Agenda 05/27/2008 Item #16G 3 Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27,2008 Page 1 of 37 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To approve and execute a Site Improvement Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area, (1570 Shadowlawn Drive) OBJECTIVE: To approve and execute a Site Improvement Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. CONSIDERATIONS: Annually, the Community Redevelopment Agency's Site Improvement Grant Program is funded at a level that satisfies existing grant obligations from prior fiscal years and future grant opportunities. The purpose of the grant program is to provide an incentive to revitalize the area by providing a matching grant to encourage the private sector to upgrade/rehabilitate their property. This grant requires applicants to provide a project cost-match of at least 67% with the remaining project dollars supported by Tax Increment dollars generated from the CRA District. For FY 08, a total of $310,000 is budgeted for the rehabilitation grant program, From this allocation, $224,000 is available for new projects and $86,000 is committed and due to previously approved applicants upon satisfaction of all grant stipulations. The Site Improvement Grant application submitted by Dwight M. and Linda K. Yerger, owners of 1570 Shadowlawn Drive, Naples FL.. 34112, was recommended for approval by the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Local Advisory Board at their May 6, 2008 meeting, LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The grant application and agreement have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney Office which has determined that the agreement complies with CRA requirements. (MMSS) FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient budget exists within the FY 08 Bayshore Gateway Triangle Fund (187) to satisfy this new grant application. A Site Improvement Grant may fund up to 33% of the applicants project cost up to a ceiling of $8,000. This site improvement project totals $24,029.18 and the grant request is $8,000 which is 33% of the estimated project cost. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states that redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, including the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA that may consider alternative land use plans, modifications to development standards, improvements to infrastructure and incentives to encourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: That the CRA Board approves and authorizes for execution the Site Improvement Grant Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency and Dwight M, and Linda K. Yerger, owners of 1570 Shadowlawn, Naples FL., 34112 in the amount of $8,000. .r-- Prepared by: Sue Trone on May 13, 2008 Operations Analyst, BayshorelGateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency . I . Page I of I Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 2 of 37 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16G3 Meeting Date: To approve and execute a Site Improvement Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. (1570 Shadowlawn Drive) ($8,000) 5/27/20089:0000 AM Prepared By Sue Trone Operations Analyst Date Community Redevelopment Agency Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 5/14/20084:13:05 PM Approved By David Jackson Executive Director Date Community Redevelopment Agency Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 5/14/20085:19 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/15/2008 10:09 AM Approved By Marjorie M. Student-Stirling Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 5/161200812:23 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/16/200812:38 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 51171200812:18 PM ~ file:IIC:\AgendaTest\Export\ I 08-May%2027, %202008\ 16. %20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ I... 5/21/2008 Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 3 of 37 BAYSHORE G TEW Y TRIA.NGLE I I B3B3D ~~ u'--/'-.../0 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPLICATION I.' ~., >> '\',' , fl4 I .-'10. Ol8f I..,,; I L J'. Dwight M. and Linda K. Yerger 1570 Shadowlawn Drive Naples, Florida 34112 Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 4 of 37 14 \\~i\. I . "T, APPUCATlON FORM 1. THE SITE L\1PROVEMEI\i GRAJ\T APPLlCA nON -' 1-1 AppliCJInt Information I~ I .. K. 1. Owner Name: Pv\..~~k.t I.f""ljtv Q.A/\.{l II ,-Jtl. LtZ.rjq 2. Owner Address: 3~ 55 (;.!,\ L 0J1,^.Q... T\lc'flt<; fj(){\6iA 3~tI0/- 3. Site Address (if different from owner address)- I 5 10 .) l\wl u ~J L'u.JJi".. Of /Jo,r1ws no,:d;1 ,3'-hJl- 4 Folio Number and tegal DescnptlOn of Site X.t ojiu-J:l."Il'd 5. Day1ime Phone with area code: 2.~tj- z.SCI - ']..CjI.cJ 6. Alternate Phone with area code 7-':/1- J. ',3"'1 - ?. 55.2 7. E-mail Address: I /L.l\V-q€.( @ r(l'~, rlQ..t 8. If you own this property, how long bave you owned it? rJJ.~ -rl "\(l...o:.tD l/\.wJ'\ 2tOS' ) REQUIRED A'ITACHEMENTS TO THIS PAGE FOR ALL APPLICANTS: l. Pmpcriy Appraiser'. Identification Record' 2. Acnal photograph (}f all parcels included in the grnnL . . These c:mbeob/;lioo:l froll1lhe Property Apprni",rswcbsilClll: ~_,__: ,__"" c__ .- "- 9. If you lease this property, how long is lease term? (attach copy ofleasc) tJi A- 10. Is this your first time to apply fur Ii Site Improvement Grant? Yes 0 No D II. If you have been awarded a Site Improvement Grant in the past ple2se list the date(s) and award amounts for each grant you have received. Attach a separate page ifnece.ssaJ)'_ ClIwme,.d,,1 .\pplir:tnt' t>nl~' J>lr:t~e a"'\lN' items 13.18 11. Tenant Name (Commercial Only): 13. Tenant Daytime Phone: 14 Tenant Alternatc Phone: 15. Number of Years ill Busincss at Site Address: 16. Occupational License 'Number: 17. Othcr Tenant Names, irany: - Details Agenda ltJ'rlHWoJ 16'C?b May 27, 2008 Page 5 of 37 ~ Property R2~ord Aerial S};etche5 ~ ~ Pilrcel Ho.D 61 c:3360DOQ1 Current Ownership I Property Mdressll 1570 SH.DOWLAWN DR ;!,j OwnBr Nams YERGER.. DW1Gi-fT M-& L1NDA K Atkjress~. 3455 GIN LN City NAPLES State Fl Zip 34102-0 legal N G "t TeL t: NO 2 :2 SC' 25 COMM SW CNR OF lOT 28 N 55fT. E j.S3.2DFI. N 150FT TO POB, N 12,.7'5n E 155::T, 5 .Fm more to./ln four ling$. 01' ltogal Oes.cnpticm pleas-9 call ttle Pmpe<t1y AppraJsers OHice. Section Township Range Acres 2 50 2S C 43 Sub No. ~O44{10 : N G & TeL F UNIT :.: .;~ Use Code 12 1f1'1r-R-(1vED C';)""MERC:I.~,L. Map No. SA[}2 S....pNo. 5044ilQ 028<O(l45A02 J ,.,j- Milla{l9~_~ ::5 ~-~ Millag8 1,! 4-8'6 2007 Final Certified Tax Roll (Subject to Change) Latest Sales History If all Vz.lue-s $h()'wn l>elvw o['-alJi!i.1 V this parcel was created after fhe Fln;lt! T;;t.r; Rail Land Value (+) Improved Value i_j Jus: Valufo H SOH Exempt Value !~1 Assl2~$e.a Vi,'lllJe ! H Homestead and oth&( Exempt V.alue S 22.:1.22C,00 S ~ 9~.5s..:,QO I So-ok. Page .\:.44 . ~14 Amount $ !:i(HHlljQ,OC S 4238';'40t, ~ (i G(l S~2.U);4 [}(1 ~;) LtG :""': T-d1'.vbk \':;::~!'f' $ .123,B!4 fir SOH.:- 'Save Ou:r Homes. e:Jlemp1 yt:llu~ due 10 ca~. QZ1 (i5~es:>ment inCrea5e5. 'jS-.,-~ The information is: l.ipdated Wee;;.!y http://wv.w.coll ierapprai$cr.comiR eC(lrdDetail.asp?l\fnp~&Fo liolD=0000061 R3 360000 I 4123/2008 Print Map Agenda It&l!%111f1Gb May 27, 2008 Page 6 of 37 ~I.""" .~",.... I ~ .. ~." ..0<, ..,'t'(~ . - _,,,.3'" '\#' ,~I. .~;'.' ~"". ""-'",,,,; i'I;U: i,,,,d;'"~ !'.....'l".."~. CJ ;."i~",_,,'OiI, , ; "'t "... ~. ..... .." ~ I'~otlll;' ~...ft1bl!r ~'a::lln:xxr -f :-. ItQlftlt: N";::F:' :;r,~.JlL:"'_.& '11_ '" < =~;=. "'0 1 :tf"~ :SHA.;..")C.."""'Io""""':;R ~ fUlOa1Descmrtx:l/ll '.~- T~i.rr+: ___ t:<'S.1~:::;-;.;;..'::;;':"-I:;r(:-f= 'I'~ _~ 't' ~je.5rr i:' ';...:;>.l~ '.' ,:)"T1'J ~~~~ "'~" PC:"l"<', ":1 .~~ ;:155-- c -:"~";;~-"":-'~I' . ,.;!.~, ~. il'; - "" ;'~ . iJ;(- '''',~:.::' ';;'.;xJ(.~ ,.;,w.... C"-"'I'c.",,_,~,~~ \'rn""':"~ {:..;.;..",. '::'''''~'i ~'~""",. ~:'l~"""""" ,,='-,f1"':.'.' r'<<<.<:1"~ '1'<,,,,,,,,,,, ~'nr"'~ltt>~ ,,:.,~(;,_a."'" ;",,,,.-,...."", 1><;<....1JIIt,,""'~~ ~~-=tlrn,.j;,"Ii;j~ll'_::oeG "'''''','''~~''''''''' '~"... ,,. ',' ..".......~...l>rr, .- Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 7 of 37 4-1 APPUCATION FORM 1-2 Project InformanoD 1. Please describe the existing condition of each project for which you would like funding from a Site Improvement Grant (attach additional sheets if oecessary). A/wen two "&flm!" pJr_ (8XJO color) to thi" page for (!acft ;",prUJ't!menl.FmllfW'II' to make.. 7.:Q cdhiv,J\iJ-i1 2. Outline proposed improvements in detail. Include one of the following for each project: A) itemized work e;timates !Tom actively licensed contmcto" for work to be done by contractors or B) material descriptions for work you intend to do yourself on supplier letterhead. See... oJ1u.Ll'1J d l -.", t~'- :1 - f:--" 3. List Materials to be used and cons'truction methods to be utilized (i.e. red brieks "ill be installed with traditional masonry methods, awnings will be hung, etc.) (artach additional sheets i r necessary) AUucn drawings fH .kit1: of impNn.t.'m<7tJs' W tIUs~. At/a,1: ev/m' samples fa, md. 1"'1"0\''''''_ Ui tki,l'ace., . I r. \ ' . I., ,I E,!---KV', C( (-{- \; ~J~,,-\_,- \ -* P O--Lv \:'t ( , _ ~\l \ 'c'" (~,,'J" it~), :'-U(': . , . . r '::;.'\ . L'. c. . ~"J V0 }^)(l ._.'-.Y*,." ~..IJ r \"'\'/1-'--\'" \.,,\' ,,-l C".' '...t \V'."-c.Lv"J) t ,f}),J IIJ}.j,'\L>1'\i..l 'V '\U.:,f'.{ -- \ I'" _. \... I " r, ." i -, ,1 ': r " -'Jl l_ ^ (1 ,'1/ , .^'~ l (I I iJ""'.T-n't-f [\J([~'.) Uf ,j :y~'{, \J:-~~'-.v t, }.Jj..- c '~II\ CJ 1/..\ .....-<-11 1rJ ~~ ~,.J :'"t-iV,)r-L !\I\ (\~l~ } l\\'-Ll_~~(~)LYt~ \i)U'i} tt~d\VGf \10\~'). y":: CU)(\ C\6 'c)"ISnlll.d C, ',~" t ~\ -' , c f Xi ell (i [.l"..c*tU to'" )"-.J l1Jl (~,./,,€~ i Al\j1'{ e.{\lr1.:~\.(.L.-- \!~', dJ-"-,. \<Jv \ (I..LC; Jfnll~~- d c (v ( h \Ci' vvv-r,,-q- .t~Ql.!r:.~;n -#ic~i~lTS TO THIS PAGE FOR ALL .>\PPLlCAATS: , ,.0Two 8,10 c;olorpllOlOS or each project for the Site lmprO\'Cmen1 Gram . 2. tfwon is beilll! done b,' conrmcmr.., TWO ES'ln,1;\ liS from ACTIVELY L1CF.SSED CONTRACTORS i WITH COl.LlER COUl'<TY must 00 inchlded for cachjob. Addition;dl)", you llIust pt.wide liOc'Il5e mfoflIl3tion for I each oomra'::tor imfonnalion available "l hIlVJhlOm;.2coltierl\O''!S!!wcbaDOsl"isionIC''nC<<ll~...1l!;;IDi - call I contrJ<:lQ1' to \'erifv the name ,mdcr wlu&!be li=sc is Tt.'gi<lcrcd!). If",,", is beine,danc bv vournelf: "",,,,Ie tWO i olTi<.ial J'ria: quO!;' for parIS \gr<ll]1 funds do nul "",''''_applicam's labor). Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 8 of 37 1-2 Project Information Dcscribc the existing conditions of each project for which you would like funding fTOm a Site Improvcment Grant. l. Project # J parki ng Lot Existing parking lot is current blad,:top is crack and depressed in some areas. Stripping is faded and some of the bumper block are dcteriorated and hroken. Prupo~"d: Parking Lut- repair depressed areas, new l~ overla}', parking space re-striping and replacement of some bumper blocks. 2. Project #2 Front Door Existing original aluminum framed enlry door and side lights. Original front door, ""~th mill finishes aluminum. Proposed: rcplacement of Front J)oor - Replace front door asscmbly with Dew double 36~ I'GT doors with impact glass, Assembly to meet hurricane wind requirements, 3. Project !i3 Windows Existing original windows, single pane glass total of 19 windows Propused: replacement of aU windows - rcplace 19 windows witb white aluminum .PGT windows, with impact glass. .. - - lilt -----. f' ~~tTI~ Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 9 of 37 Existing awning over front and reaf door Proposal to replace the awning over front doorwitb new looking sl)'le with matching color or accent color of building, To be awning or shutter type. 1 "' ( ":'.:, -: r. ".;c "~ '" .::: , ~_.,. /.~'~ r ..../. ~ ~ .. ~- ". f/'......... , ""00..... ~~ L"<~ E :>,Q) "OJ ~:2:~ '" " iii OJ <( .-.., \ .~ r-- " .-..:) ',i) 7- (;-.J <:f -., } ~ > -:) .J ? cl < ~ ( , \ ,J ,-.::. ~ \- ,,:r, \ ',.'\, '.::.; -1. -7 -~ .~ (...J 1-- r-:t 'y c:: r.) ~ ;::: < ,.) <--. ~'-~ ~ ~ 'V ,~ Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 13 of 37 ~--J APPLICATION FORM 1-3 Project P{)ints Directions: 111 the column label"d "Work Included in CU!Tent Application". please indicate wark d' h' h h k ark ,(" to be done as propose In 1 IS applicatIOn "11 a c c.e' m ( ) I --" prt>jects "~1I............. I eRA OI'J.1CE Cllr""t~Jl!Iic-attl'a l'SE ONLY Roof repairs " . -~_._- Removal of or rena;!" 1{'J por~rl€$. or carports :----- {.. awnlJqs Ca,."1CPle:;, .. In:hallatiOf1 of Of reoalf to h'Jm~ne shutters '<.V:ndCJl^' or door uPGrade to nurri:;.ane st.a"darjs V" :~ / C :::::..terior woodwork repalf reolacemert Of neYi !flslallatioo I Srucx w~;k or reDlacernen't sidma I Nf?\,v at replac~~E1t mof1n.g._:~~__a~1" system and so1f~ '0\1011< u. Pa',nti,'"lg I , Storm wa1er diarn.aae~~~~~~3? ; --.., -~---'-'- ~ - Flrst-trne 3DDb::ad ,,--- I I Dr;vew3V repair I ,jnwv,"a''r' m,:st sn:l..... Sl:.ns of d.am3q.;:.~ , 1nstal;.a;:ic:.fI of or reoajr to dli'v~.'~~): culverts I Ccmstrl1Gtioc; (IT or r€'t)8'lrw iencjf!'.1ld,a~~~Lp?~'~_:~~~dJ~__ . ---.----. Removalo-fjrees for hea;th, seh:.ty and ....,<e-1fGre benGf.':.s (Improved res.tdt::ntirdI ~o!s "!lli.) ,., ." I,. ~~'al of extt~ ',ff.qetat:on ~ for ~ro'.'oc' r-'::-s.;~e;"]:;a: b~s or,l','; Demoktiall of strw:;tures fUI t',eajt,~ saf=ty and welfare ~.....----_.__..~-----_. ,. ' i , ~./ I Ct~er pro,ects Opp7C,,-'{'j by the eRA ,"( .. 1 ~..(- 1;'-- . i TOTAl. 'J , IX . --------.--- For offire U~ only: I ~. Total number of points for this appl1Calion is 0 '-:- ....--;--.. (y/'>c~~.:._~ ~igllature ofCR'\ starr , ...._... If - !(. 7._-()o6" Date Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 14 of 37 ~.-1 APPLICA nON FORM 1-4 Verification of Resources to Undertake Project . . 1 R\ r-. (V l\.t' eJ L . /5\ (:t=. ,. .' W 1). 1:." 0'" crt. ~nt of the ~~operty located at . I S10 (nil' _ _. '\ (N. , have t e odmg and capabIlity n=ssary to begm the site improvements listed undcr Section 1-2 (page 2 of application) of the completed site improvement grant application and have the ability to complete all improvements ,,~thin one year of the approval of the site improvement grant by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency .j~ u"\D \ 10{; 7 D - Si nature of Ow !Tenant (Commercial only) I Sij~t'ofce!r~ommerciaJ only) (if jointly m'lled or leasedf Y-I-D{ Date Signature of (}wnerrrenant (Commercial only) I if jointly OVillcd_or leas~) , :.:,....---~. -.::~ i '" /" J, /(....1.;1. ~v-...c '1"- DaTe CRAS1aff -" \l !. 'I' -- .., /;.0 [) ; ~ (.. ~~...... _.._.."-,---_._-~ Date .-, Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 15 of 37 ~-l .....-' ; APPLICATION FORM I -5 Project Costs , ,"",1 it ".? Estimated Project Cost: $-, -2!i; L J, I . ',"' , ~ ALL WORK TO BI: COMl'U.:n:D BY A CONTRACTOR '\1UST HA VE AT LEAST 1'\\'0 (2) WRfITEN ESTIMATES OR QliOTES A TTACHl:D TO TRI: APPUCA TION. Estimated amount requested from eRA $ ~ CC 0 NOTE: CQpi~sofallreceipls and/or cancelled checks will required, upon prcuecl comDlelion as prooflha~ all materials and coJJtractcd imDro\~cmellts hav,ebeen Daid No reimburs,ement wj]]b~ mit~eJi.Y the eRA until all reccillts and/or canc~J),ed .ch~ks have been received and vCfified, FOil eRA ('s~ O'~,'I' Total Estimated Projt'Ct Cost: ) 1'" (0~? ,/j m :J '''", '., ,-) Request from CRA: Percentage of Total: '7 ~ < "\ .~.I.__., -klJj U&)\; ..-- -- o\\ner~~ign~~ure! '. I . , f\ '/...' / Owrie~iL a!u;~ . ?,l.- .. i I ,;\ n Hf,.....L I ',('r,'( i -I '_ ," ... ~ , Dale t./. ! _ c) ( Date t>.,/f<\-'\....-{'--~--- " i ) - . -:; J---- Ii' ~_-L '-' ~, eRA SlaIT Dale _~'.""'J_""I :~~"~j, ...,.....-.... ~~~~.l..~ ~ '-) r>{ J..,. q I \: -C'-:,'J C ':::, "if' ...., ;:;)-':'1' I Agenda Item No. 16G3 M'J)! 27, 2008 PA5Ef>ag~!~ of 37 03/25/2f:lP.8 2?:C~ :'39'22511 :,8 WJU[))t.iS-q-tOJP5 ): (.) Lxiy) /[':;0 I? WINDOWS-N-DOORS '11i rC(::! ""-" \: t- / \ j ,t J-I .- V ESTIMATE Ben Rogers Ph.: 239-292-0176 'ax 239-245.7259 No.: R7716 Date: March 26, 2008 Cust~m~r Proj.ct .,V:;me Barrister BUrtdrft2 COI1lact: Mr. Vel'l!er ,"lame: Same !Addr.". 1510 S~.dowl""", Dr, A ddr~.ss: C~y. Ni1pi" erry: -. r;tale: ,L Zip Codr. J4104 Stale: Zip Cod, Phonf'." (239n&9<!%3 Fcrr aj~):!52-:!S9'D PIton/!: ,r":"r;x; S"" No. De5Cnotlon ~'dll'l HeJnhl Q:tY Uni1 Price Tola! PNCE 1 PGT'WIrlQLli":li AIU"'lII'l""rl' Couolc- !!'.tl'\el'l [)eCl' lJ>Jt,i!2> Ftwrtlf, Gny Gl.." 72 95 1 $3.099.00 53.099.00 :< PGi Wing;,!,", ....,...,in~ Sitlc li'les.tvt r D, Wl>tIleFrJme, Gr., OtIss. 31 1'8 96 :< $' .325 on 52.65000 J ~T WIIQU;l,l'\i Ah.m~m,.$ut;It J.;1I">i \"i!rIISl:w. WI'II:a f,a<nt!. Q.ny ~",. :16112 63 21 $537.00 $11t277.00 All Sections have been field measured. AJ1 M.rorialfi. execf1d Afi.mi Dade Codes. Tn,s Bid includeslI CertflHtd Installation. ClIulkmg & S.o!. on interiOrlexterior replacement glass with Iif.lime warranty. Removal & Disposal of existtng glasS. Mil, TERiAL $17.026.00 DISC 1$5.107.00 Subtotal S 11,91900 I I fjrJl. T(i)( $ 71500 " In~r811"tJDn :1.2 7'00.00 TOTAL I S 15.334.00 CUSfomt:"'s Sig1l!1fUJ"f D:Jl('!' ,;s:~" Y9-4~ cd hL ~g S.:;Jesmon'J Si~'1Qru~ DQ1~ I ".-...... 1011 Contractor Ceni licati on Detail Pane c Cpnli'~j,-'i()r j)(,l~li l~ i!ill1 Lf\ f 1<, L (0.'\1 R." f L il.! I! IF D J;f'i3..j 3. ~l' 2il1l7 :\.("1 !\'L ~ .~ 1,' 1; ,.;" CC.(" t~ l1i:;':';tJ >';'3J'~JtliN 'H)"" [(l{d '-fr'~\l CO\Tr:.\c iOf<.I\( !':i~,,:,": "it LA HO",;~, t POP fT \:y~~"..... tL 7:3IJ\,'"t. ; ::J'l-lv ,-"I~ 4 2.~" I.~ {,., -.:,{,5j bnr ://apps2. co] 1 i ergovncti".icbapp" \ i si onlC onCertlDelai I. aspx~ cert-=" 30934 Agenda Itarn!llbJ ~WG3 May 27, 2008 Page 17 of 37 4ll /2008 "-'..--~.'.'-' Agenda Item No. 16G3 Mav 27, 2008 PROPOSA.fe of37 i Stqrm Force ! oar Wlr'rn ~ proft'\.k'9 rout (nmi:o/ , 4730 Enterpri~e Ave. Unit II 310 Naples FL 34104 License II: eRe 1328707 Pt!ol\f' 239.::161. 5~95 F.....J; 23".2601.54'9-6. wWW.STORMfORCf1_COM UltSI'~ JOI Dm Kiau, Schmi It -.- ._~.~~.__.._.~.__._- 4730 Enterprise Ave, Naple< FL 34104 March 19, 2008 Dwight Verger 4730 Enterprise Ave Naptes fl341G4 Dear Dv.'sht Yerger: We hereby propa5e to furrnsh the material and perform the labor neces.sary for the completion covering the openings of your residel1ce. OI'OIlto+(j OpeOl"! , -4 ~OC""'IOH """"""DO SIZE """ ~ H1ih IOlpa<;t ~ingle Hue V~-q 2.x .3 S 11 ,500,00 5 11,500.00 $ 11,500.00 SubtO".aL TOTAlINCl.lJSlYr PER.M!iT1H:G, SAt.C TI\)( liINs;t.!.LJ..ATlOM:: .t.H matenal 'U: goJ<jra.'~E''!'C tD be as sJ;:-Edfio!<! artd tt'o!:> aboJ"", Wl)rY to be p!:'r~C'"~ fr. /IItterrl$.lltIt':~...nt!! i"to11rl~ 5'''llf:hrrg L"'d!!. The w.::riI. will Dr? co''':1p1.~ ......e .....:J~:/!..,..,I.!lt worK/T'.ant1ke manner flY the amoul"l~ of 5 1 i,500.00in:\ud'11i Tv, ov. mlN:"'~ t~n~ IU= or.. 'Ol;,lJW'~: 501, CoJt" UfItl)f1. oros.r1'r~. 2~~ ill: I1IH1'.''''''~. B!l. t1tcC:TIpI!!tlo.'"I. P,e~ nc:e: /.U=llltcm <:ll"dli!'r5 irE nor. r!:'(und..blll. Tld~ 11l~.1 b '.';llt;;,t: la 1:1 ,;..}'~. ACCEPT AHCE OF PROPOSAL: ~he aClOI'!:! Prices, terns, D2":rfv.:atiort~ and cood.iticrn iVt' iaU~rilctory.MlG .trt h~~ .o.cee-01e(\. .f(0I,l t;le authotmrl to d(! the y"od:. it, s~df:ied. OJ.' 19 :1008 Oate Salespers.on Signature (u~tomer Signature- 1).1 , i,\ pil rj ') i-" '/0 c r~JD d .' ~, --J ~ ] . I / . ') -' r., _< t;m DO / I [:: 1 I I ) ~~.~- . :, I n,f, iJ I /1) " --- THANK YOU rO!l YOUR eUSlMESS ! - Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Pag&~ of 37 PROPOSAL Stttrm Force O~! b<J~",~~ (J pror(,"(fmg >'OUf famlry 4730 Enterprise Ave, Unit 11 310 Naples FL 34104 License 11: CRC1328707 Phone Z39,261 .54Q5 Fall 2)1jl.2f11.S"lfb WWW.STQRN.fOfl:C.El.tQM UlB~ Joe CArE Klaus Schmitt 4730 Enterpn", Ave, Naples FL 34104 Mardl1tJl 1008 Ovnght Yerger AnO Emerprise Ave ~~,ple' fll4104 Dear o-..,ght Yerger: We hereb'f .propose to fUmls,h the matel1at i!ln4 perform the law necessary for the completion covering the openings of your residem:e, ""- UXA"'" """'"""" "'" '''''' Opmtng,1 E.!ltranl:e 1llIii"'(""";'''O;.'''i!1iiif#,~n;ao-'- ----~'" Frel'ldlaoor, b: 31 )( 8(J Stce-l1!l"It5, 1 x 15 :x. 134 Transom '\)4 x 95 ~.., / 'I_.J!" - ~ t!-~-.--, ---==';:;o'B><'~""''''>. S,Jbtou,l TOTAL fN(LU3.fV:: PEP.MI'TING, Yil~ 1 AX.It !~$T.4lLAltDN' S <;,50000 AI5.,; ;'1 .---"') .....-"' C:":: ..~.cf:."'7 ~- S--',7i\1r 00,'- J,'"' S ",l6C.~ S""_ 11 ,---n "."i:::;;;J -- .... '-1 AU m.II~~:~i i~ :fJ,"711"'1..,..rj k t~ ll:'5 5D~(i',~ i'I"lC ~hc i!DCVC wt....k:D ~ oe:'iOr1"flE'd In l'!l~t~I'Il!r\t... ....~tr. rll'l"',~~ fl,!,111!!1:"!1 (.M~ Tile- w,:;r1<. vI'.i', b~:[)''''J;:l['tcd t~.: .\.Il1.~ilnr;l, ""Vf~,r.;mli~, r;;,~nll"'f for tr..;. a:-n::r';f1t Of ~ l' .H':;,,~ t.~~:I~:iln'i Till:. Dur ~'41)"'I>:'"lll""~R> 1I't'.u (:-,~io"",,: 5C; 6,. up;lI'I nrr;.:"!"'3 J"';i, ~t de-l'~ry, 15'(.!!It r:C&It1p{et,o.tl. F'1.ea.:;.e oo:e: 4.\, .clJ!it=,-n oro~~ Mi!- n6"'I ~l!'!;c.lMIlr-M'_ 7hl~ !:'l":::.e>~~1 b'Vllolid '<;T ](: da~. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: ;:'E ~ pM:!!!.. term!.. ;Dedf1::.:tl~m ana c:t'ld1net'~ ar(o lolI,~I${tK'tory .rv;'l1Ir'~ 1w!.'reby 1.'::Ct'Dt~. Yot,: 3re ilJJthorlzl'd to DO. 't').'!! work.as :De<:if~_ 03."1911008 Da~e Salesperson Signature Customer Signature THANK YOU FOil YOUll 8USlNE5S ! Contractor eertification Detail Pag<:: Agenda Itf~! mG3 May 27, 2008 Page 20 of 37 Collier COlll1tv - -- 'LORIPA - . "I:" 12 HI RESmENTlAL CO!\TR.- CDnlFIED ^ Contractor Details l ;:j~:" i':'fl' i,"';':1Ttj,' fwf: r1ci'1,t\er iU] L,ue: ;):..:Il? f nUl; :}t 29901 9/12/1006 -\CTIVE W.\li100S .: i;T! ~-J, ,:l~'fi \~~nlj\ ',-',j;;",!" C ,~fl ,.-, ( :l! (I 'ii.'" "ii""" eRC 13287117 " ,k IJJlc: 8/~1/1008 ",,,, " .\s. STORM FORCE, LLC \\, "" '"",'",,, 4"30 PHF.Rl'RISE AVE.#310 !'.M'Lf.S. F1.34104- :'l'iC' (239)261 ~:'~C}::; ~2JrJ)261-5~96 l;a~ t, ,'::-.y' J ',', 2:> ,--,,' . '~', ~"' I i ;' -j';"'" ,':J.:':'~:' r... "I,.". ~'I- ':,-:!.:. .-' -I ~ hllD:ll apps2 .colliergov .net/ wehapps,'visi 0 n/ConCeruDetail.aspx'.' ccrr=2990 J 411/2008 ,.-----,~ II. .I'lP""l' ~.'"~- Agenda Ite~16(j3 .)7 [?08 ~. ~, :j : IJ[.()t:J """'-"'-"II_~~~ ..,.--...-.... ~... . .""'--,.,.u__._ .. , ;.-' ~) .:] l(~. , , .-..... -::::ji.~ J.) -~ ~ \'-'> (' 'I" " ~ :J;! l-=t d. ,6 ~) Sunshine State Hurricane Protection Inc. 6005 HOLLOW DRNAPLES,FL 34112 239-289-5904 Lie # 27339/31384 PROPOSAL SUBMITIED TO: NAME: a,)~/14'1,r ADDRESS: cf 1.."-,,--,,, PHON"!:: >1').. - :l-"; If 4<- WORK TO BE PERFOMED AT: ADDRJ::SS: CITY: ~k.J DATE; 1-.". F _<7 Y We horcby propose to furnish the materials and perfonn the labor nece;sary for the completion (If A,;,,{.L )",1 ~:s-h"1_ 1v,,,A..d c.r,~ ~/ ,L-th~~ J"t~" ..4.0,... fr;;.f/... ,A4.f- -"ill\!( M '7"( 6)"lo,r 77...?'- 11,,/~te.. Jintr1' ~ "'-r 77i 2- - 3 I aN'$" <I- r .s;'tk ,h h-J'" tA"'T C~'7~- '-7:1 ';I"'rl?7h;>> r ~6,po.- ,f/-r.J' ~ #~~ 6l.c/s - ~ _ e.?- 'L, ~ I' AJl material is gmuanteed to be as specified, and the abo,'. work [0 be performed in accordance ...ith the drawings and specifications submitted for above wark and completed in substantial "'Orkmanlike /rulru1er for the sum of: n::J~r'v ~ ~.~/S)W~ ~ ~ ~ -% DOLLARS ( 2- J., 71)" I/!j WIth payments to be .... fol1o...s: ,AJir ~Qtl$ or devlation from &.bo..e lpecifiCAtions tD\loh'ing ut..,. costs WItt be Q.~utcd ()ol,. up.otl wrinm orden. ilnd w\1I become!1l C'XIr'll chlll!e (I'VC.( Md!above e.m.m.ale All ~a UpQn itritt:!, aa::idcnts.. lJT t1el~ys be.:lOnd our eoc.b'ol_ ~~ ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL You an: authorized to do work as specified P.)ments will be made as outlined ..bove:. DATE: SIGNA TUR.t: Contractor Certification Detaill'agc Agenda 1tJ'ri\!N'ol nfG3 May 27, 2008 Page 22 of 37 ---, ,'. 11.,:.- '" U' ., ('ontractof' Del,~tl ~~. 41ljU t.t:i.:-"J.. (Jt.'II'\GC()\T~~ ,H.i'Lj, t,.:.',2'Jhl- .\. "Tl\ l '1/.\I(/;Jl:I" ,.\ \'1-:1\1' ,'1"- IT III f(I{IC"-"li r}<'~.'. rT_(-T!P~;. 1"'.;(;. 60:~.':;, OtHJO\\fH,:J\,[ 'U'U>, I L J.; 12- j ::.y: ':}i;".5<lFJ I:' J ~,~ \--'j}.--4) -. }~) ,.' ..... .,.,.-l " " ~ "'i"I " ,t" ,"\..,""""' ~l'jUI.;r; l:J;r"I''''f.lI~'''~~~ t I I' '~!~!Ll, /\VIN k '1 I,.!, 'T~ FRO"" ..... 1 J-!. ."1 "'-;.' 1-" L.u '~C'll, 'I.';: I. / , I A ,I \. ':~ J- u t, ) ~fi.I~" 1,",'\ 1 t / .-r.TiEW_I!l&!':.a_..-.._. Agenda Item No. 16G3 ^^^ Page 23 of 37 (NOH)MAR 10 Z~8 9.20~ST. 8:20rNo_~800~4 P 2 900 IN;;JUSTRIAL BOULEVARD NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104.3612 NAPLES 261.3581 FT. MYERS 489-3581 FAX 2€1.!499 JOB NO_ CUST. NO. PROJeCTED INSTAcl COM~LETEO CUSTOMER NAME L/...II/>6. ~4.R~..;2. CONTRACTOR NAME V"'/dlL> p{,~~ BILLING ADDRESS J ~ r;;-c;- GAl ./.....bU'-.. /~/..J7.;;q ,?WIY2-. DATE 3'~P-O? JOB ADDRESS ~/~/pj..IWVJ./)P;/e _ 'AfR/ 6.6 R... "3)1,10 if CONTACT PERSON //~ PHONE: i,r~ 7-d2-:z c:-9D JOB PHONE: ? 8'9'- 2-:;;-~-;Y APPROXIMATE OELlVERY AFTER RECEIPT OF DEPO~ <I~6 w~ PRODUCT CODE :z.~o ~n:R ~/~ cI-- .,iff..v6- We.'pro~ose 10 furnish and install. In, foHewing: rL) oJ r /~ ~~'-~;-r1''''' . /'0 .K ~_ .;p .e/SJJ..v6 Jt'V r;ez,u T .T/~...H7 PV.... 4.J1t.L-~.N-/I t'/A/PZ7: "k~),Y5 77?.JIO~//JII! L/~)?;:'. AMIl7 /Jd'VAP Bt9f:?.e5 70 $ /..oi!!!. ,or- J?.d.OJIL;;;"~ sjhJ5 B:;;;:9::;;~:;;:::~^u~/~/!~:~~~~;U;:;~) "/r~L#..,r-^ /--?JJrJ( .. " / ~../'. rl jl ~X77I /tff:' JhIr',/.IUif J/ p...;Z~%~' !/#~/l"r? }?D1!f;~.e- ,J.-f4 '6;;'" . CONTRACT ?RiCE TAX ~ TOTAl Describe' DEPOSIT (5 BALANCE 0 t; N INSTALLED PLEASE NOTE' :Jeposit required at tIme of order. 3alance must M paid when Il1slalled. ~ Prio,s Qooted are v,iid I.or 30 days. 20_ S- LE4N~R OF NAPL~ INC . ~,!"~</----?t ACCEPTANCE SUBJECT TO MANAGEMENT APPP.OVAL CONTRACT SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL TERMS ON REVERSE SIDE "BUYERS RIGHT TO CANCEL" This is a home solicitation sa.le, and if you do ~ot want the goods or S8NiCf!S y:)u ~ay cance1 :nis agn3emefll by :Jfo....id:ng wr.1;en notice to the seUer in person, :Jy telegram. or by malL ThiS ~otice must indicate ~r.at you do not wanl :te 900::15 cr srr\llCeS a,no muS1 be de-livered or postmarked oefore midnight ';If t,,~ third bL.s~ness day att~r you SIgn ttllS agreement. H Y:Ju ca~cel thi.s agreement, the selle' "Tlay :'lot i(.eep all o~ parI :Jf a~y .:asn oo...m p~y""r\efl.t L" _ ~3,f-~ must provide clear r ' '.~lcctfi::al or s om en el"ing are nc Are other prOducts to be coordinated with lhis order? EXECUTED ~ PURCHASE ) DAY ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO' SUNMASTER ORDER c':)t'y . '.....HI'::. . FILE C{)p'( . :::-A.....r..'1Y .. ::L':~T:l'''.Efl -::0~Y . P!NK Contractor Certification Detail Page Agenda ltellll!llO.l16G13 May 27, 2008 Page 24 of 37 ,-, Conlracttl[ D;;:tJdS ...pdl llIf1Ii/C-\"E qll tTLH\\""'t1'G (U,"'TR\'rll)!~ ~i/:'i:)H :',,}{':::jll:" !',l"JT\'L ")Ull..:!II-;I;.; SI"~I.\STUl O~ \AJ'U.~, I"C f)lH} P" D[ISTRIAt Hi\'[) :\;\PLr~.(L"lJ:(\q- <:,J,I}'i~:'. :-:;5)\1 ! ~3l) ~::li i.. - 4~~1;i 1E5~~!1IiQ;_ ~~"~"111.""'.!.I':' ~--....~., 1HiliS- ...I~! ~Jar 1 a C3 D2.29p t, ,",I IJ .' iJ,' " .~. 1<- ;_... i ,~j 1 ,>. " eX I: ~, J ) CANVAS '-\NN~"G 'NtTH ALUMINW WELDED FRAMES PORCH SH,s"DES PATIO VALANCES ALUMINUM WlNO':>W AVVNlNG$ S,~H~lII.A SHUTTERS HUR~ICI<NE PANEI..S -- I 6553TAYLOR ROAD' Sold To: Dwight Keege' ~455 G,c Lane Nsples, ;;1 239-597-2539 JJn"~A 1'''Ij~) :iJ~ IVI) , u Page 25 of 37 p.1 PROPOSAL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34109 . (239) 597-9100 . (239) 598-2941 . FAX (239) 597-2&391 Date: 3.'1612008 Job Number: 3442 Job Name: Job Location; 1570 Snadowlav.n Dr Attention: 8ill To: Dwight Kerger 3455 G'n Lane Nap'es, FI Phones: 269-2.9ti3 ix 262.2590 One Shed Sly 1J""""'lli'f:onl Entrance VlJe'ded Ah..:.minum Frame, Mill rinish, Ma~enaJ F.R 16S"w x 4'p x 1 g"r Incl 8' R;g>d \'8lance Per:1"'t. ,& Cuslom Eog:neenng T olal Proposal Custo.-ne, to Supply Legal Description, Srte Plan,S. Elevahors $1.900.00 $60000. $2.50000 WARRANTY - ONi:: YEAR ON MATERIAL LABOR Applique: Frame: Finish: Customer must provide- clear access fot installation SALES CONTRACT 7h.$ C-iCe!" 15 Mt sul;l,ier:.~ to- :::.i\,ncelta:iol"l, s.ince it cEdIS ~C/t' matje tc meU.Jre ~OoCl AJ tlg~~-2'l'el1~s ale m;Jd~ !iI,;Djea to :s.lrtlr.el and oUler CC!U!oe5 =' de!8}' .0" i!'labiUty t~ pl!:'~C!'Tf: which Art> b~ CI "1;1 I:-oe SE!'iiet1i COf\t~L I i~ r-urtuali)lvnoerst.cod and apreed thai: the- mercna '\(1I3e CQ"ren!ld by ll'.b onlrac: snaD rein.iim thfi pmperr~ of ltleS~I~etu..W ru't).' pa.id for. ard t.,o Pl...~cha'er nereby :5~fi;:;al'Y agr'l!es ~hnt i( ..;pon ~maI'lC, s.aid ?urchas.er c2c-e!i m;n Pd.y ar.y blills~ due or t1"1.$ contract. the SeMet at i!!f1-Y time-lnere,rlle,. "nay e-nl~f s.a-(l p.re1\i$~$ lint! rlll<r-lcve :said ~er:"anais~. rntalrlfJg a'J: IfQl,.li-dated DaJl1ages all maney ~~I.JSI" psid en a.::t:()u",,-. If 2'1)' Oi!Iy......f!~ d:.Jt Se'ler 's 00: macIB within ten dafS of its. ~~e oate, Oo".-..e- ''''''lI'es ail rghlto guarantees arc wa:rEll'ltses pu:-ct;aser agrees lt1al l\"l :~e event SeHer --e:a'ns an att:;llTl8r 1'=1 enJorce a~'y o'tne ?1'1),....sions of lh;,!i ::;o'\lr.ct, Jn~ud:~g bl.l~ at ini~ed ~ payment tre-"ll'fD'l, nit d,A~ 1)e erlith!'d!:l rec[)u'8f !;!)rn ;:'ulcrlas:o;:r ail c-=~lS ,rr::...rred, m:I;.ICtT\9 but "ot ti'TTit9d to reas;;;n,1lble 3tlot"leY'f; fe~& Mater-jaf: Vatance-Cut; Binding: DOES NOT INCLUDE ELECTRIC Contract Amount: 52.50000 Deposit Amount: 51.250 DO Balance Due: 51.25000 PLi::ASE NOTE: Oeposi~ roet;lJired atHme ofo;d;r B2,an~ Mu&l be p:!Iid \linen :~$.t."!lled. ;:;'rices cu:n~::l"'e v.,.lI~ or =., jell'S. CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE: SalltSltlan: ACCEPT ANCE SUBJECT TO I\'lANA.GEMENT APPROVAL .111ZC'1e fnterest will b. charged on all pastdu.e aecounts.. Contractor Certification Detail Page Agenda It~!.llb.J16G13 May 27, 2008 Page 26 of 37 ~, (infractor D...:l."iJs .W31 Ht H}~H .\ 'Ii' SHt'TllK'';;\ \.:1'\(. (0'\ nZ-\l Ton ~"'i~;3 :2-~, ::nn~ }d'H\F I~, .t,I,'2;'~'h _'\).,j'LL" .-\\\ ;""1'\(. & H.OLt P "fH r"{fr.;_~ 1"'('. 6::,\:3 T\ ,\'1 dll ~)AU "\ \ f'1 t' r t. .'; Ji"+ .. :~; 'I :~';) ~ .1, ;~1' ! ~ ~1:i) .-,~. '}'" .1.i ,__~(i< From:Just'fl A I J if ( /:'01 ~:' J '",f. ;- ~, .', .,~. "'. ~..-. \'...J -<r' .-"' f -.'-- 239 40:1 2653 03!19/2008 14:56 ~J,ii- Page 27 of 37 #003 P.OOli002 .::l~""'J;.I"'2i- '~~.a..~.,. ","_r.:.-.... 1I'nTii.,._........._~(.i...I-~ C1 ::' ,. ,~ H.GII..a-:~ ~~g~I~;M H.VB:RJCA,NE P.R.O:'lI'EC"TWON FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO; FRDM. TIm Poinsett Dwight Ye'!;er COMP ANY, High VeJocity ~"TE: 3/18/2008 fAX ~RJllml'~ (239) 262-2590 f'HON! J>.'1...'M)f,JI.: (239) 2&9.2963 TOT.....!... t-:u. Of !>^GF.S. INCL1..IDn;G v..')VEJl 2 :s.E:-:DER'S .RfFElU.NC.E ~""\JI\~l~ (239) 403-2650 "" ~l*,r 1570 Shadowlawn Dr. )"out, P-Z"FFRF.Na J',"tJv.f',.E.Ft: o URGENT X FOF, REVJ:r:W o pU;.<3t COMMENT X Pl.E1I.\E REPLY o PUASE P.ECICU N::T{..5"'(..n:l.l..."'IE~"':"'i Dear o..ight Yerger, It ,,:as a pl::a>un: meeting with you thi.I IOo~ and:as promised,:llUlChed to thi.I fax is the prinl our for the ''''' of cur 'ute of the art Eclipse* ~k Awning. It'~ ;0 b"Te3.': fe:atun du: can re:U1yadd something .special to \hr; from of the buiJding, v.t.ile still keeping lhe alt ""'" of th, :oiuIOns OUl front. Let "" koo..')'OUI thouYt: on :his ad I look fon.'L-d lo..",king ..,th )'ou in Ih, fu=. Thanks TunPoimett - Prnjcc"1 M:l.luger 239,287-6065 - ceU 2JHJ}~2650 - oEii.;, lHO MfKCA!":TlLE. ^Vt :-';-AFl.'E.5 PI. HI:''' O)IH...C3.H5;:: F)lH-"v~-H~," e<>cor--. Goe<> ~o o:l N L. ;. (l) E~ g' ~":::ll. ro "0 c Q) Ol <1: -. Ii Q Z ~ ...J 3: o Q <C :r en = ,... It) """ @ W (/'J a.. - ...J U W ~ ~.l ~~~ ~=E '.~;f ~1Il =S~i -;; ! " '-' ::i ~ ... vi' ... w ~ 0 ~ - ~ " c ;; .. , ..;: 1il:! :> :> 0 w ~ . .. iI (/) " N - Il. C ,g .. @ ;;; ,., :> C 0 .~ 0 . 1 <:> 0 ~ .n " 8_ "0 ~ :e G I , j~ 0 0 N !1 ~ J:a1 G ;; - ~ 13 C(,J ie.:!-;: ,,; E"'.!!.<l 0 E"'lil~ '" " a: G u .. a.~ '" .:.: 0 ~ "u ti UJ .. - " '" s .. ri om i ... ." .- c 0 -g "" e- O> Il. - , .c ~ ;; c - '" ~ .- " ~ .!: - ",., ~; I , c " j "" Q. 'C I " II " 0 I -"~'-' to C , =.. .. .. Q. 0 WOi2:00-d roo# gS.rl 800,'6l/fO 0 '" (f; Cl .. ci ~ i Cl "' ... ",' - lfi ... .. ... ? a; ~ :!! 8 '0. 0'7 c ;:: w ... '" .. ~ .. (/) '"' ~ e i!l .. :> 0- ~ iJ ~ ~ o o o Of .9 2; 13 ~ " u.." == " s: .!1 0.5! - 0 ~ c 0>': c .- .~ ~ " '" " " .Q E ~ I!? > -:s c~ " ~ E ., ~8 Q. ~ ai ~ ; fl 0 ".0 ~ .5 ! g> "0. "'- :a g ~~ >s .c..:: 2'" ~~ i:S9l SOP HZ '-'_.'I_;'~_"""~JI_-.Jf~ ....~.-~.- ~ S :1 :8 .g ~ " l!-e .!l IV ~~ - " 5!! .;; (is ~I ~ ~ ~a 0:1 "-.0 - '" "'Ol :;:l!S "''' c " .;;;~ " c " '" ..0;; ~~ ~ . ~ " " .z:.:a " c 2", ~,g .c " .\llll ::: 5 . " .~"I!~1I~~: u ~snr.waJJ .7.'[';'I,...."..r;i,;. Contmctor Certilication Detail Page Agenda ItelW{lIO.lt&oi13 May 27, 2008 Page 29 of 37 C OnLraCh.'f [)eti.li is ,~"3 J ~p ERH \\t ..:;;, 'I"'! H .\\\'\.I~(. t ,v\ ~ H-\\ Tdl\. "X': 1 ., i: ..., ~. I 1-' "! \( r I'; t '.I. ,I:t 2''';~ HII.H \ i '~i..'1 11\ U~J'I '\ U.C.-\~TH.F \\~ \\t'l.t".I'L ~~4{(~L ,.3';' .;"d,',. 2\-' 'I ,~3i: ,~i:).. ':',,:::_; Sep 2B 08 Q5:23a i-'--\ I '-:_(~ D j 1:-", i "i. """1 -~;'-";'"' t t., ,1 " _"l\ L) \. oJ' ; O'u-..J , , . J. . , 1;~~~9-2B07 Naple.s, Florida B And OJ Pavint: 2392624288 ~aenda Item No. 16irr ' - ",~J -, , _v Page 30 of 37 p. I _~'-Y;;I lI;;l_'I41:"aIL"f1C -=.,__.-.-11... _......I:__r.......'*"-.._H'il_2. B&~ of Southwest Florida, Inc, . ,.~" Collier Cly. L1e_ #3424SC Occupation Lie. # 921598 Estimate N: Contact: Date: At"M~./g,*- phone: Fax: job Name, Job loation: Prop. Owned ay, Submitted To: Adch-ess; /.r7 ' fAofd....I_,{J.-. ,~, r4 /. ;7,4; c::. ,r ~, "t""",,,,,, ,.1/",Jr, / ~ ./",,,,,..l ..., ..5#.1 .......,t'.,-"*"P.. ?!.-.<, 5'-'; #y;4.#. 7 N7> 'l ;9... /,,,,,6 p/ :;:-).3 #7(i1f+& ) .~,'~-"-,;;y c~ U :.: r:6 3ft? ,.cJ1,,,,t:, ,I.$""/,Y',," .6/.../( " SPECALNOTE.S~ ~~/A,F:'-. .- Du!: to ~ting grades and c- ndJ1lons. we will not be resp;)[\slble- (ot 10<JilJ11'. draltl:lgc or surf;i.ce watt=t !cllo......mi ~sur(aMI. hr.yincre.ue in the. $CO~ or vOl'k perform~d wlli r.:.sult in a propor.jonll i1"lcrcu~ in thl: pric:c: for t.\iscon(ra.::t.. t (/ f'" U .. 1)I;;.....ng Reswf&~il\g prcj~'1S, ,&: ~..' Ptnti'!'-.g .can.n:>l gu;arantcc lC~ dr:iinagc., () ... N'::.W PilVc:m:nl will tend to :-1,,1:0' or ",.ark within th~ Ci:-tllwc1vr: (l2) months a!l.etp!a::emcnt due to the c.ming pr~~s:; ora:;phalt. ~" \).. CJ Ttlt:s eornra::t .shall nOl t:-:: e!r :Uve until It Is c:xeroted bya" o:.caJUve offLccr orLhe seDer. ^U ITtateriill15 guaranteed to be as s:pedn:ed. __' . ,_ An work \1;) be -;omptet..e4 \1T. WO'Un.an.H~ m~:\n.er ae.eordlng lOo S'L:lnclar4 pr.:a.c:u<-es. An)' atu!ration or dl!vl.lllion. (rom spr:dfic.aOOM -1 ,~\ 0 U involving ext1~ cO$t$ wUl be eCJt~ oNY upon v.-'Tltten orde!'S, <lil",d ""olD become an. extra ch,uge ever ar.d above: Ule Cstl.miile. ^ll - avccmchts continsent Upoti 'xes, acc.~dents or detays beyond 0..11 ccrurol. Owner 10 CArTY fire. torna.do and other necessa.t)' il\5Ui''"' ilncC. OIJ:- wcrke~ ~rc f,1~~ ': 1V.c:red by Wo.rkmen's Compensation frlSl.1r.anee., ^CCEPTA,t.2CE Or FStOP'OS. t.; Pi1)'l'mnt willlx mad::- as ClulJJned above. If it become:> neces.sary 10 enforce or interpret the pTQv'.$ior4 O(!his agrt'cment. or to ef[e.c ~oUcction. the purc.hucr hereby 2grt:e5 to p~y ilf'lY and all n::a:;or..able ::aurt cto515 ~nd ;jlIttomey's f~~ wh~d1 i1re L."o,J':tej by the: Seer 1" S\1ch ac.tiCf\. Irn:ludll'E: aU ne:cessa.ty ctJ.su 0( a)Ue~tjon.. 1n consil1:ratLon 0( me Se.Ue.r exteN11l'lg acdlt to the P1.a:.cha:scr-, the u .d.<<signed )oin.tly, ~veriilly 4nd unconditionally pC'r$Qnally gua;antcC$ payment whe:n due: of any imd aU In<l=btedness by l~e above ~ rlnTI or lrld'vidual and ov.'~d toO B f.r W Pavif1K. ir defiiJUlt U1 the plJyment hereto OCC~fS, L l1ls thc.o1Hl11;r's: respcns: :it)' to have aU lllili:Je.s. rer1\ovd rr::rm the ;:j'e.a whue we: will be digging in ar.d or to repair same. 2, Thk5 price docs not ;ncl\Jd ~r&es: rl)!' :;i~ plan. permit re~:5. or [ad:. a:ca....I!II~:\. Th~1<: \/oriH be Lharged if done: .as..an euri.. 3. Cuslorn~:r ar;d Contll1lcto~ l)1,h "gre:~ and unde:-stand .sp::cificatian5 and conditions 0( =onttaa. 4. All measurements ari!!: COI idered ......oooflg guld::lin:.s. no'. rigid specj~kaljO:l$. $, /Jl thic.lcn~ ar1=: ~(or~ :o.mp3clion and arc It.a.d-e terms ana not lr:~:nded to mislead Ule C".IstDmc::r. 6. --:rus c.ontractor ts not rc :\Slbie for G'T'lss gtoWU\g through new asp~llt, o'o'crlays or when a.spha~t is applied on C:X,Lstil1i lim=nxk, 7. This con~rildD~ l:s: not rl!~ 1"ISible: fOf e:ru:tir.g cri.w in old as;ph.alt L.....[ may tTansfe~ throuE:h ne..... ov~rlay. 8_ This I;l;mlraa.or ~ not ( ibk rOT $t;ary,;Hng Wa(er pTobl~rn:s which lransf~r thro'..tgh new overLay_ WAARAJo.'T\': There wiU be ,one year \oI.,arranty on the material i'md work.rnan.$hip if aJI a.bov~ c:on4j[:j()r'\S are met, T'EJOdS: Net c.:dT i.lpon romplc on ar.1:i re'~lpt cf fmal in'o'oic:e, no r:!::tainagc: Lo be tleld. ^ 2S~ depos.i: j"j r~qlltr~d prior to commen~em~t'lt OfWOft. EST1MA"tE txPIMTJON:: Thi!. stimat~ is valid for.)O days_ M08l1l2J.nONS.: f>rice bas.=d n ~ 1 rrK',b,liz-ill'ion(5.. 3 (_1: ar./I~ ","'<0' U ""'-, :..) . S#r~ , ~ ~ c...() ", Date of Acceptance Estimated Bid Price: $ t:,;,.n7. i- 3'10 t ('If) CONFIRMED, J?t!J SYrr" B &. W PAVl~NG RS .6'/".,f-...~,.. #".p Authoriz.ed 5ignaNfe. .//,/..,;./.1- Tit;e 1 ACCEPTED, . The ~e prices, spedficaticm:s. and. c. ndillons. L.~ .satisc.ctotj' a!Id arc hc.reb)'iI~ptc4. 'Buy::r 5lEnat\.l.rC 1...1.( \ ,ry' /...... , ~./ '--.- ~ (1 " '" #: ,)/",::.:... Contractor Ccrtilicalioo Detail Page Agenda Ite\W8R>.I1'eGll May 27,2008 Page 31 of 37 Collier Countv- - FLORIDA - ~ , '~d;! ! : i" fl "" W rAVJI\(; CO\TR ,\(TORS Of S.W. FL. lNC CiO W.-\ Y'\L U[{\ A.\T, HTO[{"r.y cl, SOlTIt AJ[{!'ORT RD. "~I'LES. FL 34HLl- iL j'239,649-~SU7 i~39)~Q(I-8t 86 Contractor Details ~!!!II , iF J1" PA\'IW: CO:'\TR. ,;~I,;,I; In '\J1j! i',:r 2iJfJR 1(1 ;_~'-L'_ '6.',:...' ('.,'16':2nn5 .'1'- ! I ".:L;,h .:\CTI \ T ~.,O/"f}08 I,r i ',;'1>: "',.;:; " :, "', ~ ~ '.;-' , r~' " \ -, t .. "i,1 'i"","- H-.:.{'k >i~\-,j i hrtn:l!aons2. collier" I" . nct'weba[lD~i vi silm!ConC er1/Delai I.asox? cert~ 2 7 398 4/23/2008 F I j) ^. :;; _ ;1' )' '" tJj Ii BONJ\I::SS i Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 32 of 37 1:",.;''''-',''' 1~91J $(""<<'ard .4:n:::nue Naples. Florida 34] 0-9 (~3Cl) S~7-b221 . (239) 597-7416 Fax wwwbonne55inccom Proposal 3/20/2008 Sul>mitted To: Dwight Yerger Estimate Number: 20772007 Address: 3455 Gin Lane Naples, FL 34102 Bid Title: Barrister Buildin,g t\~~ Project Locatign; 1570 Shadowlawn Drive Contact: Dwight Yerger Project City, State: Naples, FL Phone: (239) 289-2963 Fax: (239) 262.2590 Engineer I Architect: lItem # Item Description A.ohalt Overlay 01 Remove (~r5t:-'Ps- and stocK on s::e. 02 Saw cut and remove asphalt as necessar(tc ensure proper pavement ~'ie~jn5. 03 Th:Jro:Jghly clean pavement :Jf loose dirt and debris. 04 T3Ck existing pavement 'with SS-:H hot liqu'd asptlalt adhesive. 05 Fumfsh And Place 1" (after Compacti.::n) Asph.;;ftic Co.ncrete Pavemel1tl Leveling Low Spots Ar,d r.ti.'3t::h Su:-rounding Pavement Elevatior,s. 06 S...,eep up kxlse asphalt after pa..mg. 07 Reset Carstop5 And Secure In Place. Total Price for above Asphalt Overlay Items: $11,057.11 Restriop C~r~tal's (20 Each) 08 Repaint Pavement I~arkings (Parkin9 Stripes Etc...). Total Price for above Restripe Carstalls (20 Each) Items: $592.51 Total Bid Price: $11,649.62 Notes: . Subject to prompt ac::~ptan::e \vithi'l 15 days ~:-Id tc 011 :::x)nd,itiol1S stipul3ted on the re'....erse sidel V'Je. agree to furr.isl1 materials an::l 121b:::r ar ::ne price(s') set forth \JbQve. . DUE TO THE CRmCAL NATURE OF ;;SCt-.l.ATlNG ~.1ATERIAL COSTS, ;SPHALT PRICES ARE S:.JBJECTTO CHANGE. BONNES5 INC WILL PRO',1CE THE DOCUI.1ENTATJON Of 1.1ATERIAL JNCREA5"S SHOULD THIS SITUATION AlliS". .The a:Jove scope of \''lork is approxImately 80B S,Y.. . Asphalt placed by han,j 'i~m hav-e a differellt text~re man asphalt :':iat is mechan.ically lald, . Due to ex:sti:lg giades and cond;ticns 6,:;.r.r.f;!ss Inc. cannot ~uarantee 100% dr~inz;.ge of surface water following resurrac:ng. .. Irrigation system must be turned off 24 hours prior to starting and must remain off for at least 24 homs after compietion. . 80nness Inc. CQnnot guarantee against futurej refle.ctive cracking. 3I2tJ,'200G ~:13:53 PM ?&;;le 1 ot2. P c\ '\ '~..: 1:"::;;;' ~~ ;_ \,.'{" 1..1 _,J '" i' L,...~",-, ~",,;,_. Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 33 of 37 1 ~90 S(o'IX"ard .4t"cnuc Xaple.s Florida 34109 (:}:39l S~7-6:.:!21 . (,239-) ~97-7416 fax www.bonne.s.s.rnc.com . New asphatt Viill scar with wh~1 s:eenng, this scaning is an ind~stry wide oa;urr<!nce arn:l is normal. This will dissipate v.;ith the curing process. . Parnting and Stenciling o~ ca~sto;)s not in(;llJCed. ~ Peimlts and/or fe('s (if nBcess.ary) ~y others. . PolyTar (a polymer modified sea'ie-r) is anunr;::iluted, sand t~xture-d, I,on-tra:kin-;;I, surface coating for increased oil an.j fuel res:stancc, rlexiDHity, durability as ~...'e1! as resistance to ....veather. of Drivin;] or or removi'l9 rijjcns from nor'<::Jred 5~alc.Dat 1121rked areas will void warrcnty. . --*"''-'6roken or darna~ed carstops can be- rem:)\.:ec and re;J;a':cd at 'the rc:e of $47.00 ea,:h, m!ssrng or additional car S:OJ5 Gin be furnished ~'1C placed a-:: the r.s~e of ';28.80 e::J':~, Paym-ent Terms: Payment due witnin 30 days of date of invoice, regardless of wnen payr.lent is made: by Owner ACCEPTED: The cbC'.,.re prfcE:s, s~.ecifk;ations and conditions are satisfactory znd hereby ac::eptcd. Buyer Signature: Date of Acceptance: CONFIRMED: fi Bonness Inc:. .. \ ,r ,/ . JG)L~ Authorized Signature: E<tjmator: fvli\(e Beno 3f2C':ZCOS 4:;,3:53 11~ Page 2 of :2 Contractor Certification Detail Page C Ol11ractor DewJ 4~S.\t \'4 \ I'c, CO'-TR. J ~:,.'" .41:2' III 'I-~';i; .\C I l\'!- \.i~q ::iih; i'O~"'["'. !"C. P,O llV\'J1-l'l , \.I'L~'. H '-11"1 '2J":J6':t"" ~i.~.2: I '2J~})~5!j--:-lih /-" Agenda ItePn'l1t\fOI fffd3 May 27, 2008 Page 34 of 37 Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27,2008 Page 35 of 37 +-~ SITE IMPROVEMENT GRANT AGREEMENT 4. THE SITE L\lPROVEMEl\T GRA.."IIT AGREEMENT BETWEEN eRA AND OWl\TER ,- -- This agreemenl is 10 hi! .<igrted tmd witnessed AFTER eRA .8 hm'c found the Appik4fion to be complete. TlllS AGREE\fEN"T ENtERED this 27th day of Mav. 2008 by ami between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (hereinafter referred to as 'CRll.") and Dwiuht M. Ycmcr and l.indll.K Yeruer fhercinaftcr referred to as 'Owner"\. WIT K E SSE T H: WHEREAS. in Collier County Ordinancc No. 2002-38. the Board of County Commissioners delegated authority to the eRA to award and administer CRA grants including contracts 'vith ovmers fbr eRA grants. and \liHEREAS, Owner has applied for a sitc improvement grant in the amount of $8,000,00 dollars; and WHEREAS, the CR.A has deteffilined that Owner meets the eligibility requirements and was approvcd for a grant award in the amount of 8.000QQ dollars on \1av 27. 200S ("CR..A Approval"). which is 33.% ofthc costs to construct the site improvemems ,"'ow. THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covernurts contained herein and other valuable consideration. the parties agree as follows: 1. Owner acknowledges 10 thc CI\./1. that O...l1er has received a COPy of the Collier County Community Site Improvement Gram Program (hercinafter referred to as "Gram Program"). that Q\\l1cr has read the Grnnl Program, and that Owner has had ample opportunil y to discuss the Grant Program with Owner's counselor advisor. O\\l1Cr funher acknowledges to the CRA that Owner understands and agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions of the (irant Program. Owner agrees to the terms and condhions of thc Grant Prugr<lm ~ O"ner is the record O"'l1er of property described as 1570 Shadowlavm Driv~1iaJ1les, !,lorida 34]04. 3. Owner has agreed to make cenain improvements to the property pursuant to the grant application submitted to the eRA dated April J L 2008 attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated hcrcin by reference. 4 Owner agrees to complete the construction of the Site l111provemcms within one (1) year ofCRA Approval Owner also agrces to fund atlea51 330... oftbe costs of the Site Improvemcnts. Qv.l1Cr is prohibited rrom paying contractors and/or vendors with cash, all payments for Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 36 of 37 .c~ SITE IMPROVEMENT GRANT AGREEMENT approved projects must be in the tt,rm ofa personal check, cashier's check, money order or credit card. 5 eRA has approved a grant to Owner in the amount of$8 000 00 to he administered pursuant to the terms of this Agreement based on an estimated cost of $24029 ] 8. If the actual costs are less tban the estimated costs to construct the Site Improvements and less than $24,000, the b'Tant amount shall be reduced dollar for dollar in matching eRA funds as determined by ratio of matching private funds required. 6 Unlcss prior disclosure is included in the grant application, no Owner, or any immediate relative of O\\iner, shall serve as a contractor or subconuactor for the construction of the Sitelmprovemcnts and no Owner, or any immediate relative of Owner, shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the Site Improvements. An immediate relative of Owner shall include mother, father, brother, sister, aunt. uncle and cousin or family membcr by marriage to includc mother-in-Jaw, father.in.law, brother-in. law and sister. in-law. (h,'ner has verific.cl that all contractors who have prO\.~ded bids fOf thc approved work are actively licensed by Collier County and owncr agrees that all labor will be performed only by the lowest bidding contrac10r, <- 7 O",ner agrees to obtain all neces:>af)" permits and suhmit any required plans to the County's Community Development and Environmental Services Division Upon completion or the work, cmner shall submit to the eRA staff a project summary report. two (:2) 8 x 10 after photos. a list of materials and construction techniques used, a list of archita."'ts and/or contractors, and any other information specific to the project or requested by the CRA staff The CRA. through its sta.f( shall confirm that the Site Improvements were constmcted pursuant to the terms ofthc application approved by the CRA 8. \Vithin forty-five (45) days aftcr confirmation thaI the Site Improvements were constructed pursuant to thc temlS of the approved application, Owner shall be issucd a check in the anlOunt of thc grant. flowever, if Qy,T1eT fails to make the improvcments pursuant to the Tcrms of the approved application, or if the project is not completed within one (I) year of eRA approval or ifcm'ner fails to fund atlea;.133% or the cost ofthc Site improvements, the grant shall be deemed revoked and Owner shall be entitled to no funding. 9 of Flurida This Agrcement shall be governed and construed pursuant to the laws of the Stale 10, This Agreemcnt contains the entire agreement of the partics and their representatives and agcnts, and incorporates all prior understandings. whether oral or ""TIlten, No change, modification or amcndment, or any representation. promise or condition. or any waiver, to this Ab".eement shall be binding unless in "'Titing and signed by a duly authorized ofiiccr of the party to be charged. ~~. Agenda Item No. 16G3 May 27, 2008 Page 37 of 37 Ii _,) '"S'. . SITE IMPROVEMENT GRANT AGREEMENT I J. This Ae,'Teement is personal to Owner. and may not be assigned or transferred b\ Owner or to Owner's respective heirs, personal representatives. successors or assigns without the prior 'written consent of the CRA IN \\1TNESS \\'HEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year tirst written above ~ ., O\V"\ER: /' , <' i.1 A.A--.,. >) .~ -;' .-~r~-',,:~ >' By: . /~' { ""..' J'. /...,., ?,,_. '-- . ,F /'... I.....'>-/~ I ,/, " '" ,/ v ,/ '''.,' ,'/~ (I) _,_'~ ~~_J i \Vitl1css.sib~alll:- ' ,.- ;". . I .' .'n ~ll:-(i-.T Y..'.7I-/L.;~7r' Pnmcdt1\']>ed Name I Pri.nted!fypcd t\;nm: (2) ~\Ut" It-' B: 1 \ ;,\,,/ Y'''-'V"T'' .\,\. I , j, _:\ /1 i'\ ' .-" i I \ ~~~~i:~,i1l Pnmed'f\']>ed Nalpe ''\ WImess Si~l11m: ' 'j ,,'. , ,'.. ,,-,," ...- - . t,i' '\(' i (, 1\ ' .. , ,,' \. \ " PrimecliT)"pc.d 'alne J / ,) ATTEST: DWIGHT E, BROCK, Cleric COLUER COL"iTY COJ\IMU'llTY REDEVELOPME!\T AGENCY B\': , Deputy Clcrk D01->.'KA FIALA, Chairman '.prlmed as to form and legal sufficicno,: "" t1 ,'., ',./ ""'k.'. U~~". ,1 ~...rr.eJ~gf.ALL..iI. MalJ<@eStud<nt,SlIrltng ':_) Assistant CQUTII)' Anomey