Agenda 05/13/2008 Item #10F Agenda Item No. 10F May 13, 2008 Page 1 of 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Authorization of a budget amendment which will establish appropriations to pay the Clerk of Courts for the annual cost, incurred by the Clerk, associated with the investing activity of the Board's investment portfolio. OBJECTIVE: Board of County Commissioners' (Board) authorization ofa budget amendment moving appropriation from the General Fund (00 I) Reserves for Contingencies to an interdepartmental reimbursement account. CONSIDERATIONS: The Clerk reported to the Board on the Board's investment portfolio during the March 25/26, 2008 Board meeting (Agenda Item 5C). During the discussion, the Board was informed about the cost of managing the investment portfolio. The information provided the armual cost to manage the portfolio was $125,000 and included the Bloomberg service and the salary of the Manager. This amount mayor may not include the cost of safekeeping (custodial services) which was not specifically identified. The Clerk must pay for the Bloomberg financial service subscription used in the portfolio trading process and related investment portfolio costs, including the salary and benefits of the portfolio manager. This action will provide funding to reimburse the Clerk for these services upon rendering an invoice for the services. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of this action is $125,000. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this agenda item. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners' authorize the budget amendment for $125,000. Prepared By: John A. Y onkosky, CPA, Director Office of Management and Budget Agenda Item No. 10F May 13, 2008 Page 2 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. ~ .257 <- A OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COWER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PFIOYlDlNG RECOGNITION OF SECTION 28.33, FLORIDA STATUTES AND CLARIFYING ON 2llO2 - 7Z1 RELAnNG TO IN1CREST ACCRUING NEYS DEPOSrTED WITH TliE ClERK OF THE CIRCUIT , Section 28.33, Florida Statutes, as exiBting as of May, 2002 the Circuit court In each county shall Invest CDUnty funds In hose requlred to meet expo...... as provided In s. 218.415. No derk in "og such funds shaH be liable for the loss of any interest ""hen dn:umstiln require the withdrawal of fuitds placed In II time deposit and needed Immediate payment Dr county. obligatIOns. Except for Interest earned on eys depostted In the reglstry'of the court, 8U Interest accruing from mo deposllell shall be _mecl intome of the olllce of the cieri< of the ciro.dt It investing such moneys and shall be deposited In the same KCOUnt as re other fees and commissions Of the derk's office. The clerk may Invest m eys deposited in the registry of the court .and shell retain as Income of e office of the den: and as II reesonable investment management fee 10 po t of the Interest accruing on._ funds with the bel.nee of such In being aUocalellln accordance with the 1_ or the depositors. , when Resolution 2002 - 227 was approved by the Board of County the 14" of May, 2002, K was the Board's intent that an Interest funds i.-.J by the Cieri< <>f Courts of Collier County would be Commissioners rd in its entirety, except lor ttie ..-sary costs asaocialBd with the i~ent of the unds; and WHEREA . the past and present intention of the Board of County CGrMlIssionenl' that all interest earned by the Qterl< of Courts on County money is to . the Cieri< of Courts has claimed entitlement to the interest earned on COunty funds in s 2007- 2lI08 Annual Budget BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY OF COUJER COUNTY, FLORIDA that 1.. The Clerk of Cour1s of Collier County Is Bulhorized to inwst County funds Statutes, Section 28.33. , 2. Courts 01 Collier County is not and has mt been authorized to retain earned on Board funds. the interest I 3.: income earned by the Cieri< of Courts of Collier County on Board to Board of County Commlasioners on a monthly basis. T-..' Agenda Item NO.1 OF May 13, 2008 Page 3 of 4 4. 'The intel8lll by the ~ on Board funds shall not be waled as tee Income by the Clerk 5. : The intel8Sl pubHc moneys collected by tIiIe Clerk of Couns of CoIller County on bi&haJt of the nty for 8Ub8equent disll1bulion thereto and ilWllSled prior 10 dis1rillution musl be _ to the County, along with the prtncipal. PASSED AN DULY ADOPTED by the Board 01 County Commissioners of CoIlilir County, this ~ day of September 2007. ATTE$f.:' .o..'l~ DWlBliT E. B .~. r . ... ".. .. 1,::,,\:; -._. BOARD Of; COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COOJERCOU~ By. .# JAMES COLETTA. CHAIRMAN ft7'1056..citJ1951 $l8Iear"- . . _.-........~~. :OU1IIJ'Gf""".'~ . . .~ I HER$\':~Pl~"iG.'" 'orrtl;t\_ ah _"",iii d.. .'q' ~~~~~ ~dc !,"~~~:':_i./I- ...~:;i . QWIGHJ ~ ~'~!>~cou~. Il" ..~,. l. . " ..~JJ~'" . .!~':'1tC. : '. ....... . {~ "J~~\"\.>'" ,,' ...... '" .~. 2 Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 10F May 13, 2008 Page 4 of 4 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 10F Authorization of a budget amendment which will establish appropriations to pay the Clerk of Courts for the annual cost, incurred by the Clerk, associated with the investing activity of the Boards investment portfolio (John Yonkosky, Office of Management and Budget Director) Meeting Date: 5/13/20089:00:00 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/6/20084:28 PM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Oftice of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/6/20084:33 PM Approved By James V, Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 5/7/20089:17 AM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\1 07 -May%20 13, %202008\ I 0.%20COUNTY%20MANAGER%... 5/7/2008