Agenda 05/13/2008 Item # 4G Agenda Item No. 4G PROtUMATION May 13, 2008 Page 1 of2 WHEREAS, each year, America's 'Irtlnsparft1Tk1n system - "."", the I'rH1ds fr> the skies, rails and parts _ helps trrJtclers rellch their destinations and carries blll/DflS of tons t)f ftwight worth ml/i"ns of dolltlrS in llCtNItHnic stimulus: and. WHEREAS, tronsptlr'fafiDn is ~nymtJUs with DppDrtunlty in A"",riclI - connecting work.,." with jDbs. prt1ducts with IMtW.ts. and famillls with each tither. Throughout t1Ur hisfr1ry. advances in trwnspDrltttion holM aMI at the ftHWf/YJlft t1f prDgfWss. Lif. in the United States WtJUJd IIDt b. the SQIM without its ""sf 'Irtlnsparl1lfion network and. thrtJughouf the 2J sf century. the 1./.5. Depar/'ment of Transportation will continue ",. tradltitHI of illlJ(Jvation in all transportation (;'/ds. c"ntinuing ftJ """'.,."iR frDnsptJrlafion tJnd. during NatiolUll TronsptJrtatlon Week. we honDr tIN profess/Dna!s who help to k~p our transporfamm systems secure, efficient, reliable. and SIlt. tiS well as focusing on mtlking J'DUfh Dware of fransporttltion-reloted ca,..,.s: tlntI. WHEREAS, in 2000. the Soard of County Commissioners had the ",..sight fr> de....Iop the Transpat'ft1ffon S#trIIicu bivi$itJn fa ham/I. the nud to create infrasfruc'lutw to accommodate the CDlRlty's tlramtltically grtJwing popultltion. This division, IWW in it's eighth yetlr, with deptI,..""."ts handling Transportation Planning, Traffic Op.rafions, Transportation Engineering and Conrh1Jction MDlUlgement, Road MaintenollCe. as well as Altcrntltive TranspDrlotiDn Modes has added IMN than J 6.J 16M tnl1u of rr1tIdways in 12 diff",.nt road construction projects to the frtJnsporltltion network II"" hilS IInt"M.,. 191 10M miles in 16 IIdditlDlItI1 projects untler construction, or in IICtive design, fDr CIIptlcity exptlnsion. In IIddifitJn, the diVl$ion mainftlins IIpproxilnlltely 1,.J00 miles of f'CHldwllYs tlnd 0.".,. 90 bri~s, annually NsurfllCing molY thon 45 miles of pavement along the C(JlJflty's '11"ansportafitJn nefwt:Nok: ami, WHEREAS, in 2001, '1M Board Df County Commissiones ClYated 11 frtJnsit system wh",. no C(JlJflty-witk bus StIf'lIice httd prcVlDusly existed and new has surpassed more than 1.2 million ptls$Cngef' bNrdings annually. Collier ANa Transit - CAT for short- maintains 2.J buses serving 9 fixed rr:JU'/es, 7 dllYs II "",tilt: anti. WHEREAS, in 2006, technology that httd been in the proccss of being installed for scveral years WilS completed resulting in fM CNllfion of the Traffic Mana!JlflMnt Center wh",., to-date, ""',.. than 100 sigtullized intersections can be ctJntrolled by computer, 44 of thosc mtmitored by video ca1Mrrzs wJrerwby technicians are able fp monifur traffic backups visually and make adJusf'lnents to signal timings fr1 lessen delay, particularly during periods of high volumes, thus assisting further with captlcity issues as grGwth continues in this wonderful ptIradise that fn(Jre tmd me,.. peDple are nDW refe1ring fD tiS ''/Jqme..... and. WHEREAS, tlCcomplishmenfs in the Coll1"6r County Transportation Services Division are due in large part fD a ..", capahlll sftJf'- tiS well as the hiring (If well-qualified consultonfs frtJIf1 the priWl'fe scctrJr wIw arw confNctcd to study potential corridors, design and CDnstrTJct roadway, sformwafcr and ofhe frrJnsporlafion-Nlatcd projects, as well as run the transit and Para t'rtlnsit services, thus reducing the need for increased hiring of staff during peok work loads. NOW THEREFORE, be if proclaimed by the 8Dard of CmJnty C'Dmmissioners of Cellier County, Florida, that May 12-16, 2008, M designated as Notional Tronsporlafion Week and that the 8Dard Df County Commissioners rct:Dgnizes that National TranspcrtatiDn Wed provides an ofJPDrtunity fDr the transportation cDmmunity to join together for greater awaNMSS abDUt the importance Df transporrant",: and. calls up''' eVilryoM to thank transportation profeSsionals for their effDrts In helping us all travel fD wheN we Med fD gq D$ safely one! efficiently as possible and recmnmends to all to sav. fuel and ride CDllier AreD Trtlnsit whenever possible. DONe AND ORDERIiD THIS 13th Day of Moy, 2OOS. SOARD OF COI.INTY COMMISSIONIiRS COLJ..I1iR COI.INTY. FLORIDA TOM HIiNNING, CHAIRMAN A TTli5T: DWI6HT Ii. SROCK, Cl.ERK Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 4G May 13, 2008 Page 2 of 2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 4G Meeting Date: Proclamation to recognize May 12-16, 2008 as National Transportation Week. To be accepted by Transportation Services Division Administrator Norman Feder, Transportation Engineering and Construction Management Department Director Jay Ahmad, Traffic Operations Department Director Bob Tipton, Alternative Transportation Department Director Diane Flagg, Road Maintenance Interim Director John Vliet, Transportation Planning Department Director Nick Casalanguida, and Associate Professor of Environmental and Civil Engineering, U,A. Whitaker School of Engineering Cynthia Orndoff. 5/13/20089:00:00 AM Prepared By Lanisa Delrio Administrative Aide to Bee Date Bee 5/2/200810:03:16 AM Approved By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the Bee Date Board of County Commissioners Bce Office 5/2/2008 10:13 AM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/212008 12:53 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/2/20083:41 PM file;//C:IAgenda TestlExportl 107 -May%20 13, %202008104. %20PROCLAMA Tl ONSI4GI4G... 5/7/2008