Agenda 06/10/2008 Item #16G 2 Agenda Item No. 16G2 June 10, 2008 Page 1 of 26 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To approve and execute a Sweat Equity Grant Agrecment(s) bctween the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevclopment area. (3388 Captains Cove) ($1,000) OBJECTIVE: To approve and execute a Sweat Equity Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. CONSIDERATIONS: Annually, the Community Redevelopment Agency's Sweat Equity Grant Program is funded at a level that satisfies existing grant obligations from prior fiscal years and future grant opportunities. The purpose of the grant program is to provide an incentive to revitalize the area by providing a grant to encourage the private sector to upgradelrehabilitate properties within the Redevelopment Area. The residential property grant funds materials for exterior site improvements; no part of any project funded by the Sweat Equity Grant Program can include paid labor. There are no match requirements for this grant. For FY 08, a total of $3 I 0,000 is budgeted for the rehabilitation grant progranl. From this allocation, $24,000 is available for Sweat Equity projects of which less than $3,000 has been obligated. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The grant application and agreement have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney Office which has determined that the agreement complies with CRA requirements for Sweat Equity Grants. (MMSS) FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient budget exists within the FY 08 Bayshore Gateway Triangle Fund (187) to satisfy this Sweat Equity Grant application. Sweat Equity Grant awards range between $500 and $1,000. The estimated cost of the project is $1,059.71 and the grant request is $1,000. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states that redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, including the Bayshorc Gateway Triangle CRA that may consider alternative land use plans, modifications to development standards, improvements to infrastructure and incentives to encourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: That the CRA Board approves and authorizes for execution the Sweat Equity Grant Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency and Neil and Carolyn Gibson for their residential property at 3388 Captains Cove, Naples, Florida 341 12 not to exceed $1,000. Prepared by: Sue Trone on May 27,2008 Operations Analyst, Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency -1- _. Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page I of I Agenda Item No. 16G2 June 10, 2008 Page 2 of 26 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16G2 To approve and execute a Sweat Equity Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area (3388 Captains Cove) ($1000) 6110/20089.0000 AM Prepared By Sue Trone Community Redevelopment Agency Operations Analyst Date Bayshore~Gateway Redevelopment 5/29/20088:50:26 AM Approved By David Jackson Community Redevelopment Agency Executive Director Date Bayshore~Gateway Redevelopment 5129/20085:24 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office OMS Coordinator Date Office of Management & Budget 5/30/20089:48 AM Approved By Mark Isackson County Manager's Offjce Budget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 6:2/2008 8:40 AM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Mar.ager Date County Manager's Offize 6/2/20089:38 AM file://r::IAgendaTestIExnortll 09-Jllne%20] O%)())OOXI 1 ()%)O('ONSENT%70A(;ENOA 11 () M4/700X ;\CJ8nda Item !\Jo. 1682 ~ June 10, 2008 F'a';]e 3 of 26 B.~YSHORE G TEW Y TRI NGLE I I EEEED ".e. ~, ."im" i t~ ".. LI ~-.'" _/ \._-,/ COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPLICATION I Neil and Carolyn Gibson 3388 Captains Cove Naples~ Florida 34112 2008 GRld\T I\.prLlCATIO~, Agenda Item No. 1682 June 10, 2008 Page 4 of 26 S\\'EAT EQUTY IMPROVE'\fE:\T GRAYf PROGRA\I General Provisions The Collier County Community Redevelopment "'.geney (eRA) created the Sweat Equity Improvement Grant Program to provide tinancial assistance to existing residential (single-family owner-occupied and single-family Of duplex rentals) in the Bayshore/G-ateway Triangle Redevelopmenl Area by offering financial and tednical assistance fOf residential site impfllvements. Improvements must be extcrior improvemellls to the strul1ure or surrollllding site. All improvements must meet the criteria listed below as well as the current requirements of thc land development code. building code. and construction inspections, and any applicable wning overlays. Improvements that remedy existing wde enforcement violations also qualify jf combined with other site lI11provements. The CR.... is funded by Tax increment Financing (TIn, a capture of Collier County's propell}' taxes above tbe year 2000 property tllX value. TiF is a unique tool that Clll\.s can use to leverage pubric funds and to promote private 5-"Ctor activity . The Grant is for single-family owner-occupied residences and for single-family or duplex residential rental pwpen)' . The eRA \\"ill provide] 00% of the wsu,f material~ for external improvements to existing Slfilctures, buildings and surrounding properrv . COSI of material improvement is $500 minimum and SLOOO maximum_ . Fund, may!!Q! be used for "',weat eQuit\." (C{)st of Ian or or personal dToll). . Appli,ant must perform two accepted improvements \0 e",erior of the propert\.. . Grant applications may be submitted 30 days prior to Availanilitv Period'. _ Oct. ]"'-DecJO" _ May ] "-July J i < . ,\vailabilit\ Period is lhe ninety \,^1) days that all work must he complete.d Funding av,arded "ill he cvalua.ted hased on the contribution made by each applicant as well a5 the eXlent of improvements Projects must include a minimum of two (2) different tvpcs of impro\cments {dcscribed belo',,) For example. a projeclthat wnsi,ts (,I' only one t\1'C (11' improvement (ne'\\.~ paint) \yill Jl\}! qualify All proposed work must be approvt<d b{'for~ beginning any work, Grant funding L' not retroactive. A 11 work musl he co"'p/elcd" liMn lIill<'I1' (90) 'l:l-l'S of approwJI by Cj{.f Apphcallls are requin.'d 10 request a melJlinK H'ilh Sh!tfl'rior 10 submit/a! {!(app!ii..Yllirm ."-11 ,weal equity work 10 be tOmpieled undcr this pro~>ram mW;l he . Reyiewed and recommended for approval by the Bay,hore GalCway Triangle ell'" Local /i.dvisory B~}ard, a.nd . Pre-approved by the ell"" Board.. Granl funds lllay b(' used for Ihe following irnprO\ements: . Painting (aU colors must be approved I . \\'indow Of door replacements or repairs to hurricane standards, hurricane sh~Jtiers . Rcpoiming of mortar joints for brick or stone fronts Sweat Equity Imprm'ement G,'ant F)'2008 iT~vl~ >,'Si2r,~IRt !<.'1.::.....r-J___ .,...-,::1-_I:,-1Q ::em I\JO. 16G2 jJrie 10, 2008 Page 5 of 26 21Xig GR.A "<1 .\PPUC\nO"i . Landscaping installatiolL and improvement at front ofbuiiding (visible from public meet), and must. include in-f,'Tound irrigation S\' stem . ,All work must be c-ompieted .....ithin ()O days of appro\'a! hy eRA Grant funds maJ' not 0(' us('d for: o ,,'or king capital or administrative wsts I payroll, rent. utilities, ete) . Sweat equity (timelabof of applicant or famil)) . !\ew c.(Instruction . Residentlal additions/expansions of exi~1ing buildings or on SlIt' o Residential remal prnpen) - apartments or buildings with more than tWl' units . in1erior remJ\.'ations . Seaw,dls or v.;atcrfrom improvements . Demolition only' o Loans or othef capital support . Work tbat "ill extcnd beyond ninety (90j davs of apprcl\'al by eRA . \\'mk completed prior to approval of Swcat Equity Improvemcnt Gran! Projl'ct EvalulItion Ali project' will be evaluated based upon the following o l\umber and e~1em orimpro\'emem5 (minimum 2 for residential I . .1.hilily 10 begin war!, imm~diately and ability to complete project "itbin t)O da\, . R~m~d\" or code enforcement violation, Points pflims Project Pro,ide" I -\\'nilahle "-warded [:\twEint only &pre,;sllre wash = -.l. _ == = Paint complements tl~"()!E F!orida'~ style_~ ___ ___ 1 ".- -- I j)c~i..~n consiSlent with the -"O!dJ::lorida" 'l}k _ _ ~_ _ ..~ __ --'- _ -.L _-.: I Replac.ement or repaired '",'lndo\'r'5 or dO(lr:; i ] , ! ! R~~inttng o.f.mDrtar joints for brj~k o~ slo.ne fronls, SlUC.c0':~pai~-_-~~~-~~-__~'_-__~~1 I \\'oodwork rc:pair. I"e-p13ccmcm or nC'1.\' instaHariCln 1 1-' ~- ..-. ..- --_. -- '-. -- - _.. --. "'- .-,~ .--.-. -.-- -' -,_. ,.- .....- - -- -.'- 1_~andsc~j~2R}~~ro\'cmenr~~n~ iiIji.:~rr~~~ ~t.~m ~ce,~~_ _' :i~. ___ __,_ _ __ Install nc\\. irrigation ~\'stem 3 :\ppiicantha;-fimding andiS prepar~d to begin penniT.tl~}g proc-es5 and hiring of : qU.:::\ifled c(mtr:1ctors in:mediately C(]lID~iT1g eRA appn:.n'al and complete aU l..y,;or-k2it~in. QO d~~ of approval bti'R,~ _~ _ _ I Dehris rem(naL fallen trees _~ _____ __ .-.fxi:.r:ic tree. plant _remo\ ~l__ .____ __ _~, ___ _ ___ _ _ _ __.._ _--=- ,_ __.._ Repair Code Violations --L.._.____ ,"_.'_ ____ _'_'_ _ --- ,R~pbce.:rcpair ~ain gun(,.~T.~ _,,__ ___. ____ _ __ _ __ __ _ L__ _ __~ . Rcpairirepj~ fIJ1Ped o.c..!com s~reens _ ..~ __ __ _ _I _ --I :; - -I 1- __ ~ _ --L Sl\Dtola'-, S,-"eat t-.qui;) Irnpron~Tnerit Grant FY:'OOS IT~'.",:iI;~,l: ~:2'_(',~" :Oll/\ CiR.A1\T APPLlC -\TJ01\ ~6.genda Item r\Jo. 16G2 .June 10. 2008 Page 6 of 26 PROCESS Step I: Applicant Meets with Staff o Applicant must request a meeting witb staff prior to submittal of application o Applicant & staff meet al proj",ct sile Step 2: Applicant Submittal o Site Improvement Grant Application & Project Initiation and CompletiDn Form o-'ewner--A..t~-Faml-4'equ~arimE>H' o Two 8 x 10 eolor phOIOS "fthe cxi;;ting conditions ("before"' photos) o SketGh of proposed imprm'emcnts o Lludget estimates for the improvements ifwork to be c.ompleted by applicant Step 3: eRA Staff and Advisory Board R<!\'iew o CRA stafT reviews application and completes the Points Form, then places the application on agenda of nex.1 Ad\isDry Board meering o Advisory Board checks project to make sure it meets all grant criteria o Applicant is required to be present at the Advisory Board meeting to answer any questions that may arise during the review or to provide additional materi.a! if tcque~ted o lfproject meets all criteria, the Advisory Board makes a recommendation to CR,,\ o Grant limding !,limited with first priority g:i','en !O projects with high'='!" points Step 4: CRA Review and Approval o CRA staff prepare> Sucat Equity Grant Agreement for the eRA to re.iew/appro.e o .\qlplicant siens Grant A",-reemcnt o Application with Advisll[)' Board recommendation and agreement placed on CR..\ agcnd" for review and appro\al . eRA. reviev.."s Adv!sory Board ft':commcndaticm and agre~ment durirl'g regular meet ing ",nd approves or denies projec.t Step 5: Site Plan improvement !'rocess o Applicant completes work Step 6: J'rojt'Ct Completion and Submittal of Project Summary' Report . 'Upon completion of,~cork and in~lK"Ction iO insure \\>ork conforms to the v.ork that was proposed. applicant sllbmits' " -Project Summary Repon,-' inclllding description of completed impro\'emenl'i. two EX I () c.olor "after" photos, invoices, Ijst of materials and c-onstnlcl1on 1 echniqllcs used, ,my additional information ,pee. lic to the proJe.Ct o Nmanzcd "Payment Request Form" and all materials receipts andJor canceled checks as pmofthat aJi material> and contnlC1ed improvements have been paid St('p 7: CRA Staff Submits Project Completion Report for Pa)'mcnt o CR ,\ Staff visits site and dOCUD'ents imprm'emenh o CRA StatTforwards Complction Repol1 ~nd documents to County for paymen!, Sweat Equitv lmpro"'ement Gram F"20118 :-,;,,-;s.:.l 5:'5,,:;.-:(,t\\ " 2uns CrR\)\"T\PPUC "TJO'\ A;Jsnda it8m No, ~r 6G2 June 10, 2008 Page 7 of 26 SWEA T EQUHY l\tPROYDIE:\T GRA:\T APPLIC\TlO:\ Section 1: Applicant Information O\\ller ~amr__J{eJL :]0:1.. (4/201]')___'::;, bx~~_ .., ~"> '--:--'"1 ,/-:. ,'" Ov.'n~r Address' _._.:) :; 'ilL", L....:::L(' +-c~"'..i......- ,~~ _ __ Sile Address lif ditTcrent from owner address) Legal Description of Sile -L ~ ~,=- ~~ l-=- _ _ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ,~."::1: _ ~ ~...~ <.~ __. ! : ,~' ~ :~ ~, i"- 1 ~m ,_, Da~,time Phone _;::, ~,,:~~ _ ,l) 'l'~i_~\ '\llernale Phone: E-1\fail Address. _,::,..:,:', Ho\v long have ):ou o'.vne..d ihis pruperty) _~ I'!:':" "Iumher c'lfY~ars in Business at Site \aaH:~~:';_ Oc\.:up3.:innal Licens,~'umher. First Tlme Shoreline improvement Grant Appiicdm'i "?'.' n 1 ~., ! f I if n\!. hen',' m::.:.ny applications $11hmitted'! GranH~j awarded'") Yes j~ (.-\i.'."~jt E'''-'l';'~,- jnl-""rL-jY~:';1~,"""11 (;",','1", F'\......'vlx ..) ,,"-.~_ ...;,~.. _ ..u i-" ~.. '-"."_ \._, J -'.. - - : t-e\ :~j ." ~;r:.' '}.~" '\('1' ~ofl cl I, Pa"e 1 of I Agenda Item 'No. 16G2 June 10.2008 Page 8 of 26 t~~"Ii' f;~ .~'"!';. P'rO'jJel-t)i ;;':.e;::ord Aer;zl 1___,._SkEt:h.:-,:s. ~ Parcel No.t 0039Z160~Oj Current Ownership Property Adore~s~ 2:,iBS C.G,PTAI~(S CV 41 Own~r Namf GI6S0N N:::~l..-& c..A.Rm... YN I Actdre,sseG- 33aB CAPTAI"S CV I City NAPLES II Staref FL I Zipl1 :.'4112 ~ S~iG I Legal 13 50~:5 FROM PI OF INTERSfC OF N Lf OF Jl,RECA AVE WI7'H ViJ ij sse U RUN N. 1:l;OFT FOR poS E 1..;:,5~'r~t~;~~;);~ I~~:~:r :"'9-"" C'~',,~7,,::jjC'(',:-:,i";;~\~ (:;.lJ :1\,:. "'rupen~ ,(l.P;'Hdl~t:,-~~'~r'cr: 13 Township 5~ !i JI Range 25 Ac:r~s 014 r 11 Map No. 5A'13 Ii Strap No. ; 150251J 009.000SA13I I Sub No. II -;:-1.I?,~..CDQe~ -;::;0 II ACREAGE HEAD"R 'II $l!NGLE FAM~L 't RESIDENTIAL ~l J' If SeC1lon 111 Il _':1; Mi!t~9!i I "C~e1 ~jln,.9:eA,r&a 2007 Final Certified Tax Roll (Subject to Change) Latest Sales History ,'f ,;;,11 \"':',0,,,,,,, Sh~H";" b"i~J'?" i'tl'.,..:: C. Tr.5 ;::o;r~",,! was :r",."k~ ;r~t': I!,,,, ;::'n~111,~ J:;'cli 11,'1 ~"JH E:l,,;ln~'t"':Gi;\.I':' ,,'4.. g $ 11U5G.DO I D.re Ii ~ $ rlZ,OH.\H! i 'Jj {2003 ~ S 2'lL~15.C:C: I l{l,' 200("1 il ___H5,5BO.VO~ [1Ii1~9B II II $ 11!;.725.00 \'.,:'-\~i, '$ 25GQIJ 00-1 .-_e-li===-N~z0J0~"'! Ekl;J!"O",,J!;:' i- LarJd V2IhJto ,,~+J Im,Pfoved; V,all.le I :=f J~st Va{u!~ ~;~.:.~ ',. ~.:.~ 2730 - 1354 JI I' J~ F AmDunt ! S 1$<4000.00" S 110.COO,DC " S ~:2,O[IO,CrC I i I ! j I I I -=- I ("'1 AS5e~se-d Va:ue I' i H:::!~if'Ftf~iJt -i\!~d U~:',0i ::.)-.~n',:); r ",,"'I ,;.; ~:S!J;" "'Q~'.J~' N iti- 1JI):_~ S:J'- '" rs.a'.;:. DdI r-,;:>:-l(';:"" ;;/(-"':",::t -,:1\;-: ::L.(, t;: ::.3(: ,,; <;~:.~,r,.::;'_:.:":,, ir:re2S;;!'S ;L~~~ ~ T~i& ;~ti:'i: 'S U;:,;;.:;:t:;\C'.r,j~ti(,. '\\-',\'\',' ~2r~~Jr:1 :-(C\ ,:y:-,jr}~TJ l~!Sp")\L:u=-&F :C,(!Ofll ~-'9-:Q08 th"'N1 Df I ? .. (Jo.;., f"r: r -""T-'a Item o. D-..:J~ ~J~' U 10 ?008 June , _ Page 9 of 26 . 00.., "" "'4~~~\, ~; , 'c "~~ ~, .:.;,;;. ~~ 'lIo>&~..,~ 't' ,~=~ 'i.".':"':"I';~, :~:;;;".,:r=:' ':... ~,,,, l:h~ ~". . -" ~ . -. ,,', ......-.,.....". '....:-'r.n '"' 20(18 GR,\'\T APPl.1CA nON Agenda Item r\Jo. 1682 June 10,2008 Page 10 of 26 Section 2: Project Information EKisting Condition of Project (attach additional sheets if necessary) '"'I ,~ "'" - - ,'ro'_, ~J. .H. ;:',.r~ ~. J ~""'" "f r _~. ',',Tf -~ , -+ t.-.:~' f;' c::- \_-".~(" _. ~'- .., ,- I -~, _ "', 0'''' -i-,:o . (-', ~i ~ r'"',. "', ,.,;:__ ATTACH "BEFORE" PHOTOS AT LE:\STTWO SXlO COLOR PHOTOS. OTIIERS MAY BE ADDED f() ACCURI\TELY Df:SCRlBE TI-lE SITE\, Outline Pm\:losed Improvements in Detail (attach additional sheets if necessary) Lisl Materials to he Lsed and COllSuuction Methods lD be IlLiji7.ed (i e type paim, plant specics. irrigation ,vstem, doorsi,\indows, ete ) (Attach additional sheets if necessary): ~ _~I._~.~-.-;....__~ _~,,~,_~,-_~ ~_'r 'weal Etlll'l) improvement Gr~nt FY2008 tt',-'VN:J i'''-1.-'1!itlS1 5 /-\:J8nca Item No. 16(;2 " June 10. 2008 Page 11 of 26 \- ~ -:"-... "L ~-). ;,. -- i_t ,.-) I'. '1;'.',:- ,.v^' L Agenda Item No. 1682 June 10. 2008 Page 12 of 26 , 1\ f ~;; ~'~-<'_\ R ~:i,:<\ I 1 , 1- ,~ '\ t, '.':~>'-':' , /"" t'OD ' . 'y~nGa Item t\Jo ~~,-, ;une Hi. 200~~ rage 13 of ?'"' _0 11 f' ,~ ~Ljt 1 ~. J:-'rt, ~-" i'']: ~"f ~; rf-I .1:- \ :.::: --='~. ",\... Agonda Item 1'0. 16G2 ~ June 10, 2008 Page 14 of 26 .~ ""-~-,,- " ~..,~.,... "....-. ",,~"-"'- ...~. ~. t!' '" : ; ~-:::f~,:t , ). i,C:-~1 '" ~-, ,~'r& -" I" "- r' , ,'V:' .. !A Ifi ,"" I'", ,t\;)0:nda Item r'-!o. 16,32 June 10,2008 Page 15 of 26 ';z, i~. ,--,~' . ~ ~-. , .. ~. '.. , " ,- vi '-, tl , -,"U/ I ~\ . ["'^ !'; MI, ')"' \ ,.. J 1--/ 1 "j '\(/ - . . 2'!08 C;RAYI APPLlCA T10C'l Agenda Item No. 16G2 June 10, 2008 Page 20 of 26 Section 3: Project Cost Information Estimated Project Cost: . ALL WORK TO BE COlo,fPLETED BY OW"ER, F/,MIL Y OR FRfE'\'DS . ,\PPLICA. nON MUST tV, VE AT LEAST WRITTEN ESTIMATES OR QUOITS FOR 1,IATERlA.LS A.TTACHED TO THE APPLlCATlO'\1 Estimated Requestf'd from CRA $ Project materials must be a minimum of $500 and 8 maximum of $,1.000 '~cwrr:s OF ,,\LL rn.crrr-rs i....,<DiU/{ CA.'iCELED CI!!-:CI:S WTI.L !lE I~Er,~JlRal 1.'1'0'"' PROJECT ~,.'{)\1:)LFTIUN .....s PRUC>!: nt.....T /\.LI, ~t'!!',TE:P..1ALS F(}R I\\<1PJHlV1:J\~ENTS f-v.,VF BI~C-.J P.I\lD. ~.~o nLfMBllCSS..1ENl VdLL BE M/\llE BY THE CK~ 1,'NTll ALl. ReCEiPTS A~iD!OR CA'lCELm ClJFCI.S H,; VF llLJY.: RECEIVED A~oJT:' \TJI,li'IT"D For eRA Use Only Total Estimated Project Cost: '7:: i ~.' j "I { n I Request from CR.~: ,,; L ~ Set-tioll 4: \":lilabili~' of GI-ant Funds This grant program \\'jjJ be !.n:aj],tbk j~)r limited ref/Dds Oflh(.~ calenuar vear Wjnt~r Program - October throu~h December 3D"' Summer Program - fvlay 1 iJ through Jul~' 3 I ~1 Owoc;.rSignarure / /, (.,,? ^f :(l{rA-'~~ t:>:~ Owner ~"ig~"tw'e i ' I,' ,.., '-.'! (' i !' ~,("j" - 'Da{~ /, / ::'j.f it' I [';117- >' ':;"R,. '--P~1' t :10 _,tal Dale S'.vcat Equl!) Impr{)\'cmem Grant FY~uD~ 11'':\'~:'.cJ S,'Y2tlUB ' o :')u~ CiRAyr ,\PPUC.x TIO"i L,::-1-2nja Item t\Jo. 16G2 c' June 10, 2008 Page 21 of 26 PROJECT I~ITIAnON AND CO'lPLETION FOR'I (10 be submitted wilh Sill' JmproHment GrHnl Application I 1. 1'/ t, 1-,,= ,( C,;-r:~l:,'^'--dC. ~ ~,c ''''-_' owneFtcnant of the property loC<ltcd at _ _ ~'~.. .~ ,~ '~" _ _' have (he funding and capability necessary 10 bcgin the sile improvements listed under Seclion 2 of the cDmpleted Sweat Equity lmprovemem C;r~l1l application and have the ability 10 cDmplele all improvements within ninety 190) days of lhe appro"a! ofthe improvement gram by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency. Signarure of Tenant (ifleasedl Dare Signature of Tenant (iflcased) !if jointly' leased) Date ...L , ' - "- --- --~'~'-~- Date Siplature uf Owm;r Date ; / J ,/ F, ~. ., I ' _ --~--- ~ "'-' I / 1-. -'-...!: ::-~-c.-< /~.,..__~-=--); Signature of O\VIlC'f -, I ifiojntly own~d) SVd=at Equity lrnpro\'ement Grant r'y'2Z.fOg ';-;,.Y:",-,,';' Si~'~..~:, s ~h;"lOp1Tl.:; ('an ..,....,1c,"""- l'r'~;::f~ .~ '-"'^'''~'- .",,,~,1I L':,:, ;.1 :;, ~;rl.. :"'" i':~l,;:'-r ',~;;" -t1'-E; ',.<;' I ".~\.'.\'::-::!s .::or :>S~,--: '/ ::' h." c :,: -1t~ __ '- ~ 1 r'O;;,,'es, ;:::.,L, - - :-~I ~,-"."F~ F;;"'== -": E ~p;';: !';.,'HH,,~. ;::L.~ L,:),\'Ss .Q ,G.,''''' ~~~; i I ,-..",. ~ '-""" ;. . ,~, ;.-" '~:,,:";".&n 38:, :terr:; ~ 9s-9 .,,: .. '.-'.- : J C :: ~:', P.'H'" ,L\genda Item No. 16G2=~ June 10,2008 Page 22 of 26 ;...,. $245.00 $3.97 c.' >"'rT ..; ~.:::.:: - E, ',: ';;::i - - :., ~'6 1;":-':1;;' :0.:0.':::.:; - ---_. !'L- ::e.:' ..;'::::3~S4 _ /:: ;-": :-_-4 '-""-'. "-.T' $26.97 s31,97 5-12.48 $05,47 :It;~ '\:\\A'W, lO\''('~.C~~rrn..l\\v.es;'11" n'--"actJ crn--j h(')ppi :-.gCart&!pagec-no!1t'.&QL A~ rlT)"_ S. \'.:-S&fllnCri-Cin-'---'u , ::9 S:!45.00 $79,4-0 $53,94 1-::55.75 51:t.48 r-r: ..... "';;>,..; )i EV2{I08 Sh\.\pp~ r:;..; C~jr1 JIS ,- -''''' :, ~ d~ , FRE::;: P2.r,::e: S',;(I[)i"lQ -. :>::!".r:;; ;.::"::"':' ,:~:'. .c.,t, CC'i~ e ~~t,O"~~I ""~"~ ,,"" ':-.4 -':~, P2;ue ~ d'''' Agenda item ~~o. 1682- June 10 2008 Page 23 of 26 !.t2.97 S.12.r- $7.56 : ~':c-~ LOWER f)Rl=E.~ 'i'.' :':'.:;~ " ...':" -. i:1 "."., Prjv~::)' and S~cuC"'iry Pledg", ~S.6S 505.68 S1.34 $2.68 s-3.fil] $15.85 .C _ ::::::3 $999.73 (',: f Order Total $999. .".'!..!r J,l. :.,_:'"71' ;r"'~I"I"':.,"~" '"I, ~::~' ar \',"~ ',J,I'::: ,<"r :',)..:"rl'~;~ OJ-"j "~_~,;''2::'; 1'~,L.r :'1' ."_'. r c'::""': ,r ,.. . ::'LJ' '-I; ;': -;-,::,: I ~.., ':0 SE'~J ~ f;: . ,\;: ....;ji - ::::I-:'c"'-2,-c'Rt 1:; -,f-U . ::,'1: ",0: "I" '"" ,-'.:r~ ':~: '. ',:,J' http: ,\,\\'\\' C{'!:n I (,\\'. ~c.; l:; f;" Q\..'t; en -:~ }1:':lPP: f: ~(- 3r~ ~~.:. \r<~ =~'~;l~ 1n.',.:\: - ,\'- I i i'Y "~.:::: -", " th r j ~,~ .:...:>;; .... ..:- ~5..:. fur,ct:dn=',~ ::- S ''''''I-i'''''; 200S GRA.J'-<'T i;GREEMEKT ';genda Item r\lo. 16G2 June 10, 2008 Page 24 of 26 GR~NT AG~EEMENT BETWEEN eRA AND OWNER FOR SWEA T EQHTY IMPROVEMEI"TS fOR IJAYSllORf./GA TEWA Y TRlAc"lGLE REDEVEWPMEr\T AREA THIS AGREE1\1El'<T EJ\TERED this: ,k day of r, c'c ",. ,,' bv and between the Collier Coumy Community Rerlevelopment Agency (hereinafter referred to as "eRA") and ~,~,;" , ' ," , .. _ ~bereinafter referred to as "Owner" I WIT N E SSE T H; WHEREAS, in Collier County Ordinance \'0 2002-38, the Board of County Commissioners delegated authority to the CRA to a\vard and administer CRA grants including contracts ".;th D'Nner> fbr CRA granls~ and WHEREAS. CRA Resolution No, 07-55 established the Sweat Equity Improvement Grant: and 'WHERE:\S, wl1er has applied for a Sweat Equity Grant in the amolmt of dollars; and WHEREAS. the CR.A has determined that Owner meets the eligibility requirements and was approved for a grant award in the amOUrd "f dollars on " 1"eRA Approval"), which is I oO",~ of the costs to construct the lmprovements :--.ow, THEREFORE. in eon.,ideralion of the IDllUml covenants contained herein 2nd other ,aluable wllsidcril1iolL the partie:; agree as 1[,l1ows: 1. O\\l1er acknowledges Ie) the CRA that Owner has received a copy of the Collier County Community Sweat Equity Improvement Gran! Program (hereinafter referred to as "Grant Program'"), that (h'l1er has read tile Gram Program, and that OWT,er has bad ample oppOnUnil\' to disclIss the Grant Pmgram \Vilh Owner's counsc] or advisor (1wner further acknowledges to the CR:'\ that Owner understands and 35'Tees to abide by all of the term, and conditions of the Gram PrOS'T,.\.JTl Ov....ner agrees to the tem1S and condition::t or the Grant Program._ ~ O\\<l1er is the record o\\<"Ilcr of property desCribed as , Ch'ller has agreed to make cenain improvcmems to the property pur,uant to tile grant application submitled to the eRA dated ' atTached hereto as Exhibit A and incorpD"'ted herein by reference, 4 Owner agr~es to complete the constru,;tion of the Sweat Equity Improvemems within ninety 19C1\ days of eRA Appro,'a! Owner also agrees 10 prO\'ide the seal equity (labor) to compiete the impfovcment~ Swcet Equity Grant Agrecment FY20,)f\ lOOS GRA0iT A.GREEME\"T Aoenda Item hJo. 16G2 ~ June 10, 2008 Page 25 of 26 5. CRA. has approved a grant to OY\llef in the amount of. to be administ",red pursuant to the terms of this Agreemenl ba.<;ed Gn an estimated cost of jf tbe actu.al C<l_t of materials are less than $1.000 10 c.onstmct the improvements, the grant amount shall be reduced dollar for dollar in eRA [unds, however in no case will the co,t of materials for improvements be less than $500. 6. Unless prior disclosure is included in the ~'Tant application, no O\vner. or any immediate rclativc of Qv..1ler. shall serve as a contract(>r or subcontractor for the construction of the improvements and no Owner, or any immediate relative of Owner, shall receive c(nnpensation for labor for the construction .of the improvements. AJl im.mediale relative (;f O\\l1er shall include mother. father, hrother, sister. aunt, uncle and cousin or familr member by marriage 10 include mother-in-law, father-In-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. 7 Owner agrees that all improvements completed do n(lt require a Collier Coum" permit or permit from any other ageney Cpon completion of the work. 0"11"" shall submit to the CR/\ staff a project summary repoft two (2) 8 x 10 after ph(1tos, a list of materials and con.tructioll techniques used. and "ny other information specit"ic 10 the project or requested by the CRA. staff. The eRA, through it.> staff shall eont"irm that the improvements were constnlctec pursuant to the tenns of the application approved by the CRe-\.. 8. Within forty-five (45) days aft"" conlirmadoll r.hat the improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the approved applicariotL Owner sha.ll be issued a check in the am,lunt 01" the grant HDWeyer. if Owncr fuds ID make the improvements pursuPJlt to the terms Df the approved application. or if tbe project is not C0mpleled within nine!)' (90) days of eRA approvaL or ifO''''TIeT ::3ib to make 1mprO\'emenLs of at least S~Of) \'afuc, the g:;aIl1 shall he deemed rcvoked ,~nd O\\TIt'-l :-;hall he entitled 10 ;10 funding ;) This\~'Teemctlt sh,al1 ~c governed and construed pursuant to the la\\'S ()f the Slate of Florid a. ] O. This Agreement conrains the entire agreement c.f lhc panics and thc~.r represemaiivt's and agents, and incorporates all prior lmd~rstamilng~~ \,,'hether oral Of written ~o change~ modification or mnendrnent, or any repres.c:ntatioIL promi~eDr ;:..()ndi~10n. or an.\ v,:aiver, to thif.: :'\.gre-~ment shaH be binding unk:ss in wr11ing and sign~d by a duly llulhoTILed ()tlJc('r of the party to be charg::-d 1'. This Agreement ~s personal to O\\ner, and may not be assigned or jransfened Di." O\'.1i~r or 10 (h't'ncr's respective hein, personal represc~lnali\'('s" S1.K.-CC~;50r5- or ,:s:;igns \\itl1out ;~he prior \\'l.iuen consent ofrhe CR:.\ S'.>.C:2t l':quit~. Grant Agreernent 1"\::::U03 2008 GK-\Nl AGREEMENT Agenda Item No. 16G2 June 10. 2008 Page 26 of 26 J'J WIThTESS WHEREOF. the parLies haw executed this Agreement on the dale and year t1rst \.\Tltten aho\'c. --- ~____//-i (,/../'~~ l/ (II "" "'0. 1/1 /l..-,L../'---" '<-w~s ~gnature ' (I /'"'1" - __.J t,1::' J {Z-'O f,Fr:; Printedrryped NillllC I{, { ! l (2) I:;JYI~ Oi1At/fA,_ \Vitness Sii;naturc o:-71''''i1d 4 .' _ OH-I '-1 :7 (::") a...1((' L1.. PrimcdrrJ-ped Name o\V1\TER(Sl:. 1/ . / ~ /7 \/' / .. f!it{ j.L , By: l' /' / ( ./~ J2~ At:/ Q, Printcd/Typed Name /7 By: ~:u.,E~ ." -- / ~ 5V'\~ :?/ (~~4 r-" / (I ~ I ~" ~. IftZd 4"" 6~6&ir/ Printed/Typid Name ArrEST: D\V[<iHT E. BROCK. Clerk COLLIER COI.JNTY CO/l.11vfiINITY REDEVELOPMENT AGDJCY B:: - -.- DO)\I\A HAL\. ChairmiL1l . Dqmry Clerk _\ppro\'cd as to fom] and legal suffic IC:lcy: ~~7'.Y: if ~, '" j' ~?,.n_~,.:' fi~~'.(i,1 . , I ~ Malj(Jric_M. Student-Stirling Assist3nt County Attonley S\\em Lquil; Grant Agr~emellt FY2008