Agenda 03/11/2008 Item #16G 1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 March 11, 2008 Page 1 of 22 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommend the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) acting in the capacity of the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) review and approve the 2007 Annual Report of the CRA, required by Florida Statute i63.356(3)(c), and direct the County Manager or his designee to file the Annual Report with the Clerk of Courts and publish notice of the filing. OBJECTIVE: To have the BCC, acting in the capacity of the CRA, to review and approve the 2007 Annual Reports (Exhibit "A") of the CRArequired by Florida Statute, 163.356(3)(c), by March 31, 2008; and direct the County Manager or his designee to file the Annual Report with the County Clerk and publish notice of the filing, as required by Florida Statute. CONSIDERATION: The Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was established pursuant to Resolution 2000-83, and adopted on March 14, 2000 by the BCC pursuant to Part Ill, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The area of operation of the CRA consists of the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Area and the Bayshore/Gateway Community Redevelopment Area. The purpose of the CRA is to undertake and implement improvements as provided for in Florida Statutes and the adopted redevelopment plans. Florida Statute 163.356(3)(c) requires that on or before March 31 st of each year, a report of the CRA activities for the preceding fiscal year be filcd with the governing body. In addition to the reporting requirement, the Statute requires that the Annual Report be filed with the Clerk of Courts and that notice of the filing be published in the Naples Daily News. Attached is the 2007 annual report which provides for a detailed description of the yearly activities of both the Bayshore/Gateway and Immokalee Community Redevelopment Areas. Please note that a complete audit of the 2007 CRA financials was performed along with an overall audit of Collier County, pursuant to Florida Statute 163.387(8), and is not a part of this rcport. It should be noted that for the first time, the annual report was published as a joint venture between the Bayshore and lmmokalee CRA staffs, specifically created by the CRA staffs, to not only satisfy the Statutory requirement, but to stand as a markcting and information brochure for each individual area. FiSCAL iMPACT: None. The express purpose of this action is to provide for the tiling of the 2007 CRA Annual, as required by Florida Statutc, 163.356(3)(c). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: None. This item has been rcviewed and approved by the Office of the County Attorney. Agenda Item No. 1681 March 11, 2008 Page 2 of 22 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting in the capacity of the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), review and approve the 2007 Annual Report required by Florida Statute 163.356(3)(c), and direct the County Manager or his designee to file the 2007 Annual Report with the Clerk of Courts and publish notice ofthe filing. Prepared by: Mike Bosi, AICP, Community Planning and Redevelopment Manager, Comprehensive Planning Department r--. Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page lof2 Agenda Item No. 1681 March 11, 2008 Page 3 of 22 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16G1 To have the Bee, acting in the capacity of the eRA, to review and approve the 2007 Annual Report of the eRA required by Florida Statue 163356(3)(c), by March 31st and to direct the County Manager or his designee to file the Annual Report with the County Clerk and publish notice of the filing, as required by the Florida Statutes. 3/11/200890000 AM Prepared By Mike Bosi, AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Principal Planner Date Approved By Zoning & Land Development Review 2/14/200812:21:29 PM Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. Date Approved By 2/14120084:20 PM Randall J. Cohen ~ Community Development & Environmental Services Comprehensive Planning Department Director Date Comprehensive Planning 2/15/20084:06 PM Approved By Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 2/24/20087:50 PM Approved By Marjorie M. Student~Stirling County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney Office 2/27/20081 :59 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Administrative Services Applications Analyst Date Approved By Information Technology 2/28/20087:53 AM Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 3/3/20081 :14 PM Approved By ..-- James V. Mudd Board of County County Manager Date County Manager's Office 3/312008 1 :25 PM filp.//r.\ A (Tpnrt~T""d\I=vnnrt\ 1 (),'-i\A~r,...hO/...,()11 o/~')()')()(\Q\ 1 r.. O/...')(\r'{)l\.lC.Cl\.TTO/..""" ^ ~-Cl\.TT\ ^ \ 1 '1/t:./')f'\(\O Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No. 1681 March 11, 2008 Page 4 of 22 Commissioners (~", \ '. (-" (' ~.' filp';;r"\A upnrl,Tp<t\Fvnnrt\ 1 nl_M,rch% ?n1! o/^?(),)OOR\!" o/"?Orn1'-T<:p1'-TTO/,.?O & nlO1'-TT'\ A \ 1 1;"nru'IQ Agenda Item No. 16G1 March 11, 2008 Page 6 of 22 The purpose of the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (Collier County CRA) is to work with members of the community to stimulate redevelopment in parts of the county which have been passed over by development efforts over the years. The two Redevelopment Areas-the Immokalee CRA and the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle CRA-are very different and have unique forces at work in each of the communities. Nevertheless, the staff and boards of both offices are united in their commitment to improve the lives of those who live and work there. -""';:;;7"'7.; ~ m..' . 2007 was a busy year for the Immokalee Community'-- -.-- -~ .'t.;;:.' Redevelopment Areas. Immokalee made tremendous progress toward '. 'C>.cT completing the Area Master Plan. The decision was made to staff the Immokalee Redevelopment Area with an Executive Director and an Assistant, both of whom come on board in Fiscal Year 2008. 2007 laid in place an array of redevelopment activities in Immokalee, such as the creation of a redevelopment overlay and redevelopment grants. Furthermore, the CRA provided support for the opening of the Florida State University Medical Campus. Make no mistake: the Immokalee CRAAdvisory has many plans for 2008 to keep staff busy! 'W"", 2007 was likewise very busy in the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area! A number of studies commissioned by the CRA were completed, providing the community with various strategies fDr future development. A number Q. of infrastructure projects made headway in 2007, including the long- . awaited Stormwater Pond in the Gateway Triangle Area. Programs for community development have arisen from conversations between the ~. . -- CRA staff and members of the community, including the Neighborhood Focus Initiative and a robust Residentiallnfill project. The private sector is picking up Dn the positive changes in the area and a number of private projects have come on board. While there were many accomplishments in 2007, members of the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community are gearing up for a year of even more accomplishments in 2008, including a package of incentives for commercial development on Bayshore Drive and the update of the website. IM/Vl'};CALEF CR.i\ Commutlily Rt,~opmel]tA9~<y iT!,.- pfi/C<'" 6::J q// J.omc,{ I!" IBAYSHORE . GATEW Y ~ TRII-'\NGLE EI3 EI3 0 ~~.~t;"6~"'(,J "'"" COMMUNITY RlPr....,I,.OPrlE....T AGl[NCT Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 2 The Collier County Community Redevelopment Board The Collier County Board of County Commissioners serves as the Board. The members for the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 are as follows: Donna Fiala (Chair) James Coletta (Vice-Chair) Frank Halas Tom Henning Fred Coyle The Community Redevelopment Advisory Boards The Redevelopment Agency relies heavily on the hard work and determination of two Advisory Boards-one for the Immokalee Redevelopment Agency and one for the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Agency. The members of these two Advisory Boards are as follows: The Immokalee CRA Advisory Board The Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Advisory BQ.arQ Fred Thomas (Chair) Rick Heers Floyd Crews Richard Rice Ana Salazar Bernardo Barnhart Bob Soter Gary Dantini Eva Deyo Ira Malamut Denise Blanton Captain Tom Davis Robert Halman (eX-Officio) Julio Estremera Lindsey Thomas (Chair) Jill Barry (Vice Chair) Bill Mears Ron Fowle Chuck Gunther Karen Beatty Steve Main Bruce Preble Maurice Gutierrez Staff: David Jackson, Executive Director Jean Jourdan Sue Trone Staff: Penny Phillipi, Executive Director Christie Betancourt Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 3 r"-".'~=:'''' ." :.,.,~ --."O'!'~". ~-,_r"'~~:'~'''<';oi_::;: ~~ ' ~-~..;~,~~: "... ..:.t't '.,:. _' .'., ", . U.." ". 't, ',:t ,~,;, ... ." ..,-\ ::'<) r;,. .;, ~ : ~~ ~;0:*-~~ "'......"'__-:..".iJ., ~ j}' ~.,';;.;;;.,;.;;.~- "Ji 1,21 .f~ ,., , :f\ ,> '-', ~ - .... ,,.ot~ 1Ii: - .,~-,tiiI r~l'u~'~c). ~. ~ #,' .~. ':-,. .. -.-- '" :~-', ..----- '- - -~ ,,~"'p'" .- ~ , _,' e' o ":. ,:-"-'-'~i._. ' : . .;.. ;~! d ~.,- "'~~!F--:: . I.,.,~ -:~..~",,".'''' :.\ '....,.-.''''.... ., 'f"t. :F.?', -' . ...,,- 0.:1 ! '., ".:;1--' " I tU~ '7 1\1, . C'f;. ' ~I ~;"-~" - '.,. ~-.,".:, ,::,,' ~""".",,'" . '.' - .. . \I;. . . ,..... '.\ , . ' pi . I, ' : h.....~. III;,. j, .;.~~~ ~ ... .~~ ii'. ";"/.~, . ...; :..,"", rrJ .;!,~I '~;: :. :~~'~~\~Iij . ,":~'<,'\;,~,: \:' ",,,,:.',' ",,',.'. ..,",',' ~ \ " >- U Z LLI ~ <t ~ Z LLI :E a. 9 LLI > LLI Q LLI a: >- ~ - Z :) :E :E o u I~I:"":W m: 2007 n\~ '1'111: IJ~\\'sltmn: (j~\'I'I:\~'J\\' Tlu~\~~(jl.l: I:IU\ The CRA commissioned a study of Shadowlawn Drive for the potential to design the corridor like Bayshore Drive. Recommendations include upgrading sidewalks, installing pedestrian-scale lights, trees and landscaping, and installing traffic calming devices to slow traffic in the vicinity of Shadowlawn Elementary School. The study was completed by Carter Burgess in January 2007. q;tIB~lwu (j)~ CoUido~-StiJ.dB A study of Bayshore Drive investigated improvements for pedestrian safety and vehicular access. Recommendations of the study are to install pedestrian crosswalks at busy intersections with wide medians. As a result of the study, the Bayshore Beautification MSTU is investigating the feasibility of designing and funding lighted crosswalks along Bayshore Drive. The study was completed by Carter Burgess in January 2007. 7iw/1llk1~OfL (j)~ CoUido~-StiJ.dB Thomasson Drive is a major two-lane road that crosses the CRA and provides easy access to the Gulf of Mexico. As the southern sector of the CRA grows, 2,000-3,000 homes will be built in this area. This will increase traffic on Thomasson Drive which links Bayshore Drive and US-41 to county parkS and boat ramps. The study was completed in June 2007 by Carter Burgess to determine impacts of future development and recommended solutions to improve the corridor before the growth occurs. Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 5 Agenda Item No. 1681 March 11, 2008 Page 10 of 22 In 1997 a group of citizens in the Bayshore Drive area came together in order to beautify the area by establishing a Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU). The MSTU is responsible for the landscaping, irrigation, lampposts, and brick paver sidewalks along Bayshore Drive. In 2007, the MSTU installed designer traffic control signage to match existing pedestrian light poles. To empower residents and business owners to contribute to the ..~ -c : redevelopment of the Bayshore and Gateway Triangle communities, Ihe CRA partnered with the Bayshore Beautification MSTU to create a workbook of design standards. Under contract with the CRA, the workbook was ~ assembled by A. Gail Boorman & Associates. It details various streetscape options appropriate for the area considering the needs and preferences of the public. This workbook will be a reference manual as the CRA proceeds to consult local stakeholders on streetscape development. '- - Collier County plans to expand Bayview Park and make improvements including expansion of boat trailer parking along Bay Street. This heavily used boat launching facility attracts many boating enthusiasts because of its close proximity to Gordon Pass and the Gulf of Mexico. The CRA authorized the purchase of 15 residential lots and the demolition of seven (7) dilapidated homes in a blighted neighborhood as part of the CRA Redevelopment Plan's residential infill goals. The CRA's Mixed Use Zoning Overlay allows single-family homes to be constructed on mobile home zoned lots, and the CRA will advertise for companies to build homes to be sold as owner-occupied units. J "'~ _~!ID ....--~~:::V\~ Collier County eRA 2007 Annual Report 6 ~.',,'.r, 1Ii..'i, '~'",;~',', '.'II~;' ll]1Ji/:1i< ! ~!~I., ,m"", ' .t; l'f ~?~, ~m' Il i WIi~!i"~' ,I 'i,Ii"u;' \111';";" .1 '!IW"~ ,'" 'ffl -"_ii<l11 ._ !JW' '. jr '~"'.' ""l-'- ~"" ' '1,",1. ~i!l! 'o~"'""_ ;;'1"'1'111." "'. :!H. :Jl"-""l' 1[': 11:, :...'. f; '7,_~ \!~_i," 'i, ;l~';;Jm.,'" "." ',I m~ !.~, ;,11" l~i",.'!I' ":il~..,. \"'~ l!itl~~ Jl!'<Iillf,~ liilllf i~ ,'~~ ;;11;1 "~:~ Ji;~~~i1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 2008 6t2:!' I ;:;;( ~*:' ('~'.F , " " ! 'In,'; "... , ,-',' ~,-t ),,~ ~/" .,A,_ .jI'# J,'''' .1"" ,,'~ l't./l"""""","""'-""'j"'l/' lr ~_~,1,:,~,:,'i> r f... ,! .. ~ .. ",' '" ,.,,,t,,,' ("i '.,' j The CRA Redevelopment Plan encourages residential neighborhood improvements. A Streetscape Enhancement Program Concept was developed in 2007 to engage the local residents in a neighborhood planning process to determine street improvements and traffic calming devices in their residential neighborhoods. Each street will be designed through community participation to provide input as to what and where improvements will be installed. The approved designs will be funded by CRA Trust Funds. "...~ ,t.(, _. "--- ....-.-- .,- -..- -- -. '1" Situated on 160 acres of lakes and lands that contain seven distinct natural habitats and ecosystems, the Naples Botanical Garden began fundraising and planning seven unique garden displays in 2005. In 2007 the 160 acre complex's planned unit development design was approved, and the Garden had collected 50% of the their required funding to develop the entire site. - 1i'U 1;;,_.',': ,".,' ,",':' On Valentine's Day, Bayshore Cultural Arts, Inc. hosts the popular HeArts in the Garden event at the Naples Botanical Garden. The event draws hundreds of art and music enthusiasts from the area to the event. Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 7 Agenda Item No. 16G1 March 11, 2008 Page 12 of 22 RrSIDrNT'IAl DrvrlOPMrNT' 7k. CO~ On, q)fi!J~Iwu. Will'" . -$1.Jlt;....~....."...... ,~~ ./. ' . ',~... ' .... '" I. . .. ..... ", f ..,~~l~ ...;:".. ~_.~,..:._'!e;:... A Chicago developer teamed up with a local architect and they designed a mixed-use facility from an old commercial storage facility. The Lofts on BayshDre consists of 5 New York-style loft spaces located above three recently improved commercial spaces, giving the complex a truly urban feel. The Lofts were completed in 2007. q)ot:an.ica/, qJ/.tu:L Con.do~ Local developers and designers teamed up to construct a 218 unit mixed- income residential complex on 20 acres of land. Completed in October 2007. the project consists of nine 4-story buildings and a community clubhouse. The project includes 64 affordable housing units for workforce housing. Botanical Place residential development is situated on 20 acres bordered by Bayshore Dive to the West and Sugden Park to the East. Cot:tfJ!jE.6 at 9YopkJ q)fi!J The Antaramian Development Group redeveloped a failed shopping mall into a 108 luxury residential unit project in the northwest corner of the CRA along US-41. The project site was annexed into the City of Naples for permitting purposes; however, the CRA continues to collect TIF on the improvements. The majority of the construction was completed in 2007 and certificate of occupancy has been issued, flDtzc.O q)t1!J Con.do~ Abaco Bay Development, LLC teamed with Celentano, Inc. to retrofit Pinebrook Lakes Apartments, a 2o-year old apartment complex, into single- family condos. The redevelopment site is now Abaca Bay Condos. Sitting on 10 acres, the project abuts Bayshore Drive, The project completed the conversion Df the 161 apartments into a set of Key West style condo community in early 2007 priced for workforce housing. Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 8 IMFRAsrRucflmf f/ti./dun.t;n, CUht 0u.dtiin9 Haldeman Creek is a natural flowing tidal creek that was extended by the Corps of Engineers in the 1950s. After its completion, silt from upstream developments slowly filled in the creek which impeded stormwater flow, and hindered boater navigation at low tides, The $1.2M dredging project was completed in March 2007 and was fully funded by the county General Fund and a grant from the Southwest Florida Water Management District. ~IL .st/J~ CPOM ~ For years the Triangle area has been plagued by localized flooding. Over the years locsl drainage ponds were filled in and both bordering highways, US 41 and Davis Boulevard, were raised and widened. Collier County Stormwater Department acquired 4.6 acres of low-lying land, and the CRA assisted in the purchase of land for the pond's future expansion. HDR, Inc. is contracted to develop an area-wide stormwater system that collects the water, treats it and discharges it. Permits for pond construction were issued in 2007 and Phase I of construction will be completed in Spring 2008. ~ ~...:_........, . , ,. ~.... 1..::,";:;'" ~/ 1'''''''1",..",.1.1,,'_'1,_1.',,',,'' 0" """'"'''''',)",,1 I" Ik ".,J"", ,,' 'I" ,,,,,t",,I",I,.,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,I,,,;.' II" "I,'. I,..,' I""" ,.,,/..- """ b-, .""Ir".-'''~ ..jo,''''''y ",..;,..."d ...,.,,1./.,,1...1_ 0~ @ouU.u.tiu/, CiB~ When Davis Boulevard was widened to six lanes, traffic safety lighting was not installed on this section of road. The Collier County Transportation Division completed the street light design and project bid in 2007. This $1.2M highway lighting project is partially funded by a $695,200 FDOT Safety Grant as well as $200,000 from the CRA Trust Fund. Project details include the installation of 90 light poles, removal of unused curb cuts and complete replacement of the sidewalk. Start Construction Date: April 2008. Estimated Completion Date: June 2008. Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report -...--- 9 Agenda Item No. 16G1 March 11, 2008 Page 14 of 22 COMMrnCIAl DrvrlOPMrHT' Q)fiJJi1j tJ i/1.agc.. In 2006, Phase I was completed and in 2007 work began on Phase II. Davis Village is a quality commercial office space complex at the intersection of Davis Boulevard and Shadowlawn Drive. This new construction project contains retail space on the first floor and Class 'A' office space above. Phase I of the project was so successful the developer acquired land adjacent to this project and began constructing an identical building next to it. llzL V4!J~~E4 ftj"'~I" "'. "...~ . . 1',." ,.,~ ,,' t. ... " ~. 1 . . ,'0' " '. . . ',i ~ It".,." " , .. ".' ':;..1-. ~ *, ,--- -::.._..~ ... \,~' -""lIOl'!!'.;;,J' ,f".:'.,.I:;'" ............ <",.>., " ~., '''.' '.='<"".'" _,='\ _ _.~_..!I"'!'P"" " : '~..:'~ "4'k' _ :-;:, As part of the TrevisD Bay residential and TPC golf course development, the VK Development team purchased the Gulfshore Marina on Bayshore Drive to convert into a gulf access marina and boat storage facility. The project will house 158 dry boat slips, two residential units and 1000 square feet of commercial space. f!fiDZiito/1, f!t:iUJOt.I!ad1t:. CIJ.tb Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report In 2007, at the southwest corner of the CRA boundary, Collier Enterprises began the dredging of a marina harbor with 35 wet slips, construction of a 325 dry storage slip building and private club house. The project should be completed in 2008. 10 In 2008, a one mile stretch of Bayshore Drive will be the subject of a commercial use and vacant land study. An inventory of vacant or underutilized land will be prepared. Sites will be evaluated for their suitability to support various types of development and packaged with economic incentives to encourage development or redevelopment. The inventory will include vacant lands, vacant buildings, or brownfield sites. The inventory and incentives package will be used to identify, market, and develop land effectively. f\ , In support of the community's vision to create and support a vibrant art and cultural area, a consultant will be retained in 2008 to conduct a cultural needs assessment of the area. If research and analysis supports the concept, a designation of a cultural district will be pursued. The objective will be to support cultural and artistic venues as part of the economic revitalization of the Bayshore area. I"\.(~ f.~l ,if"u..J (5 r "~-1 \J -flj In a joint partnership for 2008, the eRA will team with the Bayshore Beautification Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) to determine the future design of the southern section of Bayshore Drive. In 2000, the MSTU funded the design and installation of landscaping, sidewalk pavers and pedestrian lighting; however the project stopped at Thomasson Drive. Through a community input process, this project will design safety and beautification improvements from Thomasson to the street's terminus. ,3_5 5' 2' 2_4___ ! I I r -1_ 11 __4 _.2' 2'... 5 _J.s .. . 1 G\ I . ._. I. ~~.... _...,'~/14!J,,'~'r4 u",,~:ii~.. I',c.,.."lo.&i-"....k':__.... L. Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 11 Agenda Item No. 16G1 March 11, 2008 Page 16 of 22 Upon completion of Phase I in the spring of 2008, permitting will begin for the installation of a gravity feed piping system to channel stormwater to the pond. Phase II will include a pumping station to discharge water to the canals during high rain events to prevent the pond from overflowing. In 2007, the owners of a 34 acre, 200 apartment residential complex partnered with a developer to redevelop the site into a mixed use project. The developer purchased an adjacent 5 acre commercial parcel and successfully applied for and received a mixed use designation to redevelop the site. As part of the mixed use approval, the developer was granted 232 additional residential units and gave the eRA an air rights option to construct a 150 - 300 space public parking garage on the site. When completed the project will have 140,000 square feet of commercial space and 447 residential units on 40 acres. ~. '" " . -. ". ",'.i\; ".' ",~-,,:.,;c"lfr~, ~ ~~""""~ ,', ,,'-'l# .~ ,:1_);~:"~;;..i '~'-'~"'~ I -'It.~ ".L~_..:...tUtl~___......;~ .,~,}_~ '=I::':= ~}tnlF "" ~ A developer received an approved site development plan to construct 108 residential units on 10 acres. The project will house 14 affordable/workforce units to be sold to owners in the 60% median income range. The project will be three stories over garage, contain a community club and pool. Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 12 Agenda Item No. 16G1 March 11 , 2008 Page1? of 22 The Site Improvement Grant program underwent its fourth revision since its creation by ordinance in 2002. For six years, the CRA has leveraged funds from the Tax Increment Revenue Trust Fund to stimulate redevelopment by the private sector. Over the years, residents and business owners have contributed to the redevelopment of the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Area by matching funds from the Site Improvement Grant program to repair roofs, improve storefront facades, and install landscaping. Each year, the CRA tracks the effectiveness of these grants. In 2007, the maximum grant award was $8,000. Homesteaded applicants had to match grants at 50% for the value of residential improvement projects; grants for residential rental or commercial properties were awarded to applicants funding at least 67% of total project cost. The table below is a summary of the 2007 Site Improvement Grant program. The final column projects the level of private sector investment in the area stimulated by the grant program (grants which indicate that the actual project cost and actual grant awarded are "PENDING" indicate that the project has not yet been completed). The table below is a summary of the disposition of all Site Impmvement Grants awarded in 2007. ACTUAL P R(\.1 [Cl' ~ 0 GRANT TYPE PROJECT COST OBLIGATION ACTUAL GRANT ACPLtC.ANT NUMBER ESTIMATE PROJECT COST CONTRiBUTION TO AWARDED rF~;)Jrc, T 1 SIG 01/2007 CANCELLED NIA 2 SIG 02/2007 Commercial $52,150.00 $8,000.00 $60,123.25 $8,00000 $52,123.25 3 SIG 03/2007 Residential $19,685.00 $8,000.00 $17,075.37 $8,000.00 $9,075.37 4 SIG 04/2007 Residential $8.141.26 $4.070.63 PENDING PENDING $4,070.63 5 SIG OS/2007 Residential $14.110.00 $7,055.00 PENDING PENDING $7,055.00 6 SIG 06/2007 Commercial $13,390.50 $4,418.87 $13,768.00 $4,41887 $9,349.13 7 SIG 07/2007 Commercial $15,158.60 $7.579.30 $17,581.00 $7,579.30 $10,001.70 8 SIG 08/2007 Ct.\NGE.LLED N/A 9 SIG 09/2007 ReSidential $23,68400 $8,000.00 $15,248.00 $8,000.00 $7,248.00 10 SIG 10/2007 Residential $37,215.61 $8.000.00 PENDING PENDING $29,215.61 11 SIG 11/2007 ReSidential $16,32200 $8,00000 $16.322.00 $8.000.00 $8,322.00 12 SIG 12/2007 Residential $14,872.96 $743648 PENDING PENDING $7,436.48 13 SIG 13/2007 Residential $25,052.70 $8.00000 PENDING PENDING $17,052.70 14 SIG 14/2007 Commercial $25,871,40 $8,000,00 PENDING PENDING $17,871.40 ~ $3,818.60 $1,909.30 PENDING PENDING $1,909.30 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 08LlGA"ON ACTUAL PROJECT COST ACTUAL GRANT AWARDED TOTAL $269,472.63 $88,469.58 $140,117.62 $43,998.17 $180,730.57 Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 13 Agenda Item No. 16G1 March 11, 2008 Page 18 of 22 flNANCIAlS 2007 V?~ #O~ tIzt.. <ZJagAIwu. ,,~ ~~ CC7?f1 .3% .41% Tax Increment Revenue L p'dS $1,962,400.00 $1 335 000 00 33% Carry Forward $2,450,900.00 Miscellaneous Revenue $177,100.00 2007 8:.ptlllJā‚¬1J ;10~ th.E.- <ZJag!Jlwu. ,,~ liiw-zg~ CC7?f1 30/0 290/0 130/0 lax, 111LU.nlUlf, CRE.UUl1.t& jto/TL2000 - 2007 $2,500,000.00 L~__ II rl -- I f-- -~~ j--- L~-- ~ _ '___-+ _~ I __ _-+ 1,962,400.00 -~i- + -- -c-+ -$83t' ,000.0'Y'1~9'000.00 _-1-- - .o.olL -j_ : $44 ,100.00 , $250,600.00 $2,000,000.00 " " ~ $1,500,000.00 > " "" u- >= $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $- 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 - Tax Increment Revenue Tax Year Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 14 .t\.. .., ~;i" :' ~;"" . .,,,:,;...~,'J ~, , ~ - ~, , Agenda Item No. 16G1 March 11, 2008 Page 19 of 22 Miil Al If Ri, Cmlmull'ty Re,lt-vdopme"l Ag<my ilk pI'Ye ~7c.p1 home' I. .... ~" .,.~. 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"",' .."1::,::";,,,;::,; -'_';;;;-;'-'-:-'i;-' ':;,:J,;:;}l,':;'~,::-',r:;:";,_'::':':':;::"_,:,>,",,,::',-':.j:;,;i!'i.'., . ,_'T' ,., The Immokalee CRA was created in 2000 at the same time as the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency was established for East Naples. Thomas Greenwood, planner of the Comprehensive Planning Department, performed the function of the executive director for the ImmDkalee CRA until December 3, 2007 when the CRA and its Immokalee Advisory Board created the first Immokalee CRA office at 310 Alachua 5t. in Immokalee and hired ils first executive director and administrative assistant. MMi)I:(ALEE eRr'\. Community ~<!evdopmeotAgmc:y i~ pliJC~ loc;//~! ,.. .... ..,'".,.,', qtnmlJKAlU. flUe;,' 9'1@t.U. rp/.an, . ....,::iii:"... August of 2007, the Immokalee CRA submitted a revised Master Plan to the Collier County Comprehensive Planning Department for review. At the same time, the CRA Board procured the firms of Jacob Cater & Burgess, in partnership with the Guardian Community Resources, Inc., to address the planners' comments. This action placed the CRA in a position to "hit the ground running" as soon as the comments are delivered early in 2008. In anticipation of the development of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, a Capital Improvement Plan and a Transportation Plan to facilitate implementation of the updated Master Plan, the CRA Advisory Committee retained Jacob Carter & Burgess to facilitate a CRA Operational Workshop in Immokalee on December 19, 2007. The resultant Operational Plan will serve as direction for the new CRA staff and expedite the development of programs that address the goals of the Master Plan. rpE/J/Ju, .WfU1J:h, . ~.::r: ' r~".' lIo,.. .... ~. ~.,,:, ''''~'''' The CRAAdvisory Board recommended to the Collier County Board of County Commissioners and Conservation Collier that favorable consideration be given to the purchase of the 2,500-acre Pepper Ranch with frontage on Lake Trafford for conservation and mitigation purposes. This activity is in line with the Immokalee Master Plan's goal that calls for the CRA and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners to continue to plan for the protection, conservatiDn, and management of its natural resources. Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 16 Agenda Item No. 16G1 March 11, 2008 IMMOKAlrr DrvrlOPMrKt1S The CRA Board supported the designation of the parcels associated with the Carlisle Group Crestview I and II affordable housing developments within the Immokalee Enterprise Zone as a Brownfield Area. Brownfield sites are generally abandoned, idled, or under- '.' utilized commercial or industrial properties where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by actual or perceived environmental contamination. Designated Brownfields provide a variety of economic incentives, including: . $2,500 Job Bonus Refund for each new job created in a Brownfield Area by an eligible business . Voluntary cleanup tax credits Cleanup liability protection Low-interest loans for assessment and cleanup Sales tax exemption on building materials State loan guarantees . . . . Because the costs associated with the development and management of affordable housing is forever increasing, particularly in today's housing market. Incentives such as the sales tax refund provide important assistance to sustain and facilitate the continued provision of affordable housing. During 2008, the CRA is pursuing a Brownfield designation for the entire lmmokalee Enterprise Zone # 1101. CUli:U, tJf' ~ 0 :8 Tho 'mmoko'ee eRA olloco'e" $250,000 ie TIF "mct> to o"i" with 'he ,,' ,~, ". / '. establishment of a Florida State University (FSU) School of Medicine rural health training center in Immokalee. Much of the cost of the $1.5 million project was borne . by FSU and private donors. TIF funds were used to support the upgrade and improvements on the Isabel Collier Read Medical Campus Building located on Heritage Boulevard in Immokalee. The $4.5 million building was transferred to FSU from Naples Community Hospital. The purpose of the facility is to train healthcare professionals who will, in turn, provide medical services to the Immokalee Community. The facility opened in August of 2007. Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 17 Agenda Item No. 16G 1 March 11, 2008 Page 22 of 22 FINANtlAlS 2007 <7?~ tot t/u.. Qmnwlcnv.6- C([(f/ .520/0 . 50/0 430/0 Carry Forward $972,300.00 Miscellaneous Revenue $84,500.00 2007 t!xpYl!Jt1. tot t/u., qflllJU)/a;/~~_ C<7?-fl 00 _880/0 lax qlU:Umuzi; <7?W8UI.b jwm. 2005-2007 $900,000.00 $800,000.00 $700,000.00 $600,000.00 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $300,000.00 $200,000.00 $100,000.00 $- C I -r-----..-.--.,. , , +===- .. 53,:00.00 .. 1.-,40();~__~ E==....._~...=.-=~ - ---- I ::Ji800.00 --.- Tax Increment Revenue --i 2005 2006 2007 Collier County CRA 2007 Annual Report 18