Agenda 05/13/2008 Item #16A10 Agenda Item No. 16A10 May 13, 2008 Page 1 of 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Approve Change Order No.2 to the agreement between Collier County and Van Buskirk, Ryffel and Associates Inc. for the development of the Collier Interactive Growth Model (CIAGM) for the East of County Road 951 Infrastructure and Services Horizon Study OBJECTIVE: To increase the scope of work to allow for the CIAGM land use modeling to be utilized by AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc., the consultants for the Transportation Division to update to the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). CONSIDERATIONS: On September 26, 2006, Agenda Item 16A2, the Board of County Commissioners approved an agreement with Van Buskirk, Ryffel & Associates Inc., for the development of the Collier County Inter-Active Growth Model (CIAGM). Since that date, staff, in conjunction with the East of CR95 I Horizon Study Master Committee, has been working with the consultants to establish the CIAGM. During the Transportation Division's presentation to the Horizon Study Master Committee in December 2007 and January 2008, staff began to discuss the potential of utilizing the land use modeling output of the CIAGM for the Transportation Division's update to the LRTP. The updating of the LRTP requires that assumptions be made regarding land use changes that will transpire over time to determine the capacity of the future network. During a February 4, 2008 meeting with Comprehensive Planning and Transportation staff and the two consultants, Van Buskirk, Ryffel & Associates Inc., and AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc., it became known that the two consultants had worked together in the past under the same arrangement for the City of Cape Coral. The CIAGM consultants had provided the land use modeling for the update of the Cape Coral Long Range Transportation Plan. The utilization of a consistent land use modeling within the LRTP and the CIAGM is beneficial for increased consistency between the two long range planning tools. In order to utilize the land use modeling output of the CIAGM by the LRTP, a modification to the CIAGM scope of services is required. That proposal is attached as Exhibit "A". The change in scope of work will require an additional $54,000 to the original $200,000 contract amount. Since the contract is funded from MSTD Fund (111), a FY 08 budget transfer from Gas Tax Fund (313) to MSTD General Fund (111) will be necessary to offset the change order. FISCAL IMPACT: If the $54,000 change order is approved, a FY 08 budget amendment transferring budget from Gas Tax Fund (313) to MSTD General Fund (III) will be necessary. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Approval of the proposed change order will allow for consistency within the CIAGM and LRTP which are directly related to the determination of future long term infrastructure needs. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: I. Approves Change Order No.2 to the agreement between Collier County and Van Buskirk, Ryffel and Associates Inc., Executive Summary Collier Inter-Active Growth Model, Change Order No.2 with Van Buskirk, Ryffel and Associates, Inc.. Page I of2 Agenda Item No. 16A 10 May 13, 2008 Page 2 of 11 2. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Change Order, and 3, Direct staff to complete the inter-division transfer of funds from Transportation Division to Comprehensive Planning. Prepared by: Mike Bosi, AlCP, Community Planning Manager, Comprehensive Planning, Community Development and Environmental Services. Executive Summary Collier Inter-Active Growth Model, Change Order No.2 with Van Buskirk, Ryffel and Associates, Inc.. Page 2 of2 Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page I of2 Agenda Item No. 16A10 May 13, 2008 Page 3 of 11 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16A10 A request to increase the scope of work of the Collier County Inter-Active Growth Model (CIAGM) to allow for the CIAGM's land use modeling to be utilized by AIM Engineering & SurveYing, Inc., the consultants for the Transportation Division. 5/1312008 9:00:00 AM Prepared By Mike Bosi. AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Principal Planner Date Zoning & Land Development Review 3161200810:17:24 AM Approved By Lyn Wood Administrative Services Purchasing Agent Date Purchasing 316120084:51 PM Approved By Randall J. Cohen Community Development & Environmental Services Comprehensive Planning Department Director Date Comprehensive Planning 3112120087:56 AM Approved By Sharon Newman Transportation Services Accounting Supervisor Date Transportation Services Admin 311312008 2:29 PM Approved By Nick Casalanguida Transportation Services MPO Director Date Transportation Planning 3117120089:00 AM Approved By Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. Date 31181200810:52 AM Approved By Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 3125120086:09 AM Approved By Steve Carnell Administrative Services Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Purchasing 411512008 11 :00 AM Approved By file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\1 07-May%20 13,%202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA\16". 517/2008 Page 20f2 Agenda Item No. 16A10 May 13, 2008 Page 4 of 11 OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 41281200810:55 AM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 412812008 5:22 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 107 -May%20 13,%202008\16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \16... 517/2008 J c..I' ~. '" /r:--f 1'.v)/ d/Yl~ 07tfa,' h .. . c6tirAAc-rJWORK ORDER MoDIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM 7JCC!~g-e~ It~' / ~10 i:ff2'008 ,,--VIS e5of11 - I'ROJECT NAME: Collier InterActive Growth Model {CIAGMl PROJECT #: _NJA losl PROJECT MANAGER:_Mike BIDlRFP #: NJA MOD #: .f 2 h>o.._ 45 88581 WORK ORDER II: N/A DEPARTMENT:_Compnlhensive Plannlng_ CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: Van Buskirk, Rvt'fef and Asaoclatlls, In<:. Change Amount: $ _200,0011.00 (Starting Point) $_200,000.00 (last Total Amount Approved by the BCe) $ 200,000.00 (Indudlng All Changes Prior To This Modification) $ 154,000.00 OrIginal ContnIc:t Amount: Current BCC ApJlf'CMlCl Amount: Current ConIr8ct Amount: Revised ~ Order Amount: $_254,000.00 (lncluding This Chang" Order) Cumulatlw Dollar Value of Changes to this ContractlWork Order: $ 54,000.00 Dale of Last BCC Approval_9126106 Agenda Item # _16A2_ Percentage of!h" change over/under CUlTent contnIc:t amount 27% Fonnula: (Ravised Amount I UISI BCC approved amount}-1 CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (5): ORIGINAL: 3-31-2008 CURRENT: 9-30-2008 Descrlbe the changeisl: To allow for the land use modelinl! of the Collier Inter-Active Growth Model 10 uodate of the Collier County Lon!! Ramle Transoortation Plan, as Task 10 in the amount of $44,000 and Task 11 in the amount of $10,000 for reimbursab1es. Specify the reasons for the change(e) r 1. Planned or ElectlYe r 2. Unforeseen Conditions r 3. Quantity Adjustments r 4. Conection of Errors (Plans, Speclflcatlons or Scope of Work) r. 5. Value Added ,:"' 6. Schedule Adjustments Note: One or more may be checked, depending on the nature of the change(s), Identify all negative impacts to the project if this change order were not processed: Inconsistencv between two modelina tools that helD determine lona range caoital exoenditures. This change wes requested by: nContractor/Consultant 'I Owner n lJaing Department [i CDES !::.Design Professional 'IRegUlatory Agency (Speclfy) Services r.> Other (Specify) Transoortation CONTRACT SPECIALIST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: This fonn is to be signed and dated. r- Yes r,; No REVIEWED BY: --?"(~,.A.- r_ Project Manager "'1 'J' , Date: C{-Q. ~ -04' APPROVED BY: Date: 7/--~-oY c '*' ;! A R".J, 5'''''' o..u:I ""'-fkd'",-s Mod 02. Agenda Item No. 16A10 May 13, 2008 Page 6 of 11 DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR I - -~ ,- " / CONTRACT SPEClALlST ! v:/ I fr.71 By: ,;q;t\ h} ~ /r.. .' , L~n~ . Wood BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BY: BY; Tom Henning, Chairman Approved As To Form and Legal.. f(i iency: :1 II {I A ,J ,\ Jeffrev 1'1.. KJa~kow Chief Assistan~C{lunly Auomey CHANGE ORDER Agenda Item No. 16A10 May 13, 2008 Page 7 of 11 CHANGE ORDER NO. Two CONTRACT N0.45-88581 BCC Date: 09/2612006 Agenda Item: 16A2 TO: Van Buskirk. Rvffel and Associates. Inc. 100 Estero Boulevard. Suite 434 Fort Myers Beach. Florida 33931 DATE: APril 2. 2008 PROJECT NAME: Collier County Inter-Active Growth Model PROJECT NO.: Under our AGREEMENT dated September 26. 2006. You hereby are authorized and directed to make the following change(s) in accordance with terms and conditions of the Agreement To increase the scope of work to allow for the CIAGM land use modeling to be utilized by AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc" the consultants for the Transportation Divisions to update to the Long Range Transportation Plan (lRTP),. as Task 10 int the amount of $44,000 and Task 11 in the amount of $10,000 for reimbursables. See Exhibit A attached. FOR THE Additive Sum of: Fiftv-FourThousand Dollars and no cents ($54.000.00). Original Agreement Amount Sum of Previous Changes $200.000.00 $0 $M.000.00 $254.000.00 This Change Order Add Present Agreement Amount The time for completion shall be increased by 150 calendar days due to this Change Order. Accordingly, the Contract Time is now 23 months 690 calendar days. The substantial completion date is 7-30-2008 and the final completion date is 9-30-2008. Your acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in our Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor arising out of or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs. Accepted:ADriI2,2008 CONTRACTOR: Van Buskirk. RvffeJ and Associates, Inc. BY:.~/~ Carleton Ryffel, , Vice President OWNER: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FlORIDA By: ~~ ' Mike Bosi, AICP, Project Manager Exhibit "A" Agenda Item No. 16A10 May 13, 2008 Page 8 of 11 . Van Buskirk. Rvffel and Associates. Inc. Planning Consultants 100 Estero Boulevard, Suite 434 Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931 Phone: (239) 463-3929 Fax: (239) 463-5050 Visit our Web page and Email addresses at: www.interactivegrowthmodel.com Charter Members American Planning Association and American (nstitute of Certified Planners February 7, 2008 Michael Bosi, AICP, Planning Project Manager Collicr County Comprehensive Planning Department 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Re: Proposal to Collier County for additional services to incDrporate 90 additional Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) into the Collier Interactive Gro'wth Model (CIGM) and format data for input for the Collier County Traffic Model. Dear Michacl: Overview This is in response to your request, and OUT proposal to incorporate 90 new T AZs into the current 250 TAZs for the ClGM and to format data for input into the Collier County Traffic Model. Additional data will include the forecasted number of vchicles per household and percent of seasonal households. Activitics will include parcel queries for the baseline data and thc build-out sccnario. Data input for 90 screens, demographic data for the up to 90 data screcns and the distribution of devclopment over time to build-out. Also, the integration of the CIGM sub-models and the facilities serics for the additional 90 T AZs. Proposal tasks include the following: TASK 1 Baseline Data The Consultant will develop the current ycar baseline data for current development for the new 90 TAZs that can be updated annually. GIS will overlay thc ncw TAZs for querying the parcels in each T AZ. Each new T AZ will be inventoried for current development such as housing unit by type, population characteristics, and retail space by building area, and employees, office/services, and industrial and wholcsale uses, by building area and employees. Also to be included are school plants and enrollment, public parks and other data considered relevant. Upon completion ofthe cell data and Agenda Item No. 16A10 May 13, 2008 Page 9 of 11 . Michael Bosi, AICP 2/7/08 Page two cell delineation, it will be incorporated into the ClGM. Data will be entered for each T AZ into the computer program for export to the main spreadsheet for processing. Work product: SoUware application and data input for the new 90 TAZ8 for baseline data for export to main sprcadsheet. TASK 2 The 8uild-out Sceuario The Consultant will develop a build-out scenario for each new TAZ such as housing wlit by type, population characteristics, and retail space by building area, and employees, office/services by building area and employees, industrial and wholesale by building area and employees, school plants and enrollment, public parks, and othcr data considered relevant. Each new T AZ will be inventoried using the baseline data template. The build- out scenario will be developed for each TAZ from the parcel queries and the FLUM. Work product: Software application and data input for the new 90 TAZs for the build-out scenario for export to main spreadsheet. TASK 3 Population Distribution This task is the distribution of the population for each new TAZ over time in 5-year intervals. From the information derived from the previous tasks, a computer programming has been developed that is population driven, and is based on the Population Forecast Mode! and interfaces with the sub-models devcloped to calculate the needs and demands of the popLdation for housing units, commercial and services (in building square footage), industrial building square footage, recreation uses in acres, school plants and institutional uses. In order to determine the spatial distribution of population growth and their needs, including the location of water and sewer lines, GIS will superimpose them over the base map with the incorporated new T AZs delineated. Growth generators such as water and sewer mains, collectors, major and minor artcrial roadways, as well as the characteristics and location of current development, will be inventoried tD develop gravity models, biological models and coefficients for the spatial distribution of growth, ovcr time, to build-out. 2 Agenda Item No. 16A10 May 13, 2008 Page 10 of 11 Michael Basi, AICP 217108 Page three The spatial distribution of growth wi\1 be documented by five-year incrcments to build-out for each new T AZ in the ACCESS computer model. Data from the CIGM can be used to provide data for the traffic forecast and for planning. Work product: Integration of data input, population forecast, growth coefficients and distribution of the population by T AZ's, by five-year increments to build-out, including additional data for the traffic models. TASK 4 Demol!ranhic Model This task is the demographic model, which useS regression analysis to determine the household size, vacancy rates and percent of the population in elementary, middle, and high school for each of the new T AZ' s. It will provide the forecasted demographic information over time for each ncw T AZ. Additional data is needed for the traffic models for all T AZs such as vehicles pcr household Work product: Demographic characteristics for each new TAZ over timc, to determine the demand for commercial facilities, (rctail, office and service) school age (elcmentary, middle and high school), industrial, fire/ems, police, parks and hotel/motel. Additional data is necdcd for the traffic models for all T AZs such as vehicles per household. TASK 5 Criteria and Standards. Sunnlv Models For forecasting future facilities, this task wi\1 apply, standards and levels of serviccs (as applicable) for neighborhood, community and regional commercial facilitics, school plants, fire stations, police, parks, and their timing and location. Thcse are the supply models to meet the needs of the demand models for thc new TAZs. Work product: Timing and location ofland uses and facilities described above. 3 Agenda Item No. 16A 10 May 13, 2008 Page 11 of 11 Michael Basi, Alep 2/7/08 Page four Contract Amount The professional fee for the work described above is a lump sum of $44,000, payable on a percent complete monthly basis. To this amount add $10,000 for reimbursable expenses that will not be exceeded unless approved by the County. If you will require any additional information or clarification, please contact me immediately. Sincerely, ~van Buskirk, Ryffcl and Associates, Inc. ~wWo r~/0- Carleton Ryffel. Alep Vice President Creators of the Interactive Growth ModelT" 4