Agenda 12/02/2008 Item # 7C Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 1 of 192 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADA-2008-AR-13731 Monte Carlo Club Condominium Association, Inc., represented by Quin L. Kurth of Turrell, Hall and Associates, Inc., requesting an appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals of a decision of the Collier County Planning Commission in Resolution No. 08-03 denying Petition BD-2006-AR-9061. OBJECTIVE: The petitioner has filed an appeal to the decision of the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) pursuant to their denial of the petitioner's boat dock extension application which occurred at a properly noticed public hearing on August 7, 2008. The Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) requires that, upon hearing of a requested appeal, the Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals (BZA) shall affIrm, affIrm with conditions, reverse or reverse with conditions the action of the Planning Commission. CONSIDERATIONS: The petitioners have filed a timely appeal pursuant to Section 8.03.03 of the LDC, which states, in part, that, as to any land development petition or application upon which the Planning Commission takes fmal action, an aggrieved petitioner, applicant or aggrieved party may appeal such final action to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). The BZA may affirm, affirm with conditions, reverse or reverse with conditions the action of the Planning Commission. (Please note that the language containing this provision was inadvertently omitted during the recodification process resulting in the current LDC Ordinance No. 04-41, and has been reinserted during the current LDC amendment cycle. Final approval of this amendment is anticipated to occur on or about October 30, 2008.) Pursuant to section 8.03.03, the applicants are appealing the CCPC's denial of their request for a 15-foot boat dock extension over the maximum 20-foot protrusion limit as provided in Section 5.03.06 of the Land Development Code to allow a 35-foot boat dock facility accommodating 20 additional boat slips for property described as Lots I and 2, Block B of Baker-Carroll Point Unit 2 Subdivision in Section 29, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida (part of the Monte Carlo Club Condominium). The petitioners brought forward a petition for a boat dock extension to the CCPC, who has final approving authority for boat dock extensions. The applicants requested a 15-foot boat dock extension from the maximum permitted protrusion of 20 feet for waterways greater than 100 feet in width, to allow the expansion of a multi-slip docking facility protruding a total of 35 feet into a waterway that is 189 feet wide at the most restrictive point. The requested protrusion would allow construction of 20 additional boat slips for a multi-family development. The facility was proposed to protrude a total of 35 feet into a waterway which is 189 feet wide. The CCPC staff report and the minutes of the meeting are attached as exhibits to this executive summary. During the hearing, Chairman Strain made a comment (page 32 of the CCPC meeting minutes) that the applicant could apply for a building permit with the Building Department without the Planning Commission's review, and could potentially apply for more slips than were requested with the boat dock extension petition as long as they didn't protrude further than 20 feet into the waterway. The comment was made to the public speaker, who responded that more vessels in conjunction with a dock protruding less than 20 feet would be preferable to the 20 additional slips protruding 35 feet. .- j Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 192 A. Reasons for denial There was a motion made for denial by Commissioner Kolflat, seconded by Commissioner Caron. Each Commissioner in favor of the motion then supplied his or her reasons for denial, and Commissioners not in favor of the motion stated so, as follows: 1. Commissioner Kolflat's reasons for denial were based on failure to meet primary criteria one and two and secondary criterion four. 2. Commissioner Schiffer's reason for denial was that there is no reason to not build the county required 20-foot dock. 3. Commissioner Midney recommended denial because of failure to meet primary criterion two and secondary criterion one. 4. Commissioner Caron voted for denial based on failure to meet primary criterion two and secondary criteria one and two. In addition, she noted that there is no reason for the extension past the required 20 feet. 5. Chairman Strain voted in favor of the motion for denial based on failure to meet primary criteria two and three and secondary criterion one. 6. Commissioner Adelstein was in favor of the motion based on failure to meet primary criteria one and two. 7. Commissioner Murray, Commissioner Vigliotti and Commissioner Wolfley voted against the motion, in favor of the project. The motion of denial carried at 6-3. B. Appellant's claims Below are the Appellant's appeal points noted in their appeal submittal followed by staff's comments and analysis. 1. Regarding testimony provided at the CCPC hearing The appellant claims the testimony given by Lew Sclunidt was not based on his personal knowledge, and there is no evidence in the record that the people who did the research and provided information to Mr. Schmidt were qualified to do so. Mr. Sclunidt testified that the draft limitation of three feet does not apply when the vessel is in operation, and that the boat moored on a thirty five foot dock would be forty feet in length. The appellant does not consider Mr. Schmidt's testimony competent and substantial evidence on which to base a decision by the CCPC. Staff response: Staff concurs with the appellant's assessment of Mr. Schmidt's testimony. At any time, the vessel moored at the dock facility would be limited to a three foot draft as regulated by the Collier County Manatee Protection Plan. The maximum protrusion for the dock facility would be thirty five feet, including the entire vessel. 2 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 3 of 192 2. Regarding LDC sections S.03.06.C and S.03.06.B The appellant argues that section S.06.03.C of the LDC is to establish the maximum size of dock facility that can be constructed as of right, with no CCPC review, and that the purpose of the section is not to restrict the size of dock facility or vessel. The appellant further argues that the CCPC must evaluate the criteria outlined in LDC section S.03.06.H to approve, approve with conditions or deny a petition, and no other criteria or method of rendering a decision should be used. Staff response: Staff concurs substantially with the appellant's assertions regarding the purpose and intent of the LDC section cited, and the need of the CCPC to evaluate the criteria to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the petition. Presumably, the appellant refers to section S.03.06.C and E, which describes provisions for protrusion allowed along with required setbacks, riparian rights and other development standards. Section S.03.06.E states, "Additional protrusion of a dock into any waterway beyond the limits established in subsection S.03.06.E of this code may be considered appropriate under certain circumstances. In order for the Planning Commission to approve the boat dock extension request, it must be determined that at least 4 out of the 5 primary criteria and 4 out of the 6 secondary criteria, have been met." Section of the previous Collier County Land Development Code, Ordinance No. 91-102, as amended, states in part that, "the Collier County Planning Commission, at a duly advertised public hearing, shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny, a dock facility extension based on the criteria below." This language fails to appear in the current LDC. Section Five: Conflict and Severability, of the current Collier County Land Development Code, Ordinance No. 04-41, states in part that, "...in the event that any provisions of the adopted recodified LDC should result in the unintended consequences of an unresolved conflict with the provisions of the previously adopted LDC, as amended, the prior provisions will be considered to apply." It has been determined that the omission of this language is the result of an inadvertent error in the compilation of the current LDC and that the provisions of Section Five cited above therefore apply. There are no provisions in the code to limit the length of a vessel, or to limit the maximum protrusion that can be granted by a boat dock extension petition. 3. That the CCPC did not limit its review to the LDC criteria The appellant states that the CCPC must evaluate the petition according to the LDC criteria and no other criteria not included in the LDC. The appellant further alleges that if the criteria outlined in LDC section S.03.06.H are not used to determine whether a dock facility meets the code requirements for an extension in protrusion, the applicant will have no way of knowing whether they have satisfied the criteria with the proposed petition. 3 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 4 of 192 Staff response: Staff concurs with the appellant's assertion that the CCPC did not limit its review to the LDC criteria and iliat ilie CCPC should have limited its review to iliese criteria. Staff further concurs that iliese criteria were intended to make clear to the applicant what ilie applicant would need to do in order to determine that his project met the requirements and intent of ilie LDC. Staff review determined that ilie subject petition as requested met all of ilie five primary criteria and all of ilie six (applicable) criteria, and ilierefore recommended approval. The petition was denied at ilie CCPC hearing by a vote of 6-3. 4. That members of the CCPC interjected a new criterion The appellant asserts that a new criterion was used to determine that ilie petition did not meet the requirement for an extension, iliat ilie CCPC felt a petitioner must prove a need or a hardship to be granted an extension, and that in ilieir opinion ilie LDC limits boat dock facilities to a maximum 20 feet extension. Staff response: Staff concurs substantially wiili ilie appellant's assertion that a new criterion was arbitrarily intetjected; specifically, that ilie applicant needs to prove a hardship exists in order to be granted an extension. There are no requirements in the code that a hardship situation must be evaluated in order to determine wheilier a boat dock extension should be granted. Evidence of the existence of a hardship not created by ilie property owner is a consideration typically associated with a Variance Petition and not a boat dock extension petition. Further, iliere is no provision in the code that limits ilie length of any vessel, or that limits ilie maximum protrusion that can be granted by a boat dock extension petition. 5. That a majority ofthe CCPC failed to base its decision on the LDC criteria The appellant states iliat a majority CCPC failed to apply the LDC criteria as a basis for denial, asserting that six of the CCPC members found that the project met the required number of primary and secondary criteria, but that three of these members voted nonetheless for denial, resulting in denial of the petition. Staff response: Staff concurs with the appellant's assertion that a ml\iority of the CCPC failed to apply ilie LDC criteria as a basis for denial. FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Plan impact. It is anticipated that approval or denial of iliis appeal will not affect ilie Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Board sitting as ilie Board of Zoning Appeals hears appeals of final action taken by the Planning Commission in accordance with the LDC, Florida Statutes and Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, as amended. 4 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 5 of 192 Section 5.03.06.H of the LDC outlines the criteria to be considered by staff and the CCPC for a boat dock extension petition, as follows: 1. Primary Criteria: a. Whether the number of dock facilities and/or boat slips proposed is appropriate in relation to the waterfront length, location, upland land use, and zoning of the subject property. Consideration should be made of property on unbridged barrier islands, where vessels are the primary means of transportation to and from the property. (The number should be appropriate; typical, single-family use should be no more than two (2) slips; typical multi-family use should be one (1) slip per dwelling unit; in the case of unbridged barrier island docks, additional slips may be appropriate.) b. Whether the water depth at the proposed site is so shallow that a vessel of the general length, type, and draft as that described in the petitioner's application is unable to launch or moor at mean low tide (ML T). (The petitioner's application and survey should establish that the water depth is too shallow to allow launching and mooring of the vessel(s) described without an extension.) c. Whether the proposed dock facility may have an adverse impact on navigation within an adjacent marked or charted navigable channel. (The facility should not intrude into any marked or charted navigable channel thus impeding vessel traffic in the channel.) d. Whether the proposed dock facility protrudes no more than twenty-five (25) percent of the width of the waterway, and whether a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the waterway width between dock facilities on either side of the waterway is maintained for navigability. (The facility should maintain the required percentages.) e. Whether the proposed location and design of the dock facility is such that the facility would not interfere with the use of neighboring docks. (The facility should not interfere with the use of legally permitted neighboring docks.) 2. Secondary criteria: a. Whether there are special conditions, not involving water depth, related to the subject property or waterway, which justify the proposed dimensions and location of the proposed dock facility. (There must be at least one (I) special condition related to the property; these may include type of shoreline reinforcement, shoreline configuration, mangrove growth, or seagrass beds.) b. Whether the proposed dock facility would allow reasonable, safe access to the vessel for loading and/or unloading and routine maintenance, without the use of excessive deck area not directly related to these functions. (The facility should not use excessive deck area.) 5 I Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 6 of 192 c. For single-family dock facilities, whether the length of the vessel, or vessels in combination, described by the petitioner exceeds fifty (50) percent of the subject property's linear waterfront footage. (The applicable maximum percentage should be maintained.) d. Whether the proposed facility would have a major impact on the waterfront view of neighboring waterfront property owners. (The facility should not have a major impact on the view of a neighboring property owner.) e. Whether seagrass beds are located within 200 feet of the proposed dock facility. (If seagrass beds are present, compliance with subsection 5.03.06.H.2. of this LDC must be demonstrated.) f. Whether the proposed dock facility is subject to the manatee protection requirements of subsection 5.03.06.E.II. of this LDC. (If applicable, compliance with section 5.03.06.E.Il. must be demonstrated.) Based upon its review of the record of the CCPC hearing, and the testimony and other materials presented as part of the hearing on the appeal, the BZA may affIrm, affIrm with conditions, reverse or reverse with conditions the action of the CCPC. In reviewing this item, the BZA must determine whether the decision of the Planning Commission is supported by substantial competent evidence and whether the decision is consistent with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan. -HFAC COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPe) RECOMMENDATION: The CCPC does not hear appeal requests; that is only a function of the Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals. RECOMMENDATION: It is staff's opinion that the boat dock extension petition meets the required minimum criteria for approval as set forth in the CCPC staff report, attached to this appeal application. Therefore, staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals overturn the Planning Commission's denial ofBD-2006-AR-9061 thereby granting the boat dock extension petition. When an appeal is filed for applications upon which the CCPC has the final decision making authority, the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the BZA shaH affIrm, affirm with conditions, reverse or reverse with conditions the action of the Planning Commission. PREPARED BY: Ashley Caserta, Senior Planner, Zoning and Land Development Review 6 Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 of2 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 7 of 192 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 7C This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission Members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. ADA-2008-AR- 13731 (AC) Monte Carlo Club Condominium Association, Inc., represented by Quin L. Kurth of Turrell, Hall and Associates, Inc., requesting an appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals of a decision of the Collier County Planning Commission in Resolution No. 08-03 denying Petition BD-2006-AR-9061 that requested a 15-foot boat dock extension over the maximum 20-foot protrusion limit as provided in Section 5.03.06 of the Land Development Code to allow a 35-foot boat dock facility accommodating 20 additional boat slips for property described as Lots 1 and 2, Block B of Baker-Carroll Point Unit 2 Subdivision in Section 29, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida (part of the Monte Carlo Club Condominium). 12/2/20089:00:00 AM Prepared By Ashley Caserta Community Development & Environmental Services Planner Date Approved By Zoning & Land Development Review 11/4/20082:42:07 PM Ross Gochenaur Community Development & Environmental Services Planning Manager Date Approved By Zoning & Land Development Review 11/7/200811:10AM Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. Date Approved By 11/7/20082:30 PM Susan Istenes, AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Zoning & Land Development Director Date Approved By Zoning & Land Development Review 11/11/20084:34 PM Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 11/16/20067:04 PM Approved By Heidi F. Ashton County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney Office 11/17/20089:31 AM Approved By file:/IC:\AgendaTest\Export\117-December''10202,%202008\07.%20BOARD%200F%20Z... 11/25/2008 Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 8 of 192 OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/18/20087:41 AM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/18/20087:25 PM Approved By leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 11/19/20089:58 AM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\117-December"/o202,%202008\07.%20BOARD%200F%20Z... 11/25/2008 OCON ....00> .O~ -.-N....... _ 0 "0> - W Q) 2..0 CJ) ;E'" -0 '" a. c:" Q)'" 0,0 -< w ~ z ~ < w ~ z ~ < w ~ z ~ < w ~ z ~ < c.. Z illS! !::!< "''' o ~ > z o 5 I w ~ z ~ eO < " -, q ." >eCJ , ~~ " to " '101'" .. ffi Q O. ~i .... w ffiZ 00 . 3 Z~ m '" o [1!i[1 GlJ\.J 0' "O_ICO (..a) HS>J'O''' N'V:lmO . !llo '" " 0' .. ~ ! I" ~'~I ~ uvo~ t'l..,"nd-l~Od>lIV ~ !IP ~ ;; i is ::JI u i ~<j~ tj ~f ~ ! i ~~ 1 ,< ~il;i" on " ,Ie" " 'I ! = 'Ii ~:; ;;,,, i~ i1lt1Jl (,,'s'nl 1,,"'''''1 ~ ~ '!l II' ! ~i . " , , , , ! .II ,j GULF OF "l,:;i,~ z o o o ~ " " ffi " w o z < > 15':,- ~ S~!li .00 0.... <( I'l ~ \ol " '" CJ 'd. Z - Z 0 > N J"I'o'JSO! .ON / - z- it ,I "' ! , !! '! " ,. ,. " !! ,. "::1- .,' ~Je "1 ~i OOdOVD" ::!UJ1oooo.."oor /""^"lno. i1'~ .... ~N~~ "' ;~ '6 I".'s'nl "V~l ,""""'0'1 ~a~ MEXICO M >- M '"; 0: '" '" o o '1 '" D '" .. Z o f- f- ill "- = a.. <( ~ 2 z o I- <( o o ...J COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET (i) Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 2800 NORTH HORSESH8~5j)R',~f 192 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 252-2400 FAX (239) 252-6968 c Sec. 250-58. Appeal from decision of administrative official. (a) Appeals to a board of zoning appeals or the governing body, as the case may be, may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, department, board, or bureau of the governing body or bodies in the area affected by the decision, determination or requirement made by the administrative official. Such appeals shall be taken wilhin 30 days by filing with the administrative official a written notice specifying the grounds thereof. The administrative official shall forthwith transmit to the board all papers, documents, and maps constituting the record of the action from which an appeal is taken. . Due public notice of the hearing on the appeal shall be given. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person or by attorney. A decision shall be reached by the appellate body within 30 days of the hearing; otherwise, the action appealed from shall be deemed affirmed. ( \ An affected.property owner is defined as an owner of property located within 300 feet ,of the property lines of the land for which the interpretation is effective. An aggrieved or affected party is defined as any person or group of persons which will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by the Collier County Growth Management Plan, land Development Code, or Building Code(s). The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. A request for appeal shall be filed in writing. Such request shall state Ihe basis for the appeal and shall include any pertinent information, exhibits and other backup information in support of the appeal. In accordance with Resolution No. 2007-160, the fee for the application and processing of an appeal is $1,000.00 and shall be paid by the applicant at the time the request is submitted. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall hold an advertised public hearing on the appeal and shall consider the administrative decision and any public testimony in light of the growth management plan, the future land use map, the land Development Code or the official zoning alias. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall adopt the County official's administrative decision, with or without modifications or conditions, or reject the administrative decision. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall not be authorized 10 modify or reject the County official's administrative decision unless such Board finds that the decision is not supported by substantial competent evidence or thai the decision is contrary to Ihe growth management plan, the future land use map, the land Development Code or the official zoning alias. Reauests for Appeal of Administrative Decision should be addressed to: ( Department of Zoning and land Development Review Alln: Intake Planner 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OFZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COlllERGOV.NET (i) Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 11 of 192 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 252.2400 FAX (239) 252.6968 \ ADA-200S.AR-13731 MONTE CARLO CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOC. PROJECT: 2006010084 DATE: 9/9/0S DUE: 9/23/08 : ;R~,il.fG:~lti~-ilili'1":':;.-~ ',,';1';' . ~~ '. . ".,,,,,;,~lfi.,"",...,,.,,.m-.~'1M~.r:!.~ ~;"\.",~ , .~....... ",..". , . PETITION NO (AR) PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROCESSED ASSIGNED PLANNER NAME OF OWNER MONTE CARLO CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. ADDRESS PO BOX 7622 CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34104 TELEPHONE # CELL # FAX # E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF AGENT/APPLICANT QUIN L. KURTH FIRM TURRELL, HALL & ASSOCIATES, INC. ADDRESS 3584 EXCHANGE AVENUE CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34104 TELEPHONE # 239-643-0166 CELL # 239-825-6831 FAX # 239-643-6632 E-MAIL ADDRESSQKURTH@TURRELL-ASSOCIATES.COM RECE,\VEO Sf?\) 8 2008 ZONING DEPARTMENT Appeal of Application No. AR.9061 (Please reference the application number that is being appealed) Attach a statement for the basis of the appeal. including any pertinent information, exhibits and other backup information in support of the appeal. ., Submit required application fee in the amount of $1,000.00 made payable to the Board of County Commissioners. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 12 of 192 ( Basis of Appeal Monte Carlo Club Condominium AssociatiDn, Inc. ("Petitioner") filed a petition for a boat dock facility extension with Collier County. The petition is Petition BD-2006-AR- 9061 ("Petition"). The Petition requested a fifteen feet (15') extension. Pursuant to section 5.03.06 (H) of the Land Development Code ("LDC"), the Petitioner has the right to a boat dock facility extending out twenty feet (20'). A copy of the current boat dock facility provisiDns are attached hereto as Exhibit "A". In November, 1991, the measuring point for a boat dock facility was revised to be the more restrictive of the property line or in this case the seawall. In this case, the seawall is located ten feet (10') landward of the property line. The Petitioner has fourteen existing boat docks. The existing boat docks were permitted in 1988. In 1988, the measuring point for a boat dDCk facility was the property line. The existing boat docks extend twenty feet (20') past the property line, Therefore, the existing boat docks did not require an extension. The current request is for a 15 ft extension to allow a total protrusion of 35 ft to include the dock and moored vessel. A copy of the Petition and the CDunty Staff Report to the Collier County Planning Commission ("CCPC") are attached hereto as Exhibit "B", Turrell, Hall & Associates, Inc. filed the Petition on behalf of the Petitioner. The Petition and all supporting documents show that the current boat dock extension criteria have been met. County Staff reviewed the Petition and supporting documents. County Staff issued its staff report to the CCPC and determined that the boat dock extension requested by the Petitioner meets the current criteria. The Petition was heard by the CCPC on August 7, 2008. A copy of the transcript of the CCPC hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". Quin Kurtz with Turrell, Hall & Associates, Inc, provided expert testimony that the criteria were met. Ashley Castera, a Senior Planner with the Collier County Department of Zoning & Land Review provided expert testimony that the criteria were met. In addition, the CCPC was provided a copy of the Petition and all supporting documents and the County Staff Report. There was no expert testimony at the CCPC hearing contradicting the testimony of Quin Kurth or Ashley Castera. There was no written evidence contradicting the Petition or supporting documents. There was lay testimony from one resident, Mr. Lew Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt objected to the Petition. Mr. Schmidt's testimony did not contradict the testimony of the experts. Mr. Schmidt testified as follows: Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 13 of 192 We're not so much concerned about how far the dock goes out in the water, it's what size boat can be put on a 35-foot dock (Transcript Page 30) Mr. Schmidt was concerned about the boat draft. The Petition extension contained a three foot boat draft limitation which is the draft limitation allowed under County regulations. On page 31 Df the Transcript, Mr. Schmidt testified that a boat with a three foot draft does not really have a three foot draft when it is in operation. Please see Mr. Kurth's testimony on page 38 of the Transcript confirming that the three foot boat draft limitation applies to a draft when the boat is in operation. Mr. Schmidt also testified that the boat on a thirty five foot dock would be forty feet in length. Mr. Schmidt did not accurately reflect the request. The request was for a thirty foot dock with a total protrusion, including the boat of thirty five feet. When asked by Planning Commissioner Murray where he got his information, Mr. Schmidt said he was relying on research that some of our board members have done. Mr. Schmidt did not testify based upon his personal knowledge. There is no evidence in the .record that the people WhD did the research are qualified to do the research. (See Transcript page 32). Mr. Schmidt's testimony is not competent substantial evidence on which the CCPC . can base it's decision. . The boat dock extension criteria are set forth in Section 5.03.06 (H) of. the LDC. This section 'permits a boat dock facility to extend out further than the permitted distance of twenty feet (20') if four of the five primary criteria are met and four of the six secondary criteria are met. At the CCPC hearing, some members of the CCPC asked the County Attorney if they could turn down a boat dock extension even though the Petitioner satisfies the boat dock extension criteria. The County Attorney advised that the CCPC could turn down the boat dock extension even through the criteria were satisfied. The boat dock extension was denied by the CCPC on a vote of 6-3, The motion to deny the Petition did not include any reason for the denial. However, each Planning Commissioner explained their reason for denying the Petition. Commissioner Schiffer stated that he felt there is no need to extend beyond the distance of twenty feet. He interprets the LDC to limit boat dock extensions to twenty feet unless there is a hardship. He did not find that any of the boat dock criteria were not satisfied. Commissioner Midney found that one of the primary criteria was not met and one of the secondary criteria was not met. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 14 of 192 i \ Commissioner Caron found that one of the primary criteria was not met and one of the secondary criteria was not met. She also said there was no need for an extension. Commissioner Strain found that two of the primary were not satisfied and one of the secondary criteria was not met. Commissioner Kolflat found that two of the primary criteria were not met and Dne of the secondary criteria was not met. Commissioner Adelstein found that two of the primary criteria were not met. Commissioners Vigliotti, Murray and Wolfley did not support the motion to deny the Petition and supported the Petition. The purpose of Section 5.03.06 (c) of the LDC is to establish the maximum size Df the boat dock facility that can be constructed as a matter of right. The purpose of this section is not to Dutlaw larger boat docking facilities. It simply provides the maximum distance a boat dock facility may extend out into the water without further County approval. The criteria set forth in section 5.03.06 (11) of the LDC are to be analyzed to determine if a larger boat dock facility can be accommodated. The current boat dock facility criteria were originaffy established by COllier County Ordinance No. 02-03. A copy of Collier County Ordinance No. 02-03 is attached hereto as Exhibit "on. The Dock Facility provisions are found on pages 28-35 of the Ordinance. In the County Staff summary for the dock facility criteria that was presented to the Board of County Commissioners prior to the adoption of Collier County Ordinance No. 02-03, states: Questions have been raised regarding how many of the dock facility extension criteria must be met in order for the Planning Commission to approve an extension. The criteria have been separated into five primary and six secondary criteria. with a requirement that at least four of the primary and four of the secondary be met in order to approve the petition. Questions have also been raised regarding the water depth at the site and its relationship to the vessel(s) intended to use the dock. The language has been revised in order to clarify this relationship. Language of all other criteria has been revised as well in an attempt to clarify what objective standards of approval for each criterion need to be met. The two criteria dealing with the impact of the proposed dock on the view of nearby property owners, the most subjective of the criteria, have been reduced to one, with the emphasis shifted to the view of abutting property owners. A copy of the County Staff Summary is attached hereto as Exhibit "E". Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 15 of 192 \ The clear purpose of the Ordinance revisions was to clarify objective standards that must be met in order for a boat dock extension to be approved. Section of Ordinance No. 2002-03 provides in part: The Planning Commission shall base its decision for approval, approval with conditions, or denial, on an evaluation of the following primary and secondary criteria: (Emphasis supplied). The above provisions make it clear that the Planning Commission must evaluate the criteria and make its decision based upon those criteria and no other criteria. The Criteria set forth in Collier CDunty Ordinance No. 2002-03 have remained essentially the same and are in effect tDday. The current LDC requirements provide in part: Dock Facility extension. Additional protrusion of a dock facility into any waterway beyond the limits established in subsection 5.03.06 E. of this Code may be considered appropriate under certain circumstances, In or~er for the Planning Commission to approve the boat dock extension . request, it must be determined that at least 4 of the 5 primary criteria, and at least 4 of the 6 secondary criteria, have been met. These criteria are as follows: The last sentence in the above quoted provision was added back into the LDC by Collier County Ordinance No. 06-63 to correct a recodification error. The Staff repDrt to the BCC prior to the adoption of Collier County Ordinance No. 06-63 states: Reason: The language provides a necessary tool in evaluating criteria submitted for a boat dock extension, which will assist staff and the Planning Commissioners in determininq approval or denial of boat dock petitions. Fiscal & Operational Impacts: Reinserting this language back into the code will assist the Planning Commissioners, staff and the general public with the Section of the code that addresses how the primary and secDndary criteria, as stated in the LDC, is evaluated when either recDmmending approval or denial of a boat dock extension. (Emphasis supplied). A copy of the County Staff report is attached hereto as Exhibit "F". Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 16 of 192 Clearly, the CCPC is limited to the review of the enumerated criteria and not permitted to review the Petition based upon other criteria. This review applies both to approval or denial of a Petition. It is a basic tenet of Jaw that a property owner must be able to determine whether they meet the enumerated criteria in order for a regulation or ordinance to be valid. The Planning Commission did not limit its review to the lOC Criteria. On all previous boat dock petitions extension, the CCPC approved petitions that satisfied four out of five of the primary criteria and four out of six of the secondary criteria. This is the first petition that the CCPC did not apply the criteria as a basis for denial. Under the CCPC's new interpretation of the LOC, a petitioner will not know if it has satisfied the criteria. In fact, a petitioner can satisfy all of the primary and secondary criteria and still be denied. If the CCPC's interpretation of the LOC is upheld, there is no longer any objective criteria to determine if a boat dock extension should be approved. The law does not allow for governing bodies to make arbitrary decisions. The existing LOC provisions clearly provide that a property owner can get an extension if four out of five of the primary criteria are satisfied and four of the six secondary criteria are satisfied. Planning Commissioners Schiffer, Caron, Midney, Vigliotti, Murray and Wolfley found that at least four out of five of the primary criteria were satisfied. Likewise, Planning Commissioners Schiffer, Caron, Midney, Murray, Vigliotti and Wolfley found that at least four of the six secondary criteria were met. Based upon the Planning Commissioners Schiffer, Caron and Midney expressed reasons for denial, their votes should have been for approval of the boat dock extension under the LOC criteria. Planning Commissioners Caron and Schiffer interjected a new criterion. That new criteria is that a Petitioner must prDve a need for an extension and that in their Dpinion the LOC limits boat dock facilities to a maximum twenty feet (20') extension. No where in the LOC does it state that a Petitioner must prove a need for an extension. In addition, nD where in the LOC does it limit boat dock extensions to a maximum of twenty feet (20'). The Petitioner requests that the Board of Zoning Appeals overturn the CCPC denial of Petition BO-2006-AR-9061 on the basis that there is no competent substantial evidence to support its denial and on the basis that the decision was based upon an error of law. The Petitioner further requests that the Board of Zoning Appeals approve Boat Dock Extension Petition BO-2006-AR-9061. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 17 of 192 Goodlelte, Coleman, JDhnson, Yovanovich & Koester, PA By: ~C)~ Richard D. Yovanovich Florida Bar No. 0782599 GOODLETIE, COLEMAN, JOHNSON, YOVANOVICH & KOESTER, PA 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 Naples, FL 34103 239-435-3535 Phone 239-435-1218 Facsimile EXHIBIT "A" Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 18 of 192 SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS 5 03 05 B. 503.06 C 4. B. The caretaker's residence shall be an accessory use and shall be fcr the exclusive use of the property owner, tenant, or designated employee operaUng or maintaining the principal structure. C. Off.street parking shall be as required for a slngle.famlly residence in accordance with section 4.04.00, D,. Any other requirement which the County Manager or designee determines necessary and appropriate to mitigate adverse Impacta of such use In the district. 5.03.06 Dock FacUlties A. Generally. Docks and the like are primarily Intended to adequately secure moored vessels and provide safe access for routine maintenance and use, while minimally Impacting navigation wllhln any adjacent navigable channel, the use of the waterway, the use of neighboring docks, the native marine habitat, manatees, and the view of the waterway by Ihe neighboring property owners. B. Allowable uSes. The following uses ~ay be permitted on waterfront property: 1. Individual or multiple private docks. 2. Mooring pilings. 3. D,wits or lifts. 4. Boathouses, 5. Boat 11ft canopies. C. Measurement of dock protrUSions and extensions. I, Measurement Is made from the most restrictive .of the following' property line, bulkhead line, shoretine, seawall, rip-rap line, conlrol elevaJlan contour, or mean high water line (MHWL). 2. On manmade waterways less than 100 feet in width, where the actual waterway has receded from the platted waterfront property line, the County Manager or Designee may approve an administrative variance allowing measurement of the protrusion from the existing MHWL, provided that a. A signed, sealed survey no more than sixty (60) days old is provided showing the localion of the MHWL on either side of the waterway at the site, as well as any dock facilities on the subject property and the property directly across the waterway; and b. At least fifty (50) percent of the true walerway width, as depicted by the survey, Is maintained for navigability, 3. On manmade canals sixty (60) feel or less in width, which are not reinforced by a vertical seawall or bulkhead, atleest thirty-three (33) percent of the true waterway width, as depfctad by the survey, must be maintained tor navlgeblllty. 4. The allowable protrusion of the facility Into the waterway shall be based on the percentages described In subsection 5.03.06(E)(2) of this LDG as applied to the true waterway width, as depicted by the survey, and not the platted canal width, Supp. No. 4 LDG5:l1 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 19 of 192 COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE 5,03.06 0, O. Determination as principal or accessory use. 1; 03.06 E.8 1. On un bridged barrier islands, a boat dock shall be considered a permitted principal use; however, a dock shall not, In any way, constitute a use or structure which permits, requires, and/or provides for any aocessory uses and/or structures. 2. Boathouses and dock facilities proposed on residentially zoned properties, as defined in section 2,02.02 of this LOC, shall be considered an accessory use or structure. 3, Any covered strueture erected on a private boat dock shall be considered an accessory' use, and shall also be required to be approved through ll1e procedures and ortteria of subsec1lons 5.03.06(8) and 503.06(F) of this LOC. E. Standards for dock facflltles. The following criteria apply 10 dock facilities and boathouses. will1 the excepllon of dock facUllles and boalhouses on manmade lakes and other manmade bodies of water under private control. 1. For lots on a canal or waterway that Is 100 feet or greater In width, no boathouse or dock facility/boat combination shall protrude more than twenty (20) feet into ll1e waterway (i,e, the total protrusion of the dock faclllty plus the tolal protrusion of the moored vessal). 2. For lols on a canal or watelWay that Is less than 100 feel in width, dock facUities may occupy no more than twenty-flve(25) percent of the width of the waterway or 'protrude greater than twenty (20) feet Into the waterway, whichever is less. 3. On manmade canals sixty (60) feet or less in width, which are not reinforced by a vertical seawall or bulkhead, dock facilities may protrude up to thirty-three (33) peroent of the width of the walerway, provided that the procedures outlined In section 5.0S.06(C) are followed. 4. For lots on unbrldged barrier islands located within slate aquatic preserves, protrusion limits, setbacks, and deck area shall be determined by the applloable Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulations In effect at the time of permit application, and the protrusion limits above shall not apply. All required DEP permits for a dock facHlty must be obtained p<ior to the IssuanCE! of a Collier County building permit for Ihe facility. 5. Ail dock facilities on lols with water frontage of sixty (60) feet or greater shall have a side setback requirement of fifteen (15) leet, except as provided in subsections 5.03.06(E) or 5.03.06(F) of this LOC or as exempted below, 6. All dock facllflies, except boathouses, on lots with less than sixty (60) feet of water frontage shall have a side setback requirement of seven and one-half (7.5) feel. 7. All dock faolllties. except boathouses, on lots at the end or side end of a canal or waterway shall have a side setback requirement of seven and one.half (7.5) feet as measured from the side lot line or riparian line, whichever is approprtate. 8. Riparian lines for lols at the end or side end of a waterway wllh a regular shoreline shall be estabiished by a line extending from the corner or an and lot and side end lot into the waterway bisecting equldlstantty the angie created by the two (2) Intersecting tots. ( .~ Supp. No. 4 LDC5,12 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 20 of 192. ( 5,03,06 E 9. 9. SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS 5.03.06 F.7. Riparian lines for all other lots shall be established by generaliy accepted methods, taking Into consideration the configuration of the shoreline, and allowing for the equitable apportionment of riparian rights. Such methods include, but are not limited to, lines drawn perpendicular to the shoreline for regular (linear) shorelines, or lines drawn perpendicular to the centerline (thread) of the watelWay, perpendicular to the line of deep water (line of navigability or edge of navigable channel), as appropriate, for irregular shorelines. 10. All dock facilities, regardless of length andlor protrusion. shall have reflectors and house numbers, no less than four (4) Inches In height, Installed at the outermost end on bo1h sides. For multi-tamily developments, the house number requirement is waived. 11. Multi-slip docking facilities with ten (10) or more slips will be reviewed for consistency with the Manatee Protection Plan ("MPP") adopted by the BCC and approved by the DEP. If the location of lhe proposed development Is consistent with the MPP, .then the developer shall submit a "Manatee Awareness and Proteclion Plan,' which shall address, bul not be limited 10, the following categories: a. Education and pUblic awareness. b. Posting and maintaining manatee awareness signs. 12. Infomatlon on the type and destination of boat traffic that will be generated from the facility, 13. Monitoring and maintenance of water quality to comply with state standards. 14. Marking of navigational ohannels, as may be required. F. Standards for boathouses. Boathouses. Including any roofed structure built on a dock, shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission according to the following criteria, all of which must be melln order for the Planning Commission 10 approve the request: 1. MInimum side setback requirement: Rfteen (15) feet. 2. Maximum protrusion Inlo waterway: Twenty-five (25) parcent of canal width or twenty (20) feel, whichever Is less. The roof alone may overhang no more than three (3) feet inlo Ihe waterway beyond the maximum protrusion and/or side setbacks. 3, Maximum height: Fifteen (15) leet as measured from the top of the seawall or bank, whichever Is more restrictive, to the peak or highest elevation of the roof. 4. Maximum number 01 boathouses Dr covered structures per site: One (1). 5. All boathouses and covered structures shall be completely open on all four (4) sides_ 6. Roofing material and roof color shall be the same a. materials and colors used on the principal structure or may be of a palm frond "chickee" style. A single-family dwelling unit must be constructed on the subject lot prior to, or simultaneously with, the construction of any boathouse or covered dock structure. " [ 7. The boathouse or covered structure must be so located as to minimize the Impact on the view of the adjacent neighbors 10 the greatest exlenl practical. Supp, No, 4 LDC5:13 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 21 of 192 COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE 50306 G G. Standards for boat 11ft canopies. 5.03.06 H.l. 1. Boat 11ft canopIes shall be permitted over an existing boat lilt attached to a dock legaliy permitted, by the requisite local, state and federal agencies, if the foliowlng criteria are mel. . ( Canopy covers shall not extend more than 27 Inches beyond the width of the boallifl on each side, The length of the boat 11ft canopy shall not exceed 3{reet. ,/ The height ot the boat 1If! canopy shall not exceed 12 feet. measured from the highest point or the canopy to the height of the dock walkway. a. b. c. d. The sides of tha canoPY:l:.ver shall remain open on all sides, except that a drop curtain, not to exceed 18 Inches shall be permitted on the sides, e. Boat 11ft oanoples shall meel the requirements of Awnings and Canopies in the Florida Building Code. f. Canopy cover material shall be limited to beige, or mid-range shades of blue or green. g. No boallift canopies shall be permitted at sites that contain etther a boathouse or a covered structure. 2. Lots with frontage on canals shall be permitted a maximum ot 0;)6 boatlift canopy per site. Lots with frontage on bays shall be permllted a maxImum of 2 boatllft ca.noples per site. 3. If an applicant wishes to construct a boat 11ft canopy lhat does not meel the standards of subsection 5.03.06 G. above, then a petition for a boat 11ft canopy deviation may be made to the Planning Commission which shall review a sufficient petition application and either approve or deny the request. . Dock facility extension. Additional pr!llruslon of a dock lacllity Into any waterway beyond the limits established In subsecllon 5.03.06 {. ot this Code may be considered appropriate under certain circumstances. In order for the PI~ng C~mlsslon 10 approve the boW'dock e~nslon request, It must be determined that at least 4 of the 5 primary criteria, and at least 4 of the 6 secondary criteria, have been met. These criteria are as follows: H. 1. Primary CrIteria: a. Whether Ihe number of dock facilities and/or boat slips proposed Is appropriate in relation to the waterfront lenglh, location, upland land use, and zoning of the subject property. Consideration should be made of property on unbridged barrier Islands, where vessels are the primary means of transportation to and from the property. (The number should be appropriate; typical, single-family use should be no more than two (2) snps; typical multi-family use shouid be one (1) slip per dwelling unit; in the case of unbridged barrier Island docks. additional slips may be appropriate). b. Whether the water depth at the proposed site is so shallow that a vessel of the general length, type, and draft as that described In the petitioner's application Is Supp.No.4 lDC5:14 503.06 H.1. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 22 of 192 SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS S 03.06 H.2. unable to launch or moor al mean low tide (ML T). (The pelltioners appllcallon and survey should establish that the water depth Is too shallow to allow launching and mooring of the vessel(s) described without an extension). c. Whether Ihe proposed dock facility may have an adverse impact on navigation within an adjacent marked or charted navigable channel. (The facility should not intrude inlo any marked or charted navigable channel thus impeding vessel traffic In the channel). d. Whether the proposed dock facility protrudes no more than twenty-five (25) percent of the width of the waterway, and whether a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the waterway width batween dock faciiities on either side of the waterway Is maintained for navigablllly. (The facllily should maintain Ihe requ~ed percentagas). Whether the proposed iocation and design of the dock facility Is such that the facility would not interfere with the use of neighboring docks. (The facility should nol Interfere with the use of legally permitted neighboring docks). 2, Secondary criteria: e. a. . Whether there are special conditions, not involving water depth, related to the subJect properly or waterway, which justify the proposed dimensions and location of the proposed dock faclmy. (There must be at leasl one (1) special condition related to the property; these may include type of shoreline reinforcement, shoreline configura- lion, mangrove growth, or seagrass beds). b. Whether the proposed dock facility would allow reasonable, safe access to the vessel lor loading and/or unloading and routine maintenance, without the use of excessive deck area not d]rectly related to these luncllons. (The facility should not use excessive deck area). . c. For single-family dock facilities, whether the length of the vessel, or vesseis in combination, described by the petitioner exceeds fifty (SO) percent of the subject property's linear waterfront footage. (The applicable maximum percentage should be maintained) . / e. f. g. d. Whether the proposed facility would have a major Impact on the walarfront view of neighboring waterfront property owners. (The facility should not have a major impact on Ihe view of a neighboring property owner). Whelher seagrass beds are located within 200 feet 01 the proposed dock facility, (If seagrass beds are present, compliance with subsection S.03.06(H)(2). of this LDC must be demonstrated). Whether the proposed dock facility Is subject to the manatee protection requirements of subsection S.03.06(E)(lt) 01 this LDC. (If applicable, compliance with section S.03.06(E)(11) must be demonstraled). If deemed necessary based upon review of the above crileria, Ihe Planning Commission may Impose such conditions upon Ihe approval of an extension request lha! ]t deems necessary io accomplish the purposes of Ihls Code and 10 protect the Supp.No.4 LDC5:1S Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 23 of 192 COLUEA COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE 5.03.06 H.2. 5.03.06 J 3. safety and welfare of the public. Such conditions may Include, but shall not be limited 10, greater side setback(s), and provision of IIght(s), additional reflectors, or reflectors larger than lour (4) Inches. I. Procedures for approval of docks, dock facilities, and boathouses, 1. Procedures for the issuance of permits for docks, dock facilities, and boathouses are provided In Chapter 10 of this LDC, 2. All dock facilities are subiec\ to, and shall comply with, all federal and stale requirements and permits, Including, bul not limited, to the requIrements and permfis of the DEP, the U.S, Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 3. Nonresidential dock facUlties shall be subject to all of the provisions of section 5.03.06 of this LDC, with the exception that protrusions for nonresldentisl dock facllllles beyond the specified limits shall be determined administratively by the County Manager or designee at the time of site development plan review, based on an evaluallon of the criteria In subsection 5.03.06(G) of this lDC. J. . Protection of saagrass beds. Seagrass or seagrass beds wfihln 200 feet of any proposed docks, dock facilities, or boathouses shall be protected through the following standards: 1. Where new docking facilities or boat dock extensions are proposed. the location and presence of seagrass or seagrass beds wfihin 200 feet of any proposed dock faclllly shall be Idenlffled on an aerial photograph having a scale of one (1) Inch to 200 feet when available from the County, or a scale of one (1) Inch to 400 feet when such photographs are not' available from the County. The 10cal1on of seagrass beds shali be verllled by the County Manager or designee prior to issuance of any project approval or permit. 2. All proposed dock facilities shall be located end aligned to stay at least ten (10) feet from any existing seagrass beds, except where a continuous bed of seagrasses exists off the shore of the property and adjacent to the property, and to mlnimlze negative Impacts to seagrasses and other native shoreline, emergent and submerged vegetation, and hard bottom ccmmu- nlties. 3. Where a continuous bed of seagrasses exists off the shore of the property and adjacent to the property, the applicant shall be allowed 10 build a dock across the seagrass beds, or a docking facility within ten (10) feet of seagrass beds, Such docking facilities shall comply with the following conditions: a. The dock shall be at a height of at least three and one-half (3.5) feet NGVD. b. The terminal platform area of the dock shall not exceed 160 square feet. c. The access dock shall not exceed a width of four (4) feel. d. The access dock and terminal platfonn shall be sited to impact the smallest area of seagrass beds possible. supp. No.4 lDC5:16 5 D4 02 B.8. The petilioner shall be required to demonstrate how negative impacts to seagrass beds and other na~ve shoreline vegetaUon and hard bollom communities have been minimized prior to any project approval or permit issuance. (Ord. No. 06.63, !i 3.CC) 5.03.06 J.4 ..._._ .e . ,-","-'."'" Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 24 of 192 SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS 4. .___" .~.__~..___u_.._.._~.._.__.. . ..- ~...... ~_,w._____ ..........~...".._'''. -... ~ ._- ~~.. ~--~_.~.-..- ~ - '""'5:04.00 TEMPORARY USES AND STRUCTURES 5.04.01 Generally (To Be Provided) A. B. Inlerim Agricultural Uses II the intent of this section to permit certain Interim agricultural uses on a temporary basfs which retai ~Iand in fls open, undeveloped character. 1. N land authorizad as an interim agricultural use to be us or used for agrlcultural uses , or a ~vitias shall be rezoned to, converted to. or us for any nonagricultural use or develo"~ent for at least ten (10) years after any new learing of such land. 2. The inclus~{'f bUildings and structures. other an wells, structures for conservation and drainage p)~eotion, and unpaved roads, is IcUy prohibited. 3. The interim agrlcul I use of l.he premlses'ch In sny way attracts or Invites access and use of the general pu~' ,or the use of suc ' remises for any commercial activity other than. that expressly permitted Ithln the zo.nln Istrlct, Is strictly prohibited. The procedures for approval of an int \lm agri ftural use are set fortl1 in Chapter 10. The following criteria apply to all interim agricultural'tJ e . 1. Interim agricultural uses may be e Ittad In any zoning district, except the rural agricultural dlstrlc~ for only the following ag cultura ctlvlties: pasturing, field crops, horticulture, fruit and nut produc~on, forestry. bee aping, aqu ulture, and mariculture. 2. The grant of the Interim a rioultural use sh I( be In harmony with the general Intent and purpose of this Code, wll ot be Injurious 10 the tl~ghborhood or to adjoining properties, and shall not be othelWlte etrimenlallo the public we) reo Compliance with all ements of the GMP. Compliance with "I environmental regulations as Identifi in this Code or other County regulations and g6Ucles, Ingress and egts to property and proposed structures thereon l.h particular reference to automotiva a tl pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow andbSlrOI' and access In case of fire r catastrophe. Off-slreot ,arklng and loading areas, where required, wilh particular attenll subeectl n 5 Immediately above and economic, noise, glare, or odor effec agric~tural use on adjoIning properties generally In the district. Refls'e and service areas, with particular reference to the lIems in subsections 5 a 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Utillfles, with reference to locallons, availability, and compatibility. Supp. NO.4 LDC5:16.1 EXHIBIT ''B'' Agenda Item No. 7C AGE1mAAl~~~08 Page 25 of 192 \ . Com-r Cou.nty -- ~~ . - STAFF REPORT ADA.2008-AR-13731 MONTE CARLO CLU8 CONDDMINIUM ASSDC. PROJECT: 2006010084 DATE: 9/9/08 DUE: 9/23/08 COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING DATE: AUGUST 7, 2008 SUBJECT: PETITION BD-2006-AR-9061 AGENT/APPLICANT: Agent: Jeff Rogers Turrell, Hall & Associates, Inc. 3584 Exchange Avenue Naples, FL 34104 Owner: Monte Carlo Club Condominium Association, Inc. P.O. Box 7622 Naples, FL 34101 REOUESTED ACTION: The petitioner is requesting a IS-foot boat dock extension from the maximum permitted protrusion of 20 feet for waterways greater than 100 feet in width, which will allow expansion of a multi-slip boat docking facility. The completed facility will protrude a total of 3S feet into a waterway which is 189 feet wide at the most restrictive point. The requested protrusion will apply to the new construction of 20 additional boat slips for a multi-family development. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject property is located at 10684 Gulf Shore Drive, further described as Baker- Carroll Point Subdivision, Unit 2, Block B, Lots I and 2, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 62, Monte Carlo Club Condominium, Section 29, TOWllship 48 South, Range 2S East, Collier County Florida. (See Location Map on following page). 1 UCON' ,-DO> .O~ ON- 2NO E'~ CO ",,,,N _-0'" ~EO> "0"'''' CWo. ",'" 0>0 <l: ( i ~ ~ a. ~ <( \';l :2 ~ 0 III Z - Z 0 > N w ~ z '" < ~ w ~ ~ a. ~ z < z wQ ~ !::'< 0>0 9 w ~ ~ w " z < '" ~;i~ I-~ rx: I~~. .il ..a.. ' , It>'" . GIlLf 0' ,,~"i),~o.' ~ i .... . "',', 3Y-l'lII,,ltlII. / ~ ,.. -- II II ~"' = II I~ r~K llt'-m "WIIl._ I"! . MEXICO ( .' rO' . o ( '-' III '" Z ~ ,.. .... w "- = a. <( :2 z . 0 I- <( () o .....I Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 200S Page 27 of 192 PURPOSEIDESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The purpose of the project is to add 20 additional boat slips to a 54-unit multi-family development where 14 boat slips exist. The facility will protrude a total of 35 feet into Vanderbilt Lagoon which is 189 feet wide at the closest point, and consist of 10 additional finger piers that are 35 feet long and four feet wide to facilitate the mooring of 20 additional boats. The 14 existing slips were built in accordance with Collier COWlty Building Permit No. 88-3222. LAND USE & ZONING: Existing: Multi-family development, zoned RMF-16 SurroWlding: North - Existing Vanderbilt Yacht & Racquet Club zoned RMF-16 South - Existing Vanderbilt Beachcomber Condo zoned RT- VBRTO East - Vanderbilt Lagoon waterway West - Gulf Shore Drive right-of-way ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION: Environmental Se;i~es staff has reviewed this petition ~d h~no objection tathe gr~thig ... ofthisrequest.i'Section 5.03 .06.E.I I (Manatee Protection) of the Collier COUnty Land' Development Code (LDC) is applicable to all multi-slip docking facilities with ten (IO) or more slips. The proposed facility consists of 34 boat slips and is therefore subject to the provisions of this section. STAFF COMMENTS: The Collier COWlty Planning Commission (CCPC) shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny, a dock facility extension request based on the following criteria. In order for the ccpe to approve this request, it must be determined that at least four of the five primary criteria and four of the six secondary criteria have been met. Staff has reviewed this petition in accordance with Section 5.03.06 and finds the following: Primary Criteria 1. Whether the number of dock facilities and/or boat slips proposed is appropriate in relation to the waterfront length, location, upland land use and zoning of the subject property. Consideration should be made of property on unbridged barrier islands, where vessels are the primary means of transportation to and from the property. (The number should be appropriate; typical single-family use should be no more than two (2) slips; typical multi- family use should be one (1) slip per dwelling unit; in the case of un bridged barrier island docks, additional slips may be appropriate). Criterion met. The site currently consists of 14 boat slips and 20 new boat slips are proposed for a total of34 boat slips. The subject property is zoned RMF-16 and 54 2 ;,. ;;. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2. 2008 Page 28 of 192 multi-family residential units exist on site. The number of existing and proposed. boat slips in conjunction with the munber of multi-family residential units is (" appropriate in relation to the 712-foot waterfront length of the property and is in compliance with the provisions of the Manatee Protection Plan. ( Stariding on the seawall of the subject site looking north at the existing boat slips. ,~ "..". ,"."'"..-,.-'-'.,..-.."....". Standing on the seawall of the subject site looking south at the location of the proposed boat slips and the seawall that "'Taps around the property to the west. 3 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 200S Page 29 of 192 2. Whether the water depth at the proposed site is so shallow that a vessel of the general length, type and draft as that described in the petitioner's application is unable to launch or moor at mean low tide (MLT). The petitioner's application and survey should establish that the water depth is too shallow to allow launching and mooring of the vessel(s) described without an extension). Criterion met. According to the survey submitted by the petitioner, the water depth at the site is too shallow to accommodate the 20 additional vessels with a maximum length of 35 feet as described in the petitioner's application at mean low tide. The site will be dredged to help accommodate the mooring of the vessels and minimize theprotrusion into the waterway. Standing on the seawall of the subject site looking across Vanderbilt Lagoon at approximately the most restrictive point. 3. Whether the proposed dock facility may have an adverse impact on navigation within an adjacent marked or charted navigable channel. (The facility should not intrude into any marked or charted navigable channel thus impeding vessel traffic in the channel). Criterion met. According to the drawing and information submitted by the petitioner, the site has been approved by the state to dredge, minimizing the protrusion into the waterway. The waterway width measures 189 feet and the channel is not marked. The Monte Carlo Club has an existing Department of Environmental Protection sovereign submerged land lease that permits structures out to 40 feet, which determined this distance does not impact navigation within the waterway. Therefore, the facility will not have an adverse impact on navigation. 4 "'...' Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 30 of 192 ( Siandfug on the seawall of the subject site' where it wraps around the property to the west and looking to the south. ( 4. Whether the proposed dock facility protrudes DO more tban 25 percent of the width of the waterway, and whether a minimum of 50 percent of the waterway width between dock facilities on either side is maintained for navigability. (The facility should maintain the required percentages). Criterion met. According to the infonnation provided by the petitioner, the waterway is 189 feet wide at the closest point as measured by aerial photography. The proposed facility will occupy about 19 percent of the waterway width, and according to the petitioner the existing dock across the waterway to the east protrudes about 16 percent, leaving about 65 percent open for navigability. 5. Whether the proposed location aDd design of the dock facility is such that the facility would not interfere with the use of ueighboriug docks. (The facility should not interfere with the use of legally permitted neighboring docks). Criterion met. According to the drawings submitted by the petitioner, the proposed facility wilJ not interfere with the use of neighboring docks. The subject property has existing docks to the north of the proposed docks and the 25-foot setback from the south riparian line is such that the proposed facility will not interfere with the use of the docks located to the south on the Vanderbilt Beachcomber Condominium site. ( I I I 1 5 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 31 of 192 .~" ,... ,:~ . $~dmg on the seawall of the subject site lookingwestatthc? adjacent fii1)peJti,' Standing on the seawall of the subject site looking at the adjacent docks to the south. 6 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 32 of 192 Secondary Criteria 1. Whether there are special conditions, not involving water depth, related to the (' subject property or waterway, which justifY the proposed dimensions and location of the proposed dock facility. (There must be at least one (1) special condition related to the property; these may include type of shoreline reinforcement, shoreline configuration, mangrove growth, or seagrass beds). Criterion met. An existing seawall skirts the shoreline with oyster debris seaward of the seawall which could cause damage to moored vessels. State pennits have been obtained to dredge which will minimize the protrusion into the waterway. 2. Whether the proposed dock facility would allow reasonable, safe access to the vessel for loading/unloading and routine maintenance, without the use of excessive deck area not directly rela~ed to these functions. (The facility should not use excessin deck area). Criterion met. As shown on the drawings submitted by the petitioner, the deck area is not excessive. A 4-foot-wide finger pier is proposed to accommodate a boat slip on each side, which will allow reasonable, safe access to the vessels for loading/unloading and routine maintenance without the use of excessive decking, .3: For single-family dock facilities, whether the length of the vessel; or vessels in combination, described by the petitioner exceeds 50 percent of the subject. property's linear waterfront footage, (The applicable maximum percentage C should be maintained). Not applicable to this multi-family facility. 4. Whether the proposed facility would have a major impact on the waterfront view of neighboring property owners. (The facility should not have a major impact on the view of a neighboring property owner). Criterion met. As previously stated, there are existing docks on the subject property to the north of the proposed docks. The property line for the subject site is approximately 10 feet seaward of the seawall. Because of the 25-foot setback from the south riparian line and the location of the development to the south, the proposed docks will not have a major impact on the waterfront view of neighboring property owners. 5. Whether seagrass beds will be impacted by the proposed dock facility. (If seagrass beds are present, compliance with subsection 5.03.06(1). Of this LDC must be demonstrated). Criterion met. According to the applicant, there are no known seagrass beds within 200 feet oftbe proposed dock facility. 7 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 33 of 192 ( 6. Whether the proposed dock facility is subject to the manatee protection requirements of subsection 5.03.06.E.ll of this Code. (If applicable, compliance with section 5.03.06.E.ll must be demonstrated). Criterion met. The proposed facility consists of 20 new boat slips and 14 existing boat slips and is therefore subject to the provisions of subsection 5.03.06.E.1 i. A Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change (SDPI-2008-AR-12222) has been submitted and reviewed by the Environmental Services Department and has demonstrated compliance with manatee construction standards. Staff analysis indicates that the request meets all of the five primary criteria and all of the six (applicable) secondary criteria. APPEAL OF BOAT DOCK EXTENSION TO BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS: As to any boat dock extension petition upon which the CCPC takes action, an aggrieved petitioner or adversely affected property owner may appeal such final action to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Such appeal shall be filed with the Community Development & Environmental Services Administrator within 30 days of the action by the CCPC. In the event that the petition has been approved by the CCPC, the applicant shall be advised that he/she proceeds with construction at his/her own risk during this 30-day period. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: \. Based on the above findings, staff recommends that the ccpe approve Petition BD-2006- AR-9061 subject to following stipulations: 1. Corresponding permits, or letters of exemption, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection shall be provided to Collier County prior to the issuance of a building pennit; 2. Reflectors and dock numbers of no less than four (4) inches in height must be installed at the outennost end on both sides of all docks or mooring pilings, whichever protrudes the furthest into the waterway, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 07-62 prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion; 3 At least one (1) "Manatee Area" sign must be posted in a conspicuous manner as close as possible to the furthest protrusion of the dock into the waterway, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion; 4. All prohibited exotic species, as such tenn may now or hereinafter be established in the LDC, must be removed from the subject property prior to issuance of the required Certificate of Completion and the property must be maintained free from aU prohibited exotic species in perpetuity; 5. A Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of the building permits for the proposed docks. 8 .,' . PREPARED BY: ~~ ~~ ~ ASHL~Y CASERTA, SENIOR PLANNER DEPARTMENT OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW RE~BY J A- (J{( ) ill ~~ /--{t.IOI ASHI1JIV- (I [kG ASSIST ANT COUNTY A TIORNEY NAUR, PLANNING MANAGER NT OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REVIEWED BY: EPH K. SCHMITT, ADMINISTRATOR MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Petition Number: BD-2006-AR-9061 Staff Report for meeting of CCPC on August 7, 2008. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: MARK P. STRAIN, CHAIRMAN Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 34 of 192 l/ll IbY DATE ( =1-1 f-:rIDf DATE ~1r8 DAT 7/;~/08 DATE '.:l-. :?;. '~1i~!'<-". ( 7/t7~6' DATE/ DATE 9 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 35 of 192 AGENDA Revised n ~ COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION WILL MEET AT 8:30 A.M., THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2008, IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING ROOM, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER. 330 I T AML"'-Ml TRAIL EAST, NAPLES, FLORIDA: NOTE: INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES ON ANY ITEM. INDIVIDUALS SELECTED TO SPEAK ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZATION OR GROUP ARE ENCOURAGED AND MAY BE ALLOTTED 10 MINUTES TO SPEAK ON AN ITEM IF SO RECOGNIZED BY THE CHAIRMAN. PERSONS WISHING TO HAVE WRITTEN OR GRAPHIC MATERIALS INCLUDED IN THE CCPC AGENDA PACKETS MUST SUBMIT SAID MATERIAL A MINIMUM OF 10 DAYS PRIOR TO THE RESPECTIVE PUBLIC HEARING. IN ANY CASE, WRITTEN MATERIALS INTENDED TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE CCPC SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE COUNTY STAFF A MINIMUM OF SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. ALL MATERIAL USED IN PRESENTATIONS BEFORE THE CCPC WILL BECOME A PERMANENT PART OF THE RECORD AND WILL BE A V AILABLE FOR PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IF APPLICABLE. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THE CCPC WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND. THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBA TIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL BY SECRETARY 3. ADDENDA TO THE AGENDA 4. PLANNING COMMISSiON ABSENCES 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JUNE 27, 2008, REGULAR MEETING 6. BCC REPORT- RECAPS-Not Available at this time 7. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 8. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A. Petition: BD-2008-AR-I2802, Vanderbilt Surf Colony Recreational and Maiutenance Assnciation, Inc., represented by Miles Scofield of Turrell, Hall and Associates, Inc, requesting a is-foot boat dock extension over the maximum 20.foot protrusion limit as provided in section 5.03.06 of the LDC to allow a multi-slip dock facility reaching a maximum of 35 feet into the waterway. Applicant is proposing to remove two existing finger docks and build 12 new docks with a total of 16 slips. Subject property is located in Section 20, Township 48 and Range 25, Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: Ashley Caserta) B. Petition: PUDZ-2006-AR-I0875. Q. Grady Minor, representing KRG 951 and 41, .LLC, is requesting a PUD Rezone from the Agricultural (A), Commercial Convenience (C-2), General Commercial (C-4) and Artesa Pointe PUD zoning districts, to the Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPUD) zoning district for the Tamiami Crossing CPUD, which would allow a maximum of 235,000 square feet of commercial uses. The :t25.45 acre property is located in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: John-David Moss) 1 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 36 of 192 9. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS ( !A. ::',Petltion, BD:2006-AR-9061.'Monte Carlo Club Condominium Association, represented by Turrell and~",. .(I.ss<?"iate$, Inc., requesting a 15-foot boat dock extension from the 20 feet allowed (0 authorize a 35-foot b6afdock facility that will accommodate 20 additional boat slips for property located at 10684 Gulf Shore Drive, Baker-Carroll Point Subdivision, Unit 2 Block B, Lots I and 2, Monte Carlo Club Condominium, in Section 29, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. (CoDrdinator: Ashley Caserta) B. Petition, CU-2007-AR-12419, ABC Liquors Ine., represented by Heidi K Williams, AICP of Q Grady Minor and Associates, P.A., is requesting a Conditional Use of the Commerciallnterrnediate (C-3) Zoning District with a Special Treatment (ST) Overlay to increase the maximum allowable square-fDotage of personal services, video rental, or retail uses (excluding drug stores, 5912) from 5,000 square-feet of gross floor area to 12,000 square-feet of gross floor area in the principal structure. The subject property. consisting of approximately 1.79+ acres of land, is located in the northeastern quadrant of the CR9S1 and .US41 intersection, in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida (Coordinator: John- David Moss) C. Petition: CU-2008-AR-13060, Naples Baptist Church, Inc. represented by Laura Dejohn, AICP, of Johnson Engineering, Inc., requests a Conditional Use in the Mobile Home Overlay within the Agricultural zoning district (A-MHO) pursuant to 2.03.01.A.1.c.7 of the Land Development Code (LDC). The 4.96 acre A- MHO ?.oned site is proposed to permit a Church with a maximum of 12,000 square feet of floor area. The subject property is located at 2140 Moulder Drive, Section 30, Township 48 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: Nancy Gundlach) D. Petition: RZ-2007-AR-12044. Immokalee LLC, represented by Shaun Mularkey, AICP, of Coastal. (' Engineering Consultants, Inc., is requesting a rezone from the Estates (E) Zoning District to the Residential Multi-family-I6 (RMF-I6) Zoning District to pennit a multi-family development on 9.33% acres with a maximum of 15 dwelling units per acre for property located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Immokalee Road (CR-846) and School Road, in Section 9, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, in the unincorporated Immokalee area of Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: Kay Deselem) E. Petition: RZ-2007-AR-12394, Ernest N. Freeman, Jr. of Freeman and Freeman, Inc., requests a Rezone from the Mobile Home zoning district to the Village ResideDtial zoning district for the residence at 428 and 432 13th Street East. The .38 acre lots (each lot is .19 acres) site is proposed to build a single family home to be used for affordable housing. The property is located at 428 and 432 13th Street East, Section 3, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: Melissa Zone) WITHDRAWN 10. OLD BUSINESS II. N'EW BUSINESS 12. PUBLIC COMMENTITEM 13. DISCUSSION OF ADDENDA 14. ADJOURN 817/08 cepe Agc:nda!RB/sp 2 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 37 of 192 CCPC RESOLUTION 08- ( A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER BD-2006- AR-906l FOR A FIFTEEN FOOT BOAT DOCK EXTENSION OVER THE MAXIMUM TWENTY FOOT LIMIT PROVIDED IN SECTION 5.03.06.E.l OF THE COLLIER COUN1Y LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO ALLOW A BOAT DOCK FACILITY TO PROTRUDE THIRTY-FIVE FEET ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislatur~ of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (LDC) (Ordinance 2004-041, as amended) which establishes regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which are provisions for granting extensions for boat docks; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC), being duly appointed, has held a properly noticed public hearing and considered the advisability of a is-foot boat dock extension from the 20-foot length otherwise allowed by Section 5.03.06.E.I of the Collier County Land Development Code to authorize a boat dock facility that will protrude 35 feet into a waterway and accommodate 20 additional boat slips in a RMF-16 Zoning District for the property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the CCPC has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by LDC Section 5.03.06 of the Collier County Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, the CCPC has given all interested parties the opportunity to be heard, and considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COM:MISSION OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Page 1 of3 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 38 of 192 Petition Number BD-2006-AR-9061, filed on behalf of Monte Carlo Club Condominium ( Association, Inc. by Turrell & Associates, for the property hereinafter described as: Lots I and 2, Block B, of the Baker-Carrol Point Unit 2 Subdivision, as described in Plat Book 8, Page 62, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida (part of the Monte Carlo Club Condominium) be, and the same is hereby approved for, a IS-foot boat dock extension from the 20- foot protrusion allowed by Section 5.03.06.E.I of the Collier County Land Development Code to authorize a boat dock facility that will protrude 35 feet into a waterway and accommodate 20 additional boat slips in the RMF-16 Zoning District wherein said property is located, subject to the following conditions: 1. Corresponding permits, or letters of exemption, from the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection shall be provided to Collier County prior to the issuance of a building pennit. 2. Reflectors and dock numbers of no less than four (4) inches in height shall be installed at the ( outennost end on both sides of all docks or mooring pilings, whichever protrudes the furthest into the waterway, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 3. At least one (1) "Manatee Area" sign shall be posted in a conspicuous manner as close as possible to the furthest protrusion ofthe dock into the waterway, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 4. All prohibited exotic species, as such term may now or hereinafter be established in the LDC, shall be removed from the subject property prior to issuance of the required Certificate of Completion and the property must be maintained free from all prohibited exotic species in perpetuity. 5. A Site Improvement Plan shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of the building pennits for the proposed docks. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded m the minutes of this Commission and filed with the County Clerk's Office. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Page 2 of3 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 39 of 192 Done this day of .2008. \ COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA MARK P. STRAIN, Chairman ATIEST: Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: (;i9 Heidi AsIrton-Cicko Assistant County Attorney Page 3 of3 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET (i) Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 2800 NORTH HORSESHOET:fill~~ of 192 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 .~.. DOCK FACILITY EXTENSION / BOATHOUSE PETITION PETITION NO (AR) PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROCESSED ASSIGNED PLANNER REV: 3 BD_2006-AR-9061 MONTE CARLO CLUB CONDOMINUM ASSOC Project: 200601008~UE' 5/14/08 Date: 4130108 . ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF THIS PETITION IS FOR (check one): !:8J DOCK EXTENSION 0 BOATHOUSE APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF APPLlCANT(S) MONTE CARLO CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION ADDRESS P.O. BOX 7622 CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34101 TELEPHONE # CELL # FAX # E-MAIL ADDRESS: NAME OF AGENT JEFF ROGERS FIRM TURRELL. HALL & ASSOCIATES. INC. ADDRESS 3584 EXCHANGE AVE. CITY NAPLES STATE FLORIDA ZIP 34104 TELEPHONE # (239) 643-0166 CELL # (239)825.3034 FAX # (239) 643-6632 E-MAIL ADDRESS:JEFF/!i)TURRELL-ASSOCAITES.COM BE AWARE THAT COLLIER COUNTY HAS LOBBYIST REGULATIONS. GUIDE YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY AND ENSURE THAT YOU ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. PAGE 2 of 9 @)..i:~:'::\'!,;; <i":: ..' : ,- ','" ,....:',...,..-". :.",-.-. ~RQ~~gfY~oq~iic&l\& " "'.' .' ,.~, Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 . .....p.aiJ~ :~roj 192 Address of Subject Property SedionjT ownship /R a nge 10684 Gulfshore Drive Naoles. FL 34108 29 I 48 S / 25 E Property 1.0.#: 22870240007 Unit-L Lot(s) 1 & 2 Bloek(s ~ Subdivision: Baker.Carroll Point Current Zoning and Land use of Subject Property: RMF-16 . .~t);jACENTtONfNGii.NDt4't'JbO:sE'. .'. . . ...'''', .,.~' . ,,,' "';" - " ..... ".,.':....,._" .. ,,,..,' :.".'. ""."",'. - " . t". . , "', Zoning Land Use N RMF-16 S RT-VBRTO E RSF-3 W RMF-16 Vanderbilt Yacht & Racquet Club Vanderbilt Beachcomber Condo Vanderbilt Laaoon Vanderbilt Shores Condo .... ,. : \.D....i:/'''..1l'6+J' .",.i;":,ii\'piii>,~;" "..!iF': ". .: "',J:,~",~lE~,.!'!:N,\i?f".'JJ:'~,~I;~'i: .... .' ~ Narrative description of project (indicate extent of work, new dock, replacement, addition to existing facility, any other pertinent information): The Droposed plan is to construct 10 fin",er docks with optional boatlifts to facilitate 20 sliDS with vessels up to 35 feet in len9th. The total Rroposed overwater structure is approximatelv '640 sauare feet that will be constructed out of pressure treated wood and the doek Diles will be driven in plaee and wrapped with pvc. Work will be done bv barae. The dock will onlv protrude a distance aaproximately 35 feet from the Mean Hiah Water (MHWl line into a waterwav that is approximatelv 189 feet wide from MHW to MHW, Dredain", is proposed/reauired in order to provide safe moorina of vessels. The proposed dred",e consist of approximatelv 1.500 cubic vards to a depth of -4.0 Mean Low Water. Accompanying this application must be 1) a signed, sealed survey depicting mean high water (MHW) and mean low water (MLW), and relevant water depths measured at no less than 5-foot increments; 2) a chart, drown to scale, of the waterway at the site, depicting the waterway width, the proximity of the proposed facility to any adjacent navigabie channel, the proximity of the proposed facility to docks, if any, on the odiaeent lots, and the unobstructed waterway between the proposed facility and the opposite bank or any dock facility on the opposite bank; and 3) a site plan to scale showing dimensions and location of existing and proposed dock structures, as well as CI cross section showing the facility in relation to MHW /MLW and shoreline (bank, seawall or rip-rap revetment). PAGE 3 of 9 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 42 of 192 SITE INFORMATION Width of waterway: I 89 ft.; measurement from 0 plat l:8J other (specify) Aerial Photo Total property water' frontage: 712 ft. o survey 0 visual estimate Setbacks: provided 15 & 25 ft. required _IL-ft. Total protrusion of proposed facility into water 35 ft. Number and length of vessels to use facility: I. 34 Vessels Ul> to 35 ft. in lenGth (20 Drooosed slios and 14 existina) list any additional dock facilities in close proximity to the subject property and indicate the total protrusion into the waterway of each: Adiacent docks to the north orotrude aooroximately 35 feet into the waterway. docks ta the east Drotrude aooroximately 30 feet into the waterway and docks to the south orotrude aooroxlmately 32 feet into the waterway. The following criteria, (pursuant to Section 5.03.06 of the land Development Code) shall be used as a guide by stoff in determining Its recommendation to the Collier County Planning Commission (CcPq, and by the CCPC in its decision to approve or deny a particular Dock Extension request. In order for the CCPC to approve the request, it must be determined that at least 4 of the 5 primary criteria, and at least 4 of the 6 secondary criteria, must be met. Please provide a narrative response to the listed criteria and/or questions. Attach additional pages if necessary. PRIMARY CRITERIA 1. Whether or not the number of dock facilities and/or boat slips proposed is appropriate in relation to the waterfront length, location, upland land use and zoning of the subject property; consideration should be made of property on unbridged barrier islands, where vessels are the primary means of transportation to and from the property. ((The number should be appropriate; typical, single-family use should be no more than two slips; typical multi-family use should be one slip per dwelling unit; in the case of unbridged barrier island docks, additional slips may be appropriate}) Th la d cilit consists of 4 residential units an 14 xistin boa sli s. The a 'ca owns aooroximately 712 linear feet of shoreline and is orooosina to construct 10 additional finaer docks with 20 slios. The orooased number of slios is aoorooriate in relation to the shoreline frontaae and uoland units. We are reauestina 15 additional feet from the allowed 20 feet. PAGE 4 of 9 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 43 of 192 2. Whether or not the water depth at the proposed site is so shallow that a vessel of the general length, type, and draft as that described in the petitioner's application is unable to launch or moor at mean low tide (MlD. ((The petitioner's application and survey should show that the water depth is too shallow to allow launch and mooring of the vessel (s) described without an extension)) The existina water deDfhs are Insufficient to moor the proposed vessels at the subied propertY. We have received State and Federal to dredae to -4.0 MlW In Drder tD moor the vessels closer tD the shoreline and minimize the DrDtruslon into the waterway. 3. Whether or not the proposed dock facility may have an adverse impact on navigation within an adjacent marked or charted navigable channel. ((The facility should not intrude into any marked or charted navigable channel thus impeding vessel traffic in the channel)) The Monte Carlo Condominium has an exlstina DEP IState) sovereian submeraed lands lease that Dermits strudures and vessels out to 40 feet. The State has determined this distance does not imDact navlaation within the waterwav. 4. Whether or not the proposed dock facility protrudes no more than 25 percent of the width of the waterway, and whether or not a minimum of 50 percent of the waterway width between dock facilities on either side of the waterway is maintained for navigability. ((The facility should maintain the required percentages)). The DrDDosed docks will protrude a distance Df 35 feet intD a waterwav that is 189 feet wide. The proDosed docks will protrude 18.5% and the docks across the waterway to the east Drotrude 15.9% leavina 65.6% the width of the waterway available fDr naviaation. The proposed prDtruslon is no more than 25 Dercent of the width of the waterway. therefDre. leavina more than 50 Dercent of the navlaable waterwav ODen. 5. Whether or not the proposed location and design of the dock facility is such that the facility would not interfere with the use of neighboring docks. ((The facility should not interfere with the use of legally pennitted neighboring docks)) The aroaosed additional slips will meet the reauired setbacks and have been desianed in order to prevent any Dotentlal interference with nelahborln<l docks. SECONDARY CRITERIA 1 . Whether or not there are special conditions, not involving water depth, related to the subject property or waterway, which justify the proposed dimensions and location of the proposed dock facility. ((There must be at least one speciol condition related to the property; these may include type of shoreline reinforcement, shoreline configuration, mangrove growth, or seagrass beds }) The prevlDuslv permitted docks are perpendicular to the shDreline, We are orDDOsin<l tD construct additional docks within the deslan of the oriainal permiHed docks. Dredging is arDDosed in order to allow the bDals to moor safelv at low waler. PAGE 5 of 9 Agenda Item No. 7C 2. Whether the proposed dock facility would allow reasonable, safe, access to tl9El1ellSeH&l: 2008 loading/unloading and routine maintenance, without the use of excessive deck area nof'lllle~ff 192 related to these functions. ((The facility should not use excessive deck area)) ". The ..roDosed dock has finaer piers Ihat are 4 feet wide in order to allow proper access to the vessels. The deck area has been minimized to the fullesl extent possible. 3. For single-family dock facilities, whether or not the length of the vessel. or vessels in combination, described by the petitioner exceeds 50 percent of the subject property's linear waterfront footage. ({The applicable maximum percentage should be maintained)) N/A 4. Whether or not the proposed facility would have 0 major impact on the waterfront view of neighboring waterfront property owners. ((The facility should not hove a major impact on the view of either property owner.)) R.esidents of the Monte Carlo Condominium Club Assodalion will be the only residents affected bv the proposed dock. It is not foreseen thai neiahborina waterfront properlv owners' view will not be altered by fhe expansion of fhe exist;na dock svstem. 5. Whether or not seagrass beds ore located within 200 feet of the proposed dock facility. [(If seagrass beds ore present. compliance with subsection of this code must .be demonstrated)) The Collier Countv Seaarass Protection Plan Was reviewed for fhe location of known seaarass beds. To our knowledae, Ihere are no known seaarass beds within 20o..feet of fhe proposed dock facilify. 6. Whether or not the proposed dock facility is subject to the manatee protection requirements of subsection 5.03.06.E.l1 of this code. ([If applicable, compliance with Section 5.03.06.E.1I must be demonstrated)) The proDosed facilitv meefs the Marina Sitina Criteria with a Preferred Rankin9' Water depfhs are areater fhan 4 feet Mean Low Waler IMLW). No ;mpacts fa anv native marine habitaf is belna proposed alona with a manatee mortality of less than 20% within a five mile radius of the praDo sed proiect sile. With this rankina and the overall owned shoreline fhe proposed dock des;an meets the necessarv criteria for approval. PAGE 6 of 9 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 45 of 192 I HERE8Y ATTEST THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE 8EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I UNDERSTAND THAT, IN ADDITION TO APPROVAL OF THIS DOCK EXTENSION, A 8UILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. I UNDERSTAND THAT IF THIS DOCK EXTENSION PETITION IS APPROVED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, AN AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNER MAY FILE AN APPEAL WITHIN 14 DAYS OF THE HEARING. IF I PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION DURING THIS TIME, I DO SO AT MY OWN RISK. PAGE? of 9 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 46 of 192 BOAT DOCK FACILITY EXTENSION (BD) APPLICATION SUBMllT AL CHECKLIST THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW WjCOVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. REQUIREMENTS #OF NOT COPIES SUBMllTED REQUIRED Completed Application 15 Owner/Agent Affidavits, sianed & notarized 1 Addressing Checklist 1 Conceptual Site Plan illustrating the following: 15 a. The lot and dimensions where proposed docking facility is to be located. . b. All yard setbacks c. Required setbacks for the dock facility d. The total number and configuration of the proposed facilities, etc. (include all dimensions to scale). e. The water depth where the proposed dock facility is to be located and the distance to the navigate channel. (Water depth at mean low tide should be shown at approximately every five (5) feet of length for the total length of the proposed facility. f. Illustrate the land contour of the property on which the dock facility is proposed. g. The dock facility should be illustrated from an aerial view, as well as side view. Fee: $1,500.00 Check shall be made payable to Board of County Commissioners As the authorized agentJapplicant for this petition, I attest that all of the information indicated on this checklist is included in this submittal package. I understand that failure to include all necessary submittal information may result in the delay of processing this petition. ~Rif Applican gent Signature ~bsj~ Da(e PAGE B of 9 CON 00'> o~ ~ .0 'r-- Qi"- .0'" EO) ",<1l U"- '" o . ~ ~~}g\~~"W~~~~t a9~]' -" ",'" 'r"7..l:,~';'~' ,~"~:l.1rt,(I":W""F.:','''.'l : ;.- _~.H ~I r I""! i i'; ! f .' .... , \ J ~]' I I ( i i I .' , ~ i Ii: l I :! 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RIPARIAN L1N~\~a I, ;i! \ l:,~;t\;. ~ ,.: !,\.I'vf.N "','.\, ',"t':\ "".~n jii'\~~" '. ~;~';'(;(;:~ EXISTING A' '11 SUBMERGED LAND ~\' , LEASE AREA 1 ,.e~ 1 (0 R 2654 PGS. lil d ~ 2668.2677) I'H;)b' (8873 SQ FT +.) 0V~ I, ~~~ \: .,l$t " \~~~ \ \ ' . , ';'" -, y~ "'~ .! ! EXISTING SliP COUNT 14 MONTE CARLO CLUB 10684 GULF SHORE DR. NAPLES, FL 34108 Agenda Item No. 7C SJ........'-'IL.t......, :, :33:: N Page 48 of 192 J<\\ik~ W ~~irE S I ";i" -.0 ;., (' '\ \1 ' " \ i i t ! J ) r / ,- i / 50 I' 100 , SC(LE IN ITer 200 I i J ( , , , , I .5 ..j . .I i , , , I \ J I /1 ) /1> 'I '., '( f l ill \ ,,' '1\ //UtrtfiFi ,'. MLW , , , VEGETATloV, '. :11 uN!?;)) ;1.1 / 1 ~ i i{1 I .' J, I V' , "I ( 1\ ' 'I ' \\'1' \~,X \p: \ , \ \ \ , '. \ \ ,,, \ ';\\ \ \ ,\ \, II \ ~ \ " Ili\ \'. \ ~ \ \ III ' /' r.3 J i 1_ I ~ ! l ; r i! .,' I Ii, : !ii! ;'/li ':,1// //'<5" j'/ /?/' .! " 'j" " i i I / ; VAJIIDERBILT (LAGOON f , I . , . ! ,\SEAWALL MLW.G5' \ ..//~<-~;~' ..,' ;;..- /",. . I 1'-'-1 ,--(.'."/-ti", "i1.v' U" , hi\./ //l; \ ~ Turrell & Associates, Inc. , ... ,~C~: Marine & EnvirorunenlaJ Consulting ... ~ExChangeAve.sulteB. Napies,FLJ411l4.J7J2 Email: nma@turrell-rsssociales.com Pb01X: (239) 643.(1166 Fax: (239) 643.6632 1/ ;' NOTES: 1 \ I, <> THI:SE DRAWINGS ARE FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES:ONl Y AND ARE NOT I~ENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION .USE. ;' , ; ~ <> )"lL DATUM SHOWN HEREO~IS REFERENCED TO MLW! <.> APPLICANT OWNS APPROX, 712lF. OF SHORELINE. <> EXt5TINGOVERWATER STRUCTURE: APPRQX 1,145 SQ. FT. <> WlDTH OF WA TERWA Y AT NARROWEST POINT: APPROX 189' (MHW TO MHVvi <> TOTAL PROTRUSION FROM MHVVL: 35 FT. <> TIDAL DATUM: MlW=-O.S' NGVD. MHW=+1.5' NGVD <> SURVEY COURTESY OF ~ COURT GREGORY SURVEYING ~ SURVEY DATED: 10-28-04 MONTE CARLO CLUB EXISTING CONDITIONS Dr<SIClNEO T_fT ORAWN JMl lOATE 11-Q5-o4 jJOB NO (l.420 1" ~ 100" REVISION TAB NAME SHEET SCALE 20f9 01:1-26-05 07-11..(17 SECTION- 29 TOWNSHIP- 46 S ~NGE~ 25 E EXISTING SLIPS '4 SLIP COUNT LENGTH 35' Agenda Item No. 7C oer L, BOAT LIFTS OPTIONAL FOR ALL SLIPS N Page 49 of 192 W.E S (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) 'OSED ADDITIONAL LENGTH "-... 35' 34 TOTAL SLIPS O. 50 ~ 100 , SCALE IN FEET 200 I EXISTING LEASE AREA: PROPOSED LEASE ADDITION TOTAL LEASE AREA 8,873 sa FT 16.076 sa FT 24,949 sa FT RIPARIAN L1NE\ 32' r 16' Jf ! PROPOSED ADDITIONAL LEASE AREA (335 SO.FT. t) . SEAWALL EXISTING J SUBMERGED LAND ~ LEASE AREA (O.R..2654 PGS. 2668'2677) (8873 SQ. FT. +-) LEGEND . "CAUTION MANATEE AREA " SIGN .I.. "MANATEE BASICS FOR BOATERS.~ SIGN 189' I I VANDERBILT [ LAGOON 1'\. MLW/f\ VEGETATION~! LINE I! 1/ If !: ~ MONTE CARLO CLUB 1D684 GULF SHORE DR. NAPLES, FL 34108 TYPICAL 35' X 4' FIXED FINGER A ( MANGROVE FRINGE , I , , , . ,I PROPOSED i "- ADDITIONAL " LEAS E AREA '/ (16,076 SQ.FT. t) / -' \ / I? \."..,.- (/::;'''I!?I, ~ <0 ...,'" 25' j NOTES: <> THESE DRAVI/INGS ARE FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION USE. <:::. All DATUM SHOWN HEREON IS REFERENCED TO MlW. <> APPLICANT OWNS APPROX. 712 LF. OF SHORELINE <-> EXJSTJNG QVERWATER STRUCTURE: APPROX 1,145 SQ. FT. <> PROPOSED OVERWATER STRUCTURE: APPROX 1,640 SQ. FT. oC> TOTAL QVERWATER STRUCTURE: APPROX 2,785 sa, FT. <> WIDTH OF WATERWAY AT NARROWEST POINT: APPROX 169- (MHWTO MH\N) <:> TOTAl PROTRUSION FROM MHVVl: 35 FT. <> TIDAL DATUM: MlW=-0.5' NGVD, MHW=+1.5' NOVO, <> SURVEY COURTESY OF" COURT GREGORY SURVEYING" SURVEY DATED: 10-28-04 f 'I\';:,._~~..'. . Turrell & Associates, I~c. IF -- .. ~. .~ Marme & EnYl11lnrnental Consulting i ~4E>:changeAve.SuiteB. Naples,FLJ41(]4.1732 I Emaft: lUna@tmrell-assliCiales.com Pbooe: (239) 643-0166 Fax: (239) 643-6632 DESIGNED T,T.T. R'=VISION TAB NAME: MONTE CARLO CLUB DRAWN JMl l:H9.(l5 SHEET 30HI "'''' 11-05.04 07.11.07 SCAUO 1-.100' PROPOSED DESIGN Joe NO. "''' SECTION-29 TOWNSHIP~48S RANGE-:i:SE N ~dr:~ W ..'~€.}.E 1tt~~~ S ; ., I ! i 0; "_ '..... __,,~ _" "r' .r '/..' _'~ ,>\, i i ii;' ~.,' <:0 C" r\ 5",- 100 .1 '" I' /IF " \1 : ' 'I', ' RIPARIAN lJJ~\ Ii (!j///\\ \ I"~ '\ S<\ALE IN/En 111~r' j/_'/\ II ( ! i , " ~)\l', ~!(:3i;' ) /i ! J/ ) I f .r ,l;/,...",~ LI / //'! r \ j ~~ /,1/1,.\ ~::::;:--;// / f ) (,1'''- 1-1 !l~,;\..r r" I . Ii' \1\1 \~ ~ (( i i ! i: r' ',; .,-,,() \ I I , ! i , \ i!~t. J ' ) {( i fl' .> :>~: l,.--J j.. \ il " .:;0.;11\:-'-_/ ,// , {I 'I, '. ~), r ,:)~\~..--,'--"~ I \ \ " ,"1\ '\ '<'\,'\ ! -... \, \ " ~\ J /\ \ I ~.. /(y/ J .5 I) \ 1 '~I~'7, (' (( i I .\~p '\' VA~},fRafLT(! ( )1' . "@( LAG90N \ i ; '\';';''''i \ \ \ ,I. '.W'~ \ '-.~) fir:" '. W \ ]'/'\ \ ( ! I ,~_/;!') \ ~_\ I I ( Il.l .Ii"'!, \ \ \ \ \ \., \\'~'\ \ , I' , ,I~ 1...~.'."f\,''''.~.''.f.\ \ \ ( ( ( ( (l1('j '1. \.~\~ I I \ \ \ \ ; \ \ v~ \ ~ \1) i)11 " :'-l:;~\ \ )]i!!tI/ '.', l.:....~;\ \ \ / ," I I II "\+,j:~\ ) ) ; I (I jl~ iL,' ," ; fa~' I.. \ \ '"I I ' I qill xfa / ) 1\ \, .5, \ \~\ '"', 11/'.! ~:.I ( '" 1. \ \," ..~l9.Ji':1 \ "" \ \ '.' I J .., ". I.i ) I ", ,', ! '/-i'," r \ \ "" ,1//1/5-/' / /: \ \ ~~dI7/;) , Ii'. .', :///1 / ,'! \ ""I "f'""f. / f J":;:~;(j! I I i '\ rC1??9 / (I '\ MLW .05' _"<1;:~~;;p /"'''''- I I ' /<~t~;:~~~~?5:" / \, \, /" "",'/'-3~1;.:P"'~ / I,.! ///:7j\/'::>""''' (.--:: / .... /{" / / ~ '>!! /' NOTES: ~. ('/r~ f/l};"25' (<, THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT \~\\J ' l INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION USE. .Ii I() I I \' <:> All DATUM SHOWN HEREON IS REFERENCED TO MlW. Iii J / ,<,:>APPUCANT OWNS APPROX. 712 LF OF SHORELINE. ! 1 ,I \, <> EXISTING OVERWATER STRUCTURE: APPROX 1,145 SQ, FT. <::> PROPOSED OVERWATER STRUC'fURE: APPRQX 1,640 SQ. FT. <:> TOTAL QVERWATER STRUCTURE: APPROX 2.78$ SQ. FT. o VVlDTH OF \!\/ATERWAY AT NARRQVv'EST POIN'f: APPROX 189' {MHWTO MHVVj <:> TOTAL PROTRUSION FROM MH\M.: 35 FT, <::::- TIDAL DATUM: MlW=-Q,S' NGVD, MHW=+1.5' NGVD. <:> SURVEY COURTESY OF "COURT GREGORY SURVEYING" SURVEY DATED: 10-28-04 BOAT LIFTS OPTIONAL FOR ALL SLIPS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) \ ) I MONTE CARLO CLUB 10684 GULF SHORE DR. NAPLES, Fl 34108 PROPERTY LINE n ~,~T~,;:J&~n:~~~t~~s~~~g , ) . 35!4ExchangeAve.SulteB. Nap]es,FLl4104-J7J2 F..,il: tun>@i"",U.~soci'"S.COOl Phon< (239) 643.0166 Fax: (239) 643.6632 MONTE CARLO CLUB DESIGNE.D T_lT ""'- 'Me DAT. 11.05-04 JOB NO O~20 PROJECT BATHYMETRY SECTION- 29 TOWNSHIP~ 4a s RAN(;;E. 25 e I,:>m I 7r. December 2, 2008 Page 50 of 192 200 I REVISION .T"8 NAME 09.26.05 SHeET <lOF9 01.11.07 SCALE "': mer \ Aoenda Item No. 7C ecember 2, 008 ..'~ Page 51 of 192 w.i@ . E ": ~ S o 50 ~ 100 I SCALE IN FEET 200 I RIPARIAN LINE .>>-< PROPOSED < \;:,.~c,;. DREDGE '.\ '>.~'.'r-". AREA "~"\-->">' ,~"y , \'" "<".\ ''\li''''''\'<' "'. .. ~., '., "........';.:;;;).:,~.... .'-.1\"-..',. .'--".... 1Jf'<<' .', ,~,..' '.... ~ ........." 1'-. ~,'. \. ,"", '.... \<>~., ..: '.'''' .'..,";. .....1 .. ::"-"\'~. .... } ',,,:\ (t ...." '$J::~'<'1' /I-~'~':>:;' ( .' ,', "'\-' >,,:.'V' Y""/ ,,'l"-~<-'>;.''' .'. '\'-?'~'" '.'/ MLW-O.5' . '.' '0~"'/" ~,~c;.yX.,.,...,..> '::i.0~-'-'-',,/-, ..,.._v,-:t';:--...,.".:\:'v. .>~.--'(": ,.... "" . - '. '~.,,, ) ".\~.><~ ',>/'''''' / / ,. ',' ,)'" j / "J'i'11' '( / ..../(~-1 '-l /-v~ q-v 25' '( ! I SPOIL CONTAINMENT APPROX: 125 CU YDS~ CAPACITY '" MONTE CARLO CLUB 10684 GULF SHORE DR. NAPLES, Fl 34108 C.:.:l PROPOSED DREDGE TO -4.0 MLW: 1.500 CU yas I \ f / [ / MLW -OS' IX i :1. I! I" If J -4.0' MLW CONTOUR NOTES: <> THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR PERMiTTING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION USE. <> All DATUM SHOWN HEREON IS REFERENCED TO MlW. <> APPLICANT OWNS APPROX. 712 L.F. OF SHORELINE. <> EXISTING OVERWATER STRUCTURE: APPROX 1,145 sa. FT. <::> PROPOSED OVERWATER STRUCTURE: APPROX 1.640 SQ. FT. <:> TOTAL oveRWATER STRUCTURE: APPROX 2,785 SQ. FT. <:> WiDTH OF WATERWAY AT NARRO'NEST POINT; APPROX 189' {MHWTO MHW] <.> TOTAL PROTRUSION FROM MHVVI.: 35 FT. <.::- TIDAL DATUM: MLW=.O.5' NGVD. MHW="'1.5' NGVD. <:> DREDGE VOLUME TO .4.D FT. M1.W: APPROX. 1,500 cu, YDS, <> SURVEY COURTESY OF" COURT GREGORY SURVeYING" SURVEY DATED: 10-28-04 ~Turrell & Associates, Inc. ! c'; :c"'.' Marine & Environmental Consulting , 3SS4E,chanseAve.SoiteB. Naples,FL34104.3732 ",.1: 1llIla@",""I.sssocia",-oom Ph,ne: (239) 643.0166 Fox: (239) 643.6632 OESIGNED T./.T. REVISION TAl:! NAME MONTE CARLO CLUB DRAWN "ML 09,26.05 SHEET 50F9 DATE 11-05.04 07.11.07 SCALE 1~"" 10C' PROPOSED DREDGE AREA JOB NO. 0420 SECTION- 29 TOWNSHIP. "8 S RANGIS- ~5 e Aqenda Item No. 7C )"')) ~ Turrell & Associates, Inc. ... ..'- Manne & Environmental Consulting ~ Exchange A,,- Suile B. Naples, FLJ4J04.JiJl frnail: tuna@tunell-asso::iates.tom Plume: (239) 643-G166 Fax: (239) 643.6632 MONTE CARLO CLUB PROPOSED DESIGN AERIAL ORAV'JN 'ML 03.2G--05 SHE;;r 6OF9 :).\TE 1 'Q~().1 [17 ~ -,01 SCALF. " ~ 1CD JOB NO "on SEC'TION.:;~ TOWNSHIP. ~!} ';; RANGE- :,'; ~ t- I ~J\ W Vr.,fV.t E s 25 50 I . SCALE IN fEET 1'.71 Agenda Item No. 7C uecemoer ,L Page 53 of 192 Ii~ 100 I '* TYPICAL EXISTING FINGER PIER AND LIfT MONTE CARLO CLue 1D684 GULF SHQREOR. NAPLES, FL 341Ga , I , . .....l' I I I . I g OYSTER DEBRIS VANDERBILT LAGOON DIVE TRANSECTS / / I I / I?//, / ~1 / "'4A; / (/IV,s- MLW -0.5:'.' / SUBMERGED RESOURCES OEs.oGN5:D TTT. ORAVVN JMI. DATE 11-05-04 Joe NO 0420 REVISION TAB NAME ~TurreIl & Associates, Inc. I . '. ~'C~ Maline & Environmental Consulting 3584 Exchange Ave. Suj~ B. Naple~ FLJ4104.37J2 mil, Ona@tuneO",.,,;,,"..eoin PhoDe (239) 64)-0166 Fox, (239) 643-6632 MONTE CARLO CLUB 05.02-0.5 O~26.OS 07.11.(17 SHEET SCALE 70f9 1"",50' SECTION-29 TOWNSHtP-4BS RANGE-25E o N r-- 0> ~ o - Z 0 '/E ....~ 2Q)Q.l - CJ) ro ro '0 a.. c <l> Ol <( {'oJ >- '" Ii <D il' '" -' <: <> <n '" o '" ,,'" "" d~~ o,,~ ;;"';; :;:u.-, (,)5~ w(!)'" !Z;g~ o~o. ~~~ .... ;: o :r ti z "w & 12 ~ <: ;;: '" '" ,,>- ~ ~ ~ >- ~. :> ....J ,...:ll. ~ yjU) Z LL d ,.... 0 ~ g ~ d~t:C5 >-~ w ~ui~~da: B>:: ~ o~~~{Ii& o.oo~ CL I- -I ..'-x lrl <( 0:: n: O~XO~,:..: >ll"l:::; ~ l.l.IOOO::N-Z ~'--.rn C9 ~:r~c..XO - X>- Z W"',-o.~Oa.. <O~Q:; _ a::u. O::I-t+ 0 t: WO'<t:WQ..fJ) II&~ _ lL 'W D::: 0.. W~ $"<( lU ~u.i~u..e:::~~s:..:r:~$ ,tI.l -1~Ut.UOc:!:E:>'" :r~!:2C'\1I- ::;>o:::crS .....J... 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C'kb h'~being first duly sworn, depose and say that well are/am the owner!. of the property described herein and which is the suJ<iect matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of interest infoIIlllllion, all- sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our/my knowledge and belief. Well understand that the infonnation requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or City printed shU:: .:.~~ be altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and all required infonnation has been submitted. I \ , As property ownerwelI further authorize 'lVt(fU'LL. -t f/rS'oc. rue. to act as our/my representauvt: in any matters regardi y Owner P' ed Name of Property Owner rk. rf1E5 r./t-I) The r:::e~trument was acknowledged before me this /; day of ?:Jb!:e..r. 20@ b ,?c:.. ;?-~L( r ;I- , ....no is personally known to me or has producjfna" ckca" as identification. /yer LrC!. . Sta1eOf~/Je~~~ County 0 r ~ (Seal) , '- Application FOl' [)cck F~ljty f.xt.cusu. ~ .- ';~f! , N ot!UY tic ~7/a a '\51;/?f!j . led, Typed or Stamped Name of Notary My Commission Exp. Oct. 31, 1!Illl!r cPO/o 002E L3r~3S~, dH ~H8S'OI soo~ va l~O '--"'-0 - -s,----.-.---- -- -.--- A w.&.... A VA_ Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Paqe 57 of 192 . ~ I' S . 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NAPLES FL34117 Name Changed: 04/29/1999 Address Changed: 02117/2003 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address UlePD PRECOURT, GEORGE A 29 LAUREL TER MANCHESTER CT 06040 TilleSD HARRISON, PAMELA 10686 GULFSHORE DR.. 105-A NAPLES Fl3410B TltleVD MORIARITY, JACK http://www .sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFLL&in<L doc _ number=N228 I I &in... 7!l 0/2008 . 10684 GULF SHORE DR, 103-,0., NAPLES FL 341 08 / Tille VO SABBAGE, DEREK 65 HARBOUR SQ 2602 TORONTO CA 53214 TilleTD SPANGNOLA, LAWRENCE PO BOX 770 AMSTERDAM NY 1201-0770 Annual Reports ..........0'" '" VJ. J... Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 58 of 192 Report Year Filed Date 2006 0510312006 2007 04/25/2007 2008 05/0512008 Document Images .ojiLO?YlQQa.=_8NN.l)_AL_8j;.I?_QRIlr;'''''CiMi~jrn~l!~'ll~~..&~@~.iiio,n ~2a_OQZ=-_A.NN."'I.\L8.;;E'QRI '~jil~,M.\~iitiJlIJ!i.1i1i~dto,m'1ali"i'l"~ .Q?lQ;L@J!.!l-=-.AN_NUA.L..R!;:;f'_QRI.(,iik.";'viill!rim~p.gliiii~~~~A 02/02!20.1l.ii.:=ANNLJ!'.LREE'.OBI 1;~>MI~~iii!iii!!ili~~liill,~1 O.2L1l.4@Q1=-ANNVALRI;f'QBIlf~4.~it!~~lli~U~ibl~;i:\0f Q2l17YlPo~.:-:.ANN.l)AL_RI;E'QE.I 1~'1.~~~wA~~JidiWi\i\1tmilJi,;t!i.:ii"] Q;l114@Q2.:-:ANNUA.L8_!;:;PQ81&i~lh;i.~~~.iI.9.~lii~!ll1~\\i':@iD Q1!Jl.2@O.L., ANNliA.L. 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Contact us Document Searches E-Fillng Services Forms Help Copyright and PriYBCY Pollcies Copyright <e- 2007 State of Florida, Department of State. http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&inCL doc _number=N228 I 1 &in... 7/1 0/2008 el(23/ZB6G )4:34 239&43&968 co..LIER eN ZllNlOO ~d~2fi~fiJ No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 59 of 192 ADDRESSING CHECKLIST - ...' Please completethc followl.ngAND FAX pJUS~572#) OR SUBMIT l]V PERSON TO THE ADDRESSING SECTION. FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY ADDRESSING PERSONNEL P[(101l TO PIlE- APPlJCATIONMEETING. Not.1I items will apply to evOl)' project.. Items in bGld IyJle arc requir:ed. I. LepI description of subjl:ct JlI:lllla1Y or properties (copy of ltngthy dcscrlprir> may bo OItaclrerf) . - :fb v,J, l..p J~ / ("t:> ~ec. .:1" . TV/' t1f S . ,,1fIt/~ :zs-e 2. Folio (Property W) 1l1lJD~r(.) of above (attftclt la. ",. as~ with, Ittgm,wcrlplioTl ifmorc tkm Olll!) GoSSSOOOOO~ ' 3. Street address or Iddresses (as applicable. if ar,.eady =ignecf) MnP1".et: c.lHt..tD CLue. f'Al"tJlp,..,,tV/v/YJ 1K~~7'1"',..J p.l!). ~X ~':l'), NItPLe$, 1'( 7.'I/() I 4. toe.lroll mil', showing ciact location o~projectfsite in relation. 10 neare.t public r.oad right-of-way (attach) 5. Copy of S\lrVey (NEEDED ONLY FOR UNPLA TIED PROPERTIES) 6. I'ropoied projeet name (i/applil:ablc) /",,,PTe- crri1-t.o o..c.t:.5 7. Proposed Slreet names (ifappfiJ:oble) l. Site Development PI"" Nllmber (FOR EXISTING PR.OffiCTS/SlTES ONLY) sx>P . 9. Pedt;C11 Ty~ - (Complete a sepazate A.ddressing Checklist for each Pemion Type) DSDP (Site lJeIIelopment Plan) DSDP A (SDP Anr..ndlllCllt) [J SOP) (3DP rnsuh5lantial Oumge) ~ SIl' (Site ltnprovemmt P1:m) SlPI (S11'1 IllS\lbsWnisI Change) SNR (Street Name Cbange) .0 VegetationlExotic (Veg. Removal Permits) 8 Land Us. Petition (Variance, Conditional Use, Boat Dock: Exl., Rezone:, PUD t'CZOtle, eIC.) o 01her - Describe: o PPL (plans & Plat Review) B fSP (prelimiury Subdivlsfon Plat) FP (Final Plat) o l1.A (Lot Line Adjustment) o BL (BI2$ting Pcm1it) 8 ROW (Right-of-Way Fermit) EXP (Excavation Pemtit) o VRSFP (Veg.Removal & Site Fill Pcnnit) o IDR (Transfer ofDcveloptnont Rights) J.I).13>i,\3'~ ,:,,:.d("VC:!opm.ent names l"'''?Osed for, or .~';'c~L'y "l';;earin~ in" ~.'mdrnninium docll1D<:nt. (if appIicaole; indicate whether propcsed or existing) 11, Please Check Ont:: 0 Chet:ldist is to be FIXed aack 12. AppJiesntN..... tJ; JI,J t... )!/J~7J 13. SiB'l"ture on Addressing Checklist doe;s nol cons!' further rev",w by the Addressing Scetion. FOR STAFF USE ONLV Primary NtlJtlb<:r \ S 1+-114-'" Address N111Ilhcr Address Number Ad<b:ess NU1'nbcr o PCTSOtll1lly Picked Up IAf, phoDe :J3"f.t"fJ~6/Tu .J3'7-"1f3.-~,,1~ ~cct and/or Slrtot Name approval 8Ild is subject to TtJueCL rf ff5SqC~..,TeS~ J..?-'C. Approved by jJ~ ~Q.m Dale tJI- 24- 0 G, ;--.' BD-2006-AR-9061 PROJECT #2006010084 DATE: l/3110G JOYCE ERNST ()OON W," ",00> .O~ ON- e i . -'<( ~ Z .0 NO . . '" ~ .. E03tD r.. ~~~ :0= ~~ffi ~ "" ...ti.};!!O~ZS:N ..ffi~Q) I ~ f -J C <0> lt1 " . :0: L.I. ... .... Z (Q -EO> " 11i?5,~.~iii~ "'<D'" , , -0,,0- , , , . f q, i:"-' c: <D . ::0 r 0:Z ~ 1;,0 , , , ! i t! .. 9 => ~ w f .- , , ..~~rO 131 <( , . , . ~R !!.\IU~~ . , HjJHI;1 , . , , , , , ~ & ~id!"u~ . " . d ~ i . ,; , ~ : ~Q;P . ~ , , ~ , ~ n ~ I' , ,~, .1 . , , , -, I I ' . . , ~ q, " . , .w, i , . ; <:( , , , I, I , i : V ~ . ~ :1' . . , . . " I , ~ ~ ~ .. > , , , , liS ,o. , I ! ~ ~ e e ~ = ~j , ql . . I ! ~ . " ~iL !;~ -j -> - ~J ;:. OJ 0 ~ u LO W ~ > I> W , > 8 ! r-.... ----- --- , " ~ :.~t~ ~i~~~i ~~! i~ ......~.=-<:;... ~~:; ~: 't,:O:'</'i.:.....~~: k ';';l~~..\;':;= :-o{"";: :: ,';'~~f J:~ ~::r.~ ~: .:I~ .~~- :~~!: r ..~~n"~<.:: ::.:~::: : .:'"!L '::g': ::;~:r : o~:~. .:!-"~ ~:~1~: : .0... ~~. =~::;: : -----~~-- t : - J ~ s: f =,.::~!l~:::t~1l , i 11a~; . 0:.......... ....J eEe:~ i\i'l~i'l'-, .iii --.-, I!HI dim . . _H.....A...~ EXHIBIT "C" Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 61 of 192 August 7, 2008 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Naples, Florida August 7, 2008 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Planning Commission, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 8:30 a.m. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Mark Strain Lindy Adelstein Donna Reed-Caron Tor Kolflat Paul Midney Bob Murray Brad Schiffer Robert Vigliotti David J. Wolfley ALSO PRESENT: Jeffrey Klatzkow, County Attorney Joseph Schmitt, CDES Administrator Ray Bellows, Zoning & Land Development Review Thomas Eastman, Dir. Real Property, CCSD .... Page 1 ADA-2008-AR-13731 MONTE CARLO CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOC. PROJECT: 2006010084 DATE: 9/9/08 DUE: 9/23/08 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 62 of 192 / I AGENDA Revised II COLLLER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION WILL MEET AT 8:30 A.M.. TI-ltJRSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2008. IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING ROOM, ADMINISTRATION BUILDINO, COUNTY GOVERNMENTCE?TER, J30t TAMIAMJ TRAIL EAST, NAPLES, FLORIDA: ~ INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES ON ANY ITEM. INDIVIDUALS SELECTED TO SPEAK ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANJZATION OR GROUP ARE ENCOURAGED AND MAY BE ALLOTTED 10 MINUTES TO SPEAK ON AN ITEM IF SO RECOGNIZED BY THE CHAIRMAN. PERSONS WISHING TO HAVE WRITTEN OR GRAPHIC MA TERJALS INCLUDED IN THE CCPC AGENDA PACKETS MUST SUBMIT SAID MATERIAL A MINIMUM OF 10 DAYS PRIOR TO THE RESPECTIVE PUBLIC HEARING. IN ANY CASE, WRITTEN MATERlALS INTENDED TO BE CONSIDERED BY TIlE CCPC SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO TIlE APPROPRIATE COUNTY STAFF A MINIMUM OF SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. ALL MATERIAL USED IN PRESENTATIONS BEFORE THE CCPC WILL BECOME A PERMANENT PART OF . THE RECORD AND WILL BE AVAILABLE FOI( PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IF APPLICABLE. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THE cepc WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAJNING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THA T'A VERBA TIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGlANCE 2. ROLL CALL BY SECRETARY 3. ADDENDA TO THE AGENDA 4. PLANNl'NG COMMISSrON ABSENCES 5. APPRO V AL OF MINUTES - JUl,"J; 27, 2008. REGULAR MEETING 6. BCC REPORT. RECAPS - Not Available.t this 'ime 7. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 8. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A. Petition: BD~200!5'~AR-12802, Vanderbilt SurfCorony Recreational aDd Maintenance Assoc:.iaticnt 11lc:.~ represenled by Miles Scofield of Turrell. HaJJ and Associates, Inc, requesting a IS-fool bOal dock extension over the maximwn 20-fool protrusion limi, as provided in section 5.03.06 of the LDC to allow a multi-,lip dock facUlty reaching a maximum of 35 feel into the waterwuy. Applicant is proposing to "'move Iwo existing finger docks and build 12 new docks with a tOUlI of 16 slips. Subject propert}' is located in Section 20. Township 41 and Range 25, Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: Ashley Caserta) B. Petition: PUDZ-2006-AR-J0875 Q. Grady Minor, representing KRG 951 and 41, LLC, is requesting a PUD Rezone from the Agriculwal (A), Commercial Convenience (C-2), General Commercial (C-4) and Anesa Pointe POO zooi.og districts, to lhe Commercial Planned Ullir Development (CPUD) zoning district for the Tamrami Crossing CPUD. which would aHow a maximum of 23.5,000 square feet of commercial uses. The ;!:25.45 acre property is located in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: John-David Moss) 1 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 63 of 192 9. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Petition: BO-2G06.AR-9061. Monte Carlo Club Condominium A5Socialio... represented by TllJTell and Associates, Inc., reqnesting a 15-foot boat dock extension from the 20 feet allowed to authorizt a 35-loot boat dock facilily that will accommodate 20 additional boat slips for property located at 10684 ColrShor. Drive, Baker-C.rroU Polnl Subdivision, Unit 2 Block B, Lots 1 and 2, Monte Carlo Club Condominium, in Section 29. Township 48 South, Range 25 Eas~ CoWe, COUllly. Florida. (Coordinator. Ashley Caserta) B. Petilion: CU-2001-AR.124 19. ABC Liquors Ine.. represented by Heidi K Williams. ArC? ofQ Grady Minor and Associates, P.A., is requesting a Condilio.al Use of the Commercial Intennediate (C-3) Zoning District with a Special Treatment (ST) O..rlay to increase the maximum allowable square. footage of personal services, v,deo rental. or retail uses (excluding drug stores, 5912) from 5,000 square.feef of gross floo, area 10 12.000 square-feet of gross floor area in file principal stnlCl1JTe. The subject property, consisting of approxima.ely 1.79+ acres of land, is located in Ibe northeastern quadranl of The CR951 and US41 intersection, in Seclion 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Comer County, Florida. (Coordinator: John. David Moss) C. Petition, CU-2008-AR. 1 3060, Naples Bapti.t Cbureb, loe. represented by Laura DeJohn. AICP, of Johnson Engineering, Inc., requests a Conditional Use in the Mobile Home Overlay within the Agricultural zoning district (A.MHO) pursuanlto 2.03.01.A.l.c.7 of the Land Oe.elopmeo' Code (LDC). The 4.96 acre A. MHO zoned site is proposed to permit a Church with. a maximum of 12,000 square feet of ne)Qt area. The subject property is located at 2140 Moulder Drive, Seclion 30, Township 48 South. Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: Nancy Gundlach) D. Peti,ion: RZ.2001-AR-12044. lmmokalee LLC, represented by Shau" Mularkey. AICP, of Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc., is requesting a rezone from the Estates (E) Zoning District to the Residential Multl-family-16 (RMF-16) Zoning District '0 pennit a multHamily developmeo' OD 9.33.. acre, with a maximum of 15 dwelling units per acre for property located a1 tbe southwest corner DC the interstctiDD of Immokalee Road (CR-846) and Sehool Road, in Section 9, Township 47 Sonth. Range 29 East. in the unincorpora.ed lmmol:.alee ..ea or Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: Kay Deselem) E. Petitto": RZ.2007-AR~ 12394, Ern~t N. FrICeman, Jr. of Freeman and Freeman, Inc., requests a Rezone from the Mobile Home ~C}ninc district to the Village Residenthd zoning district for the residence at 428 aod 432 !Jth Street East. The .38 acre lots (each lot is .19 a=) site i. proposed 10 build a single family home to be used for affordable housing. The property is located at 428 a.d 432 13tb Street Ea.t, Section 3, Township 41 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida. (Coordinator: Melissa Zone) WITHDRAWN 10. OLD BUSINESS II. NEW BUSINESS 12. PUBLIC COMMENT ITEM 13. DISCUSSION OF ADDENDA 14. ADJOURN aJ1/0s cepc Ag.c-ndaIRBlsp 2 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 64 of 192 /- . August 7,2008 CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Good morning, everyone, Welcome to the August 7th meeting of the Collier County Planning Commission, If you'll please rise for Pledge of Allegiance. (Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.) . CHAIRMAN STRAIN: If! pause sometimes before the pledge starts, it's so Brad -- we're not pledging Brad's back. He has to walk over to the side first. So I just thought I'd let you know. Item #2 ' ROLL CALL BY SECRETARY Roll call by the secretary, please. COMMrSSIONER CARON: Mr. KolDat? COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Here. COMMISSIONER CARON: Mr. Schiffer? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Here. COMMISSIONER CARON: Mr. Midney? COMMISSIONER MIDNEY: Here. COMMISSIONER CARON: Ms. Caron is here. Mr. Strain? CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Here. COMMISSIONER CARON: Mr. Adelstein? COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: Here. COMMISSIONER CARON: Mr. Murray? COMMISSIONER MURRAY: Here. COMMISSIONER CARON: Mr. Vigliotti? COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: Here. COMMISSIONER CARON: And Mr. Wolfley? COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: Here. COMMISSIONER CARON: 100 percent. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Great, thank you. Page 2 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 65 of 192 August 7,2008 Item #3 ADDENDA TO THE AGENDA CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Addenda to the agenda. For everybody in the audience who is here for Item 9(C), it's the Naples Baptist Church, Inc. on 2140 Moulder Drive. That petition is being requested to be continued to August 21st. So if you're here for that one today, it will not be heard today, it will be heard on August 21 st. The other item on the agenda -- or that's not on the agenda but for discussion is our next meeting is August 13th. J need to know if we have a quorum, And it would be in the evening starting at 5:05 in these chambers. It was a continuation from the last LDC meeting. Our packet for that should have been either submitted -- we already have our packet and staff was going to let us know what items in the packet we're going to hear that evening. I haven't seen that information yet. But we do already -- the mess of the materials has already been distributed. . Ray? MR. BELLOWS; I can have Catherine send that to you. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Would you, please. And you might want to caution her not to send us or bring any more changes to the packet based on last meeting, If she has a change, that item gets pulled and it goes for a IS.day notice. So we just need to make -- keep aware of that as we set the -- MR. BELLOWS: Yeah, we're going to stick to the IS-day time limit. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you. Item #4 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 66 of 192 ./ August 7, 2008 PLANNING COMMISSION ABSENCES CHAIRMAN STRAIN: As far as the planning commission, does anybody here know they will not make it that evening? COMMISSIONER MIDNEY: (Indicating). COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: I won't. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Midney and Mr. Adelstein. Okay, with that, we have a quorum. Thank you. Is there a motion to approve the agenda with the exception that we will continue 9(C) to 8/21? COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: So moved. COMMISSIONER MURRA Y:So moved. . CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Wolf1ey made the motion, Mr. Murray seconded. Discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: All in favor, signifY by saying aye. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Aye. COMMISSIONER CARON: Aye. COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: Aye. COMMISSIONER MURRAY: Aye. COMMISSIONER MIDNEY: Aye. COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: Aye. COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: Aye. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Aye. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Aye. Anybody opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I'd like to caution staff, on that particular item this board needs to have the missing paperwork well in advance of the item being heard so we can review it ourselves. So, you know, let's not wait till the day before, two days before, and we Page 4 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 67 of 192 August 7, 2008 need to have it in a timely manner. Thank you. Item #5 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JUNE 27, 2008, REGULAR MEETING CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Approval of minutes. June 27th, regular meeting. Has everybody reviewed those? Are there any comments? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Hearing none, is there a motion to approve? COMMISSIONER VIGLlOTTI: So moved. COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: So moved. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Vigliotti made the motion, Mr. Adelstein seconded. All in favor, signify by saying aye. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Aye. COMMISSIONER CARON: Aye. COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: Aye. COMMISSIONER MURRAY: Aye. COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: Aye. COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: Aye. COMMISSIONER MIDNEY: Aye. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Aye. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Aye. All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Motion carries 9-0. Item #6 Page 5 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2. 2008 Page 68 of 192 August 7, 2008 BCC REPORTS - RECAPS CHAIRMAN STRAIN: BCC report, not available at this time. Item #7 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Chairman's report. r have something but I'll wait till new business to introduce it. Item #8A PETITION: BD-2008-AR-12802, VANDERBILT SURF COLONY RECREATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE ASSOCIA nON, INC. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Consent agenda items. We have two of them. First one is Vanderbilt Surf Colony Recreational and Maintenance Association. Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: Yes. That petition, on A, I believe that I mentioned to Ashley at our last meeting when we did not hear this on consent that it was stated in the hearing that dock number one would not need an extension, it is 20 feet. If it got the 25 feet, it would be out into the channel. So I think that was what Mr. Scofield had stated on the record. And so the consent needs to be changed so that its items -- boat docks two through seven get the five-foot extension. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, 1 thought that was the reason that we ended up continuing the decision on this one is to get that issue resolved. Has it been resolved from staffs perspective? MR. WRlGHT: Commissioners, good morning, Jeff Wright for Page 6 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 69 of 192 August 7, 2008 the record, Assistant County Attorney. I did review the record after hearing this concern. And going back to the record, it's very clear that Commissioner Caron expressed a concern about the length of that particular dock, at the entrance. And I have a passage from the record I'd like to read that's going to lead me to the conclusion that I have. CHAIRMAN STRAlN: Sure, go right ahead. MR. WRIGHT: Okay. This is -- as part of the motion to approve, Commissioner Caron said, I'm most concerned about the length of the docks with the boats in the throat there, There's barely 100 feet and their neighborhoods to the south have only 20 feet. There's no reason that the boats in the throat couldn't be limited to 20 feet. . And the motion maker, Commissioner Vigliotti, said, but they fall within that 25 percent, correct? And Chairman Strain said, right. And Commissioner Caron responded, they do fall within that 25 percent, yes. . And that's in the transcript. And after that discussion the commission moved on to discussion of seawall and draft. So based on my review, even though there was a discussion, when I looked at the application, the statements, exhibits and discussion on the record and the motion to approve the application without a stipulation with respect to slip number one, my conclusion is that slip number one did get a five-foot extension like the rest of them. COMMISSIONER CARON: I believe -- CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Go ahead. COMMISSIONER CARON: Excuse me, I believe that if you had looked at the discussion portion, it was Mr. Scofield who said that that dock was only going to be 20 feet. MR. WRIGHT: I know exactly where you're talking about. It's on Page 18 of the transcript. And in that exchange Commissioner Page 7 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 70 of 192 August 7, 2008 Murray said, the last boat there, before you get out into the area there on the east, what size boat do you anticipate having there? And Mr. Scofield said, that would be a maximum of a 20-foot boat overall length. So somebody with an 18- foot boat with an outboard or somewhere in there, that is the dock that's pretty much restricted to what they can have there. There are some owners with small boats. And Commissioner Murray responded, and if they extend out past that red line that you had on that other drawing, which was a 25-foot line, does that mean that they're in violation? And Mr. Scofield said, yes, that's correct. So that was the one exchange that I think may have led to the confusion that there may have been a limitation on that. . COMMISSIONER CARON: I don't think there was any confusion, I think it was pretty clear that Mr. Scofield said that that dock could only get to 20 feet. MR. WRlGHT: And that's -- CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Klatzkow? COMMISSIONER CARON: And that I don't think it needed to be part of the motion. MR. KLA TZKOW: I just think what Mr. Wright's getting is clarification of the record. If you want to make amotion here and now that the intent ofthe planning commission was to exclude this dock from the variance, I think we're done. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, before we could go that far, now we're changing an issue that -- we're not changing, we're clarifying an MR. KLATZKOW: Clarifying. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: -- issue that may be in conflict with what the applicant believes. And the applicant's not here today. Is that a right thing to do? Oh, they are. Okay. 1 didn't see Rocky. Because I'd certainly Page 8 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 71 of 192 August 7, 2008 like to make sure that we're not going against something we previously didn't clarify to a manner that we don't need to have it reheard again, is all I'm trying to clarifY. Ms. Caron, and Mr. Schiffer. COMMISSIONER CARON: Right. And I'm glad to see Mr. Scofield here as well because I'm not trying to put words in his mouth. It was a discussion that we had. And you can clearly see by his drawing that it would not be possible to extend that dock out without bringing it out into the channel. It's sitting there at 20 feet right now. And that's what he stated on the record that it would have to be, because of where it's located. So, you know, I don't see any -- and I'd certainly like to hear from him. CHAIRMAN STRAfN: Well, I don'thave a problem with that. Mr. Scofield, could you address the issue, please? Yeah, you'll have to be sworn in, I'm sorry. (Speaker was duly sworn.) MR. SCOFIELD: Okay, I've been talking with Jeff a lot about this. And when you look at the numbers there -- I think the whole thing in this discussion is that boats do not extend out into the Vanderbilt Waterway. If you want to put that in the resolution, I think that's fine. I think it -- it was approved by this commission. All these first seven docks have a 20 -- have a five-foot extension. Does it work out there mathematically? Probably not. When you field adjust things, I don't want a boat sticking out 20 feet, three inches and be in violation and not extend into Vanderbilt Waterway. So I. think you can take care of this if you say boats cannot extend into Vanderbilt Waterway, and leave the resolution passed as is, and just as an addition. COMMISSIONER CARON: Adding that as a stipulation is more -- works for me. My issue is not having the boats extend out into the channel. Page 9 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 72 of 192 ~ August 7, 2008 MR, SCOFIELD: That's fine. COMMISSIONER CARON: Thank you. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Klatzkow, do we need a motion to do that or is the clarification on record today to the decision that was made at the last meeting or the meeting on which this was discussed enough? . MR. KLATZKOW: Let's have a motion on it. CHAIRMAN STRAlN: Okay. So we have a consent agenda item, Vanderbilt Surf Colony Recreational Maintenance. There's been an additional agreed-to stipulation by the applicant that the docks will not extend out into the Vanderbilt WatelWay. Is there a motion to recommend approval for that? COMMISSIONER MURRAY: So moved. COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: So moved. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Murray, seconded by Commissioner Adelstein. Is there any further discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Hearing none, all those in favor, signify by saying aye. COMM1SSIONER SCHIFFER: Aye. COMMISSIONER CARON: Aye. COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: Aye. COMMISSIONER MURRAY: Aye. COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: Aye. COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: Aye. COMMISSIONER MIDNEY; Aye. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Aye. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Aye. All those opposed? (No response.) COMMISSIONER CARON: Motion caH\es 9-0. Thank you. Page 10 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 73 of 192 August 7,2008 MR. KLA TZKOW: Mr. Chairman, do you want this brought back again or not? CHAIRMAN STRAIN: No, no, please, spare us. Item #8B PETITION: PUDZ-2006-AR-I0875. TAMIAMI CROSSING CPUD CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Next consent agenda item is the Tamiami Crossings CPUD. In the discussion that we had there was a concern over one of the items that we had stipulated involving the request for the deviation involving the parking. Staff had originally included the deviationonly for the master plan Exhibit A that was originally submitted. When the alternati've master plan came in, staff wanted to limit the deviation to just the original master plan and not have it apply to both. . If! recall correctly, the applicant said it really should apply to . both and entered testimony to that effect. I believe that the staff then agreed to that. And I'd have to double check to be sure. And then there was some errors in the way the references to the paragraphs in that same deviation were listed. Some were E.] .2 or D .1.3, and they should have all been consistent wi th the document. We had made a motion to clean up the 50 percent language and then to fix those errors. Apparently at the time we made that motion staff thought they were clear on what we meant by that. But in trying to write it up, as you can see by a memo in the file, it isn't clear. And they're looking for clarification. I believe what I just reiterated is the clarification, but I certainly can stand to be corrected if someone remembers it differently. I'm just going by what minor notes 1 made that day. Does anybody else have any comment on it? Page II Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 74 of 192 / August 7, 2008 (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Well, then I think what the clarification is from my understanding by cleaning up the 50 percent language means that it isn't subject to just the individual master plan, it would be subject to both of them, and that was the clarification that was needed. With that in mind, ifthere's no other comment, then I'd like to have a motion to accept the item on the consent. Mr. Klatzkow? MR. KLA TZKO W: Mr. Bellows, is staff clear now as to what the planning commission wants on this? MR. BELLOWS: Yes, I believe so. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Is there a motion to recommend approval for this on the consent agenda? COMMISSIONER MURRA Y: So moved. COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: So moved. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Murray, seconded by . Commissioner Adelstein. Discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: All in favor, signify by saying aye. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Aye. COMMISSIONER CARON: Aye. COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY; Aye. COMMISSIONER MURRAY: Aye. COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: Aye. COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: Aye. COMMISSIONER MlDNEY: Aye. COMMlSSIONER KOLFLA T: Aye. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Aye. Anybody opposed? (No response.) Page 12 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 75 of 192 August 7, 2008 COMMISSIONER CARON: Motion carries 9-0. Cherie', r bet I'm talking too fast already, huh? This housekeeping stuff, J try to get through it, YOll know. Thank you. Okay, let's move into the regular items on the agenda. Item #9A PETITION: BD-2006-AR-9061, MONTE CARLO CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION CHAIRMAN STRAIN: The first one is advertised public hearing, is 9(A). And it's Petition BD-2006-AR-906l, the Monte Carlo Club Condominium Association, which is up on Gulf Shore Drive at Baker-Carroll Point Subdivision. Dock extension. Al! those wishing to testify on behaIf of this petition, please rise to be sworn in by the court reporter. . Anybody intends to speak on this, please rise so the court reporter can swear you in. (Speakers were duly sworn.) CHAIRMAN STRAfN: Are there disclosures on the part ofthe planning commission? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I have --like all of us, I think we've received e-mails, they came in our packet. But I did talk to Mr. Scofield resolving (sic) a question about, I think, the surveyors. And I'm sure it will-- I'll have the question back up here again today. So other than that, we'll move forward with presentation by the applicant. MR. KURTH: Good morning. For the record, Quin Kurth, Turrell & Associates, representing the Monte Carlo Club. IfI may, I'd like to pass out some exhibits. This morning we're requesting a I 5-foot extension from the Page 13 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 76 of 192 August 7, 2008 allowed 20 feet for a total protrusion of 3 5 feet from the mean water high [ine, which is located on the seawall. This extension is needed to facilitate the mooring of20 additional vessels, for a total 0[34 vessels. We do meet the Manatee Protection Plan, marina siting criteria, and we have a moderate ranking, which allows 10 slips per 100 feet of shoreline. That allows us 70 total vessels. However, as mentioned before, we are only proposing 34. We do not exceed 25 percent of the width of the waterway. We meet setbacks. The remaining navigable channel is 140 feet wide versus the 60~foot navigable channel under Bluebill Bridge, as you can see on the exhibit. Therefore, we're not proposing to impact navigation. We have received state and federal permits to dredge in order to reduce our total protrusion. We are and do wish to include a three-foot draft restriction as requested in the Manatee Protection Plan. . The wet slips are only to be utilized by Monte Carlo residents. And I believe that's it, unless you have any questions. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Well, why don't we start with the questions. Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: The existing 14 docks, what's the length of those? MR. KURTH: Those are 30 feet. There is a sovereign submerged land lease via the state that is out 40 feet. And jfl may, I'd like to describe that a little bit. Right now the submerged land lease boundary is still at 40 feet; however, the state likes a five-foot clearance just for, you know, to prevent any future compliance issues. COMMISSIONER CARON: It looks like according to the permit that you have for those 14 docks that it's 10 feet out and then __ MR. KURTH: It does vary. Forty is the average. COMMISSIONER CARON: Well, the line that's sitting here-- MR. KURTH: Are you talking about the submerged land lease Page 14 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 77 of 192 August 7, 2008 boundary or the protrusion? CO:MMISSIONER CARON: No, the boundary is 10 feet from your seawall. MR. KURTH: That is the property line. COMMISSIONER CARON: And those docks extend beyond that property line 20 feet -- MR. KURTH: Okay. COMMISSIONER CARON: -- for a total of30 feet. MR. KURTH: Okay. COMMISSIONER CARON: Okay, thank you. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: That's the existing docks you're talking about? COMMISSIONER CARON: That's the existing docks. MR. KURTH: Correct, the existing dock, and were originally permitted through the county, correct. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, while we're on that same question, in the same line with Ms. Caron's question then, if you have -- 10 feet of these docks exist on your own property, then; is that what you're saying? MR. KURTH: Correct. That's what the survey shows. CHAIRMAJ.'\I STRAIN: Okay: So then you're got 20 feet for what should be on the waterway -- MR. KURTH: Though in reality -- CHAIRMAN STRAIN: -- then you want five more feet on top of that. So you're looking at a five-foot extension beyond the point of where a property line is measured from, but it's 15 feet beyond the seawall because you moved the seawall 10 feet in on the property that -- do you know why that would -- why would anybody give up 10 feet of their property -- MR. KURTH: I don't know. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: -- on that waterfront? MR. KURTH: I couldn't tell you. Page 15 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 78 of 192 August 7,2008 CHAIRMAN STRAIN: That's pretty odd, COMMISSIONER CARON: It's an old development. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Any other questions on -- from the applicant at this time? ,(No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: r might have a couple, so hang on a second. I think my questions will be of staff. Are you intending to install boat Ii fis here? MR. KURTH: They are optional, yes, sir. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Yeah, my questions will be of staff. Thank you, Hearing no -- oh, Mr. -- COMMISSIONER CARON: Lifts and covers, it says. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Kolflat? COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Yes, section three criteria, which is some of the secondary criteria three, indicates that the length of the vessel or vessels along the docks should not exceed 50 percent of the linear waterfront frontage. And this looks to me like it does exceed that. MR. KURTH: Correct. And I believe that is pertinent to single-family homes, not multi-family. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: But if it's applicable to single-family, what differs it from being applicable to multiple family? I mean, isn't the object to keep a little openness there and not to close everything in? MR. KURTH: Well, single-family you're allowed two vessels. Multi-family it's depending on the state, federal or local criteria. I mean, you have so many more units. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Another question I had was can they release or rent these slips, the people that own them? MR. KURTH: The slips may be rented. However, they will be only utilized by residents of Monte Carlo. Page] 6 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 79 of 192 August 7,2008 COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: And they're the only ones that can rent it then? MR. KURTH: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Thank you. The other thing was, looking at your dredging drawing you're bringing the dredging all the way up to the seawall. And it goes down to minus four as far as the depth of it. MR. KURTH: Correct. Actually, the dredging -- it does start from the seawall, it goes down at a two-to-one slope to four feet, so it's not a straight four-foot dredge next to the seawall. But yes, we are dredging to the seawall as close as we can to prevent any further protrusion. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: .But if you dredge there, wouldn't you be able to draw the boats all the way up to' the seawall? MR. KURTH: Not necessarily. I believe we can with what we're doing now. That has been proposed in order to prevent any structural damage to the existing seawall. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: See, I don't see the justification of extending the pier when you could dredge it and you're going to dredge it up and draw the boats up to the seawall. Then you still would be within the 20-foot extension that is permitted. MR. KURTH: Iff may, I'd like to present a cross-section drawing. As Mr. KoWat had described, the dredging does start from the seawall. In order to prevent any structural damage to the seawall or have to replace that seawall -- and if I may start from there, in most cases if you replace a seawall most times people just put another seawall in front of that, which would actually increase the protrusion. So what we're doing is we're taking the dredging of a two-to-one slope and going to four feet. As you can see there's just a couple feet, maybe a few feet, I can measure it if you'd like, between the vessel and the seawall now. I don't think it would be that appropriate to put Page 17 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 80 of 192 August 7, 2008 it right on the seawall just to prevent any damage to the vessel or the seawall, so -- COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: But you can see from the bow of the boat that's the shallowest draft on the boat and therefore it could go pull up toward the seawall. MR. KURTH: Correct. Ifwe dredge four feet aJJ the way to the seawall, yes, you may be able to pull in a couple more feet. But like I said, you don't want to put the bow of the boat on the seawall itself, just with waves and wind. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: That's the only questions I had, Mark. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you. Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: Besides saying that J agree with Mr. Kolflat, I had another question here with regard to these are an older -- this is an older condominium and it's a rea] three-story building, as opposed to what we consider t11fee-story buildings now. If you do lifts and boat covers on these, will you be blocking the view of those on the first floor, or is the slope -- I mean, I know that __ but it does slope upward slightly. MR. KURTH: That's a good question. It really depends on the boat, on how high they put the boat on the lift. Nonnal1y I would say no, you're looking at a three-foot increase in rise with the vessel. I don't think it's personally going to make that big of a difference. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Schiffer? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Donna, in the ordinance for boat lift, it would be 12 and a half feet from the top of the seawall, which would be the first story. COMMISSIONER CARON: Yeah, that's why my question. MR. KURTH: I'm sorry, say that again, please? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: In the ordinance for the canopy, it can't be higher than 12 and a half feet measured from the top of the Page 18 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 81 of 192 August 7, 2008 seawall, which would totally block out the first floor. MK KURTH: Correct. And I was speaking specifically towards boatlifts, I'm sorry. For the canopy, yes, that may cause an issue. And if you'd :ike, we can get a motion to exclude boat houses. CHAIRMAN STRArN: Mr. Kolf1at? COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: I still have concerns about the density or the magnitude of boats in this area. OUf primary criteria number one says whether the number of dock facilities and/or boat slips proposed is appropriate in relation to the waterfront length location upland use and zoning of the property. Well, looking at this petition, every part of that waterfront lineage is -- with a boat in it. In other words, it uses up 100 percent of the space. . MR. KURTH: Yes, sir.. COMM1SSIONER KOLFLA T: So there leaves no latitude for what is appropriate. I mean, if it's going to -- you can block out the . whole waterfront with boats, what's the purpose of this first criteria? MK KURTH: IfI might respond to your question, per the Manatee Protection Plan, like I said, we're allowed 70 vessels, We're only proposing 34. With the multi-family residence, I believe there's 98 units. With that we're trying to get as much as we can. We have dredged to prevent the total protrusion. Also, ifI might add, with the state agency, we have completed a proprietary deed of conservation easement, which states that we're not allowed to propose any additional docks. COMMISSrONER KOLFLA T: Well, but this application will have 34 boat slips and there are 54 residential units there that subscribe to that. That's 60 percent of the residential units would have boats, supposedly. Now that compares to the rest of the Collier County which has 25,000 registered boats and say a population of 350,000 to six percent. Page 19 Agenda Item No. 7C . December 2. 2008 Page 82 of 192 /"" - August 7. 2008 Tn other words, there's a substantial difference there between the density of boats in the living area, this area, than there is for the whole county. And that concerns me as far as this waterway becoming so congested that both from the observation impacts to other neighbors and other people in the area plus the usage of the water becomes a problem, CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Is that a -- did you have a question there or just making a statement? COMMISSION ER KOLFLA T: No, I think I made a statement. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. I just wanted to make sure we weren't expecting a response. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: I'd welcome a response, but it was a statement. MR. KURTH: And I agree. I think Vanderbilt Lagoon has'got lots of boats. I don't -- as a consultant, it's tough for me, because I don't see too much more going on in Vanderbilt Lagoon. Fortunately for my applicant they do have 712 linear feet of shoreline, they do meet the Manatee Protection Plan. And as tough as the environmental permitting is with state and federal agencies, you go for as much as YOll can. CHAIRMAN STRAfN: Any other questions of the applicant at this time? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, we'll hear from staff now. MR. KURTH: Thank you. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you. MS. CASERTA: Good morning. Ashley Caserta with the Department of Zoning. I've received five letters from neighboring property owners. Have you received them? COMMISSIONER MURRAY: Three. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Two came in yesterday in the e-mail. Page 20 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 83 of 192 August 7, 2008 MS. CASERTA: According to staffreview, they meet all of the criteria that are applicable. And I'd like to answer any questions that you have. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Questions of staff? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: I do, Mark. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Go ahead, Mr. Schiffer. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Are the prior docks permitted? MS. CASERTA: The existing docks? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Right. MS. CASERTA: Yes, they were approved by buHding permit. That was before the requirement for planning commission approval. And I've got a copy of that. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: And did they get an extension permit or -- MS. CASERTA: It wasn't required at that time. It was done by bulJding permits, so they were approved out to 30 feet. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: And Ashley, the requirement . for the code is 20 feet, correct? MS. CASERTA: Yes. COMMISSIONER SClllFFER: So everybody is expecting to have a 20-foot dock. MS. CASERTA: Right. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Why do you think we should give them the 10 feet, this additional dock, just because we can or -- and the concern I have is the criteria, is that, you know, back in 2006 when we added that to the LDC, prior to that it was just a staff method of coming up with what's an acceptable dock. And again, to my fellow commissioners, this was the problem expressed, that once we put it in in 2006, the appearance is that it's a score card, we just check it off, correct? MS. CASERTA: Well, staffs job is to evaluate the petition according to the criteria and recommend approval or not. Page 21 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 84 of 192 / August 7, 2008 COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: And the way you do that is with a scoring method of, you know, five of these and four of those, correct, of the criteria? Unfortunately it's been dragged into the code. But the impression is that we don't have to give them the thing. I mean, the code reqllires 20 feet. If there's a circumstance where they need to go further, then I think we can use that criteria to do it. The scoring part of it I think's a disaster. And I expressed it in 2006 and we're having a problem today. But anyway, is there any reason why they shouldn't have the code required 20 feet? MS. CASERTA: Well, it's -- staff doesn't have an opinion on whether or not they should get an extension. I think __ MR. BELLOWS: For the record, Ray Bellows. The projects that come in before us, the property owners have the right to request further extension for. the boats that they feel they need and for the water depth available. It meets the criteria. Ashley's correctly noted that this petition is consistent. If the planning commission has other opinions of the consistency, please express them and we'll have the vote reflect that. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: But with the addition of the criteria as part of our mandate that we have to now keep score too, is the intent that we solely just run through the criteria, and if we agree with it and then we add up the score at the end then they're allowed it if we -- criteria, is that what we should be doing today? Jeff? MR. KLA TZKOW: This isn't scoring. You review the criteria. If there's something about this criteria that you find particularly onerous to give it, then you say no. If they meet all ofthe criteria, then they're entitled to it. If they do not meet all the criteria, they are not entitled to it. We don't keep score. It's not like it's 5-2 here or 4-3 there. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Okay. But here it says it must Page 22 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 85 of 192 August 7, 2008 ~ be determined that at least four of the five. MR. KLATZKOW: Right, but it's at least. But you can say because of criteria one we don't believe we should grant this. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Okay. So we can -- all right. MR. KLATZKOW: Yes. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ms. Caron -- I'm sorry, go ahead, Brad. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Actually, one of the criteria-- let's just kind of run through to make sure. You stated that it needs this because there is that oyster bed area. It meets the criteria because the water's too shallow up against it. But then in that same paragraph you're noting that they're removing it. So do you agree that criteria two is still met? MS. CASERTA: Which one are you talking about? . COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Criteria two. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Primary or secondary, Brad? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Yeah, let me -- it's a primary. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: It would be on Page 4. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Some of these are like, they're just -- I mean, I really think we have to look at this section again. But do you agree with number two, that it's met? Because what you're stating is that it's too shallow because of the oyster bed, and then the end of that paragraph you're citing how they're removing the oyster bed. So don't you think it's not met? MS. CASERTA: Well, I think. it has to do with the maximum length of35 feet as described in the petitioner's application as well. A 35-foot boat would never fit in a 20-foot protrusion. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Okay. So the hardship here is to try to get 35-foot boats. Okay, I'm done. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: Yeah, actually I was just going to follow up with that, because they have a dredge permit so that negates first criteria number two. Page 23 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 86 of 192 August 7, 2008 It also does the same for secondary criteria one and criteria number two on secondary. I mean, if the docks are only 20 feet in length, the same thing would apply, they would still have reasonable safe access. So, I mean, I think we're not looking at what's being proposed, I think we're checking off. And so I guess it's definitely up to us to look and say that these criteria are not being met and there is no need for . this. They have docks right now, that there's no reason they can't extend the docks that they have right now. I mean, extend them around, not out. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Is there -- did you want to ask -- are you asking that as a question of -- a statement? Do you want a response to it from anybody? . COMMISSIONER CARON: Well, I think Ashley has just said she's, you know -- . MS. CASERTA: The one thing that I can say is in primary criteria number two, it reads whether the water depth at the proposed site is so shallow that a vessel of the general length, type and draft as described in the petitioner's application. So I have to take into consideration what they are proposing and not have an opinion on what should be there. COMMISSIONER CARON: And I would just say that that might be true if there were no docks here at all. They have ]4 docks with boats currently there that seem to be doing just fine. So there isn't a water depth problem. I f the goal is just to bring bigger boats into the backwaters and into the lagoon, then I guess we should cite that as criteria, but I don't know that that's the point of the criteria. CHAIRMA1\J STR..A.IN: Anybody else? Mr. Schiffer? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Just to follow up with Donna too is that he stated that the draft's going to be three feet. The section Page 24 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 87 of 192 August 7, 2008 he showed us, they're going to dredge it to four. So the 35 feet has nothing to do with the boat they want to bring in, unless they want to bring in a large length boat. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: The only thing on that, I know from experience, that you've got to dredge at least a foot deeper than what you're trying to moor. I'm not trying to defend it or say it's right, I'm just telling you why they may have gone to four. lfthey're going to go to three-foot draft then they have to go to four feet to -- COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: I understand that. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Any other questions? Mr. Murray? COMMISSIONER MURRAY: No, a statement. I'm not taking issue necessarily, but just to say under criteria number two 1 read that as well, but I saw it as the dredging was not to reverse the issue or not to -- I don't see it as negating'it, as was mentioned. I see it to help accommodate, and there's a safety issue, you're dealing with equipment. . A vessel too close to the walJ is not a good condition. So I didn't see it as absolutely negating it. So I don't take the same position. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: I think, Mr. Murray, what's happened here is because the seawall has not been used for dockage right along, it's built up with oyster beds, and so that's the reason that they need to dredge. It's not that there's not enough depth there, they have to get them out of there in order to -- or they'd be extending out even further. COMMISSIONER MURRAY: And I understand that. Just briefly a dialogue. I -- in relation to that, I wondered if this were approved after all is said and done and the docks are in there and even the lifts, I wonder how they would dredge the next time when all those beds flU in again. So that was going through my mind. ...J Page 25 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 88 of 192 / . August 7, 2008 But I think this is an interesting conversation. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Midney and then Mr, Schiffer. COMMISSIONER MIDNEY: Yeah, just a comment. I noticed that one of the letters of objections talked about the congestion of the waterway and especially Wiggins Pass. And somebody that uses the park, I notice quite a bit of erosion along the banks because of just the heavy, constant traffic of boats going in and out. It doesn't seem as though this is the best idea, But according to the criteria we have here, that's irrelevant. CHAIRMAN STRAfN: Mr. Schiffer? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Hence the problem with what we did in 2006, I might add. But Ray, what is the reason we have a requirement for a 20-foot dock? I mean, the problem I have with these boat docks is I assume that the county says you can have a 20-foot dock. If in fact you have a water situation -- and we've done this before, there's been shallows and we've had to let these docks go out to get to the water where they could actually get a lift under it, we've gone along with that. But there is a requirement to 20 feet. The reason we give them the extension is because they can't even get the 20-footer, so we let them go out far enough to get 20 feet in deep enough water. But why do we have a 20-foot requirement? MR. BELLOWS: For the record, Ray Bellows. I've been with the county 20 years and it's been a 20-foot standard since that time. It was before I came here. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Okay. And we just live with 20 feet then. That's what the law says you can have is a 20-foot dock, unless you have a depth problem. Okay, thank you. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Any other questions of staff? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ashley, I have one. Manatee Protection Plan. The area that this particular facility is in on the Manatee Page 26 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 89 of 192 August 7, 2008 Protection Plan, Page 74, shows that it has adequate depth. And then we get into areas going through Turkey Bay that does not have adequate depth in Turkey Bay. Do you know what that means in regards to the maximum depth then that would be allowed typically for docks along here? MS. CASERTA: I can explain it as I understand it. But I had a conversation over e-mail with Quin and Susan Mason from Envirorunental Services yesterday. And as I understand it, that's why . they're being restricted to the three-foot draft is because of water depth that's going out into the open waters. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. But does the determination of the Manatee Protection Plan on the number of boats you're allowed to have, is it based on the adequate depth of the immediate area you're in, or is it based on the'depth that you need to get to in order to utilize your boat to the purpose intended, which is to the Gulf? Because those two different areas have absolutely different -- for use of --lack of a better word, scoring within the Manatee Protection Plan. And I'm just wondering how one affects the other. MS. CASERTA: Ifit's okay with you, I'll refer to- CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Sure. MS. CASERTA: -- Susan Mason, she's a little more know ledgeab Ie. MS. MASON: Good morning. For the record, Susan Mason with Engineering and Envirorunental Services Department. The Manatee Protection Plan does require an evaluation of the water depth, adequate water depth from the property out to open water, whether it be some dredged navigable waterway or the Gulf. And that is part of the evaluation. This site does meet the standard of moderate, and -- because it doesn't have adequate water depth all the way out. But it does not -- it also does not have a problem with manatee use. And the way that's judged is the number of manatee deaths in that area. Page 27 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 90 of 192 August 7,2008 And then also there's no impact to either mangroves or sea grass beds, any kind of marine habitat. So that's how they earned a moderate ranking, So what they've requested is well under what they're allowed. Moderate rankings allow 10 slips per 100 feet of shoreline. So I think they're allowed up to 71 boats -- 712 feet of shoreline is what they have. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you, Ms. Mason. Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: Yeah. Susan, didn't the county just get money from the federal government to look at water quality here in Vanderbilt Lagoon because of an overabundance of boats and poor water quality caused from both boating and runoff and probably multiple things? There obviously is no sea grass around here __ MS. MASON: Not in this immediate area. . COMMISSIONER CARON: -- because of the water quality. MS. MASON: I don't know about any federal grants that may have been done, That section is now a different division and I'm not __ it used to be in my department, I was able to sort of hear about things that were going on, And I really don't know. r don't know if anyone else here does. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Mark, I have a question. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Let's see if we can get a response. Did you have a response to that question? MR. KURTH: Yeah, I think I might be able to answer your question. Ifl recall correctly, 1 believe that water quality was requested in order to pennits -- to dredge the chmmel from Vanderbilt Lagoon out to Wiggins Pass to four feet. I know we have a survey from I think it's '04 -- go ahead. COMMISSIONER CARON: It's actually two different things. We actually got some additional funding to study water quality in the lagoon itself, having nothing to do with dredge penn its for the pass Page 28 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 91 of 192 August 7,2008 itself. MR. KURTH: Okay, I thought that -. okay. COMMISSIONER CARON: It's two different. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Schiffer? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Susan, my point's quick, To correct the math is that we have 712 feet of shoreline, so the answer is not 71, it's seven. One per 100. MS. MASON: No, it's 10 per 100 feet at moderate. It's one per 1 00 with ..,- COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Oh, okay, then I sit corrected. MS. MASON: -- restrict -- I canlt think of the opposite of the . preferred, CHAIRMAN STRAIN: If it was one per 100, I think it would have not gotten quite this fat today. With everybody that's been looking at this, it would have been pulled back a long time ago, Anybody else have any questions of staff? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Are there any public speakers, Ray? MR. BELLOWS: Yes, we have three registered speakers. The first is Carol Wright, to be followed by Lew Schmidt. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, And when you come up to speak, please identifY yourself and five minutes to speak, please. MS. WRIGHT: Carol Wright. And I'm going to relinquish my speaking time to Mr. Lew Schmidt. CHAIRMAN STRAfN: Thank you. MR. SCHMIDT: Good morning, Commissioners. I'm Lew Schmidt. I live at 405 Pine Avenue in the Vanderbilt Beach area. I live on a finger street. I am also a member of the Vanderbilt Beach Residents Association board. There are a few of us in the area at this time of year. Unfortunately we don't have all of our board members here to come to .c. Page 29 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 92 of 192 , August 7, 2008 you with a decision by the board. But I am here on behalf of myself and the board mem bers that are here to express our concerns about a trend that we seem to be seeing in the Vanderbilt Beach area. And the trend is to bigger docks and bigger boats. And this is an example of the trend. We're not so much concerned about how far the dock goes out in the water, it's what size boat can you put on a 35-foot dock. And I think you all well know that a 35-foot dock can handle a 40-foot boat or more, depending upon where it's at and where it's configured. A 35 to 40-foot boat has a beam of 12 feet or more of width at the widest point. It has an operating draft of three- and- a-half to four feet. And I put emphasis on operating draft. The draft, the three-foot draft that you're seeing is a dry draft. A wet draft with fuel and water on board puts that boat further in the water. You also have a concern about.the depth from the waterline to the bottom of the prop. The depth you're looking at is to the lowest point in the hull. Props often are lower than the hull depth. And that's particularly true of these new go fast boats that have 750 to 900-horsepower on the back of them. And you couldput one of those on these docks. The problem is the channel. As you know, Water Turkey Bay is very restricted, It is narrow. It is posted as having three foot at mean low tide. But Florida Fish and Wildlife within the last year actually measured that and found that it was only 22 to 27 inches deep, not three feet. How do these big boats get up and down the channel? They have to hold themselves to the center of the channel and they must play the tide. And that's okay except what do little boats do that share this waterway witb these big boats? They have to avoid them. They nm a chance of being pushed out of the channel, they run a chance of being grounded. And it's all to accommodate boats that were never intended to be taken care of in our community. Page 30 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2. 2008 Page 93 of 192 August 7, 2008 The reason for the 20- foot doC< restriction is to control the size of the boats. You can get a 20 or 25-foot boat on a 20-foot dock, and you will hold your draft to two, two-and-a-halffeet, which works in that watef\.Vay. But the deeper draft does not. And we would ask you to consider what -- the dangers to navigation through that narrow channel, narrow and shallow channel. Could it be dredged? It could. Is it realistically (sic) to think that that channel can be dredged to more than three foot? I don't think so. Water Turkey Bay is very shallow in a very large body of water. Any channel you dig through there is going to silt in very rapidly and you're going to have the same or worse problem than what we have at . Wiggins Pass trying to maintain that channel. We would urge you to hold the line on the current LDC permit of a maximum of a 20-foot boat dock length. That would give us . comfort. And in the meantime, from this time on, we would urge you to support a study of that watef\.Vay to determine how many boats can share that waterway and what is the maximum size of the boats that can use that water safely, navigate it safely. And I thank you for your consideration and I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have. COMMISSIONER MURRAY: I have one. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr, Kolflat, then Mr. Murray. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Yes, are you -- you mentioned 35-foot boats would be docked here, could be docked at these piers. Are you aware that the state land lease agreement that they have allows them to put a 40-foot boat in there if they want? MR. SCHMIDT: That's the point, yes, they probably could. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: So really we're talking about the possibility of 40-foot long boats there rather than 35-foot long boats. MR. SCHMIDT: Exactly. And in fact, in the illustration, the illustration showed the boat going to the end of ~he dock. But as a Page 3 1 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 94 of 192 August 7, 2008 matter off act, the boat will extend out into the waterway an additional five feet, give or take, to alJow for the engines and the hull itself. Thank you, that's correct. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Murray? COMMISSIONER MURRAY: Good morning, sir. MR. SCHMIDT: Good morning. COMMISSIONER MURRAY: I understand your enthusiasm. But you've said quite strongly that the reason that the dock is 20 feet is in order to restrict the size of the boat. You heard that staff was unable to say that with the certainty that you did. How is it that you know that, sir? MR. SCHMIDT: I'm relying upon some research that some of our board members have done, and couldn't be here. I think you know Bruce Burkhard and Susan Snyder. Neither of them could be here. And they are both very good researchers. And I get the impression from them that this is the reason for that length. And it makes good sense to me and I think you should stick to __ I would urge you to sustain that length until you can look into it more and make a study -- COMMISSIONER MURRAY: Well, I appreciate that. Ijust-- you said it with such certitude that I just wondered if you knew something that they didn't know. Thank you. MR. SCHMIDT: No, sir, I don't. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Any other questions? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Sir, I have one. The crux of your comments seem to be on the size of the boat, thus related to the depth. They have a right .- they're here today only for one reason: For an extension. Basically the extension is five feet more than what comparable locations are like in that area. They don't have to be here if they were only to go to 20 feel. If they were to go to 20 feet, they could put in 70 boats. They Page 32 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 95 of 192 August 7, 2008 could do that by going down to the building department and getting a building permit. Is that more preferable to your organization than 34 boats -- or actually, how many, there's nine or so many in place, the additional boats they're asking here today, is it more important for you to stop those additional boats to the number that they're talking about because of their length versus allowing 70 to go in unrestricted? MR. SCHMIDT: I will first answer your question directly, and then I would like to expand upon it. Our residents and members of the board have no objection to the 20- foot dock. Weare concerned about the allowance under the Manatee Protection Act. But you have to be reasonable about this. . They can have 10 in 100 feet. But if you put 10 slips within 100 feet, the slips can only be 10 feet wide. Then you have to have pilings in there, and then there is no walkway to get from the shore to the boat. You can't practically put that many boats in that space. They might be able to get more than the 34 that they're asking for, but it certainly is not going to go to 70; they're prohibited by common sense and facts of measurement. They just won't fit. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, but if they were not to receive the extension today and they came back with an application and just got as many boats as they could fit in there, whether it be 50, 40, 60, whatever, that is more preferable to your organization than the extension that they're asking for today? MR. SCHMIDT: I have to say that is correct. We're very concerned about the large boats and trying to share the waterway with very large boats. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you. MR. SCHMIDT: Thank you, sir. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Under new business in this meeting, I have a letter from The Conservancy in a response to an issue that] brought up to them a month ago or two months ago involving loading capacity on waterways. Page 33 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2. 2008 Page 96 of 192 August 7, 2008 They've agreed there is a problem. They would like to see something done and would help in any kind of study that's initiated. And I would hope that your organization, as well as Turrell & Associates and all the others, would want to participate in such a program so that we can have a count as to what the waterways can hold. And under new business I was going to discuss that possibility today. MR. SCHMIDT: I think we would absolutely support that endeavor and we would participate. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you, sir. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Mark? And it's -- CHAlRMAN STRAIN: Go ahead, Mr. Schiffer. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: -- it's kind of what you were saying. Ashley, isn't the most they could have is 54? They can only have one per unit, correct? MS. CASERTA: Yes. Well, that's under the extension criterion. I would have to get back to you as far as how many they could actually have without an extension. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: And Mark, the 10 per 100, isn't that for a commercial establishment? CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I thought it was for a multi-family docking facility but -- or multi-slip docking facility. But I don't know if it differentiates, to be honest with you. MS. CASERTA: I'm sorry, r missed the question. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: The question is the 10 per 100, that's for a commercial facility, or-- MS. CASERTA: That's Manatee Protection Plan. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Right. For commercial, right? MR. KURTH: That's for all the above. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: But there's 54 residential here, correct? Page 34 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 97 of 192 August 7,2008 MS. CASERTA: Yes. COMMISSrONER SCHIFFER: So if they left it only -- okay, so there would be 54 at the most at 20 feet. Thank you. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Vigliotti? COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: Ashley, the gentleman just got up and spoke and he's concerned about 40-foot boats. Can we put a 40-foot boat? What is the largest that can go in that? MS. CASERTA: That's what I wanted to put on the record. The extension is for 35 feet, and that's for the dock facility including boat. So nothing could protrude further than that 35-foot mark. That's the edge of the boat, the motor, whatever is back there cannot protrude. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: Ashley,how do we monitor that those boats do not protrude? CHAIRMAN STRArN: Ashley, before you answer, since I have a lot of involvement with an issue like this, the DEP does the monitoring. They send inspectors out on a routine basis. They inspect very carefully. Not only do they inspect the length of the boats, they inspect every inch, lineal foot of every piece of wood that's placed out there and added at any time in the future. So -- and I know that for a fact because I'm dealing with some issues in that regard already. They've been very I think overly conscientious sometimes, but maybe that's to the good, COMMISSIONER CARON: And Mr. Strain, they've been out there monitoring. And once they're done with this monitoring that you're going through now, when will they be back again to monitor? CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Next month. They come out every month. COMMISSIONER CARON: They're going to come out monthly? CHAIRMAN STRAIN: They have been doing that for 10 years. They've come out -- Page 35 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 98 of 192 August 7, 2008 COMMISSIONER CARON: Geez, it will be interesting to find out how often they come in Vanderbilt Lagoon. I guarantee it's not monthly, it's not yearly -- CHAIRMAN STRAIN: From what I see in that aerial, I would hope they don't come out in Vanderbilt Lagoon too often, because some of those houses on the right side seem to have issues already that show up on the aerial that, I don't know, I would think maybe it's a good thing they don't. But anyway, go ahead, Mr. Schiffer. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Yeah, this points out that when the county established the 20-foot regulation -- and Commissioner Murray, you know, the fact that Ray doesn't remember it doesn't mean that it's not a good number, it means that it happened before Ray got here. That means that they really intended to have 20-foot boats, because it does limit the size of the boat. The extensions that we've favored in the past is where obviously the person couldn't get the boat up close to his house and we had to take that 20-foot boat and move it further out. So the extension was not to allow bigger boats, it was to allow that person the right, if it didn't violate our criteria, to have his 20-foot boat further out than 20 feet. MR. BELLOWS: For the record, Ray Bellows. I can put on the record that the LDC does not restrict boat size. So the boat dock extensions can and have been in the past used to allow for larger boats. There's nothing in the LDC that says the boat has to be 20 feet. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Let's get through this hearing. But after this hearing, Mark, let's have a conversation about boat docks. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, we're going to have a -- under new business [ have an issue involving this. And we need to get this one going forward. Page 36 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 99 of 192 ,,' ',~, August 7, 2008 Mr, Kolflat, then Ms. Caron again. COMM1SSIONER KOLFLA T: Yeah, I'd like to ask the attorney a question. As I understand it, they have a land lease agreement with the state here that allows them 40 feet as far as a boat they could dock there. Does the county ordinance negate that right that they have from the state? MR. KLA TZKOW: I wouldn't say it negates it, but we have a 20-foot limitation. We can be more restrictive. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: But we are limiting to 20 feet? MR. KLA TZKOW: We limit to 20 feet unless they get an extension, which requires this board to approve it. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: And that would limit the boat extension length to 35 feet. MR. KLATZKOW: Yes, that's what we're asking for here anyway. COMJv.HSSIONER KOLFLAT: Even though the state allows them to go to 40 feet if they wish. MR. KLA TZKOW: We can be more restrictive. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Okay. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: Yeah, I just wanted to reiterate that most of the extensions that we have given have been for individual homeowners as well. It's very difficult to get these dredge permits. So for somebody with a water depth problem, individual residential home site would be very difficult. So the most cost effective way to go about it is to extend out as long as it doesn't interrupt the channel. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, any other questions before we go to the next public speaker? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ray, would you call the next public speaker. MR. BELLOWS: Joe Connolly. Page 37 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 100 of 192 August 7, 2008 MR. COJ\i'NOLL Y: Mr. Schmidt covered everything that I would say. I yield. CHAIRMAN STRAlN: Mr. Connolly re -- yeah, isn't going to __ MR. BELLOWS: He has-- CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Withdrawn. MR. BELLOWS: Withdrawn his request. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you, sir. Anybody else? Ray, that's it? MR. BELLOWS: That's it. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: The applicant, you have an opportunity to say any closing comments, if you'd like. MR. KURTH: Thank you, and I'll be very brief. I just made a list in response to the public comments. Thirty-five protrusion includes the boat and the dock. This is what we're requesting today. This is goi.ng to be the total protrusions allowed, 35 feet. The submerged land lease is at 40 feet. It actually varies from 37 to 40 feet, and this is to prevent future compliance issues with the state. As Mark knows and I know, with three other projects in the immediate area compliance with DEP is not fun. It's nothing you want to get involved with. Today is 35 feet protrusion, that's what we're asking for. We do have a three-foot draft and that is to the bottom of the boat. If compliance were to go out there and check, it's three feet to the bottom of the boat, whether it's full of gas or it's empty. Ultimately we meet the criteria. I think we could request 40-foot boats today, but we're not. We have a lot of room in between the 25 percent width of waterway. We do meet the setbacks. If 54 is the upland units, then yes, 54 vessels would be the max we could have, jf that's the number of upland units. And I believe that's it. As far as the submerged resources, the oysters along the seawall, Page 38 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 101 of 192 August 7, 2008 it's just oyster debris, they're not live oysters. 1 have done -- completed a submerged resource survey and I have a drawing, if you would like to see it. That's it. Thank you. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you. Any other questions? Mr. Kolflat? COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: I don't have a question, I'd like to have a motion. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, we have to close the public hearing first. Hearing no other questions; we'll do that. Public hearing -- we'll close the public hearing and now we'll entertain a motion. Mr. Kolflat? COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Based on my judgment, I do not believe this petition meets primary criteria one nor primary criteria two, nor secondary criteria three, nor secondary criteria four, nor in concert with some ofthe opinions rendered by the neighbors here at this public hearing. Therefore, I move that we recommend to the county commission denial of this petition. COMMISSIONER CARON: Second. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, motion has been made by Mr. Kolflat, seconded by Ms. Caron. The motion needs discussion. Mr. Kolflat, you're citing primary criteria one and two. MR. KLA TZKOW: This doesn't go to the Board of County Commissioners, this is your vote. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: That was going to be another item I was going to ask. It ends here, Mr. Kolflat. So when we get done we'll amend your motion to recommend either approval or denial. And it's this board that makes the decision. It only goes to the BCC upon appeal. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: I'm sorry, I misspoke. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Right. But knowing that the appeal has Page 39 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2. 2008 Page 102 of 192 August 7, 2008 occurred in the past, one thing the Board of County Commissioners has asked, and you did this, is for us to state specifically why we are denying it. And you got into those issues, and 1 want to make sure they're real clear, so that if there is an appeal to the Bee, they understand why this board took that position. Primary criteria one is the number of boat dock or facilities or boats such proposed is appropriate in relation to the waterfront length, location, upland use and zoning of the subject property. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: r do not believe it's appropriate. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Primary two is talking about the water depth. And 1 think this was the one where they're dredging so the water depth is not an issue; is that where you're -- COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: That's correct. The water is being dredged to begin with, so regardless of what boats they put in there they will have the depth necessary to use a 20-foot dock. . CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Then YOLl got into your secondary criteria, and I believe the numbers you cited are? Can you say those again? COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Well, it says the length of vessels or vessels -- vessel or vessels does not exceed 50 percent of the linear waterfront frontage. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: That's number three, right? COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Yes. And this does exceed 50 percent. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: But Mr. Kolflat, it very clearly says -- and I'd rather we catch this concern now rather than have the Bee point it out to us -- it says for single-family dock facilities. It doesn't say for this application. So do you have another secondary criteria that you're concerned with? Because I don't know if that one realJy applies like you may believe it does. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Well, I think it applies, but I'll Page 40 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 103 of 192 August 7, 2008 CHAIRMAN STRAIN: But no, well, then I'd like to understand your reasoning, because it says for single-family dock facilities. And I'm not criticizing you, I want to make sure we send the message that's consistent and clear based on the language in front of us. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Well, I think the rationale for that is for open space, some open space when you have boats along the waterfront there. And therefore, the open space should still prevail and would be extended whether the upland use is single-family or whether it's marina or whatever it is. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. And it's your motion, so if you want to leave that one in there, that's fine. Is there another one in secondary criteria? COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Secondary four. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, the proposed facility would have a major impact on the waterfront view. of neighboring property owners. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: I think that's been brought up by some -- the testimony today by the public speakers that neighbors would have to look at this, and plus the traffic of the waterways. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Anything else, Mr. Kolflat, on the primary criteria? COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: No. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Mr. Schiffer? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: And Jeff, this is to you. You know, our 2006 where we've added the wording about the criteria, that's really only to approve it. I mean, do we need -- how do we disapprove a thing? Can we focus on one of the criteria and -- MR. KLA TZKOW: I think. Chairman Strain's approach is the proper approach, that if you're going to be voting in the negative that you state your reasons for the record why you're voting in the negative and then take your vote. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: And the scoring system to Page 4 ] Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 104 of 192 August 7, 2008 approve conversely is the scoring system to disapprove? MR. KLATZKOW: You know, I don't really view this as a scoring system. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Well, it's in there, 1 mean, it's-- MR. KLATZKOW: It's criteria that you're looking -- certain criteria. And from what I've heard from this planning commission's discussions is that you view the general rule in this county is 20 feet, then you want to see if there's a reason why you're not giving 20 feet here, such as lack of adequate depth of water. So now you're giving the reasons why you think they should not vary from the 20-foot mandatory requirement. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: All right, we'll save it for new business. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Vigliotti? COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: Yes. I will not be voting with the motion maker. I think we're here to decide whether this petition meets all the criteria required, We make the rules, we tell the petitioner what they must or must not do. They went through Army Corps, they went through DEP. In my opinion they've met all the criteria need be, Whether we like it or not or we think it's a great idea or not really doesn't factor in, in my opinion. I don't want to go off on tangents, as 1 said last time. I think we need to stick to what is presented to us, and I will not be voting with the motion maker. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ms. Caron, did you have something else you wanted to say? COMMISSIONER CARON: No, I'm fine right now. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, there's a motion made and it's been seconded. Needs a little bit of cleanup. The primary reasons that the motion maker has stipulated are numbers one and wo and the secondary are three and four. And in the motion, he indicated recommend approval of the BCe. He needs to Page 42 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 105 of 192 August 7,2008 change the motion to I'm assuming recommend denial? Is that what you're saying, Mr. Kolt1at? COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Yes. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Is the second-- MR. KLATZKOW: Not recommenddeniaJ, to deny. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Deny, I'm sorry. Yeah, to deny, COMMISSIONER CARON: To deny. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: And does the second concur? COMMISSIONER CARON: I do agree with the motion with the exception of secondary criteria number three. I would include secondary criteria one and two as being more appropriate than three. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, the motion is for primary one and two, secondary three and four. So we either yote for the motion or we amend the motion or we have a new motion if there's any corrections needed. . So I think if the second isn't going to yote for the motion and feels the criteria needs to change, we need to get that on the table. COMMISSIONER CARON: I'll askthe motion maker ifhe were willing to change his motion. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Change his motion to what? COMMISSIONER CARON: Change the criteria stated in your motion. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: I recommended primary criteria one and two, secondary three and four. COMMISSIONER CARON: Agreed with one and two on primary. Three only applies to single-family residences, so it can't be used on this multi-slip facility. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Well, I'll withdraw that one. COMMISSIONER CARON: So we probably should be looking at one, two and four, if you want to use four. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: I would agree with that, as amending the motion. Page 43 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 106 of 192 August 7, 2008 CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, So now the motion is for primary one and two, secondary one, two and four? And does the second agree to that? COMMISSIONER CARON: (Indicating.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Motion made and seconded for primary one and two, secondary one, two and four. Any further discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I have some discussion, It's very short. I looked at these criteria, and when Mr. Klatzkow said something at the beginning of the meeting, it changed my position. I thought that if they met four out of six of the primary, then it was a given they had -- there was no way we could turn it down. But r think what you said in the beginning of the meeting, that we can turn down for not meeting anyone of the criteria. MR. KLATZKOW: Right. If you have a substantial reason to turn it down, you should turn it down. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. However, in reading the actual language of the code, I cannot concur with the motion maker's reasoning on primary one and secondary two and four. So based on that, I cannot support the motion as it's stated. Now, there is going to be a discussion under new business as to a loading of waterways. This is before that. Obviously this doesn't fall under any new criteria. So if that helps, But right now I can't support the motion maker, but only because they picked the wrong criteria that 1 feel isn't consistent with the reasoning of the code. So with that said, Mr. Midney? COMMISSIONER MlDNEY: Yeah, I'm also agreeing with you, I don't agree with all of his criteria, but I'm definitely agreeing with primary criteria two. Is it possible that we might have a new motion to deny based on different criteria? CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, we could if the first motion fails, Page 44 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 107 of 192 August 7, 2008 yes. Mr. Schiffer? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: And this is again something we did in -- MR. KLA TZKOW: You guys, if you want, you could just make a motion to deny, then each of you give the various reasons why you're denying it. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, that would be much better, if the motion maker would accept that. Mr. Kolt1at? COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Yes. CHAIRMANSTRAfN: Would you accept just making a motion to deny? The second then would confirm that, and then as we vote we. can state our reasons why we agree or disagree with you. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Certainly. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. So you're making a motion to deny? COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Yes. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ms. Caron, do you second it? COMMISSIONER CARON: Yes. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: The reason I stipulated that was that we were instructed at our last meeting that if we were to make a motion of this nature, it would be helpful to, whether it was the County Commissioner or anyone else, to state exactly what we are basing our motion on. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Right, I understand, sir -- COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: In the past we haven't always done that. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Right, and we've still got to do that. But Mr. Klatzkow gave us a really good way to handle it, because we each have different reasons. Now during the motion, either affirming your position, we can Page 45 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 108 of 192 August 7,2008 state what primary and secondary criteria we're concerned with. So there's been a motion made and seconded to deny. r think we've had a lot of discussion, so now I'm going to ask starting with Mr. Kolilat, working our way across for a vote yea or nay. And if it's a support of Mr. Kolflat's motion to deny, then 1 need you to state your primary and secondary reasons, if any. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Mark, can 1 say something? CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Sure. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: And this is to Jeff. . Jeff, we have criteria to approve a boat dock, and it lists things like, you know, the number that -- things like that. But the reason is we have a requirement for 20-feet docks in Collier County. So isn't . the first test is, is there a need to extend this dock past the requirement of 20 feet? Why do we -- 1 mean, it's going to be embarrassing to go through and come up with the criteria to approve, using it as a criteria to deny, Now I realize in the appeal they're going to go up beiore the commission and say look, we met all the criteria, why didn't they approve us. But that's not -- you know, we've messed the code up with this, but the code is to criteria to approve. And some of them are just, you know, adding up the numbers and stuff, it has nothing to do with really criteria. So can't we just deny this on the fact that there's no need for an extension? MR. KLATZKOW: I think that can be one of your reasons, yes. But I do think you should, if you believe they are not consistent with either the primary or the secondary, also state those as well. CHAIRl\r1AN STRAIN: And Brad, I think individually we can make our own minds up on how to say we want to deny it or not. I'm not going to go along with your reasoning at all, so I'm going to still say what I'm going to say. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: I'hat's okay, Mark. But the Page 46 -- ~""^"'-"~- ,,--,_.",,_, .",....,..,.'~, ,_o."."~_;"~'"'"'' _,', Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 109 of 192 August 7, 2008 point is that making the commission go through the criteria I don't think is fair. I think, you know, we have a requirement of 20 feet. A lot of people in the county honor that and build 20-foot docks. This isn't fair to them to just not let that be the criteria. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: You don't have to list criteria. No one has to do that. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Okay, good. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: The BCC asked us to be clear why we vote for denial. I'm just trying to make sure we're as clear as possible. If you feel there's a better way to do it, then by all means in a minute or two when you get to vote, express yourself the way you want to. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Fire away. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Ka1flat, your reasons for denial. COMMISSIONER KOLFLA T: Do you want the criteria? CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Whatever you'd like, sir. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Criteria primary one and two, secondary four. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Schiffer? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: I'm going to vote to deny. There's no reason to not build the county required 20-foot dock. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Midney? COMMISSIONER MIDNEY: Deny because of primary criteria two and secondary criteria one. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: Deny based on primary criteria two and secondary criteria one and two. Additionally, I think there is just no reason why the extension -- why there is a need for an extension past the required 20 feet. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, I'm going to recommend -- I'm going to vote for support of the motion for denial for primary reasons two and three and secondary reason one. Mr. Adelstein? Page 47 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 110 of 192 August 7, 2008 COMMISSIONER ADELSTEIN: I'm going to do it on primary one and two. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Adelstein recommended denial as well -- or, yeah, support of the motion for denial. Mr. Murray? COMMISSIONER MURRAY: I'm going to vote to approve, not the motion, but approve the project. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: So you would be against the motion, COMMISSIONER MURRAY: That's correct. CHAIRMAN STRAm: Mr. Vigliotti? COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: I am also against the motion. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Mr. Wolfley? COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY; I am against the motion. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, motion carries 6-3. Thank you all. And I think we have -- Cherie', how are you holding out? THE COURT REPORTER: Fine, thank you. Item #9B PETITION: CU-2007-AR-12419. ABC LIQUORS INC. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, with that said, we will go on to the next case, Petition CU-2007-AR-12419. It's a conditional use for ABC Liquors on the comer of951 and U.S. 41. All those wishing to speak on behalf of this petition, please rise to be sworn in by the court reporter. (Speakers were duly sworn.) CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, are there testimony -- T'm sorry, disclosures on the part of the planning commission? COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: Yes. CHAIRMAN STRAfN: Mr. Vigliotti? Page 48 A No. 7C ;e2' 008 ~ p.,. 111 92 'I C'....J \. . -.~I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-1 _ AS AMENDED, THE COLLffiR COUNTY LAN DEVELOPMENT CODE, WlDCH INCLUDES T ~+ ~.. COMPREHENSIVE REGULATIONS FOR THE "!tIWll"\; UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS; SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE, ADOmON OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, MORE SPCIFlCALLY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING: ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.1. GENERAL; DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMIlTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS INCLUDING THE ADOPTION OF THE IMMOKALEE NON-CONFORMING MOBILE HOME PARK OVERLAY DISTRICT, THE ADOmON OF THE ACTIVITY CENTER # 9 OVERLAY DISTRICT, AND THE ADOPTION ON INTERIM ZONING CONTROLS IN THE RESIDENTIAL TOURIST (RT) ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED IN THE VANDERBILT BEACH AREA, AND AMENDMENTS TO THE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY PROFESSIONAL OFFICE COMMERCIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT, IMMOKALEE OVERLAY DISTRICT, SANTA BARBARA COMMERCIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT AND BA YSHORE DRIVE MIXED USE OVERLAY DISTRICT; DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.5. SIGNS; DIVISION 2.6 SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; ARTICLE 3, DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS, DIVISION 3.2,' SUBDIVISIONS; DIVISION 3.3 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS;.. DIVISION 3.5, EXCAVATION; DIVISION 3.6, WEu;:g ~ CONSTRUCTION; DIVISION 3.16 GROUNDWATE&;i'! ~ PROTECTION; ARTICLE 6. DEFINITIONS, DIVISION6.$~ z "TI DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THiil~ <Xl r= DEFINITIONS FOR THE TERMS FRONT YARD, RlGHT-O~":; WAY AND TRACT; SECTION FOUR; READOPTION OF LANp!!O: ~ m DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENTS, MORJg~.. 0 SPECIFICALLY READOmNG THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ~ CJ1 ZONING DIVISION 2.2, ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMIlTEit'" ..... USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS; AND DIVISION 2.7, ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; SECTION FIVE, ADOmON OF AMENDED ZONING ATLAS MAP; SECTION SIX, REPLACEMENT OF APPENDIX C ENTITLED FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS WITH A REVISED EXHIBIT C; SECTION SEVEN, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION EIGHT, INCLUSION IN THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AND SECTION NINE, EFFECTIVE DATE. EXHIBIT "D" ORDINANCE NO. 02- ~ WHEREAS. on October 30, 1991, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 91-102. the Collier County Land Development Code (hereinafter WC) . which has been subsequently amended; and WHEREAS. the LDC may not be amended more than two times in each calendar year pursuant to Section 1.l9.l., LDC; and Words sB<li:el€ thl'BUgR are deleted. words underlined are added. I Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 112 of 192 WHEREAS, this is the fml amendment to !he LDC, Ordinance 91-102, for the calendar year 2001; and WHEREAS, on Marcb 18, 1997, tbe Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 97-177 establishing local requirements and procedures for amending tbe LDC; and WHEREAS, all requirements of Resolution 97-177 bave been met; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, in a manner prescribed by law, did hold advenised public hearings on December 19. 2001 and January 9. 2002, and did take action concerning these amendments to !he LDC; and WHEREAS, the subject amendments to the LDC are hereby delennined by this Board to be consistent with and to implement the Collier County Growtb Management Plan as required by Subsections 163.3194 (1) and 163.3202 (I), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, all applicable subslantive and procedural requirements of the law have been met. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that: SECI10N ONE: RECITALS The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth. SECTION TWO: FINDINGS OF FACT of fact: The Board of County Conunissioners of Collier County. Florida. hereby makes the following findings l. Collier Counly. pursuant to Sec. 163.3161. ~ !!:!j., Fla. Stat.. the Florida Local Government Camp,rehensive Planning and Land Development Regulations Act (hereinafler the "Act"), is required to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan. 2. After adoption of !he Comprehensive Plan, the Act and in particular Sec. 163-3202(1). Fla. Stat., mandates that Collier County adoptiand development regulations that are consistent with and implement the adopted comprehensive plan. 3. Sec. 163.3201. Fla. Stat.. provides that it is the intent of the Act that the adoption and enforeement by Collier County of land developmenl regulations for the total unincorporated area shall be based on; be related 10, and be a means of implementation for, the adopted Comprehensive Plan as required by the Act. 4. Sec. 163.3l94(1)(b), Fla. Stat., requires that all land development regulations enacted or amended by Collier County be consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Pian, or element or portion thereof, and any land development regulations existing at the time of adoption which are not consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan, or eiement or portion !hereof, shall be amended so as to be consistent. 5. Sec. 163.3202(3), FIa. Stat., slates that the Act shall be construed to encourage the use of innovative land development regulations. 6. On January 10. 1989. Collier County adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan (hereinafter the "Growth Management Plan" or "OMplt) as its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 1634.3161l!SYJ. Fla. Stat., and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. 7. Sec. l63.3194(1)(a), Fla. Stat., mandates that after a Comprehensive Plan. or element or portion thereof, has been adopted in conformity with the Act, all development undertaken by. and all actions taken in regard to development orders by, governmental agencies in regard to land covered by such Comprehensive Plan or element or portion thereof shaH be consistent with such Comprehensive Plan or element or portion thereof. Words SH"lidt Ihrali'l. are deleted, words underlined are added. 2 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 113 of 192 8. Pu~uant to Sec. 163.3194(3)(a), Fla. Stat., a development ordet or land development regulation shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, in the Comprehensive Plan and if it meets all other critetla enumerated by the local govemment. 9. Section 163.3194(3)(b). PIa. Stat., requires that a development approved or undertaken by a local guvemment shall be con,;stent with the Comprehensive Plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, capacity or size, timing, and other aspects of development are compatible with, and further the objectives, policies, land uses. densities or intensities in the Comprehensive Plan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 10. On October 30, 1991. Collier County adopted the Collier County land Development Code, which became effective on November 13, 1991 and may be amended twice annually. 1 \. Collier County finds that the land Development Code is intended and necessary to preserve and enhance the present advantages that exist in Collier County; encourage the most appropriate use of land. water and resou",es, consistent with the public interest; overcome present handicaps; and deal effectively with future problems that may result from the use and development of land within the lotal unincorporated are of Collier County and it Is inlended that this land Development Code preserve, promote. protecl, and improve the public health, safety, cnmfort. good order, appearance, convenience, and genero! welfare of Collier County; prevent the overcrowding of land and avoid tbe undue concentration of population; facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of transportation. water, sewerage schools, parks. recreational facilities, housing, and other requirements and services, conserve, develop, utilize, and protect natural resources within the jurisdiction of Collier County; and protect human. environmental, social, and economic resources; and maintain through orderly growth and development, the character and stability of present and future land uses and development in Collier County. 12: It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County 10 implement the Land Development Code in accordance with the provisions of the Collier County Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 125, Fla. Stat.. and Chapter 163, Fla. Stat., and through these amendments to the Code. SECTION THREE: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SUBSECTION 3.A. AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL DIVISION Division 2.1., Genero!. of Ordinance 91-102, as amended, the Collier County land Development Code, is hereby wnended 10 read as follows: Sec. :U.IS. Prohibited uses Bnd strodures. * . * * * * . * * * * 6. In anv zoninll district. where the list of permitted and conditional uses contains the phrase "anv other use which is comosrable in nature with the forel!Oin2' uses and is consistent with the oennilled uses and nuroose and intent s:t5lt"'ment of the district" or any similar ohrase which nrovides for a use which is not clearlv defined or described in the Hst of oermltted and conditional uses. which reouires the discretion of the planninl! services director or other staff, as to whether or not it is permitted in the district. then the determination of whether or not that use is pemtitted in the district shall be made thmUl~h the process outlined in division 1.6. intemretations. of this code. SUBSECTION 3.B. AMENDMENTS TO ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARD DIVISION Division 2.2., Zoning Districts. Pennitted Uses, Conditional Uses. Dimensional Standards, of Ordinance 91-102. as amended, the Collier County land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: Words 9W~81( tkr8tigh are deleted. words underlined are added. 3 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 114 of 192 DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS . . . . . * . . . . . See. 2.2.2. Rural agricultural district (A). . * . . * . . . . . . Pennilted uses. * . . * . . . . . . . 9. Essential services. as set foIth in section Conditional uses. The following uses are permitted as conditional uses in the rural agricultural district (A). subject to the standards and procedures established in division 2.7.4. * * * . * * * . * * * 26. Essential services. as set forth in section 2.6.9 2 See. 2.2.3. Estates district (E). * . * * * * * * * * * Permitted uses. * * * * * * . * * * * 3. Essential services. as set forth in section 2,6.9.1. Conditional uses. The following uses are pennissible as conditional uses in the estates district (E), subject to the standards and procedures established in division 2.7.4: * * * * * * * * * * * 7. Extraction or earthmining. and related processing and production not incidental to the development of the property subject to the following crherian. a. Th~ (lite mtt.at be a 81UXiftll:lfB. af 29 tt6!'e5 in Jizc. The site area shall not exceed 20 acres. 8. Essential services. as set forth in section See. 2.2.12. Commercial professiooaiand 2eneral omce district (C.I) aM ...mmereial pr8fe09i""altrall,,itlanai IIist".1 (C ),T). Purpose and intent. Th.e C 1 eemmef6ialluefessisRal dismet is iate.ftsea ia permit taese Y5eB whieh minlffl:i2e I'edesuiaa ami "!eweular Htifis. The pPe Jisieas sf die C 1 sis.riet are ifite.n.eie~ t8 apply t8 Biea5 laeat.ed aajaeeat 16 higk flays ami arterial reads.. Landsesl!'iag, eefttreJlea iagtreS5 &Be egRBB, and ether re.smettBft5 are iateBEle.a te miRimi~e fre~l:IeRt iftgfe3S and egress la the higtY.:ay fl:em aSHuiBg uses. The C 1 dismel is aesigseel ta he eempatiele ...ilk all FeSiaefui&l Haas, as i.'leU as fesieleatial Hses laeeted aleag arterials. The C 1(1" eafRfftereia:l pf6fe~5i8f1al/kBBsifie8itl aistpjet is hneaaea ta &J3ply la ~ese Elfeas that Bfe 1ftU1&!tieftal ana laestes. l3e1.veeR ~as afhighar MS lel,"JeF iftteRSil5'" de",'elepffieftt. The Hses iR !kis aistriet are effi.S!S!, 18'\ iHfeftsit) seF..iee \:l.!Je&, aREI Hlftilea FeSiElsRtial \UieS that meet tke biteRt sf ~e C 1fT eemmereiHl )9fafessieRaI.1ransitisRM distriet. Thess ltf8S8 ideRtiHe~ !;is lflutsirieftaJ (C J,'f) saall Be {Hither Rat.es. aft the effieiaI z8aiag aUas. The eemmereiaJ I'rafessisaal elistfiat sad tRe eemmereiej prefessienal/tf"Bflsiti8RaI aistFiet lire eeA.!Jist.eal witH the Words lMf'Ueh tRrekllk are deleted. words urtdcrlined arc added. 4 Agenda Item No, 7C December 2, 2008 Page 115 of 192 lea.aeBal ealerWl .fer eemmereial ed. the geals. eBjeeli. es Ed paIisies as ideRtlHed in the NttHe laBS liSS 81eHleR! eftl=te Callier Cetlftt) gm;/tIt HUl&&g8ftleRt "JaR. The R'lafliffittffi seftsity permi5sisle i8 me eemmereial pPefeooieBsl aistriet Wlfl lke eeffifflerehll prafe!iSi6RallifltAsll:ieasl distriet shall he BB jJrs' 'iaes fer h.r.ie. The C liT za.jeg diol,iet. 'vll... .IUi..d Ie meet !lie jftt.At ef Ill. elite. tlRa iRtil1 e6RuHeFeial stiefii!:itFiet prs\isieRS ef~Re future IttftBl:ISe eh~81eftt sftke .amp"'..A.iv. growth meA.gelllllAt plaA, shell eAI)' he applies eA. Ii.... ta e.f". ilS tnH\liilieRall:lli~ !:lAd .,. ill Ret Be plI!flniuet! 113 eJlfll:lRtl tldjaeeHt 16 elher eSffimereill1 zeaiag BetalfteS "ra esasisteaey 1,.\ ilk the ames Bftd iftfill eeRl.J11ereiel sl:I.l3aistFiet I'rs"/iaieR5. The C-l commercial orofessional and ~eneraJ office district is intended to allow a concentration of office type buiJdin2s and land uses that are most comnatible with. and located near. residential areas. Most C-I commercial orofessional and 2eneral office districts ure contiguous to or when within u PUD will be plnced in close oroximitv to residential anms. l.lnolhcrcfoTc scrve us a transition,,1 zoninl! district between residential areas and hie:her intensity commercial zonine: districts. The tvoes of office uses oermitted are those that do not have hiah traffic volumes throue:hout the day. which extend into the evenin2 hours. Thev will have mornin2 and evenin~ short~term -peak conditions. The market SUDDOn for these office uses should be those with a locaHzed basis of market SUDDort as onoased to office functions reQuirin2 inter-jurisdictional and re~ional market SUDDort. Because office functions have sie:nlficant emDlovment characteristics. which are compounded when ae:e:ree:ations occur. certain oersonal service uses shall be oennitted. to Drovide a convenience to office-based emoJovment. Such convenience commercial uses shan be made an inte~ral part of an office buildin2 as oODOsed to the sine:ular use of a buildinll. Housinll may also be a comoonent of this district as orovided for through conditional use approval. * .. * * * Minimum yard requiremt!nts. * * . . . * I. Front yard. 25 feet. .r .Re half of lho hoUSing height .. me.."red fre... eaeh eJUerier \'/811, J. hlehe. er is ~eatel'. 2. Side yard. 15 feet. OAe kalf of the ..ildiAg height as ........"'s {fa'" e.oh eJ[:tel'"ler '::adl witi:l a ffiiRlfmun af IS feet. ' 3. Rear yard. 15 feet, er eRe half ef the lluildjAg heigkt as "'...Uf.S ff<J... eaek eJl.tet4er wall, v:hieaever is IRe greater. * * * * . . . . . * * Sec.2.2.13. Commercial eonvenienc. dlstriet (C.2). Purpose and intent. The purpose ond intent of the commercial convenience district (e- 2) is to provide lands where commercial establishments may be located to provide the small seal. shopping llnd personal needs of the surrounding residentiallllnd uses within convenient travel distance exceDt to the extent that offic. uses canied fOlward from the C-l district will expllnd the traditional nei,hborhood size However the intent of this district is that retail and service uses bv of a nature that can be economicallv supported bv the immediate residential environs. Therefore. the uses should allow for iloods and services that households ~auire on a daily basis. as ODJ>OSed to those l!'Oods and services that households seek for the most favorable economic Drice and therefore require much lamer trade areas. It is intended that the C-2 district implements the Collier County growth management plan within those areas designated agri~ulturallrural; estates neighborhood center district of the Golden Gate Master Plan; the neighborhood center district of tbe lmmokaJee Master Plan; and the urban mixed use district of the future land use element permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for commercial and the goals, objectives and policies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier County growth management plan. The maximum density pennissible in the commercial convenience district and the urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided, in part, by the density rating system contained in the future land use element of the Collier County growth management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in a district shall not exceed the denSity permissible under the density rating system. Words lIlrtlell IoBrskllfl are deleted. words underlined Bce added. 5 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 116 of 192 * . * . * . . . * * . Minimum yard reqlliremellts, I. Fron! yard. 25 feet.. Sf 8Re half af the Building height aa measured frsm eaeh emerier I:all. :,'aieke' er is W:ie gEeater, 2. Side yard. ~ 08e half sf the BuiJliing heigkt as measured fram eaeh eJHerier ",'all .:ita a miaiffium sf 15 feel 3. Rear yard. i5 feet.. ar 88e half sf tke Buileiiftg height as m8asuFed fralfl sash extemaI J. aU. ';/hiehe\'er is Hla gsater. 4. Any yard abutting a residential parcel. A minimum of ~ 25 feet. * . . . * . . . . . . Sec.2.2.14. Commercial intermediate district (C.3). Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of the commercial intermediate district (C~3) is to provide for a wider variety of goods and services intended ffi fm: areas that have exoected to receive a higher degree of automobile traffic. The tvoe and variety of 200ds and services are those that provide an ODDOrrunitv for comparison. shoDoimr and have a trade area consisting of several nei~hborhood& and are Dreferablv located at the intersection of two arterial level streets. Most activity centers meet this standard. This l3istfiet is iRt8ft~fi ta ee eefBl'aeble .....ith l'esiaefttial ar-e8:3 BNtI is HBt bnBRtled Ie J:leuRit whelesaURg, Sf aetivities it,'J;tieh FeEl\:life Bl:1tsiae stsl'age sf mereaaluiisa us efll;lipmeRl. This district is also intended to allow all of the uses Dermined in the C~ 1 and C-2 zonin2 districts typicallv aE!e-re~ated in olanned shoDn.ne centers. This district is nor intended to permit wholesaJinf! tvee of uses or land uses that have associated with (hem the need for outdoor storal!C of eauipment and merchandise, A mixed.use Droiect containine a residential comoonent is oennitted in this district subiect to the criteria established herein, The C-3 district is permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for commercial and the goals. objectives lind poHcies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier County growth management plan, The maximum density permissible in the commercia! intermediate district and the urban mixed ose land use designation shan be guided, in part. by the density rating system contained in the future land use eJement of the Collier County growth management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in a district shall not exceed the densily permissible under the density rating system, . . . . . . . . . * * Minimum yard requirements. I. Front yard. 25 feet or one-half of the building height as measured from Ilrade eeeR eKteRer 'I. all. whichever is the greater. 2. Side yard. One-half of the building height as measured from~....a entsFisr '..all, with a minimum of J5 feet. 3. Rear yard. 15 feet or one-half of the height of the building as measured from ~eaeR enteRS! '::aU, whichever is the greater. . . * . . . . .. . . . See. 2.2.15. General commercial district (C-4). Purpose and inrent. The plffflBse &Aa intern sf the geR!f8.J eSRUftereial Bistriet (C ~) is fa eBfteenEHte 8sffiffiereial de" 'elepffle..8t at the interseatie8s Bf Bftsaal 'Saal en the eeHftt~..S majer FeilS net',vBAE .:, here lHffie ilBf'aelS eaR FeaElily he aeeemfftsBatea, t6 averS: skip. ana Elissrgani2eEl paUsms sf eemmeFeial Words stPuek IhrSi:lgR are deleled, words underlined are added. 6 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 117 of 192 as"/elepmeftl, and Ie sreats 2SAmleRlial eeRtefS ".vitl'lin Callie.r CB\lft~ where a68Hfl6reial ile':elepmeRt Be l3esafit frem praKiR\~ te e$elr eemmeftlial eeBtm. The Ileneral commercial district is intended fO olavicle for those {vues of land uses that attract Inrl:!c sC2menls of the DODulation at lhe same time by vinue of scale. cou'Dled with the ewe of activitv. The pumose and intent of tbe C-4 district is to provide the ooportunitv for the most diverse tVDes of commercial activities deliverinG! ,,:oods and services includin2 entertainment and recreational attractions. at a lar2er scale then the C~ 1 throueh C-3 districts. As such. all of the uses permitted in the C-l throuah C-3 districts are also oermitted in the C-4 district. The outside stora2:e of merchandise and eouiDment is orohibited. exccot to the extent that it is associated with the commercial activity conducted on site such as bUI nol limited to automobile sales. marine vessels. and the renting: and leasing: of equipment. Activitv centers are suitable locations for the uses oermitted bv the C- 4 district because most activity centers are located at the intersection of arterial ronds: therefore the uses in the C-4 district can most be sustained bv the transponation network of maior roads. The C 4 sislli.t will anew a ~fD'" ffIl\gB ef eSffiJfleFeial uses '.'/jth appfElpriate stansa<<ia te eRSIMe aee~t:lale landseaping, and ~afferiRg ef allja.ent lans ase5. The C-4 district is pennitted in accordance with the iocational criteria for commercial and the goals. objectives and policies llS identified in the future land use element of the Collier County growth management plao. The maximum density permissible or pennitted in a district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating system. * * * * * * * * . . . Minimum yard requirements. I. Front yard. 25 feet or one-half of the height ofthe building llS measured' from "ade eae. .!tleAer wall. whichever is the greater. Structures 50 feet in height or greater shall maintain a minimum of a 25 foot front yard setback and shall be required to provide an additional one foot of sethack for eacb foot of building height in excess of 50 feet. 2. Side yard. 15 feet or aGne-half of the building height llS mellSured from ~ade. eaeh eKterier /Vall. 3. Rear yard. 15 feet or one-half of the building height lls measured from ~rade elieh eJuerief wall, whichever is greater. ' . * . * . . . . . * . Maximum height. +00- lifeet. . * * * * . * . * . . Sec. :U.lSll2. Heavy commercial district (C-S). 2.2.15'12.1. Purpose and inlenL In addition to the uses provided in the C-4 zoning district. the heavy commercial district (e-5) allows a range of more intensive commercial uses and services which are ilenerallv those uses that lend to utilize outdoor "oace in the conduct of the business. The C-5 district permits heavy commercial services such as fuU~service automotive repair, and establishments primarily' engaged in construction and specialized trade activities such as contractor offices, plumbing, heating and air conditioning services, and similar uses !I:m1 typicallv have a need to store construction associated equipment and supplies within an enclosed structure or have showrooms displavin2 the building- material for which they soecialize. Outdoor storage yards are pennitted with the requirement that such yards are completely enclosed or opaquely screened. The C-S district is pennitted in accordance with the locational criteria for commercial and tbe goals, objectives and policies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier County growth management plan. Th.E. 818niffttlffi aensitj J3ennissible ia the bea. 'l eemmereial antllfie ufl:lB:f~ m.ift.ed t1se lafttl tiS! aesigaaEien 5sal.ll3e gHidali. iR part, B} the fleBsity _fig Sj5tem esot&laea ia the ItitHre lar.s use Blemeat sf tHe Callier CauRt) pe-r.V""..a mane.gem8at plan. 'llls R'lanifnHffl rjeB5ity fle_ssjel! ar pefffi.ittea ia a distriet BllaH RB! eftseea t-h8 ae8sity peflllissihle uElder the sessit) f8LiRg system. * * * * . * * . * . * Words str~elE dU81:tgh IU'C deleted, words und~rlined are added. 7 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 118 of 192 2.2.15112.4.3. Minimum yard requirements. 1. Front yard. 25 feet. 2. Side yard. ~ ORe he:lf Bf the InlilWRg heigfit 8S RleB5tffe~ wam eaeh euteAer ~'il1J '!:ith a fBiniaUiRl af IS feet. 3. Rear yard. IS feet. DRe half ef fhe hei1Eling heigkt 85 meastlcea &em Baek entene! '1:al1. * * * * * * . . * * * See. 2.2.20. Planned unit development district (PUD). . . . . * * . . . . * Streets, drives, parking and service areas. Streets, drives. parking and service areas shaH provide safe and convenient access to dweJJing units and project facilities, and for service and emergency vehicles and shall be otherwise consis~e: with the Collier County Functional Classification and Future Roadwav PI~s. _ mav be amended from time to timet:. Ml.l streets shall Ret Be 98 Iala But as te BflSStiFage 81il'siae traffie Ie 1:fa"lers.e tae de. eJef:jm.er1t eft miRe! streets, Ref eesl::lpy m.ere tflaa is Fe"lliiEea Ie pfe. iae seeess 85 isd:ieateEl. Har ereB.te1:l8Seeessary fragmeataHBR ef [he develepmflH[ iete small blealE5, Rer shall !i.Streets shall be laid out and-ffl' conslrUcled so as IlQ! to require excessive cuts or fills or to interfere with desirable drainage in or adj~cent to the district. **.. * . . . * . * . . * * Special requirements for industrial pianned unit developments. Industrial PUDs are intended to implement the industrial under criteria subdisfrict as provided for in the urban designated areas on the fUlUre land use map. The bouodaries of the proposed PUD must be transitional. therefore. requiring uses along the perimeter to be compatible with nonindustrial uses. The project must have direct access to an arterial, Q!' caUeelO! level street or hieher desi,nation roadway, with an internal circulatio'n system that prohibits industrial traffic from traveling through predominately residential areas. **** * . . . . . * . . . * See. 2.2.26. Golden Gate Parkway Professlona' Office Commercia. Overlay District (GGPPOCO): special conditions for the properties abulling Golden Gate Parkway east of Santa Barbara Boulevard as referenced In the Golden Gale Parkway Professional Office Comme...ial District Map (Map 2) of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. * . * * * * * * * * * Access. Access to projects shall be provided exclusively via Golden Oate Parkway and shall be limited to one per 450 feet commencing at the center line of Santa Barbara Boulevard but shall nonetheless comDlv with the Access Control Policv (Res. 01~247) in niece at the time of devclooment. . . * * * * * . . * * See. 2.2.28. Immokalee Overlay Districts. . * . * * . . * . . . Access points for future commercial development shaJI be limited to a maximum. one per 150 feet of street frontage. Properties with less than the required street frontage, shall be encouraged. and mav be reauired as a condition of site develonmem DiaD annrovsl. to utilize shared access points with adjoining commercia! development. Words Slrl:lalllltre4gfl arc deleted. words underlined arc added. 8 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 119 of 192 . . . . . . . . * * Yard requirements. * See. %.%.%9. 22.29.1. %.2 29 3. Maximum yard requirements. 1. Front yard. SeYeR-or I~en feet exceut in the event of an awnin2. arcade or colonnade which may extend uo to seven (7) feet into the reauired vard. 2. Side yard. Zero in the event a wan is contieuous to another wan Oil an adiacent oroncrtV. otherwise ten feet. Minimum yard requirements. 1. Rear yard. ~ ffive feel. . . . . . * * . * * * NOD ConrormiD2 Mobile Home Park Overlav Subdistrict: Establishmenl of soecial conditions for these oronerties which bv virtue of actions orecedinl! the adootion of Ordinance No. 91-102. on October 30. 1991 were deemed to be nonconfonnimz as a result of inconsistencies with the land develoDment code. and are located within the Immokalee Urban Boundarv as dCDicted on the lmmokalee Area Master Plan. PurrJose and intent: The ouroose of these nrovisions is to recoenize that there are nonconfonnine: m()bile home Darks in the lmmokalee Urban Area. to orovide incentives to u02rade these Darks white reauirin2 the elimination of substandard units. and to allow nark owners to take advantage ofaltemative deveJooment standards in order to cause some lIoli!radinlZ of conditions that would nonnallv be reauired of confonnimz mobile home narks. Travel trailers. reqardless ofthe SQuare foota2e. are not ocnnitted as 8 oennanent habitable structure. Required site imDrovement Dlan oDo/ication: All nonconfonninil mobile home develoomentsloarks th.1 oredate Ordinance No. 91-102.lhe land develooment code. shall be reauired 10 submil. sile imorovemenl ol.n (SIP) within twelve (12) months ofadcotion cflhis .mendment. The site imorovemcnt Dlan (SIP) master Dlan shall illustrate the way existine buildings are laid out and the infrasttucture (i.e. utilities. streets. drainalZe. landscaoinu: Darkin!:! and the like) to serve those buildings. The number and location ofbuildine:s shall be reviewed for consistency with code reauirements (i.e. setbacks. soace between buildine:s. density. and the like). Similarly. the SIP shall serve to Drovide a basis for obtaining: aOOTova) of reauired infrastructure imDrovements such as those referenced herein. The aooroved SIP showine al1 of the above shaH become the official record acknowledl!inl! the leli!al use of tbe oroncrtv. Failure to initiate this nrocess will result in a code violation in which the Dronertv owner will be reouired to immediately remove all mobile homes which have not received a buildinsz cennit and al1 mobile homes deemed to be unsafe and unfit for human habitation. and otherwise contrarY to the county's housinl!: code unless othenvise nrohibited bv state law. Pre-aDD/ication meetine reouirements: Prior to makine an aoolication to submit an SIP. the orooertv owner and/or allent is reauired to have a Dre-aoolication meetin2 with Comer County olannine: staff. Coordinatinll this nrocess will be the resoonsibilitv of the asshmed olanner who will establish a date for the meetine and wilJ advise other review staff to attend the meetinll. The owner of the omDertv or ae:ent renresentimr the owner shall brine: to the meetine a survey DJot Dlan showinq the location of an buildinlls and structures. and nreferablv a draft olan showine: the nronosed layout of buildines and infrastrUcture imorovements. The 8D'Dlicant shall consult with the Immokalee Fire Denartment and the Immokalee Sewer and Water District Drior to the ore. Words !lash lBrB\lgh are deleted. words underlined arc added. 9 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 120 of 192 aonlicalion meetin~ Within 90 daYS after the Dre~B.DDlicatian meetina. the owner/silent shall submit the SIP aooHcation and sUDoortine documents. Failure to submit a formal SIP shall cause a citation to be issued to the oronertv which may culminate in the reauirement to remove all buiJdinlZs and structures as Drovided above unless otherwise orohibhed bv Slate law. SIP submission reauirements. DreoarariOlr sta,rdards QfuJ notes: 1. An aDoJication for an SIP on a form crenated bv CoUier County shall be sismcd bv the owner or a2'ent of the orooertv owner in the form of an affidavit as indicated on the BDoJication form. 2. A survey plan showing all buildinlIs and structures their uses and the actual size of the structures. 3. A site improvement Dlan showin2'the prooosed location of all buildin2's. and aU reauired infrastructure. drawn to scale on a 24" x 36" sheet(s) i11ustratin2' the followine information: 8. Park name address and ohone number of al!ent preoarlnl!: the Dlan and address and phone number of (he Dmnertv owner. b. Folio number(s) of Drooertv and total site area. c. Zonin~ designation and land use on subiect and adiacent oropertv. d. North arrow. scale and date. e. Landscapinl!. nronosed and existing. f. ParkinS! soaces. 2. Setbacks and seace between buildine measurements. h. Location and arrangement of in2J'ess/eeress ooints. L Tvne of surface of all access roadways leading to the Dark. and within the nark. i. Location of all structures in the Dark (units. office. accessory buildine. etc.) k. Location of dumoster or trash container enclosure. I. Location and heie:ht of walls and/or fences. m. Where aoplicable. dimensions of Jots. width of internal streets and desirpt cross-section of streets and drainasm improvements. 4. Plans do not have to be sil!ned and sealed bv a orofessional en2ineer. however. olans must be orepared bv a gerson havinJl knowlede:e of draftine skills and basic enl!ineerine construction standard! which mnv include a Daraorofessional associated with a orofessional en1!ineerinl!. architectural. landscaoe architectural firm or licensed contractor. S. Prior to approval of the SIP the county buildinsr insoector will identifv all mohlJe homes not meetifill minimum housinR code standards and minimum floor area reauirements for mobile homes as defined in this code. Those mobile home units that cannot be rehabilitated shaH be removed within twelve (12) months of the aDoroval of the SIP unless omhibited bv law and shall be so indicated on the SIP. Words slfllel< l:I-.flltlgh are deleted. words underlined are added. 10 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 121 of 192 6. Mobile bome units meetinll the housin2 code and as defined in this code may renlace the units removed.' nrovided the rCDlacement units do not exceed the maximum number of units allowed on the oril!inal SIP. 7. The number of units anproved on the SIP will be aIJowed to remain. excet't for those identified substandard units which must be removed in accordance with lhe timeframes referred to in subsection so lonl! as the reauirements of the ncomved SW are imolemented and a buildinl! permit has been obtained for each unir. 8. A rhlht~of~wav oermit shall be reauired. This oennit shall be obtained prior to BOJ'roval of the SIP. A CODY of same sban be submitted to the asshmed olanner. Improvement standards: I. Roads and drainaee: Private roads leadinsz to and serving the mobile bome park or mobile bome lots musl be improved and maintained. and shall consist of a dust free surface with a minimum width of 20 feet. The dust free surface mav consist of 82'e:re28te malerialtreated with oil-based material that will bind the 81l,re2Bte material into a form of macadam mod finish. A drainaee ditch CDDable of ""orin~ the first one inch of rainfall shall be incorporated into the ri2hl-of-wav desi2nwcross section. exclusive of the reauired 20 feet Drainae:e shall be directed to a DubHe road via the orivate road and/or easement conveyance. unless it can be croved that the on-site oercolation rates exceed the on-site retention requirement. 2. Landscaoine: Landseaoe imorovcments shall be shown on the SIP. either senararelv or collectively on the same !!heet as the site olan. Existine: trees may be credited Durmant to subsection of this code. 8. The 'Clan shall be nrenared bv a landsca~ architect landscanc desie:ner or landscaoe contractor or o8Tl\Pcofessional associated with such a firm and havine: knowled2e of Florida olaol material and olanrimr reauirements. Landscaoe clans do not need to be shmed and sealed when orenated by a licensed landscaoe architect. b. Landscaoio2 requirements are as follows: i. A lO~foot wide landscaoe buffer. with one'sin21e hedeerow and trees soaeed 30 feet on center alom! Drooertv lines abumo!!: a ri2ht~of-wav. H. Trees spaced 50 feet on center alom! internal boundarv lines. Hi. Pennitted trees include live oak. sYcamore. red In8nle. and sweet t!um. Under electrical transmission Hnes simDson steDner. ma2Ilolia. east Pal atka hollv. and dahoon bollv trees arc permitted. iv. Fixed irrie-ation systems which shall include two irri2ation bubblers. ner tree. 3. Fire protection standards: Where a public water line is available. a hydrant will be reouired to serve the nark, Should water line Dressure be inadeauate. arran2emenrs shaH be Words .51:1t1l!lllkr8t1g!' are dclclCU. words underlined arc Ilddcd. II Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 122 of 192 made to seck ~DDroVal of the Irnmokalee Fire Denartment to confirm that suoplemental fire aQp8.ratus is adeauate for fire nrotection. 4. Trash disnosat: A dumnster or enclosure for individual containers is reauired in accordance with section 2.6.15 of this code. No dUffiosler shall be teeKled closer than IS feet from any DubHe street. 5. Dimensional standards: a. Mobile home nark overlav subdistrict setbacks shall be as follows. ["lerier roads: i. Front yard - 10 feet ii. Side yard - 5 feel iiL Rear yard - g feet iv. Cluster/no lot lines- minimum ~pace between structures-IO feel. b. From all DubHe road frontaees Minimum set back- 20 feet c. Minimum floor area for renlacement units- 320 sauare feet. d. Minimum lot area:' i. 2400 SQuare feet (sinilJe wide units) ii. 3500 soUare feet (double wide units) e. Minimum lot width: i. 3S feet (sinelc wide unils) ii. 45 feet (double wide units) 6. Implementation time frame: The site im900vement plan shall be implemented and Dark improvements shall be made in accordance with the followinfZ timeline commencin{! from the date of SIP approval. Number of units/oroiect 10 or less 111025 26 to 50 more than 50 Lenl!th of Time I g months 30 months 42 months 54 months Proiects aooroved with an imolementation timeline in excess of 18 months must be comnleted as a ohased develQoment as identified beJow. Project Imolementation Timetine /LQ[ Phases Phase Tirnelines J 8 months 30 months 1 .f J 18 months 18 months - first Dhase 30 months - second Dhase J 8 months - first Dhase. 30 months - second Dbase. 42 months - third nhase IB months - first phase. 30 months - second Dbase. 42 months - third Dhase. 54 months - fourth Dhase 42 months 54 months 1 Words Slfltlllt Iltrsl:tglt arc deleted. words underlined are added. 12 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 123 of 192 Building permits must be obtained for eacb unit when relocated and reolaced within an aDnroved park otherwise the code enforcement action will oroceed except as otherwise provided Dllrsuant"to section . . . . . . . . . . . Sec.2.2.32. Santa Barbara Commercial Overlay District (SBCO). . . . Permitted uses. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. <. A~t".","ile parkil.g (752t). f.~ Barber shops (7241 ). gJ. Beauty shops (7231). h.g. Business services (groups 7311, 7313, 7322-7338. 7361-7379, 7384). ;,h. Child day care services (8351). r.b Depository institutions (groups 6011-6099). 1<,1 Eating places (5812 except contract feeding, dinner theaters, food service(institutionaI). industrial feeding). 1.1>, Educational services (8211-8244, 8299).. m.!, Food slores (groups 5411 except supermarkets, 5421-5499). "'!!b Funeral service and crematories (7261). e.!h General merchandise slores (5311-5399). p.o. Group care facilities (category I and II, except for homeless shelters); care units. except for homeless shelters; nursing homesi assisted living facilities pursuant to F.S. 9400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.; and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. 9 651 and ch. 4-193 F.A.C.; all subject to section 2.6.26. ' fj;!h Hardware stores (5251). r.!!. Offices for engineering, architectural, and surveying services (groups 0781, 8711-8713). "'I, Health services (8011-8049. 8082). t.J!, Home furniture. furnishing and equipment stores (groups 5713-5719, 5731- 5736). HJ.. Individual and family social services (8322 activity centers, elderly or handicapped; adult day care centers; and. day care centers, adult and handicapped only.) "'l!. Insurance carriers, agents and brokers (groups 6311-6399, 6411). W,y", Legal services (8111). Words Slf"we!; lhrOygn are deleted, words underlined are added. " Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 124 of 192 ,...~ Management and public relations services (groups 8741-8743, 8748). Y dl. Membership organizations (8611-8699). r;.y,. MisceJlaneous repair services. except aircraft. business and office machines, large appliances. and white good such as refrigerators and washing machines (7629-7631). "",b Miscellaneous retail services (5912,5942-5961,5992-5999). bb.aa. Museums and art galleries (8412). ....J2l1. Nondepository credit institutions (groups 6111-6163). d<I.cc. Paint. glass and wallpaper stores (5231). -WI. Personal services (groups 7212. 7215. 7221-7251, 7291). ff.ee. Photographic sludios (7221). ~ Public administrntion (groups 9111-9199, 9229. 9311, 9411-9451. 9511- 9532,9611-9661). bb.gg, Real estate (groups 6521-6541). ;;,blh Retail nurseries. lawn and 'garden supply stores (5261). .lld!. Security and commodity brokers, dealer, exchanges and services (groups 6211-6289). . Id<..ii Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (7251). JI.kk. Social services. not elsewhere classified (8399). mmJi United States Postal Service (4311 except major distribution center). ftft..mm... Veterinary services (groups 0742 veterinarian's office only, 0752 dog grooming and pedigree record services only. aU excluding outdoor kenneling). OO.l!!b Videotape rental (7841 ). * * * * * * * * * * * Access. Access via a rear oronertv rhlhI-of-wav shall be reauired. if available in lieu of direct access to Santa Barbara Boulevard. -".fee:!! 3haU he Iift.he,a 15 aile fteeeS3 r>ei:nt f>l.f l'ffljoct. Abutting projects shall be reauired are ene.el:u'agea to share access. * * * * * * * * * * * See. 2.2.33. Bayshore Drive Mixed Use Overlay District. . . . . . . . . * . * Signs. As required by division 2.5 unless specified below: * * . * * * * * * * * 8. Prooerties that are located in the waterfront subdistrict (W) and are located adiacent to the Haldeman Creek Brid2"e are allowed one pol~ sism not to exceed 65 square feet in area The Dole si~ns shall not be internally lit. Pole shms shall be architecturallv comoatible with the buildin2 it ;~~~s Words swueJ€ !hrugh are deleted. words underlined are added. 14 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 125 of 192 . . * * . * * * . . . Conditional uses. The followin2 uses are ocrmitted as conditional uses in this subdistrict for lots that are adiacent to the waterfront. I. Bed and breakfastlod.in. facilities subiect to Ihe followin. requirements: a. A site development olan DUl'5Uant to division 3.3. b. Minimum number of ~UCS( rooms or suites is two with a maximum number of six. Guest occupancy is limited to a maximum Slav of 30 days. The minimum size of bedrooms for 2Uest occuoancv shalt be 100 square feet. c. No cookine: facilities shall be allowed in 2Uest rooms. d. Scontu1e toilet facilities for the exclusive use of IlUcsts must be Drovided. At least one bathroom for each two 21Iestrooms shall be orovided. e. All automobile oarkin, areas shall be orovided on~site based upon a minimum of two !i!paces Dlus one space for each two bedrooms. All other anolicable orovisions of this code relative to oarkimz facilities shalll\PDIY. f. One si~n with a maximum Sill" area of four square feet containin2 only the name of the omori.cloT or name of the residence. Sien Jetterinll shall be limited to two inches in heie:ht and shall not' be illuminated. 2. An on-site mana,er is reouired. h. The facility shall cornDlv with all business license. certifications. and health laws of Collier COUDty and the State of Florida.;.~ Minimum Jot width: Single.family: SO reet Two-family: SO feet Townhouses 25 reet Multi.family 100 feet*-~R-I yard requirements. The following yard requirements shall apply and are in relation to the platted property boundaries. Front Yard At* Mm. Side Yard Mm. Rear Yard One (single) 10 fee' dwelling 7'/2 feet unless IS feet family abutting commercial units property, then 5 feet Two family )0 feet 5 feet unless abut~ )5 feel dwelling units ting single family unit. then 7.5 feet Townhouse 10 feet o feet when abutting 15 feel anolher townhouse. if not then the same standards as a two familv dwelline: unit Multiple family 10 feel 5 feet unless abutting 15 feet (three or more) single family unit. dweJling units then 7.5 feet Words slnl.ek tk'lll:lgh are deleted, words underlined are added. 15 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 126 of 192 "Shall be ten feet from the property line to the building footprint. 2.2,33.22,~ Minimumflcar area: 750 square feet per unit. Maximum height of struclures: (Measuredfrom Federal Emergency Manage mell' Agellcy (FEMA) to bui/dillg eave) l. Principal structures. Three habitable floors or a measure of 40 feet. 2. Accessory structures. 15 feet except for screen enclosures, which may be the same height as tbe principal structure but in no event greater than 35 feel.'f.l!. Minimum off-street parking. 1, Minimum off-street parking is one space per dwelling unit. 2. There shall be no visible parking area from the frontage road.,2, On street parking requirements. (Reserved.) Building placemen. and design. Buildings and ,their elements shall adhere to the following: (See BMUD figure 4): 1. Buildings shall be divided using articulation and/or modulation at leasl every 80 feet. Facade modulation is stepping back or extending forward a portion of the facade at least six feet measured perpendicular to the front facade for cEleh interval. Articulation includes porches, balconies, bay windows and/or covered entries. 2. The primary residence shall be oriented to the street. Orientation is achieved by the provision of a front facade including an entry door that faces the street. 3. On corner lots, both street facades of a building shall have complementary details; in particular. building materials and color, rcoflints and !lhapes, window proportions and spacing, and door placement. 4. All mechanical equipment must be screened with a three-foot high hedge spaced lhree feet on center or an opaque fence or wall at any height 10 completely screen the mechanical equipment. 5. Stem wall construction is required, no monolithic construction is allowed.};..LLElevation. Buildings shall adhere to the following elevation requirements: I. The first habitable floor at the street facade may not be greater than one foot over the minimum first floor elevation designated in the National Flood Insurance Program by Ihe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). A maximum of 40 percent of the first habitable floor may be greater lhan one foot over the FEMA~ designated minimum first floor elevation. 2. Open stilt -type construction is not permitted. On fronl yards, the facade area bejow the first floor must be treated with a s.olid Words S1rk:.lell lflfeugh lire dcleled. words underlined are added. 16 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 127 of 192 facade or lattice which is consistent with the architectural style of the building. 3. The garage floor shall not exceed 24 inches above the elevation of the righl..of-way from which it is ClCL"eSsed. porches. Fronl porches lbat adhere to the following standards may encroach seven feet into tbe front yard setback, wilh an additional three-fool encroachment allowable for entry stairs. I. Front porches must cover a minimum of 40 percent of the horizontal length of Ihe fronl yard facade of the primary residence. 2. Front porch design and material shall he consistent with the architectural design and construction material of the primary residence. 3. Front porches shall not be air-conditioned nor enclosed with glassl screen, or other material. 4. Second-story porches are encouraged, but no enclosed room is permitted above the front porch. Garages and driveways. 1. The rear setback may he reduced to ten feet if a front-access garage is constructed on the re~ of the residence. 2. Garage doors shall have a maximum width of 16 feet. 3. Only one driveway is allowed per 50 linear feet of front property line. The driveway shall have a maximum widlh of 18 feet in the right-of-way area. 4. Other than the permitted driveway,lhe froill yard may not be paved or otherwise used to accommodate parking. 5. Garages shall be recessed a minimum of three feet behind the front facade of the primary residence. 6. No carports are permitted. Accessory units. An accessory uo1t is a separate structure located at the rear of the property and related to the primary residence for uses which include, but are not limited to: library studio, workshop, playroom, or guest quarters. Ownership of an accessory unh shall not be transferred independenlly of the primary residence. The following regulations regarding accessory units apply: 1. Only one accessory unit is penniued per principal stnlcture. 2. The maximum area of an accessory unit is 550 square feet, limited to one habitable floor. 3. The accessory unit may be above a garage or may be connected to the primary residence by an enclosed breezeway or corridor not to exceed eight feet in width. 4. The maximum height of a structure containing a guest unit over a garage is limited to 18 feet, measured from the lovel of graded lot Words SkutlIllkra"lgh are deleted. words ~ are added. 11 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 128 of 192 to the eave, and with a maximum overall building beigbt of 24 reet to the top of the roof. A structure containing only a guest unit is limited to one story and ten feet, measured from the FEMA first habitllble floor height requirement to the eave, with a maximum overall building heigbt of 16 feet to the top of the roof. 5. For purposes of calculating density, an accessory unit will count as one-half a dwelJing unit. Maximum ]2 units per acre, or as consistent with the future land use element of the growth management plan.!5,~ Fencing standards. Fencing forwaro of the primary facade of Ihe structure is permilled subject to the following condjtions: 1. The fence does not exceed four fect in height. 2. The' fence is not opaque but provides an open view. 3. Chain link fence is prohibited. 4. The fence material shall be wood. vinyl, or iron. 5. A masonry wall is permitted and shall not exceed three feet in height. 6. Fencing and walls must arcbiteclUrally complement the primary structure as determined by the CRA stllff and the planning services depanment director, * * * * . * . . * . * 2.2.33,23.2 Conditional uses. The: folJowinJ! uses are nermitted as conditional uses in this subdistrict. I. Bed. and breakfast Jod~ine- facilities subiect to the following requirements: a. A site development Dlan' Dursuant to division 3.3. b. Minimum number of Ruest rooms or suites is two with a maximum of six. Guest occunancv is limited to a maximum stay of 30 days. The minimum size of bedroom.~ for Ruest occuoancv shall be 100 sauare feet. c. No cookinl! facilities shall be allowed in llUest rooms. d. Seoarate toilet facilities for the exclusive use of 2Ue.Qls must be orovided. At least one bathroom for each two 2uest rooms shall be provided. e. All automobile oarkinl! areas shall be provided on.site based on a minimum of two SD3Ces plus one snace for each two bedrooms. All other 800licable orovisions of this code relative to Darkin2 facilities shall 8oolv. f. One sian with a maximum silln area of four SQuare feet. containing onlv the name of the oroonctor or name of the residence. Sign letmon!! shall be limited to two inches in heil!ht and shall not be illuminated. e. An on-site mana2cr is reouired. h. The facilitv shall comolv with all business license certifications and health laws of Collier County and lhe Stale of Florida. * * * * * * * * * . . Word& 51rlteli lhrsl:IgA are deleted, w<lrds underlined are added. 18 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 129 of 192 See. 2.2.35. Actlvitv Center #9 Zonln. Overlav District: Establishment of snecial conditions for the orooerties and n2hts..of.WBV located within the activity center #9 as identified on the Collier Countv Mixed Use and Interchan.e Activity Center Mac. PUrDost! and intent: The put;pOse of this desi'P'atlon is to create an enhanced entrvwav into the NaDles urban area throue-h Qooronriate. unified design elements and standards. The irnolementation of which will result in an attractive. t10sitive imae:e as outlined in the vision ~tatement of the Activitv Center #9 lnrerchanl!c Master Plan. 2.2.35 2. AODlicabilitv: These re~'Ulations aoolv to the foIlowintl oroocrties within Activitv Center #9 as identified in the [nterchanfle Master Plan Land Use MaD: 1. All buildin2S and oroiects that are subiect to the reouirements of division 2.8 of tbis code. 2. Non-residential land uses abuttine: any DubHe street excent industrial buildin@s internal to industrial pun zoned proiect that are located no less than 200 feet from the DubHe street. BuUdinS! and Dro;ect desi~n standards. AU build.Des and oroiecLS within Activity Center #9 shall be developed or redeveloDed in accordance with one or more of the desilln themes defined in the Activitv Center #9 Tnterchanlle Master Plan, The desilln themes shaH be incomorated into architecture Jandsc3ne. shmae-e and ~atewav features and roadway Uehtin2. All buiJdin2S shall meet the architectural and site dosieD reauirements set forth in . division 2.8.. Ofihis code excent as set forth below. . Architectural style. Buildinlls within the Activitv Center #9 shall be limited to three comolementarv character themes: EveI:2Iades. Rural and Old Florida. as defined in the Vision Statement of the Activitv Center #9 Interchamre Master f!;w. General reauirements. In addition to the reauirements of division 2.8. buiJdine:s shall have features that characterize the area character themes. These elements include: 1. PrimarY facade treatme.nt. All nrimarv facades of a buildine: shall feature one or more of the followinll desie:n elements listed below: a. Porch b. Portico c. Elevated first floor or elevated entrv. d. Anv other treatment which the plannin~ services director determines to tenresent the character themes of this overlav ~ 2. Roof treatment: a. Buildinfls with gross floor areas of less than 10.000 square feet shall have pitched roofs. Pitched roofs shan have a minimum of 4112 sJooe. b. Buildine:s with gross floor areas of 10.000 SQuare feet or lZreater shall have one or more of the followin2 roof treatments: i, Pitched roof with a minimum s.1one of4/12. ii. Flat roof wirh mansard ede:e treatment. Hi. Flat roof with a combination of Diached and mansard roof elements that extend alonl! a minimum of 50 percent of the Iemnh of any nrimarv facade. and a minimum of 30 oercent of the attached facades as measured from the connection Doint. c. Industrial use buildinas shall have one or more of the followinl! roof treatments: Words stru~ll [hreugh are deleted. words underlined are added. 19 2.2 35.4.2. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2. 2008 Page 130 of 192 i. Pitched roof with a minimum slone of 3/12 ii. Flat roof with mansard ede treatment. Hi. Flat roof with a combination of oitched and mansard roof elements that extend alont! a minimum of 30 oerce"L or the Jen2th of any orimarv facade. and 20 nefee"! of the attached facades as measured from the connection naint. d. Roof material shall be tile or melal. e} Roof overhan.s shall be deen. no less than Ihree feet beyood the 8UDnortin~ walts. f) To create articulation. roofs shall include a minimum of one of the followin2.architecruraJ elements: i. Clearstorv windows. ii. Cuoolas. Hi. Dormers. iv. Any other treatment which the clannintl services director detennine.~ to represent the character themes of this overlay district. lAndscaoinf! and buffering. As reauired in division 2.4.. of this code. exceDt as set forth below. ADDlicabilitv. In addition to the reouirements set fortb in division 2.4.. the reouirements for landsca9in2' Dursuant to subsection shall aoplv to all develooment aDDrovals within Activitv Center #9. re2ardless of the 1:!TOSS buildinl! area. Landscaoe buffers adjacent to road rifhts of wav, In addition to the' reouirements for a Tvne D buffer. the followine- reauirements shall l.\oolv' A. Landscaoe buffers adiacent to Comer Boulevard. S.R. 84. (Davis Boulevard and Beck Boulevard) and within 400 linear feet of I~ 75 rhlht~ of-way line: 1. Shall measure a minimum of 25 feet in width: 2. The reauired number of trees shall be suwlemented by an additionsl oalm tree nlantinl! in the amount of 25%. 3. Undulatin2 beds of ornamental 2rasses and I or 2TOund cover beds shall be incoroorated for at least 30% of the reQuired buffer strip area. 4. All reouired trees shall be a minimum of 12 feet in hehlht. S. Where industrial land uses abut I~7S. an 8 foot hillh unified. oaaaue. masonrY wall is reeuiTed. Landscace buffers shall be vlaeed alone: the street side of said wall. The wall shaH be located at the edee of the landscape buffer farthest from the vroDenv line. B. Landsc30e buffers adiacent to all other DubHe streets: ). Shall measure a minimum of 15 feet in width. 2. Undulating beds of ornamental e:rasses and ~round cover beds shall be ;ncoroorated for a least 25% of the reouired buffer strip area. 3 All required trees shaH be a minimum of ) 2 feet in heillhL. C. Landscaoe buffers. sie:nasrc and lillhtinfl fixtures in residential areas shall feature a unified deshm at naint of in~ssleuress. Liphtinp and si,maRe. Lil!"htin~ fixtures and si~naRe within the Activitv Center #9 shall be desilmed to comolement the architectural themes of this overlay district Lillhtin2' shall also be subiect to the reauirements Dursuant to section 2.8.3 2.. reRardless of the llross building Words stnteh. tl1r8ltg~ are delcled, words underlined 3re added. 20 See. 2.2.36. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 131 of 192 lWllb - - ~ ," ACTIVITY CENTER 1/9 OVERLAY DISTRICT MAP 2.2.35.-1 Ettablishment of interim de.elooment eootrols (moratorium) for the Vanderbilt Beach residential tourist (RT\ zonin2 district. PurODse and intent. The purpose and intent of the interim develovrnent controls (moratorium) for the residential tourist (RT) zonjnw districts in the Vanderbilt RP.~~h area is to restrict most development and redeveJooment to allow the county plannin il deoartment to conduct an assessment of the area and determine apnronriate develonment standards for the area bv way of establishing: an overlay district. The Vanderbilt Beach area is uniaue in that it is situated on a narrow snit of land Ivine: to the to the cast of the Gulf of Mexico and to the west of the Vanderbilt Laroon. It is served bv a narrow two~lane roadwa.v known as Oulfshore Drive. Presently. hotel. motel. multinle-family and other uses are oerrnitted with maximum heilzhts of ten stories not to exceed 100 feet. Setbacks are a function of the heieht of a structure. The area has been exoeriencine- redevelooment oressure due to its proximity to the water. Redevelooment 01000581s have been ~Jlanned to maximize the use of the available land bv utilizinif maximum develQDment standards on small lots that were orie:inaHv Dlatted in the J950's. Without an overlay district that would establish less intense deveJooment standards the area would redeveloD with ten storY buildinsu on small lots on each side of the narrow Gulfshore Drive creating' a canyon-like effect. exacerbatine alreadv existin, traffic comrestion and further reducine view corridors and. 1i2ht and air movement between the Gulf of Mex:ico and the Vanderbilt Laeoon. Duration. For a Defiod not to exceed one (1) year from the date of the adontion of this amendment to the land deveJoDment code. the issuance of anY Words SiNai, tilrlH:lgk are deleled. words underlined are added. 21 AmY",. c.......... ""='..: ~ - - ;g ... ::ii - -- ~ '-::.=~ .... ---., -..,..-- t=J_.,... ....c__ F"li ;p, Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 132 of 192 develooment orders for certain land uses as set forth in subge.ction 2.2.364 of this code is orohibited. GeoIlra"hic SCOOt of the Vanderbilt Beach resUknriaJ tourist l.On.ine district area assessment. The 2COJ!I'30hic scone of the assessment area shall be as follows: Alllaods desienated residential tourist CRn in the Vanderbilt Beach area which are more specificallv described as an area lvine cast of the Gulf of Mexico. south of BtuebiIJ A venue tOll"cther with its westerly extension to the Gulf of Mexico. west ofYanderbilt La.oon and north ofYande,bilt Beach Road. Prohibited "SUo The issuance of any develooment order that would allow the fonow!"!! uses is herebv prohibited for a maximum one-vear oefied while the Vanderbilt Beach residential tourist zooiDi!' district area assessment is bein~ conducted. 1. Permitted uses. a. Hotels and motels. b. Multi-familv dwelline:s. c. Familv care facilities. d. Timeshare facilities. e. Townhouses. 2. Uses acceSSOry to Dcrmirtcd uses. a. Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to the uses oermitted ~ of ri2ht in the RT zonin2 district subiect to the. exemDtions set fonh in subsection of this code. b. Shoos. oeBonal service establishments. eatinl1 or drinking- eslablishments. dancing and sra2ed entertainment facilities. and meet)"@: rooms and auditoriums when sllch uses are an inte2ral part of a hotel or motel and to be used bv the Datrons of the hotel/moleL c. Recreational facilities that serve as an intcllral Dart of a permitted use deshmat~d on a site development Dlao or oreIiminarv subdivision Diat that has been orcviouslv reviewed and ~pprovcd and involves ihe use of II structure which may include. but are not limited to. clubhouse. community center buildine-. and tenniS facilities, 3. Conditional uses. a. Churches and other olaces of worshio. b. Marinas. c. GrOUD care facilities (cate2orv I and In: care units: nursine: homes: assisted Jiving: facilities DUrsUS"t to ~ 400.402 F.S. and ch. 5BA-S. F.A.C.: and continuine: care retirement communities pursuant to 6 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 F.A.C. d. Private clubs. e. Yacht clubs. f. Permitted uses not to exceed] 25 feet in heie-ht. 4. Variances fOf anv of the uses listed above or any existim~: use in the Vanderbilt Beach residential tourist zoning- district subiect to the exemotions set forth in subsection of this code. ExemDtions. The followinll are exemot from the orovisions of these interim development controls (moratorium). I. All building ncrmits for the items listed in suboaru:raphs 2 3.4.and 5 hereof nnd the items listed in subsection hereof. 2. Residential and other uses in the VanderbiJt Beach residential tourist (RT) zonine district assessment area for which completed aoclicadons for rezonin2s. conditional uses. variances. subdivision 8cofovals. site Words stflielE thrSligfl are deleted, words underlined arc added. 22 2.2,36.6. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 133 of 192 develonment Dlan ~pDrovals or DIalS were filed with or anDroved bv Collier County prior to the acloDtio" date of this amendment. For DUmOseS of subsection hereof the rem "completed BDDticntlOn" shall mean anv aonHcation which hat:; been deemed sufficient bv Dlannine: services staff and has been assie:ned an 8Dolication reauest number. 3. Anv develonment order reauired bv the Comer County code enforcement board or deemed necessary bv the code enforcement department director. or his or her desismee. to abate any violation or alleaed violation of this land deveJoDment code. 4. Uses and stnIctures. such as but not limited to. pool enclosureg. chickees.. swimminll oools. cabanas. boat docks and other minor accessory structures not exceedin~ 35 feet in heii!hl. S. Noncommercial boat launcbin~ facilities. Continuation of exislimr uses. The restrictions on uses in the study area durine- the assessment shaH not affect or limit the continuation of existine- uses and include: (I) those uses for which all required ocrmits have been issued: (2) routine reoair or maintenance of an existine- structure or remodeline: of such existinll structure that does not result in any structural additions or modifications such as an increase in heieht or buildinl! foom"nt or an increase in density or in.eositv. or (3) the reoJac'ement or repair of an existinv use/structure occasioned bv casuat(v loss or damse-e such as fire. flood. stonn event. wind. earthauake. bombin2s terrorist acts and.he like. In the case of such casualty toss or losses. such strocture(s) may be repaired or rebuilt in accordance with the buildback requirements of Ordinance Number 98-62. as it may be amended or sunerseded. Mao. The followina maD denicts the Vanderbilt Beach residential tourist zooin!! district assessment area subiect to these interim-develonment controls (mo~torium). Words suus" thretigk are deleted. words underlined are added. 2J N w+. s SC..U:;, , , '" , Agenda Item N Decembe 2 o. 7C p r ,2008 age 134 of 192 , ....... ,I, :-=. ........- ....... 1 .... . .& ." 1 .. ". [jH ....... 1000 , -. (l'No_I.....~.. II.1,1>MO.~ MaD No. 2.23.5-1 WOrds!llcltel[H-r . eltgll are deleted 24 . words underlined are added. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 135 of 192 SUBSECTION 3.C. AMENDMENTS TO OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING DIVISION Division 2,3.. Off-street Parking and Loading Ordinance 91-102. as amended. the Collier County Land Development Code. is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 2.3.4. 2.3:4.11. 2.3. 4.12.2 Sec. 2.3.5. DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING * . * . . . * . . . * Off.Street vehicular facilities: design standards. . . * . * . . . . . * Access. Be arranged for convenient and safe access of pedestrians and vehicles. , Access via a rear ofOoertv riaht~of-wav shall be reouired if available in Heu of direct access. Locational requirements_ 1. All ~ off.street parking facilities shall he located on the same lot they serve, on a contiguous lot under the same ownership that is zoned for use as a parking lot. or shall be approved under t~e provisions of section helow. . * * . * * .. . * . * Minimum space size. Each parking space shall he a minimum of nine feet by 18 feet in size or 16 feet in depth measured from lheaisle width to the face of the wheel Stop excent in the case of oaraJlcl narkine where the dimension of the scace shall be 9 feet bv"23 feet for snaees runnimf narallerto the driveway which affords acce.~s to said spaces. As an alternative. 9 feet bv 18 feet SDaces may be used in which case there must be 8 6 foot marked clear rone "mace in front of or in back of every snace. See Exhibit "A" for typical off-street park.ing design. All parking spaces for the eKclusive use of compact vehicles indicated on un approved site development plan. and any subsequent amendments thereto, shall be counted as standard parking spaces. * * . . . . . * . . . Automobile parkin\! In conjunction with residential structures. All automobile oarking- or storasze of automobiles in connection with residential structures which are located on oroperty which is dcshmated as Mixed Use Urban Residential on the Future Land Use MaD and which are zoned or used for residential uses. shall occur on 8Decificallv desismed surfaces in a snecificallv desit:mated area of the lot u90n which the residential structure is located. The carkinS! and/or stor3l!e of automobiles in connection with the residential dweUinll units they are ancillarv and accessory to shalt be rel!ulared as follows: 1. S;n~le family dwellin~ units: Unless otherwhlc parked or stored in an enclosed structure. the oarkiDlr or stonDi? of automobiles in connection with simde familY' dweJIin2 units shan be limited to stabilized oervious or imoerviouslv treated surface area..~ of the lot soecificaUv desiened for the oarkin2' of automobiles which may nOl conmrise an area I!reater than forty (40) percent of anv required front yard. which nonetheless may not serve to limit a driveway 10 a width less than twenty (20) feet. All ['larked Words stRiate lkl'Bl:lgk are dcleted. words underlined art! added. 25 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 136 of 192 2. automobiles shall utilize anI v the deshmated nervious or imoervious surface areas. Two {ami/v dweUinf! units:Unless otherwise narked or stored in an enclosed structure the parkinll or starine of automobiles in connection with a two familv structure shall be limited to pervious or impervjously trented areas of the lot which may not comorise an area ,neater than fift)' (501 % of any required front yard exceol that this shall not serve to limit a driveway width to less than 20 feet and a drivewl:l'v may be orovided on each side of the two familv structure. MultiDle family (i.€!. 3 or more) dwelline units: Unless otherwise nark.ed or stored in an enclosed structure. the Oarkinll or storin2 of automobHes in connection with multi Die family dwelJini! units shaH be limited to oervious or imoerviousJv trealed surface areas of the lot desismated. for the narldne: and starin!! of 8momobiles. Pervious or imocJVioulsy treated surface areas desil!nated for the oalkin!! of automobiles shall not exceed a ratio of 2 5 automobile.c; per dwelline: unit in the event all oarkine: SDaces are not located within an enclosed structure or any combination of aDen air and enclosed structure. Where multiole familv structures consist of simrle familv attached (i.e. row houses) dwelline: units each with its own driveway to a common accesswav. DubHe or orivate street. all oarkin!! of automobiles shall be limited to the driveway and or llaral!e combination. Automobiles oBrked and/or stored in connection with residential dweUini units as described above shall be owned by the occuoants of the dwellin,v unit or units unless the vehicle is owned bv a firm. comoration or entity for which a dwellin2 unit occupant is emoloved. This crm....ision shall not be construed to aoplv to automobile vehicles owned bv oersons Dr business finns at the site for social or business ourooses. No other portion of 8 front yard may be used to Dark or store automobiles includinl! that ponton of the ri2ht-of-wav nol directlv 3 Dart of the desi2nuted driveway or desilmaled oarkine: areas. 3. 4. 5. 6. Non~conforminp situations. Nonconforminrr situations that were otherwise lawful prior to the effective date of this section of the ordinance shall comoly with this ordinance or anv subs.ecuent amendment to this ordinance within 90 days of its effective date. * . . . . . . . . * . SUBSECTION 3.D. AMENDMENTS TO SIGNS DIVISION Division 2.5., Signs, of Ordinance 9 I ~ 102, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 2.5.5. Pennltted signs. . . DIVISION 2.5. SIGNS . * . . . * * . . * Development standards. * * lie * * * * * * * * 2. Minimum setback. AU signs within residential zoned districts and as applicable to residentially designated portions of pun zoned properties shall not be located closer than ten feet from the propeny line, unless otherwise noted below or a provided for in section 2.1.13 as determined bv the county for safety and ooerdtion. . * . * * . * . . * Words slrlisll lkretlgh are deleted. words und~Jincd arc udded. 2fi Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 137 of 192 SUBSECTION 3.E. AMENDMENTS TO SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULA nONS DIVISION Division 2.6., Supplemental District Regulations. of Ordinance 91-102, os amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: DIVISION 2.6. SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS See. :U.n. Fences. * . . . * . . . * * . Walls and fences reouired contiguous or QDD?sitc residentiaJlv zoned districts. Whenever a non-residential deveJQoment lies contiiruous to or oooosite a residentially zoned district. said non-residential develonment sball orovide a masonry wall or orcfabricated concrete wall/fence. If located on a conti~uous oroocrtv. the walllfence shall be a minimum of six feet and a maximum of eiRht feet in hei.ht and shall be located a minimum of six feel from the residentially zoned district, If on n oro-penv oDoosite a residential Iv zoned district hut fronting on a local street. or the orooerties are separated bv a olatted allev the wall/fence shall be located a minimum of three feet from lhe rear of the ril!ht-of~wav landscape buffer line and shall be four feel in hei.ht. On oroperties which front on more than one street. a six foot hil!h wall/fence shall be reouired 810n2 the street which is aanosite the primary inflre5S and em'eSS DOlfit of the oroiect along the street front8f!C which is adiacent to the rear of the proiect At. tbe aoolicants' reauest. the alannifi2 services director may determine that a masonry wall/fence is not warranted. n3rticuJarly where the local street lies contie:uou:; to the rear of a residence or some other Dhvsical seoaration exif:ts between the residential devctonnlent and the non presidential develcDmenl. or for other 200d cause includinll the existence of a wall on an adiacent residential development. The anDHcant shall demonstrate that the intent of this section can be effectivelv accomolished without constructinll a wan. bv &ubmittin2 for the 3Dproval an alternative deshm. and a descriDtive narrative throm!h the administrative variance orocess set forth in subsection of this code. The olannine: senrices director will review the submitted documents for consistency with the intent of this section and if the administrative variance is approved the fact of the aooraval and basis for it shan be stated in the site devclooment olan aoorovaJ letter. Vee:etative olantin2s shall be located external to the waJVfence such that SO Dercont of the wall/fence is screened within one year of the installation of said vegetative material. An irrilZstion system shan be installed to insure the continued viability of the vegetative screen. These rellUlations shall not be construed to reouire a masonrY wall/fence for commercial develoomcQt frontin~ on an merial or collector roadway where the oODosite side of such roadway is zoned residential or to be otherwise inconsistenr with the provisions of section 2.8.2 of this code. A wall/fence shall be constructed foJlowin~ site alan anDrovaJ but Drior to any vertical constmcrion or any other tVDe of imnrovement resulting from the issuance of a buildiml oennit. Soecial circumstances may warrant constructinl1 the wan/fence in ohases dependinf!" upon the location of effected residential areas and after venical construction commences. * * . * . * * * * . . When determined to be beneficial to the health, safety. and welfare of the public, the Eie"eJepmeftt plannimz services director may waiYe aDDrove an administrative Words strl:lele iliTSlIgk are delelCd, words lIooerlined arc added, 27 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 138 of 192 variance-from height limitations of fences and walls in all districts omvided that al least one health safer v. or welfare standard oeculiar to the Dronenv is identified. and that such Booroval does not set an unwanted Drecedent bv addressinl!: a eeneric Drohlem more Dronerlv corrected bv an amendment to this ~. . * . . * . . * * . . See. 2.6.21. Dock facilities. lfleli\'istial Sf ffitlltiple I'ri. ate deelts? iftelusiag msefing pilings, da',lf15, lifw Rnd th.e liti:e are ptC!uinea ta aec';! the fesideft16 ha\'iflg ';. at:erffeftt pfeflefl~' 85 dessfihea ift divisieft e.], deHaitisft5, pfs''i.eled. they ae flet premise mere tflBtl. the FeSJ3eeuve distanees speeiBea ia seelisfls, and 2.C;.21.3, fer sueh. ':/atefV.~y. DeeIts Elfiet the lilu! are pFimarily iR~ulea tB adefltlateJy seel:lfe RlBBfeS \'$5,815 1:lfI8 preo:ide safe aeee&19 BY HBers fer FeUkne mWfttsaan.ee ana use while EfliaifBaU)' impaetisg the Bsvigseility aftae ".'l.'8lew:&y. the Bath-! HlariA! haeitst. manatees, and tlle tiS! BRa viei"" afme ::&tefV.ay BY st:l1'f6t:1Rdiftg l'fepeFty e\, RefS. Pe.rmhtea seeJl faeility pEetfUsieft!i B9 ::el1 as emeflsieR sf sealE faeilities Me ffie~tifea fEeffl the fJrepeFty litle, BUUtfteaEl lifte, skBreHae, sea",'l.!QU. HI'! raj:J liRe. ef mean high ';.aler lifte, :Jhieae:er is meN RslPieti'.e. QR Hftln=iageel barrier ishuuls, a he61 EiselE. shall he eeft5ideres a pefffiil:leEI priasiJ!l&J liS!; he Ne :ef. a deelE. shaY Bet, ift liB,' way, eSS5Hlul8 8. ase sr stmettiFe '.\'bieb permits, FefltiiFe5. aftli<er pre ,iaes fer aft:; aeeS3S9F)' 1:1985 8BfI ef SINehues. asatneaS8S Bft8 deelt faeiliae5 prepeses eft fe5i8e.ltiaUy aBBes pf'9l'erties B5 deBned jft seetie8 2.1.1 af this Cede. shall he eSRsiaerea an aeees5e~ use Be slfUetHIe., Baatflsysea shall ae fet!t:lired to Be 81'I'(e\'88 thrsugh the preeeehue Blul erhed! jR se'ansa :lJi.21.3 MS (6 asaitisR, ey ee.lerea StNSlUfe eleeted 8ft a I1ri":ate beat deek shall al5e he eSHsiaerea 88 aeee5SBP)' use. ami shalf al5e he IeCJuifea 1e ee appravea tfl.reagh tRe pISeeSH:feS &as aRteria sf llf;sliea 2.fi.21.3. BRei. 2.".21.1. ef tlli,Ced.. . PIeR fesieieRtiaJ de alE (aeilities ahaIl he suBjeet te aU the pl'6\"isiaRs af seetjaR 2.13.2 I. Bf the eese, \...ith tha 8neeptiea dUll plelnisi€lR5 fer ReR reaidential aeeIl fa.i1ilie, .e,'e.a ilie sp.eijjea lim;'" .Ilall.. d.'el'flli..a .dffiinisa-eti\'.ly.y tll. pJasftiag sef.:iees streeter at the dme sf sit:e lie :elepffteftt plsfl revis.,. Basset 6ft aa eYBluatieR efm.e eflteria in sestieR sf the Cede. 2.fi.21.2. Det!cfaeilif) .l!Ij..i. elllanl5 and. Uf?ieli~l5. The lallai.iRg eAteRa apply te lieelt faeilities aHa l:IealRSHses. v:hh the enseptis8 sf ~eal seele. faeiliaea eft RlalUBade lalEes !Hut ether msnmade Baaies Br..-/ater uRser pri'.ate BaBkel. 2.6,21.2. t. Per lets 6ft a ./ate! iI/B) that is IfIQ feet Br greater in ":lidtA:. BB BBMheuse. deek faeilitylbeat eemeiaatise shall f'fBlnIde mare ililUl 29 feet iftte the.. 8tep.. ay (i.e. the laud ffBtAisisfl. sf t86 seall faeility plus the teta1l'retmsise sf the fflBerea vessel). ,II. EiBelE &1tteasisa ia aeeersB:ftee .....illi BeetisR 2.~.2l.3, ffitl) he ~nt-efJ...te 8118\. a pretrusise af a..efe tft/ifl 29 feet. 2.(i,21.2.2. Fer leta 68 a .r, ataR, Bj thM is leBs.ban. 100 feet in wiath, daBh fatliliaea ma)' eeel;JI3i AS mere tJian 25 pereeat af the v. iaiR af the 'J.'atet"i':&)' Sf' Pfstfuile greater than 29 f.e~t iSla the ..ateF\..B). ..malleys! is lesser. A deek enteRsielt iB aeeefe.anee ',vitli seerieR 2.fi.21.3. fB8:)' Be gf8fltea te aHe'\, a pretrnsies af mere thaR 29 feet, Inn at He time aRaB SHea e1lteRsie8 aUe t. fBBi'e tAIlA 23 pereeat ef tRe ','.'steF\\ ay '''iElth te be eeeufliea. 2.!'i.21.2.3. .\U seek faeilities eft. lots '::ith ....ater frefltag:e. af 69 feet af greater skull as.6 s siae sethad: feE!Mileme8t Elf IS feet, 8neept 85 pl'6..ieleEl in seedeR sr a::; eUffiflfea bale'/:. All seelE faeilities (efleept heathstisea) 88 lets l/itllless t:AaA. 69 feet ef water frestage shall as\ e a siife se!l1aaJ[ .PeE!uir681eBt sf Be, eR anEl eRe naif feet. All seel, faeilities (e:lteepl he81hel::lse~) 88 IBIS at the aBd Sf side ena ef Words slrueh Ihrettgh arc deleted. words underlined arc addod. 2K Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 139 of 192 a wateR"lay naviag ..g\llar (HReer) ",1 ater frefttage shall hwle a sias S8R:Jaek reijl:llfefHeAt Bf seveR ami eRe half feet Wi m.eaMl..fea fteftl the. Bide let lifte er riplttian liRe, whiehe/er is lipprepriate. 2.~.21.2.~.t. RipariaR liRes (see 8i 'iaieH fi.J. aeHftitiefts. riparian liRe) fer lets at the anti ar side S8ft ae Ii i":ater....8y .\'1111 H regtthtr !i.hsnJine are estal:lliseed 13,)' a Hae eJuen8lag frBfB the serRel-sf an eRa lei ana MEie eRa let 18te Ihe ....aunv.sy hiseetiBg eql:liaistastl:i !8e angle aleatea BY the 1"';8 iaterseeting la~ Esse H1fkieit A). Rip8fian Jiaes fer a:l1eOler lets shaull! he estatdiskea BY geaemUy Ileeepted metassa, taking iRte esosideraHBa the eaftHguPBtiBft af the aRerelifte, ass allS':liag fer the: 8Eluitahle BppeftiSameRt sf riparian BgftiS. Eueh metfiads ieehule, Inll are flet limited te, Bees Bffll.j1.'ft peFpeRaieuJar Ie the shereliae fer regl::llitf (lineiti) lihareJiftel:i. Bf JiRea drawB IH~Fj3eRaietJlttr te the ase.tuliae (thread.) af the .\'ater::~. ae ~e~eftaietJl8f le tAe liRe ef seep ~'B.ter (liRe af ftB\'igaeiHty Sf eege af BB'.igal:lle ehaftReI), 85 aflf'repriate. fer iFEeguJ8f' sRsreliAes. 2.6.21,2,1, All de,k facililies, regorElleso ef IMlglh/l'rel",.io., .holl ha\. rea..toES .1ll1 RBuse BklmhefS :fel:l.C iREhes 9alJRl::IfB site iBstaUed Bt the ButenfiBst esd, eft Betk sides. Fer ffttdUfamily d8. elapmeat5. tfle hSl::Ise RlimBer feElHiremeftt is wabea. ,\11 deel< faoililies are subjeot Ie, ""Ii shllll oellll'l)' wilb, all IodeFaI 9lld otete reljHiFemeR~ and peffflils. iaeJaeliRg hat Ret limited 1e tae FeEjl:lireffieRW an.a permits af the AaABa flepar-..ftleBt Bf ea-;ileRmeRlBl preteetien. tfle U.s. J.:ffft:y CSFflS sf BRgiaeem. 8.8~ the U.S. Eo"ifsnm.eRI:aI Pfefeetiea .......gaRsy. 2.'.2J.2.~. ~n. '6teeJi8N (}f aeag."Y:1:55 8~, ~'here Be'!;: aeeJEieg laeilities are f)f6psseri af Beat seel~ enteRsieas, the IseatisR BRd preseRee sf seagP655 sr s.e&gPa5s beds U'/ithia 2gQ feet sf 1Hl)' prepssed seek faeHity sk&ll Be iEieatiitsa 8ft 8ft aerial pftst8gapR REWing a se&le sf afte iasR te 299 feet ';:heR &".~la81e Heffl tRe eeeRly. af B seale sf SHe iash ts 100 feet v:aeR sueR pB.Bte~h5 are Hat s'/ailele fr8m the eSl:lBty. Thele.aliea ef seagfa" bed, ..1ll1 b. verified b)' a ,ite "i.it by !be sit. ae'lelepmeat revie\': direeter ar Ris sesigaee prier te issl:Ianee Bf an) pfejeet appFe','a:I-ar permit. 2.';. f~lJ ~f8p8Se8 EiaelE faeilities shall he leeated BftS aligfle8 fe 5t8) at leafit tea feet ffe.t:ft-ttft)' enisting seagl'a!ili tled.!i, ensept '^ kele a eeft~fttlet:15 Bed of SBtlgfB911eli exists aff the SABre af the prsp!fty Bfld adjaeeftt le the prspeFf)'. ami t8 miaiffiize ftegati.\'e impasts t6 seagfWlses liRE! elher Rati\'e saBrsliRe. emer-gsftt aRS sl::lemef'gea ',eg;el::6tiel'1 afts 88ft! eellae, eSHUfHlfthie6. 'l.'heFe a eestiRI::I8US Bed af seagF8:!Ises exists off the share af the prepeFl:,' It8d adjaoeat Ie tb. preperty tho "l'pli.ant ..all be .lIev'eEl to b~ild a deelt a.re.. tII. seagrasses. Sf a elaesn:g fseiIit)' -;:ithi.!l teA feel af s&agr85ses. Sueh eleelsRg faoililies shall eemp!y with IRe feUe",i.g .Dftditio.o: I. Th. d.elt oRon e. At . height ef alleest 35 Ioet NG\'D, 2. The tenrU'uy fllatfePfft sf tlie Eieel~ SHall Hat e1leee~ 1~9 sflU&:re feet. 3. The aeeeS!:i Eiaek shall fist BUSBes a r,.':iath af re~r feet. ~. The aseess dealt BAd tenn!f\BI platfeFffi shaH 136 siled t8 impact the slRaJle.st area af sBagras5es pessiBle. 2.~.21.2.IS,J. TRB petitiefter shell Be Fe'lYifled te aemBftstftte he';; ft~atj'le if'ft!'llet:s ts seagFasses &AS ather Rati-. e 3herelias tegetaf:isa &Ad hard t1ettem eSflUBtlniae3 liB', e BeeR minimiiZeEl flFier Ie MY prejeet ltflpf'S. al er permit iS51:1BRee. Dssk}aeiliFj e.ffenaf8N, };sa1h6ufJe I!stabJiahmettt e. ilcl ia. Aadilisaal leftgthfpmtrliSiea BeyeRs saislesI3e.eti.e flistaflees speeified. iR seetica 2.€i.2J.2.1 8862. fer deah faailitiei!i; RRd eU B~alhetl.ae5, regardless sf tRe enteRt ef tRe pretfwieR hue tRe \.ater..ay €IF tAe ..idtflsf the water ..6). !iRallleElkfire Words wulil. !brl:ll:lg;k are deleted. words und~rlin~ are added. 2~ Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 140 of 192 )'tlsIie Reties ans a. as&riag B j' the C::ellier CaHB~Y PlanBiRg CSBlIfllssiaB. A:5 te Bfty Beat seek eltt8ftSlSa peatieR \:Ipsa "':Disk the planRiBg esfil:l'f'Ussies. talEsa aetieft.luif5I:1Hftl Ie seetisB S.2.11. Bf this Cede. &fl aggrieved J3etitisner Bf Bsv!FSely aA"eeted f3Fepeft) S"XRer !flay ap13ea.l Sliea Heal aedsH Ie tke bean. af ~eRi8.g a.ppeH:l::i. elleel't that sHeR Itppea!liRIlIl Be alea ',lith the as-.elapffteftt seFvieeli Elireeler ::hlli" 11 dS)ti sf the Ehlle. af the $j,ltll aetisR br the plaAftiAg et>>Hmi::i.!ii~ft. Th~ i:ltllIIH t3f ~l.iftiftg appeltlti nut} u.tTifm, IiftirRJ ',dtk. t!8RSilitlRli. reverse, Bf re'/erGe ',i'ilk eBHSilieft5 the aedaR aflhe f11anfting 8BRifRissieR. Rueh IlJIl'etil :ihtdl he .HIes with tRe eSRlftumity de. stellman! and eR\'lrSftmental ser\'iees saRHaistAlter. Bf hili ss9igsee ana shaH he BBliees fer heafiRg ..ilk die asaRI af l8Riag appeals pUfSuanl Ie the preeesures ana 8f1pIieabl.e fee sel fefta ift seelietl I .€.~ sf this Cese. The planftiag eemmissiea shftll has! iro deeisie" faf &fJPfe\'aJ., appfEl'ffll with eSRsiaeR6., Sf aeRial, en the fellaNiftg ef:iteria: 2.ti.21.3.1. '.'1.q:.ethef ae Rat die fttifRusr af aealE faeiliaes Sf slips te he leeatea eft the 51:!bjeet prepePl:) is BppRlf:lriate ift feIstieR te the leftgdt sf v:aterffBftt f:lrspeEt} s'/BUable fer the leeatieft af Ifte prepssea seek faeilit:.ies. "'herlter Bf Ret tae ::ater ~eplb where tae f:lFepesea desk (aeility i5 te he leeateEl is sl:Iffieieat te aile": fer Bafe m.eeRRg sf tRe ',essel, therehy aeeessitatiag the ent8nsisR rSlJ.uest. 2.'.21,2.3. "'hethe! Sf Ret l:he J3fa~esea aself iaeilil) BREI !Reefeel \'essel(s) in eemBiaatieR may eave an aaVel'SB impa€t te a8.tglttisft .vithia 8:8 aEljassal a8viglisle ehaRBe!.' 2.~.21.J.1. ",l/hemer Bf Rat. fer JafS S8 a '.vBtBf\1'/Bj' that is gtlester than 100 feet la ':Adtk, the lH"sps!:ied elaell faeili~j eee1:lpies mare than 2$ ,S1'68Rt sf the .:idlh af the ?!8EeP::a). ef, fer eeathsHses 8ftl)', prstrudes g1'ester than 29 feet, and whetker ar flet a fftiaiRUiffi af 59 }3'ereeat af the \', iSlt sf the ':/Bterllay is malRletaea La sraer 18 eR5tUe reSS8f1Bhle '!/l:lteR...ay ft8!;igBBilit),. 2,fi.21.3,S Weether ae 86t there !He speeial eal\siaefts related te the subjeet pFepeFf) sr wtlteu:aj ..hiehjti5tif) [he prepesed simeesisas aRS lealltiaB sf the s~sjl!!el Efeel<, . 2,6.21.3.". ,x/kether Sf RBt me pfspesed seelt is sf fftiaifftal. dimeasieR9 Reeess8F}' i8 SMEle tel sseEjtiatel:}' seeti.re the mSSf'eEt :essel J/hile poo\'iaiHg Feassftsl:lie seee3S te the Beat faf FatiMa! IHBiR1eR8ftee, .vidtBtit the liSS sf eneessi':e deeJ[ area. 2.6,21.3.7. "'nether aF Rat the pfSpS!iea stroehlrB is af RHftiRUl:l aimeftsisfts ta mieimiroe the impaet afilie 'lie':} sf the ..8lePV. 8) BY stif'l'61:1ftsiag pr:speft} e .-:'8819. 2.fi.21.3,8. \llkether Sf Bel the prepesea . easel is 1ft eJ(E!eS5 sf SG "sreeRt sf the leagth. sf the '.;iltar HeRtage tH:leh that the M:lditisB aC a EleelE struetYFe ':lilI i.n8fease the iRlflaet eft. Sf' .negati :el) ifRpaet the.. ie"ll sf the ',vsteEway b) 5tiffel::lRdiag pf'8pefE'Y ...........,, '.VRelh~r sr Bet the prel'6gea 1868tis8 &Bet desigR af the see]&' :e55el esmhiRstieft is sueh that it may infriRge 1:Ifl8n the use sf aeigh~8fiftg pFspafties., iaeJtidiftg Em)' 8nisang EiselE StrHetliFeS. RegatEiiag 5ni5tiag l3efttBle 8Pgafliams 1ft die ':ieiftity af the pmpsGed eJEteRllisa, (a) "'hether af flet seagl'BSses ate laested '::ithiR 200 feet sf the prsJ3Baea sael:; &tiS (6) V'hether SF net the prepesed desk is !luejeet ts tRe milnatee llf8teetLsft requipemeats af this Cade (seetieR, 2.6.22), 2.6.2 LJ.11. If eleemed aeeessiUY Bases UPS" re\ ie N sf the sBs'/e ePiteria, Ie! planRiAg eemmissiea EBB)' imp sse Sl:IeB eSftsrJ.s8S Hpsn the appre :itl sf lU1 !Ji.tensie.n re.Ell:lest it seems as fteeessar~ Is ll.eesmpUsh the pl:l.I'pSS6S sf this Cede and Words ~F&ttgh arc deleted, words underlined are added, 3CJ Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 141 of 192 prelest tile safatyand .lJeJI8fe af the putdie. gliah eeflEiiaeR5 mar iaehul&, aut shall Bet 138 1imi~a .a, greater side sethaell(li), pre :iliiaa ef lightfB), aElditiS881 FefleetBfs, Sf FeReetefS 1ft,!er WitS faar makes. aRB preh.ihitiftg aT fJeFBlitang meePiag eft tke 8lilSide ef the seek faeility. 2.'.21.1. SeafhalCfe r'efWtJ ~1I1C1116. la aElditien t6 tHe aateria ia seelie" 2.~.21.3. the felle,..ieg .rh.Ao 88011 .pply to heatheHsc" ~fhdft\tlfft aiIJe sethaelE l"eltUifefReat: IS feet. 2.fS.21.1.2. MB:lE.iffitlfR I'Ruf1isisft iate '::aleFW!lY: 23 ~efee8[ sf e&flal v.lidth aF 2Q feet, 'NAieha', Sf is less. 2.6.2l.4.3. MlllI;IfI.1R 8oigl1t: IS feet 85 m.......tI f"'lli!e~ or sea.vall or BlUlk 'J:hieltev.r is RlBES reSkieti':e. MfHLifBURl RHm6er afBBath.StiSe5 per she: 9a8. Z.e.21.1.a. fJls8stRsHse StfUetHFeS 51=101188 eempletely epea 8ft all feur sides. 2.fi.21.1.fi. Resfiftg mKun:.i.al aREI. mer eBler shalll:le the same as mllterials ul'ld eelers HSe6 6ft the I3Flfieiflal stfl;:lEtHFe Sf mal ee Elf a paba fFefta "ehieltee" style. Individual or multinle orivate docks. includin!! moon"!! cHing'S. davits. lifts and the like are oermitted 10 serve waterfront orooertv as de.<;cribed in division 6.3 definitions. crovided such docks do not orotrude more than the respective allowable distances specified in subsections and oetbis code for such waterway or waterbodv. Docks and the like are primarilv intended to adequatelv secure moored vessels and orovide safe access for routine maintenance and use while minimallv imoactin2 navigation within any adiacent navigable channel. the use of the waterway. the use of neiJhborinll docks. the native marine habitat manatees. arid the view of the waterway bv the neie:hborioe propeny owners.. Permitted dock facHitv Drotrusions as well as extensions of dock facilities arc measured from the orooertv line. bulkhead Hne. shoreline. seawall. rio~rap line. control elevation contour. or mean hillh water lMHW) line. whichever is most restrictive. with the foUowinlZ exception: on manmade waterwaYS less than 100 feet in width. where the actual waterway has receded from the olatted waterfront nrooertv line. the olannine services director may 8oorove an administrative variance allowinl! measurement of the oretrusion from the existinl! MHW line. orovided that: 1) a signed. sealed survey no more than sixty (60) days old is orovided showinl:!: the location of the MHW line on either side of the waterway at the site as well as any dock facilities on the subiect DrODertv and the oronertv directly across the waterwav and. 2) at least 50 Defee"t of the true waterway width as deoicted bv the survey is maintained for navi2'sbilitv with the followine- execution: 00 manmade canals 60 feet or less in width which are not reinforced by a vertical seawall or bulkhead. at least 33 percent of the true waterwa.y width must be maintained for navi~abmty. The allowable nrotrusion of the facility into the waterway shall be based on the oerccnta2es described in subsection of this code as aoolicd to the true waterway width shown on tbe survey and not the olaned canal width. 2.6.2l.1.2. On unbridl!ed barrier islands. a boat dock shall be considered a oermitred orincioat use: however. a dock shall not. in any way. constitute a use or structure which permits. requires. and/or nrovides for any accessory uses and or structures, Boathouses and dock facilities orooosed on residentiallv zoned orooenies as defined in section 2. J. J4. of this code. shall be considered an accessory use or structure. Boathouses shall be required to be aODroved throU2b the nrocedure and Words 5I.fl:le]t tkr6l:1gk are deleted, word; underlined are added. 31 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 142 of 192 criteria in subsections and Tn addition. any covered structure erected on a orivate boat dock shall also be considered an acceSSQrv use. and shall also be required to be aooroved lhroU2h the procedures and criteria of suhsections and of this code 3. Non.residential dock facilities shall be subiect to all of the orovisions of section 2.6.21 of the code. with the exceotion that Dfotrusions for non-residential dock facilities bevond the soecified limits shall be determined administrativelv bv the Dlanninll services director at the time of site develooment olan review. based on an evaluation of tbe criteria in subsection 2.6.2 J .3. of this code. 2.6.21,2. Dock facilitv reauirements and restrictions. The following criteria seDlv to dock facilities and boathouses. wiLh the exccolion of dock fucilities and boUlhouses on man made lakes and other manmade bodies of water under nrivate control. For lots on a canal or waterwaY that is 100 feet or 2reater in width no boathouse. dock facilitvlboat combination shall orotrude more th1tn 20 feet into the waterway (j.e. the total orotrusion of the dock facility DIns the total orotrnsion of the moored vessel). A dock extension in accordance with subsection of this code may be granted to allow a orotrusion of more than 20 feet. For lots on a canal or wateI"'\V8V that is less than 100 feet in width. dock facilities mav occuov no more than 33 oercent of the width of the waterway or orotrude 1!reater than 20 feet into the waterway. whichever is lesser. A dock exten.\;ion in accordance with subsection of this code maybe ImlfIted to allow a Drotrusion of more than 20 feel. but at no rime shall such an extension be I!ranted to allow a ororrusion into more than 25 percent of the waterwav width. 2.62 J .2.3 For lots on unbrid2'ed barrier islands located within sate aouatic oreserves. orotrusion limits. setbacks. and deck area shall be determined bv the aODlicable Florida Deoartment of Environmental Protection (DEP) reeulations in effect at the time of Dermit 3oolication. and the Drotrusion limits above shall not aoolv' however. all reouired DE? oermits for the dock. facilitv must be obtained orior to the issuance of a Collier Countv buildinv permit for the facility. > All dock facilitie.o; on lots with water frontage of 60 feet or ~ater shaH have a side setback reouirement of 15 feet. except as Drovided in subsections or 2 6.21.4 of Ihis code or ns exempted below. All dock facilities (except boathouses) on lots with less than 60 feet of water front82e shall have a side setback reauirement of7 1/2 feet. All dock facilities. (exc~DI bQathouses) on lots at the end or side end ora canal or waterway shall have a side setback reouirement of 7 1/2 feet as measured from the side lot line or "oarian line. whichever is ap9roDriate. Ricana" lines (see division 6.3. definitions. noarian line). for lots at the end or side end of a waterway with a re~ular shoreline. are established bv a Hne extendin2 from the corner of an end Jot and side end lot into the waterwav bisectlnl! eauidistantlv the anf!Je created bv the two intersectin210ts (see Exhibit At Rioadan lines for all other lots should be established bv eenernlly acccDled methods takin2 into consideration the cootie-uration of the shoreline. and allowine- for the eouitable acoortionment of Monrian ri2hts. Such methods include. bur are not limited to. lines drawn oernendicular to the shoreline for ree:ular (linear) shorelines. or lines drawn pernendicular to the centerline (thread) of the Wl!te1W3V oeroendicular to the line of deeD water (line of navhrabiJitv or ed2e of naYiwable channen. as aODrooriate. for irre2ular shorelines. 2621 25 All dock facilities. regardless of lene:thlorotrusion. shall have reflectors and house numbers. no less than four inches in hei.lZht installed at the outennost end on both sides. For muhifamilv develooments the house number reouirement is waived. Worns 5H"wel: IRrsl:lgh are deleted, words underlined are added. 32 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 143 of 192 2.6.2 \.2.6. All dock facilities are subiect to. and shall comnlv with. all federal and state requirements and permits. includine but not limited to the reauirements and permits of the Florida Deosrtment of Environmental Protection. the U.S. Armv Coms of En2ineers. and the U.S. Environmental Protection AllenCy Protection ofseQprass beds. Where new dockintz. facilities or boat dock extensions are DmDOsed. the location and presence of seS2J'BSS or sea2rBSS beds within 200 feet of any nrooosed dock facility shall be identified on an aerial ohoto.,aph havin. a scale of one inch to 200 feet when available from the county. or a scale of onc inch to 400 feet when such nhotom:'8phs are not available from the countv. The location of seaerass beds shall be verified by a site visit bv the site development review director. or his desil!nee Drier to issuance of any omieel aDoroval or permit. All nrooosed dock facilities shaH be located and alismed to stav at least ten feet from anv existinl!' Se.a2TBSS beds. except where a continuous bed ofseaarasses exists off the shore of the orooertv and adiacent to the orooertv. 811d to minimize ne,:al:iye imDac:ts to seae:rasses and other native shoreline. emere:ent and submereed veli!ctation and hard bottom communities. Where a continuous bed of seallrasses exislS off the shore of the omnenv and adiacent to the nrooertv. the 800licant shall be allowed to build a dock across the sea~rass beds. or a dockinQ: facilitv within ten feet of sesJrBss beds. Such dockin2' facilities shall complY with the following- conditions: 1. The dock shall be at a hei.ht of at le"l 3.5 feel NGVD. 2. The terminal Dlatform area of the dock shall not exceed J 60 souare feet. 3. The access dock shall not exceed a width of four feet. 4. The access dock and terminal platform shall he sited to imoact the smallest area of sea~rass beds ol?ssible. The oetitioner shall be reauired 10 demonstrate how nes:ative imo8cts to sea~nass beds and other native shoreline vee:etation and hard bottom communities have been minimized Drior to any oroiect aporoval or DeTroit issuance. Dock facility extension. Additional orotrusion of a dock facilitv into any waterway beyond the limits established in subsection 2.6.2J.2 of this code may be considered 8norooriate under certain circumstances. The Collier County Planoin!! Commission. at a dulv advertised DUbHc hearin~. shall 8D9rove. aoorove with conditions. or denv. a dock facility extension reQuest based on the criteria below. Advertisement of such hearinl! shall consist of 1) Dublication of a notice of the hearioe: in a newspaper of ~enerat circulation in the county at least 15 days in advance of the hearintr: 2) Dostine: of a si2'n by the develooment services director in full view of the public on the subiect Drooertv: and. 3) notification bv the development services director of all owners of oropertv within 500 feet of the subiect orooortv. As to anv boat dock extensioD netitio" UDOn which the olannin2' commission takes action, Dursuant to subsectioD 5.2.11 of this code. an Bl!e:rieved Detitioner or adversely affected orooertv owner maY appeal such final action to (he board ofzonimz aODeals. The board afzoning aODeals may affinn affirm with condirions. reverse or reverse with condilions the sellon of the olannin~ commission. Such anneal shall be fiJed with the communi tv deyelooment and environmental services division and shall be noticed for hearine bv (he board of zooiD!! aoneals oursuant 10 the orocedures and ~pDlicable fee set forth in subsection 1.6.6 of this code. The olanninl! commission shall base its decision for aODroval aoproval with conditions. or denial. on an evaluation of Ihe followinl! orimarv and secondary criteria. The BooHcation for a boat dock extension shall include the followine: 1) a siened. sealed survey denictine mean hie:h water. mean low water. and relevant water Words s{rlls!; thrsllgh are deleted. words underlined are added. 33 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 144 of 192 deDths measured at no less than 5-fOOl increments: and 2) a chart drawn to scale or the waterway at the site. denictin2' the: waterway width the oroximit~ of the Droooscd facilitv to BOV Bdiacentnavhrable channel. the Droximitv of the oronosed facilitv 10 docks. if any. on the ad.seem Jots. and the unobst~cted warerwuv between the Deoeosed facilitv and the oCDOsite bank. or any dock facilitv on the oPJ'OSite bank, In order for the 0lannin2 com;is~io~ ;0 ~o~ve the reauest it must be determined that at least four (4) crih five (5) D '0 criteria and at least four (4) cfahe six (6) secondarY criteria. have been mer. These criteria are as follows: 2, J. Primarv criteria:,1.2,,,l.S. 2,,2,1. 2.6,21.3,2.2. Whether or nor the number of dock facilities and/or boat slips orooosed is aonronriate in relation to the waterfront len2th location. unland land ~ a:d zoniml of the subiect OfOoertV: consideration should be made of DroDel v o. unbrid.ed barrier islands. where vessels are the orimarv means of tr;;;;~~~~ation to and from the orooenv. IThe number should be sDDronriste' tVDi~;}~ . le- familv use should be no more than two sJins: twics! multi-familv use ~hould be one SliD net' dwelling- unit: in the case of unbridlled banier island docks. additional sHos mav be aoorooriate). Whether or not the water deoth at the proposed site is so shallow that a vessel of the llcnerallemrth t\lDe. and draft as that described in the oetitioiler's ao;lication is unable 10 launchorrnoor at mean Jow tide (MLTl. (rhe netitioner's apnlication and survey should show chat the water depth is too shallow to allow launch and moorin2 of the vessel (s) described without an extension). Whether or not the Droeosed dock facilitv may have an adverse imeact on navilzation within an adiacent marked or charted navieable channel. (The facility should not intrude into any marked or charted navieable channel Ihm: imnedine- vessel traffic in (he channel). Whether or not the DroOOSed dock facUitv Drotrndes no more than 25 Defee"! of the width of the waterway. and whether or not a minimum of 50 oercent of the waterway width between dock faciUties on either'side of the waterway is maintained for navilzabilitv. (The facility should maintain the reouired oercentalles), Whether or not the DTODOSed location and desi2n of the dock facility is such that ,he facilitv would not interfere with the use of nei.hhorin. docks.lThe ~acilitv should not interfere with the use of lelmllv oermitted neie-hborios! docks . Secondary criteria: Whether or not there are sDecial conditions. not inyolvinn water d::~nrelated to the subiect oronettv or waterway which iustifv the 91'Ooosed dim i sand location of the nrooosed dock facilitv. (There mugt be at least onc sDeci~1 condition relaled to 'he DropertV: these may include [vue of shoreline reinforcement. shoreline confhmration. man2rove 2rowth. or sea2rass beds) Whether the Dcocosed dock facility would allow reasonable. safe access to the vessel for JoadinnlunJoadine. and routine maintenance. without the use of excessive deck area not directly related 10 these functions. (The faciJilv should not use excessive deck area), For sin,le-famifv dock facilities whether or not the leneth of the vessel. or vessels in combination. described bv the Dctitioner exceeds 50 nercenl of the subiect oronertv's linear waterfront foorae-c. (The annJicnble maximum oercenI<ll!e should he maintained). Words &lFUeb. tftf5t1gh arc deleted. words underlined are added. 34 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 145 of 192 Whether or nollhe prooosed facilitv would have a major imoacl on the waterfront view of nei2hborinl! waterfront nronertv owners. (The facilitv should not have a maior impact on the view of either nei~hbor) Whether or not sea.rass beds are located wilhin 200 feet of the orooosed dock facilitv. (Ifseae:rass beds are DreSen! comoliance with subsection of this code must be demonstrated), Whether or not the ocooosed dock facility is subiect to the manatee orotection co(jluirements of subsection 2.6.22. of this code. (If apolicable. comoliance with seclion 2.6.22 must be demonslratedl. If deemed necessary based unDo review of the above criteria the olannin2 commission may imoose such conditions uno" the aDomval of an extension reQuesr it deems necessarv to accomplish the pumoses of this code and orotect the safety and welfare of the DubHe, Such conditions may include. but shan not be limited to. 2'feater side setback(s). and orovision of lieht{s). additional reflectors. or reflectors lamer than four inches. Boathouse reouirements: Boathouses. includin~ any roofed structure built on a dock. shall be reviewed by the planniDll commisslon usin1! the same procedures and 8,Dolic:able criteria described in subsection of rhis code: however. the criteria in subsection of this code shall aODlv onlv to simultaneous ap.plication for both a dock extension and a boathouse. In cases where the boathouse is to be constructed on an existim!. lC2allv nermitted. dock. these criteria shall not aoolv since the dock itself is alreadv in eomoliance with the code. In aU cases. the followine additional criteria shall aoplv to boathouses and all of these criteria must be met in order for the olaunin!! commission to aomove the request: 2.6.214 1. Minimum side setback requirement: 15 feet. Maximum protrusion into waterwaY: 25 Deree"t of canal width or 20 feet. whichever is less: the roof alone may overhang no more than 3 feet into the waterway beyond the maximum orotrusion and/or side setbacks. Maximum hei!!ht: IS feel as measured from too of seawall or bank. whichever is more restrictive. to the oeak or hi2hest elevation of the roof., Maximum number of boathouses or covered structures ner site: 1. 26.21 45. All boathouses and covered structures shall be completelv ODen on all four sides, Roofimr material and roof color shall be the same as materials and colors used on the orinoiDs. slrUcture or maY be of a onlm frond "cbick.ee" stvle' Ii sim;t1e.familv dwelling- unit must be constructed on the subiect lot orior to. or simultaneouslv with. the construction of any boathouse or covered dock strUcture. See. 2.6.33 T.mporary use permits. * * * . * * . . . . . T~orary construction and development permits. During the construction of any developmenl for which at least a preliminary development order has been granted, as required below, the develope.r may request a temporary use permit for the below~listed activities. The temporary use permit shall be granted initially for a period not to exceed 24 months in duration and may be renewed annually based upon demonstration of need and payment of fee. A request for renewal shall be submitted to the planning services director in wriling 30 days prior to the expiration of the temporary use permit. Temporary construction and development permits shall be alJowed for the following uses: Words Slfl:lell. Ittnsl:Igk are deleted, wQrds underlined are added. )5 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 146 of 192 I. Temporary offices to be used for construction, and administrative functions within the deveJopment. 2. Temporary administrative offices to be used in conjunction with a bona fide agricultural use in the agricultural zoning district when located in the area designated agricultural on the future land use mnp of the future land use element of the Collier County growlh management plan. .l. Temoorarv classrooms on the site for existinll nonorofit ore:anizations. used to continue existin2 classroom activities. and in coniunction with an aooroved develonment order: oennits for such classrooms will be issued in coniunction with an aooroved site imorovement clan, 3r ~ On-site storage of equipment and construction materials for use on the development site only. 4r ~ On-site mobile home used as a temporary office or storage facility for persons engaged in the development of the site. ~ ~ On-site mobile radio and television equipment and antennae. 6, L On-site mobile home for the use of a watchman or caretaker only. +-: ~ On-site temporary use of structures and equipment for the building of roads, public utilities. and government projects. &. 2.: Off-site temporary parking on property which is located co~tiguous to the subject development, or would be contiguous except for a roadway that is not designated as a colleclor or arterial in the traffic circulation element of the growth management plan, with the written authorization of the property owner. . 9r ill Other on-site uses similar to tbe foregoing uses and determined by the planning services director to meet the intent of section . * . . * * * *. . * * I. purposes of enhanced light andlor sound; or 2. The event: (a) is attended by 25 or more people and is organized by or at the direction of the Owner; and (b) is of a nature not commonly associated with the day-to- day use of the beach by the general public. * . * . * . * . . . . See. 2.6.38. Access management plans. Purpose and intent. This section pertains to transportation access within mixed~ use aclivity centers as designated on the Future Land Use Map of rhe Growth Management Plan. .<\8 aeeeS5 fR8flsgemsnt pla:a exists fur eeeR mineS. use aeli :it)' Benter ( see .A~flf1eRdjJ[ V).The l'ul'flese sf the azee&s manageft'lent plans is 16 eeRtIet the Rumser, leearieR aRa t"} pe €lf saaell5 paints [8 tke reas. .\'8)' ( H5Hally arterials analer eelleeters ) 8FeUaa .. hiea Baeh mixes HSt eeti. it) eeater is leeates, S8 thallhe 8c,befs8 imp-eets te safar), 6SflSeil) BRa sfl'effitiAg eenditiens af the read.. a) Ii ...ill be ffliftimized, ^ hile previdieg adequate &eBBS!) te laelie pl'spefties '. ithia the mined liS! aed. it) eeHler. The location and type of f.ttttH:e access ( existine and future) points (86VI iflgFesstegras5 ) shall be ts based upon the Collier County Access ManagemeRt QQn!rQl Policy (Resahnisft ~Je. 92 112 jeRes. 01.247) as may be amended existing and future land use conditions, aAEI with the objective ef to minimize Rtiaiati2:iag the number of access points to the roadway network. FtltHre assess paiAtll are sl:IBjeel t8 shange as reaa impfB'leffieB~5 B:fe ]'daftRea ana designed, sa:sefl l:l138R Fead e8flseit) aaa &a~ eSRliiaeP8.tisRS. This section restricfs the location and type of ingress I i!.!!fI egress Words IHNat! tnretlgh are deleled. words underlined are added. 36 2.'.38.3., SUBSECTION 3. F. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 147 of 192 points and median openings; restricts the loc.tion of tr.ffic sign.ls; identifies areas appropriate for shared access and interconnection; and otherwise regulates transponation access. all within mixed~use activity centers, Access to all properties Rat lea8ted 'A'HeiR a .ft'liJf.ed kiSS aeti. it)' eeater is controlled by the access m.ftoge_ftt~ policy ( Resolution No, ~ !lJ..:M1. and as may be amended ). the Collier County Construction Standards. for work within rights- of-way ( Ordinance 93-64 and .s may be .mended ). and .ny other applicable regulations. . . * . . . . . * * . ....e6855 ma:ragems:Jt fJHlIt mapa. TheA! are 21 aeeess managemeat ~IBR JBElf'S eM Wf eaeh mined. 1i56 aeti':i~y senter and eRe fer the fH~fI! Beti"..i~y seater at taB i.l.rGeelieft af '/..de..i1t Beoeh Rond (C.R. 862) ...d "'UpOIl Read (CoR, 31 ). The fHaI' aepiets: mines \ise aeti\'ity eeBler eal:tflliaAes~ emistiflg zaniag 8:istl'ieta aad teelr hsuBdaries; ffiajer de' elepfMAt. iag-tess/egress l'ei1\lS ana type ( full Sf f8strietes aeeess). restrietbe fHeai8fi5t meaian Bl3eaiftgs, H':&f:ie sigftals aad siBe",/all,s: ElJ3pre'/ed aut lIBlnlilt ing:re5S/ egte55 ~eint6 Me type~ futtft'e and pstefttial ",eeieR e~eftin:g ffisdif1eatisllsj j:lsteRtia:l trame sigaal laeatiaftB; J:lBtefltial leaarieRs feF shafea aeeess aF intereSflReeasn, enisting iagresstegt'ess paiftt5 te be ffi.6mtere.a fer passisls ffisaifteflMBl'I5; and ateet' rele'/8:8t Elata, These FB.iIfJs are faliaS in /..-ppesBix. V tagether 'nitk 1H1 eJEplaeBt1en sf \Be .Rtap legeft6 BRa at3tatieas. * . . . . * . * . * . Regulations, Future development orders within mixed-use activity centers can only be approved if access location(s) and type(~) comply with these aerieted 8ft thoe aeeess fflBaagelB6flt I'lan maps, eJl.eept as pr8\'ided jll seetisB 2,€.38,3.1.~ Collier County Access Control Policv and the Comer County Construction Standards for work within the ril!'ht~of~wav and any other re2'ulations as may be amended. * . * . . * * * . . * During development or redevelopment of commercial lots, shared access or interconnection shall be encouraged and may be reauired as a condition of site develQoment clan aODrovaJ. TeR min.es use BBti'd1:) eeftter5 eeataia 8ft iateFSeeesa idea.tiAe.d 8ft die Future Tmffi.....I>)'. M"" Ye.r 2Q\S (Tfllflie Ci....I.lioR EI.meat).s tho sbe of pessi.l. nlUn=e graEle Sel'afatlBB. TRelle ftltwFe grase Septlf8.H88B fftaj R!5ult ift aeees5BfY eftBflges lEI the leeBtief\ RBd tYf3e af e.eeeS5 psifttfi and meailHl &peRings. The tea ,'\eth'ity CeatefS Me FauBEl 8n ffi&p f1UffieeL'S 1,2,7. &,13, H, U. 17, aRd 18. * . . . . * * * * * * AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ADMlNISTRA nON AND PROCEDURES DIVISION the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby ame.ded as follows: Division 2.7. Zoning Administration and Procedures of Ordinance 91 ~ I 02, as amended, DMSION 2.7 ZONING ADMINSlTRATION AND PROCEDURES Sec. 2.7.2. Amendment procedures. Planning commission hearing and report to the board of county commissioners, Words Slrttelt !hrstlgh are deleled, words underlined are added, 37 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 148 of192 I, Time limits. Hearings by the planning commission on applications for rezoning of land oftaIIl!W: be held at least 24 times a year, For applications nol involving the rezoning of land, but which involve amendments to these zoning regulations, the planning commission shall hold its public hearings twice per calendar year. J. loe eaoe ef IItl emcrge.c), ~ amendments to lhese zoning regulations may be made more often than twice during the calendar year if the additional amendment ~ receives the approval of a ~rnajority VOle of the board of county commissioners. Unless a longer time is mutually agreed upon by the pJanning commissioners, the planning commission shaH file its recommendations for either type of amendmeut with the board of county commissioners within 45 days after the public hearing before the planning commission has been closed. . . . . . . . * . . . See. 2.7.3. Planned unit development (PUD) proeedures. 2.7,3.3, 2,7.3.4. * . * . * . . . . . . Effect of planned unit developmenr zoning, If approved by the counly board of commiss.ioners. the master plan for development and aU other .information and materials formally submitted with the petition shall be considered and adopted as an amendment to the zoning code. and shall become the standards for development for the subject PUD. Thenceforth, the development in the area delineated as the pun district on the official zoning atlas shaU proceed only in accordance with the adopted development regulations and the PUD masler plan for said PUD district. excent that aDoroval and adoDtion of a PUO ordinance or pun master Dlan does not act to authorize or vest the location desilln c~pacity~ or routing of traffic for anv access point dcoicted on or described in. such ordinance or olano Time Jimitsforapproved PUD master plans. In the event that a PUD master plan is given approval, and the landowner(s) shall: . . . . * . . . . . . 3. Infrastructure imnrovements shan be located on site and shall constitute infrastructure that makes Dossible vertical construction consistent with oermitted land uses. Acceleration lanes. eotN road access and the like do not count towards meetin2 the reauired levels of infrastructure imorovements as required above. . * * . * * * . * . * 2.7,3.5.6. Minor changes not otherwise provided for. II shall he understood that. while a pun is required 1O describe and provide for infrastructure, intended land use types. approximate acreages of internal development tracts. !Y.!.d compatibility with adjacent jand uses. minor changes may become necessary during the subdivision or site development plan review processes. The Ele\'elepmeAt olanninl: services director shall also be authorized to allow minor changes to the PUD master plan during its subdivision improvements plan or site development plan process to acconunodate topography, vegetation and other site conditions not identified or accounted for during its original submittal and review and when said changes have been determined to be compatible with adjacent Jand uses, have no impacts external to the site, eJCisting or proposed. and is otherwise consistent with the provisions of this code and the growth management plan. Such changes shall incJude:: Words 5lftleli Wn aLlgh are deleted. words underlined are added. J8 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 149 of 192 1. Internal realignment of rights-of-waY$, ether !haft includin. a relocation of access points 10 the PUD itself, where no water management facility. conservation/preservation areas, or required easements are affected or olherwise provided for. * * . * . . . . * . . SUBSECTION 3.G. AMENDMENTS TO SUBDMSIONS DMSION Division 3.2., Subdivisions, of Ordinance 91-102. as amended of the Collier County Land Development Code is hereby amended to read as follows: DMSION 3.2 SUBDIVISIONS . * . . * * . . '. . * See. 3.:%.6. Subdivision re.iew procedures. * . . * * . . . . . * Recordation of final subdivision plat, I. General. No building pennits for habitable structures shall b. issued prior to approval by the board of county commissioners and recordation of the final subdivision plat. 2, Posting of subdivision peiformance security. Approval of the final subdivision plat shall not entitle the final subdivision plat to be recorded unless the required improvements have been completed by or for' the applicant and accepted by the county, or the required subdivision performance security for the construction of the required improvements, both on-site and off-site, has been posted by the applicant, in a format approved by the county attorney, and approved and accepted by the board. of county commissioners or the community development and environmental services administrator. or his designee, on behalf of the board. Once the form of a subdivision performance security has been approved und accepted alternate securilies. in a format approved by the county attorney.. may be approved by the community development and environmental administrator. or his designee, on behalf of the board. 3. Recordation procedure. After approval of the final subdivision plat by the board of county commissioners, but prior to the development services director's recording of the final suhdivision plat with the clerk of the circuit court, all of the following shall occur: a. The applicant shall obtain all of the signatures on the original plat cover sheet(s) that are associatod with the applicant's obligations or that are otherwise required (tog-ether with any seoarate opinion of title or title certification. and anY separate mOn231lee'S consent(s)). h. The applicant shall submit the original final subdivision plat. and anv separate consents. or ooinjons or certifications of title. to the development services director after obtaining the signatures required above. The development services director shall obtain all county related signatures required on the final subdivision pial c. Simultaneously with the submission of the fuIly executed final subdivision plat to the development services director, the applicant shall also submit in accordance with & 177,041. F.S., at no ex.pense to the county, either a title opinion aT eertifieate from a Jicensed attorney authorized to practice in the State of Florida comolvine: with the Words ~FeYgft arc ddcl.OO. words underlined are added. 39 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 150 of 192 , standards for such ooinions as thev may be nromuhr8ted from time tq lime or a rille certification. as weB as any reauired documents supporting w..title information. and any such related documents as mav he rcmlircd hv (he office of the Cotlnlv auorney. The effective date of the '"PPDlliftg title information must be no more than 30 days prior to the submission of the final subdivision plat to the development services director and must contain all of the following: (I) A legal description of~the lands being platted; (2) A slalement Ihat Ihe anomey is licensed to practice in the State of Florida and that the attorney has examined title to the subject real property. if a title opinion is being provided; (3) Identification of the exacl name of-MlY llle person who is the record owner of the subject real property and a specific citation to the official records hook and page, wbere ~liIe-record legal . owner obtained title to the ,ubject real property. The auppaftiftg tille information shall have attached thereto a copy of said instrument{s) of conveyance; (4). Identification of liens. encumbrances, easements,' or matters shown or that should be shown as exclusions to coverage on a title insurance policy. As mav be If-applicable, the auppal'ling title information shall include h.... aliaah.d in a n.atly bound fashion, and make citation to the recording information of, all referenced liens, encumbrances, easements, or exclusions. The sl:1l'peFtiftg title information shall have attached thereto a copy of any such instruments. 4. Payment of recording and copy fees. The recording and copy fees specified in this section must be verified as correct and paid by the applicant. Upon verification and paymenl. the development services director shall record rhe final subdivision plat with tbe clerk of the circuit court in tbe official records of Collier County. Florida, and then proceed to produce three copies and one mylar of the recorded final subdivision plat and accompanying documents which are required for the clerk of the circuit court 5. Recording of other documents. If any dedications, grants, conveyances, easements, consents (includinll! mortlZag-ee consents), reservations, covenants, or other like instruments are to be recorded simultaneously with the final subdivision plat, appropriate fees and original documentation must be provided to the development services director for processing and recordimz by the clerk of court prior to. or simultaneouslv with. the recording of the final subdivision plat. 6. Additional copies. If the applicant or its professional surveyor or engineer of record wishes to obtain additional copies or mylars of the recorded document(s) at the time of recording. arrangements shall be made through the develel'ffieRt enJzineerinl! services director and coordinated with the transponation services ctivision prior to recording and payment of fees. 7. Completion of' improvements. The required improvements shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision plat unless the applicant shall file with the county a subdivision performance security in a manner and form prescribed in this di vision to assure the installation of the required improvements. 8. Supporting ~title information. Within 60 days of recordation of the final subdivision plat in the official records of Collier County, Florida, Words ~~ an: deleted. words underlined are added. 40 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 151 of 192 the applicant, at no expense to the county, shall submit to the development services director eillier a title .piRieft or e.nlileele hem a lieeftses attemey Ill:ltBBrii!eB Ie PfQe~ee ia the Elate sf Fle1ida as final supponing ~title information in order 10 induce the Collier County board of county commissioners to conduct finaJ acceptance of Ihe subdivision improvemenls us required by this division. The final supporting title information must meet all of .he requirements of 3.c.. above. excent as to effective date. Recolor and aooroval of the "280" titie infonnatlon is ~ a condition precedent to acceptance of subdivision improvements. The effecti ve dete of Ihe supponing ::mm:.title information must~ tkeBagh the sate sf reeenitl."8B sf the HRal s'lihw":isien plat &BEl fRtist.JU, minimum. cover the ulIap" between the time the effective date of the information reauired bv 3.e.. above when submitted and the date and time of recordiIH! of the final olat. and additionally such title infonnation must identify and orovide eODies of any recorded documentation-eefflitffi the fell.wing' 8. A legal 8eaeriptisn af the hwds v:hieh. weFe plaKed; e. .\ statement that the sHeffler is lieeftSea te ,Neaee ift the 8~le af Placida B8d that the aUelee) Bas eJiB:Bliaea title t6 ille 568jeet feW p.ep.rll tllt.egh the dote the B".I seMi ,i.iBR plet 'A'as reeerded, . if 1:1. title epiRien is pre. hies; e. . lEIeBtiHBaaea Bf the ~[aet flame ef thf. pefS8B Sf eaHt)" .. Be is ~e peeeTa e....fler ef the suejeet pFBpefty ans a speeifie eiratie8 te the efaeial reeartls healL: Mil page..here the reesEa legal 6"1.ner .etal.ed title t. the plaited laRds. Thi. SUppBfliftg title iafeFffletisR' sholl hays ottaehed theiets a espy sf said inst:ru:RleRtB sf esn','syanee; d. JEie.atifieatisft of the holders of any estates, liens, encumbrances or easements whieh ha"e not properly included or ioined in lhe dedication or consents on (he final subdivision plali e. laeBafisatiea sf HeRS. eaBUm8l'Bflees. eMeRleats. Sf mattel'S SR8\','R Sf t8.st sh.eulEI ee shs.....a flfi !Jf.eIHsiefts te eavemge eft EI. title ift.ti...... p.tier, If ap~li.Qele, the 5ftppefliftg titla iftfefftllltiBft sfttil..fia\ e auaeheel ift a neatly SatlRS nshiefl. tlft.f! !Bsh.e ai16tiea le the reesreiftg iRfarffistiaft, sf aU r.efareneea HeM., BeeHIflh':fBRees. easemeats, Bf eneIHsiefl.5. The supporting ~title information mustsflull have attached thereto a copy of any _~ instruments not oreviouslv provided in connection with fJfEwieas submittals for the final olat"s recordicQ'. 9. After approval for recording by Ihe board, but prior 10 recordation of Ihe final subdivision plat, the development services administrator may approve of minor or insubstantial changes to tbe final plat. * . * . . . * . * . . Observation oj construction. The applicant shall have the professional engineer or engineer's reprel:tentative make periodic site vil:iits at intervals appropriate to the various stages of required improvement construction to observe the contractor's compliance with the approved plans and specifications. At the time of preliminary acceptance, the applicant's professional engineer shall submit a completion certificate for those required improvements completed. ~ eomoletion certificate shaH be based on information Drovided bv the Droiect survevor and the enQ'ineer's own observations. The comDletion certificate shall not be based on "information orovided bv the contractor". Any discrepancy Words 51:!: !ish llnellgh are deleted. words underlined are added. 41 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 152 of 192 shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the Ele','elapfMftl cn~inecrin2' services director prior to preliminary acceptance of the improvements. * * III * * * * * * * * 3, Construction inspections by the MveltJ.pmel'll enflineerin~ services direc/or. Upon approval of the improvement plans by the ae.lelepmeat eneineerioe: services director, the applicant"s profes.sional engineer of record shall be provided with a list of standard inspections which require the presence of the se';elapffieRI enlZineerinl'J services director. Notification of all required inspections shall be contained in the approval Jetter for the development. Based on the scheduling and progress of construction, the applicant shall be responsible to noeify the e1e'.elapll.cnl eneineerin2 services director prior to the time these inspections are required. At least 48 hours' notice shall be provided to the ae\'e1sl'ffient eni!ioeerin2 services director to allow scheduling of an inspection. Verbal confirmation of inspection time or a request for rescheduling will be made by the aelJelepm8ftt ene:ineerimr services director on each notification made. All reauired insnections as noted in the Collier Countv Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance 97-17. Section 9.4.2 shall require notice to the ene'ineerine: services director. Also. the en~ineerjne: services director shall be notified at the followin~ stalles of construction: orior to any 'Pavin~ or concrete work associated with roads or sidewalks. From time to time, the de. elapment eneineerinl! services director shaH inspect the progress of construction. Should special inspections be required they ,shall be coordinated through the applicanL . The foregoing notwithstanding. rouline spot inspections by the dovels,,,,..1 ene:ineerine- services director may be camed out without notice on all construction to ensure compliance with the approved improvement plans. During the on-site inspection process, if the ae\ elepmeAt enl!ineerine- services director finds construction in progress which does not comply with the procedures, policies and requirements contained in thfs division or the approved improvement plans. he shall have the full authority to issue a stop work order for the portion of the work not in compliance. If a stop work order is issued, it shall remain in fun effect with respect to the defective work until such time as the documented discrepancies have been corrected to the full satisfaction of the eie-:elepffieftl en{!'ineerin~ services director. . . . . . * * . . * . Procedures for acceptance of required improvements. * * . * . * . . . * . 2. Completion certificate, record improvement plans and supportive documents. . . . * * * . * . * * c. AU record drawing data for water and sewer faciHties pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.4 of the Collier County Ord.inat.co He. 88 il6; Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance No. 97-17. as amended. . . . . . . . . . . . See. 3.2.8. Improvement plans. . . . . . . . . . . . Words alrllal. IhfBligh are deleted. words untlerlined are added. 42 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 153 of 192 Access to public roads. The street system of a subdivision approved pursuant to thi, division shall be connected to a public road. which is state or county maintained, with adequale capacity as defined by the growth management plan to accept the traffic volumes generated by the proposed development. Unless topography, or a compliance with Ihe County's Access 1I....g.....9t Control Policy (Resolution ~ as mav be amended. or LDC Seclion 3.2,8.4.1 prohibits it, the number of access points to public roads shall ensure that there are no more than 4,000 average daily trips (ADT) per access point (existing or future). The lelal-maximum number of access points required by this section shall be six. Proposed developments accessing public roads shall be subject to the requirements of the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. The connection of any property 10 a public or private road shall he carried out in conformance with Collier County Ordinance No. 82-9l, as amended. Alleys. Alleys may be provided in industrial. commercial and residential subdivisions, Alleys may he for one-way or two-way traffic. Alleys for one-way traffic only shall have the appropriate directional andinstruction signage installed. Alleys shall be utilized for secondary access unless otherwise orovided in this code. * * * * * * . * * * * Water system, central. A complete water distribution and transmission system ill include orevision for scoarate potable .and reuse water lines. and interim water treatment or interim waler treatment and supply facilities, if required, shalJ be . provided or employed by .the applicant, al no cost to Collier County for all subdivisions and developments. Reuse water line.~. pumps. and other apnurtcnances will not be maintained bv Collier County. Countv DOtable water wiJ1 not be permitted for irri~ation unless other sources of sUDDlementaJ water are not oermitted or available. therefore the develoncr will need to omvide irri2ation water from a source until such time that reuse water may be available. All facilities shall be constructed in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. When required, the water distribution and transmission facilities shall be conveyed to Collier County, or the Collier County Water-Sewer District or other dependent district where appropriate. upon completion of construction pursuant 10 County Ordinance [No.] 88-76 [Code ch. 134, art. I\JJ. as amended. . . . . . . . . . . . Storm water management. Anv structure with an outside wall which is closer than 10 feet from a side property line shan install nrooerlv sized ( minimum 24 saDare inch cross~section) euUers and downsDouts to direct storm water awaY from neie:hborinl! orooerties and toward front and/or rear swales or retention/detention areas. In-wound oercolation tvue retention systems such as rock trenches. exfiltration trenches or beds. infiltrator tvoe sYStems. 2allerv tV?e sYStems. etc.. shall not be used to achieve water aualitv retention for residential subdivisions. Rear yard onen retentjon svsterns shall likewise not be deshmed to achieve water qualitv retention on proiects submitted after January 1. 2002. AU retention systems for oroiects desil!ned after January 1. 2002 shall be on common pronertv owned and maintained bv a homeowners' association or similarentitv., I * * * * * * * * * * * Access. Access to lots within a subdi vision shall be designed to accomplish access to the lots by use of local streets. Access to residential lols shall be in accordance with Ordinance !iQ.. 82-91 [superseded by ordinance found in Code ch. 110, art. II], M\e seliR!)' right sf \":6)' construction standards handbook for work wirhin the nllblic ril!bt.of way Ordinance No. 93-63, as mav be amended. tun allalI In 88 boa "lh.Ml JQ iI!' rUM istefSuHng fi&lIt sf l~ liAea 8ft Isaal ta 18S81 etful iftterueliaRB, JQQ feu fer IsuI leI ft 1R6l 8slluler itJUuestiSABj &I.a Words SI~tlf:llll.\Fel:tgh are deleted, words underlin~d are added. 4J Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 154 of 192 IRQ "Ii fNlIl ill.IUII.ill!. "Ihl Hi..as IiI U !.L. aU elhu 8k'UU of ki81ur elooaHbati!oo. beaal Ill! 1IIliB.1lI uYutn 8111.81 un uti!.u U! flujl!ll uIJutBPB ohall \Ja l...L.iHltln. ae 1(10 jut &~&P" (tll ril~f! I B818 ). Delete Figure I Laeal er miner "treet f8ft.ftteti6ft!t te Mfedal 3[reels Jhall he a fuiflil'l'I,Uffl sf 669 feelopoll (See n~ure 2 oela..) Delete Figure 2 ba:a1. 61 .mt.n.6r ~~Uee.tu street ~61d~CGti.fi..J. t'6 1lI'te1'iai 3tKof3 Hlft) 'he JJe fat opall if the ,tlcel eooneeli.. pre,i~., fer righl telo' .nly (Sec Pigere 2 oele..) Delete Figure 3 tfs.j8r uJ11111ef !tiel' 88RftUti8R8 18 UliuiAl ."!1I8 shall hi a MiaiHduflsf 1.319 r... ~ IWt '11.1""11 UBi-daR"" fir .Ben fllJieluui&l UJIlIlOll ill ~8Birefl alSJ1.1 a Iii aJer 8sl1eSf8c Bf W1aflll swell, h sRall Be JUS hies h~ A.AlM If a R\a~a.j 1.88898 IBla. l'hB HInt ,eis. sf B1!8888 18 the Rl8fI!,inal usus nul fraR.i. hlllifUetisR sf ullulIi!lf Ufuto: &ful'!! IIlUilll.llHUt! shall hi a ffti.nia.uII, efJJQ feu fUIIl il .unlting !light. ef as !iou, Intermittent access poinrs to the marginal access road shall be a minimum of 660 feet apart. Access poinls to the marginal acccss roads shall be provided with appropriate turn lanes, signalization or other necessary traffic control measures, Wh~n double-frontage lots are created adjacent to a collector or arterial street and a local street, they shall front on the local street, whIch shall provide access to said lot. Access 10 the lot shall nol he provided by means of the major collector or arterial street. In such cases, the lot shall be buffered as required herein, Access management regulations as required by the Growth Management Act, when implemented, shall supersede this section where applicable. Where access locations are not consistent with the county's Access Management policy. a separate access capacity analysis shaU be required to identify capacity impacts and appropriate mitigation. In the case of commercial or industrial subdivisions which contain Of include parcels which are separated by common parking area or other common area, sometimes referred to as "outparcels", "anchor store parcels", Of "fee simple footprint parcels", or an integrated phased development as defined in anicIe 6, access shall be created through an internal access provision documented on the final subdivision plat. Internal access provisions shown on the final subdivision plat shall include by way of example. bue not limited to, cross-covenants, cross. easements. dedicated access tracts. or the like, and shall clearly and specifically identify the dominant and servient estates involved, and the scope Wld duration of such internal access provision. Thill pre, i5ies shall he aeeeptBele ta the CeffiffiUfth) De':elepft1.8ftt aRa Eft'/ir8Rmeatal SeE". iees Di/isieB. :\EimiBistP6tef aHa the 68t:lflty Snaffle} lltut satisf:~ the z8fti8g felluife1fteRts fer the zBBing diskier in l.hieh.the 5tietii\'isieR is Jeealeci. . . . . . . . . . . . Blocks. The length, widlh and shape of blocks shall be dClermined with due regard to: l. Zoning requirements as to lot size and dimensions. 2. Need for convenient access, circulation, control and safety or vehicular and pedestrian Iraffic. 3. Limitations and opportunities of topography, including all natural and preserved features identified. Where special topographical conditions exist, hlock lengths greater than 660 feet flI1lJ'"shall be approved by the Community Development and Environmental Services Administraror pursuant to section Traffic calming devices. as approved hy the Neighborhood Tlaffic Management Program, shall be provided Words strite)! lIudugh are deleled. words underlined are added. 44 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 155 of 192 in block lengths greater than 660 feet. Reeolllll1eodetl s~aeing &f Ir8flie eolmi,,& tie','jee3 b 189 feet I9f peAler bB6e6. 6n. site ~eme~ that Wae5tilfl.&;eS 81'eldting spees greeter that. the p83tea speed. ' , . , , , * , , , , .,16.5. Street right of way widrh. The minimum right-of-way widths to be utilized shall be as follows and, where applicable, shall be clarified by !he cross sections contained In appendix B, and will be directly related to lraffic volume as indicated in the definition of each street continued herein and where applicable clarified by the cross sections comained in appendix B. Private street righl-of- way widths and design may be determined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with section 3.2,7,2. Street Type All Streets Cul-de~sac Local Minor collector Minor collector (divided) Major collector or Minor Arterial * RIW Widrh' LAn. Widrh lanes 2 2 2 2 Number of (f.et) 10 10 11:ll 11-12 11:ll (feer) 60 60 lMlB.Q A:l ""4ttired fer ..IOOKh. ana ltunllin.-:.s .8.Q:1.QQ sa reql:lj..~.d as determined for median and turn lanes 2 Note: Any rural cross sections approved may require expanded righr-of-way widths for additional shoulder and swale facilities. Design to he approved on a case-by-case basis. 'If an alley is utilized, Ihe right.of-way width may be reduced upon approval of the CemRWRity De':eleplflBftt aad M-;iFElftmentaI TransDortation Services Administrator. Sec.3.2.9. Final subdivision plat. * * * *' * * '" * * * '" Certification and approvals. The plat shall contain. excect as otherwis.e allowed ~ on the first page (unless othetwise apofoved bv the en~ineerin2 services director and office of the county attorney prior to submittal) the following certifications and approvals, acknowledged if required by law, all being in suhstantiallv the fonn set forth in appendix C to this code. The geometric layout and configuration of the property to be piatted shall not be shown on lhe page(s) containing the certifications. approvals and other textual dala associated with the plat when practical. I , Dedications. The purpose of all dedicated or reserved areas shown 0;' the plat shall be defined in the dedication on the plat. All areas dedicated for use by the residents of the subdivision shall be so designated and all areas dedicated for public use, such as parks. rights-of-way, easements for drainage and conservation purposes and any other area, however designated, shall be dedicated by the owner of the land at the time the plat is recorded. Such dedication and the responsibility for their maintenance shall require a separate acceptance by resolution of the board of county commissioners. No dedications items shall be included in the general note for the plat. 2. Mortgagee's consent and approval. Identification of all mortgages and appropriate recording information together with all mortgagccttt consents and approvals of the dedication shall be required on all plats where mortgages encumber the land to he platted. The signature(s) of the mortgagee or mortgagees, as the case may be, mUSt be witnessed and the execution must be acknowledged in the same manner as deeds are required to be witnessed and acknowledged. In case the mortgagee is a Words !ltRJell thl'6ugh are deleted. words underlined are added. 4S Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 156 of 192 corporation. the consent and approval shall be signed on behalf of the corporation by the president, vice-president or chief executive officer.-A! the Qoolicant's DDtion. mortllllRee's consents do not have to be included on the olat to be recorded. so lone' as they are Drovidcd as fullv executed and acknowledlled scoarate instruments alone- with the Dial submittal. 3. Certification of surveyor. The plat shall contain the signature, registration number and official seal of tbe laod surveyor, certifying that the plat = oreoaredis a fepRseRta.aSft sf the laRd. sl:H-;eJ'ea under his responsible direction and supervision and that [be survey data compiled and shown on the plat complies with all of the requirements of F.s. ch. 177.hI:LI. as amended, Slid thili dh isisl\. The CC11ification shaH also state that permanent reference monuments. "P.R.M., II have been set in compliance with F.S, ch. 177,hI:LI. as amended, and this division, llJld that P.C.P.s and lot comers will be set under the direction and supervision of the surveyor o;;itkin {VI e I'fteRths &iter esmpladsft Drior to final acccotance of required improvements, Upon installation of the P.C.P.s, the surveyor must submit to the development services director written certification that the instailation work has been properly completed. When required improvements have been completed prior to the recording of a plat, the certification shall state the P.C.P.s and lot comers have been set in compliance wirh the laws of the State of Florida and ordinances of Collier County. When plats are recorded and improvements are to be accomplished under perfonnancc security posted as provided for by this division, the required improvements and performance' guarantee shall include P.C.P.li. 4. Signature block for board of county commissioners and clerk of circuit c:ourt. The plat shall contain the approval and signature block for the board of county commissioners and the acknowledgement and signature block of the clerk of circuit court. 5. Signature block for county attorney. The plat shall contain the approval and signature block for the county attorney. . 6. Evidence Ceo tijiMN8R of title. A title certification or ooinio" of title comnlvin. with & 177.041. F.S.. muSlsMll be submitted with the plat. The evidence of title Drovided musl eeFtifiealis8 sha:ll sta~ or describe: (1) that the lands as described and shown on the pial are in the nume, und record title is held by the person, persons or organiz.ation executing the dedication, (2) that all taxes due and onvabJe at the lime of final Dlat recordin. have been paid on said lands, (3) all mortgages on the land and indicate the official record book and page nnmher of each mortgage. The evidence of title eeftiHeatieR sh.all be an epinieR by an aUefftey at lLYN lie...ea i. Fle,i.a, or ether ..till a~pre\'ea .na., Eg. ! 177.911~ the aoolicant.s discretion. be included on the first ual'!e of the DIal. so .lon~ as the information required bv Section 177.041. F.S.. and this oaral!raDh is clearlv stated. an effective date is orovided. and the statement is properlv sil!ned. 7. Instrument prepared by. The name, street and mailing address of the natural person who prepared the plat shaH be shown on each sheet. The name and address shall be in statement form consisting of the words, "This instrumenr was prepared by (name), (address)." . . * . . * . * . . * SUBSECTION 3. H. AMENDMENTS TO 3.3 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS DIVISION Division 3.3., Site Development Plans of Ordinance 91.102, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Words: sk'l:!eh Ikrallgh are deleled, words underlined are added. 46 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 157 of 192 DIVISION 3.3 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS . . . . . . . . . . . Se..3.3.5. Site development and site Improvement plan standards. 3, . . . . . . . . . Development compliance with all appropriate zoning regulations sod the growth managemenl plan. The ingress and egress 10 the proposed development and its improvements, vehicular and pedestrian safety, separation of vehicular traffic from pedestrian sod other traffic, traffic flow and conlro~ traffic calming devices, provision of services and servicing ofutili.ties and refuse collection, and access in the case of fire or catastrophe, or other emergency. NotwithstandinQ: the reauirement to comoJv with the forcl!oin2orovisions. the depiction on a PUD master Dlan or descriotion of access or location of access points in 11 PUD ordinance. does not authorize or vest access to the maior road SYStem. The location. desim. caoacitv. or routine of traffic for any snecific access DDinl will be detennined by. and must comolvwitb. the retrolations for site develooment in effect at the time of site develonmcmt Dlan annroval. Comulelian af Sile Develaomenl Plans. Unon comoletion of the infrastructure imOfovements associated with a site deveJooment clan.. and Drior to the issuance of a certificate of OCCUDancv. the emrineer shall orovide a comoletion certificate as to the imowvements. toszether will all aDoticabJe items referenced in Section J. of this code. Uoon a satisfactorv inSDcction of the imorovements. a certificate of occuoancv may then be issued. . Site imDrovemenl DIal! comDletion. Uno" comoletion ofthereouircd imorovements associated with a site imDrovement nlan. and crior to the issuance of a certificate of occuoancy. the enmneer shall Drovide a comDletion certificate as to the imorovements to2cther with all aoolicable items referenced in Section ofthis code. Unon a satisfactoTV insoection oflho imDfOvemcnts. a certificate of occuoancv may then be issued. . . . . . . . . . . . See.3.3.7. Site development plan review (SDP) procedures. Infrast114cture improvements plans. . . . . . . . . . . Q. Off~site access. roadway elevation. buildine and other ohvsical features a minimum of 200 feet from the DroOcrtv unless otherwise determined necessarY or feasible bv the Dlannine: services or transoortation olannine: director. * . . . . . . . . . . Site imDrovemem Dlan comDletion. UnoD cOMDletion of the reauired imnrovements associated with a site imDrovernent nlan. and Drior to the issuance of a certificate of occunancv. the enmneer shall Drovide a comoletion certificate as to the imnrovements. together with all anpIicablc items referenced in subsection ofthis code. UDO" a satisfactorY insnection of the imorovements. a certificate of occunancv mav then be issued . . . . . . . . . . . SUBSECTION 3.1. AMENDMENTS TO EXCA V A nONS DIVISION Words MUle thra'llgh arc deleted, words underlined are added. 47 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 158 of 192 Division 3.5. Excavations of Ordinance 91-102, as amended. the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: DIVISION 3.5 EXCAVATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . See. 3.5.9. Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . RsaJ ilflpsst.fes. If 8HBM'ated lft.bAa! is ta he rems"/ed Rem the suejeat preJJeR)', Hf'prepftate Feaa imp.et Mes iR BSSSManS! with OHibumee }le. Rj SS [Cede eft. 71, &Ft. VII ],86 8\11lseedetl. Sf amended, skall Be paid pRerlS the iSB1.i8Ilse sf a pSFJBit muter this db:isisft. .~.. site speeifis tFBffi.e imp. StelefflBa.t may 88 fBllliired Ie detemtiae the lane mile impae&s ana the eppfepPiate fas in aeeerelanee ,":itk 9A1itulBee [~1e. J Hi SS [ Cede ell. 71, &::r"~ \'R l. BB Sll8eeeElea SF am.eaded. 'l.JpSfl esmpleMS1\ erag site rSfR8\aI efm.atllfiat, the EtfB8URt efB:fi~' ifftPast fees paid -r:ill be eredited M IRe rnt\in!i she ds\'slepRlsnt eetivisl!lli ifl aeeel'd8flse ",i.'ilk ~j3Healtle igNBmBat(s) v:hieh mBy he agree4l:1PBft l!y t:he ...AI; ...~ tHO Elo...ol.~.r ( ~..~...y .'.''Bot ). Road damafre reDair fee. The road damalZe reoair fee attributable to the haulim! of excavated fill material across county roads is $0.047 (4.7 cents) Oct cubic vard of excavated fill material. The fee is to be oaid vearlv. The first vear~8 fee is to be estimated bv the community develonment and environmental services division based on information submitted bv the 8onlicant. Subseauent vearlv fees will be based on the orevious vear's total excavation that aDDears on the annual status reDort 1 sec.\. .. . . . . . . . . . . SUBSECTION 3.J. AMENDMENTS TO WELL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Division 3.6, Wen Construction.ofOrdinance 91-102. as ameoded. the Collier County Land Development Code~ is hereby amended to read as follows: DIVISION 3.6 WELL CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . Sec. 3.6.5. Construction, repair and abandonment staadards. * . . . . . . . . . . Wellhead 'Orotection. All nennanent wells in CoJlier Countv must be double cased for the too 6.5 feet. The outer casin!! must extend 5 feet below orimnal (naturan .,.de and 18 inches .bDve Drilrinal.,.de. The outer casinSl must have a diameter 4 inches larger (at a minimum) than the well casimz. The well casine must extend to a minimum of 24 inches above oril1'inal rzrade (6 inches above the outer casine.1. The SDace between the two cas1ne:s must be lZt'outed with a Dortland cement lZI'OUt. . . . . . . . . . . . Words ~1I'U.ak ~_e1tgh 800 dclelcd, words underlined are added. 48 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 159 of 192 SUBSECfION 3.K. AMENDMENTS TO GROUNDWATER PROTECfION DIVISION Division 3.16, Groundwater Protection, of Ordinance 91-1 02, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby ameoded to read as follows: DIVISION 3.16 GROUNDWATER PROTECfJON . . . . . . . .' . . . Sec. 3.16.4. Regulated Development. . . . . . . . . . . . In zones W-l, W-2, W.3 !OO W-4 ollll G',VP, future solid waste disposal facilities are prohibited ia taB aes8flae sf a welUield esaditisnalWle pePRIit. In the GWP zone future solid waste disDosa) facilities are Drohibited in the absence of a wetlficld conditional use'Dennit. . . . . . . . . . . . In zones W-l, W-2 and W-3, future solid waste transfer stations are prohibited, ia the &brims! efa wellfield 8sRd.itisftal1:lse per-mit. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 6, In zones W-l, W-2 and W-3, future solid waste storage collection and recycling . facilities that will handle hazardous products and hazardous wastes shall be prohibited, ia iii. ollsoaoo ora .".ellflelEl o.Jlsilioaal uso po""il. . . . . . . . . . * . All future land dispooal systems for application of domestic wastewater treatment plant effluent shall be constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state law and regulations, and comply with the state-mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florid Administrative Code and as incorporated by referen~ in section hereof: and must meet the hie:h Icvel disinfection standards as found in 40 CPR. Dart 135. . . . . . . . . . . .,1.1.5. In zones W-I, W.2, and W-3, land application of domestic residual shall comply with the foHowing criteria: A. Metal concentrations sf eOOmtllfft. sepper, lea!i, Rielu!l1 ana SiBS shaH not exceed the thresholds set forth in Rule H ~-640, Florida Administrative Code. as may be amended. Fer refefeflSe parpeses enl;,-. tile aJ3J1lieal31a metal eeResflRtisR5 fer thuse metals at the effeeti~le gate eftltis di\ iaieH [N........e.r 18,1991]...... fellow.: J.k'a[s MC/K.c 9" Weight CoEl...i.... Capper LooEl ~fiol'ol ZiBB 39 999 1,909 199 1,809 B. The total rate of domestic residuals applied to land sball not exceed the niuogen uptake of the vegetation upon which the residuals are being applied. and shall be consistent with Collier County Ordinance No, 87-79 [Code ch. 54, art. VI, as may be amended or superseded, and chapter ++ Words BtNellllu8Ygk are deleted. words wtderlined are added. 49 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 160 of 192 ~-640. Florida Administrative Code, and 40 CFR parts 256 and 257. and as may be superseded. C. If domestic residuals are applied to a site that is receiving reclaimed water, the nitrogen uptake calculation shall include tbe combined effect of nitrogen loading from both domestic residuaJs and reclaimed water applied to the site as provided in Rule .j..;t 62.640, Florida Administrative Code. D. Land 8Dolication of domestic residuals is Drohibited in the absence of a well field conditional use oenDit. . . . . . . . . . . . In zones W*l and W-2, future netrolcum exoloration or nroduction facilities. and expansion of existing petroleum exploration or production facilities shall be prohibited. 3.lfi.l. lH !CeRes ','I,' 1 8mI "',r 2, fu.tuFe peweleum anti pFewetisa feeilities and the esatlotle8 eperati8R lWEi use sf 8xisaag leg&l nBRessfal'Miftg pelfaletlIR 8nplaratien and. I'OOSYeUeR Hailiaes shall h8 allen:ed purwRRt te the s'::neFJe,eraler BhlBining B 88ftifieata ta speNt! inesFperaling the foll..:iRg ..Rditi.RS aR<Illl. pfO',;si.Ro .f ...Ii.RS 3.1fi.1.I1.1.1.4 and ,.slieRo ).lfi.l.II.J.1.S ho_f; . ... ImpteR\sRtBti81l sf a detailed eeafttj' mangef, desel'ihhtg: eeRtaiRM8B.t pl8ft BfJl'fe lea B} tR8 1. A pFimary BREI seesftd.ary esfttai.nmeat system desigHsd 18 eRSI:iFe IlIat any dio.IIlH'g. .r ...idORt.1 r.l.... .f III. pOI,.I...... ~ea-elel:lffi "reaKst, arilliJlg fluid, aF fel'fRstisR r:ateFB is Het Eliseharged aT aeeidefttally released 18 an eft &:ite aF efr site stSFRl,.'&ter managBlReat system, \':etlaftEl, aF suFfee, wate15 aF g>eeRd at....f Ill. slate.. ".lin.d iR F.g, ek. Ill). Sa..nd...y eeRtainmeftt shan Illest the felle\":lag eFiteRa: a. CS8tEHflRI8ftt stmetlifeS spaR te raiJlmIJ aT ethef'lris8 8a&jeet te iRHiI..tien II)' v:al.r. shsll II. d.oigned t. del... at I.oat 1S9 "Breent aCtke tetal ,\'S]1:lffiB eellis tliaehapge erreleaal!l. BRa B. CSRtaiflm8ftt swetlifes "lmieh EIfel impeftBsahle te l'Biftfall aT iftHhrtiieH 8 , 'EMn. sflaIl he deaigftea te detaia t 19 pSrBe1tt ef the tetat":el1:1Fft8 sethe diseharge aF caleMe. 2. Emergess)' 8elleeB8ft deyieell that hw's af ",ill Be employes ts sfiSlffe that an)' siseRafge af aesidlale! re!8EI:58 sf t:he p8treleHm, peh'a!8\tftl fJfedHe~ drilJillg ABi" Sf fSl'HUWBB ., MaRl de Bet disshm:ge Ie aft 8ft site aF sf[ site stsFHl'",'&t:er l'ftBfl9g8mBHt SY!lt891, \7etla:nd. SF aurfaas ",i'alen aF gf6l11tw..llteFs aitae state; &REI J, The maiftten&Rse that v/iIl Be pre-ides fer tka pAma!)' lI:Rd SSeeft.dllfY eefttei.nmsat B)'steMs and. Bffi8Fgensy ealleetisB de\'iees Ie eRgYfe th.at &R~' 8lSshaFg8 Sf aseidefttal Feleaee is eeRtai8ed 6ft site fer prepsf eiispesal ift aeseFdanee '"/itft applieahle state BRe f-ederallwN, 8, UpeR diseever)' sf B. diseh8fge aF aeeidental release Ie a I'BFdeus s1U':fase, implsmBntaaell sf a elepaftmeftt appRP:ed af detailed eSHtiagenB)' plan. ",,"hisk aeseRBea: 1. AetisRs Ie Be tekm iii)" ~e s""'R${epeFataf m tits e lent sf a disBlisf-ge. aeeiasstef release, af failyre is any 8aMa4nmeet sr Words Ilfuelr dtf81:1gh are deleted, words underlined are added, 50 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 161 of 192 eRleFgeft~' aslleetisR SYBeRt Fe.ElBiJlful mufer this sesHeR, whieh .hall i.. Iud.! 8. fiN. "speRSe st.aps Ie BSBel Md pfaltihit the Eliseh&rge aF auifl.efttal release af the petmleum praauet. fletrelel:lRl, sRllifig iuid, SF femlBUBft '!}fller, B. Remedial aeaaHs eSRflist8Rt ....ith. applieable state 8fWi federal la'on; 1108 e. Preper disf!9saleftae pek'eleum prastlst. 2. .BmergeRey telepkBR8 RI:lItH1SfS 8f: a. Leea} BRa state nsp8Rse BRita; Bfui b. O"'-.'fler/el'eNtsr's desigHateti emergeRs)' re8J'Bnse pSfS8RRel. 3. CampHane! u:ith the EII'plieaele state BfHl f'eElsrallegul&tisfts, In i!8R8a '1\' 3, \" 1 &BEl C'.\CP, tke BJ'8mHBR and 1168 Bf futuH and ElKistiftg peweleYIR enpleFMisft II:BS }JFeSuetie8 &lenities ere Rat regulates HABer tRis divisisB, Busa,' as pFtl./itiea in seedeR J,la. Me ...ti." 3.16,1.l1.I,U h.r.oF. 3. J 6.4.1 In zones '}f 1, \V 2, W~3 and W-4, the siting of future petroleum exploration and production facilities is prohibited in the absence of a wellfield conditional use permit. \.\.a.;!. In zone OWP, future petroleum product exploration shall be prohibited from directional drilling thiough any potable water aquifer within the vertical projcction of the map boundaries of the wellfield risk management special treatment overlay zones. SUBSECTION 3.L. AMENDMENTS TO DEFINITIONS DIVISION Division 6.3. Definitions of Ordinance 91-102, as amended of the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended as follows: DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS Alley: The public approved private way which affords ."Iy a '....d8l'3. ...... .f .ccess to abutting properties. Nut whish is Hat blten.Eiea far geneFal tra.ms eiRu.latiaa. Lot coverage: The Dart or nercenta2e of the lot occunied bv orinciDal and accesSOry buildines and structures. Princil'Jll! bui/din~: Anv buildine: or Dart of a buildinll in which the nrincioal function or activitv for which the land is zoned is conducted shall be deemed to be the orincio.l buildin. and includes any structure having: a roof imnerviou5 to weather. irresoect1ve of whether or not in a sine:le or multiole buildinll confillUration in which orincioal uses are conducted as distinct from subordinate uses as defined under accessory uses and structures. Right-of-way: A strip or arc. ofland, public or private, occupied or intended to be occupied by a streetj crosswalk. railroad, electric transmission Hne. oil or gas pipoHne, stonn drainage facility, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, or for similar special use. The usage of the term "right-of-way" fOT land planing pwposes sh.1I mean that every right-of-way, whether puhlic or private, hereafter established and shown on a plat is to be separate and distinct from the lots or parcels adjoining such right-of-way and not included within the dimensions or areas of such lots Words SWill. tl!.f8~ are deleted. words underlined are added. 51 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 162 of 192 or parcels. Unless otherwise e~Dresllv stated. a dedication of ri2bt-of~W8V on a Dlat reflects an intention of the dedicator{s) to dedicate such ri2ht-oC-wlv or tract as a fee simo!" interest in land. subiect to anv casementls} Slated on the clat or otherwise of record. (See division 3.2,) Tract: An area of land. DubHe oronv..e. occuoied or intended to be occunied. bvor for a lawful oumose. includin2 a street. CfOlSWal1c. railroad. electric transmission line. oil or us Dinelinc. storm draina2ewav. water main. anitarv or stann sewer main. canal. landseaue buffer or for similar use. The temt "tract It when used for land nlattine- Dumoses. means an area seoarate and distinct from olattcd lots or Darcel, and not included within the dimensions or areas of such lots or narcels. Unless otherwise exnresslv stated. the dedioadlM (jf a tract on a nlat reflects an intention of the dcdicator{sl to dedicate such tract as a fee limnl" interest in land. subiect 10 anv easementfs) stated on the olat ar otherwise afrecord. (See division 3.2.) Yard,front: The required open space extending across the entire width of the lot berween the front building line and street right-of-way line, Where double-frontage lots exis~ the required front yard shall be provided on hoth street. except as otherwise provided for herein. Where comer lots or record existed prior to Ihe date of adoption of Collier County Ordinance No. 82-2 [January 5, 1982J, which lots do not meet minimum lot width or area requirements established in this Code; (1) only one full depth front yard shall he required. (2) all other front yards shall be not less than 50 percent of the otherwise required front yard depth exclusive of any right-of-way, or right-of-way easement except that in the E estates district this depth may not be less than 15 feet exclusive of any right-of.way or right...ofwway easement and the full depth front yard shall he located along the shorter lot line along the street. In the case of shoulder lots which conform to the minimum lot width and area requirements of the zoning district, the required front yard adjacent to the longest street may be reduced by five feet providing that in no case may this yard be less than 25 feet. In the case of through lots. unless the prevailing front yard pattern on the adjoining Jots indicates otherwise, a full depth front yard shall be provided on all frontages. Where one of the front yards that would normally be required on a through lot is not in keeping with the prevailing yard pattern, the development services director may waive the requirement for the normal front yard and substitute'therefore a special yard requirement which shaH not exceed the average of the yards provided 00 adjacent lots. Denth ora reouired front YOur shan be measured &0 that the vard established is a striD of the minimum width reouired bv the district re2Ulations with its inner edlle parallel to the front lot line. In the cases of irrc2Ularlv shaoed lots includinll culs-de.sac. the death may be measured at rilzh. amrles to a straia:ht line ioinimr the foremost noints of the side lot line. orovided the deoth at anv Doint is never less than the minimum len2th of a standard Darking: mace as established within section 2.3.4. of this code. However. in the Golden Gate Estates Subdivision. unimDTOved aerimeter and bisectimz access easements. or imDroved access easements servim! three or fewer IDts of record. shall not constitute a front Yard for the DurnaSe of establishimr buildinll setback lines. Where lots in residential districts comDrisimz 40 Doreent or more of the fronta2c on one side of a s.treet between intersectine streets are dcveloDed with structures havin2 an aVCl'3llc front vard with a variation of not more than six feet no buildine thereafter erected shall Droicct beyond the averae:e line so established. This orovision annnes in all residential zonina districts and to an residentiallv dcsim8ted areas. * . * . . * . . . . . SECfJON FOUR: READOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Words !tRIll! threll!" arc deleted, words wulerlined are added. S2 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 163 of 192 Division 2.2.. Zoning Districts, Pennitted Uses, Conditional Uses, Dimensional Standards and Division 2.7, Zoning Administration and Procedures of Ordinance 91-102, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code are hereby readopted to read as follows: Dedication of the public facilities and development of prescribed amenities. Public Facility Dedication. The board of county commissioners may, as a condition of approval and adoplion of! IRe PUD rezoning and in ac<:ordance with th approved master plan of development, require that suitable areas for streets, public rights~of~way, schools, parks, and other public facilities be set aside, improved, and/or dedicated for public use. Where impact fees are levied for one or more reouired eeI'!aiil public facilities, the market value of the land set aside for the public purpose !!!!i:.sh&Il be credited towards such impact feesJQ the extent authorized bv the County's Consolidated Imoact Fee Ordinance. Said credit shan be based on a negotiated amount no greater than the market value of the set aside land prior to the rezoning action. as determined by an accredited appraiser from a list approved by Collier County. Said appraisal shall be submitted to the county attorneys office and the real property office within 90 days of the date of approval of the rezone, or as otherwise extended in writing by ~ the Gcounty manal!'cr. $0 as to establish the amount of any impact fee credits resulting from said dedication. Failure to provide said appraisal within this time frame shall automaticaJ1v authorize the county to detennine the market value of the set aside property. Impact fee credits shall only be effective after recordation ofthe document conveying the dedicated property to Collier County. Where the tenn Collier County is used in this section, it shall be construed to include the Cullier County Water and Sewer District or other agency or dependent district orea1lier County Government. land set aside and/or to be improved as committed in the PUD document, or master plan. as the case may be. shaH be deeded or dedicated to Collier County within 90 days of receipt ofnalitieation by the county that the property is needed for certain pending public improvements or as otherwise approved by the board of county commissioners during the PUD rezoning approval process. In any case. however. the county shal1 take title to the set aside propeny, at the latest, by a date certain established during, and conditioned on, the approval of the PUD zoning. At no cost to the County. +!he land set aside and/or to be improved shall be made free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and improvements, at-4fte tie. eleJ'er's seIe enp8Ase. except as otherwise approved by the board. Failure to convey the deed or complete the dedication within the appropriate time frame noted above may result in a recommendation to the board &f for consideration of rezoning the subject parcel from its curren.t PUD zoning district to an appropriate zoning district and may resull in a violation of this Code pursuant to subsection 1.9.2. Should said dedication of land also include agreed upon improvements. said improvements shall be completed and accepted by the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the development phase which has infrastructure improvements available to the parcel orland upon which said improvements are to be made, or at a specified time provided for within the PUD document. * . . . . . . * . * . Dedication of public facilities and development o/prescribed amenities. Public Facility Dedication. The board of county commissioners may, as a condition of approval and adoption of the rezoning required that suitable areas for streets, public rights-of~way. schools, parks. and other public facilities be set aside, improved, and/or dedicated for public use. Where impact fees are levied for certain one or more such public facilities, the market value of the land set aside for such public facilities the public Words ~ are deleted, words underlined are added, 53 Agenda Item No 7C December 2, 2008 Page 164 of 192 /" purpose may .hall be credited towards impact fees to the extent authorized by the County's Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, S.id credit shall be based on a negotiated amount not greater than the market value of the set aside land prior to the rezoning action, as detennined by an accredited appraiser from a list approved by Collier County, Said appraisal shall be submitted to the county attorney's ollice sod the real property ollice within 90 days of the date of approval of the rezone, or as othelWise extended in writing by Collier County, so as to eslablish tbe amount of any impact fee credits resulting from said dedication. Failure to provide said appraisal within this 90 day time frame shall automatically authorize the county to determine thc market value oflhe property, Impact fee credits shall only be effective after recordation of the conveyance document conveying the dedicated property to Collier County. Where the tenn Collier County is used in this section, it shall be construed to include the Co1lier County Water and Sewer District or other agency or dependant district oreaJ1ier County Govenunent. Land set aside and/or to be improved as committed as part of the rezoning approval sball he deeded or dedicated to Collier County within 90 days of receipt of notifi'cation by the county that tbe property is needed for certain pending public improvements or as otherwise approved by the board of county commissioners during the rezoning approval process. In any case, however, the county shall take title to the set aside property. at the latest, by a date certain established during. and condition on, the approval of the rezoning action. At no costs to the county, lhe land set aside and/or to be improved shall be made free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and improvements, at the developer's sole expense, except as otherwise approved by the board. Failure to deed the land or complete the dedication within the 90 day appropriate time frame noted above inay result in a recommendation to the board of for consideration of rezoning the subject parcel from its current zoning district to an appropriate .zoning district and may in a violation oflhia Code pursuant to subsection 1.9.2. Should lhededication ofland also include agreed upon improvements, said improvements shall he completed and accepted by Collier County Board of Commissioners at the development phase which has infrastructure improvements available to the parcel of land upon which said improvements are to be made, or at a specified time provided for within the ordinance approving the rezone. SECTION FIVE: ADOPTION OF AMENDED ZONING ATLAS MAP The amended zoning atlas map numbered 9634N attached as Exhibit A is hereby adopted and made a part of the Collier County Land Development Code. SECTION SIX: REPLACEMENT OF APPENDIX C ENTITLED F1NAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS WITH A REVISED APPENDIX C OF THE SAME TITLE Appendix C, a form entitled Final Subdivision Plat Required Certifications, is hereby replaced with a revised Appendix C which reads as follows; APPENDIX C Words siNell tl-_llHgh are deleted, words underlined are added. 54 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 165 of 192 FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT, REQUIRED CERTIFlCA TIONS.Mm SUGGESTED TEXT AND FORMATS FOR OTHER REOUlRED INFORMATION (SEE LDC DMSION 3.% for aDDlieable. s...elr.. Drovislon.l The following text laRgU8g. and fonnat ate intended i. '....ORt.d as a guide fm: t& preparers of tho.e platting materials reauired to whia. ",HI be submiued to reviewin. authorities. includine the project review services department, utilities division, county health department, county attorney and the board of county commissioners. Adherence to this fonnat and text fet=et-wilJ substantially expedite ~8ek divisisft'a review. Substantial fllleviation in substance or form from !his ~,uggested I...guag. ~and format may result in delay or disapproval of the submitted Dial. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE State of Florida ) ) SS . County of Collier ) lHo-The undersiened hereby certifictl! that 11I0 prop_i.n .fthi. plat was hagee 8ft a "QHfUiw)' SUR'S)'. sf taB prepsft-) :fHade DrcDared by me or under my supervision as prevhlea iR CR81'ter ~1 G 1'7 Bt Fleriea l~dmifiistf&tive Cede. aaa in Chapter 172, WaRda Elamtn" and that the deoicted survey data complies with all of the requirements of Chapter 177, Part l. Florida Statutes. Permanent referenc.e monuments will be set prior to the recording of this plat and permanent control points and lot comers will be set wHhfR twe FReRika SAM the eSl'flI'latiBR Drior to final acceotance of required improvert:lents. lSimature) (Printed Name) Florida Professional Land Surveyor No, Date COUNTY COMMISSION AFPROV AL State of Florida ) ) SS County of Collier ) This plat approved for recording in a regular open meoting by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier Couuty, Florida, this day of . W 20 , A.D., provided that the plat is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court ofCoItier County, Florida. Words 9R1ielE dve..gh are deleted, words lmderlincd arc added. 55 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 166 of 192 , Clerk <;hainnan. Board of County Commissioners Collier County, Florida FILING RECORD I hereby certify that this plat has beon examined by me and that it complies in fonn with the requirements, of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, I further certify that said plat was filed for record al (a.m. or p,m.) this day of , +9 20 . A.D. and duly recorded in Plat Book Pagels) , inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. I~ . Clerk ENGINEERING REVIEW SERVICES This Plat approved by the Engineering Review Services Community Development Division of Collier County, Florida Ihis ,+920 ,A.D. Section of the day of Engineering Review Services ~ {ABaser Director Collier County, Florida COUNTY AITORNEY This Plat approved by the Collier County Attorney this ,+9 20 ,A.D. day of I eom. eo_ .--, Words .hUel~ tNeWgA are deleted. words underlined are added. 56 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 167 of 192 DEDICATIONS State of Florida ) ) ss County of Collier ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that owner of lands described hereon, have caused this plat entitled subdivision) to he made and do hereby ...i.ale the folle',,,ing: (owner(s)), the (name of A. Dedl..te to Collier Countv or the Dublic: 1. The frhr:hts..of-wavs for deoicted streets, roads. or imrrcss & cfrress easementsl as shown hereon ta the perpel...1 ... af the plllllie for the oumose Geaeee". inlHess & Cl!Tess and any other purposes shown. .l:. {anv tracts or easements intended to be conveyed to the DubHe for such Dumoses as tbev may be reauired. i.e.. canal rhmts..of-wav/easements. draina2c or stonnwater mana2ernent easements. etc.} B, To Collier County Water-Sewer District for anY other auoJicable entity: i.e.. Immokalee Water-Sewer District. etdl: .L an water and sewer utility facilities constructed within this platt~ area, upon acceptance of the improvements required by the applicable land development regulations. ;l~ To Collier County Water-Sewer District (or any other applicable entity: i.e.. Immokalee Water-Sewer District, etc.) all Catiflty.uti.lit~. BasemeRts, indicated (C. e .R). with Ite rsspea&ihilit)' fer R1.Mnteaanae. 1. Ta 1'1.';.. Pow.r 8ft. Lighl C."",...y (or any alhar applie..l. eRlity) ...EI United Telephene CeRlJlany (ar an)' 8ther 8)lplie..le enlill'), tltoir sueeeSS6f5, assigns B:lut s1il1siaiaries. a eaa Bnel>>si\'8 uti1i~' easement (V.E.) as inaieated an the plat fer tke J!~e8e sf eanstroetis:Rt install.tieR, HlaiateR8Ree and epSF8tisB ef elestns HIe tel8flaef:lB feeilities. ~. Te MY IOtheRlZea CalHl.~' iHnehiseel e&81e TV "rBv/ieer. its saeeeSSBf8, 8ssigfls and 9tmsidi8:l'iBS, a R8R enelush'e 1itili~' easement ED.E.) as iadiealse 8a the plat fer the pwpase sf ee89tr1:letietl, !ftstllllatian, mainteRfm.ee and ep8faQ9fi Bf sable tele~:isie8 sePT.-iess, Jlfinidea fta SliM eeBstmetien, installatiBR, maintenanee ana eper&tiea sf Baele televisioa seF"iee shall interfere \.,it:R the [aeilitias ana seF/ieea eePtariaa Pewer &. Light (ar ....y .!her 8)lpli8..le oMity) lUId United Tel8)lh8ne 08"",an)' (or &BY ether app1ieaele BHtityj. In tae eveRt tAe fi=anemsee, its SllseeSSBfS, assig;as ami sUBsiGiaABS SEl:Jflaj:B tke faeiIities Elf Mather pYblie utilit)', the tf8f:l6kisee. its suseeS5aFS ana ass.igRs shall Be selelr reSflElRsiele faf said Elamages. ~ Dedicate to the !insert aDDrooriate entity name(s)l IhomelomDcrtvnot owners' association. or to anY other lawfullv existine: entity which must have the Dower or authority to ocrform the obligation to maintain bein2 dedicated. alone with the reaoonsibiJitv for such maintenance l: 1. Private road rirzbts of way!;" Words !lwsl( thrallsh are deleted, words underlined are added, 57 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 168 of 192 b. draina2e or stonnwater manalle111ent easements. J... landscaoe butTer easements. .1:. lake maintenance easements. ,l. access eaRements. ~ or anv other similar easement or tract intended to be dedicated for a set oumose( s) lSuch tracts or casmentli: must sReH--be dedicated to a Hbomeowner's A;!SSOCiation or to any other lawfully existin. enlity which has or would haye : the time of final Dlat recordin2 the DOwer or authority 10 nerfonn the obli2"atio to maintain. along with the responsibility for such maintenance,! ~ DF8iRsge 8&11eRlsRte shall he deEli*,ated ~B a llaMes J1.1\ef'e ~A..sseeiatieH ,'Vith Ute R1sp8Jl8ilrilit)" faf maiRtSftllRB&, BRa 16 Callier CBt:lft~ ',dill HS fsspensihilit)' fer fftSiRteune8. !t Te FleRd. Pe";:er 8!ulligh.t, United TelepkBR8 Sef'V'ie8l!J, &Rtf ~ essle...iaisR I!rs"ider. the ahared!:lS! sftHet R (Read....~.Traet) as .!lIhS?lI 8ft d1.. plat as a HiiIi.) 88:98!11BHt fer lfte P'UPSS8 efiBBtallaHSft 8ftd. fftaHt.lenanee eftheir Fes~esti'fe faeilhiea. I!Fe . ided antis. hy 90eh Htilii)' pr:e";ideF5 shall he sklsjeet la 8ftEl Bet iflB8ftsist:!IRI \":ith kiSs by Callier C9HRtj' af the Callier CetlAt}' '\teler Ee .ver 9islAet as a C.U.E. D, A n~n-exclu~jve nu~i!~ utilitv easement (P:U.E.) to all lic~sed. ?r rr:hised Dubhe or onvate utIlIties as shown on thiS DIn for oobhc utilltv D_OSes. includim! construction. installation. maintenance. and ooeration of their resnective facilities. includim! cable television services. nrovided that such uses be subiect to. and not inconsistent with. the use by the collier county water~sewer district. In the event a cable comoany dam8Ilel the facilities of another DubHe utilitv it will be solelv resnonsible for said damailes. Reserve to the fstate aoorooriate owner entitv{s) name(s) l: E, l... {anv tracts intended for uFuture Develoomenl" or beine: retained for other stated meci fic DUrnoses.l IBE SURE TO PROVIDE A SEPARATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR EACH OWNERl I WITNESSES: , BY: ACKNOWLEDGMENT t lAlI dedications and conaents ~&helH>e executed sod acknowledged in accordance with the applicable sections of Chapters 689 sod 692 of the Florida Statutes., 1 WANER AND RELEASE NOTE: On . of -H> 20 ( llbe owncrWL executing the ll<lcdication, .@Lthe holders of SppAf8Rt record title lor other soecified intercsts1. expressly waived and released lhe Count)' from any ~)aims of vested rights and equitable estoppel pertaining to the issuance of a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy in accordance with Collier County. Oraiflansl!I ~r8. 93 &2. Words "Nel. thrSllg1l. are dele[cd, words underlined. are added. 58 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 169 of 192 TITLE CIlR::rIl'lC/.TlON State efFlefi411 t t SS C."RI)' .f Cellier i I. (name) . a did)' liesR6eet Misfile)' iR the State efFleFida. de hereby eeRi~' 1:kat [8.8>':8 BKamiaee title t8 all aflke JlfBpeFtJ. eBsefihed h.ereiR, BREI BlISB tiUe is '..eatea in (w.\<fler) . The SlfETeftt _as fia-:, seea paid Ma theprepeR)' is ff'88 sf eneUffthl'BRSeS, eue.t a IReftgt.ge in :f8","er sf tmsFtalllee) rBeaRied is O.R.. Beak , Pag. , .fth. Puhlie a..aMs .fC.lli.r CsUftl)', F1arida. NAMJ;; FbORIP,'. B/oR NUMBIlR {PLEASE NOTE: AT THE APPLICANT'S DISCRETION. MORTGAGEE'S CONSENTS AND Ar.KNOWTRnGMENTS IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FOLLOWING FORM MAY BE PROVIDED AS A SEPARATE INSTRUMENT AS SET FORTH IN 6 177.081 12\. P,S.. ADDITIONAL RECORDING FEES MAY BE REOUIRED IF SUCH SEPARATE CONSENTS ARE PROVIDED.l MORTGAGEE'S CONSENT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) (mortgagee), authorized to transact business in the Stale of Florida, hereby certifies that it is the holder of a mortgage upon the herein described property as recorded on O.R. Book , Page of Ihe Public Records of Collier County, and does hereby join in and consent to the dedication of the property by the owner, and agrees that its mortgage shall be subordinated to the dedications shown hereon. NAME ~. TITLE Words 8~U1b shtaligh. arc deleted. words underlin!ld au: added. 59 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 170 of 192 CLAIl dedications and consents m.!!l oMIl be executed and acknowledged in accordance with the applicable sections of Chapters 689 and 692 of the Florida StalUtes.~ 1 mE SURE TO PROVIDE A SEPARATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR EACH MORTGAGEl SECTION SEVEN: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY ~n the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County and other applicable law. Ihe more restriclive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a sepamte. distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion, SECTION EIGHT: INCLUSION IN THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Tbe provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Land Development Code of Collier County. Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such. and the word Ilordinance" may be changed to "section". "article", or any other appropriate word. SECTION NINE: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective npon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DUL Y ADOPTED by the Board nf County Commissioners of Collier County. Florida. this 'I'd: day of IJr.c ,.-.,.. . 2002. , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :w,~~ J~N.COLE1TA, AIRMAN """"~~;';';':""" " ~I'J'l-""'..:J e'l,.. : .::$~::;"'..".""~'~;'" ..,....-..~.l.t::.. "N'-D.",!,'''' '.;" ..~ ~jl,~..~ :;-7, ..' """.J~ ,_ ::~ ~ -~' ),.."~\.,~; , rz ., ..... .~;'.EIR . CLERK Att..t . to CllIt....... "-i'''lI3r,c. "lIIIltft .11. ved'A. To Form And Legal Sufficiency This ordlnonce filed with the S~ of Stote'. Office the L of ~ ...... and ackNwlfdgement of that fIIJJ::~~ thl.~ day of By y."~""~f' . o.u",""CltrW. / H:\ LDCCYCLE 1-2001\LDCORDCYCLE 1.2001 Words eln181c lllFEUlgh are deleted. wards undedined arc added. 60 A . """ ~ ; ., " rl, f ~q ,: :l; (1""Ir.l) 0lIV^)~1tr!I'f1O:l if~l~ 0- 2: , .' s " , L ~ ~ ~ 0 , , p ~~ , I , H~~ , , , , i_ .. , , ~ ip ~ , , , I ~. ~ , , . r , , , , ! , , , , , , , ~ I . .h I s . ~ 0'" ::> 'g g D,- . I !~ D, 3 }! I ~ ; , i . . . ~ u W Q. ~ ~ w w < <.> " ~ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ! " < ~ ""t J-.. ~ l'<l , :l: >< III . l 0" il ...... SO_.._ lIl.rlot" II.... 10.,..___ ......,~ .-"...-......... II"M ~""lll<f ....... N.,......_lot-.l&..l fa'-1I .......u .- w__ , : . . . ,. :5 or !l' o w Z w ~ < w i" .J f Q .,,,,,,,,, i t"I /(' I ~i i '.. l:. .:1 :,. . ~ -0( .,," . ................, .sll:;J~nor.) :)'!6olOao~JO MI ~!JOtl1!1.l fw/lOu6!.lIp a:>mo. -<luno:) 100:)(I,O 81n IIJO ,don Al11JQOqt)Jd IDD!6010'OI(:!JV/~IJ011iI!l-l .I,U. ----------~3HlO---------"NINOZ 'N01511\3<1 15'1'1 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 172 of 192 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 2002-03 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 9TH day of January, 2002, during Special Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 17th day of January, 2002. ", ,,' .~.:;:;~;.~ " '. .... ,t:J"v..'.~...,.)" YL" . ,'-;.' "~". . . '.' -"""'''' -', . :!.i t::-\I ') ~_ ~ ,).. /,:,,(..' .~ . ;:: ; , 'I--; ~:.. ,',' :..~ ". . '_ _ DWIGHT E. BROCK . ... ' _ <""'/" :;.; : . : I" {.... r ~. . ,_ . _ ,. 't. . (;, :- Clerk of Courts and C::).erlt~'--<i ..:.:~ . Ex-officio to Board of:.) .............0.,... County commissioners ./~.}'oa. I.'~~~...' -....."..,.. ~~d#-.. ./ By: Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk EXHIBIT ''E'' Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 173 of 192 ORIGIN: Commuuity Development & Environmeutal S.ervlees Division AUTHOR: Ross Gochenaur, Planner II DEPARTMENT: Planning Services ADA-2008-AR-13731 MONTE CARLO CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOC. PROJECT: 2006010084 DATE: 9{9{OS DUE: 9{23{08 LDC PAGES: LDC2:192.1 - IDC SECTION: 2.6.21 Dock facilities CHANGE: 1.) Add a provision allowing administrative approval of more liberal waterway width measurements for detennining dock protrusion distance on platted waterways less than 100 feet wide where the mean high water line has receded from the property line; 2) Revise dock facility extension criteria; 3) Revise the section dealing with boathouses to clarify the relationship between a boathouse and its associated dock facility, and identify which criteria (dock extension and boathouse, or boathouse alone) apply under what circumstances; 4) Exempt docks on unbridged barrier islands in State Aquatic Preserves from protrusion limits, provided that DEP pennits are obtained prior to construction. In addition to these major changes, a nwnber of minor "housekeeping" changes have been made throughout the section, including the insertion of an exhibit inadvertently omitted from this section during an earlier amendment cycle. REASON: 1.) Accretion on narrow waterways not reinforced by seawalls sometimes results in a true waterway width of less than that indicated on a plat, and the code requires that platted waterway width be used whenever available, This change would allow affected property owners to measure their protrusion distance from the mean high water line, rather than the property line (the most restrictive point) once certain requirements for approval have been met. 2.) Questions have been raised regarding how many of the dock facility extension criteria must be met in order for the Pliuming Commission to approve an extension. The criteria have been separated into five primary and six secondary criteria, with a requirement that at least four of the primary and four of the secondary be met in order to approve the petition, Questions have also been raised regarding the water depth at the site and its relationship to the vessel( s) intended to use the dock. The language has been revised in order to clarify this relationship. Language of all other criteria has been revised as well in an attempt to clarify what objective standards of approval for each criterion need to be met. The two criteria dealing with the impact of the proposed dock on the view of nearby property owners, the most subjective of the criteria, have been reduced to one, with the emphasis shifted to the view of abutting property owners. 3.) Combining dock extensions and boathouses in the same section has causes some confusion over their relationship. The language has been revised to discriminate between simultaneous applications for dock extensions with boathouses, and applications for the addition of a boathouse or covered strUctuIe alone to an existing dock. 4) Docks on unbridged barrier islands are currently allowed as pennitted principal uses in recognition that docks are a necessity where the o!lly practical means of access to th.e property is by boat. On such islands as Keewaydin, the nature of the shoreline, with very shallow water and mangrove growth, makes a boat dock extension necessary in virtually every case. Since a viable dock is a prerequisite for development of the property, these extensions have always been approved. For barrier islands, including Keewaydin, located in State Aquatic Preserves, DEP permitting regulations apply which are in all ways more restrictive that those in the LDC. DEP permits, as applicable, are required as a condition of approval for all Lf3 Agenda Item NO.7C December 2, 2008 Page 174 of 192 boat dock extension petitions. Since DEP permit requirements already include safeguards addressing all main issues of concern to the County, it would seem reasonable to eliminate the extension petition requirement for docks in these locations where DEP approval is required. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACfS: The change involving measurement of waterway width would require an administrative variance application to allow staff to evaluate the request. The fee for this application is $400. Clarification of dock extension criteria would reduce the grounds for appeal of Planning Commission decisions as well as the possibility of subsequent litigation. The elimination of boat dock extension petitions for unbridged barrier islands in State Aquatic Preserves would eliminate a source of revenue ($1000 petition fee), but would also eliminate staff hours spent processing these petitions and time taken by the cepc to hear them. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: LDC Section 2.6.22 (Manatee protection) Sec. 2.6.21. Dock facilities. 2....21.1. bElI'cidual or Hluldple prh'ate E1ocE, lBeluEliag HloorlRg' piIiBgs, E1avits, liftlillud tile like.are permltteEl to ser':e the resllleam lImug wllteFfroRt prol'l!f'ty llS deserlbed la IliviliioR ...3, defiaitions, pro"lldeEl tIley so BOt protruse more th&B the respeeti'l'e E1istaaees specifics io sectioos 2.ti.21.2, &BEl, fer sueh WllWrwllY. Doek5 &Bd the like Bre primllrily IlIleadeEl to llEle'l ulltely seeure moored ,'essels llllEl Jlrovidc saf.e lIecess by users for routine mlllatenanee llad Rse ',,'hile mmimlllly ImpaetiDg the all,'igllilllity of the wlIterway, the ulltke mitriBe hobltllt, maaatees,lIl1s tile use llas vie';\' of tile waterwllY by sllFroualliag property owuers. PermUtes doek facility protrusloas as ',veil as extmsloR of dock facilities are measured from the prepeny Ime, bullilleali line, shoreliae, seawall, rip rap liae, or mCllIl higH water liRe, wHiehe~'er Is more restrictive. OR uBhriilged Barner Islaass, a boat doelr SHall be eenslsered a permUtes priacipal ase; Howe'!er, II sack shall &&t, in aay WilY, CORstitute 1111. . . " IIndlor proYielcs fer Bay aeeessory uscs IIBS or structures. Boathouses aBli lioel. facilities jlrolloseel OD resldeRtlBlly :/lOB cd properties as flenaed la seetloB 2.1.4 of this Code, SHall be eOBsiacrell BIl accessory use or structllre. BOllthouses shall he requlreli to be IIJlpro'les tilr(juj;h the proeedure alld criteria iB seetioa 2.~.21.3 IlBd2.li.21.1.1R asdltioB, IIBY eo./eredstruetllre erected OB IIllri'/ate bOllt aoek SHaD also be eoasldcred liB aecessory use, ans SHall also be re'luired to be approves througH the proeedures and criteria of seelioa 2.ti.21.3. liDS of tHis Code. NOR resiseBaaldoel. facilities sllllll be subject to all tHe provisions of seelioa 2.6.21. of the e9fl~ with tile exeeptloa that protrllsioBs fer BOB resisentlaldoel, faeilities b eyoBd tHe speelfles limits shall be setermmes adm.inistratkely by tile pl&BaiBg s mices 11 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 175 of 192 dlreeteF 8tthe time srslte de\~e19pBle8tplaB FLWiew, "HeEl 8& 8B evaladsB aftae eriteria 1ft seetleD ],6.31.3. afthe Cede. ],(;.:11.3. >>eekfaeility ,'equireme1lf6lllfd reWietielf5. TIle fallewiBg eritePia appl)' to deek faeiJitill5 aDd he8thallses, with the exeeptleD afhat liael. faeilitles e8 BlaBmade Hiles ed ether IRemade bedies of water lIBder printe eeBtFeI. 3.6.21.::1.1. Fer lots aD II wateF'l'l'il)' taat Is 100 feet or gl'ellter m width; BO Boathouse doek fae!lit3'lIloat eombIs8tieD shall ,rotrude more tkaa 30 feet IDtO the w8tefWllY (I.e. the total pratnl!lioa of the dack f8elli"" plas the tetal protFusIeB lIC tae meered vesseij. A doel. e:fteRsieB m lIeeerdeee wia seetioD 3.6.::n.3. mllY be gFflDted to &110'1'1' II ,FetrllsIoD ef more tlt8D 30 feet, 3, Fer lets OD 8 wllterw~' thllt is less tl111B 100 feet la wIdth, 1I0el. flleilities mar eeeBpy DO mori! the 2S peFeeRt of tile wIdth af tile waterway or pFetnlde grllBter thllD 30 feet IDto tile w8terwllY, whlese~'er is lesser. }. doel. exteDsioD m aeeal'daDce witll seetloB 3.&.21.3. may be gFaBted to allow a protrusiOB of more tile 20 feet, But lit BO time saall suea ew:tl1llsioD allow mare tIIaD 2S pereeDt of the waterw~' wIdth 16 lie oeeupIed. ....11 deelt faeililies es lots with water froDtage of 80 feet or greater shall aan a . side sethael. requiremeRt of IS feet, exeept liS provided iD seetlon 3.6,21.2. (.1 or B5 eelllflted lIelow. f.1I doelt faeilities (exee,t hoathousll5) OD lots with less tlllID 6G feet of wllter frostage shall hlln II side setllaelt requiremeat of seveD aad oae h&lffeet. I.U doek r~elllties (exeept bOllthouses) OD lots at tile eDd or side eRd of II 'II'l1terway hll,isg regulllr (llsellr) water frostage shalIB~'e II side setllaek reqBircmcat af SIl'\'eD aDd oae Balf feet as measured from the side lat liRe or ripBrie liRe, whieheYer is Rflproprillte. 2.(;. R!pllriaa lines (~ee dMsloD 6.3, defiDitioDs, ripllriaa Iiae) fer lots at tile eBd or side eDd af a watenny with II regular SBOri!liae are estaBlished Br a liRe eIteRdiBg frulD tile eorRer af liB end lot BDd side eRd lot iDtO tile waterway BlseetiBg equidistaatly the fHlgle ereated by the twu lsterse~g 19ts (see ExhiBit ....). RlpaFilla lines fer all otllel lots sl1auld be established hy geReral1y aeeepted methods, takiDg mto eOBsideratioa the eUDfigurlltioB of tae skerelinB; aDd allowing for the eqBitable RflportioDmeRt of ripariaD rights. Snh methods melli!i.e, hut BFe Dot Iimlwd to, UDes dnm'D perpeDdieillar to the shoreliae fur re~lar (JiBesI') shorelines, ar IiBes drllwa perpeBEliealar to the eeDterliBe (thread) of the wlltefWll3', or jlerpeDdieBlar to the IiDe flf deep wllter (lIue ofB~'lgabll~' or ellge of Rw..igallle ehanBel), as IIpproprIllte, far Irregalar Sllfll'elia9S, ".11 do ell faeilities, regardless af leagth!protF1l5ioB, shall aave reAeetaFs aad souse BumBers feUI' Jaekes mlDimulB sliie iastalled lit tile outerlBost ead aa hoth sidcs. Far maltif-amil3' de\'elopRleDts, the Bouse DURlBer requiremeBt is waived. ', Alldoel. faellities are sUBjeet to, Ilad shall eORlply 'll'itll, all fi!deral aDd state requ.iremeBts aDd permits, melading hut sat limited to the requiremeDts ed permits of the Florida departmeat of eD"irosmeBtal proteetloD, the U.S. ".1'1113' Corps ofEDgiseers, IInd the U.S. ED'..lroDRleBtlll ProteetioB !.geuey. !j.s Agenda Item No. 7C December 2. 2008 Page 176 of 192 2.',11.2.6. .DlYJteetifHf o/' :veegrtB61Jeds. Where Ilew doeliiBg: faeilltieli are pFopased or !laat desk ate.sioRs, tlte ]eeati8R Hi presesee af .seagFa86 SF seRfFass heds vtitlliB 299 feet of Btlr proposed daek flleillty shall tie idelltlfiell Oil a8 aerial photograph hlMBg a seale sf ORe lBelt to 299 feet whea av-ailallle frolB tke COlHlty, or a seale of oae !IIek to 199 feet whea sueh photegraphs are Rot IWBilaIlle from the e08a103', The laelKiaR afseagFass heds shall be verified Ily It site visit by the site developlBeat review direetor or hill desigaee prior to issuaaee of liB:!' pr9;jeet approval or peFfBit.. 2.6.21:2.6.1 AJI proposed doek faeilities shllllhe loeated lIad aligaed to sta)' at least tea feet from Bay ellisHDg seagrass Ileds, eX09llt wilere a eOB.t!lluo8s tied afsellgrflsses mots offtke shore of the property llBd adjlleeat ta the prepllFty, ed te mmimift ael:Rtive Impllets to sell~sses aad otker Bathe shoreliBe, emergeat llBd suhmerged '.'egetatioa andllllrd batt8Bt ea 9lJJ111B kies. Where a eontinHBHS lied of seagAlsses eBsts ofrtke shore of the prope~' aad adjaeeBt to the property tke appHeaat shall he allowed to llaillla doal. aeross the seagrasses, or a doel<iBg faeilil3' '}I'ithm teR feet of seagrasses. Saeh doebing faeilltieli skall eomply with t-he following eORditions: 1. Tae dssk saal! be at a height sf at least 3.3 feet ~lGVD. 2. The terminal'!3latfGffil aflhe dssl, shall Bet e)(seea 160 sElHare foot. 3. The aeseos oosk shall net lmeeeS a \".id!l1. sreear foet. 1. The aeee05 aesk lll3a teFERiaaJ platferm sllall Be sitea ta ifBfJGet the smallest area of seagrasses possiBle. 2.6.:U.2.6.3. The petitioner shall be rell.uired to demonstrate how neglltive illlJlaets ts seagrll5ses aad otller nawle slloreline ':egetation llBII hard bottom eommunitios hll'l'e Ilees miRimliled prior to aBY pre-jeet llf3llroyal or permit HsuaBee. 2.6.:11.3. J}aek}acilityl$lensi6/1; lJeat.'j8U5e eslRhlishlflellt G/'itel-M. :\dditioBal len~l'otrusion heyond said respeeti-ie distauees speeilied in seetioo 2, and for doel. faeilitiesl aad all boatllouses, regardless af the ex-toot of the )lrotrusian inte the waterway ar the width sf the waterway, shall rell.ulre pHblie notiee and a hearing Ily the Collier COHnty Plilftning Commissian. f.s to oy Boat IIsel. extoosioa petition upon whiell tile )lIaoning comm!llsion tal.es a~urs8ant to seetian a.2.n of this Celie, aD aggrievell petitioner ar adversely afH!eted )lF9peri3' oV/ner mar appeal Slleh Hnalaetian to the Ilollrll ohaning appeals, except that sHek llf3peal sk&lllle HIed with the d6':elopmeut seniees directar wit-hin 11 days of the Elate af tile final action by the Illauniug eOIBHI!llsioa. TIle Ilaard of zonmg appeals may affirm, afilrm witk eODditioBs, reverse, or re':erse witk eORditioBS the aetian oftke )llanning eomusian. SHeil appeal sllalllle filed with tlie eommu.ai~' de'lelopmBllt aad envirel\meatltl sen'iees administrator, or his desigBee aad shall be notieed fer hearing with the lisaI'd of zOBing appeals pursuaut to the proeedures Lf6 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 177 of 192 ed ap,llieele fee set foFth)1l seetioB lol,., ohilis Code. Tile II_BiBg eOIR",llIllio8 shall hflSe its deeisioB fOF approval, allprovall'litll eOBdiUoBS; or deBi.l, OR dle followillg eriteria: 1.(j,21.:U. ~lIedler or Bot dle BumBer of doek faeiUaes or slips to he located all tile s81ljeet pf'operty is oppFtlllFifie iB relatioB to tile lellgtk ofwaterfroBt pf'OPeAf &Vanable fer tile 10eaHOII octile proposed doel. faeiUties. 2.'.::U.3.2. Wl1etber or Bot tl1e water deptll wJiere the pFOposed doek faeili~' is to lJe loeated is suJlieiOBt to allow fer safe mooriBg of tile yessel, thereBY BeeeSllltatillg tile e:l<teBsloB FelJaest. 2.6.:21.3.3. Whetller or 80t tile proposed doel. faeility and moored "eGsel(~ iB e8mIJiBatioB IBllY have &II HYene impaet to Bll'ligatiOB witlllB aJi adjaeeut lllWigallle eIIanBeL 2.'.21.3.1. W.etller or 1I0t, for lets all a waterway tIIatis greater tIIaB 11111 feet in width, tile proposed doek faeiUty oeeapies more tIt.1I 25 percent of the widtll of tile waterwllY, or, for Boathouses ollly, protrudes grelltel' thlln ]11 fee~ and whether OF 80t a miBimum of 511 peFOeDt of tile ,,,,illtll of tile waterway is mailltallled in order to OBSRre FOlIsoBaBle waterwll-)' nlWigahility. 2.lI.21.3.S. "lIether or BOt tIIere are special c08ditiOBS related to tile subjeet property or waterway whiek JRStify tile pFOposed dlmeosioBS a8dlocatio8 of tile sulljeet do~ Whether or not tile proposed doel. Is of minimal dimensions neeessary in order to adequllte!y secure tile moored vosselll'l1lle pFovidiBg Feasonele aoeellS to tile boat.f6i' 1'0utiBe maiuteuanee, v,itllollt the use of eKeesnI.'e deel. llrea.':'. Wl1et.aer or oot tile prop9sed str-uetuFe is of minimal dlmeDslons to minimilile tile Impaet of tile view of tile waterway BY saFFoundiBg property owners. '<jljThether or uot the pl'oposed "fe5sel is 111 ene5S of SII pel'eeot of tlie Iengtk af tile water frontage sHeh that tile addlllo1l of a doek str\leture willlaerease the impaet ea sr Begati'I'Cl)' imflaet the "flew of tile waterway BY surrouuiling property 9W1Iers. 2.&.21.3.9. Whether 81' not tile prop8sed leaalion and design of tile dodi/vessel eombiuati8B is suell tIIat it may iBfFinge \ljlon the use of BeigilBoriBg properties, l11elaBfBg Bny emtl11g doel. stl'uetl1res. 2.&.21.3.111. Regarding exlstiBg BOBthie ergauisms in tile \'ieini~' oft-ke proposed elCteBsioB. (8) ',''bether or net seagrosses are leeGtea WitbiR 200 feet oflhe jlt'spesea Elaok; me (b) Whe!fier sr !let tllo proposed lloek is sllb-jeet to !fie manatee p:roleet.ieR reEfllireme!lIG eftbis Celle (seetis!l2,6.22). Li7 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 178 of 192 2.(i"n.3.11.lldeemed Reeessary Ilased lII'OR !'ll'\'ill'l'l' Or tile allo,'-e eritw. the pl-_wIRg eo--I-si8ll may impale IBeh eSBditi8BS apeD tlte ap,F8val of 8B e:lteasioB :request it deems as Beeessarr to accomplish the puposes fir this Code BRd proteet the safe"" aad welflln or tile pBBlic. Such caRdiao.s may iReludllt hut shall Bot he limited to, greater side setll.ekfs)' pFoviaioR or Iigktfs), additioRal refleetors, or rellcetoF!i larger thaa four inclles, .md prakiIJitiRg or permittiBg 1B00riBg OB tile outside ortlle doek faellity. B9/lth811t1e I'ef/NirlHfte1lts: IB additio. te the eriteria is seetlOR 2.6.21..., the fellow.lag eFitcria allall apply te hoatllouses: MioimlllB side setSaell reljuiremeBtr IS feet. !\fai_HI pretnlsioB late watenvay: 25 perellBt of caRRI ",ldtS or 211 feet, whlekever 15 Il!lIs. 2,6.21.4.:1. MtIximuHI llelgktl 1S feet as &IeaslIFed from top of sea'fl'1lI1 or llaRk ",kiekll'\'er H 1B8Fe resmetive. IJ.1anmalB Ramber ofllaatSauses per site: ODe. All ho&tkoase stF1letures sllalllle eORljlletely opeR OB all fellr sides. 2.li.21.4.li. ROOHR!; material aDd reof eolor shall be tile slIHle IlIl materials aDd eolors lIsed aD the priReiplll structure or Bia)' Ile of a palm fraDd "ehiellee" strle. (Ord. No. 92-73, ~ 2; Ord. No, 93-37, !i 3; Ord. No. 94-58, !i 3,10-21-94; Ord, No, 95-58, !i 3, . 11-1-95; Ord. No. 96-21, ~ 3; Ord. No, 97-26,!i 3.D, 6-4-97; Ord. No. 99-46, !i 3.D, 6-16-99; Ord. No. 00-8, !i 3.F, 1-25-00; Ord. No, 00-43, !i 3.F, 6-14-00; Ord. No. 00-92,!i 3.D, 12-13-00) Code references-Coastal zone protection, ~ 22-286 et seq.; waterways, ch. 146. Individual or multiple private docks. including mooring oilings. davits. lifts and the like are oennitted to serve waterfront propertY as described in Division 6.3 Definitions. provided such docks do not protrude more than the respective allowable distances specified in subsections and of this code for such waterwav or waterbody. Docks and the like are primarilv intended to adeouatelv secure moored vessels and provide safe access for routine maintenance and use while minimallv impacting navigation 'within any adjacent navigable channel. the use of the waterwav. the use ofneicllboring docks. the native marine habitat. manatees. and the view of the waterwav bv the neighboring properlY owners.., Permitted dock facilitv protrusions as well as extensions of dock facilities are measured from the property line. bulkhead line. shoreline. seawall. rip-rap line. control elevation contour. or Mean High Water fMHW) line. whichever is most restrictive. with the following excention: on manmade waterways less than 100 feet in width. where the actual watetwav has L(<J Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 179 of 192 receded from the DIatled waterfront prouertv line. the Planninf! Services Director may aoprove an AdmiDistratiye Variance allowinlZ measurement of the orotrnsion from the existing- MHW line. orovided that: 1) a sil!tl.ed. sealed survey no more than sixty (60) dayS old is orovided showing the location of the :MHW line on either side of the waterway at the site as well as anvdock facilities on the subiect nrooertv and the oropertv directlv across the waterway. and. 2) at least 50 percent of the true waterway width as de,picted by the survey is maintained for navigability. with the followinlZ exception: on manmade canals 60 feet or less in width. which are not reinforced by a vertical seawall or bulkhead. at least 33 Dercent of the true waterway width must be maintained for navigability, The allowable protrusion of the facility into the waterway shall be based on the DercentalZes described in subsection of this code as aooHed to the true waterway width shown on the survey and not the platted canal width. On unbridll'ed barrier islands. a boat dock shall be considered a oennitted princiual use; however. a dock shall not. in any way. constitute a use or structure which oermits. reQuires. and/or urovides for anY accessory uses and or structures. Boathouses and dock facilities pronosed on residentially zoned Drooerties as defined in section 2.1.4 of this code. shall be considered an accessory use or structure. Boathouses shall be reqllired to be a~roved throulZh tbe procedure and criteria in subsections 2.6,2 1.3 and In addition. any covered structure erected on a vrivate boat dock shall also be considered an accessorY use. and shall also be reauired to be aouroved through the orocedures and criteria of subsections, arid 2,6.21.4. of this code, 2.6.21. 1.3. Non-residential dock facilities shall be subiect to all ofilie orovisions of section 2.6.21 of the code. with the excention that protrusions for non-residential dock facilities beyond the soecified limits shall be determined administratively by the olanninf! services director at the time of site development olan review. based on an evaluation ofthe criteria in subsection of this code, 2.6.2 I .2. Dock (acilitv requirements and restrictions. The foIlowing criteria aouly to dock facilities and boathouses. with the exception of dock facilities and boathouses on manmade lakes and other manmade bodies of water under private control. For lots on a canal or waterway that is 100 feet or greater in width. no boathouse. dock faciIitylboat combination shall protrude more than 20 feet into the waterway (i.e. the total protrusion ofthe dock facility ulus the rotal protrusion of the moored vessel), A dock extension in accordance with subsection 2,6.21.3. of this code may be granted to allow a orotrusion of more than 20 feet. 2,6,21.2.2. For lots on a canal or waterway that is less than 100 feet in width. dock facilities may OCCUoY no more than 25 percent ofthe width of the waterway or urotrude greater than 20 feet into the waterwav. whichever is Jesser. with the following exception: on manmade canals 60 feet or less in width. which are not reinforced by a vertical seawall or bulkhead. dock facilities may protrude up to 33 uercent of the width of the waterway. Drovided that the procedures outlined in Section are observed. A dock extension in accordance with subsection, of this code mav be granted to allow a protrusion of more than 20 feet. but at no time shall such an extension be granted to allow a urotrusion into more than 25 uercent of the wateIWay width. c;r Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 . Page 180 of 192 For lots on unbnde:ed barrier islands located within State Aauatic Preserves. orotrusion limits. setbacks. and deck area shall be det"nn;ned bv the apolicable Florida Department of Environmental Protection lDEP) rel!ll1ations in effect at the time of Denmt a1JDlication. and the orotrusion limits above shall not aDolv: however. all required DEP oennits for the dock facilitv must be obtained orior to the issuance of a Collier Countv buildinlZ oennit for the facilitv. 2, All dock fadlities on lots with water frontalZe of60 feet or !!Teater shall have a side setback reauirement oilS feet. exceot as llrovided in subsections 2.6,21.2 or of this code or as exemoted below, All dock facilities (exoeot boathouses) on lots with less than 60 feet of water frontal!e shall have a side setback reauirement of 7 1/2 feet. All dock facilities (exceot boathouses) on lots at the end or side end of a canal or waterway shall have: a side setback rl::Quirement of 7 J!2 feet as measured from the: side lot line: or riparian line. whichever is aODrooriate. RiDarian line:s (SI::C Division 6.3. Definitions. Tioarian line). for lots at the end or side end of a waterwav with a rel!ll1ar shoreline:. arc: established bv a line ext<mdinlZ from the . corner of an end lot and side end lot into the waterway bisectinlZ eauidistantlv the anlZle cre:ated bv the two intersecting lots (see Exhibit A). Riparian lines for an other lots should be l'Stablished bv lZenerally acccoted lUe:thods. taking into consideration the configuration of the shoreline. and allowinlZ for the eauitable aooortionment of nDarian rilZhts. Such methods include. but are not. limited to. lines drawn perpendicular to the shoreline: for reeular (Jim:ar) shorelines. or lines drawn Deroendicular to the centerline (thread) of the waterway. oeroendicular to the line of deep water (line ofnavil!abilitv or edlZe: afnavilZable channel). as appropriate. for irreeular shorelines., All dock facilities. relZardless oflenlrthlDrotrusion. shall have reflectors and house numbers. no less than four inches in heilZht. installed at the outemiost end. on both sides. For multifamily developments. the house nwnber requirement is waived. 2, All dock facilities are subiect to. and shall complvwith. all federal and state reQuirements and pennits. includinlZ but rnotllimited to the reauirements and Dennits of the Florida deoartment of environmental protection. the U.S. Army Coms ofEncineers. and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. - 2.6,21.2.7. Protection of sea;zrass beds, Where new dockin&! facilities or boat dock extensions are prooosed. the location and presence of seal!Tass or semrrass beds within 200 feet of any proposed dock facility shall be identified on an aerial photolZTaph having a scale of one inch to 200 feet when available from the countv. or a scale of one inch to 400 feet when such DhotolZl'aphs are not available from the county, The location of sealZl'ass beds shall be verified by a site visit bv the site development review director. or his desiwee. Dnor to issuance of anv Dreieel approval or oermit. 2,, I, All proposed dock facilities shall be located and aligned to stavat least ten feet from any existinlZ sealZTass beds. except where a continuous bed ofseagrassl'S exists off the shore of the property and adi acent to the property. and to minimize nelZative impacts to seae:rasses and other native shoreline. emerlZent and submerged vel!etation and hard bottom communities, sv Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 181 of 192 Where a continuous bed of seal!1'llSses exists off the shore of the Dl'Ollertv and adjacent to the prooertv. the llDDIicant shall be allowed to build a dook across the seae:rass beds. or a dockin!! facility within ten fee! of seagrass beds. Such dockin!! facilities shall comoly with the following conditions: I. The dock shall be at a height of a! leall! 3.5 feetNGVD. 2. The terminal platform area of the dock shall not exceed 160 square feet. 3. The access dock shall not exceed a width of four feet. 4. The access dock and terminal Dlatform shall be sited to impact the smallest area of seall:rass beds Dossible. 2, The petitioner shall be required to demonstrate how nelZatiye impacts to seamss beds and other native shoreline velZetation and hard bottom conununities have been minimized Drior to any Droiect aP9roval or Dermit issuance. Dock facility extension, Additional orotrusion of a dock facility into any waterway beyond the limits established in subsection of this code may be considered apDropriate under certain circumstances. The collier county Dlannin!! commission. at a dulv advertised public hearim:. shall aporove. aD9rove with conditions, or deny. a dock facility extension reauest based on the criteria below. Advertisement of such hearin!! shall consist of. I) publication of a notice of the bearing in a newspaoer of !!eneral circulation in the county at least IS dayS in advance of the hearing; 2) posting of a sign bv the development services director in full view of the oublic on the subiect property: and. 3) notification bv the development services director of all owners of oropertv within 500 feet of the subject propertY. As to any boat dock extension petition upon which the planning commission tllkes action. pursuant to subsection 5.2.1 I of this code. an al!!ITi.eved petitioner or adversely affected property owner may apPeal such final action to the board of zoning apveals. The board ofzonin~ avpeals may affirm. affirm with conditions. reverse. or reverse with conditions the action ofthe planning commission. Such appeal shall be filed with the community develooment and environmental services division and shall be noticed for hearing bv the board of zoning appeals pursuant to the procedures and applicable fee set forth in subsection 1.6.6 of this code, The plarming commission shall base its decision for atlPTOval. approval with conditions. or denial. on an evaluation of the followingprimarv and secondary criteria. The apolication for a boat dock extension shall include the following: l) a siened, sealed survey depicting mean high water. mean low water. and relevant water deoths measured at no 'less than 5-foot increments: and 2) a chart. drawn to scale. of the waterway at the site, depicting the wateIWavwidth. the proximity oithe proposed facility to anY adiacent navigable channel. the proximity of the proposed facility to docks. if anv. on the adjacent lots. and the unobstructed waterway between the proposed facility and the opposite bank or any dock facility on the opposite bank. In order for the planning commission to approve the reauest., it must be determined that at least four (4) of the five (5) primary criteria. and at least four (4) ofthe six (6) secondary criteria. have been met. These criteria are as follows: S:-/ Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 182 of 192 2.6,21.3.1. Primary criteria. Whether or not the number of dock facilities and/or boat SMS prooosed is anpromiate in relation to the waterfront lemrth. location. upland land use and zoning of the subiect propertY: consideration should be made of prollertv on unbridl!ed barrier islands. where vessels are the primary means oftranstlortation to and from the prOllertv. ((The number should be II1llJ['(l1lriate: t\1picaJ. sinll:le-family use should be no more than two slips: typical multi-familv use should be one slip per dwelling unit: in the case ofunbridlZed barrier island docks. additional slips may be appropriate)) Whether or not the water dePth at the prooosed site is so shallow that a yessel of the lZenera1lenlrth. type. and draft as that described in the oetitioner's apolication is unable to launch or moor at mean low tide (MLT). ((The petitioner's ll1lolication and survev should show that the water deoth is too shallow to allow launch and moorinlZ ofthe vessel (s) described without an extension)) Whether or not the orooosed dock facility may have an adyerse impact on nayil!lltion within an adiacent marked or charted navilZable channel. ((The facility should not intrude into any marked or charted navilZllble cluumel thus impeding vessel traffic in the channel)) I .4. Whether or not the proposed dock facility protrudes no more than 25 oercent of the width of the waterway. and whether or not a minimum of 50'percent of the wateIWav width between dock facilities on either side of the waterwav is maintained for navilZabilitv, ((The facility should maintain the reauired oercentalZes)) 2.6, Whether or not the oroposed location and design of the dock facility is such that the facility would not interfere with the use of neighborinlZ docks. ((The facility should not interfere with the use oflegally oermitted neie:hborine: docks)) Secondary criteria 2.6.2 I .3.2.1. Whether or not there are special conditions. not involving water depth. related to the subiect properlY or waterway. which iustifv the proposed dimensions and location of the proposed dock facility, ((There must lie at least one soecial condition related to the properlY: these may include type of shoreline reinforcement. shoreline confil!U1'ation. mangrove growth. or sea~ass beds)) ,2.2, Whether the proposed dock facility would allow reasonable. safe. access to the vessel for loadimdunloading and routine maintenance. without the use of excessive deck area not directly related to these functions. ((The facility should not use excessive deck area)) For single-family dock facilities. whether or not the length of the vessel. or vessels in combination. described bv the petitioner exceeds 50 percent ofthe subiect property's linear waterfront footage. (( The applicable maximum percentage should be maintained)) J;;:l.. Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 183 of 192 .2.4. Wh~th.". or not the proposed facility would haye a maior impact on the waterfront view of neilZhborinll: waterfront property owners. ((The facility should not have a maior impact on the view of either neie:hbor)) 2, Whether or not sealmlSs beds are located within 200 feet of the proposed dock facility. ((If sealrrass beds are present. compliance with subsection of this code must be demonstrated)) Whether or not the proposed dock facility is subiect to the manatee protection . reauirements of subsection 2.6.22. of this code. ((If apulicable. comuliance with section 2.6,22 must be demonstrated)) If deemed necessary based upon review of the above criteria. the planning commission mav impose such conditions uoon the aooroyal of an extension reauest it deems necessary to accomplish the purooses ofthis code and orotect the safety and welfare of the public, Such conditions maY include. but shall not be limited to. lZreater side sethack(s). and provision of lie:ht(s). additional reflectors. or reflectors larger than f(jur inches. Boathouse reauirements: Boathouses. including anY roofed structure built on a dock. shall be reyiewed by the planning commission using the same procedures and aptllicable criteria described in subsection of this code: however. the criteria in subsection of this code shall anplv only to simultaneous application for both a dock extension and a boathouse. In cases where the boathouse is to be constructed on an existing, legally permitted. dock. these criteria shall not apolv since the dock itselfis already in comoliance with the code. In all cases. the following additional criteria shall apply to boathouses. and all of these criteria must be met in order for the planning: commission to approye the request: Minimum side setback requirement: IS feet,, Maximum orotrusion into waterway: 25 oercent of canal width or 20 feet. whichever is less: the roof alone mav overhanl/: no more than 3 feet into the waterway beyond the maximum protrusion and/or side setbacks. Maximum height: 15 feet as..measured from toP of seawall or bank. whichever is more restrictive,. to the peak or highest elevation of the roof. 2,, Maximum number of boathouses or covered structures per site: I,, All boathouses and covered structures shall be completely open on all four sides. 2.6,21.4.6. Roofing material and roof color shall be the same as materials and colors used on the principal structure or may be of a palm frond "chickee" style: a sinl/:le-family dwelline: unit must be constructed on the subiect lot prior to. or simultaneously with. the construction of any boathouse or covered dock structure. b5 '" Lot Lor 2 ~ 0' Typical I Lot 3 50' 9 60' or Mare less Than 60' Lot 4 100' Woterway IS' 15' 15' 15' f~~ ~ -~t 7')(5' -:',s,/;~/ i "\.",\~ 7,5' > I . / ',s, I '\ ~ , / I " .oL ",' I , / ;;0' iJ'. 7.5' J 7.5' " Exhibit A Typical Setback Requirements for Dock Facilities R.L.-Riporion line bV Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 184 of 192 Lot 8 Lot 7 .Lot 6 Lot 5 Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 185 of 192 ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Ross Gocbenaur DEPARTMENT: Planning Services LDC PAGE(S): LDC2:206-207 LDC SECTION: Temporary construction and development permits CHANGE: Allow temporary classrooms for existing non-profit entities In conjunction with approved development order REASON: Non-profit organizations, which conduct classroom activities, occasionally have need of temporary classroom facilities to continue these activities during the construction or renovation of permanent facilities. This amendment would allow such a use in conjunction with an,approved development order until such time as permanent facilities have been completed or the development order expkes. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: Allowing such a nse would result in additional temporary use permit fees RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None Amend the LDC as follows: Temporary construction and development permits. During the construction of any development for which at i!'ast a preliminary development order has been granted, as required below, the developer may request a temporary use permit for the below-listed aetivlties. The temporary use permit shall be granted initially for a period not to exceed 24 months in duration and may be renewed annually based upon demonstration of need and payment of fee. A request for renewal shall be submitted to the planning services director in writing 30 days prior to the expiration of the temporary use permit. Temporary construetion and development permits shall be allowed for the following uses: 1. Temporary offices to be used for construction, and administrative functions within the development. ~ Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 186 of 192 2. Temporary administrative offices to be used in conjunction with a bona fide agricultural use in the agricultural zoning district when located in the area designated agricultural on the future land use map oithe future land use element of the Collier County growth management plan. J." Temporary classrooms on the site of existing nonorofit Orl!.~ni7ations. used to continue existing classroom activities. and in coniunction with an allllroved develooment order. such classrooms will be issued in coniunction with an approved Site Improvement Plan. ~ 4. On-site storage of equipment and construction materials for use on the development site ouly. +. 5. On-site mobile home used as a temporary office or storage facility for persons engaged in the development of the site. ~ ~ 6. On-site mobile radio and television equipment and antennae. &.- 7. On-site mobile home for the use of a watchman or caretaker only, +, 8. On-site temporary use of structures and equipment for the building of roads, public utilities, and government projects. -s, 2, Off-site temporary parlcing on property which is located contiguous to the subject development, or would be contiguous except for a roadway that is not designated as a collector or arterial in the traffic circulation element of the growth management plan, with the written authorization of the property owner. 9,. 10. Other on-site uses similar to the foregoing uses and determined by the planning services director to meet the intent of section Sf, EXHIBIT ''F'' Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 , P~ge 187 of 192 Text underlined lEi new text to e added. TsKt 1JtRkstRFQUB~ is GY'l'sAt t8l~ tEl be f:leloh1' Bold text indicates a deflnMt term LDC Amendment Reauest ORIGIN: Community Development and Environmental Services AUTHOR: Joyce Ernst, Senior Planner DEPARTMENT: Zoning and Land Development Review ADA-2008-AR-13731 MONTE CARLO CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOC, PROJECT: 2006010084 DATE: 9/9/08 DUE: 9/23/08 AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle I, 2006 LDC PAGE: 5:12 LDC SECTION(S): LDC section 5.03,06.0 CHANGE: To add language omitted during the re-codification process. REASON: The language provides a necessary tool in evaluating criteria submitted for a boat dock extension, which will assist staff and the Planning Commissioners in detennining approval or denial of boat dock petitions. . FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: Reinserting this language back into the code will assist the Planning Commissioners, staff and the general public with the Section of the code that addresses how the primary and secondary criteria, as stated in the LDC, is evaluated when either recommending approval or denial of a boat dock extension, RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Section 5.03,06 . GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None OTHER NOTESIVERSION DATE: February 17, 2006 Amend the LDC as follows: Section 5.03.06 Dock Facilities . . . . . . . * . . . . . G. Dock facility extension. Addition protrusion of a dock facliity into any waterway beyond the limits established in subsection 5,03,06(E) of this Code may be considered appropriate under certain circumstances, In order for the Plannina Commission to aODrove the boat dock extension reeuest. it must be determined that at least four of the five orimarv criteria. and at least four of the six secondary criteria. have been met. These criteria are as follows: 223 1:\LDC_Amendments\LOC Cycle 1 ~ 2006\New Amendments\5.03.06 G dock extension 031706 JE.doc Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 188 of 192 Text underlined is: new text to be added T 81ft strlketkFeugk i6 &IcIFfBAt \eJQ te be aelated. Bofd text jndicates a defined term Primary Criteria: a. Whether the number of dock facilities and/or boat slips proposed is appropriate in relation to the waterfront length, location, upland land use, and zoning of the subject property. Consideration should be made of property on unbridged barrier islands, where vessels are the primary means of transportation to and from the property. (The number should be appropriate; typical, slngle-famiiy use should be no more than two (2) slips; typical multi-family use should be one (1) slip per dwelling unit; in the case of unbridged barrier island docks, additional slips may be appropriate ). b, Whether the water dep!h at the proposed site is so shallow that a vessel of the general length, type, and draft as that described in the petitioner's application is unable to launch or moor at mean low tide (ML T). (The petitioner's application and survey should establish that the water depth is too shallow to allow launching and mooring of the vessel(s) described without an elctension). c. Whether the proposed dock facility may have an adverse impact on navigation within an adjacent marked or charted navigable channel. (The facility should not intrude into any marked .or charted navigable channel thus impeding vessel traffic in the channel). d. Whether the proposed dock facility protrudes no more than twenty-five (25) percent of the width of the waterway, and whether a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the waterway width between dock facilities on either side of !he waterway is maintained for navigability. (The faCility should maintain the required percentages). e. Whether the proposed location and design of the dock facility is such !hat the faCility would not interfere with the use of neighboring docks. (The facility should not interfere wi!h the use af legally permitted neighboring docks). 2. Secondary criteria: a. Whe!her there are special conditions, not involving water depth, related to the subject property or waterway, which justify the proposed dimensions and location of the proposed dock facility. (There must be at least one (1) special condition related to the property; these may include type of shoreline reinforcement, shoreline configuration, mangrove growth, or seagrass beds). \, 1. b. Whether the proposed dock facility would allow reasonable, safe access to the vessel for loading and/or unloading and routine maintenance, without the use of excessive deck area not directly related to these functions. (The facility should not use excessive deck area). c. For single-family dock facilities, whether the length of the vessel, or vessels in combination, described by the petitioner exceeds fifty (50) percent of the subject property's linear waterfront footage. (The applicable maximum percentage should be maintained). d. Whether the proposed facility would have a major impact on the 224 1:\LDC_Amendments'lDC Cyde 1- 2006\Ne.w Amendments\5.03.06 G dock extension 031706 JE.doc Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Text undoriined is new text Fo'Blt~~~ of 192 Text SlfiliSU:ilF8Wgt' is &IlIFFeAt tel( t9 Be sslsleel_ Bold lext Indicates a defined term waterfront view of neighboring waterfront property owners. (The facility should not have a major impact on the view of a neighboring property owner). e. Whether seagrass beds are located within 200 feet of the proposed dock facility. (If sea grass beds are present, compliance with subsection 5.03.06(H)(2). of this LDC must be demonstrated). 1. Whether the proposed dock facility is subject to the manatee protection requirements of subsection 5,03,Q6(E)(11) of this LDC. (If applicable, compliance with section 5.03.06(E)(11) must be demonstrated). 3. If deemed necessary based upon review of the above criteria, the Planning Commission may impose such conditions upon the approval of an extension request that it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Code and to protect the safety and welfare of the public, Such conditions may include, but shall not be limited to, greater side setback(s), and provision of Iight{s), additional reflectors. or reflectors larger than four (4) inches. 225 1:\LDC_Aman<lments\LOC Cyde 1 - 2006\New Amendments\5.03.06 G doCk extension 031706 JE.doc Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Text underlined is new lext ~'lfI,'1.JdI,g. of 192 rem cmkelhRilolgh is GWR'Iil'Rt taut Ie be Ballles'. Bold texllndfcales a defined term This page intentionally left blank. 226 1:\lOC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 .. 2006\New Amendments\5.03.06 G dock "xtansion 031706 JE,doc Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 191 of 192 Toni Biordi and Charlie DiGangi PO Box 770633 Naples, Florida 34107 239-597-1966 Seprember15,2006 Ashley Caserta Collier County Planning Services 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Phone: (239) 403-2400 Re: Project Number 2006010084 My wife and I are residents at Monre Carlo, the subject property, and we are opposed to the. construction of additional boat docks requesred by this permit application. Since 1992, when we purchased this property, and more recently, since 1999, when we began living here on a year-round basis, we have watched the health of Vanderbilt Lagoon and the surrounding waters decline. The fish that were once seen jumping in the Lagoon are no longer present, the number of pelicans that once fed in the Lagoon has declined and manatee sightings, once a frequent occurrence, are now a thing of the past. There is a struggling patch of mangroves, located at the wesrern end of the south-facing seawall that will be further encroached upon by the presence of boat docks. Over. the years we have seen a significant increase in the amount of boat traffic in the Lagoon, and we cannot help but believe that this has had a negative impact. We understand that a boat docks petition was denied at the Dunes development locared to the North of this property. We believe that one reason for the denial was that the application failed to meet the "public interest" test. The subject property is very private and the boat docks applied for will not be available to the public; therefore, no public inrerest will be served by the construction of additional boat docks at the Monte Carlo. Thank you for your attention to my comments on this application. ~ RECEIVED SEP 1 [) 200S ZONING DEPARTMENT Agenda Item No. 7C December 2, 2008 Page 192 of 192 BCC HEARING DATE: 12/2/08 AR# 13731 Monte Carlo Club Condominium Association Appeal /fJ/2t Due for Review: <<>> Planner: AC;jt Manage. ~.. q-.'~! rlIl-k Director:'b'Wl1 - all $~ 1'O\~1 'MalACc~ \OV[d 'v- Operations Analyst :lOj~ ()Spu:iz;d :..rttu ' Administrator: ,I" '2>r ().f ~ s~ J ;VI-- ~ ~r~ vs~