Agenda 05/27/2008 Item #16G 1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 1 of 35 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To approve and execute a Shoreline Stablization Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. (2854 Becca Ave.) OBJECTIVE: To approve and execute a Shoreline Stabilization Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. CONSIDERATIONS: This is the first year for the Shoreline Stabilization Grant program, the purpose of which is to provide an incentive to revitalize the area by providing a matching grant to encourage the private sector to upgrade/rehabilitate the shoreline of waterfront property. This grant requires applicants to provide a project cost-match of at least 50% with the remaining project dollars supported by Tax Increment dollars generated from the CRA District. For FY 08, a total of $31 0,000 is budgeted for the rehabilitation grant program. From this allocation, $224,000 is available for new projects and $86,000 is committed and due to previously approved applicants upon satisfaction of all grant stipulations. .- The Shoreline Stabilization Grant application submitted by Mary A. Luedtke, owner of 2854 Becca Ave., Naples FL., 34112 was recommended for approval by the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Local Advisory Board at its May 6, 2008 meeting. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The grant application and agreement have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney Office which has determined that the agreement complies with CRA requirements. (MMSS) FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient budget exists within the FY 08 Bayshore Gateway Triangle Fund (187) to satisty this new grant application. A Shoreline Stabilization Grant may fund up to 50% of the applicants project cost up to a ceiling of $5,000. This shoreline improvement project totals $65,000 and the grant request is $5,000 which is 8% of the estimated project cost. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states that redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, including the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA that may consider alternative land use plans, modifications to development standards, improvements to infrastructure and incentives to encourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: That the CRA Board approves and authorizes for execution the Shoreline Stabilization Grant Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency and Mary A. Luedtke, owner of 2854 Becca Ave., Naples FL., 34112 in the amount of $5,000. r-. Prepared by: Sue Trone on May 13, 2008 Operations Analyst, Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency -1- Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 2 of 35 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16G1 To approve and execute a Shoreline Stablization Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area (2854 Becca Avenue) ($5,OOO) 5/27/200890000 AM Prepared By Sue Trone Community Redevelopment Agency Operations Analyst Date Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 5/14/20083:23:04 PM Approved By David Jackson Community Redevelopment Agency Executive Director Date Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 5/14/20084:43 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office OMS Coordinator Date Office of Management & Budget 5/15/200810:08 AM Approved By Marjorie M. Student-Stirling Assistant County Attorney 5/16/200812:19 PM Date Approved By County Attorney County Attorney Office Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 5/16/20083:41 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 5/17/200B 12:16 PM ~ file://C:IAgendaTestIExportll 08-May%2027, %2020081 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA 1 I... 5/21/2008 Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 3 of 35 BAYSHORE G TEW Y TRI.A,NGLE I I EBEBEl ..J~. I l..,,'-.... . 'J '_/ / \J \.J V COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPLICATION I " .:,,_. c_" '....-< Mary A. Luedtke 2854 Becca Avenue Naples, Florida 34112 Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 4 of 35 Memo to Fiie From: Sue Troll(' Date' 0510712008 RE: Man. A Luedtke's Power of ALlorney held by Randal J Luedtke This Shoreline Stabilization Grant is for a property in the name of Mary .~ Luedtke Due to a family emergency she is unable to sign the documents Her husband. 1\1r. Randal J I.uedtke. has her Power of Attorney and has signed the documents on her behalf The following two pages verify the Power of Attorney. :EWr}i-: :~<. :~1 ~'~:::7 ~t:12 I.Ir.) f' '~,~,'-'" 1"1 ~"'I '-""J' '~' ,:: ~,~ 'j'J. :' 'In ~"j"'" ,; Agenda ftem NO.1 G1 May 27, 2008 Page 5 of 35 "~ ! , DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY 1, M.~\RY A. LL-:Enm~ h:::r~by <:.~qoim my h:.::.sb~.d... RA.~\,'D.~ J. U0~Dr~=., a:; IT: .ru; :::xd 1:l'tyftll Ztr:ontC'y~iu..f:.c: r1)f me lli:.!l.) :n.rnt": pl:1ce:, ,and st~a~ f-::.r :lJ;" I.:.~e '::'ll:' b::nt-e: 1. To t"_~e:-::~se: :lQo, c.r ~~er!~"':ll! itn)' :!~; :r=g~:\!" ~,,::.,,(;r, dl.l:y e~ o'r;,:;:.tiGD ".'hJ.t~o~YC tl-.2.t I ';lc.,..... b;n'e r:1~ n:ay acqul::e ule le:;:tl right. P[lWcf. or ;:apaciL')' to ne;-c::~':'.:~ do O! pcrL,:-m i'T':; c:oD-n.;;c:1..':i:! ',:,:'irh, (:.rt~bg Gut of 0::- relating tu i:iJ.""'l-~' De:'S.'::H1, if::L"'l.. 6,irm:, tTan53w:i.Oll. ~n:::ine3s cr.:l':::'1"'~', relll or pc:s(md, ta'1fdble '~~l:.~.....t.':b~co-. ,-, ;J......;:.... :\.~~'l;j~"'\:cr" ... . - . . 'R V~.. \4.I.'e-.' ''-', .'. _'J' ~,I.. \ u_ _...... . \ 2. 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C::i;:~p: 3.,:,. Dn;y~...~:'",J t>y .:atli.tE. 111'" rJ()w~r cc:[i;rr:::.:i c.~tJ JT.V ~~7!'-'::::,c:y"m.fr;.~l I' \ l~"Jl!! rl:::r3.b:E', r~"'.',;' cf J'::_''::'~:-:' :;.l.J.3.l] :1<:' ::,:,~.;:~.::~::.;:::'!-: _.._-~~---~-- :/3 ~,~)U It 4 n:: ra:C[;~:::}!~S'i:: Me~ ~ h:,,:d 'J 1 ;:..: :!::: l'l,,,'LIJ!~l Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 6 of 35 from:be date ilir.t.l 5i~ this durable power Of:il:ti)roey,lwm'jtf:~td1Jdir~g d larer di5l1b:..hty orr.ncapr:.dry on my part. unlt'$S other,v)se prmided by st8llites: 1[1; All :l.Ct:s done by 'all' a::-..x't-ey-i.:l-fa:..-; Furs:J.ant ~O :J;e po,;v,rr conferred d>.1ring ~? peTie::: (of my disib.ility Qr in':;:.cmpe::tenc.e1 5::rallb::.ve 6~ sa:ne ~ff:;df ~ld i!~1.lre' t:) th.;: benefit (',f 2:J.j binci m.;- <)J'my hein, deN15ees~ 2nd pers(,na1 :-:'pr~r.m.ta:h'e!\~ as ifr 'sere t,;o:u;~e:en.t :t!ld nOT d!9~bkd_ ; " Th:s drr:'able pow~r of anor~~~-y sllall be: nc;:rd;:kg!.ble al1e sJ:;a~1 be ,'z-Iid lU1tiJ sl..:.ch tim; .i3 1 5h.cl1 d~c Or ;evoke i.hh cllot-Ie pow~r -OT.' atrQ11ley, or 'b-e adjudged i.r::cC!:~J2eter;t, At :.[y time ii peiiti0U W dete!Inin:: my corupetenc)' or a. petiTion to appoint a g,uardie.n fer;ne halt ~~n U;-e,i:L tbL5 .;:urabl; ::X1'~\er i)f a'Urmey shall ~e t~n:p[)r2...-:1y $U!'i.pend-ed. ()'lotice of :.h:; l'en.iing pe:.ition :I:u.st ::e ~"{~JJ. tn t,.;"_€ sttQroey~in~fact l;1,:J.med i1. tte dOClt.mC.:lt). Th~ FOW-eT sh.JJ. remain ru~~e~d.ed ul1:ll 6e p-etiHoo is dismisseJ. Or ,....itbd.:rS..,T.~, ('If 1L."ltil I a~ 3djud~ed (,')I::lpelcrlt, l:i:t wbk~b tim~' tho:: p.:.\,'~r s.ball he- Ilutomatic::..lly ~h~.srat('d .?.r.r.1 J.!1)' C"X<:,rci5~ of tb~ pO\l;er ~"haJ] he \-,~lid_ 11' I 8m acljudg~d bco!t.pett'=~t the paw,z: shaH bE- :iUti)::na!~caVy rev{:.ked. 12. Pro~n:y 3ubji'ct w ~hb: ,.Lrr!ibJe ?Q'wer of .:ltto\T1~Y shaH i1:.clud~ ~J: ..t.n.1 a.::r.J. ptr;:;Qr,;u ;Jrop~n)' owned by m~, my inter!.st in ~J. pr':-'peny ['..;:':1 i.:1 j01nr tt.'Tj~.j1.cJ, TJ:)' :,n~en:'5: JD all ~~roperty held:.u ~'::lZincy ~y the e-,t:fuety (exctpt h0m~Slead pr'Jperl)', 1.:ni.e5~ there is a. jollid::r 01' my :lp(!IJ~t': Ur m). ~To\!..~~':l !.eg,J.l g.1i.a1'dion), and :311 pTl'::'P'E.r:y o\';;r v:h:;h I hotd a -;:',(j',\\'T of appoir:W,ent. ):c:.thlJ1g ;,;h;;ill perrdr 6; dtllee vf tJri~ dill"able pc-we:" of 9.tt(:>mt;:, wnen l ?l:Jl :J1a..'1~ed. to mc~~age ,;.;r oon;;~)' !lon}e$te:::d pr':1pf.lt)' i\'itbour the jt\il).j~ l.)fmy 91)U~ or elY spous::':=, h:g:al ~aTd~a.;J, b:11 t:')-:, joinder UiftY b:;- ,::,ccC'I:Jplbhed through the eXN'.::i5;:, ,Jf:! F<:lwr.r I)f att:(,:m~y. 1 J. {fa. p~ti{lll1o deier:~:int my (mrup.:.t~nc)' (IT a p;tltl('r: t('l ap?o!.m a gl13J'd::m for me h:a b~;JJ tilec; if::.n tmtTge::lc)' arl5e~ ~;E't,v-tel1 the time t1:e pt::tiou ha!; bf.'t.71 f1td :J!Jd ao E.d_~u::icat.io::t is m;:;de- J'egar&g my ~(\mp:1ellCY. 1:::=. 3.ttOiT~~y-;n-fact appGin::;j by this Q(v.:u.:n:m t!l~y pttition the CD:J.:t f::.( pcm;js'-l,'}'!1 to E'.xercise t1le p,:>;~;tr. The p"iition sn::.lJ s~:'l~cify r,be emerge-~~y~ tbe rroptr:y lnl.'(1L'~d, :md 6~' prcpose-J action ofthe .j,':'J::e. :\'0 -;;::::':r~ise of :b: pC:i.l,'~r JY :he d0n~e C"Qr.:1g thi~ -cme ~'eri~l,t :.hi1:l '::;-e ""1l1;d w:tbcn:'t :1:e ~'er:n!3~i('J:i. ')ftb: :-o'_n1 ~N \.\:1; . ~ss \;;:-:EPf~<~F, r 1,2.\'e l:l.elf.:l:.rJO :;et :t;:". ia;:;:':':JnQ 5~'::.1, ttJl; ..LC":;j~y of \farcj, ~,'J:6, "1 F'SEC;- /./ ~..~; /j / /.'::7': ,,~ {/-; .:: L_ $.. L; ~__,<---';.___E~'-!....""'-" /.:, ~LA/--r /1 ~ . ~A.: I J J " CiJ/) '/,L ;:,t\.RY .'.. L/;::Dn~' \---lir! P!j;#..e.r"-;I",k-:e -.- sfr\ IE L --!'tel, .......0:- COl~lY OF .Jo'fI'H I' , c, f /1 ;?' L ~, f.....,/L"",I" ) , ~ 1:-,:; l~)J't'g;,_d.og mS7'J..1.it:n:t '.Y.:L~ :::.6;:::,o',yl,;..ig:d o<::::;j:-.. me ..:::5 ~.irly o:\~arc~l, 2':.iOr;, by i\L\K'{ A. Ll:EDTK;:, -,\'ryO j~ ~)::rC:0r,:1l\' ~j~f'''';,''t:. :() L.<: 'J'r '."no t',3,<j '[1TcdllCed J.;v Dj.. ,. ,;d<1nc/) , I ~" { r,/1 ~II . 'Vi' I~I ,-:.,..j1Jt.iy ~~~ IIIv! {11, K. Ii ~(0tM", P'-,l/;.~ll~' v. ,t'-' I Typed "N:3.r:1e:_--.}t.-caU6l-iH-f :\{, ''-PI,' \1y CO:ru:ll;:;:krl ~t:mb;:, i:;: :'-fy C(;om:::Ji;~ic;1J ::>:r;":'.;-5: ~:.: -:)'....S' '7 2008 GIlAJ\T A1' 1'1.1 (' A no}; Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 7 of 35 SHORELL'\"E STABILIZATION IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM GencraIPro\'ision~ The Collier Coumy Community Redevelopment ;'gene)" leRA) created the Shoreline StabilizaHon Improvement Grant Program to provide linancial a"j.'<lance to residential and commercial property ("vners in the BayshoreiGateway Triangle Redevelnpment ,\rea by offering financial assisUIIlce for shoreline stabilization (rip-rap, bulkhead or seawall) improvement projects., fmprovements must be along one or more sides of the deeded property. All improvements must meet the criteria listed below as wrll as the curre-nt requirements of tht' land dl'veloprneni code, huilding. code. con~ruction inspcClions and pemli!" any applicable zoning (1Verlaysl and permits from rs Army Corp l,f Pngineers. Florida Department of Environmental Pn'tectio!'l and C'ol!ier C01..mty The eRA is funded by Tax Increment Fmancing (TIF I. a caplure of Collier COUI1l\'"s property taxc5 above:' Ihe y= 2ono propcrty ta" V"a!ue TlF is a umque to01 that CRA~ can use 10 Icvl.'f"dge public f4nds and to promote private sector ~c!!\'ity 0'1 !he ~hOfeHn(' . The Granl lS 8 "limned' Iw() Ie) vcar pro,,'Tsm f'Hlded m fis<:al VCllr;; 2008 & 2009 h"d~el& All r.ppralcd a[lph'Ml~ will have Iv.....lw (\2) m(lnth~ 10 wmple1e their PWjCCI from the date ofCollit*r f'r\!"lmy C0!T!!"!1HfPt;' Rede\'ej0pmt::"'l~ Agency avproval . For rcsldentlai and cDmmerclai prupcnics \vLthin the ::<rulC',ci tH.wndJf\'. the CRA v, ]:l prr~yidc up to :,()lJ"r. but not to t'xc.~ed ~~J)(t~1 O(ll"frhc ('05: ofinsulh:ion 3l1di ';-1; m;l1n!f'nar.C'C' nf"R1P R !i.P" h_,lth,=,~II~" ~"l.., ,,~.;n,~'~~l,<; 11~ <.:...ny''(.t PrlTt':'!\, 1 11(; fL::;;~!!~ en\, aIC:C-':! ',:;.-: h- !~\'(T2~l>:J l">- ~l!e p~: ~'~")JU.: (lii;;:rj..~j4i :;.:;n:ntribUlliJr1 made by each ?.ppl1C~8m'~r("reny '.~\'. :';:?"l ~:~ \':e:! ~", :.h~ e\lcnt "If !mprG\'~~r:1::rl1i~ to he :nadr _-\1 j appjicm1(lnS \\-ill In,~~~I[''':' 1"'\ "T.q~f'l !,":,'--;\r',-~,~I';; !'<...., r_p~;11'h';",.1 1.'/:'~:tr-:~':-'r(",-" -,:, ('1\T"'i'I~!I:- ~h,,:, ~mr'r(;\'::'!1'r::.1"!!5, !tnd all rcqUJred pennHS (IS :-ei..j\J,rc.[1 h' (,_,t-'=l~ \'t L;'H:lr'CCf:-. ': l (It: ~ tJen?nmC:1; ot I~n\'!ronlll::ntJ; ~r~!eC~1(lT' fDEPI ~::C (.>-\!-i::,: C('L;:;~Y 1_,1 ;l,:;~.pt'::-,:t: v,urh HH!Sl n,,: :~pprnYe() llt'lore tl(-glUIlIRg any work. Grani runding is not f'''"'1'''ll~o:"'t1'\'f''_ 1 ri "",,-t. "HI",' iw i ",,,,rd"'iJ,' \H!IH!! f1.rlf-' 1'~'dr ('~'~1,O!lt01Y!.i l,~; {'l,') .'~!)PhCo'H1H are t. ,'JIII)', ir HI ,..,,1>1<-'" ,1 1'11.:.<,'11tll' I< ;"11 ~T,"rn ,nr-;!iI JI, ~"I;,n1)p".i {.7/,nnlu'dlr"H .. h 'L j,. ,-- '," ~ ' r . Dc>" . . ,~", t)". (.'" " .~.. I.. ~ P - , ~. ^"", , > ,",,~--' :\ .l, - ,",' I~ .,."" ,...~l . P!I'-a~~~\rtH,cJ i,~ ;-\11\ ,tppt,.;.:ab~t' LUu/it>' dt:p~nmt~nl~ !!ui \\~'u\j OOr!1l81i\ -..:..\!~\, ~~::.::) !!-El''''''_'~''''::'',1 ',,,-, p , ~ ;., . ,",~. j L7 ~ I ), ,,' ~ 1:Jig-ibifit!: .\1 prr.:'~~I.'r;"1 .'\..;ll;.'J:,....;[t!: ~l:!i~...', 1,,;iil!1 ,!i"-' ,'JUI~'. I:.' i.-.:, '111~~-'.:::1.:~'~1".-: '.:r.:..!".1' .-:'~, ~~~~(.l::l~--:':':' .,.' P.i_i; ..... 'Y , ~ "': ~ i ' I)r, 1.\-'lnln r-ri' !i~ !'"' ~,_ '" t ~ c-:--: ~ \ 1-"'; ; I C:1:": ,,',~",. ,'" \,,--,'1 ,.,~, ,."". , . , . --'; . ,., ' , , ' ,~ ~ s'hnrt'hhL: ...;,Lthdl/.aJH'dllmnT....\C'iliClI' (';::1i'ii :r-;:.= 2008 GRANT APPLlCATIO:\ Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 8 of 35 Project Evaluation: , AIII}rojrcts will be evaluated based upon the following; . '1<lSsessioD of two licensed comractor bids/quotes . f'{lssession of required permits (Corps of Engincers. Departmem of Environmental RrotOCliol1, and Collier Coumy) . Ability to fund and b~b~n work immediately .~bilily to complete project within one year . Remedy of code enforcement problems PROCESS Step 1; Applicilllt must make applicaliollto: . First make application to the LS Army (orp of Engineer, for pcrmil The oiTIces for this area are US t\rmy Corp of Engineers. P 0[\(>:\ 4970.701 San Marco Blvd. Jacksonvilk. FL 32232-0019 Telephone 904-232-2241. Fax 904-212.1213 Application is availab!e on line at . After permil issuance by LS Army Corp orEngincers. applicant will contact the Florida Department of Environmental Proteclion and make application ror pemli! Offi<;e, located at FDEP. South Diqr;c!. :29" \"i,:t0na ~Yenl'e. <;uitc :1('.4. F! \hers. FL .13902-2<;49 Telephone :?.19.33>6Q", Application is .1\ ail able on line 31 . Lpoll completion of permllling from LS :\rmy Corp 0'1' Englflccrs :lnd Florida Department nfEnvironrnel1t31 Pri.."Y{(~ct'on ~1ppljcatjoill.vlll he rmule- ~e the Col1ier C()tmtv Permitting Dcparimt:.nt !o('a~f..~d :if 28t)fJ l\"~ilnh H('f~('"h(H:; Drive, ~~9k~, FI ~j Ft-1 . \lote: Some local l'omractors v.tH pruvide ail permrning fl)f the contra.cted job Addition::! could ~e appLied to onf_~n11 c~timate COilsult "uur l'Xmtr3ctor Step 2: . Shoreline lmprQ\'ement Gran! Application (all permits mw;t he submitted with applicati{:n) . Prt"'iect Inil1atlnn and Completion t"onn . Tv..n 8 \ 10 colnr ph01l15 c.fthe e~~i$ling~hnrehnc ("'before'" photos) . Sketch of pr(:p-0sed i::T.pf(..;':f.:~men:~; . Submit two {2) \\Tincn e~;[imatc~'quotes from qualdi('d/hcen:-~d ('-ontractors Shorclin~: Sr.atnJlI.MJon impro\'cHK'lit Gram F\ 10n:'\ 2DU8 GRc~\iT APPLlCATJO\ Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27. 2008 Page 9 of 35 Stcp 3: CR-\ Staff and Advisor)' Board Rnit'\\' . CRA staff review5 application and then placcs the application on agenda of next Adl'isor\' Board meelin!! . :\dyisor:v Board checks projecT [(J make sure it meets all grant criteria and Redevelopment Plan criteria . Applicant is requirro to be prc<;cnt <ltthe Advisory Board meeting 10 answer any questions that ma)' arise during the review or to provide addItional matcrial ifrequested . lf project mee!s all criteria, the -\dvi,or\' Board makes a rccommendation to CRA to li}1provc the applicarion . Grant funding IS iimited to a one-time appjiCaTlon per parcel Step -I: eRA Review and -\pprlmll . eRA s-ratfprepares Shoreline Stabdizallon lmpn)\'el1l~m Grant Ailreement for the CRA to review and appro\'e . ApP!JcJnt ~lgns Shorelj~t: Stabi!i23tj(m Impro\"C'ment Gram Agreement . Application with Advisor, Board recommendation and agreemeJ\t placed on CRA agenda tor rcvie\\' and approval . eRA reyie\\'"s :\dvisory BC~3.rd rc,:cmme!ldarion and :1~re~mcnt dUfmg regular meeting and appro'! es or d~f1!e5. project Step 6: Projfft Work . Applicant beg.ins \\'Drk and cornpkles same In tv.ehc n :'} month~ Slep 7: Proje~t Com!}!et;o!l and Suhminal (If Pn!je~l Su"'m"~' Report . Upt.1n uH1wiction nfv.ork and at1t'T alllflspcctj"ms 11.1\"(' been c(lmp1etc.d H' lrb:"JXe \vork rcmflrm<.; 10 tne \'.\\rk Lh.1t W3.5. prop(1~t'd" appJicGint ~-'Ub:lIib "'Pr0jeC1 ~lJmmJry lZ':'~\I_~n..n m,::-hJoi'lg dt'..;.crip!:DTl Ctfc.f~'mpl('l('d Impn1\t'n~(,~1ts, [\\0 ~\ i IJ ['Jlo1' '-afier" ph..1TOS, c',c'ntra~~k)r in\'otces, hsll)f mateT1JI~ and ~"'onstn.lCt1(ln 1C'chnlque..: LbE'cL lis! ()f l"t1nlr.1.:-t0fs and ,iTly acdrtiolulll1formari\m :.;pe;:if:c tC\ the prnj{'('t . "\il't.arl7ed "Pavnv:nt Request I firm'" and 2.\1 mdlt'Tlals. receipts and-Of canceled cheeLs 3S prcl{_\f th~u ;;di m;';'l~riJ.1-; :,.:-d cum ra,::(,j im[lf\}\e;J1t'EtS ba\ t heen paid Step S: CK\ Slaff Suhlllil> Projert Complrr;"fI Report for I'a, meUI . CR.--\, StalT \ [sirs. site 27!d dCl("ll;TIe::'.~ 1::~rf()\t:r;)~':;t~ . ('R,\ '.::";'11' fClr\,;~:-~\; <. ;"':~i-;r:~:::,ti(:~l R.:';J',~rt ;W:1 d{:~:L~il~cr~;:" :;~) Cn~::r:.~, fy r:;\T:::::rH ~hf1TC'ime '11:lDlluaJl(H! ill1[l/"p\ ~~m;;'Ll (jr.t:tl ;.~"\'_'I \: r~" 2008 GRAJ\T AI'I'UCATIOJ\ Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27. 2008 Page 10 of 35 SHORELINE STABILIZATION IMJ>RO\'BIENT GRANT APPLICA nON Sectioll I: Applicant Information Owner Namc rYLv\j A .l 'checf H<--f:-~ -. I O'Wllcr Address (c'l lft . ~'I. ' ," ,/ r: C~ Vr', ',--t C', " - ){: i'-~r\'::: iTf -, t_ ;,j 4ic ..\ I~:i Site Address I if different fmm ov..llcr address) ,_,,!. {.~,q;;lkS, , . i~ " '^j _, \'::L' ., q.. I " .. ' '~"~......L. .. ~--. LegaJ DeSc;ription of Site 4;-~"~ C.'. .~' r :. '".-).:,' - .'~ \...(:,--(. , _LY. '; I r\JJ \: -r; J .r Daytime Phone .\lternate Phonc' L.'vlajJ Address H(1\V long have )()u ()\vncd this property"'t Numbcr ,,(Years in Busmes., fit Site Addre" l ;::., Occupational LicCI1~C '.umbel. First Time Shorcline Stabiliation Impr", emenl Grant Applimn!'> Y C5 I ",1 ,'< Do If no. how man\" applications subn\lUted" Gramls)awarded'-"c51 i ~o ~)(~:,j ~. SliO,.;,;llll(; Stahlli.lauon impru\(:rncnl Gr:'llil ;-~,.:!{,1)~ " Details ~ PU:'P'c-?tli ;;:'~cC',n t;,,,,~; I ~_",::;kt'tches .:J Current Ownership Folio No.1 298302:i)[)Oa; Property Address 28:'--::' S=.:::CA AV:;:' Owner Name LLiEt,:rKE, MARY A. Addresse$ 6941 MA DRID C'R City DEMOTTl= State~ iN Logalll C'EWh;;;RE lAN01NG i or:; 6... i Soctlon " Township Acros Range 25 G.31 51) Sub No. .'. US& Code 2ti-4i(oC, , :JEM::-:-..:E L.:.NDING SING!..E FAMiLY RESID::NTlAl 2007 Preliminary Tax Roll (Subject to Change) 11 all Value,;: $hown oolow f.\qual tl U\l$ (:I,He!?1 ...ri\~ crt'la!.cd after th~ Fin"l Tax R.oll Land Value (+)lmprov8:d Value X 1 D~t,fl,GO;:J Date OS ' 2005 06' 2GC'C: $ 2-;..1.68B.DO ,-~ rl';ar~",l Val:..J'~ !i :~ 1~: ::'6 8 ' () 0 (.~ SOH Elt~mrH Value s 0.00 '''J Asses5.p,,: V<l!UO! s :niJ,3i)J3iJ(\ .~ 0 or;. i-~ Home~.t&ad Jnd other E,;:empt Valu ',",' - Hr.' "," ~ )1;: 3::,800 SOH - "Save Our I-!l)JI'8S. (':o:cmo", ',',JIJf" CIJ~ ill ::;''l;J on <![;:;(:5Srne;-1: In:'eas..e::; ~~'-----L-~ Ti"'!? 1~,;OT,a~::~-!5 \):}jale~ '/~';:~~:''r' Map No. 5A11 .. M!II. AM' 111 Agenda Ite~groI 1\3G1 May 27.2008 Page 11 of 35 #j" 3 lJpH 4631Q. 94~' Strap No. 2G41DO 55A11 ~_ Mflkage 14,1874 Latest Sales History 3crOK Pa e ~[l42 - 2400 2586. :..895 Amount 5. 500,000.00 ~ none-c. aD I http: ,'v..\\ -v..,' .!,.:oll i (Tappr~11 SL'r .cl'mT{'~Tord Uetall ,asl-'<~l\ 1 ap-l\:'l' Ct l 10 ID-'UOOO(I.~Q8301 nOCHJ6 0:"+:2007 Collier COUIlT)' Property Appraiser Agenda ItJ'r#!ifo1 fffd1 May 27, 2008 Page 12 of 35 .. Legend Ii Print liHelp I Ii FeedB~ck . . . . sr.;AU I Ii Introd~ction .. Laye~ II . E . . ,i"o.('II<I;1 Pr)Olo;;lr&ph'i Janu3ry U,baq - 2007 . H(Jrai. 2t'JC7 Ae,.;, f26 . Sale jOF ==':eQE Ref--estIM.a~ S'4<:?DC~' 'D.:;;r,'n9 AM hnp:,' ;'m~iP s,coilleraODra;;i.::r.cOTIl,"," ('omapii\ 1ap2 ,a~nx '!msize- S&foJ ](}- ~')8J 02(H}(JU6 904::::UI) 7 20C1R (iIVI.'\T \PPLlC:\T10\l Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27. 2008 Page 13 of 35 Section 2: Projl'ct Information his1ingCondiljon ofPwj<"Ct (arrach andltional shedS if n,xessar\") '\! .~.J,-" (, r fl' I - _ .1-:_" f , \ I, . ~'I ~_ {\,1 '; ,rlj' \ : J, l, ...J' k' "I : :t _._'~.";,,.'~L_ . ,) :-':, ,,.I,:,, \. \ I i, ,.~ I ( -," ~-I (: . ..1 .L....L. ~ I ( I I:' ,I" \ ATT4Clf "BEFORE" PHOTOS AT LE4ST 7'110 8X10 COLOR PIIOIOS. OTllERS MAr BE ADDEO TO ACCFRA TEl. I' IIEWRlllE lEE SITE). Oulljll~ Propost"D Impru\eme.lUs in J}etdil (atliKh addrlll)l}.11 s]lec:~ If nt(:r::iSarY,1 , I" _. I li'~ ,-"l''''';' "1::"1 ...._,,::....~_~__". 1\.j1,,,~J>-_. :.~..:-' '\)'~l.1 L':':.:V- '-< '<\.:. ~:...~-~, . i f' ~'. .1 . , List \laterials to be IT,eJ and Conmuclion \lC1hod, to be ltil1zt"d lie Si"pe. \'1'\" of f()ck under13rmcnt. bulkhead rype, ,etc ~ f altach additi(:nal sh\;;'e~~ i C ilE'CCss?.r~', ,.. \_____. '-' I. ILL~ ' . . L_ ~) . 'I, ..::,1tl~~L.'l.Jnc ,'l\abl:;/~I!iI;Jl impn:\":!E;:llr (],.lnt j='''; 211(() - r .....-- +-" ~ I,J\ .-'<;~ ~ ~-" c '~~ ( ~ >. l' - ~.." '. ~ ( ~> .....-:---:- ,. ,,~ -:;-- ~;.:... ,r i I I ! ,- 1 , \.- j~ t- , t \ " + t i .f .iF l' . r r J :t. J~ 't't . . . ! t. i.. . ~..! J,- t. ,J '!~.."'~. J, ,".t r " .... ~ ,t r+ -t ~ ft- ..t. , ~ ..f .... "* .1- \ Jl-- 2008 GRA,YI' APPLlCATlO0i Agenda Item No. 1681 May 27,2008 Page 16 of 35 - Section 3: Project Cost Information F.stimatl"d Project Cost: . .4 U. WORK TO BE COMPLETE/) sr A UCE/VSED CONTRA (TON . APPLlC4 TIo/V MUST 1L4 VE A T I. EAST THD (1) WRI1TE.\ EST/MA rES OR QUOTES.41TACHED TO THE APPUCA TlOl'i . COPIES OF FLORID.4/ COLLlER COUNTY cm..TR4CTORS LICENSE AND COLLIER COlJ/VTY OCCVPA T/Oi\AL l./CEi\'SE MVST BE A TT.4CHE/) TO E:.sTTM4 rESI QUOTES Estimated Requested from eRA S (up to 'iO% of the 101a] project cast (bulkheads, seawalls. rip rap, installation andior repairs only), :Jp tD, b~t not exceeding $5.000 ) :~~:- ~ J o :' COPiES OF ALL RECEIPlS .INti/OR C4NCEf,E/1 CHECKS 11lL!. HE RE'lWRf:fJ L.'f'O}V PROJECT COMPl.ET70." .4S PROOF 11/4T H.L .+tAT"ERIM.S A.X!> COc\TR4C1EfJ IHPROf'EME\'TS HAVE flEE\' PAIn ,vo REf"ffJl'R~F"ME::\T WI/ I HE M4/lt" HI" TlfE CK1 /i1\77/. All. KE<TIPTS4NiV(IR C4\'CEU:J' 01M"K.\,HA' E ill'EV RECElVF;lJ A/V/) I DUFfEll FOR eRA \'1' O~l:\ Totall::stimllted Projeet Cost: ~. t.{[~:! ~'I c C .- 'I I I I I Reques:t from eRA: \~-r C~ . ,.:: L I:" '- i Pen:mtllge of Total: L-_ . ~, / / / L. ./ / I,/.U' . /'-dj" . X".;~~.<d..r~/. ~;;, ~.LA <o!.. O\vner Signature/ v" , . ,.,/ "::} ('I '.- r"l 1""" ~ )-1 ,'.. J ,/: ~ t? / ,... r ~ '" " - '("...J:,..-cl~-;t. - L-."/ Date . 0 ChVUCf Sigm.l.tUfC ./F .. l', Dale CR,.":SlatT i Dale n ,/ SlIOTC1illC: Stahilu3tJon Imprt)yctltcnt Grant FY 1f)(,g: h :'OOS GR-A-"T ArrLICATlO" Agenda Item No. 16G 1 May 27. 2008 Page 17 of 35 PROJECT 1:\ITL\TIO:\ AM) CO'lPLETIO:\ FOR'! (to br submitted with Shoreline Stabilization lm~ro\"..m..n{ Grant App!ic.ation) 1, I',' 'I Ii ~j I j If ,. I_I :_:, I ,_ O\\1'l.;,;"f of tbe property loeated at 1\l~ '~" ht (L':~V~ I" :', (,~-~-, ,c:".~';~l.b have rile funding and capabilll)' necessary to begin the shoreline improvements listed under Section :' of the complcted Shoreline Stabilization Improvement Grant application and have the ability to complete all improvements \\llhin one \'ear or Ihc appro\',,1 of tlie Shnreline Stabilization lmprovemem Gram bv the Collier County Community Redcvclopment A~cnC\' ./,,'-~-'--7 ,,- ///>' ,// (--./ ;/,;V h" J:.... L~ /1(,;lf/(d'f'~ Signature ()~fJrcr" :/ L) ,"',:] I' l.: / /. /" .. f/"(~ r../ :./ /) /'-/, ,/ I " ,v. 'I,~-:' v>: "',,?c-/& -~._.- ~ " ,,::. -t;- 5< Daie SlgIlaturc ofCh\I1tr Dale '\OT-\RY s rATEOF \ 1,= ,i, ,'.c COLSTY OF C,_ I~\~ .. .. The- fon:gomg Ch\d1Cf Auth(:fiL3t!?11 F01J-m V,~i.S (~>eclJte.d ~~,(',iorc- me 1nl'i _-:. ,:~~~_ da~' of ~",~--~J ,____- ~(lO n~~~-u.1 'l( ".'~~~~_ J J._..{{l-_~ fI',-J " C1wner \)1 the pf,Jpen~' lncal('d 3.1 ,~l \ _:: ~ /_~,-:\..:2l. _' L',_', ~ :t.;, _'~: <" ~_ i, \\ ho ~- +~- is per;.;,~mally kn(HVn by niC OR whn I1d5 prodlH.-ed (~5- prp;;.f of ide-nt!T:; \O:;'~~.~Y F'.~B:J,C~Sr..tTL' ;.CfLC}~CA f" _'\ Shlr,l{'Y ~,1. (r(l;C18 ~.w ~ C;r:T:r:;l:'i\~;_' i:r DD5CJ": ,)~5 -..~.",. ~x~,j7"':'~: ~'C 2J, 2CJ~)9 ~V,~;1,77'--'7"'.. '_,'.-:::',-c,: ,[,<C' II I"~ / "i ' , , _.1. ".i;i ~,\ 'et .~~.L__ (~j ',., (C J ~ . J{__,-~ '\{o(ary Public (riglli1turci ,\Iri" nOlafY st'al I, . ..~ I ,,', Pnrlt' ~\~;:llt: i1t---'~-;,-)t~l~\'- PlitilJ~----- Cnmn,;')')iUil 7'..u \1;. C..'n;qljS~!{'1~ ~",p:r(~s S,hordm;.: ~::ltnh/,:t:l:}fl i~ILpr'Y, (',rrl;,~nl (i-uni FY 2. ..: I:':' Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 18 of 35 D. S. 1. General Contractors, Inc., T/A Dock Savers T/A Dock3~'\'e!s ]417 SE 47th Tar, Cape Cora.:l FL 33904 Phone: 23~1~89o-1676 Fax.: 239-54-2-6803 L:co:\Sc;; CGelSl i~"8 I?ROPOSAL I MJry Lt1~tke ~854 B.xca A\-l:. S, '<aptes, Fl 23(;-~9S-:r7n; ,:+,':2 ''2::CS SU:::Jh alll:J>or and ;II,ale:riu1:;; fer:n:: tc,j;mving~ . SEA W.\.I..1<, TO L'<CLUDE REMOVAL OJ' ~X]STTNG SEAWALL AJ'U I:XST' 1. lnsral1 -l7' of se.1,....-all usin.g W' x 5' x 6' ;:-o:'ccr~c -s:t:1bs. To incl;..d;::: Allla.bcr a;d IT'.ilt.:;-rialE :~) ~'15L~!1 s:('~wa]l. I Cap and ricb::.cts 1.:sm,g 4,f}){) ~Sl concr~t~ ;;nd cpo:\: GOJted rebar Fill ,~jTl hauled ',() lLe job:;;~l.; for backfilling and gr;ldmg. Rip-R.'lP if r:Y.jlJired, I' / , . / :j:F I -~ r.' I r"'JI , LIFT A'ID FlLIO;GS: 1, R.:;mo\'t:: and Tcplac; exi~1lilg lirt. .. Irs:al! (~:. 10" lift piliIlgS_ All pi::ngs !.0 he (2.5c1:;1) ;'r~~~-ll'e ::"~(jled ;J;[in~s INrdp pilin~ with.5' b13,k polyw!'3p. ;r:stal!ej 'wi:h 1 1/2" STAi..!\'I.E5.5 STEEL nails , I" Iv -' DeCK: :)' x ~j} TO INCl.LDE: bs.~JJj WI deck pilings as H~(!..kd f:J": n::w dock. ]n51<11l :!" .v. ;3"(.&Ic:::a;. roUgE. $J.'t'rT~ pr::sS:lr:.: u'eatcl he.<!.ocrs 2..fId st.riCr,CTS. In!:'t(lll with ].()D nDG i1,alls and 1/2'" c.:irriagc bol'\s f~[aU 2" x6" "~;l:l,i;d.:.lic" de<::king Weill 3" STt\1'1..ESS SCiEL screws, 4. C~mT2::.i(r w:U rem.)",,:.': all d.::,btis from propC<t)' and maintain a dC-:1fc \.~.....rt:9t; P.eft'r::r.ces and :.:ertific::t::es c-f im1ir:t:tce 5'upp1ied u~n re:t;,L..::st ::rSU.::.F~ -:-)e,;::i3svers ,,-ill pull all :.:rtd pay rc,;'" aU n~~ss.::~ry ?euni1~. CU51"o:ncr t~ pay a~: ~r:rl81Y cng~nxri:lg fees and;my n:-."'-dLc survey work. :..11 and :my i e:e:;tnca2 !md pw:nbitj~ to 'be dom: by c1h~ , , (; 7 (, HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE: C'\VIlcr agrees kG hold DocksayctS hu.rm1t:;:~ fo~ any d3rnage if) s""'lIDming }Xf0~" t.n.::crg-jJ-.lr,d uuLiti~" sprin..L.:-te-rs and lands.::;3ping_ Dochavers agn:es. to us.~ dllC c.1:ligeLc~ in aU areas of,YJrk pc.fornled Lll10-':'G)fHUS; and. ::;.;::.u rep~ac~mcnt '.0 remain ftspousibi!J1.) c: ti...e o'~uer. Sea....'w p'ar.e:5 JO b~p{m~ldcd 10 r'.;fu~. . I.[1((;;c i:i e..'l~~ntcred ~!l!3ctor 10 br.ng in dde:-cnt ~lnjrment ~j ,Pum:h;d.."'1Jl tilt'J rv;k !(ir;:: pwp--~:'" :O')Hng for.ao addlu;;>n;:u $39.).(.0 per hour. - DOCKSA VERS \\'lLL BEAT OR I\-.1ATCH A:W COMPETITORS PRICE _.,... ~_........ ,....... Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 19 of 35 D. S. 1. General Contractors, Inc., T/A Dock Savers Ti A DQ':ksavcrs ;4',7 SE 47,h T er. Czpe C\'ral, FL 339,[:4 Phon;' 2j')-XS8-1 ~,'it1 Ff:..\: 2::;;'-54J.(,:;;(l3 Li:~nsc;': CGC Ij~ 19::8 PROPOSAL I ~.'fu.r,' L l~ed,-~ I :~54 Bec:~ kJe' S. N,plc,. FI ::.~;-~98-} 70-:: .1!1:,;;:}]f: ;:'.4 Y'.E-",T SCfFDlTi...E: ~-5,(.O() 0(1 ,\i:.11 .~Igncd ';:'r)r77"J.Cl. L", ':-:n.;._~ ~Jrge :,:...:Tii.cS L 3 .:o1'\.c.: ;::ll~cls ,1!".; iJis-:....d;;c B31;.i~;;;::: llX'l' .::cmple.l..iC::"l -:-C"~.__ . . S\i5.JUn,;1! .....:::::csp-:':=::.J J,.\;c ----~~ DOCKS/\. VERS WILL BEAT OR \1:\ TCH ANY CO!\[PETlTORS PRiCE , - ~ ~. ." - --.., ...., <o-...r " ....'~...,. ::- 1,-,,-:,',;::: ':; 1~""'" r.'I::> Ill.~ ~-V-'''''' !".f"\ .....,. ,riLl p,pr ~J Ub l'..Xt;lt\a , \'-.. co ~ 0 ..w~ t-i;\ -:: ~ N U:l> ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ '" '" ~ -' i.:) -' ;..1 "- ~ N dill anC Kair;y ::;,160han 233-542.e9D9 ~~~ ::2~ , ~ ~. \_"'~ -, 1-", c,,- ~''"'~ '~h - ',.c ~ ',' -':;:::::e ::\. --.: ~ k\ I~ ~Z ~ I~ ::,.: -Q2 ~ ,~ , K ~-, -I:( .:::::,i: is '" -.i, ~ '< If.:l ,\0 '" I'" ~ 1,'-' ~ I:'$.. ~ ;:-...' · \G: " " 2: ~ ~ ,.:;; I~ to: ,2 ~" '-L ~ ' '< '., 't '~. Cl ~ -:::. t ,~f;: ~ 1<8 L:.: ,:;; -, :; '" tI "'-1 '" " '< '" " -" ~ ;:: N ~ '< '< '" :; :; ,~ c:. , ~ - ;r.. ~ :;; , E '~ Q ~~ ~ ,. '" 5 '2 " ~ - :,;., - < J :;:; '< . V - - - ~ - - ~ - '" ""-T - ,., U l.. - ;., " r~ ~ ':l> ,. "" Co U. ;.- ...-, N -' - ~ -"" r. <.r. ~. 'c' Z -- :>. ~ ,~ x G ::: '':.n Q , '=' - .:.:: '" - ~ ... ~ - , '- r '\ ~ - ("- t:... '-' ~ ~ en ("..; c<; Q '" 'Q "7 cr, ~ - ..- a::: - - u '" ...., oc ;:; .. ~ a ~. ~ u - d.) C'''>l. ~ ~ - v:: ::.l ~ ;r'- ~, "', - M"C ' , ..-, w - ":::l - U n '" - - ~ u ::J ::.l ,r - D T..:i v ;,C - """ ::.:: "'" " '=' J] < .-, ~ i$: --< - ,. ) ,,. \J ~ "" ~ ~ r"; " '"', ., kI' .,. ;;: ~ ,~ ~ '~ ~ .\ ~~ ;:,: '-' p4 [I :' r'-!J~ J ,S-' 'fl.. ~~ ~ ~ ;; j ~ < ~ ~ I~ I~ ~ I~< ;r. c: ~ ~ ~~ ;~ ~ ~~ ~ 2 j~ '" 'p g: ~i ~ ~ .... - '-' ~~: ~, ~~ ;;: ::; :;3= i ;1 ~~ =- .;=;7.1 - -wt:; < Z ... ~ :' '-' ~ -' < c; ;;; .. - ~ ~~ ~" ':;J ~ ~~ :? ~!r.~ ....i~:p.:;: Z _~" ;;; -< ,,;,- ,~ 8\1:'- ~ '" - c .... ,- 1 V\~ -..::" ! "" , ,..~ -- t , ., ' '" ~ ~~ """ ~ " -~ ~ y.. ".-'J :::l 9- -~ ~ v-"- -, OJ'" ~ .:; '" ~ 2'~ ;;: 0 - ~"~ ~ " ;:. ... ~ '0 C " .:::: ::: c.. ~ '"" S- ,. - , C " .~ ~ - ~ :.i.i .~ .:: ;..:..;J ~ v " ,. ~ :<: - "- :.. ~ - .......... ~"'f:, < .;; - '> ". '- '3 , i ''::'''' t '<ll'>.. ! .:!.i " - 0 , n I ~ , -.:31 ~ .& I , .. l;.~ I .:0; ~ f--' c ,-, ~ ,...., """ ,- '- "., 0 " ~?) 0 e - t- , '" " ~ - ,; - - - c ;- .~ ';;: - i: - ~ "- j, :ii ~ - '-" ,~ ~ 'J:; "" ~ :;: t- Z <: .:J ~ ~ ~ ;r. c" ~ 0:: i E' Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27. 2008 Page 21 of 35 .1 D. S. I. General Contractors, Inc., T/A Dock Savers T:A :JGC~~~:iiJSe;:s 141i SE -Hlr, Ter Cupo Cora], FL 3390" Phone: '::":.9-S9S.-~f.76 F3~;__ :.~'~-5.t~.S3C':: Licens~ t;:CGCj5l~9n PROPOSAL P~1Jld.v b:ti L V.l: ,i-H:c. ,"(" 2834 BCCC3 A...,c ~p S. :':apl::~, E 23~;~~9s-3'c:: '"-::2.':O:.:~ ~~up"C~): ill ]llOO, and rn.;;t:ri:':.ls f.:::r Q{; ~c:.k:...,ing: S=:AW~~I...: TO D'-lCLCDE ?.EMOVAL OF EX!-S~:.:'JG SE^\'/.\LL ."J.ID IN::;-::-.j...LL ~~EI.\". 1t1'S12ill.:l7' Df$C:iw~1 \1.sing t::J' _::( S' x 6' cor;;;rCle ~lnDS T,) ifl.';;:tJ~"k: A!ll<1bor and m.:l~E:-:t:J~ to i.cs-c:::.ll ~:lwaH. C':i:;:J :i:u.ll:rhJd..s usi..g "::,<':cu j]si CC-rr:fe-t.e ,U".':' e.ptT\:- .:..-r:.it;::.::: :-~:ar i'i!l din >i1uled t.) :;le jc:s~tc far b::(k~~jin~ ~.:1t g,nJJi21. H..ip-.R:.l; i.: fCqU:"ied 1. 2. :-ll~':- :~i'<D PlLl_~~GS; RcmO\'e .:lf~d re.p:a:x :;:'\i5ting lift, hLo.;:all (.t} lU'" lift piliJt~s ..~~! pumgs :D Ix: l,JjCCilt ir;::~"H;;: ~..;...:.h.:d pihn.~s ''vr":iP :?ilim;s \'r.ilh 5' i:la::k p(ll}' ''ri<J.:J rn;;:l'IL:.d \.Olo'il1l : },'':::'' ST.;'ljl'Ll'S~ STE.:~~. nEils, J D()CK: 5' X 30' TO T."~CUJDt2. I.ns.ldl 3." dad;. pil:llgS 35 !It::.:t~-d ;-.:)f n;,::'l"V dock In$l~~ll" :~ 3"(.(.Uc-.':..1,) Joug;, ';:T'.Hl pr.:...-s..",llIT tr;::.atro lh:'adcrs and strirgers, I n":;'l.J; ';;;1 h 2(D :-fDG 1:.:'-.:.ls :md 1/2'1 ca..-ri2~C !:v..J:tE 11\&1:=.112" ;.; (t "Langdnle" d~:;"'ir:5 ...1t1l 3'" S1.;.I::L2SS STEEL s:r.:-ws CuDtfactof\\ill ~rnr'\'c OJ:l ~lri~ lTiJ:-.r p[oJ~:;:r~.y 8.:.1d r,t.!11ltliJl3 ':;e.:m )'.".:-,rk-T<2. ~cfercnccs: :.md c.:rtiflc21I2:S of lnsl.i:-2,r:.:-e ~~)r~) ro npon 're.llL~"u.:.rst8:ql :Jo;;ks::we:3 'will {::wl all and j::ny fur.311 n~:::'<;":;;:j.Q p-:::mits C:uSlu::n~::- '.0 P;iY a..H ;:lld 2r,y eng:neenng TetS ud ::"":' no:-c1tc. ~l.lJ',-CY \v.~;h ,':"11 a'":d any ~:(;ctf,:~'1l ,,mj plumbing :J t:c done b~ oti'lers.. " (, HOLD !-L"\P},fi..ESS CL~USE: (~l,n~r a;T;:::;:s t::; 11(:16 Dr,ck';.((l.;e;s r,armJes::: f:r :.cn:.' d.amll~:: to sYn;:r...;::i::-.~ ;'(01, an.i,:f;2fC'U:ld uuji~ir7:. ~~pTi!"'J:JCJs;",oo L;:T.ds:'..Jping. l)~ks:BWr'3 ag_tt'.:s LO H::,;e d~\:: d:lir,t;IlCe j--J:.[" ac:;;:iS ,::f..;....-::rk Fer::{1nn~.J L::D:d:;c~pi:1g.<illd Si:-d rcplacec."11cm to fe,marll respC::1Sibilll). ,:.1' 1he ::-"";nCl. S~.;;.\\:!ll p3.no:::s :0 be p-:,.:nd~ 10 reftJ=;"1.1, :: rock l:i- cn::-c:.'u:J.Lt::-('d cc,n13ctor t'2 bnng. If'! jiffcr~nl cq(l:]'lw;,:rll .;: pU1~:h.;drill ~jr.l r!'-~k f,-"r;) proJX:r footing for:ln addiuc:.nal $3~)5 ue per h.::ur DocKs.n'ERS \VILL BEAT OR MATCH AN'Y COMPETITORS PRICE I . ;.:: '2':-:: ::r::7;~i~;.;: ...::?__VJBr::.', .~L.'l8'~~ :'Ul2'll;:l. 8X:ri.1 Qr. C:T .lOW Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 22 of 35 D. S. I. General Contractors, Inc., TfA Dock Savers T/A DO:1;s;:;:.vers 1417 SE 47th TeL (aoe Coral, .FL 33 \'04 ?'l~ne: 1}9-3~IG76 r3X: 239.~.4-2-6803 L:ens~ ~ CC:C15: 1 ~'2S PROPOSAL Rnndy~, L ue..-Lf;:;.t.('r1:' 2854 B~ca Ave. r..,;> S. Naples, FJ, 2-:9~398":;'(fr .1,'';!;rl0vl:. Pt. YlvlE'iT SCHEDULE $5.00n,no T~,'jth sigm:,:!. ;:;c.nU'aCl. 1"-:~ U:l:C barge urivc~. In l1:t:-c p::mois 2re lns~Ed" Sal,m..:€; up:m ~\.',:nple{lCI:> -(fL.'U.. .~ . ...u. .nH_"'~"'''''''''',~_ /- /, (' '1'rY!/' . < '-/ j /1. ~' 'CCEPTED~X Cl~0 ~~v/.....u~YJ~ ~ r' -,/ // ,/ .S65,{})O,C{1 '/ ^'? - ' DAE~ -..-<-;;2 -08 DOCKSA VERS WILL SEAl OR .\g TCH AX\ CO:'l1PETITORS PRICE '11 ;::,..,::::,.....?'...,...,~(;r-::' Certificate Detail Report :r'=:R23:' :;. Cer~~fl~at~ J~t3:i 7C;J~: CE3.: :.TEF O:'-,:::',LT?I:::~~ KJ:..j.:E 3:.38'7 3TLl. ..:,:LEN 5: [:'I-''';l.j ('- ............ ---,:-.::,;:;' ::LE :L~':; S -'- '.' .c.'~ c:;:t:~,j t.:p.,;,,,,,:,,, :-:::.JTE. :f~F.": _ :.-,:=:::; O;":-:J: ISS:' ~I\.TE :1/21/2DC-:. :;lE:.!EI';;:...L D.?;'TE f:3l'-. Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27. 2008 Page 23 of 35 ST.::'.TU3 DETAIL [: S T G:;':~':E?_;:'~ CONTPJ,CTO?S, T~::::. AC'Tr,~ :'_:;-...r:.~-=--::- :',;~.'= ::":.::.r-:D :::: ,._-:::~~y ;::-",: ~ G.:" '[ ~~ E:':?-;'E :;hTE I;) .,. .: C .:' 8 :::U:7Y " =X3~-lFT Y :.:r:c..... L;;:"TE C:'tr::7":- ~:.. .--- ,~ ~!'" ,.1:'., ~~3T.:'.':'= :';'.:::E PH::t~l:: ""'-,_:1 ~:< ;'l'd,: 1:2 ,"'::;=E==2 1::,S ~~'::: -1 :'::1 ~'::';'.l' .' ~ ~ (~":):; ,;::", ~ -:. ',r:.; LIABILITY INSURANCE C.,~.?::: ::::~,:;; ,::.."!.. :::: ::+~;<~,2-Z1' :=.:C;:..J...:~:::: I~ ;:..~3_~=:'; ';,; :';:"')'_"_ -':"'>TJE l'eU:: ::,",10' p :l':Hc:'~>: , :;-';:-:l.;-:..':':'~;:: 1 . ,~ ,~ : . ':C:'J:.lr:' (.iL D:r: :'.7:.TE DBA f-' . ~3;;: .:.;:: -.: E: ':.:' ~ r: .~' ::: '::;::.::... ':_=C ?J': S.:, ,. _ ,~E ':cO:: T~;I' T':F rx:'o; :;,' H, ,':C< ~ :r?:c:,.: ....F C,':::';:: -)-,-' ::;.:... r:::: WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE .':c ;::!:=::~-:~, 1 Y :-~':."1r_:...:,;'; .'.I:::::.:'.~.;E:E LL':"~~~->L"."T:_:!-' ;:r:",~ ..;.';;' 8 - J'; .~ ~' l.i.':,,'~- ......-_.;1'_,' ,., ,-":: j '::'_,_:1-:::'/ ,~.~, "_~,, "':_'~"-'~ .-r: s:.:: ~,,-'::, :'1- :ll Ii:::'::',.:: '," ,J;. ::< .' =-- 3 ': ~:' !)' C'-'''c:T:','3 :" 1~. :=:: >': . r I '__ ,_ r~-: -:-:-1 S-:i:...T~ ~;5?_ ::'"3: :'=-,:':'9:8 ST.::'.:-I:: 3XP [:i\?E :;./ 3:'/2G~'6 c:'~ '::L 1:3E ::>':'1: '::'1. Eo:>:? :".'!'. ~ :: "',-, =<~ ;'-:'-i- , ::;' ,~:' , ,..'F,' C:JPR2~HJ5 - :-==t.i.fi.,:::.:ate C:et.a~i P.e:port PO:' ICY ~'iC47698a270?6 ::()l'LFp.._~~y j{=:J.:..'lER J:.I5-L.3ASE HA-:'CI!':ECH H'W:S '233: 4~2-3-r~3: ?O~:::.: T5F:<)01 :36C5~ :N3Up-:"1.JCE L':r-1JTS :., ~)OO.G~'O L~ST UPJA~E DA~~ CNCL ::,~yn~: BOND INSURANCE ~i:P ::}...Ti:: 9/: 1/'2G07 EFFr:C:'IV=: D?:"E 5'/11/2:J86 2N2L :'.~:-E 11 :3:::'0':'7 ~'mI;::iT r.j LAST :"7DhTE ~~r.::..;? . -; ...: 3 /2C :,7 ,~ ?EEV UFDAT2 ::J.:"_:-E Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 24 of 35 F I-:. 2\: u~~';'.:'E USER ','.:R: Gi"<:7 :~ _l.;~;:: :!)r ",-1;';'1':;::18'1:.'0 ;'-:',..;.:- :'.-,~li:.:::- I_~,~)".;.:,t:,' :;-'C,dL-:] ::-:,..... C,.'i..:.:',ty ..D':,L.lGi3:C::'_';:;:; ~'':',~::, i-'r- :"1t-_0-:2 ':':.1 'X'"'' ::G':; -i :::;,: ~ -=Pt,~ Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27.2008 Page 25 of 35 NAPLES D!OCK & MARINE PROPOSAL ,J- .) ,> Date: October S. 200-: 525 Proposal St.:b:nitTeu to: \la:} Lued,b Ph::me: 39S<'~70 '... y{ "i ',' Vi ) , \ .') Fax: \" ,'1 . \\ ./,' Job ~.:1r.l-e,~ Jon L(l;:;atioi1: 2S54 Bec:::a A VC-. , ' "\'ap1c5 Doek "= \h:i"c Ser,jces a,,:rces w fumbh aU eqUJpmcm, labor. m:l[~rials, ,upL'1",'isioll, i"SUT:lIl~C 3.no. applicable 7(lxes to: \\".:-ed~ and remove app,oxim2.te}y ::;0' of existing do.:k. setting Eft tc~ tl:e s~uc, \Yrcck 2.nd rern(l\'c appr0xiITl.ai.cly 50' of -"c;l\~"all. l11"tal13.~~iJI; 81 1.50") (l:~ cor.\'enril1T'.21 :;c3v:aU ti' L:~)unty code :..:.~ fl.,llDV.'~ Prcpri:'t' bem;:o p.::ccive ne\' :-;lab pa.ne]~. Pre-cast new (14") lO:lg, tly o!' thi:k slahs. CO:l1plete \vith reh~r bn:h ye:-:icJ.! & hc.c:zo:ltaL J~1 :1C\~; s:bbs ir.to p('si:ion \\"ith rll:.tl.:nYJ11l p(,llctr3Ti~m (,f (5') in:(l bcr;n. r\lr:TI and p~YJr ~ :2" .\~ 20" cnncrctr.: .struc:ur3.1 :-rl:a.v,'.s.ll :21' llsm~ -1-.U~JU-PS1 Cl~n~rci.e- w~th f!~:"'T n:c5:}. Ir:s:2.l1alion of II n"r sl::inle55 stt:ct ~JS.\':S Heh.\ :l(~ ba::Ls.. B:J~kiln to gI:lae i.'dLn '.::~ean fin }l:.n;,::b (4) scans und~r b(iU3e, Supply' and dri\ e 11]" ~.5 eCA l~c3ted pihngs 3.S per drawing. SupPlY :hid driye (5'1 ; 0" sql:are C\H:cr,;:;rc pili.Dg~ along Il\?W :'\eJ.\\'al1 (11110' cemc;, All str.I..ngfTS and cap ti.mbers to be ::;~' x S" =2 54:::' dril1ed 3.!1d th.ru Doltt.:'G with s~amL:.'ss sted allL1:reilds. All de,eking ro be 2" x 6" :\la~ter Ded~ fnsreced with st~jnk;;:;; ste..:-l scrc\~.''5. Re-ip-",:illlifr and wire. DET>, E:nergc:1cy (\ill:er County permit ~'..nc er:gEleering a:-e includ~d i:1 the G)sts, $ 93,150,00 ,,"ote: J\aples Dock and :\larine will not be held responsihle fur any further damage to the s"irnming poul during construction of scm.' aU and tic b;ll.':k.. *l'apks Dock and ~'1a.-i.n(: Scr-.:ices will not be re~p'-'nsiblr: for e!e~:.tn(;. '\'-ater or L.mCS;':;,~lp:ng_ Dn.'.dgiTIg~ if necessJ.T)' wilL be ~'~. S350,1=]0 per h()ur ~lus disp()sal I~ees_ R~Jck drilJ.i:lg. l f ne...:eSS3..ry .\viU be '2,- S -:'00_ 00 p.:; hC'ill. i::..-~pk5 Dock ~ti \la:i:lc Scr",'i;::.e::;; a;~:lot re="pcmsible fen :::"'T1Y fJrtber Janage:o \(,'2~1 .,:;,~hije \'.'():}~ 15 bt:ing ~chedul-;d anc:'or ~\Jmpl:=:;;;d.>,~,ipl;:s dor..:k J.nd n:arinl:;,e;-"..i~~~ gua;:":...TIti:".:s;:l1 \vur~: pe:rf;:':TJ.led Illl')C' free frDTn dcfec:s in \VoTkrnallSnip and :Datl:Tials for a p~riod l,r i1\-e year~, Guar3.rl:c-t is ""old i:' se;rv;;::.r is d- ,'}"'"'r"~ ,,:=.j ~'l.., TI'-"l-') I -'I", '1 ''''''','''''0 ~'" "r .j .>t=",-;-,,"._~r;'\t~ n'; eYlS't' ....0' '-l:'l~tiC'l~ '_1-'-" ''-'''~l;;;':l11 .:....J.~~.....",."" J...:,,",-.~l...~..,,,~.,,.,J.."'-""'- '...~';'.. .".l_,..J '.---'.:"l"-. ,.ll...~~ . Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 26 of 35 "lote: :'Iiap1es Dock & !\larine 'l\i1l obtain the Department of En\ironmental Prolection A.gcncy Exemption (DIP) and tbe Army Corps of Engineering's Gcncrall'ermit that is issued by tbe DEP .-\5 a part of tiur pcrmitting process. If additional permits are needed. additional cbargcs will apply. proposal T t.TI1l5: 1. The h;,\l,,';..;oftnc state nfFlorid.a shall govern tbe a~'TeenlCIlt. 2. ..\11Y anlOunl5 rerr:aining unpaid 30 days "fier invoice dale will be subject to a 1.5% finance charge. lid':~<0te: \\llen c('mpa.:.-:ng prpj1o'iaL be sure to compare quality 01 maTerial and method 0;" cODstul'ti(1TI th~s(; ,,'ar)' g:rea:ly ano will cause quil{; a differeDc~ in price. \Ye propos.e hereby to fUTIllSh m.ateria: a:"1c1labor - complete in a.;cordan::c with the ahove spccitic~lliQ115, far tne s.um Df: \NFTY THREE TH01,:S.\\u O:\E m-"';DRED FIFTY DOLL\RS .'\1\T) 00.1 OO.m...umS93, J SO.OU 30% DEPOSn R..C,QU1RED lOPO\! I\CCEPVL\!CE ;\1\T) BAL\_'\CE DUE 0J FLLL CPO?, COl\1PLETIO'\ 'THIS C01\TRACT MAYBE '.nTHDR.A. W1\ IF "\'OT ACCEPTED \\1THl'" TrIm TY DAYS. SlG\!ATURE OF .'.CCEPT:\.'-ICE DATE "DMS SlG:\ATI:RE DATE ,';'::7 [:r",~:~",c.t A_VC:'"'.ll~. >hp:!:s. F!.C'r:~l~, ;,pt.'4 "':"dCF~;:;1r,~; '.::39:: -4J~'G::A"". i,::ou', ";':7-:;", . F;:.x: (=~[!> 4,.:.~tJ!:i.:.:) Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 27 of 35 "IOnCE Of COM1\-IDCt:\lI~l I hc;e.,T:ith nL]ti~::;: lr. Se~on -; 13.13 of fl.),id::. St<.J.IU18~ ti13.t impTo\'etner.:ts. d:..:s::rihed ;JS: 1\"otice upon the real prope:-:y s:tt:;:~l:::d at the f,JlliJ\\:lT~g ~ddress: reg::.: Des':rlpi::'(ID fc~r said pn}?erry be~g ;j.) [(~l];J1.vs: ~e:::: I'J:S:J" R1llo:c:~ ___fOLIO" _'_ (lwncc.. E~y' O\\"71t'r'.; Ac.dJess l'~me :::.tl.:;l,Aderess o:~ r:::c ."~::miC' :it~cb(~hi~r {ifDtl}'crt.::.ar: (l'\"TICr'1 j\;,--\ The Fi...'lJ.1 illJKlr.); ';..iid i~::::.pmYfmCnLs uluicr c.:~e::-7 (:(inl:-<itl( SI :;~: ~g.'lnCc\CT(JR"'S 'iA\l;:'.: "_"'Yl 1':, DOCK ).,.-"m ~1 o,RJ\ t:_SER\1C::S II.lCE':SE 3 ~QO SC I CO'lTR.l,CT(JR'~ADDRr:SS' 3:'5 ")'R",""": ';,,-enue_, \.,';]'l[S. n .'" J (tl The :~a~:.e.J..:ld c.dJr:;s~ o:'fr.e 5u:-c:y L'I:. 1::,:: paym.::nt bm:dr ::;'1. i:~ ,~IJY. 35 p,oviJc.J l,;:J(:~:- ~::C:i2I: ":'13,::3 f]or;lia 5ta-::::1:5 is: .i>\jA ."wd :ht: :mll,-.u::t \-\~. '~)'=!:J.d is: 1,,'_-\ CD?Y C'I~ :.ioticc k 1_'_I',;,;n::-: :Jd C':..J.c:- (~;::':UHl;:::ts, 2.5 ~r('J~,'i:.kd in~=..:tiC'l"l"" 13.1: I: Hal -: H 2nd S~~::.)n -: 1:' 1.1 1-: Hl'l F:orlC3 S!a:'l:es,3 ~ILi..\ ,~':::: ;;;cn~ ro' .j,.s desig-.:::.::.td by Ovm::-r. Expi.rati0:: d:-:.L:: ,lf~;::,-:i:'_e c,f((1Ir,;-r;'-'T1:.:::."'m~:}t:_(()D~~ >':':'8.:- ~r~"\JY, c,Jie of:-:::(.'cy:-Jitig u:liess sp::;cI:):-d :.:fie:en:iy) , KOTE: COl-"TY WILL "OT ACCEPT "FA~Tn" SIG"LD COPY! Plca5(' return ori:;inal ';3 mail to prm:~~d \\ith permitting :lll S~gn~:l:.lr:: (If ;1'.1;::::f P:i.n:e-d Il:-:.TT!t ;-~,f Co'.1"Der A.dcre:;s Stae c,i f IG:lc...: C\-:lun:y 0:' Collie:- The feoregDllg i'.1~l:"'.:r:lc::T '.,-'as :;;k';:F)W]-::::dg:-L5 be-f:)l't ill': t:::s By Joy"t :O~I'7 Pc:-sc;;n:::..H:. l:..uc"'12 t';-l me ,~r Shov.."ed l..:i.d.:J.::;.tj~lc&io:3.' f,jy CC't:1DllSiii..l:J EXl"lr=.;: ~;i..':3.ry r".tbLic ~sjgne:rl Sc::] Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 28 of 35 TERMS ,~ ~D OT,j)l.TI01\S 1j\ D::::Fl\TI!O~:S: .-\:: '.Js~d ir. this CQntr.i:~. \APL=:S DOCK ,A_'JD \L~RrN=: SERVICES ;md CONTRACTOR ::;~;;]11T.~, t1;= p3l1'y ~tbori7c:d w }l~ricrm th:: work ne~,:_:nbed at-I.lve t.:::ldc tr.t: L::=rn::; 0; ~i~ C-I:ltra.::. P1JRCH",.SER., a~ ~StJ t::1l.':Jis C,-'ntT'fl::l 'ih3.1j r..eu, the ,W;71::I" D: the Te;:jJ or p:::5oWl.1 pr0pcny 1J:;'J011 whicr. [be rjmis~iDg n7~ j""~or cr :r.i'lle:'i<ll~ ~s i:l:Ju:,(ln7;:::d, or tile tlW:;~':~ :::JmOr1zCa ap;r.J t"r 2Ssig.::i v;b.::.\ ShaL:::'T.bfJ:C.lt s-.::.cn ,1,'OTL Ul:.;i=:-!hj~ Cllrl:r,"!;t. (2) CH.-\:"\:GES: CO'~'lR.A,CTOR 5:ha[ :::l~k<;:: d~l .1::cntJm:::, funt1s1j :il:: J::,llt:r1;l.IS f0~' and Pcri'(l-::TIl ull extra work err T:1';fdi~, r:.ny work wb;~f.: F....iRCH....;.SER m:!Y rc;.lUL7~ \1;;iL'rI;:?J~ ID(ld~f\'lrJ!! 2.TIy o~her nrm~sion 0: thi~ Crm:ract s: R r~-nr;Jbje addition to or n:du-:tiJn ~om the ('ontr.>t::', pri:e m:rc:.'1, P1/RCH:\SER Sj}:=cin::2.ll:\':~~~e.:.; ill flJ.)' f~r ~ll \;h;.lng:~:: \d::i::::t he l7:HY um;lNtZi:, ':::It::lcr <:nlll:" O~ i::J \\:r.::ing, \\'m~n m:: n[\t ~{ par'. (.if 6is CO::Jr..~..cL ;3~' V.'':'!.Rf.::\J<TIE,;::: CONTH.....:...(70R li::1EBY DrSCL..!.J1\~S _j..1.1. WAJU'....:.J...IIE:S, !:TT1'lEK Eu-'R:-:SS OR L\lPLIED, OTHER TH_.l.__, ST.ATED: O~ THE rACE 01- Tr-:lS CON7fl~CT r-;CLl.ID[:'\lG ..iJ\--'{ WARR........"TY OF 7\lERCH...~<'T..;Bn.IiY OR FIL\;'"ESS FOR A P..i2~TICtLAR PL"PJ>05E A, ,\'D ;.w.'"THER <\SSC:.1ES :\OR I\L'THORIZE~ A\t; OT:-ER PERSO":( TO ASS:l:\,E:: FOR IT ."'.""....y SUCH \\'.o\RP...,;:"T!::S I:( cOl<:.n::CT10.".J V,li.ti I'HE Fl)P.:.1SHr\G OF ~"t.\r-~l'!"LS OR Lt..BOR L"DER THE TERl'.fS OF TI.llS CO~Ti\.}o~CT CO:-,TTP,.:\CTOR SPECIFlc-..;l.LY JtSCL~IMS .'\'\'y LL~IUn' OR H.ESPO:<S~BIUTY FOR :.,'.;'{ f.:\:CIDE\"TAi.. OR CO.\ISEQlT'ltAL D,-L\1.:..GES .~RrS[NG FROI~~ r.rlI DESIG:--' OR \L\:\UfACTCTU: OF A ,\y \t:\'L'cl?J..'.J.S ?L:R\ISh'""ED U:,D:ER 1 E-IIS :\GREL\~.c;":T I NCLI_'DI:-:G. RUT ~\OT Lll'-fIED TO, ;...USS OF tiSI' OF PRO!'ERPr". T os": rRO?'T":'S. P~RS(l"AL. l\TLlt'{ ';'\JD orHERTh1C1DE'IT o.\.L .'\:\11 COKSEQI,:E:-':TL~~ D.~':"':'A(irS. ;:4 'I DlS?tlTES: In :~~ ~\ ~~'d l~.f my 13W51.Jil dnsillg (Dt of rhi~ Contrcl;:L 0r the v,'(J,j,: 1(l .,~ pdfO:111cd th:::7(;:\I:1d~'t the ,\r~r.uc or st;.;:n 5uit s:-.;~JJ lie i::. Cl}~Eer O-cunry, ?io:id2, dnJ PL'rtCR~S'E'R w,j\ t::.~ WJLJ:C'''''~ ri:;::ht,; he: olV Jl::,', i.!l 6~ ~;d~L;(]:'1 Cof ';,'::-nuc. Th~ T'T~':2.:l;ni:! 'P~y ~haL be e:.:f.t:cc to r:C\JI'::;!' :'rl'lm the :,:'Sl.ng party .}:I CgU- Q; ,III:> ];,i;-~,-i0r. 10 cr:i-(l;;;e t'e Jder:.d ;my "Jw'\~~i(J:l of tbs' C0;:l't:':i~;. inch;.ciir:g ;::J:. ;mC al! lppC2.:;; :::]:;oJ '..1n ~~h.::.~f "f ;:~:hcf :),:1..."":)', S'.L.:h ::;;,);;1..S sh:JI in;::]u:,lt h:::t 2.fe :-E!t ~jmjtc:d Ir,\ 8. :"-::~~:-m::.b:;;: ;j:v...:-r:::-:,'E It''~a.:1d :-:-:;:-'t=~~ \l,'iel'::~S :(':5:. Thl'l'IW~ (I" Lht' S::::L-2 oJ:- ~orid}~ c.h;J,I' fr....crr, :lris CCr:trHCL ;5.~ :;):::L~.)'S; CO"";l'::...~.~:TOR ~~d:j nO[ ,:: b,b~~ t.:, P7....KCH,~,'~ER fCof.,j,:::::::,. 11:' ~:'1~ ,'.,;'r~ h2"r~.,j.:r ~:.~:I~ "o;.:L n~.?lcct Dr ::::JI: c~ PLRC:-:.;\SER.. C"T r.y r:;0~c'r: w t~~ ,;r c:t!1C::- OS1,:ld:y, Pf nt; ::c:;>,u.r:: c: :107~,~::nke-::;. (~, ;::':.1::- r{.,r:::.:Jlr~:':: ::.clm" c.f :Jlt: \\CrL"'T1C"! <>r d:':-=-"~, '(~r ;Jr; ::b: a::qlL:n: \111.::1Y :':::::~ 0: God. C'f :~;t:.. ,d.d :J.'.:.S~ bc;'(,r,c1 co.... TR:\CH)R'.3 C(\fl~T'.IL iII:::lu::ii:1g :!l:' un:.r.:~i:'-l;-;j.:l>' ~:; ..l:-;::y iD (::::- d;;:li...:;::-:,' ;..~ :~)~t.:r:3.ts :r:, f'\~P.EST CI\.J..~~,~A::) B.'...L.:l..::C~'''iJ;''L:. d PLJ{C3..l...S:I:l? wil [1". 1::neJy rr.3kc ~D\' ~:::,'TLenr ::cn:'uI:G::7, ;Tl:~=:~:. !'haJ: he :-:':Jrg::,:! or. th:- L:T\?2.:d ?:-1H:::,ip31 bi.'ila~::e ,1: ~':1:: r::.:e or:.1 '~"'., ~~ Tr.'.>nE!: ~n:j: F:Jic. 171 o't~:_'~,=,iBl? or FL R ,.~! :;;HED \lATfE P. LS' .-\L r;::..a:::':"i".h, ...k;::;, :::.:-;: brrt':.ib(~: 71:'J:-',Llilll[ to t;}:, -:]r0i"isiom (l( t~ll~ Cont:'2.CL :-end]! :::mai:-, th~ p:-0pc:1~y <If C.o\;'TR.;\CrOR ur,o;i; :r.r::' l:u'.:: ~~eJ1 f..:l!)-' psiu 7-(1~ SJ.-:h :,:r:.t.t:1ai;; s:"wl: :-lpL t-'t ;,~'n.!c:: to .a:1~' t.dTlk,....;?t::y or ir:.:;.,);'.'cn1.:~ p:-I,;:e::dilLgS ofPT_"'F...CiiAS:':R lmles:~ all p;o~l'Denl::' her~UI,,jer n;:v,:; b~ ;TiW::: \s) A(CEP':'':'~\CF:.^.:\ "~D :;'1"';:"..l P.':".,\~lL':IT' ;''...ltl.:Rj..SER:; ;,~;.:;;m\.,....kdf:cm:n~ .::-oi (1, <l::.:.:t?":illC(' of ;;r;y {aher, ;\r l'f.aleria:s rurni3D=<: l'!..::-S'..l.::.t1! w :he :r:ms 0: t~i:;. Cl,ltllrrt.::t, .:io:.:.:1 :O::ls:i:t:l-:: PURCH.t...SER's aCI;~"P:-'l:J(;~ of ~;ljd bhC':" 3Ild w.'l'_e:-ials a.nd rll:: r:uiir.2: of tb:: findl P:~~T;::::n~ l:er'E"'...;.nc.:::r sn2.]] ,;:'~~mtitu,t 2. l,l:ai\ET of aJ dr;IT:1:', ",'hi,~h PL11,CR-\.SER hll-:. ,I~ l:lay ~En':. 2.gai7.ls', rO'\TRACTOR - ,91 /\SSO'C1,.l.,T10~ .~PROVAl,;: Pl.1\.Cli.~:SR h~cby wa::-arlts f:nl: any ap;:'7(l...rJS :-::C1.]1.'-l-:>3 by J il~,)::l:"J\\nc:r 3.5so;::atliJTI rr:- (:ondQrr.in:-.111l Bs~o=;atio:-J I'or 1~,t: wu:J: te ':J~ p=:-fLl:mc:d j,~:,C',.tmdcr h3'.'C r..:=en ~~llre.d pr:Dt tn t11; tl2.,-o:: vf:he' CO:J.:7"aL1. CO:-..TRAC.'TOR .::s:::.J.1:.ICS no rcspor:sihili:y for Jt:-:..J...i.:lc:g .;uc~ ,,:p;r:-nval or ti1r wort done ,,'\irhou;~'.Jd~ i:.?p:-c.-:d CO) Br.\'DD":G EFfECT.'; '\:D S,!::VERABIlIT)": Tni" Ctltl!ru;:-: si::llJ ':'Ie clndini: up{m J.nd r::urr to ml: h~e.rlt of thE ,c:>-pc;:tivc bro, P:=rsL1".:J.: reprcser.:>;;,t:ves, ru:C~S5('<7"':I ~"J a.~~iSJli; af the pa.-:1C5 n::rc:L(1 Sho:;)!.:! l.."ly PIT'\'l:.-:-,:on M pfl:-jcm 0: ill=- Con:.n..=t :,.:: 2.ri}'.lc.gec !.:.valid, !:l~F~. CJ:JCo:lj~i'::ln3bic or ir: CGn-1;ict ,\i:h ~:y l~v: 01 :h= :';;t...';lc: ill ;;-ju;l.j;:.. :.lJ= '.'.',jic!::_ ;~~:llily me c:li('n::::'4bil~ty ,;:! d: r~~::::'I..rng pc,mons ;:.:;d F'ro-,:.s:i()!:. ort.lis C')n"'l:::~ ":'1:..!11 :10:":J-e afib;;tcc (1; impuireJ tJl:::~by. (1 i) \VO:;:,x T.QHF rEnfOR:\ED -=iY (~l'Tr:?S' u 3PP:-':.'>\'o.::: cl-=;:::r.~iar, i:J arde; r"l)r .my '''':L"'7:L'1IY :Jrt"',T'~f1:l~ :u bt: edol::eable ::;:;re'~l..:I:: llT.,3~p....l.;O~ A]1 lift \':i~.':':l,g, .-\r:y wmk r~;;'1.:.:r::-d :c':.:: don:' hy ,-,ther rrnd~~ ,:'u:'.'ii6= t.::)i'" :;;:-')PC 07 C:.nnc-:.:c[o.!";; :jc::'~::;e, ~blll1 b~ J.:..,ne e1lh::' :ll.rU'..:;gh ;;.1::''0 :r.rrJ~'s dire.::r c::-r.rr;;.::t w:'11 L"'J;:- [.....nG Qr a.\ d St:.b(;Onrr:.;.;.T witt C:lTlr=i!.ctD:. s,-:;,::.r. .;;I.:i':1:'::ullt:'o:lCt ;;h:;;lJ :':(1Tl:~linnt: a zb::.r:gc ':'-f::'::": ~~rt'l2l:dcr f\:'f the direcl:;C>:i'~ Ci~' cltr.cr :"L:::h ~'\J:lIT'J.~:, P;u' .'l.:l ...EtHl:l::~'::" ;::.: 2cr,r, !.o ll~e CCGD'l:::,,, ror o\'crbc....t::;, ,,~~e:-\':s;.c.n 3.:".0 ~;,-:;:::, ~ 11:::'1 T:::TlRE ......G~;E~-"rF'1"-r; T:l::; Cc<r:tr..:..:: -.:uD:::.itlS 3,.:] ;'/ t:lt: te1T'':':;' 3:ln ;::(l:-.:li'.lor.s f:.~ ,,=---:-=<l '~\y t',~ J,;:,,'ii~ l:c:rc:;c', 2.T1C. TIll ,Aha ;;;k"'T~;::.nem, :nm-Jrner;~~ :~'T pa~~e:-s. .::ral :"'T \o:rl~:-o\'is;:-, r::::;pc:::'.ir:; L.be S'cbjc.:t ;r,2.I:~' :: [IT::' COTI''':'':'c, ;;t.all he ":;:-e:1:cd 7.::: C'~.:;s: ,;'::' 1L b::rd ~"ry Qf :h:: ~Jti~ ::.-erctc, ::;-.l~:O:::::: LC' :he' '2rC"'.i,i:o::,~.:.;f PJ.."':;.g:-:-:ph (:!'! he:o-em. PnrCh.lm:-f Initi~h -.---.-----..-.-.... :::J..: -;- -- i~':::! ::: 1 :.?.:= ::,-:::..;, c:: _ :I_ ':, :::'::::::-:::::-.~;:~ ::-.: :-'::J~:::-:r,~ :.:.:: :-:-.: ::":--:::-::-_:::1::-:::. -..::-_:-:::::r.d r:-_:~::::I. ~--;p~:=::~_::-- :'"'l:' ::_.::. ::-.2:"-~:-=Ii:"-.:;- ',~--- '-,', .-----.-.'- Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27, 2008 Page 29 of 35 1,'=' -: ::_L'I :::=.1. 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"'- _ :J("O Z....J-.Jr- ~-....Jucc:o _<c:zUJL.L.J C/') _D......J >-~ C)~ m O:cn "- VJ L'.J U "" c[ LU 11::: Cl ,- 0< U a Cl '->-- a 3 u LU Vl lU "" Q ~ y-- -;-) -,- Vlct ,,,1.;.J ?ci0:: -0< c-> a Cj .~ --:...... cr., I 1-- l.l_ ::J '"" '<: (-> a a ~..) ;;::. 1- -- 'J) ';:< l.d f- ----~------~~-- ----- lcJ Vl ~~ Q " ~ ,- -- S0 >-( LU I" ~ ~- I Contractor Certification Detail Page Agenda ItJ'rit!!fo1-RkJ1 May 27, 2008 Page 32 of 35 ~'"f'" ~ '" \ (c, " Collier County " - -- FLORIDA - . 1110 L1tILIlI!\C (O"TI{.-CERTIFlF:1l Contractor Details 18984 12/1119'18 /\CIIV[ 8'31.'211(18 C L1C 058346 8/J 1'20118 1:' , NAPLES lJOCfo,; & \lAI<I"1:: SERYlCES 355' PROSPECT \ \L. "APLES. FL 34104- 1239).4.14-0249 12.\914.14-0849 .~ - linn' //;;m11,2.C'()Jlii:'n'!"'lv nf>l /\Vehnr\'n~'\.-i ,inn/C'nn('~rt/Dt'lal1_~<:.n~Fj{,f-"rr= 1 ~<)RJ 4!2"\f:JOOl< :OOSGRA~I AGREEMENI Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27.2008 Page 33 of 35 GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN eRA ANI> OWNER FOR SHORELLl\E STAllLLlZATION [,\U'ROVEMENT FOR BA YSHOREIGA TEWA Y TRlANGU: REI>E\'ELOPMENT AREA );elween the Collier "CR..,-\rr)and [\;\ ::1 ('I , C\,uni) CO,nmmruty H l' I" c', ---I" Ie , \ . ',', ~ -' I r--.____- < I- this}' 1 Cday of 1\",.'). .}l':C,';~ My and Redevelopmenl AgeIli:y (hereinafter referred to as (hereinafter referred 10 as "Chvncr"). rHIS ACRH\lENT E1\iERED WIT" E S S [ T 11: WHEREAS. in Collier COlmtY Ordinance No. 21.102.38. the Board of Coum)" Commi"ioners delegated authority to the C!z..\ to award and administer CRA !,.'l1lnts including conlmCL' Wilh ,)\\'tKTS tix CR!\ grants: and WHERb\S. CRe\ Rc:solution ?\o. 07.55 eS1<~blished tbe Shoreline Stabi!i7~~tion lmpnn'emenl (,rJ.nL anJ \VHEREAS. Owner h,-,-, applied (,)r .; Shoreline Stabilization l~ranl m the amount of . . . C' Jollar,: and WI1LRL\S. the CR--\ has detem}!!]ed that (h.\TIer meets the "ligihilll: re'luiremenls and \1.'liS appn>\t.J idT :j grc1nt ~n\"~~d in 1hc amount CI.f _____ dollars on ,:' ~ ~__'i ('CR..\ \pprp\3l"j, \\'hich is ..... '1'(1 ()f tlK'" C':}SI:S let construct lllc jhnrdine imprli\'emenL\. N(J\\', T1IFRFFORF. m c(ln:-;iJ<:'fJlJ:I_ln ui Lh...' mutual 2(l\'l.'naJilS ,.:'onlJint::,J h~~r('in and (,lher \-aluahj~ LonsiJtTiJti(H1. tht:. panie::-; agrL'(' a~ fo!lo\\:< t. (hvner acknowledges to the eRA \hat (1\1,11(.'1 h~b n:ct'l\ed iJ cor: (If th.;' C(llij~r Coum: Communit~~ Sh\lfL-,lin...:: Stahij[zatlon lrnpro\'CI1J-:Iil Gr~un Progr3JTI (hereinafter fcf::rrcd to J,5 ';Gr~~nt Pro~rram"J, !hCit O\.\TIt'T 11.1:;';' real the (inml Prilt':T;:rm. ::md th::..Il O\'dh:'f has had ~lmpk opportuniry '(0 dlS':U:;:'; th~ \Tf:J.nt Pn'gram ',l.llD ChI.1H:'T.... '-.:ounsel \lr ~!J\.~sor (.h.\ner funbef ad.:JlO\\.lc~ig(:.s tj~! l11::: CR.\ 11"'~'l1 ()'i-';nl'r unj;,:L;lanJ.s dnd agr::~1:; to 3hide hy all of the L:n113 and condition" ("It' iht (r!\lnt Pn)-;2"TJnl n"r:c'f :;.~t".:';; In lh~ l'..:'m~~ mJ C(1'[lJilF1TI," ,lr' tht' Cir..ml PI\:I~f3m" ., (hvller h tne re;.:o:--J (H\l1t'f pJ prnpi..:r!) J.t..'.\crih:.:d <is, /, ,..: , "r "-'t I _'. (h\~:-r h~:s a~T::.:"::,'d lp m:lKe ..__~nam i:TjrHI"'L'rnL.Tl1~''; ((1 the g.ra.nt app~ic\lticin :;uhmi!teu w th~ CR.l. J::Ht'J .',! ',l- vJ Exhibil A and lnLOijiiir:'lieJ hC,-L'lE 0: I.....'I,..:l~.lKi..'. pn1p.:tl) purSlunt III lhc JHachl'J hi:.'T"elU :J.e.: -4. i__I",l,,-nCj agree:. 10 CClllTpleLt'- th..: ',;tHl.'olruCll'.JI"J uf th:.:: Shoreline StJbiiizatlon Imprcr\r~:lI2~,t:~ \\'lthin ',In!; [11 >.caf ,II CR_\ .\PPj"l\'-.-;d. Ch,\Tl:2";' :).j'1Cl J.::;re-c;; t,;., (unJ ~ll La::,; 50"-~:! of the (:(\s.ts \)f lh~ s;'(~-Tdm-l' In",rr~,-I\"~'l:"ll::'n~i:. Shoreline )1~lb;I~7.;jii()n (iram :\f:r~cm::'nt FY~til)K ZOOS GRANT AGREEMENT Agenda Item No. 1681 May 27, 2008 Page 34 of 35 { eRA hao approved a grant to Owner in the amount of'~ C ','., .' C to be administered pursuant to the terms of this Agreement based on an estimated cost or t,; 'r.~;".x.;) . c' ':' lf the actual costs are less than the e.,timated co,\> to construct the shore'line imprmc:mems arid less than $5.000. the grant amount shall be reduced dollar for dollar 111 matching eRA funds as dctermined by ratio of matching private funds reqllired. Ii, Cnless prior disclosure is included in the grant application. no O\\ner. or any immediate rdative of Owner. shall serve as " contractor or subcontractor for the construction of the shoreline improvements and no OWTIer. or any immediate relativc of O\mer. shall receive compensation for labor for the conslruetion of the shorelinc improvements. An immediate relative of Owner shall include mother, fatheL brother. sister, aunt. uncle and cousin or family member by marriage 10 include mother-in-law, ['-'lher.in-law. brother.in-Iaw and sister-in-law. 7. Owner agrees 10 ohtain all nceessary Corps of Engineers. Depurtment of EmironmemaJ Protection permit<; and submit an) required plans to the County", Community Development and Environmental Services Di\'ision. l'pon completion of the work. Ci\\ncr shall submit to the CR.,\ staff a proiect summary report. two (2) 8 x 10 after photos. a list of materials and construction techniques used, a list of architects andior contractors. and a.ny Nhee ;n!emnation spcciJic lo the proicct or requested b} the CRA staff. The CRA, through its staff, shall conliml that the ,;horeline improvements were constructed pursuant tLl the temlS of the applicmion appfll"ed hy the CR.\. 8. Within forty-five 1451 days after confirm:nion that the' shoreline improvements were ('onstructed pursuant to tht; lemu; of the appnl\'t'd appikation, O\\TI~r shall be issued a !:heck in thc amount 01' the b-erant. Howe'er. ij O"ll~r fails tC1 make the improvemcnb pursu:mt to the [cnns \.1" the approved application. or if the projecl is nllt completed within I'ne (! I year of CR..\ appro, a!, or if Owner fails Il' f'und at least 50'!o of the cosl of the sborelin" improv'~mellls, the griml sha.ll he deemed rnuked and 0\\11er shall be (,mitled [0 no funding. <-,J. This ,-\green1cnt s.haH nt' governed ~U1d conslrued pursuant 10 the 18w~ 01' lh~ State of FIO!ldil. 10. This :;'g.recrnc'm contains lhe entin; agrl~cment of the partics ~nJ their rcprcseniatiH:s and agenrs, and. inc-nrpl'rates all prior undcfsl,mdings. whether oral or \\TItten. ~\Jo changc~ modjfjc::nit'H1 nr dlllendmenL or an) repft'Sentat;on, p-rol'ulsl'" or condition. (Jr any wat\;~r. to this Agr('L"mcnt ~haH he binding unless in writing and 5igJ1Cd by a Ju!y uuthorized ()fiicer of the parry iLl be charged i 1 . This A_grecm:.:-nt is pl~L~t.maj to (hl,'ner. and may not D~~ a~slgned or transferred by (Jv.,ntr r!f to (h\11er'S respectl"\." tK'irs, personal representatives. SUl'l..'c.ss.urs or a\:-;i~'1l:) whhout the prier \H!ttCfj consent of the eRA. Shoreline St.lbiiiZ;J.tion Granl Agreement FY2U08 2008 GRAI\T AGREHiE'r] Agenda Item No. 16G1 May 27,2008 Page 35 of 35 rirst wrinen abo\'e r\ \\lTNLSS WHEREOF. the parties ha\'e ""ecuted this :\gre'~menl on the dale and \ear ..--,...-.- /" ,'! ..j { l.l' ~-_'~i,/..(,' -:_-j>~. ,,-",', _.__ "Witness Signature t ( f-- r; --"'- Printed" j ypt'd Name 121 'I' J ,/'J'.r~' f ,,' " '::),/'/' ,i I;' .' /_ .'. /," .L~'~~.,:::::j '/ .~~.' . \\' ltness Stgrmure "--i-+; :?) C ~__ I/~~'~_ i( Printcd:Typt'J l'alllc "TTFS1: f)\VIG1I1 L. 13l{UCh.. Clerk . LkpUl\ CL:rL "\ppro\'('d ~tS 1\1 fnml ;.md icgsl ,;ufli'.:j~:nc:- ....... - -~1-_ .... - _/r.. .' J ..~( ,"..'", .it.j ~~~.u~~ ~~./_~-<..~~ \.r~r:joni !\t ~tud(:r:t.~!.lr]Ir1~~ --, .Assi~~tant Counry.\n\'\rnc: Shoreline :-SLltJ;ii/a:i~.:;r. Clram :\~ri...'cm(-n: !"~'-=U(I:-'; O\\'NER(s).;., ,. /" I . I' 1/ . ,..:....;/ / "'-, , ( j /1, lJu. Ry ---!V,,'V'<"~, il :J0-'A' " , - / )<Q~tlol ~). !(;E[)Tlf f.ell i7/c"rJ,1[UEOrl(E"" Printect,"J\pcd "ame fQ/I, j}~<) (i f},j;.'d;j) By: PrimcdTyped "lame C( Ii.! !Ff{ ( uL'N I Y CO"vll\f1 "lTY RFDF\'ELOP\lE\J !\(jF\;CY By: [)()\;';'; H"I '\. Chairm8J1