Agenda 12/02/2008 Item #16A 7 Agenda Item No. 16A7 December 2, 2008 Page 1 of 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Approve Change Order No.3 to the agreement between Collier County and Van Buskirk, Ryffel and Associates Inc. for the development of the Collier Interactive Growth Model (CIAGM) for the East of County Road 951 Infrastructure and Services Horizon Study OBJECTIVE: To increase the time frame associated with the contract to allow for the Van Buskirk, Ryffel & Associates to provide the land use modeling to be utilized by AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc" the consultants for the Transportation Division to update to the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), CONSIDERATIONS: On September 26, 2006, Agenda Item 16A2, the Board of County Commissioners (BCe) approved an agreement with Van Buskirk, Ryffel & Associates Inc., for the development of the Collier County Inter-Active Growth Model (CIGM). On April 22, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved a change to the original agreement by increasing the contract amount by $54,000 to allow for the land use modeling output of the CIGM to provide for the Transportation Division's update to the LRTP, The change order before the BCC requests that the time frame associated with the contract be extended 150 days. This extension would extend the contract to 2-27-2009. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no monetary considerations associated with the requested action. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Approval of the proposed change order will allow for consistency within the CIAGM and LRTP which are directly related to the determination of future long term infrastructure needs, LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is ready for board consideration and approval- HAC RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: I. Approves Change Order No, 3 to the agreement between Collier County and Van Buskirk, Ryffel and Associates Inc" 2, Authorize the Chairman to execute the Change Order Prepared by. Mike Bosi, AICP, Community Planning Manager, Comprehensive Planning, Community Development and Environmental Services. .,,_h Executive Summary Collier Inter-Active Growth Model, Change Order No.3 with Van Buskirk, Ryffel and Associates, Inc.. Page 1 of 1 1;' ifff 1.brl cVYl<'!L' tJ7L&t; h CONTRACTIWORK ORDER ~TJON CHECKLIST FORM U/</1 i\gend~0.16A7 O<--..J-.:. V1v'D , 2008 R JP e20f6 e..VIS-e..q PROJECT NAIIE: Collier InIItrActive G_.....w IC\AGMI PROJECT It. _iliA Boa' PROJECT M~ER:_M11ce BIDIRFP It. iliA 110O It. :f. 2 fk"" is ..1 WORK ORDER It. NlA DEPARTMENT:_ComP.._.... Plannlna CONTRACTORJF1RM NAME: v_ g._1rIwtr RvIfet and A_..... Ine. Curnnt ace Approved Amounl: , _200.aao.oo (S1aIW1g Point) '_200,aao,OO (llIllt ToI8I Amount AppnMscl by the BCC) $ 200,000.00 (lnduding All Changes Prior To This Modillcalion) ChIInge Amounl: ,~.oo OrIginlll Conlnct Amount: current Contnct Amount Revi8ed ConIIactIWork 0nIer Amounl: '_2M.aao.DO (Including This Change 0nI", Cumulative Dollar v.Jue of C...ngee to this Contno..-on< Order: , 54,aao.oo o.Ie of Last sec AppravaI_lII2&'Il6 Agenda - , _1l1A2_ Pen:enlage of the clIenge ovet1uncler CUft'8I1l--.ct _ount 27% Formula: (Revised Amount I Lul Bce epproved amounl)-1 CURRENTCOMPlETlON DATE (5): ORIGINAL: 3-31-2008 CURRENT: Q.3O-2lllI8 De8cribe the change(al: To allow for the land use modelinlz of the Collier Inter-Active Growth Model to UDdateoftheCollierCoWltvLOIll[FRnlJeTransoortationPlan as Task 10 in the amount of $44,000 and Task 11 in the amount of $10,000 for reimbursables. SpecIfy the _ for the chIInge(a) 1. Planned or EIecIIYe 2. U,lforal8an CondKlona 3. QIWItIty Adjuatmenlll . 4. Correction of Errors (Plana. Speclflcatlona or Scope of WorII). 5. Value Added 8. Schedule Adjuatmenlll Note: One or more may be checked, depmdlng on the nature of the change{e). lcIentify ell negatiYe impacD to the project If this change order _ not plllt....d: InconaislBncY ~n two rnodeina tools !hat helD determine Iona rance caollal eXlllllldltures. lbla change _ requllStlld by: IcontncIDrICor1lIultant I Owner . I UsIng OwjIadment ;:::. CDES -Design Plcflniona' Se~ IRegulatDry Agency (Specify) "0lMr (Specify) TrallllDllrialion CONfMCT SPECIALIST PARllCIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: ThIB fonn Is to be slgnecIand ~. APPROVED BY: ~/:=- ,,- Project Manager , Yes ~ No DaIB: q-4l-(J t REVIEWED BY: Date: 0-.;( -og-/ c ~ ;JA R....'5.~..' ",..J .........ffr:,'<L.J.. Mod.;l.. Agenda Item No. 16A7 December 2, 2008 CHANGE ORDER Page 3 of 6 CHANGE ORDER NO. Three CONTRACT N0.45-88581 BCC Date: 09/26/2006 Agenda Item: 16A2 TO: Van Buskirk, Rvffel and Associates. Inc. 100 Estero Boulevard, Suite 434 Fort Mvers Beach, Florida 33931 DATE: October 31, 2008 PROJECT NAME: Collier Countv Inter-Active Growth Model PROJECT NO.: Under our AGREEMENT dated September 26, 2006. You hereby are authorized and directed to make the following change(s) in accordance with tenns and conditions of the Agreement: To increase the time frame associated for the CIGM land ~se modeling to be utilized by AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc" the consultants for the Transportalion Divisions to update to the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). FOR THE Additive Sum of: iQ Original Agreement Amount $200.000,00 $54,000 $0 Sum of Previous Changes This Change Order Add Present Agreement Amount $254.000.00 The time for completion shall be increased by 150 calendar days due to this Change Order, Accordingly, the Contract Time is now 28 months 840 calendar days. The substantial completion date is 1-30-2009 and the final completion date is 2-30-2009. Your acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same tenns and conditions as contained in our Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor arising out of or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs, Accepted: November 4, 2008 CONTRACTOR: Van Buskirk. Rvffel and Associates, Inc. OWNER: BY:~ Carleton Ryffel, AICP, Vice President By: ~~~ Mike Bosi, AICP, Project Manager { o~ Z- - Agenda Item No. 16A7 December 2, 2008 Page 4 of 6 DEPARTMENT DffiECTOR By: f?~ cL Randy Cohen DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR ~~ CONn1V\CTSPEClALIST By ~ l}) 'UJ-f: t:yn . Wood ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BY: BY: Tom Henning, Chairman Approved As To Form and Legal Sufficiency: BY: Heidi hton-Cicko, Assistant County Attorney Z- o~ L Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page I of2 Agenda Item No. 16A7 December 2, 2008 Page 5 of6 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16A7 Request to increase the time frame associated with the contract to allow for the Van Buskirk, Ryffel & Associates to provide the land use modeling to be utilized by AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc., the consultants for the Transportation Division to update to the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). 12/2/2008 9.00:00 AM Prepared By Mike Bosi, AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Principal Planner Date Zoning & Land Development Review 11/4/20083:52;27 PM Approved By Randall J. Cohen Community Development & Environmental Services Comprehensive Planning Department Director Date Comprehensive Planning 11/5/20089;48 AM Approved By Lyn Wood Administrative Services Purchasing Agent Date Purchasing 11/14/20088;09 AM Approved By Steve Carnell Administrative Services Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Purchasing 11/14/20089;35 AM Approved By Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 11/15/20086;09 PM Approved By Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. Date 11/17/20088;54 AM A pproved By Heidi F. Ashton County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney Office 11/17/20089;32 AM Approved By OMB Coordinator County Manager's Office OMB Coordinator Date Office of Management & Budget 11/18/20087;42 AM fiJe://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 117 -December%202, %202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGEN,.. 11/25/2008 Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No. 16A7 December 2, 2008 Page 6 016 Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11118/20085:19 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 11/18/20085:51 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\117-December%202,%202008\16,%20CONSENT%20AGEN,.. 11/25/2008