Agenda 12/02/2008 Item #17B Agenda Item No. 17B December 2, 2008 Page 1 of 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that Board of County Commissioners repeals and replaces Ordinance No. 74-7, through adoption of an ordinance prohibiting unauthorized camping in the unincorporated areas of Collier County. OBJECTIVE: To adopt an ordinance that repeals and replaces Ordinance No, 74-7, CONSIDERATIONS: On May 13, 2008, the County Attorney sought Board direction to develop and advertise an ordinance prohibiting Wlauthorized camping in the unincorporated areas of Collier County, At that meeting, a Sheriffs Office representative identified concerns that such an ordinance, by its nature, would directly impact the homeless population, In response, the Board directed that the COWlty Attomey work with the Sheriff's Office and, as a result of these collaborative efforts, a proposed ordinance was considered by the Board on November 18, 2008 as Item 16K4_ The Board then directed staff to advertise the proposed ordinance for future consideration, - As background, on February 7, 1974, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 74-7, attached hereto, to prohibit mobile and portable sleeping within one mile of the Gulf of Mexico. Although the legislative history is not clear, mobile and portable sleeping was presumably prohibited only within one mile of the Gulf of Mexico because, at that time, the majority of the population was within that area, Ordinance No, 74-7 is still in effect, but not enforced by the COWlty'S Park Rangers and law enforcement because Ordinance No, 89-11, as amended, regulates the use and conduct on the beach and prohibits overnight canlping on the beach, However, according to an analysis by the Florida Division of Forestry, the risk of wildfires continues to exist thoughout the unincorporated areas ofCoJlier County, Therefore, to address population expansion since 1974, it is necessary to repeal and replace Ordinance No, 74-7 with an ordinance that will prohibit unauthorized camping in areas outside of the beach areas. The Office of the County Attorney has reviewed numerous anti-camping ordinances throughout Florida and in other states, Although many of these ordinances have been found unconstitutional, the City of Orlando has adopted an ordinance prohibiting camping which has been upheld by the United States Court of Appeals of the Eleventh Circuit. This success was in large part due to City of Orlando's handbook entitled the Most Used City Ordinance Book which established an enforcement process. Consequently, the City of Orlando's ordinance and enforcement process is the recommended model. The proposed ordinance, if adopted, would: l. Define camping as: . Sleeping or otherwise being in a temporary shelter out-of-doors; or Sleeping out-of~doors; or Cooking over an open flame or fire out-of-doors. .-- . . Agenda Item No, 178 December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 11 2. Prohibit camping and provide for specified exceptions: . Camping is prohibited on all public property within the unincorporated area of Collier County, except as may be specifically authorized by the appropriate governmental authority. . Camping is prohibited on all property within the unincorporated area of Collier County used for residential purposes; however, that camping is permitted on such property with the permission and consent of the property owner, 3, Providing for relocation to a public shelter, if a bed is available, If a bed is available and the person refuses to relocate to the public shelter, then such person may be charged with a violation of this Ordinance, The draft enforcement process, attached hereto, would ensure that the ordinance is constitutionally and consistently enforced. If this Ordinance is adopted, the Sheriffs Office will establish an internal enforcement process, FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed Ordinance has been advertised through a purchase order issued to the County Attorney's Office. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the growth management plan associated with these changes, RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the attached ordinance that repeals and replaces Ordinance No. 74-7, in order to prohibit unauthorized camping in unincorporated Collier County, PREPARED BY: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow, County Attorney Page ] of I Agenda Item No. 17B December 2, 2008 Page 3 of 11 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 17B Recommendation that Board of County Commissioners repeals and replaces Ordinance No. 74-7, through adoption of an ordinance prohibiting unauthorized camping In the unincorporated areas of Collier County. Meeting Date: 12/2/2008 9:0000 AM Prepared By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 11/19/20084:52:52 PM Approved By Jennifer A, Belpedio Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 11/19/20084:55 PM Approved By Scott R. Teach Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 11120/20088:42 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/20/20083:09 PM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11120/20085:49 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 11/21/200812:10 PM tile://C,IAgendaTestlF.xnortl 117-0ecemher%707.%70200RI 17%70SI IMMARY%70AGF 11/7 ~OOOR Agenda Item No. 178 December 2, 2008 Page 4 of 11 ORDINA~CE NO. 2008- A.'< ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINA~CE NO. 74-7 WITH AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CAMPING IN THE UMNCORPORATED AREAS OF COLLIER COUNTY; DEFINING CAMPING; PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIO"lS; PROVIDL\TG FOR TRANSPORT TO SHELTER IF BEDS AVAn~AnLE; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR INCLl:SION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AJliD ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AN'll SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners fmds that it is m the interest of health, safety, and welfare to the citizens of Collier County that Ordinance No, 74-7 be repealed and rcplaced with this Ordinance, NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COL'NTY, FLORIDA that: SECTION ONE: CAMPING DEFINED For the purpose of this Ordinance, "campmg" is defined as: A. Sleeping or otherwise heing in a temporary shelter out-of-doors; or B. Sleepmg out-of-doors; or C. Cooking over an open flame or fire out-of-doors, SECTION TWO: CAMPL"IG PROHIBITED, EXCEPTIONS A, Camping is prohibited on all public property wlthin the Lmincorporated area of Collier County, cxccpt as may be specifically authorized by the appropriate govemmental authority. B. Camping is prohIbited on all property within the unincorporated area of Collier County used for residential purposes; however, that camping is permitted on such property WIth the permission and consent of the property owner. SECTION THREE: PROVIDING FOR TRANSPORT TO SHELTER IF BEDS ARE AVAILABLE A. \Vhenever a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that a violation of this Ordinance has occurred, he or she shall advise the person of the violation and afford the person an opportumty to relocate to a public ally "vailable shelter. If the person elects to be transp0l1ed to the public shelter the law enforcement officer shall make available such transportation to a public shelter for su~h purpose and the person making sucb election shall not bc charged with a violation oftbis section. If a bed is available and the person refuses to relocate to the public shelter, then such person may be charged with a violation of this Ordinance. If a bed is not avaIlable, then this Ordmance shall not be enforced. Agenda Item No. 17B December 2, 2008 Page 5 of 11 SECTION FOUR: PENALTIES Violations of this Ordinance shall be punishable by a fme not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment in the county jail as provided for in Section 125.69, Florida Statutes, SECTION FIVE: INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCE The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier COlll1ty, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be r,:,umbered or re-lettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or any other appropriate word. SECTION SIX: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Col1ier COWlty or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply, If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION SEVEN: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this _day of ,2008. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK OF COLLIER COlJNTY, FLORIDA By: TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN Appr ' ufficiency: Jeffrey . ,I Agenda Item No, 178 December 2, 2008 Page 6 OI\D~NlINCE NO. -:u....2. AN ORDIlIr.NCE TO REG~t.A'XE 'rIlE USE OF CAMPERS, V~NS,' TENTS, S~EPIN~ BAGS AND: OTHER MOBIL~ OR poaTJlBLE SLEtPlNG FIICILIUES ' OR EQUIPMENT UPON' PUBLIC AND PRIVIITE'LAND WI'I'llIN ONB (II MILE OF'THE GU~F OP MEXICO Na! CONTAIUtn WITHIN, OR ACCESSORY ro AN APPROVED MOIlIt.J: HOtolB PARK, OR CAXP,GROUND, pnOVIDING ~cep~ TIONS, PROVIDING PENALrY. SAVINGS AND CONty,IC'l' CLAUllES, AND PROVI- DING ANI EFFECTIVE: DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE DoIIRD OP'COON'X~ OOHMISStONERS pF OOLLIE~ COUNTY. FLOR.I0A; ..<!! ~ -n "''' ;0 ...... -, "... -- -- ..... "- ;~ r"""\ ~~ 'rn o~ g I C) ~;I "'0 ~ ~. ... ...... SECTION ONE: L. Oefinl~ions for the ~urpo.e of ~hi8 ordinance! a. ~Mobile SloQP!nq Fa~ilieY or ~U1~ment. lnaludae, but is not l1mited to, any vlh1cl. 1nc u~in9 . mobile home1 tra.iler, camper', cover~d van, t.ruck or bUB', tractor,: boat on a trailer, or other! vahi~l. O~ automobtl. 4..19n~, equl~pe~ ~r used for oyernlqhtlng, spending ~he ni9~iMe hour., sleeping. or for use am 11vinq quar~er.. : Slee in Faci it or E ul nt- ihelgd.., to a tent, ... eepJ.ng ag: O:r BJ.llila1r item uBed or .ui~abla for .~l~.r, over~ . . or living in the open. . !. 2. Are~ of Applioation. Thi5 Ordinance shall apply to the unincorpor4te~~area ot Collie[' County, Florida with~n one (l) mile or the: Cu.l! of' Mexico. ; j 3. Unlawful to cam~ oh private ~roPQrty ~ithout aw~rsl COnBGnt: It $nall be unlawful f~r any person to occupy, Qr t~ allow, permit or cause t.o be pllrklld:. pitr:hed,' placed or' erec::te4 upon the land of another withQut the prior expressed consent of the. owner ~ny ~mobtlQ or pcrt~ble sleepinq f.cil~ty or equipment- a~ definea above. 4. Mobile and Portable Sleep1nqiEQuipm~nt Prohibited. It shall be unlawful during the period of tUns beginning thirty (30) minutes before.s~set until thi~~y (30) minut~ after ~unri8e each day tor any per~on to oeeupy or to cause to ~ parked, , pitched, plaDea or erected any "mohl1e:c~ portable sleeping tacilit~ or equipment- upon any pUblic ~oad right-of-way, park I hB5bh or oth~ property or upon privat. land within the unineorporlted area of Collier County except ae follows: , ~ a. Within a mobile home Or trailer park or c~groun4. I or facility designated, as such or otherwise perm1tt~ in accordance with the Co~L1er County Zoning Regulations and ce~tified by the Collier county Health Department A~ ~et1ng current State h.alths~andard8, Or h. Such person p~ominentlYldiBplaY8 ~etw.Qn aay such vehiel~, equipment or faeility abd ~he nea~e.~ commonly used road. path, trail or walkway a current permi~ i.auod by the 'WOI 2 Illt 38 :1 '1. l. ,~ ,\.I .'_1 L-" l. 1 V Agenda Item No, 178 D~cember 2, 2008 - \ I " Pagr 7 Count.y Zonln9 .ncf nec..lth Dcpart;IDenttl thAtl the facility ..et.a the mini..- s.nlt.rY'.nd h..ltH stand.rd. of tho Stats Depsrt. mont of "...lth. 8uell pam1~ .lIall de."d'be the p<lQlonCal vBhicle, loc.~ion upcn which parkin, .hall be pom1~tod and the permitt.~ poriodof ti.o. ' SECTION TlKlI , ' 1. Penal~Y. Any per.on viol.tin, tho provisions Dt this Ordinance shall be 9Q:LltV ~f . m.i.d_e.no~ andupQf\ ccnv~t.1Dn ahall be p\.U118hed .. p:ovl~ad by 9!tnlllral la". " ! : ; ~ . ; . I . ~. Sevaranoa. 1:f ~ny port.ion of t.hJ.. d'r41nanc:. J.:. 4eclaraclJ ~ncon.titution.l or held invalid in .pplieat1on, the ~alidlty of . the r~inin; porticna and'.ppl:L~ability to other per.on. and clreum8tance. .hall not be! affected thereby. . i . 3. conflic't. Should any pro?toion of thia On'lin..... confl1i* with other ordlnane.., e~d~. or law, :the ~r. ~e.trictl~ aha11 -pp~~. 4. Effective oa'tft. .: The provillions of th1, Ordine~ce SnAlt }: b~co~ effect1ve upDn recalpt that t~i. Ord1na~c. ha. be~n filed with the Department of stat... ., ';" Karch S. 1974 . . IlClAIID 01" COllll'n CCHlUSSIOIfERS ; . :.~~: Approved .. ;to for. ~ leq.llty~ ; l' . . i I D~v1d l'.1Der.on Br\Ule~ i C*lli.r County Attorn~ " , '1 i , Origihal and 4'!Pl1cate raaU.ed to the ,S.cret.ary 'of Sute, Certified '. JoIail No. 4501411 ~n ~hla .ll1L day of P.bruary, ~974 ~ . ,~ ./~~<~ . Ben o. Dr~verr CPA Fiscal Ofticor, Doputy Cls~k ., 1" 1001: 2 rIOl 37 , " ., ....:.. Agenda Item No. 17B December 2" 2008 Agenda Iter ge1/!J!of 11 ,May 3,2008 ,rag 11 of 14 , , AN ORDINANCE AMllNtllNG CHAPTER 43 (OFFENSES- MISCELLANEOUS) OF.TllB CODE 0)1 THE CITY OF ORLANOO BY THE ADDITION OF Ii SECTION ..3.80 PROHIBITING CAMPING IN CERTAIN AREAS AN!) PROVIDING EXCEPTTONS. BE IT ORDA1NED BY TlIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIn OF ORLANDO, ,I'LORIDA: SEC'I'ION ONE: Ch~pter;43 of the Code of th9 City of ~rlando be, and the same is hereby, ;amended Of: the addition of a Section 43.80 to ~ead as follows. Sec. 43,80, Camplng:prohibited; exeeptioDs. (1) For the purpcises of this is defined as: . sect ion, "camping" i i (a) sleeping or otherwi*e being in ~ temporary sbelter out-of-dOors; or (b) sle8pin~ ~ut-of-doo~s; or (c) COOk~g dver an opeD flame or fire out-of-doors. (2) Camping is prohibited o. all publl.c property' owned or controlleQ by .the City 01 Orlando, .except 8.8 may be specifically perm1tted. , (3) Camping i~ prbhibited o~ all property in the City used for comme~cial OT industrial purposes. (4 ) the C1t~ bowever# with the Camping is prph1bitod on all property in used for res1d~ntial purPoses; provided, tbat campiug is perm1tte4 on ~uchproperty pCnU.ssion Md- COnsent 01: the property owner. (~) Any perSOn violating sub-sections (2), (3) or (4) of this BeetioD shall, ~pon convi~tion. be punished a.s provided I in 'Section 1.08 ,of this Code. , SECTION TWO~ It any se~t10n. SUbs'ction. Be~tence~ cl~se, pb~as~ or portion of this or~inaoce is tor any reason held 1rvalid or unconstitutiona~ by any court ~f competent jUrisdiction, such . . portion shall be deemed a seParate, distinct, and lndependen~ provision and such holding soal1 not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. SECTION .THREE: This.ord1nance sb_ll take effect upon its , , pass:V:;I::DPrOVide~ ~7 ,I9S0, READ HRST TIlOi: _ I!I~. /.; f"., 1980_ READ SECOND TIldE AND AOO'P'rED, 514 JlUl.c;. 19S0, ! , j - '-~~~IWVliD: '. " . <L/Z-,...-/ ../ ,/ &;;7 L..g~~ e (MUCOBI U 5' E !) J l" ( I M 0 S 'f' C I T Y ORnI~A~CE B'O'C. K .' I r , , . . .' o?",piiio<;iW.. .' .... " . Office ,~~f:t:.lie::,G.ity:"P:J::o:s:~:~.t:or '",pdatiod-by' . ." .~nn~_th,c."~'Il~rt Ci-t.y- :'prb~e~.t~':r:,:; Na tas~_a; w.';:~~::!'?c'-:~.~~~'~V~,~?~;' . 1<n5i1:1st,;. ?;~!i .. ",,' ':-r' '.....~, . " .~'. ":0.,,'.\ :" '.' ~->"".' ~f?~~" ',_.::.,._, ~. ':i'. "~';,':': ;~ ,( ,\;:,'t~-?"~~i'~: '-",', '-'" ,'" ~';:':,' :'~'~) ,'-"" ~ Se'c. 4].S2~, ,<,"00, Jf::,:;"",. .. -'~,"" ;" .::.~:;':::;:,;>~,f.:;.", -.,,~,l{f:)-;:{~~ P?S5_eS,S, lOn oJ. ~e_~a-l'1 :",,'g.1~,~_*i;<~fl5~~l;,. erspr,~~1-biteq '-'8;~?ce:Ft.,airi_,;~tUbl.~~',.f "",' ',- ':'" ",' ":" ' "",', ,iii _It' shall - bel1nlawi:~1,-',f~r any' ",p~-tsorl't.p- ' sion 'while()l1t~~p~emi,s"es..:,'ofth~_~_,t:!a:yor )3?,-' Centre-", f.:xpo,-,-Cent-re/,",F:~orida:Si~:rUs ,:~OWl:,:~,:?tr:", ",..t,lxLice Stadium Or t:-,he Orla.ndo, , Aiena,:_'~ any\ -rnet9.1', {tg~as'$',:" 'il conta.ln~r,,:designed, for- '~r.:'co'[1t.f.l.in~n(;r !'-lny'. .6?,oo;.~~:,_ .b,et::_.,~ section~hal.l not" be cor;st~u~d tg,:\ ?r:~,I}_.ibi~;:t~q,~~.>ie_rW~e~s:i.'o such. c,? n t~ i~.e,~s'~'J-:a r\: .e,mp lOi:~~: . 0 f~~g;q.~:)~-:,:?,~:.0} ~~,t~Jk>! :.:9fl.,,~ ' au ~hq~7'Z8d, ':C89c~s~,io~.~~e a:t "~J;,Q~;::'''fai?Ll,J,Jr~e~'~~:n.~'~~,~_h~ ~;a.c~ partir.apat.i.ng In 'dn :~feVJ~J:lt ,.or"-p~o.9rarti.':-\oJh~~-. sUC:h;',~~pl~~ I is acting' in, his' offi'r;;:i.a~' :',c.apac,fty" a'rldl/:)c,..t;~~:,~:-H~'~~' facilitie.s, its, agents, an~t:i:!mploye,~s:..' '.',' ',:-;.~",_'-~:~Z1~~~}:. '::". ,; ,: :_,.';.'- "'" , ' _, ',:,:~:;, ,::_, ','.<,~,~~?v,,''''-~~'':'.;;':: ;;}~':,~~_,":'::~~:'~',~J:~~:; . CamP.i.119 ;. pro'?.i::pi ~~q.r-,'e'x,geP!7$4r~:t':/', -I:,:,~..,~~t~, (SEE,NOJ:ES AT'>: ENlJ'.O~: SECTIbll1: ,'~~"" ".,,,, . . ',,' '-:"'";" '.' .-:- -,'-:,;::~ ',' : .Sec. 0.46, .i~ (1) "',,<6~:.;:.'_"-::};'i:.';:; For. the pl,1'r.pci~.~s of~t:hi'~ .5ect:i~n,... ",c~mp~"n9J\~:,-,~-' a.s: _> _:~~', ""',' _, _,~:;".~i;'~'i&~ifJJ::.'-,.": "~";\;f~'" (aJ, s le~pi og ,-or ",6.t:l1et~i~e:';b,ei~'~9; '~;int~,'a. Jt~,~M.r1i:'y~she.l::t out-9t~doors':: or;:,. . " ..-' :: '; ;:,.:. . t~,~.~.:i{ ,- . (b) Sleeping "o~t:..c...qf~door~;;or:. ..," i ,12l - .,,-~ ,;"~::, .... ".' , .. 'l,:7:~::t~,,> .",. :,' :.;!",:~,-:' ~ ,~, . . .~~t:::>{,'_~'} "'-",','.i' '.' ,'; ;>.~:;: r, ~ - 106'" "'-:'""",', ..;,.-t','i?'- .; , ':,' r '. ~-;,. ~,,"':' " ~' -~,'" .~.' ':i":')(::\~~~:;: , .' .....'~ ,'. 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',::, ",,: ,"",', __ ',1,,:',_'::': :', '::', :,~:~' /': ,', ,,:,::... Simply bein9 aSl~'ep "iu:::~.P~b:l~<; ":~i"~'c;::~::,;''J&r~~'~' ,o.,l;~J~:. ,t,:.' ~~\~~t;:S ~ >>.' ,: early morn~n~ hours-;a:a}ce,: 'the/F~:ftjp~IJ9.. c~;;e":\,~tren~r.~:r::-:~;:,~~k-,',l~;:~PotI~~~i'~~,_ alone SlJ~.flCl.ent ~o'.'o3 u,st~fy--__.,;m , ar'Ic.est\~,.,u.:r~e. I:.,:;:.:,~,~1. '~~:'~~ect l.q%.'::i'~~l,lnl~.,~.~~... tttete,. is somerlndlc.l:-a ':""of<,:.true "carnp;;nq,.f:::,\";(U5J,.,ng.;",;: fQ1,S~ .1J;;'f~e: f t I ,:,;:':_' '", ,~. '...":,-;r"~',,r' --,:, . ';.>::,:....' 'i1il!\'t. unc lons. 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";;.",i>:.:,:';-,~':::' ~:':",::, .'<~',:.. ..'.. ':':~~,;r:;:,.':~~::a~;iLAh::T,\-'/i;~;;;Bj[;,,'::~~~~1~,":tit~:,,;'~ Sec. 4-3.53. Sleeping on.:.:::i~iltoad -t;:t;a,~~,s -,:::;at)~,~:i:,i9ht"'of~~,qY, ~~~dj,\ii:' '~, t~~~ J t sha1, bJeae:~:~:;::e:::::~h,~t;::;":J;~(,:{~'~~,;{ig~~'ff~~::[~i1!t.~ Jk;: ten (IO,) feet 'of; any,ra:'ilrf!)ad.,track~ ::""-':<~:"'::"\\j: """~' . ",,,.~ <:~~;":'''~'\:f~~ See, 43 . 60 . U r inaii~g, b r .def~,;'\yir;g.ih~j~~~~':~r ..;\;f')~J~lr~0.-::ij{\i'\~it~ " I~ shall. be. 'lln,law~~l, for.a(l,y,p~F~:,n' .~:cj-\p~in,~,~,~,<:~:,;}.}:~ei~,~ia~'.e.'i~;"i1f~~"~j:~L:':~": 'a pu?l~S, place ,C:th€:r, than .o~e set 'asJ.r::I~",.:ani:i:'{flesign,?,ted)::~,of.;t'~~~~';;;':\.~:k~~!i.:.: part lcuIar purpose ;," . .',: ,:,," " " ,:"~....,.~:,\,,,~::..!\'. ,; "~'_,_,l '.See, . 43, 61. Unl~';fui O.~. .of .~i\tht-'~J;-wa~';:\\f:~'~~i{?l~i~~t,{.:)~h:it'i~~\,;)~ {1) (SEE NOTESATO'ENDO~,SEct.]D~f~,A'\,. .>:."..,:,,'>'i)'i,,~~t~~\~f . ~;ir~gha;~d:r~d1~ta:;;~~11~it:~i~~~~';:;~%~f~W~~ij~ef<i~:~~~'~$::'.W~' fol,~o~ i~g'" _aot.). v;]}t.:y '~"'::-'~~'" ~~iri'. /~P?~,~'i:', ~PY;M'~~9~:t~7bf.j5;'a.f~'j~~,:'~ '~~: :'~,< . me4];~n, ,.;;~re:t~'<.--":z_(W,e,t,::. ':':S~9:~'r:L~.'};;;, ~~~~eB-r~#~ti!~9~:'~;',;i,:~1;li,~.y.t,1f;~:~<,~~~. pubhe.. h1g"W<iY? J<?f!.plil:llie,\!Eo"ndSc'tll.'i;tl1;iq:n'he .r~'\'l,it't~4!?S",1,,"'A t:h'e ',C~ty "..f9;l;., ,tJl~ .'.,.p~rpos,~' : ',<?f" ,'~'.thiHnb~l.l9:-,:;:',:"i/~~qu,es~,1.,nC)~"j~t" 'l .' asking:,' '9'~ )s~lfc;if.iriq..'~~:".:E~~:~____'.F~~,"~,~~-~.!$~,.:~f'~,;~~t}?~~;:.~~ .}, ',m~\fj. '~, person:. t:rom ,th:e' .~~~:t:il,tQr. of, ',anY"I!'?t:9,~~ v~hJJ?~~.,' <::~;;~~; }S~;;?;:"i""~'~';~f! 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