Resolution 2001-315 RESOLUTION NO. 2001.315 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE AMENDED TENTATIVE BUDGETS FOR FY 2001-02. WHEREAS, Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, provides the procedure for fixing the millage rates; and WHEREAS, Section 129.03, Florida Statutes, sets forth the procedure for preparation and adoption of the budget; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has received and examined the tentative budgets for each of the County's funds; and WHEREAS, on July 31,2001. the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 2001-311, approving the County's proposed millage rates and setting the public hearings for adoption of the final millage rates; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, an advertised public hearing was held on September 6, 200 1, to adopt the tentati ve budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the FY 2001-02 Tentative Budgets as amended by the budget summaries attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby adopted as the Tentative Budgets for FY 2001-02, pursuant to Sections 129.03 and 200.065, Florida Statutes. This Resolution adopted this ~ day of September 2001, after motion, second and majoritYYQte;': , .' . ~", :.i;':-'t":'1J~",J DATEr;': ~;.p. en;...(,,~/ DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~, , ~ r, ":i ','" ..,;/ -AI~f:.~~~~ ' Attest' as 'to ChAtnlin', slg11ltwt .1,,_ Approved as to form and legal sufficien~ . ~~~~'/ ~J~~; David C. Weigel County Attorney ~d.rl Collier County, FJorida FiscaJ Year 2001-02 Summary of Budget by Fund '{i!Y'OO/Ol Adopted Bud et General Fund Constitutional Officer Funds ,::ClI~~ff:~irC~iti!~;;';::]: ' Sheriff :!l~QP&Stty.!~w~;,,:' Tax Collector ':SUil\ ':', ""i~fBl Subtotal Constitutional Officers " : (,::: ,~Q,;56.0.500 68,968,800 4;789,400 8,794,600 1,661.000 94,774,300 Special Revenue Funds Road & Bridge (101) 10,695,800 :;..:t~rrltSllO!JoiIj.~if~:"io.i:~!j;;ri(l, Ii,::.;;;:, . ii;:' :.;"iL" ':'''(103) · 277 1 00 (~~~J~W"~k~~<_ ~ n,~,j!I",f!:.1 g,. ,,;;~jJ ::;;~n;~YJli';(~_- ,'_"/' .'.: , ~;" MSID Road Dist. 3 (104) 284,400 ';iillii:~t"OA,.jI)r!,~.....>;5.!;~:;':~! ;:,r'd;ii,:lioili~ll;,:;i :i l'!;:>Clo' A::\:j' :ai;f,i;:; ,li;!:; 124300 !:;~~~ltf!:~~~~,;~h;<'-,-},.:T,-,!~<,:~-:..i':Pk:rM~"ll,')~'.-"~"_';;"""" M:/;~i!,ql},I.-I"L",,:~-+~'it- - :, _' Pollution Cleanup (108) 73,900 ;,',D,'~i:;;'~:na~,:":"'S'~,' ': [..'t,':,;', ,2i'l'l56100 ..,If!., ~~~!fHI:",'Jl ;.L!~v _i~jpl~. . ' ,,,7 _'", Pelican Bay Security (110) 428,900 ::;~~!U'~IJ~ijJ'~4;h:';i::~Hl) ,,24;P59;200 Comm. Development (113) 26,802,600 ':Vlijer:ro~~\1ltl':Coi;"t,ro~:' ' (1 ]4) . i,858,500 Sheriff Grants (115) 1,193,400 lNfise~lIaneo1JS.~~;;' (116) ; 59,500 ~.~tLlr~lRe~?~rces Grants.. .' , (117) 31,000 .,~i1&~~)!;~~r:~W14:i:;f:!:;',U;: (1 t:~),; ill!:; (It:: > :i,:: . 103,000 Parks & Recreation Grants (119) 466,600 ifiltJrbanrropr.ovem.ent Grant.:. >.: ...i(1~1) 1; 137,800 Services for Seniors (123) 142,000 j:;,MetroBi~k-M:PO' ',,' (jli26) :; , t680,000, Library Grants (129) 350,000 ld,Ar;,: m" r,.omm;I~"''''w 'flI>P) 'l':,q, ',' ':-- ' ,.. '97'8 300 ,~.<;~tjU.'-:'P" .N~f,~~~:~~h,- , \.1.~, _,,',:; :-'t'~;u ';>'~',,;. ':1'. ~ Pine Ridge Ind. Park (132) 743,700 -P~licMi$a~Viiliuw:~i~)tI.,i:..' tP,J) , .. 1;033,100 Victoria Pk. Drainage (134) 11,500 )O;Q~:~; $~~c~I!!'::i)iH:i~:; ~ 'j i~~:;J~:ll~$), " r;436~ 1 00 Naples Production Park (138) 7,700 !:iN1\ple~?Pat~'''~aqiag~ 30;900 Pine Ridge Ind. Park Maint. (140) 23,200 1:?11~ple$':~rog~~4r~iMa~: .' : to,200 Is]e ofCa ri Fire & Rescue 320,300 FY OV02 Proposed Bud et 193,915,800 11,817,200 81,234,900 6.460,500 10,329,800 1,945,600 111,788,000 12,149,000 o o o o 2;950,000 501,500 26,387,800 19,833,600 1,921,600 570,000 63,400 25,300 137,600 461,900 674,700 42,000 783,600 432,000 1,167,400 794,700 1,105,500 12,300 277;600 6,100 21 ,800 23,000 ,.10,000 340,500 010 Budget ChaD e 21.1% 11.9% 17.8% 34.9% 17,5% 17.1% 18.0% 13.6% -10.0.0% -100.0% ,-100.0% -100.0% -0.2% 16.9% 19.6% -26.0% 3.4% -52.2% 6.6% -18.4% 33.6% -1.0% -40.7% -70.4% -53.4% 23.4% 19.3% 6.9% 7,0% 7.0% -363% -20.8% -29.4% -0.9% -2.0% 6_3% CoUier County, Florida Fiscal Year 2001-02 Summary of Budget by Fund FY 00/01 Adopted Bud et Special Revenue Funds (Cont'd) ii'Q~~lIijj)ml"::;'itiuo!-;:.~'t~.;+;;,::iI:'i,i ;,,:i,,',': ;(146)'; " 1 065 000 <<~.,,!rfA!e~)i~~.,lH~9j\L,--:., ~,,_._;, ,,_~,: ,':',q _,'" :<:-,' - :', " , .) " , Collier County Fire Control (148) 298,200 ,1'~:l:.<Iiil.ijj;tlllliJl..iim:Jl!:!~!!llliiJbii.~'R_;ti~~"I;::::iiE,,;,':; ::('14!:9~i",;;;' 60300 l,.,,_,~S~t!URR;ftk,,^..., '-~,)LI,lt" ,...H..'. ,,,,,,.,.,,,,i}._, ,1 ,.., , ..'",. Radio Road Beautification 50) 313,900 j;'b::'';';'l' p.:,1iU..:ii;",.;ciW';'1i;::j!::, 31 000 f'~~,~y":",_> ~!V'i;~."", "')l\" ,_ , Lely Beautification ", (152) 126,200 aa,~~dge PlWp:$Y~~D:i::, ' :(54) \ 12,700 Forest Lakes Road & Drain (155) 190,200 ~if~p'hl~~:~~@jUi~q"!:1;:i'ijl,:1 hi: '{1115;(i), , ) 34,600 Bayshore/Avalon Beautification (160) 639,000 ;~'r-ri.-~~tJiiil;i,'J)~develt)~i!: ::,:~;i:! '!",Hi~i~ ,:1.1'86).: :i,,," 0 l.:~~""l";._'" ,_~lrib~","_"l' - -,--- , , ,-' -,.' ~;;_;.,}< ,,;'.l;h:::."dlih.~Mh~:.'" '-',~ '. c_ '_._,. '. Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redev. (187) 0 ~~~I~~u,nd ::,!;~m!ltiW~i~;J::::!::;~!!~~i:~!i!~jl~J~iI:j(i88)ii! .ijtill$!;'!,i,! :1" :';,;-; 728,700 Wireless-911 (189) 0 "iti;':~eU i(""~'s;:~J:a;S'hI~lIl.li.!$' ';!::~:;~;'","(190)' 75400 .)~r,a; ,,,,,, _~~~W!.,>,fIi,1 n__ n","~ ,.> 'T:~~'~" ~<;>" ,r~ ,,' _, C ., _ State Housing (SHIP) (191) 2,634,900 'i:'Publiq,Qp,!li'dianship;;:.:.: " (192) 60,900 Tourist Development (193) 829,900 :'J:9lli:istI)~v~~QPm~t;;:: : (194) ,,3,174,100 , . TouristDevelopment . ' '., ,( 195) ,. 11,490,200 .~~Wi~~i QjsaSfet.a~m"::i:<\!ij;iii!!: :,,:ti,:(196}' ;,. :':,! :.j:~, ',1,063,600 Records Modernization 1,555,300 :i;~U$~UttJ!i;;;i:n:77.2,800 . E-911 S stem 1,644,700 Subtotal S ecial Revenue Funds 101,420,700 Debt Service Funds Race Track Bonds (202) 751,700 J9"'ftIl_cii'~I.k 'i;,;: JI:,'II"',:'1':J:;::I"'" , (2,OA,}':,i, 734,90. .0 ,., _,i~K~",.. ____,~ _"'C",,__ , 0" ..' ,_,_, ,__...,.",1, ,__ 0,_[, ...,;" 7!'_ 1986 Parks G.O. Bonds (206) 867,700 J!~~:rriii~i:.;;;::~;i~;d!!l~~imlW'!i~':;,r;,'~i'!;';id!';;i: iK2:1~): :', ~' iE!: ii ~:i 1,J'.~ ~:1' ,.1,09 Sales Tax Bonds (215) 9,960,800 :. ",H l:t'l.i:~ iQ!:.ii.bJ; A..1; , ';~iJ:li;lIUit;!:JliiDi" ,:.~li:" lliib,~li'"'ii;,,i'{' ~I:.) """,;,i"',,, ',"""~,'I:!,",I,',,',';I:!'!'I'I,! ',':,'5' 3,:5,4, '0'0 ;li;"".Rf"'!ll~~~"''i;!q~liRQ~:'''h*~:::I:l':!~i:i:, ~l;' "".. Pine Ridge/ Naples Ind. Park (232) 8,733,000 i:~p'q :S~d~~i!exP;' ;' :lnff:illr;, i/:i:,' 7,000' Special Obligation Revenue Bond (290) 2,746,000 ,~;t..~j()f~rCldit, ' (298) ,J,199,700 Commercial Pa er (299 4,953,600 Subtotal Debt Service Funds 31,601,200 FY 0110,2 Proposed, Bud et ' 1.,;226,400 , 298,500 , 5,9,800 473,300 66,900 169,800 12,000 139,200 540,500 667,800 158,200 378,100 825,100 434,400 90,200 o 155,300 1,935,300 3,259,300, 17,659,100 1,055,600 1,405,200 1;343,800, 1,598,600 104,645,300 747,100 738;500 ' 870,000 " lyl06,100',' 10,002,800 650,400' ' 9,387,800 o 2,694,000 1,192,700 8,972,800 36,362,200 15.2% 0.1% -0.8% 50.8% 115.8% 34.5% -5.5% -26.8% 61.5% 4.5% N/A ~/A .' 1,3.2% N/A 19.6% -100.0% 155.0% 133.2% 2.7% 53.7% -0.8% -9.7% .7~.9% -2.8% 3.2% -0.6% 9.5% 0.3% >0,5% 0.4% .,,;21 ;-5% 7.5% <100.0% -1.9% -0.6% 81.1% 15.1% Collier County, Florida Fiscal Year 2001-02 Summary of Budget by Fund ~1I.;,~"i!tli!I::f!~~;" , ~iggins Pas~, '" '", . i:!!lItIga~.~~~~~!~iF!< Library Cap. Improve ,;RQ~~~(!q:i';:,:,': . Museum CIP Capita! ~~ojects/Expenditl;1res Funds """",,i"K'," tt.,~"':""" '," :......,"'4'...1' '400' ~::,t;r~;~;!'l~ " UJr1 m!;'>::> ',!:1~;"~Hd'',;;1,' :,;;-,.-:, ,j': ..",lH;,I~ :, ,/,: ,,,,.,,.,...; "'"',,,,.,', '.,';":;',.'.,;',:':. ",,,~,:;,,,">i1L.~',"/:,,,,,,_,_,, 10 1,200 >},;73'1,500 339,300 70,019,700 9,100 C1~ B~'y ~estor~tioIl", , , :' PtU;:;>llii1~'Da~tnd;jl;~:m~scaping i: !"",<",.,."Jlf,.~,;",Jj;~it!!l1!t1!__~."I",-"..,.:";,~.,,,,... .. "'-.'. . ,',;-> Water Management CIP : :'Ma:'iIi$:p.8lk':b'r,a;';'',;.~:: .,:; ..',+""p",..., ',' ,~l!'.., ':, Road Impact District 1 ~!iri;lllla; ;.(tt.........l;.tin.'~~2h ;~:,~ii;:, N,~M!~~;-~M!ttP,~\.-,-"i";';;r,l;>,~::II: Road Impact District 3 *ql(~!~paCtjQi~t ~;: :,!II;I:: Road Impact District 6 j"n';:~lirr.j,:,l>it""~iotr1"'A:,~"tll ' i':'~~:w~Jil,C,;fl:.1lrllt<.<l";",,, :'~;~~ ' , Road Impa,ct District 8 . Rb::';2iI/W;.l'e' '.'. 'il.eb'l;"'~ , ",~ QR~ $,~~~J;jJ, ~4i~!M~ Regional Parks "'~J" ' ,;,.,,);,:.l...'IC..,<d!.!ll"""n:. p k Iii; wpr.;9~'~fi94:ea, .~'!!kQ"."!,M ar EMS Fee Dist 5, Immokalee Pks j!N:aWelV Grb~!~q~. ]~~ii: ,; Ochopee Fire Impact Fees ;;iI~l~ ~~pii:~~it~i:lWpactl\~e~ Correctional Facilities 1m act Fees Subtotal Ca ital Funds (320) t:!ij~3~2,~;.;:' 461,300 ";" ~,22.2,400 4,559,000 o , 29,039,SQO, , 112,300 2,440,000 540,500 113,610,000 500 653,700 1,264,.500' 4,201,500 l1q,900 19,772,600 5,6.s6,OQQ 4,013,300 8,877,400 4,67l 52,400 '. , 380;700 90,200 '11,122,600 2,074,800 2,744,100 11,300 1,406,800 43,700 .. 56,3QO ' 7,040,300 221,441,000 430:8% 11.0% 40.9% 59.3% 62.3% -94.5% N/A 41. 7% 3:4% -7.8% N/A 14.3% -40.0% -5.2% 6.9% 118.5% 2.1% '~20,9% -69.3% , 15.9% -10.1% -70.9% -0.9% -0.4% 62.5% 19.8% 52.2% 43,2% Collier County, Florida Fiscal Year 2001-02 Summary of Budget by Fund Water Capital Projects ccS~~~lfm' ", ,~i~J;.;;I:;;;",,; h;:;' ': " < "',,,~, Infln"" ,"""'"' ",,, ""," " " " ~";",u<"",-"",-",-,-,<"",""~d:,'i,:,........".,,::-.:.'.':"-......,,.','''.'_.,..., Sewer Capital Projects ';ii'K....'*if"~I~C<: hiS~f,i;;ij; ;3;:' , lu~!'~;,,,....Jm~r~.~...,,"",',;,,..M.,.!I,'.U:li~1~;: ' Goodland W/S District llvl..''.:.fLaI-dJ1lllhi.~;y..:'".:..J..t:l"'I:!:,'", :l;, " ~~J:~M~t:~M~~.~~~M-ItfMj:;'it)~WiU:;'; Landfill Closure Department of Revenue n:;wb.1l!WUii!:'jl4!!ilJUi:i!i'1Li;:J'P"'F" "I'!'" :~-'r_~'l.'~_~,{.ij;~i;',iiI~1Ij';-~lin~':~ Group Health , WOrtcer$t:t9P1P~~@: :' Fleet Management IiI",> ";.P.6b~'~Wi/I\-a~ ' ;!ILUpr" , .~i ':." , '~~ OCPM Subtotal Internal Service Funds n:r' Enterprise Funds .' :1':Pii~lAJ;.o!\ ,;;,' '7' '5:'0'04 ~OO lJ~:'ll\-".M~:lt-,~i'" i -.t:--...:'"i/;-:." ' 26,511,300 33,530,700 ) 0,953,500 20;70Q',600 17,759,400 , 438,400 918,600 (495) 2,003,900 ,!-;;lfl:}lk,:::_:'~}ini1:~I;-;:;:' : h~.t~~(),4~QO 245,752,600 Internal Service Funds 75,.902~600 103,433,300 21,371,900 12,919,800 90;825;900 24,113,400 .:::HHY; 951,500 28,821,700 5,669,100 116,600, 10,669,800 13,353,300 54,700 75,000 2,087,000 ; , ;;642,3.00,. " 391,007,900 15,216,200 4,59:4;900 3,577,800 5,378,9P.o o 33,922,600 1.2% 290.1% -36.3% 18,0% 338.6% 35.8% .100 ;0% 3.6% 2.9% 6.1% 15.2% 14.2% -24.2% 1.9% 4.1% :;;,;',80.1% 59.1% o N/A 54.5% -25.2% 33.6% 8.4% -100.0% 17.9% Collier County, Florida Fiscal Year 2001-02 Summary of Budget by Fund 104,200 , .tJ,44(),800 4,226,100 87,400 1,494;200 4,967,100 ,'.418,500 7,949,300 I, Subtotal Trust Funds 7,201,500 Lighting District Funds (760) 588,100 ; ........(:71,0): Collier Cnty. Lighting 1::I8PI~j~~~fli;t_::;,. : Pelican f/{, A~~ September 6,2001 To: Collier County Commissioners Re: NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAXES FOR 2001. Dear Commission Member, 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 According to information obtained from the Collier County Property Appraiser's Office, the taxable assessed property value increases and tax mill rates for Collier County, covering the previous seven (7) years, are as follows: YEAR INCREASE OVER PREVIOUS YEAR 04.37% 05.93% 06.81 % 08.00% 09.29% 14.43% 13 .59% 20.52% COUNTY MILL RATE 03.66 03.54 03.77 03.73 03.59 03.54 03.55 03.95 We have gone from average assessed property value increases of 06.88% per year from 1994 to 1998, with average tax mill rates of 03.66 for this five year period, to an increase of 14.43% in 1999, an increase of 13.59% in 2000 and an increase of20.520/0 in 2001, with average tax mill rates of 03.68 for this three year period. This gives us a total increase in assessed property values of approximately 56.65% in just three years. or an average taxable assessed property value increase of 18.88% per year for the last three years, together with higher averages in the County's property tax mill rate. To be clear, these figures would indicate that the County is proposing to increasing its spending from 1998 to 2001 by an average of 18.89% per year, compared to an average increase in spending of 06.88% per year for the previous five years. Additionally, to make the proposed increase even more unconscionable, the increased spending from property tax revenue the County is proposing for this year (2001) would be 31.65% higher than it was just one year ago (2000). Not only has the County's revenue base increased by 20.52% this year (2001) but the County is proposing to raise the tax mill rate by a whopping 11.27% if the proposed budget changes (INCREASES IN SPENDING) are approved. We certainly don't mind paying our fair share of Property Taxes, but the tax increases and proposed increases of the last three years seem virtually usurious in comparison to the increases from the previous five years, and certainly do not seem to be fair. wise or reasonable increases to our neighbors and ourselves. In conclusion, we would like to ask, whatever happened to considering and adopting the ROLLBACK Mll..L RATE which would be 03.00 mill's as opposed to the 03.95 mill's that the proposed budget changes would require? This rollback Mill Rate was suppose to equalize the taxpayers burden when the County Property Tax Base rose rapidly, and promote reasonable property tax and spending increases. Concerned Taxpayers, Hank. & Darlene Bryan 4401 Gulf Shore Blvd. No. #701 Naples, Florida 34103