Agenda 04/08/2008 Item # 4B Agenda Item No. 48 April 8, 2008 Page 1 of 2. PROCLAMA TrON WHEREAS, 23 mlflion AmerlcafJ$ ore victims of crime each year, and of those, 5.2 mmlon are victim. of via/lmt crime: and, WHEREAS, Q Just society acknowledges crime's Impact on individuals, families. and clJmlfWllfnu by ensuring that rights, NlSOUf"CU, and services are QI/Qilable to help rebuild Ifvu: and, WHEREAS. victims' rights are c:r critical component of the promise of "Justice for a/I. .. the foundation for out' $)'$fern of Justice In America: and, WHEREAS, although out' nation htl$ steadily exptInded rights, protections, and $ervfcu for victims of crime, tOD '"tiny vlctiTrl$ are still not able to realize the hope and promiSe of tha. galfl$: and, WHEREAS, we must do beffer to ensure services are available f"" undcrserved segtr!enfs of aur population. Including crime victims with disabilities. victims with menfat il/neu, victims who are elderly, victims In rural GreQS: and, WHEREAS, observing victims' rights and tr"ting victims with dignity and respect Hf'VU the public IlJterast by engaging victims In the Justice system, inspiring respect for public euthorltiu, and prDl1HJtlng confidence in public safety: end, WHEREAS, America recognizes thGt we make our homes, neighborhoods, and communities SQfe and str'Dngcr by serving victims of crime and ensuring justice for all: and, WHEReAS, our nation must strive to protect, expond, and observe crime victims' rights so thet there truly Is justice for victims of crime and ensuring justice for till; and, WHeReAS, National Crime Victims'Rights Week, April 13.J9, ZOO8, provides an oppDr1Unity for us to strive 1'0 reoch the goal of Justice for ail by ensuring that ail victims are afforded their legal rights and provided with asslrlanee as they face the financial, physical and psychological impact of crime: and, WHEReAS, the Board of County Commissioners is joining forces with victim service programs, criminal justice officials, and concerned cltlzetl$ throughout Collier County and Amerl'ca to raise awarenus about victims' rights and observe the 28'" NationoJ Crime Victims' Rights Week. NOW Tl-ieReFORE, be it proclaimed by the BDtJrd of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that the week of Apri/13-19, 2008, be designated as / National Crime Victims' Rights Week and reaffirm Collier County's ctHf1mitment to respect and enforce victims' rights and address their needs during NotWMI Crime Victims'Rights Week and throughout the year: and express our appreciation for those victims and crime survivors who have turned pcrsanal tragedy Into a motivation force to improve our response to victims af crime and bund a mtlnl: Just cammunity. OONE ANO OROEREO THIS 8th Oay of April. ZOO8. BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUIER COUNTY. FLORIOA TOM HENNING. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: ,~ OWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 4B April 8, 2008 Page 2 of2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 4B Proclamation designating April 13-19, 2008 as National Crime Victims' Rights Week. To be accepted by Angela Larson from the Collier County Sheriffs Office, Betty Ardaya from the State Attorney's Office. Shaina Hicks from Project Help, and a representative from the Shelter for Abused Women and Children. Meeting Date: 4/8/2008 900:00 AM Prepared By Paula Springs Board of County Commissioners Executive Aide to the BCe Date BCC Office 3/21/20082:38:55 PM Approved By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners Bce Office 3/21/20082:51 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 3/26/200812:21 PM file://C:IAgendaTestIExportIJ 04-April%208. %202008104. %20PROCLAMA Tl ONSI4B\4 B%... 4/2/2008