Agenda 09/09-10/2008 Item #16E12 EXECUTIVESUMMABY 0 9 OR pg--LD-f- ( Recommendation to approve a budget amendment to increase FY08 appropriations or mo 0 -- -. associated revenues in Fleet Management Fund (521) in the amount of $150,000. OBJECTIVE:Obtain Board approval of a budget amendment to increase FY08 appropriations for motor fuel and associated revenues in Fleet Management Fund (521) in the amount of $150,000, CONSIDERATIONS: Fleet Management Department costs for motor fuel were underestimated in the FY08 budget by $150,000, The principal contributor was fhe unexpected rapid rise in fuel prices nationwide, A budget amendment is needed to cover the County's fuel requirements for the remaining current fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT:Appropriations for operating costs in Fleet Management Fund (521) will increase by $150,000, Since Fleet Management is an internal service fund, the additional operating costs will "pass through" to affect the budgets of the using departments and organizations, GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT:No growth management impact is involved, LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS:No legal issue is involved, RECOMMENDATION:That the Board of County Commissioners approve a budget amendment to increase the FY08 Fleet Management Fund (521) operating budget expenditures and associated revenues by $150,000, c.-- ( Prepared By: Department Fleet Date 8/21/200810:51 :02 AM Approved By: Department Adminstrative Services Approval Date Approved 8/21/2008 4:45 PM Approved By: Department Approval Date County Manager's Office Approved 8/25/2008 2:42 PM ATTACHMENTS: .--' Name: Descripiion" Type: