BCC Minutes 07/21/1978 W Naples, Florida, July 21, 1978 LET I~ BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the Coun ty of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts a8 have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.~I. in Budget Workshop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the followloa members. Dre8ent: CHAIRMAN I John A. Pistor VICE-CHAIRMAN I David C. Brown Clifford C. Wenzel Thomas P. Archer C. R. "Russ" Wimer ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer I Debbie Pantano and Edna Brenneman (1:30 p.m.), Deputy Clerksl C. William Norman, County Manager; Aubrey Rogers, Sheriff, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Departmentl and William McNUlty, Director of Com- munications, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA 1978.-79 BUDGET REVIEI~ SCHEDULE FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1978 9:00 a.m. 27-000 3heriff Aubrey, Rogers 10:00 39-000 Emergency Cammunications/9ll Aubrey Rogers/ Bill MI.::Nulty 20-000 Clerk of Courts William Reagan 20-010 Clerk of Courts - Circuit 20-020 Clerk of Courts - County 20-030 Clerk of Courts - Cir. Admin. 02-000 Clerk to the Board 22-000 County Court 22-010 County Co~t - Judge Trettis 22-020 County Court - Judge Hayes 23-000 Court Reporter 30-000 Probation and Parole 11:00 r. ..1 (l4? ',. t.,Q,r; .b~'~;: ti42 -~.::e3S July 21, 1978 1:30 p.m. 69-000 70-000 CETA - Ac.min. CETA '. '. James Meerpohl James Meerpohl 2:00 01-000 02-000 05-000 .General Government Harold Hall ~~~!~_of Co.~~~~:C~m.miss~one~s Clerk to the Board Other General Administration DISCUSSION RE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT PROPOSED BUDGET - ACTION TO BE TAKEN AT SPECIAL MEETING ON THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1978 Chairman Pistor announced that this is a Workshop Session and requested that the public withhold their comments. He further stated that no actioll is to be taken today and that a Special Meeting will be held next week at which time the public will be permitted to speak. Commissioner Wenzel stressed that the press be made aware of this and publish that the pUblic will be allowed to speak at the Special Meeting next week, Sheriff Aubrey Rogers stressed his department has preparod a budget based on the experience and needs of everyday demands and laws necessary to operate the Sheriff's Department in Collier County. Sheriff Rogers discussed the issue of wages for his department. He commented that he used the Highway Patrol as a guide to establish the rates of salaries. Sheriff Rogers stated his department has had a low turnover of employees compared to other County departments and that the salaries are in line with the surrounding area. The Sheriff noted the inclusion of four (4) CETA deputies on the budget. He explained these deputies will be a continuation of the Youth Relatiolls Program in various Naples local school systems where deputies are placed in the halls of .---, I July 21, 1978 the schools to establish better relations between law enforcement agents and the young people in the community. Sheriff Rogers stressed the results of the program have been extremely good. lIt' commented the original program had eight (8) deputies placed within the schools but CETA funds will not sponsor the program [or this year and suggested four deputies be placed on the Sheriff's payroll this year and possibly get another four next year. Sht'riff Rogers reiterated it is a very worthwhile crime prevention program and urged the Commissioners to favorably consider the funding of the additional deputies needed. Mr. Bob Munz, Assistant Superintendent of the School System, com~limented the Sheriff's Depart~ent very highly for the way the program was run last year and stated the entire administration is quite pleased with the program. In response to Chairman Pistor's question, Mr. Munz replied that the Youth Relations Program should be started at the 6th grade level and up through the secondary schools; and, that the School system does not have it in their budget to pay for the hall patrolmen because the officers are not there to keep law and order, as such, but rather acting as a preventive measure. Mr. Jim Meerpohl, CETA Director, explained that as of next year, the CETA program can expect at least a 10\ cutback on funds, affecting approximately 160 positions within the County. He further stated that the Youth Relations Program has been noted as first priority of all the programs CETA has at the present time. Due to the expected cutbacK, therefore, Mr. Meerpohl commented that CETA can only afford to fund approximately half of the Youth Relations Program/reiterating the reason why the Sheriff's Depart- ment has the other half of the Program on its budget. Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett explained that the main reason additional personnel is being requested is due to the growth rate of Collier County. ~:\:\ 042 ~.',:: 637 bC'0~ 042 F;,::638 July 21, 1978 The c~ime rate of Colli~~ County was discussed. It was noted by Deputy Chief Barnett that Collier County has one of the highest crime rates, percentage-wise, in the nation. He stated this possibly is 1ue to several reasons, such as the weather, tourism, and aggressive businesses, for example. Deputy Chief Barnett commented that the proposed budget is not improving any programs but will still be existing as the previous year and the main increase is due to salaries and inflation rates. l~ referred to a visual chart containing comparisons of the salary rates for surrounding Coun~y's Sheriff's Departments and noted that the salaries were mostly comparable with the cX,- -,ption of the larger Counties whose salary rates are slightly higher. Another item on the budget is the cost of food for the prisoners, he said, and those prices have raised due to inflation. Commission~r Wenzel commented the Sheriff's Department did a fine job last year and hoped they would maintain their level of service this year without raising the County taxes. Deputy Chief Darnett stated there is no way the department can maintain the same level of service without hiring additional personnel, again referring to the growth rate of Collier County. In response to Cha!!:moln P istor' s inquiry, D," puty Chief Darnett explained the item "Revenue Sharing" is funds that go towards paying for the education and training of the deputies; the item under "Repairs" refers to the maintainence of the police vehicles and "Car Rental" is mostly due to the fact the department has to rent trucks to haul the enormous amount of marijuana that is confiscated. He further explained the "Travel Expense" pertains to sending investigators out of town, for example, or suhpoenaing witnesses from out of town: the "Ammunition-Gas Ordinance" refers to the training of their deputies in using rifles and tear r" '-"1 r--l July 21, 1978 gas. Chairman Pistor questioned the amount of funds allocated under "Office Supplies." Deputy Chief Barnett explained that tho State mandates what type of forms are to be used for traffic tickets, etc., and that the cost of mailing juror summons by certified mail is still less expensive than the old way of serving a summons in person with a deputy. Sheriff Rogers noted an experiment is being implemented this year to mail summons out without being certified and if the response is fairly well, the program will continue; if not, the department will go back to certifying the summons. The "Neighborhood Watch" program was discussed. Mr. Barnett commented this program has saved the department money over the previous year. Deputy Chief Darnett explained that the purchase of new cars this year is definitely needed as the present cars get a lot of wear and tear and usually start to go bad after 60-70,000 miles. In regards to "Radio Equipmant" Deputy Chief Barnett noted that the purchase will actually amount to a savings as the radios carry extra benefits from previous ones used by the Department. Chairman Pistor inquired if anything had been worked out, as requested, to reduce the proposed budget by 5\. Deputy Chief Barnett again stressed the only way to cut the budget would be to reduce the personnel and in that way, the County will not be getting the same quality of service as in the past. Sheriff Rogers stressed that his department strives on a day-to-day basis to cut expenses. He commented that the eight deputies previously mentioned in the Youth Relations Program are already completely trained as deputies and if it is not possible to hire them for this year, it will take quite a long time to find such "high-caliber" people in the future. o,";~ 042 p,~~: 639 b(~~ 042 p,'.:: 640 July 21, 1978 Sheriff Rogers noted that many things in his budget are very expensive, such as insurance. Commissioner Wimer, referring to Workmen's Compensation, stated he would lik.J to see the expenses broken down according to departments in order to see exactly how much the Sheriff's Department is responsible for. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall noted that Florida has the highest rate for Workmen's Compensation and Collier County's costs have gone up $~OO,OOO during the past two years. Sheriff Rogers pointed out that many items in the budget are not borne by the taxpayer. Commissioner Wimer stated that direction should be given by the Board concerning his suggestion regarding the Workmen's Compensation expense that each cost per department be shown on that deparLment's budget rather than the Board's budget. Commissioner Wenzel commented that since this is advertised as a Workshop Session, no action should be taken but that the public could speak if the Board desires. Chairman 1?istor stated that the public be allowed to speak today and in that way the Sheriff I.lay possibly use any suggestions they have to offer and be able to work out some amendments to the budget before the final meeting the following week at which time action will be taken. Mr. Hall commented there should be no problem in allocating the Workmen's Compensation expense according to department and that in the annual Financial Report to the State, the County must make these allocations showing where the expenses are incurred. Commissioner Wimer stated he preferred to see the Sheriff's budget slightly high rather than slightly low to insure they will have enough funds to perform all the functions necessary. r .. . I ,1 July 21, 1978 Commlssioner Brown commented he had no questions concerning the budget and would like to hear from the public. Mr. Bob Weinig, Chairman of Citizen's Inflation Fighters, stated he preferred to give his comments in a letter he will write to the Commissioners but added that he thinks they are doing a good job in working out the budget in everyone's interest. Mr. Lloyd Sarty, Naples Civic Association, stated he feels "comfortable" with the proposed budget but any increase at this time is undesirable. ~Ir. Sarty noted that in a comparison with other counties, the Collier County Sheriff's Dept. averages 3 1/3 personnel per every thousand residents compared with an average of '.66 in the surrounding counties and that a study should be made to make surA. the Sheriff's Dept. is not over-staffed. He also stated it does not seem right that the State of Florida determines the rate of salary for the deputies. Chairman Pis tor commented that the reason Collier County has so much personnel is because it is not based on the amount of residents, rather the amount of land that needs to be covered with deputies. Mr. Art Mueller, resident, recommended th~t the Board pass a resolution directed at the Florida Congressional Delegation regarding the drug traffic in Collier County whereas the federal government contributes funds to the Sheriff's De~~rtment for the confiscation of marijuana and drugs. Chairman Pistor stated he will direct the County Manager to place the item on the Board agenda at an early date. Mr. Ira Evans, resident, noted the suggestion for the Sheriff to cut back the budget by 5\ is a good one but commented it should be shown exactly what services will be discontinued or cut back. * * * * * lit lit lit * * * * RECESS: 11:20 A.M. until 11130 A.M. * * * * * lit * * * * .. * &r~~ 042 p;,:: 641' b, ',:' U ,... t:... 1..._ U'1."- July 21, 1978 Chairman Pistor announced that a Special Meeting will be held by the Board for Thursday, July 27, 1978 at which time the Sheriff's budget will be voted on and at the same time review other department budgets which might not be covered at the scheduled Wednesday budget revi~w. DISCUSSION RE 911 SYSTEM - ACTION TO BE TAKEN AT A LATER DATE Sheriff Rogers briefly explained the historj of the 911 emergency system presently in use by the Sheriff's Department. lie stated he has prepared a budget in order that the 911 system and the fire and ambulance Emerqency Commlmication system works in the best possible manner to serve the taxpayers. Mr. Bill McNulty, Director of Communications in the Sheriff's Department, stated the proposed budget has had a 28% decrease frum the originally proposed budget. Commissioner Wimer commented that this particular budget is being treated as a department rather than a service being performed. lie stressed he feels that many items in the budget should really be allocated to the Sheriff's budget rather than the 911 system. Deputy Chief Barnett explained that enough calls are coming through for Immokalee that it now requires a pbrson be stationed at that substation to handle the calls. Referring to the 40% increase over last year's budget, ~1r. Barnett emphasized the service was not acting full time last year and he does not expect that any additional personnel will be needed for the next few years, other than what is proposed in this year's budget. Mr. HcNulty pointed out that 8S% of the budget increase is allocated to the two personnel being requested. Commissioner Wimer noted that approximately 80% of the calls coming through on the 911 system are law enforcement calls which would have come in whether or not the 911 system was there. rI July 21, 1978 He asked that the budget be reviewed again and if there is a need for all additional Sherif..7's dispatcher, that would be more desirable; however, he does not want that person being charged to tho 911 system when he is actually needed to handle mostly law-enforcement calls. Commissioner Archer commented this is merely an accounting procedure which could probably be worked out by the Fiscal Officer to everyone's satisfaction, but a lot of accounts would have to also be revised in the same way. Commissioner Wimer once again stressed that he would like this budget to be reviewed again and hrought back to the Board at a later date for action. * * * * * * * * * * RECESS: 12:00 P.M. until 1:30 P.H. at which tim'i Deputy Clerk Pantano was replaced by Deputy Clerk Brenneman. * * * * * * * * * * * #02-000 CLERK TO THE BOARD BUDGET REVIEWED Clerk William Reagan advised that the figures comprising this budget were broken out of the General Government to the extent it was possible to determine what was spent for Clerk to the Board functions and dependent upon what the Commissioners expect to be done in this area. Chairman Pistor expressed concern over the amount of overtime spent in preparing the FY 78-79 Budget and inquired about future plans for this purpose. Fiscal Officer Hall explained that there is no staff assigned specifically to Bud~ets and that all work on the budget is done on overtime by existing employees. He stated that a lot of extra work was required thLJ year because of the conversion to the new chart of accounts eState mandated) and the implementation of the new computer-based system for Expenditure Budgets. ~~~( 042 p:.::649 * * B~C~ 042, p,',::644: JUly 21, 1978 Mr. Reagan stated that the law now permits the Board to appoint a Bu~get Officer, if desired, such appointment to be made by resolution, noting that the position would probably be for the County Manager to perform the budgeting functions. He further commentp.d that th~ County Manager would not be physically able, by himself, to prepare th~ ~udget explaining that any employee available in the Clerk's office is called upon to help in the preparation of this budget. It was Commissioner Wimer's suggestiun that the budget for this year should reflect an item for preparation of the budget for the following year with Commissioner Wenzel observing that the additional expense could come from the Contingency fund, if necessary. uisucsRion was held on various means of cutting down on the number of pages in the Board minutes which Commissioner Wenzel pointed out are too bulky and contain too many superfluous documents which arc availilble throughout the various departments. The large number of 'Jcrbatim transcripts being rflquested was also commented upon by Mr. Reagan which, in his opinion, could be reduced. It \~ilS the conscnsus of the Board that recommendations regarding the preparation of th~ minutes be brought to the Board for review and discussion. Tho increase in Workmen's Compensation was discussed with Fiscal Officer Harold Hall noting that this expense was approximately $100,000 four years ago and that it has increased to approximately $400,000. The Data Processing Department figure of $150,000, Mr. Hall explained, is because there is still much developmental work ongoing; however, the day-to-day operations will be charged to the various departments involved. Mr. Hall said that the only question needing an answer now is "Should the cost of converting programs from existing applications to the new computer be charged against the user departments?" and, if so, more funds will have to be charged to the appropriate departments. It was agreed that this Il ,_... -, July 21, 1978 should be done, Mr. Reagan advised that future budgets will reflect the actual costs and that there will be accurate figures for each department using the service. #20-000 CLERK OF courTS, ET AL, BUDGETS REVIEWED Chairman Pistor commented upon the items of Commissions and/or Fees - Clerk, in the amount of $30,000, and Other Court Related Costs in the amount of $5,000 with Clerk William Reagan responding that these items are mandated by law and are uncontrollable expenditures covering witnesses costs, travel expenses, jury costs, and the like. lie said that these bills have really been audited during the past year and that it has worked out much better. Further, said Mr, Reagan, the budget figure should probably be much higher and that he is taking a chance by keeping it so low. He also said that if it is necessary to supplement the budget it can be done through budget amendments. The Clerk of Courts - County - Budget (20-020) was commented upon with Clerk Reagan noting that the majority of the increese is in salaries plus fringe benefits, adding that there is a small increase in office supplies. Mr. Reagan noted that he "went after the equipment and office supply items like a hawk this year hoping that strong consideration would be given to salary increases" emphasi~ing his need for competent personnel. Methods of purchasing sUPFlies was explained by Mr. Reagan who stated th~t he uses a combination of personal contact with suppliers as well as using the County Purchasing Department. Referring to the Clerk of Courts - Circuit Court Administration _ Budget (20-030), Clerk Reagan explained that the $5,000 increase in "Other Court Related Cost" covers certain witness costs, such as particular doctors, special witnesses, and the like. Mr. Reagan observed that the Courts are doing "their share" this year in keeping costs to a minimum. B~C( 042 P.',:: 845 ~~~:\ 042 P/.~: 646 July 21, 1978 The BUdget for County Court - Judge Trettis - (22-010), said Clerk Reagan, has been cut by 6\, the big cut being for subscriptionf publications, and the like, plus office supplies. Clerk Reagan stated the BUdget for County Court - Judge Hayes _ (22-020) shows an increase due to the need for $2,400 for a set of Florida Statutes and Florida Statutes Annotated. The question of using the Law Library for this purpose was mentioned with Commissione: Wimer suggesting that it would be diffioult for the judge to do this when researching a matter. Mr. Reagan advised that the other judges have this material, adding that the judge in question is conservative in making requests. It was noted by Clerk William Reagan that the budget for Court Reporter (23-000) does not show an increase - it has been left the same as in the current year. He said that the cost is high but that it is a necessary budget item. Although not scheduled for this date, the matter of the State Attorney Budget (24-000) was brought up for discussion with Mr. Reagan noting that the budget has been cut by 17\, $4,000 of the decrease being in Motor Vehicles. Commissioner Wimer voiced concern over the Communications item in the Budget showing an increase of $1,000. Mr. Reagan stated this item covers mostly long distance telepl,,,ne calls, adding the comment that it is still unknown what the savings will be in the use of the new Suncom System. Mr. Reagan stated that the Public Defender Budget (25-000) remains the same as the current year due primarily because the County does not have to contend with the matter of salaries, rather just providing space for the operation which is not reflected in the Budget. The Probation and Parole Budget (30-000) went down, said Mr. Reagan, because there are no salary increases given. The reason for this was briefly discussed. In summary, Mr. Reagan said that the Circuit Court Budget, in Official Records, the recording is "Way up and we are doing r-1 r July 21, 1978 real well." He suggested the possibility of turning back approx- imately $200,000 and that he has determined that there is no direct cost to the County for recording this year. He provided figures regarding the number of property transactions stating that there arc 400 instruments, o~ the average, being recorded pAr day. Mr. Reagan advised the Board that there will be requests made for additional space in the courts section of the Courthouse Complex. CommiSRioner Wimer observed that the courtrooms are empty possibly 80% of the time and a further comment was made by Commissioner Wenzel that by improvements in scheduling better use could be made of the space. V~rious cuggestiona w~re forthcoming concerning possible solutions to the problem, one of them being double sessions possibly in the future. Chairman Pis tor congratulated Mr. Reagan on the "fine job" done in preparing his budget which he said is along the lines of what the Board hoped all of the budgets would be. He again asked for an indication of what will be done regarding overall budget preparations in the future, commenting that ther~ is no way the Board can properly thank the personnel involved regarding the overtime and work that has gone into the preparation of the FY 1978-79 budget. Mr. Reagan ~esponded that his staff will continue to prepare the budget as long as the Board so desires. He said that he does not wish the Board to feel "tied in" and if the Board feels that the project should be handled by the County Manager, he would have no objection, noting that budgeting is a management classification. Further brief discussion followed concerning the fact that the Fiscal Officer's Staff is doing the budget work on an overtime basis and that this requires the work of several people over a period of several weeks. Chairman Plstor stated that the Clerk's office is to continue the budget work. 5[\~~ 042 r.',:: 647 b~CK 042 Pf.:: 648 July 21, 1978 REVIEW OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET - (01-000) (02-000) (05-000) Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that the total figure under General Government in the current budget was $1,493,455 which shows an increase for the new year of $336,076, primarily because of the incrcase in insuranc~ costs previously discussed regarding Workmen's Compensbtion and also the addition of the Data Processing cost which were in a separate budget last year. He suggested that it might be necessary to increase the personnel required in the future who would be charged to the Utility Division, however, the budgct for the Clerk to the Board's budget shows a net decrease of one position. Although noting it was not directly tied in with the budget unn~r discussion, Commissioner Archer suggested some means be determined for the collection of Lethal Yellowing past-due accounts which now totals $55,000. Mr. Hall noted that heretofore the program has paid for itself. He said that there are seven areas, including the one under discussion, on which a financial analysis will be made f~llowing the budget hearings. Returning to the General Government Budget, Mr. Hall explained that two additional accounts were added this year - one for the Board of County Commissioners, and one for the Clerk to the Board, and that the expenses were dllocated accordingly. He said that the expenses were kept about the same as last year with the exception of the increases previously mentioned - Workmen's Compensation, Data Processing Department, and the uniform wage adjustment. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. The meeting was recessed at 2:55 P.M. to convene in Special Session at 3:05 P.M. and reconvened at 4:12 P.M. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. PROPOSED MERIT INCREASES FOR INDIVIDUALS DIRECTLY UNDER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Following brief explanation by Fiscal Officer Harold Hall regarding the proper location of salaries for the named individuals ,oOl r--'J July 21, 1978 prior to advertising of the budget, Commissioner Archer moved that the salary of the Utility Director be increased from his present salary to $34,350 annually, Administrative Aide to the Board increased from present salary to $15,200 annually, and that of the County Attorney from his present salary to $40,000 annually; and that $1,200 be.set aside in the Contingency Fund for the Data Processing Director's inorease in salary which is due in February, 1979. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion with the comment that the subject individuals are deserving of the increases. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 3/1 with Commissioner Wimer absent at the time of the vote and Co~nissioner Wenzel voting in the negative, commenting that a 10% increase is the most that he will vote for at anyone time. Commissioner Archer pointed out that the figures are tentative and will be discussed later on but that it is necessary to place them in the proper departmental budgets at this time. DISCUSSION OF CETA ADMINISTRATION BUDGET (69-000) AND CETA PROGRAM BUDGET (70 .:.()OO) CETA Program Director James Meerpoh1 explained, in response to Chairman Pistor, that the CETA funds are monies controlled by the Board but are not ad valorem taxes, passed through by the Federal Government to be spent on individuals designated by the regulations. He noted that the figures contained in the budget are estimates since there is no way he can determine the exact amounts which will be received. An opinion has been expre~sed, said Mr. Meerpohl, that there will be at least a 10\ cutback in the two programs cur- rently being operated, and possibly a 50\ cutback in the project being operated. He noted that these possibilities are reflected in the proposed budget. e~r:~ 042. P,'.:: 649 f)~C~ 042 N,~: 850 July 2l, 1978 County Manager Norman pointed out that the reason for the two budget divisions is to formalize for accounting purposes those administrative funds which will be reimbursed by the CETA program to the County's General Fund for the services rendered to CETA. It was further pointed out by Commissioner Aroher that there is little contr.ol over these budgets other than to approve the form~ as submitted by the CETA Program Director for Administra- tion and the General Agency. Hr, Meerpohl observed that the Administrative budget is the maximum allowable for administering the program I however, the maximum is not spent for administraticm purposes due to the different areas which can be covered by these funds such as training costs, service costs to clients, and the like, as well as reimbursement to the Board for services provided to the CETA program. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall advised that this would be the time if the Board, for any reason, would not like to continue as the CETA Progrum Agent for the County with t-Ir. Meerpohl stating that in the past only 72% of the funds allocated to the County were actually spent in the County. He said that under the Board of County Commissioners up to 99% of funds for programs which were run on a reimbursement schedule were expended. He said that the CETA program can be run much better at the local level for addressing local needs as opposed to being run from Tallahassee or Atlanta. Mr. Heerpohl also commented on the fact that the administration costs were approximately 6% during the past year which enabled CETA to provide more jObs, as opposed to 13-14' when administered outside the area. The meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair. Time: 4:30 P.M, "'--1 ._,