Agenda 01/15/2008 Item #16K 4 ; (::V':': ~-~CJc)3 '1 :if 2 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to authorize the County Attorney to file a lawsuit, on behalf of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, against Joann Estelle Pino and/or Melanie .Joanne Pino in the Twentieth Judicial County Court Small Claims, to recover repair costs incurred in the approximate amount of $1,500.00. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to authorize the County Attorney to me a lawsuit, in the Twcntieth Judicial County C01l11 Small Claims in and for Collier County, Florida against Joann Estelle Pino and/or Melanie Joanne Pino to recover repair costs and administrative fees, incurred by the County in the approximate amount of $1 ,500.00. CONSIDERA nONS: On August 21, 2006, Melanie Joanne Pino was driving a vehicle owned by Joann Estelle Pino, on Jane Scenic Drive, Naples, Florida. Aceording to the Collier County Sheriffs police report, Melanie Joanne Pino's careless driving caused the vehicle to collide into a County owned guardrail. As a rcsult of this accident damagcs and costs were incurredli1 the approximate amount of $1 ,467.63. - The County Attorney's Office and Risk Management have made numcrous attempts to rccover the total costs incurred. The County has no othcr recourse for recovery 0 f costs incurred as the result of Melanie Joanne Pino's negligence, than to procecd with litigation. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are budgeted and available in the Risk Management Property & Casualty Fund. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Therc is no growth management impact associated with this itcm. LEGAL COl\SIDERA nONS: Both the County Attorney and the Risk \1anagcmcnt Director opine that the County has no othcr recourse fClr recovery of the costs incurred, in the approximate sum of $I,SOO.OO. RECOMMENDA TION: That thc Board of County Commis;ioncrs authorize the County Attorney to tile a lawsuit against Joann Estelle Pino and/or Melanie Joanne Pino, in the Twentieth Judicial County COLll1 Small Claims in and Cor Collicr County, Florida, to recovcr $1,500.00 for costs incurred as a result of the damages to thc County's guardrail and costs 01' suit. PREPARED BY: William E. Mountl(lrd. A.;sistant County At10rncy 07,0175,'9 ,-- Page I "I' I , ': ~ COLLIER COUNTY ':':\ : ',')!\1M: S ~~ i ::> r\ ::;,:::;S Item Number: Item Summary: , ",V~ F: eC::::<T:r^,2ric!i:T;'''' 1':-' (-HU'l. ;:'_(~ 'i"'j ,', i'c,-~: :3Vi:';C:I,,'" ty;",:::di ~/ 'h,,: :;e,lii.;;-." '::)~:n:y t?,,~':rc Gi C::Jm:'"YI::<;1~1nH:', '.lJ2:!";S: J :3~n ~~,ts1!.~ ;:irIC: ,HiC J~ 1,P.c:anie .Jc.2.:1:lS r-':no!n ths T'i '?;-,tT~h ,il:~JISi;;;i C::e,!.J'1!Y CC:, -t S:':',Ed! :-:::;:n~.::: '" !-~:::::">',~" :,:,:,c' ,:c/c:ts i~1:;UIT2:j In :~,,,. ,::;:'~)rc~~"r;':C,2 S:r;C-U'-'l:J' S i :":"Ci,C'I'~,i Meeting Date: ii'i:::,'~OCi2 ~i0:'~C .A.iv! Approved By J~':iT~';:) to,. VJ&lkc:", C:~::'J, ;.., ;:C~ r~~ "'.!S:~ "/,e '",< ;-:::~-::r,"' ;17 ~!:: (.::t':\f D::,0 t, :';'0 ,i:1 tS"t~;:~i vc ;:; 2~'c' !-:: f':;:, F:i~:I- r.;~;m~;:O;;ns .. 1 :_":':~'::'~;8: : .",:; ?M Ap'proved By ',Vi:1iarr. ri!iOU:~::-:::-i:-d t!,s~:;:;;;nt :::;ur::::' J;,Uc):-n:,y D"w ':::::;~rn:y Attorney COlli-,:y ,!,t:;yp~;y Ofrt::(. i 2,'2':;.'2007 4 ,,~ :::>'[1. Approved B)" C2,'!C: C. \1,iSi?:;;,1 Cc_<r :v ;..tt,:.:':':-_;; .......~,..- c', t'-,: ~..: ., ~ Approved B~' 0;,.::' C,. ;:>~:i :;i:tiO':' .,,\',:ot . '~',i: '>",0, 'I ~. C'::; '," ~' Appnlved B)" ',":C'ii,'.',;,:; ~ ~'-,i '~_;.." Lf,', n,,~;(" ..\pprm:ed n~ " '...:.' , i',;", ,_. _." Lc'~' [,', file'//("'\/\.opnri:lTI-'<.::1\FYn{)rt\q~_ bnll:ln/o/-;, In 1 .:;; O/"J()l()()~\ 1 r. o/',l()('()N,F},.,ITo/;,J(),1.,;r::'l\.inA \ 1 I/q/J()()$;: