Agenda 05/27/2008 Item #16C 4 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 1 of 16 r-' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the communication of concerns from the Collier County Water-Sewer District, by letter, under the signature of the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio, the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to the South Florida Water Management District relative to the proposed revisions to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40E-24 ("Year-Round Irrigation Rule"). OBJECTIVE: To approve the communication of concerns from the Collier County Water-Sewer District, by letter, under the signature of the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio, the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to the South Florida Water Management District relative to the proposed revisions to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40E-24 ("Year-Round Irrigation Rule"). CONSIDERATION: The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) has initiated a rule-making process to rcvise Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40E-24 ("Year-Round Irrigation Rule"). The Public Utilities Division has been actively involved in the rule-making process, and staff has attended several rule-making workshops, providing comment relative to concerns of the Public Utilities Division. ,~ The primary concerns relative to the proposed rule, in its current iteration, are: :>> Regulations placed on the use of reclaimed water for irrigation, :>> Arbitrary definition of supplemented reclaimed water and regulations placed on the utilization of supplemented reclaimed water. :>> The exclusion of athletic play areas from the definition of landscape irrigation. A letter has been prepared by staff which addresses the concerns of the Public Utilities Division; the letter is attached as an Appendix to this Executive Summary. The letter will be transmitted to the South Florida Water Management District upon approval and signature. The comment period on the proposed year-round irrigation rule closes on May 30,2008 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The County Attorney's Office has reviewed this item for legal sufficiency and there are no outstanding legal concerns, -SR T. FISCAL IMPACT: While there is no immediate fiscal impact associated with this item, there is potential for negative fiscal impact to the Public Utilities Division if the rule is promulgated in its current iteration. ,~ GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There IS no growth management impact associated with this item. Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27,2008 Page 2 of 16 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio, the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve the communication of concerns from the Collier County Water-Sewer District, by letter, under the signature of the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio, the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to the South Florida Water Management District relative to the proposed revisions to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40E-24 ("Year-Round Irrigation Rule"). PREPARED BY: Paul E. Mattausch, Director, Collier County Water Department ,--~, "'- .~ Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27,2008 Page 3 of 16 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16C4 Recommendation to approve the communication of concerns from the Collier County Water- Sewer District, by letter, under the signature of the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio, the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District. to the South Florida Water Management District relative to the proposed revisions to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40E-24 (Year-Round Irrigation Rule.) 5/27/200890000 AM Prepared By Paul Mattausch Public Utilities Water Director Date Water 5/15/20082:31:56 PM Approved By Paul Mattausch Public Utilities Water Director Date Water 5/15/20082:36 PM Approved By Thomas Wides (' Public Utilities Public Utilities Operations 5/15/20084:35 PM Approved By James W. Delany Public Utilities Operations Director Date Public Utilities Administrator Date Public Utilities Administration 5/16/2008 8:45 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office OMB Coordinator Date Office of Management & Budget 5/16/20089:13 AM Approved By Randy Greenwald County Manager's Office ManagemenUBudget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 5/16/200811:27 AM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 5116/2008 12:01 PM .~, file:IIC:\AgendaTest\Export\ 1 08-May%2027 ,%202008\ 1 6.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 1... 5/21/2008 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 4 of 16 May 27, 2008 VIA TELEFACSI M LE (561) 682-5215 AND MA.I L Jesus Rodr i guez Lead VIlli er Conser vat i on Of f i cer Sout h FI or i da \N3t er Management Di st r i ct Pos t Of f i ce Box 24680 \!\est Pal m Beach, FL 33416- 4680 Re: SFV\Iv'D Year - Round I r r i gat i on Rul e Dear M", Rodr i guez: PI ease accept t hi s let t er as t he comment s of the Coi I i er County \N3ter-Sewer District, with respect to the proposed r evi si ons to FI or i da Adrri ni st rat i ve Code Chapt er 40E- 24 ( " Yea r - Ro u n d I r rig a t ion Ru Ie") by the So u t h F lor i d a \N3 t e r Management Di st r i ct, The Coil i er Count y \N3t er - Sewer Di st r i ct (" CCV\6D" ) i r r i gat i on qual it Y (r ecl ai med wat er I suppl ement ed r ecl ai med wat er) wat er servi ce ar ea ext ends from Audubon Count r y CI ub in the nort h to Lei y Resort in the sout h through over 155 rri I es of pi pe, The CCV\6D pr ovi des i r r i gat i on qual i t Y wat er to over 3,500 co mme r cia I and res ide n t i a I c u s tome r s , Th e CCV\6 D pro d u c e s 0 v e r 5 bi I I i on gal Ions of r ecl ai med wat er (t r eat ed wast ewat er) per year, The i r r i gat i on qual i t Y wat er di st r i but ion syst em del i ver s an average of more than 14 rri II i on gallons per day ( "MGD") of r ecl ai med wat er to var i ous gol f cour ses, r esi dent i al , cammer ci ai, and commn ar eas I ocat ed t hr oughout the CCV\6D servi ce area, Presentl y, the CCV\6D owns and operates two Regi onal \N3t er Recl arret ion Faci lit i es wi t h a combi ned capaci t y of 40,1 MGD; the CCV\6D consi st ent I y di st r i but es over 90% of its wast ewat er as r ecl ai med wat er for i r r i gat i on usage. I n or der to meet peak demand per i ods, or in t he event of oper at i onal deficiencies that may terrporarily reduce the production of r ecl ai med wat er, the CCV\6D suppl ement s the r ecl ai med wat er streamwith water from other perrritted sources, In SUrT\ the CCV\6D has as much exper i ence wi t h landscape i r r i gat ion t hr ough t he use of r ecl ai med wat er I suppl ement ed r ecl ai med wat er as any utility in the South Florida \N3ter Management District ( " SFWvD" ) , Wli let he CCV\6D general I y support s SFV\Iv'D's effort s to conserve wat er resources, t here are si gni f i cant probl errs wi t h the pr oposed r ul e whi ch must be addr essed. The CCV\6D is especi all y concer ned about the pr oposed r egul at i on of r ecl ai med wat er and suppl ement ed r ecl ai med wat er, The CCV\6D under st ands 1 ~ ! ( ("'.. Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 5 of 16 the reasons why SFWvD may wi sh tor egul at e r ecl ai mad wat er use, but bel i eves the pr oposed r ul e ext ends the gr ant of st at ut or y aut hor it Y cont ai ned in Chapt er 373, FI or i da St at ut es, SFWvD is movi ng qui ckl y to adopt t he proposed amandmant s tot he Year" Round I r r i gat ion Rul e. Wli let he CCV\6D gener all y supports the di stri ct-wi de expansi on of the Year-Round I r r i gat ion Rul e and r ecogni zes SFWvD's ell or t s to develop a mut ual I y accept abl e Year - Round I r r i gat i on Rul e, the CCV\6D bel i eves that fur t her modi f i cat ions wi I I i mpr ove the pr oposed r ul e by enhanci ng wat er conser vat i on and spr eadi ng t he bur den mo r e e qui tab I y a mo n g a I I wa t e r use r s . Th e Ap r i I 28 d r aft 0 f the Rul e of f er ed a st ep in the right di r ect i on by el i rri nat i ng the language cont ai ned in the Apr i I 18 dr al t whi ch pr oposed a t wo- day a week rest r i ct Ion on ai I landscape i r r i gat ion, i ncl udi ng 100% r ecl ai mad wat er and desal i nat ed wat er i r r i gat i on. However, the CCV\6D believes the April 28 draft is still substantially deficient. The CCV\6D has pr epar ed the foil owi ng suggest ed changes to the Year-Round Irrigation Rule that it would like SFWvD to consi der as part of the current rul e-maki ng process. Expl anat ions of the CCV\6D's pr oposed changes ar e con! ai ned below and ar e followed by under line and st r i ke- t hr ough amandmant s based upon the SFWvD's Apr i I 28 dr af t. Recl ai mad VIlli er I r r i qat ion The CCV\6D i s of the opi ni on that the rest r i ct i on 01 r ecl ai mad wat er does not st at ut or i I Y r est wi t hi n t he aut hor it Y of the SFWvD. It is the r ecommendat i on of the CCV\6D tor emove all rest r i ct ions of r ecl ai mad wat er and suppl errent ed r ecl ai rred wat er i r r i gat ion from the pr oposed r ul e ot her than to allow the pr ovi der to pi ace r easonabl e rest r i ct ions on r ecl ai mad waterfsupplerrented reclaimad water to promote conservation of the r esour ce, Given the previous staterrent, we also offer the following: Rul e 40E- 24,201 ( 1) exempt s landscape i r r i gat ion accompl i shed usi ng r ecl ai mad wat er from the t wo- day- a- week restriction, but prohibits reclaimad water irrigation bet ween 10: 00 am and 4: 00 pm as well as i r r i gat i on on Fri days, Thi s is far more rest ri ct i ve than how recl ai mad wat er i r r i gat i on is handl ed by the ot her wat er managemant d i s t r i c t s. For e x a mp Ie, St. J 0 h n s Ri v e r VIIl t e r Ma nag e ma n t Di st r i ct (" SJ RWvD") Rul e 40C- 2, 042( 2) (a) (7) al i ows reclaimad water irrigation anytima without restriction. Si rri I ar I y, Sout hwest FI or i da VIlli er Managemant Di st r i ct ("SVlFWvD") Rule 40D-22,201(3)(h) allows reclaimad water irrigation anytirre with only voluntary conservation suggest ed for t he hour s of 10: 00 am and 4: 00 pm Nei t her SJRWvD nor SVlFWvD prohibit reclaimad water irrigation on Fri days, The I eni ency shown by ot her wat er managemant 1 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 6 of 16 districts to reclaimed water irrigation is Intended to i ncent I vi ze the publ i c to use r ecl ai med wat er. Consi der i ng that the rraj or It Y of wat er user sin the SFWvO reuse less r ecl ai med wat er than user sin ot her wat er rranagement districts, SFWvO should do everything within its power to encour age t he accept ance of r ecl ai rred wat er reuse by the publ i c. All owi ng some rri nor r ecl ai med wat er reuse dur i ng dayl i ght hour s is a smell pr ice to pay for encour agi ng r ecl ai med wat er usage. SFWvO can al ways r e- vi si t the issue in the f ut ur e, when r ecl ai rred wat er reuse in t he Lower East Coast and t he Upper East Coast reaches 50-100 percent, as in ot her r egi ons of the St at e of FI or ida, The CC\A6D st r ongl y opposes SFWvO's pr oposal tor est r i ct any I rrl gat i on on Fri day, i ncl udi ng i rri gat i on by reuse of r ecl ai med wat er, as cont ai ned in Rul e 40E- 24,201 (5) (b), Wli let he CC\A6D is cogni zant of SFWvO's bel i ef that t hi s rest r i ct i on wi II hel p f aci lit at e enf or cement act i vi ties, it appear s the adver se ef f ect s caused by such rest r i ct Ion far out wei gh t he pur por t ed benef its, The or i gi nal r ul es rest r i ct ed i r r i gat i on on Fr i day as an at t errpt to hel p utilities "store up" potable water for the weekend peak demends. However, t hi s rat i onal e is not appl i cabl e to reuse because it is i mpract i cabl e for ut i lit i es to develop st or age f aci lit I es f or one day a week of excess ef fluent, SFWvO est i mat es that t he amount of r ecl ai rred wat er whl ch wi I I not be used on Fr I days r epr esent s appr oxi met el y 14 per cent of a ut i lit y' s r ecl ai rred wat er tot ai, Ut i lit i es wi II cant i nue to pr oduce wast ewat er on Fr i days and f ai ling to allow ut i lit i es to di spose of eff I uent through reuse wi II i nst ead r esul tin t he wast ef ul di sposal of excess effluent to tide or in deep injection wells. The addi t I anal mendat ed dl sposal of r ecl ai rred wat er necessl tat ed by t hi s rest r i ct i on wi I I cause unnecessar y envl r onment al impact s by the i ncr eased use of the CC\A6D's perrritted disposal options, Thus, the CC\A6D strongly r econrrends an exempt Ion of r ecl ai med wat er and supplemented reclaimed water irrigation fromthe Friday restrictions. 10% SUPDI errent al W3t er Thr eshol d The CC\A6D is di smeyed by SFWvO's arbi t rary def i ni t Ion of suppl errent ed r ecl ai rred wat er as wat er consi st I ng of 90% or mor e of r ecl ai rred wat er. At the wor kshops we at tended, SFWvO st af f adrritted the decision to lirrit reclaimed water supplementation to ten (10%) percent of the total volume of water is arbitrary and no reasonable justification was given for this lirrit, This arbitrary definition is contrary to the current practice of meny ut i lit i es of suppl ement I ng r ecl ai med wat er wi t h ot her sour ces of wat er dur I ng peak demends of an amount hi gher than 10% i n order to spread out the recl ai med wat er suppl y, As presently written, the Year-Round Irrigation Rule would exclude any r ecl ai med wat er suppl errent ed by mor e than 10 % from ot her 1 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27,2008 Page 7 of 16 ~. sour ces from the r ecl ai rred wat er exerrpt Ions. Thl s ar bl t r ar y 90- 10 percentage bl end requi rerrent for recl ai rred water exerrpti ons di scour ages ut i lit i es from i rrpl errent i ng reuse pr ogr arrs because, unl ess t hey can rreet the 90- 10 per cent age bl end r equi r errent , t her e ar e no I ncent i ves for ut i I i zi ng r ecl ai rred wat er over pot abl e wat er. The CCV\SD request s that SF\I\M) exerrpt al I desal i nat ed sources, recl ai rred wat er sources, and suppl errent ed/ bl ended r ecl ai rred wat er sour ces from year - round wat er conser vat i on restrictions. Two- Dav a WJek I r r i qat i on Rest r i ct ions The CCV\SD i s concer ned wi t h SF\I\M)' s i nt ent tor est r i ct landscape i rrl gatl on to two (2) days a week I nstead of three (3) days a week. In Apr i I 2002, t he Coil I er Count y Boar d of Count y Cormi ssi oner s pr omul gat ed and i rrpl errent ed a Year - Round Irrigation Ordinance that restricted the use of water fromall sources, publ i c and prl vat e, wi t h t he except Ion of recl al rred and suppl errent ed r ecl ai rred wat er; the CX di nance rest r i ct ed usage tot hr ee (3) days a week, based on odd/ even addr esses, and lirrited the allowable hours of irrigation to a period of tlrre from 12:01 AMto 8:00 AM The frequency of irrigation allowed by t he Or di nance was based on st udl es done by the Un i v e r sit Y 0 f F lor i d a Ins tit ute 0 f F 0 0 d and Ag r i cui t u r a I ~ Sciences relative to landscape irrigation requlrerrents specific to sout hwest FI or I da, The I rrpl errent at i on and enf or cerrent of the Coil i er Count y Year - Round I r r i gat i on Or di nance, t he use of r ecl ai rred wat er / suppl errent ed r ecl ai rred wat er, and ot her wat er conser vat i on rreasures and educat i on have sl gni f I cant I y reduced t he per capi t a consurrpt Ion of pot abl e wat er and st abi I i zed raw wat er source avai I abi lit y, The pr oposed r ul e wi II allow for i rr I gat ion two (2) days a week, based on odd/ even addr esses, and pr ohi bi t sir r i gat ion bet ween t he hour s of 10: 00 AM and 4: 00 PM The pr oposed r ul e allows for irrigation for a period of tirre totaling 36 hours per week (2 days a week, 18 hour s each day). The Coil i er Count y Year-Round Irrigation CXdlnance allows for irrigation for a per i od of t I rre tot al i ng 24 hour s per week (3 days a week, 8 hour s a day), The CoI I i er Count y Year - Round i r r i gat i on Or di nance not onl y reduces the al I owabl e i r r i gat ion t i rre by 33% corrpar ed tot he pr oposed r ul e, but it al so addr esses operat I onal needs of the ut i I I t y, Pi pe si zes in a pot abl e wat er di st r i but ion syst em must be over- si zed in or der to rreet r equl red peak flows, i ncl udi ng fir e flows. The required over-sizing to rreet peak flows creates the pot ent I al for wat er qual i t Y degr adat i on based on the r esi dency t I rre 0 f the wa t e r i nth e d i s t rib uti 0 n s y s t em Th r e e day a we e k irrigation, as allowed by the Collier County Year-Round ~. I r r i gat i on Or di nance, whi I e r educi ng t he all owabl e weekl y irrigation tirre by 33%fromthe proposed rule, spreads out the 1 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27,2008 Page 8 of 16 demand pi aced on the syst em by i r r' gat ion, thus addr essi ng the concerns rei ated to the long resi dency ti rre of water in the distribution system and its irrpact to water quality, It Is unci ear how much wat er wi II be saved by rest r i ct I ng i r r' gat i on tot wo (2) days a week I nst ead of t hr ee (3) days a week upon consl der at i on of the addi t i onal wat er t hat wi II be needed to flush t he pot abi e wat er syst em to rrnl nt ai n r equl red pot abl e wat er qual i t y, The CCYlSD is of the opi ni on that t he Coil i er Count y Year- Round I r r i gat i on Or di nance rreet s the i nt ent of the SFV\lv[) to reduce i r r i gat i on demand, and, whi let he Or di nance allows t hr ee days a week for irrigation, it is much more restrictive In the tot al all owabl e hour s for i r r i gat ion dur i ng a week. Mar eover, SFV\lv[) needs to pr ovl de addi t i onal i nf or rrnt i on on the scl ence r egar di ng whet her a two (2) day a week rest r i ct i on al I ows for the frequency of I r r i gat ion necessar y to rrni nt ai n landscapes in southwest Florida, At hie tic PI a v Ar e a s The Year Round I r r i gat i on Rul e exerrpt s at hi et I c pi ay ar eas from the speci f i ed wat er i ng rest r i ct Ions by excl udi ng them from the def i ni t I on of "I andscape i r r i gat ion" in Rul e 40E- 24.101(9). "Athletic play area" rreans ai' golf course fal rways, tees, and greens, and ot her at hi et i c pi ay surfaces; i ncl udi ng, foot ball, baseball, soccer, polo, t enni s and I awn bowl i ng f i el ds, and rodeo, equest r i an and I i vest ock ar enas, See FI a, Adm n, Code Rul e 40E- 24, 101 (2), Thi s is cont r ar y tot he r ul es of ot her wat er managerrent di st r i ct s, whi ch I rrpose soma i r rig a t ion res t r i c t ion son at hie tic P I a y are as. AI so, t his exerrpt i on under m nes the abi lit Y of local gover nrrent and ut I lit i es toper suade these user s tout i I i ze r ecl ai rred wat er in lieu of pot abl e, gr ound, or sur face wat er, In fact, under the current version of the Year Round Irrigation Rule, athletic pi ay ar eas, whi ch ar e not subj ect to any rest r i ct, ons, ar e treat ed mor e I en! ent I y than r esi dent i al r ecl al rred wat er irrigation, which is prohibited during daytlrre hours, This is not f air tor e sid e n t i a I wa t e r use r s , Ad d i t ion a I I y, wi t h pol i ci es like these, it is no wonder that r ecl ai rred wat er reuse in t he Lower East Coast, especi all y among gol f cour ses, I ags so far behi nd ot her ar eas of FI or ida, Ther ef or e, the CCYlSD r ecomrends ext endi ng the r ul e to gol f cour ses and at hi et i c pi ay areas in a rrnnner si m I ar tot hat of ot her wat er managerrent districts, The CCYlSD suggest s the foil owi ng arrendment s to Chapt er 40E- 24: 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 9 01 16 40E- 24.011 Pol i cy and Pur pose. No Change, 40E- 24. 101 Def i ni t ions, w'en used in t hi s chapt er: ( 1) "Addr ess" means the "house nurrber" (a numer I c or al phanumer I c desi gnat ion) that, t oget her wi t h the st r eet name, descr i bes the physi cal I ocat i on of a specl 1 I c propert y. Thi s includes "rural route" nurrbers but excludes post office box nurrber s. II a lot nurrber in a mobl I e home par k or si rri I ar comrunity is used by the U.S, Postal Service to deterrrine a del i very I ocat ion, t he lot nurrber shall be the propert y' s address. I f a lot nurrber I n a mobl I e home par k or si rri I ar r esi dent i al comruni t y is not used by the U. S. Post al Ser vi ce (e, g" t he par k rrnnager sor t s i ncorri ng rrni I del i ver ed tot he comrunlty's address), then the cormunity's rrnln address shall be the propert y' s address, I f a propert y has no address it shall be consi der ed "even- nurrber ed" . (2) "At hi et i c pi ay ar ea" means all goll cour se 1 ai rways, tees, and greens, and ot her at hi et I c pi ay surf aces; i ncl udl ng, foot ball, baseball, soccer, polo, t enni s and I awn bowl i ng f i el ds, and rodeo, equest r i an and I i vest ock ar enas. (3) "Consurrpt I ve Use Per rri t (CUP)" means a per rri t Issued pur suant to Chapt er 40E- 2 or 40E- 20, F, A, c., aut hor i zi ng the consurrpt i ve use of wat er. (4) "Even Nurrber ed Addr ess" means an addr ess, endi ng in the nurrber s 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, or right s- of - way or ot her I ocat Ions wi t h no add res s ,or the let t e r s A- M (5) "Exi st i ng I andscapi ng" means any I andscapl ng whi ch has been whi ch has been pi ant ed and est abl i shed for mor e than si xt y (60) days. (6) Landscaping" rreans shrubbery, trees, lawns, sod, grass, ground covers, plants, vines, ornarrental gardens, and such other flora which are situated in such diverse locations as residential landscapes, recreation areas, cerreteries, publ I c, comrer ci al , and i ndust rial est abl I shrrent s, publ i c rredians, and rights-of-way except athletic play areas as defined in subsection 40E-24,101(2), F,AC, (7) "Low Vol ume Hand VIIlt er I ng" rreans the wat er i ng of I andscape by one per son, wi t h one hose, fit t ed wi t h a sel f- cancel i ng or aut orrnt i c shut of f nozzl e, (8) "Low Vol urre I r r I gat ion" means t he use of equi pment and devi ces speci f i call y des I gned to allow t he vol ume of wat er delivered to be lirrited to a level consistent with the water r equi rement of t he pi ant bei ng I r r i gat ed and to allow that water to be placed with a high degree of efficiency In the root zone of t he pi ant. The t er m al so i ncl udes wat er used In rri st houses and sl rri I ar est abl i shment s f or pi ant pr opagat ion, 1 Agenda Item No. 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 10 of 16 Overhead irrigation and flood irrigation are not included, (9) "Landscape I r r i gat ion" rreans t he del i very of wat er to shrubbery, trees, lawns, sod, grass, ground covers, plants, vines, ornarrental gardens, and such other Ilora which are pi ant ed and est abl i shed f or mar e than si xt y (60) days and ar e si t uat ed I n such di ver se I ocat ions as r esi dent i al landscapes, recreation areas, cerreteries, public, comrercial, and industrial establishrrents, public rredians, and rights-of-way except at hi et i c pi ay ar eas as del i ned in subsect i on 40E- 24. 1 0 1 ( 2), F, A, C, (10) "Micro-Irrigation" rreans the application 01 small quant i t es of wat er on or below the soi I sur f ace as dr ops or tiny st r earrs 01 spr ay t hr ough eni t t er or appl i cat or s pi aced along a water delivery line. Mcro-irrigation includes a number of rret hods or concept s such aas bubbl er, dr i p, t r i ckl e, ni st or ni cr ospr ay, and subsurf ace i r r i gat ion, (11) "New I andscapi ng" rreans any I andscapi ng whi ch has been pi ant ed and est abl i shed lor si xt y (60) days or less, (12) "Odd Number ed Addr ess" rreans an addr ess endi ng in the numbers 1,3,5,7,9 or the letters N-Z, (13) "Recl ai rred WIt er" rreans v..ast ewat er t hat has recei ved at I east secondar y treat rrent and basi c di sl nl ect i on and is reused after Ilowing out 01 a wastewater treatrrent facility~ and i ncl udes svst errs whi ch mayor mav not be suppl errent ed from anot her wat er sour ce, such as pot abl e v..at er, or oundwat er , sur face wat er, or sorre ot her t r adi t I onal sour ce dur i no peak demand periods bv a public or private utilitv lor the purpose of i ncr easi no suppl v, (14) "l>b1ppl erront ed reel ai rmd wat er" and "91 ended reel al Frod wat er" Froans recl ai Frod wat or W1i eh has gOeR eoRTIi ngl 8d wi t h pot a91 0 1tJ3t er, gr oblndW3t or, 8b1r f aco '1klt or, or SOI+8 ot hor traditional sour co by a pbl91ie or privato b1tility for tho pblr pOSO of i ner oas i ng 8b1ppl y, L.1.1l.f-4-a+ " User" rreans any per son, i ndi vi dual fir m, associ at ion, organi zat i on, part nershi p, busi ness trust, cor porat ion, corrpany, agent, errployee or ot her legal ent it Y whet her nat ur al or ar t i f i ci al the Uni t ed St at es of Arrer i ca, and the St at e and all pol i tical subdi vi si ons, regi ons, di st r i ct s, muni ci pal i ties, and publ i c agenci es t her eol, whi ch di r ect I y or i ndi r ect I y takes v..at er I rom the v..at er r esour ce, i ncl udi ng uses I r om pr i vat e or publ i c ut i lit Y syst errs, uses under v..at er use per ni t s issued pur suant to Chapt er 40E- 2 or 40E- 20, F, A, c., or uses I rom i ndi vi dual well s or purrps, L.1lU.~ "'N3st el ul and unnecessar y" rreans all owi ng wat er to be di sper sed wi t hout any pr act i cal pur pose tot he wat er use; for exampl e, excessi ve landscape i r r i gat lon, I eavi ng an unattended hose on a driveway with water Ilowlng, aliowing wat er to be di sper sed in a gr ossi y i nel Ii ci ent manner, regardless 01 the type of v..ater use; for exarrple, allowing 1 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 11 of 16 ~ landscape i r r i gat Ion wat er to unnecessar I I Y f al I ont 0 paverrent, sidewalks and other impervious surfaces; allowing water flow t hr ough a br oken or rral f unct i oni ng wat er del i ver y or landscape I rrl gat Ion syst em Speci f i c Aut hor it Y 373,016. 373,044, 373,0831. 373,113, 373.171, 373,227 FS. Law I rrpl errent ed 373,042, 373,0421, 373.0831. 373,171, 373,223, 373,250, 373,227 FS. Hi st or y-New 6- 12-03, Arrended _____________' 40E- 24.201 Year - Round Landscape i r r i gat ion Measur es. r (1) The year - round landscape i r r i gat i on rreasur es cont ai ned in this chapter are applicable to all users as defined in subsection 40E-24,101(9), F,AG., including pernitted and exerrpt user sunder Chapt er 40E- 2, F, A C., unl ess i ndi cat ed ot herwi se her ei n, These rreasur es appl y to all wat er sour ces,- except that landscape irriqation accomolished usinq reclairred wat er shal I not be rest r i ct ed except as fur t her rest r i ct ed by a local qover nment or ot her Recl ai rred Wlt er pr ovi der, as necessary, to promote conservation of this alternative water source. However. all properties should voiuntarilv conserve Reclairred Wlter by not irriqatinq between the hours of 10:00 a,m and 4 p,m In addition to the requirerrents of this sect i on, all per ni t t ed user sunder Chapt er 40E- 2, F, A C" ar e r equi red to rrai nt al n compl i ance wi t h all CUP condi t ions and terrrs, including those designed to require the implerrentation of water conservation practices, ~. I (2) Any rest r i ct ions or ot her rreasur es decl ar ed pur suant to Chapter 40E-21, F.A.C" or related Board or Executive Director orders which are more restrictive than a rreasure contained within this chapter, shall supersede this rule for the duration of the appl i cabi e wat er shor t age decl ar at ion, (3) It shal I be the dut y of each vvat er user to keep i nf or rred as to the landscape irrigation rreasures presented within this c h apt e r, wh i c h a f f e c tea c h par tic u I a r wa t e r use. (4) In addition to the specific rreasures enurrerated below, all wast ef ul and unnecessar y wat er use as def i ned In subsect i on 40E-24,101(10), F,AG., is prohibited, (5) The f 01 I owi ng r equi r errent s or except ions shal I appl y to all users unl ess speci fi ed ot herwi se herei n: (a) I r r i gat i on of exi st i ng I andscapl ng shal I compl y wi t h t he foil owi ng provi si ons: 1, Landscape I r r i gat ion between the hours of 10:00 a,m ot her wi se pr ovi ded her ei n, 2, Even addresses, installations with irrigation syst errs that i r r i gat e bot h even and odd addr esses wi t hi n the sarre zones, i ncl udi ng mul t i - f ani I y uni t s and homeowner s' associ at ions, and right s- of - way or ot her I ocat ions wi t h no shal I be and 4: 00 prohi bi t ed dai I y p, m, except as 1 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 12 of 16 addr ess as def i ned in subsect i on 40E- 24,101 (~, F. A. c., shal I accompl i sh necessar y landscape i r r i gat ion onl y on rmy accomplish necessary landscape irrigation only on Tuesday. and! or Thur sday and! or Sunday, 3, Odd addr esses as def i ned in subsect ion 40E- 24, 101 (7), F. A C, , shall accompl i sh necessar y landscape i rri gati on onl y on rvbndav. and!or V\ednesday and!or Sat urday, \--bt- LClI'lElscapo i rri >JOlt ion ysi A>J 100% roclai Frod 'vat or s!:lall only 99 rostrict9E1 as stat9d in ~aragraphs (5)(a)(1) and (5)(9)(1) and no irrigation shall occyr on Frigays, Landscapo i rr i gat ion ysi ng 100~/" rocl ai froEl 'Int or AUY 99 rost r i ct 9d f yrt h9r 9Y local govorn_nts or othor roclaiFrod ",ntor pro'/iElors, as nocossary to proFroto CeRsoryatioR of this alt9rnativ9 ','nter seyr C9, (c) LaAdsGap9 irri>Jation YSIR>J syppleFrontod roclaiFrod '1Jat or 'Nhi ch rmot s on9 of t h9 concH t ions list od in [3ara>Jraphs 5(c)(1) ti:1roygh 5(c)(5), 9010",,, shall 99 SY9jOCt to tho r9strlctions sot forth in paragraph 5(9), LancJscap9 Irrigation whi ch yt i I I zos syppl oFront od r ocl ai _d WCIt or that f ai 1st 0 rmot tho condl t ions spoci f i ed 90101,'1 shall ge SY9j 9ct tot ho restrictions sot forth in paragraphs 5(d), and 5(0)" 1, Tho ot hor soyr co is i nci dont al st or flWat 9r r ynof f that ent 9r s a rOI;l ai Frod wat or st or ag9 pond; 2, Tho ot !:lor soyr co Gonsi st 0 of wi t hdr awal s yn ayg_nt eEl st or rtW.3t er syst om or 'I.\lt or r 9COYOr oEl per m t t 0 d a El y i for s tor ago and r 0 GO" 9 r y (,^'s R) wol I t hat s9asoRal di vor si ons from a cyr f aco '!.'at er 90dy; 3, Tho ot hor soyrco Is r9COVOrOg from a rocl al rmg wat or /\SR VIOl I por m t t od by tho FI or i da Depar t _nt of Envi ronrmntal Protocti on, i ncl ydi n>J roclai _d ^SR "'1911 tosti ng ayt hor i zod in pr 9par at ion for por ni t i eSyanC9; 4, Th9 othor traditional SOyrC9 doos not 9xcoeEl 10% of t h9 tot al vol yrm of 'Nat or; or, 5, Tho roclairmd WCItor provid9r has dormnstr3t9d to tho District that tho oth9r traditional soyreo is nocossary to achi ovo f yll di sposal of tho r ocl 31 _d wat or, (d) I r r i gat i on of oxi ot i ng I andscapl ng ',.A1i ch syppl ormnt ocJ r ocl al Frod V,\lt or and.' or WCIt or dor i \'ed al t er n3t i V9 'A'at or soyr co, byt not 1 ncl ydi n>J 100% wat or, shall co~1 y wi t h tho foil o\.A n>J pr ovi ci ons: 1, Landsc3po i r r i gat Ion shal I 90 pr ohi 9i t od dai I y 90t 'Noen the hoyro of 10: 00 a, m anEl 4: 00 p, m, OXGOpt as ot hor wi so [3r oyl EloEl her 9i n, 2. Evon acJdr ocoos, i nst all at ions wi t h I r r i gat ion syst OfrE t hat I r r i >Jat 0 90t h eyon and oElg aEldr ossos wi t hi n the sarro zonos, inclYding rrulti f3mly ynits and l'loFroo'''ners' asoociations, 3nd rights of way or othor locations ....;th no 3ddr9SS 3S cJofinod in sybooction 40E 24.101(4), F,/\,c., FmY accort1l1 i sh nocosoary I andosapo I rri g3t ion onl y on Tyosday, Thyrcday, and/or Sunday, 3, Odd 3ddrossos as dof I nod In sybsect Ion 40E from an from a st or os yt i I i Z8S from an r9cl al rmg 1 r ~ (' Agenda Item No. 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 13 of 16 24. 1Q1( 7), F. ,^" C., rmy acser:rpl i Eh neceEEary I aASECai3e i r r i gat leA onl y en MJnElay, '.'llJsnoEsay, aAs! or :Oat IH day, lQl.~ I r r i gat Ion of new I andscapl ng shall corrpl y wi t h t he foil owi ng provi si ons: 1, I r r i gat Ion of new I andscapi ng shall be prohibited daily between the hours of 10:00 a,m and 4:00 p,m, except as ot her wi se pr ovi ded her el n, 2. On t he day t he new I andscapi ng Is i nst all ed, the new I andscapi ng rrey be I r r i gat ed once wi t hout r egar d tot he nor mal I y al I owabl e wat er i ng t I rres. I r r i gat i on of the soi I i mrredl at el y pr i or tot he I nst all at I on of t he new I andscapl ng is al so all owabl e wi t hout r egar d tot he nor mal al I owabl e wat er i ng days and times. 3, The si xt y day per i od begi ns t he day t he new I andscapi ng is i nst all ed. The new I andscapi ng shall be installed within a reasonable time from the date of purchase, whi ch may be demonst rat ed wi t h a dat ed r ecel pt or I nvol ceo 4, i r r I gat I on of new I andscapl ng whl ch has been i n place for thirty (30) days or less shall be accomplished on Monday, Tuesday, V'lednesday, Thursday, Frldav. Saturday, and!or Sunday. 5. I r r i gat i on of new I andscapi ng whl ch has been in place for thirty-one (31) to sixty (60) days shall be accompl i shed on Monday, V'lednesday, Thursday, and! or Sat urday. 6. I r r i gat i on of t he new I andscapi ng is I i ni t ed to ar eas cont ai ni ng t he new I andscapi ng onl y, An ent Ire zone of an i r r i gat Ion syst em shall onl y be ut i I I zed f or landscape i r r I gat i on under t hi spar agr aph 1ft he zone I n quest i on Is for an ar ea that cont ai ns at I east 50% new I andscapi ng, I f a zone cont ai ns less than 50% new I andscapi ng, or if t he new I andscapi ng is in an area t hat wi II not typi call y be i rri gat ed by an I rrl gat ion syst em onl y the i ndl vi dual new pi ant i ngs are eligible for additional irrigation under this paragraph, Tar get ed wat er I ng rrey be accompl i shed by hand wat er i ng, or any appr opr i at e rret hod whi ch i sol at es and wat er s onl y t he new I andscapi ng. Ul.{-+} Landscape i r r i gat ion syst errs rrey be oper at ed dur I ng rest r I ct ed days and! or times for cl eanl ng and rrel nt enance pur poses wi than at t endant on si tel n the ar ea bel ng test ed. Landscape i r r i gat ion syst errs rrey rout i nel y be oper at ed f or such pur poses no mar e than once per week, and the run time f or any one test shoul d not exceed 10 ni nut es per zone. LQl.H+ Landscape i r r I gat ion for t he pur pose of wat er i ng- In fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, where such wat er i ng- in is r equi red by the rrenuf act ur er, or by f eder ai, st at e or local I aw, or best management pr act ices, shall be allowed under the foil owi ng condi t ions: 1, Such watering-In shall be linited to one appl i cat Ion In t he absence of specl f I c al t er nat i ve i nst r uct ions from the rrenuf act ur er; and 2, Such watering-in al I owabl e wat er I ng normally shal I days accompl i shed dur i ng t i rres unl ess a be and 1 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 14 of 16 pr of essi onal licensed appl i cat or has post ed con! ai ni ng the dat e of appl i cat i on and the wat er I ng- i n act i vi t y. ulJ--1+}- Any pi ant IT8t er i al i rri gat lon, rri cro-i rri gat ion, rret hods wi t hout r egar d tot he pur suant tot hi s sect lon, (f) Use of recvcled ponds for Irriqation is auqment ed from any qr ound sUPDI y sour ce, (6) GoI f Cour ses The f 01 I owl nq addi t i onal rest r I ct ions and except Ions to subsect ions 40E- 24,201 (1) (5), F, A, C., shal I aPDlv to Golf Course Irriqatlon as aDProoriate, All individual User s for GoI f Cour se i rr i qat i on shall use: (a) Best IVI3naqement Pr act ices for FI or i University of Florida, Institute of Food Sci ences. Cooperat i ve Ext ensi on Servl ce, Environrrental Horticulture. 1993, as amended: or I b) The foil owi nq rreasures: 1, Irriqation shall be Ilrrited to the times specified in subsect Ion 40E- 24, 201( 5) (a), F, A. C, 2, Fai rwavs. rouqhs and Dri vi nq Ranqes, wat er ed no mer e than two t i rres per week. 3. Tees and qr eens shal I be 'Mlt er ed no mar e than t hr ee t i rres per week, 4, The Irriqation of tees restricted when such Irriqation Is includinq Frost/Freeze or Heat Stress. subsect ion 40E-24, 201(4), F, A, C. 5, Spot Treatment and Syrinqinq are not restricted, 6, Irrioation related to overseedinq that is a comoonent of a fall t r ansi t i on pr oqr am shal I not be rest r I ct ed to a cert ai n number of appl i cat ions each week, (7) Other Athletic Plav Area Irriqation - The followinq addl t i onal r eoui r ement s or except ions to subsect ions 40E- 24. 20 1( 1) - (5), F, A. C" s h a I I a p p I v tot he p I a v are a s 0 f At hie tic PI a y Ar e as: (a) I rr i qat i on shall be prohl bi t ed dai I y bet ween the hour s of 10: 00 am and 4: 00 om except as Dr ovi ded below. I b) Oper at Ion of an i r r I qat ion Syst em f or pi ant pr ot ect i on of at hi et i c pi ay areas turf qrass fi el ds, i ncl udi nq frost/freeze or heat stress prevention, shall not be pr ohi bi ted, unl ess det er rri ned to be wast ef ul as speci fled in Rule 40E-24,201(4) (c) The wettlnq of clav tennis courts, baseball/softball I nfl el ds. I i vest ock or rodeo areas and ot her non-t urf qrass athl etl c pi av areas i mredl atel v prior to pi ay is all owabl e to ensure athletic/anllT8l safetv. comoly with sport standards, and cont r 01 dust, a terrporary sign dat e( s) of needed IT8Y be 'Mlt er ed usi ng low vol ume and I ow- vol ume hand wat er I ng 'Mlt er i ng days or times allowed 'Mlt er from wat er det ent Ion treat rrent al lowed pr ovi ded the ponds ar e not or off-site surface water or Dublic da GoI f Cour ses. and Aqricultural Depa r t ment of shal I be and or eens for plant except as shal I not be Dr ot ect ion, I I rri t ed by 1 ~. 1 ~. ~ I Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 15 of 16 I d) Baseball, sof t ball, foot bal I. soccer, polo and ot her si rri I ar turf qrass pi avi nq fl el d surfaces mev recei ve one ext ra i rr I qat ion appl i cat Ion i mmedi at el v af t er heavy i eaque pi av If necessar v to encour aqe t ur f r epai r and needed tome; nt ai n saf e pi av condi t ions, I e) SDot treat ment and svr I nql nq ar e not rest r i ct ed, If) One-half of athletic play areas rmv be Irriqated on rvbndav. V\ednesdav. and Sat ur day for t he pur pose of meet i nq nor rml SUDDI ement al i r r i qat I on needs, A rmp or sket ch shall be mei nt ai ned on si t e t hat I ndi cat es whi ch davs each par t of Droperty will be watered, and the applicable local qovernment rmy requl re t hat a copv of t hi s rmp or sket ch be provl ded for verification or enforcement purposes, 373,016. 373,044, 373,0831, FS. Law I rTPl ement ed 373.042, 373.223, 373.250, 373,227 FS, 373. 113, 373.0421, Hi st or y-New Speci fi c Authori ty 373,171, 373,227 373,0831. 373,171, 6- 12- 03, Amended ____________ 40E- 24.301 Local Gover nment Opt ion, No Change. 40E-24.401 Enforcement, No Change. 40E-24, 501 Vari ances and VIlli verso No Change, 1 Agenda Item No, 16C4 May 27, 2008 Page 16 of 16 Concl usi on The Coil i er Count y VIal er - Sewer Di st r i ct thanks the Sout h FI or i da V\8t er Management Di st r I ct for the oppor t uni t y to corrrrent on the dr af t Year - Round I r r i gat i on Rul e. I f you have any quest ions concer ni ng t he suggest ions cont ai ned her ei n, pi ease cont act Paul Mat tausch, Di r ect or, V\8t er Depart ment, Co I lie r Co u n t y V\8 t e r - Se we r Di s t r i ct. \fila I 00 k for wa r d t 0 cont i nul ng to wor k wi t h the Sout h FI or i da V\8t er Management DI st r i ct in devel opi ng the pr oposed r ul e, Si ncerel y Yours; Tom Henni ng Chai r, Col I i er Count y Boar d of Count y Cormi ssi oner s Ex- Of f i ci 0, t he Boar d of t he Coil i er Count y V\8t er - Sewer Di st r i ct cc: Er i c Buer mann, Chai r, SFV\Iv'D Gover ni ng Boar d M chael Coil Ins, Mamber, SFV\Iv'D Gover ni ng Boar d Char I es J. Dauray, Mamber, SFV\Iv'D Gover ni ng Board Shannon A Est enoz, Mamber, SFV\Iv'D Gover nl ng Boar d Paul C. Huck, Jr" Mamber, SFV\Iv'D Gover ni ng Boar d Mal i ssa L, Maeker, Mamber, SFV\Iv'D Gover ni ng Boar d Jerry Montgomery, Mamber, SFV\Iv'D Governi ng Board Patrick J, Rooney, Jr" Esq" Mamber, SFV\lv'DGoverning Board Mal col m S, V\8de, Jr., Mamber, SFV\Iv'D Gover ni ng Boar d Car 01 \fIIahl e, Execut i ve Di r ect or, SFV\Iv'D Chi p Mar r i am Deput y Execut i ve Di r ect or, SFV\Iv'D James V, Mudd, Count y Manager Leo Ochs, Deput y Count y Manager James W DeLony, Adm ni st r at or, Publ i c Ut i lit i es Di vi si on Paul Mat tausch, Di r ect or, V\8t er Depar t rrent G, Geor ge Yi I maz, Di r ect or, V\8st ewat er Depar t rrent Beth Johnssen, Irrigation Quality Manager Phil G'amatges, InterimDlrector, Public Utilities Engl neer i ng Depar t rrent 1