Agenda 06/10/2008 Item #17A Agenda item No. 17 A June 10. 2008 Page 1 of 34 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CUE-2008-AR-12775, The Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department, represented by Johnson Engineering, is requesting a one-year Conditional Use Extension for Goodland Park. The 5.22-acre subject property is located at 750 Palm Point Drive, in Section 18, Township 52 South and Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) approve a Conditional Use Extension (CUE) for a Conditional Use in the Village Residential (VR) and Goodland Zoning Overlay (GZO) zoning districts. CONSIDERATIONS: ,.,.-, The Goodland Park Conditional Use was originally approved by the BZA on March 23, 2005, by Resolution No. 05-132 (see Exhibit A to the attached Resolution). The approval permitted the Collier County Parks and Recreation Department to construct a community park with 21 vehicular parking spaces, 75 boat trailer parking spaces and a boat launch to provide public access to the Gulf of Mexico. In conjunction with this facility, the petitioner was also allowed to construct a fishing platform, several boat docks, a pavilion and playground, as depicted on the Conceptual Site Plan contained in Exhibit C of the approved Resolution. Per Section 1O.08.E.!. of the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC), Conditional Uses automatically expire three years Irom their date of approval if activity on the project has not commenced. According to the petitioner, no construction was undeliaken on the site due to permitting delays with federal and state agencies, thereby causing the subject Conditional Use to expire on March 23,2008. Nevertheless, Section 1 0.08.E.3. of the LDC permits the BZA to grant a maximum one year extension ofa Conditional Use upon written request of the petitioner. The original Conditional Use was approved by the BZA based upon the following criteria, pursuant to LDC Section 1O.07.02.D: . The proposed change was deemed consistent with the Growth Management Plan (GMP) and the LDC; . Ingress and egress to the property, with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety, convenience, traffic flow, and access in case of fire or catastrophe was addressed; . The potential effects of noise, glare, economic or odor effects were mitigated; and . The proposed land use was compatible with the existing land use pattern. As the area surrounding the subject site has remained unchanged since the original approval, the subject Conditional Use remains consistent with the GMP and the LDC. Furthermore, all issues relative to access, impacts and compatibility that were addressed at the time of the original approval and made subject to various stipulations would continue to be carried forward with approval of this CUE. ~ CUE-2008-AR-12775, Goodland Park Ion Itern Ho. 17 A ,June 1 D. 2:jG8 Page 2 of 34 FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed County Park and boat launch facility by and of itself will have no fiscal impact on Collier County. There is no guarantee that the project, at build out, will maximize its authorized level of development, however, if the Conditional Use Extension is approved, a portion of the existing land will be developed and the new development will result in an impact on Collier County public facilities. The County collects all applicable impact fees before the issuance of building permits to help offset the impacts of each new development on public facilities. These impact fees are used to fund identified projects in the Growth Management Plan Capital Improvement Element as needed to maintain adopted Levels of Service (LOS) for public facilities. Additionally, in order to meet the requirements of Section 10.02.07(C) of the Land Development Code, fifty percent (50%) of the estimated Transportation Impact Fees associated with the project are required to be paid simultaneously with the approval of each final local development order. Other fees collected before the issuance of a building permit include building permit review fees and other such applicable fees. Please note that impact fees and taxes collected were not included in the criteria used by Staff and the Planning Commission to analyze this petition. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMPACT: The subject property is designated Urban-Mixed Use District, Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict on the Future Land Use Map of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). The purpose of this subdistrict is to provide transitional densities between Conservation-designated areas and the Urban-designated area. The purpose of the VR zoning district is to provide lands where a mixture of residential uses may exist, which are located and designed to maintain a village residential character that is generally low profile and with relatively small building footprints, as is the current appearance of Goodland. Recreational facilities, including community parks, are permissible as a Conditional Use subject to the standards and procedures established in Section 10.08.00 of the LDC. Based upon this analysis, staff concludes that the proposed use for the subject site can be deemed consistent with the Future Land Use Element. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT: No outstanding transportation issues are associated with this petition. The applicant would be required to provide sidewalks on one side of the site's driveway entrance at the time of Site Development Plan (SDP) approvaL Additionally, final details of the cell phone activated sign age designed to prevent unnecessary traffic entering Goodland's local streets during peak park usage times would have to be provided. Finally, the site would be limited to 75 boat trailer parking spaces and 2 I automobile parking spaces. as stipulated. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: There are no outstanding environmental issues associated with this petition. As shown in the approved Conditions of Approval, at the time of SDP rcvicw, the applicant will be required to provide an Environmental Impact Statement (unless a waiver is allowed), exotic vegetation removal, and a Manatee Awareness and Protection Plan. CUE-2008-AR.12775. GoodJand Park 2of3 .Agenda Item No. 17A June 10. 2008 Page 3 of 34 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: No legal issues are presented by this Application. Approval must be by supermajority vote. - JAK RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Appeals approve CUE-2008-AR-12775 to permit a one year extension of the Goodland Park Conditional Use until March 23, 2009. PREPARED BY: John-David Moss, AlCP, Principal Planner Departrnent of Zoning & Land Development Review CUE-200R-AR-I1775_ Goodland Park 3 of 3 Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page lof2 Agenda Item No. 17.4 June 10. 2008 Page 4 of 34 COLLIER COUNTY SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 17A This item requires that all participants be sworn In and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members CUE-2008-AR-12775, Collier County Zone Management, represented by Johnson Engineering. is requesting a one-year Conditional Use Extension for Goodland Park_ The subject property [s located at 750 Palm Point Drive, In Section 18, Township 52 South and Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida 6/10/2008900.00 AM Prepared By John-David Moss Community Development & Environmental Servk:es Senior Planner Date Zoning & Land Development 3/27120083:18:15 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney Office 31311200810:26 AM Approved By Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 3f31/2008 8:41 PM Approved By Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 4/1i2008 1 :05 PM Approved By Ray Beliows Communitr Development & Environmental Services Chief Planner Date Zoning & Land Development Review 413/20082;56 PM Approved By Susan Murray, Alep Community Development & Environmental Services Zoning & Land Development Director Date Zoning & Land Development Review 4f7t2008 3:59 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office OMS Coordinator Date Office of Management & Budget 5/8/20087:42 AM Approved By John A. Y onkosky Director of the Office of Management Date file://C:\A!JendaTest\Exnort\ 1 09-.June%20 I 0.%202008\ 17.%20SlJMMARY%,20ACiENOA \ 1"". 1i/4/2008 Page 2 of 2 ,L,:=;'2:1ja :T8:l1 r'~o. i 7/)" - June 10,2008 Page 5 of 34 :ounty Manager's Office Office of Man2gement & Budget 5/':2/200S 8:-'i~ tl-fJl Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissjone~s County Manager's Office 5/1 B/200B 9:09 AM file://C:\AuendaTest\ExDort\] 09-.Iune%20] 0.%202008\ J 7.%20SUMMAR Y%20AGENDA\ 1... 6/4/2008 RESo.LUTIo.N NO. 08-_ A RESo.LUTION 0.1' THE BDARD OF ZONING APPEALS 0.1' CDLLIER Co.UNTY, FLORlDA, RELATING TO. PETITION NUMBER CUE-2008-AR- 12775, GRANTING A ONE-YEAR EXTENSJON 0.1' AN APPROVED Co.NDITIONAL USE FDR A CDMMlJNITY PARK AND TO. PROVIDE PUBLIC ACCESS TO. A BOAT LAUNCH FACILITY ON PRDPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL (VR) ZDNING DISTRICT, HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN SECTIo.NS 18 AND 19. To.WNSHIP 52 So.UTH, RANGE 27 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125. Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary foI' the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (LDC) (Ordinance No. 2004-41, as amended) which cSl,lblishcs regulations for the .zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, amoug wbich is the granting and extending the lime period of Conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, on March 23, 2005, the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida, adopted Resolution No. 05-132, attached hereto as Exbibit "A/' which granted a Conditional Use pursuant to Subsection 2.01.03.G.3.a. of the we to allow a community park and to pl'Dvide public access to a boat launch facility in a Village Residential (VR) 7....o11ing District; and WHEREAS, since the adoption of Resolution No. 05-132, the Petitioner, Collier County COAstal Zone Management, has pursued the federul and state pennits necessary to commence the Conditional Use and requires additional time to continue this permitting process as well as Site Development Plan review and approval; and WHEREAS, Sub~cction 1O.08.00.E.1.of the LDC provide.... that any Conditional Use shall expire three years from tile date of grant, if by that date the use for which the Conditional 1 J!>e was granted has not been commenced; and WHEREAS, Subsection 1O.08.00.E.3. of the LDC provides that Board of Zoning Appeals may grant a max.imum of OIle OlK'.-ycar extension of <Ill approved Conditional Use upon wrinen request of the petitioner. NOW, THEREFDRE, BE IT RESDLVED BY THE BOARD OF Zo.N1NG APPEAL, 0.1' CDLLIER CDUNTY, FLDRIDA, that: Pclition Number CUE-2008~ARwI2775, filed by Johnson EngineCrlllg, Inc., representing CoIlier County Coastal Zone Management, for a onc--ycar extension of a Conditional Use to allow a community park and to provide public access to a bOilt Immch facility 011 property in the Page lof2 Agenda Item hlo. 17 A June 10, 2008 Page 6 of 34 Village ResidcnLial (VR) Zoning District as described in the attached Exhibit "B," is hereby approved pursuant [0 1O,OB,OO.E.3. of the LDC, and the expiration date for Re.';;olution No. 05~ 132, amI all conditions apvlit:uble lhere.lo, is hereby extended to March 23,2009. BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED thut this Rt:solution relaling to Petition Number CUE- 2008--AR., 12775 be recorded il1 the minutes of this Rom'd. This Resolution adopted after mOlion, second and super-majority vote this ~ day of ,2(]()S. ATTEST: DWIGHT E BROCK, Clork BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: , Deputy Clerk TOM I-lENNING, CHAIRMAN App and cy: Jeffrc Chief ow .ounty Attomey Page 2 of 2 AJenda item NO.1 iA - June 10.2008 Page 7 of 2-4 Aaenda Item No. 17 A - June 10, 2P08 Ei'h~bii <A34 RESo.LUllo.N NO.. 05. .u2 A RESO,LUTIGN 0.1' THE BGARD o.F ZGNING APPEALS PROVIDING Fo.R THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE Co.NDITIONAL USE fN THE VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL (VR) ZDNING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SUBSECTIDN, 0.1' THE CDLUER COUNTY LAND DEVELDPMENT CDDE (DRDINANCE NO, 2004.41), AS AMENDED, TO. ALLo.W Fo.R A Co.MMUNITY PARK AND TO. PRo.VIDE PUBLIC ACCESS TO. A BDAT LAUNCH FACILITY Fo.R PRo.PERTY LOCATED' IN SECTIo.N 18. TOWNSHIP 52 So.UTH. RANGE 27 EAST, Co.LLlER Co.UNTY. FLORIDA. I WHEREAS, the Legi,loture of tl.e Stale of Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws 01 Flofida, , and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred 011 Collier County the power to est!lbFsh, coordinate find enforce zoning and such business regulations as !.Ire necessary for the proteqtion of {he public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted fl Land Development Codq. lls 1 amended, (Ordinance No, 2004-41) which includes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordif1~ncc i establishing regulations for tbe zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, Rnioag which is the granting of Conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, the Bonrd of Zoning Appeals (Board), being lhe duly nppoinled iond I constituted plmming board for the area hereby affected, h~s held a public hearing after noliQc as in said regulations made and provided I and hus considered the advisability of ~n essential se~ice conditional llse pursuant to SUllscction 2.01.0lGJ.n. of tbe Collier County Land Devclop~cnt Code, as amended, III a Village Residential {VR) Zoning District for a communjty pork an~ to , provide public access for a bani launching facility on the property hereinafter dCi-lcrihed, .an~ the Collier Connty Planning Commission has found" a mallcr of fact (Exhibit "A") that satisla,OIY provi:don and anangcment have been made concerning nil uppliceble Inattcrs l'cquired by ~aid regulations and ill accordance with Subsection, of the Land Development COd~, as amended ~ and , WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given Opportllllity to be heard by this BJ.rd In a public meeting assembled ~nd the:. Board having considered all matter~ presented. ; NOW, THEREFo.RE, BE IT RESo.LVED, BY THE BOARD o.F ZON*"G , i APPEALS o.F COLLlER Co.UNTY, FLORIDA, lhat: The petltion filed by Dominick. Amico, P .E. of AgnoIi, Barber- & Brundnge, Inc., .. Page I 012 ~ L\:191i:-:a ll€,n No. il.A. - J~lne 0, ~CiU8 Paoe 9 of 34 representing Collier County Hoard ot County Commissioners with respect to (he properly hereinafter described 8.0::; EKhiblt ".SrI attached hereto ~nd incorporated by reference herein be and the same is bereby approved for illl essential service conditional t1~e pursual~t to , Subsection of the Collier County Land Development Code, as amended,lin a Village Residential (VR) Zoning District for El community park and to provide public acccst for a boat launching facility in accordance with the COllceptual Master Plan (Exhibit "C")'.and subject to the following conditions: Exhibit "D" which is athlchcd hereto and incorporated by reference herein. , BE IT PURTIIER RESOLVED IhHl this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of thfs Board, This RcsohltiOl1 odopted after motion, second and super-majority vole. Done this ~ 3 1</ day of )1;;2 f tJ h ,2005, BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLmR COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ BY: ~..LW. ~Jl.tt. FRED W, COYLE, CI~N ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK cAA.Llj~ () Oropr!Jloeo{~e -~~'~;:a"" stiAltW!:t 0011, . Approved as to Form aflo Legal Sufficiency: -rrt, , 1"'" ;r::n f)I "AL~ Marjor e M. S tudenl Assistant County AlIorney Cl J.201'l4-^R.6~18fRBlsp ". Page 2 ot 2 Agenda l1em No. 17 A June 10.2008 Page 10 of 34 FINDINGS OF FACT ~'\:" COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION . .. . "".......""-- .. ..................- FOtf-"---'u" .."".. .... -... ...."".. "".. .."".""...."" -"""" CU-AR-6278 The following facts are found: t. Seclion 2,01.03 (a) of the Land Development Code authorizes tllC conditional use. 2. Granting the conditional use Wil1110t adversely affect the public interest nod will not adversely affect other propert)' or uses in the same district" or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Mllnagement Plan: Ye'...Ji No_ B. Illgress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffi.c flow and control, and access 1n case of fire or oatastrophe: Adequate ingress & egress Yes / No C. Affects neighboring propertie...ln relation to noise) glare, economic or odor effects: ~ affect or Affect mitigated by - .- _ Affect carulot be mitigated ., Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: D. Compatible use within district YcsL No_ Bused on the above findings, this conditional \lSe should, with stipulations, (copy attached) (should nol) be recommended for approval. Af P ~Cl',p _ DATE:~2/..cF) ,r-. . '. A CHAlRMAN:---J(L}.;,,~ U 1-1, '" "- ,;-". l...,,,.JL EXHIBIT "A" ~\gend8. item r'Jo. 17.A June 10. 2008 ;:'392110f34 DESCRIPTION (PROVIDED BY CLIENT) EXHIBIT "B" A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF TRACT 1, AS SHOWN ON BUT NOT A PART OF THE PLAT OF GOODLAND ISLES SECOND ADDlTION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 19, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, nOR1OA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCIUBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNING AT THE SOUTlillASTERLY CORNER Of LOT 33, BLOCK I' Of SAID GOODLAND ISLES SECOND ADDITION; THENCE SOUTIlI5'1 I '20" EAST 390.48 FEET; mENCE SOUTH 72'IS'19" EAST 128.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 13'SO'44" EAST 180.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID TRACT 1; THENCE 28.70 FEET ALONG TIlE ARC OF A CIRCULAR CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTIWlEST, RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET, CHORD BEARING NORTH SI 023'18" EAST 28.60 FEET; TIlENCE NORTI! 43'10'00" EAS1'2S0.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12'20'20" EAST 381.83 FEET; T1illNCE 87.47 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CIRCULAR CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET, CHORD BEARlNG NORm 37'46'41.S" WEST 76.74 FEET; mENCE NORTH 87'53'43" WEST 66.88 FEET; THENCE 162.41 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A cmCDLAR CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, RADIUS OF 1365.08 FEET, CHORD BEAlUNG SOUTIf 88'4]'47" WEST 162.31 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 8S.t7'!7" WEST 201 .S2 FEET; THENCE NORTH 18'12'43" WEST 87.42 FEET TO THE SOUTlillRL Y RIGHT-OF.WAY LINE OF PALM AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH 85'17'17" WEST 10.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74'49'12" WEST 60.08 FEET TO THE NORTIlEAST CORNER OF SA10 LOT 33, BLOCK 1'; THENCE SOUTH 18'12'43" EAST 96.75 FEET TO Tlill SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 33, BLOCK I' AND THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; ~ PARCEL CONTAINS 5.22 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; BEARINGS ARE BASED ON mOSE SHOWN IN PlAT BOOK 8, PAGE 19 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO A 30' WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT, L"\1NG 15 FEET ON EACH SIDE Of mE FOLLOWING DESClUBED CENTERLINE; FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID CENTERLrNE OF THE SOUTH LINE OF P ALM AVENUE AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT OF GOODLAND ISLES SECOND ADD\T!ON, SAID POINT LYING NORTH 74'49'12" EAST OF, AND 20.10 FEET !'ROM THE NORTHEASTERL Y CORNER OF LOT 33. BLOCK 1', SAID GOODLAND ISLES SECOND ADDITION, RUN SOUTH 15"11 '20" EAST ALONG SAlD CENTERLINE FOR 496.81 FEET TO TI-IE POJNT OF ENDING OF SAID CENTEIUJNE. 'N-02.0D2JG,DESl04/PNIO('3 CONCEPTUAL SITe PLAN . . ,L.oeiida item !'~o. 17 A. - June 10, 2008 P2J8 13 of 34 CONDn10NS OF APPROVAL -- CO:Z01i3:XR:62'iS"'..H.- I. The condlllonnl use is limited to what is shown on the conceptual sIte plan, !dentj'tied liS "Goodland Park Conceptual SIte Plan," prepared by Agnoli, Barber and Brundage, l1)c, lasl revised July, 2004, The site plan noied is conceptual In nature ror conditional use approval. The fmal d~sign shall be compliance with all applicable federal, state] nnd county laws and regulations. . 2. The petitioner shall provide sidewalks 011 one side of the on-site entry ddveway at the time of Site DcvelopmcntPhm (SDP) review. 3. The petitioner shall provide an Bnvironmentallmpact Statement (1:.18) at tho time of site development pllln review unless It can 00 demonstraled that the project qualifies for a preferred filling under the Manatee Protection Plan, whkh would allow for a waiver of the EIS to be granted. 4. The peHtioner shall provide an exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, .lllld mBintel1Bnce rll'lQ for the site, with emphllsis on the pr~8erve areas, which shall be submitted at the time the site development (>lan is submitted for re\'iew. 5. The petitioner shall prQvlde a Malllltee Awareness and Pro(ection Plan for review and approval at the timo of /lite development pIfln review. 6. The petitionGr shall provide the fl11ai details of all utility designs and documontation that watersetvice can be provlded to the site III the tIme of site development plan review. 7. The petiLioner shalt provide Ii Jandscupe pIal! cQnststent with Section 4.06.00 of the Land Development Code. This IlU1dECIlpe plan will be coordinated with tl1e County lWldseape Brchit~t at the lime of site development plan review. . .s. Approval of the conditional use conceptual-site plan shall not exempt tILe petitioner from providing stonnwnter calculations signcd and scaled by II. Floridn. registered p;ofcssionBI engineer and a narracive explaining how the proposed system will work. 10 additiont the required elevation information shall be provided at the time of submission of a site plan for review to demonstrnte compliance with thc site FEMA flood zone. 9, At the time of site dcv~Jopment plan review, tbe petitioner sllaU provide the final details of the cell phone activated signage. J O. The community park ~nd bORt 1[lUnching facility shall be limited 10 8 maximum of 75 boat trailer parking spaces Dnd a maximum of21 regular vehicular parking spaces. Exhibit D iU OR: 2972 PG~g196\~f,~~o2~~~ Page 14 of 34 " Exhibit B A parcel of land being a portion of Tract I, as shown on but not a part of the Plat of Ooodland Isle. Second Addition, 118 recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 19, of the Publlc Rccords of Collier County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: BesiMing at the southCll8terly comer of Lot 33, Blo<:k F of said Goodland Isles Second Addition; thence S 1 SO II' 20" E 390.48 feet; thence S 72' 15' 19" B 128.00 feet; thence S 130 SO' 44" E 180.00 feet to the southerly bOImdary line of said Tract 1; thence 28.70 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the northwest, radius of 100.00 feet, chord bearing N 51' 23' 18" E 28.60 feet: thence N 430 10' 00" E 250.00 feet; thence N 120 20' 20" B 381.83 feet: thence 87.47 feel along the arc of a circular curve concave to the southwest, radius of 50,00 fellt, chord bearing N 370 46' 41.5" W 76.74 feet~ thence N 8~3.'.-43~" W 66.88 feet; then~e 162.41 leet along the arc of a circular .m,;"'f;Dii6a~ ~utheast, radiUS of 1365.08 fell!, chord bearing S 8a~!ijl 1I'7'''Wi62:3'I' ~~~ence S 850 17' 17" W 201.52 feet: thence N 1.1i0)2~3" W 87.42 feeit~t southerly right-of-way line of Palm Avenue!th ct,g,~"'11'-FIJ).,W 10. 8. eet; thence S 74049' 12" W 60.08 feet tolth 1'0 as ~r r,of\""j t 3 ,Block F; thence S 180 12' 43" E 96.7Slfee t~s u ~~~g.9~~~t,udjot 33, Block I' and the Place Ofbeginni], ~\~ L~ ~ If.-: ~ ~ ,~l:K; .~. 'M. /0/ Pan:el contains 5.22 a !i?.,{llorc or less. "'i' /.01 ,\C ),,, (0/ Bearings arc baaed on Ihb~Ij;')VIlJn..l!l~t:J(?~i, Page 19 of the Public Records of Collier County, FIlli'l~_~~l~~/ COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLUERGOV.NET (j) ,';genda Item No. 17 A June 10. 2008 2800 NORTH HORSESHOe=c~W=S of 34 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 ,~.-"-._,.-.-,,, 1" , APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE EXTENSION LDC 10.08.00.E.3 PETITION NO (AR) PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROCESSED ASSIGNED PLANNER CUE-2008-AR-12775 REV: 1 GOODLAND PARK 2004020017 DATE: 1/23/08 DUE: 2/6108 A80VE TO BE COMPLETED 8Y STAFF r- PROJECT INFORMATION ORIGINAL RESOLUTION NO.: 05-132 DATE APPROVED: MARCH 23,2005 PROJECT NAME: GOODLAND PARK APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF APPLlCANT(S) COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ADDRESS 3300 SANTA BARBARA BOULEVARD CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34116 TELEPHONE # (239) 213-2966 CELL # FAX # (239) 353-4016 E-MAIL ADDRESS:CLlNTONPERRYMAN@COlLlERGOV.NET NAME OF AGENT JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC. ADDRESS 2350 STANFCrD COURT CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34112 TELEPHONE # (239) 434-:)333 CELL # FAX # (239) 434-9320 E-MAIL ADDRESS:LDEJOHlj@JOHNSONENG.COM Be aware that Collier County has lobbyist regulations. Guide yourself accordingly and ensure thai you are in compliance with Ihese regulations. Al)PLlCA TION FOR CONDITIONAL USE EXT - re\'o 9/20/04 PROPERTY LOCATION Agenda Item No. 17A June 10, 2008 l' d~d , Gu,~34 Detailed leaal descriDtion of the DroDertv covered bv the aDDlication: attach on separate page.) (If space is inadequate, NOTE: The applicant is responsible for supplying the correct legal description. If questions arise concerning the legal description, an engineer's cerlification or sealed survey may be required, Section/Township/Range 18/52S/27E Lot: Plat Book Block: Subdivision: Page #: Properly 1.0.#: 46372960201 Metes & Bounds Description: See attached boundary survey Size of properly: Varies ft. X Varies ft, = Total Sq. Ft. 227383 Acres 5.22 Address/general location of subject property: 750 Palm Point Drive ADPlkation Fee: $3,000.00 Make check payable to: Board of County Commissioners Be advised that Section 10.03.05.B.3 of the Land Development Code requires an applicant 10 remove their public hearing sign (s) after final action is laken by the Board of County Commissioners. lIased on the Board's final action on this item, please remove all public hearing advertising sign(s) immediately. APPLICATION FOR CONDITrONAL USE EXT - rev. ~120J04 ... .,,~_.-t ,!;Clsnca Item No. 17/.\ - 5 It"Nne ~yi).. ~OC!8 ,...J'Cl..{-a.' 19 "f ~)~ January 21, 2008 Mr. John David Moss, Principal Plalll1er Zoning and Land Development Review 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 CUE-2008-AR-12775 REV: 1 GOODLAND PARK 2004020017 DATE: 1/23/08 DUE: 2/6/08 Re: Goodland Boat Park Resolution 05-132 Conditional Use Extension Application Dear Mr. Moss, The attached Conditional Use Extension application is submitted on bchalf of Collier County Coastal Zone Management for the reference project. The Goodland Boat Park Conditional Use was approved by Resolution 05-132 on March 23, 2005. Per LDC Section 10.08.00.E,I, the approval expires aftcr three years, so it expircs on March 23, 2008, if the approved activity has not commenccd. LDC Section 10.08.00.E.3 allows the oPPOltunity to request one one-year extension. We held a pre-application meeting on November 28, 2007 for a Conditional Use extension application, and the attached application form and submittal materials are provided in support of this request. Since Conditional Use approval in 2005, the Coastal Zone Management Departmcnt has pursued thc required federal and state pelmits to construct the Boat Park Additional time is needed to continue with the permitting process for these agencies, as well as Site Development Plan pennitting, in order for the use of the site as a boat park to COlrnnenee. Please contact me if you have any further questions regarding this or the attached application form and submittal matcrials provided. Thank you for your (ime and considcration, Sinccrely, JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC. o;JAM S QcfJ7~ Laura S. DeJolm, AICP Senior Planncr Copy: Clint Perryman !-1:/20066216/CorrespundcncelOl...21-01::\... LKf)D COVet letter,doc 2350 Stanford Coun. Naples, Flmida .141] 2 (239) 4'4-0m. Fax (239) 434-9320 (i) .L\genda It8m No. I I.A. June 10. 2008 Page 18 of 34 CUE-2008-AR-12775 REV: 1 GOODLAND PARK 2004020017 DATE: 1/23/08 DUE: 2/6/08 AFFIDAVIT We/I, Gary McAlpin, Director of Collier County Coastal Zone Management being first duly sworn, depose and say tllat we/I am/are the owners of the property described herein and which is the subiect matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the qllestions in this application, inelllding the disclosllre 01 inferest information, all sketches, data, ami other wpp/ementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and trlle to the best of ollr knowledge and belief. We/I IInderstand that the information reqllested on this application mllst be complete and accllrate and that the content of this form, wllether compllter generated or COllnty printed shall not be aUered. PlIblic hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and afl reqllired information has been sllbmilled. As property owner We/f further allthorize Johnson Engineering, Inc. to act as ollr!my representative in any matters regarding this Petition, /'yA!J~ JIM ~ ~ of roperty Owner ./ Signature~ofProperty Owner ./ Gary McAlpin, Director Collier COllnty Coastal Zone Manage,ment Typed or Printed Name of Owner Typed or Printed Name 01 Owner Tile loregoing instrllment w~s acknowledged belore me this ~1hl day of 7'r., .,LttlF+--, 20M? , by cr G,c""'"Y rvc c {-..1 (pI IV who is personully_knawn...to me or has produced as iclentmcation. State of Floricla County of C~lJMl"IIIIII!lI/I~ ,11<\\ I). HAM8.1l/II~ *' ~\.. .'."'. Ie....,.......:; .$ ~~~.~~~\SS'ON;.I.:T,).~ s ","_"" \1" ""-1;:;", ~ ..::' . v- ,,'1)'5 >1'<0 ?O." - ~ "~..$l'll :-o~';. So - ." if.'. :::: ~*: ... :*= :s~';.. ~DD5S5862 l;;SE ~;::A'4... ~. s:~ ~'Y'.A...V-:i %v,dad\\'IN..@..'~~ '-'z'JJ~ ..J~/:;fjc ur,<l.~'-.' ~'J'~ ~..:...o(j8;'."'.~c';; ~\.~ '/II/, de sn\"- \".... 1IIII1ilfllH\\\\\ )}~ 1Y 'Lv viA (Signature 01 Notary Public - ffate 01 Florida) ni4i I.D I+~~.k(- (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL lJSE EXT - r~\'. 9120/04 COlLlE:R COUNTY GOVERNMENT AODRESSINGl DE:I'>ARTM!;;NT (i) I;lJ~02 !\genca Item No. I;A June 10. 2008 2800 NORTH HORSESHd~nk1Vli; 34 NAI'>U;:S, FLORIDA &1104 ... ....ul"-'VH ,c,l,ULI'll.l:.C1'C. Please complete the following and fax to !he Addressing Department at 2:'l9.(lG9-5724 or sUbmit In pS\<lon to 1I1e A~drell9lnll Department mIMe ebove add_so Form must be signed by Add.....slng p"'l"5Onnel prior to prS-GppllOlltien meeUng. Not elIltem~ will apply to every projeot. Items in bold type aTe requIred. Forms older than 6 months wlll require additional review and approval by the Addressing Department. PETITION 'rYF'E (check pr>t!l;on type below, <>r>mple!e a seperale Aridrest;{ng Checklist fOr each Petition TypfJ) o SL (Blasting PermIt) o SD (Soet Doo~ Extension) ~ C6lmlval/Clrcue Pelmit OU (Cond~lonal Use) ex? (Etx"""etion Pem.lt) o PI'> (FInal Plat o L\.A (Lot line Adjustment) o I'>NO (Project Name Chan!;!e) o PPL (Plans & I'>)et Relliew) o PS? (Pralimlne'Y Subdivision Pia!) 8 PUD Re>:one RZ (standard Rezone) 181 SDP (Site P.veiopment Plan) B SDPA(SDP Amendment) SDPl (InSubstantial Change to SDP) o SIP (Site Improvement Pllln) B SIP! (Insubelrlnlial Change In SIP) . SNR (Street Nema Change) o SNC: (street Name ohange - Unpla&od) o To"- (Transfer of Development Rights) o VA (VarianCe) 8 VRP (Vegetation Removal Permit) VRSI=P (Vegetltlon Rsmoval & Site Pill permlt) o OTHER LEGAl. DESCRIPTION of SUbject~roperfy or properties (copy of lengllJy de!ICrlptJon mey be alti!lched) I 'is" - 52- 1-, GOODLAIJD ISLES SU{ Y A PORTION OF TR 1 D,?SG AS, BaG AT set l': CUR Lor 3:1:, J::L.K P OF SOODLANO ISU! 2ND ADDfTlON S 15D"(;; E FOLIO (Property ID) NUMI3ER(s) of ahov", (attac/l to, or SS1loclate with, legal dru.criptkm If more then one) 46:37Z96D~D1 STR=r ADDRESS or AODRESS~ (as applicable, If tHready s'!'S/fif1edj 750 Palm PoInt Orlvll . LOCA'l10N MAP mua! be attached Showing e>:act IDca~on of projer;!/slte In relation to nearest publio Tood rlght-of"W'~y . SURVE;Y (oopy . Mooed only foT unplatted properties) PROPOSED PROJEOT NAME (if applicablfi') GooriJand Bo:;rtino Park -frrofect name not aooroved st fhfs; ffma ) ?~OPOsgD S'tRECT NAMES (ifapplicable) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN I~LiMBE'" (for exIsting projGlr;ts!BnGG only) SDP D1 AR. # Page 1 of 2 CUE-2008-AR_12775 REV: 1 GOODlAND PARK 2004020017 DA TE: 1/23/08 DUE: 2/6/0B _~.~.. .._ ......,""....!O'u;:;.u JOHNSON ENGINllIm Aaenda It8nl~PJl~17 A " June 10,2008 "age 20 of 34 AtIDR'.!;SSING c;HEOKlraT. PAGE TIlVO ProJlilot or development names proposed for. or already appea~I1b1ln. condominium Qoournents (If appllcalion;lndlt,..ts whether prcposocl or.oosling) Please Check One: lZl Chl'ckllst Is to be Faxed bac!l o Personally Picked Up APPUCANT NAME; Karla Garal'l PHONE: .23g 4s4-a333 F~ .23!i1434-9320 Signature on Addressing Cheoklist does not c:onstitlde Project ancl/or Street Nsme approval and is sub/sct to further revlew by the AddressIng Dep;;iliment. FOR. STAFF USE ONLY Primary NUlnber \"2... q, 10::::' L- Addre!ils Number Addres,," Numb", Address Number Approved by: ......Q"" ~ Updated by: ~<CLVV\ .__D....,Q: Pate: (:" -2-"6 -D., \J<. \f i ~d o (_"22.-09;. IF' OLDER THAI" 6 MONTHS, FORM MUST BE k~f:'{.O--.- , UPDATED OR NEW FORM SUBMIITED P~ge 2' of ;< Q;\Clill't:mt\ApPlicaUon Forrn!;\IJ.rldres~llng OhBoII.H~t U1V 020207.doc I, ;:\,..;enc,a item N.J, ~17 A ~ June 10.2008 CUE-2008-AR-12775 REVIc121 of 34 . GOODLAND PARK 2004020017 DATE: 1/23/08 DUE: 216/08 STATEMENT OF UTILITY PROVISIONS FOR CONDITIONAL USE REOUEST 1. NAME OF Al'PLICANT: Collier Countv Board of Countv Commissioners 2. MAILING ADDRESS: 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd. CITY Naples.li'I, ZIP 34116 3. ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (IF AVAILABLE): N/A 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Seetion: 18 Township: 52 S Range: 27 E Lot: Hlock: Subdivision: Plat Book Page #: Property I.D.#: Sce attached descriptions Mctes & Bounds Description: See attachcd dcscrintions 5. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE PROVIDED (Check applicablc system): a. COUNTY UTILITY SYSTEM lZJ b. CITY UTILITY SYSTEM 0 o. FRANCHISED UTILITY SYSTEM 0 PROVIDE NAME d. PACKAGE TREATMENT PLANT 0 (GPD capacity) e, SEfTIC SYSTEM 0 6. TYPE OF WATER SERVICE TO DE PROVIDED: a. COUNTY UTILITY SYSTEM b. CITY UTILITY SYSTEM [;gJ o AI'PLICA l'J.QN FOR ptmUC JrEARTNG FOR CONDITtQ1iAl. 11SE - 4/14/03 ..l c. FRANCHISED UTILITY SYSTEM PROVIDE NAME d. PRIVATE SYSTEM (WELL) o o 7. TOTAL POPULATION TO BE SERVED: a. PEAK AND AVERAGE DAILY DEMANDS: A. WATER-PEAK 5250 GPD AVERAGEDAILY 2100 B. SEWER-PEAK 480 GPD AVERAGE DAILY 192 * Includes Irrigation i\aenda item No. 17 A ~ June 10. 2008 Page 22 of 34 GPD* GPD 9. IF PROPOSING TO BE CONNECTED TO COLLIER COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM, PLEASE PROVIDE THE DATE SERVICE IS KXPECTED TO BE REQUffiED: 2004 10. NARRATIVE STATEMENT: Provide a brief and concise narrative statement and schematic drawing of sewage treatment process to be used as well as a specific statement regarding the mcthod of effluent and sludge disposal. If percolation ponds are to be used, then percolation data and soil involved shall be provided from tests prepared and certified by a professional engineer. N/A 11. COLLillR COUNTY UTILITY DEDlCA TION STATEMENT: If the project is located within the scrvices boundaries of Collier County's utility service system, Written notarized statement shall be provided agreeing to dedicate to Collier County Utilities the water distribution and sewage collection facilities within the project area upon completion of the construction of these facilities in accordance with all applicable County ordinances in effect at the at time. TIlls statement shall also include an agreement that the applicable system development charges and connection fees will be paid to the COlmty Utilities Division prior to the issuance of building permits by the County. If applicable, the statement shall contain an agreement to dedicate the -appropriate utility easements for serving the water and sewer systems. These privately owned (parks Dept) wiU not be dedicated to Collier County Utilities per Current Policy. 12. STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY CAPACITY FROM OTHER PROVIDERS: Unless waived or otherwise provided for at the pre-application meeting, if the project is to receive sewer or potable water services from any provider other than the County, a statement from that provider indicating that there is adequate capacity to serve the project shall be provided. umit}' ProvhloB Stattirlt'llt RJM IO/17m I Al'f'I.JCATJON FOR PIJBI,lC BEhnING Falt. CONDITIONAl, 11SE- 41l4!1l3 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NJIT 6968 Agencia ITem r~o. 17/1. .June 10, 20::18 2800 NORTH HORSESH~~ap~l~?i 34 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643- (i) CONDITIONAL USE PETITION - JI PRE-APPLICATION MEETING NOTES & SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Project Name: II /~qJ 37 Time: 1(: iFD Planner: J . /1~~ (Ii'vL ~ 70J fJ~ rp(;.J~-c-e ~ M~4~: J)) ~[5 Date: Project AddrjLocation: ElCkrS ,'&r- fU)rJ- /)yo Applicant Name: Firm: Current Zoning: \! r<. - cq 7 0 ~ I J.J. Owner Name: (.0 f)..,,'0- ~4' Owner Address: Phone: Meeting Attendees: (attach Sign In Sheet) NOTES: )'lJf.= IJU J 0 ChduriJ'r.$ 4.- r.N ;C;r-- Tn-'^.~,n ..r/'d\()'1 ~ 3(""'-1 j( V' ~ Ii. c:.1.",J:vv<- Hv) 1/ :r ,:.;Jr/1!)5t:.,yIP,Q,' /~i4' Ill' 77!6 7//'1'J;; ~_tr-,"~RO'r-,m~\-o-.\ (;eR.\i; ce..,s ~ to:;) Q)i1MU,+.L.:fott. -/-h'{... c.J Exttn<S;Oh.... \(J!;2)/'J e:1 C7H fuJ2..H C-dD I f~I\f\,A'T1~) MFCfl N&(f\J I f~ fZ.ED U I r2E1-tSWT5 '- ~S/rvb-//lJOI1c...!~PtJ b-f"fD R2.A tie:JTrLII0C:::r-- UAu- U /1J,f.)A 'o~br-J ~~ 6Cif6DtJUS 1'J1Nl. ftPr-E;f-j>7- (Lb1..)1'JO 6f S([PrFF (lJ;::.IJlexVCJ;"/..,A.}.JclS'fJT5 H/WS '&E0128u14.\1 ()10 ;WPUChTTc>0 /WIt! reCfLi;2l;L; MIA . [ Agenda It8m ;'0. ~17 A June 10, 2008 _ Q~~ ",1)f 34 CONDITIONAL USE (CU) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W/COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. #OF NOT REQUIREMENTS COPIES REQUIRED REQUIRED STANDARD REQUIREMENTS, Cover letter briefly explaining the proiect V 20 X Application (completed & signed) (download from web site for cur::/, 20 x: form) *Additional set if localed in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopmenl Area) / 1 X- Addressing Checklist signed by Addressing ,/ 1 K Pre-Application meetina notes ",/ 20 Y Conceptuai Site Plan 24" X 36" plus lone 8 '/, X I 1 copy) V 20 X'"' Copies of Warranty Deed(s) ,// 2 X Completed Owner/Agent Affidavits, Notarized J 1 >< Environmental Impact Statement lEIS), and digital/electronic copy of EIS tJet fo~ tk. or exemption justification 3 CV 1:~.tc-,.,S"'-.l Aerial photographs (token within the previous 12 months min. scaled 5 1 "=200'), showing FlUCCS Codes, legend, and prolect boundary Statement of utility provisions (with 011 required attachments & sketche.y 1 X Traffic Impact Statement (TIS), or waiver J 7 X Historical and Archeologicol SurveYI or waiver 4 ';t;, t-Illl<. Copies of State and/or Federal Permits -I&>nnd-k ~1I U..J,- X \ Architectural Rendering of Proposed Structure(s) I 4 X"'" Electronic copy of all documents and plans (CDROM or Diskette) 7 1 X Boundary Survey J 2 )( ~f,f~'~lili'~:He\(~lhgsrJi;",j\~Jj"iI<.D~Xe!oP.rr1enICQu~c:i Ipl~re~t':.' ...... )( ::{F;fr~~U]~::,'~.:!{h~;~;AH;~}~-;~';:;\:'::;:')';/::':-:.,',~::~ ~.r;\ ,: : ,',~: "'\':: i,', ,::::,,:,,:::,):.,:;:,:,.- ',~ ,;:,';"y-: ;::;<::; . '.',:' :,:/: ;, .... <. 0 EDC "Past Trackll must submIt approved copy of officio I application 2 0 Affordable Housing "Expedited" mus.t submit copy of signed Certificate x: of Agreement. PLANNER MARK IF NEEDED TO BE ROUTED TO REVIEWERS BELOW: Comments should be forwarded to the Plannaryrior to the due dote SCHOOL DISTRICT (1) PARKS & REC - Murdo Smith - - --- UTIlITIES ENGINEERING - Ia SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS l!l COMMUNITY PLANNING (1) COORDINATOR - Linda Bedlelyon BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIAN REDEVelOPMENT Executive -. .",------- -,,------ -- - (1 ). mira Deltoro (I) GLE (1) Director Communications Towers Only: MOS.. Q. UITO CO.NTROL ._ -TTD.JCOiTIER CO. AIRPORT AUTHORITY J]i1.)] .. NAPLES A!~PORT AUTHORITY ==IIDl---=::_ .__ " =cJ 2 FEES: b\~lsnda Item f'Jo. j 7,A" ~ JJne ! 0,2003 Page 25 of 34 ~ t i Application Fee Fire Code Review Comprehensive Plonning Consistency Review Estimated Legal Advertising Fee - CCPC Meeting Estimated Legal Advertising Fee - sce Meeting (any over- or under-poyment will be reconclled upon receipt of Invoice from Naples Daily News). o $2,500.00 EIS Review, if required Transportation Feesj if required: o $500.00 Methodology Review Fee, if required o $750.00 Minor Study Review Fee, if required o $1,500.00 Major Study Review Fee, if required Pre-application Fee $500.00 (Applications submitted 9 months or more afte, the date of the last pre-app meeting sholl not be credited towards application fees and a new pre- application meeting will be required.) '31J'iT"'O $4,666.0g* $150.00 $300.00 $760.00 $363.00 *SI 500.00 if filed in conjunction with a rezone petition OTHER REQUIREMENTS: D D D D -. Applicant/Agent Signature Dafe 3 ___.~... ........... ....,<ft.~.;1'ltt,,;::u JOHNSON ENGrr1EER COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT ADDRESSING DE!'>ARTMSNT (j) l4i 002 l\Qenda Item No. 17.A. - June 10. 2008 2800 NORTH HORSe8F1EfE'1:3~I\;f=34 NAF>LES, FLORIDA 341D4 Plee." complete the following and fax to the Addressing Department ~t 2Sg.6i;9-5724 or submit In Dersan to the Addressing Department at the above address. Form must be signed by Addressing personnel prlo, to pre-appllcation meeting, Not all ilemB will apply to every proj~c\, Item. in bold type are required. Forms older than 6 montha will require additional review and approval by lI1e AddresBing Dl'Ipl!lrtment. PETtTlON TVi>E (check petllion type below, compJlJ/e iii separate ArJdresslng Cheoklist for each Pat!tir>n Type) o BI. (Bla.ting P"rm~) o SO (Soat DOCk Exten.ion) o CarnlvallCircus 1>ermit o OU (Conditional Use) o EX? (e,.;""vaflon Pelmit) o Fp (Final Plat o I.LA (t..ot Line Adjustm..nt) o PNC (Projact Name Change) o PPL (Plans & Plat Review) o PSI" (Prelimina'Y Subdivision Pial) o PUD Rezone o RZ (standard Rezone) I8l SOP (S~e Deveiopment Plan) o Sop" (SOP Amendment) o SDPI (Insubstantial Change to SOP) o SIP (Slle Improvement Plan) o SIl"l (lnsubsk,nliaJ Chlll.nga to SIP) o SNR (Strset Nama Change) o SNC (Street Name Change - Unplatted) o 'tOR (Transfer of Development Rights) o VA (Varianoe) o VRP (Vegetallon Removal Permit) o VRSFP (Vegetation Removal & Site FIIi Pelmlt) o OTHER LEGAl. DESCRIPTION of SUbject properly or pruperl:ies (r:opy of lengthy deBarlption may be attached) GOOD!.AND ISLeS SLK Y A PORTION OF TR 1 OEiSC AS: BEG AT SEL Y CNR LOT 33, SLK F OF GOOD!..AtID (SU: 2ND ADorno'" S 15DSG E FOLIO (Property (0) iIIUMSER(s) of above (atleon to, or associate with, Is;;al dfttJeripllon if mom ff1~n ana) 4G3721!60~01 STREET ADDRESS or ADDRESSES (as applicable, ffalrMdY s$Slgned) 750 Palm Point Dl1ve . LOCATION MAP must be G:t1acI1Bd showing exaGl;localinn ofprnject/"Ite In relaUon to nearest public road rignt-of.way . SURVSY (coPy . needed only fur unplatted properlles) PHOPOSED PROJECT NAME (If appllceble) Good/and Boalfna p",* -frro/ecllllilme nof aODroved ..( this time) F'F\OPOSEiD STREET NAMES W I3ppflcablfJI) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NUMBE:R. (for sxlstlng proisWilan:<>s only) SDP orAR# Page 1 of 2 IiIJ 003 It8m No. 7 A June ~;O, 2008 Page 27 of 34 VV' ....1 I U r H'"'' t'.v, ;~94J49J2G JOHNSON ENGINBBR I\DDR~SSING CHECKLIST - PAGE lil\lO Projeol or development names proposed for. or already appearing In. condominium documants (if application; indicata whether propo.ed or ","sung) Pleas,. Check One: !gj Checklist is to be Faxed back o F'ersonally PICXEl~ Up APPl..ICANT NAME!: Karla Garalm PHONE: :i!:J943~D333 FAX: 239 434-9320 Signature on Addn'lssing Cheoklist do!'ls not constitute Project and/or Street Name approval and Is subject to further review by the Addressing Department. FOR STAFF use ONLY Primary Number \ c.. '& 1.0 :::, L- Aoldress Numb~r Address Numb". AddrGss Numbat Appl'<>ycej by: Updated by: --,,\),v...~ ~o..\.r'V> Date: (,-'Z-~-Ol Date: IF OLDER tHAN 8 MONTHS, FORM MUST Be UPDATED OR NEW FORM SUBMITTED Page 2 of 2 G;\CL!rr~Mpplif;iSltfon FormslAddresslng Chec~llst rav 02020'l.doe <(, "1" r~ M o CO N '(jJ ~ ~ D- ro "tJ C (jJ OJ <( ~tJ .~ ..... Q Q ~ == o ~ ~ e:J .;jIiIit JIIIIillIf ::l. =- .0( I Q ~ ~ I L ~. ~ ~. == tJj Z ,... Z " ,... rf1 J ~ :l t ;~ z .... u w ..... o ~ 0. ~ Q) 'S: Q) IX' - c Q) E a. _ o Q) -; c > -> Q) 0 c E' -g .il! tI 0 -' u 011 @) Ol '" C '" '2 0 o E N "'tI ~ os: o tI _ "tI C c Q) .J:: E 0 - c V; a. III Q) Q) c ~ Ill' "tI III <( o :::: tI "'tI :::: I 'S: w tI C I C .J:: t'... o C") .... N .. '<t IX' . \J.I '<t Z 0 Z ~ <( ... -' Q) 0. ..C: C E w :l .,. Z (5 Q) Lii ~ VI .J:: <( 0. VI III w IX' Q Q <( -' <C :::: I W <l1 ~ IX' Iw I'" :::: ::l Z W Z o :t: 0. I- 0. w Q -- Z 0:::: VIIX' >ii: Q .. >- 0 I- Z :;) o u " r0 !\ rf) '" r'> '"'" () '0 l , l>;r; ::r'\( 'Z 'j o ... IJJ ... o c;; ~ en ,; i'! N !;2 !e <Xl .;; <1) '" ;; ~ \ . '" ~ -oS o -j ) w :::: <( z "" ? J ~~f!.~ \;:J t 9\- " o "0 >-' UJ UJ I (j) ~ z 19 Sii '" '" o :;; '" J" r- oo y o <(CO"":t "-.:)0') ".....-.:=J,- ,N 0 ~--:()) _:=N ;:::: ill G;:~Vl .::::::sctl en --, D- "2 iii :oJ <{ -- " 1 ~ ~ ---j PUD"'>.l> MIISJ< \!>l~"D \O\l1.AGcS' ~ '----.....- ::? ~ -~ '--.. ------------1 ;;;;?~ -_./ ~~ItCO a'~ U,UI!> ., ~ ~ ~ r "_8" 'G~:>m<l~a) ,,6 IO!~!lJo a '. ol<'l""lJ:>JO JC 'il"'DSdol'jf. "!JOlS!lll'>ul\ouli .111!1loq<lJd 10:>1'{; !~"P D:>Jre>~ I. OI""'OLpJV/~.''''I~I~U~~ clJHJQ . ", ~~ ~o<(_~ ~ ;; ~ . cr.: rn ffi~ ..~,..9(60~~12N ~~i;oiG:'~~~~ ~ z tiJ e ~ z ~ lI. ~~~I~~g~L i Ii I i,~ H LI' .. ~ -I -l:> "" _ a.:;f .....J:;;' N 6' 't'." 0 ~ It, . o C ~ w u I u ~I 'l!~~ __LJ~~ lldB ~_. ~ ~ 'j I; !l i ! , :' I !i! ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ :p !e' 'I t " , iiI .> ~ I,,,,. I ___~J ~ ~NINOZ ! , ~ 1 ~~~1~~~i~&~ ~ ~J, .~~:::~ %"!:~ :: ,,'ri"..!:':~-;"-':-': L~~;:: ~i ... ",':"::-\'1,," ......:;!;:: ~[~ ~L~~ ;r~~ ~! 1,\.,i.'I"~I~~~ [,:~~:;; ~: ,,:~~~~t~.!~~ [ - '-~':_~ I t ~ ...-!. ' ,I,i ~ 'i ~ ::;~,:,~~~~!!j>1': I:~ I ~ ,~ 11'1 " ,,;1! 1,1111 I ,him . 11'""",,,,,,,.,,]1 .1\j'JISlA,3i::J lSVl GOODLAND PARK CONCEPTUALSf77JPlAN Nilf II SU{f\'F\- J"I~. }f)()'1 K ;~Jr\~I8171 COJl\<'l,I..~ Il.lw~ ~ THISCONC:Ep'j'UAL sfj'ETCAN.s\Jii~1ICffr:[l.i\ijrHcD:2(Jij3.^ji:6278I\NF APj;ROVEDBY RESOLUTION-itOs:ij'i -- I CUE-2008-AR-12775 GOODLAND PARK 2004020017 DATE: 1/23/08 REV: 1 2924999 OR: 2972 P\i~~ Item fh 17 A neOUlIl1 OtlltllL neom .f tollllltomlJtLne 10, 20Ci8 OlllOIlIll.lll:mllllllllll, llOCl, tUU faae 01 of04 COlli 1\111I.11""' ~ ,J ue m 1\.11 IOC-.ll 11111.11 toll" 1.11 PROJECT: Dolphin Cove/Goodl.nd FOLIO: 46372960201 tela: WARRANTY DEED w.IIlOllm IIIIllI DUE: 2/6/08 Iml DlIltl THIS WARRANTY DEED is made this lllh.. day of JAt-,)vM?~ , 2002, by DOLPHIN COVE DEVELOPMENT OF GOOD LAND, INC., a Florida oorporatlon, whose post office address Is P,O. Box 159, Marco Island, Florida, 34146 (hereinaher referred 10 as 'Granlor"), to COLUER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the Stale of Florida, Ita successors and assigns, whose post office address Is 3301 Tamlami Trail East, Naples, Florida, 34112 (herelnaher referred to as 'Grantee"). (Wherever used herein the terms 'Granlor' and "Grantee' Include all the parties to this Inslrument and their respective heirs, legal represenlatives, successors and aaslgns.) WITNESSETH: Thai Ihe Grantor, for and In consideration of the sum of Ten Dolla.. ($10.00) and other valuable conslderallon, recelpl whereof Is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and connrms unto the Grantee, ali that certain land situate In Collier County, Florida, to wit: See AUached Exhibit 'A' wj)lch.is inGOrRorated herein by reference. Subject to real e~r{t~~~li"':~\t~~~~~Q11ear and therealler, easeme1s, ('St~cti~~~~,~~_re:~~~'n's\f record. TiIS~~'~~'f'~~En,~~~;~~~~ERr i '\ 'I \ }~)\ V J I TOGETHER wilh ~I/':t (CriIl(lms! I~dita.,*,ebts ilntl appurtenances Ihereto belonging or In anywise aw.:;l1alnlng. . \,) /~'~; 'fY\ ,d, / I-- TOGETHER with all ~tQiils, or permits ;01'bu!ld~~) ks or rights to leases ot submerged lands or leeses tos(i)lp,lecged lands !ha(8i.iiJ.e'from, relate to, refer to or are connected In any way with Grantllr'i J!l~llI1\r~~(p~\ls to develop the property and all other property righls arising from, iela.f1hgJb:ar-aonnected In any way with the property and plans to develop the property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the seme In tee simple forever. AND the Grantor hereby covenants wl1h said Grantee that the Grantor is lawfully seized of said land In fee simple; thet the Granlor has good righl and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said lend end will defend the same against the lewful cleims of ell persons whomsoever; and that said land Is free of ell encumbrances except as noted ebove, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Granlor has signed and sealed Ihese presanls tha day and year first above written, W.4!;t,/ 'n?7/.5GlJ DOLPHIN COVE DEVELOPMENT OF GOODLAND, INC" e Floride cOlpora1l0n ~. ~~ BY: . C"(J.,' '-_ . I.. ~_ Nicole Glnlc, President P.O, Box 159 Marco Island, Ftorlda 34146 nil S COIlVIY AlICE IoCCmt\l IV TIll ~:~ErC~ =::~OIIEIS, PU~~ __ DATED. ~ ..." In" 110. 12 A ~ OR: 2972 PG: ~968da Item No. 17 A June 10,2008 Page 32 of 34 ST ATE OF .....llL COUNTY OF <.:"J['r ~ The foregoing Warranty Deed was scknowledged before me this --1L day 01 ~ 't ,2002, by NICOLE GINIC, President, on bahalLofl1oJllhlrLClQVe Development 01 Goodland, Inc" a Florida corporation, I!~p!lrsonally known to me Ol\ who has produced as IdentlficallO!1.__. .. ". "" _. . (affix nolarlal seal) // " ( "'_'''''''' c . (Signature of Notary Public) .. -) IIlWIIlMCK- vr~.ecll'" ~lIorlOUlll' .....-~'-~ (Print name of Notary Public) NOTARY PUBLIC SerlaVCommlsslon # : If any My Commission Expires; ....~.__~_~Pj~ :;.In'l ~um~~~.~ /, ,\")R CO( ,>~.I.tant CountJ """",,' ;{/(...1:vi-::"~"""'--'~ .~"""!./'V<" , J ~ ...............fJ.'. (';;/ , .' \ ! 1,:-----\----.. \ \ I .p-~,,, ..r"\ ~LF \ ) () T~(O)~J'!P\~'f t.,'! il ."~(, .~'/ '_..._ ".-,.0. ~)___ !\-~ \~,...... '1:.!~' \i,l ilk' ;,..) \ "I' '~1r.r J.' / el' \",1::....'...... \...../(/' '-,{ -" "...',( { '-,(,)1.,.>",,- ..// \,>-/ " .," 'f' -.....-..-- ..\ \ ..' ',.,}j f~c,.: rv~';::;;C/ tu OR' 2972 PG,A2%9atth lia 17.1\ I , June 10, 2008 Page 33 of 34 EXHIBIT "A" A p8l'Cel ofland being a portion of Tract 1, as shown on but not a part of the Plat of Goodland Isles Second Addition, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 19, of the Public Rccord9 of Collier County, Florida, more particularly dellCribed as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly comer of Lot 33, Block F of said Goodland Isles Second Addition, thence S IS' II' 20" E 39Q.48 feet; thence S 72' IS' 19" B 128.00 feeti thence S 13' SO' 44" E 180.00 feet to the southerly boundary line of aaid Tract I; thence 28.70 feet along Ule arc of a circular curve concave to the northwest, radius of 100.00 feet, chord bearing N 51' 23' 18" E 28.60 feet; thence N 43' 10' 00" E 250.00 feet; thence N 12.20' 20" B 381.83 feet; thence 87.47 feel along the 8I'C of a circular curve concave to the southwest, radius of 50.00 feet, chord bearing N 37' 46' 41.5" W 76.74 feet; thence N 8:r'53~-43~:Yl66.88 feet; thence 162.41 feet along the arc of a circular 9uJii~>~~!l~~ttJll~8~utheast, radius of 1365.08 feet, chord bearing S 81l"4J~'4'7" W 162:J-i:titpc{hence S 85' 17' 17" W 201.52 feet; thence N )ll'~2~1~~W 87.42 feeil~thetoutherly tight-of-way line of Palm Avenue, th~ce'S"~'!7,~HJ"W 1O~8 l~t; thence S 74.49' 12" W 60.08 feel tolthe, orthe!lll}~ et'.,of ai 'fI~t 39, Block P; thence S 18'12' 43" E 96.7Slfe.e.~.:{d thWsl~l~~~O~. fttS~.d/iLot 33, Block F and the Place Ofbeginm~~~,~,1-}\.,Q)l~, .;i\1 )I~" . \,r.,\ 'ilk) / ._"J P8I'Cel contains 5.22 at.~\1Dore or less. '\,\ /.0 i '-<C", ._/C/ BcaringlJ are based on th~~~hQwnjn_Elat~~'8, Page 19 of the Public Records of Collier County, F"lbricfu~.l.L(-:l~~c,/ . <[CO~ r....OM _;c-O,-- NO 6" ~('") Em cD (l)~0) .::::sro ro,o.. ~ OJ on <l: "" 0... <t L (!) z ;1 z ~ 0 N nv:lSOJ..lDN / z- 1 \~ . ~ . -G:J " .i' #, /, ~~ L~~ d ~ ~ ~ .\. ~~ +,-,0 .",," <l' ,;,0 G 00 ()Z !;i'5 ,,;<n .. .... .... N I II: < I ... .. .. N I w ::> u .. z .. ;: ;: W ll. 0...1 <t L Z o !;:( U, 01 ...JI