Agenda 12/02/2008 Item #16B 7 Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 1 of 68 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order #4 to the contract with Astaldi Construction, Inc. in the amount of $965,869.67 for additional work on the Immokalee Road Design Build Project from Collier Boulevard to 1-75, Project #66045, Contract #05-3770 and approve the necessary budget amendment. OBJECTIVE: To receive Board's approval of Change Order #4 to the contract with Astaldi Construction, Inc. for additional work on the Immokalee Road Design Build Project, and approve the necessary budget amendment. CONSIDERATIONS: On July 24,2005, the Board awarded Contract No. 05-3770 for the construction of the lmmokalee Road Design Build Project in the amount of $22,365,498.91. On March 26, 2007, Change Order #1 was approved which re-distributed funds throughout the project by eliminating the replacement streetlighting for the project and added construction of the Northbrooke Bridge (among other changes) to the project, at a zero dollar cost increase to the County. On March] 4, 2008 deductivc Change Order #2 was approved in the amount of -$427,011.09 to allow for the direct purchase of the pre-cast Conspan Bridge at Northbrooke Drive and the truncated domes for crosswalks. This resulted in tax savings of approximately $24,170 to the County. On July 25, 2008 Change Order #3 was approved in the amount of $303,706.63 to replace exisitng unsuitable median soils with select soil material. Since that time, several unforeseen conditions, weather delays and work associated with final pricing of the project have arisen which has resulted in changes to the project. These changes include items that were requested by the County and others that have added value to the project. The project does not contain any allowances; therefore, additional funds are neccessary to provide for this Change Order #4. Originally, the Northbrooke Bridge was not part of the Immokalee Road Design Build project. Following approval of Change Order #1, funds were allocated towards the construction of the Northbrooke Bridge. Since the project was developed as a design build project, final pricing of the bridge construction was not complete until the final design was approved, over one year later. Based on the utility information available at the time of Change Order #1, no existing utilities were shown within the limits of the bridge construction. However, once work began, several utility lines were found under the roadway, requiring additional design, permitting and reconstruction of the utilities. This unforeseen condition resulted in design and construction costs amounting to $397,451.68. This was an added value to the County since, if the utilities were discovered in the course of the pre-design, they would still have to be designed and re-constructed due to their location. Additionally, since final pricing of the bridge required completion of the bridge design and pernlitting, total actual costs were not accounted for until June 2008. At that time, when bridge construction commenced, the project was heavily impacted by extreme weather conditions including Tropical Storm Fay, seasonal rains and associated flooding. These events caused the project to be shut down due to flooding concerns. Additional mobilization and maintenance of the project increased the bridge costs and added time to complete the Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 68 project. Also included in this change order are additional items requested by the County to finalize the project such as changes in electronics for signal devices, adjustment to manhole structures, sidewalk replacement, and changes to a sign. All of these items arose through the constrcution and were at no fault of the contractor. The specific items of work and estimated amounts are as follows: Bridge Work on Northbrooke Drive Utility Work on Northbrooke Drive Utility Design Ethernet Switches Manhole Adjustment Sidewalk Replacement Illuminated Sign !Dancing Wind Lane) Total Amount Requested $558,271.92 $319,069.43 $ 78,382.25 $ 5.764.43 $ 2,049.44 $ 528.00 $ 1.804.20 $965,869.67 A more detailed accounting of the proposed expenditures is contained in the attachments. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $965,869.67 are available in the Impact Fee District 1 Rcserves. A budget amendment is needed in the amount of $965,869.67. Source of funds are Impact Fee District 1 reserves. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action.-SRT GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This Capital Improvement Element (CIE #74) is consistent with the Transportation Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDA nON: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order #4 to the contract with Astaldi Construction, Inc., Project Number 66045, Contract No. 05- 3770 and approve any necessary budget amendment. Prepared by Joe Delate, Senior Project Manager, TECM Attaclunents: 1) Change Order #4; 2) Change Order Modification Form; 3) TECM Backup Page laf2 Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 3 of 68 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16B7 Meeting Date: Recommendatlon that the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order #4 to the contract with Astaldi Construction, Inc. in the amount of $965,869.67 for additional work on the Immokalee Road DesIgn Build Project from Collier Boulevard to 1-75, Project #66045. Contract #05-3770 and approve the necessary budget amendment 12/2/2008 9:0000 AM Prepared By Transportation Services Senior Project Manager Transportation Engineering and Construction aate Joseph Delate 11/13/20088:04:58 AM Approved By Gary Putaansuu Principal Project Manager Transportation Engineering and Construction Date Transportation Services 11113/20088:55 AM Approved By Lisa T ay lor ManagemenUBudget Analyst Date Transportation Services Transportation Administration 11/1312008 2:44 PM Approved By Brian Hancock Operations Support Manager Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 11/1312008 2:46 PM Approved By Scott R. Teach Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 11/1312008 2:46 PM Approved By Najeh Ahmad Director Date Transportation Services Transportation Engineering & Construction Management 11114/20089:45 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, Alep Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin. 11114/20082:26 PM Approved By Steve Carnell Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Administrative Services Purchasing 11/15/2008 6:44 AM Approved By Rhonda Rembert Contract Specialist aate file:l/C:\AgendaTest\Export\117-December%202,%202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGEN... 11/25/2008 Page 20f2 Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 4 of 68 Administrative Services Purchasing 11/17/20083:28 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Executive Secretary Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 11/17/20084:23 PM Approved By OMB Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/18/20087:45 AM Approved By John A. Y onkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/18/20086:37 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 11/19/20089:09 AM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\117-December%202,%202008\16.%20CONSENT%20AGEN... 11125/2008 -4 -- . . Astaldi Construction Corporation October 16, 2008 Mr. Joe Delate Collier County Transportation Services Division 2885 South Horsesboe Drive Naples. Florida 34104 RE: Immokalee Road Design I Build Project Collier County Contract No: 05-3770 Collier County Project No: 66045 ACC Job No.: H0706 Subject: Price ProDosal for Chan2e Order # 4 FINAL PRICING Dear Mr. Delate, Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 5 of 68 ACC Letter No: 0031 Astaldi Construction Corp. (ACC) is pleased to provide Collier County with a price proposal for tbe cost associated with the work outlined in the scope of work listed below. SCOPE of WORK: 1) Refund for RS232 Modems 2) Purchase and Install Ethernet Switches 3) Remove Illuminated sign (Bay West Nursery) 4) Provide MOT for Work 5) Installllluminated Sign (Dancing Wind Lane) 6) Install Con Span Bridge as Detailed in Drawings 7) Perform Road Work as Detailed in Drawings 8) Perform Drainage Work as Detailed ill Drawings 9) Provide Signed and Sealed Drawings for Utility Crossing of Cocohatchee Canal 10) Install Temporary Force Mains I I) Install Permanent Force Mains attached to Bridge 12) Manhole Modification in Median 13) Sidewalk replacement Station 1141+00 Rt. Pages 3-6 Pages 3-6 Pages 7-11 Pages 7-11 Pages 7-11 Pages 12-27 Pages 12-27 Pages 12-27 Pages 28-41 Pages 42-53 Pages 42-53 Pages 54-56 Pages 57-58 ACC is requesting that a Change Order in the amount of $965,869,67 along with Sixty Five (65) Days be added to the Contract to cover the cost afthis requested work.. The Sixty Five (65) Days requested are for the days required to complete the remaining work, once tbe delay has ended and work has resumed Astaldi will request an extension of time as it relates to the actual delay. Delay as of this date would be August 18 to Septemher 28, 2008 and October 6 to Octoher 16,2008. Should you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact me at 239.948.0905. Best Reeards, Astal~/CJ""truction CorporatioD _Ivtv K 1//4- J,9Kn R Morgan I" Projett Manager CC; Mark Wiseman, Ed Martin, Steve Ritter, and John Rowel 8220 West S.R.R4 Suite 300 Davie. Florida 33324 Telephone: (954) 4i3 8766, Fax: (954) 423 2597 . Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 6 of 68 '1l"I11l~~~I~~_~o~d~_!__?S _~S~lli_t:!r_BJ,,~~-!,,-()ject #~~l><!~ CHANGE ORDER # 4 Item # Pay Item Description __~__[)esigr:_ .____ 2 Mobilization -"-~~'---~-- -- --...-.--- 3 Maintenance of Traffic _______"'.._.__ ____,.~.____..._ "'___._."."'._'____ n__ 4 Erosion Control 5 Field Office 6__c:leill'ingI?<G~ubbing_ 7 Earthwork and Stabilization 8 Base 9 . __f\IIilling __~ 10 Structural AS.flhalt 11 Friction Course Asphalt _', ____m_ ___~_"'___.__ _. ~?_n . Misc....co"crete & I,Jnd~rground__ 13 Pedestrian Bridge / Path - --_.,- ..----- - ------- 14 Roadw.".y Concrete 15 . Rip.~ilP/ MiterEr1d Sections 16 Fence Guardrail 17 F~nishS()ill.ayer/ Gras~'-nll . -~: :i~~:~::~~on l~ighting/ Striping / Sig:n;- . . 20 Road",ay Lighting Upgra.<Je / Replace 21 Value. Added forLighting I Sig:n,,~ization 22 Structural Added Value '_ ___..__....._u'" _.__.".,~___ 23 ,Concrete Added Value 24 . Asphalt!\clded Valu.e...... 25 Intersection Work --------,-. 26 CO # 3 - PO #45-63794 - Median Soil Replacement 27 CHANGE ORDER # 4 ADDED WORK . $ $ $ $ $ u.________ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----------.- $ .----- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Value $ $ $ 1,600,000.00 --...-.--- -- --- 3,200,000.00 - -"'..... -.--.---- 1,930,000.00 --.---.-.-,...-.-....-- 150,000.00 190,535.43 830,816.97 ----- 750,000.00 700,000.00 320,000.00 .- ---.-..... ---- 824,759.22 "'_. ____,',____ _"',..._ H"''' 1,108,153.00 1,700,000.00 408,909.09 1,580,134.91 "'......---...- 32,000.00 44,947.78 ~_..- --'- 750,000.00 ,'-.'-------. 15,365.25 2,650,368.55 "'. -- -.-.',.'-.. 440,625.00 -,..,------ ..---., ----....., 10,000.00 31,090.91 782,465.91 -...,-.--..--.. 1,888,315.80 --.--- -... 303,706.63 965,869.67 23,208,064.12 ! Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 7 of 68 -i 1MMOKALEE Road 1-75 to Collier Blvd - Project # 66045 - , , !e..... . - - .. - --....-. Item # , SOV . ~. UM Qtv sov ...'-- T , i "_.'.- -- --.-- , 1_ i -- Design 1.600,000.001 _.,._--,.,- 0 1 ?',2()O,OOO.OOj -- ,-.--.--- 0 2 Mobiliution ~~.- 0 3 MOT 1.93U,OOO,(J{1 _.,._-~---- 0 . Erosion Control 150,000,00 - Field Office 190.535.43 0 5 ----,-- 830,816:97 -_.__._.~- I. 0 6 Oearingand Grubbinp; - 0 7 Earth Work & Stabilization /:10,000.00 ~._- . 0 B .ase 700,000.00 ---""'- MUIIDg 320,000.00 ----- 0 9 ...... 1 0 Structural Asphalt 824,759."21 1 1 Frictional Course Asphalt 1,108,153.00 Miscelaneous Concrete & Underground l.7{l(),tJlllWOI ----- 1 2 .. i i IBRIDGE WORK NORTHBROOK DRIVE [.5 . .. . 1 19,025.10 : 1 3 Pedestrian Bridge & Path 408,9U9.09 - ... 1 . Roadway Concrete 1,5BO,J.?>4.Y11 ........... - Miter End Sections -. 1 5 32,000.00 ---- I Guardrails and Fences ---.....-... 1 6 4t947.7t1 --- . 1 I 7 Finish Soil Layer & Grassin~ 750,OOO.fJO 1 I 8 . _.._.~.._--- 1-. Parlnermg 15,365.25 I 9 Signalization. Lightin~ Striping. &: Signs 2,650.361:1.55 -.'-"0"_' 1 . , . , ! , -..---..- [BRIDGE WORK NOKTHBROOK DRIVE i 1.5 1 147,87781 ~ 2 0 Roadway LightinJ!; Upgrade/ Replace O,U(J! -".". .-....- - 2 1 Valoe Added tor Lighting/ Si~aIization 440,6b.OOI 2 2 Structural Added Value 10.000.001 .- -. Concrete Added Value 2 3 31-090.9"1 --.-. Asphalt Added Value 2 . 782,465.91 -,,- 5 Intersection Work 2 1,888,315,80 -.-.--.-- -,-------.._- .. ,PHASE II (ITEM F) - BRIDGE NORTHBROOKDRIVE 1.5 . 1 Y.71621 -. bid- OIANGE ORDER # 3 (top soil median) m 303,706.63 TOP SOIL LS 1 303,700.63 2 7 CHANGE ORDER # 4{ bridge, utility design, utility work, ethernel liWitches, & DancingWind Sign) %5,869,67 EATHERNETS~CHES LS 1 5,764.43 ILLUMINATED SIGN IDANClNG "~ND LANEl 1.5 1 1,804.20 BRIDGE WORK NORTHBROOK DRIVE LS I 558,271.92 UTILITY DESIGN L5 1 78,382.25 UTILITY WORK NORTHBROOK DRIVE 1.5 1 319,069.43 MANHOLEADWSTMENT 1.5 1 2.049.44 SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT 1.5 1 528.00 i. , i Tolal Project I 2.\208,064.12 . NOTE: For information purposes only. J . . . ,. Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Astaldi Construction Corporatiorrge 8 of 68 Up Grade Switches from RS232 to Ethernet Item DecriDtiDn Unit Quantltv Price Total 101-1 Mobilization LS 0 $ - $ - 670-5-110A Ethernet Switches LF 5 $ 1.152.89 $ 5.764.43 I I TOTAl. $ 5,764.43 -.S SUbtotal $9.03 10"kMattc.up 50.90 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $9.93 $ 9.93 -- I Material Desert lion Units UnltPnce Quanti TOTAL Lime Rock TN $11.74 0 5000 $00.00 $0000 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 Sumatal $0,00 6% Tax $000 10%. Markup $000 TOTAL MATERIAL '000 , . Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 9 of 68 1m' 670-5-110-A I LABOR C,," unit R... OTRate 51" "tTlme OverTime TOTAL Pro'ec:t Mana er H' $5144 n" 2 0 , 10288 MOT SUoervlsor H, 524.00 536.00 0 0 , . 0 ""or H' 525.00 $37,50 0 0 , o eralor H' $25,00 $37.50 0 0 , - Doerator Driver H' $1800 527,00 0 0 S Sml-Skllled H, 51400 $2100 0 0 S Smi-Skilled H' 514.00 52100 0 0 S - Labor H' $12.00 518,00 0 0 S - Labor H' 51200 518.00 0 0 S , Subtotal , 10288 55% Burden , 57.51 25%G-Cl , 40.12 Subtotal , 200.62 10% Markup , 2006 TOTAL LABOR S 22068 $ 220.68 r Equipment Deserl tion Model Unit RaCII OPRate Standb Hours Idle TOTAL Plcku !Fora FI150 H' 52.83 $6.20 5142 1 $9.03 Plcku IMOT F/450 H' $0378 58.50 $1,89 0 I $000 E:xC&vatorfRubberffl VOlvo H' 558.21 $497f:J 129.11 0 5000 Loader C.t H, S26.08 $23.95 513.04 0 $000 Safe! MIs EA 51.00 50,00 SO.50 0 $000 Small Tools M" EA 51001 $0,00 SO.50 0 50,00 Dum Truc' Mac H' $8.52 18.5 $4.26 0 $0.00 SO.OO 50.00 $0,00 $0,00 r Subcontracts Descn DO Units Unit Price Qu.n TOTAl. EthemetSwltehes LF $1,054.06 I S S5.270.3Q I $CLOO $0.00 I t $0.00 I I I I 50_00 I 50.00 SU13lotal S 5.270.30 5% Markup $ 26352 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTS $ 5.533,82 S 5,533.82 Subtotal , 5.764.43 Ui% Bond $ $1.152.89 TOTAL $5,764.43 . Lf . . . Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 10 of 68 s .- . -- . Rorln ProjeCllD: Bid Itmn : Our Job : QusnIIly: IloocrlpIlcn of Work: LABOR FDITI1an L_ LebonIr Burden AI__p IIATERIAL RS232 Uodllm Bhemet_ A1101n1l1e IUrIwp SUBc:oNTRACTOR EClllIPII!NT Ptck-up(I-Ton) e.._ Truck G........ AII....bIe M8rkyP TOTAL COST LABOR IIATI!RIAL : SUBCONTRACTOR: EQUIPMENT : INSURANCE & BOND: HlghWll)'~ om-. Ill.. 1.125 Old US.1 Ft. II,.... FL33012 _....11. Co/lllr Cowtlar IIG045 81O+11OA. 1388 5.DO EA Chengu from RS23211_'" EIht...tSwflch.. ran Hog... U!lo 0.0 MH 0.0 MH 000 MH MH Till< < $5D.ooo.oo ~ $5D,lJOO,00 HOURS HRS HAS LS HAS Total c.t 1,00 EA 1.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA UIbar_ $23.84 $14.00 $14.00 $0.00 .....1_ 17.5% TOI8I Labor c.. $1,275.00 , $2,245.06' $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $n.oo ~$O.l)O C. /0 ...."... 10 '1. Al"_", Talat II..."", 10.00% 5.00% luul.~,........b.o. RATE $10.00 $43.48 $3.00 $n'oo 10.00% TOIII~ '1.&0% Unit Cost Agenda Item No. 1687 December 2. 2008 Page 11 of 68 01121/2008 _Ion $n.DO $0.00 $0.00 $O.DO $O.DO $0.00 $0.00 $ll,oo (SI.m.oo) $2,2015.00 ~:: '170. b 0 $0.00 $0.00 $n.oo $0,00 rOo .a c -,;;)Q. g _ (0..1 $4~7/,o.:s8'. a.[f' $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SIl.OO $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 foI~~/U8:I{S" $0,00 $0,00 - S" __ I~. 0 _ 51.191.... ....-- ... Q '..OS"'). oC b . 1 2 3 4 5 . Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 12 of 68 Replace Illuminated Sign Panels ASTALDI CONSTRUCTION LABOR ASTALDJ CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ASTALDI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL SUB CONTRACTORS BOND 1.5% TOTAL . $221.55 $22.62 $0.00 $1,533.37 $26.66 $1,804.20 (]) Agenda Item No, 1687 December 2, 2008 Page 13 of68 . Astaldi Construction Corporation, Inc. 1536~2 Coltler Blvd Napl.., FL 34119 Owner: Collier County Job Name: IMMOKALEE ROAD 1.75 TO COLLIER BLVD. Owners Job Number: 66045 DATE: 1/25/2008 CONTRACr NUMBER: 0S-3no DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Bid Item # 699-1-1 ReplacB Illuminated Sign Panels at Dancing Wind Lane (PrevisDuly Bay West Nursey) MATERIAL: EQUIPMENT RENTAL: I Unit I Unll I f Hours Rental I Rental EOE EOE Quant. Descnotion Price Extension Descrintlon RatA Extension Rate Extension 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 2.0 F/250 $3.78 $7.56 $6.50 $13.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 MAC DUMP TRUCK $6.52 $0.00 $18.50 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 RIT EXCAVATOR .$59,14 $0.00 $36.80 $O.oD 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 WA320 LOADER $20.78 $0.00 $15.90 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 ROLLER 520.78 $0.00 $15.90 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 SMALL TOOLS $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 WATER TRUCK $6.52 $0,00 $18.50 $0.00 0.0 I $0.00 $0.00 0.0 3tN CENT. PUMP $0.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0,00 $0.00 0.0 BPU3445 PLATE $2.67 ' $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO TOTALS $0.00 $7.561 $13.00 II LABOR: Craft I Regular Regular 56% Regular II Oventme O.T. I a.T. O.T. Names Rete wlBrdn Total Hours Rat. wI Brdn Total JOHN KINCHEN ~I 2.01 $20.60 $32.141 $64.27 II 0.0 $30.901 $48.20 $0.00 SA. CARRIO 2.0 $11.00 $17.16 $34.32 0.0 $t6.50 $26.74 $0.00 F"> CO LEDEZMA 2.0 $tO.OO $15.60 $31.20 0.0 $15.00 $23.40 $0.00 VELASOU=:> LA 2.0 $11.00 $17.16 $34.32 0.0 $16.50 $25.74 $0.00 - 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 SiO.OO 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 , 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 0.0 $O.OD $0,00 $0.00 B.O 0.0 rOTAl.S $164.11 $0.00 SUBCONTRACT: Conereta, Asphalt, & Paint SUMMARY: SUB.TDTALS MATERIAL COST: $0.00 Quant. Deseriotion Unit Price ExtenslOrl 6% SALES TAX: $0.00 1'~IReplace U1um Sign LS $1,327.59 $1.327.59 TOTAt. MATERIAL- COST: $0.00 O. $0.00 $0.00 10..... MATERIAL- MARK.UP: $0,00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 REGUlAR LABOR: $164.11 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 OVERTIME LABOR; $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 SUB-TOTAL lABOR COST: $164.11 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 25% LABOR OVERHEAD COST $41.03 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 1CW. MARf.;.UP $16.41 $Z21.!l5 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL COST; $7.56 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 EOE COST: $13.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST: $20.56 OTALS $i.327.!lEI 10"1. EQUIPMEN'TMARK"UP; $2,06 S21.6Z eUBCONrRACT_CDST' ,-------.l1...327.59 SUBCONIRACI MAH".Ut' 1U'Yo ~l,j':.fl;l 5% MARK-UP $73.02 SUB-TOTAL .$1,533.37 . Bond 1.5% , "".., TOTAL COST: $1,804.20 --". 8 . HIGHWAY SAFETY DEVICES, INC. &180 1llIn.y Road T....~ F/orIcIII33810 (813) 79-1!151l Fa: (813) 751-D!12<l F....nclal Project No: 8idU"m: HSD#: aUlnfily Un~ Of MOlI8W1l: Desaipfion: 6604S 599-1.1 139S 2 EA Rep!acellluminal8d Sign P..... Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2. 2008 Page 14 of 68 0712212008 l.AIlOR Superviaion Fllf1IImIn I.abor I.abor Man H"".. UIs Labor RBis UH 2 MH $27.50 2 UH $11.00 MH ~bor_ 44.1110% _M._ 17.11% To,,"' Lobor 1IA1'ERlAL Sign Ponel 2 EA LF LS LS $413.00 TIIX AI_1Iullup 7% 17.51l% To,,",_rlol . SUBCONTRACTOR 1- of Bub/lllIoocrlpllon of Workl Extension S(].OO S55.oo $:22.00 S(].OO $34.03 $19.43 5130.46 SS26.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO $57.82 5154.67 51,039.49 LF S(],OO LF S(].OO LF $0.00 LF 10.00 LF 10.00 LF 10.00 LF SO.OO < $50,000.00 1D.1lO% SO.OO ... $-IiCJ.OOO.OO J: IIftII.l. !:tI 00 T0I0I8u__ $11.00 EQUlPIIEIIT On Highway Truck(1 TllI1) Buckel Truok HOURS 2 HR 2 HR HR HR HR _.......,. 17.- ToIol Equipnwnt RATE $25.16 $34.00 TOTAL COST LABOR IIA 'IERJA1. SUBCONTRACTOR: EQUIPIIENT ; INSjjRANC~OHP.lj~)---'-----------~-'-M% TDIoI~ Unll~ . Rev: _ 2llO8 $50.32 . S6B.00 $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO $20.71. $139.03 $130.>46 51.038.49 SO.OO $139.03 .t1~:6: 1,327.59 lIII3.TlI5 (i) (j ::; _ m~ Bu- Z:l :E.EE~~ ~ ~~~ ~ 5~~.\tli! B-t~E:ti ~.5.!P~ lq ==-to:t:-11O .. . . . . '::"D~lJ.Ur; OO:z;::aJO.... ~~ '" <0 ~~ i "' "'1 1- ~ ~ ~ J I I "' m ;i ::J;~~: '"'l:S li~ !zm ~I~ m(~ ~ili z ~ ::l; '" o u.. ;;; '" o -' 8 D z => il ;!) ~ " ~b ..,. l!.'": ."' "." :go, -g" :d Wct:l~ . .5 0 '" ~ Z :t:~ 'tt: Co ~ en a'!:! I '5~ "s ;.= OP ~ i;l'j? t!I....."D" . .. 8;'; il' ~x~ ~b<O ...:" Ii 0 '!:!~:< QiijW .. ~. 00.5 ""~'l' ~.l ~ rq- . ~ lii ~""C ,crlQ'). j; IT: '5 ~ 3 ~ '" oJ ::iO t<l ;; -l'}::: "- Ul- 1; rr: u w .u <= '" " ::;; "" ~ "" 8 t! :.e '" ~ I c ~ o . o~ u(!) Q..o:r;:wD: OO%:WUI- :i~ i ~ "'1 1 ~ J Ji oj '" S~.._-~. ,. -rtT~ "9 Z'9-r-"..,.--s : 'I'IlON .vZ II si ii - .., ~b ..:- ~r.O -g~ ::<0 Ill'" :d~ ~B z ~J ~ u li~ p'O h~ e>;- F! 8;;;1 ~ x . ;:q~ ." m IH Bw ~~m ~. e:t: "<.- ~ '0 ;: ~l!;8 b] '5 Mrn~ 1]1 ~ I II' il j~. . ~ r ~.; :L Jeii .B~ J . H if 'lJi ;'J 1, " h H 'i;'l li!fl .~ H .;!1 ~ . i h ." ;: E H ,.g ~ " . - ~ 11 ~D " ~ -' . '!:. u.. E E " :>, ~ := E . :; ~ g 0 ~ 'C> ~ ~ " ii ~ E ] 0 ~ .. .. u ~ '" ~ } , u.. E ii -;:; .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.r; lay Cross Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 16 of 68 '0. Mark Wiseman [mwiseman@cte.cc] Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:11 AM ccross@astaldiconstruction,com; JACK MORGAN Sign Change at Dancing Wind Lane ~bject: Dod Morning Clay', ~r our earlier conversation, the County has reviewed and approved the sign change you submitted for Dancing Wind me. ease let me know if you have any questions or comments, [ark T. Wiseman 'Oject Administrator )nsulTech Construction Management, Inc, i360 Collier Blvd, )~ 1 3ples, Florida 34119 'fice: (239) 434-2500 IX: (239) 434-2511 ~II: (239) 280-6497 ~xtel: 159"26"5102 Nisemani1i1cte.cc . . 1 _ __LL Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 17 of 68 ~ ! "--_. ~ - PHASE III WORK ITEMS .__0____________ -+---, -_._.._.,....".._---+-~_.__.- ~ -_..._...~.._.._-- UNIT UNITS PRICE TOTAL !~_._.~ PAT ITEM # DECRIPTION , BRIDGE INSTALLATION LS 1 $443.247.62 $ 443.247.62 _'_H .. -.......- BRIDGE ~. .-.., .. -"'~ DETOUR PHASE III DETOUR LS 1 $ 20,164.79 S 20,164.79 , TEMPOARY BARRIER WALL (F&I LF 625 $ 7.75 S 4.843.75 INCLUDES LIGHTS ~ . 102~71~11 FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIER LF 400 $ 5.25 $ 2.100.00 ,- "'..- ~ 104.'1~1 120-1 EXCAVATION REGULAR CY 268 $ 16.75 $ 4.489.00 CULVER(REMOVAL 120-<; EMBANKMENT CY 143 $ 10.50 $ 1.501.50 . 160-4 TYPE B STABILIZATION (12"1 SY 1132 $ 14.15 $ 16.017.80 -. ...".'-"'-' 575.1 SODDING (WATER AND FERTlLlZER\ SY 1624 $ 2.23 $ 3.621.52 - ~ 285~ 709 BASE GROUP 09 SY 810 $ 22.50 S 18.225.00 , .... 286-1 TURNOUT CONSTRUCTION SY 70.25 $ 15.93 $ 1.119.08 I...-...~ .. 327-70-5 MILLING ASPHALT (1~) SY 840 S $ _.0. ~ 331-2 TYPE S ASPHALT rN 144.8 S 121.00 S 17.520.80 jf,itUJDES FUEL & Bft 337-7-3 FC-3 ASPHALT TN 143.4 $ $ INCLUDES FUEL"S,BIT 425.'-511 INLET TYPE C <10' EA 2 $ 1.575.00 $ 3.150.00 -...1 .. ... 43{)..171.225 PIPE CULVERT (18"1 LF 185 $ 27.50 $ 5.087.50 I --...1....- 430.982125 MITERED END SECTION (18"\ EA 1 $ 1.500.00 S 1.500.00 ! 700"'0~ 1 SINGLE POST (<12SfFJ EA 1 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 .... --..,... PAVEMENT MARKERS EA 120 $ 4.50 $ 540.00 '-"- ! - -,- ,- 70B-3 710-11.121 6" SOLID WHITE LF 654 $ 0.45 $ 294.30 ~ 710-11.166 MESSAGE WHITE EA 1 $ 40.00 S 40.00 T 110.11-170 ARROW WHITE EA 1 S 40.00 $ 40.00 suss , $29,3~9.~5. 710-11-221 6" SOUD YELLOW LF 1191 $ 0,45 $ 535.95 .....-. 710-11-224 18" SOLID YELLOW LF 160 $ 2.10 S 335.00 ...... INDIRECT INDIRECT COST LS 1 $ 66.762.68 $ 66.762.68 , DEMOB DEMOBILIZATION'" Remobllization LS 1 $ 7,307.7' $ 7.307.74 .... DOWN DOWN TIME LS 1 5107,880.76 S 107.880.76 , $ 726,640.80 _... 1- -.....--.-. '--'-"'- -...-.- ..,-- -~ .".----. _....._--.--------,.--~---'- AmountCoverecnn Contnlc:t $ -... '176,61"'9:21" ltt~-- . -,..,._,,_'" -----.-- _...._._.~-- -,-- --'---~---.-- ___._~~_~9!.9_r:.c!~fN~~.!~L~~-~: ~ $ 550,'021.69" _.._.._--~-_._.- ......-- .. ._---~_..- -..-.-- ...,,- ..~ ----.-- _____--------1-____., ~CJ~~ ~~_~~~.~9~g!~!J.~~_!.__ , $ -_...._~------- 8,260.32 ..----~--. ---"...,_... , -To!lii-Chan'ge 6ider.Requir.'d-~55B,27{92 -, --.. "'-----.-- -- .........-....---.-- --~.._._....._.....- --..---....---.-..."'.-.........--...........--.-. .~--...._.."......_..... ..................._...~--_......_._. --....._---+_..... -----...- . _.--.....~-_.__."'. --...-..-... ,---....- ._._----_..~-- ......------ ,,-...--.."..'---"-- --- -------........ -----.....- ......-.------"...- . ...-...-.' .....-....--'--.- Thisincludes~el<i:;:a .cost topeifonn workbevol'ld contractifme-and ImpactCifTroplcal Storm FAY ."-'- . ---,~ . J:). .:..... BRIDGE .1~HO.LJ~,.IiHlF~S; 3 weEKS ~ 1ea HOURS EACH' '~(l~~_'II"uqJrnenl Pumps = OTFUa 1'1111 .01 $3750 533001 533.00 S33.00 52700 S2400 52401.1 $1100 52100 LABOR Unit RII~ $3750 53500 $2500 52200 S22.00 S220:;l $1BOO $1600 516,001 $140ClI Jil<:OO Cmt SUPERTENDENT FORMAN OPERATOR CARPENTER CARPENTER CARPENTER OD81't1torOnl'er $mi.SkfJI"d Sm~Skllle<l ""'" ",,", ", ", H' HI HI H, H' H, HI HI H' Equipment De.en lion Mo/31l1 ""' '"n, PieltulF(!(d ,so H, $283 PIckuP/Ford 25' HI S378 "'",..l.CK HOEl300 CA> H, 55621, CRANl;1200,Qt; ,$ , CRANE135 TON CS , Vl8ROIHAMMER CO , Lial\lPlanl H, 526!i1 Lio~Plllnl H' S2nRI LlohlPlenl HI $26,,1 LlonlPllIl'lt H, $26(' Dump Truck MOO H, sa ~; W..'e,Punll 3[1A~ H, 52215 WII1",PunD 3D"~ H' $2216 Wal8rPUnll 3a4~ H' $22 ,~ WelerPUI'ID :lOAf ", $2215 WlIlerl'>unl> :lOAF ", $221(i WII.rPun 14AF H' 52216 ~!;l~~i~~ \OI1~r~~~~n1r._t.>~~!if:e:~i'rite, ~_~-c'osi__ __" -....~..-...:.....- Material OescnDtlon :Ojl 1 DAM M,II, Ti';f{jjl..Li 8111111~Raek I SHEET PILE ,II,D524' C 900 24" GROUT NCRETE FOOTING FORhllfi FCUR8 PAR,II,PHET WALL PEDlfUCYLE' RAIL SiDEWALK Units Unit Pn~ C"- S~ 2;' C"- $;>050 SF 542;' LF ~HiG~' ll'l!!rl I I.F $11,00 CY $100lKi ::'!' $12500 LS 5111000 ,I-" $127;' LF S3750 LF 53680 S'" $27f>D :S-n~~60_ ee,c:nobon AA Tnreklna Trucking Unll~ H' Ull,tPnCt s.coo . OPR..te litlnab $€-201 $1411 5S 501 51 8~' S49nl $2911 5000' I san S872 S872 R,n S1~ f,(l S'6;26 12G26 $20;, 2~ $28.281 $26211 52828 Slf'lhlTimtl ,GO 16U '" 1111 128 '" m 1211 126 12B ~ 28 54](.1 511.081 ~1 1061 511 O~I SHoe $1106 51100 OvtIrTu,... " , " " " .. " .. .. .. " ""bIOl..1 56% Bu".;~l'. Sub;Dtal' d'tC'-25%" _ .~,~IQ:r~L uul6!< Hellrs l(flll '" '" ,eo , 28~1 '''' '" '" 16Dj ()I 504 n 50.; "" I "" SQ<l SO, ~ll~lot!l TOTAL EQU!PMEr-..,- UUlln111V :~6 it> ,e8 5000 "'" "'" " '" , 1(,(i 10C " " __,",,!J10llll B~'!.,,~, TOTAL MATERIAL' eul"tm. 23:;> Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 18 of 68 ". , " " " " " , TOTAl 6.000001 560000 ' 5.60000 4.112800 4.9250::1 4,fl2!lOO 4.03200 35&0:,00 3.51.10400 3,:3,8.00 3.13600 049,456.00 iie95~6 i7.1:;13G 19.i8'n~--- 96<43920 - .---s- 96,43S.2(f- , , _.$__.. TOTAL $'44480 $164480 S1717360 537.00000 53,600.00 5450000 H240"l4 S3240<44 S324044 $320400404 ~~ 323-20 s5.58432 ~.;,5B432 S:>'" 4~3 7e 52441376 S2<4"'1376 S2441376 .___$'!..8_1,S!,184 4 dav It(Id 101 d_IlYal:id 4dlly_dd ~daJ~~: stllndbv-----> 5'mndtlt 519'.57'84 191.571.U' TOTAL S16687.~O $3.:mOO'J $21.25000 lo;;[,i!)Q(; .\o~.50ClIJo:C STooOIX' S300CXl.0" $111000 $~ (140 02, !;{)OOoJOO 53.38';'60 5', 70S O~ ~!l7 .6~\4 1 (: ~Se5e~. ~'D3'35'-;~- - S 103,.c!i:i.l!i" " , T01AL 1O~ODl3dayaOd, $000 EJO[I ~ltlllLlUII 10'>0 S"l>C=$ci:~~ -Moi'-,""p "'....,-.-...S'\:/;.<.D~U,-)-..-~;'.4:-,:'Ci '--:iQr~~~':'Il~_~~i~!S, ~ '1.44&.2l' " <<~{, i'r" S"bl'ltill $-' 'O./~_~~w:'. ,.S 40295239 ,_.4_~,29~239 , TOTAL '443.247.62 [3 .,~ C'"" SUPERTENOENT FORMAN MOT SUPERVISDUR CARPENTER CARPENTER CARPENTER O13eralorDriVilf Smi-Skilled Smi-Skllled: Labo' La'''' DETOUR BRIDGE WORK 4 WEE.K MAINTAIN@32hoUrlperweeK .....-..""".-...-......... . -- ........ "........-r- ' LABOR Unit H' H' H' H' H' HI H' H' H' HI H' Rate OTRete S., 53750 NB $3500 "" $25.00 $3150 $:2200 $3300 $22.00 $3300 $22.00 $.3300 $1800 $2700 $16.00 12400 $1600 $2400 $1400 $2100 $14,00 52100 -"-~-_._~ "..~~2." o...t1rllmt!' o , o , o , o , o , o , o . o " o , o , B " Subtotal S -------:--- -56% 8l.Jrd~~S---' -..--------------sUblobil---- $. ----.----,- G&025%---- f-- --~-.-.TQIA~J..As6~___~ '....'..------'1".-- tTime o o 12' o o o o o o '" 128 Equipment -" on .0.'" Unll Rele OPRllte Stand HDUr'5 Idle PickupfFord 1$" H' $283 $620 $14Z 0 PickuP/Foro 2" H' $378 5650 $189 1281 TRACK HQEI300 CAT H' S5821 54975 $2911 0 CRANE1200 TON LS SQOO CRANE135 TON LS VIBRQIHAMMER LS DumoTM..Ick Moo HI S8521 15:11 $426 0 , "00 "00 Material DNeription SIGNAGE. I MESSAGE BOARDS I Dtl~n l>OIl Subcontracts Unihi U""" UA DA unllPn~ $025 t-2500 UrrilPnC1l _._~"",-"."_..-' "-"_._~ -~----_._.,._-, . ____ ~_r--__,~p_tot~1 _ _____:!.ETAI.~au!!"MENT TOTAL 3 200 00 , 79200 1.96000 6,95200 3(193'1'2'-'---' _1_().~;.1?.;.~,__..__ 2,71T28'-,---- --,------_....- 1:3.55640 - - .....-------s-" --13.556.40~--'- TOTAL sooo :5U1584 "00 "00 "00 $000 '000 $~OO "00 ""__~1:3_!?,~ 51.315~_,,___ s" ----~1_:3-r6-".i4 -...-......... ,'.---------- ul!Inh ~02[' 120 TOTAL. $25500 5300000 "00 $000 $000 '000 "00 SOOO 1$.0,00 "00 TOTAi:-""t4.TERIAL ... """n' , , SUDlotal S 10%, Su~C(;nlractor -"1~~Up~$" -~-_._. -~~_~.,..5j,~__~~~u~_-'" S 'TOTALSUflCONTRACfS $345030--" . f- ~.tsO.30 TOTAL "00 5000 "00 "00 -:f"'-- ----- -'"OTAL"'-''' $20,154.79 Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 19 of 68 II.{ . . . I Indirect Cost FOOT Specification 5- 0= A*C!B Where A = Original Contract Price B = Original Contract Time C=8% D = Average Overhead Per Day $ 22,365,498.91 804 8% $ 2,225.42 Days 30 $ 66,762.68 Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 20 of 68 IS; . ~. BRIDGE ".___-L_____~~.~oemobl~i'lati~j___~_-._L:==== I I Cost to Demobilize Equipment + Crht COIl OT Rate Stral hI Time OYer 111M ru8 B 0 S nla 8 0 $ $37.50 8 0 $ $33-.00 ODS S33.0D B 0 S $33.00 a 0 s ~7m 0 0 $ $2400 a 0 $ S24,00 80S 521,00 B 0 S $2100 B 0 $ sublatsl. S I 56%Burt:len ."S' -------.-,------~------.----...- -~-- .----~ SUbtotal--- $ ~._,,---~--.-.--'".-.--. ---------..---,.---"" - ......-., -..--..--.... '-G&(j'25~;;;--~ i" ---==____ --~---,,--------- ,-------....- TCrrACL-.A8_c)if" $__ ._.~~_._.- Craft BRIDGE SUPER BRIDGE FORMAN OPERATOR MOT Su ervt&10Uf CARPENTER CPo.RPENTi:R o erator Dnver Sml.Sklllea Smi-Skilled Labor Labor LABOR Unit H' H, H' H' H, H' H' H' H' H' H, E.quipment Desert lion Model Pum 104 Pum 30 Track Hoe CAT Track Hoe CRANE!35 TON VIBRO/HAMMER DumDTruck Material OeStripllon FILL DAM MATERIAL SHEET PILE 24" FLOW PIPE GROUT QIIlCRETE FOOT1N FORMS F CURB PARAPHE'T WALL PEDfBlCYLE RAIL SIDEWALK , ..__.._._._~~ Rate $37.50 $35.00 525.00 Si22,00 $22,00 $22.00 $18.00 $15001 $16,00 S~4.00 $14.00 t Unit Rille OPRate Standb """" ldle LS $125,00 LS $125.00 lS $750.00 LS SiO.OO LS LS H' $8.52 $16,50 $4,25 a $0.00 $0,00 Mac UnIts CV SF LF cv CY LO LF LF LF $Y Subcontracts Oe$t:ri lion UnlU . Sublot!ll Remobilization fOTAL-EQUIPMENT --.....- -... Unit Price $6,25 $4.25 51500 $100.00 $125,00 S1.11000 512,75 $37,50 $36.aO 527_50 ,,,",,,1Jt a o (l a a a a n a a SIJblo1i11 - 60~ ia;--' . ',.OTAl.MATERIAL --- ----.-.----.--------.--'- UnltPrL;;:e Qu_nlt I I SubtOlal S, 'O"~ subcontractor MarkuP . $ - --- - ~,~_-.-~~,~~ik.t;p~:- $ TOTAL SUBCONTRACTS $ Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 21 of 68 +- , , . .__--1-.- , TOTAL. 300.00 2BO.DD 200,00 17600 176_00 128,00 12B,oo 112.00 1U.OO 1.612.00 . -~-----9oi,7i-~-- .-------- 2.514,72 .-.---.-,- - 628'68'--- - -----,,--.--.-'-. 3.14340 ----.--.S' 3.143.4D~-'" TOTAl. $125.00 $125,00 $750.00 so_oo $750.00 SO,OO $0.00 $000 $000 $1,750,00 -$(75000 $3.500,00 .s---- 3,500.0tr'-- TOTAL. SOOO SO 00 .$0.00 $0,00 .SiO,OD SO,OO 50,00 $000 $0.00 SO.OO $0,00 ~ $O,99~__ SO_DO '-s- TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO $0,00 .s. Subtotal .,:'M~~~~L!~_ s '6~fj4340 "S~-~_-~~64:'j4b-=--=-=-- TOTAL $7,30i.7~. ICo ""' BRIDGE . 00",," Tlm. dilllyColt LABOR EOUillmll!III.ndplI!nonnel Crart Unit Rate OTRA:te ."" tTime Over lim. TOTA.l SRlDGESUrER ., $400 "I. S 0 , .!lS3,60 UTU.ITV~PfR "' 537.91 "I. S , , 303.28 OPERATOR ., $25.00 537.50 , 0 , MOTSupenmQf ., S2~.OO 5,>3.0{] 0 , , CARPENTER ., $22.00 snoo 0 0 , CAR"ENT~ .' snoo $33.00 0 0 , 011...1110. DtI\M"r "' $18,00 $::<700 0 0 , ~mi.Skllie-t! "' 51600 524.00 0 0 $ Smi.Skllft!od ., $16.00 $24.00 , , , l.lIbor ., $14.00 521.00 0 , , LDoor .' SKOO $21.00 0 0 , Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 22 of 68 " Subtotal , 6S~.8S. 5&% Elurti..n , 367_85 Sublet.1 , 1,024.73 S 1,024.13 !Evulpment RENTAL Oncrtptlon Model Un' Rate OPRale Standby HDUB Idle TOTAL Pump ISO ., 52.a.! 5620 51.42 0 $O,DO ""mn 2SO H, S~.7B 56_SO 51.89 , 50.00 TRACK HOE/300 CAT "' 558.21 $4975- 5791] 0 $0.00 Pumll " 50.00 SO.OO CRANE/35 TON " 50.00 " 50.00 Oum~lrUGk Moo "' 58.52 18.S 54.2-6 0 50.00 $0.00 50,00 50.00 50,00 Sublot.1 50.0C TOTAL EQUIPMENT SO.OO . I EQuipment DesCription Model Unit .... OPRllte Standb HOUri Idle I TOTA.L Pi<:kuc/Ford 1SO ., $2.!13 $6.20 51,42 S I 572.24 Pi~kul1lford 150 ., $283 $6.20 $1.42 S 572.24 TRACJ(HOE/300 CAT "' 558,2) 549.75 52911 0 1 5232,801 OlANE1200TON " sooo 50,00 CRANE/3S TON " $000 VIBRO/HAMMEIl " 50.00 DlJ"'oTr"t~ M" ., 5852 18_5 "" 0 SO.OO $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 "I.ltltoal 5377.32 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $3n_32 . . 3n.32 ,CURB I ,. 51275 C $0.00 PARAI'Hr'" WAlL ,. $n5fJ c $::1.00 peO/SIC'!'UIlAL " S36_BO , $O,otl SlDEWAlr. I S> $27.50 P $0.00 ~ubtolli $000 50.00 6%i,). TOTAL MATERIAL $0.00 Subcontracts o.scriDtion UnlU Unit Price Quanti TOTAL 50.00 $0.00 50,00 5000 SIJbtotBI 10'Jl. Subcontractor MBr!;up 5% MukIJp $ rOTAl SUBCONTRACTI S . Subtotal 10 % MARK UP Augun 18 to September 17, 2008 = 30 days TOTAL . 1.402.05 NO MARK UP 30 $<42,061.58 II Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 23 of 68 )rm._.._~ BRIDGE .. . I Dvwn T_ dilly LoM LABOR IEfI~t~dp;",.".1 Cratt Unit .... OTR_ta ...., tTI_ O....rTime TOTAl. BRIDGE SUPER "' S44.20 ",. . , , 3S3,(,() \mtln'~UPER "' 5,7.91 "'. , , , !(l3.28 OPERATOR H' $]S,!lO $37$0 0 0 , MOT5up.......:Of H' 52200 $:!3.GD 0 0 , CAAPENTHI H, 52200 $:3.00 0 0 , c.AflPENTfR H' S21.oo 5.33.00 0 0 S Out>r.'''rD''~D' H' $18.00 ~noo 0 0 S Sm~!>kllj..cf H' 516.00 $1-4.00 0 , S ;,ml.Skill"d H, 516.00 $,4.00 0 0 S l~I>Q' H, SlA.OO S21.ool 0 0 UIl,..t "' $lA,OQ 5:'1.00 0 Ef.lU~plTlll'1lt RENTAL Dos" tion Model Unit .... OPR..te "'ndb H.... ,... TOTAL Pump '" H' 52..E3 ~,21J :51 4~ 0 $000 P"mp 250 H' $3.1'll 56,SO Sl,l!~ 'I SQ,IlO TRACKflOE!300 CAT "' $5!i.21 ~s.,'S 529.11 0 $0.00 Pumll 4.2200 " 525..39 , 5203..2 Pump AllaO " $25.39 .1 520312 P"mll AliDa " 525.39 , $203-11 1>"",.. A.14110 c> SnS2 " $182.5& soon $o.on $0,00 $000 ~,!p'o~i S79}~92 roTAL EQUIPMENT S79l.!!2 -f-'- 791.92- Equlp~m _ _ .u Dets;r;:rilltion Mod~ Unit ..~ OPRate S~db H.... ,~. TOTAL I'lckuplfll'~ 1SO ", 52.SS S,;.2(l SIA2 .1 ~n.74 Plckup!f""d '" "' 52.83 $620 5142 . $12./~ TP.ACKHOf "300 '" "' 55E.Zl S4~7S\ 52!Ul 'I , 5"2.114 CRANE!100mN " 1 50.00 50.00 -- :RANEf3S1'ON LS 1 1 ,O,lIO VIBRO/HAMMER ~ I $000 t.>umpT,,,,. M.., HI St.$2 le..S S':.26 , $oon 50,00 I 50.0n $0,00 1 Sa.oo ___~.~!I~1 5"371.32 TOTAL.'e'OUIPMENT S317"3~ , .. In:32 ;GJR8 " Sl~.7~ , $0.00 PAI\APH(TWALL " $37.50 , SO.Of) pm!IlI::'lIJRAll " ~36,l!O , 50.00 51DfwII;lK " $27.50 " SC.OO '--~$ Descn tlon subt;:ClI'Ilractl! Un/tl. UflItPnce QUlnlt TOTAL 50.00 50.00 5':,0() 5ll.l!0 ___~]at:il ~____ lt1%!>lJuc('Jnt~r:tl'lrMa~up .$ S%M~rkup ------. - rOfAi-siiec-6tirRACr. 5 ------.- :OctD~~ 6to!"l~er1l~r,.S..2_0l?~ Subtol1l1 ~,~_.'!-,97 _1~%'~~1:< UP-'==____~..,~~ Up. 30 'TOTAl $6(819.18 . IS -. . E5'timl1te.ofProbable QUJlhities NortllBroo.lcc Drive (From End Limltll of ConlrueLiou ofNof1hBrollk Drive to 400 it.. North to ile to eJistinf) RFI'NO.: COLLIER COUNTY GltEENHORNE AND O'MARA INCORPORATED Estimated by: MF & SG Phrme Nll.~ (727) 576-0402 ESTIMATED QU.lliTITIES Co." ,n "-'r'''-:'f'''J'''"'~::---j''''''''''fiP'':'''''''""'''''''~~''T'~:'1 -,., ,r~ -" r"''''''''''~''''''''"'JT>''''r:,.''.:' ,~ "1'(111""" 'r:I'''''!"I~''ii''J;-''''1'<T''Hll'"l.,'i'''Ji3 @>I"'I" 111 ~'"l,x."""\""'~l' ,'_~"t 1 "~I'~! ~;~::;Jl?t..~ ,\ I .', ".,"pr, JI~iiII13..1ll'~ii'J'i:i:""""";;" ',j'~ ,I<n ,i;'!'.lM,I('" "''\4:,~~.I;~l''''""'''~ LJ.'i;::..::;;;~~.-! b~~~_.I.'..';<l~~_.ld..ll:tIL~~ ~~":~~~;;U~~~..L~1:1 f::i~:"':"~iJ .",~:,,~~~ '" '" "" "" tQ~ ," , , ,. " " " , " , '" 17 " , " 10 , , " , I " , I , , I , I RUAUWAY r MDElILI2A110t.,' Mo\IIl'TENANCE OF" "THAFFIC WORK ZDNE SIGNS TE'MPQARY BARRIER WALLIFURNI5H&IN~T"LL YCQI.jCRETF I TEMPOARY BARRICADE: /'TYPE 1II TEMPOARY BARruCAOE (r'r'Pf In) ARROW PAN!:l HIGH INTEN5!1Y FLASHrt...::> LIGHTS ThMPO,t,RV CRASH CUSHION CHAtlGEAlILE VARlAllLE MESSAGE SIGN;TEM<>OM~'t' SVNTHE11i: BALES S~ T FENCE STAKED (TYPE Uli FLOATING "fURSICITY RARRIER EXCAVAnON REGULAR r=M!l.ANIW.=r~T TYPE BSTABlllZATlON FINISH so!!. LA)'ERIGRASSrNG .oPERATIONSI '(,"1 T BASE CWTJON"J. {S"SE GROUP om I TURNOUT CONSTRUCTION (CONCR-~l Ml!..LING EXlsn~m ASPHALT W) ASPH CONC TYPE S ASPH CQN:ffUCT::::RSEIINC BrrIABR1IFC.3 11/J L.8f5")~ CONCRrT!: CLASS I/MlSCl INLETOBI7YPE C r<",C'1 PIPE CULV(Ol'T MAnJrClTHER~ 1B-SSI M~RED END SECTION ICROSS DRAIN) (>:FllDN.c..:... ROUNDI1111"; FERTt:..lZSA w.r.1ER FOR GAAS~ saroNG LS " J fA I " f~ fA EA I fA I EA I EA I I " I " , IF I 8" I I ov I ,gy I SV " s,. 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I~ d..J Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 29 of 68 !"",. ---HOLLAND P U M P (finis...: , ' I - ~ .... "'stC" -'/ ~ (239) 267-4100 (239) 261-0292 FAX 8140 MAINLINE PARKWAY FT. MYERS. FL33912 www.hollandpump.com -" Asta1di Consruction Corporation Attention: Clay Cross Interior Pump Octoberl, 2008 ... StiUitI-By System Quote ... -e lea. 14"x 12" Trasl1Pump Systems wI Dual Axle Diesel Driven Hydraulic Pump Power Unit (260 gal!fuel cap.) 14" x 12" Trash Pump Head 50' Set Hydraulic Hose 6O'x 12"Discharge Pipe Electronic Monitoring Standard Rate $4306,00 4weeks Stand-By Rate $2153.004weeks 861.00 week 287.06 daily · Fuel Usage Rate 3 .0 - 5.0 gaVhr · 4500 GPM @ 20' Head $119.00 Delivery & Installation Assistance $119.00 Pick-Up ..Stand-By Rate is 50% of full rental rate with up to 100 hours of use for a 4 week period, IfhoUfs you use the pump more than 100 hours in that period full rates will apply. Stand-by is applicable only with full Holland Pump System is on same job-site · ~!>plicableS.all\.S-I~ Io ~Added_To_~I>o~el'ri"ce~ . MIuIuJaaluftIffJ 01: H~ Oriven De.Jllrlng StwtllnW... Subm"""""'" w.J/poJnu: "'.Jettlng SQUl~nt... PrlmfJ :3 SIJCthm Uft Purrrp. RENTAI.S ' SAL.ES SERVICE 5.3 ~, , ..........................,.,......,,.......,....., ...,,......,..... ,......., ...,........, ...,..."t, " uW'>, r1I."-'"""""'........Ir"" .............,..,.... Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 30 of 68 . HOLLAND r L,\r1is,..; , ' ') ~ ':' '. ~ \ siC . ../..... f (239) 267-4100 (239) 267-0292 FAX 8140 MA.lNUNE F'ARKWA\' FT. Mv.RS. FL 33912 www.hollandpump.com P U M P Astaldi Consruction Corporation Attention: Clay Cross mterior Struclure Pump October 1, 2008 1 ea. A2200 Trash Pump Systems wi Dual Axle Diesel Driven Hydraulic Pump Power Unit (440 gal/fuel cap.) A2200 Trash Pump Head 50' Set Hydraulic Hose 60'x 20"Steel Discharge Pipe $4795,004weeks 1918.00 week 767.00 daily . * Fuel Usage Rate 3 .5 - 6.0 gallhr * 22000 GPM @ 10' Head $160,00 Delivery & Installation Assistance $160.00 Pick-Up *Applicab1e Sales Tax To Be Added To Above Prices . ManulllJ;turers ot Hydraulk:&1y Orivrm Ddwalemg Syor.me.. SubnM,..U.$ .. ~".Jsftiflg EQuIpment.. PrlrbtI S SuaHorl UIt PumpIJ RENTALS SALES SERVICE l'i .-,.., -.L.....-...-.-.....,..." ..........--..... '......... ............ ........", ......., .......~~~,.,....,,', ".-......-.... Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 31 of 68 ,~ -~OLLAND P U M P y1t1,is;,; _ 'l....... "'stC' ':,' (239) 267-4100 (239) 267.0292 FAX 8140 MAINLINE PARKWAY FT, MYERS, FL 33912 www.hollandpump.oom ./ I ..,oi.' Astaldi Consruction COlJloration Attention: Clay Cross By-Pass Pumps October 1, 2008 2ea. A2200 Trash Pump Systems w/ Dual Axle DicBcl Driven Hydraulic Pwnp Power Unit (440 gaIJfuel cap,) A2200 Trash Pump Head 100' Set Hydraulic Hose 340'x 20"Steel Discharge Pipe $6737.654weeksleasystem 2695,06 week 898.35 daily -e . Fuel Usage Rate 3 .5 - 6.0 gallhr · 22000 GPM@ 10' Head $350.00 Delivery & Installation Assistance/each $350.00 Pick-Up/each · Applicable Sales Tax To Be Added To Above Prices . ~fIlIt'5 01; Hydra~ (}rlve.n DdMmrlng SytIItmllI- SI.ItHrttmIibIrM . W8I1,ooi_. JeI1kJg EquipmerJr# PrltM 3 SucIJorJ urt PumpII RENTALS SALES SERVICE "-5' J....._, ('"'r.&....~I..,r>.r-c:~.nl ::lC':ll7l_IQ::l_C:c-:=l ~tl.l 1-1 ....Iun-J 1"'It-1>.-l"'''nu!I.IM:l.l..J ~C"T~CO ~~_T_l~ . . Holland Pump . Agenda Item No, 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 32 of 68 Page 1 of3 - " >:":~:.~:";' , .......d" "l(!t"'" -,. ~FIZ.'1. ',: "';'J,!~i,fij,;P,~i':/ ~i ... ' 'I';'!'" ~'" " Ii'Plr>;' ~.': .,' ':...".AlAl.. . ,"" .;.~::" :":~,,~::.:._--,...... Axial Flow Pumps Submersible Pump. RDl3ry Wellpolnt Pumps Axial Flow Pumps _'0 "'= - Al,2000 ~ High Pr...ure pumps Suc:tlon Pumps featuring ..' Tanks a Filters I~ c........_c..... I . Replaceable stainless steel wear ring . Cast bronze propeller (cast stainless steel optlonel) uniform performance . Uft:lng eye easily setlJp or moved . 5e1r.del!lntno Inlet screen keeps out debrts' . Spin on hydraulic connections fast setup . Motor lnsuctlon bell meens no wested horsep . Water cooled diesel engine . Automottc engine shutdowns . Automatic tlvdrauJlc shutdowns . Auto-start and stop . Automatic engine onel"' . B6oc1eonldable vegetable all . Hydraulic 01) cooler . Beetrle motor . ElIminates priming problems which means you don't have to worry about wukend and mldnl, shotdowns caused bv lost prime .lC httn://www.hoIlandoumo.comlowulls af,h1m ",911 S!200S ,........ r..-..-::J..r.lrC("'::I_nl ::JC::lr.\_lO::J_CIt":::J :.r::lll.l l-l -JI.III-l rJt...~.,.,nU~I,~-l ~C:-T!C." QC;U:lr.:I_T_I"")f"1 The Pump of choice when pumping large volumes of clear water at maximum head6 of 28 feel. The A22000 has a proven pumping capacity of 22000 gpm, ~ Holland Pump Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 33 of 68 Page 2 of3 -e . Can run dry Indefinitely. Suction 11ft pumps will surfer extensl;ve damage It run dry which mey from 8 loss or pnme or e dry hole . Power unit cen be safely and conveniently lotlIted up to 100 yard; 'rom the pump. Suction pu ettached to power unit . Low cost. per 98110n transferred compered to suction pum!)S . FIeld Aoodlng . River Bypass APP~~PD.C~RWATER . field Dryl"ll . Dry Docks . Irrigation . Corter Dams . Cooling Ponds . FiSh Pumping . Lake Drainage . Acod Control . Boat lockS . Shrimp Farms . Stock Watering . Water Treatment "_e 3D i 25 .t 20 .. X c:i e 15 ... . t 10 iii ~ 5 0 7000 .110O ,??OO 1 ZlIOO 14000 1l101lD 18OQO 2??oo 22QOO 24000 28OQO CAPACITY (GPM) .. Authortted WIth minerai 011 only NATIONAL HEADQUAR11!:RS: 2GID Sidney l.8nier on...e, BrunSWick, Geor;Jla 31525 Toll Free: ....917.PUMP.. locel: (91Zl 4&0-0304 . F.ex: (91'2) 466-0066 E-maU: AI..ohollandpump.com SALES. ReNTAL SERVICES Ft. Myers, Ronde (800) 761-7867" (941) 267-4100 ttr,1Il-ywood, Ftondo (954) 96&-6611 )acksonvlllet Aorloa (800) 4$1-0140. (9(4) 880.0010 ()r1andO, Florida {BOO} 451-5346. (0401) S55~7109 Horfolk. VII91nlD (88B) B37-P\.IMP. 757-858-9900 Pen~,AO"d.(e50)'37-3300 TlllTlpa, FLon"" (eaB) 395-6322 . (613) 626-0599 Waltert1Oro, South Carolina (6043) 536-221<11 -. . httn://www.hoUandoump.comlpurnpsaf.htm ....., .............-.....",.....,............... ............. },l 9/1812008 Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2. 2008 Page 34 of 68 .. AstaIdi Construction Corporation July 15, 200' g ACC Letter No: 0018 Mr. Joe Delate Collier County Transponation Sen>icesDivision 28B5 South Horseshoe Drive NapleS, Florida 34104 RE; lmmokalee Road Design / Build Project Collier County Contract No; 05-3770 Collier County Project No; 66045 ACC Job No.; H0706 Subjeet: Price Proposal as per Work Directive # 01 Relocation of Force Mains at the Northbrook Dr. Cocohatchee Canal Crossm2 "DESIGN EFFORT" Dear Mr. Delate, Astaldi Construction COIl'. (ACC) is pleased to provide Collier County with a price proposal for the Design and Pennit offon pertaining to the relocating and installation of force main lines located at lbe Northbrook Drive crossing of the Cocohatchee 'I as requested by Collier County (Worl< Directive #02). . SCOPE of WORK: 1) Acquire pemnts for Utility Crossing of Cocohatchee Canal 2) Provide Signed and Sealed Drawings for Consfruction ACC had provided a wOIk estimate to the County that was denied. ACC instructed designer to proceed with work and document all effort involved. This work has now been complered and Astaldi Construction Corporation has provided certified time sheets outlining the existent of the work. ", The price proposal for this work outlined in the scope and calculation sheet is a LUMP SUM AMOUNT of$78,382.25 and Zero (0) Days be added to the contract time. ACC would like to call your attention to the fact that the time requested does n'ot include the Thirty (30) Day. of delay to the installation of the Bridge at the Northbrook location due to !he permit required for this unforeseen work. , Should you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact me at 239.94B.0905. Best Regards, ~~~,oo if'.RMOrgan 1Wt Manager Mark Wis::man, Ed Martin, Steve Ritter, and John Rowell E22D Wc:st S.R.84 Suite 300 Davie. Florida 33324 Telephone: (954) 4023 8766. Fa:: (954) olI2.31597 .;l.~ Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 35 of 68- ~ Transportation Encineerinll & Construction Mana2'ement Department WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE PROJECI' NAME: Immokalee RoadlI-75 to Collier Boulevard CHANGE # 01 . DATE OF ISSUANCE: 2/21108 EFFECTIVE DATE: 2/21108 OWNER: Collier Coun/;y Boanl of commissioners PROJECT#: 66045 CONTRACTOR: AstaIdi ConstructWn CllrporaUOD. ENGINEElC MarleT. Wu:eman You are directed to proceed promptly with the foUowing cbange(s): Description: $0.00 WotkDircctive to begin design fur rcIocatiDg existing _ main and furcc main lines located at the NortbbrookeDrive crossing of the Cocohatcbee CmIaI which is not shown in !he original plmls. ....... ofWorl:: Directive Change: To cxp~ the removal of the existing Nmtbbroolre Drive crossing of the - , . CoeohatclJeeCanallllllirepJ~""",,,"r wi1h proposed Con-span bridge. . A ftR"hm,,"",: NOlIe f a claim is made that the above cbmJge(s) have affi:cted Contract Price or Contract Times any claim for a :hange Oxder based thereon will involve one or more of the following mCtbods of dew.nnrn;ng the effect of the lmnges(s), 1...<>lhod llf WP.TTTlining change in Contract Price: . ] Unit Prices ] Lump Sum g Other:N/A Method of derezmining change in Contract Times; o ContmclDr'S records o F.,gjn='s record ~ O1her: N1A >:timnt"d increase (decrease) in Contract Price -0"00 Estimated change in Contract Time; .Increase or..d== l:!YJtcal~_~. AUTHORIZED: By: k~~~",,' Owner's Representative '-'1 ------_..._--_._~---------_.- - - ~. "-coco (lJOW WO~ ~NO QN'?55 ~~ ::::Q)Q.. ",0 '0'" cO '" 0> <( c:: 0 .- - ..... ctS (!) l"", en 0 III .!: c.. C. l"", .... 0 (!) i 3: (!) en ~ .... .- (!) ..... .... to) III ::s ~ l"", OJ ..... C U'J c:: (,) 0 .... c. U c . - OJ "'C en - (!) ca Cl ..... (/J <( 111IIlII11. "lli l Ig ,~~"= .a:: E I I-.~ I",,,, ~'" lmro? "'''' NI'- -'" "- ;; '0 J- ... "H" I I I I' ~Ig~ '",,,, M'" .. N"- U ....: l..'":l .- , c:. - ......... ::: :;:; iO-~ " o ::Cf)r./){/) I::~..J..J ::l :: 5> '7 I .2 =1> (ij 15. ~ ,:!:,,--, .- _ >ICD I ~ ~~~ II o~ --:1 1- l I II I J~I~I~I ~@~IC9 I ~~gLO "Il:!' . oN ...,.C71 . CC1U'lf')N CO,,":NCC Cl)~_ M ;:: co "" ""~.vttR-- -l ~ <~~...J t;...:c..<t I-C~1- ,-~ 0 mD~1- ::lID'" Ul :; J -. ht151200S '" Design/Review REVISED r LABOR I REVIEW c,'" Unit Rate OT..... .", htTlme OverTIme TOTAL Utili M""""" Hr S45.88 nla . 0 . 367.04 Proif!ld Mana r Hr $49.52 nla 2 " . flO.04 Sr,Prolf3cIEnaiJ'\el'!r Hr 541.83 nla . 0 " 167.32 o flrntor Hr $25.00 $37.50 O. " $ - Operator Hr $25.00 S3T .50 0 0 1$ - ODsrator Driver HI $18.00 $27.00 0 n $ - Sml..sldlled Hr $14.00 $21.00f " 0 $ - Sml~Slllled Hr $14.00 $21.00 0 .0 .. - "'oor HI $12.00 ,$18.00 0 0 0 . Labar I HI $12.00 $18.00 0 0 " - o SuOtowJ 56% eurden Subtotal G&O 25% TOTAL LABOR .. $ " $ .. fi3jAO, 35".70 - UBltl(1 247.03 ',235.13 r Equipment Descnlltlon Madel Unlf keto OP Rato SmndtlV Hl)urs 'd" TOTAL PlckuoJron:l !5ccr1Trne Hr $2.1I3 $6.20 $1--42 0 $0.00 PIckup/MOT FI450 Hr Si3.78j $6.50 $1.891 0 SO,OO ::.x.::avalmlRubiltlrlT Voivo Hr 158.21 $49.75 $29.1' 0 SO.OO Leader Gal HI S28.CIB $23.95 S13JJ4 0 $0.00 Sat!ltv MIS. EA $1.00 sa.oo $0.50 0 SO.OO I Smalllools Ml~. SA I S1.00 ${1.00 $0.50 0 SO.OO i Dumo lrut:k Mac HI I $li.52 18.5 $4.26 0 $U.OO I I I SOliD $0.00 I I I SO.OO I $0.00 -- 5ublClBI 10% Markup TOTAL EQUIPMENT SiO.OO $0.00 $0.00 I Material OeSCfloliCln Units Unit Prics Quantity I TOTAL Lime ROCK TN $".74 0 SO.OO $0.00 I $0.00 T iO.OO I -) $:.1.00 I I SiO.OU Subtotal SiO.OO 6% Tax $0.00 10% Marltup $0.00 TOTAL MA TERrAL .0.00 $ l Subcontracts lJascrmlEon Units I Greenhorne&O'lI.tara LS lInltPm:e $12,146.00 Quantlrv 1 TOTA.L S72.14o.0n $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SU.OD n.146.QO 3,607.30 7-5,:r-5~.3U .. If , I , I Subtotal 5. 5%. Markup :;; TOT-AL-tlUflC"DtrrRA."i'rr.-S' - Subtotal 1.5% Bond 10% Markup TOTAL Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 37 of 68 ~VVl .{IIS{.O~' $ 1.235.13 s _",;5~,3D $ s $ 76,988.43 1,154.826 239,00 $78.382.25 51 ", " . I GREEN HORNE & O'MARA CONSULTING ENCiINEERS Astaldi Construction Corporation Mr, Jack MOl];1an 15360-2 Collier Blvd Naples, FL 34119-7832 Billing Period: thru 6130/08 Project #160320 Original Fee: Time & Materials -r! t ( 0 f> IMMDKALEE ROAD - WATER AND SEWER DESIGN . Classification Project Manager Project Director Sr. Project Engineer CADD Technician Project Engineer Clerical Hourlv Rate $185.55 $162.73 $138.84 $107.86 $80.11 $64.23 Expenses TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE NOTE: New' Address Plea.. remh payment Ill: A::countJ; Payable 13535 Feather Sound Drive, Suite 400 Clearwater, Florida 33762 Hours 171,0 122.5 36.0 100.0 22.0 2,0 Total $31,729.05 $19,934.43 $4,998.24 $10,786.00 $1,762.42 $128.46 $69,338.60 $2,807.40 $72,146.00 Please use Invoice No, 16C320.Pffll on remIttance and inquiries Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 38 of 68 . Feather Sound Corpor8te Center Bidg 1 . 13535 Feather Sound DriVE Suitt' 4DO .. Clearwater, FL 33762 Phone 7275760402. fax 727 575 0305 www.G-and~O.CDm s.l - AgeRda Item No. 16B7 December'2.2008 Page 39 of 68 , ~, - .p~to: Astaldl Conslrucllon Corporation By: Greenhorne & O'Niara, Inc. Con9ultlng EngIneer .",mployeas engaged on Immokal&& Road Ph_II Water/Sewer Project Management Period: D1fD1/D8-0S/3DfD8 Professional Sum Proiect Description Services Name Workdate Wkhis ill WaterlSewer Project Managoment . . Project Marlager FORAN, BRADLEY S 17-Apr-OB B ;032D.lMM.PIIA.OO2 iB-Apr-OB 4 2i-Apr-DB a 22-Apr-OB a 23-Apr-OB a . 24-Apr-DB a 25-Apr-OB a D8-May-08 B D9-May-OB B 12.May-Oa 8 13-May-OB 8 14-May-08 8 05.Jun-08 4 OB-Jun-08 4 09-Jun-08 4 10-Jun-08 4 11-Jun-OB 4 12-Juo-08 4 13-Juo.08 . 4 16-Jun-08 4 .... 17-Jun-08 8 18-Jun-08 8 23-Jun-OS 4 24-Jun-OB 4 25-Juo.OB 4 152 Clerical DAUGHERTY, REBECCA A OT-Apr'{]8 2 I WaterfSewer DesIgn Project Manager FORAN, BRADLEY S 01-Apr.{]B 4 32DJMM.PIIA.,05i 02-Apr'{]B 4 03-Apr.{]B 4 OS-Apr-DS 2 09-Apr'{]B 1 14-Apr-DB 2 lB-Apr-DS 2 19 Project Engineer KENJALE, ABHIJIT D 11-Jun-OB 5 i2-Jun-OB 5 17 -Jun-OB 6 1B-Jun-OB 3 19-Jun-08 2 23-Jun-08 1 Z2 Project Director PADMANABHAN,BALA 12-Jun-08 3 ~m.oB .'3 15-Jun-OB 2 . 1T-Jun-DB 2 15-Jun-OB 2 19-Jun-OB 2 2O-Jun-OB 2 -------. -. ----- -.- --- 3~ Project Director . PAYNE, JOSEPH 1D-Apr-DB 11-Apr-DB 14-APr-DB 15-Apr-DB .16-Apr-DB 17-Apr-DB 16-Apr-DB 22-Apr-OB 23-Apr-OB 24-Apr.OB. 25-Apr-OB 26-Apr-OB 29-Apr-OB 30-Apr-DB D1-May-D8 D2-May-DB D5-May-D8 06-May-D8 07-May-D8 OB-Mey-DB D9-May-DB 12-May-DB 13-May-OB 14-May-OB 22-May-OB 27 -May-DB 2B-May-DB 29-May-OS 30-May-08 02-Jun-DB D3-Jun-DB 04-Jun-DB 05-J un-DB D6-J un-D8 09-Jun-08 1 D-J un-DB 12-Jun-08 13-Jun-DB 16-Jun-08 17.J un-DB 18-Jun-DB 19-Jun-DB 2D-Jun-DB o. " . . Sr. Project Manager FABRIZIO, MATTHEW J D9-Jun-OB 1 D-Jun-DB 12-Jun-DB 13-Jun-DB . 16-Jun-DB l' ; -J urt~liti 16-Jun-DB 19-Jun-DB 20-J un-DB . Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 40 of 68 16 4 5. 5 4 2 3 2 1.5 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 5 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 105.5 1 5 3 .2 S . 1.0 .5.5 3 3 36 .34 Agenda Item No. 1687 December 2, 2008 Page41 0168 '. . . CAoo'Techniclan MCPHERSON, DAVID J 03-Apr-08 04-Apr-OB 07-Apr-08 OB-Apr-OB 29-Apr-OB 3D-Apr-OB 01-May-OB 06-May-OB 13-May-OB 14-May-OB 15-May-OB 2B-May-OB 05-Jun-OB 20-Jun-OB 23-Jun-OB CADD Techniclan GREEN, SCOTT A 1o-Jun-08 11-Jun-OB 12-Jun-OB 13-Jun-OB 16-Jun-OB 17-Jun-OB 1 B-Jun-DB 19-Jun-OB 23~Jun-DB 24-Jun-DB ~. :s is certify .that the a!Jove Is a true and correct payroll report covering work perfunned for: tal~on~Oll rporsfion f / r:r t!.t -;r 7-(08 !nature of Consultant I Date B B .B . 1 2 4 2 1 3 B 1 1 3 3 2 53 3 4 4 4 4 B B B 3 1 47 . JS" .,~ ....coco roo'" ",0_ ~NO aNN z~'" E"'''' .DOl ",Em :::::Q;lQ.. mt) -0'" cO '" :r-=~ .-i':"--=~ o <( r::~ -I -w I-W :::J-I ~w:5<( >~g '!i-05 "5ce~u:' ~O~~ 9W-5 ,... 0 ovf-:o ::>~ ~O<J::m 6' 0 :J oceZS coO If-: 1-<( ceO 00 Z-l W ce ~ ll: ... u '" go a u "- '" w '" - w :: ~ g c5 S u ~ : l~ ~ 01' ~ ~w i! ;. '!." .!i . ..~ '- " .~ :!..--i>~-~ l~.':' -- ~ ilU! u ~~ ~~ ~ h ~ u~ ,~~Cl.r!:-- ' ," ~~ij ,,~ _ .~i!' ~ . i · . 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" 4 . <J 6 4 <J ^ w--' wD - ~ I ~f'::, ~ i / .. - (j, \ ~ . \ \ .::0. .; I \ " \ \ "- i "'" i ~~ '\ ---o-~- \\~. /~! )/ ~--- ~ Sw I II ~~ i /1 i i i I ~ I B g> . ~ ....... I - ~ ~ t+ " ~ I 8 I ; ~ I ".~ . ~ d ~I ~ a e:j a .~I ~~ eii ~.G~E _..~. ~~~g~ had fl. ~ o :;. '" !'~of1 L ,..~ !! -~ ..~H r I " : o . - . Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 47 0168 J.. Astaldi Construction Corporation , July 15, 20Q't ~ Ace Letter No: 0017 Mr. Joe Delate Callier County . TranSportation Senrices Division 2885 Soulh Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 RE: Immokalee Road Design I Build Project Collier Cowny Contract No: 05-3770 Collier County Project No: 66045 ACC lob No.: H0706 Suhject: Price Proposal a5 per Work Directive # 02 Relocation ofForceM,ains at the Northhrook Dr~ Cocohatchee Canal Crossin~ Dear Mr. Delate, AstaIdi Construction Corp. (ACC) is pleased to provide Collier County with a price proposal for the relocating and installation of fon:e main lines located at the Norlhbrook Drive crossing of the Cocohatchee Canal as requested by Collier County (Work WtiVe#02). _', SCOPE of WORK: As detailed on signed and sealed drawings dated July 01, 2008 I) Install Temporary Fon:eMains 2) InstallPennanen.tFon:eMaiDS as detailed A..staldi CODStruction COIporation has provided a calculation sheet to determine the existent of the work. Th.e price proposal for this work outlined in the scope and calculation sheet is a LUMP SUM AMOUNT of 5319,069.43 and Twen.ty Five (21) Day. be added to the contract lime. ACC would like to call your attention to the fact that the time requested does not include the Thirty (30) Days of delay to the installation of the Bridge at the Northbrook location due to the permit required for this unforeseen work. Should you have any que.tions or comments do not hesitate to contact me at 239.948.0905. Best Regards, Astaldi Construction Corporation elL 1: fnr- /_~/ VJohnRMorgan wct Manager .: Mark Wiseman, Ed Martin, Steve Ritter, and John Rowell File 8220 WI:&! S.R.84 Suite 300 Davic,FloridP33324 Tetcphlmc: (9.54) 423 8766, Fax: (9'54) 42:1 ~!17 'i'J... Ci Agenda Item No. 1687 December 2, 2008 Page 48 of 68 Transportation En!!ineerin~ & Construction Mana!!ement Department WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE PROJEcr NAME : Immokalee RoadlI-75 to Collier Boulevard CHANGE # 02 DATE OFISSUANCE: 2/21108 EFFECIIVE DATE: 2/21108 OWNER: Collier Count), Board of commissioners PROJECT#: 66045 CONTRACTOR: Astaldi Construction Corporation ENGINEER: MarkT. W"meman You are directed to proceed promptly with the following ehange(s): Description: SO.OO WOlkDirective to begin the warJ: of roloCllting existing WIltcr!llllin IlIld force lIlllin lines Jo::ated at fue NllI1lIbroo1re Drive crossing of the Cocalulll:hcoCmml which i:; oot shown in the original plans.. ~ of Work Directive Cnange: To expedite theremoval of the eristingNorthbrooko Drive crossing of the . Cocohatcheo Canall!lld "'l'1acemt:Ilt with proposed Con-span bridge. Afur.hm~T~: NODf: . a claim is made that the above change( s) have affected Contract Price or Connact TImes any claim for a :Jmnge Onlcr baso..d thereon will ilrvolve one or more of the following methods of dctl':Tmining the effect of the aanges(s). f.ethod of det,,-mininr change in Contract Price: ] Unit Pric=s ] Lump Sum ~ O~:NIA Method of determining change in CoJ:rt:mct Times: o COlllIllCtor's records o Enl!ineer's record @ Other: N/A <:tirn_.d increase (decrease) in Contract: Price 0.00 Estim"h-.d change in Contract: Time: lncrease or decrease by 0 calendm- days. AUTHORIZED: By: ~~/~.~ Owner's Representative ECOMMENDEJ): .~.A!/. i.f.Dgider I . / 4~ ,,-eoco roo'" ",0_ l=""NO -.-en Ii i~O- O!J( .~ U) o C..l ~ " !'! 15 -e ro ~ m :;: JJ ... m .u ;;:; :> .u :!J :J ii r: ~. 5 0: . I~ ~j~l~ ~ ~j~lf~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I'~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~l~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 100 0.....10> 0> colOV t- ~ NIL(.) oct t- N '!"" 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Jeugnst20,200' ~ ACC Letter No: 0027 Mr. Joe Delate Collier County Transportation Services Division 2885 South Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 RE: lmmokalee Road Design I Build Project . Collier County Contract No: 05-3770 Collier County Project No: 66045 JeCC Job No.: H0706 Subject: PriCe Proposal to Perform Modifications to Manhole in Median Dear Mr. Delate, Astaldi Construction COlJl. (JeCC) is pleased to provide Collier County with. a price proposal for th.e cost associated with. the requested modifications to th.e manhole in th.e median. SCOPE of WORK: el) 2) 3) Excavate existing Manhole I:nstall required riser with lid for manhole Backfill and re-sod area The price proposal for this work outlined in th.e scope and calculation sheet is a Lump Sum amount of $2,049.44. ACC is requesting that a Change Order in the amount of$2,049.44 for this requested upgrade. Should you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact me at 239.948.0905. Best Regards, AstaIdi Construction Corporation . ,I.{~ tnr- Projeet Manager CC: Mark Wiseman, Ed Martin, Steve Ritter, and John Rowell . CO Welt S.RJ14 Suite 300 Drne,Florida33324 Telephone: (9$4) 42: 8766, Fax: (~S4) 423 2597 Slf . 1 2 3 4 . . Agenda Item No. 1687 December 2. 2008 Page 60 of 68 MEDIAN RISER & PIPE CLEANING REQU ASTALOI CONSTRUCTION LABOR ASTALOI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ASTALOI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL SUB CONTRACTORS $1,149.72 $714.63 $185.10 $0.00 TOTAL $2,049.44 sS' Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 61 of 68 1.---. . j Astaldi Construction Corporation,lnc. 3411 Bonita Springs Road; Suite 307 Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 Owner. Collier County Job Name; Rose Blvd. Correction Work Owners Job Number: 66045 DATE: 7M2I2007 CONTRACT NUMBER: 05-3770 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR THE COST ASSOCIATED WITH WORK TO INSTALL A RISER IN THE MEDIAN @ THE COUNTIES REQUEST MATERIAL: EQUIPMENT RENTAL: Unit I Rental Rental I EOE EOE Quant. Descri....Uon Unit Price Extension Hours I Descril'ltion Role Extension Rote Extension 0.0 $0.00 SO.OO 2.0 F/250 MOT TRUCK $7.431 $14.86 $9.70 $18.40 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 2.0 MAC DUMP TRUCK $32.00 $64.00 $24.80 S49.60 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 4.0 RUBBER TIRE EXC $59.14 $236.56 $38.80 $155.20 0.0 Remoye Asphalt SY $10.00 SO.oo 3.0 VAC TRUCK $20.78 S62.34 $15.90 $47.70 0.0 Lime Rock Sub Grdde TN $14.65 $0.00 0.0 ROLLER $20.78 SO.OO $15.90 $0.00 0.0 Lime Rock Base TN S14.65 $0.00 0.0 WELL POINT SYSTI S1.38 $0.00 $8.80 SO.OO 6.0 24" rcp PIPE LF $25.00 $150.00 0.0 BX16 TRENCH SHEI $2.84 SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 4.0 SAFETY SUPPLIES MHR S1.00 S4.00 0.0 31N CENT. PUMP SO.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4.0 SMAll TOOLS MHR $1.00 $4.00 0.0 BPU::\445 PLATE $2.67 $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 TOTALS $158.00 I $377.7H I $271.90 LABOR: Craft Regular RegUlar I 561\ I Regular Overtime I D.T. I O.T. O.T. Names Rate w/B~n Total , Hours Rate wfBrdn Total TIM SIPE SUP 2.0 $35.00 $54.601 $10920 I 0.0 $52.50 $81.90 SO.OO SAMMY CARRIO LA 4.0 $12.00 $18.72 $74.811 0.0 $16.00 $28.08 $0.00 SISCO LEDEZMA LA 4.0 S12.OO $16.72 $74.8Eli 0.0 $18.00 $28.08 $0.00 HDMPSON LA 7.0 $1200 $18.72 $131.04 0.0 $18.00 $28.08 $0.00 . HN KINCHEN MDT 2.0 $20.00 $31.20 $62.40 ! 0.0/ $30.00 $46.80 $0.00 )'RK SEEVERS OP 4.0 $24.00 $37.44 $149.76 0.0 $36.00 $56.16 $0.00 ~RETT LUZEU OP 0.0 $24.00 $37.44 $0.00 0.0 $36.00 $56.16 $0.00 JERALD SUTTON DR 2.0 $24.00 $37.44 $74.88 0.0 $36.00 $56.16 $0.00 CARL TON COOKE OP 3.0 S20.00 $31.20 $93.60 0.0 S30.00 $46.80 $0.00 TYLER MORGAN SmlLJi 3.0 $14.00 $21.84 $65.52 I 0.0 $21.00 $32.76 $0.00 I 0,0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 0.0 SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 0.0, SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 31.0 0.0 TOTALS $836.16 $0.00 SUBCONTRACT: Concr.", Asphalt, & Paint SUMMARY: SUB-TOTALS MATERIAL COST: $158.00 Quant Oeser! tion I Unit Price I ExteMS/on 6.5V. SALES TAX: $10.27 D.olAsPhalt (structural) TN S140.40 $0.00 TOTAL.. MATERIAL COST: $16B.27 0.0 Asphalt (Friction Cource) TN $140.40 $0.00 10% MATERlAL MARK-UP: $16.83 $185.10 0.0 Tincher Concrete CurD LF $15.00 $0.00 0.0 Trutwin Paint LF $1.20 $0.00 REGULAR LABOR: S836.16 0.0 Prime and Protect SY $1.50 $0.00 QVERTIME LABOR~ $0.00 0.0 United Message Boards ED $35.00 $0.00 SUB-TOTAL LABOR COST: $836.16 0.0 Unlled Barricades III EO $3.50 $0.00 25% lABOR OVERHEAD COST $209.04 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 10% MARK-UP $104.52 $1.149.72 0.0 $0.00 SO.OO EQUIPMENT RENTAl COST: $377.76 0.0 SO.OO $0.00 EOE COST: $271.90 0.0 SO.OO $0.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST: S649.66 rrOTALS SO.cO 7.5% EQUIPMENT MARK.UP: $64.97 $714.63 ---,...-,..._._- SUBCONTRACT COST: $0.00 -_._........_~_. - ..~-~_...- -----_.~_. _.,-~._- --.-. ~UtlC;UNIKAf..;1 ~OP'10%-" .~-_.. .- . - ----$O:Oo~- ~---~.--- .-----.-- --.. 5% MARK-UP SO.OO SUB-TOTAl. 10.00 TOTAL COST: $2,049.44 sG . . . Ilem 101-1 I; Agenda Item No. 1687 A tald" C t t" C D~ember 2. 2008 S Ions rue Ion orporallQ& 62 of68 Sidewalk Station 1141+00 Rt. Decription Mobilization Sidewalk Replacement Unit Quantity Price LS 0 $ LS 1 $ 528.00 Total $ $ 528.00 TOTAL $ 528.00 57 . --4 . I~ I Orll" I>f~ecl Mona r MDT Suoerv1.50f ()PlllmC7 OPl'tlllor OooralorDrll/lJr Sml.SllJWed Sml.5kitled '",U ~ba LABOR un" HI HI HI HI W Ii; HI HI HI Rille $5144 $14.00 $:!5JlO $2500 :li16.00 $14.00 $14.00 S,12.(X1! S12,ool :~ _L_ i T LIese" lion pJCiU.Jp;t:-orrl p~lIwil\mT EX!:8YalDlIFllIDberfTrl;! Loaoer SlJtalv SmaIl Tools Oumplrucr _ _L DaSotMDIIOFl Com:rBlf' ()Qcnl'rtlon -- L Eq:ulpment MolJlll F/150 F1450 V"!IIU CI;II "'. Mis Mar MOlen_I 1 I 1 i I Suoeontrael:5 unIts L<; j I I : I I Unit H' Ii; HI H' EA EA Hr Unlll; CY I , , 1 --1 ~-! - OTRata "10 $35.00 SJ?50 -S;37-!il $2700 $2',00 $2100 .$1B,ool s.1aoo '''''' $2.B3 $3781 $5<L211 S260B $',00 S10D $8.52 Sin hI Time o " o o a o 45 ./I,:' 1J5 OPRiltl' $(j201 $650 $4975) ~23_95 ~O,OO $0,00 185 , I Untt"'m:e $13215 unllPnu- I I --!--, 1 OYtrr1'l~ -""I I 'I Sidewalk Station 1141+00 Rt. I I I 1 .\.5 a o " o o o o o o SUDlc4~~ 56% E1urClllr, '25%(;-0 L-2..utJ10IBI i 10% Markup I TOTAL LABOR ~.-I St.ndpv $141 51.a91 12811 $13.1\4 S050' $Cl50 ~4.261 $000 $D001 Ho~ Idlll oi o 01 n " D' o I f>uomlal 1 110"';'MflTkuP TOTAL EOUIPMENT ' Quanti"" , I I I I SlJtllOlaJ /J-""'TR>: 'O%MSrKuP- i TOTAL MATERIAL 1 I I O1JfInti 1 I I I I I I I 5utllOlal 1$ I 5%Matklm S rOTAl.. 5U6CONTRAcT1_:;' , , . , . , . . . " ,. ,. . I. ,. T I S,JbuJlal 1.5%B~nd I "TOTAL TOTAL I I I ! I -----l f3~on !'.4.DO :>400 1/1,001 95761 65691 3::.345 33.351 366.80' . TOTAL :EOOO SO DO $000 so,or; ;woo :WOO $000 $0,00 $Ooa $0,00 so 00 $UOO IS TOTAL 51321:> $000 so 00 $OOD $0,00 $000 $132.15 57}3 $2'14 $161.2:: I "[ I --'1 T01'AL $000 $000 $1100 :1,000 SO 00 so 00 , , S S:S2M2 Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 63 of 68 I - I t-- I -j""-- -,-- --366.80 i .. -1 -" -... -,- , . 161.22 i D~~"a:? ! ..- 53 CHANGE ORDER CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 CONTRACT NO. 05-3770 BCC Date March 14, 2006 Agenda Item: 1 DC Agenda Item No. 16B7 December 2, 2008 Page 64 of 68 TO Astaldi Construction Corp. 8220 State Road 84, Suite 300 Davie, Florida 33324 Andrea Bozzelli DATE: October 31, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Immokalee Road (1-75 to Collier Blvd) PROJECT NO. 66045 Under our AGREEMENT dated March 14.2006. You hereby are authorized and directed to make the following change(s) In accordance with terms and conditions of the Agreement The intent of thiS change order IS to provide reimbursement to the Contractor for the use and supply of labor, equipment and materials not covered under the original contract to make changes to the project These changes Include changing signal equipment from modems to Ethernet sWitches, removal and replacement of street name sign panels, provide additional maintenance of traffic and mobilization for the project as a result of flooding issues associated with Tropical Storm Fay and associated weather delays, final pricing for installation of Conspan bridge and road and drainage work, provide design for unforeseen utilities discovered under Northbrooke bridge, installation of temporary and permanent utilities associated with the unforeseen condition, adjustment of an existing manhole discovered while excavating for median topsoil replacement, and replacement of a hazardous sidewalk section. Sixty five (65) days will be added to the contract as a result of this Change Order for the time needed to complete this work See Contractor's attached pricing spread sheet and proposal. FOR THE Sum of $965,86967 Original Agreement Amount $22.365.498.91 Sum of PrevIous Changes $ - (123.304.46) ThiS Change Order (Add) $ 965,86967 Present Agreement Amount $23,208,06412 The time for completion shall be changed by Sixty Five (65) calendar days due to thiS Change Order # 4. Additionally, Contract Change Notification Letter # 1 added Eighty Four (84) calendar days to the project Accordingly, the Contract Time will change from Eight Hundred Eighty Eight (888) calendar days to Nine Hundred Fifty Three (953) calendar days. The substantia! completion date will change from October 31,2008 to January 5, 2009 and the final completion date from November 21, 2008 to January 26. 2009. Your acceptance of thiS Change Order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in our Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated In this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement ~~~~~t ~~~ ~~f~~i~;s~: th,e?,c,t~~Alfl\'!9,tjOf or related to the change set forth here~n~ i~~~di~~Claims for Recommended by ,/ . (I, ./l (liT Date I///u-/)- .<)oe Oelate. AS LA S'enlor Project Manager / . / I Approved by: .-::_, 7~Lj."'<( (' r' Date:,' I . iJ . t. Gary P'utaansuu P E P,nnalpal PrOject ManE;ger ~-, , ......."'Jr,;: ..-_.>'~ -:;/ /-----, <lay Ahmad. P E. Dllector Date: , , Jf ') s-/ / ';:'6 , Approved by: Approved by Date' No~n Feder, Andrea Bozzelli, Chief Fina clal Officer Astaldl Construction Corporation Date Ii /I~;?, /c',A , Accepted by: CC: Rhonda Cummings, Contract Specialist, Purchasing Department Bonnie Baer, Clerk's Contracts Department Lisa Taylor. Management/Budget Analyst Agenda Item No. 1687 December 2. 2008 Page 65 of 68 50'" -e>tc. ~ovtJ l:;l ~ ? nag' AgAnrlR Itpm Nn 1 fiR? December 2, 2008 Page 66 of 68 CONTRACT MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: Immokalee Road (1-75 to Collier Blvd.) PROJECT #:66045 PROJECT MANAGER: Joe Delate BIDIRFP #: 05-3770 MOD #: 4 PO#:4500101303 DEPARTMENT: TECM CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Astaldi Construction Corp. Original Contract Amount: $22,365,498.91 (St.rting Point) Current BCC Approved Amount: $22,365,498.91 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCG) $22,242,194.45 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Current Contract Amount: Change Amount Revised Contract Amount: $ 965,869.67 $23,206,064.12 (Including This Change Order) I ~umulalive Dollar Value of Changes to rls Contract: $ 842,564.31 Date of Last BCC Approval: March 14, 2006 Agenda Item #10C Percentage of the change under current contract amount +3.77% Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCe approved amount)-1 CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): ORIGINAL: 916/2008 CURRENT: '^,.. '-118 I/U 12(J~ Describe the change(s): This Change Order #4 is to prOVide reimbursement in the amount of $965,869,67 to the Contractor for the use and supply of labor, equipment and materials not covered under the original contract to make changes to the project. These changes Include changing signal equipment from modems to Ethernet switches, removal and replacement of street name sign panels, provide additional maintenance of traffic and mobilization for the project as a result of flooding issues associated with Tropical Storm Fay and subsequent weather delays, final pricing for the Installation of the Conspan bridge and road and drainage work, provide design for unforeseen utilities discovered under the Northbrooke bridge, installation of temporary and permanent utilities associated with the unforeseen conditions, adjustment of an existing manhole discovered while excavating for median topsoil replacement, and replacement of a hazardous sidewalk section. Sixty five (65) days will be added to the contract as a result of this Change Order, Current contract time is Eight Hundred Eighty Eight (888) calendar days, The new contract time will be Nine Hundred Fifty Three (953) days. Specify the reasons for the change(s) r 1. Planned or Elective" 2. Unforeseen Conditions (" 3. Quantity Adjustments (" 4. Correction of Errors (Plans. Specifications or Scope of Work) r 5. Value Added ,- 6. Schedule Adjustments Note: One or more may be checked, depending on the nature of the change(s). Identify all negative impacts to the project if this change order were not processed: Additional expense to the County if the work were to be performed at a later date under separate contract. This change was requested by: P"IContrsctor/Consultant 171 Owner rj Using Department c: CDES Coeslgn Professional r1Regulatory Agency (Specify) r Other (Specify) CONTRACT SPECIALIST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: f7 Yes This form is to be s' d an e r No APPROVED BY: Date: 10/31/B e Delate. Senior Project Manager Revised 11.19.2007 REVIEWED BY: ../ Rhonda Cummings, Contract Revised 11.1 9.2007 Date: t / ~ Aoenda Item No. 1667 December'2, 2008 Page 67 of 68 CHANGE ORDER ,^,~eAB6 Item tJe. 1607 December 2, 2008 Page 68 of 68 CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 CONTRACT NO. 05-3770 BCC Date: March 14, 2006 Agenda Item: 10C TO: Astaldi Construction Corp. 8220 State Road 84, Suite 300 Davie, Florida 33324 Andrea Bozzelli DATE: October 31,2008 PROJECT NAME: Immokaiee Road (1-75 to Collier Blvd) PROJECT NO.: 66045 Under our AGREEMENT dated March 14, 2006. You hereby are authorized and directed to make the following change(s) in accordance with terms and conditions of the Agreement: The intent of this change order is to provide reimbursement to the Contractor for the use and supply of labor, equipment and materials not covered under the original contract to make changes to the project: These changes include changing signal equipment from modems to Ethernet switches, removal and replacement of street name sign panels, provide additional maintenance of traffic and mobilization for the project as a result of flooding issues associated with Tropical Storm Fay and associated weather delays. final pricing for installation of Conspan bridge and road and drainage work] provide design for unforeseen utilities discovered under Northbrooke bridge, installation of temporary and permanent utilities associated with the unforeseen condition, adjustment of an existing manhole discovered while excavating for median topsoil replacement, and replacement of a hazardous sidewalk section. Sixty five (65) days will be added to the contract as a result of this Change Order for the time needed to complete this work. See Contractor's attached pricing spread sheet and proposal, FOR THE Sum of: $965,869.67 Original Agreement Amount $22,365,498.91 $ - (123,30446) Sum of Previous Changes This Change Order (Add) $ 965,869.67 Present Agreement Amount $23,208,064.12 Approved by: The time for completion shall be changed by Sixty Five (65) calendar days due to this Change Order # 4 Additionally, Contract Change Notification Leiter # 1 added Eighty Four (84) calendar days to the project. Accordingly, the Contract Time will change from Eight Hundred Eighty Eight (888) calendar days to Nine Hundred Fifty Three (953) calendar days. The substantial completion date will change from October 31. 2008 to January 5, 2009 and the final completion date from November 21. 2008 to January 26, 2009. Your acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification 10 our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in our Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated In this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Agreement shall constitute a full and final seltiement of any and all claims of the CQDll:\lctor '.l~ au of or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs. (--- / I > , // I Recommended by: ". - Date III/d/ /? ,-:Joe elate. ASLA. enior Project Manager / 17' /^/)/ ./ j , " ,/ p':::)/ ;'":1... /' i\:.' ~ G ,j Date II I } <j J L \ Gary FutaanSllU, P.E', Prinrnpal Project Manager /. /-, ,,' I / /.--', ......~.J-. JI'J</ D" /"')- 'Y/ I Date: I I _ 6' -:lay AhmacV,P E. Director Approved by: Approved by: Accepted by: Norman Feder, AICP, Adm' r-Al / ~o Andrea Bozzefli, Chief Fina cia! Officer Astaldl Construction Corporation Date: Date: (i Jrs/GA .