BCC Minutes 09/13/1978 S t. ___A Naples, Florida, September 13, 1978 LET IT ~E REMEMBERED, that in accordance with action taken on August 29, 1978 the Board of County Commissioners in and .'for" tho County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing BoardCs) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 7:35 P.M. in SPECIAL SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRliAN: John A. Pistor VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown C.R. "Russ" Wimer C7:55 P.M.) Thomas Archer Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clark, Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman, County Managerl and Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney. AGENDA I30Alm OJ' COUNTY CONMIf.lSrONERS cOr,LIER COllN'J'Y, l'LORID1\ SPI~X:I1\L MI::E'l'ING S~ptembec 13, 1978 7:30 PM, Blclg. "F" AGE N 0 1'1 1. INVOCA'rION --- 2. PLEDr.E OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPHOVAL OF 1\GEND1\ " . AI)VBHTlSED I'UBLIC HEARINGS A. 1978-79 Dudget for Federal Revenuo Sharing Funds D. 1978-79 B\ldgl'!t For Board of County Commissioners, all funds. 5. ADOPTION OF 1978-79 BUDGET 6. ADJOURN AOO< 043 r.~:~~40 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH l~DITION Chairman pistor added the following item to the agenda: 1. Proposed resolution with respect to the $5,000,000 Bond Issue Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not p~esent, that tho agenda be approved with the additional item by the Chairman. RESOLUTION 78-144 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 78-141 BY AMENDING SECTION 4 THEREOF BY NAMING A PAYING AGENT - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved~ seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Resolution 70-144 amending Resolution 78-141 by amending SECTION 4. thereof by naming Barnett Banks Trust Co. N.A. as the paying agents for the bonds described in Resolution No. 78-141, be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r 4..~ , ""'. .",.. ..... ...~'<~.:~/~'~l~~~~~~~~~#J;r~~~~~~~~:~', , . -:~~~~ ~{~~~..:.. bDC~ 043 n~:343 September 13, 1978 OPENING COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN PISTOR Chairm'\n Pistor extended a welcome to those individuals present, acknowledging the presence of interested citizens, County employees, candidates for the office of County Commissioner, a membor of City Council, and a member of the School Board, and expressed the Board's appreciation of their attendance. Chairman Pistor commented that much time has been spent in considering all of the items in the budgets noting that every item has been reviewed in minute detail. At this point, the Chairman stated that a great deal of thanks should be extended to Fiscal Officer Harold Hall and his staff who have spent many days and nights checking and rearranging budgetary figures according to the Commission's requests and thoughts as to what would be in the best interests of the County. He said that the proposed budget represents a lower millage that will, in spite of increased costs, result in equal service to the community. Concerning the conduct of the public hearing, Chairman Pistor requested that the public hold their questions until each budget item is presented, following which he would ask for comn\~nts. He noted that the hearing is one of the most important meetings held each year and that comments are welcomed. The Chairman called upon the Fiscal Officer for introductory remarks with respect to the budgetary figu~es and for explanations of same where appropriate. INTRODUCTORY REl>iARI<S BY FISCAL OFFICER HAROLD L. HALL Mr. Uall explained, for the benefit of those persons present who might not be familiar with the budgeting processes in Florida, that what is being presented is the Board of County Commissioners Propos- Budget that was developed by the Board from the Tentative Budget sub- mitted by the Clerk of the Circuit Court William J. Reagan to the Board of County Commissioners on July 15, 1978, in accordance with Florida Statutes. Reading from Mr. Reagan's transmittal letter, ., September 13, 1978 Mr. Hall identified three major changes from the prior year's budgets, as follows: 1. New uniform classification of accounts, mandated by the State of Florida, has been implemented with the subject budget. 2. Budgetary units in the budget have been numbered in sequence in accordance with new program codes which reflects the function and activity of the various budgetary units of County Government. 3. The expenditure portion of the budget was produced with the new computer-based budget system. This will enable quickly updating the budget during review and after final approval the budget will automatically be entered in the financial management system on October 1st. .. " Mr. Uall continued by stating that the County Commission, using the tentative budget, reviewed each And every budget and effected somE very significant changes in the budget which resulted in a millage whj was below the initial millage and actually reduced the millages on a County-wide basis. The Board directed that the budgets be redone to reflect the changes directed by the Board in both expenditures and revenues. Following that, said Mr. Hall, the Commissioners directed that the following actions take place: A. Expenditures - All Funds 1. Allocated Costs In additiryn to the budget reductions by departments, all costs were allocated for those departments that were to be classified as intragovernment service de- partments and allocated costs that previously had been in a general government type account and, based upon some very good cost analysis and projections by the County Managers Office, every departmental budget was revised to reflect the philosophy of the Commission in reflecting allocated costsl i.e. Xerox, communications motor pool, data processing, and those other kinds of services which are intragovernmental services in nature. 2. Change in Level of BUdgetary Control It was recommended by the Fiscal Officer on November 15, 1977 that this year's expenditure budget be prepared with object group totals rather than a line item ex- penditure budget. It is recommended that the "object range" budget totals be adopted by the Board as the approved budget for budgetary control purposes. bOC~ 043 p},~:344 1_. ._.... September 13, 1978 between incorporated and unincorporated based on the same guidelines and then each fund was marked with a code showing wh~t the basis of the allocation was. .' " Rogarding the sequence of the public heariny presently underway, Mr. Hall said that the first one will be on Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, following which the public hearing on the Board of County Commissioners' total budget for FY 78-79 will be held. Chairman Pistor emphasized that unless some changes are made during the public hearings this date the millages on all items will be reduced and, therefore, by law, the Board is only required to have one public hearing - "this one". He said that the Collier County Lighting District has an increase and so there will be two public hearings - one on September 19, 1978 at 7:30 P.M., and one September 26, 1978 at 9:00 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING RE 1978-79 BUDGET FOR FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS _ SUBJECT FUNDS TO BE PLACED IN THE ROAD & BRIDGE DEPARTMENT FUND Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 4, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened for the purpose of hearing requests or complaints regarding the proposed Federal Revenue Sharing Budget for the Fiscal Year 1978-79. In response to Chairman Pistor's inquiry as to the estimated amount of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds the County will receive, Fiscal Officer Harold Hall responded by stating that with the most recent notific3tion from the Federal Government it is expected that the County will receive $619,491 as the County's allocation in the coming year. In addition to that, sbid Mr. Hall, the unspent portion from the prior allotments is $115,509 making a total of $735,000 available to be appropriated. Mr. Hall noted that the public hearing on the intended use of these funds resulted in input from several people as to recommended uses. During those hearings and from subsequent information in develop- bDC~ 043 /"f,::346 .. . .. . ::~~~~~~k~Li1.~;~i~I~~~::~:~-~:::i~~,~-:iI:~;'~~~;~,;:;,;:':_:,~-: ;^......,I, ... .' .'.:~:4"~~:~:~~~~ ;~~f~ ,,:,'::r ';"~";;'i:;f::f\~~ bOC~ 043 rt,~:347 September 13, 1978 ment of the ~udget, it became apparent to the Board and the Board so recommended in the tentative budget, that these funds be used in a mannc that would tend to hold down the ad valorem taxes. As a result, said Mr. Hall, it was determined by the Board thut these funds be put into the tentative budget for Road and Bridge projects which are of a high priority and benefit the people on a County-wide basis. Chairman Pistor inquired if there ware any parsons in the audienco who wished to address the Boara regarding the proposed use of the Federc Revonue Sharing Funds in the amount of $735,000 which the Board has tentatively assigned for use in the Road and Bridge Fund which is of general value to everyone living in Collier County. There was no response. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the General Revenue Funds in the amount of $619,491, and the carryover of $115,509, be accepted and placed in the Road and Bridge Fund. 1978-79 BUDGET ADOPTED EXCLUDING COLLIER COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT BUDGET Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Soptember 4, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened for the purpose of hearing requests or complaints regarding the prol'osed budget for the Fiscal Year 1978-79. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall, referring to the material which \~as made available to those persons in attendance, explained that the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations sheet sets forth the Tax R,evel!ues, other Revenues, the Reserve which is required by Statutes, the Budgeted Carryover from the prior year, and the total available revenues for budget purposes and the total appropriations. Mr. Hall , , . ! 1 .. September 13, 1978 stated that t:le revenues and ap~ropriations must balance for each fund and that they do balance. Mr. Hall called attention to the '~ax'~ate Hillage column and said that in only one case does the proposed millage cxcecd the certified millage by the Property Appraiser and that is in th( Collier County Lighting District which was previously referred to during his opening comments. Mr. Hall explained that the second sheet of the aforementionud material is a listing of all of the General Fund Departments ~nd detailed the information contained in each of the columns. He noted that the General Government BUdget has been divided into three parts, for the first time, as follows: 1. Board of County Commissioners--Board Members, Administrative Aide, and related expenties to the Board. 2. Clerk to the Board - Expenses of Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer's offices (Minutes and Records, BUdgets, Finances, etc) 3. Other General Administrative - other expenses previously included in General Government. Hr. Hall stated that the services which were previously a part of the General Fund that are offered on an intragovernmental basis have been separated and put into a separate fund consisting of Data Processing, Notor Pool, liord Processing, Store - Small Store and Xerox, Workman' s Compensation Insurance, Communicat~ons, and Helicopter usage. He said that those departments will operate like a private business - selling services to all of the other departments. ne noted that this procedure is considered to be a good management tool in improving services and controlling costs. Chairman Pi~tor requested that Mr. Hall provide a brief explanation of the column entitled "Reserve" and the one entitled "Budgeted Carry- over." Hr. Uall said that the "Reserve" is that amount which is required by Statute to be maintained and noted that only 95' of the anticipated revonues can be budgeted other than revenues such as fund balance that is budgeted from the prior year or, in some cases, very specific amounts ,,'here the exact amount is known. Other than that, said l-Ir. Hall, there bm 04a r~;:348 - .._._-~-.... - .--- ., . - . . .'. . .-. . - . "- ---.- ,- .---... ~'.""'- ..~.... '....-., ---...-- .' .' .....-..,. ....'w_ _.._''''''''' '. . . .- ... ... .....-.-... ~.,----..--...... ~. . . ..'~ ..~......- . :.f.~~'.-::::;f....:..~,.r,:,-:.::-~:.::-:..:: .~ . .;. . ....... ..~ . .... _L_, t Ild}A4li__ . .' " '.' .....""~ ..,..." '~~~~Tl.r;;........... ,'r... ~ "I"-:t" I':,....,.u..," ~ .~"'."'." ". - - \.' -' ~ .. "-", .....,'.. 'ltl.' ~~~ ~...._",.~....loVJ -~"'~~'~':!f''''' ,"~fl.""".."""", . 'f'- -_...~.-.... ..' ... ....'" ".4..~~":-~ :.~~.. . ..~ ':::::k.,...... '.. :1"1. ::\~-"~:f.i;:1. . "...,..... ':.'l'ii~ ..1\' ". " . .. .'. '.-:, '-..>1......".. ,""", .,.,~~~;~."'...... '<,;, ""_~~_",,,,,,,<,.._ ~-:- .~--:;::~~:::.:',~-:. ..; ):-fj=':!!;l~~}:.~J '5:~',' ~,~~~~~;'~.~._;,.;:' ~~I'~~ ;~'~~.~~:;'~?J~-,,-:: :"-:~:'~';;":;: . bGC~ 043 r:,::349'" . . , .' .-.' .. September 13, 1978 must be a 5' reserve included so that in the event all of the anti- cipated reve,lues are not recei"ed, there is that amount of cash to prevent the County from going into a deficit position. He added that County Government is prohibited from operating at a deficit. Continuing, Mr. Hall said that the column entitled "Budgeted Carryovor" is that amount of money from the prior year's 5' reserve, plus any unanticipated revenues that would build up a fund balance which can be used in the coming year's budget. He said that the budgeted carryover in the General Fund is much higher than anticipated due to the establishment of a program, initiated by the Commissioners, and through the Clerk's Office to assist them in budgetary control, whereby any unspent funds were put into a reserve account so that the Board of County Commiasioners could budget this fund as a budget carryover for the next fiscal year. Chairman Pistor explained that these monies make it possible for the County to continue paying its bills without borrowing money until the tax monies start to come in, noting that the fiscal year is October 1 to September 30, but that the operating year is January I through December 31. Mr. Hall stated that the cash reserve for this year is sufficient to meet all projected expenses in those first six weeks in which no funds are received and that it is below the statutory limits for cash reserve. Chairman Pistor pointed out that the manner in whlch the fiscal report is shown and the way the County has been running that the County has been granted a Grade "A" classification by both Standard and Poor, and Moody financial firms, which will prove to be a financial savings to the County. Mr. Hall suggested that it would be appropriate to address the matter of Workman's Compensation Insurance at this point. He said t:hat"for the past three years the County has been experiencing sig- nificant increases in premiums for this insurance; however, a three- September 13, 1978 year review of actual experiences in Collier County has resulted in the Cuunty receiving a refund in the amount of $182,000 whiQh he said will help on the premium for this year which is $200,000 more than was anticipated in the budget. Commbs~.oner Wimer inquired if the $200,000 increase will be affected even though the reimburse- ment is received, or if the premium will be lowered in the next fiscal year. Mr. Hall responded that it can be reflected in the coming year by the reserve build-up. He explained that as part of the partial self insurance program effective September 1, 1978 it is anticipated that there will be a reserve which has not been budgeted for and that the reimbursement will help to offset the lack of a budgeted reserve. Commissioner Wenzel moved that th~ refund under discussion be accepted and placed into the insurance contingency fund. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0. Concerning the procedure for the pUblic hearing regarding the budget, Commissioner Wenzel suggested that each item in the budget be addressed separately and, if there is no person desiring to speak on the item, that a motion be made for approval following which the next item can be discussed. This procedure was agreeable to the Chairman and the rest of thu Commissioners. Let the record reflect that the ChairmAn called for comments before approval of each budget. GENERAL FUND 001 Dept. 01 - Board of County Commissioners - $111,267 Chairman Pistor requested comments. City Councilman Wau~ Schroeder inquired if ~he budget provides for refund to the City for items of Double Taxation and, if not, why. During the brief discussion which fol- lowed, Commissioner Wimer offered the suggestion that the problem be negotiated in the same manner that the City and County resolved the water problem - let the Fiscal Officers and attorneys work out what they feel is a reasonable solution which can be presented to the two pOlitical bodies. Mr. Schroeder commented that this would be a new approach and worth exploring. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board of County Conunissioneul' Budget (Dept. 01) in the amount of $111,267 be approved. bDC~ 043 ft.:: 350 . - '-"'" ...,.....~ ......l...~~~ t.'.....;.--::.....~.~.:.~;:.:.;.~...".-::t'::;..' :it:':l:';.:..tf'~"'\..'.' ~ ._.~.~ ~..,.-:-~:..~-1.'" ..... - ........ . _.~:..<t.~;..,~,....-:. ,~-.~' ._"", . .#-:~;-:~, ~"~' <~':"o,.' ~" . . " j...:.. . '.e.::' '.. ;....:-~ .,T-'," ... ~t~.';!.i\.~it7~~~'7~ .. ~ ....~. ~::-:~~~4~ ..~...~~~ &OC~ 043 rf,:: 351 September 13, 1978 Dept. O~ - Other General Administrative - $1,002,391 Chairman Pistor moved that this budget is $491,064 under the previous year's budget due in part to the creation of new departments. CommissJ.oner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and card,ed unanimously 5/0, that the Other General Administrative Budget (Dept. 05) be approved in the amount of $1,002,391. Dept. 21 - Criminal Justice Information System - $71,775 Mr. Hall said that the budget represents the allocated expenses applicable to the fixed part of the operation and the Data-Processing center. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Criminal Justice Information System Budget (Dept. 21) be approved in the amount of $71,775. Dept. 03 - County Manager - $131,072 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting in the negative that County Manager Budget (Dept. 03) be approved in the amount of $131,072. Dept. 08 - Building Maintenance - $622,990 It was pointed out by the Chairman that the budget is 8% above the previous year's budget dua to the addition of personnel to maintain not only the 5th Floor of Building "F", but the additional libraries and other building work in Immokalee. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Building Maintenance Budget (Dept. 08) be approved in the amount of $622,990. " Dept. 11 - Planning - $241,197 Mr. Paul E. Lees, Everglades City, noted that in seven years the budget for this department has risen from $36,000 to $241,000+ questioning the need for the number of employees and also the Golden, Gate Study being undertaken. Commissioner Archer commented that lack of planning is what has necessitated the expenditure with regard to the Study, adding that the County did not have the population nor the problems back in the 60's that it has now. Chairman Pistor also noted that the state-mandated Comprehensive Plan is a further reason for the increase in the budget and the size of the budget. Commissioner Wenzel moved, with reluctance, that the Planning Department Budget (Dept. 11) in the amount of $241,197 be approved, noting that, in his opinion, the department has grown too fast. Commissioner Archer seconded the motion which carried 4/1 with Commissioner Brown voting in opposition. . September 13, 1978 Dept. 12 - Zoning - $148,648 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Zoning" .' Budget (Dapt. 12) in the amount of $148,648 be approved. Dept. 71 - Veterans Service - $32,249 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Veterans Service Budget (Dept. 71) be approved in the amount of $32,249. Dept. 73 - Animal Control - $100,884 Chairman Pistor explained that the subject budget has increased $28,312 which it is expected will be offset by revenues received due to the new Animal Control Ordinance which has been passed. He said that the staff has been increased by two em- ployees, noting that the City of Naples has requested that the County definitely control the animals throughout the City which is a part of the reason for the additional personnel. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Archer voting in opposition, that the Animal Control Budget (Dept. 73) be approved in the amount of $100,884. Commissioner Archer stated that he could not vote for the budget because when the subject ordinance was sub- mitted to the Board the statement was made that the passage of same would not require additional manpower. Dept. 86 - Library Operations - $417,824 Chairman Pistor pointed out that the budget shows a moderate ~ncreaBe of $35,671 when the fact that the two new libraries, and the temporary facility for the North Naples operation, are considered. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Library Operations Budget (Dept. 86) be approved in the amount of $417,824. Dept. 87 - Parks & Rocreation - $386,097 Chairman Pis tor noted that one item in the budget has increased considerably that being the cost for fertilizer to maintain the properties on which the sports programs are held. Although most of the areas being used are School Board properties, Chairman Pis tor stated that the County maintains them at'no cost to the School Board. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and unanimously carried 5/0, that the Parks & Recreation Budget (Dept. 87) be approved in the amount of $386,097. BGC~ 043 r~::352 . . ... .- ~ ~.'.;;j'.~'-,_.';:',-;,.,:.:.:..~.~J,,"".i'. ~.-.-..,:;,.i-,.,':"",.,'::.: .;.~.'....":!.:~'~" .,..~.._' i ' . ::::~~:~~!~~~~~~~.2.iE;,-.. ~. ~..:=:, ~ . ~ ~. ..- . . ~~ ""=: .,' ':" ...;~"~~ :J."~:~.i , -. ,:..;,.~ - ,...~'-:i. .J~"~~,~~r...."".:;:..?,::,:,,., '"': "'~~~,Y:~c;,::~~"7,',::,,~,:,"~.',,~t,.~,':.~,'.';,..'~ ~:~1::-~"..'-'''~~>~:~-:':,'',:~~~;~,:; ',r::,:.'" '., :", . " " . :t.~,~~~.:~~,.~.~.~~~~.,~~~~.~~~~ ' . '~:.;:;'..:> ';;?/~I~~tif.~~ .' .', BDC~ 043 rc:353 September 13, 1978 " Dept. 89 - Museum - $33,230 Commissioner Wimer mOved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting in oppo- sition, that the Museum Budget (Dept. 89) in the amount of $33,230 be approved. Dept. 14 - Purchasing - $78,706 Chairman Pistor noting that the budget has been increased 6' explained that the Purchasing Department has taken on some additional responsibilities and that the majority of the increase is not only tho wage increase but also these added responsibilities. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Purchasing Department Budget (Dept. 14) be approved in the amount of $78,706. Dept. 15 - Personnel - $63,780 Chairman Pistor explained that a large part of the budget increase of $14,415 is due to the fact that the term under which CETA funds in that department can be used has come to an end, noting that the County is a growing operation and must have the necessary personnel to operate the department and that a large part of the increase is for this purpose. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Personnel Budget (Dept. 15) in the amount of $63,780 be approved. Dept. 55 - Solid Waste Control - $612,484 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the Solid Waste Control BUdget (Dept. 55) in the amount of $612,484 be approved. Mr. Arndt Mueller, Naples resident, recalled that during the prior yoar's budget hearings it was noted that ~wo pieces of heavy equipment were going to be purchased during the year and questioned what the new budget purchases would consist of. County Engineer Barksdale explained that the new equipment is to replace a tractor-loader to be used at the transfer station to replace an old Bobcat Loader and commented that the new equipment purchased from the prior year's budget are working beautifully and doing a good job. Upon call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous vote 5/0. Dept. 60 - Engineering - $396,195 Chairman Pistor commented on the fact that the budget is up $70,117 and explained that the increase is due, in part, to additional staff to speed up the issuance of occupancy permits. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall con- curred and stated the increAsed cost will be offset by increased revenues. ..- '. ~ Soptember 13, 1978 Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimous~y 5/0, that the Engineering Budget (Dept. 60) be approved in the amount of $396,195... .' Commissioner Wimer suggested that it would be help- ful to have a separate sheet showing the revenues for each department. Mr. Hall said that this kind of information will be provided in the future, agreeing with the Commissioner that such information would be helpful. RECESS: 8:45 P.M. until 8:55 P.M. Dept. 65 - Airports - $10,000 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that the Airport Budget (Dept. 65) be approved in the amount of $10,000. ~~ - Stockade Immokalee - $318,439 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that the Stockade Budget (Dept. 31) in the amount of $318,439 be approved. Dept. 32 - Youth Programs - $34,296 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the Youth Programs Budget (Dept. 32) in the amount of $34,296 be approved. Dept. 34 - Motor Vehicle Inspection - $174,630 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the Motor Vehicle Inspection Budget (Dept. 34) be approved in the amount of $174,630. Dept. 35 - Building Inspection - $359,698 Chairman Pistor commented that the fees received "washes" out the cost of this operation. Comraissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that the Buildinq Inspection Budget (Dept. 35) in the amount of $359,698 be approved. Dept. 38 - Civil Defense - $dl,094 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/2 with Commissioners Wimer and Wenzel voting in opposition, that the Civil Defense Budget (Dept. 38) in the amount of $81,094 be approved. Dept. 40 - Ambulance Service - $334,415 Commissioner Wimer inquired if the budget reflects the revised rate with Chairman Pistor responding in the affirmative, adding that the Advanced Life Support System is also included. ~DC~ 043 PC: 354- ~., ;-'-~,.- ," .......-, ...,. ".-'. .~ -,. " ,,~ - - "".. ... , '.f,~':3:~';~~:ii~'ii~5.:t:4.~~:-~.'~~'~~,:S:':-} ~:~~~:i.~;~~: ,~'i;:l;i.~~i:::~): :~,;-~, ::~_-i!X: ,;..r.,~i.~::fi;~,,? - ,.,v~"~~~"" ....l!.'::t~~I:.'~o(p~~.. >>-. 't' "J.. ._..~. - ~. ..,.., ..... "'... ]!!I ~;& ~e~1'~.i.--r.'- .-. .. . ..'. . "'''''." '~'" ~--'.""'-."" R_'. --::".-.....1,......r,or.;--... ~4':''''''\'''_''''':.':-'''';''''--'~''''"' ..; .. , ,~~ ...'. ...." co"'" "'''' ..... ..,.-:.::;....;."~:t: ..... "i,", :.,', ~~~-"'"... ~ ;>. ....... ,.,.. '. . .' ,";~' ".~" ~"'.'=., ."~ ',...: :...:.:.,~,;t~:~~;~i~;\"~:,~4~~l'~i~~~~~~1:.j~~~~:~~~~\\~~;-~;.~ '-:'" .~:.~,; " : BG~' 043 pc: 355 September 13, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting contrary, that the Ambulance Service Budget (Dept. 40) in thd amount of $334,4~5 be approved. Dept. 42 - Medical Examiner - $60,000 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that the Medical Examiner Budget (Dept. 42) in the amount of $60,000 be approved. Dept. 43 - Consumer Affairs - $13,238 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the Consumer Affairs Budget (Dept. 43) in the amount of $13,238 be approved. Dept. 77 - Private Agency Services - $135,605 Chairman Pistor noted that this budget includes the ~lantal Health and Congregate Meals proqrams. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Archer voting in the negative, that the Private Agency Services Budget (Dept. 77) in the amount of $135,605 be approved. Dept. ~ - Social Services - $362,347 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that the Social Services Budget (Dept. 80) be approved in the amount of $362,347. Dept. 04 - County Attorney - $117,139 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the County Attorney Budget (Dept. 04) in the amount of $117,139 be approved. Dept. 02 - Clerk to the Board - $416,588 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that the Clerk to the Board Budget (Dept. 02) in the amount of $416,588 be approved. Dept. 20 - Clerk of the Courts - $501,009 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that the Clerk of the Courts Budget (Dept. 20) in the amount of $501,009 be approved. Dept. 22 - County Court - $10,605 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the County Court Budget (Dept.22) in the amount of $10,605 be approved. Dept. 23 - Court Reporter - $52,000 .. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that the Court Reporter Budget (Dept. 23) in the amount of $52,000 be approved. f"--' " - . , Septomber 13, 1978 Dept. 30 - Parole and Probation - $29,550 Noting that the budget is down 11\, Commissioner Ar~he~, moved, seconded by Commiseioner Brown and carried 5'/0, that the Parole and Probation BUdget (Dept. 30) in the amount of $29,550 be approved. Dept. 27 - Sheriff - $4,211,666 Fiscal Officer Harold Hall noted that the budget shown is larger than that approved previously because it included allocated costs for Workman's Compensation and other allocated costs. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5/0, that the Sheriff Budget (Dept. 27) in the amount of $4,211,666 be approved. Dept. 39 - Emergency Communications/911 - $83,444 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that the Emergency Communications/ 911 Budget (Dept. 39) in the amount of $83,444 be approved. Dept. 18 - Supervisor of Elections - $108,481 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that the Supervisor of Elections Budget (Dept. 18) in the amount of $108,481 be approved. Dept. 16 - Property Appraiser - $485,619 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that the budget for the Property Appraiser (Dept. 16) in the amount of $485,619 be approved. Dept. 17 - Tax Collector - $874,281 Chairman Pistor stated that this budget is up 8t because additional help had to be employed due to the County's growth, and the like. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the Tax Collector Budget (Dept. 17) in the amount of $874,281 be approved. Fiscal Officer Harold Hai~ explained that the budget is an estimate of the billings that will be received, noting that it will be something different in dollars until it is reviewed in Tallahassee. He said that the budget is the amount allocated for the billings which is a fixed percentage of tax collections. Dept. 24 - State Attorney - $18,900 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the State Attorney Budget (Dept. 24) in the amount of $18,900 be approved. flOC-: 043 I't.:: 356 t::':::"':f;J1T;t0f:3~~~~~:;',~;i~tt~,,~~~t~~~~~~}~~77(:~~, bC,~, 043 rt.::357 September 13, 1978 Dept. 25 - Public Defender - $4,400 Commissj~ner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that the Public Defender Budget CDept.25) in the amount of $4,400 be approved. Dept. 56 - Agriculture - $259,499 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that the Agriculture Budget (Dept. 56) in the amount of $259,499 be approved. Dept. 72 - Health Department - $257,326 Commiasioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that the Health Department Budget (Dept. 72) in the amount of $257,326 be approved. Dept. 77 - Private Agency Services - $3,000 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that the Private Agency Services (Dept. 77) in the amount of $3,000 be approved. COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE BUDGET PROJECTION FY 1978/79 - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried by unanimous vote 5/0, that the Collier County Board of County Commissioners Expenditure Budget Projection for FY 1978/79 in the amount of $13,768,058 be adopted. COUNTY-WIDE FUNDS Commissioner Archer moved that the following County-wide Funds BUdgets be approved: Dept. 101 - Road and Bridge 110 - Water Management III - Aquatic Weed ControJ 201 - I & S, G.O., 1961-64-65 202 - I & S, Rev. Race Track 1973 204 - I & S, Rev. SRS, 1978 $2,860,687 1,478,787 201,632 167,813 352,023 415,000 Commissioner Wenzel seconded the motion. .' Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that having approved the General Fund Budget, if the six County-Wide Fund Budgets contained in the motion on the floor are approved, 'that will be the approval of the budget. The establish- ment of the tax rate millage of 5.47 will be a separate action to be taken in Regular Session September 19, 1978, said Mr. Hall. It was noted by Commissioner Archer that the total budget for the seven funds is $19,244,000. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously 5/0. '" September 13, 1978 ALL OTHER FUNDS Dept. 102 - MSTD - Road Implovements Chairman Pistor noted that the Special Taxing Dlstrict Millages affect only certain areas of the County, the first of which are the MST Road Improvement Districts which vary in millage according to the amount of road work anticipated or asked for by each Commissioner for the coming year. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the following funds be approved: MSTD 1 2 3 4 5 $89,179 95,390 64,587 23,855 46,909 Other Special Taxing Districts Chairman Pistor emphasized that these taxes are paid by the persons living in the districts only. Commisioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the budgeted revenues and expenditures for the following taxing districts be approved: Dept. 112 - Victoria Park Drainage MSTU 121 - Collier County Fire Control 123 - Golden Gate Fire Control 124 - Henderson Creek Fire Contrcl 125 - Ochopee Fire Control 142 - Marco Island Lighting Dist. 143 - ImmoKalee Beaut. & Lighting 148 - Golden Gate Community Center 149 - Special MST Districts: W~st Lake Beautification Port-au-Prince Marco Island Fire Control - $ 3,644 1 - 77 , 718 79,606 1,659 72,278 13,650 15,650 53,960 810 8,534 66,070 Mr. Hall advised that the millage required to fund tru~ ad valorem portion of each of the above budgets is below the certified millage submitted by the Property Appraiser and, there- fore, requires no public hearing, noting that the hearing on the Collier County Lighting District will be held Tuesday evening, September 19, 1978. Special Funds Commissioner Wenzel moved that the following special fund budgets, as set forth in the Notice of Public Hearing with the amounts clearly stated therein be approved: ~oc, 043 rt.::358 .. .,'. ~I .. '. " I->~~'~: -? ..fr'~ ~ ,~ " .....: .,... . . .... bOC~ 043 rc:359 September 13, 1978 Dept. 150 - CETA 151 - Federal Revenue Sharing 160 - Collier County Utility Division 203 - I & S, G.O., G.G. 1976 302 - Capital Improvement Trust 1977 310 - Road Const. - 1979 401 - Water Service Naples 402 - Water Service - Goodland 403 - Water Service - Isles of Capri 410 - Water Supply P · E 421 - Sewer Service, Area A 422 - Sewer Service, Area B 425 - Sewer Service - Marco 427 - Sewer Service - Port-au-Prince 429 - Sewer Area & Deep Well Program 441 - Immoka1ee Water/Sewer 443 - Willoughby Acres Water/Sewer 445 - Marco Water/Sewer 501 - Intergovernmental Services 601 - Grants , Gifts 701 - Special Road Improvements 702 - Kelly Road Water Servo Assess. 703 - Fire Hydrant Assess. Districts The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0. * . . * '" * '" '" * . * * * '" * * * * * r" '.- ,,!.,r~~ .. .:~t~~1~ . .;..':":,,:L.J.:./"'(~"'-;~~~ September 13, 1978 " ADOPTION OF 1978-79 BUDGET Fiscal Officer Harold Hall advised that the Board has now adopted a budget for 1978-79 which will be entered into the l1inutes as the adopted budget, noting that the Board will proceed with the required public hearing on the one fund requiring the public hearings before that millage can be finally certified to the Property Appraiser Mr. Hall explained that the Millage Resolution that will now be pre- pared will include all of the millages exactly as they are reflected in the Notice of Public Hearing, and as discussed, and will also include those independent taxing districts, which by Statute, the B0ard of County Commissioner Certifies the millage to the Property Appraiser. These districts include the independent fire districts _ Big Corkscrew, Bonita-Little HiCkory, East Naples, North Naples, Immokalee, Marco Island, said Mr. Hall, and the Mosquito Control District. Mr. Hall explained that the two green binders presented to the Board are: Volume '1, The line item revenues prepared in accordance with the new Uniform Chart of Accounts and the column for the anticipated amount reflects all of the approved revenue amounts approved during the Special Session this date, and Volume '2, the expenditure budget, by object group (not the line item budget which was used for discussion purposes). He said that these documents will be submitted for the records as the approved buget of the Commission for the coming year. Commissioner Wimer inquired if the millage has gone up or down with the adoption of the budget. Mr. Hall replied that the taxes will go down on any property that did not have an increase in assessment value - in all of the districts. Not only was there a BGCK , 043 p~:534" . '" . ,; ,~~~~~~~7;J~4l~'~:;~~:!~~:'~,;:c0'j.;.:~:::;;.:--:-::: ~~_~;~~.~ ;,~:",".:.<'~=.._:;';:~: - . , ""'r,",", " ,';~ '~.~~'G~~ BCC~ 043 p~~:535 September 13, 1978 millage change, said Mr. Hall, but the millage that will be approved to reflect the budget, is not only lower than the Tax Appraiser's certified millage, but is lower than the millage for the current year. What this means, he said, is that there is an actual dollar decrease and a millage decrease. Mr. Hall said that the decrease in some areas is greater than in others, noting that tpe~e are two areas where the millage is completely eliminated _ Irnmokalee Water/Sewer millage,'.and Marco Island Water/Sewer millage. This is due, said Mr. Hall, to the fact that there are sufficient funds there to meet the purposes which the Board approved. Also, said Mr. Hall, every millage was decreased in the road districts and practically every other district. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned upon motion by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously - Time: 9:20 P.H. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL \, \,u 0 r " , 'J -L, " , ,. . (,,..1, ,,' ATTEST" .~;. WILLIAM J. pEAGAN, c:- Q.~' PISTOR, CHAIRMAN , " " -.: -'1".'1