciation to the Board for allowing the students to partioipate in the businea. of the County for the day. * * :{ '. * * * * * * * * * *-1' * * * * * * * * * * _l.__. .__._~......._____ .~_..... _..... _.__.._.......~_.~" ._..~_............ +...~_-.........___ .... .....,..-. _. ;:-" I" "'.............. ~ '.. -... \ :.'r ....t~,Jol"....ll,I...40~"'=---.., ~..l,,;/ja~.....-......I r....1 t. - ~ ,+'" . -'1'._..;.:'_ Y'~_.~.....I\."'__' ..... .~ I, ~ 1._ 'll\Jl-l"M"~""~"I"'"l.;'4)#"" ......l..;/"..:............... .,.', . ....., ::':;::.}.i~ BGOK 04 4 PA~ 593 Oecember 5, 1978 RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO TAYLOR RAOD - CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEXS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 14 and 21, 1978 as evidenoed by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the final assessme~t roll for improvements to Taylor Road. Ms. Lynne Hixon (Lynne Hixon Holley), property owner, submitted a letter of objection to be filed with the Clerk a8 part of the record. She .trong1y protested the approval of the aS8e8ament roll based on the resolution oreating the Diatrict charging that 8aid resolution i8 invalid for several rea80ns. Ms. Hixon atated the petition creating the district requires SOt plu8 one (1) of per80ns owning property within the proposed di.trict, however, the petition reflects parcels rather than per80ns. She further cited the following reasons the resolution creating the district is invalid. The resolution does not adequately desoribe the area it attempts to create. The re.olution does not give a brief description of the faci1iti.. to be aoquired, etc. or maintained. The resolution does not contain an order to acquire, con.truct, reoon8truot, or install the projeot under the provi8ions of Ordinance 75-14 when fund8 are made available therefore. The re80lution reoite8 one name or designation and other file. add "drainage~ to the title. The resolution doe8 not state that the tax a..e.80r verified that the petition was duly 8igned by SOt plus one (1) of the property owners within thA boundaries of proposed di8trict. M8. Hixon further objeoted to the manner of aS8e8sment in that she feel8 her parcel 8uffer8 a hard8hip aa it has approximately 300 front footage yet it will take many yard8 of dirt to fill it in to be usable. She reque8ted the Board recon.ider the re801ution creating the distriot a. well aa the aS8e8.ment method u.ed. . . . '. ...",'\.',,";"~ .J December 5, 1978 Co~issioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi8sioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be continued for two weeks. ORDINANCE 78-68 AMENDING THE MARCO ISLAND LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXIUG DISTRICT ORDINANCE 78-22 B~ ADDING CERTAIN LANDS 01" MARCO BEACH TO THE TAXING DISTRICT - ADOPTED Legal notioe having been publilhed in the Marco Island Eagle on November 9, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publioation filed with the Clerk, publio hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance amending the Marco I8land Lighting Diatrict Ordinance 78-22. There being no per80ns registered to speak, Commi88ioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimou8ly 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pis tor moved, seconded by Commi8sioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that Ordinanoe 78-68 as titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book. No.8. CR>. 78-68 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 78-22 BY ADDING Cl:..{TAI~l LANDS OF MARCO BEACH TO THE MARCO ISLAND LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT, PROVIDINO FOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE 78-69. :AMENDING CONTRACTORS' LICENSING ORDINANCE 78-02 PROVIDING ANEW LIST. OF SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, RECIPROCITY WI~t CITY OF NAPLES AND RIGHT TO RESCI~D COMPETENCY CARDS ISSUED UNDER RECIPROCITY - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November l5, 1978 as evidenced by Af~idavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public heari~9 was opened to consider an amendment to the Contractors' Licensing Ordinance '78-02. Mr. Ron Dillon, Assistant County Attorney, explained he has met with representative8 from the City of Nap1e8 a8 well a8 members of the Contractors' Licensing Board at whioh time a uniform list of specialty contractors was drafted for both the &jOK 044 PA~594 ..~......... ..... . .... ~.~~~~::~~:I~~\';r~i~.::;~~;~":;'..t~'... 8~D~ 044 I'A;r595 December 5, 1978 City and County ordinance. He said that the proposed amendment will providQ for reciprocity with the City of Nap1e8 a8 well as a provision enabling the County Contractor8' Lioen8ing Board to revoke a Certificate of Competency (issued under the reciprooity clause) when the City'8 Contractors' Licensing Board revokes the contractor's competency oard. There being no persons registered to Ipeak on the matter, Commissioner Wenae1 moved, seconded by Commi88ioner Pist~r and carried unanimously 5/0, that the publio hearing be olosed. In re8ponse to CommiS8ioner Wenzel'. inquiry, Mr. Dillon explained that a contractor hOlding a current and valid Certifi- cate of Competency i88ued by the City may obtain 8ame from Collier County by pre8enting a copy of the oertifioate to the Collier County Building Director, oompleting the form pre8cribed by tho CLB, and payment of fees required. He may then obtain a competency card from the County (without the need for taking an exam). Commissioner Wenzel mnved, seconded by Commi8sioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, ~hat the Ordinance as numbered and titled below amending the Contractors' Licensing Board Ordinance No. 78-02 be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. B. ORDINANCE NO. 78-~ AN ORDINANCE AHENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE no. 78-02 BY SUBSTI'ruTING A NEW SECTION 1.7.17 WUICH IS THE LIST OF SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS: BY AMENDING SECTIONS 1.10.2 AND 1.10.3 TO MAKE THOSE PROVISIONS CONFORM TO THE NEW LIST OF SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS; AND BY AMENDING SECTION 2.12 - EXAMINATIONS NOT REQUIRED BY ADDING TWO (2) NEW SECTIONS TO WIT: 2.12.7 TO PROVIDE FOR ISSUANCB OF A CO}~ET&NCY CARD WITHOUT EXAMINA- TION UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND 2.12.8 TO PROVIDE RECIPROCITY WITH THE CITY OF NAPLES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY: CONFLICT; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I AI - Dp.cember 5, 1978 ORDINANCE 78-70 RE PETITION R-78-17C, DELTONA CORPORATION, REQUESTING ADJUSTMENT OF THE "ST" SPECIAL TREATMENT BOUNDARY BY REZONING FROM "RS-3ST" TO "RS-3" IN UNITS 5, 9, 13, AND 15, MARCO BEACH SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE ESTATES AREA AND ALONG BARl"IELD BAY ON MARCO ISLAND _ ADOPTED Legal notioe having been published in the Marco Island Eagle on November 2, 1978 a. evidenoed by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to oon8ider a proposed amendment to Ordinanoe 76-30 re Petition R-70-17C by De1tona Corporatior Dr. Neno Spagna, Direotor of Community Development, referred to a visual map to point out the "ST" boundary in the area of Barfield Bay and stated that Deltona is requesting an adjustment of said boundary to enable them to deliver approximately 26 lots that have been previously platted in this area and lie upland of state and federal jurisdiction. lie further stated that Deltona has agreed to committing the areas lying landward of the present county "ST" line along the western edge of Barfield Bay to the line described in the petitioner'8 Exhibit "C" of the petition which will result in removing 9.76 aore8 of land from "ST" zoning and places approximately 40 acres of land into tho "ST" zoning clas- sification. Dr. Spagna noted that Unit8 5, 9, 13 and 15 will be rezoned from "RS-3ST" to "RS-3" if the amendment is passed. He further noted the petition was reviewed and recommended for approval by the lAC and the WMAB, the petitioner agrees that the proposed adjustments are satisfactory and the Planning Dopartment recommends approval. Mr. James Vensel, Deltona Corporation, prosentod photographs which more clearly showed the prOposed boundary adjustments. There being, no other persons registered to speak on the matter, Commi8sioner Wensel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be olosed. Commissioner Pistor moved, 8econded by Commissioner Aroher and carried unanimou8ly 5/0, that the ordinance as numbered and ;OK 044 rA~596 ',-~~""<..... 11" :. f ,~ l~~ .... : . . '. i:.:..::~~~~~~: '.1_ )CO~ 044 PA~ 597 '. .. -.... - ....... .. December 5, 1978 titled below re Petition R-7B-17C by De1tona Corporation be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No.8. ORDINANCE NO. 78-~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCg 76-30, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING FEGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP, NUMBER 52-26-9 BY REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM RS-3-ST, RESIDENTIAL SINGLB FAMILY SPECIAL TREATMENT, TO RS-3, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY. PORTIONS OF UNITS 5, 9, 13 , 15, MARCO BEACH SUBDIVISION, WHICH IS LOCATED IN THE ESTATES AREA OF ..~."CO ISLAND, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE 78-7l RE PETITION NZ-78-5C, AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30 BY ADDING PART III TO SECTION 22 A NEW DISTRICT KNOWN AS "TDR-l" TRANSFER 01" DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS MULTIFAMILY DISTRICT - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November lS, 1978 a8 evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con8ider a proposed ordin~~ce reque8ted by the Planning Department amendi~g the zoning ordinance. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, explained the purpose of the prop08ed amendment is to establish a new zoning district to be used in conjunction with Section 9, "ST" Special Treatment OVerlay Di8trict in the Zoning Ordinance by adding Part III to Section 22 which applies to an area of medium density residence8 allowing a transfer of up to three (3) additional units per acre. He 8tated the amendment would allow the choice of building at 6 unit. per acre or by using the land in conjunction with an ST transfer a8 proposed for up to 9 units per acre. Dr. Spagna further 8tated the CAPC and the League of Women's Voter. have both recommended their approval of the proposed amendment. It - .- . -- ~. - - December 5, 1978 There being no persons regi8tered to speak on the matter, Con~s8ioner Wenzel moved, 8econded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be cl08ed. Commi8sioner Archer moved, 8econded by Commi8sioner Pi8tor and carried unanimou81y 5/0, that the ordinanoe as numbered and titled below re Petition NZ-78-5C by the Planning Department requesting an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No.8. ORDINANCE 78 -ll- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT RY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBEDs SECTION 9 AREAS OF ENVIRON}mNTAL SENSITIVITY, AND SECTION 22, RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PETITION R-78-27C, RON SUNYOG, REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "RO" FOR A DRIVING RANGE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 1, T49, R25 LOCATED NW 01" BARRON COLLIER HIGR SCHOOL ON THE EAST SIDE OF AIRPORT ROAD rUST SOUTH OF TEMPLE GROVE CITRUS l"ARM - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING l/23/79 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commi8sioner Pis tor and carried unanimOUSly 5/0, that Petition R-78-27C by Ron Sunyog requesting rezoning from "A" to "RO" for a driving range for property located in Section 1, Town8hip 49, Range 25 be authorized for adverti8ing for public hearing on 1/23/79. PETITION MP-78-2C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, BOLL, , PEEK REQUESTING EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, ARTICLE XI, SEC. l7.l AND ARTICLE X, SECTION l6, FOR XING "S LAKE SUBDIVISION - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 1/9/79 . Commissioner Archer moved, 8eoonded by Commissioner Pis tor and carried unanimou8ly 5/0, that Petition MP-7B-2C by Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , Peek reque8ting exception to certain sections of the Subdivision Regulations be authorized for advertising of public hearing on 1/9/79. BeOK 044 "A~698 ~GOK 044 fA~~599 Deoember 5, 1978 REQUEST BY COLLIER DEVELOPMENT CORP. AND MASTERS MERCHANDISE MART. FOR VACATION 01" A 5 FT. PLANTING BUFFER AND A PORTION OF A 30 FT. ALLEY EASEMENT LOCATED IN TRACT A, PINE RIDGE SECOND EXTENSION - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 1/9/79 Commissioner Aroher moved, seconded by Commi8sioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the request by qo11ier Development Corp. and Masters Merohandise r~rt for vaoation of a 5 ft. planting buffer and a portion of a 30 ft. alley easement located in tract A, Pine Ridge 8econd extension, be authorized for advertiaing of pu~lio hearing on 1/9/79. REQUES'.1' BY DELTONA COIU'. FOR VACATION OF A l2 FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF AN ALTERNATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, MARCO BEACH, UNIT II - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 1/l6/79 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commi..ioner Pi.tor and carried unanimou8ly 5/0, that the request by Deltona Corporation for vacation of a l2 ft. drainage easement and acceptance of an alternate drainage ea.ement, Marco Beaoh, Unit 11 be authorized for advertising of publio hearing on 1/16/79. REQUEST BY CLARENCE HABERMEHL, DEVELOPER, FOR A TWO YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR COMPLE'l'ION 01" ROYAL PALM GOLF ESTATES, UNIT 1 - APPROVED County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that the developer of Royal Palm Golf E8tate8 i8 requesting an extension of two to three years for completion of the projeot due to various oonditions and the redesign of the golf course complex as well as proposed changes in the plat. He stated he recommend8 approval of the request. Commi88ioner Archer moved, seconded by Commiasioner Pi8tor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the request by the developer of Royal Plam Golf Estates for an extension of time to complete the project be approved. - . -... " . - - . '''.'..._..-,..-"-~ , r-'-J :__ J Deoember 5, 1978 FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF RIVERWOOD UNIT 1 BY.THE BOARD AND RELEASE 01" $lSOO CORPORATION BOND - APPROVED County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that Riverwood Unit 1 was granted initial aoceptance by the Board after poating a $lSOO Corporation Maintenanoe Bond authorized to be u8ed by tho County Engineering Department to correct the neglected drainage and road deficiencies in ..1d unit. He noted that the developer of Riverwood Unit 1 has made re8titution to the County in the amount of $563.40 for the repair8 and the Engineer ia reoommending the Board approve the final acoeptance and the release of the bond re Riverwood Unit 1. Commi8sioner Pi8tor moved, seconded by Commi8aioner Wenzel and carried unanimou81y 5/0, that the Board approve the final acceptance of Riverwood Unit 1 and authorize the relea8e of the $1500 Corporation Bond. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * &COK 044- PA~600 - - .' ~':T';"'.,.., '.... (" J Decllmber 5, 1978 BOARD APPROVES ACCEPTANCE OF ROADS IN UNITS 162, 163, 164, 165, 17l, AND 172 walCH ARE THE REMAINING UNACCEPTED UNITS WITHIN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES, AND ALL CANALS SOUTH OF STEWART BLVD. County Engineer Clifford Bark8dale stated the Board entered into an agreement with GAC Properties in October, 1977 wherein, upon the payment of certain funds, all remaining roads and canals within the Golden Gate E8tates area would be accepted by the County and that implicit in the agreement was the under8tanding that application for the acceptanoe of th08e roads and canals south of Stewart Boulevard would be accepted by the County upon completion of clearing and re8toration work (outlined in said agreement). He further stated that GAC has satisfaotorily completed their commitment8. Mr. Bark8dale recommended that the Doard accept the remaining unacoepted road8 and cana18. After a brief di8cussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, 8eoonded by Commissioner Archer, that the Board approve the acceptance of roads in Units 162, 163, 164, 165, 171, and 172 as well as the remaining unaccepted units within Golden Gate Estates and all canals south of Stewart Blvd. The motion oarried 3/2, Commissioners Wimer and Pi8tor di8senting. . RESOLUTIONS 78-180 AND 78-181 RB PETITIONS PU-77-15C AND PU-77-l6C, RESPECTIVELY, BY EXXON CORPORATION FOR EXTENSION OF PROVISIONAL USE FOR TIME PERIOD OF ONB YEAR - ADOPTED Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, explained that due to the unusual amount of rainfall in the early part of the year, the buJlding of the acce88 road and drill 8ite for the proposed exploration oil well was delayed and Exxon Corporation . is requesting an extension of the Prov~8ional Use for one year. Commi8sioner Pi8tor moved, seconded by Commil8ioner Wenzel and carried unanimou81y 5/0, that Re801utions 78-180 and 78-181 re the request by Exxon Corporation for extension of provisional Use to December 6, 1979 be adopted. aOOK 04. 4- rA~ 602 eGOK 044 PA~: 605 December 5, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-178 CHANGING PORTIONS OF DIXIE DRIVE IN NAPLES MANOR TO CAROLINA AVENUE AND TEXAS AVENUE - ADOPTED Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated, that as part of the renumbering change pre8ently being worked on in Naples Manor, the Property Owner8 A8sooiation is requesting to change portions of Dixi~ . Drive, which runs In:.three diU.r.nt~. directions, to Carolina Avenue and Texas Avenue. He referred to a visual drawing of the 8ubdivision and pointed out the portions of Dixie Drive to be ohanged. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commislioner pistor and carried unanimoully 5/0, that Resolution 78-178 changing portion8 of Dixie Drive to Oaro1ina Avenue and Texa. Avenue be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -------~.-"'-~_...__--....-- . ._~. - ~\... ".~,. ~., -2.. ' ..-....:w..'.~~~\~ "1..'. '..... &GOK 044 rA~~ 607 December 5, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-l79 CONFIRMING THE STREET NAME "WILMAR LANE" LOCATED OFF COUNTY BARN ROAD - ADOPTED Dr. Neno Sp_gna, Director of Community Development, atated that two individuals have requested to have the name "Wilmar Lane" approved for the street on whioh they live. Commissioner Aroher moyed, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution 78-179 oonfirming the street name "Wilmar Lane" looated in Section 8, Town8hip 50 South, Range 26 Eaat, located off County Barn Road be adopted. * * * * * * * * . * * . * * * * . * * * .BOOK 044 PA:: 600 December 5, 1978 BID 1334 REPLACING AN EXISTING ONE CHANNEL TUBE TYPE BASE STATION WITU A TWO CHANNEL BASE STATION TO BE FUNDED BY LEAA FUNDS, AWARDED TO MOTOROLA, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,300 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 24 and 26, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, County Manager Norman explained that bids were received to replace the existing base station with a two channel base station. Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett commented the low bidder was Motorola, Inc. ($2,300) and the base station is to be funded by an LEAA grant titled Communications Upgrade Phase II. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Bid '334 to replace the existing one channel tube type base station with a two channel baso station be awa~ded to Motorola, Ino. in tho amount of $2,300 (funded by LEAA) as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Com- mittee and that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agr.ement. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN RENEWAL OF EMS PERMITS AND CERTIFI- CATES OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR AMERICAN, ZIPPO, AND GOLDEN GATE AMBULANCE SERVICES AND ISSUANCE OF SAID PERMITS AUTHORIZED County Manager Norman explained that the Emergency Medical Service ambulance permits and EMS Certificate. of Convenience , Necessity for all ambulance services operating within the County wil~ be expiring on December 31, 1978 and requested that the Board authorize the r~newa1 and signing of said permits and Certificates. commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign tho renewal of the EMS permits and Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for American, Zippo, and Golden Gate ambulance service. and the issuance of said permits be authorized. - - ._. '. . Deoember 5, 1978 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP. FOR 9 HOUR, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY COVERAGE AND ADDEND~~ TO BASIC CONTRACT - AUTHORIZED Mr. Fred Marks, Director of Data Proce8singJrequGsted that the Board sign a maintenanoe contract with Digital Equipment Corp. to establish maintenance coverage for the County's Criminal Justioe oomputt;. r equipment. commiasioner Archer moved, .eoonded by Commia.ioner Piator and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Maintenanoe Agreement with Digital Equipment Corp. for 9 hour, Monday through Friday ooverage a. well a. authorization to sign addendums to the basic contract as reoommended by the Director of Data Processing and after review by the Fiaoa1 Officer. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . &OOK 044 PA~618 - . . December 5, 1978 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented have been processed following established procedures and that funds are available, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimoul1y 5/0, that the bills be approved for payment a. witnelsed by the following warrants issued from November 29, 1978 through December 5, 1978& n!!!e County Warrants BCC Payroll Road , Bridge t2 Interest , Sinking Water Management Sewer Distriot "A" Revenue Municiple Servioe Taxing Distriot WARRANT NOS. 001716 - 001925 53199 - 53391 2 2 2 2 2 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-16 CORRECTING THB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FUND - ADOPTED IN THB AMOUNT OF $137,220 Fiscal Offioer Harold Hall explained the requested Budget Amendment is needed to correot the Capital Improvement projeot fund to reflect the unexpended portion of previOUSly budgeted fund for Data proces.ing equipment. Commissioner Archer moved, seoonded by Commi..10ner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment 79-l6 correoting the Capital Improvement Project Fund be adopted in the amount of $l37,220. * * * * . * * * ,"'). '. 044 PI:-Sro &OOK * * * * * * - ._h~",__'" ) December 5, 1978 STAFF DIRECTED TO DRAFT APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION FOR REVI~1 BY STATE REPRESENTATIVE REGARDING SALE OF DRUa PARAPHERNALIA AND/OR MAGAZINES WHICH WILL PROHIBIT SUCH SALES, COMMISSIONER ARCHER TO BRING BACK REPORT REGARDING SAME TYPE OF LEGISLATION AT LOCAL LEVEL Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the memo dated ll/27/78 from Commissioner Pistor requesting that the BCC ask Representative Hawkins to introduce legislation which will prohibit the sale of drug paraphernalia and the sale of magazine. such as "High Time." which tells how to use the drug' and where to get equipment of all types. Commissioner Archer stated he will bring back a report on the same matter in order to draft legislation at the local level. Commissioner Archer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the staff be direoted to draft appropriate legislation for review by the State Representative prohibiting the sale of drug paraphernalia and/or magazines and that Commissioner Archer bring back his report concerning looal sales of such items. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ACCEPTANCE FORMS FOR NAPLES WILDERNESS ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM SO THAT FUNDS MAY BB DRAWN FROM THE GRANT t19-AB-09-Fl"03 Co~missioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimou.1y 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign acceptance forms re the Naple. Wilderness 'Alternative Program so that funds may be drawn from the grant. .. * * * 044 fA~i:622 * * iOK * * * * * * * * * - -.- ..._- -.,- .- December 5, 1978 HENRY B. WATKINS, JR. AND JOHN A. PISTOR REAPPOINTED TO THE S.W. FLORIDA MENTAL HEALTH BOARD Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted that the terms of Henry B. Watkins and John A. Pi.tor as member8 on the S. W. Florida Mental Health Board have expired as indioated by a letter dated ll/27/78 from 8aid Board. Commissioner Archer moved, 8eoonded by Commi88ioner Wenzel and oarried unanimou11y 5/0, that the Board reappoint Henry B. Watkins, Jr. and John A. Pistor to serve a8 membera on the Southwest Florida Mental Health Board. COUNTY MANAGER DIRECTED TO APPOINT A MEMBER OF STAFF TO WORK WITH THE AMERICAN LEGION IN COORDINATION 01" THEIR ANNUAL 4TH 01" JULY PARADE In regard8 to a reque8t by the Amerioan Legion, Chairman Brown directed the County Manager to designate a member of staff to work with the Legion in the coordination of their annual 4th of July parade. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objeotion, the Chair directed the following miscellaneous c~rrespondenoe be filed and/or referred to the various departments a8 indicated below. l. Copy of ll/22/78 letter from the State Health Officer to Dr. Antell commending him on the quality of his performanoe while the County's health offioer, filed! 2. Notice dated 1l/30/78 from County Manager that a leave of ab8ence has been requeated and granted to Mr. Leonard Spindle of the MVI 8tation from 11/27/78 to 12/23/78, filed. ., 'I 3. Copy of 11/28/78 letter re DER permit CS52-11-5648 City of Naples STP for Clam Court Marina Apartments, application to in8tall .ewage collection aY8tem, sin91e connection, more than 2000 GPD average flow to an existing approved collection system, xc to Uti~ity Director, filed. 4. Copy of 1l/28/78 letter ie application of IBIS Condominium, DER permit CS52-ll-563l, for approval of installation of sewage collection system (a8 in item '3), xc to Utility Director, filed. 800K 044 I'A~624 ~ . December 5, 1978 19. Notice dated 11/20/78 from State Energy Office re the 1978-79 winter heating season and adoption" of a contingency plan, xo to County Manager, filed. 20. Copy of draft minutes of So. Fla. WHO/Big Cypress Basin Board 11/9/78 meeting, filed. 2l. Report dated lO/9/78 on the COpeland Road Pri80n from 1"1a. Div. of Corrections, filed. 22. PSC Notice re Docket 780884-CCT for Certificate of Public Convenienoe for Atless Moving , Tranlport, filed. . * * * * * RECESS a 10s15 A.M. until 10.32 A.M. at which time Commissioner Wenzel wa. absent from the re8t of .the meeting. . * * * * * CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT FOR SEWAGE SERVICES AND SEWER LINE CONNECTION RE IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES AND IMPERIAL WEST (WHISPERING PINES, INC) Mr. Lloyd Sheehan, Whispering Pine8, Inc., was pre8ent for questioning by the Board. Commis8ioner Wimer moved, 8econded by Commis8ioner Pistor and carried unanimou8ly 4/0, Commissioner Wenzel absent at the time of the vote, that the Chairman be authorized to 8ign an Agreement for sewage 8ervioes and 8ewer line connection re Imperial Golf E8tate8 and Imperial West. * * * * * * * * * * * OOK 044 PA~626 * * * * * * I,: I' ..-w December 5, 1978 UTILITY WATER LINE DEED RB TORREY PINES SUBDIVISION ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION, COUNTY UTILITY DIVISION TO ASSUMB OWNERSHIP AND RESPONOIBILITY FOR SAID WATER LINES Commis.ioner Wimer moved, .eoonded by Commi.lioner Piltor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent at the time of the vote, that the Utility Water Line Deed for Torrey pinel Subdivision be accepted and recorded and the County Utility Division assume ownership and responlibility for .aid water lines. * * * * ;. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~CDK 044 PA~i:6S0 ~d]__'~~~'~\' M~~'JlO.e.."-!lIiI.....-........~~~ .'._, . -..-_.-:-'_'-;' ~.~_... ..........,,;.'. .::"'"\"I~:'~:-':~::;,:':'~~'''''.'':'''~,"s~j..a.':i':'..;'':::'~. :":_v.'. . _ . . I' ." . .'. ...... ::..~ ~:~. flOOK 0(4 PA~r6sa .'. :.;..... Deoember 5, 1978 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Timel 10135 A.M. , ' II BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OF~ CIO GOVERNING BOARDCS) OF SPECIAL DIS ICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL I t . "A