Agenda 05/27/2008 Item # 9B EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Agenda Item No. 9B May 27, 2008 Page 1 of g APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER(S) TO THE RADIO ROAD BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE OBJECTIVE: To appoint 1 member to fulfill the remainder of a vacant term, expiring on March 3, 2009, to the Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: The Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee has I vacancy due to a resignation with the term expiring on March 3, 2009. This 5-member committee was established on October 21,1997 to aid and assist the Board of County Commissioners in canying out the purposes of providing curbing, watering facilities, plantings and maintenance of the median areas as set forth in Ordinance No. 96-84. This 5 member committee shall recommend work programs and priorities to the County Administrator or his designee. Members shall be permanent residents within the MSTU. Terms are 4 years. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. David R. Clemens resigned on May 12,2007. A press release was issued and 1 resume was received from the fo llowing interested citizen: APPLICANT CATEGORY DIST ELECTOR ADV. COMM. I John T. Weber I Countryside ~ None ATTENDANCE: N/A ~,- ~, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: John T. Weber FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment, appoint I member, and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointment. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners Agenda Date: MAY 27, 2008 ""- Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 98 May 27, 2008 Page 2 of9 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 96 Item Summary: Meeting Date: Appointment of member to the Radio Road Beautificaiton Advisory Committee. 5/27/2008 9:00:00 AM ( file:IIC:lAllendaTestIExDortl 1 08-Mav%2027.%202008109.%20BOARD%200F%20COl TN... 5/21/2008 Agenda Item No. 98 May 27. 2008 Page 3 019 er c :Ounty ..,... ~ TO: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners FROM: Tessie SilIery, Operations Coordinator DATE: May 5, 2008 SUBJECT: Recommendation to the BOCC for filling one vacancy in the Radio Road MSTU. The Radio Road MSTU has received and reviewed one application by the prescribed deadline for its vacancy. The Applicant was evaluated based on the potential contributions to the Committee. The applicant meets the criteria required to be eligible for the committee and resides within the MSTU's district boundary. The Committee recommends Mr. Weber for appointment to the vacant term as indicated below: NAME John T. Weber TYPE OF APPOINTMENT New Appointment TERM EXPIRES March 3, 2009 FIELD OF EXPERTISE/CA TEGORY Resident in Naples. I 0+ year., Bachelors in Education, Masters in Education & Administration, Kent Slate University. Background: Carpenter -Homebuilders - 6 yrs, Teach & Coach - 7 yrs; Superintendent -19 years, Mayor Village of Westfield Center, Ohio -7 yrs, President of County Superintendants ASE- Ohio, Finance Chairman - Our Lady of Peace - Ohio, Executive Cont. Republican Party, Medina Co. - Ohio, Executive Director of Educational Employers Life Insuraoce Trust of Ohio, Consultant for Ed. Programs of Ohio, Lead Consultant for Leadership Employee Searches. Community Activities - Countryside Finance Committee - Chairman in Knights of Columbm; in Ohio & Chairman in Knights of Columbus in Florida. & Chairman for (KOC) Educational PrOPTams. Please let me know you need any other information Transportation Services Division Alt. Transportation Modes Department Agenda Item No, 9B May 27, 2008 Page 4 of g Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term . ' ~ 02113107 03103/09 2 Years Mr. DavId R. Clemens 1:1"4.(' f\ 5041 Sunbury Court ce \1/0 435-9018 Naples, FL 34104 ,5' E-Mail: davec1emens@comcast.net District: 4 Category: Briarwood Mr. Dale 1. Lewis 05/02/00 03/03/04 4 Years 168 Oceans Boulevard 643-7369 02/26108 03/03/12 4 Years Naples, FL 34104 E-Mail: adlewis l68@juno.eom District: 3 Category: Windjammer Village Ms. Betty R. Schudel 01/13/04 03/03/08 4 Years 6644 Vancouver Lane 352-1212 02/2608 03/03/12 4 Years Naples, FL 34104 E-Mail: jbschde1l2l2@msn,com District: 3 Category: The Shores @ Berkshire Lakes Mr. Wilfred Jaeger 09/01/98 03/03/01 3 Years 139 Artie Way 643-5029 04/12/05 03/03/09 4 Years Naples, FL 34104 E-Mail: District: 3 Category: Foxfire Ms. Helen Carella 06/25/02 03/03/06 4 Years 5090 Coldstream Lane 434-2865 04/11/06 03/03/10 4 Years Naples, FL 34104 E-Mail: District: 3 Category: Briarwood (,.__, -'~'_':!IC' .._c;;;:....,"".1[.:.-..-.....~~""f.;.:. "~,,.:.;.:r_,,':<c,. "CW"'i!C_: .~;;C' '''''~C''''''l'''''' :"'","",:& '-:.->,.~!lil._.~l!;Y~ .'. 'c. ';;0,:. '0', ',. ,._..~''^_~".. '~:.",....,-~,.:;..- ~ Wednesday, February 27, 2008 Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item No. 9B May 27, 2008 Page 5 of 9 Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd Exp. Date DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate Term 2nd Term This 5 member committee was created on October 21, 1997, by Ordinance No. 97-52 to aid and assist the Board of County Commissioners in carrying out the purposes of providing curbing, watering facilities, plantings and maintenance of the median areas as set forth in Ordinance No. 96-84. The committee shall recommend work programs and priorities to the County Administrator or his designee. Members shall be penmanent residents within the MSTU. Tenms are 4 years. ( FLSTAT: 125.01 Staff: Liz DeLeon, Transportation Operations Coordinator. 252-6081 ( W~d~":;day:"Feb;::;~"; 27,"2008' -~, ~"'. - -;,~", :;;;;"'.. ", Page 2 of2 - - '...'i!,,,' ',~ AgendRJiCfibVE D May 21, <:'008 ~iIJol~008 MEMORANDUM ROi:lord M County Commissioners DATE: March 28, 2008 Elections Office ~ Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commission · TO: FROM: RE: Voter Registmtion - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. RADIO ROAD BEAUTIFICATION ADV COM COMMISSION DISTRICT /""'- John T. Weber 165 St. James Way Naples, FL 34104 :3 Thank you for your help. .~'\ MEMORANDUM Agenda Item No. 9B May 27,2008 Page 7 of 9 DATE: March 28, 2008 TO: Tessie Sillery, Transportation ATM FROM: Sue Filson, Executive Manager '-..0J I Board of County COmmiSSion~1 RE: Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee As you know, we currently have a vacancy on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit an application for consideration. I have attached the applications received for your review as follows: John T. Weber 165 St. James Way Naples, FL 34104 Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation for appointment of the advisory committee within the 41 day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. \.....- Please include in your return memo the attendance records of the applicants recommended for reappointment. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments ( MAR-ls-ae 01:19 PM .~l~l' JOHN T WEBER 9413488711 Agenda Item ~,!l!J May 27, 2008 Page 8 of 9 ~: ' I t., : g.:. I l' . I .,~~ . , .~ .J /', . /I 77.. ~I ~ I1I9~O OIllf/t'1 L nUllI"d ..,. ('''ulll~ ('(llI1l11i,~illl1t'I's .'JOI ~.:t"'l 'f'.uui;'IIUI T"~lIt "~;tl"t''''. FI, .J411.! l.~.~l" :!:=i2.Sfl~P 1"1\,; c 2J').~ 2:;01 ".~(\n:! . Applil-lltioll fm' Ad, isul'~ Cornrnillt.cs/lll'....ds N.me:_T~~fv' T. WEf'1ER. ~.."q-3'__ - 'i7 II t1om.Add.:-.1",r; sr. .J'A118 WAY, .AlA,4k::lZipCocle: 3'11 (> It $!~~ttt]V~ :~~"'~M~ , ~.., of EmpJoyment: t(~""'f n~r1 C;c-J40OL ! Doe'" or CoinmiU'" ^~Iied ror: -KA (), I 0 ~O'M I11Si Y CtJhJlH I frEe ; Categury (ifilpplicablc); ./? iLA...., r:8eSaAJ _ Elanapk: eo.~ Dittrk1. Dncto~r. n.,.ir'oII~lIt111Nldo ")' PC~1 C'k. "ume Ph....e: e-mail address: ~ "1 1:'; ~'i i~ ~.~ I': ~ ( ; : ,.. L. ~ I./PSP/N'TF1VfJEJ4 J ~ CJ Hi:) H_1UIl& ha~. you lived In Cullier County: Yean J () Munths~ Are you a rej:lotut'd vol\\'r In ColII\\'r County: V...)( No ! Do yo. c.~tJy bold public office? Yes "_, wh.t II ~8t all"tce!l No )(' Havc you eter 1K.'e0 c:cmvieted of RO)' offeosc against the LAW'r Yes ; No )( rr YeI, nplaiR: , Do you ROW ser.ve, 0.. have YOII ever ac:r'led. nl a Collier County board or eommittee? Va 'L-; Ify.. p/u..lilj"h. <amml_rda: N. Ple"MlliMI1..~r l,."UmlllunUy adiviti. (civic dubs, DclKbborhood anoclations, etc. and poAitioa8 held: ,_ r ...oU.vT'lff;1 DP F"/ N ~IIJ ~ t( A/(CU-fT. i tH> r.i'JL /Jm~/l$ o tJ."D "f P'- C/7L7,; L k 0 f c..) ("'../1-/1 II! ( . IIV 86TH MAR-Is-as "1'-" ". ~1'" .If ; ~':' I' < ' ~. '. i . . " .. I . 01 :20 PM 1 ! JOHN T WEBER ,_.' ./l,gend.a..Uem NO: !\W May 27, 2008 Page 9 of 9 94134S8711 CHA,itm.Jh) FUf'! ,t:nue'7>~.lVIIL P.#"~PAMS k of Co /v dfh 0 ;f FL., t:du..Uon: < '7" < _ ~~~il~~rzt /-Fff!!K"')i~.I11~~'i ZA~~U.~;;~ 7'"10/ () ~ F..perieace: , . q:Jf,t~~J - Nr.:%1/::/0FX< ;. ~ P.Q/NrJ/ltli!L ry yJe.5 .. S(l'p~/N'fE-A.laEJ.J-r it;' 'Y~S- /'t1 Ayor/4 U/ Li I}c.~ ()'f' UJE"c,Tr1eJ 0 CEft.:n::?f1 01/. 7 y.c?5 ~us(a~/y 7" "T COUAJ11 SuPe.7?//U Tl9viO" /Hs- CJH I'IUAlVt'_~ CHA/~nlA>AI - ()uJe. LADY 11(" (1tJ9"'''''- - 0 J/ Na;..H 7"/~ C/llV7; IlE f)wS /..It^ ~1IfJ 11t;e'ly, /J/.'::O/)vA. 0::1. ~ 01-{. ~~;~~(I?~T 0:. eJow-c"piJ,v/Pt'.. Eh?PLoy~ -tJFt:;;; r-bllJsttL.rJt^,'r'rall' Ei'l fJ:.O"-'f,f<I1H-OIF 'i~Jt1.d CONJ'W.rlf~r I=DI2. 4E:Fl-t.1C1i2Slf''''' 1:_ ClYEe5 Ssq~~ ~ 1IIMdI""j IIMIHMttI ~ yNlfrd ~,,(!tf/. TIIII ANfI/l. MIn. QMllt/ ~ .t--.~ Io.~ nI11tM, ~ AI....,. . ,.Botud""C~CMlllfiailHfnl.JJIJJ EMIT....... TftIIt. NIlpln.Ft..Hll1. 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