Agenda 03/11/2008 Item #16B 6 Agenda Item No. 1666 March 11, 2008 Page 1 of 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a change order in the amount of $31,250.00 to Qnality Euterprises USA, Inc. amending the St. Andrews Blvd. Interconnect Stormwater Improvements Project (Project No. 511401) construction contract. OBJECTIVE: To receive Board of County Commissioners' approval of a change order amending Bid No, 07-4178 with Quality Enterprises USA, Inc, adding additional construction services for the St. Andrews Blvd. Interconnect Storm water Improvements Project. CONSIDER-\TIONS: The St. Andrews Blvd, Interconnect Stonnwater Improvements Project consists of the replacement of an existing deteriorated roadway culvert, headwalls, sidewalls and roadside storm drain. The collapsed dual 30" culverts will be replaced with dual 36" roadway culverts and the existing concrete headwalls will be replaced with FDOT standard railing. The catch basin will be replaced, a new catch basin added at the south side, and 111e existing pavemcnt repaired. The mentioned culverts are positioned underneath St. Andrews Bouleveard, located in the Lely Country Club Tanglewood, in Section 20, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, in Collier County, Florida. Additional work, due to unforeseen conditions, is cWTently necessary in order to relocate a deteriorating wastewater pipe, which is in direct conflict with the proposed stormwater drainage system. It is necessary to rclocate the mentioned wastewater pipe in order to maintain the hydraulic now line required for positive st0n11water conveyance while adhering to current Florida State Statutes regulating construction of new and rehabilitated public water distribution systems, Since the unforeseen condition was identified several weeks ago, value engineering has been completed reducing the cost of the change order work by $16,125. This additional work exceeds the ten percent contingency amount Oliginally anticipated and included in the project budget. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding in the amount of $15,253.34 is available in Fund 325, Project No. 511401, St. Andrews Blvd. Interconnect Stormwater Improvements. A budget amendment is needed to transfer $22,246.66 from Project No. 511411, Fund 325, Countywide Stormwater Conveyance, to cover the total change order amount plus a 20% contingency. The source of funding is ad valorem taxes. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The St. Andrews Blvd. Interconnect Stormwater Improvements Project is in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Drainage Sub-element of the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: (I) Approve Change Order Number I for the St. Andrews Blvd, Interconnect Stoffilwater Improvements Project; (2) Direct the Board Chairman to execute the Change Order on the Board's behalf; and (3) Approve the necessary budget amendment. - Prepared by: Gianfranco Nicolaci. Project Manager, Transportation Services Division, Stonnwater Management Department. Attachments: (I) Change Order; (2) Contractor's Proposal (3) Contract Modification Checklist Fonn Page I of 2 Agenda Item No. 1666 March 11, 2008 Page 2 of 8 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Meeting Date: 16B6 Recommendation to approve a change order in the amount of $31 ,250.00 to Quality Enterprises USA, Inc. amending the St. Andrews Blvd. Interconnect Stormwater Improvements Project (Project No 511401) construction contract. 3/11/2008 90000 AM Item Number: Item Summary: Prepared By Gianfranco Nicolaci Project Manager Date Transportation Services Stormwater Management 2/22120083:09:48 PM Approved By Caroline Soto Administrative Assistant Date Transportation Services Transportation Engineering and Construction 2/22/20083:58 PM Approved By Gerald Kurtz Senior Engineer Date Transportation Services Stormwater Management 2/2512008 2:58 PM Approved By Rhonda Rembert Contract Specialist Date Administrative Services Purchasing 2125/20084:09 PM Approved By Steve Carnell Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Administrative Services Purchasing 2125120085:04 PM Approved By Sharon Newman Accounting Supervisor Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 2i27/2008 3:42 PM Approved By John Vliet Roads Maintenance Superintendant Date Transportation Services Road Maintenance 2/28/20089:01 AM Approved By Najeh Ahmad Director Date Transportation Services Transportation Engineering & Construction Management 2/28/2008 1 :28 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Ex:ecutive Secretary Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 2/2B/2008 1 :41 PM file://C:\Al!endaTest\Export\1 02-March%201 1.%202008\16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA\I... 3/5/2008 Page 2 of2 J\genda Item NO.1 5a6 [,1arch 11, 2008 Page 3 of 8 Approved By OMS Coordinator Applications Anal~'st Date Administrative Services Information Technology 2/29/2008 7:.31 AM Approved By Susan Usher Senior Management/Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 3/1/20085,36 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 3/4/2008 5,50 PM file://C:IAgelldaTestIExDortl I 02-March%2011.%2020081 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA 11... 3/5/2008 I Agenda Item ~Jo. 16B6 March 11, 2008 CHANGE ORDER Page 4 of 8 CHANGE ORDER NO. CONTRACT NO. 07-4]78 BCC Date: 09/25/2007 Agenda Item: 16B TO: Paul J, Moriartv, Vice-President Qualitv Enterprises USA Inc 3894 Mannix Drive No. 216 Naples, FL 34114 DATE: Januarv 30, 2008 PROJECT NAME: SI. Andrews Blvd, Interconnect Stormwater Improvements Proiect PROJECT NO.: 511401 Under our AGREEMENT dated October 12 ,2007, You hereby are authorized and directed to make the following change(s) in accordance with terms and conditions of the Agreement: An additional $31,250,00 is necessary in order to resolve a utility conflict and additional restoration work, not projected in the original scope. FOR THE (Additive) Sum of: thirty one thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars ($ 31.250.00 ). Original Agreement ,D,mount $ 175.468.75 Sum of Previous Changes $ 000 This C!",ange Order (Add) $ 31.250.00 Present Agreement Amount $ 206.718.75 The time for completion shall be increased by 117 calendar days due to this Change Order. Accordingly, the Contract Time is now one hundred and seventeen (-11LJ calendar days, The final completion date is April 30, 2008 Your acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in our Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated in this acceptance, The adjustment, If any, to the Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor arising out of or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs Accepted: ::2/.".),.1/ / ,2008 OWNER: CONTRACTOR: Quality Enterprises USA, Inc. Paul BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COL!:.LE,:R COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ;L _~===-- BY:~~ 'l3ianfranco Nicolacl, Project Manager By: By: John Vliet, Director By: Norman Feder, AICP, Administrator Re\ iscd 2/24/2005 FW: St. Andrews Revised Change Order Proposal for Forcemain Deflection Agenda :t'F'?i\,'IJ} c~ fv1arci'r'f f, 2uCiiJ Page 5 of 8 GianfrancoNicolaci From: Sent: To: Lou Gaudio [Igaudio@qe-usa,com] Thursday, February 21, 2008 9:23 AM GianfrancoNicolaci Subject: FW: St. Andrews Revised Change Order Proposal for Forcemain Deflection Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red Gianfranco, I forgot to add mob and demob on the change order, could you please add $1500.00 to make the grand total $31,250.00 Thanks Lou Gaudio Project Manaper Quality Enterprises USA, Inc, 3894 Mannix Drive, Suite 216 Naples, Florida 34114-5406 phone 239-435-7200 fax 239-435-7202 From: Lou Gaudio Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 10:28 AM To: JerrvKurtz(Q)collieroov.net Ce: GianfrancoNicolaci; prince_v; 'David Schmitt' Subject: St. Andrews Revised Change Order Proposal for Forcemain Defiection Jerry, We have revised the change order for the forcemain deflection on St. Andrews Blvd to reflect the new work that will be required. Please see below, Cost for deflection - $10,000,00 Removal of Existing FM - $1 ,500,00 Concrete thrust blocks - $1,250,00 Pump Trucks (2 each) - $7,500,00 ARV - $3,250.00 Additional MOT rental - $1 ,500,00 Handrail on east side and concrete arched slab - $3,500,00 Removal of asphalt installed by County - $1 ,250,00 (This may not be required) 2/22/2008 FW: St. Andrews Revised Change Order Proposal for Forcemain Deflection Grand total - $29,750.00 Lou Gaudio Project Manager Quality Enterprises USA, tnc, 3894 Mannix Drive, Suite 216 Naples, Florida 34114-5406 phone 239-435-7200 fax 239-435-7202 2/22/2008 Agenda Itr,;ro,.,/)jO) )"i/i313 MarC'il'~ f, 2'odE Page 6 of 8 CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM )'..~!enda Item f\lo. i 686 March 11, 2003 Page 7 of 8 PROJECT NAME: St. Andrews Blvd. Interconnect Stormwater Improvements Proiect PROJECT #: 511401 1 PO#: 4500087872 WORK ORDER #: N/A BID/RFP #: 07-4178 MOD #: DEPARTMENT: Stormwater Original Contract Amount: $ 175,468.75 (Starling Point) Cnrrent BCC Approved Amount: $ 175.468.75 (Last Total Amount Appro\'t'o by tht' Bee) Current Contract Amount: $ 175.468.75 OncluJing /\11 Changes Prior To This I'vlouification) Change Amount: $ 31.250.00 Revised ContractlWork Order Amount: $ 206,718.75 {Including This Change Ordl.'r) Cumulative Dollar Value of Changes to this Contrad/\Vork Order: $ 31.250.00 Agenda Item # 16B Date of Last BCC Approval 09/25/2007 Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount 17.81 % Formula (Current Amount 1 Last BCC approved amount)-1 Results and ActiDns: If the change exceeds 10% BCC approval is required; under 10% reported tD BCC Dn Purchasing report. FDr specific information regarding work Drder thresholds, please refer to the PrDcurement Administration Procedures, SectiDn IV.3,d CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (5) ORIGINAL: January 4, 200B CURRENT: April 30, 2008 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Identify the changes. An additiDnal $31.250,00 is necessarv in Drder to resDlve a utility conflict. and additiDnal restDratiDn wDrk not proiected in the oriqinal scope, JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? The additiDnal $31250.00 will help address the utility conflicts that will allow us tD maintain the hydraulic flow line required for PDsitive stDrmwater CDnveyance PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Other proiect manaqers, immediate supervisDr, Quality Enterprises USA, Inc" Enqineerinq cDnsultant. Wastewater Department IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, N or N/A) :LProposed change is consistent With the sCDpe of the existing agreement :LProposed change is in fact an additiDn or deletion tD the existing scope :L Change is being implemented in a manner consistent with the eXisting agreement :L The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change :LPropDsed prices, fees and costs set fDrth in the change are reasonable PROJECT MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: ~7 APPROVED Bf _--::: /~. .. -"' , GI, franco NiCOi7yi I ) .' I -r- REVIEWED BY.; II.. / / .I I ,)v\.L4 .)/1 /I .contr IFl SpecialiSt/, (j I Revised lOiS/OS' tlOGt:A Lli\~IY\l>'\.jS ----.gal!': February 22, 2008 1m Date: ( <r> oJ >I< coC ~ '07 Z o:J~ ;=J Q),....J '.:) g>.:! o....'~ " '...! - ~ ,~ ...., Q-. ....l~ -l '-J ~ ..-: '---j "-' ~ E ~ <1l " C <D OJ <J: :Ii -,/ - ~ ~ . , - ...... .;;; ;;; ..:; ...... 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