Agenda 05/27/2008 Item #16E 1 Agenda Item No, 16E 1 May 27, 2008 Page 1 of 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to amend Contract No. 08-5011 "Annual Contract for Underground Utility Contracting Services" to D.N. Higgins, Incorporated; Kyle Construction Corporation; Quality Enterprises, Incorporated; Mitchell and Stark Corporation; and Haskins, Incorporated to change work order signature requirements OBJECTIVE: To obtain the Board of County Commissioner's approval to amend Contract 08-5011 "Annual Contract for Underground Utility Contracting Services to amend language requiring County Attorney's' signature on work orders between Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) . CONSIDERATIONS: On March 11, 2008, the Board approved Agenda item No. 10H, 08- 5011"Annual Contract for Underground Utility Contracting Services for underground utility work to D,N. Higgins, Incorporated; Kyle Construction Corporation; Quality Enterprises, Incorporated; Mitchell and Stark Corporation; and Haskins, Incorporated. The requirement for County Attorney signature on work orders at the $50,000 to $200,000 range is not standard practice and is not in our other contracts. The RFP incorrectly included this language, and in the interest of making sure there was no disruption in service, particularly in emergency call-out situations where response time is critical, a decision was made to amend the contracts later. This amendment is intended to bring this .-- contract into conformance with our other contracts by deleting language in Section 2. Statement of Work. Strikethrough indicates deletion of language: For projects with an estimated cost over Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000), competitive quotes shall be solicited from all of the contracted firms; the Contractor shall respond with the information and or proposal sought within ten (10) working days, the Owner shall negotiate favorable project terms and conditions, and issue a numbered Work Order to initiate the projects. Division Administrator and County /\ttorney approval is required at this level. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Executive Summary. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the Executive Summary LEGAL CONSIDERATION: There are no outstanding legal issues. RNZ RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve these contract amendments to remove signature requirement by the County Attorney's office for work orders between Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) . ,-. PREPARED BY: Dianna Perryman, Contract Specialist, Purchasing Department Page 1 of2 Agenda Item No. 16E1 May 27,2008 Page 2 of 8 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 16E1 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the amendment of Contract No. 08-5011 Annual Contract for Underground Utility Contracting Services with D,N. Higgins, Incorporated: Kyle Construction Corporation; Quality Enterpnses. Incorporated; Mitchell and Stark Corporation; and Haskins, Incorporated to change work order signature requirements Meeting Date: 5/27/200890000 AM Approved By Kelsey Ward Contract Administration Manager Date Administrative Services Purchasing 5/8/200810:23 AM Approved By Phil E. Gramatges, P .E. Sr. Project Manager Date Public Utilities Public Utilities Engineering 5/8/20084:46 PM Approved By Steve Carnell Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Administrative Services Purchasing 5/9/20087:29 AM Approved By Robert N. Zachary Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 5/9/2008 12:05 PM Approved By James W. DeLany Public Utilities Administrator Date Public Utilities Public Utilities Administration 5/9/2008 12:49 PM Approved By Mary Seck Executive Secretary Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 5/9/2008 1 :36 PM Approved By Len Golden Price Administrative Services Administrator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 5115/20084:47 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/20/20081 :19 PM Approved By - Laura Davisson Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/20/20084:55 PM file://C:IAgendaTestlExportll 08-May%2027, %202008116.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA II... 5/21/2008 Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No. 16E 1 May 27, 2008 Page 3 of 8 Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/20/20086:07 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 1 08-May%2027,%202008\ l6.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ I... 5/21/2008 EXHmIT A ~1 Contract Amendment ()8..5011 "Annual Contract for Undenrround Utilitv Contractin!! Services" This amendment. dated . 2008, to the referenced agreement shall be by and between the parties to the original agreement, and D.N. Higgins. Inc. (to be referred to as "ContraCtOr'') and Collier County, Florida, (to be :referred to as "County"). Statement or Understanding The following change to the above referenced Agreement has been mutually agreed to by the Contractor and the County: The deletion to the existing language in Section 2. Statement of Work of the Agreemeot is shown herein by sml:etnBlloRs. For projects with an estimated cost over Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000), competitive quotes shall be solicited from all of the contracted finns; the Contractor shall respond with the infonnation and or proposal sought within ten (10) working days, the Owner shall negotiate favorable project terms and conditions, and issue a numbered Work Order to initiate the projects. Division Administrator ami Cel:H'lt) ^.-ttem~ approval is required at this level. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the County have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date(s) indicated below. Accepted: M~'( .si':> ,2008 CONTRACTOR: D.N. Higgins, Inc. By' vJA~ Authorized Signatory D"''''ltL fJ. HI("r..I.J~ Print Name and Title V,I'. ATTEST, O\VNER: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNfY. FLORIDA By, Tom Henning, Chairman ~~M~ ,-,;sn.n' 0 Attorney "- Agenda Item No. 16E 1 May 27, 2008 Page 4 of 8 R EJlCllJllrr A -I Co\nl" A..........._II .A.genda Item No. 16E1 May 27, 2008 Page 5 of 8 .. A "ftll.1 Cantl'ad 'er Un......ound UtiUtv Coatr.eti.. SuviQtl'" ThUlImcn4mcnt, dilled .2008, to the raforoneod lermnent $l1ajl ~ by aad betwCCft the ;Il1'1iea to the onamallJl'CCfftOftt, and HukinI, Inc. (to be n:tem:d 10 ., '"COftl:n'ttOti cmd Collier Coumy, Florida. (to be: rererred to 1$ "Countyj. se.......t of VnderstlllMl.... The fotJawi'Rl ~anlc 10 t"'c: above rcf'croncod Aracment hili bcon mtltually arn:cd to by the ContraC\Ol' and the County: The deletion to the: cx.istinC llnpllC in Section 2. SU\1cmCn\ Dr Work or the A~cnl I!I thoWfl herein by IIflihlIhJIII.. For projccts with I'" utimatcd eo..t over FiR)' Thou.-nd Doll., ($'0,000) lII1d ICls thin Two Hundl'Od TllOll..ftd Dol,"", (SJOO,OOO~ "'""'cti~.. quote. _ be .o!ic:l1Ed f'tom .11 of the contracted Arm,; the ContrlctOl' .hIIll'OJI'Oftd with u'e Inlbrmlltian nd or pmpotaal toUpt within t;n (10) wostmc dlys, mo Owner Jhall noJOtil1C ~."orablo pt'Qjcct tcmI, and con~rionl. and ts:sue I'l numbcrod Work Order lG initiate the FDjoctl. o;vision Adminitmtor ... C..."~ "lIl""'1~ appro",1 is n:CI"lrd at thislcvct All other rcmu and conditions orthc AFcc:mcnt I1I11U mnlin in forcc. Il'I WITNElIS WREUOF, "'" eon...... end Ihe Coollly 110.. coek, """",,",-1y, by." II\tthorized person or 'Sent. hcramdcr ,et dx:iT had, ,nd scal. on die date(s) tndiaaad t1c1ow. Aoccpted: 3/.5 , ,2008 CONTRACTOR, Hu~ By' ,.,,- AUI1IoriJ:od SipQry -..k.~ ,I'IIW#&OZ Prior: Nunc ",d Title- ATTeST: OWNEIl., Dwip\ e, Brodt, Clerk BO^RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEIl.S COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: A- . d Tom Hcnnine:. Chairman }L~ FROM M.F05TER B.ECTRIC INC. PHONE NO. : 810+636+7092 Agenda Item No. 16E1 May 27, 2008 Page 6 of 8 Ma~. 05 2008 04:52PM Pi EJ(Blan /It...1 CODttaet Amt'Ju1Blent 01--5011 "1\.'l\l\\1.1 CONtact fot Undervrou..d utmt\' CO'll'h"3(':lin2 ~" TIDs _ d8Ied ' 2008, .. tho toferonced ag""",em shall be by :md betWeen tho parties.. tho orlginal_""n~:md I'yle C<mstnICtion e<>1l'. Ito be referred 10 ii! "CiiiilfJiOiO?'j iiMCiiUiOl'e&iiill'.l'l61l4i. llOllO 1I!fiIf6Il1ii Jij .COOlil'f"j. StaJemc:at of Uudentadiag The follo_ ebang<> .. Ihc ,bove rofe=ced A~ bas bee. ",,"ally aped to by the e_or and tho C<>omy: Tbc deletiott to the cxistiDg Iangallge in Scc1ion Z. ~t of Went. of the ApeetDem is shown bereiu l>y IlIiiIBif'~~"r. FOr projeCts with lID _ ClOSt over Fill;>> Tl>o1maJId l)ollaro ($50.000) ami Iars IIum Two H~ Thousaad Dolbm ($200,000), eomped~ quotcB sball be. solicited ftom .u. of the ~ fiabs: 11>0 <::oou.cu>' shall respond wi1h the iIlfom>atiOD ROd Of proposal SOIlgbt wltllln teo (10) "Q~ day~ ;he Owner shall ..gotiate _Ie proj... """" and conditions. aDd is&uc .. munbcrOd. Wark OUT 10 ioitiatc the projt;CtS. Dtvision Adminimatot tJt4C';:Ht! "Si_'~~1ilRqt<<rea.3ttmsl!Vel All other termS and COnditil)1lS of the Agreeroem shall ff;lmain in foroe. IN WlnlESS WlJEREOF. tho Comractor oDd the Count>' iI,vo caeh, resl"Clively, by lID auUKni:r.ed penon Gr agem, ~ set their hands and seals. OJ] the date(s) irdk:aJEd. below. Accepred: -=na rUb 5 / .. 2008 CONTRACTOR: ::~JJ/jk!)~ LJ\MA i1.'\ Mln.A-J.i.1i1"1 Print :Name (lnd Title ATIEST: OWNER: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: TomHe~ Chainnan Dwigb! It Broc1c, Clem 72~~;~ ..- ~uomey DllPARTMBNTDIRBCTOR By: ,- t:XJIIBIT ."' -1 Cuntract Am,..lIdment 08-~ll Agenda Item No. 16E1 May 27, 2008 Page 7 of8 "A..ual Contra'" rur Uadl'rgrou.d Utilitleti" ThiJli ....eDdmnt. dated .100H_lo 1M ~rerNc:ed .~n:eme.I.Ia.1I be by aad betwccn the parties to Ibe orici..laJtrftmeat. and Mitchell &, Slark Con~ru'li(m Co., Inc. (10 be- rdl.!rred to u "Contl'lldor") MIMI Colli,.... eou_I)" Flurkt.. (to be rererrcd to.. "Coun.~"). ShtemC'.1 of l1ndentandini The fullowilllol l.:hanl!i: 10 the <show referenc.cd Agrecment has httn mutuully n~~tJ \l1 b).' the COl\!r.lctor and till: ('OUOIY: TIn.: dclelillll (,) Iflc exh.ill~ lun~uagt.. in Sl..-..;til:m 2. SllIlcmenl of W,ull. of the Agreement I::; .huwn herein b)' ,,",ike4~ [:or pmj\,,"i,;j$ wilh 1111 citim31~d c.:OSl mer Fift} ThnU'ilInd Dollars (S5n.IKK)) IInd Ie.~ lhun 1"wo llulldred Thousand I)ollars (S200,tHHl). <.:ompetilive \juotes _~hall he solicited from a\l of the c.:ontmctei1 tinn~: Ihe Contractor ~hllll re!lpOnd wlth the infnrmMtiun and or proposal sought wilhil1 t~n (10) working w.y~. the Owner "hall nc~mlll.tc fa\lQrablt: projcct 'emlS JUlJ \.:llllllilions. and i~~ue Zl numhcn:d Work Order to iniliatc lhc prujects. [)i\oislon Adminisltatllr Ittld-GtM~'fMY apfll"lwal II'; required "1lhis level. .1\11 olher 1ernh lInd condili\lllll (lflhe ^!lJ'CCl1lCnl sh311 remain in torc~ IN \"nNF.SS WlttREOF. thl: Conlrnc.:lor "nd the L'1.1UI1IY ha\.c each. rC!lf'Ccb,,'cly. by an Ruthoril'l:d person or lIgem. hcn:under 'OCt lhcir hands and l>C1lI1~ on tht: oat,-, '10) iudicalcd bcluw. AC<':CI)I\.."tI' ~..J.~ .200R ('(JNTR",'lOR: \1itchdl & 'j1~~V'IlIl~lruclion C~l, Inc. /;;C: /~ H"'" y,.;::. <"-'''-''--~-'-- )'---i/~ Amlwri/c,1 Si~llator~.. ,2f'~ P"~<>!.~L I'rint NUlIlc lllldTitli: f -'~. ,i....k_"...> I\TTFST: OWNER~ [Mi.!-thl E. Urock.Ckri~--- BOARD O~ COL'\rY COMM1SS\()'ERS ("OU.II~R CUl.:;..I'\'Y. PtORIDA ~~P'''.VCd .~ l",h~n~.od ~ /-r.- Asli~i'mll :OUIl AUomc~ nEPART\1ENT DIRECTOR Uy: I'hil{iramatiZes EXHIBIT A -1 Contract Amendment 08-5011 Agenda Item NO.1 1 May 27, 2 8 Page 8 8 l'Annual Contract for Under2"round Utility Contractine Services" This amendment, datcd , 2008, to the referenced agreement shall be by and between the parties to the original agreement, and Quality Enterprises USA, Inc. (to be referred to as "Contractor") and Collier County, Florida, (to be referred to as "County"). Statement of Understanding The following change to the above referenced Agreement has been mutually agreed to by the Contractor and the County: The deletion to the existing 1anb'llage in Section 2. Statement of Work of the Agreement is shown herein by stFiI:etMs1::Igfls. For projects with an estimated cost over Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000), competitive quotes shall be solicited from all of the contracted finns; the Contractor shall respond with the infonnation and or proposal sought within ten (10) working days, the OWller shall negotiate favorable project tenns and conditions, and issue n numbered Work Order to initiate the projects. Division Administrator af18 CabiHt) :\-HeFfley approval is required at this level. All other tenns and conditions orthe Agrcement shall remain in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Contractor and the County have each. respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their bands and seals on the date(s) indicated below. Acccptcd: ,2008 CONTRACTOR: Quality ~rprises USA, Inc. By (: /1~ A~thorizJt Slgnalory I Paul ~. Moriartv. Vice President Print Name and Title ATtEST: OWNER: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Tom Henning, Chainnan ~ ~