Resolution 2001-245 1682 1- ;~". ~,.:~tJ RESOLUTION NO. 2001~ 245 A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ADOPTING THE DISADV ANT AGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM. WHEREAS, The Collier County Board of COW1ty Commissioners (BCe) has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26. . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, Naples, Florida: 1. That it is the policy of the Board of County Commissioners to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprise's, as defined in 49 CFR part 26, have an equal opportW1ity to receive and participate in contracts partially or fully funded by The Federal Transit Administration. 2. That the policies and procedures set forth in the DBE Program and the DBE Goal Setting Process are approved. 3. That James D. Carter, Chairman of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners is authorized to execute the Objectives/Policy Statement of the Collier County DBE Program. 4. That David P. Hope, Public Transportation Manager, is authorized to sign any and all assurances, certifications and other documents which may be required in connection with the Program or subsequent Programs. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF June. 2001 AFTER A MOTION, SECOND. AND .MAJORITY VOTE FAVORING SAME. ATTEST: . {'. COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF CO~;MMISSIONERS ~~ By: 'J es D. Carter, Chalrman '. By: ~ ...;e!..I{"--'AJ.C!. wightE. Brock~ lerk Atte$t as to ChI1~n's signlture only. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: