Agenda 05/27/2008 Item #16G 4 Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 1 of 19 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To approve and execute a Sweat Equity Grant Agreemeut(s} between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s} within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. (160 Jeepers Drive) OBJECTIVE: To approve and execute a Sweat Equity Grant Agreement(s} between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. CONSIDERATIONS: Annually, the Community Redevelopment Agency's Sweat Equity Grant Program is funded at a level that satisfies existing grant obligations from prior fiscal years and future grant opportunities. The purpose of the grant program is to provide an incentive to revitalize the area by providing a grant to encourage the private sector to upgradelrehabilitate properties within the Redevelopment Area. The residential property grant funds materials for exterior site improvements; no part of any project funded by the Sweat Equity Grant Program can include paid labor. There are no match requirements for this grant. For FY 08, a total of $310,000 is budgeted for the rehabilitation grant program. From this allocation, $24,000 is available for Sweat Equity projects of which less than $2,000 has been obligated, ~ The Sweat Equity Grant application submitted by Elizabeth Ann Buckingham was recommended for approval by the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Local Advisory Board at its May 6, 2008 meeting, LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The grant application and agreement have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney Office which has determined that the agreement complies with CRA requirements, (MMSS) FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient budget exists within the FY 08 Bayshore Gateway Triangle Fund (l87) to satisfy this Sweat Equity Grant application. Sweat Equity Grant awards range between $500 and $1,000, The estimated cost of the project is $2,244.00 and the grant request is $1,000. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states that redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, including the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA that may consider alternative land use plans, modifications to development standards, improvements to infrastructure and incentives to encourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: That the CRA Board approves and authorizes for execution the Sweat Equity Grant Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency and Elizabeth Ann Buckingham for her residential property at 160 Jeepers Drive, Naples, Florida 34112 not to exceed $1,000. (~ Prepared by: Sue Trone on May 13, 2008 Operations Analyst, Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency -1- Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page I of I Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 2 of 19 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16G4 To approve and execute a Sweat Equity Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. (160 Jeepers Drive) ($1,000) 5/27/2008900.00 AM Prepared By Sue Trone Community Redevelopment Agency Operations Analyst Date Bayshore~Gateway Redevelopment 5/14/20084:23:39 PM Approved By David Jackson Community Redevelopment Agency Executive Director Date Bayshore~Gateway Redevelopment 5/14/20085:35 PM Approved By OMB Coordinator County Manager's Office OMB Coordinator Date Office of Management & Budget 5/15/200810:14 AM Approved By Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 5/18/200811:S4AM Approved By Marjorie M. Student~Stirling Assistant County Attorney 5/16/200812:21 PM Date Approved By County Attorney County Attorney Office Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 5/17/200812:19 PM r--. file:1/C:\AgendaTest\Export\ I 08.May%2027, %202008\ 16. %20CONSENT%20AGENDA \1... 5/21/2008 Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 2008 ORA.NT A..l'PLlCA TION Page 3 of 19 SWEAT RQt.JlTY IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM Gencral Provisions The Collier County Community Rede\e1opment Agency (CRA) ercated the Swcat Equity Improvement Grant Program to provide financial assistance to existing residential (single-family o\~ller.oecupied and single.family or duplex rentals) in the BayshoreiGaieway Triangle Redevelopment Area by otTering financial and technical assistance for residential site improvements. Improvements must be ex~erior improvements to the structure or surrounding site. All improvements must meet the criteria listed be low as well as the current requirements of the land development code. building code, and c,mstruetion inspections, and any applicable zoning overlays. Improvemenl'i that remedy existing code enforcement violations also qualify if combined with othcr site inlpflJvemems. The CRA is funded by Tax Increment Financing (TIF), a capture of Collier County's property taxes above the year 2000 property tax value. TIF is a unique tool that CRAs can LL~C to lcvcrage public funds and to promote privatc sector activity: . The Grant is for single-tamily owncr-occupied residenc.es and for single-family or duplex residential rental property. . The CRA will provide 100% of the cost of materials for external improvements to exisiing structures, buildings and surrounding property. . Cost of material improvement is $500 minimum and $1.000 ma,imum. . Funds may not he uscd for "s....eat cQuih'~ (cost of labor or personal effort]. · Applicant ml18t perfilrm tv.'o accepted improvements to exterior of the property. . Grant applications may be submitted 30 days prior to Availability Pcriod*: o Oct. 1 >1-f)e<:.30'" o )'.1ay 1>1-.Iul)' .,1" * Availability Period is the nin<:ty (90) days that all work musl ht- completed. funding awarded will bc cvaluated ba.<ed on the contribution made by each applicant as well as the CX1:ent ofimprovem<:nL~. Projects must include a minimwn of two (2) different types of improvements (described below). For exanlple, a pr<Jjec.t that consists of only one type of improvement (new paint) "ill not ljlllilify. All proposed work must he approved before beginning any work. Grant funding is not retroactive. All work must be completed within ninet)" (9U) days of approval by eRA. Applicants are required to request" meeting with staff prior to submillal of application_ All ~;weat equity work 10 be completed under this program must be: . Reviewed and rceommended for approval by thc Bayshorc Gateway Triangle eRA Local Ad\ 1s{lT)' Board. and . Pre-approved by thc eRA Board.. Grant fund.. may' he used for the follo....ing improvements: . Painting fall =lors must be approved) . Window or door replacemenL~ or repairs to hurricane standards. hurricane shutlers . Repointing of monar joints for brick or swne fronts Sweat Equity Improvement GrCint FY2008 Hc"i~ 1/9.'20(8) 1 2008 GRA1"lT APPLICATION Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 4 of 19 . I.andseaping instal\atiolL and improvement at front of building (~'isible from public street). and must include in.ground irrigation system . All work must be completed wilhin 90 days of approval by eRA Grant funds mllY not be used for: . Working capital or administrative cost~ (payroll, rent, utilities, etc.) . Sweat equity (time/labor of applicant or family) . New consuuetion . Residential additions/expansions of existing buildings or on site . Residential rental property - apartments or buildings ',;th more than two units . Intcrior renovations . Seawalls or waterfront improvements . DemnIition only . Loans or other capital support . Work that ",ill extend beyond ninety (90) days of approval by eRA. . Work completed prior to approval of Sweat Equity Improvement Grant Project EvalulItion All project~ will be evaluated based upon thc following: . Nl1I11bcr and extent of improvements (minimum 2 for residential) . Ability to begin work immediately and ability to complete project within 90 days . Remedy ofcllde enforcement violations I ., Project PrO\'ides l"ew paint'only & pres;;;;re wash. ' Paint complcmentslh.e "Old Florida" style i_Design consistent "ith the "()Id florida" style I Replacement or repaired v.indows or doors I Repainting of mortar joints for brick or stone fronts I \VOodw,;~k rcpail:, replaCement or n..ew in'~iaIlation . Landscaping improvements and irri~ation system IT : Install new irrigation sy:stem. . ..' Applicant has funding and is prepared to begin permitting pmce",s and hiring of qualified contractors immediately follo"ing eRA approval and complcte all ,:\'~'rk "ilhin ClO daL~..of approval b): C'I~A Debris removal, fallen trees m' _.__ ~_,_ Exotic uceiplant removal I Re!',~~r Code Violations Replace/repair rain gutters i Rcpair/reelace ripped or tom screens I ..-- Points Points A \'ailable A warded 1 I I I 1 -- I . I ] i ... i I - I . st\lce? repair ] ... . ] I I palr I 1 I I ....- I 3 I_~ 1 ~ I _... "',-- I , ~ 1 I ~u.cbtotilJ~l: ,,-. ;~-~J/'.~ "x-_".I\ : '1,AJ~' t ------ I ~~",~ "'~ r _/ Sweat Equity Improvemem Grant FY2008 IrCvisoo 1.'911008) 2 2008 GRANT APPLICATION PROCESS Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27,2008 Page 5 of 19 Step 1: Applicant Meets with Staff . Applicant mllst request a meeting with staffprillr!O submittal of application. . Applicant & staff meet at project site Step 2: Applicant Suhmittal . Site Improvcmcnt Grant Application & Projcct Initiation and Completion Form . Owner Authori/.ation Form requires notarization . Two g x ! 0 colm phows of the existing conditions ("before" photos', . Sketch of proposed improvements . l.ludget estimates for the improvements i r work to be completed by applicant Stcp 3: eRA Staff llnd Advisof) Board Review . CfL\ staff reviews application and completes the Points Form, then places the application on agenda of next Advisory Board meeting · Advisory Board checks project to make sure it meets all grant criteria . Applicant is required 10 be present at the Advisory Board meeting to answer any questions that may arise during the review or tn provide additional material if requested . I f project meets all critcria. the Advisory iloard makes a rcconmlendation to eRA . Grant fimding is limited with first priority given to project> with higher points Step 4: eRA Reyiew and Approval . eRA staifprepares Swcat Equil) Gmnl Agreement f"r the eRA to reviewhipprove . Applicant signs Grant Agr<ccmel1l . Application ";lh Advisory Board rccoml1lcnd111ion and agreement placcd on CRA agenda for rc\'iew and approval · CRA reviews AdvisOl) Board rewmmendation and agreement during regular meeting and approves or dcnies project Stcp 5: Site I'lan Improvement Prf>eess . Applicant completes work Step 6: Prf>jeet Complelion and Submittal of Pruject Summary Report . 1.;pon e':Jlllpletion of work and insj1<c'Ction to insure work conl"ffitS to the work that was proposed, applicant submits: " "Project Summary RepNL" including description of" ~ompkted impro\Cmcnts. two 8Xl 0 color "after" photos, In\"Oj~es. list of materials and construction techniques used. any additional information specific lo the project. . t\otari/.ed "Payment Rcquest Form" ,md all materials receipts and/or canceled checks as proof thal all materials and contrdt:ttxl improvements have been paid Step 7: eRA Staff Submits Projcct Completion Report for Payment . CRA Staff visits site and documenL'i imprl1\emcms. . eRA StalTforwards Completion Report and docwnerJL<; to County lar payment. Sy'.'cat Equity IInpn.1\"t~ment Grant F'r'J008 {rcvl~cd L'9"~OO~) ~ 2008 GRANT APPLICATION Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 6 of 19 SWEA T EQUITY IMPROVEMENT GRA.."IT APPLICA nON Section 1: Applicant Information O\.l1er Name: ~ /:2/~ .)'__)-,:"1 ~._---.., , /1' 6.-"' ,-' ; i ::'"- cl\ j .~_; ;~. n ;,lll"\ I ~ OV>11Cf Addr~ss: L. _I 'j,:"'" ,.!~ Ie 5 . J" f7 I Site Address (if different !Tom owner address): ;(:-;'].:'1(-<.;' I ~. j -fJ l~' Zi,' .. "'- Legal Description of Site: ~c+",J /4 I kk.f."~e. /lJ~ b,le ---rc,L: /.. ~ h '/'7 ~YJ ~? t*f '-J' ~. Es.I>1-fr.5. .LoT -1'1 . ~J;" , ...-, '-1;- ~r' "'":) ~._ ~'. -"T r Daytime Phone: _ d ") Ct_ 1/) -j p' iJ Alternate Phonc:Y :,;;, oc' /3 ' '1,) 7 'J' [.\laiJ Address: Ii..;,~, . ,. '''t( 1L..'I!'1.-~t:. ~.t:..::'~~-'/J.,:'.iJ,(! n II d1 , , I How long ha\'c you owned this property'? _":::';';IJLe ~ ID fc.i? I' ;.;. i'" Zd;,L- )iumber of Years in Business at Site Address: Occupational Liccnse Numhcr: First Time Shoreline Improvement Granl ,'\pplicant? Yes L:J 1'00 Ifno, how many applications subnlltted~ Grautls) awarded? Ycs 0 :-:00 - Sweat Equity Impro,emcnt Grant 1-1'2008 (revised 1.'<)("008) 4 Details Agenda Itl~11'6134 May 27, 2008 Page 7 of 19 ~ Pr0pe~"ty ~ecord A '2'n 3d 51<et-::n~5 ~ Parcel No.ij 534012'00-003 Current Ownership ~ropert)l AdcJre!iS~ 16(1 JEEF'SRS DR :11 Owner Name~ BUCKINGHAM, SLlZA8ETH A Add",.... 160 JEEPERS DR City NAPcES State I Fl z;pll34112 - 6500 legal I LAKf: SIDE M03lLE ~ST LOT 31 05 Acres 0.16 Map No. SA1~ Strap No. 442600 315A14 Section 14 Township 50 Range 2 LAKl; S~DE MOBILE ESTA"'ES MOBILE HOMES .,',t Mi~R! ~rtI_~ 5ub No. ,i~ Use Code f.2 '.. ~ Mllla.M' 12)325-5 .1-'25;]1) 2007 Final Certified Tax Roll (Subject to Change) Latest Sales History If aU lIalt.lc$ show" below equal (. lhb tHHC(l1 was croatc-d after th(: Ffnal T;l)' Roll Land Value {+llmproved Value I Io!i Just VaJI.H.' 1 H SOH Exempt Vahie I ,_-') A"''Se!;~E'd Vi::~ue I I I ~,87 ,3['0.00 S 20,045,00 S 107,345_00 I :} 78,03800 I s. :?,JD'7IjO I ; 25.0DO.OO Date :)4 : 2001 ~ 197.1, Book - Page 2-8(14 - 16J.4 587 91 Amount t ':'3..()OD,OO $ G.OO H Hom~stGad and other E.xempt Value i~'1 "7;::xab:r V,,:.I'.I't' ~'4.3D7.00 SOH - "Sa",e OUf HomesM exemp: value due tc ::a;p on aSSCSSfl'lC:f1t mer-eases, ~ Thl! Information is. Updated Weedy httn~lIU1"a.ru.: I'J,111~nn-rni~M i"Am/R pj"nn,nMqiJ ~l\;.n"M:1n=k~FnJi{ll f)=(l()OOO,1J.O 1/OnM1 --~-......." .lnl\/~!I_:> , Print Map Agenda It.#il-lMD] WG4 May 27, 2008 Page 8 of 19 Sb'M'\~_ I>......u s....oJ,..<1.>"',<'< oIrret..I~Z,,","J.'''d>W'~ A~.""~ *' 1: fttfj s..'lll''''lI'I''_'Pfl'''''' 1::~d""'(,_, lfolio Numboor: :5.'W!<12OOC.1Cn HuM: BUCKlNr":'HPM, ELlZABE-Tbl A ls~, & Naomi!-: ~6D Ji;FPFRS OR ll~ o.&uiptkm: LAKE SItl!: l....:JBllC CST LOT Jl ,- \' ~:'tr~ C-:>ii!l- COillllY f'-,;....~. .~,~r"._'~8' ......,.... ,~.. (:qJ.~, :,::"",.., "(~f'~", .r.~'~'u'" ~.....-rrrr.ill~a~.:; ~j;-.13''':;Il''t rr';'~1 :~r.lt ~r~ ~:l.:l~~ r:':.,.,....A;r ~c ....~~ e-~ue-::I Of JlX1'~ 1Zr'e ~.d tOr::'"~ :bb ~~'....m ~! il~ ~.,~ 1'1"'~..cr ,/""" httn:ilmans.eollienummi,er,comiwcnmanimannri nLa'<nx'hitle=&orienr=1 .ANnSCA PI ,&na., 4ii01200R 2008 GRAl\T Al'I'LlC\ TIOC'J Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 9 of 19 / Section 2: Project Information Existing Condition of Project (attach additional sheets if necessary): lAW),.J f'lc$+I~ .4-lf we",,{.s; 1 A nACH "BEfORE" PHOTOS AT LEAST TWO 8Xl 0 COLOR PHOTOS, OTHERS MA Y BE ADDED TO ACCUt<\Tf-:JY DESCRIBE THE SITE). Outline Prnpo.';('d lmprovemenL~ in Detail (attach additional sheets i r necessary'}: ReI'; t!jlf-l ..f L'/o( ":::;"'0 ,c..tJ (1/(' "'-"1 "-' :~fIi .:)j-.Ol-r,.."" I ...1 I J.,/(.r,J II2ILJC;-+"'-"';~ s......!>I"',..;,. ~~,;",:;: "'.{ I . / ' ; 5/1/'/(( Sh/lLL.t4' /!/.<--,,-,i-<> / ";lI'-fpiJ.rr'/L- S/;t:'cl< . ,,:.J,e(ce.s; . ( L ( , I .-+-#.4- J-c.l <c.J: Lis! l\.lal('rials [Q be Us"d and Construction jVlethods 10 be Ctilized (i.e. type paint, plant spe<:ies, irrigation ')stem, doors/windows, etc.) (Attach additional sheets ifnece,sary): -, ~ ... ,~ < _t'.~ /.j'f i t:<(I:,~ ,::.:( ,,":J! i ~ ".. I' :: Sweat Equity Impr(]\'~IlleJ1l Gmnt 1-'1'2008 \rovl>cd ],,,.2(",,, 5 \...l ----"' ::0- - ..:::, "" <:::. ,-",- ,.) .,<. -;-" .- ,~ .- !:> '" ~ ~ 'Z ..... -- ~ s; .-"l,. ..r.. - .,) .... i ...... --' , . 1 .~ .~ ~ Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATION SHEET Page 12 of 19 O'DONNELL LANDSCAPES, INC 4291 Williams Road, Estern, FL 33928 239992-8842 Fax# 992-2188 Job Name: Address: Contact: Phone Number: Date: Supervisor: Men: Hours: Qnty Description Specification 20 1:w~ <3ou ,",AN VI J..L.qj :1'7- .:i /:/0,- s p/J 1/...0. .sOLO r/ / 2$.- / / ::2$. - It /5/ A.e JA5mu-Je;; 4.- 17;:< - I . ;2:3 tl/ t3A 3u:.pe-rJ:::,um 1.- q;(.- 20 6lUE Dm meHcID 4':>0 qo.- /0 , /rIoR.tJ.s 7.- 70. - C/Z()LlIr.JC~ 2. fh8/swJ 5" .DjrJK -'/0,- JIJ,- / i?.o DEJ...),j tV/I L/o.- 1/0.- $a I2'.EO /7)U LU/ .:;1- / CO -.- J'j If) ..J SO I I &- ;:;ii~ .-:- I .;f' Y /7 .- .l/D j;)1;:JE~ /0/ /1' 3,- JiI,b20, - 3 / v~ L Vl::-~ /b.- , <it. - ;2.D .s j;:;j2./ ,J )( f..B.s, 7.- /t/t>. - / rJ...~ow 7.- 7- - JS T =-c /" <t ,?6l? /;1. - / ';'--I/TJEIZ /v.- 00,- , ;/,,3J' 7. f I L c ( (\) /f' ~ (.1..39\\ 313 - & 1,3 S ..-----JU.::><::' ",-0-\'Y\l",,~ - (~~L_ LEO'S SOD, INC. 3612. SA YSHORE DRIVE NAPLES. FLORIDA 341 12. PHONE: 239-732-6131 FAX: 239-732.1800 Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27,2008 Page 13 of 19 This proposal is submitted to Address: City, State, Zip: Phons Number: Fax Number: Date: Contact: Buck]ngham 160 Jeepe's Drive Naples, FL 34112 293-9279 I 775-: 218 March 6, 2008 Elizabeth Leo's Sod is a licensed, insured and bonded corporation, and is Collier County's oldest and most experienced installer of turf. Collier County Landscape Contractor's License #31371. Florida Department of Agriculture State License #68755,1. Agricultural Bond #OFL 048:2846 for the $100,000 maxlmum value allowed by law. We are fully insured with Workmen's Compensation, General liability, and Vehicular fnsurance and operate a drug.free workplace. Scope of proposed work: [ ] Sp-oyin':J of professional stren:Jth R~C1d-U;; t~ Klif existi1g :;Od and wee:1s \10 cay processl, I 1 Laying ove; fresh #1 sand-02.sed so.j, ~rjmmln~ as req'Jired. and rol!:ng accessible (f1at,1 areas 35 needed. I J Comp'ete removal of desg~ated areas oy Gutting w:h a sod :ul1er. remova' by ~a~j, ~aciing c,1f debrrs, d~mp fees, hand-grading, rep:acement '.'.'Ith #1 S3TJ-based s::;.d, trlrnmln~_ and rollin.; a:::essib'e (flat) a~eas as needed. [ J Spraying of a combination of fvngicide and :nse':l'cide Tor preven:;;::tive maintenan:::e upDn complehon of the job. [ ] #1 Sand-based Flora:am I : #1 Shade-grass: Sevi:e,'Paimetto:Saophl'e [ ] Bahia [ ] Empire Zoysia I ] ;';'419Bermuda I ] Exlraabor 'eqcired to bring in sod wna::essble areas by ,:..heelbarrow I ] Grading - Fil] Ditt - Leveiing - Raking Proposal for refurbishment of front and left Side of 1he yard: 4 pallets of FI:;ratam delIvered only @ 5235 ea. = $940 + tax Terms: 50% MINIMUM is due prior to project commencement, with the balance due in full upon completio~n. \\.'e prop:)SB to furnish labor and mate::-ials. compiete In aO:-'Jr::l~f\ce vJr:h in::Llstry spe::if.c.o1i.:);s b;:-1he s;~m of S 996.40 ~~ ~vi1h 50c~:~ payment to be m2l_:i~Fli9.I.tU2[Q:.f=C~ co~rl'e)'1cerr-.ent and the ~el~";ain:r.q balance ct:..,e upon o::mlPI.:;tio~ of the iGb. Any unpaid balances wHI be slJbjec1ed!0 pcnEllties Inciuding but not Irm:ted tQ: finan::e charges applied at a rate of 16% per anr,Utn. collection costs. a~torne}'s' ~ees and ~Itjrr,atef~...a MeC"',i:H1lC s Lkn wll: be placed on t,.e p:-:Jpe,"1Y, Ai: nate;'"ials are g'.Ja~af1teed to be as specified, and al-l ~""Dr~~ to t.e completed in a man;"le~ cons:s~enl ......ith standard in:L.lstry pra.:;tices I.,ny <JjditiDn or deviation from the abO'.'e involving e)::t"3 costs ....,JI be e);e:.u~ed Clnly up:Jn writ1en o"der anj '....iil be::Crl9 an Bx1ra :::har;l€' ::JVer a"id 8bJ~'e :hrs estimate All a;reEl1ients are eO;'I:i:^'gent ';,.;pon accije~~s strj~;e'S, \','(:athr;:r ;:]'oIaila:Llity::f :1ateri;3ls in::!:J:fng ','is-a:'1€:' delays or h::jj-ents D81'O.'10 OJr ::ontrol. By s>;ning this :;,wp::Jsal II '5 un.jerstood thr:lt t:---e ab:J',/~-:: pri:es sr:;..ecifca;:ons and :cn::il:i::Jn5 are ~3t;sfac::::H':r' a"td her-eby ac-::.ep:ed, Leo's Sed, Inc. IS .:r..;thc,rized to do the VIork C:S sDecifi{:,j and paymer:t v..iJ: be nade 2S :J....1Ii~~c ;;jb:J.'e- Prop:J5al can be Withdrawn if not cli:::vep1ed w;tr,'n ihlrty (30::, days. A Ncfc6 to O','rer rray b€ :ilej C _Pf Job '"..rch h;JS r,c.t been p~e.pa:d i~ flJI. Warren!v ClI]!lVateO grasso' - 2 wee,cs ,,"\=r Job OCrT'~'leton~Od/D)' FO'-."OhI3 sod no Via'ronty. evpress,; /i:nPiled Authorized signature for Leo's Sed. Inc.: / ~L---- Date ,",U.;j /' Customer sigr,ature(s): Date Elizabeth A Grantee: Buckingham - J!l Vendor 1 c: lU e. O'Donnell - Landscapes, Inc. OIl e. Certification No. lU U III -0 c: j Bid $91700 - c: 0 Vendor 1 :;:; t'll Cl O'Donnell 'l: "- Landscapes, Inc. - OIl Certification No. e. <'II U 1II -0 Bid c: nl ...J $387 00 Venclor1 "0 Leo's Sod. Inc. 0 en Certification No. Bid S 940.00 TOTAL $2,244.00 /--. Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 14 of 19 ::'008 CiRA:-n APPLICAIIO"i Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27,2008 Page 15 of 19 Section 3: Project Cost Information Estimated Projecl Cost: . .-\LL WORK TO BE COMPLETED BY OWNER. f A,\.lIL '{ OR fRIENDS . APPLICATION ML'ST H1\ VE AT LEAST WRITTEl\ ESTIMll.TES OR QUOTES FOR \1/\TERlALS AHACIIED TO THE APPLICATION Estimated Requested from eRA $ .r ,,.-,.~ l:--r. ,; ~'-!",..-' !vI. Prui""l materials must be a minimum ofS5oo and a maximum ofSl,ooo COPIES or All. RECEI1'TS A,,;D/OR CAr-:CELED CHECKS 11'11.1. BE REQUIRJ.:D l'PON PROJECT COMPLETION AS I'ROOF THAT AlL "I.] r-RI..\LS FOR L\1PRO'l-'''-tENTS HAVE BEEN l'^ID, NO HF1MBURSEME"T WILL fiE MADE BY TIlE ell" (...TIL ALL RECUPI, AI\T>/OR CANCELED CHECKS HAVE BEE">:RECEJVED A.'.;f) \'FR1HED. For CRA Use Only Total Estimated Project Cnst: $ )"I.l.f-I f7J Request from CRA: it .-r. , , "0 ." ,'" Oti 'I W Section 4: Availability of Grant Funds This gmnr program will be availahl~ for limited periods of the wl~ndar year, . Wimer Program - Ocrober 151 through December 30"' . Sunilller Progmm - 'vlay 1" thrOllgh July 31;t v ,~/_.__~f~<-:,-,,,_\.;,,"/_.~~'i.~,- t,,_~Cl~' ~,.'" ;/ ~ " Owner Signature Dale O\\ller ~ign~tr:l'e . ~ , ~,'><----."/~,/ ,'").,.'\,~~:_-_. CR.,\~~ff~ . Dal~ r ,.',.-/:'r-(; 9 , ,; i ;-- -~, " Date Sweat Equity ImproYem~n[ (iram FY2008 Ir.<i,cd J!9i20<JR) 6 2008 GR.,\.."1T APPLICATION Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 16 of 19 PROJECT INITIATION AND COMPLETION FORt"tl (to he submitted with Site ImproHment Grant Application) I, i' (u,,~,~ :L ,. k' (1"c.i.c I" f.....,.,_ _' ovmeritenant of the property located at ,) ..~I,'.. \. (~'LI'",c.:Ji.,J:)1 , have the funding and capability necessary to begin thc site imto!ements Jisl~d ~ndcr' Section 2 of thc completed Sweat E'luity Improvement Grant application und have the abilily to complete all improvements v.ithin ninety (90) days of the approval oflhe improvement grant by the Collier County Communily Redevelopment Agency, Signature of Tenant (if Ieast'd) Date Signature of Tenant (ifIeased) (if jointly Icas~d) Date ~i;"i..Af~1,' ',^i:"'," t,.' ,___~_ , Q~L{~ '_.to ["1,,'t:~ -r-') I ,J J, ::0 cd Date Signature of Owner Signature orOwner (if jointly owned) Date ,~\ Sweat Fquity lmpmvemcnl Grant I'Y2008 (n'vir.ed lf9.~('1XI 8 :008 GRANT AGREEl\{El\T Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 17 of 19 GR-\NT AGREEME!'iT BETW'EEN eRA AND OWNER FOR SWEAT EQUITY IMl'ROVEMENTS FOR BAYSHORElGATEWAY TRL\"'GLE REDEVELOPMENT ARL\ TIllS :\GRIEME'lT ENTERED this 27 day of May. :008 by and between the Collier County Community Redcvelopment Agency (hcreinafter rcferred to as "eRA") and Elizabeth A, Buckingham (hercinafter referred 10 as "(hvner"). WITNESSETH \VHEREAS, in Collier County Ordinance 1\0 ~002-38, the Board of Coumv Commissioners dclegated authority to the eRA to award and administer CRA grants including wnlracts ...;lh ov.ncrs for eRA grants: and WHEREAS, eRA Resolution No 07-55 established the Sweat Equity Tmprovemcnt Grant; and V,'HEREAS. Owner has applied for a Sweat Equity Grant in the amount of LOOQ dollars; and '\'HERE.o\S. the CRA has determined that Owner meets lhe eligibility requirements and was approved for a grant award in lhc amount of 1.000 dollars on "'lav 27. 2008 (''CR..\. Approval"). which is 45~';' oflhe CDSIS to construct lhe improvements NOW, THEREFORE, in considcration of lhc mutual covenants contained herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: I. Qv..Tler acknowledges to lhe CR.-\. that Owner has received a copy of lhe Collier County Community Sweat Equity Tmprovement Grant Pro~'1'am (hcrcinafter referred to as "Grant Program'). that Owner has read the Grant Program. and that Owner has had ample opportuniry to discuss the Grant Pro~rram with Owner's counsel or advisor. Owner further acknowledges to [he CR.A. that Owner understands and agrees to abide by aU of the terms and conditions of the Grant Program. Owner agrees to the terms and eonditions of thc Grant Program. 2. Owncr is the record owner of property described as L60 Jceocrs Drjve, Naplcs. FI. 34112 3 OWller has agreed to make certain improvemcnts to the property pursuant to the grant application submitted to the eRA dated May_ 5. 2008 attached hereto a.~ Exhibit A and inCllrporaled herein by reference. 4. Qv..'IIer agrees to complete the collstruction of the Sweat Equity Impruvements within ninety (90) days of eRA Approval. Owner also agrees to provide the scal equity (labor) to complete Ihe improvements Sweat Equity Grant Agreement FY2008 2008 GRANT AGREEMENT Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 18 of 19 5. CRA has approved a grant to Owner in the amount of $1,000 to be administered pursuanl to the tenns of this Agreement based on an estimated eost of $224400 If the actual cost of materials are less than the estimated costs to construct the improvements and less than S 1 000 the !ITant amount shall be reduced dollar for dollar in eRA funds; however in no casc l , <:l will the cost of materials for improvements be less than $500 6. Unless prior disclosure is included in the grant application, no Owner, or any immediate relative of Owner, shall serve as a contractor or subcontractor for the construction of thc improvcmcnts and no (h.,ner, or any immediate relative of Owner, shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the improvements. An immediate relative of OV>'llef shall include mmhcr. f.uher, brothcr, si.ier, aunt, uncle and cousin or family member bv marriage to include mother-in-law, rnther-in-law, brother-tn-law and siSler-tn-law. 7. Owner agrees that all improvements completed do not require a Collier CoutUy pcrmit or permit from any other agency Upon completion of the work, Owner shall submit to the eRA staff a project summary report. two (2) 8 x 10 after photos, a list of materials and construetion techniques used, and any other information specific to Ihe project or requested by the eRA staff. The eRA, Ihrough its staff, shall confirm that the improvements were constructed pursuant to the temJS of the application approved by the CRA. 8. Within fony-t1\'e (45) days after confirmation that the improvements were C{1nstruCled pursuant to the terms of the approved application. Owner shall he issued a check in the amount of the grant. However, if (h.,'ltef fails to make the improvements pursuant 10 the terms of Ihe approved applicatioll, or if the project is not completed within ninety (90) days of eRA approval or if Ov.ner fails to makc improvements of at least $500 value, the grant shall be deemed revoked and O...ner shall be entitled 10 no funding, 9. of Florida. This Agreement shall be governed and construed pursuant to the laws of the State 10. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of tile panics and their representatives and agents, and inC{lrporates all prior understandings, whether onu or wrillen. ;\/0 ch~ge, modification or amendment, or any representation, promise or condition, or any waiver. to this Agrcement shall be binding unless tn ...Titing and signed by a duly authori7..ed Qft1cer of the party to be charged. 1 I. This Agreement is personal 10 O\>.llcr, and may nOI be assigned or transferred by Owner or to O"ller's respective heirs. personal representatives. successors or assigns without the prior ""Titlen consent of the eRA ~ Sweat Equity Grant Agreement FY200& 2008 GRA.:"T AGREEMENT Agenda Item No. 16G4 May 27, 2008 Page 19 of 19 IN \\1TNESS WHEREOF. the parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year frrs! ",rinen abovc, .~ , " OWNER(s): i .' (I) U). lN~-'~------ ~lfness Signature By: /'h/'.;" /j r/ (I" /" t'..":;/.~('_?-'; ('/,~-~-/0 -rJ{./ l./ '-~.., I,Ar~. I I.u~~! ~ I~- .C'.I 7 ~ . _ ~~ " '~-""LI,~~"--,lI 0_ Printed/Typed Name .:.{:;'r' < t~'> J''-':'i-;'' I, /n -- I PrintediTypcd Name Ii ' /~ .---;:0" I' J . ( . ,~- , /]!, )V r. (2) ("JilL.- p/\/, 0..........., Witness Signature ./ I '1' "\ I .. Uh, J L- J.1( l(~D,\ Printedrr)'ped Name Uy: Printed/l'yped Name ATTEST: DWIGHT F., BROCK. Cl~rk COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY RFDEVELOP1-.1ENT AGENCY - , lJcputy Clerk By: DONNA FIALA. Chairm.'Ut Appro,'ed a~ 10 l,mn and legal suI1icieney: ~fYv~:<P\Ai..7TI' ~- fr//~ Marjocle M. Student-Stirling "- Assistant ('mUll)' Anomey Sweat Equi,y Gram Agreement FY2008 3