Agenda 06/10/2008 Item #17D Aaenda Item No. 170 - June 10. 2008 Page 1 of 34 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to amend Collier County Ordinance No. 72-1, as amended (The Collier County Lighting District) by amending Section One, Area Established, to add: The Jaeger Commercial Industrial Center in Southwest \4 of Section 11, Township 49 South Range 25 East, and all of the lands lying within the boundaries of the plat of Majestic Pines as recorded in Plat Book 20, Pages 55 and 56 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida to the Collier County Lighting District; Providing for the inclusion in the Code of Laws and Ordinances; Providing for conflict and severability; and Providing an effective date. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to approve the attached ordinance amending Collier County Ordinance No. 72-1, as amended (the Collier County Lighting District), to add the following additional areas: (1) the Jaeger Commercial Industrial Center situated: the Southwest \4 of Section II, Township 49 South Range 25 East, and (2) the Majestic Pines Subdivision situated at: all of the lands lying within the boundaries of the plat of Majestic Pines as recorded in Plat Book 20, pages 55 and 56 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida to the Collier County Lighting District. CONSIDERATION: The Jaeger Commercial Industrial Center has been identified by the North Naples Substation Commander, Collier County Sheriffs Office, as an area of concern due to the lack of existing street lighting. There have been several burglaries and other various criminal incidents in this area over recent months. In response to a request by Sergeant Jake Walker, Supervisor of the Community Policing Deputics in the North Naples Substation, a lighting survey was conducted within the Jaeger Commercial Industrial Center by Corporal Dennis Huff. The results/recommendations of this report is that, based on the FPL proposed improvements, efforts to undertake the establishment of a Lighting District tor this section begin and that the FPL proposal be followed to improve the lighting in this area. A Street Lighting District Petition Form was hand carried throughout this commercial subdivision by Collier County Deputies and eighty-nine (89) property owner signatures were received that were in favor of the proposed lighting district. This proposed lighting district includes one hundred talty-three (143) tracts ofland. Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances at Section 122-I(a) sets forth the procedure to create or enlarge a lighting district and provides it may be done by tlu.ee affirmative votes by the Board of County Commissioners or by petition to the Board by fifty percent (50%) plus one (I) of the persons owning property within the imposed district. Fifty (50) percent plus one (1) of the 143 units would be 72.5 signatures and eighty-nine (89) signatures were obtained. Also sought to be added to the Collier County Lighting District is the Majestic Pines Subdivision. The Majestic Pines Subdivision Homeowner's Association has disbanded, which previously paid for the three (3) FPL streetlights on Heritage Way. A petition has been signed by all of the homeowners except one secondary homeowner who was unable to be contacted. LEGAL CONSIDERA TONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for fonn and legal sufficiency. .~ SRT. .- item t\jo. 170 .June 10, 2008 = Gf 34 FISCAL IMPACT: Annual expenses in energy costs to operate these FPL owned and maintained lights will be approximately $8,700.00, which will be paid for by amending Ordinance 72-1 to add Jaeger Commercial Industrial Center and Majestic Pines Subdivision to the Collier County Lighting District Fund 760-162711. Ad Valorem property tax revenue for the expanded component would not be received until fiscal year 2010. The project timing will be coordinated with the receipt of Ad Valorem tax revenue and with the FPL construction crews to offset the cost of the additional lights. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDA nON: That the Board of County Commissioners approves the attached Collier County ordinance that amcnds Collier County Ordinance No. 72- I, as amended, to includc to add thc following additional areas: (I) the Jaeger Commercial Industrial Center and (2) the Majcstic Pines Subdivision, as more specifically desclibed above. Prepared by: John W. Miller, Traffic Operations DepaJ1mcnt Attachments: Street Lighting District Petition Fonns Page J of2 _.1,::er,:a Item ~-~o. 170 ~ June 10. 20C!8 F'age 3 of 34 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 170 Item Summary: Recommendation to amend Collier County Ordinance No 72-1 as amended (The Collier County Lighting District) by amending Section One, Area Established, to add: The Jaeger Commercial Industrial Center and all of the lands lying within the boundaries of the plat of Majestic Pines to the Collier County Lighting District: Providing for the inclusion in the Code of Lav\/s and Ordinances Providing for conflict and severability: and Providing an effective date Meeting Date: 611012008 90000 AM A pproved By John Miller Project Manager Date Transportation Traffic Operations 5129/200810:34 AM Approved By Sharon Newman Accounting Supervisor Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 5f29!200a 10:44 AM Approved By Barbara LaPierre Management/Budget Analyst Date Transportation Services Traffic Operations 5t29t200a 11 :05 AM Approved B}' Robert W. TiplOn. P.t:. Traffic Operations Direc;;or DDte Transportation Services Traffic Op.;;:iations 5f29r2G08 11 :43 Ar\.1i Approved By Najeh Ahmad Director Date Transportation Services Transportation Engineering & Constru:;;tion Managem~'nt 5129/2008 1 :27 PM Appl"oved By Scott R. Teach Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 5/29/20083:24 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard ExecJtive Secr-:?tary Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 5':29/20083:30 PM Approved By OMB Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manage:-'s Office Office of Management &. Budget 5/30/20089:57 AM Approved By file://C:\AgendaTest\Exoort\J 09-June%201 0.%202008\ 17.%20SUMMAR Y%20AGENDA\ 1 u. 6/4/2008 -"..~,.~:~'-_.-_.- Page 2 of2 !;em No.1 I'D J:.:ne 10 20Ci3 Pa;1E 4 of 34 I\'ia.k isa::;i'~son 3Li~jgf;: hr'.~)lyst ::&te County Manager's Office Offi:::e of Management & Budget 5,'31:200812:58 PM Approved By James V. Mucid County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/31/2008 1 :52 PM file://C:\AuendaTest\ExD0I1\ 1 09-.Iune%20 I 0.%202008\] 7.%20SlJMMARY%,20A(jENOA \ I. (i/4/2008 .G..Genda :tem No. 1lD ~ June 10,2008 Page 5 of 34 ORDII'\ANCE NO. 2008- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 12-1, AS AMENDED, ALSO CITED AS SECTION 122-81 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES, WHICH CREATED THE COLLIER COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT TO ADD: THE SOUTHWEST Yo OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, AND ALL OF THE LANDS LYING WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PLAT OF MA,IESTlC PINES AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 20, PAGES 55 AND 56 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO TIlE COLLIER COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT: PROVIDING FOR THE INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES: PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ,hat: SECTION ONE: AMENDMENTS TO COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 72-1. AS AMENDED. ALSO CITED AS SECTION 122-81 (102) OF THE COLLIER COUNTY CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES Section One of Collier County Ordinance No. 72~I, as amended, also cited as Section 12l-SI(Hl2) of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances is hereby amended to add the [ollowing underscored geographic area into the Collier County Lighting District: (102) Trade Center of Naples, Trade Center of Naples Replat of lots 44 & 45, Industrial Village, Industrial Village No.2, Kathleen Court, lot 155 J & C lndustrial Park, and J & C Industrial Park, which is more particularly described as follows: All that land in the 1\'orth 1/2 of Section 11, Tmvnship 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County Florida, \vhich is more particularly descrihed as: All of the North 1/2 or Section 11, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, less and except the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 11 and the East 1758 Feet more or Jess of the South 330 Feet more or less of the South 1./2 of the NOl1h ]/2 of1he N011heast 1/4 orsaid Section 11, as described in O.R. Book 2412 at Page 1773, also being Lots 21 through 36 oflndustria] Village Two an unrecorded plat hy Bruce Green and Associates, Dated 6/18/] 973, inclusive, of the Public Records of Callier County, Florida ~ All that land in the Southwest l~ of Section] L Township 49 South. Ran!:!e 25 East. Collier County. F]orida. inclusive of the Public Records of Collier Countv. Florida, Section One of Collier County Ordinance No. 72-1, as amended, also cited as Section 122-g1 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances is herehy fUl1her amended to add the following geographic area into the Collier Counly Lighting District: All of the lands lving v..'ithin the houmlaries of the plat ofMaiestic Pines as recorded in Plat Book 20. Pat!es 55 and 56 of the Puhlic Records of Collier Countv. Florida Page 1 of2 l'll<krlin~d ",ord, UIT added. 'I 'I' II ~t word_ are delet~d --'~---r-~- SECTION TWO: I:'-ICLLSION IN THE CODE OF LA WS A:'-ID ORDINANCES The provisions of this Ordinance shall hecome and he made a part of the Code of Lav,'s and Ordinances of Collier County Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may he fe-numhered or re-lettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance'" may he changed to "section," "article," or any other appropriClte \vord. SECTION THREE: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY In the event this Ordinance conflicts v.'ith any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable lavv, the more restrictive shall apply. If any court of competent jurisdiction holds any phrase or pOl1ion of the Ordinance invalid or unconstitutional, such portion shall he deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions. SECTION FOUR: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordimmce shall take effect upon filing v.'ith the Florida Department of5tate. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED hy majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County. Florida this l (JIll day of June. 2008. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO:'-lERRS COLLIER COl:NTY. FLORIDA BY: TOM HENNING, Chainnan ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Cierk By: Deputy Clerk Approved as to fann and legal sufticienc;/: Scott R. Teach, Deputy County Attorney Page 2 oe2 l:nJerhm'dwe\rd,;,rc.,(l<kd III '\\'Nd'.1t'edeleled item r;Jo, 170 ,Jun910,2008 Pa;18 6 of 34 r , '-'Jsr,:a 'iern t,lO. 7D JUri'? 10, 2008 781 ?A STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ c.e'\~~~ We. Ihe l!ndersi~ned. heing owners of pJ(~erty within .:::r""'3"~C~ ',,," \ :ci"J. SuhdivlSion. SECTION \ \ . TOWNSHIP C; SOUTH. RANGE d"'l (attach location map/sketch). in collier County. Florida. herehy requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO!\ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA to Crcale a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by the Transportation Services DepartmCl1t and thirty (0) days notice advertised in a local puhlicalion. a public hearing shall he held to determine if the proposed improvement shall he incorporated into the existing street light district. All information. except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE. must be PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME it<4/JL 0/ Sze rJskil (!/ft I J;~Il~ J::,v../..e c In c- . I , 1.- , I I .,. L~r'" r (",.f.J I,r., .-. j- ~ i v G:it/'; HI \...Y ~ !......J:Jf , I r "\0 (,ie).., \ ~ ()".('v ,( r'-"":' V~-~l 1/ ,~1. ^ ',. . .' / (..- l i -~ I' (;: ~) ----------- I Ih4J1J1. SIGNA TURE (, /'- /' ,/r~l ( /]:/'1'7 / "'1' Il,~/ ( P""::' ..,/' ,~,c'''''''?;:~'''' 1'/ ':.,/f j j _ i~_ PRINTED ADDRESS SLIOO 5'itJI /ci;~r 1!J1f.. k.j;~ J. IL J f/I & 7 ~> 7lr.b( #/f- ;fk J~ rt: 31/01 .;--~:.' ',~ ~:7, . .. __ l~..J !:, /~ ~,<!::)i-': , -7'---i/ G;, I /I;j'? ~. n, 11//;v'I/l 11 A ..~ -i'~'" , ". 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G j /: 6 2 .d- 7 '..-, ~ .'- ,_.... ~. f'" r-j"J'S:::> -(j i~~Ju:Y{L t!-~)., Ir"::y,,,v.:~ 'f\... -4fc/i /o))r /., '" (' ,- II. !'-/', J()o{D.D !U ,( 0 .v, t(, i;'i,' . , I I I 101'0 0] J ., ten'; \,'J. 17J ,!'J:':,? ~], ~JC!U3 ~, 'J. ,'-1 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM C"".+cr \Ve. the undcrsigncd. being owners of rm~C11Y within ~Cj~r(~ ',,,, I ::r...,J. Subdivision. SECTION \ \ . TOWNSHIP t1 __ SOUTH. RANGE OJ') (attach localion map/sketch). in collier County. Florida. hereby requcsts the BOARD OF COU!\:TY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA 10 Crcale a New Streel Lighting District. After investigation hy the TranSpOl1Jlion Senices Depat1mcnt and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication. a public bearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated inlo the cxisting street light district. All information. except PETlTIONER'S SIGNATURE. must be PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME .7CJi";..: Zo~f/l;/ftte t'" i',..4L[t;-,z", b ,c: ;{/7'('/(~'" SIGNA TURE IU../ !l ..Ji- rt1;PDJ iSKO!\J21Iv ( ~ / '-.,,- \ V ,r /7 _I ' -;---~- , - --"'f V ~ /--:;'/-~l /""~ ./ .....</"'...'i.-{}"-rJ v',::'/~; .-::';:'-1 //.--,:;~L{"i0,'-b ~i~''f ~I '- ", /~, . C / {ALI.?"]...- ~ ..1>;:..:....5 ~_.,;(_._ I(::e / //tJ~7( ~ /,:--;;::;::;:?Y~L2--, - ,'I'. (__~...~' /J~~A/A,.qC"";J /~7~-{~? L_>. ........ ( ~ ~..........~-.,../ .;'._____ '-- L-4~/'J (7'>'-,'-..,.. , ~5t;_\:~,~~.:.::\. ':-~2\\'-=-i 4~~~~> 'J~:6'-J,._,.!\1.~ . . / (. I r !;..J\ r ; .'- ( ~ r _2:>'.:' (' t: A. t, \, ,'.'- >l .... ~ k eel cl'(<"" S;,,/.fc\'h I /1." I --..-'" I' i j" lit L I L "I> ( D ...- '-'I I 1 I ;1 ,f I. ~/. I !~/]A! ~/t:;'t/l'v6v.L(Is' ((;d/~ I i:-i~ iT 1;'-[ L c f> fJ i"/ k I I' . '0'1.\ 1') .,'.., , ,'" .4{ iU ,-,,),..; j"'" 1')1 l." ~, \,. (.. I C7(~ lj" i? f!~~ Ire I..l'.~. ,.,'c.......~ \1 ,)" "~--- .'.-- /' /1 /'-'/ / 1.,.-'" / ;{ :t. 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RANGE d) (attach location map/sketch). in collier County. Florida. herehy requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by the Transportation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication. a puhlic hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing street light district. All infomlation. except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE. must be PRINTED; attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE '/2 .--, . I' ( vJ'v.~J..... X.J?-<'"-"J " 4~/{ ,,~-":';.7 \~- ,~~, -; '( { <-.~ ".J ,1- /~':i;' ..~',r rC. }:... ~.J /"'/ / , V/ " A ! ~ ._/c 7 17 /l-:- Ie ('., / ) ~! /~ ) jl _~ I 'j . I i J~.....-~!I , / '. I ~i ,/ .- _ .. j.,-~ " /, j i /, .I_J] .Y " /'" UtI.,J b.1.1 ({'i,L! 63'-1 11/0/~tZ. 121) tel')'? ) ....I ','.'.\- - ..,.."'....--.---- :19m hio. '7D June 10. 2008 10 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETlTl8N FORM -So.C''jcrct"Y'\ mere: ~c.....\ We, the undersigned. being owners ofproperr~ within ~ ~~"-\r;r.\ CO'\-\-c.~ Subdivision. SECTION \ \ , TOWNSHIP 4'1 SOUTH. RANGE 08<;;" (attach location map/sketch), in collier County. Florida. hereby requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COL'NTY. FLORIDA to Create a Ncw Street Lighting District. After investigation by the Transportation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication. a public hearing shall be held to dctermine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing street light district. All information. except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE. must be PRINTED; attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME ~; " ~ ~ )0A'T WfttkFL KO(3cfZT K UU/'JTt.1Z SIGNATURE 1/) f6Jr [) oW ;/),//;I /' .///.// >.-!-<:/ (,' / ,I r~/:/r.:' / , ./ 1< / ~ .;;;^ .'/;' if y)' L/)Il rr~\.17 ,< ,/./"/./" / '1;/)/ ~ I . 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Page 11 of 34 ~ STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM --:)c..t"o/r Co"hr>-c/''''' c..\ We, the undersigned, being owners of propel!)' within --:s;"(\r\w.<..,~IV'c..\ 001"\-''''-- Subdivision, SECTION \ \ , TOWNSHIP L\~ SOUTH, RANGE ':>S (attach location map/skelCh), in colliel County, Florida, hereby requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by the Transportation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication, a public hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing street light district. All information, except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE, must be PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE Q\1ri~~ , L 'i Ccvo\, M S .* (', \ \~ I~?:,O \ ~\ /' \t"'. , C\"Vi '::>~o,?"U- L, ~ j ('1.-/0 \'-'\<')" SL..< CA.\ \"'" L 2> a::v:::>,^: r \",.,^ C:\'-r\ ::>lO~ L f J Ow-a\",,,,,,, Su.- Ctl\l"^ (~dL.~ "J\:r L, . ,/'~d J 5flJ!l/~ltIl3()IJ$/c. lod3), ~i(\C\...1 I V, /(/() 7 cC; .J \je~ 1\ I-foqqf\ , . ! ,J-{ ~ c,JO\ Shit"l.::'-1 10 10 ~ D 7 (....D., \ \ ; A.r.-, l 'B,i \ \) u J Gl ,-/\","".-.tLA. L, I ,en ~;rl.-,. '" ~J L~:" t L l ':';-f1. ~-~ E,-~ ~==-2..-i-", U:I,Ji.2____ "/ It,\1'S' ~;,,-- L~L, !of(O/D' i-.(,_-.....c-."", ..J r'D r; c... ~.'-,.<v,^ It, I Y'; S~: r It"', .J I::::. AQ.\ l J-X'oer CoIOI ~h r \ e \...1 .-J l.,O .;), sh;, \PU1 I J I (cORCl c:...h,; \,,,,,, .. .. J _...,.-,_.~"-~._--._. :terri :'JO. 'i?D J""e 10. 2008 Page 12 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ C~'\~cr We. the undersigned. being owners of property within .J-.r'3.,.r~~;o. \ T.,J. Subdivision. SECTION \ \ . TOWNSHIP ~C; SOUTH. RANGE d) (~ttach location ll1~p!skctchl. in collier County. Florid~. hcrehy requests the BOARD OF COUNTY CotvlMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUJ\:TY. FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After in\cstig~tion hy the Transp0l1~tion Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advet1ised in a local publication. a PUhlic hcaring shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall he incorporated into the existing street light district. All information. except PETlTlONER'S SIGJ\:ATl;RE. must he PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNA TURE i1+--' S_-\>JM.k - '.-..l I' .-- ')(j::: l ~ -.:---: .' tl\<\ (' t" ~~-{.:...~t, \.;fa Nt I I..) I ~ \.... i 5d~,n>f7Zd:-'7 I I.$"z,/f.,.~ S;-"-...~ :fJ' '-I /7~-/-.. Ti 11f2 1"'- I /l{A-f1;" . ..' }< - ~:...Cu~ 'J :} g::, - f~ c,,:~) ) ;'" ,~, :-.-:!..;...!:--:;:; 1"---, JlI,; fl. -->~_ I !" I . f;;""'."\ ~ I ':::'. 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'.' ./ I'"":;:..? /- .J. ~/ ,c.:./ ,l\gsnca Item ~~o. ~17D .June 10.2008 Page 13 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ c.t:/l~cr We. the under,ik:ned. heing owner' of p"~crty \\ ithin ~'j"''''''-~~ ',0. \ ::r.,J. Suhdi,i,ion, SECTION --.lJ_, TOWNSHIP C, SOUTH. RANGE OJ")" (attach location map/,ketch). in collier County. Florida. hcrchy requeqs the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COl;NTY, FLORIDA to Create a New Strect Lighting Di,tric\. After inve,tigatiun hy the Tran'pol1ation Services Department and thil1y (30) days notice advcrtised in a local puhlication. a public hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incDl'Porated into the cxisting street light district. All information. except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE. must he PRINTED; attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE r;;~ 1 \TO J0./' J ., :.-'[ 1_-;1 ~~:~ '~~7f '-, . ,~ ,." , Ii, '" "":-:(".:. '\ \: l" \~3..f\.-- '..' - '"' -----:--------- .~"I J I~/. -~/ , , /: '. /;{ ". }\ Gv" . O' j ;i,l. ~~ ~/lf(1)51u.eb/V. I" I i. [ 1 ( V ii, ,I,:' I" L/ ",:..- <.-t ilL" PRINTED ADDRESS DATE " " '..... , /'/'/ ',--'] c-. II". <" _ J ",?j.y-, ",/-.-1 /0-/ OJ! f"j[) ~ - -Jf;.: 0- J 1~ t> Sh 'r li /O'/o'V") .-,,' "', . ii:J '_-' " /"./ ~: . /0' , !:..J/v S~. "-/'-:'1 .r:S-3 (j, S'S'Sb /fIIS'a ,S'~.)l/'.,(~ () /0'/0.;:;7 '. / () ,:",':" ,/ ~ , \ ,i It .-1 I~i ------.".. I ';;, 'c illY., /'\~--- 'I /;; V;1 r--0 C l'../f.---....:> J. i (j- , i.:; 'J""'] .7 r//"" / / /,,/ / '/; l/ ,1/ ../ '/ ,/( --,.,_.~.</; / \f);\)ir1iA ~^Jl( v Ill! ilL 'I ") ~7-'~ i /I/:~'~ . vY:-.d R'<.- 6~---'-~-\=-::::":--")'J ~ , l~ . I ~ '. <S:J LV'L, A LkDsAv"h '> ~\ l. '\ l_ /,? i::> 1.',//-' ,',_/ ), ____,{ ,,e fL.-' "',' Ju wi' / / J~~ -'"] -',",'V '4 , \ 'I ji. r/-.' / /; ~/ #//(;.? DeL f},jC.L2 u ,,'-?::; v rj ~ ,~ ~"",.-.J /' ',---' ,,") "j ,. /".) /,; 1,,-- r/<~; I' I /0-1 '-"-~"'-----r--'~-'- ' ----- -"",~--"--"-"-- ,~\gsr~:::;a Il8m ~~o. 170 June i O. 2008 Pa';J8 14 of 34 STREET LlGHTI\'G DISTRICT PETITIO\' FOR:\I _ CC1~Cr \\.,'. II\,' !ll1lkr"~IlI'd. hl'lll~ PI'.IlL'l' pII'I<'\,L}I, \I Ilhll1 ~'j~rC'~ ',C\ \ :r.,J. Subdi\isioll, SECl iO:\__.L'L_ .' lo\\ :\SIIII' __ 'is_____ SOl'TH. R\M;E._ CJ~ (;lItadllocatiol1 11l'1J,i,kl'klll. III ,."II'l'r C""IlI\. I-I"rl",1. hl'lchy rl'lJuI's!s the 80.\RD OF COU:'>iTY CO\I\IISSIO.\;LRS (IF COLLILR COI\; 11'. I'LORID.\ 10 Crl'ale a \;e\\ Slreel LI~hlll1g Di,t!'!c!. .\J'tcr il1\L'stlgatiol1 by Ihe Trallspon~li"" Ser\iccs DcpanmL'I1I aud Ihiny (31l1 days Ilotice ad\cniscu ill a local puhlicallou. a public hearil1g shall bc held 10 determille ilthe proposed impro\ e111Cl1l shall he incorporated into Iht' ~\i.~tlng str~cllight dIStrict. All illformation. except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE. musl he PRI\;TED: allach aLlLlitional pages JS necessary, PRINTED NAI'.IE SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE ..., ) 1)1- . ')( ~'(', i Ii.: (__ 5 4GC}!';i1LJ'L ,';:') la/"j.!) '1 , t-+ ~. . ~\ '4;-1,;. 1. ~)\\ '- 1'j \.1 '- 0/-2f~t~LUj >'60 /('/1, ,0<) I (. .I . ! ',-7 jl,,!\, I ~t-c:',\-...-t'L'\Cf i\"' Co '\,/ \ 'r. \ \ \ .. ,.-- /",- ",I) . I f'/!";'L' 7 \ f ( - '..1 ',--' .) , , .;., I' 7 -J'- ,~ , -; ~.~ , / --', Ll II). , , ,~. (( I~<<tt ~{<.C<V-/..{.L. o (." .., r',,' ,-.... '." /1 ci/:, ') ./ . , .',\c 'i I I I'~i! i ~. ~(~f~/ eL/ I, F:E;/;:: i~."j-~\\ ;~/_ )'::' - _:.,~ ... .C1L_ ___--~J --- ~) .) " , '/ ( j ~ ! .. ) j'-' v ;~ \ '/ i'-, I. it I~' - /' t: ,S I .J; -I ..:" ":I! l~_ I lJ :tem No. 17D June 1 0, 20U8 -: 5 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITlO\i FOR1\l C e1 ~c r W~. the ulllkrsi~n~d. h~ing O\\llL'rs of pru ~1'1) II ilhin ~CJ"''''''~C'('',o.l ::r"",J Subdi\ is;on. SECTION. \ \ . TOWNSHIP SOUTH. RA1'GE d) ('lllach location map/sk~tdll. in collin County. Florida. hL'r~h) r~qll~'I' Ih~ BO.\RD OF COU:\fTY CO~I:VIISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA to Cr~'II~ a !\:~W Str~~t Lighting District. After iJl\~,tigalion h) the Transportation S~r\icc, D~pal'1m~1lt and thirty un) days notice ,"hertised in a local puhlication. n puhlic hearing shall he held to determine if the proposed impro\ement shall he incorporated into the exisling street light district. All information. except PETlTlONER'S SIGNATlJRE. must he PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE , f;...L. D c Y ( e. ~ S7.2- ""/0' ) 77(-/ l,Ay(,/l, l-if , rujl \)/0 ') ('i;D h t L ')('i"'''J') ,~ (, tee. JAy/v'\. (:9 !C/O/O) p.~ J /;, (. fr-. "q ,-,:1.::' ',o\ " ;:, \ ,1."_ ,<: (\ -5 ;:; I $~71 ?:t't!~-" C;--'t /;;/ /~ Iii /~'/(I ! .. (',d J' - C,.' _ "'-l,"~ ,--'-f'" ! /,.,- , '-'/' ""/ (,7 r ',/ )''1 I,. <(_:::..) 1/ .' ,/ {. !~:: / ,f''- f " I '''/1 'J/o 7 . '/? () , ,"--' \ '. /'/J/ ) , .. f -lJ ,{". (c-/ ! 7 ! I." , L,. '"'' ',..J I I ....L...__." { '-'.' - /. 4 //'1 1( FA / (/". ../c....l J - "'--1 _.7...-_--r-____.._'_.~ item !\t:'. ': 7"0 June 10. 20C18 ?a.ge 16 of 34 STREET L1GHTI~G DISTRICT PETITI00i FORi\l _ Ce \~Cr \\ ,', the Illld~h!;n,"1. h"lng ,'1\""1' ,tI 1'11'1"'11\ \\llhl!1 ::U-Cj~rC'~ .0.1 :r"J Suhdi,isio!1. SEC110\ ~ '--__ 10\\ \SIIII' _ l1S~_ SOL TH. R.\r<;GE OJ) ('iliad! locatiun l11api",'ldll, in ",tlller CI1I!nl\. rlmlda. h~rco! r"qul'sls the BO.\RD OF COU:'>iT'Y CU\l\IISSIO.\;LRS OF (OILlLR ('Ol\ I Y. I LORiD.\ to Crc;Jle a \e\\ Strccl Li;hting District. AI'tcr i!1lcstigation h} the Trllns!'ortatio!1 Sen ices De!'artl11cnt and thlrt} UO) days nut ice ad\crtised in a local !,uhlication, a !,uolic hearing shall he held to determine if the pro!,oscd Improvement shall he incorporated into the L'XiSling street light di,.;tricl. All information, except PETITIONER'S SIGNATl!RE, must he PRINTED: attach additional pages as nect:ssary. PRINTED NAJ\.IE SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE i C->c:;G- ! ,/~~J /0,//( /07 .{ ! ;' i -~ - - - '/ i . J , - c -- -" 1- , "j' - /~ I t (l/(I /":'1'- /1,1'. ( - .' I] ".-") -,! , {'" 7 v .' > L -' J , ! I [ I I , i - I l I I I I , T AGenda Item No. 170 ~ June 10. 2008 Page 17 Df 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ c.cn -\.c r We, the undersigned, heing owners of pr~erty within :::r....<j,..r~ ',,,, \ :s",J. Subdivision, SECTION \ \ , TOWNSHIP S SOUTH, RANGE C)<) (attach location map/sketch), in collier County, Florida, herehy requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by thc Transportation Serviccs Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication. a public hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing street light district. All information, except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE, must be PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE ,~,D / / , I ) " I, \ 5 4OJ'~ ~!j~'r: L I J..1) ,j U" ^i.'.L f\~ ',: '. j:1! ,ti-<.._ \ ___'-."'...., ,,'"'))'" -' I - ,~;" ''-- .-' tl/i """, I Vir J,\, i. ~! ) \- ~)T- I: i -; ,-,,' , ~~_, I _ ~-.....l '-'. ~~, -',w.. .~"-''',_.. \ ,I _ ~t.HL -2\\ \ 1:\>1 0,5(:1"" ~.- ,~ _}~rJ Lj~_\ !,Jb ~. C0 i ,i_ .., , \',; ~ ,---~ ,,) ; -:)J./:Jl/...J I !t:~_ \\ , ~ ~ilG,~l t~S C" Y i'- ;"~," ,,, ',."J :lem r~O. 17D June 10, 2008 ?age ')8 of ~}4 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM - n . ! Ct:/\+cr \Ve. the undersigned. being owners or pJ'(~erty within .::c.,.CJ~""''-~ .,0.\ :!"..,... Subdiv is ion, SECTION \ \ . TOWNSHIP C, SOllTH. RANGE d <) (attach location nlJp/sketchl. in collier Coumy. Florida. hereby requL'sts the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA to Create a !\iew Street Lighting District. After investigation by the Transpol1ation Services Departmcm and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local puhlication. a pubiic hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvemem shall he incorporated into the oisting slreet light district. All information. except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE, must be PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. ',' ,-,' ., PRINTED NAlvlE SIGi':ATURE PRINTED ADDRESS D.\TE i, ~: , " I ~ , .. ! , , .';t',,,... '- l 1 . ,Jr. " I ,I" 1;': L. ,I '( ~ , I L l_n Agenda Item ~~o. 170 June 10. 2008 Page 19 of 34 ~, -t..",--_._~,-_...__.- t\::;enca It'3m No, 17D - clu~e 10. 2008 ?age 20 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ CC'14cr Wc. the undersigncd. king ()\'nc" of pn~eny within ~'j"'''~;''' \ ::r"J. Subdivision. SECTION \ \ . TOWNSHIP C, SOUTH. RANGE d) (attach location nwp/sketch). in collier County. Florida. hercby requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLUER COUNTY. FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by the Twnsp0l1ation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advenised in a l()(,al publication. a public hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing street light district. All information. except PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE. must be PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE '-'1-:>,- )L./J ..- ('85;; / 'J l.< Ii c:. -11, I) rv"/~5 t. ,1 'j"-b F / /' ./ ~~" " I' ~/ P5 (5'!I/ r _)//C~(_ J .tf...., _ ?c..i.-- ~l - ;J.S <.) i/ 0 h' L_ <' fJ)(.Mi -i7?A([ i {;;:"(ICcI-J~1 A,,'.ChlI11i t- L,I ,- C' i I r-~( #71/(li 1/lfJ. rj'5/j //JAsJ\ lrC,"'ir11J >'J. /5'72-21.5 'U C. \ :::;J/i I , : ", r'o' 1- II ';', , D~Ol- DL ~D-I:. ,j " : '; \ -~' '-', , '.',' , )"~ -, L -,','-:-,,, ;\ -.' "', \ -':'\ Agenda Item No. 170 June 10.2008 Page 21 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ c.t:/1-kr We. the lll1dersircd. being owncrs of pr(~crty within .::r....'j~r~ ',,, \ :r...,J. Subdivision. SECTION \ . TOWNSHIP C, SOUTH. RANGE Di <)' (allach location map/sketch). in collier County. Florida. hcrehy rcqucsts the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA 10 Create a New Strcet Lighting District. After investigation by the Transp0l1ation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advcrtised in a local publication. a pLlblic hcaring shall be hcld to determinc if thc proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing streetlight district. . All information. except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE. must be PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE \Y:" ;'\ ~-_. - ;-.,,<+, :,;>".-----, '~.-\ ~-:..r , \\:11\\:11.:,"::\ ',-...0._- 7:.--;U.~'~, ~-\\~\ .,. !tem h1o, 17D June 10 20[)8 Page 22 of 34 STREET LlGHTI:---IG DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ C<:/ikr We. the LLndersi~ned. heing owners of pn~erty within ::t.<-'j<"r~f"(';'" I :r.,J. Subdivision. SECTION \ '\ . TOWNSHIP C; SOUTH. RANGE d) (attach location map/sketch). in collier County. Florida. hereby requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by the Transportation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication. a public hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing street light district. All information. except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE. mllSt be PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNA TURE PRINTED ADDRESS D..HE ,~IC:J( rJ ,",I.JIGIJ \.J.- ')(d~ 2-iLl. le- 2,,';'5 "t:,:J?Z -,". "-I~. \.~l'\sH,~,s-rtJ ~..i\ '.',-, <V I It> let. c.n .. UIJ,T 3 . 'v""" -J.. /''':;I"--tl)) J rCiI/ I ' I vJ -'::;97s.()t(!j~).;;{i:;u I) /. f L, ;;1,// /t\JCil~f.. !KpJNf:1JY Ift( /7/) h .o/>A tA/Srto Wr:t5Hf...6T<WSi J~c>Jc7 ,\.VS'1~I~ ~1~/e 'W:A/A'-'", /' / /'0., L . ro,.l 'lc''''--' n J ~ 010 {./r':;V'}lf//{..kf1 ~. /~r '/i. -L', I I Agenda Item No. 170 June 10. 2008 Page 23 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ Ct:/1+cr We. the undersigned. heing owners of prJ:erty within .:r'''''j..r~;", I ::r..,J. Suhdivision, SECTION \ \ . TOWNSHIP C, SOUTH. RANGE d") (attach location map/sketch), in collier County, Florida, hereby requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA to Create a :'-Jew Street lighting District. After investigation hy the Transportation Services Departmcl1t and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication. a puhlic hearing shall be held to detell11ine if the proposed improvement shall he incorporated into the existing street light district. All information. except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE. must he PRINTED; attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNA TURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE . 1 -p /~("lr_l"':";. Lt1_1.-"I....L-,:.., C ,..:'--::1);...... SIO\ I-\., k.""S'\"" Ie/II.) /0 7 ',,)::.....,'....)~.J ) , l' . \-\/\ ,'-' o.~ /\J r? .(r' _~;, , I /<..' it) /cI~ L- f1-?- ,1;,.-1 '- :......,t.--t" 1'11\ <:' e~=JJ AJ. , ) ~f)L-~ L:4. ;-f)LffL <::;"7 ?\:'. U"-'f'" 0, I < . 16( \.. C~ c;. I I I I I ) ._--~--_._-:-~_._. item I'Jo, 170 .June 10.2008 ?age 24 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ ~ Ct:/\kr We. the undersigned. heing owners of pr~erty within ~'j""'" .,,,, I :r"J. Subdivision. SECTION \ \ . TOWNSHIP C, SOUTH. RANGE C)) (attach location map/sketch). in collier County. FioriLlo. herehy reque>!s the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA to Crcate a New Street Lighting District. After invcstigation hy the Transportation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice aLlvertised in a local publication. a public hearing shall be held to dctermine if the proposed improvement shall he incorpurated into the existing street light district. All information, except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE. must be PRINTED; attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE ,; ,j ::;/':::> \ t'\o,(./.CJ. I / --- - ( 1.': \ I :-:1.:.. ~ ... )v_ ~:> /2.. C\~:- '"-\ "\ ._ _, "c"" .". t" ~ \-' ., 3-., L,,,--"2 I::'~~!-:--' '':~(. (-(:/L ') \.,-, ..--/ ,c;l q;, l--I r:,.J(~'~ - S I 58 c:;- IJ,~(-t-I: J 2-1 {,'t:\'-c') , '\ - :::.~)~::c '..' I -'~ _., :1'r-'-:-:Z_:ll~) -' \~.I..'., '~"-. "',," :1(\\' . i-:> c....'" -:> -" <.,:.::,.':;) (\S,c1 0C(c.jp,eD Sl)-:; " ~ (-<. (\ .,----" -,- --- j.---- ~- ../ f\ ,.. !'--".'''-'-) S~ sc.. ~. / I ' \-,:'..{' ---. '~(. . - -. '.., .:} ~) .~) ~ /1 if ''-.'- ,~, S ('ee , ( ( - :..- "--, '~ \, \_.~"...\ . _1'-_) ~/ '5"; Ie A \._{.r\",-,~, - ,':.:,C)r - 11 --"' -" '~-- - ~ '- L__ S / '!:0 j.L,,'dL"': ~- " I iJe:u 0 ,.,J c..i ~""u..i'; ---- .sl l)v)ui:~~ , .---- 'Z), ,JwJj:,...\ ,- ;::;;1 () bU (j.h .: 01 I" ,.',1., \{'~LJ.1')' 5, Aaenda Item No. 170 , June 10, 2008 Page 25 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM _ C. <:/1 -\.c r We. the 11l1dersired. heing owners of pr(~erty within ~'j"r~r<"a.\ :r.,.l. Subdivision, SECTION \ , TOWNSHIP c; SOUTH, RANGE d) (attach location map/sketch), ill collier COUl1ty, Florida, herehy requcsts the BOARD OF COUNTY COl\1MISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by the Transp0l1ation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication, a public hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall he incorporated into the cxisting street light district. :\Il infol111ation, except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE, Inust he PRINTED: attach additional pages as necessary. PRINTED NAME SIGNA TURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE Lee PvJrJ fllO ( c: :> 'S'Ss-G y,.i-ll Sf (<>t:... ! M ArL:{ f,> S~3c r~. :0)"'- (LAA,.JAje....-\e..->-t C'>i 1(:, jAr! / sr ",L '>1li'1 5)'70 ..;;t... 'S"1 I - _ K7'1 \ S 7 7C.. ~ 5 c:{1 51~c I I ! I i ~.---t.,--~'-,._.... 01/0S/200S T~E 16:0i FAX 23941i60iS TRAFFIC OPS\ATM STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM !:9m 'J~Om023 June 10. 2008 Pa;J8 =>3 :Jf 34 We, the undersigned, being owners of property within "J'"AE6E( CO,"01fl'CIAL INO CE~1!'R. SECTION' \ TOWNSHIP l/qSOUTH, RANGE 25 (attach location map/sketch) in Collier County, Florida, hereby requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by thc Transportation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication, a public hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing street light district. All information, except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE, mu.~t be PRINTED; attach additional pages as necessary. PROPERTY OWNERS PRINTED NAME 'BoNNIE 'RYA.... Sc.orr "J'"ENKIPJS + 'fr'tl'l'\ -::rE/\Jlul\l.S Ro 0 H lLc'E I'M'" 'RbI) H/LGE"mflrJ f_~d .t\t>W/) .-" \ o I CwL GC'1Cc: A\\--J",,~ O:j\\v. p,\\,,! t o on,;. ltU'JFr 0,/'1/4 -I JU'ln 5(~f1t!{~( .J:j"lt"'l <)0'\ ",< ! L4.r PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS ~~.vS"fTO Houc.rtl~ , --..--. I S-r ~ I L 10 .--, /1 ;//'i-'.-{, _1,,-,7 C-c---.; ~.______ . i , .......;--- ! \ .l ,- I >-ri-", _ .,-''1 .... ....c t....,,--I._-\_-'-l~ ~::)~-.~..__....~..........:__._-- --. J ,,~' j j 9"1 cr-./ lf~ ltt~4jj~J 7/~;-0ff~ lJ~v r~J I '('-, ,., I! r.-< JJ/,., 'Ii >'. ' DATE /- 1-0 'I 5'7 51 Hovelil'" Sr 1- 'I-of tv"'''''fl a 70/IoQ (0000 Jily~o,. P-o I\) AP\,fS I f'- ~ y I~ 1- q-O 8' ~o2(g Tf'O'/l.DI1. Ro f'.JP,Pt..O! FL l~lo1 j- 9-08 &:lCl 0 1 Ii 'II u.'i: (i.{J /\..It-10I...:\ /-1.. 5'f/0 0 5~7'1 ~ y!'~ tt-t7 fJ(1..fJ,~ i F~ 3'/ /" 1 SI:.L~ ,r, I v" -' jc!r\-Jl..rj ).... '\\Ij(~1 .r "717 > Ji'- J Aj'~,""L-II""""" _ ,., iJn 'I'(~' V ;v ; '1f' ( zr\:'v':;' i,:...-- I _ , " " ) \ f-- I Vi ' 'r. ,/ "I" \., "', :'.. '." )~ ) 1'-' . f/,1ff ,Iv/os- Iii lor I I ( ( ~ {, ~ !/'1/.f-d-' tfJ,,, " IIV> I I r / cc,( cd -"-.~._-- --._~.-._--.,~ V~I V\J; ..vvv ll'L lV,VI LU 'v~'llIOUiO lK;\tt!G Ur~\:\nl Agenda Item N~OI~t 023 June 10. 2008 Page 27 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRlCT PETITION FORM We, the undersigned, being owners of property within _ JAEGeR. CoMJtll<B.C:~'-::'C IND Cc.NTe:1t. SECTION " TOWNSHIP4"l SOUTH, RANGE 25 (attach location map/skctch) in CoUler Coumy, Florida, hereby requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by thc Transportation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication, a public hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing street light district. All infoIDlation, except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE, must be PRINTED; attach additional pages as necessary. PROPERTY OWNERS PRINTED NAME 'B~\)Cf' WoOO WILLlft'" fYI'lAVl.J'1 '- j~, . , //"/ ''1.,,' -~ /... ' /-,j"." PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURE PRINTED ADDRESS DATE (7 / ". . / I" I I v",' t10UG\oIIf\l !:'T" l-q-Og WAltI~'70" sr 3 '/ WI J -,!-ot -- - ~ ) . (--/; 'f {,.L~ j /'-" /"> / '1 Og-- r- - / :-,-, , . j ---r-1 I I V.1' VV ioVV'J ll'L lU.UI r.U ':J~'1110UiO lK1l'tll UI'Y.Al.~ Iterr, IJ@O,~2:1023 June 10. 2008 ?age 28 of 34 STREET LIGHTING DISTRlCT PETITION FORM We, the undersigned, being owners of property within . ::rAfC:.:G~_.COl'lllllfllli~ _ INO c.T{(. SECTION t\ , TOWNSHIP 'f~ SOUTH, RANGE 25 (attach location map/sketch) in Collier County, Florida, hereby requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA to Create a New Street Lighting District. After investigation by thc Transportation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a local publication, a public hcaring shall be held to determlOe if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing street light district. All infoffilation, except PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE, must be PRINTED; attach additional pages as necessary. PROPERTY OWNERS PROPERTY OWNERS PRINTED ADDRESS DATE PRINTED NAME SIGNATIJRE l?>~\) cE LE Sso.... 5'175 Stfl"hSY ST tJ"plP, FL 3'/ J O~ J - 'l-O? 15"" \)(E IF-''ON 5'350 S'ltl~\..~" !r LIl.P PP,41'tt.Jr~!,;\i' NMLP I f-L 1~JO'/ I-q-og ~~v" l.E H 0'" S'l~O 5't-+.tU'f Sr Lpp rpMT"'E~ l\-lIP lI)..t<-P I fl- ,~ 10'1 J - q -og Bi1~Ct LESSON LDI~~ :rl'l!\>n L", ^-l AP~n, fl JlJ 10'1 l-q -oK \h.v( .:- k SSQN (p3oo JA'tlD~ R7> 1- Q-08 tV Aft.rJ I oft ,'110q ~. . . Agenda Item 1\10. 170 June 10. 2008 Page 29 of 34 January 21,2008 , ., Re: Street Lighting Request- Majestic Pines _'i.~' ;\': : :;iC;':':.', ("'h , .-,. -.." ~~, ,[ ~..t::-'!'(' John W. Miller, Thanks so much for the help with our request to transferring 3 FPL lights on Heritage Way from OUI disbanded home OVlIler associatjon to the Collier County Lighting District I have enclosed the petition which was signed by all of the households with the exception of one .ecandar)' to not being able to make contact. I will look forward to hearing from you on the status of this process. Sincerely. ~ ~~s2m Ptmom I 986(a'vahoo.com 239-216-2868 ,.- -----r-------..". - . / -' ,".,- -~. I .1 ./ _ J STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PETITION FORM )'J 1:8IT, 1.<). 'I.:~J June 10. 20C'8 ;:\~jig~~'i~tQof :;4 , ,r We, the undersigned, being owners of property within Maiestic Pines Subdivision, along Heritage Way east of Euclid Avenue, SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 (attach location map/sketch) in Collier County, Florida, hereby requests the BOARD OF COUNTY COM!\1JSSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA to Create a New Strect Lighting District. Aftcr investigation by thc Transportation Services Department and thirty (30) days notice advertised in a loea] publication, a public hearing shall be held to determine if the proposed improvement shall be incorporated into the existing strcet light district. All infonnation, exccpt PETiTIONER'S S]GNATCRE, must be PRINTED; attach additional pages as necessary. PROPERTY OWNERS PRINTED NAME ~\\)11 --.., ',,,, OCVlle) P9 R yJ; f.1.. ii,':; ,"fl- t;;;.:!. -r~"\.",~;,/'~' i , ,q,,'(.o- 'f-.J / '\ I !'" J-+"" _ - ;__1_( --,' - '~'" 1/;; h I' I I .' /'- 1/ ,c I ( ....J j "'1 I , "> / - ,'.I' /i --J Ie' 'J (. -- .J v'.~ / ," ,. I .-' -, .c Ii , '- 'I (- /---.- ,'~ '--,..", '-' ., \ - .;.,......:...'.~.-~ ._~ __."~) ,~~o- (-- -""- t-; 4/ .-, - C~'I J,'~) ,--c_'-Z" u'~/l. '-- -) i "i " , I j-U-I I .j , (/' I., j,......., :'1 \ r~iV\) ( .1\\::\,\ !\ /.. '"J I J ~,~ . _ , .--. -- l-\ ". ~ ~ l--~"" C' l~~ -c--- PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURE ~Ll ~, .\ (J 27_L _/ \ '._-,' . /\. },.;:.,., ,. :----",d~r)/I~d!l_ , ~ () "t;/" /L5, j ~-- ..",., - /-;> !\ ~,~ /<5 .//(~ I , ,-.--. '-..Y I -" I "'>l..--, ?"c.~~"'- _/ J -''>'' ' " f' t: 1'~ir(V >~ .. i --Iii .) ___<or' ...-.e: ....." . . I .. , I,". , ! If', ,-r" ii', ~' ! j...i/ 1,r_:',jl::"- , ! ) .~ r \,,"li'/ ,,' /--1' .11hA V {;Ji i J(\ .' / ~ ~. -- _ ,l_J )lJ. " J i /,' /;. /' r/.' Jf il r '/ / /' [,/ f,/l ...JL.____V ' /' PRINTED ADDRESS ,"! I '.J l;-""-i 11/ ,/'" 'I rt..:'r:./r-/'~c:k' , 'j' J-''t.-''J "-.'....- J".li ;/ )/" .~"__ i~?,'"., /__-)- ,"",__.--; ! l~ U ..,f, ';,.,!J-L i J /';/~- ~7,''''/ '1 . , I ,,:.../f... j" '--f i/ /,//> J ''''I'i .. , / , /! /.- ,-) .- /: ' i L II "'~ '':'- (/ /J ( <. ''--'..-' ,'~'\ -( /J.:,: / . / '" --,)' ~..J..,. r }'. "/ i';; /1'=:/1/,/,-' (".1.-1 '-.J ,r:.--:'::-7' f T/K-"-:::.,~ .< ~_. r:;:" , t~_.~i.' I v_ '-)'~ ',.:... ,~" _J '" \' 1 I ...~ J:' ':, -- .. -l\ , .- I: '7 " ~ 1) .:1_......~ ,,-.' /1 '/ i I DATE I ,- I I j f /US-- J ///1 ."J .? (/. /-1 ~ :..-- )- '"'(; . ';,~'---- (' c~ I-P -..(j 1""/_1""'-/\- I / . / II""! i' 1-'/ L u ! /1' i " . , i /i ') / ._ '/ I "/::;'5- , . . item t~o. 17D .June 10, 20C)8 ?age 31 of 34 PROPERTY o\VNERS PROPERTY OWNERS PRINTED ADDRESS DATE PRfNTED NAME SIGNATURE -/n,,,- ,e",It' ~(<:1- rD VC/-'-~_ ~'-'~X- -. I'~ I~ - J L I /'>~~ I! ;G L,,,,- '015 -. '-/. , -, / / I.J rr\()CLe,~ 1~ h'ij..,Q~~ 112..- Hef':~~ l/z1)/o'6 -, O(r\ \tJn..... 1 j 'f'11D nPrnc.O G-r-e.} h Cl-Y'1 ~~ /??~On, / (j 'I /le.-YfWy<!.- 'vA) /-,;W[)~ /lMA ~ ]''(/10) , - ______..__--,-__0__ . LEGAL DESCRIPTION . All of the lands lying within the boundaries of the plat of Majestic Pines as recorded in Plat Book 20, Pages 55 and 56 of the public records of Collier County, Florida. ':SiT ij;). 'j}"O JU;:8 III ~~'J~)8 :t:: ~)f 34 :.~ili r'~D.l ~'O June 10. 2008 F;age 34 of 34 COLLIER COt''''TY FI.ORlIJA REQI'EST FOR LEGAL ADYERTlSll\G OF PUIlLlC IlEARIW;S (i) To; Clerk to the Hoard: I'll'as" plarc the follm\'ing as a: [gJ l\ offil.allegal Adveniscmcnt (Displn)' Ad\'" location, etc.) o Otlier **************************************~**~**************************************************************** Originnting Dept/ Di\': Transport:ltion Person: Rnh(~n W. Tipton, P.E., Truf1ic Operations Direclor Date: 5::::9/08 Petition r\o. (If mmc:, give brief description): All Ordinance Amt:nding Colli..:r COllnty Ordinance 72-1, as Amended (The Collier County Lighting District); Amending Section One, Ar~u Established, ny Adding the Southwest 1':4 or Section] 1, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, and All the lands lying within the houmlaril"s (IfillI." plat oCr--.'bjcstic Pines as rc:rordcd ill Plat Book JO, page:> 55 and 56 oflhe public records ofCtlllier COUllty, rlorida Petitioner: (N<l!Uc & AdJI~SS): Name & Address oran)' pcrson(s) to be notified hy Clerk's Office' (Ifmore s}1iJCl' IS IlLTJed. <lITa;;:h s;,,'parate sheet) John \V. \1illcr, Project Manager, Traffic Operatinns Departmclll Hearing before X Bee BZA Other RequeSH:d lkaring date: (Ba!'cJ 011 advertisement appearing 10 d<1Y~ hd(m: be,::utllg. June 10,2008. t\t'\\'spaper(s) to he used: {Complete only ifimpurtann: [2J Napks Daily !\cws o llilwr o Legally Requirl'd Proposed Text: (Include !i.:);al description &: cOll1monlocation & Size: Please see Ordmallce, ..Htadlcu. C\1I11paniol1 pditioll{S). if an)' & proposl'd hearing dale: D1.1l.'s P(,titioll Fee include adn:nising C(l:~L':' [2J Y'..'s [J :--'::0 IrVl':>, \\hJt account ~hould bl' charged 1'(ll' ad\'Cr:ising costs'? 760-162711 ~6491 00-0 ... RC'I'l('3;iEt1 hy: ~I "7_ /p' ----"'- '() ni\;i:o;-~n Administmlor o(:1)~signcc . / /'"' ~ (I. . (//0 -----. iL".G7 l- : / /'7 c:j ~;t t'S I Ibte L1St Att:;~.ll1llL'llls' IlISTHWI"J10" I'\STRICTIO'\S A. For h(':lrings hefore Bee or HZ.-\.: InitiOJling lH'r~on to cClmplt't(, 011(' wry and obtain Di"ision HC:ld appruyal hl'forc sllbmittin~ to Counly !\bnagcr, 1\'olc: If kg..lI dorunH,'l1t is innllnd, hl' ~lIrl' thllt any nece.'is.:Jr~' le~lll review. or rt'qUl'st for Slum', i~ submitted to C(Junt~' .-\.tlnrnl'Y hefon' .'iuhmilling 10 COUllt~ l'\'hn<l1.:t.'r. The i\hlllagcr's office will distribute ('opies: o County 'Lll.agcr .Igeuda fill': to CIl'rh'1o, ()ffin D Rl'qUl'''ting Diyisioll DOrigilll1l B. Other llC'arillp ilUllJiing Di"bion ill'ad 10 iljljlIW,(' JlIJ subnut ultgJlul tll Ckrk S Office. ret~\lnlllt:.a copy fur file. ***************'~"~*******************~~******************************************************************* HI[{ CLERK'S OFFICE L'SE O'\LY: Date Rl"_'L'l\Td: Dale \)f Pubhc hC';Iflll); Da:c ..\dvertl<;,ed: