Agenda 05/27/2008 Item # 4A Agenda Item No. 4A May 27, 2008 Page 1 of 2 ,- PROCLAMA TION WHEREAS, MyastJumia Gravis (~ek and Latin wards meaning '9raVll' muscle weaknus' is Q chronic, autoimmune, neuromusculll,. diseas6 which affects an estimated 14 wI' of every 100, 000 individuals withwt regard to race, age, sex, or economic background. It is probable, howeVtll', that Myasthenia Gravis is under-diagnosed or misdiagnosed and the prevalence may be higher: and, WHEREAS, Myasthenia Gravis is characterized by a fluctuating weaknus of the vtJluntary muscle groups with symptoms including blurred and dwble vision, lass of balance, slurred speech, difficulty in walking, swallowing, chewing, and breathing. The weakness increasu with continued activity with the muscle distribution and degree of weaknus varying from myasthenic to myasthenic: and, WHEREAS, there is na cure for Myasthenia Gravis, but there are effective treatments that allow many, but not all, people with Myasthenia Gravis to lead full lives: an"- WHEREAS, there is much that can be done and still much to understand. Research ploys an important role in finding new aMwers and treatments for Mya.sthenlo Gravis: and, .- WHEREAS, the Mya.sthenia Gravis Fwndatlon of America, Inc., along with its local chapters, seeks to a.ssist those suffering with Mya.sthenia Gravis and to increase awareness of this formerly fatal and crippling disea.se. NOW THEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the Board of Cwnty CommissIoners af Collier County, Florida, that June 2008, be duignated a.s Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month ()ONE AND ORDERED THIS 27'" Day of May, 2008. SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COVNTY, FLORIDA TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: DWIGHT E. SROCK, CLERK ,~\ "-. ~ Page I of I Agenda Item No. 4A May 27, 2008 Page 2 of 2 COLLIER COUNTY "- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 4A Proclamation to recognize June 2008 as Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month. On behalf of Marie T. Tronnlof, President of Greater Florida Chapter of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Roberta Hect will be accepting this Proclamation. Meeting Date: 5/27/2008 9:00:00 AM Prepared By Lanisa Roberts Administrative Aide to Bce Date BCC 5/14/20084:39:28 PM Approved By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Boa rd of County BCe Office Commissioners 5/1512008 11 :07 AM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5115120082:52 PM ~. Approved By I Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County County Manager's Office Commissioners 5116120089:10 AM .-. I, file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ I 08-May%2027, %202008\04.%20PROCLAMA TIONS\4A \4A... 5/21/2008