BCC Minutes 11/21/1978 R } ( -- I Naples, Florida, November 21, 1978 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners 1 and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing )ardCs) of such special districts as have been created according J law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at :00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse )mplex with the following members present, CHAIRMAN, John A. Pistor* VICE-CHAIRMAN, David C. Brown C. R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Chief ~puty Clerk/Fiscal Officer, Edna Brenneman artd Debbie Pantano LO:45 A.M.), Deputy Clerks1 C. William Norman, County Manager, Donald , Pickworth, County AttorneY1 Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer, lna J. Spagna, Community Development Administrator1 Richard Woodruff, laiatant County Manager1 Lee Layne, Planner, Mary Morgan, Administrative lde to the Board, and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Depart- lOt. *Chairmanahip transferred to Commissioner Brown during meeting. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNT~ COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA Novomber 21, 1978 REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF COUNT~ COMMISSIONERS, WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA, WILL BE HEARD AT 11:0D A.M. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. . APPROVAL OF MINUTES, Regular meeting of November 7, 1978. 5. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO RE-ELECTED COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ..'''l........~,..~ . Clifford Wen..l .. . ___. Ru.. "imel!:' ~ ...Xi,,; .,'l.~'/': .....'..... p.tt'...........1I"\"..,r.1Il~..' ...____~.~- ~. _. : .. '",. :;:~. . ';:r~/' ..:..;.... Wti':.''''i'w,".~." .', iQ~ 044 fACE485 . tA:y ~ ~~\1 "-;"'./:-"'l... \;,..... ~:~7" ,- .~"" ':1- .:..:v~~ ... ,.....,. _ ~. "'IJ~1l,~-=......!..~...~:1'~t;....:- ..~~;..~~.!-j~ . ........'~>~~:.~~.::.~.-:.:.:. . '. .: >_' '-:''''''.~_~ .....i~-:O;~.-~:~:~:-.:::':._.~.:::::-:..:.:.::..':.:.... .":~'.~'~::.~:.:_ , ...... ""'"'-""_......_..,-_..~<.,-_.,- J;. .. II .."'. .-. ,_-,_._^ . - . - ~ . - ~ . ~- r'"-_~ . ~ . . . ~ . r . ~ . . ., - . . . . ';''''''';f>'''',:,-':_:'._~ " -; -_...:: . '': ., .,..... . It;: ....,~-~-~. ,to' .......t'" -.- ......:-. "-"~'~'~::;'l:;;';~~~' ~COK 044 fA~r 488 ,\ " .',,' November 21, 1978 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS/DELETIONS Chairman Pistor announced that the fOllowing items have been deleted from the agenda I 1. Proposed amendments to Contractors' Licensing Board Ordinance relative to Mobile Home Park Operators (Continued from 11/14/78 agenda) - Continued until November 28, 1978. 2. Ordinance creating Pelican Bay Municipal Lighting District (Continued from 11/14/78 agenda) - Continued until November 28, 1978. At the request of Utility Director Irving Berzon, County Attorney Pickworth added the following items to tho agenda I 1. Request for authorization to obtain update of the engineering estimates re Sewer District "B". 2. Request for authorization to advertise for consultants for the Sewer District "B" project. Attornoy PiCkworth asked that. the fOllowing item be added for discussion purposes: l. Suggested changes to the Personnel POlicy. Commissionor Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the agenda be approved with the afore- mentioned additions and deletions. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 7, 1978 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the minutes of the meeting of November 7, 1978 be approved as presented. OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO REELECTED COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WENZEL AND WIMER Clerk William J. Reagan administered the Oath of Office to reelected County Commissioners Clifford Wenzel, Commission District No.4, and C. R. "Russ" Wimer, Commission District No.2. CHAIRMANSHIP OF BCC TRANSFERRED TO COMMISSIONER DAVID C. BROWN Following his expression of gratitude to Commissioner Brown for his assistance to him while serving as Vice-Chairman, Chairman - --- ~-. -- ...- ~ November 21, 1978 Pistor transferreu the chairmanship of the Board of County Com- missioners to Commissioner Brown who will serve in the capacity for the succeeding six-month period. FIVE-YEAR EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS PRESENTED TO GEORGE BADCOCK (LIBRARY MARGARET FOSTER (ENGINEERING DEPT.), AND ROLLIE RICE (PARXS AND RECREATION) Chairman Brown announced the awarding of five-year service awards to the following employeesl 1. George Babcock (Library) 2. Margaret Foster (Engineering Department) 3. Rollie Rice (Parks and Recreation Department) Ms. Foster was present to received her award, the other receipien' not able to be present. COMMISSIONER PISTOR PRESENTS PORTRAIT TO CHAIRMAN BROWN IN RECOGNITION OF HIS ASSISTANCE AND COOPERATION WHILE SERVING AS VICE-CHAIRMAN Commissioner Pis tor presented a portrait of Chairman Brown to him in recognition of the assistance and cooperation tendered to him while Commissioner Brown was serving as Vice-Chairman. Chairman Brown accepted the portrait with appreciation. ORDINANCE 78-62 AMENDING ORDINANCE 72-1 BY ADDING CERTAIN LANDS OF SEAGATE SUBDIVISION TO THE COLLIER COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 2, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance 72-1 by adding certain lands of the Seagate Sub- division to the Collier County Lightir.g District. County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that a petition was received from the property owners in Seagate Subdivision requesting the creation of a lighting district bounded on the north by Pelican Bay, on the west by the Gulf of Mexico, on the south by the most northerly development of Park Shore Subdivision, and on the east by &CDK 044 PAcr 489 , .' .. ~.::=:::..:.:.:::...:,::':~' <[~ ::"~..:-;~~~~~~~~~":::~ :-' ::-':.:. :;;,--~-~, ",...- . .- .. . . -~ - .. ..... - ,,- .~- '\"~." ......--................ .......- ~ . ... - .. - . "- . - ~ - - ~ -- ~ - ~".. ,. -.... .. .. v .. . ': ~ ".~.. .~,: -. >,';. .. .:~ ~.'.~--~~.~~~~:".~;(~:::-< -~~'<'~~';..:r:<'.' . ...... ~~~ ". .~~.1.N~ "'"i.-;"7;:~~~""~ ~:.:t.'~.~+rT~\~~~ "W~;-_~-,...:_..:.::.:..~......;''''''.--: ". '1 ,. -.,~ ~.... ~-...,.'~",.""I'" ,.~ ~_...... - ,.>,J.. "'- T.'i.,~.;...., 4Jo.~. &COK OJ(. rA~t (SO November 21, 1978 Crayton Road. He said that the original intent of the petition was to include only the six existing street lights within the proposed districtl however, such street lighting does not provide equal benefit! throughout the proposed taxing district. In conjunction with Florida Power & Light Company, said Mr. Barksdale, his department located additional lighting sites which will be of benefit district-wide. Th~ approximate cost per property per year, said Mr. Barksdale is $13.16. Commissioner Pistor inquired into the possibility of installing the lights at an earlier time, by way of a special assessment district, until funds are available from the 1979 tax rolls. Fiscal Officer Hare Uall said that the additional costs involved should be reviewed, noting that it is possible the residents would prefer waiting rather than to havo tho lights at an earlier date. He said that there is no reason why a temporary special Assessment district, if desired, could not be set up. County Attorney Pickworth concurred with Mr. Hall's state- manto There being no persons registerd to speak on the subject, Com- missioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissionor Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Ordinance 78-62, as titled below, be adopted and entered in Ordinance Book No.9. OROINANCE 78-62 AN OHDlNANCE AMEND!~3 ORDINANCE NO. 72-l BY ADDINO CERTAIn LA::JS OF SEAOAT/<; SUBDIVISIOil TO TilE COLLII::R COU~;T:: :"IOll'l'r:W DISTRICT, I'ROVTDn:r. FOR C:O:1STR::;-nON. AND Al~ EFJ.'ECTIVE DATE .' .. .,. ..., I I ) } November 21, 1978 ORDINANCE 18-63 RE PETITION R-78-21C BY ALLEN JOHNS REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "CD" FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 23, T50S, R26E, _ ADOPT AGREEMENT BY PETITIONER TO STIPULATIONS IMPOSED _ ACCEPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 20, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance re Petition R-78-21C by Allen Johns requesting rezoning from "A" Agriculture to "CD" Campground District tor property located in Section 23, Township 50 South, Range 26 East. Dr. Neno Spagna, Community Development Administrator, stated that ~he property involved consists of 9.31 acres and is located approximatel: one-half mile south of Rattlesnake Hammock Road, on the east side of County Road 95l. He said that the petition has been reviewed by all of the County's agencies in their areas of concern and recommended for approval subject to certain stipUlations, by staff, with a recommendatiol for approval with certain stipulations 1 and by the Coastal Area Planning Commission which body also recommends apr~oval subject to certain stipu- lations. Dr. Spagna stated that an agreement to subject stipulations hal been signed by the petitioner. He added that one person has objected to the rezoning petition. Mr. Jeff Purse of Bruce Gleen and AS80ciates, representing the petitioner, stated that the whole intent and purpose of the project is to make a campground as beautiful as possible while at the same time preserving as much natural area as is feasible. He pointed out that the objection received was to the campqround being in his midst and to the general atmosphere of a campground I however, said Mr. Pllrse, the subject: project will be a "very nice" campground. In response to Commissionor Pistor's expressed concern over the "junk" cars in the area, Mr. Purse stated that the entire property will be clollned up. Following County Manager Norman's advice that there were no parsons reqlstered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by B~~X 044 PA~:491 ...t+l:!:'"~~:-:'\-t' _00-: .".. 'H~-\.-::'''j'.:''~- ..~....:_. .t;.~........."__~_. '." -:- . _. _.:.~~ .~.._. .... -.... -~- ...-....,. " .'- -.-""" ., --.-...-...-...-- -.-. , --~._. " " . ~ .. t" . .... ..' '\ -.... .... ~. " , ',:..,. \'_~"'''~ --: ~ ...... . _ ..... ~." . - ..., .,,' ." -. .. ~ - . '", '.... . ~.' ~ ..". *" :":~'..', '.~::- ..::' :,. . ~ ~ ~. .' '" . : I . . ' At; :.,-~.. ,';:-:.;''':' '_-....:::,...-...::;::;,;;~ir:-\? .,;;:\.~...t_...;\.:;;~'.;, ::':-~~Io ,. ~~I.t~_~7"""';"';:;~..-;,~. ,...~...~_..~ a~OK 044 rA~:492 November 21, 1978 Commissioner Wimer and unftnimously carried 5/0, that the publio hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that Ordinance 78-63, as titled below, be adopted and entered in Ordinance Book No.8, and that the agreement by the petitioner to the imposed stipulations be accepted. ORDINANCE 78 - ~ AN ORDIN1\NCE N-'.J:mOING ORDINJ\NCE 76- 30 TIm C0l1PREHENSIVE ZOUWG HECUL1\TIONS FOR TnE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF TilE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AHENDING THE ZOl'lING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-26 BY REZONING THE FOLLOI'lING DESCRIDED PROPERTY FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "CD" C~lPGROUND DISTRICTa sic OF THE SNIc OF THE NN'- LESS THE WEST 100 FEET 1\ND ROAD LYING SECTION 23, TOt'lNSIlIP 50S, RANGE 26E AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " . I ~COK 044 PAct 494 ORDINANCE 78-64 AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30 BY REZONING CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTIES, AS PART OF THE SEMI-ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE COMPREHENSrvE PLAN - ADOPTED November 21, 1978 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 20, 1978 as evidenoed by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance 76-30, The Comprehensive Zoning Regulations of the Coastal Area Planning District, by rezoning certain described properties, as par.~ of the Semi-Annual Review of the Comprehensive Plan. Planner Lee Layne explained that the subject changes have been requested either by various citizen groups or by staff because of needed changes in zoning. She said that the areas covered include Town & Country Estates, Wiggins Pass State Park, and various park sites on Marco Island, locating each change on the map provided. Each of the proposed changes were explained and the reasons for the rezoning detailed. There wore no questions forthcoming from the Board members. Mr. Tom Provenzano, representing Town & Country Estates, stated that, after hearing the matter reviewed, he would have no comment to make at this time. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that Ordinance 78-64, as titled below, be adopted and entered in Ordinance Book No.8. ORDI NhNCr. 78 - 6l. - AN ORDINAl~Cl!: J\HI;llDWG OP.DIN1\NCI~ 76-30 THE COfoll'RF:lIJmSIVE ZONING i:EGU~1\TIONS FOR THE UNIN:':ORPUM'l'ED AR~A OF TilE COASTAL AREA PI.ANNING DISTRIC'l' BY ru:ZO::ING THE FOLLO~';ING DP.SCRIDED PROPERTIES FRO:,: VARIOUS ZONED 'l'O VARIOUS ZONES AS PART OF THE SEm-1\NNU]I.L REVIE~l OF TilE COMPREIIE:~SIVE PLANt 'l'HA'l' PROPERTY J<NOWN AS TOh1-; , COUNTRY ESTATES IN SECTION 31, T49S, R26E, i':IGGINS PASS STATE rARK LOC1\TED IN SECTIO:;S 17 & 20, T48S, R25I::; TIGERTAIL BEACH PAR.I(, ,.:':CA CITIZENS DEACH AND CERTAIN SPECIFIC PARK SITES LOCATED ON HARCO ISLAND AND l-10RE DEFINITELY DESCRIDED HEREIN; THE RACQUET CLUB OF l-~\RCO ISLAND AND DY PRO- VIDING AN EFFECTlVE DATE. fl. ~ ~ 1.1" ~ l "P '"]-\ f. . ! U: November 21, 1978 ORDINANCE 78-65 RE PETITION R-78-l4C BY GATH, INC. REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "RS-3" AND"CC" CERTAIN LANDS IN SECTION 12, T49S, R25E - ADOPTED EXCLUDING "ce" ZONING, STAFF DIRECTED TO RECAP SUBJECTS DISCUSSED DURING P~BLIC HEARING FOR POSSIBLE FURTHER REVIEW BY BCC Legal notice having been published in The Naples Star on August 25, 1978 as ovidonced by Affidavit of Publication previously filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from October 10, 1978 re Petition R-78-14C by Gath, Inc., requesting rezoning from "A" Agriculture to "RB-3" Single-Family and "CC" Convenience Commercial for property located in Section l2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, known as "Tall Pines". Dr. Neno Spagna, Community Development Administrator, explained that, included with the subject petition, is a request for Subdivision Master Plan approval, Petition S~~-78-6C, noting that the two petitions would be discussed together but recommended separate actions be taken by the Board. He said that the petitions were continued, at the request of the Utility Director, in order to permit the Water Management Advisor Board the opportunity of reviewing the proposed drainage system. Dr. Spagna briefly described the proposed project, stating that the Planning Commission reviewed the proposal and recommended that it be approved subject to the requirements of all of the various County review agencies and the Planning Department. The vote was 4/3 in favor of granting the rezoning of the "CC" portion of the rezoning request, said Dr. Spagna. ~ Brief discussion followed with concerns being expressed by various Commissioners regarding the location of the "CC" area adjacent to the Barron Collier High School, the water quality in the prnposed wator retention lagoons, and the responSibility for keeping the canals free of weeds, and the like. Mr. Kenneth "adcock, Attorney, represent- ing the petitioners, explained that proper management of the canals to whatever standards are imposed on the developers will be the function of the property owners assocations which will be formed. 8CDK 044 PA~: 495 .". ).."".~ '. -.. . . ..-., "'" ... '. ........ ..,-..J '. -' : . .. -- ~ ~ ~ . ~'-'" I .. ~ "'..... ~. . '" .. '., . - .... " . .. . . ...l_ ~ ::~;::-7';'--'.. -. ~:.:>."; _. _.~_ ': ;~_'~.- ~.:~-=: ~:'~":,_~"::'::'~'':':_'' -::.-=--:::.-,:::~~~;,~' bGOK 044 fA~: 496 November 21, 1978 Dr. Jay Harmic, County Environmental Consultant, referred to his memorandum to Commissioner Pistor, dated November 20, 1978, and pointed out that water quality problems can be enticipated and, in his opinion, a well-designed monitoring program and enforcement pro- gram should be developed, in which the County has a part, to make certain that the program is designed and carried out properly. He outlined his experience with similar systems and oHplained methods which can be used with regard to circulation of the water and also with weed control. Commissioner Pistor voiced concern cver enforcing the maintenance of the canals and inquired if the County can enforce such maintenance. County Attorney Pickworth stated that an appropriate agreement can probably be drafted to provide for such protection, noting the state- ment made that an assocation will be formed and charged with the responsibil i ty. Mr. Kris Dane, Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc., representing the doveloper, recalled that, fOllowing appearances before the Board and the Water Management Advisory Board, several changes have been incorporated into the Subdivision Master Plan. He referred to a map displayed to illustrate the modifications which have been made with regard to the drainage system, adding tho comment that, with reference to the water quality concerns, there will be fewer problems in the proposed design than if the property were to be developed using a circular lake concept. Mr. Dane pointed out what he considered to be a discrepancy in stipulations of the WMAB, following the advisory board's recommendation for approval of the Plan and which were con- tained in Utility Director Berzon's memorandum to the CAPC dated November 9, 1978, listed as Stipulation a) in subject memorandum. He said that, following his research of the minutes of the WMAB meeting held November 8, 1978, the intent was to establish a +10' msl for tho septic tank drainfield only and not for the entire development. November 21, 1978 He asked that the stipulfttion be stricken. Mr. William Walters, WMAD member, concurred with Mr. Dane'. statement and agreed that the stipulation should be deleted from the recommendation. In response to Commissioner Pistor's inquiry as to the establish- ment of a monitoring program, Mr. Dane said that a program of this kind can be worked out with County Engineer Barksdale and the advisory boards; however, he said that he would dislike agreeing to a program which, at this time, is poorly defined. Mr. Charles Grimm, representing the developers, recalled that the same plan being reviewed this date was taken through the County staff and the various advisory boards beginning in May, 1978, and that there was never at any time an objection voiced regarding the plan such as is being discussed this date. He said that the WMAB, after approving the plan, later withdrew their support. Additional engineering matters were furnished to the board, said Mr. Grimm, following which the WMAB approved the plan by a 3/l vote. He pointed out that the County requires developers to "put holes in the ground" for water retention and that now the County is saying that because holes are being dug the water quality will be something less than desirable and, therefore, it can't be done. Mr. Scott Foster, Collier County ~chool Board member, addressed the matter of the rezoning of a portion of the property to "CC" and urged the Board to consider the proximity of the area to be zoned "CC" to Barron Collier High School and the prOblems which could result from such rezoning. He oyplained that such convenienoe stores create diSCiplinary ~roblems for the schools, in his opinion. Attorney I1adcock suggested that the limited commercial usage of the property is appropriate and consistent with the overall zoning of the area. Mrs. Jane Paulus, School Board member, stated that she was ad- dressing the Board as a private citizen and urged the Board to oare- fully consider the problems which could arise, noting such convenience stores display less-than-desirable magazines, and that drug paraphernal B':C~ 04( r~~:49'1 ~~"~~~_.' '..:' .' ~ ~".;.fl .. . . '. ., . - . ~ - - ~~. ..-. iI.....-~-;;,... ~"... ....... ... ~ . ..~"'.....,. ~~.. '. '..j'~""'~'..'..:~l'friI\:~}'.v _'.!\':i.,/o.~......,.......~.' .......~. ::...... . .... ..... I '.".t f'~' _ . ',;....'" '7 ;~""'.I-""I"'!",...~\r.4..~..'~~I_..."r(~....~,:.~:;..,t'/"~\."""/,,, . '...:,: k', :'r:;' ':'~ . ;_". ;. ~ :':. '.,).~~~' _.'I.,,::':,.:'1";;j,,~,.;~.;:./:~ ~.~;::.. -~~'L :,~.~_;.::~::,.,:;:.::;. ., 'oi I: _ -',- ~COK 04. 4 fA~~ 498 November 21, 1978 is available for purchase. She also pointed out the many convenience stores in the neighborhood and suggested the Board look at the density of the area for that reason. Mr. Dane agreed that there are other such establishments in the vicinity but only available to the potential residents of the development by driving through dangerous intersections. Commissioner Wimer expressed his concern about the number of septic tanks to be installed in th~ area. He noted that the developers have agreed to hook up to the central sewer when it is available and inquired about who will pay for such hookup. Following brief dis- cussion, Commissioner Wimer requested assurance that the homeowner will be told that at somo point in time he will be faced with an additional assessment for sewer installation. Attorney Hadcock stated that it can be and will be done, noting that such warning will be included in the deeds. Commissioner Wenzel noted that he did not see any provision in the plan for a turning lane off the highway into the development. During the discussion which followed, Mr. Dane explained that a traffic analysis was made and it was felt that a turning lane will not be required once Jlirport Road is four-laned, that the traffic generated will not be significant enough to require a turning lane. Dr. Spagna noted that the matter came up before the Subdivision Committee on August 2, 1978 and one of the stipulations made waD the provision of a left and right turning storage lane at the intersection of the proposed entrance road and Airport Road at such time as requested by the appropriate gove;;:nmental agencl' and that bonding JIlay be required. This was acceptable to the petitioner, said Dr. Spagna, and it was agreed that it would be put in when requested. Mr. Grimm disputed Dr. Spagna's statements by stating that at the first Subdivision meeting, the only mention made of turning lanes was made by t'r. Berzon who asked him CMr. Grimm) if they would agree to put in turning lbnes. He said that his response was "Yes, if we have to". He said that this - -... w... November 21, 1978 was tho only mention of the matter in his discussions with Mr. Berzon or any County staff. He further commented that it was never discussed that the developer would be required to put up a bond to build a turning lane at some future date, at an un- specified price, at unspecified specifications. Mr. Grimm sug- gested that this is an unreasonable request I however, he said, if required, the developers would put a turning lane on the existing highway, adding the co~~ent that they were never advised that they would have to wait until the road is four-laned in the future. To clarify the matter, Dr. Spagna stated that the Sub- division met twice on the petitions - at the first meeting the requirements were outlined, and at the latter meeting the matter under discussion was mentioned as part of the package regarding tho first group of requirements. He noted that Mr. Grimm might not have attended the second meeting and did not have the benefit of reviewing the minutes of such meetingl however, he said that it was discussed and agreed upon. Commissioner Pistor expressed the opinion that it is not the size of the subdivision that requires a turning lane but rather the fact that there will be additional traffic. on Airport Road once it is four-laned. He said that if there is no turning lane, accidents could result and that, in his viewpoint, a turning lane for the development is a necessary inclUSion. County Engineer BarkSdale, . responding to Commissioner Wimer's inquiry, estimated that it will be approximately two years before the subject road is widened, following which Commissioner Wimer requested that the developers install a turning lane on the existing road. When requested to give an estimated cost for such installation, Mr. Barksdale stated that it would cost between $10,000 and $12,000. Mr. Grimm expressed agreement with the comment "We'll do it". ~GOK 04& PA~: 499 ;..,'..... . !+:i.:.I,\ ..,'(10".... ~*~"; . ',", '. "':'""' -.::E 8GDK 044 rA~~ 500 . Noye~~r 21, 1978 Commissioner Wimer inquired if the developers would assist in the installation of signal lightR when the four-laning of the road is installed. Attorney Hadcock reiterated his earlier state- ment that such agreement would be a commitment to the future for something unknown and would require some form of security or banding. He said that this is economically prohibitive. Mr. Barksdale suggested that, with the four-laning of Airport Road within two years, the traffic generated within the subdivision during that time period would probably not warrant spending the estimated $12,000 to install turning lanes in both directions for that period of time. He explained how widening the road will allow for turning lanes and stated that there will be no problem unless the widening project is delayed and the subdivision built up to the paint where such provision may become necessary. Further, said Mr. Barksdale, in his opinion, it is not practical for the developer to install turning lanes and then, in a short period of time, have them removed. Commissioner Wimer suggeated that the commitment requested by him be changed to state that the lanes be put in on the existing road, if requested. When Asked if the proposal was agreeable, the representatives in attendance expressed their agreement. The matter of the "CC" rezoning request was further disoussed with Mr. Grimm stating that this would be "the ioing on the cake" . but if it is a problem "we'll take it out". Commissioner Wenzel suggested that the entire area be rezoned single-family and, in the future if the developers can prove a need for the "CC" zoning, the Board can be petitioned again. Mr. Grimm noted his appreciation for. the suggestion stating "Let's take it out of there and give us aur 'RS-3'''. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be cloRed. .' November 21, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved that Ordinance 78-65, as titled below, re Petition R-78-l4C changing the zoning of certain lands in Section l2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, from "A" to "RS-J", based on the recommendations of Mr. Berzon and staff personnel, be adopt~d. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pis tor and carried unanimously 5/0. (See action taken immediately following with regard to Petition SMP-78-6C). OIU)):-':A.'\O: 78. 65 A"J OlUJHI/A'\CE NlIJNUING O;::.DI:\.\.\'CE 76-30 mE ca.fiJIUllll\,SIVE ZO:-iI:\G REGIJI..'TlO~S ron TIm UNINCORf'OR.\17.:D AREA or THE COASTAL AREA PlANNING DISTRICT BY A'[\nIXG TIm ZO:\I~G ATI.AS HAP Ntf..ffiER 49-25'1 BY RUZO~I~G nm }''OI.LOlVING DESCRIBED p;WPERlY FReN "N' AGRfCUI.TURE TO "RS-3" SI:;GLtl r'AmLY l\HIOI IS 1.0('.111110 Q'J TIm EAST SIDE OF AIRPORT ROM NORm OF TIm f..\TTR,\.\CE TO Bi\RRCN COLLIER J1JGI samL: A PARCEL OF L:\\'O lOCATED I:-l SECTIQ'l 12. ro'~SIUP 49 SOtTIlI. RA'lGE 2S F.ASf A\'D DY PPDVIDING A.v Ef.FF.crIVB IlA TIl. PETITION SMP-78-6C BY GAT", INC. REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS TALL PINES IN SECTION 12, T49S, R2SE _ APPROVED, TO INCLUDE WMAB STIPUI~TION B), STIPULATION A) DELETED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 22, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previously filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from October 10, 197 re Petition SMP-78-6C by Gath, Inc. requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval for a project kno\o1n as "Tall Pines" located in Section 12, Township 49 South, Range 25 East. It was noted for the record that Petition SMP-78-6C was discussed in detail during the public hearing regarding Petition R-78-14C which was just concluded. Included in the motion by Commissioner Wenzel with regard to the latter petition, was the request that a recap of the subjects discussed during the session with the owners and staff personnel be written up to insure complete understanding of what was discussed and that the stipulations imposed be submitted to the Board for final review. B~C~ 044 p~~:5OJ. -- .''-''.. , ..,,' , \ , '. "", ~ .' ;,.;'..;... '. ~cox oM PA~( 502 November 2l~ 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commi~sioner Wimer that Petition SMP-78-6C by Gath, Inc. requesting Subdivision Master Plan Approval of the "Tall Pines" project located in Section 12, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, with the stipulations by staff and the removal of the "CC" zoning on the plat, be approved. Dr. Spagna inquired, if the developers proceed with the replat of the "CC" area and if it meets the Subdivision Regulations, if they may be authorized to approve the replat rather than to go back through the whole process again. Commissioner Archer agreed to amend his motion, and Commissioner Wimer his seconding thereof, to include the authorization requested by Dr. Spagna, if the petitioners desire to replat the area into residential lots. Commissioner Archer assured Mr. Grimm that Item a) regarding the '~MAD'S recommendation for approval, as contained in Utility Director Irving Berzon's memorandum to the Planning Commission, dated November 9, 1978, has been stricken from the stipUlations. Upon call for the question the motion carried unanimously 5/0. * * * * RECESS I 10:35 A.M. until 10,45 A.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Edna Brenneman was replaced by Deputy Clerk Debbio Pantano * * * * BOARD UPHOLDS DECISION BY CONTRACTOr-S' LICENSING BOARD TO REVOKE CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY AND LICENSE TO DO BUSINESS OF GARY ANTONISSEN, ROGART DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Commissioner Pistor explained tho appeal of the decision made by the Contractors' Licensing Board by Gary Antonissen of Rogart Development Corp. had been sent back to the CLB for are-evaluation of the case based on additional evidence submitted by the appellant's attorney. He noted the Contractors' Licensing Board ruled to uphold thair previous ruling of the revocation of Mr. Antonissen's Certificato of Competency and license to do business. - - -..--..---...-.. I' I November 21, 1978 Commivsioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, to uphold the decision by the Contractors' Licensing Board to revoke the Competency Card and license to do business from Gary Antonissen. Mr. Arthur MCDonald, attorney for Mr. Antonissen, stated he feels the reasons given for the revocation of his client's license were not substantiated in the verbatim transcript of the August 15, 1978 meeting, the date of the original rUling. Commissioner Wenzel commented that letters received from the camplainants stated they are not satisfied with the construction of their homes and there are still "punch list" items yet to be . taken care of by the contractor. Commissioner Wimer stated it appears as if the contractor is not competent or responsible based on the fact the complaining pnrties had to go to such extremes to have their grievances taken cora of. Upon call for the question the motion oarried unanimously 5/0. * . * * * * . Commissioner Wimer left the meeting at 10158 A.M. * . . * * * . VACATION OF DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED IN LOT 129, NAPLES GROVE AND TRUCK COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS 12 JUST EAST OF SHADOWLAWN SCHOOL _ ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 19, 1978 AUTHORIZED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer absent, that the . vacation of a dedicated right-of-way located in Lot 129, Naples Grove and Truck Company's Little Farms 12 be authorized for public hearing on December 19, 1978. ORDINANCES TO CREATE STREET LIGHTING DISTRICTS IN LAKEWOOD SUB- DIVISION UNIT 5, KINGS LAKF. UNIT 1, PINE WOODS, IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES, AND PALM RIVER ESTATES UNIT 7, AND, ALSO TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE '72-1 RE LELY COUNTRY CLUB TORREY PINES, PARK SHORE UNIT 5 AND PARK PLACE - ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 19, 1978 AUTHORIZED Commissioner Pistor moved, eeconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer absent, that the ~cox 044 PA~:503 ,;~-;;~~~"" -....,:-:-:;:.~ ;.-~_. :-:..~ --:::-- ~';. ':; ;:.::.:-':c~;;: :~;?~-:;"'-:-::~';:;;;~~;7"'-:-;'-:::-::::-=:~5:~~_~ · ....... ,.-' . . H.. ..... .. ,.., " ....... ~.~.. .=:"';........_ ..:.-..~.~ .... :,!~~.. ~.~::.. ----.....- : '..~. ,c,:_ . '. '.,:, " " .'_ -: ,: ::- ~ . ,'~ ..~ ':.' ,.:'i.::~, ,~~~:~.:.':~~ :::':: ,;".. :,. . ':'.. ' , . .' "......-..- ,"".. ......b.J.:.'c~ ..".'_' '." '._..' , i,.. .. , h', I. ""'.__:.........,_ .::_~ . ...... ~ ~-- ~co~ 044 PA~= 504 November 21, 1979 proposed ordinances to create certain street lightinq districts and the proposed amendments to Ordinance '72-1 re certain subdivi- sions be authorized for advertising for public hearing for December 19, 1978. * * * . * * At this point, Commissioner Wimer returned to the meeting at 11: 00 A.M. * * * * * * RESOLUTION 78-173 RE PETITION OSP-78-3C, FRANCIS WEBER, REQUESTING OFF STREET PARKING LOCATION ON PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOC~ B, BAKER CARROLL POINT UNIT 2, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF GULF SHORE DRIVE AND NORTHEAST OF THE VANDERBILT BEACH CLUB - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS _ PETITIONERS AGREEMENT - ACCEPTED Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated the petitioner wishes to locate 41 parking spaces within 600 ft. of his building site. He further stated this petition was heard by the BCC on August lS, 1978 for a Coastal Setback Variance and at that time the Board requosted that the petitioner try to locate the parking Across the street to allow more open space along the beach. Dr. Spagna noted that the CAPC held their Public Hearing on the matter and recommends approval with the follOWing stipulations: 1. Petitioner must meet the minimum landscape requirements of 6' wide landscaped area on front property line. 2. Pedestrian crosswalks at the south end of parking area to building area with proper sigining (eliminating north crossing area). 3. Five foot high vegetative along the southern property line to protect ~esidential prnperty in that area. 4. Petitioner to sign an Agreement, to be recorded in the Clerk's office at his expense, that the proposed offstreet parking facilities shall never be used, encroached upon, sold, leased or conveyed for any purpose except in con- junction with the building or use they serve and this Agreement shall be binding on his heirs, successors or assigns. Dr. Spagna stated that Sergio Montes, representing the petitioner, was present to answer questions from the Board. ) , " 0'.;'.' i"" . .......... \' " .:'1....1,"--....... I November 21, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0 that Resolution 78-173 re Petition OSP-78-3C by Francis Weber requestinq off street parking on portion of Lot 1, Block B, Baker Carroll Point Unit 2 be adopted with the aforementioned stipulations and the Agreement to Stipulations signed by the Petitioner be accepted. * * * * 10 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BCD,/; 044 PA~: 505 ".,,, ""'~~"~"T:!:."''' ::"~:'_' .., .:-b': ~"'C"''--:''''_:'''' - ':.';';';"'~:~~:_::_:'_:'":.!'-~.~"=.-.:-':_:~' >--~.~.';:-,E"" ~..;~~:::.;-- ,....... .....- ~ -"' . . '. ". . ~. . ..,...-...-.... --.....-. . .. -- " . .' " ~.-. .~ ....-...---------.-- :.:.~2t:: ~ :=:..~~~:-t~2i;~5~!.i~J{?i~r;. :~L:~~~ :.:~ .~_~~~__ . ~.. ""i .______. . ,......._...._-~ - eCOK 044 PA~: 510 November 21, 1978 BID '333 FOR FURNISHING OPERATIONAL SERVICES OF SEWAGE TREAT- MENT FACILITIES LOCATED AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN COLLIER COUNTY _ AWARDED TO J.N. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC., NAPLES, IN THE AMOUNT OF $700.00 PER MONTH LESS. 5' Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October l7, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, it was noted that bids were received until 2,30 P.M. November 1, 1978. County Manager Norman stated that bids were received from four vendors for furnishing operational services at three eewage treatment facilities located at the Immokalee Courthouse, County Stockade, and County Health Care Center in Immoka1ee, and, that he is recommending the bid be awarded to the low bidder (J.N. Environmental Services, Inc.) and enter into a contract for a periOd of one year commencing December 1, 1978. Commissioner Wimer moved, secondod by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Bid '333 for furnishing operational services of sewage treatment facilities in Immoka1ee be awarded to J.N. Environmental Services, Inc. as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee, dated November 7, 1978 and that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to sign and attest tho resulting Agreement. RESOLUTION 78-174 REVISING PRESENT HOLIDAY POLICIES AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 23 OF THE PERSONNEL PRACTICES AND POLICIES OF THE BOARD - ADOPTED County Manager Norman stated he had been requested by the Board to revise present holiday policy for the purpose of using holidays more advantageously for the employees. He further stated the proposed policy allows for lOa, paid holidays per year, seven of which will be "fixed" holidays and the 3~ holidays to be deter- minod by the Board of County Commissioners no later than the first week in December immediately preceding the year which the days are designated. . : . ~ .~ ",' . ~ -..' , . ~ . r 'j I November 21, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution 78-174 revising present holiday policies as set forth in Section 23 of the rersonnel Practices and Policies of the Board be adopted. . . . . * * . . * * * . * * * * * * * * . BeOK 04 4 PA~: 511 .:~~r~P-~;2'">~"-~~~'~-~~ ~ -~'.' .~': >:':':~." ~'~ .:.~;~~~ ~. "~":~~'~' _~',:,o~:~'-. .:'. ".,-.:' ::- . ~..: :.'_. ~_' .~ :"+.'~ November 21, 1978 PROPOSED HOLIDAY SCIIEDULE FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES DURING 1979 _ CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK County Manager Norman stated that in order to implement the Resolution the Board just adopted regarding holiday procndures, thoy muot, at this time, designate the 3~ paid holidays for the year 1979. lie recommended deleting Veteran's Day as a holiday and substituting Columbus Day, and, also, the deletion of the half-day on New Year's Eve and changing Good Friday into a half- day thereby creating one full holiday which he suggested be Washingtons' birthday. Mr. Norman noted that by doing so, the holidays are more evenly spaced throughout the year. There was some discussion concerning whether the County's schedule could be coordinated with the schedules of other institu- tions and/or government agencies. The Chairman directed this matter be continued for one week and the County Manager try to coordinate the County's schedule with other businesses in the County. REVISED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE PERSONNEL PRACTICES AND POLICIES OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - APPROVED County Manag~r Norman stated that disorepancies have been discovered in the Section Nos. in the Personnel Practices and Policies of the Board. Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan explained the Sections involved are '19 and '20 along with Sections 23, 24 and 25 and that the Table of Contents needs to be revised to accommodate the corrections. Commissioner Pi_tor moved, seoonded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Table of Contents of the Personnel Practioes and Policies be revised to comply with the new designations of Section Nos. 6COK 04' PA~ 513 ".; ~::~'4 ._'::::~_' ":_~-:_:-'-:"'_":._:-. :>:_~~::~'_".. :'..!~_ '''':''~::''~:_.:...:::~:=_:~'.::..:.. :_.:._~'~.~.~:~_" ~ ~... '. -..... ...._...~_. ~------ .----..-- . - - . , .... ~ - _ h . . ..... '. _... .. . ~"'"'''' ..r ~...#':~ .... I ~.!~..~:~J""'::"";.r:;"'f~'~':4~n\J-?--;,.~1'~......f~~~:-::"~'- _ .... .... . ti/-,' ..... ~ ,...,.......... ~...... ~. - __.k__.......~_.... .J.~~~...,_......,..-.:..r 'f. ~... . " '- ,,'::..- ~-<:,>~ :,.~.' ,', .'.-: . ~:--~'~'r,;:;'(- :~7~~:~~~-~~'f'~,'." ;'_::,-~, . ..............."""".....................'"-;..'i.....-,..1."""..~.........""N~~~1III . ... ~ .:t_.,.___.. _ .____... "~....- """'":,-: ~.,:..,.."">;""'.;'7............:'''',~-?''...~~.~_. ~ '., . -:..--..J;:'.~~~,_-.::-:= BeOK 044 PA:;: 514 November 21, 1978 WATER WELL PERMIT APPLICATION BY DOUGLAS O. MCGOON, JR. - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS SET DOWN BY UTILITY DIRECTOR In the absence of the Utility Director, Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated the Water Management Advisory Board reviewed the water well permit application by Douglas O. McGoon, Jr. and recommends approval subject to the following stipulations, l. A copy of the driller's log be submitted to the County Utility Director. 2. A water analysis regarding water quality be submitted to the County Utility Director. 3. As this is an artesian well, the well shall not be free flowing at the surface and must be capped for proper regulation of flow. 4. The casing shall extend from the surface to the point of "seating" of the well. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the water well permit appliCAtion by Douglas O. Me Goon , Jr. be approved with the stipulations outlined by tho Utility Director as mentioned above. BLACK, CROW & EIDSNESS AUTHORIZED TO PREPARE AN UPDATE OF COST ESTIMATE RE SEWER DISTRICT 'B" AND Il:XPENDITURES RE SAME TO BE FUNDED THROUGH THE GENERAL FUND County Attorney Pickworth stated the Farmers Home Administration is requesting an update of cost estimate figures on Sewer District "nU. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the Board authorize Black, Crow & Eidsness, the County's engineering consultant firm, to prepare an update of cost estimate figures re Sewer District "B" and expenditures re same to be funded through the General Fund. Motion carried 5/0. ADVERTISING FOR A CONSULTANT FIRM FOR COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATIONS RE THE EAST NAPLES SEWER AREA "B" - AUTHORIZED County Attorney Pickworth explained that due to the legal problems encountered with Sewer District "A" the Farmers Home Administration is requesting that a separate grant application be .. l'e ",." November 21, 1978 filed for Sewer Ares "n" which requires the Boar(t to advertise for a consultant firm to perform the work. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimouSly 5/0, that the Board authorize advertising for a consultant firm for competitive negotiations re the East Naples Sewer Area "B". ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented have been processed following established procedures . and that funds are available, Commissioner Archer moved, seconde1 by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the fOllowing warrants issued from November 15 through November 21, 1978, FUND County Warrants BCC Payroll General Fund Road & Bridge t2 Interest & Sinking Assessment & Utility Clearing Collier County Lighting Imp. Revenue Certificate CETA Kelly Road Water Water Management Sewer Dist. "A" Assessments Sewer Dist. "A" Revenue Special Road Assessments Fire Hydrant Assess. Fund Municipal Service Taxing District Grants & Gifts County Water System WARRANT NOS. 001312 - 001619 52573 - 53197 1 1 1 1 - 7 1 1 1 - 2 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 BUDGET AMEND~ENT '79-11 TO PROVIDE FOR INSTALLATION OF WALLS AND PARTITIONS IN COURTS ARE1\ ON SECOND FLOOR IN BUILDING "F" _ ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,996.00 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment '79-11 involving transfer of funds from Contingencies to Clerk of Courts to provide for inatallatiop. of walls and partitions in ~ourts area,on the second floor in Building "F" be adopted in the amount of $lO,996.00. BCO:( 044 PA~515 ~.,-="~~",, ... ......'lIot.....,..~._ .' , ~"""'f .' " ' -......... " :: ~.,~ .....&:; -.- - J November 21, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT '79-12 TO PROVIDE FOR EQUIPMENT SHED FOR PARK6 & RECREATION DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $580.00 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment '79-12 involving a transfer of funds from Contingencies to Building to provide an equipment shed for Parks & Recreation Department be adopted in the amount of $580.00. . . . . . . . * . . * * * * * * . * * * * * BeOK 044 PA~: 517 . 4 :~-,--..::.:;;: "7._~ :_~_-'~.::~!..~.c"..~=::--=-~..:--_~=-.::'::':~..~.::-.~~tlL_,~~~~~-=~">> ~~. ~--. ~ ~ - - '. '> ---.------- -...------- -- .. -- - November 21, 1978 DUDGET AMENDMENT *79-l3 FOR INSTALLATION OF A SECURITY SYSTEM FOR IMMOKALEE LIBRARY - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $515.00 Cnmmisaioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commilsioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment '79-13 involving a transfer of funds from Contingencies for inltallation of a security system for the Immokalee Library be adopted in the amount of $515.00. . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8COK 044 PA:: 519 ._-~-"-.~~-"~~ ~~.~- '.'-' \~':~'~-=_::':':~~"':2:'~::-:.:..:.,:~:~~--.;~~~:r:~_~~ '~=~.r~,.~~~~~;:~. ........ ....-......-, ....-....... --... . .-~ '. '" ." ~ ,- .... ~-",..... _...ot...~_...... 'I ...~..._ __. _.'" __. .... _ .. ...., . ....,'.- '1 November 21, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-l75 DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR SIGNING OF COUNTY WARRANTS - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution 78-175 designating authorized signatures for the signing of County Warrants be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * &COK 044 PA~ 521 ~.~;:.."::'~' :;~:~ '.~'~::~-r';;-:,><~~~~..:..,.~~~.~..~~~ ~~.',' :~'~~".~~':~ > i.~: ~.::.~:~:~7~'-:~ -.-... ....-.-......-..-.- . u 11 November 21, 1978 FISCAL OFFICER PROVIDES REPORT ON PROCEDURE FOR PUBLISHING MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that a recent Attorney General's Opinion sets forth additional ~etails on the requirements for the Board to publish financial information monthly. He stated that we have in the past met this requirement by providing a copy of tho monthly financial reports for the pUblic in the Board records and that we will now add the monthly cash status to this report. DISCUSSION RE THE DISTRIBUTION OF PAYMENTS IN-LIEU-OF TAXES TO PROPERTY OWNERS WHO LOST PROPERTY IN THE BIG CYPRESS PURCHASE Fiscal Officer Harold Hall state~ he is presently working on the distribution payments in-lieu-of taxes to the School Board, the Ochopee Fire District and the Board's General Fund based on the fact the aforementioned have lost property in the Big Cypress purchase. He noted he will keep the Board info~ed on the progress of the distributioJ of payments. He stated that Big Cypress purchases have affected tax distributions to various taxing agencies and that he is working with tho Tax Collector's office to produce a report setting forth actual tax receipts by tax district for 1977 and this will be used to compare with the tax distribution made on the formula used by the Tax Collector to identify differences. After this is completed, the Tax Collector can make adjustments, if needed. STAFF AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE NECESSARY ACTION TO DISPOSE 010' THE OLD VOTING EQUIrMENT Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously S/O, that the staff be authorized to proceed with the necessary action to advertise for the sale of the old voting equipment through the various state agencies. RESOLUTION 78-176 AMENDING THE PE~$ONNEL POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously S/O, that Resolution 78-176 amending the Personnel Policies and Practices of the Board of County Commissioners be adopted. County Attorney Pickworth explained the amendment to the Personnel Policy pertain. to creating consistency in the discipline ........,... .. ..._. _.. __._. .~..~.. ~ . - -- I' -__ ~;~:S1tL:t~f~~L<t~~~~~~;7~:~'~:1:..~~:':_.. . ... or:".-"'-'''-_. 8eOK 0<< PA~: 528 November 21~ 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION ON THE TAX ROLL Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi8.i6ner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the following Certificates for Correction on the 1978 Tax Rolls be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign same I 1978 Tax Roll 197B Tax Roll !!Q!h 20 21 , 22 ~ November 14, 1978 November 16, 1978 COUNTY MANAGER TO SEND LETTER TO LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION FOR THEIR CONSIDEr~TION OF INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF PERSONNEL ON THE HIGHWAY PATROL STAFF AS REQUESTED BY THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the County Manager be directed to send a letter to the Legislative Delegation for consideration of incrp.asing the staff on the Highway Patrol in Collier County as requested by the Sheriff's Department. DISCUSSION RE S~~ILLER BAIT BARGE - DR. SPAGNA DIRECTED TO DRAFT ORDINANCE AMENDIN~ THE PRESENT ZONING ORDINANCE TO BE OUTLINED BY TED THORWARD ANU BROUGHT BACK TO BOARD FOR FINAL CONSIDERATION Commissioner Wimer stated that a memo was received from the County Manager with regards to his findings associated with the problems concerning the Schiller bait barge which recommends the possible solution of changing the zoning ordinance which would allow Mr. Schiller to operate hi. bait barge from the Count~ boat ramp. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Dr. Spagna be directed to draft an amendment to theZoning Ordinance (to be outlined by Ted Thorward) which would allow bait barges to operate on "A" zoned land. The motion carried 3/2, Commissioners Pistor and Archer dissenting. Commissioner Wimer requested that the Board authorize tho County Attorney to ask the State Attorney and the Judge to execute a stay for Mr. Schiller to operate his bait barge. JIll. - "~:; November 21, 1978 County Attorney Pickworth cor.~ented it is best for Mr. SchiJler ask the Judge himself for the granting of a stay. Mr. John C. Schiller, owner of the bait barge, stated he has l,4l3 signatures on a petition requesting that his barge romain where it is. The names were submitted to the Clerk for the record. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FIL~D AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the miscel- ~aneous correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: l. Memo dated ll/7/78 from the Fla. Drug Abuse Prevention & Education Trust requesting information on local pro- grams regardless of funding source - xc to County Manager, filed. 2. Invitation to BCC to attend the Trim-a-Tree ceremonies at Coast1and Mall benefit of the Hospital Service Leagues of Naples Community Hospital, filed. 3. Letter dated 11/10/78 from Mrs. Addison Wood expressing concern and opposition to the possible placement of an east/west traffic artery in the Pine Ridge area. 4. Letter dated 11/9/78 from Glades County BCC and Resolution 78-33 expressing concern with the SFWMD's proposal to make the B~scayne Aquifer the sole source of drinking water to counties outside of its present designated area and request- ing Collier BCC to adopt a similar resolution - xc to Utility Director, filed. 5. Letter dated 11/8/78 and Resolution from Highlands County BCC concerning the same matter CBiscayne Aquifer), filed. 6. Letter dated 11/7/78 from Polk Threlkeld of the C~ntractors' Licensing Board concerning the Antonissen appeal and request- ing the matter be heard within a reasonable time when scheduled I filed. 7. Memo dated 11/1/78 from Mr. Dick Joder responding to Board's direction of 10/24/78 in applying for a grant for constructiOI of a branch library in the northern County stating he was unable to meet the deadline for application, filed. 8. Letter dated 10/26/78 from Tom Webb of DOT aCknOWledging receipt of the Board's resolution re U.S. 41 4-laning and explaining the status of the projectl filed. 9. Copy of population estimates received for the County from U. of Florida on which revenue sharing funds are determined, xc to Dr. Spagna and County Manager, filed. &COK 044 PA~:527 " ~r'~Z';. '~~~c~_'~". --~-. -_''-~~'~~~T:-i:':~;'~~?~~:':.~-4~~~''''~~~o~,~:-:~~,,;,,: " ::.:----f~? ~:.:~~~ ^~>...~'-'"""_._,__ T __ ....... ,.,,--- - J November 21, 1978 Docket '780872-CCT for Shelton Trucking Service, Inc. to transport pipe and pipe fittings throughout the state (Persons wishing to file written protests may do so prior to 12/9/78). 22. Letter datod 11/9/78 from Fischer, Johnson, Allen' Burke, Inc. indicating they are available to assist counties in arranging bond financing1 xc to Finance Officer and County Managerl filed. UTILITY EASEMENT FOR IMMOKALEE SEWER FROM GONZALES - ACCEPTED Pursuant to action taken by the Board on October 25, 1977 wherein the Board approved the acceptance and expenditure of funds for the recording of all Utility Easement. related to the . Immokalee Sewer Project, Utility Director Irving Berzon 8ubmJtted the following Utility Easement, same having been'recorded in the Official Recordsl Reyes' Ana C. Gonzales * * * * it * * * it * * * * it * * * it . * BeaK 0(4 PA~529 ~ ............-......~-............, ,. ..\.....~....- ""- ...-- . ~ . ""'- ~-:..-:-.:..~-c.-~:..:. _...._~.;::;-...~~ --:-~"'_'::::-!.'7loo.~'I.O;~~~:.:f.i'o~r _ ,....~~""::'_~-=-:..u.~~.~.~__ "'--:"'~.'" .:::-:-~_~.. . __-"-::-.~'._':-:_'~__~__ d_a_....~...: _--:_~...'_...:.._.'.~ ..~.__.. . ~ .' - ~ . . ...... r' , .. . --. .... .. ., .... November 21, 1978 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 12,00 Noon. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~c~ REAGAN, c' '" rl' r' .' ~ '''<I . . "- , ,7:/1 'I"" BCOX 044 rA~531 ....._ . ~~~~'~~,' ~..:--:.:..-..~:v__~~.~~,:_~';.~~'.\~..\J~'~~~r;.;~~-=-';.~~_~ - -, ;r ~"'.~..."". .- ...."""J'Z:"'.... '";~ ...).-.. "0 ......, ....... ..,~ "'~'..... ".oLo,l .....'1 I ~ '" ...... ..~.-...-___. -. .... .........,-.....',.._.........~ __.,._-r ...... ...._..........~...___..,..... ..........--.....--.-......."',.".__...