Agenda 05/13/2008 Item #12A Agenda Item No. 12A May 13, 2008 Page 1 of 14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board consider an anti-camping ordinance, and if acceptable to the Board, that the Board direct the County Attorney to work with the Sheriff's Office to develop and advertise an ordinance that repeals and replaces OrdInance No. 74-07 with an ordinance prohibiting camping in the unincorporated areas of Collier County. OBJECTIVE: To receive direction for the County Attorney to develop and advertise an ordinance that repeals and replaces Ordinance No. 74-07. CONSIDERATIONS: This item is being submitted at Board direction. On February 7, 1974, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 74-07, attached hereto, which prohibits mobile and portable sleeping within one mile of the Gulf of Mexico. There is no like ban for the remainder of the County, whose population has greatly expanded eastward since 1974. Among the public health and safety reasons for such an ordinance is the threat of wildfires caused by unattended campfIres. In that anti-camping ordinances, by their very nature, directly impact the homeless population, many of these ordinances have been struck down as unconstitutional. To minimize such a claim, this Office has modeled the proposed ordinance after the City of Orlando's anti-camping ordinance, which was upheld by the United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit. This success was in large part due to City of Orlando's handbook entitled Most Used City Ordinance Book which established an enforcement process, which administrative process this Office would recommend adopting as well. The proposed ordinance, if adopted, would: 1. Defme camping as: · Sleeping or otherwise being in a temporary shelter out-of-doors; or . Sleeping out-of-doors; or . Cooking over an open flame or fire out-of-doors. 2. Prohibit camping and provide for specified exceptions: · Camping would be prohibited on all public property within the unincorporated area of Collier County, except as may be specifically authorized by the appropriate governmental authority. · Camping would be prohibited on all property within the unincorporated area of Collier County used for residential purposes; however, that camping would be permitted on such property with the permission and consent of the property owner. The draft enforcement proces~, attached hereto, would ensure that the ordinance is constitutionally and consistently enforced. It is important to mention that persons violating the outdoor camping provisions in the City of Orlando are subject to arrest and, if guilty, Agenda Item No. 12A May 13, 2008 Page 2 of 14 imprisonment. Since enforcement would be by the Sheriff, the Office of the County Attorney would like to closely coordinate this ordinance and administrative enforcement guidelines with the Collier County Sheriffs Office. Any enforcement against the homeless would require that local shelters be available. FISCAL IMPACT: Initially limited to the cost of advertising. Costs of enforcement are unknown. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan associated with these changes. RECOMMENDA nON: That if this Board wishes to go forward with this ordinance, that it direct the County Attorney to work with the Sheriff s Office to develop and advertise an ordinance that repeals and replaces Ordinance No. 74-07. PREPARED BY: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow, County Attorney Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 12A May 13, 2008 Page 3 of 14 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 12A Meeting Date: Recommendation that the County Attorney develop and advertise an ordinance that repeals and replaces Ordinance No. 74-7 with an ordinance prohibiting camping in the unincorporated areas of Collier County. (Jeff Klatzkow, County Attorney) 5/13/20089.00:00 AM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 5/1/20083:42 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/1/20084:09 PM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/2/20084:30 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/2/20084:39 PM file:! /C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 1 07 -May%20 13,%202008\ 12. %20COUNTY%20A TTORNEY%... 5/7/2008 ORDINANCE NO. Agenda Item No. 12A May 13, 2008 Page 4 of 14 AN ORDI:-IANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 74-7 WITH AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CAMPING IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF COLLmR COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR PENAL TmS; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DAtE. WHEREAS, the Board of COWlty Commissioners fmds that it is in the interest of healtl\ safety, and welfare to the citizens of Conier COWlty that Ordinance No. 74-1 be repealed and replaced With this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDANED ny TIlE nOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COVNTY, FLORIDA that: SECfION ONE: CAMPING DEFINED For the purpose of this Ordinance, "camping" is defined as: A. Sleeping or otherwise being in a temporary shelter out-of-doors; B. Sleeping out-of-doors; or C. Cooking over an open flame or fire out-of-doors. SECTION TWO: CAMPING PROIDBITED, EXCEPTl91!l!f. A. Camping is prohibited on all public property "in the unincorporated except as may be specifically authorized by ~ ?priate g~,frnmental B. Camping is prohibited on all property within the ':ij,~~c,~~tM6'd.area of used for residential purposes; however, that camping is permitf~'~~tsuch property with the perrmssion and consent of the property owner. 1 ....,.,;", "":;.(,..., SECTION THREE: PENALTIES'"... "."''',. ,.""'.,.", Violations oftbis Ordinance shall be Puni~;~~le~;~'-~:~~::r?,:~;e~:d'$500 Or by impris~ment in the county jail as provided for in Sec~j9:J;1,J25.69, FloridQ'~l1ie.~. ' SECTION FOUR: Il~I,P-USION IN THE CODE. OF LAWS AND ORDINANCE The proviSion::>':6f'~~;,:?rdinan~~'.~hall become ari~.:~,eJl1ade a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier coun~', ,~'l~rida. "'~~:~8~i_;_~~"~';~9,::QT~,i~~C~;_~~ '~e renumbered or fe-lettered to accomplish suchj and the word _::,~~~~~~:'J~;~Y b~ 'o~ged,"~~."~~btici~1~r:!~firticle," or any other appropriate word. : SECTION FOUR: roJ!!!l!PCT~.SEVERABILITY ':-l~)he event this Ordh1~nce conillc;s,::W1th any other Ordinance of Collier County or oth~r applicable law, the rriOr~:::_~~strictive shaU}H~ply. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutionaF&y,'3;ny court of c~mpetent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provisi\j'n:,~M such~o-1ding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FOUR: iil~:t<JI)CTIVE DATE :\: This Ordinance sha.il become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier COlIDty, F1orida, this _day of ,2008, A TIEST: DWIGHT E, BROCK. CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN Approval as to form and legal Sufficiency: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow. County Attorney w orlis underlined arc added; Words 9H=I.ielE. thre I:I",B are deleted. il Agenda)tem No. 12A May 13, 2008 Page 5 of 14 negotiations and strategy related to lingation expenditures in the pen~ing litigation cases of Bonita Media Enterprises, LLC. v. Collier County Code Enforcement Board, Collier County Board of County Commissionenj, Case No.: 2:07-cv-411-FtM-290NF, now ,ending in the Uniteq States District Court, Middle District of Florida, For:! Myers Division and Bonita Media Enterprises, LLC., Brennan, Manna ct. Diamond (Reg. Agent) v. Board of County Commissioners, Collier Comity, Florida, Appeal Case No.: 07-2035- CA, Lower Tribunal CEB No.: 2007-;35, now pending in the Twenti~th Judicial Circuit in and for Collier County, Florida, in the Administra~ive Appeal Division of the Circuit Court. : . . Closed Session C. For the Board ofCOlmty Commissioq.ers to provide direction to the <;:ounty Attorney's Office as to serllement negotiations and strate~ related td litigation expenditures in the pending litigation cases of Boruta Medfu Enterprises, LLC. v. Collier County Code Enforcement Board, Co1li~r County Board of County Commissioners, Case No.: 2:07-Gv-411-FtJltf- 29DNF, now pending in the United States District Court, Middle Di~trict of , ,; I Florida, Fort Myers Division and Bonita Media Enterprises, LLC., Brennan, Manna & Diamond (Reg, Agent) v. Board of County Commissioneri, Collier County, Florida, Appeal Case No.: 07-2035-CA, Lower Tribunal CEB No.: 2007-35, now p!=nding in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit iniand for Collier County, Florida, id the Administrative Appeal Diwsion ofth~ Circuit Court. Motion to direct staff to amend sign code to make it co<ristitutlon~ - Approved 5/0; ,. .! Motion to have Code Enforcement comply w/court order and D~ enforce provision of sign code - Approved 5/0; . Motion for County Attorney's OfllCc to move forward to reach; settlement, including me~iation in ~tate and federal court; unles. a settlement is reached an~ it would ~e broug* back to the Board:- Approved 5/0 13. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAD OFFICERS 14. AffiPORT AUTHORITY AN~/OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMgNT AGENCY;'. 15. STAFF AND COMMISSION GENERA'" COMMUNICATlONS Page 12 April 22-23. Z008 J ~A. Agenda Item No. 12A May 13, 2008 . Page 6 of 14 ( \ B. Commisioner Fiala - updating the "No-camping Ordinance", CAO to bring back Item for advertising - cOnsenus (April 22, 2008) County Manager - Clarifying interit to reduce red light running and revenue from it . County Attorney - Creating a 3/4 f*lI time position for ~avld Wejigel for a 6 month period during transition- Approved 3/1 (Commissio~r Halas opposed and Commissioner Fiala absent)' Commissioner Coletta . ~njoyed this meeting Motion to Adjourn - Approved 4/0: (Commissioner Fiala absent)1 c. D. E. , -~._--------------------------------------------------------.-----------~------------~------------+--------- 16. CONSENT AGENDA - All malters listed under this Item an! conslder~d to be routine and action will be taken by one motion without separate discu!i~ion of each Item. If discussion is desired by a m~mber of the Board, that item(s) will be removed from the Consent ^genda and considered separately. -----------------------------------------------------------------_.------------------------------~~--------- Approved andior Adopted w/Changes - 5/0 A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SER~CES Ii i 1) To accept final and Unconditional conveyance of the water utility facility for Del Mar,Retail Center. W/release ohny Utilities Petformance Security (UPS) , 2) Recommendation to approve final acceptance of the water an4 sewer utility facilities for fiddler's Creek - PhaSe 3, Unit ~ - Sandpiper Drive. W Irclease of any Utilities Performance Security (UPS) 3) Recommendation to approve final acceptance of th~ water and sewer utility facility for Fiddler's Creek - Phase 3, Unit 2 · Stage 3. : W Irelease of any Utilities Performance Security (UPS) . 4) Recommendation to approve fi.nal acceptance ofthl: water an. sewer uti lity facilities for Fiddler's Creek, Phase 2A, Unit 3. . W/rclcase of any (,Jtilities Performance Security:(UPS) , 5) This item was continued Inddinitelv from February 26. 2~08 BeC meetinl!. Recommendation to grant finat approval of the roadl,vay I Page 13 April 22-23, :z008 .I Agenda Item No. 12A May 13, 2008 Page 7 of 14 ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDIIlllNCE TO REGUt.ATE THE USE OF CAMPERS, V~NS" TENTS, SLEEPING BAGS lIND, OTHER MOBlLE OR PORT~BLE SLEEPXNG FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT UPON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LlIND WITllXN ONE (1) MILE OF THE GULF OF MEXICO NOT CONTAIIlED WITHIN, OR ,ACCESSORY TO AN APPROVED HOBILE HOME PARK, OR CAMP, GROUND: PROVIDING EXCEP- TIONS, PROVIDING PENALTY, SAVINGS AND CONFLICT CLAUSES: AND PROVI- DING AN,EFFECTlVE:DATE. BE n' ORDA!llED BY THE DOr.RO OF' COONT.Y COMlUSSIONERS of COLLIE~ COUNTY, FLORIDA; ~~ f -0,. ...'" - ::OJll": ..- __ <;:.~ ':..- '?- I'J \ ~% co rn 0'" 0, ........ .,.,,_ -d' "--' ~~ -=- ~~ ~ "''''~ SECTION ONE, 1. Definitions for the p~rpose of this Ordinance= A. "Mobile Slee~inq Facility orEquipment~ includes. but is not l~mlted to, any veh~cle including a mohile home, trailer, camper-, covered van, truck or bus!, tractor,: boat:. on a trailer, O~ other: vehicle or automobi~e desiqn~, equi~ped or used for overniqht1n9, spending ~he ni9~ime hours, Sleeping, or for use as living quarters. . b. t1portable Sle~pinq Faciiity or EqUipment" includes, but 18 not l~m~ted to a tent, Bleep~n9 bag: or G~milar item, or it~ms designed, used or suitable for shelter, over- nighting, sleeping or fiving in the open. . 2. Area of Application. This Ordinance sh~ll apply to the unincorpor~te~~nrea ot Collier County, Florida within one (1) mile of the Gulf of MeKico. 3. Unlawful to camp oh private bropertv without owners' ccnsant: It shall be unlawful fpr any per$on to occupy, or tQ allow, permit or cause to be parked" pitched," placed or' erected upon the land of another without the prior expressed consent ot th~ owner any "mobile or portable sleeping facility or equipment" as: defined above. . 4. Mobile and Portable Sleeping,Equipm~nt Prohibited. It shall be unlawful during the period of time beginbing thirty (lO) minutes before.sUnset until thirty (~O) minutes after sunrise each day for any person to occ~py or to cause to be parked" pitohed, placed or erected any .mobile.c~ portable sleepinq faoili~y or equipment" upon any pUb lip road riqht-of-way, park, beabh or otha:r property or upon private land within t~e unincorporated area of . Collier County except as follows: . a. Within a mobile home or' tr~iler park or cn~qround . or facility designated. as such o~ othervise permitt~ in accordan~e with the Collier County Zoning Regulations and ce~t~fie4 by the Collier County Health Department a& meeting current State health standards, Or . b. Such person p~ominentlYidisplays petween any such vehicl~, equipment or faoility and the nearest commonly used road, path, trail or w~lkway a CUrren~ permit issued by the 1001 ~ I'ltt 38 '; ;1 'l. .\: L.t L-J Agenda Item No. 12A May 13, 2008 _ \ } Pa~e 8 '(f 14 L." l. IV Coun ty Zoning aner lIe~Hh Ocpart:ments that the facH:! ty meets the minimum sanitary and health standards of the State Oepart~ mant of Hoalth. Such permit shall describe the pe~onlal vOhicle. location upon whiCh psrkin9 shall be permitted and th. permitted poriod of time. ' SECTION TWO: 1. PenaltY. Any person viOlating tho pro~isiona of thia Ordinance shall be guilty ot a mi.d~.eanor and upo~ conviction shall be punished as provi~ed by 9~n.ral law. 2. SevQrance. If ~ny portion of ~hls Ordinance ~8 declared' unconstitutional o~ held invalid 1n application, the validity of the remaining porticns and, applicability to other persona and circumstances shall not be ~ffected thereby. 3. ConfliCt. Should Any provision of this Ordinance conflict with other ordinances, codes or law, the more restrictive shall applY. 4. Effective Date. . The provisions of this Ordinance .hall b~come Gffect~ve upon recolpt that this Or~inance haa be~n filed with the Department of State. ' ' Dated :' March 5. 1974 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :,~ Approved a.to form and legality) David Emerson Bruner : CQllier County Attorn~ Original and d~licate mailed to the Secretary of State, Certified Hail No. 4/j0144 on this 1.UL day of February. 1974. . '/~M<~ Ben D. Dr ver, CPA Fiscal Officor, Doputy Cl~rk ,. lOOK 21'AGt 37 ~ ! / l 'Ordirumce No. 74-7 - Prohibits Outdoor Sleeping/Camping, etc. Agenda Item No. 12A Ma.Yr t3, 2008 Pagep~e9 of 14 Patricia L. Morgan ~ 3(sl'll.! From: belpediojennifer [JennWerBelpedio@colli$rgov.nell Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 3:52 PM To: Patricia L. Morgan SUbject: Ordinance No. 74.7 . Prohibits Outdoor Sleeping/Camping,elc. T rish, , Can you have one of the ladies locate the Executive Summary and back-up docs for Ordinance No! 74-7 : adopted by the Bec on 2/7/74. E-mail would bci awesome! ; THANKS! , , Jennifer A. Belpedio Jennifer A. Belpedio, Asst. County Attorney . Office of the Collier County Attorney Telephone: (239) 252-8400 : Fax: (239) 252-6300 4/17/2008 ii .; Agenda Item No. 12A May 13, 2008 - page100f1r If UU!' tc.:,HpOI'nry UP..' 1R not dl~co."t1nh('(1 \Ipf.m eY.'pirnti("l:rt 01 : t1w Ilcrmlt, J1. t3h~]] be dccl~CC] n v!o)nUon (\1' the ZonJnr. OrdtlllluCO: nil.' I:IIn11 be> f';~lh.lC't~t to th<t I~n:lltfon ilwJ'c.:ill. ~Ll_'l!....!l.l!l..-(':.!1.!...C_!...J'!~~~ 'l'hu ndl1pl,lor1 of thit~ nm('f'llll1lcnl Rlln]l mlLolnntJt::ttly ropcnl tho;~ EI1I()rf~~IH')' Ol'd1flanCc 73;-17" AN OIW)l\AIfCg 1'0 HEGUIJl.'IT 'nIb tlS}.~ ()Jo' CA!.IPEltS, VANS, 1T.N'J:$, Sl.EEJ"llNC; nAGS ANn 0111t-:n '\()nJU; on ronTMU..E ST.lm'Ptlm l"^CT1.T'rn~s: '1~N' r't'flLICi A1\O flHJVAn: ].lUll) AnOPTIm. ('/01..7) l.cr,al NCllh;o lI~vhl(!: beon published In tho Nnples n~ily NoW's oil f'cbru[lrr ];', 107<1j nscvhknleed by P\.lhllshcr'H Affidavit on r110 Wltll tile Clc}'k, Count.y At.tornoy Ili.'1.IIlCr rc~d n propo~cd ~ollnty Ord1t n.:tncc to l'CG\)l;1t~ uso :of CIU'I1JJCJ'8, etC" On (},"-,cst1on fl'oin ill', l~:lnni.5C, intcl'<.~p.\.C'c1 citizen, Mr, .Bruner rulvir.ou .thf\t p~)lnlt1 fe}.': tnllurc to comply is c~tnhlif:>hoc1 by r,:t'!n~rnl 1m,," 110 I\1;l'thcr cxp~n1ncd that Fi:\id fH,,:nalty \\'ou]1I he comd(lol'Clc! tllldfidOm<!inn(lT' l"1th ChfU'~CS gW)(::Ira~ly Jeft tIp to U10 dl!~c"ct1ol' of the JlHJgO nnd Wiljch enn rn~g(l up t.o $500 111 r)lIc~~. Ccmnr.is~,l.oncr Vnn D0rcn rorn:lrlu~{l that adoptiol1 01" l';\Ich nil Ont-jn:ll)cn wilJ pm:JHt 1,1)(' COU[}'ty to post ~icns prohibiting then. C:l.lnpCrR i,l'. cC'rt:'1in nrClilr;, thus :tonowil," thC! Shc)'ifr'& dop~)"t1'l'lCm1. to. l:\l:c :'Jetion ::If-aima v'ol~ltors. lI:<I'WC\'Cl", COltrlT\iH~ioncr ~Htch(.'ll felt t.hat the' (t\"d(n"ncC! :'IS drafted would climinntt'! c;llllpln~ nolI ewer tho: county; the,'cfoT(l, hO,s'Ur:r(ClltcQ nn nm\tnul..ent cnforcin\;,: 't.he m'dfnnnt:t: in th:tt area ldon!~ th~ Gl1lf Coast up to ono. mllc 1nhnd. To th1f> encl, CC1mllds~:IoJl':}l' n).o~.1l nlo\'C!d tho t\r.lOIHlrnCllt bo 1">0 :ili.corpor~tcd, cccondcd by COlllHLisfii0ner IH tcl1011 nnd nppr(lvcd. Commirisioner Van Duron )Iwvcd, :;(.'{~ol1dcd by Commi5~lDllcr AJ'Cll[!l' rlml carriml, that orcf~- nnnc:c No_ 701-7, :Ul~ t.itle of wh1ch :is set bAlow, bl:! npproved a~ amended. AN OiW!.'iANCJ; TO REGUJ.ATJo; TIm USE oX" Ch:,tPEnSt VANS, TI::NTS, SJ.EEPING BAGS Ar-:tJ 0111I::n i!ODIU: on POR'f^nr~E SLEEPING FACIL!'fJES Dll EqUIPllENT UPON P1JOLIC AND pnIVATI; L^ND 1II11IIN QNE (1) lllLE, Of 111F; GV1,r 01: t,ltXICO NOT CON'J'^INED WI1JJtN, on ACC:ESSOl1r ')'0 XH AI'PfiO\'IW 1,;OeJI,t: Jlmn:: l'Al1K. on Cl\llP GTlOllNn; flnOVJDrNG F.XCI:;PTlot{s: PHOV rUING PJ;N,\LTl, SAVINGS AND CONFLICT CLAUSES) !.ND pnOVIDIN~ AN fFFECTIVE nATt. AN ORDINM,'CE rnol!uHT1NG '1il'F. OPEMTI0N" OF VI::nlCLES UPON on Tli1~ DA~f^CiR OJ" GU1,F FHONT 1'iANlJ lHJ~l:S OH 'lllE '{EGHTA"fION '1II1mEON ltooriTEn (71-R) :: J.Cf:nl Notice having- been p\1bljshcd in the Nnplcs news on l"~bl"h- :\}'Y 15, 1~73, nJ:: \\'Hncssed hy T'nblisht"l"'s Aff1davit on 1'110 with the Cicrk, COllnty Att,('Irncy Ih-\!ncr l.'ol\d n proposed 'County orcll... 174 3/5(74 Book 25 . "', -_._-----..__._-_.."""'.._--~ 'I !JI , I ...-"...".. .';:/7 " ~X ") "\ i . .J. ~ " Agenda Ite :May Pag , , NO.12A 3,2008 11 of 14 AN ORDINANCE AlvlENDING CHAPTER 43 (OFFENSES- MISCELLANEOUS) OF. THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ORLANDO BY TIlE ADDITION OF A SECTION 43.80 PROHIBITING CAMPING IN CERTAIN AREAS AND PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS. , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORLANDO. ;FLORIDA: . , SECTION ONE: Chapter.43 of the Code of the City of qrlando be, and the same is hereby, amended by: the addition of a Section 43.80 to read as follows. Seo. 43.80. Camping'prohibited~ exceptions. (1) For the purpdses of thl~ section. . "camping" is defined as: (a) sleeping :or otherwi$e being in a temporary shelter out-of-doors; or (b) sleeping :out-of-dl?o:rs i or (c) cooking aver an opeD flame or fire out-af-doors. (2) Camping is prohibited on all public property, owned or controlled by the City of Orlando, except as ' may be specifically pe~1tted. (3) Camping is prOhibited on all property in tbe City used for comme~cial or industrial purposes. (4) the City however, with the Camping is prphibited o~ all property in used for rcsid~ntial purposes; provided, that camping is permitted on such property . permission and' consent of, the property owner. , (5) Any person violating snti-sections (2). (3) or (4) of this section shall, ~lpon conviction. be punished as provided! in 'Section 1.08 of this Code. i SECTION TWO: If any se~t1on, subs~ction. sentence! cl~Be. phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held ipvalid or unconst1tutiona~ by any court of competent jurisdict1~n, ~uch portion shall be deemed a seParate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. SECTION TllREE: This'ordinance sh~11 take effect u~on its passage and as p~ovided by la~. ff~:~ /:; L: ~:::: READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED~ 1~80. . --A;!,PJID\>l;P: ADVERTI SED READ l'IRST TIME .~ '~~/ Car. . Lang or " or ! and 1980. COUNCil DATE MB..b\'...Pg I DOCUMENTARY., .. Florida. M 0 S T USE D ",.,-, ( C I T Y o R DIN A N C E B 00 K (MUCOB) l ~'i~, -,.;.,: <=;) ,- C.c, ;;,' 2c.' ::i,~"Z't 2: ~ , ~ '~:<C":rt-:-:, ),;, ::..~~': Zr+ :-C;I> ':;:,0: Compiled by Office of the Ci.ty'Proseeutor updated by . K~nneth C._ Hebert City Pro:::;ec:utar Reviewed by:, Na tasha; W. ,Pe~alll'-tL,~,g~l' A4vi_s_'or.., AUgvst;.. 29.05..... ,,,~ .>, ..h. ,,;jl't "" :/~~:_~.;:_: ,\",;"", .:;;,h~,; ",' Sec. 43.4.6. Pp$session of' me_tar",~",':gl~s::k;.'a:mcF:: _'~lc~bJ-e: . ers pr.,o:h~bi tE7? "at:., ceF~'airl.c,.p~btit ,fa~i~:~,ti'-:i'~x. :j, (:"':' -' " ", , ,', ' '-~,'f It'shall be unlawf~l-,'f():r 'any- pefson .t-o- ',h,~~:e,:?ii;;.",_ 'i- sion while on the premises, of the': Ma'i~r Boti,'.ci,iil'itJ,>erform Cent.re, Expo .Centre, Florida 'Citru'~ -'Bowl,:- ~t" _'~flan(fQ~;{_TJnke-~ : StadiUm or the Orlando Arena,;' any'\ met ai., ,:'rPglas's"::/~hIilti~br container, designed for DC c6nt:~ining' any _foo'd .'pf: be"t;;~#~~;'~'-:; section shall not be: consfrued t?,: f)rohibi~,",::;th~J%;[p:O;:isesS.id'~' such ,contairteFs by tHY employ~e or<ag~R-:(:;:-of,~:\th~)pi:~Y~9f: _~l' authorized:-: cO!,lCes$ionaire a,t.' ;tJ~,e;}',.fi3.'cili.tJe~~~'i1;!:anY':"':";'~tlfle~ic: 'te,a partic'ipatipg in an event or,' program, ,~heri'~ su6h :~mp~k?ya~!:1.6r, ~":.:' ,b~ is. acting iri. his off'~cia,l ,capaci.ty { cirid/or t,r€(:- le'S,~'e, facilities, its agents and':employe~s. :",f~t."~,;,,:!.i\ Se-c. 43.5'2.' '~'a~Pi-h9 prohi^piie~:/:':;~d.,~~.~~:g~'~;'~:;:?~'i~::~ :~~:~~f',-:;" (SEE NOTES AT'.E:ND,'OF SECTWNJ ," ' "t , -.',,". ~~~ the purposes of' th:S' se~tion, ":'11,r~~~ii! (a,)- Sleepi'ng_ ,or o_t~erwi~e. be:j..~9_' ,,:i1ri", '.a -.1;e'~p<?raJ:Y ::: :~:::::::::::::":;::';,;:. 0; ~ '~~jj:'~:~ .-, " ' . __" ", .-' _' .. ,,'-' ,," '__ ,"_ ~_ c,~ .;:~ '~: , (2) Campiflg is prohibited on, aU pUbn6.,'propertYi', except' a. -may be speci f ically' au thori zed by- -t,he-:-"-~ppiop'~ ia.~'~~;:'/9q.v~,rnme~t,rrr:" authority. " ,', . ;':\"":~;,};~~: .'t (3) ,Camping is .prohibited on ,a1i property',in'the. C;i,t')':J;:us.ed' :~j. for residential purposes,_;. l?r~vid.e,'q-~ ,l)?WE7ver/ .t,h.~':t,,:,*samping'_gJ:,~":~'pe'~,~~).' f~ :::;::::;;;;;,'""'.'" """ co, ,,~''''~ ,t~"r""'" \ 4).';J2: ;- ":'c' ....,,',. _~.:>;.~;~' :<~" ~ .'I~"" E ti 11 h. . t. "1' " '-\"6~,~'A,r:. ":\~ t ffi1 ._"'_' ._' ,- ,~sen",,-__ a-." Y',.-,.._:1: _i_~"" L$, no, ,;' a ffieie" ,s""'eeQ1.D9 '< v.~ *,a~~1.0n,~~U - " :~:_?~ 'rather: is, G,:' u_surpa_t.16n.: of public 'proBersy f9l: PFi"va1:~':~~~f;:;'~:iC'eli~ai- '-T@f:)1 'iIi \'liV'ing on'," or 'us~n'l for 30iving fUnct-ions. O!,I'"..?r,.l!t?":~'.}?Qt!:,e.,:,, ~t.' ,fo-11D-wihg" shoy.ld" ~.~is.t>'-,bef:oie--"" 'a'il:' :'~rf~~'.~' under )'t:!1:1.S'- sectho'n\,'~~S;,~~/, ;:~~Y. '''"";::'';;:,g::;:;~' """ :.: "oHo' ~;",,::::,,~is~,,~, ~l,~~fI.,:.; \ (2-) :-i.-he'_ -:~u~pect . is. ii1sid~ C\ - '.t'~,t,:' ;"$-i:. ~~i:e~pi~'~:<!_~~~~'::::,,_o:~~~j_~,~'~ . -'<1}: .~ suspec.~:,' is' 'a'sl,eep' ?tpP. '.a,nq(.qr: :'~o,ver_ed._, ~y.,",)ti(i1;,e,:~~i:i'l~;ii~_ri~::e,-~:. ":~/ .pedtoll; ca'rdbo~ro~" i)_~,,';~.p?pe:rsr, .. o'r::, in:~.idEi~;':s6me~;'\fdEWto,,:':.~" d,' 'temporary, -~hel~~~;. -_' j", ~~ ;,--"':- ( 1) "..'.. .-',', ';:.~">. ",J --..',' _'.:.i: -"', 'i'),',~i. ( 3)' th e s u s pe c t has ~;tlts~Il)PJ';~'~f:G:0sU~,. (4) the suspect is as leep?l1d,.\,hen'a'wakerre):! ,.,l'q.,",,, '. ,,'''' he ~a~ no o~her pla,ce',,':_to,.,~{ve ,"::;.,:1.,' Hd~'~ile'ss)fpe'2'S15r~~,~;:..~~q addltlonally be ~dvlsed of alt~Tnatlv'E;_,;she~t~:z:"aV:~~,~d at the Coalition foe, the' Homeless.,~: '.\;),;,:,,'-;~~;1t<i;:~t~: ,':"* ;." ,- ,- ,.-' -' "'. '~.~~:::~T'00~,'i;"~.t?F~> (5) Upon arrest, evidence of c::a~pl'n'l" (s~eepi6g\'_:" a-g.-~" bedroll, ,cardboard, ,newsPCipers/_:",: etcJ~~_.~:~hr"'V1d-_ n'ot:_ '\?~ destroyed, ~ut should,bE;<_s~~zeg,) a<r(t",pt~<-e1e,"1h;~1)r9P~Ft and Evidence. Other personalpropefty of the Dg'~~!iida:Qt which is not evidence, should' b,e taken ,to~!f;t:tle:::;;Ch::ah County Jail with the Defendant. f "/"; ",,:r<-~q;,~,:~'i~:, .'-~r~- - "~~f~":<~~::;"i:~i,-,',,,J:' Simply being asleep in a public place during late ni'g~t ;-~:9,r~_, ;~ early morning hours. makes the campi,ng ca,;:;e strc::ng;e:r;,~);~';~.u,S" is,;,::::;pdt_~Zt%1,):";,;_",~ i, alone sufficient to justify an arrest under ~?~S sectlOn..0,:1Jn1:~ss< '* '~,*:,("_I~~i i~~~~io::) . some irrdiciadt true "camping'" ',~usi.~:fi~j':;-~~~~$~:;~~:~~I';;~~ Unless flight by the person" or other,circumstances maKes-~'it},;. \;:,:~,,!:.>_i::;:i impracticable ,a law_Emforceme~:~ off~G'er -"should;;waI:'1'~';"~,~~_ sU,:$'peCt':;;5~:-~< of the law and available facilities,:::a,t tl1~>, -Coa:+-itiori'~,:"-::~cJ.~\}th~p'-: ~L\~~:-~~!~;! Homeless" at least once" befpre', making:,a,ph)'-s:~cal_ arrest,,~~,? Tt:l€(_" 'c'l" '"~;.~~~~~ Coalition will ?ccept" transients andeven-:~f currer),t;~y':,,,tmde~_:;, the ,~t., :}, 1,,- :i influence of alcohol or drugs~ The Coalition clos~s', at' '9:;QO, p,;.m. "'~:'-,';~i ,\\<:,::;,~ but will-accept clients after ,that hour, if delive'red-th~FE::: bY'<3:f '~', '::~:i&i;g law enforcement officer. ," ,- '. ,.,',...."::; Sec. 4-3.53. Sleeping on.railroad t:r:acksand jacent thereto; prohibit~d. ':?~f%~~~ It shall be unlawful fof any person- to. ten (101 feet'of; any railroctd track. Sec. 43.60. Urinating or,defeca~ing in public , . It shall heu-nlawful for any _person to<:~rina~e,oi:._;defecate ' 'a publiC place other, than one se't," -aside: and design.'3"tecl" particular purpose. . Sec. 43.61. , "--' Unl<10ful U$e of Rig.ht-of~WaYAfter (SEE NOTES AT END OF SEqION) . (1) - -,'" ,,' , --""'-'-"':''''''--',' :,,,,",,;." I,t shall be ,unlaw,f~1",fDr.: 'any' per~o~ or~ p~r's.oI},:~",__a(t;~r~ being ordered by, ,a: law,_enfort~me.nt:~,:otf.i.c:erto, Geas:e _ t)le following- a?tivfty, to' _ i:"emain upon ":'-anY':"""J::t'91lt7"of-way~ me<;itan,__" safe.ty zOIle-, __ side-walk,:_ s~,r_eet;/:~,:',~vt~n,u'e/'""" a'il:ey;,/_ public highway ;orpublic<Jroundswi.thhf'the lilllits< o"ti .,' the City. for ,," the' P12rpose - ()f ..~t1l1mb,~ng'I'" ~,::,r~qu'est:iiig~-)~, as k~ngr qi " so~:~citirig >"a . ride_ f'o~ him-sel:f, ,':_c,r; ,~(lY ,otber{ :~i, person fromth.e op~r,ator of any 'motor: vehicle~ ' -:-.::,;',,' \~ "," ','-<-<;: 107