Agenda 05/13/2008 Item # 5A ~ , . . I .5A 2008 of3 ~\Gttba &ellttl-_ .. ~ c.,..,-- ---.......:> ce. .3l\Holution By S.nater SaunJ.... .. '" " * " ~ .. . '" .. ... . . . .. .. '" .. ... A ruolution _n;.;"11 SJ..rilf Don Huntm and tl.. CoI/;., County SI..,.;ff'. O/f;oo /or co""J.t;ng th. Unit4d StaIRs [",m;wation and Customs En/orc_nt crw..f;ro;ning program to improw; imm;grat;on t"'J.~m.nt in Flarirk. WHEREAS, tl.. "..",1. of CoII;.r Crmnty and th~ Stato of FIoriJa Iu,.. _..J ..,;ous co~ ...laW to th. n-1/or ;",proved ;"'''';gration .n{oro.",...t ..,;th TtI8pOCt to irulirndw:J. w/,o aRl not larofuJ/y ....;,1,."11 ;n tIu. State of Florida andtJ.. Unit.d State. 0/ Am.rica, and WHEREAS, tit. II!.gal ["'",igration R40rm and [",,,,;grant R.spansib;kty Act aJJ.J S0c6on 287(g) to tit. [",migration and Nationakty Act authori>ing .tat. officer. and .",ploy""" to .n~ imm;g,ation ~W6/ anJ . WHEREAS, tl.. croes-duigno.tion b.twoen th. ["'''';g'''lion and Custo"", En{orr.m..nt (ICE) o/f;""". and ""'to and local patrol o/f;OI1"6, d.J.di...., in....ligater., and aomtctio",,1 o/f;..rs providu . IOaJ and .tr:abJ o/fioaNl IDj~ tk. 1WlOU1"CW1 to pUT5Ufj jnVflstigathma relat,'ng w vioknt cri"..., human ."'uggkng, gang and organ;ud cri"", acliv;ty, .""..trelatoJ ofl.n..., narcotics ''''''9gl;''II, and mon"y la....ds,;"II, <nod WHEREAS, C~IJi.,. C""nty SJ.BriIf Don Hunt.,. Rloogn;-1 tl.. ben./it to tho ""mmunity of participating ;n this joint ""ntuRl ..,;th ICE and ""t.r.d into a M.marandum of Au.......nt with tl.. SlIt!TStary 0/ tl", Unit.d Statu Dopam.....t of Hom.land Security to cross-train 27 CoII;.r County ShmH's OffiCII d.putiu and DOmICtitms of/iMn to enforc4 immigration laws, and WHERIlAS, tl.. CoI/;.r Crmnty SI..,;If'" O/f;ce i. th. /irst local law .nfor""",...t ag.nr:y in Florida to _I.ts tl", croe.-tro;ning 0/ o/f;';'rs who aRl ompaw....d to idsnlify vio!.nt cri",;nal al'.ns, ta~. tho.. 01;...... into custody, and bog;n proooJu,"" /or ...",oving th. 01;."" /rom Coni., County, tJ.. Su.ta of FIo,;da, and th. Un;tad Statu, an,1 . WHEREAS, thi. ;n""vali"", land",arlr. ./fori by sJ,.,.;ff Don II untor and tl", 21 0/f;ctl1T 0/ tl.. Cd/;.,. Co....ty SJ..,.;/f's O/f;ce will..,.... to mal.. tl", Stata 0/ Florida a pku.. uJ..... cri",;",,1 ali."" ..,;/1 not ...10 rup;/8 and a ""j. Iu,,,,,. /ro'" pro,oculion and dsparialion, tl-um.by ",a!.in9 our groat stam a B4[.r plaoa tD "'1JQ, work, and Vi6it, and WHEREAS, Sh.nff Don Hunlor I.a. uta/'/;,l.oJ'I.;",s"Jj as a roJ. mod.I/or all law .../=.",.nt /oad.r.lr;p to follow ;n prot8cti"ll tk poop!. of th. Stolo 0/ Flcrida /rom cri"'ina! aoIiuili.. by tho.. who are not kgallg ruiJ;ng in thi Unit.d Stat.lI, and . WHEREAS, th. Su./8 0/ Florida n""'g.;2" tlu. bon.fit to tho saf.ty 0/ it. "",;d.nt. and v,s;6mI and the posit;' ea:1nomic fif/.ct 0/ thUil actions I'n dQbtrring and h'm;tjng illegal aciiv,'t,'u of f'/kgal al;,,,,,, NOW; TIlEREFORE, , Agenda Item No. 5A 13, 2008 e2oL;3. coii11'1Iends Slwrijf Don H""teri tl,e Callier COW1ty Sheriff's lt1Z61n..H:c completed ilr-.3 [T;7-ited States Im1?1'igration and program. ... >;< >;< ~, * *" '" " ,.. '" * * ,., TJ'i1'S is a true and carmet copy of Senate Resolution No. 2244, adapted l,y tl,e Florida s.mate on Marc!, 13, 2008. .J-!(e.n . ruitt Pmsident of the Senate ,.9 .'I /; Fale . Blanton I Secretmy of tl,e Senlte / Page 1 of ! Agenda Item No. 5A May 13, 2008 Page 3 of 3 COLLIER COUNTY - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 5A Meeting Date: Presentation to Sheriff Don Hunter and the Collier County Sheriffs Office for completing the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement cross.training program to improve immigration enforcement in Florida. To be presented by Senator Burt Saunders. 5/13/2008 9:0000 AM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 4/24/2008 12:03 PM ~ file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\! 07 -May%20 13,%202008\05.%20PRESENT A TJONS\5A \5A %... 5/7/2008