Agenda 01/29/2008 Item #16G 1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 1 of 19 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation for the CRA to approve a memorandum of understanding between the CRA and Bayshore Cultural Arts (BCA) for non-exclusive use of Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA office space for BCA operations; to authorize the CRA Chairman to sign; and to accept a BCA additional insured certificate of insurance for the CRA OBJECTIVE: Recommendation for the CRA to approve a memorandum of understanding between the CRA and Bayshore Cultural Arts (BCA) lor non-exclusive use of Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA office space for BCA operations; to authOlize the CRA Chainnan to sign; and to accept a BCA addil ional insured certificate of insurance tor the CRo<\. BACKGROUND: On June 26, 2007 the CRoI\ approved the renewal of two leases for CRA otIice and meeting room space at 2740 Bayshore Drive, Units 17 and 10 for the operations of the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA component. These renewahle leases expire on August 31, 2008. CONSIDERATIONS: The CRA Local Advisory Board was approached by the Bayshore Cultural 1\,18 (BCA) organization to utilize a portion "fthe CRA.8 Unit 10 meeting room lor use as an office and meeting space. The Assistant County Attorney reviewed the request and detel111ined that the CRA can use the space provided the landlord agrees ,md a memorandum of understanding is executed between the CRA and the RCA. The landlord was contacted by the CRA and BCA, and he accepted the BCA as a subtenant. On August 7, 2007, the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Advisory Board recommended that the CRA approve Bayshore Cultural Arts, Inc, organization to use the CRA's meeting room (Unit 10) for office space and meeting use. If approved by tbe CRA, the memorandum of understanding would expire and renew on the same dates as tbe CRA's current office lease. Appropriate liability insurance policies for tbe landlord and CRA have been acquired and are attached as backup. FISCAL IMPACT: Tbe Bayshore Cultural Arts Organization will not be charged for use of the office and meeting space. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of tbe Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states tbat redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, including the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA, that may consider a1tel11ative land use plans, moditications to development standards, improvements to infrastructure and incentives to encourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: For the CRA to approve a memorandum of understanding between the CRA and Bayshore Cultural Arts (BCA) for non-exclusive use of Bay shore Gateway Triangle CRA office space for BCA operations; authorize the CRA Chail111an to sign; and to accept a BCA additional insured certificate of insurance for the CRA. Prepared on January 16,2008 By David L. Jackson, Executive Director Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency Page I of 1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 2 of 19 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1681 Meeting Date: Recommendation for the eRA to approve a memorandum of understanding between the eRA and Bayshore Cultural Arts i,BCA) for <'1 non-exclusive use of Bayshore Gateway Triangle eRA office space for BeA opel'atjons: to authorize the eRA Chairman to sign: and to accept a SeA addrtionalmsured certificate of insurance for' the eRA 1/291200390000 AM Prepared By Davrd Jackson Exe(;J1:!\!(; ['Ef('t'i'or Date Community Redevelopment Agen:;y Bayshorc-Gate\ll:cy Redeve~.-;'pment ^liJi6/Z00e '1:19::td PM Approved By :);~"id .i;Kk!.;on 0~Xo(;,.;tiv? D~!.f!C\(;; D,;I~0 '::ommunlty !'~:e(;e-v'",1oprnent Agem;y :3ays h,)rc", <:::';'atewav RetJ0V{dGPrn0Hl i'lG/2008 :l:47 0\\11 Approved By DM8 Coordinatu '')M8 Cc'ordinator l>,l(e County Manager's Office Office of Management 8: Budget H17/2008 8:32 AM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 1117120084:49 PM Approved By Marjorie M. Student-Stirling Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 1118120087:57 AM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 11231200812:51 PM fi le:1 IC :IAgendaTestIExportI99-January%2029, %202008116. %20CONSENT%20AGENDA I... 1/23/2008 Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 3 of 19 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Non-Exclusive Use bv Ravshore Cultural Arts. Inc.. of a portion of Unit 10.2740 Bavshore Drive. Naples. Florida This Memorandum of Cnderstafllling is made and entered into this _ of January, 2008, between the Collier County Community Redcvelopment Agency. doing business as Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA, hereinafter the "eRA," and the Bayshore Cultural Arts, Inc., a Florida Non- Protit CorporatIon, hcreinafter the "ARTS." I. Owner of the ProDerty ("Landlord"). Lafaydtc N. Ingram, rrr, is the fee owner of 2740 Bayshore Drive, Unit 10, Naples. Florida. 34112. fmther described as Unit Number 10, in that Office cilld Retail Complex known as Gulf (;ate South ('Property"). 2. Lease, CRA and the Landlord have entered into a Lease Agreement and a First Amendment 10 Lease Agrccmcnt for the Property and, pursuant to Paragraph 33 of the Lease Agreement; have agreed to extend the lease term t(} August:']. .~OOX rExhihil "i\ .') :". b!~on-Exclusivc Use of [he PrODC.flv. eRA agrees to the ARTS' non--cxcJuslvc use of that portion of 2740 Bayshore Drive, Unit 10, generally depicted in the attached Exhibit "S," ("Subject Property"l and eRA has obtclined the written consent of the Landlord pursuant to Paragraph 16 of the Lease Agreement (Exhibit '.C"\ eRA will allow the ARTS' employees, guests and invitces to enter upon and use the Subject f'ropLTty for tn,' lises noted below and subject to the following conditions. 4. Term. The lenn of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be concurrent with the I.ease, as amended and as may be further renewed. 5. No Change.s to Propertv bv ARTS. The ARTS shall make no alterations, additions and improvements to the Property except to the extent, if any, authorized by CRA in writing and permitted by the Lease. 6. Liens. The ARTS shall not cause or allow any Lis Pendens or any liens to be filed against the Property, and if filed arising out of any aet or omission by the ARTS at the property, the ARTS shall secure the lien's release. 7. Securitv to ProDel1Y. CRA is under no obligation to provide additional security to the Property by virtue of this Memorandum of Understanding. 8. Utilities. CRA shall pay for all utilities with respect to the Property and pursuant to the Lease. The ARTS shall have access to potable water, restroom facilities, and electricity during its use of the Property. The ARTS shall, at its expense. provide its own dedicated telephone, facsimile and Internet connections within the Subject Property and pay all associated costs for labor and materials. 9. Signs. The ARTS will not post any ,sign, card or placard on the Property except as approved in writing by the CRA, and in no instance shall said approval exceed that permitted pursuant to Paragraph 14 of the Lease. Page I of 3 Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 4 of 19 10. Waste to the Prooerty. The ARTS shall not commit waste, nor suffer any waste to the Property. The ARTS shall be responsible for any damage caused by its guests and clients. II. Indemnification from the ARTS to the CRA. The ARTS shall save and hold harmless and indemnify CRA from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses, causes of action, suits, penalties, claims, demands, and judgments, attorneys' fees, witness fees, and other expenses of defense (through all appeals and/or remands), alleged to arise out of intentional torts and/or negligent acts. errors or omissions of CRA's employees, guests and/or invitees, and notwithstanding all insurance coverages whatsoever throughout the entire term of this Memorandum of Understanding including all tcrm extensions, if any. 12. Insurance. The ARTS shall maintain a liability insurance policy which is acceptable to Landlord and JisL' the CRA as an additional insured. 13. Uses, The ARTS shall be allowed to use the Subjeet Property for offiee space and routine meetings. The ARTS' use of the Property's main conference room shall be controlled by the CRA. 14. Revisions to this Memorandum of Understanding. This Memorandum of Understanding may be revised as necessary by mutual consent of both parties and the Landlord by written amendment or a revised Memorandum of Understanding. 15. Termination. Either the eRA or the ARTS may terminate this Memorandum of Understanding by providing thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party; otherwise this Memorandum of Understanding will remain in force, subject to the duration of the Lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Memorandum of Understanding to be executed by their appropriate officials, as of the date first above written. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF COLLIER COUNfY, FLORIDA , Deputy Clerk By: DONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN By: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: 't1'\~"; 7)1. j)i:fJhAJ, -/le~ Marjorie tudent-Stirling 3 Assistant County Attorney Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29,2008 Page 5 of 19 AS TO SA YSHORE CULTURAL ARTS, me. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of -4;3 cjL/~{ ~41j[~2 :"Ac'1! Si:natlC)cce,<t J!c_j,=~2L Printed Name V / BY"~~E-i/:'( iL-!..,:'i( ~72t'/l'J./"""'-' pri:e:N~m~;Si:~-Ld-:'~{<;:,,(; ~/ Ii .........--\ " //~) -- - ,"' . , " ), . . ';--7' /7', ,. i . TItle: ~L~j/1. ~A.. "'-;'::.L_----'r-il'.-.:__ 1(/: 0/__')-l ,~~-:'Lr.._. (, /- .--'-- I / '_.J I / ,/ j /- /; __ _I ('{' {~ [( ( t tl'c. . / .I' L L .\~ ~ jJ:::) C /,.7 .~I /7 /' , , " , ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLUER T~ct:~e ,fOregOi;~08~n~~~~e~~t,~:.~,..a~;n:)'~I~dg~1~ ::J!Z Cultural Att;;, Inc. who i,~ly kllow>1-t6 me or has produced ..___ identification. ,,"11111/111 _,/ . '. ",s' Q~' ,. '" ~~~~. ~ ","'''P ....~. 'IOA'~~ /.-" /":' ij'p" l' C)~.';;'\l.\SSiOfv.~;.."~?"~% " __.f!::/, /';:0<:'/" :-.; . CJC 20:J .-I/:. a" ~ 1-'" $ :'20 *,.00",'',%'. ~ otary Pub ic E : ~ {J}~ :. :*: ...- :*= ~~'::. #OD322151 !if~ ~;.>o'.1:. <%, ., .~R:'~ ~~,t-..~I"yPuoo~~t#:"!-~..:&~. ~ "Ol:/....~......&<< #' "/It'I'ElttC, sn.\t. O,,'''''\: "N/flflllt\\\\'\ me tjis _~CL!:_.,,_ ,2.2- day of f of Bayshorc as Print Name; My Commission Expires; Page 3 of3 eRA Board Commiss~er Donne Fiala Chairman Comt'l"ltssioner Jamv!> N, Cotetta Vice Chairman Commiss4oner Fred W, Coyle Commissioner Frank Halas Commlssianer Tom Hennin~ Advlsorv ~ Lindsey Thomas Chairman Jill Barry Karen Beatty ~on Fowle Chuck Gunthar Maurice Gutietrez Ste~ Main Wflliam Mears Bf'UClI Preble eRA Staff David L JatCkson Ex.eeutNe Director Jean Jourdan Prefect Manager Sue Trone Operations Anaty$t v4IA("\P ~~^rkn1 ~l~~1 THE BAY S H 0 REI GAT E"" A Y T R I A N G L ERE D EVE LOP MEN T A G'~~ ~f~~ COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2740 S.....YSHQRE DR1"'E, U~tT 11 N',\PLl?S, FL 34112 PHO"lF. 2}lJ,64J.il1i f',o\x 23'.175,4456 June 26. 2007 Lafayette N. Ingram III Suite 302 900 Sixth Avenue South Naples. FL 34 J 02.6792 Dear Mr. Ingram. Pursuant to the provisions ofltem #33 of the Community Redcvclopmcnt Agency's (CRA) two leases at 2740 Bayshore Dnve. Units 17 & 10, the CRA requests to extend both leases twelve ([ 2) months from August 3 L 2007 to August 3 L 2008. The CRA hereby aeknowledgL'S that the base rent on each unit will increase from $795 to $895 per month (plus CAM). SinGeTcly~ 4L~ J~ !::.:r-r:"::. [j.t.i.l,"r': - - ,":lYi"~ ("~ ;:;)"r h_.~,., -",},~.) "ht:.~,.. . .~(l~l~ \Ply:. ~put"vi:'[E(j~! .: .. ,.~_. I Attest Q.1,;O CMlr.a:ri " 11gnllt"',~f.. . . .'.f! f.'- ,.'. . \' "- '.(!.J'J !/:'J:" ~,-. J, . Donna Fiala Chairman. Collier CRA Approved as to form & legal sufficiency ;1b'1u,-u-rn tJhJ<,,-.t: MlIIjoric, dent-Stirling Assistant County Attorney /iT, I) . -r-"'-"-i.'J .&:3)" '.' :.....~. . .' .' ,.~." ' :1;.., '.:i ' . '.. .. (~-.;';-ii~ '-'~:"'-> .~Y' '"~, , ..' :4.> ;:':~~~":"'ll:~ ..... "-'.. Tornurro':.;:, ....""-...:--. 'fHE. B/\YSHORE, GA1'EWAY TRIANGLe. Rt:DE....r..LOP!-.IE~T ...GE'!'(.;.Y ~ilfJ BAYSHORE DR]VE UNIT 1';' rxAPI.ES. FL :HII~ PHt)i...:E 239.6.1,~.lJI5 1'.l,,':~;Ji\III.[ .~'.';_-.o,..,156 \''i'\\-\t ,COLLi ERCR A. C(I M GX\-\\1>~T -k FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 7 of 19 THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT entered into this 1st day of June, 2007, at Naples, Collier County, Florida, by and between Lafayette N. Ingram, m, doing business as Gulf Gale South, a registered fictitious name, hereinafter called ~Landlord", and Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose mailing address is 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter referred to as ~Tenant". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Landlord and Tenant have previously entered into a Lease Agreement dated February 28. 2007: WHEREAS, the Landlord and Tenant are desirous of amending the Lease Agreement; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements provided herein and within the said Lease and Ten Dollars (SIO.OO) and other valuable consideration, the said Lease Agreement is hereby amended as follows: I. The description of the premises of the Lease Agreement on page one is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Unit Number 10, in that otliee and Retail Complex known as Gulf Gate South, the street address of which is: 2740 Bayshore Drive - Naples, Florida 341 12, constructed upon that tract, parcel. or piece or real estate described on the attached Exhibit "A", al1acbed hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as expressly provided herein, this Lease Agreement between Lafayette N. Ingram, m and Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency of utilization of the demised premises described in said Lease Agreement remains in full force and effect according to the terms and conditions contained therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlord and Tenant have hereto executed this First Amendment to Lease Agreement the day and year first above written. AS TO THE TENANT: DATED: or(1.3/o7 AITEST: ' DWIGHT E. BROC~. Clerk ~j~\o~ OL ~'m~ a\ID~ORD: DATED: o <;,)z;1:.1 07 , . !L- " Witness {5i r:A~ - BOARD OF COUNfY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA SITTING AS THE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, TENANT S-- - . NDLORD 1 '"('A ~_J_""A~A"""" Agend{ frefJo 1681 January 29, 2008 Page 8 of 19 1.1CA!O:R AGR'RII'MRNT ~8 ~ ."'- -_ entexed into effeC!l:ive u.e..ltrVH...y of Pebxuary, A.D., 2007, by ADd bet_en IAFAYBTTB J(. DIGIUIN. HI, Doing Bu~~.. as Gulf Gate South, A a.gi.tU'1l4 Fictitious _. h8zeiDaftoor caJ.led the 'LaDdJ.ord', and the BOAlID OF Cvulau COIlIIXSS:IOII8RS OF cot.L:IBIl. c........u, FLOJUDll" SITTIJIlilllS 'l'BB COLLID <..UWI LX eu...,u.a~J;.t RBDBVBLO'JIIIDDIT AGBIICY ~ hereinafter ca11ed the -'l'eDant-. . IT>> . S S . T H. That the :LaDdl.ord ~e..e. to the Tenaa.t aDd the Te:Dant leases from the Land.1ord for a term ~ on the Ut day of Jlfarch, 2007. <<nd terwrinat~ CD che 318t day of August, 2007. the premi... de.cr~ to-vit: unit IilUIober 1-1. in tluot Office and Retail COIIplox known as Gulf Gate south, the street address of which is: 27&0 _yshore Drive - lIspl.s. Florida 3&112, COIUItructed upon that tract, parcel, or piece of real estate deBcribed au the at.tached axhibit -A- I attached hereto and incorporated herein by this ref..rence. Th.. &hove d....cribed pr~..es to he used. only for the office and meeting room of the collier county Redevel~t Agency. The lnOnth1.y ~tal. for the above deacribed prll!11i1.sell!l to be ..........**.SBVBB gnunDWn .~~lz'-PIVB DOLLARS............... l$795. 00), payable 011 or hefor<> the first day of eaell 1IlOnth ..hiell ..um is to be paid to the LaDdlord at IlUCh place as the r-"'''ord IIlight fJ:osl time to ti_ direct, and "hiellllUlll i. prelll>Md paid wen received. The fint and la.t DlClDth's rental are payllble to the Landlord in advance. Tenant has :repre.....ted to the Landlord that it is ~t fJ:Olll the pa~t of salea tax on the 1IlODthly rental. A1ID '!ZI! PDTmS ."A.L.a&& ....... 1. W:l:at The 'l'enaDt ac.kDowledgell that. tbe buainc..e. on each side of the preadses leased aDd let hereby axe "DOlee sensitive" ADd thet the Tenant, its guest. lIDd i....itee.. are not to generate allY l10ise within u.e unit l.....ed aDd let hereby tbat oan he beard outside of the lea.ed unit lUId in particular that can be hasm in either of the adjoining units. 2. n::ul U'l'IID CJlXLXIICIt The '1'eIumt acknowledges that the ceiling in the lUlit leased aDd let hereby i& a fire rated ceiling whose fire rating can be comproodsed through holes or perforatiOll8 ill the ceiling. The '1'eIumt e>lPre&.ly contracts, eoveD&ttts. and agrees. not to mllke any boles 01: perforations in the ceiling whatsoever. ]. ."-SDmIlID tILU n.ooas. The Tlmant acknowledges that the floors in the lUlit leased aDd let hexeby are pre-stre.sed coacr<>te slab. whose .trength depends upon teDllicnaed cables within the slab. The Teuant expr:eaaly contracts, covenant.. aDd agree.. DOt t.o 1Dlt.lte any cutB. holes ox perlorati.ODS in the f100r slah, nor to exceed the floor load 1illlit of 100 poUD4s per square foot. Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 9 of 19 4. IIInLDXJIlI COIIII ~. 1'he _ R~-1.edgea that any imp...".. -nt. _ t.o the ~.ea U'e t.o be in CClIIIpl.i.uIce with tha 8I2i1.d1Dg Codu of Collier County, Florida, which require. .....:>Il9 other t.1l.iDg8, that the dryvaJ.l U8e4 11l the pxem.... be e~=iaJ. drywall, IIDt le.. t:han 5/8 inche. in t:hicJrn..... that aJ.l el-ec:trlc:al wiriDg be placed. in_tal ...........4ts. aDd that the.", be DO 1Iol.e8 or perforoot1<ma in the fire-rated c:eiliJog of the premi.... Lamllord """s I:IOt pe>:mit the uae of ....,. t.IU.Dg wI: .1:_1 .1:_ in tIw iDt."10,, wa1le. JJo i_...v. "" _y be ...se to tha UDit le..ed. aDd l.t hereby wi~ the Landlord's .,.",..,."t in wriHug. x..udl.oni'. CODSel1t -.y be c<mditi_ upon the ....,,}: being pe"fo~ by a _ra1 CODeraeto". Uc:eDIl"'" to do v .....,1aJ. _de. 5. UTnZ'l'r ......--.. utility cbarge. lIJ:fl t.o be paid fo" by the Tl!mant.. Utility chaxges IIball be defil>ed .. c:ha2:ge. fen- _ter, ._r. el.ec:tric:al. .e>:Tice. tel.epbobe .erYice, cab1.. t.lerl.i...., aIld!P' . :JtI c:ollecticm. TeDaDt acl<Dowledges that the _t=. sewer. aud g1Irbage coLlection ....:<vic.. for the ""tire shoppil>g cente" is billed to the LoIIIdJ.ox:d 1IItIDthly by tl>e prcrrider1l of thos. .......-ices aud in turn the TeDlult i. to pey the LiIDdlom, _thl.y, 1./1.8th of th.. cb;u:ges f= vater. eewer, aud ga>:bBge co11""ti..... The p""._t 1IItIDthly ~ for _ter. eewer, and gaxbage c:ollecticm .ervice for the Wlft 1.eaeed 1.et hex:eby is $50. GO, per month. The first and 1.st .-mth'. ch.rge fox water. ~ewer. aDd garbage service i. payable in advauce. IS.. auants AJID ........v -....... All repa!re cuxl required __int:.enaw::e to tbe interior of the pz:emi.es sbaJ.1 be the re_iI>U.ity 01: the TeD.Bnt.. Tenant. agreea to Iteep and _intain the interior of the ~ae. ill as good condition ..s on the c~t. of ~. a..e, nor:ma1 1ft!&.r iIUId tear lI!XCepted., aud to be rellpOlUlible for the repair, repl.a..-t, aud the _iDt_ce of all. beating and dr-C:OnditicmiDg equi_t. p1.Ullbing, hot water heaters, "1.ect,,iea1 eqo1i-.t, iUId. 8l..et"ie..l wiriJog """,luaively serving the premises 1__ hereby. Al.l ~r.. and required 1MiDt........C8 to the exterior 01: the p.,..;,..... aDd al.l. of the repairs and required aaintenance to the plUlllbing aDd e1.ect"ic ..exvi.og other tenent.. or building e~n area. llhal.l be the rellpOll81bility of the LaDdlord. 7~ ~. A. The tenent agree. to carry, bear and pay for ~ieio"" lIdachief, fire aDd w1.Dd8tOrlll iDeureDce on the p1.ate gl.aJl. and fixtu>:e. on the preadae. in an UlO_t not 1.ess tban the fair marltet val.u. of said fizture. and p1.at. gl...., lI11ell po1.icy to be written iD a .t.....R..-d old line imsurauee COIlIpaDy duly autharized to do _iDee. iD the State of Florida, _rov.!d by the L8Ddl.Ord, iUId. tbe LaJ>dl.ord Bha11. be DlIIII"Cl thexein ... .... Ildditional inaured. and the certificate of llUell original polici.... or renewel.. thereof, shell. be depo.ited with the Landlord. B. The Ten.eDt agr....s to carry f= the protection of the Len4lord and the Tenent, public llabUity inaurance in 11I1 UI>Wlt of I:IOt le..s t:han the 8UIII of $l,GGO,OGG.OO/$l,OOO,GOG.OO, with 8UCh pol.icy to be written on a standard old liD.. iodetmity aDd inaura.uce CaapaDy authori.."", to do 1:I"'11.....s. in the State of Florida, appro91Od by the LaDdl.ord. '!'he COIIt of all such premi..... on all Bucll pol.iei". shoU.l be paid and bozDe by th.. TeDaDt. and th.. certificate of IJ1ICh o"ig1Dal pol.icies or renewala thereof .hall be deposit"'" with the Len4len-d. C. The TeDeDt agrees to pey to the x..udl.ord :l./1.2th of :l./18th of the insurance premi..... and pxead_ financing c:ha%ged to the LaDdlord for fire, windatorm, fl.ood, aDd l.iabil.ity 1.neurllDCe OD the property in and upon which the 1__ preadses l....ed and 1.et hereby is located. The curJ:eDt <:barges to the Landlord for fire, windstorm, flood. and liabi1.ity inaurance on the property in and upon which the l.ea..ed premise. l_.ed and let hereby 18 l.ocated, with pr..-i.... finance charges, h =-tly $38.718.00. per year, of whiell the Tenant IIball pay $~ , 1.5:1..00, per iIDI1UI1. = $:1.79.25, per GODth. ~ firet and l..&.t 1lID.Uth.. inaura>>ce premi_ and charge. are p&yable to tba La...uord in ---.,... -2- ----.--..- Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 10 of 19 UIe ':r.DaJl~ aclaloOlledge. tlIat tJle c!IaZge. for i~ p~- -y incxe&ae or cleere... duriDg tlIa t.>:1I of this LIIMB ,,"" _~. aDd tba 'l"eDaat .y"'..... to pay the adj_~ed ... ~""'y, together "ith tba other __ :nquired to be paid 1DIlIer this LDSlI J''P'........, with the rental ~ta aD they fa11 due. D. 'l'be 'l"eDaat ~. that ill. the event of 10S8 or a-ge to tba bllilcJiDg ill. which the le....ed ~ee8 ia located by wiDdatorll or to=ado, tbat the t_1: will pay 1/9 of _y ~ cSedUCtihle, for t:ba bllilcJiDg iJI. "hich !:he l....ed p:Aai.... i8 located. 7be C\.o.~"""t iDauraace cledu<:t.ib1e for tile bllildiDg iJI. whic:h tbe 1__ ~.... i. located is five _c...>t 15'" of the iDaUred .....:lue of the buildiDg. aDd the current 1D8Ured value of the bllilcJiDg iJI. which t:be leased pz:emi.... i. located i. $995,500.00, ......~"9 tile five percent 15'" ~tih1e the '"'''' of $.9,775.00, of which the TmUmt'8 1/'llth __ 111 tha -.at of a loa. by viDd8to~ or toraado i8 $5,530.55. 8. L%&II:rr.:rrr. LmJdlord aDd TeDant CO'I'eDaDt aDd "'!F'H' that the T~""]nrd .bal.l not be liable to t:be _ ....r to _y ptlrtlOJ1 - _-dO for any iJl.juxy. 10.. or "--'!Jfl to say perSaD or ~y 111 or upoa the prem.- 1__ 11II4 let. aDd the Te1>.aI1t a._e &1.1 liu.i1ity for aDd aD account of allY ....<:h iDj=y, loa.. or ~, aDd will at &1.1 t~ 'ft"_'fy aDd ....-e banIleaa _id LaDdlord for f".,. aDd _iDst aU 1iu.ility. ~e. aDd -__. ~ by or gxowiDg out of any ill.juxy. 10.. or ~. to per8OD8 or prcperty upoa the p~ee. bereby 1__ or let during the teftl hereof. _ject t..........r to the liadtatiaoa iwopoeed by 1768.28. P'1.or-ldA Stat.ute.. 9. x---. -~...:aD8JI ~~. After occupaIlCY UDdex t.hi.. Lease haB beguD if th.. TeDaDt fail. to COIIply with any of the te%m8 of this Lease aDd .uch defeuJ.~ ccmtiJI...... ..ithoat re..-l. ju.tificati.... for fift.... \15' daY" after notic.. to cure the default. t:be IoaJ>lUord .bal.l have t:be aptian of declariDg t........t'. right of OCc:upaIICY t..rmiDated aDd .uu. be _tit.10M! to' ~j ate vacati.... of tba premi.es or have i diat.. po......iOD thereof. as the caae tight. be. witJ:lout forfeiting "hat..-r f~ right th.. IoaJ>lUord -y - to ".--!l" for breach of x.e.&e. lIOtice required for ill. thia paragrooph ~J. be given eit:ber (a) by posting aD t:be door of the pnoU.sea leased aDd let. iD which caee DOUce aha11 be effective OIl the date the DOti"", iB posted. or Ib) by united stet..a Rail by eitbar Certified 1la11 or Dpreaa lIail, IleturD JleC:eipt IleqWoBted. ou>d alIaJ.l begin to J:UD on t:be date ....tice i. deli_red or the date deli~ is firet att_tOM! if delivery 18 refwled. 110 ...eDt. e>q>rea. or iBpUed, by the LaDlUord to e breach of any of the a...........t. COO1taiDeci hereiJI. ~l be de. d to be a ..eiver of UIY auceeediDg breach of the ...... or UIY other aoveDaDt CODtau..d bereiD. 10. DI..&.a""-';&;....... 01' .,--.-..J 'l'be Lease .ill te~te at the option of e.ither the T.~'ord or t.be Te1laDt if the pre.l..etI bee ~~ n....-r....'h.hitahle heeauee of ........-.t1011. fire. burricane. ri.ing _ter, seepiDg _ter. tornado. or other caaua1ty DOt the fault of the 'reDaDt. 11. "'DI_~......oI ~ OCCUlP&IICr. The TeDlm.t "ill allow the LaDlUord or _yagent. of the LaDdlord duJ.y aut.borill4ld iJI. writiJlg, to eDter upoIl the premiaes for the propose of iD8pectiOD .t reuOllllble t1_ aDd during the last DOIDI:h of thi. x.e.&e will pexait the poating of """t..-.ry 'lIor _. or ....,r Sal.. .i9l1". 8Dd aft.er re...-ft.hl. D<>tic:e wi],], pera1.~ the L8D41ord or hi. _t. to __ the ~... to p=-ct1ve 'l'OODBDl:. or purchaBers. 12 . ...~..-. 'l'be _ acla>owlOMlge. tbat the L8D41ord baa .. _ater ~ to the prtlld... aDd the TeD8D1: ezpzeB.1y cont:ract., CO'VeII8I1t.. aDd agree.. t.hat the leek. oil. the ~.e. wil.l DOt be ....'ha. ,;ad witlloUt tbe ~eII. oe---" at" tbe Landlord iJI. writiDg _ Xf a buJ:gl.ar al.a%1ll is iIuItalled OIl the ~.... the - agree. to 9i ve the IoaJ>lUord a kIJY to the l:N%g1ar a1.ana ayBI:CIIl. -3- Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29,2008 Page 11 of 19 U. .ar.'I:U&~ AIIIl ........-. 'Ihe -.ot be. DO authoxity to .alte any alt.:aaati0D8 to the ~aea ox to iDeux any CIebt ox .-1<. any ehazgI! agaiDat the LaZldloxd to create any H_ upoa the l...ed P%88i-. for IIIIY ....rlt doDe ox materiala fuxDi_1dtbaut the ezpxeaa ODDII""t of the Landloxd in wxitu,g. Any fiztU%'ee iJlatalled by the Todumt aba11 be at bie 011I1 ~... aDd tlIeD ODly with tbe ~oxd' a ............t in vritiDg lUId .ball be dfized in a -......'1: 1dl1ch "illllOt clalllage the buil4iDg _ aba11 ........... a part of th.. freebo14 UDl.... otherwis.. agxee<l in writing. ID. the _t any fixture agreed to be ~_6d or other peraanal p:mperty of the Temmt ia DOt ~ at the ezp1ratioo of thi. Lea... the Landl.oxd _y txeat the ._ .. ........ftft-<! aDd. -V at th.. LaDcl1oxd' a coptlan, charge the '1'eDant the co.t actually paid. fox ~~ Dr b:eat .a14 fi:d:ure ox p..xsonal p:mperty aa a gift to the LaI>4l.ord lUId retain the a_. U. __ AIIIl ~. 01' ~ ...-.--... Th.. XeDaD.t 1. rIOt to .uff..r any 1101e. to be drilled. Dr _ in the exterior of tbe building, DOr any placard to be placed on tbe outer _U., DOX any .i9D'" to be OIl the ~...., except such .... the LaDd10xd .bal1 app:r:ove, and then anl.y in IIUch place aDd ao affixed ..... .hall be approved by the LaDd.lord and .bal.l fir.t be pre.cribed in writing. 15.. DZM. A. Unl.... th.. '1'eDant i. ~t from pav-nt of aal.e. t......., the Tenant agreeB to pay to the Landl.ord lklIlth1.y, all .al... taxe. iq>o.ed on the rental. of the leaBed premise., as _11 .. the ..1.. taze8 0Sl those other it_ paid UDder thi. LIIABB _ that: the Plorida ~t of a.."......a has defi:Aed _ ._ upon Which the .al.... taxeB are dua. fte Florida Sal.e. Taxe. .han be paid to the LaDdlord ..ach lDC>Dth with th.. lIIDUthly r_tal. due. 8. ~ agree. to pay to the Landlord IklIlthly, l/L8th of ell ad valox- t....... iIqpo.ed or charged aga.:!.Dat tbe premiaea in and upon which the le....ad preal..... i.. .ituat.., bei.Dg the 1_ .at forth aDd deJocribed 011 the ..t:tacbed Bzbibit "J.". TeD.aDt ~. to ..acrov 1/12th of 1/18th of !:.he a.ti_tad ad "alOX'elll taxea iqlOBed on tbe landa deacxibed in Bzbibit "J.', 1dth the LlmdJ.ord _thly. 'l'b. current ad _lo~ tax e.crow is $85.00, per mouth. 16. US:l_.;a.&IID ~ o. n.....~.1 Tbe TeDant 8ha.ll not .8s1gn or Bublet th.. p~eea during th.. initial terlll hereof, ox any renewalB tbereof, without ha'V'ing firet obtained th.. vritt.... COIlIIe%lt of !:.he LaD4J.Ord. If du:riJIg the initial terQl hereof. or axry r-...al.. thereof, without cana. and without having pree_ted a .uital:>le aesign.e or sub-tenant (What CODlItitl1te. a "sui.tal:>le' ...ignee or .ub-t_t Bball be in !:.he .0;Le elieoration of the LaD4J.ord but .b&U DOt be wu:eaBOD4bleJ, the Tenant ,,&cat... tbe premi.... it Bball be tbe duty of the LuuUoxd to Irltigate _ges by either (11 tendnating this Lease, in which event tbe rent aba11 abat.. from the date !:.he Le..... is t~ted, or, (:lJ by making every reasonable effort to re-nmt or 1e_e the preaiaes to a suiblh1e tenant for ehe r --4.....A!_... of the 1eaae tera _ agent for the T8DaJlt:. ~t baa posted a $500.00, damage and lock ~h.~ depoait. 17. UD, ~ :or JJIIIlI'IIUI\:3 Dna JmCIlDlIII OF VIllI, ~ ...v......-r. .um I.OCAL LAIn" fte Tenant covenants that he will 118a the pxe.iee" in CClIIIp1.ilUlCe with a1.1 lava and D%dinancee '"PPlicable to the le..ed premiaa8 and ill- a IIUUU1er that wU1 !lot increaae !:.he fire insurance rate. OIl the building in which the lea.ed premi.... ia located. For tbe purpose of det,,""ft~"9 wbel:hex tenant-'" uae is BUck aa to rellU~t in an increase tn the fire insurance ra.t:.ell. it 1. a8BUmed that: the pre....t fire iIuNxance rat:.. is p>:e<Ucted I1pOJl, the buildiJ:lg in which the leased premise. 1. located i. being 118ed eolely a. an office lUld retail COlIlp;Lex not invol.Y1.ng the cOJaUIaption, sale.. storage, or use of in:fl- 'hle gaae... materials, or products, and. TeDant:. contract., COV'eIIaD.ts. .and. agrees to us. t;h. premi..." Bol..ly a. an office and retal1 _ce DOt involvipg the COUSUlIII>tic11, sale, acorage, or u.e or inf~...ab1e ga.o., materia18, or produee.. -4- Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 12 of 19 TeDUlt further agxeea DOt to use the prtnd... in .ach a _....~.. a" to di.turb ....iglll:lor. aDd DOt to llCCWIIIllate jUDk. trlUlh. d8brl.. or any otbar matter or _teria1. aroUDd the exterior of the pread.e.. The T~ndlord COYeIIIUltIl that the Tenant upon c:oIIIllyiDg ..ith the ter1llll of thill toeaae aDd OIl payiDg the rent provided for herein. shall peaceably and .Ilall quietly Iur<re. hold. aDd. enjoy th., premi..,1I lea.ed and let. hereby for the full term of thi. Leaae aDd all reuewalll. if any, therao~_ 18. T%ID ~ 'aD ..-. T~ ill of the e..ence in the matter of _.e.dOll of the presi.e.. aDd the f.ilU>:e of~ .ither party to pexlllit po...."i.... thel<eOf 8hall ....title the offeDded party to any -gea provided. by 1.... Provide<l bw_....c. if initial pooI....:Lon on the date provided is denied the 'reliant _..... of po......ion by tidz:d parti... or otherwi.e through "" fault of the LaDdloo:d. the Tenant _yo upon beiD!J eo deo:Iied po....e.ion for a period in ..xce." of tidrty 1301 daYi' t.er1IIiDate this Leaae by DOti"" to the Landloo:d and if .0 tU1lliD&ted the TeIlaDt .ball be entitled to a return of any lIlO!1ey paid under this Lea"e. 1'. _. '1'he Landl.oo:d ....y autJwri.e .... agent to act in hie .tead by giving ...ch _t a writt.... ~-of-At.torney. general.. or epecial. to act in all ...tter. ..ithin the purrl_ of this I.ea.e upon funa:i.hiDg the 'renIu:I.t a .igned aDd ""tarised car;ry of "aid written _r-of-Att<>raey as pzovided for hereizlaJ:oove. Atton:leyoo ~"II"!JIld by the T~""'^o:d to represent the LaIIdlord. liaensed to practice the State of Florida. 8hall DOt be required to furni"h proof of their authority to act oD bebalf of the LaDdloz:d. 20. ~'...... In the event that the T~ndlord. or the TeDaDt lIWIt eDlJ&ge the service. of an atton:ley to enforce any of the te~ of this Lease. it is '""P""uly contracted. covemmted, and agreed. by aDd between the LIm4lord aDd the Tenant that the preva11iD!J party in ....y .uch action. .bal.l be entitled to recover thej,r rea.B<lIG8ble attorneye' fee. a. _11 .. the Court coat. which might be incidellta1. to a suit broughe for the puxpoae. of enforc.-nt of any or alJ. of the ter1llll of tid. Lea.e. If the Landloo:d shaJ.l be .... attorney-at-law, Lu1dJ.ord. ...y e1>g&se h~elf. ':11. n....'P _r.r :um LOCI: ~.... Dae TeDaD.t is rcqt1ired to poat. a deposit of $500.00. to first be applied toward. the cost to the Landloz:d to repair any ~ to the unit upoa. vacation by the Tenant. and .econdly to cover the co.t of ohaDging the loolt8 to the unit. '1'be lUIe of the.e ~.it. 1IlOIli". "ball DOt be the .,..,1".1_ r-.!y of the L8bdl.oz:d in the _t of ".-9'" to the unit by the telUll1t. it. gI1eate and invitee.. Any WlWIoo4 depotIit .balJ. be returned within 30 days of TeDa11t.. vacation of the preat.".. 22. SUoJI OF .......-. Should the LaIldJ.ord .ell the real prc>pert.y upon which the prem.aes J."..oo4 and let hereby i. J.ocated, the purcha.er f~ the Landlord. .hall bave the right: to teral11late this lease a91'_t upon ninety (1101 days notice to the Tenal1t (.l . 33... mLDJ:.a 09D.1 Shou1.d!:he "1'8D.aDt bold over po.....ian of the premises bey<>I1d the ""Pir.tion date of this le..e, or any renewal thereof. a1.1 of the tH1ll8 aDd ecmd1tion. of this lea.e shall apply durlng allY period that the Tenant IOigbt hold aver, e><<:ept thet the LaD.<1l.ord. .ball bave the right given by 183.06. !'lorl.da Statute.. to dauble the rent for lUI.y period that the TenaJt.t belda po...sRion of the pread.e. beyond the lease teJ:1ll, or any renewal thereof. 24. 1I..-lDTXaa. 'I.11iJI Lea.e IIhall be .uhject and .ubo:rdi....te at aJ.l ti_ to the J.iam of exi.ting lIlOrtgage. and lIlOrtgage. which hereafter ..y be made . lien on t.he premise.. Tenant ""Pre..ly agrees to --=te ancI. c1eJ.iver such further instruell!!nt. required to eubo:rdinate this J.ease to the lieD of any s_ mortgage. a. .ball be desired by any IBOrtgagee. -5- Agenda Item No. 16G 1 January 29, 2008 Page 13 of 19 25. o},..u. "'fIII:J:_. 'the '1'eD&Dt e.xpre..l.y..ive. the right to sbare in aJJY c~ation _ud for the ~t8.1. taItiDg of 8.1.l. or iIUlY part of the p~.... l......d aDd l...t hereby, aDd expre.sly _f..... the :eight to share in any cODl'lemDation aW1l%d for a governmental taJdDg of any portion of the property d.scribed in lIzhibit "A". ~6. u_. 2.7. ~~ '--.._ IiDUI 'I'he LaDdlord and the Tenant eacb. aekDow1.e<lge that thi8 ia a -1Ihopp.iDg center 1...... aDd that .. .-uc:h it 1. in the be.t interellt of the LaDdl.ord, the 'l'eDaIlt, aDd the other tenant. in the sbopping centeX' to h4lV8 a 1d.x of teD&Dt. in ~ aboppiug center ~ and that:: it::. .i. far tMa reatOon. 8.IIIOD!J othen, thet this lea... iD DOt freel.y ....lgDabl. by the TeDaIlt. aDd ....y oDl.y be ....lgae<! with the ""Prea. writt_ ODD8ent of the LaDdl.ord. to a coopatible, '"""'Parable tenant approvlOd by the LllDdl.ord, in writh>g. What .:ball coaatitut. a "COIIlp<ltibl.., ~ratll.. teaant" shall be in the Bole 41scretian of t.he Landlord. a8. ~ ..a~M'...:21 A. 'rhe TeDaIlt expre..l.y agxee. DOt t.o 1...... any tra8l:l or 9"-ge on the ext.rior of the premise. leased aDd let hereby _ UDder1rt_ aud ~ tbt all tr..h gomerated on the ~_s .....t be deposited in the eac10aecl dul8pat..r 1ocat:.ed i.n ~ northe_tern C:OrD8r of the center an BayahoJ:e Drive. 'renaD.t further agrees t.b.at any tr_h or garbage of a perillhab1e nature i. to be p1aced in aJ.r-tight pl.aatic bag. before being depo.ited in the ~at..r container to avoid any unp~e"'lIDt odDra. 8... TeDant e.zpre8.1y agree. not to u.e the trash receptac1.. OD. I:he walkways in f%Ollt of the units. tbose traah receptac~.... beiDg reserved 1OO1el.y for the uae of the patrolUl of the ~iDg center aDd DOt for Wle by the TeDanta. at. ....awnngs ........ 'the TeDaDt expree81y c:aatracta, caveDaDt., aDd agrees not to place in the C~ traah receptacle or du:llp8ter any ha~ wute u <IefiDed by Stat. aDd recI..ra1 Law, aDd to 41llpOs. of al.~ haaardoua waste ill the manner preacribed by stat. aud Federal Law. 30. ~ 1IOZ or.............. 011 'rD ..-....>>9. I.t i. ~re.Bly agreed by aDd bet""en the Landlord aDd thO> TeDant that coo.t1Dg fac.f.11t.f.a. on t:b.. prwc1.ell are tupZ1tll.ly pro1l1b1tecl. and that the TeDaD.t "ill aot cook or have any cooUDg facilities of any kind on th.. premia.a. 31. 110 ~ III lDIr1'. The Tenant expre..ly agrees that no 8IIIOJting "il.1 be peraitted in the unit l......ed and l..t hereby. If the TeDaD.t. ita gueata aud invitees, do lIIIlOIte in the l......ed unit. the Landlord _y terlllinate this LIIASB .~--_" and TloDaDt agreeD to pay for replac.......t of the air-cOllditloniDg unit and ductwork to .......... tobacco """,ke and reddu.. and for the chelaical treatwmnt of the unit to l::~...'C' ..-o1l::e odor8, rep1ac_nt of the cei1ing, rep1.~t of: the f~ooriDg, and the painting of the unit. 3~. LAD ......_. Ally IIlDIl8 due aud payab~. UDder this 1...... that are not received within fifteen (15) days the due dat.. are subject to a late fee of five percent (5') of the lat.. pa~t. !3. g----'. At the end of the initial. lease t..rm, if the Tenant aball not be in vio1atian of IUIY of the le....e terlU aud CODditiOlllt. the Tenant is hereby grallted lID option to :reaev this LeaII.. for all additional. period of t""l..... (12) 1IlDDtb.a. by notifying the LaIldl.ord in writing. by Certified Mail. Return Receipt Requested. At leaat sixty (liD) daya prJ.or to the t.raiaation of the 1..n.:Ltial. 1e&aie toe... oL it. iutention to do 80. A.l.l. of the e~ aDd c:ond.itiooa -6- Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 14 of 19 of thi. Lease .hall apply duriDg the renewal tena, except !:hat the base mon!:hly rental shall be incr.....ed to $895.00. per month. 3&. _--. m .., mil 8~ AIID mil PLUIl&L. 1Ihere referenced are lIIll.de to the 'Landlord" aDd the "-.at" the ._ sha.l.l be conatrued for the singul.ar, the pl=&l, lX1d.ividual. or body coxporat.., ilS the context requires. 35. L>>1IDLOD .DD '!'JII&1IT1 S a.ftftDWCI!." ... ~C281 Landlord'. Address, suit.. 1J0. 302 !l00 Sixth Aveuue South Rap1eB4 rlo~4a 34102-6~92 Tenant's Address: unit Bo. 17 27&0 sayabore Drive Naples, Florida 34112 36. '1'.1.% m_.I...uo...e&"r'J:OJI.-oDIDt.1 'T'be Tenant' B socia.l security or Tax Id~ntiflcation Mumber is: NOt ADD1icab1Sr BY S:r~ TUB LSIrJIX .....------.1.. ora ~ a..a..__ 'I'D.IJ' UPOIf S'1J'D~WD OR ....JmO--;&; AS u.......... n .x.oama. B12~, '12m LADLOaD IIJII.LL .:rr U r.XUU 0Jl "8~DLS W'O. ncm&R O. DDPOlr:nOll OW' 'IBB '!'Daft' S p..al'lllr.a.1". PltO.lDlft. m tlUTllBSS IIBllRBOP, the Tenant has executed this LBASB AGRIl1lMIDIT this the _ day of February, A.D.. 2007. ATTBST, BONW OF COUHTY COICM.:rSSrORBRS OF COLLIER CIJU.l'I.L:r., FLOlUDA. srrrIJIG AS TBB COLLIER COu.:';:J: C.UIWlblll.lTY RBDBVBLOPMm!n' AGBJICY. TBIIA!lT ay/iL;'l '~2o..c.. ~t B , ret.ry/Clerk. A~ ".. t I . ..l~ ... t2 nt ~ IIBllRBOF, t 0'(J2.. dllY of .February, A.D. llXec:uted If... ......~ [LSJ By' this the 12) upaovm>> .AS 1ft) .0_ A1In ~ strrI'J:l.a_'-~ --m~ tn, ~-~ rnc.1;'ri<' m. St,xI..-rf-- ~~rl""'5 .j,.taJ1t ~ty AttorDey c.IIiILl~e:..J:" _. NI'~U~ -7- Agenda Item No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 15 of 19 KDlDtt -...- A parcel of 1_ beiDg a portion of Lot' 37 _ 38, IIIlU>LIIS GROVII JUlII) TR1lCIt CO'S LI:T'1'LII PARMS, 110. 2, according to the map or plat tbereof recorded in Plat BOOk 1, Page 27, of tbe Public Records of Col.lier County, Plorida, lBOre particularly de.cribed &II foll""", P'l:oIIl the Sou~t corner of eaid Lot J7, X"UD. ...t;.r~y ill.cmg the south Hne tbereof for as feet to the ....t l.ine of Kel.ly Roa.d; thence Korth, an .46 feet al.onlJ .aid Weat Une of ltel.ly lload for the POrr.\' OP BBG............ of the parcel herein deaoribed; thence SOuth 89 Degre.... 53 Minute. 50 Seconda west, 762.11 f_t to tbe "e.t line of said. Lot 38; t.hence: South (} Degreea 06 Minute III 10 Seeondll aaet, 189.39 feet al.ong .aid we.t 1ine of .aid lot 38; thence Borth 89 Degrees 55 M1uutee 50 5eCODda Baat, 7'1_77 feet to the WEst ~e of Kelly Road; thence 1I0rth, 188.46 feet &long tile ....t 1ine of Kelly Roa.d to the POrr.\' OP ....UII........ of the parcel. herein deilcrihed. ALSO DBSr*OT'Il~ .AS: A parcel of 1and being a portion of Lots 37 and 38. lD.PLBS <lR.OVB ABD TRUCK CO.S LJ:TTL8 P'ARMS, RD. 2, according to the.ap or plat thereof recorded in Pl.at 800k 1, Page 27, of the Public Recorda of Collier county, P'1orida, more pe.rt.icul~rly described as foll.ows~ FrOlll the Sout:be..t corner of said Lc"Jt 37, run Westerly along the South line thereof for 25 feet to the lfest 1ine of ICelly Road; thence North, a28. 46 feet al.ong aaid "eat Hne of ltal.l.y Road for the POZB'1' OP BBG.......uo<;; of the parcel herein dea=1bed; thence South 89 DegX'@e.. S3 Minutes 5C Seconda 1feat ~ 76~ .11 teet to the WeB't line ot said Lot 38; thence South 0 Degre_ 06 l'Iinutes 10 sec:and8 Bast, 189.39 feet al.ong said .....t line of said Lot 38; thence Borth 89 Degreea 4.9 Minutes 4.0 SeOODda 'Eaat_ 761..77 feet to the West line of Kelly Road; thence Iforth. 188 .~6 feet along the West line of Kelly Road to the PODIT OP BBG.I.IlUII.J..1ft3- of the parcel herein de-scribed. e~~.I" ..... nnu... -8- -cOO') (')o~ <r:>O,..... ~NO -, -I.D ~.- ,-C~ Croro 220... ~ro ","" ~ (jj 0) <( Bathroom #2 Bathroom #1 " o T"" >-~ ~::) W<I> a. > o 'i: 0::0 a. <I> ~ I- 0 OJ: W f/j -,>. aJ C'a ::)aJ CI)~ ,.... N I Exit I (~ (~ ~ ~ ~) ~ ~ ~ E o o c::: 'U .... et! o CO ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ Entrance I III 118 Feet I Exhibit B . ... <l> <l> Ii. o I,/) - i.:<( Ou -m CD_ u . III U Cot: V)- CD en .!::! t:: :t:<C 0- III " ... I.... ::l ....:::: >< ::l " U c:nCD : ......, .... ; U 0 CDJ:: .~ en ..0>> :J III V) CO ~li1Si2008 14:00 239-252-2891 L H : l'jt~F'AH I ~ I .4 TTY Agenda Itenfft~E 16Gl' 01 January 29, 2008 Page 17 of 19 L.N. lNGRAM, III Attorney-at-Law Suite No. 302 900 Sixth Avenue So, Naples, Florida 3-4102-6792 Telephone (239) 262-4121 Tclefax (239) 262-2891 FACSIMILE TRi\NSMlTTAL Date: January 16,2008 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLllXNG THIS COVER PAGE: 1 THIS TRANSMITTAL IS BED\TG SENT TO THE ATTENTION OF: NAME. David Jackson Cornm Redeve1op>r,em FAX };UMBER: 775~4456 FROM: L. N. (Larry) INGRAM, III This fax will act as my acceptance of Bayshore Cultural Arts, as a mb-tenant of Unit 10,2740 Bayshore Drivc, Naples, Florida, for as long as all other conditions are met lease een the Collier County Board of County Commissioners and me. I h received t~ a r riate certificate of insurance. from Bayshore Cultural Arts, Thank you. .;(<""01:"",,,,** * THE IlHORlVlATlON CONTAl:"ED 1:'< THIS FACSIMILE M SAGE IS PRIVILEGED AND CO:"FIDENTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FO HE USE OFTHE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. "THE RECEIVER THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFlED THAT ANY 1.1'1AUTHORIZED DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMllNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HA VE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR. PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US ~,,' TELEPHONE AT (239) 262-4Ul. IF A LONG DISTANCE CALL IS REQUIRED, YOU MAY CALL uS COLLECT. THANK YOU. f:)()-\. \~ 1\ c.. PRODUCER laury, Donnelly & Parr, Inc. ';ommerce & Water Streets Battimore, MD 21202 (410) 685-4625 OA IE (MMfDOIYYVYj 1/9/2008 THtS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFDRMA TtDN DNL Y AND CDNFERS NO. RtGHTS UPDN THE CERTtFtCA TE HDLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE ODES NDT AMEND, EXTEND DR ALTER THE CDVERAGE AFFDRDED BY THE POLICIES BELDW , i INSURERS AFFOfU)~NG COVE_RAG~___ ___ ' NAtC # INSUR~~!--'-Iartfo~d c~ualty_l!!sU!CI~~~~_____-_1_ _--~-= INSURER B .-._----- ACORD", CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I'NSUREO Bayshore Cultural Arts 2740 Bayshore Drive Unit 17 Naples, FL 34112 INSURER C INSuRER 0 INSURGR E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE liSTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POllCIES_ AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOV\IN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS I~S;F~ - - -- - - - - - POLICY --e--E-R - --POLicy EFfECilv'-E~ poiicijiEXi'iiRA"TlON T TYPE Of INSURANCE NUM I I I GENERAL UABILlTY ! A I I X' COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 130SBMUF7496 11/19/2007 I 11/19/2008 I t CLAIMS MADE I?< J OCCUR I, M~9__~?<?J~~Y ~~_~.':r:~?f~) LIMITS , EACH OCCURRENCE I' UAMAI.j!:. 10 "REl'ITEO---- , D~~fI::1_'SE9.(Eanccl.!r~T!c_e) - - ].$ I, I, fjERSONAL & ADV INJURY 1$ GENE~AL AGGI3..~i?_~l[ -1$-- I, I GE1H AGGf,EGAH l.IMIT APPLIES PER I 1 'I PRO- , - I POLICY' I IFrT LOC , , AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY l _ j ANY AUTO AU OWNED AUTOS I SCHEDULED ,oUTOS HIREQAlnOS , r'I-':ODUCTS caMP/De AGG r. ___,__-L COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT r!:'allccldent) ~l I , RODIL Y INJURY if'erperson) i NON_OWNED AUTOS I eracl i I , - --- - ---- ~ ,-- -I I I I n _ - ---- I PROPERTY DAMAGE '. , i (Peraccrdenl) , ;l~GE L1AeIUTY I !_~_~Q_Q!'!~,~-.:__~~__~S:_CIDENT 1$---- , I I --- ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA Ace s , . -- AUTO ONLY AGO . hESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY I EACH OCCURRENCE , ------ ',__ OCCUR 0 CLAIMS MADE rG~REGATE ' $ ---- - ~----- - - ~-- . --,- ~~~ ~EDUCTtBLE - - $ - ------- RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSA nON AND ! WCSTAT!~iLJ~ EMPL.OYERS'L1ABILlTY ~ i TORUL~l1S _~ R t--~--- I ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE E L EACH ACCIDENT t-!-------- - - i OfFICERMEMBER EXCLUDED? E L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE , ~~~~I~SpiR~~s1~NS belOW E~-~SEA;E .-POLlCY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDEO BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency is named as Additional Insured with regards to General Liability. BODILY INJURY (P cdent) , -I I CERTIFICATE HDLDER CANCELLA TtDN ... Collier County Community Redevetopment Agency 3301 Tamiaml Trail East Naptes, Fl34112- SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POUC1ES BE CANCELLEO BEFORE THE EXPIRAllON DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILl. ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERnFICA TE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, aUT fAILURE TO DO 50 SHALL IMPOSE NO OBUGA nON OR L.IABILlTY Of ANY KINO UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRE5ENTAnVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE _ @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 I ACDRD 25 (2001/08) ~--~'--------- 12/13/2007 15:25 ::n9-2E.2-2t:91 Agenda liem No. 16G1 January 29, 2008 Page 19 of 19 L ~-~ IIjl3RAtv1 I I I A TT\' PA'2iE 02/02 'Mouct~ naury. DonneHy & Parr. Inc. ;ommerce & Water Streew lalllmore, MD 212n (410) 685-4625 1213/2007 THIS CERTIFtCATE tS ISSUED AS A MATTEIl OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS U~ON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THtS CEIlTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR AL TEfl THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE ~OLtCIES llELOW. BAYSCUL.01 I I KNTA C""E;llwly.'oor'l'Y......j I ! ACORD" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ,l<su~Eo-Bayshor&- Cultur3iArt$ --- 2740 6ayshore B.yshore Drive Unit 17 Noples, FL 34112- I . INSUREIlS AFFORDING COVERAGE . "5us;;m. ~ Hartfo-r~ Ca$u~[ty In9~~.!:.'!.._'~o~_, L'_..:SUI\:ER~,.____ __. ~_.__~__ I NAIC# '~".:.Sl-_~-=_ ~___ l'js..'~.t:Fl~____ ~e. COVeRAGES THE ~OllCi:'::S OF l~lSUMN(;E UST5C BELOW >-{AVE aliEN IssueD TO THE INSURE[;l NAMED A$OVE ;:Opi! THE POLICY "'f::RIOO I1mICATE:} N(:'.~\"jITl-.,STAN::,\l,::: I ANY REQUIREMENT, T!:FlM OR CONDITlON Of' A~IY CONT~CT OR OiH5~ DOCUMENT Wl:!-1 P.ESP!C'" TO WHICf-' THIS CERTI~ICAiE MAY !\E ISSUED OR h.~AY pe~TA1N, THI:: H~SUFl..-'lNCE AFFORDED ev THE POLICIES DeSCRIBED ~e."'EIN IS SUBJECT"'O A,LL THF., TERMS EXC,-LiSIONS tI,l'iQ (;Qt.CIT10NS :J= 3',.:C'" POlICiES AGOREGAiE L:'MITI~: ~HOWN MAY HAVE ~EEN RIiOUCED BY ~AID CLAIMS m!~,..._.-~._~---:--.,_.._~-'"--------------pOlICYI:F"tC"\Jt' "O~"TIO~. -~-. .--- L TII: ~N~Il~ fVI''' OF tN~Ull'll"Jr~F. '_POLICY_l'i~~___.. DATE f~MIDD!TY' . DaTE lMMmON\(! '~IM!rs. , ()ENERA" I.IADh.lTY ' ' ,::~,c."' o':CU;o~!!,,(.~ 1,000m -- 3 sm lIF'496 ;~'_'H~I, 101: ------- iX' c::J~"'f._It::)'\L~EI.)iO~^.LI"'911.;.~', 0 I;lOM , 11/19/2001 11f19/2008 :>P.WI!;E~.i~:.o:tl"~1~,',. _, . .. 300,OO~ ,----- :,AI!c~~~"~::'.F.: ~ '=":_:,<~: :.,.~;~D;,X"{....::_L~;~.~.-;.!"~_-=-~~ ____~~_~:_10,DO~1 ;>EI;5CN/'~&~:",_~::':__ _~__...__,~ _ 1,OO().OO~ '~/:;tJE.....l_.,Cl(',I!:E:::...-f. ,'" 2.000.0001 :;>i<:'()~~~~- :-.:::'I.'~.'C;> ~c; _ t _ _-.-z.6oo,~.~,~,: ;>, i ~--I V1~ '~'_ ,o.':;,:F'~OA Ii< ,liST ~"'Pl'E~ ..e: ~ -I :>~:..iC-' I-~ ~:.~:: '-I _O~. -~---'- I ~OMOBIL~ L1IlQIUry , :;;..';~1(3:H;E[j &'r .<,L ~ _I~~- ~r_ ~:~Io~rl\ I __J ,. ",' ~.,''''(' ~1.~ -::1\':'1::::' .~...'~:)'> .~'S'^.HF.Ol.!lE;C"i.,.,C\:;: , . "'''tEl; .~UIOS ,~ _"I "C'j.m"'~ler;' r\UTO! Ei':)C'L"y'.'''L''"'' ,F'" ~~.!~,,', ,------<----.. ef)D'~..-lt.,JtJ'h ~:C.I~ ---'_ :FI'lO!"EPT'r'D,W':',,?>r:o I Wl!a~r.lo:l..riti I~:J~~~-::'.o_=~_:...!_ ! t)IH~~ ":'1-::"'1 :.~~_':..... I A..'TD DI~LY ,t.GG ! ~ 1 !, (lll.~Ao.E LIIl,BIl.JTV :_~ Al'JY.lUTQ ~''''UM..mA lIA"Lm O(C,.'~ [J CLo,11v'5 M..Oi ~ ..- L~~_~~S::~."'~I!.I~C;E " ~:"T_~_ -~- I~ 1 D~tlU-;-IB~E :-i I RETENTI')~ S I WO"'KlItS COM'l!N5"T~N AND I E~!LO"'UI,!:.~tAefl.rr!._ I ANY ,.l'l:OPf:lIETr.:..I~ARTNER.IF.XECIJTIVl'! 1 ')Ff"ICEl!lIME:tJIf1'!ItE:<Cl..;..Il;;J!;C' I II .~!. (!'~'::r\~\1 ,)~<I8r si:'eC'.'.L ,""OI/IS'~"l!i t'ol"., i I DTHEA '1 I ' .' : ! i " I DI:ll'CRI"TION O~ OPliJl;AnONS II.OCATlQNS I V'HICLES I E1tCLIJ910fol~ ADOEtl BY ENI7O"$~MiNT I SfllClAl '''OVISIONS I I I I ---l :....---....-- _:~ ---- ~._,-~..,._- . i ~ '~~.,~~~Jllfs '_,.I'~ri__, jELE.,;,=j.~.,i~ ~f.~~,,~.r.r~tE~ I E L ':I$E"'!~. ":"LIC' (.11:;" - I _.J I i I i CI!RTI~ICATE HOLDER \ C;>,NCELLATION Laflyette N. IngT1!lm, 11\ Suite 302 Nine HtJnd~d Building 900 Sixth Avenuw South Napl_, Fl34102. ~HOlJlO ~NY 01" "1011 AIOV! Ol!lSCIltIIEC ,.ouellS BE CANC~Lll!t> U:FDIl.i: T"~ l!iX"I'U~.TIO" D^U il-I!:JtEO~. TlillSSlllNG IN!lUI':!1': Wl1"!.IND!AVO~ 'TO MAIL 3~ tJA'l'Sl W"l""l~ NOTICE TO 1'1-11 Cl!:l'IlfIFICA"l'E HOI.O!~ NAM!tI TO f;ll!: L8Ii'T, eUT ~"'lLURE TO 00 $0 $Io!AI.!. ACORO 2S (20011081 IMPOse;. NO O'llOA'TION 011I. UAe,II"ITV OF ANY KINO U"O~ mE INSUI':&:IIt. I'T' ,,(II!!N.,.! OR RliJ"liIlSI!!NIATlVU. AUfI.IDlltlZfO "-1!J"I'1E$!NTA TlVf -~"r~ J .r,; ACORD CORPORATION ';88