Agenda 05/27/2008 Item # 6F COLLIER COUN1Y MANAGER'S OFFICE 3301 East Tamiami Trail . Naples, Florida 34111 . (239) 774-8383 . FAX (239) 774-4010 : Agenqa Item No. 6F 'May 27, 2008 Page 1 of 3 May 14, 2008 Mr. Dustin Michael Tidwell 11222 East Tamlami Trail Naples, FL 34113 . Re: Public Pemlon Request to Discuss Office Fumiture Bids Dear Mr. Tidwell: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of May 27, 2008 regarding the above referenced subject. . Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be iimlted to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. If the subject matter is currently under litigation or is an on-going Coda Enforcement case, the Board will hear the item but will not discuss the item after it has been presented. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of your concern and the.need for action by the Board at a future meeting. r-- The meeting will begin at 9:00a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building OF") of the govemment complex. Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. JVMnb cc: Jeffrey K1atzkow, County Attorney Len Price. Administrative Services Administrator Skip Camp, Facilities Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director . f' Agenda Item No. 6F May 27, 2008 Page 2 of 3 . Reauestto Soeak under Public PelltIon Please pilnt Name:\)us-.'"., 1M'" \.~ l T; "...-u... Address: \\'2:'2...7 EASt -r4""1~'" -r~. l7....pk.<. PI . ""'<fll '3 Phone: "2..:~."J- "I\"I-=~(. Dale ..the Board Meelina voo wish to saeal<: "">\d-"\7~ I Must circle yes or no: Is 11118 subject matter under IItIg8llon at this time? Yes ~ 1811118 subject mall8r an ongoing Code Enfon:e~ case? Yes/~ Note: If either answer Is """". the Board will hear the item but wll have na disc:usalon llIlJ8I'ding1l1e 1_ after Ills p.....nted. . Please eXDlain In detsillhe reason you are reauestino lD SDeak I_ch additional oaae if necessery): ~" .o..-\'kA-<lu'> I<M",.... r- Please llXDIain in delaHlhe actian YOU are askina the Commissian lD lake lattach add~ianal Daae if necessarvJ: c_,u v.11:-\: Af:lt.J l-<...e.e-v- . C:\DOCUME"1'MOSF"EM--1'U...OCAl.S-1rremp\PubIic Petition ReqU8111: FDrm - 2OD8 new form.doc ~'d e9LZ Sll 6tZ 1J9MP!.119at.p!v.J U!lsna dLO:SO gO 81 k~ 1 ( . . . Agenda Item No. 6F May 27, 2008 Page 3 of 3 ,,;#w.~ <5'- ...... .~ !~1 ~ ..vnmanr omco SUpplIer . ~ ...........a-l'lJ112 N 11222 EMlTamiami Tr. I'Iap6Is,AaTida.34113 Request to Speak under Public _n Dear Board of County CommJssioners. On or _ April 22nd, 2008. I reoeiYed a caI from Colier County employee Doman GonzaIeo. He was returning the calli made to him requesting the opportunfty Ie bid on the fumIure business he routinely contracla. Ilnfarmed Mr. Go11ZIIIes that my company was dlo8en again thiB year by the COIIi8f County Schools as tI1aIr PFll_ of adml_ o/Iice furniture, I w..nt on IX> explain how my company was able to get the schoolll end column GSA discounts, saving Ihern thousands of dollars. I .1&0 slated that my company has never 8nd will never Charge for design services and that competitive bidding has shown thal: our insl:llllltion CClBIs ourthe beIIm.the sbIIL I went on to explain that we are now the HON Showcue Deller. n lhatwe haves AINIy_,_,~ showroom and design centor _1IIan 4 miles In>m "'" C_ County ~ CenIor. ThIs lxalion has al the HON fumlltn u.t Is on Ihe SbIte Contract I ..., Informed him of the n..,.c::ubid8 8YI*m W8 haII8 on dlspley by HON _ _ ThIo poneI..... _ "'1~ """"",,_Ihan other systams and '" made of nalural_, nol ~_. -., Indoor llIr quallv _181 ha... shown thatcubl_ madeofftberg_ __......._ ond _g_ ~ I,*, the office environmanl Mr. Gonzales l1I6PClI1dad by oarlnlI_the C<lUI1tl' pu_ _1c8Ie and Herman Miller furniture and Is nol we_In Icalclng at anyIhOlg aIlIa. I re_ him that I do noI chsrge for design seJVices(steeIca8e and Hern8n Miller ctage $55.00 per flour) and my fumlture costs less and has the on" panel ",","m IX> be certllied Indoor edv&ntago gold _ mer con-'''' It> lEED certification. I also expWned that Olr panel system .. eaIer to instal and rtICOf'Ifigure so labor costs would be much lower. Mr. Gonzajes replied that he is satisfied with the t'A'O '-'8I1dom(both Lee Cou-dy companiesl} and becauoe he buys of SI8te CO_ he would no! be giving me en, projects to bid on. He went on to say ~ If he needed Ie purchase HON fumittn, he would not buy it from my company, or allow us to bid on it As you can Imagine, this was WIrY upeettlng. We have worked VOl)' herd over the past Iew yeera, becomilg one 01 on" 148 HON Showcase Deelel1l in the countIy. We h8V8 shown through our eflbl1B with the CoIEIer Cculty School Board thElt we are cxmmitted to saving our county money. To be 8C quickly dismissed by someone who plays such a critical role in what fumltwe the counIy buys end who they buy it from is C8U88 for pIIttIionklg the Board of County Commisatoners. . We are asking the Commission 10 lake actions to make avaiIabte ID us the- op~fD'bi:l on any end o. otIioe furniture prtljec1s. We offer 0 _productlhanthe. . .~. .... ..... '.' '. :.i.".~.' ;.'.; '. ' purct'raU1g and we are certain wewrn be abte 10 save the county on the ,'., . '," "Ib.d. \IiIh the pnx::urament of such furnistmgs. We are IocatEtd In CoIIi8reountywilh th,.. .~. . , !~ Ower 40 empkJyeesll say this because OU" COI."aIlIaR hsva to drive here from LeeCo~:anct~ MJb out the delivery and InstalBtlons. -, ' - SInc8reIy, B'd dlO:90 eo E~ kSIN B9a9ll6BZ 119Mp!1 f88lp!Vlf u~sna