Agenda 04/08/2008 Item # 8C Agenda Item No, 8e April 8, 2008 Page 1 of 33 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Public Hearing for Petition CP-2006-1, a Growth Management Plan amendment to the Immokalee Area Master Plan and Future Land Use Map and Map Series (Transmittal Hearing) OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to review Petition CP-2006-1, Growth Management Plan (GMP) amendment to the Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) and consider approving said amendment for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. CONSIDERATIONS: o Chapter 163, F,S., provides for an amendment process for a local government's adopted Growth Management Plan. o The Petition is not part of the 2006 cycle GMP amendments, as it is being submitted under the State of Florida's Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern Designation (RACEC), The RACEC Designation aUows for the submittal of Growth Management Plan amendments without regard to the statutory limits on the frequency of adoption of amendments to the comprehensive plan, provided the proposed amendment meets the State's economic development objectives, o The Collier County Pianning Commission (CCPC), sitting as the "local planning agency" under Chapter 163.3174, F.S., held their Transmittal Hearing for this petition on March 24, 2008, o This Transmittal Hearing considers an amendment to the Immokalee Area Master Plan and Future Land Use Map and Map Series. Note: The Novus system does not contain the Growth Management Plan amendment application and support document due to its volume and oversized exhibits. The Executive Summary package, including aU support materials, is included in the binder provided to the BCC and is available for review in the Comprehensive Planning Department office, PROJECT SUMMARY: The subject property, containing 164.87.:t. acres, is zoned A-MHO, Rural Agricultural with Mobile Home Overlay; designated Urban (Mixed Use District, Low Residential Subdistrict) on the lAMP Future Land Use Map; located within the Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC) Designation and a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA); and, is physicaUy located on the east side of Immokalee Road (CR 846), approximately one-quarter mile south of Stockade Road, in Section 15, Township 47 South, Range 29 East. The petitioner is requesting approval for a new subdistrict, consisting of a maximum of 1,000,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area for Business Park zoning district uses; Industrial uses, select Agricultural uses; select uses from the General Commercial (C-4) and Heavy Commercial (C-5) zoning districts; and select uses aUowed within the General Office (C-1), Commercial Convenience (C-2), and Commercial Intermediate (C-3) zoning districts of the Land Development Code. Note: The Staff Report for the Collier County Planning Commission, dated March 24, 2008, contains the entire project scope as weU as staffs analysis and findings and conclusions. Staffs position with respect to certain findings and conclusions has not changed, as the petitioner did not Agenda Item No, 8e April 8, 2008 Page 2 of 33 provide adequate data and analysis to substantiate the need for certain uses and intensity of uses, as previously requested by staff, FISCAL IMPACT: There are no fiscal impacts to Collier County as a result of this amendment since final action is not being taken at this time (this amendment is not being considered for adoption at this hearing). If approved for transmittal, this amendment will subsequently be considered for adoption at hearings to be held later in 2008. The cost to process, review, advertise, etc. this private sector petition is borne by the petitioner via the application fee, LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This Executive Summary has been reviewed by the County Attomey's office. This Growth Management Plan amendment is authorized by, and is subject to the procedures established in, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, and by local Resolution #97-431, as amended. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Approval of this amendment by the Board of County Commissioners for Transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs will commence the Department's sixty-day (60) review process and ultimately return this amendment to the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners for final Adoption hearings to be held later in 2008. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Listed plant and/or animal species have been observed or are known to be on site. As part of the process of obtaining subsequent development orders, the site will be subject to all applicable local, state and federal environmental protection regulations, HISTORICAUARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: The subject site does not contain lands identified on the County's Historical/Archeological Probability Maps as being in an area of historical or archaeological probability. As part of the process of obtaining subsequent development orders, the site may be subject to another review for historical/archeological probability. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: The petition was not heard by the EAC. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the CCPC forward petition CP-2006-1 to the BCC with a recommendation to not transmit to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, unless found consistent with Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, subject to the following: (1) limit uses to those allowed in the Business Park Zoning District of the Land Development Code; (2) require applicant to provide community entry feature/sign with landscaping; and, (3) require the transition of uses from most intense to less intense adjacent to the rural agricultural lands. 2 Agenda Item No. Be April 8, 2008 Page 3 of 33 COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: That the BCC approve petition CP-2006-1 for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (vote: 7/0) subject to text revisions in Exhibit "A" and the following: (1) prohibit development of Automotive repair shops (Groups 7532-7539), Motor freight transportation and warehousing (Group 4225 - mini storage and self storage only), Lumber and other building materials dealers (Group 5211), and Motor vehicle dealers - used only (Group 5521) within 300 feet of Immokalee Road (CR. 846); and, (2) require applicant to define transportation mitigation strategies by Adoption hearings. Speakers: One person spoke. The individual was in favor of the proposed project (stated the community would benefit from the proposed development and that the project furthers the community's objective of becoming an industrial hub for the county). Note: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS WERE PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED TO THE BCC UNDER SEPARATE COVER. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WISHING TO VIEW THOSE DOCUMENTS MAY CONTACT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE. Prepared Bv: Michele Mosca, AICP, Principal Planner, Comprehensive Planning Department EX SUM Transmittal Petition CP.2006-1 G: Comprehenslve\Comp. Planning GMP DATA\Comp. Plan Amendments\2006 petitions mm/3-25-08 3 Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page] of2 Agenda Item No. Be April 8, 2008 Page 4 of 33 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 8e Public Hearing for Petition CP-2006-1, a Growth Management Plan amendment to the lmmokaree Area Master Plan and Future Land Use Map and Map Series (Transmittal Hearing) 4/8/2008 9:00:00 AM Prepared By Michele R. Mosca, AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Principal Planner, AICP Date Zoning & Land Development Review 3/26120089:57:01 AM Approved By Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 3126/200810:16 AM Approved By Randall J. Cohen Community Development & Environmental Services Comprehensive Planning Department Director Date Comprehensive Planning 3/2612008 10:44 AM Approved By Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. Date 3/26/20084:51 PM Approved By Marjorie M. Student-Stirling Assistant County Attorney Date Approved By County Attorney County Attorney Office 3/27/200811:08 AM David Weeks, Alep Community Development & Environmental Services Chief Planner Date Comprehensive Planning 3/27/200812:37 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Administrative Services Applications Analyst Date Information Technology 3/27/20082:32 PM Approved By Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 3/27120086:07 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\] 04-April%208, %202008\08. %20ADVER T1SED%20PUBLI Coo. 4/2/2008 Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No, 8e April 8, 2008 Page 5 of 33 Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 3/30/200812:03 PM fiIe://C:IAgendaTestIExportl I 04-April%208, %202008108. %20ADVER TISED%20PUBLIC... 4/2/2008 r Agenda Item No. 8e April 8. 200S Page 6 of 33 RESOLUTION NO. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN. ORDINANCE 89-05, AS AMENDED, SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE IMMOKALEE AREA MASTER PLAN AND THE IMMOKALEE AREA MASTER PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP AND MAP SERIES; AND FURTHERMORE RECOMMENDING TRANSMITTAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE F\.ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. WHEREAS, Collier County, pursuant to secUon 163.3161, ~ Rorida Statute., tile Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, was requited to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS. the Collier County Board of County Commissk:lners ;adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989; and WHEREAS. the Local G~mmenl Comprehensive Planning and land Developmen1 Reguiation Act of 1985 provides authority for local govemmen1s to amend their respecUve comprehensive plans and outlines certain procedures to amend adopted com prehensive plans pursuant to Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Fkmda Statutes; and WHEREAS, Collier County has prepared plan amendment to the following element of iU; Growth Management Plan: Imrnokaloo Area Master Plan, inc1uding tile Immokalee Area Master Plan Future L-and Use Map, and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission has considered the proposed amendment to the Growth Management Plan pursuant to the authority granted to it by Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes, and has recommended approval of said amendment to the Board of County CommissiOflQl"S; and WHEREAS, upon recsipt of Collier Counly's proposed Growth Management Plan amendment, various State agencies and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) have ninety (90) days to review the propo5ed ,elmendment and DCA must transmltl In writing, to Collier County, its. comments along with any objections ahd any recommendations for modffication,within said ninety (90) days pursuant to Section 163,3184, FIOl'ida Stalutes; and WHEREAS, Collier County, upon receipt of the VvTItten comments from DCA must adopt, adop1 with changes or not adopt the proposed Growth Management Plan amendmellt, within sixty (60) days, of such receipt pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the DCA, within forty-frve (45) days of receipt of Collier County's adopted Growth Management Plan amendment, must review and determine if the Plan amendment is in compliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Uind Development Act of Words underflned are additions; Words stA:lel( tI'lmbl~A. are deletions Agenda Item No. se April S, 2008 Page 7 of 33 1985; the State Comprehensive Plan; the appropriate Regional Polley Plan and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida StaMas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS10NERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. that The Board of County Commissioners hereby approves the proposed Growth Management Plan amendmen~ attached hereto as Exhibit A and Incorporated by reference herein, for the purpose of transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs hsreby Initiating the required State evaluation of the Growth Management Plan amendment. prior to final adoption and State determination of compliance with fhe Local Govemrnenl Comprel1eo~ive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 and Rule 9J5, Ronda Administrative Coda, Minimum Criteria for Review of local Govemrnenl Comprehensive Plans and Determination of Compliance. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion; second and majority vote this _ day of _,2008. ATTEST: DWIGHT E, BROCK, Cieri< BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~.trt\~a~orie M. Student-Stirling , l". Assistant County Attorney CP.2006-1 GMP Transmittal Resolution Words under1ined are additions; Words SfF'l:Hllt tAFe~gl=l are deletions 2 Agenda Item No. 8e April S, 200S Page 8 of 33 Exhibit A CP-2006-1 Policy 1.1.1: The URBAN Future land Use Designation shall include Future land Use District and Subdistricts for: URBAN - COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 2. Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict B. Urban - Commercial District 2. Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict This Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict (CPSSSl consists of approximately 164.87 acres and is located on the east side of Immokalee Road (CR 846) and south of Stockade Road. The intent of the CPSSS is to allow for a mix of industrial and commercial uses soecificallY tailored to serve develooment within the Rural lands Stewardship Area and the Immokalee Urban area. Develooment within this Subdistrict will resemble a park-like environment with low structural density, where landscaoed areas provide bufferina for enioyment by the employees and patrons of the Commerce Park. The development of this Subdistrict shall be aovemed by the followina criteria: a. The aross leasable floor area shall not exceed 1.000.000 sauare feet. b. The maximum aross buildina coveraae for the CPSSS shall not exceed 45 percent. c. The CPSSS shall be oermitted to deyelop with a maximum of 30 percent Secondary Uses as identified in Paraaraoh h, below. d. The CPSSS shall aain its orincioal access from Immokalee Road (CR 8461 and access to this arterial road shall be consistent with Policy 7.1 of the Transoortation Element. e. The CPSSS is encouraaed to utilize PUD zonina and shall include within the PUD soecific standards for buffers. landscapina. ooen soace. sianaae. screenina for outdoor storaae, parkina. and access manaaement. f. The followina Primary Uses shall be permitted as of riah!. in 100 percent of the CPSSS: 1. All oermitted orimary uses of the Business Park Zonina District as set forth in the Land Development Code in effect as of the date of adoption of this Subdistrict. 2, Automotive repair shoos (Groups 7532-7539), located no closer than 300 feet from Immokalee Road (CR 846), 3. Business services (Groups 7311. 7352-7359 and 7371-7379). ~ Words underlined are added; words .trusk tRI'e"~R are deleted. Agenda Item No, 8e April 8, 2008 Page 9 of 33 4. Motor freicht transportation and warehousina (Group 4225 - mini-storaoe and self - storaae on Iv). located no closer than 300 feet from Immokalee Road (CR 846) and subiect to the followina: a. Metal roll-up aarace doors. visible from a public rioht-of-wav, are prohibited. b. Buildinas are limited to 100 feet in lencth when adiacent to a residential zonina district or residential use. c, Wholesale or retail sales and office uses are prohibited in units desianed for storaae. d, Outdoor storaae is limited to boats. recreational vehicles and other recreational ecuipment and shall be enclosed bv a tvpe "B" buffer as set forth in the Land Development Code in effect as of the date of adoption of this Subdistrict. 5. Motor Vehicle Dealers (GrouP 55111. 6, Motor Vehicle Dealers (Group 55211. located no closer than 300 feet from Immokalee Road fCR 846), 7. Lumber and other buildinc materials dealers (Group 5211: outdoor storace not permitted in a front vard), located no closer than 300 feet from Immokalee Road (CR 846). 8. Omamentalfloriculture and nursery products (GrouP 01811. g, Retail sales and/or displav areas as accessory uses to the primary uses set forth in paracraph f.. shall not exceed an area Greater than 30 percent of the oross floor area of the permitted principal use. l h. The followinc secondary uses shall be permitted as of richt. and shall be limited, in aGGreGate, to a maximum of 30 percent of the area within the CPSSS: 1. All permitted secondary uses of the Business Park Zonina District of the Land Development Code in effect as of the date of adoption of this Subdistrict. 2, Select Permitted Uses of the Commercial Professional and General Office (C-1) Zonina District. the Commercial Convenience (C-2) Zonina District. and the Commercial Intermediate (C-3) Zonina District of the Land Development Code in effect as of the date of adoption of this Subdistrict. The exact uses to be allowed will be determined at the time of rezonina. [Placeholder text - Traffic mitication strateaies shall be determined prior to the Growth ManaGement Plan amendment Adoption hearinas and inserted into the Subdistrict text.l r Words underlined are added; words strl's!: tRraw!}h are deleted. 2 UCOM COOM ~.~o '0 .- '" tL "'0 c: '" Ol <( - ~ ~ ! ~ Z III ~ a: '" a. ,. -k " .1 it I ' I I ,'I o I . I * "II: I H 11 ~.III.'-ii L r:!Llj: i~llfllllll!Hlillii~.~~I~ U ',1111 I llllll' pi H:e I!~ il IDDDumul U_ Dfl! 5lDOIID 'I " :< ~ m .. S 0. <C ~ w III ::::l Q Z ... <C 1lI .J III a: W a:: ::::l I- ::::l U. W III ..J <( ~ o ~ ~ - - ~ ~ l~"'c ,. "~~ , "'~-~ tjl_ ' I i . " ", _:::1 .. ID III a: "'" \lo" .d. ~ :.':) , , Ji ~ ~ "::: i e.. ~ 11'1~ .' 'J! II ~ Ii :I ~ t !~l"'i , , ' 'I'I i i i il< I ~ ~ ~!l! I I i I t ! i 5 9'" ~ 5 Lv J. , . > ~el Si ~~ fi.:i ~h ~~5 '" ~ ' ~rg "'~':' i~b ~~" ~- -. , o~ ~~t: n~ o~ , j' . COMMER .....,. "A" CE PAR K AT SlLVE COLLIER COU R STRAND SUeD NTY, FLORIDA ISTRICT Agenda Item N ~'I 0.8C ~g~ . 10 .. . - . n 21 'I 'I I I ~ED BY: GRA.PHI DATE if; Df:VD./J~ AND TEONC.Al. 00& fU: J.~'v'RctIW&.l~ORT SECTION -01A.DWQ 5i:QVlQ2S OII....,<ilON LEGEND . I a SCALE I 500 FT. I 1000 FT. ~ SUBDlSlRlCT Agenda Item No, 8e April 8, 2008 Agenda:1~ 14JIIof 33 <:::O*r <:::Ou:nty - STAFF REPORT COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TO: FROM: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION, COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING DEPARTMENT HEARING DATE: March 24, 2008 RE: PETITION CP-2006-1, COMMERCE PARK AT SILVER STRAND SUBDISTRICT GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT [TRANSM/TTAL HEAR/NG] AGENT/APPLICANT/OWN ERS Agents: George L. Varnadoe, Esq, Cheffy Passidomo Wilson & Johnson, LLP 821 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 201 Naples, FL 34102 and Dominick J. Amico, Jr., P,E. Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc. 7400 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 200 Naples, FL 34102 Applicant: Paul J. Marinelli Silver Strand III Partnership 2600 Golden Gate Parkway, Suite 200 Naples. FL 34134 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject property, containing 164.87,:!: acres, is located in the Immokalee Urban area on property located on the east side of Immokalee Road (CR 846), approximately one-quarter mile south of Stockade Road, in Section 15, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, and is located within a Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC) and a Community Redevelopment Area (eRA). 1 SITE LOCATION MAPS Agenda Ilem No. se April 8, 2008 AgendaFj~ ~f 33 12 20 , 1+ ~ " , ;~ , 22 23 .. -- REQUESTED ACTION: This petition seeks to amend the Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) text and Future Land Use Map and map series by: 1. Amending Policy 1.1,1 of the Urban - Commercial District to add the Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict; 2. Amending the Urban - Commercial District to add the proposed Subdistrict; and 3. Creating a new lAMP Future Land Use Map series map depicting this new Subdistict, and amending the lAMP Future Land Use Map to add this new Subdistrict. The proposed change to Policy 1.1.1 and the proposed Subdistrict text is as follows: (Single underlined text is added, as proposed by the petitioner. Note: Staff has recommended text changes found at the end of this Report.) Policy 1.1.1: The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use District and Subdistricts for: URBAN - COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 2, Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistricl URBAN DESIGNATION B. Urban - Commercial District 2, Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict [new text, page 3] [new text, page 17] This Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict ICPSSS) consists of approximatelv 164.87 acres and is located east of Immokalee Road ICR 846) and south of Stockade Road. The intenl of the CPSSS is to allow for a mix of industrial and commercial uses specificallv tailored to serve development within the Rural Lands Stewardship Area and 2 Agenda Item No. se April 8, 2008 AgendaFl. 'IWIof 33 the Immokalee area in a oark-like environment with low structural densitv, and where landscaoed areas orovide for bufferina and eniovment bv the emoloyees and patrons of the commerce oark, The develooment of this Subdistrict shall be aoverned by the followina criteria: a. The aross leasable floor area shall not exceed 1,000.000 sauare feet. b. The maximum aross buildina coveraae for the CPSSS shall not exceed 45 oercent. c, The CPSSS shall be oermitted to develoo with a maximum of 30 percent Secondary Uses as identified in oaraaraoh h, below. d. The CPSSS shall oain its orincioal access from Immokalee Road (CR 846) and access to this arterial road shall be consistent with Policy 7,1 of the Transoortation Element. e. The CPSSS shall utilize PUD zonina and shall include within the PUD soecific standards for buffers, landscaoina, ooen soace, sionaae. screenina for outdoor storaae. oarkina, and access manaoement. f. The followina Primary Uses shall be oermitted as of riaht. in 100 oercent of the CPSSS: 1. All Permitted Primary Uses of the Business Park zonina district of the Land Develooment Code as of the date of adoption of this Subdistrict. 2, Automotive Repair Shops (aroups 7532-7539) 3. Business Services (aroups 7311, 7352-7359 and 7371-7379) 4. Motor freiaht transportation and warehousina (aroup 4225 - mini-storaoe and self - storaae onlv) subiect to the followina: a. Metal roll-uo aaraae doors, visible from a public riaht-of-wav, are prohibited, b. Buildinos are limited to 100 feet in lenath when adiacent to a residential zonina district. c, Wholesale or retail sales and office uses are orohibited in units desianed for storaae, d. Outdoor storaoe is limited to boats, recreational vehicles and other recreational eauioment and shall be enclosed bva type "B" buffer, 5. Motor Vehicle Dealers (arouos 5511-5521) 6. Lumber and other buildina materials dealers (aroup 5211: outdoor storaae not permitted in a front yard) 7. Ornamental floriculture and nurserv products (aroup 0181) g. Retail Sales and/or display areas as accessory uses to the primary uses set forth in paraaraph (f.). not to exceed an area areater than 30 percent of the aross floor area of the permitted principal use. h. The followina Secondary Uses shall be permitted as of riaht. and shall be limited, in aaareaate. to a maximum of 30 percent of the area within the CPSSS: 1. All Permitted Secondarv Uses of the Business Park zonina district of the Land Develooment Code as of the date of adoption of this Subdistrict. 3 Agenda Item No. 8e April 8, 2008 AgendcPhel'l114rof 33 2. All Permitted Uses of the Commercial Professional and General Office Ic-n zonina district. the Commercial Convenience IC-2) zonina district. and the Commercial Intermediate IC-3) zonina district as of the date of adootion of this Subdistrict. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The petitioner is requesting approval for a new subdistrict, consisting of a maximum of 1,000,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area for Business Park zoning district uses; select uses from the General Commercial (C-4) and Heavy Commercial (C-5) zoning districts; and uses allowed within the General Office (C-1), Commercial Convenience (C-2), and Commercial Intermediate (C-3) zoning districts of the Land Development Code on 164.87:!:: acres, SURROUNDING LAND USE. ZONING AND FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Subiect Site: . The subject site is undeveloped; zoned A-MHO, Rural Agricuitural with Mobile Home Overlay; and, designated Urban (Mixed Use District, Low Residential Subdistrict) on the lAMP Future Land Use Map. . The site is adjacent to an arterial roadway, Immokalee Road (C,R. 846), Surroundinq Lands: North: Undeveloped parcel (approved for a conditional use to allow a batch plant), zoned A-MHO, Agricultural-Mobile Home Overlay; and, a developed parcel - Collier County Landfill, zoned A-MHO; both designated Urban (Mixed Use District, Low Residential Subdistrict) on the lAMP Future Land Use Map. South: Undeveloped parcel; zoned A-MHO; and, designated Agricultural/Rural (Agricultural/Rural Mixed Use District, Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay _ Open and Water Retention Area) on the countywide Future Land Use Map, West: Across Immokalee Road, undeveloped parcel; zoned A-MHO; and designated Urban (Mixed Use District, Low Residential Subdistrict) on the lAMP Future Land Use Map, East: Undeveloped parcel, zoned A-MHO; and designated Urban (Mixed Use District, Low Residential Subdistrict) on the lAMP Future Land Use Map, STAFF ANALYSIS: Comprehensive Plan Amendment data and analvsis requirement: Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, "Minimum Criteria for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Plan Amendments, Evaluation and Appraisal Reports, Land Development Regulations and Determinations of Compliance" sets forth the minimum data and analysis requirement for comprehensive plan amendments, More specifically, Section 9J-S.00S "General Requirements" delineates criteria for plan amendments in sub-section 9J-S.005 (2) "Data and Analysis Requirements," 4 Agenda Item No. 8e April 8, 2008 AgendcPIt9t'n14A>f 33 Sub-section 9J-5.005(2) states in part that "All goals, objectives, standards, findings and conclusions within the comprehensive plan and its support documents, and within plan amendments and its support documents, shall be based upon relevant and appropriate data and analysis applicable to each element. To be based upon data means to react to it in an appropriate way and to the extent necessary indicated by the data available on that particular subject at the time of adoption of the plan or plan amendment at issue. . . the Department will review each comprehensive plan [amendment] for the purpose of determining whether the plan [amendment] is based on data and analyses described in this Chapter and whether data were collected and applied in a professionally acceptable manner." It is incumbent upon all applicants requesting comprehensive plan amendments to provide supporting data and analyses in conjunction with any relevant support documents, It is not the responsibility of Collier County staff to generate data and analysis for the applicant, although it is staff's responsibility to identify any shortcomings in the data and analyses during the consistency review process and to request additional information that is deemed essential in the review of the submitted request for a plan amendment. Any outstanding deficiencies with respect to data and analyses that may remain at the time of any requisite public hearing are the responsibility of the applicant. A detailed synopsis of the adequacy of the data and analysis for the subject plan amendment is set forth with specificity below, BackClround. Considerations and Appropriateness of ChanCle: . Commercial, Industrial and Business Park opportunities within the Immokalee Urban Area: The Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) was adopted and incorporated into the County's Growth Management Plan in 1991, The Plan included industrial and commercial designated areas, and contained locational criteria to establish new commercial acreage. The lAMP has not substantially changed since its adoption. The Plan allows commercial, industrial, and business park development as follows: Commercial Commercial Subdistrict - SR 29 and Jefferson Ave. (rust shaded area on FLUM, page 7): . The purpose of the Subdistrict is to provide for retail and office uses, highway commercial uses, and transient lodging facilities. . The Subdistrict allows commercial development consistent with the C-1 through C-4 zoning districts of the Land Development Code, . The Subdistrict includes the following three commercial areas: 1. SR. 29 and New Market Rd. - the commercial node is approximately 26.75 acres in size with approximately 7.03 vacant acres. 2, New Market Rd. - the commercial node is approximately 39,58 acres with approximately 11.55 vacant acres. 3, S.R. 29 (south of Lake Trafford Rd.) - the commercial node is approximately 78.64 aces with approximately 6,05 vacant acres. 5 Agenda Item No. 8e April 8, 2008 Agendfitgm1JA'f 33 Neighborhood Center Subdistrict (blue shaded area on FLUM, page 7): o The purpose of this Subdistrict is to serve the needs of the surrounding neighborhoods, o The Subdistrict allows commercial development consistent with the C-1 through C-3 zoning districts of the Land Development Code. o New Neighborhood Centers may be established throughout the Residential Subdistricts, subject to criteria, o Five Neighborhood Centers are designated on the lAMP Future Land Use Map presently: 1. 1" Street South - the Center is approximately 1 05.44 acres in size with approximately 83.86 vacant acres. 2. S.R. 29 - the Center is approximately 109,94 acres in size with approximately 89.93 vacant acres. 3. Lake Trafford Rd, and S,R, 29 - the Center is approximately 125,38 acres in size with approximately 23,36 vacant acres. 4. Lake Trafford Rd. (west of Carson Rd.) - the Center is approximately 69.31 acres in size with approximately 23.31 vacant acres. 5. SR. 29 and Westclox St. - the Center is approximately 30.52 acres in size with approximately 30.52 vacant acres. Commerce Center - Mixed Use Subdistrict (purple shaded area on FLUM, page 7): o The purpose of this Subdistrict is to create a major activity center that serves the entire Immokalee Urban area and surrounding agricultural areas. o The Subdistrict is intended to function as an employment center. o The Subdistrict allows commercial development consistent with the C-1 through C-4 zoning districts of the Land Development Code, o This Subdistrict is approximately 381,87 acres with approximately 55.92 vacant acres. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Commercial Subdistrict: o The purpose of this text-based Subdistrict is to provide residential mixed use development. o PUD commercial development is allowed in all Residential Subdistricts, subject to criteria, including spacing criteria from elementary schools, PUD commercial? 1 0 acres, and commerce centers. o The Subdistrict provides for three categories of mixed-use development ranging in size from 5 to 20 acres of commercial, and ranging in intensity from C-2 through C-4 commercial uses, Industrial and Business Park Industrial Subdistrict (gray shaded area on FLUM, page 7): o The purpose of this Subdistrict is to provide for industrial land uses including but not limited to, airports; light manufacturing; processing; storage; high technology; computer and data processing; business services; etc. o Limited commercial uses, except retail, are allowed in the Subdistrict o There are approximately 766.96 vacant acres, not including the undeveloped portions of the airport property. This figure also includes approximately 583 industrial acres allocated for the proposed Tradeport DRI (pending), 6 Agenda Item No. 8e April 8, 200S AgendaR. 'AAlf 33 The Tradeport DRI will include approximately 2,871,000 square feet of light industrial, light manufacturing, storage, distribution, and warehousing on 287,5!. acres; and 342,000 square feet of office and storefronts of industrial trades on 42,5?!. acres. Additionally the project will include approximately 124,000 square feet of retail uses within the village center on 15.50!. acres. Commerce Center-Industrial Subdistrict (maroon shaded area on FLUM, below): . The purpose of this Subdistrict is to create a major activity center that serves the entire Immokalee Urban area and surrounding agricultural areas. . The Subdistrict is intended to function as a major employment center, . The Subdistrict allows land uses consistent with the C-1 through C-5 commercial zoning districts. and uses allowed in the industrial and business park zoning districts of the Land Development Code. . There are approximately 136.85 vacant acres, not including the undeveloped portion of the airport property. Business Park Subdistrict . This text-based provision provides for business park development within the Commerce Center Industrial Subdistrict and the Industrial Subdistrict, as identified on the lAMP Future Land Use Map. . Business Parks must be a minimum size of 35 acres. . Land uses must be consistent with the Business Park zoning district of the Land Development Code. IIf .. . . it'>> 5 IIf .D e IMMOKAlEE FUTURE LAND USE MAP . '--, '. /.. ') / ~ . ~ . ~.'.'.~ -'(;-'> ~<~:,.r"'-~"~:~:' ~.:.:.' . . .... . " .,~,>;.<.>. {. . . . .~;.., ........ ~\ .:.:.>/:. ''\ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . r:::::::::::::::::::::::::\ f>: ::: ::::: ::::::::::: i . "~~~:_~-~:::~~-~1::: :;;;~/ h,---'/ r-'" : . ,:..Y C~ ,,~ - ___ .\..J -..-..... --..-...., r:-\ _P".~"-- _..:.:-:', -".. , it:j t:-::::::-~;:~~ I - 0'==- [")--- 101--""- .--- . -- -..- .--- --_..- .~#If"'" _.~ a-----.- ,~. ,. .} <:/ r.._- !".-::;...--- ="'--- :;-- '....;,./ o r:--;-'"';;....". r.'~ ',">... y ',,'-'-" iJC':i~ 0;0;<- r;~-- .._-=--=- a::~- ,,,."'_.~...~-" . -,' --, --,...........--......-...,-... .-.........-,,-. .~ ..~ "0" ,,"'" ,.,..,--..._ ..~..._-.._----~ ~--_._-- 7 Agenda Item No. se April 8, 2008 Agend<fMtel'tf\4lAlf 33 . lAMP Re-study: The Immokalee Master Plan and Visioning Committee (IMPVC) was formed, in part, to study the land use and general economic needs of the Immokalee Community, The Committee has been tasked with making recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on revisions to the Immokalee Area Master Plan and Land Development Code that would further the economic and development goals of the community. The Committee has proposed expanding/contracting commercial and industrial areas within the community, as depicted on the Future Land Use Map below. The net increase/decrease in acreage for each land use category is unknown at this time. The Committee is expected to provide this information when they formally submit their request for a Growth Management Plan amendment to the Immokalee Area Master Plan later this year. IMMOKALEE FUTURE LAND USE MAP as proposed by the IMPVC ._),~ I I - I' -' "' " " J.l.T ...~ - - - - - m ... j'flJtUrel..anQ ~Map ~~:.:::-= .-- --- ....._~*---- --- --- """.,..--- ~' - .,---- ,--- h__ D-=- ,dd, I \:V , - ;;;J/t.,,-_ - 8 Agenda Item No. 8e April 8, 2008 Agendcf1tl9m74l!\;lf 33 Economic Analvsis: In 2006, The Regional Economic Research Institute prepared, and the Immokalee Master Plan and Visioning Committee approved, the Immokalee Master Plan Studv Economic Analvsis for the Immokalee community, as part of the Immokalee Master Plan update. The Analysis identified the low, medium and high range forecasts for employment, retail and office space demand for the Immokalee Community; and, industrial/business park demand for the County, The Immokalee medium range forecasts for retail and office demand, assuming a 1.9 percent growth rate from 2005-2010 and a 1.5 percent growth rate through 2020; and, the projected medium range County employment growth figures and acreage demand for industrial land uses are identified in the table below. Year lmmokalee Retail Retail Immokalee Office Office *County *County Retail SQ. Ft. Acres Office SQ. Ft. Acres Industrial Industrial Growth Needed Growth Needed Employment Acres Growth Needed 2005- 2010 164 98.460 12 188 112,763 14 4,751 470 2005- 1186.0271 2015 373 223,761 28 310 23 10,387 1.009 2005- I 1 2020 650 389.792 49 436 261,545 33 17,078 1,629 (*According to the analysis, lmmokalee's industrial employment and acreage forecast is dependent upon the County's overall growth.) Based on the data and analysis (medium range forecast) provided in the Study, approximately 49 retail acres and 33 office acres will be needed to support employment growth in Immokalee by 2020 and 1,629 industrial acres will be needed to support the countywide employment growth by 2020. . Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA): The Community Redevelopment Agency adopted the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Plan by adoption of Resolution No. 2000-181. The Community Redevelopment Plan, in part, contains community goals and objectives to retain and enhance desirable areas in the community and revitalize, rehabilitate and redevelop less desirable areas. The Plan encourages and promotes innovations in development techniques in order to obtain livability; provides a sound basis for urbanization by establishing relationships between residential, commercial, industrial and open space land uses; provides a strategy for an efficient transportation system; and fosters economic growth and development. The Plan targets development and redevelopment efforts within five specific subareas of the community, and provides some general guidance for development in the remaining areas of the CRA. The proposed Subdistrict is located within the CRA boundaries, but it is not within a subarea targeted for specific development and/or redevelopment. However, the Plan identifies an overarching economic development goal and objectives aimed at increasing small business start-ups and expansions; recruiting new businesses to Immokalee and the airport; and, 9 Agenda Item No, 8e April 8. 2008 Agendiflt'El1l1411AJf 33 nurturing entrepreneurial business development and retention - objectives which the proposed project may further. [Note: The petitioners did not address the Goals and Objectives of the Redevelopment Plan in their submittal nor did they provide data and analysis to demonstrate the proposed project furthers the Plan, as requested by staff.] . Tax Increment Financing (TIF): Tax Increment Financing is one of the primary tools local governments have to increase investment in economic development or urban revitalization, When property is improved, its value rises and the taxes generated at the site increase. The difference between the taxes generated before and after the investment in the property is called the tax increment. The tax increment revenues are retained by the Community Redevelopment Agency and used for redevelopment projects and related administrative activities within the CRA boundaries. The original Fiscal Impact Analysis Model (FlAM) and the July 2007 re-submittal did not include the TIF analysis for the proposed project. However, in response to staff's request, a TIF analysis was submitted in September 2007, It is located in the support documentation after the tab marked CRA Contributions (refer to memorandum dated September 26, 2007). The analysis assumes a 3 percent annual taxable value increase. Based on the consultant's calculations, the proposed development's cumulative contributions to the CRA at build-out in 2016 will be over 3.2 million dollars. . Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC): Florida Statutes define a RACEC as a region composed of rural communities adversely affected by extraordinary economic events. Immokalee along with the Counties of Desoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Okeechobee, and the Cities of Belle Glade, Pahokee, and South Bay (in Palm Beach) were re-designated as the South Central Florida Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern in 2006 by Governor Jeb Bush. Designated communities receive priority assistance, from state and regional agencies through the Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI), to further their economic goals _ retain and create jobs, enhance the community, facilitate long-term private capital investment, etc. In addition to REDI assistance, the RACEC designation allows for the submittal of Growth Management Plan amendments without regard to the statutory limits on the frequency of adoption of amendments to the comprehensive plan, provided the proposed amendment meets the State's economic development objectives. The proposed Silver Strand GMP amendment has been submitted under the RACEC designation. In order to assess the project's potential economic impacts on the community, staff reviewed the FlAM analysis submitted as part of the Growth Management Plan amendment application. The following conclusions were provided by the petitioners: 1. An average of 2,101 jobs annually is forecasted through permanent and construction related impacts during build-out period; 2. Direct and indirect total output or sales within the area is expected to average $183.1 million each year during build-out; 3. The project is expected to produce 3,212 permanent and construction jobs annually after project completion; ]0 Agenda Item No. 8e April 8, 2008 AgendaFl., AA:lf 33 4. Approximately $275.5 million in output/total sales and approximately $95.2 million in earnings is expected after project build-out; 5. Estimates of approximately 40 percent or 1300+ jobs are expected to be within the high wage category, as defined by the Economic Development Council of Collier County ($43,339+ annually); and 6. A significant number of employees for the jobs generated by the project will come from the Immokalee area. . Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) - Goals, Objectives and Policies: Goal 1 : To guide land use so as to enhance Immokalee's ... status as an urban hub for the surrounding agricultural region.... Goal 6: Enhance and diversify the local economy of the Immokalee community as detailed in the Economic Element of the Growth Management Plan. Objective 6.1: The County shall promote economic development opportunities throughout the Immokalee Urban area. The above goals and related objectives and policies demonstrate the community's desire to diversify its local economy and establish itself as an employment center for the surrounding rural agricultural lands. [Note: The petitioners did not address the Goals, Objectives and Policies (GOPs) of the lAMP in their submittal nor did they provide data and analysis to demonstrate the proposed project furthers the GOPs in the Plan, as requested by staff.] . Rural Lands Stewardship Area: Stewardship Receivina Area (SRAl. Town of Ave Maria (approvedl Land Use Description Units Phase I Phase II Final (2006-2011 ) (2012-2016) Total Residential Dwelling Units 6,010 4,990 11,000 ALF Beds 450 450 Retail, Entertainment, Service Sa. Ft. 367,900 322,100 690,000 Professional Office ( General/Medical/Financial, Sq. Ft. 276,600 233,400 510,000 etc.) Warehouse Sn. Ft. 0 0 0 Industrial So. Ft. 0 0 10 20,913 residents w/out student population (source: Town of Ave Maria Fiscal Impact Analysis Model) 24,251 total residents - Peak (source: Fiscal Impact Analysis Model approved with the Town of Ave Maria SRA) 11 Agenda Item No. se April S, 200S AgendaR.2IJOof 33 Retail Demand Assumption: retail demand based on state average of 18,2 residents per employee and 600 sq. ft, of retail space per employee: 20,913/18.2 = 1149 employees 1149 X 600 sq. ft. = 689,400 sq. ft. demand OR Fiscal Impact Analysis Model (FlAM) for Town of Ave Maria (TAM): [1154 employees x 598 sq. ft, per employee = 690,092 sq. ft, demand] Office Demand Assumption: office demand based on 17 residents per office employee and 600 sq, ft. of office space per employee: 20,913/17 = 1230 employees 1230 X 600 sq. ft, = 738,000 sq. ft. demand OR Fiscal Impact Analysis Model (FlAM) for Town of Ave Maria (TAM): [1719 employees x 300 sq, ft. (ranges from 250 to 350 sq. ft,) per employee = 515,700 sq. fi. demand] SRA. BiCl CVDress IDRI DendinClI i Land Use Description I Units Phase I Phase II Final I 2012-2016 2017-2023 Total I i Residential I Dwem"I~ /5,874 I Units 3.094 8,968 I Retail/ Service ! Sq. Fi. 340,580 I /987,188 I 646,608 i Professional Office I I (General/Medical/Financial, I Sq. Ft. 276,600 233,400 510,000 etc. Warehouse 0 0 0 i Li ht Industrial 170,458 323,622 494,080 21,882 residents (source: Big Cypress DRI application) Retail Demand Assumption: retail demand based on state average of 18.2 residents per employee and 600 sq. ft. per employee: 21,882/18.2 = 1202 employees 1202 X 600 sq. ft. = 721,200 sq. ft, demand OR Fiscal Impact Analysis Model for Big Cypress: [1,651 employees x 598 sq. ft. per employee = 987,298 sq, ft. demand] 12 Agenda Item No. 8e April 8, 2008 Agendcftt'ilfh?4p;lf 33 Office Demand Assumption: office demand based on 17 residents per office employee and 600 sq. ft. per employee: 21,882/17 = 1287 employees 1287 X 600 sq, ft. = 772,200 sq. ft. demand OR Fiscal Impact Analysis Model for Big Cypress: [1,898 employees x 350 sq. ft. per employee = 664,300 sq. ft. demand] Based on the above analysis, it appears there is sufficient commercial development proposed within these SRAs to meet demand. Further, any new Town, Village, Hamlet or Compact Rural Development proposed in the RLSA is required to provide commercial development to serve its residents. . Justification for the proposed amendment as provided by the petitioner (refer to Exhibit V.D.5), and appropriateness of change: Fishkind and Associates prepared the commercial and industrial needs analysis for the proposed project. Business Park/Lioht Industrial The consultant's analysis evaluated the projected countywide industrial land use needs based on a projected population figure of 598,500 by 2030 (consistent with County's figure). The analysis assumes a 2 percent incremental workforce growth rate for each 5 year period beyond the 33.1 g percent established for the workforce population in year 2005. The consultant estimates by year 2020 approximately 6,506,391 square feet of light industrial space and 813 acres will be needed countywide and by 2030 approximately 6,161,395 square feet and 770 acres will be needed. The industrial acreage deficit projected in year 2010 is 402 acres and will increase to 2,075 acres by year 2030, Commercial The consultant evaluated the commercial supply and demand characteristics within a 20- minute and 30-minute drive time, The commercial component of the Commerce Park is described as community serving with some regional serving uses, by the consultant. The findings of the Study are as follows: 1. Demand for community space in the 20-minute drive time market was based on population estimates and projections of 19,894 persons in 2005 to 29,141 persons in 2030: household estimates and projections of 5,355 households in 2005 to 7,845 households in 2030: and the market retail demand estimate and projections of 11 acres in 2005 to 16 acres in 2030; and supply estimates and projections of 46 acres in 2005 and 2030, 2. Demand for regional space in the 30-minute drive time market was based on population estimates and projection of 72,956 persons in 2005 to 106,079 persons in 2030; household estimates and projections of 25,303 households in 2005 to 36,791 households in 2030; and the market retail demand estimate and projections of 55 acres in 2005 to 96 acres in 2030; and supply estimates and projections of 0 acres in 2005 and 2030. 13 Agenda Item No, 8e April 8, 2008 Agend<fltgm74}6;lf 33 The study concludes that the market has a current demand of 11 acres of community space and 55 acres or regional space. No additional data and analysis was provided by the petitioners to support the amendment or address the appropriateness of the change from Low Residential Designation, 4 residential units per acre (and uses generally allowed in the Urban area such as essential services, institutional uses, open space uses, etc,) to Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict, commercial and light industrial development at a maximum of 1,000,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area on 164.87.:t acres. The petitioners did not address how the project furthers the goals of the lAMP, Redevelopment Plan or the State's RACEC designation; nor did they address compatibility with surrounding land use designations, Staff reviewed the Goals of the Immokalee Area Master Plan, Redevelopment Plan and Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay; the Economic Analysis prepared by Florida Gulf Coast University; the objectives of the Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern Designation; the existing and future development patterns on properties surrounding the proposed Subdistrict site; and the Commercial and Industrial Needs Analysis prepared by Fishkind and Associates submitted with this petition to determine if the proposed change is appropriate. (Refer to Findings and Conclusions Section of this report further below.) Environmental Impacts: The environmental report prepared by ACI, Inc. and submitted with this petition, dated March 2006, indicates the following: . The site is primarily composed of active citrus grove, with some spoil areas; isolated and degraded wetland areas; and, farm ditches. The site has three wetlands totaling 8,5.:t acres. These wetlands are low quality and contain exotic and nuisance vegetation. The largest wetland (4.22: acres) on the site and the majority of the northern wetland (2.72: acres) will be preserved. . Five (5) soil units were mapped on the site: Pomello fine sand (non-hydric); Oldsmar fine sand (non-hydric); Chobee, Winder, Gator soils; Depressional (non-hydric), Holopaw fine sand (hydric), Wabasso fine sand (non-hydric), and Wabasso fine sand (non-hydric). . The listed species observed on site include the american alligator and a little blue heron within the north-western isolated wetland; and an Audubon's crested caracara adjacent to the westernmost preserved wetland. Environmental Specialists with the Collier County Environmental Services Department reviewed the environmental report and provided the following comments: . No special environmental concerns are associated with the establishment of the Subdistrict on the proposed subject site, Historical and Archeological Impacts: The Florida Master Site File lists no previously recorded cultural resources in Section 15, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida. However, the Florida Dept. of State, Division of Historical Resources, cautions property owners that sites may contain unrecorded archaeological sites, unrecorded historically important structures, or both. 14 Agenda Item No. 8e April 8, 2008 Agend~B124A>f 33 Traffic Caoacity. Traffic Imoacts and Consistency with the GMP: The project is not consistent with the Poiicy 5.1 of the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan (GMP), unless specific mitigating stipulations are approved. The proposed amendment would create approximately 543 PM peak hour, peak direction trips on the immediately adjacent link (Immokalee Road). Immokalee Road is a two lane undivided facility and has a current service volume of 860 trips, with a remaining capacity of approximately 445 trips between Oil Well Road and State Road 29; and is currently at LOS "B" as shown in the 2007 AUIR. The Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) assumes improvements that are consistent with the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) but not consistent with projects identified in the current five year Capital Improvement Element (CIE), These roadways include Immokalee Road and Camp Keais Road, Several roadways will not have adequate capacity in the five year planning period. These roadways include Immokalee Road from Oil Well Road to SR-29, Camp Keais Road, State Road 82 and portions of State Road 29. It should also be noted that several intersections will not operate at an acceptabie level of service including, Immokalee Road & Camp Keais Road, Immokalee Road and State Road 29, State Road 82 and State Road 29 and various movements at intersections along State Road 29. The project will require extensive improvements to the adjacent roadway and at the project access points. These improvements should include general roadway widening and signalization. Staff also recommends that the applicant should consider and agree to the following mitigation strategies which can be further defined at the next ievel of the zonin9 stage: 1. Inclusion of a transit center and road maintenance facility within the development; 2. Subsidized transit service for employees; 3. Dedicated transit service to Immokalee center or other appropriate locations; 4, Proportionate share payments to intersections improvements identified at the time of zoning, not expected to operate at an acceptable level of service; 5. Developer initiated Roadway widening adjacent to the project and intersections improvements to Camp Keais Road and Immokalee Road and Immokalee Road and State Road 29; and 6. Developer should dedicate the necessary right-of-way for these improvements and roadway storm water management. [This Section has been revised per an e-mail dated Thursday, March 20, 2008 from Nick Casalanguida (attached).] Public Facilities Imoacts: . Water and Wastewater: The subject site is located within the Immokalee Water and Sewer District (IWSD). According to the petitioner, the IWSD has adequate capacity to serve the project. However, if adequate capacity is not available the applicant intends to provide service on-site on a temporary basis. . Solid Waste: The service provider is Immokalee Disposal, Inc, The 2007 AUIR identifies that the County has sufficient landfill capacity up to the year 2031 for the required lined cell capacity. The project's anticipated build-out is projected in 2016, . Drainage: The agent states that the drainage system designed to serve the Commerce Park has been approved by South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Future development is expected to comply with the SFWMD and/or Collier County rules and regulations that assure controlled accommodation of storm water events by both on-site and off-site improvements. 15 Agenda Item No, se April S, 2008 AgendaFl_2VPof 33 . Schools, Libraries, Parks and Recreational Facilities: The application does not propose an increase in residential density. Therefore, no additional demand for services is anticipated. . EMS, Fire, and Police, and County Jail: The subject project is located within the Immokalee Fire Control District. The nearest fire station and EMS services are available at 502 New Market Road East, approximately 2.5-road miles northeast of the site. The project will be served by the Collier County Sheriff's Department, located at 112 1 ,( Street South, approximately 1.75 miles north of the site, The proposed subdistrict is anticipated to have minimal impacts on safety services and jail facilities, NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING INIMI NOTES: The Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) was held on February 4, 2008, at 6:00 p.m., after the applicanUagent duly noticed and advertised the meeting, as required by the Collier County Land Development Code. There were no attendees at the NIM, held at the Immokalee Community Park, located at 327 1 st Street North, The meeting ended at approximately 6:15 p.m. [Synopsis prepared by M. Mosca, Principal Planner] FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: . Approval of this request to add 1.000,000 square feet of light industrial and commercial uses at the subject location is inconsistent with Policy 5,1 of the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan, unless traffic mitigation is agreed to by the applicant and approved by the Board of County Commissioners, . The lAMP Land Use Designation Description Section clearly identifies the Commerce Center - Mixed Use Subdistrict and Industrial District as the intended employment centers for the local and regional population, Goals contained in both the lAMP and Redevelopment Plan target these specific areas for economic development. Conversely, the Low Residential Subdistrict does not allow intensive commercial and industrial development, but rather low density residential development intended to serve as a transition between urban and rural lands, . The lAMP and the Redevelopment Plan contain goals and related objectives that can be construed to encourage or promote economic development throughout the Urban area _ Goal 1 and Objective 6.1 of the lAMP and the Economic Goal and Objectives of the Redevelopment Plan. . Based on the industrial analysis prepared by the petitioner and the analysis prepared by Florida Gulf Coast University, business park acreage is needed currently and in the future to support countywide employment growth. . Business Park uses may be deemed appropriate on the subject site, if the project is found consistent with the Transportation Element, and the agent agrees to provide buffering and land use transitions as part of the project's overall design and development. 16 Agenda Item No. se April 8, 2008 Agend~!I1~f 33 . Based on staff's analysis of the existing and future commercial acreage allowed by the lAMP and the proposed commercial development approved and allowed within the RLSA, there is sufficient commercial acreage available to serve the community and regional markets, . Based on the Fiscal Impact Analysis Model, high wage jobs will be created and TIF revenues generated (which furthers the goals of the CRA Plan and RACEC Designation). LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This Staff Report has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission forward Petition CP-2006-1 to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to not transmit to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. However, should the CCPC choose to recommend transmittal, staff recommends the following revisions to the proposed subdistrict (single underline text is added, as proposed by petitioner; double underline text is added, as proposed by staff; double Gtril,s t\i1rs\O!lR text is deleted, as proposed by staff for proper code language, format, clarity, etc.): B. Urban - Commercial District 2, Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict This Commerce Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict (CPSSS) consists of approximately 164.87 acres and is located on the east side of Immokalee Road (CR 846) and south of Stockade Road. The intent of the CPSSS is to allow for a mix of licht industrial and commercial uses specificallY tailored to serve development within the Rural Lands Stewardship Area and the Immokalee Urban area. Develooment within this Subdistrict will resemble if'l a park-like environment with low structural density. -e where landscaped areas provide feF bufferinc ill'I6 for enioyment by the employees and patrons of the commerce park. The deyelopment of this Subdistrict shall be coverned by the followinG criteria: a. The Gross leasable floor area shall not exceed 1.000,000 scuare feet. b, The maximum cross buildinG coveraGe for the CPSSS shall not exceed 45 percent. c. The CPSSS shall be permitted to deyelop with a maximum of 30 percent Secondary Uses as identified in paraGraph h. below, d. The CPSSS shall Gain its principal access from Immokalee Road (CR 846) and access to this arterial road shall be consistent with Policy 7.1 of the Transportation Element. e. The CPSSS &RelI is encouraoed to utilize PUD zonino and shall include within the j;l\JQ specific standards for buffers, landscapinG. open space, sionaGe, screenino for outdoor storace, parkino, and access manaoement. f. The followinG Primarv Uses shall be permitted as of rioht. in 100 percent of the CPSSS: 1. All Rpermitted ~primarv Yuses of the Business Park ~onino €IDistrict ~ forth in ef the Land Development Code in effect as of the date of adoption of this Subdistrict. 17 Agenda Item No, 8e April 8, 2008 Agenda~ M:lf 33 2. Automotive Rrepair &shops (€IGroups 7532-7539) 3. Business &services (€tGroups 7311,7352-7359 and 7371-7379) 4. Motor freiaht transportation and warehousina (eGroup 4225 - mini-storaae and self - storaae onlv) subiect to the followina: a, Metal roll-up aaraae doors. visible from a public riaht-of-way, are prohibited. b. Buildinas are limited to 100 feet in lenath when adiacent to a residential zonina district or residentiallJse. c. Wholesale or retail sales and office uses are prohibited in units desianed for storaae, d. Outdoor storaae is limited to boats, recreational vehicles and other recreational eauipment and shall be enclosed bv a type "B" buffer as set forth in the Land Develooment Code in effect as of the date of adootion of this Subdistrict. 5. Motor l,Ivehicle <:ldealers (€IGroups 5511-5521) 6. Lumber and other buildina materials dealers (€IGroup 5211; outdoor storaae not permitted in a front yard) 7. Ornamental floriculture and nurserY products (€IGroup 0181) g. Retail Sales and/or display areas as accessory uses to the primarY uses set forth in paraaraph If.), shall not 18 exceed an area areater than 30 percent of the aross floor area of the permitted principal use, h. The fOllowina &secondarv Yuses shall be permitted as of riaht. and shall be limited, in aaareaate. to a maximum of 30 percent of the area within the CPSSS: 1. All floermitted &secondarv Vuses of the Business Park ~onina dDistrict of the Land Development Code in effect as of the date of adoption of this Subdistrict. 2. All Permitted Uses of the Commercial Professional and General Office (C-1l ~onina eQistrict. the Commercial Convenience (C-2l i!Zonina eQistrict. and the Commercia/Intermediate (C-3) ~onlna €IDistrict in effect as of the date of adoption of this Subdistrict. [Placeholder Text - Insert Traffic Mitiaation Reauirementsl 18 Agenda Item No. 8e April 8, 2008 AgendaR.3tJL'of 33 A SECOND ALTERNATIVE, preferred by staff, if the proposed project is deemed consistent with the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan, is as follows (modified by staff, but not depicted in double underline and double etFilHI tRF8\1!jR format): B. Urban - Commercial District 2, Business Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict This Business Park at Silver Strand Subdistrict (BPSSS) consists of approximatelv 164,87 acres and is located on the east side of Immokalee Road (CR 846) and south of Stockade Road, The intent of the BPSSS is to allow for a mix of liaht industrial and supportina commercial uses, to serve development within the Rural Lands Stewardship Area and the Immokalee Urban area, Development within this Subdistrict will resemble a park-like environment with low structural density, where landscaped areas provide for bufferina and eniovment bv the emplovees and patrons of the business park, The development of this Subdistrict shall be aoverned bv the followina criteria: a, The aross leasable floor area shall not exceed 1.000,000 SQuare feet. b. The maximum aross buildinQ coveraae for the BPSSS shall not exceed 45 percent. c. The BPSSS shall Qain its principal access from Immokalee Road (CR 846) and access to this arterial road shall be consistent with the Transportation Element. d, The BPSSS shall be encouraQed to utilize PUD zonina and, if utilized, shall include specific standards for buffers, landscapina, open space, sianaae, liahtinQ, screenina of outdoor storaae, parkinQ. and access manaaement. e. Allowed Uses within the Subdistrict shall be limited to: 1. Permitted PrimarY Uses of the Business Park zonina district of the Land Development Code as of the effective date of adoption of this Subdistrict. 2, Retail sales and/or displav areas as accessorY uses to the permitted primarY uses, not to exceed an area areater than 20 percent of the aross floor area of the permitted primarY use. 3. SecondarY Uses of the Business Park zonina district of the Land Development Code as of the effective date of adoption of this Subdistrict. not to exceed an area areater than 30 percent of the aross floor area of the permitted primarY use. f. Proiect boundarY setbacks and bufferina shall be incorporated into the proiect's desian to provide a transition between the Business Park development and the adiacent Low Residential and Aaricultural/Rural desianated areas. a. A community entrY feature/sian with landscapina shall be included in the proiect's desian, [Placeholder Text - Insert Traffic MitiQation Reouirementsl 19 PREPARED BY: ---g- '-_/ COMPREHENSIVE I;' REVIEWED BY: ;A~W ~ AVID WEEKS, ~CP, PLANNING MANAGER COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVIEWED BY: I~JJjI j r;:JA(~ RANDALL COHI;ZN, AICP, DIRECTOR COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVIEWED BY: m~1M-m- ~~d.-f1f:WUN, MARJ IE M_ STUDENT-STIRLING 6 ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED BY: /t=~ 0LYCL~ JOSEPH K. SCHMIIr, ADMINISTRATOR / CbMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & LENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: MARK P. STRAIN, CHAIRMAN Petition No: CP-2006-1 Staff Report for the March 24, 2008 ccpe Meeting DATE: .3/'I-c8 DATE: 3-/<-1-0,5 DATE: 3- I '-i - D.f Agenda Item No, se April 8. 200S AgendEl<11lJrn '4~ 33 DATE: 3-/4-06 DATE: .:3/ ikcf?- . , Note: This petition has been scheduled for the April 8, 2008, Bce Meeting. Agenda Item No. <lI!age I oC April 8, 2008 Page 32 of 33 From: Sent: To: CasalanguidaNick Thursday, March 20, 2008 4:00 PM MurrayRobert; SchifferBrad; ReedCaronDonna; WolfleyOavid; VigliotliRobert; MidneyPaul; StrainMark; Thomas Eastman; 'norskitor@aol.com'; 'Lindyadel@cs.com'; 'pmidney@collier.org' Cc: MoscaMichele; weeks_d; Cohen Randall; George Varnadoe; MarcellaJeanne Subject: Silver Strand Business Park Importance: High CCPC Members, Transportation staff wili be present at the Monday meeting to answer any questions. Staff has met with the applicant and has updated the review for the transportation section to include the following language below, Thank you, Nick "The traffic impacts associated with the Silver Strand GMPA application can not be considered consistent with Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan (GMP) unless specific mitigating stipulations are also approved. The proposed amendment would permit the application of a future rezone application and subsequent development order that would create approximately 543 PM peak hour, peak direction trips on the immediately adjacent link (Irnmokalee Road), Irnmokalee Road is a two lane undivided facility and has a current service volume of 860 trips, with a remaining capacity of approximately 445 trips between Oil Well Road and State Road 29; and is currently at LOS "B" as shown in the 2007 AUIR. The Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) assumes improvements that are consistent with the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) but not consistent with projects identified in the current five year Capital Improvement Element (CIE), These roadways include Irnmokalee Road and Camp Keais Road. Several roadways will not have adequate capacity in the five year planning period. These roadways include Immokalee Road from Oil Well Road to SR-29, Camp Keais Road, State Road 82 and portions of State Road 29. It should also be noted that without improvements, several intersections will not operate at an acceptable level of service including, Immokalee Road and Camp Keais Road, Immokalee Road & State Road 29, State Road 82 & State Road 29 and various movements at intersections along State Road 29, The project will require extensive improvements to the adjacent roadway and at the project access points, The improvements should include general roadway widening and signalization. Staff recommends that the applicant agree to consider one or more of the following mitigation strategies to be further defined at the rezoning stage: I) Inclusion of an on-site transit center to serve the development. 2) Dedication ofland for a future road maintenance facility within the development or off-site. 3) Subsidized transit service for employees. 4) Dedicated transit service to Immokalee center or other appropriate locations. 5) Proportionate share payments intersections improvements identified at the time of zoning not expected to operate at an acceptable level of service. 6) Developer initiated Roadway widening adjacent to the project and intersections improvements to Camp Keais Road & Immokalee Road and Imrnokalee Road and State Road 29, 7) Dedicated right of way for these improvements and roadway storm water management. 3/20/2008 Agenda Item No. d@ge 2 of: April 8, 2008 Page 33 of 33 However, it should be noted that the facilities identified as failing in the review are not identified in the Long Range Transportation 20] 5 Financially Feasible Plan, Changes currently being considered by the Department of Community Affairs that alter the ability of the County to collect impact fees, regulate growth and maintain concurrency would significantly hinder the County's authority to require improvements at a later stage of approval consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of service, Staff would cautiously recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that it would be consistent to transmit this project with the stipulation in the above paragraph but that prior to adoption, the County will evaluate the projecl for consistency with the current rules and assess financial feasibility to construct the necessary improvements that would be required to maintain the current level of service standards." 3/20/2008