Agenda 04/08/2008 Item #16E 1 Agenda Item No. 16E 1 April 8, 2008 Page 1 of 14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve change order No.2 to work order No. PBS-FT -3971- 07-16 with Professional Building Systems (PBS) for the Primary Data Center project OBJECTIVE: To increase the scope of worK under WorK Order PBS-FT-3971-07-16 with Professional Building Systems (PBS) for the Primary Data Center project, in accordance with contract 06-3971, Annual Contract for General Contractor Services. CONSIDERATIONS: On August 14, 2007, Agenda Item 16F1, the Board of County Commissioners approved WorK Order PBS-FT-3971-07-16 with Professional Building Systems (PBS) for a Primary Data Center project. Unanticipated changes to the fire suppression system design require a change in the original scope of worK. In order to complete construction, changes were made to the fire suppression system design and added in Change Order No.2, which is attached and itemizes the changes required. Total previous change orders to date totaled $14,245. Change Order NO.2 brings the total change order amount to $20,028 which exceeds the original WorK Order amount, $179,484.00 by 11.17 %. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of Change Order NO.2 is $5,762,70 and funding is available in the Fire Suppression of Data Center project 500361 in the County Wide Capital Projects fund (301). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Approves Change Order NO.2 to PBS-FT-3971-07-16 with Professional Building Systems 2. Authorizes the Chairman to execute the Change Order Prepared by: E. Michael Berrios, IT Operations Manager, Information Technology Department Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 16E1 April 8, 2008 Page 2 of 14 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16E1 Meeting Date: Recommendation to approve change order No.2 to work order No. PBS-FT-3971-07-16 with Professional Building Systems (PBS) for the Primary Data Center project ($5,762.70) 4/6/200890000 AM Prepared By Michael Berrios Network Operations Manager Date Administrative Services Information Technology 3/13/2008 1 :24:59 PM Approved By Barry Axelrod Information Technology Director Date Administrative Services Information Technology 3/12/20085:14 PM A pproved By Kelsey Ward Contract Administration Manager Date Administrative Services Purchasing 3/26/20084:08 PM Approved By Kelsey Ward Contract Administration Manager Date Administrative Services Purchasing 3/26/20084:08 PM Approved By Len Golden Price Administrative Services Administrator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 3/27/20084:02 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Applications Analyst Date Administrative Services Information Technology 3/28/20087:47 AM Approved By Susan Usher Senior Management/Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 3/28/200811:11 AM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 3/29/20089:16 AM file://C:\AgendaTest\Exoort\ 1 04-Aoril%208.%202008\16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 16... 4/2/2008 (i) Agenda item No. 16E 1 April 8, 2008 Page 3 of 14 Facilities Manal!ement Deoartment WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE PROJECT NAME: Primary Data Center CHANGE #3 DATE OF ISSUANCE: 3/13/08 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/13/08 OWNER: Collier County Board of Commissioners PROJECT#: 500511 CONTRACTOR: PBS ENGINEER: Victor Latavish A.LA You are directed to proceed promptly with the following change(s): Description: Additional Dry Fire Suppression for APC Cabinet Purpose of Work Directive Change: Due of the configuration and the amount of cabinets proposed by IT, The Fire Suppression system will need to be modified to cover all the racks and computer hardware, Attachments: Change order request forms from contractor, memo from Design Professional. If a claim is made that the above change(s) have affected Contract Price or Contract Times any claim for a Change Order based thereon will involve one or more of the following methods of determining the effect of the changes(s). Method of determining change in Contract Price: o Unit Prices l8"Lump Sum o Other: Method of determining change in Contract Times: ~Contractor's records o Engineer's record o Other By: By: ---- Estimated increase (decrease) in Contract Price $ 5,783.00 ACCEPTED: ent 03113/08 8:27 AM MRR-11-2008 12:12 From: VICTOR LATRVISH RIR 2356436192 . - To:2397933795 Agenda Itell'l.IlJ0416E1 April 8, 2008 Page 4 of 14 Victor J. latavish, AlA Architect FAX MEMORANDUM Date: MilICh 11,2008 Collier County Facilities Management Robert Fuentes, Project Manager Victor J. Latavish, AlA ~ 441 Building F Primary Data Center Fire Suppression To: Attn: From: Project: Re: The contractor has proposed a change order to add clOllll agent fire suppression system detection devices and a nozzle to provide required coverage within the hot air containment aisle between the APe racks. We believe the work is necessary and should be included a change order. Until then we recommend approval by Work Directive. Please note the lid over the center aisle was not discussed during coordination with APC and may also affect operation of the backup HV AC units. We will confirm if additional changes are needed. Feel free to call if you have any questions, or if additional information is needed. cc: Steven Stafford, PE Mtmber of the: Amttican In$titute of mtlitttu AR. 11942 +100 Corporate Square, Suite cOO, Naplef. Flodclt HI(l.+ Ttlephcne Z'9.6..,.t66S 'rclefacsirnik 2.J9,64,.6I'9:t MRR-11-2008 12:12 From:UICTOR LATAUISH AlA 03/87/2888 16:21 2396434293 2355435192 To: 2397933795 PROF~SSIONAL BLDG SV Agenda Ite!;'\, SO'! 16E 1 PA-~pr~p', 2008 '1>ag'8 5 of 14 Change Order ReqUest' Detailed (With e",.kdown of FOCO.), Grouped by EaCl1 Number ProJeG\. 27553 Tel: f.l'lO pl'Ofl!!ssianal DuQding SyMtm'IS Collier County p""'.ry Dolo CenlM 3301 e. Tambml irlil E.c!;l Napls&, Fl M1 1~ Bulld;na 'F Chango 0_' RequOS!: 005 Dote, 212512008 To: V1CtOrl..atavi$~ VIctor J. Latavtsh, A.IA "100 Corporate Square Suite 100 NI"Ie,,- A 34104 Prom: et.phl!;n .,I1g(~el'\ ProfQUiOMI Bulldina SySI8l'l'\a 4395 CO~Of'llle SQUillre I'\ilClp!ft, FI 34104 Description Aclditbnal Dry Fire SlJpprassioo for 'S:nclosed APC SeNGl' Cabinet Category $IIlM P2nding Reference R@qUi"'d!ly 3/1. 012008 Days Req 30 AIIlt Rill 5,783 Notes PCO No Cate Reference AlI.t ~rop Cays Req Category Re"",," D..........:...t1Vt, N....tBlIt oo~ :lI3I1OO8 5,7&3 so enlnge Order Field Ccnc:J1tion Additional Dry Fire $up;)ft5$lon for APe Cebit'let 1, A4d one ;dditional nozzte to tne lntetior (If the enclosed ""'0 server cabinet. lnoree$t tank =~Q te accommodate I1lghl!/' flow cak8. 2. Add two smOKe detectorr. to t~ interior of the ttnetosed A~ alDrver cubinet a. Revise pllns and 9ubo'lit CI ~~iDn with CQlller County. Item No 00' 002 003 Item DMCripdOft Ory Fin! Sprinkler Projed; ~:lnagement Buikle", ~Qe Amt Prop Reference 5.057 200 52tl Approved By: Signature Name Cate Printed on: 315r.moe prOlog e, Projects Page 1 Prolog M.,.gC,. - MRR-11-2008 12:12 ~rom:VICTDR LATAVISH AlA 63/67/2888 16:21 2396434293 2366436192 To: 2397933795 PRlJFE55IONAL BLDG 51' Agenda Itell'.t30416E1 PA~~pril 8, 2008 -r-agl!16 of 14 ..,_.. . - - - ' - - -.'" FlagshilfFire;-Inc~---- "A SDecialtY 511:;:- e.yion and ~n Company" _ ::. . ...~.. I'lt: MS,,732,0181 PH' P41-713.1UV us,~ ii:w.,UIlftG, .lll.u""" fl._ Monday, February 25, ZOOfl Mr. ate". Jonlall PrcfeS8ional Building Systems Inc 4395 COrporate 6qua'" Nllples, f'L 34104 REI COllier COUnty Prl_ry Data center ReqUl!$t fftr Chanae #1 Dear Sieve: Based on Rob Hanington's meeting with you and till! engineer last week, it has been determined ttm additional deledIon and suppression naeds to be added to the ~m to protect the APe Hot isle containment system design, This unit beCOmea an obstl\lction to the oP'i'ratiOn of the fire suppression syatem based on its length ll!1d width, Although \I1e Clean agent is a 3 dimensional suppressant, I cannot gUBl'llntee the dean agent wilt SUppr8SS the fire inside the cabinet with!" the 7 to 10 QEOCOndlO as ~quired by lI1e manufacturers c1esign criteria without an addItional nOzzle. ,TrIa delection is ~190 oD&trucled and subsequently could cau&e a delay in lt1e de1ection process: ThiS IS Why we are requiring the addition of two smoke detecto Ins.de the APe unit. Our request ror eIIllnge is as follows: rs AIIlI_ far Chanae #11 For the total ft" FIre, Inc, intends 10 ' n ,l",ce of 55.057.00 Flagship smoke detecto~ at ~ I=:~~;~:l~~ ~np~ eert,ify the addition of 2 Increase \he tank size to ace ad uOII, add 1 nozzle and "ddllional nozzle, We also intenr;n: ~~ ~ flow calculatlons for the 10 the, county for approval. The s m mmit ,the ~re protection draWings and IFlStaNed in accordange :::: NF~dlflcatiOna shall be designed recommendations. This WOrk wnr not beg" PI "anel the manufadurer'a our at'fice, ,n una a letter or PO Is sent 10 Once this change l1as been acce unit and the actual heigm Of tIl~ I~ ':1 need a cad drawing of the APe agent reQuil'l!d. un calculate tIlII Quantity Of clean ..... MRR-11-2008 12:12 From:VICTOR LRTRVISH RIR 2366436192 To: 2397933795 e31e7/2008 15:21 2396434293 PROFE55[G,AL SLDG SY Agenda 11273 tJl9'l16E1 Aprll'8, 2008 PA~gej' of 14 Mr. steve Jordan ProfellSional Building Systems Inc Monday, February 25, 2008 Page #: 3 Payment terms: liS stated in original proposal E_ptIons : as stated in original proposal Qualifications: as stated in original proposal Your immediate attention to thilo issue would be appreciated. Thank you for your continued Interest in Flagship Fire, Inc. Please feet free to call should you require any aClCliUOnal infonnation, Sincerely, Flagship Fire, Inc. ~!c~a~I./j., ~:~ AJ.J,.J~d:l. ...,w.--.<:=u' 11 r~lal t. Dlnt;2OIaQUS01:3B:ll..oS'OO. Michael Angstadt President /.(f ad'ir~~~Y1~~/ CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM . lAgei!3~..16E1 72 '-Apm-t( 2008 Page 8 of 14 PROJECT NAME: Primary Data Center PROJECT #:50051-1 PROJECT MANAGER: Robert Fuentes BID/RFP #: 06.3971 MOD #: l. PO#: 45-00083403 WORK ORDER II: PBS-FT-3971-07-16 DEPARTMENT: Infonnation Technoloales CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Professional Buildina SYStems Original Contract Amount: $ 179,484.00 (Starting Point) $ 179,484,00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCe) Current BCC Approved Amount: Current Contract Amount $ 193.729.00 (including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Change Amount: Revised ConlracllWork Order Amount: $ $ ",783.09 S-'7/:';(. ;70 i]9/Q 70 199. (Including This Change Order) Cumulative Dollar Value of Changes to This ConlracllWork Order: $ o0'11() 20,lI2&:9&- Date of Last BCC Approval 8/14/07 Agenda Item # 16F 1 5" 11.1'% Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCe approved amount}-1 CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): ORIGINAL: January 3. 2008 CURRENT: ADril 30, 2008 Describe the change(s): The additional Fire Suppression for the Server Racks and HVAC Linear systems are required by Fire Code due to the configuration of the equipment. Specify the reasons for the change(s) r 1. Planned or Elective r 2. Unforeseen Conditions n 3. Quantity Adjustments - 4. Correction of Errors (Plans, Specifications or Scope of Workl. 5. Value Added r 6. Schedule Adjustments Note: One or more may be checked, depending on the nature of the change(s). Identify all negative impacts to the project if this change order were not processed: These changes are necessary due to Fire Code \/Iolatlons In the space and to accommodate new servers been purchase by the IT Dept . Thit,cnange was requested by: -Icontractor/Consultant rI Owner IIIiI Using Department C CDES rDesign Professional rlRegulatory Agency (Specify) ENFD r Other (Specify) REVIEWED BY: r Ves II" No Date: .3 pi ~/;l 'I/o%' Date: Revised 11.19.2007 ;'.genda item No. 16E 1 'April 3, 2008 Page 9 of 14 CHANGE ORDER CHANGE ORDER NO.2 CONTRACT NO.06-3971 BCC Date: 8/1412007 Agenda Item: 16F 1 TO: Stephen Jordan Professional Buildina Svstems 4395 Coroorate Sauare Naples, FI 34104 DATE: March 17 2008 PROJECT NAME: Primary Data Center PROJECT NO: 500511 Under our AGREEMENT dated August 21, 2007. You hereby are authorized and directed to make the following change(s) in accordance with terms and conditions of the Agreement: 1) Install additional Dry Fire Suppression system for the APC Sever and HVAC Cabinets, J /J/J . ~ - ~rl~d.14 FOR THE (Additive) (Deductive) Sum of: Five Thousand Seven Hundred 9~R d re, 55,78300 S'160<,70 Q/Y\t5Z 4~>1tr ae~ &J 3': 1/- tl f Present Agreement Amount $ 179.484.00 $ 14.245,00 $5783.90 S7b,l. '70 $ 199,tJ.i6tliJ Original Agreement Amount Sum of Previous Changes This Change Order (Add) (Dadwd) The time for completion shall remain the same. Your acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and cond~ions as contained in our Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor arising out of or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs. AccePted:~, 2008 CONTRACTOR: Professional Building Systems B: Robert Fuentes, proj ct Manager (i) Agenda Item No. 16E1 April 8, 2008 Page 10 of 14 Facilities Manaeement Department WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE PROJECT NAME: Primary Data Center DATE OF ISSUANCE: 3/13/08 OWNER: CoUier County Board of Commissioners CONTRACTOR: PBS CHANGE # 3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/13/08 PROJECT#: 500511 ENGINEER: Victor Latavish AJ.A . You are directed to proceed promptly witb tbe following cbange(s): Description: Additional Dry Fire Suppression for APC Cabinet. Purpose of Work Directive Change: Due of the configuration and the amount of cabinets proposed by IT, The Fire Suppression system will need to be modified to cover all the racks and computer hardware. Attachments: Change order request forms from contractor, memo from Design Professional. If a claim is made that the above change( s) have affected Contract Price or Contracc Times any claim for a Change Order based thereon will involve one or more of the following methods of determining the effect of the changes(s). Method of determining change in Contract Price: o Unit Prices ~LwnpSwn o Other: Estimated increase (decrease) in Contract Price SS,i'iJ.ll&- .5;76J--1IJ JJ,-v>> tj~Or ACCEPTIO>. ~ 3-) By: , ~ UI Method of determining change in Contract Times: ~Contractor's records o Engineer's record o Other By: --- ent 03113/08 8:27 AM 1111 . ~-11-20B8 12:12 From:VICTOR LATAVISH AlA 2366436192 To: 239?933795 BlfB7I2BB9 16'21 2a964~429~ f'I<U''"''''t~ IUJG SY Agenda ilem No. 16E 1 April 8, 2008 Page 11 of 14 P.2'4 PAGE 61 Change Order Request I oetaftod tovIth ~"Iulown of PCOI). Graulle<ll>)' EaCII Number COIl... Cggnly """'"'" _ Ce... m1 E. T_ T<tO Eat ...,....F\.M1~2 ItJttclInaF ___ Z75U T.I: PP;, f". . r .... ~lnlJ a,.ttwnl c_o_......-.. .... "..., 212&12001 To: VQair L..-tlftf\ VIdDr 01. 1.aarMh. .o\IA C1QD corporate Squtrt: Bu" 1DV N....L FI 31104 Prom: OWpMn"ord,,, ~1.utldinQ 9yttllll"/W, a95 COrponltlt ScaJMW ....... FI 3410& D..cripdon .*Il:kimnal Ofy FiN 9-.JpP.R1I*tWEMll... APC s.rv- c..binet CotegOfy ....... Pand'" -- ",""U1rvdllY 3J1t)1Z;OI)t Days _ "" -Reel "k~.70 HolM !'CO 110 llato ReI_ ..... ....p g_ J\oq Cootogory - e "'11_.. N_b.. DOC "'!fiOO8 ACIdllJONll Dry 1'1/8 $uppTeMlon fOr....~ cabIroet 5.783 30 Q'lIT'lg!Ordel" Fttlll Coramon 1. Add ono &ctdllionlll ntm:.te 10 tht 1nWIortlft"- wncfOted NI>O ..Nltr ~bInet. Inoru.. t.-.Il: ~ teI:1toommoc"a I'IIglw I'tCW Gaka. 2. Add Iwo amolt;. .h!ct~ to \he In'-rig.r rIf IhI ..etoMd A-c HF'llW tlIiIblMl, a. ArIiM p&.ftI. Mlf tubcTlit I ,..mion wIl;h Cgl_r COr.6\l)", _Ne 00' 002 0C3 ......~0fI 0'1'''' S_ ptOjo<<Mo.......'_. BuitW& F.. AmtPl'Op~ce 4.057 200 __ 50." 7IJ S1t:,;(.70 ./.1-. .,J ~"J If -ott J Ap...- By: SigMtul"8 - lleIt -- Prlnhd 0"; 3I'5J2QD8 PT'OIOg es P~C:ta ~... , Agenda 11em I~o. 16E 1 April 8, 2008 Page 12 of 14 1'JR-11-2008 12: 12 F.om:VICTI:R LRTAVISH RIR 2366436192 To: 23'37933795 P.l....4 . Victor J. Latavish, AlA Architect FAX MEMORANDUM Dale: March 11, 2008 To: Collier County Facilities Management Attn: Robert Fuentes, Proj""t Manager From: Victor J. Latavish, AJA lIl1 Project: 441 Building F Primary Data Center Re: Fire Suppression The contractor has proposed a cbaDge order 10 add clc:en agent fire suppression s)'!!em. detection devices and a nozzle to provide required coverage within tho hot oil containment aisle betWeen the APe racks. We believe me wodc is necessary and should be included a change order. Until then we m:ommend approval by Work Directive. Pl..... note the lid over the center Risle WIlS not discussed during coordination with APC and may also affect opendionoftbe backup HVAC units. We will confirm ifaddltioual changes are needed. Feci fiw to c:all if you haY<: aoy questions, or if additionol inil>llIIlItion is needed. c:c: Steven Stafford, PE /""" MaaIItt of die Amftian hDtilule of ~ AR. 1194$ +lOOC6fPO"lUSquarc.SWtc1oo.NapIcI.F1otid.a '410+ TdcpMor; :',IljI.6+J.l66S icler.nuN. :.".",.61': Agenda 11em N",-1-6E-1- April 8. 2008 Page 13 of 14 MAR-11-20BB 12:12 F.om=VICTI:R LATRVISH ~I~ B3/B7/2eBB 16:21 ~39G.3.29] To: 2397933795 PRCFESSIIJNIlL llUlG SV 2366436192 P.3"4 PAtE 82 FlagshrpFire;-IIiC~----. _.. Sa ~ SU~ -....., and ~~:: eonaDllllY" l'XI-.-...A "" t&1-1%J." _ - 17"': 111. lid &,.' d MondaY. Feb1II8IY 25, :zooe .- --.---.. Mr. _ JClld.. 1', ~le "lIonal BuIlding SlsI'lms loe ~! CorpOllIllt Sque.... H.......I'L 34104 0: CClIIMr (;DUnty l'rln*'I DIlI8 01'" II . .r....a.......#l Delr SlIIVe: Baeed on Rob NontT1JtO"'l rnd1lo 19 .nth you and llle engineer last _k, It hlilll beeR de\ermil'*f !hlIt llddItiOnIIl duteallan and MJPIlI8SSion nMda to be lidded to the ..,-em to pruta<t "'e p.pe Hot isle CD,llloi,.,..nl sys1llm deSIlln. Thla unit IHo<lOmes an obStruction to lII8 operatIOn ~ tIIa file suppreuion system blIsed on \l>> Ioongth gnd w\dttI. AlthOUgh tha Clean agent is a 3 dlmell18ionlll soppresaant, I ClInnot g.."'_ lII8 c1e1lll agent will supp..... the fire inaide the Cllbinel "'""In lII8 7 to 10 8eCOnCls ... J1OClU\r1Kl by "'" manuf8ClUI'Bn> design crl1leIIa wt\hOUt IIIl IICId1tIonol nOZZle. The deb!etlan i. alac Clb&Iruclled end subsequentty could causa a oetay In !he deIeclion procell. illlS il why _ _ requlll~ 1Ile addition of two smoke delelllOnt ...Ide "'" APe unIl. Our request lllr ehanga Ia Il$ follllw!!: _ - liar Che.- .1. For \he total ......... PI...., IDC. inbonda tQ ledesIgn 1nsIa1l- of ~..lI5,.1IO Flagolllp ~moke detlIao.. allhll eefllnS .::~~ ~ ~~ ~It. the allditiOn 01 2 Increase the tank &izu lD acalm un add 1 noZ2lA and additional nozzle. Wa allo fnlend:=': tow calculaUons for the III the COlInly fOr approval. T'hol syatem ~~~-!_OflllnlvltngS and Installed in aecordllnae wl1t1 ,,-".......... snerl be deelgnad recom,"","d8llon.. 'ThIs WOrk Wftl not ~PA and the mamA'1lClurers our olIIce. ......n until " letter or PO Is eenllO Once thIS Change nas llee unit end lhe _ he' n ao:eplad I will nead " cad draw; agent requinod. IglII Of IIle unn to calculate "'a qU~:- ~ I Myeflud Ilelll I\lU. I oc. I April 8. 2008 Page 14 of 1 MAR-ll-20BB 12:12 F.om:VICTOR LRTRVISH RIR 2366436192 To: 2397933795 ~~/U7/2B8B 16:21 2396434293 PROFESSIONAL BUDG SV P.4'4 PMIO: B3 Mr. steve Jord8n P, ...b.4ona1 BuIIdi~ SY$lIIma Inc Monday, FebnIlIIy 25, 2008 ..... IJI .1 ....#1...4 W1nI: as sta1ed in original pl'OpCl881 ....pa_ I .. aIIIled In original prop<l8IiII QUllIin...1lI,,1E 8. stat8cI in original pl'OpOSllf Y_ im",..cbl8 ..-n to 'da iseue would ~ ap~.ed. Thank you for your continuecl ~ In l'1agshlp I"lre, IMe. Please feel free to 08n should you Illquire any adlliliOna. hftl~. Sincerely, Flagship Fire, Inc:. ~!~ha~l/i.',"~, A~~' .....,_n_ Mll;i1Hl Angatldl PrMiclent