Agenda 05/13/2008 Item #17B Agenda Item No. 17B May 13, 2008 Page 1 of 31 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY V A-2008-AR-12951 Irvine Dubow, requesting a 10.7-foot Variance from the required IS-foot front yard setback of the Vineyards PUD, to allow a 4.3-foot setback in order to rebuild a pool cage that was destroyed by Hurricane Wilma. The subject property is located at 5901 Almaden Drive in Section 8, Township 49 S, Range 26 E, Collier County, Florida OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) consider the above-referenced Variance petition and render a decision pursuant to Section 9.04.04 of the Land Development Code (LDC) in order to ensure that the project is in harmony with all applicable codes and regulations and that the community's interests are maintained. CONSIDERATIONS: The petitioner is requesting that the BZA consider an after-the-fact Variance of 10.7 feet from the required 15-foot front yard setback of the Vineyards PUD (Ordinance 85-15) to allow a 4.3-foot setback in order to rebuild a pool cage that was destroyed by Hurricane Wilma. The applicant is the original owner of the single-family home on the subject site, which had an attached screened cage enclosure when he purchased the property in 1990. However, while attempting to rebuild the enclosure after Hurricane Wilma, he learned that permits for the original structure had never been pulled. He also learned that the enclosure had illegally encroached approximately 6.56 feet into the ten-foot drainage easement abutting the eastern boundary of the property; and that it had not met the setback requirement of the PUD, which requires a minimum front yard setback for accessory structures, such as screen enclosurcs, to be 15 feet. (Since the site is a comer lot with two frontages, it is considered to have two front yards instead of one). The applicant filed a Variance request to allow the screen cage enclosure to be rebuilt with a reduced front yard setback (V A-2007-AR-I 1300), which was unanimously approved by the CCPC on May 17, 2007. However, due to the existence of the aforementioned ten-foot drainage easement, the CCPC's recommendation of approval included a stipulation by staff that the replacement enclosure be reconstructed but not encroach into the ten-foot drainage easement, which would enable maximum utilization of the applicant's existing slab foundation while still respecting the limits of the easement. (The unused portion of the slab, being at grade level, would not have impeded with the function or maintenance of the easement and, therefore, could remain.) .-. On June 26,2007, the Variance petition (Resolution No. 07-171) was also approved by a unanimous vote from the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA), subject to what staff understood as the stipulations recommended by the CCPe. The applicant, however, .A,genda Item No. 178 May 13, 2003 Page 2 of 31 understood that the BZA had given him approval to "replace" his sereen eage enclosure in the exaet location in which it stood before the hurricane, since this is what he had verbally requested at the BZA hearing and had always desired notwithstanding staffs and the CCPC's reeommendation. Beeause a review of the motion to approve the Variance in the verbatim minutes of the hearing was unclear as to the BZA's intent (see Attaehment I), staff deeided that the petition should be sent back to the CCPC and BZA for fmiher action. However, in the intervening period, the applicant was able to successfully acquire an Easement Use Agreement from the County allowing him to eonstruct his screen cage enclosure in the drainage easement. As a result of this Agreement, stan's prior stipulation prohibiting eonstruction within the drainage easement has become unnecessary and is, therefore, not included in this Variance request. FISCAL IMP ACT: Approval of this Variance petition would have no fiscal impact on Collier County. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMPACT: Approval of this Variance would not affect or change the requirements of the GMP. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT: Approval of this Variance would have no affordable housing impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: There are no environmental issues associated with this Variance. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: The EAC did not review this petition as they do not normally hear Variance petitions. COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: The CCPC heard petition VA-2008-AR-l2951 on May l, 2008, and believing that approving the Variance would not be injurious to the neighborhood or detrimental to the public welfare, voted unanimously (9-0) to forward this petition to the BZA with a recommendation of approval. Because this decision was unanimous, and no letters of objection have been received from the community, this item is being placed on the summary agenda. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: Staff completed a comprehensive evaluation of this land use petition and the criteria on which a detemlination by the CCPC and the BZA must be based. The legal considerations are reflected in the CCPC evaluation of the listed criteria in Chapter 9.04.03 of the LDC. These evaluations are completed and have bcen incorporated into the Aaenda Item No. 178 " May 13. 2008 Page 3 or 31 attached Staff Report. A swnmary of the legal considerations and findings are noted below: . Are there special conditions and circumstances existing, which are peculiar to the location, size, and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved? . Are there special conditions and circumstances, which do not result from the action of the applicant, such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property, which is the subject of the variance request? . A literal interpretation of the provisions of the LDC work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties on the applicant. . The variance, if granted, will be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure and which promote standards of health, safety, or welfare. . Granting the variance requested will not confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. . Granting the variance will be in harmony with the intent and purpose of the LDC and not be injurious to the neighborhood or othetwise detrimental to the public welfare. . There are natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation, such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course, etc. . Granting the variance will be consistent with the GMP. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Appeals approve Petition V A-2008-AR- 12951. PREPARED BY: John-David Moss, AICP, Principal Planner Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page I of I Agenda Item No. 178 May 13, 2008 Page 4 of 31 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 17B This item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex parte disclosure be provided by CommissIOn members. VA-2008-AR-12951 Irvine Dubow, requesting a 10.7-foot Variance from the required 15-foot front yard setback of the Vineyards PUD, to allow a 4.3-foot setback in order to rebuild a pool cage that was destroyed by Hurricane Wilma. The subject property is located at 5901 Almaden Drrve In Section 8, Township 49 S, Range 26 E, Collier County, Florida. 5/13/20089.0000 AM Prepared By John~David Moss Community Development & Environmental Services Senior Planner Date Zoning & Land Development 5/1/20082:33:57 PM Approved By Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. Date 5/1/20082:45 PM Approved By Ray Bellows Community Development & Environmental Services Chief Planner Date Zoning & Land Development Review 5/1/20084:08 PM Approved By .Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 5/1/20086:25 PM Approved By Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 5/2/20088:42 AM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 5/612008 1 :07 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 107 -Mav%20 13.%202008\ 17.%20SUMMAR Y%20AGENDA \ 1 ... 5/7/2008 /\oenda Item ~Jo. 1"73 ~ May 13, 2008 Page 5 of 31 Co~r County ... --,.......... - - - STAFF REPORT COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING DATE: MAY 1, 2008 SUBJECT: PETITION VA-2008-AR-1295L IRVINE DUBOW AGENT/APPLICANT: OWNER/AGENT: Irvine L. Dubow 590] Almaden Dr. Naples, FL 34119 REOUESTED ACTION: The petitioner is requesting that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPe) consider a 10.7-foot Variance from the required 15-foot front yard setback, pursuant to Section 3.04 of the Vineyards PUD, Ordinance 85-15, as amended, to allow a 4.3- foot setback in order to rebuild a pool cage that was destroyed by HUITicane Wilma. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject propeliy is a corner lot located at 590 I Almaden Drive, Lot 26, Unit I in the Sonoma Lake subdivision, Section 8, Township 49 S, Range 26 E, Collier County, Florida (see location map on the following page). PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF REOUEST: The applicant is the original owner of the single-family home on the subject site, which had an attached screened cage enclosure when he purchased the property in 1990. However, while attempting to rebuild the enclosure after H umeane Wilma, he learned that pennits for the original structure had never been pulled. He also learned that the structure had illegally encroach cd approximately 6.56 feet into thc 10-tc)ot d.rainage easemcnt abutting thc eastern boundary of the property: and that it had not met the 15-foot tront yard setback requircment of thc Vincyards PUD, which requires minimum front yard setback for accessory structures, such as screen enclosurcs, to be 15 feet. Pell/ion '.A.](}07-AR.l.:'951 I'II!;(' I urn CCPC Dille: .Hay!. ]O()8 Agenda Item No. 178 May 13, 2008 Page 6 of 31 The applicant filed a Varianee request to allow the sereen cagc enclosure to be rebuilt with a reduced front yard setbaek (V A-2007-AR-I1300), which was unanimously approved by the CCPC on May 17, 2007. However, due to the existcnce of the aforementioned drainage easement, the CCPC's recommendation of approval included a stipulation by staff that the new enclosure be reconstructed outside of the ten1'oot drainage easement, which would enable maximum utilization of the applicant's existing slab foundation while still respecting the limits of the easement. (The unused portion of the slab, being at grade level, would not have impeded with the funetion or maintenance of the easement and, therefore, could remain.) On June 26,2007, the Variance petition (Resolution No. 07-171) was also approved by a unanimous vote from the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). It was staff's understanding that the Variance was approved as recommended by the CCpc. The applicant, however, understood that the BZA had given him approval to "replace" his screen cage enclosure in the exact location in whieh it stood before the hurricane, since this is what he had verbally requested at the BZA hearing and had always desired notwithstanding staff's and the CCPC's recommendation. Because a review ofthe motion to approve the Variance in the verbatim minutes was unclear as to the BZA's intent with regard to the CCPC's recommendation or the applieant's request, it was determined that this petition should be sent back to the BZA for further action. However, in the intervening period, the applicant was able to successfully acquire an Easement Use Agreement from the County allowing him to construct his screen cage enclosure in the drainage easement. As a result of this Agreement, staff's prior stipulation prohibiting construction within the drainage easement has become unnecessary and is, therefore, not included in this Variance request. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: NOlih: East: South: West: Lake, then single-family residential structures, zoned PUD. Single-family residential structures, zoned PUD. Single-family residential structure, zoned PUD. Single-family residential structure, zoned PUD. Perilion VA-2()()7-AR-12\)5! PlIge 2 of6 cepc Dale: Marl, 200R Agenda Item No. 173 May 13, 2008 Page 7 of 31 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IGMPl CONSISTENCY: The site is located in the Urban Residential Land Use Designation on the County's Future Land Use Map. The GMP does not address individual Variance requests but deals with the larger issue of the actual use. As previously noted, the subject petition seeks a Variance for an accessory structure on a single-family home that is located within a single-family subdivision, which is an authorized use in this land use designation; therefore, the single- family home use is consistent with the Future Land Use Map. Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes that the proposed use for the subject site is consistent with the Future Land Use Element. ANALYSIS: Section 9.04.01 of the LDC gives the BZA the authority to grant Variances. The CCPC is advisory to the BZA and utilizes the provisions of Subsection 9.04.03 A. through H., in bold font below, as general guidelines to assist in making a recommendation of approval or denial. Staff has analyzed this petition relative to these provisions, and offers the following responses: A. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing, which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure or building involved? There is no land-related hardship. The lot is situated in a platted, developed Planned Unit Development. The uses of the subject property are allowed, and there is a minimum 15- foot front yard setback for acccssory screen enclosurcs. Absent this Variance approval, the petitioner would still have a rcasonable use of the property. B. Are there special conditions and circumstances, which do not result from the action of the applicant such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property, which is the subject of the variance request? Yes. As noted above, the BZA approved a Variance without clearly articulating its intent. Nonetheless, the applicant has now obtain cd an Easement Use Agrecment that permits construction of the screen cage enclosure within the easement. Therefore, staff does not object to the requested 10.7-foot Variance. In addition, the applicant is the original owner of the single- family residence, which contained the pool cage enclosure upon his purchasc of the property from Coastal Construction in 1990. The applicant assumed that thc cage enclosure had been permitted with the house, but it ncver was. Therefore, the condition is pre-existing. C. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this zoning code work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties for the applicant? If this Variance is not approved, the largest screen cnclosure the applicant would bc ablc to install would be approximately 260 square feet, which is less than half the size of the existing concrete patio slab. Consequently, more than 50 percent of the unused slab would rcmain, thereby creating a practical difficulty for the applicant. Petition IA-]()IJ7-AR-/~Y5! f'ugc 3 olfi ("('PC Dare: :\1{/l'!,]O()/i Agenda Item No. 178 May 13, 2008 Page 8 of 31 D. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety and welfare? Yes. The Variance proposed would be the minimum Variance to allow reasonable use of the existing lanai with a cage enclosure; and as the prior screen enclosure existed on the site for at least 15 years without complaint or issue, approval of this Variance would not have a negative impact on standards of health, safety and welfare. E. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district? Yes. A Variance by definition confers some dimensional relief from the zoning regulations specific to a site. However, no similar Variances have been granted in this immediate neighborhood. F. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Land Development Code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare? Yes. The proposed Variance would allow the applicant to construct a screen enclosure, which is an appurtenance enjoyed by many of the applicant's neighbors. Approval of this Variance would not have an injurious effect upon the neighborhood, nor would it be detrimental to the public welfare. As noted above, the proposed enclosure would replace the previous screen enclosure, which existed for] 5 years on the site without complaint. G. Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf courses, etc.? Yes. The subject property is a comer lot and the area for which the Variance is being requested abuts a drainage easement, lake and then a roadway that dead-ends at the end of the petitioner's lot. Therefore, the screen cnclosure would not have an impact on the only neighbor to the west. H. Will granting the variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan? Approval of this Variance petition would not affcct or change the requirements of the GMP. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: The EAC does not nonnally hear Variance petitions and did not hear this one. Pelition VA-20()7-AR-12iJ51 Page 4 q(6 cepe Dale: May 1. 200N Agenda !tem No. 178 May 13, 2008 Page 9 of 31 RECOMMENDATION: Zoning and Land Development Review staffrecommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval of petition V A-200S-AR-12951 to the Board of Zoning Appeals. /'eririoll VA-21!07-AR-1295! !'age 5 0(6 CC/'C Vale: .lorn)' I, :008 Agenda Item No. 178 May 13, 2008 Page 10 of 31 PREPARED BY: JOHN-DAVID MOSS, AICP, PRINCIPAL PLANNER PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE REVIEWED BY: JEFFREY A. KLATZKOW DATE CHIEF ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY RAY BELLOWS, MANAGER DATE DEPARTMENT OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUSAN M. ISTENES, AICP, DIRECTOR DATE DEPARTMENT OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVED BY: JOSEPH K. SCHMITT, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION Tentatively scheduled for the May 13,2008 Board of County Commissioners Meeting. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: MARK P. STRAIN, CHAIRMAN DATE Periliol1 VA-2007-AR-12951 Pllge 6of6 ("CPC Dale: A/a)' 1. 20()f! (;) J\genda Item No. 17B May 13, 2008 Page 11 of 31 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES. FLORIDA 34104 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 COLUER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING 8< LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW VARIANCE PETITION APPLICATION (VARIANCE FROM SETBACK(s) REQUIRED FOR A PARTICULAR ZONING DISTRICT) PETITION NO (AR) PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROCESSED ASSIGNED PLANNER To be completed by staff Above to be completed by staff APPUCANT/AGENT INFORMATION NAME OF APPUCANT(S) \ ' I, " 'i-( \, I Iv 'c- L, U, L," ADDRESS \ r, , I ~ h 11 V CITY I\f\ \-if STATE \ i. ZIP "II i '{ ). r", CELL'# :hi .'';:;1-'" i i 7 FAX # ; '. v....,~, - , .., J -I (:, ;~i .j. ~' ":. )'<) q g ".,r-r. 1\ ': (,. ,t '. \ '1'11 1'.1 '\/'\U>I,' TELEPHONE # .'.1> , , , ) ~ Ld' - ADDRESS: " NAME OF AGENT ADDRESS TELEPHONE # CITY CELL # STATE ZIP FAX # Variance ApplicatiDn rev. 12/23/04 Page I of 10 E-MAIL ADDRESS: Agenda Item No. 178 May 13, 2008 Page 12 of 31 BE AWARE THAT COLLIER COUNTY HAS LOBBYIST REGULATIONS. GUIDE YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY AND ENSURE THAT YOU ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. ASSOCIA nONS Complete the following for all Association(s) affiliated with this petition. Provide additional sheets if necessary. n LA--Ie'L S NAME Of HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: .Jo NON fir 1WM8n~ u ~tt<<;, Iksoc. MAILING ADDRESS ~tOl &NnA &.t:1-t (21) CITY .B,l-.Il~A- <;~TATE~ ZIP ~4\3S: i'pll\~(;..'""'" NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS ZIP CITY STATE NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS ZIP CITY STATE NAME OF MASTER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF CIVIC ASSOCIATION: Variance Application rev. 12/23/04 Page 2 of 10 MAILING ADDRESS CITY 1\"-1~lnda 11em r,,)o. 173 STATE_ZW '.~J> 13, 2003 Page 13 of 31 I PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Legal Description of Snbjcct Property: SectionITownship/Range D-*-..d..L Property 1.0.#: (1f'XX!O 1 $1 ~ n:J (I) I L\ ~'f Subdivision:fO WM 1+ LA-\( t.. Unit Lot: 2 (p Block: Metes & Bounds Description: Acreage Address of Snbject Property (If different from Petitioner's address): ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE Zoning Land Use N~ S PU j) E~ W ?U \L ~?-S\ U'i-~\\ M- ~ I 1/ Minimum Yard Reauirements for Subiect Property: Front: Comer Lot: Yes 0 No 0 Waterfront Lot: Yes 0 No 0 Side: Rear: NATURE OF PETITION Provide a detailed explanation of the request including what structures are existing and what is proposed; the amount of encroachment proposed using numbers, i.e. reduce front setback from Variance Application rev. 12/23/04 Page 3 of]O I ,- Len..)\.' ,.<.'<- '- L)l. "/- '-'''T' v", f"o-) rY LJ Fo 1<- -T~ 11,'L - NO'" s: 0- If. V:tel )qtJ( L " f\" 0 K \..I\JlL'f L J (l-c I< 1'1, ,-- Agenda Item ~<o. 178 10 c' -rfv1Effl-1-3(-l20Cl8 Page 14 of 31 'T' \-\i S ETt~ik: I<' S /+l'il) G' NC(2-U Ik 1+ MG f\J .. :iI I ( > kJlLL l::;> L et2-9V'I)1.b r:!,'1 Tl+L /3-..pI)~UI)~JA-\1.. '~Jf"i\-Jc;- <:,~f=- trL~ 0 TIT7: I'G: I~ ,...) 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[; NJ J cf-f 1<-ft {~NTi~,~ ~ If . h d wh'" . aI Aoenda ite'll..t;Q. 178 25' to 18; when property owner pure ase property; en eXIsting pnnclp structure '^;~rrJI,1':z008 (include building permit number (s) if possible): why encroachment is necessary; how~itingof 31 encroachment came to be; etc. For projects authorized under LDC Section 9.04.02. provide detailed description of site alterations. including any dredging and filling. LfW~1 rile'>.. QU/U1R--U\ - ~\ctHVr lJILt1Ji.- (jeT LyviOrif(q~ ~'0P~ ~",)kl~.' !~vl1jt L,llub?lIJ d" l, LJ-. ril-J ll0bvt-J lVTi ~. U..~ L~ f.Juv' 1'3 \01 (l' It.! co! 10,,; 7 I pp I tJOv. iqo, ('ONSTi4'c..XlJ 'tf'1 C;J~ InAfSif2-\JC:l'I Of,f III WL'l".-,..::rL. .- ~&~ 'FlvL1 G",'JITR.IlLTIO),} ~ u(2-, - Olt.'[ /-.0 PL ~ N()V'I~~ VPDN Tfr,J< I N6 I<CS"/fJ<i4JC'l, P" l? (otJTRAcr~tfT CLJ~TRM1 _~QU/~(D It- ~I\ ~D Vn-e.\~C~. .q:--ROM CouuYi' J)v hrJ(J.! IS fk.<'f)MFD SA--M E. . Please note that staff and the Collier County Planning Commission shall be guided in their recommendation to the Board of zoning Appeals, and that the Board of zoning appeals shall be guided in its determination to approve or deny a variance petition by the below listed criteria (1-8). (Please address these criteria using additional pages if necessary.) I. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure. or building involved. 911" ALl:i81~6A\J 0 (( \ ~ AT ');,.JOM A- ikA1<'<i:S '\XWL{)PJA-v,,:;t :4 T r--I-k.- (rJ 'IT P-S ~ CT 100 0-( Ll ~~M()fLC [IV "'- I\-LH-ll-J)VL\. J~ Ull~~ /HZ- L4-I<L ~V~'.Jh Tl~;::r ~(:' 01-=- ~+z {t-oUS[. LI_'VfS?~J2..RJ IS tt5_'it-JD_~_Lt;~ ~v_,iI..!G 11+( L~. 2. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request. JJo 0<-. W ~Dr uCR.... . ( G<t:1 A ViW-, ~ n-k- G rJ/12.Ae TV i2-.. DK ~ ('>;,LDZ:. :r fft L {//\ IV PE72N(;] Variance Application rev. 12123/04 Page 4 of 10 ,,',~ ~V~...' t ~''-'---~ ~[J'LJ- ~ Ff KIln- (1. . 1-'- . Vtif!lll? V!)N ~ .Agenda Item No. 178 1 .' \ I) t; .... t .. May 1~' 9.G? I..... f () 1<. '" t' {<. [1\T'6--E--. "Vr:;.t-tfMe 1 ~ \"'Fil> 'f"i:: i= '( 1'--' ,+.... l I ~ \.-V \ \ r \ - 1<- f4.- F'-- .- \ It ~'-\~ l cU" I v'~ L,01:'5 N Cl l\;:~ N{)Ji- CJt...-;:; :\ \'-" ,\+;, 1'1 1\ '" I" L i-L 'vU;T/otJ}. - P '1 "i; lo-- (~Nj. 4J IJ-r-J ctre> (, f' ~A-r.( IA..,J I +Lt (Af:l.( &.. "'l ,J, 10 F 4- l,/ I F'''L vJ 1+0 ~ (..i r'FS: 12 '> F .Q[,..i,'vl [t-, n J AL L He I IV) c:= t:l <, I) I) ~. IT":' 'L (r {I, (] 0'/ IW IHJt>:; f) Igv t-< D'2.~ fIJ O~- Gpt. 4/ (1:.24'17 uP il &' rJ ~ 15 (T NOI \-tl\.1.E"'~Tt'-CoM(~';~l"i>Lf l)/)Lu5S t+ GR/wi)FArl-k>tl'>. C'L.t-4.{/SE? IT fl.I,+I) r~[ \UU 1/).-1''-: Fa 1-2 (lil ~ 8u T \ T i'-1 1+'1 16: LI O'L TI+ I$, [3 LJ j.:;) 0[ N 011) t:---vrvI2L VzofLt:', ~r f-U<f\.lL'-( ~2LI Z vz rHAI ~'cJiv.-E t::!'{L\ Lr=:- ~ Ihh)L1) I~L Kf.,\jJfClPl)LLY 0/5C'0')5EI: It0 A- T-~{);:n-Hr-2.t6t+r 1'--1 ftN 10 'i.-I( ,+f,.I) \5 T~+"L- T-/I"-IE:: f-\tJeJ jt.t;' f+8JJfl?_N-(~ L,( {to/LI"iIZ (o(nJ'(Ll (0 \\1i"1 \) '> I OI'-..J (. Id> \:> \i-l~ I:.h Iki:. /" ~g1f. p, ~ 6-(lt) I!.{!J.JI rl IN ~ 7i+-c tJvbow<; ~(F/}.f!J"~~~~~ ~ ~ Ie t4--L f.- N C:/v'/7?r-L l)f2fJJ ~J--U~ C:;. ~ge 17 of 31 ~ I J..)~ 0 c( tJ I (3 Lf ~ r--fl-1J /J~, Be; I Al G U N-F' I tl2L l.(J U7\1JTJc;.\Z.- ~ OC \ N &- Pl1 A.J( .s bJd). .- em IJ \. - S~ p~ ~ 3. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this zoning code work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties on the applicant. 'f{.S.' 'I LS " '<f.H I ft _( c, V (\1 D (] l~ D'i r-.9lL '-f o R A-ND-f R- H+tR Is ~j-( \ --'L- IJ1J 5 iAJ0Q (L-Ft-\J.s 'L 4. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health. safety or welfare. o I=-- GJLJR-S <t. . 5. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands. buildings. or structures in the same zoning district. W 1+t1 1+ t t2 f.d..1J I) F Ii- T f-k/21 DISCUSS ~ 0 ' I AJ D'C<00 IAf< L q; A--fL- -c OJ::' r If-{., P (/ f3 LI C \,f\--F~ (A)'I-!-u vvOUL- D / I /.Jv R I~ \ '"\ \4-B-P? Po 7S I BL'1 (l--MC, L- r l-J-o uL \) ~'L f() R Tr+-v-.t7\k 1=0TV(Lf., M ~ if--k W w.v vJOv L I~ (/+fIT I~ 6. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the intent and purpose of this zoning code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 'jf/iJ2.-<f_ d ItB <; () LU rrL L1 i D l.. -F.HJ I J"Z LLJ N (J i1f-IIJ (y 17) ('4U57 ij..-A1dMJ ItJ..rUILLr rJLJ~ IkJ(Dfl)VUV/'lAl(L 17; ~ \ 'II Cpr) 12 r; \ 'tI.. t; 1+<'0:1,/ PH/lJtJ c) R- iR-A>Ff:"/ (' -f'- N LrJtC . r' 0 N<e (iJI,..{ If'. ui-uJ r- I tV [(xi- L{ 0#12 s / J J u+ t't (' I CZ tJ ( o ^'P 'oSeJ/L/.. or- Iv'nC QSkJ,QcJ{C :::rMoQt11}c'c hI M<'/Vf> l r0 S:J PPOR-I' 7. Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves. lakes, golf course, etc. Variance Application rev. 12/23/04 Page 5 of 10 NO I ,J () d-. tJ 0 - j214451Q)--f I~ Ot \ :Cf'~J{7;;ct21JMIWf~ VI!, ~,~r:!".d~B f) . Y 1G(r.dll.08 W'1 (JAJL! df2JJ)/J"?RlCf. Page18of31 8. Will granting the variance be consistent with the growth management plan. -MtJi. V~ !J () , I J ( S FI4-1 R Af.IJ () Iv <; r :::tn c, p JhJ~ ~ '/..4-/2-! A--A Jcr . A.t.A1.JJ I Ic:JH{J J\lf<; II N-vR-T'<AI-.H) No {8YR1-11<; lbfJC. ::::]TU1}r (Jfltr/rLJ fK '1uu w MJI (U Sf --r-R-~. BE ADVISED THAT SECTION 10.03.05.B.3 OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES AN APPLICANT TO REMOVE THEIR PUBLIC HEARING SIGN (S) AFTER FINAL ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. BASED ON THE BOARD'S FINAL ACTION ON THIS ITEM. PLEASE REMOVE ALL PUBLIC HEARING ADVERTISING SIGN(S) IMMEDIATELY. VARIANCE PETITION (VA) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W/COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. #OF NOT REQUIREMENTS COPIES REQUIRED REQUIRED Completed APolication (download from website for current form) 15 Variance Application rev. 12/23/04 Page 6 of 10 lication meetin notes 15 I 15 I I 2 I 5 I I ~I"r~:.... ~, -.:; ~ I t Jo. 1178 ,11 0 08 P 19 of 31 v' / 3 t./ FEES: D Pre-application Fee $500.00 (Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required.) Review Fees: D $2000.00 Residential D $5000.00 Non-Residential D $2000.00 Sign Variance D After-Th...Fact Zoning/Land Use Petitions 2x the nannal petition fee D $760.00 Estimated Legal Advertising Fee . eepc Meeting D $363.00 Estimated Legal AdvertiSing Fee. Bee Meeting (any over- or under-payment will be reconciled upon receipt of Invoice from Naples Daily News). D $2500.00 EI5 ReVIew OTHER REQUIREMENTS, o o o Agent/Owner Signature Date P 7 U) (0 (i) AFFIDAVIT Agenda Item No. 178 May 13, 2008 Page 20 of 31 We/IX 7~, i-- ~ L~uIY sworn, depose ond say that we/I am/are the owners of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers fo the questions in this application, including the disclosure of interest information, 011 sketches, data, and other supplementary matter aftoched to and mode 0 port of this applicationl are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We/I understand that the information requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall nof be altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and 011 required information has been submitted. As property owner We/I further authorize ~"V~:~~. ;, 9 ;/.);)'/0/ to act as our/my representative in on moHers reg rding this Petition. ~ LJ~--vV' Signature of Property Owner J RVlt!. L. \Ju bai0 Typed or Printed Name of Owner ~lLLlfI.1j \Ju bow Typed or Printed Name of Owner The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this IA day of ~ ~ pf{ + ~ ,Dl~ who is personally known to me or has produced . 20o!1 by identification. as State of Florida County of CoWer ,~~~':-~'~'::t:'" '" _-,.~."c,.,~"., "'""ll '\ 'DB' ~.. 1,"- ": ~Jt;'r.J. I.';J y :: . iI,}':; > Y Ur,ll(' ~'. ';;'cr,_. ~\:''',', ; !'.rlv C')n-" ,'",a(e of F"/o'"'da ~.YF~~"'P " ..- ,1<>,'..1'",,-_,. " <'~;;'.~~"r;',;.;';> - ;~~rf!S ,iuI28, 2009 20:' ., JD4?3i31 ~>..~.~,.-'.':i!!::-.:i.;li,r;._,..,~. "i.I<~"{;+",.....~ (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notory Public) Variance Application rev. 12/23/04 Page2of4C ADDRESS1"'lG CHECKLIST Agenda r::~~ 110266~ Paoe 21 of 31 Please complete the following AND FAX (239-659-5724) OR SUBMIT TN PERSON TO THE ADDRESSING SECTION. FORM MUST BE STGNJ:.I> BY ADDRESSING PERSONNEL PRIOR TO PRE-APPLICATION MEETING. Not all items will apply to every project. Items in bold type are required. LEGAL DESCRIPTION of subject property or properties (copy of lengthy description may be attached) S:/rJ t.1 MA-- Lf} WI.-- VrJ (\ I [-Dr Lb FOLIO (Property 10) NUMBER(s) of above (attach to, or associate with, legal description if more than one) (yJ(,v07Z,1)~IIJO ILH~C; STREET ADDRESS OR ADDRESSES (as applicable, if already assigned) ,,-qui (UHMi"iIJ I')rt !JIVPLH .t;'L- NI\Cf LOCATION MAP, showing exact location 01 project/site in relation to nearest public road right.ol-way (attach) COPY OF SURVEY (NEEDED ONLY FOR UNPLATTED PROPERTIES) PROPOSED PROJECT NAME (if applicable} ~p I (}G.... SC ~'i: >J <'~1JCl..{)<;,,7R..{'! v"; \ '\ 001.- PROPOSED STREET NAMES (if applicable) Site Development Plan Number (FOR EXISTING PROJECTSISITES ONLY), SDP orAR- Petition Type - (Complete a separate Addressing Checklist for each Petition Type) DSDP (Site Development Plan) 0 PPL (Plans & Plat Review) o SDPA (SDP Amendment) 0 PSP (Preliminary Subdivision Plat) o SDPI (SDP Insubstanliel Change) 0 FP (Final Plat) o SIP (Site Improvement Plan) 0 LLA (Lot Line Adjustment) o SIPI (SIPllnsubstantial Change) 0 BL (Blasting Permit) o SNR (Street Name Change) 0 ROW (Right-ol-Way Permit) o Vegetation/Exotic (Veg. Removal Permits) 0 EXP (Excavation Permit) o VRSFP (Veg. Removal & Site Fill Permit) 0 TDR (Transfer of Development Rights) o Land Use Petition (Variance, Conditional Use, Boat Dock Ext., Rezone, PUD rezone, etc.) o Other - Describe: Project or development names proposed lor, or already appearing in, condominium documents (if applicable; indicate whether proposed or existing) Please Check One: 0 Checklist is to be Faxed Back 0 Personally Picked Up Applicant Name:(i:dl .;1.. L. D v b (I vJ PhoneJVt -1,S?, .,NRFax ,Hi -'), \'5-/;<7'18 Signature on Addressing Checklist does not constitute Project andlor Street Name approval and is subject to further review by the Addressing Section. FOR STAFF USE ONL Y Primary Number Address Number Address Number Address Number 'i 6-if fD Approved by Variance Application rev. 12/23/04 Page 10 of to Date Agenda Item No. 178 May 13, 2008 Page 22 of 31 ,J!:,.--...."l';"tlaf. .~.~~...... DOC .' .' l)INT- .:. '.. WARRANTY OEEO I ~. 5 IND_ sot... : Recol'.dliw-:,::>'_",:;-, ' Ilctc s~::3~'l:S\) d '1'II1S.....~;:DDD Made the ",f'T day of v May A.D. Bap~,~~re. Limited Partnership, A North Carolina P~t8h1PI qualified to do business in the State of rlc,~4i_,/":})y, Palisades Properties. Inc.. A Delaware c~~~~ Its General Partner "" C> ~ :il co .... is .. .... ... ~ c: m U'> ,.. .... <<> :z: "- ::> '" t.> 0:> c: "" .,.., ::; .... C> C ... Vl ,,~ "". '" .~ .. ., ~i ~ .- ~: ~~~.r~ -:"! ,..:;:> ~- ~~ i-; 3';;;13. 'T' .... ....".1: ....:'H.-,,.~.,; /\aenda Item f'.jo. 178 ~ May 13. 2008 Page 23 of 31 0"" :;0"" 1990 \1M Limita t.n 0'" ::><<<> c-t'?',,:;'.. ., herei~;~~iCalled the grantor, to X....1JiJIL';o_ and LJ.l.Uan Dubov. JOIIlT TENANCY whoae:poata'<<1~e ad.dres8 19 7220 you: A'lEMUE SOUTH '325, EDINA, MIHNESOTA 55435 herein-ce:lled-the grantee, whotae,SOc14:1Secur1 ty Nwllber is ("he:o~~USed herein the terms Ilgrantorn and "grantee" Ineludet~a11 the parties to this in8tr~ent and the heirs, legiU->~reeentatives and assigns of individuals, and the sucoeasors'and assigns of corporations) => o ~ C> "" en "" WITnssns::._Tbat the grantor. tor and in consideration of the sua of$lp.OOand other valuable considerations. receipt whereof i8 here~~cknowledged, conveys and confirms unto the ~rantee, all thatoer~a!n land situate in COLLIER, County. Florida, vi:: Being- all of the Seal I By: Palisades Properties, Inc., A Delaware Corporation, Its General ~ 5 Partner j / . , ___ By/ d!t(,4t / . . fl"...J",_ William V. Roberts . .....----:--~ (Cff..EJ2.t1/1..... President Received $ ~2-cl. ~O nocumentarv Stamp Tall Class ~C" Intanei~le Received $ JJ / IT- Personal Property T 3to CO\.l.IER COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS By(]P.I~J. _...IA~ J6. Pi"'..J,.~' O.c 001529 OR BOOK f\Q.endalt~m No. 17B "'1i"'.,.'.;",i!fli'l1' 13, 2008 Page 24 of 31 ~. 001302 PAGE STATB OP NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take aCknowledgments, personally appeared WILLIAM V. ROBERTS, AND PATRICIA 3. FERGUSON PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY' OP PALISADES PROPERTIES IHe., a Delaware Oorporatlon. GeD~~~l Partner of Haples Ventures Limited Partnership, a/ei~11na Limited Partnership, respectively ot the corporation named as grantor. in the foregoing deed. and that they severally acknowledged executing thesame in the presence of two, subscribing witnesses treely and voluntarily under authority duly, vested in them by said corporation and that the seal affixed thereto 1s the true corporate seal of said corporation. ....--:..WITNESS my hand ;~~a~~.atoresa1d this ~:f:~;~~~~':"~:.~:,.,.>,<~ {'~~{~.OTAR :>\\~\.,/" ~ .. ~ . c.'O?( SEhL i . ,"'/'UD1-I<-;',.-' ~'.?~~;.;~....~:~~:~:;;/ '.' .,,,,,,.,1.1.....l:nstrUlDe apd official geal in the County and State ./ 10th day of..... Hay. A.D. 1990. <;;?dxu','~ Ii. f}M<'~ ./ Notary Public. . My Co_18i111on Explres:/9/16/92 anO~"~~ 'II~~ilPo!Io~IOjt, ",QI1COUt-l11,n [II'" ~E.~c.G\\.l.,.(.l """, oA ~'l.-o.JI(GU) Llsf" d 1\-t:1C R C J- L- ' D '<>1.,<0.' , 'fC'" A '-<1 'i 1 M-n IYM J () (.> 1< S'"'111 1M J}1)6 N Die. /..! 4T2.JJ 1 M.l...J C \5 ~ Ll ('i i2 M(}/2-"l. LrJ ~N\?..G1 T C I >9 I Ia f0--!'\ A'\) 1--\1 V P-- ~ \2.~a I ~ \ '1 L l \ v!~\'" {J (1L L-tJ ))IW \, 6 '- l '>'11 0 fl-1- M M)'vlJ (J" I )il+F [<, DR M, S <;'111 L, '" R'" IL ~ L'" ~fo \j~ >, rJ I \, ~ \l 'i'! 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" '_:)IH,,~ ~^-l a ~1"Ii!.r. ~NI;;" !{;, .~(~ ~>;'T V,,"IJ['. #lIK1f,lT 'H~ ,,,-;,,.,,Tl;AE ,,"r' I'" ,-",'Gj"lll. ~~''i<.~1 ';:'>':' Of, il,-'-"'1!l.^ u;;(,,5U) <'"P'/1",tJO/ ,,,,IJ o,I^""Ut .~....~ [~~'I~: .1I.....n.-. &" 51",,,,,,,,..., :J'rl~. I ~~ $-p~: ..;l-:.:~ _ _/ ..''1'''- _ 'H~' ItHhtH,:. ,~Il,< I~ , 'm.~Tlf, Agenda Item No. 17B May 13, 2008 Page 28 of 31 ~ , i I I ] I I i / RESOLUTION 08- A RESOLUTION OF TIll llOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO PETITION NUMllER VA.2008.AR.I29SI, FOR A IO.7-FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIRED I5.FOOT FRONT YARD SETllACK TO 4.3 FEET, I,'OR A CORNER LOT LOCATED WITHIN THE VINEYARDS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIRED IN COLLillR COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of (lIe State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce wning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and \VHEREAS, Lhe County pursuant thereto has adopted a Lund De-velopmcnt CorJe (LDC) (Ordinance No. 2004-41, as. amended) which establishes regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of variances; and WHEREAS. the Board of Zoning Appeals has held a public hearing after notice as in said r reglllations made and provided, and has considered the advi&ability of a 1O.7-fool v.,riunce from the required 15~foot front yard setback to 4.3 feet, for a corner lot located in the Vineyards P]nnned Unit Development :lS shown on the attached plot pl<ln, Exhibit A, and has found as a matter of fact that salisflictory provi:)ion and arrangement have been made concerning fill applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Section 9.04.00 of the Zoning Regu]<ltions of said L,ltld Development Code for [be unincorporated area of Collier County; and \VHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opport~lOity to be heard by this. Bomd in public meeting a.llsemhlf'A"I, i'lnd the Board hayjng considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RF.,OLVED BY THE BOARD 01' ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, U,al Petition VA.2008..AR-1295 1, riled by Irvine Dubow with respect to the propcl1)' locnted at 5901 Almaden Drive, Naples, Florida, further hereinafter described as: Lot 26, Sonoma Lake Unit I, a subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 16, Pages B- 14 of the pllLlic records of Collier County, Florida. be and the same hereby is approved for a IO.7-foot variance from the required 15-foOl front yard setback to 4.3 feet as shown on the iluached plot plan attached as Exhibit A, of the wning district wherein said property is located. Page I 012 f\genca Item hlo. 178 May 13, 2003 Page 29 of 31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number VA- 2008-AR-12951 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote, this _ day of ,2008. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN , Deputy Clerk Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency: Ln~ U . ~ Chie f\sslstant County Attorney Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item No. 178 May 13, 2008 Page 30 of 31 l '~' I or--- , .' . .' [SKfi'CHOFSURV-EYl ! I / i i / // // , , ~-;> , , TRAOTL4 UOBwl1 ~ ,~~ g :~: ~;: ~~......, ,...~..& ,......uo._.... ,...,. .'"""'._'''''''''''-.....M. ::t. ~.""" ;,? :r~:<:'::t~"" :.~! 5~:"""'\ ., ,.,~.(, ,"'...... ~<.,. "'" """'" h\lw>,. ., ."'~..,~~ ,.-. ~:" :::;;:,:;::, ."'.,...... r........' <" g;~~ 7' r..'~......."'" ~:., ,::,,~--:;........,- <, ,,,,,,'_.'(< '. ~~ .~ '--., i' I / i , 'o~ '~Q,..~ ,...."'" i I " / 'I' "", .\~;:,"", I I I ..K..,...... ; .'~ I I I I I I , I 0''"'" "''''''', u'~c., 10, 1_ f "", ."'~ "'''Iv! '>It ~.1\,~ ~ ....' 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