Agenda 05/13/2008 Item #16B 6 Agenda Item No. 16B6 May 13, 2008 Page 1 of 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to adopt a Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of ColIier County authorizing a speed limit increase from forty-five miles per hour (45 mph) to fifty miles per hour (50 mph) on Immokalee Road for the eastbound section from ColIier Boulevard to one-half mile west of Wilson Boulevard and for the westbound section from Wilson Boulevard to one-half mile east of ColIier Boulevard. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval from the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to increase the speed limit on a recently six-Ianed portion of lmmokalee Road. CONSIDERATIONS: The Collier County Transportation Services Division has recently completed the multi-Ianing of lmmokalee Road between Collier Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard. The project, as directed by BCC Resolution 2000-77, was designed and built as an urban cross-section with curb and gutter, which by standards limits the posted speed limit to 45 mph. Upon opening of the six-lane section between Collier Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard to traffic a speed study was performed, which indicated that the roadway segment's posted 45 mph speed limit should be increased. Recommendation of the speed study was to increase the speed limit to 50 mph on lmmokalee Road for the eastbound section from Collier Boulevard to one- half mile west of Wilson Boulevard and for the westbound section from Wilson Boulevard to one-half mile east of Collier Boulevard. As the roadway's Design Speed for features other than the curbing match a 50 mph Design Speed for this segment, a Design Variance for exceeding the 45 mph limit imposed by standards for curbing was recommended by the Directors of the Transportation Engineering and Construction Management Department and the Traffic Operations Department. Upon completing an engineering and traffic investigation, Florida Statutes Section 3 I 6.189 provides that the Board of County Commissioners may set speed zones after the investigation determines such a change is reasonable and in conformity to criteria promulgated by the Florida Department of Transportation. The completed engineering and traffic investigation found that an increased speed limit of 50 mph on the designated section of lmmokalee Road for the eastbound section from Collier Boulevard to one-half mile west of Wilson Boulevard and for the westbound section from Wilson Boulevard to one-half mile east of Collier Boulevard is warranted; and that the change is reasonable and in conformity with the defined criteria. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of installing the necessary speed limit signs IS approximately $800,00 and is budgeted with the Traffic Operations budget Fund 101. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This Resolution is consistent with the County's Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida approve the Resolution to grant a Design Variance to allow the speed limit to be raised above 45 mph and increase the speed limit to 50 mph on lmmokalee Road for the eastbound section from Collier Boulevard to one-half mile west of Wilson Boulevard and for the westbound section from Agenda Item No. 16B6 May 13, 2008 Page 2 of 8 Wilson Boulevard to one-half mile east of Collier Boulevard, authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution, and authorize staff to erect the appropriate traffic control signs. Prepared By: Robert W. Tipton, PE, PTOE - Director, Traffic Operations Department Attachments: (I) Resolution; (2) Speed Zone Study; (3) Design Variance Recommendation Page lof2 Agenda Item No. 16B6 May 13, 2008 Page 3 of 8 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1686 Recommendation to adopt a Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County authorizing a speed limit increase from forty-five miles per hour (45 mph) to fifty miles per hour (50 mph) on Jmmokalee Road for the eastbound section from Collier Boulevard to one-half mile west of Wilson Boulevard and for the westbound section from Wilson Boulevard to one-half mile east of Collier Boulevard. Meeting Date: 5/13/2008 900:00 AM Approved By Robert W. Tipton, P .E. Traffic Operations Director Date Transportation Services Traffic Operations 4/29/2008 2:14 PM Approved By Barbara LaPierre ManagemenUBudget Analyst Date Transportation Services Traffic Operations 4/29/20084:19 PM Approved By Scott R. Teach Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 4/30/200810:28 AM Approved By Lisa Taylor ManagemenUBudget Analyst Date Transportation Services Transportation Administration 4/30/200811 :30 AM Approved By Najeh Ahmad Director Date Transportation Services Transportation Engineering & Construction Management 5/1/20088:23 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, AICP Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin. 5/1/2008 1 :22 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Executive Secretary Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 5/1/20082:34 PM Approved By OMB Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/1/20083:01 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date file:/IC:\Agenda T est\Export\1 07 -May%20 13,%202008\ 16. %20CON SENT%20AGENDA \ I 6... 5/7/2008 Page 2of2 Agenda Item No. 16B6 May 13, 2008 Page 4 of 8 County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/112008 6:04 PM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 5/1/20086:54 PM file:l/C:\AgendaTest\ExDort\ 1 07-Mav%20 13.%202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGPNDA \ lli.. 5/7/200R RESOLUTION NO. 2008- Agenda Item No. 16B6 May 13, 2008 Page 5 of 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING A SPEED LIMIT INCREASE FROM FORTY- FIVE MILES PER HOUR (45 MPH) TO FIFTY MILES PER HOUR (50 MPH) ON IMMOKALEE ROAD FOR THE EASTBOUND SECTION FROM COLLIER BOULEVARD TO ONE-HALF MILE WEST OF WILSON BOULEVARD AND THE WESTBOUND SECTION FROM WILSON BOULEVARD TO ONE-HALF MILE EAST OF COLLIER BOULEVARD. WHEREAS, Chapter 316. Florida Statutes, permits the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to alter established speed limits on roads under its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, Immokalee Road falls under the jurisdiction of the BCC; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 316, Florida Statutes, the BCC may alter such existing speed limits as may be appropriate upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation; and WHEREAS, the subject section of Immokalee Road was designed with a Design Speed of 50 mph other than the roadway curbing, which wouid ordinarily limit the speed limit to forty-five (45) miles per hour, and WHEREAS, the County's Director of Transportation Engineering and Construction Management and the Director of Traffic Operations have both approved a recommendation to grant a Design Variance to increase the posted speed to greater than forty-five (45) miles per hour based upon the Roadway Design Speed; and WHEREAS, the results of such engineering and traffic investigations determined that the increased speed limit is reasonable and safe under the conditions found to exist and it conforms to criteria promulgated by the Florida Department of Transportation and Collier County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The BCC does hereby grant the requested Design Variance and establish a 50 miles per hour (50 mph) speed limit on Immokalee Road for the eastbound section from Collier Boulevard to one-half mile west of Wilson Boulevard and the westbound section from Wilson Boulevard to one-half miie east of Collier Boulevard and does hereby direct the County Traffic Operations Department to erect appropriate speed limit signs giving notice thereof. 2. A copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Collier County Sheriffs Office for proper enforcement of the established speed limits for Immokalee Road within the designated segments. 3. The effective date of the speed limit increase shall be after written notification to the Sheriffs Office and upon posting of the appropriate signage. This resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote favoring same this 13th day of May, 2008. Agenda Item No. 16B6 May 13, 2008 Page 6 of 8 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. By: Deputy Clerk By: Tom Henning, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency By: Scott R. Teach, Deputy County Attorney 2 Speed Zone Study Agenda Item No. 16B6 May 13, 2008 Page 7 of 8 Immokalee Road From Collier Boulevard to 43rd Avenue NE Roadwav characteristics: The study section is a newly constructed urban cross-section divided roadway of six lanes from Collier Blvd to Oil Well Road and 4 lanes from Oil Well Road to 43cd Ave NE. Other than curb and gutter and traffic signal support poles the Dcsign Speed for the project was 50 mph. The westcrn segment from Collier Blvd to Wilson Blvd is a straight five-mile segment, currently rural in nature, with no traffic signals, few side roads, and little side street traffic. The three mile eastern segment from Wilson Blvd to Oil Well Road is six-lane, dropping to four-lane to 43'd Ave NE, suburban in nature, with three traffic signals, two emergency signals for fire/EMS stations, two entrances to major developments, and the entrance to the Collier County Fairgrounds. Additionally, the presence of three schools on Oil Well Road just a mile off of Immokalee Road creates additional traffic congcstion during an'ival and dismissal hours on the eastern segment. Since the two segments vary so greatly they were divided into two study areas. Traffic volumes: First Quarter 2008 ADT traffic COWlts for the western segment were 24,327 and on the eastern segment were 29,886. Measured speeds: Both segments are posted at 45 mph. Traffic speeds measured by radar for the two se~,'ments are as follows: Segment 85% Speed Average Speed 10 mph Pace Western 55 mph 51.5 mph 45 - 55 mph Eastcrn 51 mph 47 mph 43 - 53 mph Recommendation: Measured speeds for the segments would indicate that the speed limits should be increased by 10 mph in the western segment and 5 mph in the eastern. However, these increases would violate the Design Speed for the roadway and the fact that the roadway was designed and constructcd with Type F curb and gutter, which restricts the speed limit to 45 mph by standards. In consideration that the Design Speed for the project is 50 mph and within the western segmcnt there are no obstacles within what would be the clear recovery zone, it is recommended that a Desit,'Il Variance be attained for increasing the speed limit above the 45 mph dictated by curbing standards and set the speed limit at 50 mph to match the Design Speed. For the eastern segment, in consideration of the traffic patterns, side friction, and the occurrence of non- frangible traffic signal supports within the clear recovery zone, it is rccommended that the speed limit remain at 45 I h. /: /' Approved l- --V -:1 oberl W. Tipton. P. ., PTOE Traffic Operations Director Collier County Transportation Services Division Roadway Design Variance Agenda Item No. 16B6 May 13, 2008 Page 8 of 8 Roadway: Immokalee Road - County Project 60018 Segment: West of Wilson Blvd to east of Collier Blvd Subject Fcature: Curb and guttcr Rcquestcd Variance: To incrcase the posted speed to grcater than 45 mph Reason for variance request: This roadway scgment was designcd as an urban cross- section with curb and gutter, as pcr direction from Collicr County BCC Resolution 2000- 77. By normal standards as set forth in the Manual of Unifonn Minimum Standards for Design, Construction and Maintenance for Streets and Highways (Florida Grecn Book) the use of curbing requires that the posted spced limit be no more than 45 mph. However. all other features on the roadway comply with a Design Speed of 50 mph. A speed study was conducted for this roadway segment after all lanes were opened for motorists' use and the 85% speed was found to be 55 mph with a 10 mph pace of 45 to 55 mph. The Speed Limit should nomla1ly be set within 3 mph of the 85% specd and the top of the 10 mph pace. This would be bctwccn 52 mph (which would be posted as 50 mph) and 58 mph (which would be posted as 60 mph). As the Dcsign Specd of the segment is 50 mph, and the Posted Speed cannot exceed the Dcsign Speed, the correct Speed Limit for the segment would bc 50 mph, requiring a variance from thc normal limit of 45 mph due to the use of curbing. Ad\'crsc effect of \ ariance if annrovcd: The variance of a higher speed limit would limit or negate the safcty factor affordcd by thc provision of the curbing, which is designed to rcdirect errant vehiclcs that might otherwise leavc the roadway. The degree of safcty actually lost is hard to quantify, as FOOT now considers Type F curbing as mountable, so little effect will be created. Howcvcr, it does create a situation in which a normal 50 mph clcar zonc must bc maintained in the mcdian and along the roadside. Preservation of the clcar zonc will prohibit thc installation of any roadside obstacles and non-frangible poles, as well as limit the size and types of plants and trccs that can be utilized for landscaping in the mcdian and along the roadside. Benefits of variancc if approved: The scgment's speed limit being raised to 50 mph will allow for the majority of traffic to travel at speeds of closer proximity to the 85% spced, thereby deducing the amount of weaving, passing, and overtaking. Keeping motorists traveling in the same direction at approximately the same speed is a well known method of providing vehicular safety and the basis for the use of divided multi-lane roadways. Recommended action on the requested variance: N Approve () Disapprove Date 4/,2,>;' / ;;;C)(;g~ I~ /' -~ v-"'"',~ ."'' / J ,A lad, I;. :. . -- ifSirector, Transportation Engineering And Constmction Management \ Y( Approve () Disapprove Date 4- z ;g -- 06 L::( -V~ Robert W. Tipton, r.E. Director, Traffic Operations