BCC Minutes 08/10/1978 W 8C'C~ 042 Pt,;: .706 Nap1.., Florida, August 10, 197 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and tor the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing BoardCs) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:10 A.M. in BUDGET WORI<~HOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members presents CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown C. R. "Russ" Wi~er Thomas P. Archer Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman, and Debbie Pantano (1:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerks; and C. William Norman, County Manager. AGENDA 1978-79 BUDGET \-1ORl<SHOP REVIEW SCHEDUJ.E THURSDAY, AlIr.USl'_!.O, 1978 9:00 A.H. 1.0-010 American Ambulance .lack Map,uire 10:30 32-020 Youth Program/Naples lUlderness Alan Stroud 10: 115 77-010 Mental Health David Smaltz 11: 15 77-021 T.E.C.H. Richard Fuquay 11:.15 77-022 Congregate Meals Dee Talty (Iml1lokalee Service Program) 11: 55 77-023 Artificial Reef Bouy Maintenance 1:30 P.H. 72-000 Health Department Dr. Antell/~!argat"c t Rosier 2:00 98-000 Intragovernmental Services Data Processing Fred Harks 3:00 99-020 hTord Processing Donna Phillips .1:~0 99-010 Motor Pool Jim McDonaJ.o If: 00 99-0.')0 Stores & Xerox ;"':"" Frank \-1i lcox 1+: 30 88-000 Colden Gate Community Cntr. Joan Jenks /.: 1.5 Capital Improvement Funds County Mnnl'lr,er J L..~J August 10, 1978 AMERICAN AMBULANCE (40-010) BUDGET FY 78-79 REVIEWED, ADVANCED LIFE SUPPvRT SYSTEM AND METE~D OF FINANCING OPERATIONAL COSTS ^PPROVED; AMERICAN AMBULANCE BUDGET TENTATIVELY APPROVED Chairman pis tor noted the receipt of a memo from County Hanagor Norman dated August 9, 1978, with attachments, concerning the paying for the Advanced Life Support system, as previously directed by the Board, and, also, a memorandum from Mr. Jack Maguire, American Ambulance Inc., describing ALS. The Chairman noted that the wrong terminology has been used with respect to the matter in that the word "telemetry" has been used whereas telemetry is only a snoall part of the entire ALS system. Among Chairman Pistor's comments were the suggestion that some way must be found to enforce the collection of ambulance charges; that an answer be found to the request that if the service is implemented that it be paid for by the patient who is carried and receives the benefit from the service. Chairman Pistor also noted that it could be possible that a charge of up to $300 may be necessary which, if. not paid by the user, will come from the ad valorem tax fund. Mr. Norman reviewed the aforementioned memorandum tou~hing briefly on the various alternate schedules of rates for recovery of the additional costs pertaining to the proposed Life Support System, noting that ir this is the intent Schedule .C" should be considered. He noted that the capital outlay can be amortized over a number of years and, if the Board wishes to consider it, the capital costs could be incor~orated into the bond issue now being processed. Mr. Norman explained that there would be no increase in the current year's budget except for the initial purchase and, responding to Commissioner Wimer, said that Item "c" would cover all of the operating costs. lie pointed out that the schedules are not fee schedules but are assumed numbers by taking the total cost o~ the ALS system and dividing them by the number of ambulance-related activities such as arrests, n A? ^,.. 7r'l7 " B~~~ 042 Pt.:: 708 August 10, 1978 cardiacs, traffics and traumas. He said that there are still some assumptions j~ the figures and that a rate schedule would need to be prepared from these numbers which would specifically apply a cost to defibrilation or something of this nature. Chairman Pis tor expre~sed concern over the ability of the ambulance service to collect possibly a $300 ambulance bill, noting that improvement over the 53-60\ collection rate at present will be necessary. Mr. Maguire commented that the collection rate is close to 70% at the present time, and outlined the method used to collect the fees. Commissioner Wenzel suggested the possibility of assessing liens on property as one method of collecting fees and it was the consensus of the Board that the County Attorney be consulted for his opin;0n and recommendation r~garding what would be needed to implement the suggestion by the Commissioner. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall pointed out that it should be recognized that when a project such as the one under discussion is undertaken that there will be a slowness in some of the collections and that there will be a start-up cost which cannot be pinned down too closely at this point. He suggested that a small amount be placed in contingencies in anticipation of this possibility. In resp0nse to Commissioner Brown, Mr. Maguire explained how the service will be beneficial to the citizens ~f Immoka1ee. Hr. Don Ashley, Accountant for American Ambulance, concurred wi th ~Ir. Hall's comments regarding the initial start-up costs and, also, pointed out that the figures contained in Alternate >>C>> are not proposed rates, such rates will have to be set following rate hearings, and the like. In response to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Hall said that there has been no determination made on the life expectancy of the equipment. He ~aid that even though there is no specific category for the L_J J L_j August 10, 1978 equipment in the bond issue, in his opinion, the equipment would qualify as far as life expectancy, and could be considered for funding through the Bond ~ssue, if the Board so desired later on. Further, said Mr. Hall, in government accounting the ~quipment would have to be pai~ for in this year, noting that government does not capitalize equipment the way that a private business does. In reRponse to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Hall recommended that the equip~ent be budgeted in the 1978-79 operating budget and said that he can come back with a recommendation later regarding paymer.t from the proceeds of the bond issue. Mr. Bud Winkler, President, Ea$t Naples Civic Association, stated that as a matter of concern for the interests of the citizens that the Assoc.i.ation represents, one of the members was asked to do some research on the ambulance situation merely for the input that could be offered the Board in helping it to arrive at a budget that can be lived with and made to work. He read from a prepared list of questionR and statements that, in his opinion, should be cons.i.dered by the Board. Commissioner Wimer sugS'es..:ed that the speaker confer with z"lr. Maguire regarding the questions raised by Mr. Winkler, with Chairman Pistor commenting that if the subject questions have an effect on the cost of the ambulance service answers to some of the questions are needed quickly from Mr. ~Iaguire. Commissioner Wimer observed that many of Mr. Winkler's questions have been answered over and over again and Buggested that the County folanager prepare a "canned" statement as to why the County is in the ambulance business, why the fire departments don't provide the service, and the like. Chairman Pistor asked Mz. Maguire if he had any ready response to l-lr. Winkler's statement to help the Commission with .Hr. Maguire st~ting that he will have some answers, but that they will not come from him personally. He requested that he be given a copy of 1-Ir. Winkler's statement. n"~~ fl!? w-7M b~.CK 042 P(.~: .710 August 10, 1978 Commissioner Archer inquired if there were any studies made with regard to what it costs Lee or Dade County to operate their ambulance services with Mr. Winkler responding in the negative noting that the only comparison was pertaining to Duvall County only. Commissioner Archer moved for the acceptance of the proposal labeled "e" submitted by the County l~anager and Mr. Maguire, and also for the tentative approval of the budget as submitted by American Ambulance for the use of the ALS system. Commissioner Wimer seconded the motion. Discussion followed concerning the budget for American Ambulance with Mr. Hall stating that the dollar decrease in the budget over last year is approximately $3,000 in operating costs, excluding ec1tlipment. The question was asked if there is an audit done of the American Ambulance financial records with Mr. Hall stating that a review is made of the expenditure reporting with an annual audit performed by a CPA firm and supplied to the County, as required under the contract with the ambulance firm. Chairman Pistor commented that, in his opinion, the Commission feels that any outside service for which some tax monies are used should be audited and a certified audit presented to the Board independently, whiCh, he added, is being done. Commissioner Pistor restated the motion on the floor which is to approve the ALS system and the method of paying for it - noting that the motion does not involve approval of the ambulance budget per see Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel casting the negative vote with the statement that "I am not voting for anything until I see an amortization schedule based on the capital expenditure". A short recess was called to enable Mr. Hall and Mr. Norman to provide the Board with the final figures on the proposed American L __--1 L_.1 August 10, 1978 Ambulance budget due to the action taken on the ALS matter. * * * * RECESS: 10:10 A.M. until 10:30 A.M. * ... * * l-lr. Hall reported tha t the proposed operating budget for American Ambulance Service is $248,960 - a decrease of $3,049 from the prior year's budget. The proposed budget for equipment, said Mr. Hall, is $75,455 which includes the purchase of vehicles and radios, and, also, $38,903 for the matching part of the grant funds, noting that the equipment budget is up $56,334 over the previous year. At this point, said Mr. Hall, the total proposed budget is $324,415, following which he recommended that an amount of money be added into the budget for the amount of money posdibly needed for collection delays, possibly six weeks, suggesting this addition be $10,000. Mr. Hall explained that this money can be put in contingencies in the American Ambulance budget and that before it can be expended there would have to be a budget amendment brought hack to the Board to justify why the fund needs to be "moved over". Discussion followed concerning placing the matching funds for the telemetry equipment into the bond issue for capital improvements with Commissioner Wimer stating that if this is proposed he would have to vote against it since it is his opinion that the bond issue should be used for more substantial items such as buildings, roads, drainage improvements, and the like and not for items which mayor may not be replaced within ten years or less. Mr. Hall suggested that the funds be placed in the ambulance budget for the time being and then when the Capital Improvement Program is addressed the funds can either be left in that budget or considered for the Capital Improvement Program. n~1) ~.. ,t' 13~~ 04.a ~t.71J. .. .. -... - - -"'-- Augu8t 10, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved for tentative approval of the American Ambulance Budget in che amount of $334,415. Commissioner Nimer seconded the motion which carred 4/1 with Commi8sioner Wenzel voting in the negative. YOUTH PROGRN1!NAPLES WILDERNESS BUDGET (32-020) - TENTATIVEL~ APPROVED Commissioner Archer explained that the Naples Wilderness Budget is totally funded by grants and local donations, following which he moved that the budget be tentatively approved in the amount of $19,095. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that the budget is a continuation grant and that the grant request is in Tallahassee for approval and as far as is known it will be approved. Chairman Pistor observed that, in his opinion, the Program is a fine one and is giving the County assistance in correcting and avoiding some of the problems with the youth of the County, adding that as long as it is fully paid for by the State, he would recommend it. Commissioner Archer restated his motion to tentatively ~p~rove the Naples Wilderness Budget, as presented, pending receipt of the grant. Commissioner Wimer seconded the motion which carried 5/0. COLLIER COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET (77-010) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Mr. David Smaltz, Controller for the Collier County Mental Health Clinic, Inc., provided the Board with updated State fundi~g figures as prepared by him. He announced that only the same County participatiol in Mental Health Programs as last year is being requested and which will allow current programs to be maintained and sufficient staff to meet all legal requirements and to draw down all State and Federal funds currently commited to the Clinic. He added that the proposed budget in the amount of $134,500 will not allow for any new programs; howev~r, because of increased effectiveness the Clinic will be able L..._J l_J August 10, 1978 to absorb the 7~' inflation rate. Mr. Smaltz briefly revie~ed all of the various programs in which the Clinic is participating, explaining how each of the programs is being implemented, and concluded by inviting the Commissioners to tour the new facilitiet in Golden Gate. Chairman Pistor noted a decrease in projected donations and fees as compared to the audited Annual Report recently received - from $115,593 as shown in the Report to $50,000. Mr. Smaltz replied that many of the items listed in the Report ar6 in-kind match or donations such as land, food, clothing, and the like. He said that these dona- tions are accounted for and used as local match for the grants which reduces the County contribution. The possibility of the hospital in Arcadia being closed resulting in bringing the patients back to the County was discussed with Mr. Smaltz explaining that the Clinic will have to assume 70\ of the people released and the follow-up care which the Clinic must provide. In response to Chairman Pistor, Mr. Smaltz stated the provision for this care is included in the budget. Mr. Smaltz added that it is his opinion that the hospital will not close but, as a matter of economics and facilities, the sentences will be reduced and it is his hope that the Clinic will be able to attack the follow-up program effectively with the funds being provided, hopefully, by the County. Commissioner Wimer expressed concern that possibly too much emphasis is being placed on recurring symptoms and not in actual treatment of the problem sU9gesting that maybe a reallocation of priorities may be necessary. Dr. Gene McCree, representative on the Mental Health Clinic Board, responded to Commissioner Wimer's statement. He said that it is the philosophy of the Clinic to treat the individual as a ~r~~ 04 2 p~..: 71 R 8~C~ 042 p/.::714 August 10, 1978 whole. He noted that there is a backup on appointments and efforts are being made to get individual. into the Clinic immediately for screening, if there is an emergency, and a determination made of his problem. He said this procedure does entail additional manpower and it is the Clinic's hope that there will be a push for more people to pay for some of their care so that there can be a person for this screening procedure. Mr. Egon Hill recalled that five years ago the budget request from the County was $110,000 and that he opposed the request at that time due to the fact that it was his opinion that the accounting was such that the County did not know how the money was being spent. Since that time, said Mr. Hill, there has been a tremendous change in the accountability by the Mental Health Association Clinic. He referred to the fact that the budget increase over five years ago is only 20% and noted that the rate of inflation has been twice that percentage. lie said that he is very satisified with what the Mental Health Clinic does, noting that he is now a member of the Association, and urged the Board to approve the request of the Mental Health Association. Mr. Lance Oakes inquired if the Association has a public relations type of program to discourage the use of the some the substances that are causing mental health problems, which could be released to the public occasionally regarding the damage or ill effects of those things along the line of prevention and lessening of the burdens which they cause. Ms. Carol Slaussen, Director, Susbstance Abuse Program, stated that part of the Federal funding is allocated for primary prevention and education and described what is being done in the school system in this regard. She said, also, that attempts are being made to establish ongoing media contacts through the cooperaton of the local newspapers and television stations. I .1 \""',:J' '....., l' i., j 4'____ AUljJust. 10, 1978 Mr. Ed Roca, Clinic Director, addressed t.he matter of the lengthy timelags Lor obtaining treat.nent mentioned by Commissioner Wimer, and said that within two weeks, in an effort to deal with the problem, a group process will be establilhed and that anyone calling the clinic who feels that he neet.s to be seen will have the opt ton of attending this group which will meet once a week, or, if he does not feel it is urgent, he can set an appoint~ent. From September on, said Mr. Roca, no one can say that there is nothing being provided for him immediately. This will be done with the existing staff said Mr. Roca. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Arche4 voting in opposition, that the budget for the Collier County Mental Health Clinic be given tentative dpproval. Chairman Pis tor expressed the Board's appreciation to the representatives from the Clinic and the Board of Directors for taking their time to attend the budget. hearing. TECH BUDGET (77-021) - TENTATIVELY DENIED Mr. Richard W. Fuquay, Executive Director, Training & Education Center for the Handicapped, stated, in response to Chairman Pistor's inquiry, that, to his knowledge, there were no nlembers of the Board of Directors of the Center present. to reply to questions that the Board may have with regard to the program. Mr. Fuquay stated that which is being requested is matching funds in the amount of $20,929 in order to obtain a grant for the program of $168,000, noting that $15,700 of the matching funds is being picked up by the United Fund Agency which leaves a bala~ce of $5,228 which the Board is being asked to provide. When asked to comment, Commissioner Wenzel noted that he can see no problem with the program as long as a service is being per- p,r.~( 042 Pt.:: 715 ---...... be,ex 042 Pt.:: 716 August 10, 1978 formed which is appreciated by the taxpayers, commenting that it is his assumption that the legality has been checked. Commissioner Wimer recalled that this is the third year that the request has been made of the Board and that each time the statement was made that they would not be b"ck again. Mr. l:-'uquay noted that he has resear~hed the minutes and has not found where this statement was made. He said th~t his concern is that, even with the number of clients presently being served, there are 1400 handicapped people in the County needing scrviccs and that the agency must continue to grow and expand and providc them with the services needed. County Attorney Donald Pickworth said that there are a few remarks which he would like to make for the Board to consider in their deliberations. In the first place, said Mr. Pickworth. the County is currently in litigation with the organization concerning ~~~t the County alleges to be a violation of the zoning ordinance and which the agency fecls is not. The matter concerns housing, continued Mr. Pickworth, and the representation being made by the agency's attorney is that the agency is not providing rehabilitation services but is just an agent to provide housing, and at the same time it is requesting monies from the Board of County Commissioners to help them carry out the program of providing these other services. Mr. Pickworth noted the difficulties being encountered in trying to locate the proper personnel or officers to serve the papers on and that he does not feel th~t TECH has been very cooperative on the matter. He stated that he is not saying that these factors ought to be the basis of denying their request but that they should be given consideration by the Board, either weighing them heavily or lightly. Mr. Fuquay responded by stating that Mr. Pickworth's office has never called him and noted that he will do anything possible to assist him rcgarding the matter. Mr. Pickworth stated that he must deal through L-...J L .::::.:J August 10, 1978 the agency's attorney and that for the purpose of serving somebody with subpopnas, legally speaking, it is necessary to follow the Statutes Chairman Archer moved to tentatively deny the request made by TECH. No action wa~ taken on the motion due to the lack of a second. Chairman Pistor observed that the budget contains requests for 20% increase in salary for a great many of the personnel and suggested that if these requests were more reasonable and more in line with what the County is trying to "live with", the $5,000 request would not be necessary. Ms. Debbie Webster, currently functioning as the Social Services Director and as the Assistant Director for TECH, addressed the Board to point out the need for the TECH programs in the County, the fact th~t it has been mandated that the County and home agencies take the handicapped out of institutions, and noted that the program is federally funded and that federal funds are involved. She stated that the agency is serving over 150 families in the community. Ms. Webster also advised that all of their records are open to the public and that anyone can get a list of their Board of Directors if they wish. Regarding salary increases, Ms. Webster stated the proposed budget does not mean that the suggested salaries have to be paid although she said that they are fair and equitable under the circumstances. She urged the Board to grant their request in order to help the handicapped citizens of the community. Commissioner Wenzel inquired if TECH has a citizens' advisory board similar to the Mental Health Clinic with Ms. Webster replying in the affirmative; however, she said she was told that the only persons requested to bE:! presE.nt were the two people making the presentation. Commissioner Wenzel said that he, personally, supports the program but is concerned over the conflict with the County on the zoning problem. BL.['~ 042 PI.:: 718 ~ ! A).1gust 10, 1978 Lengthy discussion followed concerning the East Naples housing problem with Ms. Webster stating that they had received no complaints regarding any problems there. She also stated that "group housing" is a completely different issue and should not have been bro).1ght up at this time. Chairman Pistor inquired about who is running the program with Ms. Webster stating that it is funded under completely different fundsl however, she said that it is part of their program to help the handicapped. Mr. Fuquay stated that he verified with the Zoning Department that four persons could move into an apartment, noting that it was a verbal discussion. Chairman Pistor explained that, unknown to the County, a license to operate the organization in Naples Manor was obtained from HRS to run what could be called an institution and said that County zoning laws require a provisional use permit, or the like, for that type of an operation in a residential district such as that community is zoned. Concerning a solution to the prOblem, Mr. Pickworth suggested thC\t a meeting be held with the attorney for TECH and the realities of the situation explained to him which would be a start toward finding a solution. Commissioner Wimer addressed the comments made by Ms. Webster noting that TECH might not have stated that they would not come back to the Doard requesting funds but that the Commissioners expressed their desire that they not return for this purpose which Ms. Webster concurred with. The Commissioner said that ad valorem taxes were historically for the purpose of property improvements and not for social services and they are greatly needed, however, should not these services be funded from other sources such as sales taxes, and the like? He said that the failure is on the part of state legislatures and other governmental entities for not properly funding the necessary L.;...] l_J August 10, 1978 programs such as TECH, while at the same time mandating such programs. He said that the Board cannot solve the social problems of Collier County with property taxes, stating that this is not fair to the property owners. He suggested that the proposed budget be further reevaluated, noting ~hat he questions the salary r8ises and other matters contained therein, and that the legal problems be resolved to see if something can be worked out which is equitable to everyone. Commissioner Wenzel expressed the desire that the budget be split according to in-patient and out-patient programs, noting that he supports the out-patient portion, but when they are combined, it cause. problems. Ms. Webster suggested that the mentally retarded are being discriminated against since the Mental Health Clinic is receiving funding. Chairman Pistor pointed out that under State law, the County is required to finance 25\ of the Mental Health Program. Mrs. George Park expressed concern over the possibility of defying the zoning laws by keeping her retarded child in her home. Mr. Pickworth assured ~lrs. Park that since she is not runnln~ a rehabilitation home for other than her own child there is no problem. Commissioner Brown stated that if the problem with the attorney can be "squared up" he will vote tax money to support the worthy humanitarian cause of the TECH Program. Mr. Fuquay expressed his appreciation for the time and consideratj given him and stated that he feels the Board has gone above and beyond the call of duty to confer with him and to sharo with him their attitudes and problems. He said that it has given him more awareness of what he needs to do. The motion made by Commissioner Archer was restated by the Chairman, namely to tentatively deny the TECH request for funds, which was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel reiterating his support of the out-patient clinic. "~TJ ..,..n f 8~.c~ 042 Pt,:: 720 August 10, 1978 CONGREGATE MEALS BUDGET (77-022) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Ms. uee Talty, Project ~irector, Tri-County Nutrition Program, sponsored by the Immokalee Service Programs, Incorporated, expressed appreciation to the Board for the assistance given the Program during the past year. She cCllUTlented that she wished that she had had sufficient time to address the various civic groups during the past 10 months to make a "pitch" for private funding for the Program, noting that she views this as her role in the future. However, she said that she has been in the process of "birthing" a new project in the ten-month period and has opened five sites in five communities which she said not only have been funded ~y Title VII Grant but also by CETA in all three counties involved which has reduced the costs with Legard to personnel. At this point, said Ms. Talty, she is unsure as to what extent the Program will be refunded by CETA for the next year and that there is a possibility that key staff members will have to be pi~ked up by the Project. She explained that she has appealed to the Glades and Hendry County Commissioners and, locally, to the Naples Women's Club who will be helping out again but not to the extent that they did last year. Also, said Ms. Talty" she said that Commissioner Archer's suggestion was followed and she prepared a presentation and a budget for the United Fund earlier in the year; however, unfortunately, the project was denied. She advised the Board that the Golden Circle Program which was funded by the Coard last year had to cease operations and to the extent possible the clients were picked up which, hopefully, eliminated sending some of them to nursing homes, which, she said, i5 the philosophy behind the Older American Act funding. In response to Chairman Pistor, Ms. Talty said that despite the fact that the Project is entitled Immokalee Service Program, services I.__J ! ...." . :. , .\..-.-.1 L~J August 10, 1978 are being offered throughout the County, explaining how the Grant wan applied for and the fund~ are beinq used to provide Meals on Wheels, Congregate Meals and the Golden Circle services previously referred to. She advised the Board that help is received from the partiCipants themselves who offer their services if they are able. Also, said Ms. Talty, transportation facilities are provided whon needed to transport clients to the doctor's office, for shopping trips, and the like. CommisDioner Archer moved to tentatively approve the Congr~gate Meals Budget in the amount of $3,000. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Upon call for the question the motion carried 5/0. BUDGET FOR ARTIFICIAL REEF BUOY MAINTENANCE (77-023) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Chairman Pistor inquired of Mr. "Red" Stier, spOkesman, if there were plans to construct reefs, as has been mentioned, noting that there are three reefs presently in existence - two at Marco Island, and one at Naples. Mr. Stier said that the organization he representn ~as under the impression that the Naples Jaycees had taken over the marking of the Naples reef. He said that what is being requested is for funds for maintaining and marking the reefs primarily at Marco Island; however, if help is needed for marking the fishhaven at Naples, such help would be given. Mr. Stier urqed the Board to consider the project very seriously since, in his opinion, these fish~avens off Naples and 1>larco Island will be future sites for a portion of the County's non- polluting solid waste. Continuing, Mr. Stier noted that th9 Deltona Corporation has indicated that they are going to take the reef markers out and abandon them since the corporation does not feel that they can sustain the costs. He said that he is speaking for the Collier County Angler's "., I) ~,,',J- ( m~ 042 P!':': 722 August 10, 1978 Association and offering their help in the project. He explained the work which is involved 1n relocating the markers which have been moved due to severe weather activity and asked that the Board consider lending some financial aid, in the amount of $7,633 which represents one year's cost of maintaining the fishhavens. Mr. Robert G. Abbott, 2S-year Naples resident, commented that the fishing in the area has been downgraded from what it was in the past and that the County has the opportunity to encourage a group of people willing to give of themselves to create a system of better fishing in the County. He stressed the fact that the project is not "Marco Island oriented" but rather for the benefit of the entire County. Mr. Abbott said that he has met with the Jayceos and that it was explained to them what is involved in the project since the persons with whom he spoke were not knowledgeable about the subject. He said that his organization is in the process of obtaining approvals to perform tne work and for the use of the proposed materials. lIe said that the funds being requested are for the purpose of marking the reefs - the funding for construction, and the constructio~ , will be done on a volunteer basis. Another point mentioned by Mr. Abbott is that the funds being asked for are funds which they feel, as fishermen and boaters, they are contributing to the community in the form of boat registration fees. In other words, said Mr. Abbott, they are asking for these monies back in order to do a job for the County. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall inquired about the method of expending the funds with Mr. Abbott explaining that the Ecology Lab would submit a contract for the coming year to maintain the markings for a certain number of dollars. Mr. Stier said that a workshop session should be held with a representative from the Commission, Dr. Jay Harmic, Environmental Consultant, Mr. Abbott and himself to work out a plan L.. ) 1 "l"..'J.' .i~iil LU August 10, 1978 for the disbursement of the funds for the labor involved and the materials for keeping the f~shhavens marked. Mr. Hall notod that in order to obtain the funds under considcra- tion the County would have to apply for grants from Tallahassee and, in his opinion as long as the project meets the criteria, the funds will be available. County Manager Norman noted that there might havo to be modifications to the Bayview Park project in this event, with Commissioner Archer commenting that the funds are to be used for water and fish-related projects specifically. 3e Raid that he Can approve the use of those funds for ramps, parking facilities und other boat- related activities but would have some doubt~ about picniCking faciliti, and the like. Commissioner Brown moved for tentative approval of the budget for maintaining the artificial reef buoys, seconded by Commissioner Archer. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 5/0. * * * * RECESS: 12:20 P.M. until 1:30 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Brenneman was replaced by Deputy Clerk Pantano. * * * * n~? ",.-'7?~ r Bm 042 PI':': .724 August 10, 1978 HEALTH DEPARTMENT (98-000) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer that the budget submitted by Dr. Antell, Health Department, be tentatively approved. Motion carried 3/0, with Commissioners Wenzel and Brown not present at the time of vote. CommisRioner Archer, referring to the significant decrease over last year's budget, questioned as to the reason. Ms. Margaret Rosier, Health Department, explained the HRS updated thelr accounting system which turned up with more funds than the Health Department was aware of. Dr. Antell's budget was briefly discussed concerning his pay. Chairman Pistor noted that the matter will be scheduled a week from Tuesday before the Board in Regular Session. D^TA PROCESSING (98-000) In response to Chairman Pistor's question, Mr. Fred Marks, Director, stated the change in his budget does not reflect a decrease in departmental operation costs, rather, he distributed "IGS" among the various departments for their use of the computer. He further stated the proposed budget for his department is shown $13,334 higher than necessary as one of his positions will be paid from LEAA gr~nt funds. Mr. Marks then briefly explained the procedure used in determining h0W each department was charged for its use of the computer (i.e. overhead, supplies, eta.,). The future purchases of terminals Was briefly discussed with Mr. Hall staling that $29,000 is to be budgeted within an 18- month span to provide hook-up terminals in Building "D" which will connect with the main computer. He further stated that the initial expenditures for equipment of this type will, in an approximate time span of three years, "be the best way to go" compared to I,.::) L.,J August 10, 1978 another method of having several data processing centers. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 3/0 with Commissioners Wenzel and Brown absent, that the Data Processing proposed budget (98-000) be tentatively approved with the deletion of the aforementioned $13,334 making the total budget in the amount of $220,~15. Mr. Hall briefly explained various procedures for budgeting funds for the "Criminal Justice Information System" and suggested setting up an account number under the "Courts" budget as it would be difficult to determine the exact usage of the system. He noted that Mr. Marks, in determining the allocations, used 9/20 of his total administrative cost towards the CJIS. WORD PROCESSING (99-020) - BUDGET TENTATIVELY APPROVED AS SUBMITTED County Manager Norman commented the Word Processing Department had been set up to centralize services to all County departments; however, no definite administrative policy had been set up as of yet. He noted that Ms. Donna Phillips, Supervisor, and himself, had therefore det up the proposed budget without specific guidelines. Mr. Norman stated they are proposing to continue the use of CETA personnel until the department and pOlicies are completely estab- lished. He continued, that a problem that is encountered is making other departments aware that it is to their advantage to make use of the Word Processing department. ... * * ... At this point in the meeting, Commissioner Wenzel arrived at 2:40 P.M. ... * * * Mr. Ted Thorward, Administrative Aide to County Manager, stated the concept of Word Processing is "revolutionary" in that V",' n42 p~.:-725 r I ""1;'" Br,CK 042. Pf.~: 726 ,', ~ " A~9ul!lt 10, 1978 it is an effective method to economize. In answer to Chairman Pistor, M~. Thorward stated the necessity of the requested equipment would be justified in future years. He noted that in time a plan will be developed to charge the cost of the use of the equipment to the individual departments. A discussion concerning the buying or leasing of equipment was brought up. Mr. Hall noted that, depending on the circumstances, sometimes it is better to lease heavy equipment rather than purchase it outright. Ms. Phillips noted that if the requested equipment is obtained, she would not have to turn work away as she is presently doing as well as having to work overtime. Mr. Thorward suggested that work could be utilized on different shifts, if necessary. The budget was tentatively approved in the amount of $27,309. * * * * RECESS: 3:05 P.M. until 3:15 P.M. * * * * MOTOR POOL (99-010) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED AS AMENDED commiss~one~ Archer inquired as to the increase in the Motor Pool budget compared to last year and whether it is caused by the offset of revenue by departments anticipating the use of Motor Pool cars and 9aS. Fiscal Officer Hall replied that all but $57,000 of the total proposed budget ($266,090) is considered revenue from other departments. County Manager Norman distributed sheets to the Commissioners which contained estimated cost per mile for the coming fiscal year. He commented he is .working on a plan to extend service to the Sheriff's Department for car maintenance to provide some income. L..J L_'~ LuJ August 10, 1978 Mr. Jim McDonald, Motor Pool Director, commented he does have tl required help to work on the Sheriff's cars but noted the Sheriff feels tnat if he discontillues service with Bob Taylor Chevrolet for car maintenance, he will not get as good a deal on the purchase of new cars. Mr. Norman con.nented the main increase in the budget is due to the need for new cars. He a180 noted the insurance costs have increased from last year. A brief discussion was held concerning the necessity for purchasing new cars every year. Mr. ~orman commented it is policy that cars are replaced every five years with new cars. Chairman Pistor suggested d~creasing the proposed budget with the deletion of four new vehicles. Commissioner Wenzel commented that Mr. McDonald could come before the Board during the year to request a new vehicle, if necessary. Mr. HcDonald commented that many people have "grossly underrated the amount of miles thoy will drive next year and advised that the Board take that into consideration. Chairman Pistor tentatively approved the Motor Pool bu~get less the purchase of four (4) cars. A brief discussion was held concerning the advantages and/or disadvantages of leasing cars as opposed to buying new vehicles every year. At the request of Chairman Pistor, lolr. McDonald stated he will look into the matter. STORES AND XEROX (99-030) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED AS AMENDED County Manager Norman noted a detailed study was made concerning Xerox costs per requests from employees for an additional Xerox machine on the first floor. He explained that Frank Wilcox, purchasir agent, has made up a report pertaining to department cost of Xeroxing. n,f'J ...,,,..., r I I I , , . I 8G~K O~2 ~:728 August 10, 1978 Mr. Ted Thorward, Administrative Aide to the County Manager, noted that $31,069 is the amount the County has been paying towards the renting and leasing of the equipm,nt. Mr. Wilcox explained the original budget submitted consisted of the total of all department's anticipated costs for Xeroxing; however, h~ feels it is an incorrect figure. Mr. W11cox stated the total amount for all departments for the fiscal year is $33,065 budgeted under the Intragovernmental Services Fund but actually it should be budgeted $41,569, a difference of $8,504. He reiterated him estimation of the yearly cost of $31,069 is just for the leasing and rental of equipment; in addition, he budgeted $10,500 for supplies (developer, toner, paper, etc.,) approximately 1/3 of which will be charged to the Clerk of Courts. This would bring the figure of $8,504 (difference between the two estimations) down to approximately $5,004. A brief discussion was held concerning the amount of Xeroxing done and whether or not it Can be cut down in certain departments. Mr. Wilcox explained that approximately $18,000 in the proposed budget is accounted to the departments for "Small Stores" already charged to the users. He further noted the $5,000 increase mentioned above stems from some departments underestimating their budget for Xeroxing. . . . . At this point in the meeting, Mr. Hall stated that he is about to receive final figures on Federal Revenue Sharing and is anticipating a decreased amount as previously thought. He also briefly discussed the preparation of the budget as tentatively approved. [_~.J U".,"I(.~;"< ~~1.'i>,~ ,.,. LJ August 10, 1978 GOLDEN GA~E COMMUNITY CENTER (88-000) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Following a brief discussion with Mrs. Joan Jenka, Director, the Board tentatively approved the proposed budget for the Golden Gate Community Center. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS No discussion was held concerning this item on the Agenda. *' *' " *' There being no further business for the good of the County, the Chair directed the meeting be a~journed at 4~30 P.M. nA? ~,.-7?A