Agenda 05/13/2008 Item # 5B O. 5B 2008 1of3 ~\O~ !!.!ltqte la.tsolutfon By Senator Saunkrs . . . . . . . A resQlution recognizing Dr. W~'H;am Lasoheid, M.D" and Nancy Lascheid, R.N., /or thair outstanding public service in f'rWking quality medical care< avaIlable to uninsur~, low-income adults in Co!/ier CQunty by g.<rtabliahing an exemplary volunteer-based neighborhood health clinic, coordinating its services, and sert);ng as uolunfeera. WHEREA.S, Ihe delivery 0/ health care services tv individuals who lack the means to pay for the services ;s ~ pressing problem ;n this and eucry sia.t.a, and, WHEREAS, many workiTlg adults, particularly those earning minimum wages, are uninsured because they aannat afford health insurance, and WHERSAS, the health cam ne.ds oj the und.,s.roed papuletion cannat be met wdhaut th, help of compassionate volunteers, and 'WHEREAS, Dr. Williem Laochcid, MD., and Nancy Laoch.id, R,N., are amony the most 9~ru!.rOU9 of thasa tJoluntoors in t.hat they haV03, sin ca. 1992, faithfully supported the provision 0/ health care servicee for individual., jiving in Collier County who have Jimit,zd financial resou.rces, and WH13RJJAS, W;IIiam and Nancy Lascheid colOlmded the N.ighborhood Health C!,'nic in 1999 based on an innovative concept combining philanthropy and vo/untGerism to provide quahty medical care and prescription medicines to adUJt.8 in their community who are working, but uninsured, at a ccst to patients/or each viSJ't of 1 haur 0/ tlwir wages, and WHEREAS, William and Nancy Losch,,:d have lab",ed sel/lsssly to en!;st and coo,d.nete the volunteer Berviass of physiCians, nurses, other hlUJ/th CQi(l. proftas8iana!s, and community members to off" heahh 8e.-o;c,", at the Neiyhborhood Health Clinic, and WHEREAS, in 2002, the Neiyhborhood Health Clinic mooed /rom its first site in donated storefront space to a more spac'ious and modfJrrl facility havirlg a staff of uolunt.eer physicians and nUrses and a total of mor~ than 500 volunteers, funded entirely through priuaw philanthropy, and WHEREAS, ';olunte". at the Neo'gl,borhood Health Clinic haw donated 87,458 hours 01 services worth nearly $7.5 mtllion, arid medica! providers outsida the clinic have dorwted serl);oos to the clinic's patients which are worth nearly $4.4 million, and WHEREAB, as of June 2007, the doctorfj l.Jolurztee6ng Inr the clinic had prODded medical con.sultation8 to patients ;n 28,702 D;sits and the clinic had j;neJ marlY thnusands of pres-::riptions that togethsr have a rdad valuiJ- 0/ over $4.2 mil1ionf and ~;""'..rr,",;--,-'~J',::"",;v;', ";.,"'t~,t';'...;;,IM'UI''''';''~''''.~<:'I'''~,,p''':ijjj.l~~' l'j Agenda Item No. 58 May 13, 2008 --. .. ,- P''''''''''''-'~;of3 r~~"r', ,.'"^ (": ----....' J' ~<': .;;.. ...,'....~. ,,;'~:"> WFIERBAB, Winiam and Ncmcy Laschcid havf! reccivad numerous awarde arul accoladep recognizing th~ establishment, 9UCC~8&, and value 0/. the Neighborhood Health Clin;a arid t-he;r exemplary volunteer services, includ;,% lhe .National Jefferson Award for Public Service, tk (hlfSkoTB Life Man of th~ Year in ,Medicina, the Florida Medical Association Partnership in MruljC!i11Q Award, tlu., Community Foundation i?tJbert 9- Cosg7'OVG Award, the Naples Daily News 2001 Outsta"d;ng Cw,," Award, a"d t~e Staf2 bf Flcmda PO;"ts 0/ L;g~t Awa,J, NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by t~. Se"ate of the Staf2 0/ Flo6da, 1tr.ai the Florida Sen'aLe recognizes !Jr. W11liam Lascheid, M,D" and Nancy l.ascheid, R.N" /or their years o/exemplary and selflesli service to the people of Collier County and thilJ state. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVeD that a copy 0/ /~;s resolution, wit~ t~e Seal of t~e Senat~ affixsd, be presentsul to Dr. and Mrs. William Lascheid as a tangible toJUlrI 0/ the ssntiments of the Florida Banala. . - . . ... . . ... This is Q true and correct copy oj Senate Resolution ,No. 5361 adapt.d by t~e Flo6da Se"ats 0" March 20, 2008. 16:""- President of the Senat~ Faye W. Blan/o" S~cretary of the Senate Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 5B May 13, 2008 Page 3 of 3 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 58 Presentation by Senator Saunders to William Lascheid, M.D., and Nancy Lascheid, R.N.; for their outstanding public service in making quality medical care available to uninsured, low- income adults in Collier County by establishing an exemplary volunteer-based neighborhood health clinic, coordinating its services, and serving as volunteers. Meeting Date: 5/13/2008 9:00:00 AM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 4/24/2008 10:59 AM file:IIC:IAgendaTestIExportl 1 07-May%20 13,%202008105.%20PRESENT A TlONSI5BI5B%2... 5/7/2008