Resolution 2001-272 16A9 RESOLunON NO. 0]- 272 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCU'TANCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER 1r>.1PROVEMENTS IN TAMlAMI PROFESSIONAL CENll':R, RELLASE OF THE MAlNTENANCE SEClRlTY, ,\NO ACCEPTING THE MAI'-iTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER lMPIWVEMENI S THAT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO 13E Mi\INTAINLD BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIA nON. WHEREAS. the Board of ('ounty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on February 23, I <)l)<) .IJlproved the plat of Tamiami Professional ('enter for recording; and \\'HEREAS, the developer has constructed and maintained the roadway, drainage, water and scwer improvements In accordancc with the approved plans and specifications and as required by tllc Land Dcvclupment Codc (Collicr Counly Ordinance No. 91-~~~..... as amended); and thc Utilitics St:l1ld.mls and Procedures Ordillance (CoIlier County Ordinancc No. <)7 -17). and WIIERE/\S. lhe developer has now requested final acceptance of the roadway, drainage. water and sc:wer improvcments amI release of his maintenance security; and WHEREAS. the Enginc..:ring Services Dcpartment of the Community Developlllent Scrviecs Division h:.s inspeclcJ the roadway, dramage, water and sewer improvements and is I'eeommemlill~, aecept:lnce of said facililic's. NOW, THEREFORE. LlF IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLlFR COUNTY, FLORlDA, Ihat Iinal acceptance be granted Illr (hose I"uadway. drainage, water and sewer improvements in Tamiami Professiollal Centel'. :111(1 allthorJ/e the Clerk to release the maintenance security. RI~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED .I\ND ORDERED that the County accept the future maintenance and other attendant costs for the water and sewer improvements. The roadway and drainagc improvcments will be maintained by the Property Owner's Association. This Resolution adupted allcr nH\liun. seconJ and majority vote favoring same. DATE:7k~ ATTEST DWIGI-IT E. BROn~. CLERK ~~' ~.4;~ BOARD OF COl iNTY COMMISSIONERS CULLlER ('OUt\TY, FLORIDA ~;~;:'i :azg'l L~____n Patrick (, White: Assistant Collier COllllly Attornl'Y Attest as to Chltnlll'. s1gnltur-. 0A11.