Agenda 05/13/2008 Item #16B 5 Agenda Item No. 16B5 May 13, 2008 Page 1 of 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve Work Order #BC-FT-3773-08-08 to Bonness, Inc. for the Forest Lakes MSTU Bond Project - Phase One Drainage Swales nsing the Annual Contract for Roadway Contractors, Contract No. 05-3773, in the amount of $237,554.95. OBJECTIVE: To approve a Work Order for the Forest Lakes MSTU Bond Project - Phase One Drainage Swales, to Bonness, lnc, in accordance with the Annual Contract for Roadway Contractors, Contract No. 05-3773. CONSIDERATIONS: This Work Order is to repair and re-grade the Quail Run Swale Restoration and Lake Improvements in Forest Lakes MSTU. This is a specific Bond Project #3a - Phase One to re-grade Swale Nos. 7-11 and install culverts. Quotes were requested from the contractors on the Annual Contract for Roadway Contractors, Contract No. 05-3773. Three (3) quotes were received on March 27,2008 and are as follows: Bonness, Inc. Quality Enterprises USA, Inc. Better Roads, Inc. $237,554.95 $239,882.50 $457,067.00 --- FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $237,554.95 are available in the Forest Lakes MSTU Fund 159, Cost Center I 62523. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There IS no Grov.'!h Management Impact associated with this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Work Order # BC-FT-3773-08-08 to Bonness, Inc. for the Forest Lakes MSTU Bond Project - Phase One Drainage Swales, and authorize the Transportation Administrator to execute Work Order # BC-FT-3773-08-08. Prepared By. Darryl Richard, Project Manager, Department of Alternative Transportation Modes Attachments: (1) Quotes from vendors; (2) Work Order; (3) Confirmation of payment and performance bond; (4) Forest Lakes - Committee Meeting Minutes April 12, 2008. Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page I of2 Agenda Item No. 16B5 May 13, 2008 Page 2 of 11 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16B5 Recommendation to approve Work Order #BC-FT-3773-08~08 to Bonness. Inc. for the Forest Lakes MSTU Bond Project - Phase One Drainage Swales using the Annual Contract for Roadway Contractors, Contract No. 05-3773, in the amount of $237,554.95. 5/13/20089:0000 AM Prepared By Darryl Richard Transportation Services Project Manager Date Alternative Transportation Modes 4/28/20085:00:11 PM Approved By Darryl Richard Transportation Services Project Manager Date Alternative Transportation Modes 4/28/20085:06 PM Approved By Caroline Soto Transportation Services Administrative Assistant Date Transportation Engineering and Construction 4/29/2008 9:53 AM Approved By Diane B. Flagg Transportation Services Director ATM Director Date Alternative Transportation Modes 4/29/200810:22 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, AICP Transportation Services Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Admin. 4/29/2008 11 : 20 AM Approved By Lisa Taylor Transportation Services ManagemenUBudget Analyst Date Transportation Administration 4/29/200812:51 PM Approved By Steve Carnell Administrative Services Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Purchasing 4/29/20084:40 PM Approved By Rhonda Rembert Administrative Services Contract Specialist Date Purchasing 5/1/200811:22 AM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Transportation Services Executive Secretary Date Transportation Services Admin 5/1/200811 :24 AM file:/IC:\AgendaTest\Export\ 107 -May%20 l3,%202008\16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 16... 51712008 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item No. 16B5 May 13. 2008 Page 3 of 11 Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/1/20081:22 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget S/1/2008 6:14 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/1120087:08 PM file:/IC:IAgendaTestIExportl 107 -May%20 I 3,%2020081 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA I] 6... 51712008 Agenda ItEli'a~l ~t; May 13, 2008 Page 4 of 11 From: Victor Blasucci [vblasucci@bonnessinc.com] Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 2:57 PM To: RichardDarryl Cc: Jeanne Cames Subject: Forest Lakes Drainage Swale - Phase 1 Darryl, Pursuant to our conversation the performance and payment bond is included in our proposal dated 3/25/2008 (Estimate Number #20792007). Thank you, Vic Blasuccl Bonness Inc. RECEIVED APR 2 8 2008 Transportation ATM Dept. 4/28/2008 w,R-t!-ZOOB 11 : 18.\11 FROII- Agenda Item No. 16B5 May 13, 2008 l-4U P 0011001 p~ 5 of 11 BONNESS UNC. Pcwint! ancf 5iltNoda ConI:r~ 1990 Seward A_ N.ple.. flOrida MI09 {!!lII) "7-11211 . (259) 51"'416 fax V1&"C".bonnessinc.co:m Propolllll 3/2Sf2008 SUbmitted To: MIlIalInl Pimle, Inc EstImatII! Number; 20792007 Address: C/o OlistDphcr TlII"",n Bid TItle: Fon!st Lakes Drainage Swale RePilIr/J'l.esb:lration (Pl1ase I-Revised) q315 Ml:tI"o Parkway, Suite 520 Fort Myer5, FL 33916 USA project lo<:atiotl: Forest lakes Contact: ChriSlDphet C. TlIman, P.f. ProJac:t CIty, stata, Nllplc$, R.. Phone: (239) 332-UOl) Fax: (239) 332-1789 ~ltIIlaeerJArchitect: Mak.'olm Plmle, Inc. IJll!m # J_ Deocrlpl:lon I!stim.tIId Quantity Unit U.it Price To...'....lcal 01 Mobil_n 1.00 LS $4,893.B7 $4,893,87 02 Oearing And GNbblng 30<1,920.00 SF $0.07 $21,3+4.40 03 Excavation And 6odcfi1I 1,750.00 Cf $19.51 $~,lq2.50 1M Grading )oQ,920.oo SF $0.10 $30,492.00 05 CuMert Inst.ollstion-Double 3.00 EACH $15,924.06 $47,n2.1B 06 Sodding 270,000.00 SF $0.26 $70,200.00 07 Disposal Of MIllllrlal. 1,750.00 Cf $14.60 $2S,S50.OO 08 Irrigation PIpIng Alliust 800.00 Ir $3.95 $3,160.00 T.....I Bid Price, $237,554.95 Nota: . Subj~ ttl prompt BCalptllnce within IS days and to all conditions stipulated on the reverse side, _ agree to fUrnish rnaterWol5 and labo' at !he prIoo(s) llOIt forth above. . I'rtlposal based on the plans by MalCOlm P1rnle dated 03/2008 '"-ts Cl, C2 & C01. Quanities based upon bid form provided by Chris Tilman. This Is a un~ price bid. . Permit!!, tees, layout, survey, asbullts and teStIng by otIlers. . Removal and/or replacement of unsullZlble rnaterWols (I.e. rod< and/or mud<) below grade is not induded. . Disposal of mlllerial$: Bid based upon mataials being disposed of around exlsting Illke blinks. PIIrm....t Terms: Payment due within 30 days Of dale of Invoice, regardless of when Pilyment is made by Owner ACCfPTfO: The .boYe prices, spcdfications and eonditlans are satisfllctory and hereby aroepb!d. Buyer Signatll_ Daile of A<<aptance: CONnRMED: =, ffl, SiglUltu...., ID........... EstImator; ....0 TllOmtDn 3125J2008 l}:OO:15 AM P-ot:or1 MAR/21/2008/FRJ 02:51 PM Quality Enterprises FAX No. 239 435 7202 Agenda Item No. 16B5 May 13, 2008 P. !l&ge 6 of 11 QE ~~ ......... ...... QUALITY ENTERPRISES USA, INC. 3894 MANNIX DRIVE, SUITE 216 NAPLES. FL 34114-5406 (239) 435-7200 FAX (239) 435-7202 03.21.08 MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC. FOREST LAKES MSTU DRAINAGE SWALE REPAIR AND RESTORATION PHASE 1 PROPOSAL [)QscrlDtIO'l Quantities Units Unit Prloe Iml MobHlza1Ion 1 LS $14,376.00 $14.375.00 Clearing & Grubbing 304,920 SF $0.06 $18,295.20 Excavation & Backfill 1,750 CY $6,25 $10,937.50 G....ding 304,920 SF $0.19 $57,934.60 Culvert Install Double 3 EA $15,625.00 $46.875.00 Sodding 270,000 SF $0.30 $61.000.00 Olsposal Of Materials 1,750 CY $4.38 $7,665.00 Irrigation Piping Adjust 800 LF $3.50 $2,800.00 TOTAL BID $239,882.50 SubmRted By: 14~ .eJ4~ Richard R. SlIoko. Vice Presiden 03.21.08 Agenda Item No. .1685 May 13, 2008 Page 7 of 11 l'/j I. ...,.... ..... 1111. Tot Mak;glm Ptmle Inc. Contoct: Olrts TIlmon, P.E. - ~31S Mello Poltwoy, SUite S20 -. (239) 33201300 Foot M_. Fl33916 USA FIX! (239)33l-17B!1 Project _'" _1..IIols Ms:n.J - Drainage SW1Il Ropolr Phose I Bid HUmbon 07594 Project 1.oclI1lo", Forost I.JlI<M, Naples, R. IIld DlIie: 3/1f>12OOO IUne# him.. ElIIm _ption l!lltim_Q&mntIty Unit Unit Prico T__I 1 _Ilon 1.00 LS $16,25S.00 $16,25S.oo 2 CItoring II. GnJbbJng JQ<l,92ll.00 5F $4.35 $106.722.00 3 _1lon&illIdcftII 1,750.00 0' $15.50 $23,625.00 4 Gradlng 304.920.00 SF $4.50 $152,'160.00 5 0JIv0rt_. _ 3.00 E'AOl $17,605.00 $52.815.00 6 Sodding 270.000.00 51' $0.30 $81,000.00 7 Olsposol or MoIerioI 1,750.00 CY $l2.lD $21,350JllI 8 Irrigation Piping AdJustmont 800.00 LF $3.55 $2,8'10.00 Total PrIao for.bove 1_ $4S7,OCS7 .00 Totlll BIcI Pri"", f457 ,0&7.00 N_: ,ASPHALT CEMEHT ADJ~ ille pr\Ca quoted ~in fOr aSJJhalt I\l!llS i$ _ on lnd8y's a>st, Nr{ Increase or do<:rusll In prfllI. per tile FOOT Index far 1lSIlha~ ccrnont. will ~ In .ddtioneJ c:hargos far tile asphalt IIomli 'SPEClFIC lOB tDNllrTtONS: 'ThIl; .. a unit Ilria! quote. IllIIing based on IieId 1Il!lai!UllmMts. , pti=; "'" 9<>Od ti'Irou9h 2008 only. '1\eqlJest to :;cIrduIe paving ITUlt be gl\= ., -no. . This prOpOO!I rI"AJSt become port DI' !he lXlnlr1Iet agreement. , No f'l:m1lts, Feos, Layou~ Bond or TeolIng Included. If Bend Is reqtired adell.S% . This _I must be lICtejlI1Jd by ~ wI!tin 30 doys d the bld date or prices may be adJ- ,_ phases of proJtd$ will not be _ atllle ongklal a>ntm:t _ without __ _ agreement. , Pri""" _ on one mobilization. AddItIonal moblli_ will be charged at $I.soo.OO oad> ill adttllon bJ the ooJt priQ!S. 'ThIs quote Is _ >OIe/y upon tI1.lnl'orm!tion P_ bJ Bettii' _ by whlch Is .. 1'oIlows: 'l!lo:IusIono: M~ itl!m not !1POdllcally liSted In this JlRl(>OS;II. . GENfRAL PROI'OSAL CONomONS: '1. Thll; P",posaI_ _ __ upon aa:eptanar by the pliny or Il's re~ to "",,m It i$ sul:xnltt1!d, (1I>e 'OwniJrj. Owner Wit be _to '- """'Pb!d this ProIlOS8l by _"9 _ _, Ire. (~ tI> ""m"''''''' wert: or prepatatlon far -. Tho linn 'owner" os used In tills i'nlpoSaI sholl Indu<lI: the awn.rsllltt1lUK:t or engi....... QuotBlIors _, unI... otherwise _, .... far I~ ~ and subje;t '" change. ,2, ThIs Pnl\XISal, In Iddllon tD IJtfV additi0nai bum5 expresoIy i~ horeln by roterena:. CllIltlIInS!he entlre.~ bolween !he portIes. No _ of!l1ts Pri:JpoSaI allllr ~t.... _ be binding upon CorItrac:lllr u_ made In v.ntlng .no slgned by !he dtOy IlUtI10nzed ~ o/!he OWner and 0>11_. Furtt,.."""... no ~ or dllm 0/ tn. ""'.,..for $ONlCl:s _ be VllIld e>apt by the ag""""""" In wrtI:Ing by Conlradllr" befbre WOIt Is p;/fom'Iod. 3/2612008 1:35:09 Pl't {<"' "'ge.la12. 8JH 100d 5Z9-! -I1OlId lIVO~: 10 800HZ-EU Agenda Item No. 16B5 May 13, 2008 Page 8 of 11 WORK ORDER # BC-FT-3773-08- 08 "Contract 05-3773 Annual Contract For Roadways" This Work Order is for Roadway Improvements, subject to the terms and conditions of the contract referenced above, for work known as: Project Name: Forest Lakes MSTU- Bond Project # 3a - Phase I (#F43) Quail RUD Swale Restoration and Lake Improvements I Re grade Swale Nos. 7-11 and install culverts. The work is specified in the proposal dated 3-27-08 _ which is attached hereto and made a part of this Work Order. In accordance with Terms and Conditions of the Agreement referenced above, Work Order # BC-FT-3773-08-08 is assigned to: Bonness. Inc. Scone of Work: As detailed in the attached proposal and the following: Task Descriotion Ouantitv Unit Unit Cost Total Task 01 Mobilization 1.00 Eacb $ 4,893.87 $ 4,893.87 Task 02 Clearing & Grubbing 304,920 SF $ 0.07 $21,344.40 Task 03 Excavation & Backfill 1,750 CY $ 19.51 $34,142.50 Task 04 Grading 304,920 LF $ 0.10 $30,492.00 Task 05 Culvert InstAUation - Double 3.00 Each $ 15,924.06 $47,772.18 Task 06 Sodding 270,000 SF $ 0.26 $ 70,200.00 Task 07 Disposal of Materials 1,750 CY $ 14.60 $ 25,5S0.00 Task 08 Irrigation Piping Adjust 800 LF $ 3.95 $ 3,160.00 Schedule of Work: Complete work within -2!L days from receipt of the Notice to Proceed which is accompanying this Work Order. Comoensation: In accordance with Article Five of the Agreement, the County '"-ill compensate the Firm in accordance with the negotiated lump sum amount indicated in the schedule below (if task is time and material, so indicated and use the established hourly rate(s) as enumerated in Schedule 'A' of the Agreement). Total Amount Fee $ 237.554.95 (TME) Any change made subsequent to final department approval will be considered an additional service and charged according to Schedule 4'A" of the original Contract Agreement. , ;P:+ Dan')<,( Richarit, pro/ct Manager, A 1M Dept. ll\.\ ~ APPROVED BY: 4~/oa 1t!v1 .'Datel , PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Norman Feder, Administrator, Transportation Date ACCEPTED BY: Bov6J~ Signature of Authorized Company Officer VIC,O/2- BLASvCc., V. e. Type or Print Name and Title -- 4/Zg/t>f{ 'Date' Agenda Item No. 16B5 May 13, 2008 Page 9 of 11 FOREST LAKES ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2885 HORSESHOE DRIVE SOUTH NAPLES, FL 34104 April 9, 2008 Minutes I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Robert Jones. Quorum was established. II. Attendance Members: Robert Jones, Harold Bergdoll, Virginia Donovan, George Fogg, William Seabury County: Darryl Richard - Project Manager Other: Chris Tilman - Malcolm Pirnie, Jeffrey Gower - Malcolm Pirnie, Sue Chapin - Mancan, Sue Flynn - Mancan III. Approval of Agenda George Fogg moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Second by Robert Jones. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. IV. Approval of Minutes - April 9, 2008 George Fogg moved to approve the Minutes as submitted. Second by William Seabury. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. V. Transportation Services Report A. Budget - Caroline Soto In Caroline Soto's absence Darryl Richard distributed and reviewed the Budget Report. (See attached) 1. Operating Expense Budget $312,600 2. Total Available Operating Expense $182,883.78 B. Project Manager Report - Darryl Richard, Chris Tilman/Malcome Pirnie, Jeffrey Gower/Malcome Pirnie (Report was distributed and reviewed. (See attached) Golf Course Drainage Swale Repair for Phase 1, 2 and 3 - Contractor proposals for all 3 phases were received and quote as follows: . Better Roads, Inc. - $1,725,824.00 . Quality Enterprises - $874,642.05 . Bonness, Inc. - $851,940.39 Agenda Item No. 16B5 May 13, 2008 Page 10 of 11 George Fogg moved to approve the 3 quotes as specified, Phase 1, 2 and 3 to $240,000 on Phase I, $275,000 on Phase II and $350,000 on Phase III. Second by Harold Bergdoll. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. . Overlay Quail Forest Blvd - Notice letter for Quail Forest paving work was distributed to condo presidents informing them of 4/14 start date. Discussions were made regarding drainage from golf course, swales, roadways and easements in the community. In addition, the community would like all the cul-de-sacs repaved. Discussions ensued on Waste Management service problem with big trucks tearing up the roads and how to solve the issue and the possibility of getting service with a smaller truck. George Fogg moved to approve RWA contract as amended which was presented on the March 20th memorandum. Second by Harold Bergdoll. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. George Fogg moved to have RWA do supplemental survey contracts for right-of-ways on Forest Lakes Villas and Mira Vista with fees not to exceed $30,000. Second by Virginia Donovan. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Darryl Richard stated they are currently working on a draft for an ERP Application for the District and letters were mailed out to presidents of each of the associations in Forest Lakes. Robert Jones requested the Bond & Interest Revenue to show on the Budget Report. Darryl Richard responded that he would request this item to reflect on the next meetings' Budget Report. Discussions ensued on water backup and debris removal that should have been part of Project 6. VI. Old Business - None. VII. New Business Discussions were made concerning safety issues; reflectors on road edges; bar lines and speed limit signs. The Committee would like to see the entrance/exit off Pine Ridge Road be altered due to safety issues. Harold Bergdoll moved to authorize the Engineer do a study on the entrance/exit of Forest Lake and Pine Ridge Road. Second by Robert Jones. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. VIII. Public Comments - None. 2 Agenda Item No. 16B5 May 13, 2008 Page 11 of 11 IX. There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 11 :35 A.M. Forest Lakes Roadway and Drainage MSTU Advisory Committee Robert Jones, Chairman These minutes approved by the Committee on As presented or amended The next meeting will be on May 14, 2008 10:00 a.m. Collier County Transportation Building, East Conference Room 2885 Horseshoe Drive South Naples, FL 34104 3