Agenda 12/02/2008 Item # 7B Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 1 of 104 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SV-2008-AR-13395, Immokalee-Wood, LLC, represented by Michael Fernandez of Planning Development, Inc. is requesting a variance from the Land Development Code (LDC) Section 5.06.04 C.!. to reduce the minimum separation of 1,000 lineal feet between signs to allow a sign separation of 276 010 feet. The subject property is located at 2600 lmmokalee Road, Section 25, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) consider the above-referenced Sign Variance petition and render a decision pursuant to Section 5.06.00 of the Land Development Code (LDC) in order to ensure that the project is in harmony with all applicablc codcs and regulations and that the community's interests are maintained. CONSIDERATIONS: The sign variance is for a proposed pole sign for "John R. Wood Realtors" which is a stand alone building located within Condominium Unit 2 of Uptown Center, a Commercial Condominium ...- (i.e. a tract of land that is part of the Uptown Center, a commercial strip shopping center). An official interpretation has been made, determining that the subject condominium parcel is not an "outparcel" as defined by the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC). Therefore, the site is not eligible for certain types of signage reserved for outparcels. As a result, the applicant is requesting a variance to allow a pole sign for "John R. Wood Realtors" which is designed to resemble a monument style pylon sign. This would be the second pole sign for the shopping center. The proposed sign is depicted in the elevation shown in Exhibit "A" of the Staff Report. It is important to note that while this sign appears to be a pylon sign, the LDC considers a sign such as this to be (by definition) a pole sign. The LDC definition for a pole sign is as follows: "a sign, cight (8) or more feet in height which is independent of support from any building that is mounted on freestanding poles or other supports, and shall includc a pole cover that is between fifty (50) percent and one hundred (100) percent of the overall sign width." The location of the sign is depicted in the "Site Signage Exhibit" shown in Exhibit "B" of the Staff Report. The proposed variance is from Subsection 5.06.04 C. I. of the LDC, which requires a minimum separation of 1,000 linear feet between pole signs, to allow a reduced separation of 276010 feet between the proposed subject sign and the existing shopping center directory sign. This is also depicted in Exhibit "B" "Site Signage Exhibit" in the Staff Report. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this Sign Variance petition would have no fiscal impact on Collier County. ...- Page 10f4 Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 2 of t04 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMPACT: Approval of this Sign Variance would not affect or change the requirements of the Growth Management Plan. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT: Approval of this Sign Variance would have no affordable housing impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: There are no environmental issues associated with this Sign Variance. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: The EAC did not review this petition as they do not normally hear Sign Variance petitions. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: The CCPC heard petition SV-2008-AR-13395 on October 16,2008, and by a unanimous vote of 7-0 forwarded this petition to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) with a recommendation of denial. The CCPC determined that this Sign Variance did not meet the criteria outlined III LDC Subsection 9.04.03 A through H for the following reasons: A. There are no special conditions peculiar to the location, size, and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved. B. There are no special circumstances such as prc-existing conditions relative to the property. C. A literal interpretation of the provisions of the LDC will not work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. D. The variance, will not be the minimum variance allowing reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. E. Granting the variance requested will confer on the petitioner a special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to others. F. Granting the variance will not be in harmony with the intent and purpose of the LDC, whieh is to prevent a proliferation of signs. G. There are no natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives ofthe regulation, such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course, etc. H. Although granting the variance will not be inconsistent with the GMP, it is not consistent with the LDC. Page 2 of 4 Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 3 of 104 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Petitioner is requesting a Sign Variance to allow a sign within l,OOO feet of anothcr sign in contravention of LDC section 5.06.04 Cl. The granting of such a Variance is permitted under LDC S9.04.02. The attached staff report and recommendations of the Planning Commission are advisory only and are not binding on you. Decisions regarding Variances are quasi-judicial, and all testimony given must be under oath. The Petitioner has the burden to prove that the proposed Variance is consistent with all the criteria set forth below, and you may question Petitioner, or staff, to satisfy yourself that the necessary criteria have been satisfied. LDC Section 9.04.02.A requires that "based upon the evidence given in public hearing; and the findings of the planning commission" you "should determine to the maximum extent possible if the granting of the Variance will diminish or otherwise have a detrimental effect on the public interest, safety or welfare." Should you consider denying the Variance, to assure that your decision is not later found to be arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable, the denial must be based upon competent, substantial evidence that the proposal does not meet one or more of the listed criteria below. Approval of this request requires three affirmative votes of the Board. In granting a Sign Variance, the Board of Zoning Appeals may prescribe the following: I. Appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with the zoning code or other applicable county ordinances. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation ofthe zoning code. 2. A reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance required shall be begun or completed or both. Criteria for Sil!:n Variances 1. There are special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size, and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved. 2. There are special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant, such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request. 3. A literal interpretation of the provisions of the LDC work an unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties on the applicant. 4. The Variance, if granted, will be thc minimum variance that will make possible thc reasonable use of the land, building, or structure and which promote standards of health, safety, or welfare. 5. Granting the Variance requested will not confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. 6. Granting the Variance will be in harmony with the intent and purpose of the LDC, and not be inj urious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 7. There are natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation, such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course, etc. 8. Granting the Variance will be consistent with the GMP. Page 3 of 4 Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 4 of 104 The proposed Resolution was prepared by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action. - STW RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) recommend denial of petition SV- 2008-AR-13395. Should the BCC be inclined to recommend approval, Staff recommends the following conditions: l. The sign copy as depicted in Exhibit "A" shall be limited to 38010 square feet. 2. The sign as depicted in Exhibit "A" is limited to the name of the business entity located on Condominium Parcel 2. 3. The sign shall be removed upon relocation of the subject business and/or occupancy ofthe building by a different business. 4. The required Type D Right-of-Way Landscape Buffer along lmmokalee Road that is missing shall be replanted. PREPARED BY: Nancy Gundlach, AICP, Principal Planner Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Attachments: Exhibit A: Sign Elevation Exhibit B: Site Signage Exhibit Page 4 of 4 :R iii <> ~ ::0 '" ;!; ::0 3 < ....- d i &! I :.:, , i I.--t- i ~ ~II in JJ J:~ ""Ill'" ~~~ ~ <.> 8' :t: zuw~m ~~~~~.. ...."t.. ClJCO''<j" , 00 '-o~ -'~";N_ _ 0 N", -<DO) "'.0 '" ~Ero "'",0- -g" ",'" ",0 <( ... ffi ~ i6~ni ~~~~ e""~!;\ ~~"""- ,;,'~'-';".. " 9 8 ~ Ei -' ;;;; o ~ ~ r (;j -' ~ n '. J CV'-'1 . ',., :,' . ..... >- W II:: co o in iii ~~ q I I ~~ ~I~I I llll~h I Ihhn ~ W ",,::::l 1011::<00 C1>WC') "'1-0 M C1>co .....ZCI>o IW"l"""-. 11::0....... <I: 1-..... 'zoiO l8~w.. oO"~ NI-O<l: :>ll..lI::o W::::lll.. <'"'!", ">'~"... . ~I 17' I ~ ~~. I -r--;,o--;J;' -.--1 z'" :ii OJ c- ,.. .6-.... "''' tl:! l\l5 "": IiZ ~ ~,z-_.t EXHIBIT "A" , 'j ikH . ; 11 :: 1i ~ tiu i !o ~ h - ~ }~llj : Hiu ~ ;Ijil ! 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OG.,"')!ND:Z I I I I 0( :~ ~z di .", i Cw ::.. if ~ ~l: c; ~ ili ~o . ~::E !.'~ N! il i , i ~ , , , i ~ _"..'II..J ~ .. J'"" ~ w -' ~~ ...... ~~8~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, i. ~ .d, lJl:l!i;;~gw I : i 1m o ....z z .. ~ i I ~=g!~m \ / f ~t i 5 ~ " - - - - - - - - " ..-...-...-- O'<fOl,l9Nnlnd-ll,lOdl,ll1f ~O liNn l,I31NlI:l \ I..J :~ ,0 ,~ ,- ~ I u- '0'" ..J" n W, C1~ <(.. z~ C1'" -" rnrn l!I ,- ~ w u ~ --E) :E :;) z i o t o Z o u '} a: w I- Z W U CI z ii: 0.. o :z: t rn a: I- ~ :;) Q ~ '" z ~ w n u z w ~ ;: Cl W ~ <( ..J Z ~ 0.. CI :;) iii rn co I- CO :c >< w ..-...-...-... Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 of2 Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 7 of 104 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 78 This item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. SV-200B-AR-13395Immokalee-Wood, LLC, represented by Michael R. Fernandez of Planning Development, Inc., is requesting a variance from the Land Development Code (LOC) Section 5.06.04 C.1. to reduce the minimum separation of 1,000 lineal feet between signs to allow a sign separation of 276 feet. The subject property is located at 2600 Immokalee Road, Section 25. Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County. Florida (CTS) 12/2/20089:0000 AM Prepared By Nancy Gundlach Community Development & Environmental Services Principal Planner Date Zoning & Land Development Review 1114/20084:43:24 PM Approved By Ray Bellows Community Development & Environmental Services Chief Planner Date Zoning & land Development Review 11/4/20085:30 PM Approved By Steven Williams Attorney's Office Assistant County Attorney Date Attorney's Office 11/7/20087:52 AM Approved By Susan lstenes, AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Zoning & Land Development Director Date Zoning & land Development Review 11111/20084:35 PM Approved By Nick Casalanguida Transportation Services MPO Director Date Transportation Planning 11/12/20088:11 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, Alep Transportation Services Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Admin. 11/13/20082:42 PM Approved By Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 11/16/20086:39 PM Approved By file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\117-Decernber%202,%202008\07.%20BOARD%200F%20Z... 11125/2008 Page 20f2 Agenda Item No. 7B December 2. 2008 Page 8 of 104 Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. Date 11/17/20088:52 AM Approved By Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 11/17/20089:25 AM Approved By OMB Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/18/20087:41 AM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/19/20085:25 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 11/21/20084:12 PM file://C:IAgendaTestIExportl J 17_December%202,%202008\07.%20BOARD%200F%20Z... 11/25/2008 AG~AdB!lIiMl'N~ 78 December 2, 2008 Page 9 of 104 . Co1fk~c;,ount~ STAFF REPORT "'Ai' :'. t1l: ~~~' {'.II U loll ~'::L TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING DATE: OCTOBER l6, 2008 SUBJECT: PETITION SV-2008-AR-13395, 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT: Mr. Phil Wood ImmokaIee-Wood LLC 3255 North Tarniami Trail Naples, FL 34102 , REOUESTED ACTION: Applicant: Agent: Mr. Michael Fernandez Planning Development lnc. 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2 Naples, FL 34103 The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 5.06.04.C.1 of the Land Development Code (LDC) to allow a second pole sign less than the required minimum of 1,000 linear feet between pole signs to allow a separation of 276 linear feet. GEOGRAPIDC LOCATION: The subject property is located in the Immokalee Road Center PUD (Planned Unit Development) (Ordinance No. 93-26) on the south side ofImmokalee Road (CR 846) east of Airport Road (CR 31) at 2600 Immokalee Road in Section 25, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. (See the location map on the following page.) PURPOSEIDESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: -1 The sign variance is for a proposed pole sign for "John R. Wood Realtors" which is a stand alone building located within Condominium Unit 2 of Uptown Center, a Commercial Condominium (i.e. a tract of land that is part of the Uptown Center, a commercial strip shopping center). An official interpretation has been made, (see Attachment 1) determining that the subject condominium parcel is not an "outparcel" as defined by the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC). Therefore, the site is not eligible for certain types of signage reserved for outparcels. As a result, the applicant is requesting a variance to allow a pole sign for "John R. Wood Realtors" which is designed to resemble a monument style pylon sign. This would be the second pole sign for the shopping center. The proposed sign is depicted in the elevation shown in SV.2008-AR-13395 Page 1 of9 en"""'" ,...00 o~ ON_ . -EO> ro '" ro "0CL c'" 15,0 <( f-- I l- II E ~ III HI/IIIIIII - I- ~ roJ TDMOJ.IGO]Y - I- """"" I I" 1 I I I II I I I = 3n~.,. ,=, I- ... , -. ... N U) I -~ . " - ., 0: -i~ ~ 2 Z :io\1l:IO /II]VlllJJ.tMl i ~ 0 I ----i5 ~!< I -~ ~ 0;0 - '3 - y · . ~~iliiii 1m _J- i - - ~ {'{{'{ - . ~ \ <<, i,iiiiT' , .. ~ - - - I- - - , ~ u 0 - >-- i--- - a . 'ill Ii <0 n{ .,....,.... N .~ - . w- e -. - - .. '.,"". ....{ ~ -. r-- 0 - -<- f--- I _2 i--- ~ !l.~ - - '- l- I - ~ '- . .. - . u l I- - , c..l .J - N . < <' c..l ~ &ib i a \\ r I 'J 3 g . I ~~, I . , ~ I . ~ ,.. 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Z W ~ ~ e.? w < 0 Z -I l- e.? < a- 0 :J in III _.~ ::!E ::Efil~::5 ,,--------, :) C0. ~ -, OD::.!CO.... ~a::<<c I \ ZN - -, ~~.=~~ ILUJ,,~ I ::!E.... .... 0... . :.::;I-ZW - I Ow ':i E i! u: uffisz5! <( -I Co 0: E::l. 0(00:(1) 1 I ~ Zll:: ZO::-,;"; "0< :I: . g! ~ tuZa. I 0<( OU= III Ul<Z I W 00.. ..,!:NIX:Z t~:tl I - l C CD - I Z 0 ~ ~ 1 c I Q 0 1 1 I- 0: .. !;( UJ I CD UJ 0- .. O:e ~ ~ UJ 1 - .. -III I 0 ~Z :!! w_ >< ~ J'~ UlQ 1 e.?;' ....!( 1 <.. W u..Z()LI.. Z.!! cnWOO N~..JLl.C) I, Ie.?'" MZZ0!: _U :;; cooga. ! :i I III III ~ ~::Eii)~~w ! ~~ J O;--ZZcn~ . o..GOO-C O><..J~ZUl \ , I g:~ti:5!( .... --------, ..-...-..-- ...-...-...-... O...OllllNlllnd- LllOdlll... ~O 3NI1113.LN3:l Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 13 of 104 . Exhibit "A." It is important to note that while these signs appear to be pylon signs, the LDC considers signs such as this to be (by definition) pole signs. The LDC definition for a pole sign is as follows: "a sign, eight (8) or more feet in height which is independent of support from any building that is mounted on freestanding poles or other supports, and shall include a pole cover that is between fifty (50) percent and one hundred (l00) percent of the overall sign width." The location of the sign is depicted in the "Site Signage Exhibit" shown in Exhibit "B." The proposed variance is from Subsection 5.06.04 C.l. ofthe LDC, which requires a minimum separation of l,OOO linear feet between pole signs to allow a reduced separation of 276010 feet between the proposed subject sign and the existing shopping center directory sign as shown on Exhibit "8" "Site Signage Exhibit." .1 (1)-' - ~ . - ~., ;i I. " . .. ,: " . C-04iil:fC~ur:W ll'm:MN1J1A.llll'101l.Rf!_f,\~,~ :'~;:;"'~:::::--,~:,-~ '~~'.~" '" I,. ....-.----- ~-~.,~ ~ 110' .",;--,,;""'".,1 I ......,...- -.. .."": 'j .1 ~ ..... r,- AERIAL PHOTO SUBJECT PROPERTY SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: -. North: lmmokalee Road (CR 846), then lmmokalee Road Canal, then Piper Boulevard and then Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church, zoned RSF - 3 South: a retention pond for Sam's Club store, zoned C-4 East: offices, zoned C-2; then two single family residences in RSF-3 zoning West: Sam's Club store, zoned C-4 SV-2008-AR-13395 Page 5 of 9 . . . Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 14 of 104 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) CONSISTENCY: The subject property is located in the Urban Designation, Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict of the Future Land Use Map of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). The GMP does not address individual Variance requests but focuses on the larger issue of the actual use. The Immokalee Road Center PUD is consistent with the Future Land Use Map. Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes that the proposed use for the subject site is consistent with the Future Land Use Element, although the Variance request is not specifically addressed. ANALYSIS: Section 9.04.00 of the LDC gives the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) the authority to grant Variances. The Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) is advisory to the BZA and utilizes the provisions of Section 9.04.03.A through 9.04.03.H as general guidelines to assist in making a recommendation. Staff has analyzed this petition relative to the evaluative criteria and offers the following responses: a. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure or building involved? No. The stand alone building is set back 30 feet from Immokalee Road in accordance with the development standards of the Immokalee Road Center PUD. The subject building is eligible for a ISO-square foot sign and currently has a 55.4-square foot wall sign. (See photograph in Attachment 2). This wall sign is located on the eastern facade of the building which faces westbound Immokalee Road (a six-lane arterial roadway) and the interior parking lot of the shopping center. The subject building is also located within the Uptown Center Shopping Center which currently has a pole sign located at the main entrance to the shopping center. In addition, there are numerous "John R. Wood Parking Only" signs located in a section of the parking lot which identify the parking stalls for the business. b. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant, such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property, which is the subject of the variance request? No. The subject property is a relatively new development that was developed in 2004. The developer created the subject property as a condominium instead of an out parcel. (An outparce1 is consistent with the development standards requiring a stand alone parking facility, architectural and landscape treatments.) The subject property has 306 feet of frontage along Immokalee Road and the subject building is sited such that there are no other buildings obscuring the view of it. c. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of the LDC work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties for the applicant? SV-200B.AR.13395 Page 6 of 9 Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 15 of 104 .. No. The applicant would not suffer undue hardship since a literal interpretation of the LDC allows the applicant to construct a wall sign on the existing building. As previously mentioned, the subject building is allowed a ISO-square foot wall sign and currently has only used 55.4-square feet of the l50-square foot allowance for a sign on its eastern fayade facing westbound traffic on Immokalee Road and the interior parking lot. The applicant contends that a pole sign along this roadway is needed for business recognition from Immokalee Road. d. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structurc and which promote staudards of health, safety and welfare? No. As noted above, the applicant is permitted a 150 square foot wall sign and has a 55.4- square foot wall sign. This wall sign makes reasonable use of the business possible. However, the applicant maintains that the requested polc sign will provide building and business recognition from east bound vehicular traffic prior to arrival at the entry drive. The Uptown Center, of which the subject site is part of, has an existing directory sign. The directory sign currently bears the names of eight of tlle business entities within the shopping center. e. Will granting the variance confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, huildings, or structures in the same zoning district? -.. Yes, a Variance by definition confers some dimensional relief from the zoning regulations specific to a site. There is no hardship as the subject building fronts on a major roadway: Immokalee Road. Collier County has adopted a minimum standard of 1,000 linear feet separation between signs. The granting of this Variance request would allow the proposed sign to have less than the code required 1,000 linear feet between signs to allow a reduced sign separation of 276010 feet between the proposed sign and the existing shopping center directory sign, thereby conferring on the applicant a special privilege. f. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Land Development Code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otberwise detrimental to the public welfare? No. In part, the purpose of the LDC regulation is to prevent a proliferation of signage. g. Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf courses, etc.? No. There are no natural or physically induced conditions. h. Will granting the variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan? Yes. Approval of this Variance petition would be consistent with the GMP since it would not affect or change any of the GMP's requirements. .... 5V-200B-AR-133S5 Page 7 of 10 . . . Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 16 of 104 EAC RECOMMENDATION: The Environmental Advisory Council does not normally hear Variance petitions and did not hear this petition. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) forward Petition SV- 2008-AR-13395 to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) with a recommendation of denial. Should the CCPC be inclined to recommend approval, Staff recommends the following conditions: 1. The sign copy as depicted in Exhibit "A" shall be limited to 38010 square feet. 2. The sign as depicted in Exhibit "A" is limited to the name of the business entity located on Condominium Parcel 2. 3. The sign shall be removed upon relocation of the subject business and/or occupancy of the building by a different business. 4. The required Type D Right-of-Way Landscape Buffer along Immokalee Road that is missing shall be replanted. SV.2008-AR.13395 Page 8 of 9 . -~ -9 Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 17 of 104 PREPARED BY: OJ. tOj'06 DATE REVIEWED BY: A~7, wlL.- STEVEN T. WILLIAMS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY 'f- ~'f-Or DATE ~~~ RAY D V. BELLOWS, ZONING MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW cr.27'O~ DATE ~ 'rn. /S-0/f'.-U) stfSAN M. ISTENES, AICP, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 9. :;)? 0 P DATE APPROVED BY: ~1JE~ COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: /D..../{,~D8 DATE Attachment : Attachment 1: Official Interpretation Attachment 2: Photograph of Existing Wall Sign Tentatively scheduled for the October December 2, 2008 Board of County Commissioners Meeting. SV.2008.AR-13395 Page 9 of 10 Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 18 of 104 . August 29,2007 Mr. Michael Fernandez, AICP Planning Development, Inc. 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2 Naples, FL 34103 RE: INTP-2006-AR-2007-AR-1l979, Request for official interpretation of Section 1.08.02 of the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) to determine whether property described as Condominium Unit 2 of Uptown Center a Commercial Condominium is an outparcel by definition and entitled to signage for an outparceI. Dear Mr. Fernandez: . Pursuant to Land Development Code (LDC) Section 1.08.02, Definitions (Outparcel), you have asked the Zoning and Land Development Review Director to render an official interpretation to determine whether property described as Condominium Unit 2 of Uptown Center, a Commercial Condominium, is an outparcel by definition of LDC, and is therefore entitled to certain types signage reserved only for outparcels. For the reasons set forth below, I do not believe that this portion of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) constitutes a separate outparcel. An outparcel is defined by the LDC as "A site for a freestanding building or buildings, which is generally related to an original (parent) development which is adjacent to a roadway that interrupts the frontage of another lot and is intended or withheld by the developer for development separately from the majority of the original development." An outparcel is a distinct type of "parcel," which the LDC defines as follows: " Any quantity of land capable of being described with such definiteness that its location and boundaries may be established. which is designated by its owner or developer as land to be used or developed as a unit or which has been used or developed as a unit. " . An outparcel is a separate parcel or site which is physically related to an original parcel (parent) site. Per LDC requirements, separate sites, aka "outparcels," are created for development or conveyance, or both, through the LDC defined subdivision process. The PUD Master Plan adopted with the PUD zoning district indicates the potential location of two outparcels within this PUD, however, the mere approval of a PUD Master Plan showing the location of outparcels, does not constitute nor does it create an outparcel. In Attachment 1 Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 19 of 104 . order to create an outparcel the property would have to be subdivided in accordance with the subdivision regulations within the LDC and the platting laws of the State of Florida. Because a subdivision plat dividing the parcels to actually create the allowable outparcels was never applied for, approved and recorded in the County records, a legal subdivision was not created or approved, therefore it is my opinion that there are no legal outparcels in this project. My opinion is further bolstered by the fact that when the project was developed, the developer did not even attempt to meet the specific development standards associated with outparcels found in the LDC. These standards include separate and distinct requirements for outparcels in the form of specific architectural standards, landscaping and parking requirements. Because subsequent to zoning approval, no subdivision plat was filed or approved creating outparcels, the project was considered to be comprised of a single parcel of land and therefore, the existing development on the entire proj ect was approved via a single Site Development Plan (SDP 99-184 as amended by SDPA AR 3908 and subsequently by SDPA AR-5464 (originally known as Continental Center). This is evidenced by the fact that there are no references to or identification of outparcels on the approved SDP plan or its subsequent amendments. In conclusion, the project was submitted and reviewed under development regulations governing a shopping center on one parcel; not as individual development tracts lawfully divided and organized as outparcels. ~ Pursuant to Division 10.02.02.F. of the LDC, this interpretation has been sent to you via certified mail, return receipt requested. A copy of this interpretation and appeal time frames will be placed in the Naples Dailv News. Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, or within 30 days of publication of the public notice, any affected property owner or aggrieved or adversely affected party may appeal the interpretation to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). A request for an appeal must be filed in writing and must state the basis for the appeal . and include any pertinent information, exhibits, or other back -up information in support of the appeal. The appeal must be accompanied by a $1,000.00 application and processing fee. If payment is in the form of a check, it should be made out to the Collier County Board of Commissioners. An appeal can be hand delivered or mailed to my attention at the address provided. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further questions on this matter. Sincerely, -. Susan M. Istenes, AICP, Director Department of Zoning & Land Development Review Cc: Collier County Board of County Commissioners Collier County Planning Commission James V. Mudd, County Manager " - Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 20 of 104 . Joseph K. Schmitt, Administrator, Cornm. Development & Env. Srv. Div. Raymond Bellows, Zoning Manager, Department of Zoning & Land Dev. Rev. Ross Gochenaur, Planning Manager, Department of Zoning and Land Dev Rev David C. Weigel, County Attorney Jeffrey A. Klatzkow, Assistant County Attorney . . .~ J:",',l:,;t; .'~:\ial' ,;,;.:'j':H" " ." , , , ,j':' ~,~:;rr ~ .' ;.II..l ~lii;fNf i..l,\HJ *Ml~' ;7 :;~ lji!,l If t., j" ? 1\y 1,;, ;~~ Attachment 2 OJ co... .....00 o~ ,-c:;N_ ~ -ECl "'",'" -0,,[1, <=", gj,o <( t !'; 'f" t I: '-" IT.-, I: ~;'i I: I"" ii' \ I. r. (l)CO"" 1'-00 o~ ON,,- Z .0 NN E~N 2~Q) -EO> "',,'" "uCL c " i'j,o <( r-- f-- I---- l- t-- JnN1'.\f OllJr'!3 ~ ~fP I- ~I ' I---- i ~I I- I I ~I I I-- IJ- :=~. ',~ I--- 'f--- I--- . e-- t= i--'---; ri - - e-- e-- c-- ~E r---: I I I I I ~l ~i o @ a~ ~~- ~e;! l.- >- ~ Z =0 0 I u ! w 0 w ~ ~::ll>~~ ' "< . , i'''' ""l "' "; I" I I I: , ~ I " ~~ f--- ~ '-- z o ~!;i inu o ~ N , ~ I HI/II'I 31~~1:J lNT.l)tj i I ! I I I I II I I Jl\1~a IoIJIII ~3LN~ I , I , I l.,: : ~I , l~1 (\J ~, u.. al ~ I ~h'\.~~ .. """ :0'" g~~ 11 <.> 3 ,/ I ~-1 I ~' , I ! I o~ ... " ::l~ '-' , , ~ ~ u . II > , I " u ... ~ u < , < N '-' o < o I ~ ~ g J 5 ! o I (~\ - tl~) " < , '5 ~ ~I 0.. ~ o ::l Co "' ~~ !, ~~ , t ., "H ,. g a::: I. I ~";;:~ om:> J.&"""~" JYJ:l isoooo. .......~ I " ~~ ". 3L~lS~3'NI H~ ,,- :~ ~ :~ ~ 'I' I' ,,' Ill! l~ -' , .11 .,1 "," I " I IIi l IloU' ! I:;:~ I! iJI!\;" ~'"'ol!'1 " e"~ "'"I~-I~'! g1- (,-,0'-; l' 1'1tl~ir! \ JI. "z r;~ ~ ,.<n ~;;~_' i-H < ....~!: '-; ~ ~ ''''~l ,,,WI"'" . llfN":l 0'10l1 ~Nllllicl~HlOd!ll. ~ I s I ~- 0" ::l > a.:'li '" I ~ ~d ~e1~tlg ~~~b8 0, """" 01 iON / ____ - ~ ., II 5~ ~ ~ i " , ~[ "' ,- ~,- ~~~ln"'''' \ ~- ~ .II Jiije, l .., I ~_ "'-l ,,' I ' ,- ~ _ ., ~ ~- ~~i' :!ill! I :r;e i~ O""~ N01S00'IIJ' ~~~ ~ ~:>- "C~ ~) <J\IO_ O~I11"~-l~Od~IV , ~ ~7 1 !' l" . ~:>- ~ ~~ " I ! I I I"'J. I='~ f-- ~.i---- f---- ~~ ~~~ ~~i---- e--i---- If-- f- L i r---. I, i~"' r ~:< , P' ! \j~ ~i! I g~ ;~ II , I! '" /1,1 . ~2~~! ml" 0000 J.lJTQ::"mIJ.~' QO[ '" /~ , , 'g~ ., "' ~s i~ 1 ' ~li~ ,"- D- <( ~ '" Z Z o N ~I MI ~I "" <( ro 81 N' ~I "iil ~I f-- w D..! 0... <( ~ z o I- <( o o -l ) ~ . 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Agenda Item No. 78 nArpmhpr? 2008 Page 23 of 104 COLLIER COUNTY SIGN VARIANCE PETITION COMPLETE APPLICA TION SUBMITTAL PACKET COMPILED FOR COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) HEARING OCTOBER 16, 2008 PREPARED BY: PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Engineers. Planners and LAndscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfemandez@p1anningdevelopmentinc.com PDI PH.- 08.01001 OCTOBER 2008 .... . . . . 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Agenda Item No. 78 nQ(,Amna.r? ?nOB Page 24 of 104 APPLICA TION SUBMITTAL EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A Cover Letter / Transmittal EXHIBIT B Completed Sign variance Application with signed Owner Affidavit EXHIBIT C Pre-Application Meeting Notes EXHIBIT 0 Approved Addressing Checklist EXHIBIT E Notarized Letter of Authorization from Owner & Affidavit EXHIBIT F Corporate Ownership Documentation EXHIBIT G Ordinance No. 93-26 / Immokalee Road Center PUD I EXHIBIT H Location Map / Aerial Overlay - Location Map / Immokalee Road center PUD Master Plan Boundary Survey and Sketch and description prepared by Rhodes & EXHIBIT I Rhodes Land Surveying, Inc. and recorded in public records (OR 3553, PG 1763 and 1765, respectively) EXHIBIT J Nature of Petition / Project Narrative EXHIBIT K Site Plan depicting: Revised date July 8, 2008 . All property boundaries and dimensions . North arrow, date and scale of drawing . All existing and proposed signs -labeled as such . Existing sign setbacks and proposed sign setbacks EXHIBIT L Proposed John R. Wood sign layout: Revised date July 8, 2008 EXHIBIT M Aerial & Photographs CD Rom containing above Exhibits PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfemandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com PD/ PN.. Os.OIDOI OCTOBER 2008 .'-.,.'.,>,.:-.'. Agenda Item No. 78 nc.",or"'nhc:u"? ?rl08 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN V ARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Page 25 of 104 ,,- ) EXHIBIT A COVER LETTER / TRANSMITTAL ~ PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants. Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com PDl PN: 08.01001 . OCTOBER 2008 . . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 26 of 104 PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED !l"I",1"/lIrl"/( fllll.lIl/dlll.l. h,gWl.'l.'r!t. I'/,IIIII.'/', .111.1 I../JI.I,.-Ollc" .lrdm,,, 1\ May 28, 2008 Ms. Nancy Gundlach c/o Ms. Danelle Carrell Department of Zoning and Land Development Review 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Re: John R. Wood - Sign Variance Petition / Submittal Cover and Transmittal Letter 1'f]tl'1o'....,., Dear Ms. Gundlach: Transmitted under this cover is our application package and required support documents for a Sign Variance petition relative to the John R. Wood building, which we discussed with you during our December 18, 2007 pre- application meeting. Please see Exhibit J for a project naJTlltive for the proposed sign variance. Also, attached to this cover letter is the associated sign variance application fee. Our submittal exhibits include Cover Letter Sign Variance Completed Application Form Site Plan of Sign Location CD-Rom: Application documents Number of co Dies 12 12 12 I The John R. Wood building is located at the Uptown Center at 2600 Immokalee Road, Naples, Florida. The site is zoned Immokalee Road Center PUD (Ordinance No.: 93-26). A sign variance is being requested to seek relief from LDC Subsection 5.06.04.C.l On-premise signs. Please see attached Exhibits for detailed information. As always, upon your receipt and review, should you have any questions, comments, or require additional infonnation, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance with the processing of this application and for aiding us to meet our client's goals. Sincerely, PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED A;.d.::?~. C ~chael R. Fernandez, AICP President :,BJ t'aSII.:J111 l1r1n:. Sllil~':;!. ~ark,:-. HIWid" .1.1103 Fngin..:..:r., 11..:\ dl'111l1"'l11l"lIt~uhanls ~mu I'I:nll1l.'p: [ ,mJ:-'C:l!'l.' r\l\.:lllll.''':h I'IHIIl":: ~3\'.2(,.~ (\-1.;-1 a F~I\. 2.N.2h3.lI'Jt'1 \\Ilhoril3lillll ::~.l;'ilj Fnmil. \llh:m:ll1d~1 lr rl;llllllll!!u~\d'll'lI\l.'lllilll.:.I.:t1l\1 [.It:~n~' :.:Ll'IKItI(t.nS J , ~ 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Agenda Item No. 76 ri6....-t:\.......hnr ') "(l08 Page 27 of 1 04 EXHIBIT B SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION With Signed Owner Affidavit PLA~NGDEVELOPMENTINCORPORATED Development Consu/uJnts, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com PDI PN, 08.01001 OCTOBER 2008 _c.., . . . COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE)ijle1o\~a Item No. 78 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 December 2,2008 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643.2l1fi8 28 of t 04 (i). . , '0,.0 SIGN VARIANCE PETITION LOC Seelion 9.04.00 PETITION NUMBER (AR) PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROCESSED COORDINATING PLANNER For Stoff Use ABOVE TO BE COMPlETED BY STAFF APPLICANT I OWNER INFORMATION PETITIONER'S NAME: Immokalee-Wood, LLC / c/o Mr. Phil Wood ADDRESS 3255 N. Tamiami Trail City Naples State FL Zip 34102 PHONE# 239-261.6622 CELL# 239-250-4404 FAX # 239-261-0922 E-MAIL ADDRESS: n/a AGENT: Michael R. Fernandez FIRM: Planning Development Incorporated ADDRESS 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2 City Naples State FL Zip 34103 PHONE# 239-263-6934 CELL# 239.370-6557 FAX # 239.263-6981 E-MAIL ADDRESS:mfernondez@planningdevelopmentinc.com Be aware that Collier County has lobbyist regulations. Guide yourself accordingly and ensure that you are in compliance with these regulations. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY A enda Item No. 78 ecem er , ~ SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE: 25/48S/25E PROPERTY 1.0.# 78569500044 SUBDIVISION NAME: UNIT BLOCK LOT METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION: Condominium Unit No.2, of UPTOWN CENTER, A COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condominium, as recorded in OR Book 3553, Page 1741, public records of Collier County, Florida. ADDRESS OF SIGN LOCATION: 2600 Immokalee Road, Naples, Florida CURRENT ZONING: IMMOKALEE ROAD CENTER PUD - ORDINANCE 93.26 LAND USE OF SUBJECT PARCEL: Uptown Center Shopping Center Length & Height of wall upon which the Sign will be secured: N/ A (II Wall Sign) Width of Subject Properly: 306.45' (Road Frontage) NATURE OF PETITION Provide a detailed explanation of the variance request including what signs are existing and what is proposed; the amount af encroachment proposed using numbers, i.e. reduce setback from 15'to 10', why encroachment is necessary; how existing encroachment came to be; etc. .., Please see Exhibit J . Nature of Petition I Project Narrative Please note that staff and the Collier County Planning Commission shall be guided in their recommendation to the Board of zoning Appeals, and thot the Board of zoning appeClls shall be guided in its determination to approve or deny a variance petition by the below listed criteria (1-6). (Please address this criteria using additional pages If necessary.) 1. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure, or building Involved. 2. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which Is the subject of the variance request. 3. Will a IIterollnterpretatlan of the provisions of this zoning code work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties on the applicant. .AlII 4. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety or welfare. . . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 30 of 104 5. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. 6. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the intent and purpose of this zoning code, and not be Injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 7. Are there natural conditions or physically Induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such os naturol preserves, lakes, golf course, etc. 8. Will granting the variance be consistent with the growth management plan. Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 31 01104 ..J SIGN VARIANCE PETITION (SV) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W/COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. REQUIREMENTS #OF NOT COPIES REQUIRED REQUIRED Completed Application 12 Completed Owner/Agent Affidavit, Notarized 1 Pre-application notes/minutes 12 Surveyor Site Plan of property depicting the 12 following: a) All property boundaries & dimensions b) North arrow, date and scale of drawing c) All existing and proposed signs-(Iabeled as -, such) d) Existing sign setbacks & proposed sign setbacks Location map depicting major streets in area for 1 reference Fees: Application Fee = $2000.00 Legal Advertising Fee for BCC = $363.00 Legal Advertising Fee for CCPC = $760.00 Checks shall be made payable to: "Collier County Board of County Commissioners' -1 As the authorized agent/applicant for this petition, I attest that all of the information indicated on this checklist is included in this submittal package. I understand that failure to include all necessary submittal information may result in the delay of process this petition. ~~;::;fu ./ ,/ Applicant/Agent Signature ~ .<'~ .?4e Date . . . AFFIDAVIT Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 32 of 104 We/I, Immokolee-Wood, LLC being fir.t duly .worn, depose and .oy thol we/10m/ore the owners of the property described herein and which i. the .ubied ma/ler of the propo.ed hearing; thaI 0/1 the answers 10 the que.tions in Ihis applicalion, including the disc/o.ure of intere.1 information, 0/1 sketche., data, and other .upplementary matter a/lached 10 and mode a pori of this application, are hone.t and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We/I understand thai the information reque.ted on thi. application mu.t be complete and accurate ond thot the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed .hal/ not be altered. Public hearing. will not be advertised until this application i. deemed complete, and 01/ required information has been submitted~ A. property owner We/I further authorize Michoel R. Fernandez, a. Pre.iden! of Planning Development Incorporated to act as our/my representative in any matlers regarding this Petition. ;t Signature of Property Owner re of Property Owner James L. Deagle Typed or Printed Nome of Owner President of Immoka/ee-Wood Manager, Inc. as Manager/Member of ImmokaJee-Wood, LLC Typed or Printed Name of Owner The foregoing in.trument wa. acknowledged before me this 15th day of February. 20~ by James L. Deagle who is personally known to me or has produced as identification. ,:;Iiii'i~ TellAlM.TEflRY f.; a; MY COMMISSION I DD 70n04 Wi 'Ii EXPlREB,AuaUBti2,2011 ~. '. .~; 1kmdfi111inIHiiIr,'htII\IIlIWWlIII1I c4ature ~f No Florida) Terri M. Terry (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Nome of Notory Public) Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008. Page 33 of 104 ~ PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED 5133 CASTELLO DRIVE, SUITE 2 COMMUNITY BANK OF NAPLES, N.A. NAPLES, FlORIOA 34103 63-1419-670 (239) 263-6934 FAX (239) 263-6981 4047 PAY TO D ~IJ 212008 ~~E~"",,!:~II.i~r..!:.~~.".1J..!.l~.lIfll_O!.S:~.u.~lY..<::.~~i~io.o.uu_.un.u.nu.uuuuuuu.u..uuu~ S.2i;z3:iiir.......n..u. ! Two Thousand Six Hundred TwentyaThree and 001100........................................... ~ .............u...nu.......................u...u.....u........u...u..u................u....u.....u....u..uu.....u...u............u........u............ DOUARS i Collier County Board of County Commission 6J I ! I:m;?o 1"1'1"': r,occ'1'lBlltI ; ~uflw(~ ..0.. ? John R. Wood-Sign Variance App Fee , ~ Agenda Item No. 76 nor.arnha,.? ?rl08 . 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Page 34 of 104 EXHIBIT C PRE-APPLICATION MEETING NOTES . Dated - December 18, 2007 . PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Developmenl Consultants, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfemandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com PDI PN: 08.01001 OCTOBER 2008 w -) .~ COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 35 of 104 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 (i) SIGN VARIANCE PETITION PRE-APPLlCA TION MEETING NOTES & SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST lah Projeel Name: 2~~P)-?1~2,~ro~3f- Firm: . 03-2(0 ~ Meeting Allendees: (allach Sign In Sheet) ~ o 1/t? Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 36 of 104 . ." ..,If(.:4C. T~~'\"(CU -:P(AV.vu"6 - f3D c:bt'{fX-I~~ '3:t"lMC" . /J.-4:<.. #crr;p,~~ ruG;. *"'G;.v:?' l'i+4.-c ~c.... ~....,.... ~ -pvG .!? ~<<- r..e,L;-L- <;>TU:f21 .....'.rT11\.J6 .4~ CJ.vFu~L.uG't> tijP ~MN-'-~~' . . ~ ~ , -. Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 37 of 104 SIGN VARIANCE PETITION (SV) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W jCOVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. #OF NOT REQUIREMENTS COPIES REQUIRED REQUIRED , Completed Application (download from web site for current form) 12 ^ Pre-Application meeting nates 12 ^ Completed Addressina Checklist. Slaned by Addressing Department 1 ~ Surveyor Site Plan of property depicting the following: 12 ~ All property boundaries & dimensions ~ North arrow, date and scale af drawing K ~ All existing and proposed signs (labeled as such) ~ Existing sign setbacks and proposed sign setbacks Owner/Agent Affidavit signed & notarized 1 )<. Location map depicting moior streets in area for reference I .-XJ FEES: ~ Pre-application Fee $500.00 (Applications submiHed 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required.) Review Fees: cl $2000.00 Sign Variance .. j After- The-Fact Zoning/Land Use Petitions 2x the normal petition fee $760.00 Estimated Legal Advertising Fee - CCPC Meeting $363.00 Estimated Legal Advertising Fee - BCC Meeting (any over. or under-payment will be reconciled upon receipt of Invoice from Naples Daily News). OTHER REQUIREMENTS, o o o -:in~/l'. '2 -- ,(' ent/Owner Signature ~~~ '&. 3/2 ~1J ... ~ ~ j' () S a ~ III \J III IV W '> -.. a: ....... Cl '" IV Q ~ \:S d -0 a: Cl c: <l> - < OJ I: <( IV ..J E < Q. ::E 0 I IV W > IV - r-~ 0 IV I: " > .... I: w tl 0 W ..J :e oil a: ~ ... w Kl~ tll 10 or I: ::E f' ~ I: ::::l !f 0 Z Q N w I ~ - Z "'..l = 0 0 t - c--l .... I: :J: "Z IV Q", 1" ~ E ,. ~ - ~. - u e I: ~ Q. e ::f IV I: '- a 0 '" c ~ '" ~ 7Jj IV N .jIiIiii( - .... .t a; ..... ~ " S eo: " Q", > y < w 'f !!. .... Cl N - Z '6 -- e =- Z 7 !Q Q.. C-' ::E O::E '" , j i::i 1 !iOii( W III IX .. 7Jj > u:: .. "> do) Q - !! ;.. >- 0 0 ~ 0 .... 'D Z ID 0 ::::l '" .::: 0 f3 u ..E u '" '0 " c I: ::> :l C> Cl 1> .., c '" co z u .., , I: C"l f0- e I UJ Z M UJ 0 :I: "f UJ a: ~ w 0- Z M ~ z C"l C> Z w 0 < - ::E w IV .. ..J < " :IE Q", .c " < E z E Z 0 :l G w Z 0 .... z 0 u w Cl IV rn -. Vi I: i; 0 0 c cr: III .::: " c.. < Q", Sl u: Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 39 of 104 .J _',",'--""-, ~"-.~~~~.."".....-. .-,...............--""---..- --_.....-.......---,-~-.--.--....~,~..._.... '''~_.._~---. PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED 5133 CASTELLO ORlve, SUITE 2 COMMUNlTV BANK OF NAPLES, N.A. 3 812 NAPLES. FLORIDA 34103 63-1419-670 (239) 263-6934 FAX (239) 263.6981 John R. Wood-Variance Pre-App ':01; 70 ~I, ~ql,l: 1;0 22qqBII. ! . I ID I I ~ '/1 1 "aL~ :lB ~ 2 ' PAYTO 1211812007 ,I ;::.~~~.Q1J.t~.~Q~n1;Y..~QM_cJ..QH~~QY.l!!Y..rQ_mm.~~~i.Q.n..__.__....-_.__........_..___..._......._.~e $~.500~OO.....__......._..... . p_f.!y~.ff'A!}~.~~..I.':I:!~.9.Q!.lQQ~!_~~~~~.!.~.~.~~~~.~-~.~.!_~.~~~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~.~.~.!.~.~~_~~_~~.~.~.~.~_~~~~~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~- DOlLARS i: Collier County Board of County Commission .__,_.,~,.....~,_..~__,.~~.d____~_,.,...._~_~_"_'.....=....~'~'~.,~~_______~_..._.____n__..~.! ..., ... Agenda Item No. 78 na.....-........ho.r '). 'Jn08 . 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Page 40 of 104 EXHIBIT D APPROVED ADDRESSING CHECKLIST . . PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfemandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com PDl PN.. 08.01001 OCTOBER 2008 w ) ~. Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 41 of 104 S~NT 8Y: ~LANN!NG OEVELOPMENT 12392836881 ; DEC-4.' ~ :52PUj PME 2/4 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT ADDRESSING OEPARTMENT (i) 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPL.ES, FLORIDA 34104 ~~::.fK~I~.~~;;;:~~"~~':"~"~ ;'Uf'''~:--;-);: i;~"'t~:~:~,~~"~;~~;':."':r~:t?"~' ~~t..~d'T:""":'-:.b:~I~~- :(."v'~""~~ j~~~~f.:,~1?~AI'~A~~:;_~~~'i61~~~'7i:i~d!~~~l~at~J~~~~,~MF2~~~l:i):;~.j:~~r1ttfl Please complele the (oRowing and fax to the AddTlltBing Department at 239.eSIl-S724 or submit in person 10 the Addressing o..partmenl ellhe abOve aCldrl>$s. Form must be signed by Addressing per.lOMel prior 10 pre-appftcaflon meeli1g. Not all Items wUI apply to every prqjed. "em. In bold tYpe are required. Forms older lhan 6 monlhs win require add~lonal re\IIew and approval by the Addressing Depsrtm~l PETITION TYPE (cllBck petition .Ml" below. complete e sape/"lll5 AddreS!ing ClJeCkJls/ for each PeINlon Type) o BL(BI~fin9PermJtl o eo (Boal Dock ExtensIOn) D CarnivaVClrcus Pennlt D CU (Corllfdlonal U.e) D EXP (E><c2Vlltion Pennlt) o FP (Flna' Pial D LlA (Lolllne Adjustment) o PNC (Project Name Chengel o PPL (Plans & Pial Review) o PSP (Preliminary subdMeion Pial) D PUD Rezone o RZ (Standard Rezone) o SOP (Sile Devetcpmenl Plan) o SOPA (SOP Amendment) . B SOPI (lneUbSlanlisl Change 10 SOP) SIP (S'de Improvement Plan) o SIPI (lnSubelilntial Change to SIP) o SNR (Slree' Name Change) D SHe (Slree\ Neme ChMge - L/nplatled) o TOR (Trenarer of Development Rlghls) 181 VA (V_Ce) B VRP (Veglltl\ion Remova' Permtl) \IllSFP (Vegetallon Removal & Site Fill Pennll) o OTHER L.EGAL DESCRIPTION or eubjecl property or properlles (copy of lengthydoscrlptfon mer be a/tilched) UploWn Center A Commercial Condomlnum Unil2. S25fT4BSIR25E, Collier County. FL FOLIO (Property 10) NUMBER(s) of above (e/lech to, or n:roc;,./a w/rh, tsgal descrlpllOn "more tIlen one) 78559500044 STREET ADDRESS or ADDRESSES (e5 epp/lCeb/e, If .Irr>edy assigned) 2600 Immckelee Road . LOCATION MAP must be .Ua<:hed showtng exacllocalion of projecllsite in reletion 10 nee""'l public road right-of-way . SURVEY (copy - """"ed onlY lor unplalled properties) PROPOSED PROJECT NAME (i(epplicable) Joh.n R Wood Ground Sign Vadence PROPOSED STREET NAMES (Ifeppllcable) Not Applicable. SITE OEVElOPMENT PLAN NUMBER (for existing projoOIs/situ only) SOpgg - 184 or AR /I 5484 Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 42 of 104 SENT BV: PlANNI~G DEVELOPMENT' 123g2e38!i91 ; OEO.4.r 4:52PM; PAGE 3/4 . A.DDRESSING CHECKliST. PAGE TWO Psge1of2 Project or de_pmenl name. propo'ed for, or alr""dy appearing in, condominium documert5 (W appncalion; indicate whellJer proposed or e:dsting) Nol Applicable. P1.a.e Check One: 181 Checklisl is 10 be Faxed back o Personsny Picked Up APPLICANT NAME: Michael R. Femande2:, A1CP, Planning DevelopmenllnCOl'pOl1lIed PHONE 239-263.6934 FAX 239-263-6981 SIgnature on Addressing Checklist does not constitute Project and/or Street Name approval and Is subject 10 further review by the Addressing Department. FOR STAFF use ONLY . Primmy Numb" "3 ~ (.. c.. ?- 1 Address Numb.r Address Number AddresD Numb.r ~-"~ ~ ~~ Updeted by,G . ~(- ii Date: 12.-05-D7 63-) J-t1f3 Dale: IF OLDER THAN 6 MONTHS. FORM MUST BE UPDATED OR NEW FORM SUBMITTED Page 2 c1'2 . G:ICurrenC'Appbllon Fomll::'IA.~ Ch<<*Jlst",... 020207.doc 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Agenda Item No. 7B !;?':'Q('mt2'gr :1, AI)08 Page 43 of 104 .J EXHIBIT E NOTARIZED LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION ~ & AFFIDA VIT At PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consulwnls, Engineers. Planne~ and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 CasteIlo Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com PDt PNc 080/00/ OCTOBER 2008 . . . Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 44 of 104 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION The undersigned do hereby swear or affirm that they are the owner of record of the property known as 2600 Immokalee Road and legally described as follows: UPTOWN CENTER, A COMMERCIAL CONDOMINTIJM - UNIT 2 Section 25, Township 48 S, Range 25 E The property described herein is the subject of an application for a Variance petition, and subsequent development orders within Collier County. We hereby designate Plannilll! Develooment IlIcorIJorated / Michael R. Femandez, AICP as the legal representative of the property and as such, this individual is authorized to legally bind all owners of the property in the course of seeking the necessary approvals to develop this site. This authority includes but is not limited to the hiring and authorizing of agents to assist in the preparation of applications, plans, surveys, and studies necessary to obtain development orders from jurisdictional agencies and entities, including but not limited to Collier County, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) , Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), TECO, Embarq, Time Warner and Com cast. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER Immokalee-Wood, LLC An Florida Limited Liability Company tJb-. - A2--r Autliorized Signature James L. Deagle, President Printed Name of Authorized Individual and Title President of Immokalee-Wood Manager, Inc. as ManagerfMember of Immokalee- Wood, LLC Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscn'bed before me this 15th day of February. 2008 by James L. Deagle ,who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. --4", .mA-d (~ SF{AL >> TERRI M. TERRY cr, ,,, MY COMMISSION I CD 70n04 ~. .;; EXPIRES: A'1Iusl22, 2011 ..Jif.,\}l.~ BonWdThJl/NlXIryP~IJndtInvrIlIrJ'l Notary Public My Commission Expires: Terri M. Terry Name typed, printed or stamped .J -., -1 AFFIDAVIT Agenda Item No. 7B December 2. 2008 Page 45 of 104 We/I, Immokalee-Wood, LlC being firs' duly sworn, depose and say Ihal we/I am/are the owners of the property described herein and which is the subjecl mafter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclasure of interest information, aI/ sketches, date, and other supplementary matter ottached 10 and made 0 part of this application, ore honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We/I understand thaI the information requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the cantent of this form, whether computer generated or County printed sholl not be al/ered. Public hearings will nat be advertised until this opplicatian is deemed complete, ond 011 required information has been submitted, As property owner Well further authorize Michael R. Fernandez, as Presiden1 of Planning Develapment Incarporated to acl as our/my representative in any matlers regarding this Petition. ~ Signature of Property Owner re of Property Owner James L. Deagle Typed or Printed Name of Owner President of Immoka/ee-Wood Manager, Inc. as ManagerlMember of Immokalee-Wood, LLC Typed or Printed Name of Owner The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 15th day of February. 20~ by James L. Deagle who ;5 personatlv known fo me or has produced as identification. ~~:\ MY COM-re:~~~~~Y70nlM - , i EXPlAIill, Aum'S 22, 2Dl1 bdiIlI'hInlHiIi,,-"'l.lMII/WIlIfIN 0f!.",~, No< Florida) Terri M. Terry (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Nome of Notory Public) Agenda Item No. 7B D""....,.........hnr.." ')nOB . 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Page 46 of 104 EXHIBIT F WARRANTY DEED . AND CORPORA TE OWNERSHIP DOCUMENTATION . PL~GDEVELOPMENTINCORPORATED Development Consultants, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfemandez@planningdevelopmeotinc.com PDI PN: 08.0100/ OCTOBER 2008 '" This Instrument Prepared By: John Paulich m, Esq. Paulich, Slack & Wolff, P.A. 5147 Castello Drive Naples, FL. 34103 Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 3/~3275 OR: 3~epG~f~74 UCOIDID 11 OllICIlJ. OCOIDS 01 COLLIn COUnT. lL 12/11/2005 It 03:51'1 DIIGB! I. BIDCI, CLIII DC m 18.50 DOC-.ll .10 letll: ,mICB SLlcr BY lJ. 5117 amLLD DI IlfLlS '" 34103 Parcell.D. Number: WARRANTY DEED THIS wARRANTY DEED made the 20th day of October 2005, by hereinafter called the Grantor, LIABILITY COMPANY, c; IMMOKALEE ROAD INC, A FLORIDA CORPORATION, C , LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED J.:. whose post office address i : ) n of the sum of$IO.OO and other cd, hereby grants, bargains, sells, tee, all that certain land situate in Condominium Unit No.2, of UPTOWN CENTER, A COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condominium, thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 3553, a Page(s) 1741, of the Public Records of Collier COWlty, Florida.; together-with said W1its W1divided share in the common elements. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To Have aDd To Hold, the same in fee simple forever. , ADd the Grantor hereby covenants with said Grantee that the Grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same . . . *** OR: Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 3950Pf(9~8247~ *** against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 3 1,2004; and subject to all easements, restrictions and reservations common to the subdivision. In Witness Whereof, the said Grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year /irst above written. Signed, sealed & delivered in our presence: ~$d Witness #1 . ature t-< S (;0 C0~ The foregoing instrument was ac ore me this 20th day of October, 2005 by James Deagle, as President of Immokalee Road, Inc, a Florida Corporation who STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ( ~personal]Y known to me, or ( ) provided as picture identification. *~- Q/kAL ~.~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: qiV>J.. I, ;Loa 9 NOTARY PUBUC-S'WE OF FLORfilAaI) . Lori-Anne L. Irons Commlalon # DI>436103 ExpUa: JUNE 01, 2009 SoDded 1'bru AtJafttJc aoadlnJ co., IDC. -4 ) ..., Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 49 of 104 IMMOKALEE-WOOD, LLC A Florida Limited Liability Company UNANIMOUS CONSENT OF MEMBERS The unden;igned, being all of the Members (the "Members") of Irnmokalee-Wood, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Company"), hereby adopt the following resolutions: EXPLANATORY STATEMENT TIle Members entered into the Operating Agreement dated August, 2005 (the "Operating Agreement"). The Company desires to authorize James L. Deagle, asPresident ofImmokalee- W oodManager, Inc., the Manager of the Company, to execute a Letter of Authorization authorizing Planning Development IncOJ"porated / Michael R. Fernandez, AICP to pursue a Vari81lce petition with.the Board of County Commissionen;, Collier County, Florida, for the comtruction of signage located on lands owned by the Company. The Members executing this Consent hol<;l not less than 51 % of the Percentage Interests beld by Members and desire to consent to that borrowing, as required by Section 3.5 of the Operating Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, 1he parties hereby consent as follows: RESOLVED: That James L. Deagle, as President ofImmokalee- Wood Manager, Inc., the Manager of the Company, is authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of tbe Company, a Letter of Authorization and other documentation as needed authorizing Planning Development Incolporated / Micbael R. Fernandez, AICP to pursue a Variance petition with the Board of County Commissionen;, Collier County, Florida, for the constroction of signage located on lands owned by the Company. This Coment may be executed in one OJ" more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and taken together shall constitute one and the same docwnent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have exeCuted this Consent on the dates respectively set fortb below their signatures. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Coment on the dates respectively set forth below their signatures. Signed, sealed & delivered m our presence: ~1YIA<..o ~1\~i1~ ~"~r'u':J ~b~h ~ Immokalee-Wood Manager, Inc. . ames L. Deagle, as P ident of Irrunolcalee-Wood anager, Inc., ManagerfMember es L. Deagle, President of mber . . . Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 50 of 1 04 IMMOKALEE-WOOD MANAGER, INC. A Florida Corporation UNANIMOUS CONSENT The undersigned, being all of the Shareholders (the "Shareholders'1 and Directors (the "Directors'1 ofImmokalee- Wood Manager, Inc., which corporation is the Manager and a member ofImmokalee- Wood, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Company'1, hereby adopt the following resolutions: EXPLANATORY STATEMENT The Shareholders executing this Consent hold not less than 51 % of the Percentage Interests held by Shareholders. The Directors executing this Consent are all of the Directors of the corporation. The Shareholders and Directors desire to consent and direct its President, on behalf of hnmokalee- Wood Manager, Inc. as Manager of the Company, to execute a Letter of Authorization authorizing Planning Development Incorporated I Michae) R. Fernandez, AlCP to pursue a Variance petition with the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida, for the construction of signage located on lands owned by the Company. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby coDSent as follows: RESOLVED: That James L. Deagle, as President ofInunokalee- Wood Manager, Inc., the Manager of the Company, is authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of the Company, a Letter of Authorizationalld other docmnentation as needed authorizing Planning Developmenl Incorporated 1 Michael R. Fernandez, AlCP to pursue a Variance petition with tbe Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida, for the construction of signage located on lands owned by the Company. This Consent may be executed in one or more counteIparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and taken together shall constitute oue and the same document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Consent on the dates respectively set forth below their signatures. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Consent on the dates respectively set forth below their signatures. Signed, sealed & delivered m our presence: Immokalee Road, Inc., a Florida corporation ~':~'6 ~4~~4k ~~"d Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 51 of 104 . IMMOKALEE ROAD, INC. A Florida Corporation UNANIMOUS CONSENT The undersigned, being all of the Directors (the "Directors") of llnmokalee Road, me., which corporation is the sole shareholder ofImmokalee- Wood Manager, Inc. and a member of Immokalee.Wood, . LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Company"), hereby adopt the following resolutions: EXPLANATORY STATEMENT The Directors desire to consent and direct its President, on behalf ofhnmokalee Road, Inc., to consent as the sole shareholder ofImmokalee- Wood Manager, Inc. and as a member ofImmokalee- Wood, LLC to the issuing of a Letter of Authorization from the Company authorizing Planning Development Incorporated / Michael R. Fernandez, AICP to pursue a Variance petition with the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida, for the construction of signage locatcd on lands owned by the Company. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby consent as follows: RESOLVED: 'That James L. Deagle, as President ofImmokalee Road, me., is authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf ofImmokalee Road, Inc., necessary corporate consents for a Letter of Authorization and other documentation as needed authorizing Planning Development Incorporated / Michael R. Fernandez, AICP to pursue a Variance petition with the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida, for the constrnctiOll of signage located on lands owned by the Company. .J Tins Consent may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an . original and taken together shall constitute one and the same document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Consent on the dates respectively set forth below their signatures. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Consent on the dates respectively set forth below their signatures. Signed, sealed & delivered . in our presence: Immokalee Road, Inc., a Florida corporation ~~ ~,^..On.~ (1t:~ Steven T. Hovland, Director ) . ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS IMMOKALEE ROAD. INC.. a Florida corooration: Shareholders: See Attached Exhibit A Directors:. James Deagle Steven Hovland Randy Johns Officers: James Deagle, President Steven Hovland, Secty.rrreasurer IMMOKALEE-WOOD MANAGER. INC.. a Florida coIPoration: Shareholder: hnmokalee Road, Inc. 100% . Directors: James Deagle Steven Hovland Randy Johns Officers: James Deagle, President Steven Hovland, Secty .rrreasurer IMMOKALEE-WOOD. LLC. a Florida limited liability comnanv: Members: lmmokalee Road, Inc. Immokalee-Wood Manager, Inc. 990 Units 10 Units Manager: hnmokalee-Wood Manager, Inc. . (99%) ( 1%) Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 52 of 104 Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 53 of 104 .. Exhibit A ) IMMOKALEE ROAD, INC., SHAREHOLDERS Shares I James Deagle 40 Jack Crifasi 40 Randy Johns 20 Kevin McVicker 10 Brian Howell 10 Walter Bush 20 Garfield Hoversten 5 Daniel Digre 5 John Mamiel 10 Patty Walbert 10 John Paulich Jr. 10 John Paulich III 10 Casey Wolff 10 Richard Hirsch 5 C. Rockwell McCrady 5 Sue Hovland 20 Steve Hovland 20 Totals 250 -.., . . . 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Agenda Item No. 7B b;l':'u'JmtJ-:-r 1 2008 Page 54 of 104 EXHIBIT G IMMOKALEE ROAD CENTER PUD ORDINANCE NO. 93-26 PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2. Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfemandez@pJanningdevelopmentinc.com PDJ PN: 08.01001 OCTOBER 2008 - ..; -, I 1 ! , I I - Agenda Item No. 7B t!IIIItcember 2, 200 Page 55 of 1 . ORDINANCE NO. 93-~ AN ORDINANCE AJlENDING ORDINANCE NlIMBE1I 91-102 TIlE COLLIER COUNTY INID DEVELOPIIEN'1' CODE WHICH INCLUDES TIlE COKPllEH!JlSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR TIlE WINCORPDRATED AREA OF COLLIE1I COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS !lAP NUllBtR 8525NI BY CIWIGING 'I'IIE ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS OF TIlE NEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY TROM "Aft, "A-ST", AND RSF-l TD "PUD" PLANNED WIT DEVELOPMENT IOfOIlN AS IMMOKALEE ROAD CEII'l'E1I POD FOR COMMERCIAL USES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF IMMOXALEE ROAD (C.R. e4&) APPROXIMATELY &&0 FEET EAST OF ~RPORT-PULLING RDAD (C.R. 31), IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP <8 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, n..oJtIDA, CONSIBTlNG OF 11.05~ ACRESI AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. s- -- ~ - "'" r- .., (':-1 .., ~, -.", ::0:0 o<i ... - - - - .. - - .. .. .. - .. ~ !; .. ;,;<i.'IIIIERZAB, Mireya Louvlere of Johneon Enqinearinq, "" . ~'i!;,. '.lInting J. D. Nie""onder, Jr., Carolyn L. Hieevendar, ':".:-.3. Hieewonder, and MarJe D. Hie.wonder, petitioned the . ~t{'. 'of count.y e~i..ion.r. 'to chan9_ the 80n1"9 ~ci~~it1c.tl0n. ot the'herein de.cribed real property; ,"'/;."'.::/R,OW, '1'IIEREFOR!I BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of county ~:i',,,. laaionere of Collier county, Florida. N', zoninq Cla..itication. of the herein de.cribed raal "" . locabd in Bection 25, Townehip 48 South, RanCJa 25 , ' . '~?c!ol11er County, Florida, are ehanqed trOll "A", "A-ST"; J;," l~~1;. ' , . -1 to _POOR Planned Unit Development 1n accordance ~oad Center PUn Document, at~ached hereto herein. The in County Land Development a..nded aeeordinqly. becoae effective upon receipt ot the Secre~ary of stata that this ordinance has with the Seoretary ot State. -1- 'OOl 061.IGt 01 . ... - Agenda Item No. 7B ~ember 2, 200 . Page 56 of 10 . PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board ot county c~l..ion.r. %7 of Collier County, Florida, thi. .:lJ" day ot , 1993. BOARD OF COIlNTY COIlKISSIOlfERS C07COIlNTY~FLO IOA ~ 7' BY'~' .. /.... BURT L. SAUIIDERS. CIlAIRKA/l t. .~O< .'> ",;.,1;:. .",,'::lIt "" . ....""ro FORM ,t"l. ;:~~FICIEIlCY , '-'~~/..: 'ltl"<:', ~..~ '.' /to . '~t;. ~...-. ... h1. 1l.J.~.I, ..~ . ',;;' I: It.. STUDENT ,. (t.1lU%8'1'AIl'1' COllll'1'Y ATTOI\IIEY 1~'~::. ',. ." .. PllD-U-9 ORDIlfANCE ;; '. :' ,JIb/IUB '.' ThIs ordIl"'IOnelOJ '".a wIth fI-le 1/4'"'" .~'" Of~ .~~~- ~-- ~~ . ~ 1< Cd? -- . 'BOt( 061 rAG[ 02 -2- :1' ~". Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 20 Page 57 of 1 '- ..,J IMMOKALEE ROAD CENTER A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REGULA nONS AND SUPPORTING MASTER PLAN GOVERNING IMMOKALEE ROAD CENTER A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF mE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (LDC) PREPARED FOR: ...., J. D. NlCEWONDER, JR. CAROLYN L. NlCEWONDER SHERRY J. NICEWONDER MARK D. NlCEWONDER PREPARED BY: JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC. ~500 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, SUITE 300 NAPLES. FLORIDA 33999 DI'o Filod Dlto Revlsod Dlto Reviewed D7 cepc Dlto Approved B7 Dee Ordle.nee Number 11111'92 512!193 ~1J193 ~r--11,J EXHIBIT "A" lOOK 061raGt 03 r1 , , }.... .t, ~, ~. ,~ "t:;' : -~ '.i"f;' .--------- . aOOl TABLE OF CONTENTS .&sll9.n lIu Sectl.. I St.tement or CompUante 1- 2 SectIo.1I Project Descrlptl.. ..d o..nenhip 3 - 7 . Se<tle. m ProJerr DnotJopment Reqall'tllltDtJ . ... , S.<lI.. IV C..II.erdal A.... PIa. 10.13 SedIoII V Development CCflllmJlmenb 14.1' 'VD Mut.r 'II. Auachment "." Lo<otloo Map Att.chment "2" I 061 mt 04 . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 20 Page 58 of 1 .J -, ,--1 Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 59 of 104 SECJ10N I STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The development of thiJ project wiD be in compliance with the planning goals and objectives of'CoIIier County as set forth in the Growth ManBgement Plan. This compliance includes: 1. Except as letforth herein, the project shall comply with all County Land Development resulations including the Growtb Managemem Plan. 2. The subject property is located within an AClivity Center Designation as indicated in the Growth Management Plan's (GMP's) Future Land Use Element (FLUE) and Fulure Land Use Map. More spccificaDy, the site is within tbe Activity Cenler located at the southeast corner of Airport-Pulling Road and lmmokalee Road. The FLUE, Activity Center Subdistrict, reads in pan, 'The mixed use Activity Center concept is designed to concentrate almosl all new commercial zoning in locations where traflic impacts can readily be accommodated, to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development and to create focal points within tbe community.' The Immokalce Road Center Planned Unit Development (PUD) is proposed for a commercial center containing uses that are similar to or pennilled by tbe C-4 (Genenl Commercial) District oflhe Collier County Land Development Code. The proposed pro- ject is compatible witb sulToundingland uses and meets all of the criteria for commercial development within an Activity Center witb the possible exception of market demand. However, given the location oCthe subject property and characteristics associated with the surrounding development pattern, the Collowing additional factors must be taken into account: a.) This Activity Center conlains a mixture oCland uses including single-family residential, multi.family residential, a church, and a diMer theatre on lhe north side oCImmolcaJee Road and general commercial land uses on the south side of Immokalee Road. b.) The proximity of this site to established and newly emerging iingle-rsmily residential and multi.family residential developments. c.) This site is appropriately located for uses serving the urban area public traveling in this vicinity. The Traffic CirculationElementlists C.l1.-846as a two.lane arterial roadway. However, C.R.-846 is ICheduled to be improved to a four.lane facility from U.S.-4!toI. 7S within lhe next 12 months. In addition. C.R--3! is also a four. lane" arterial roadway. lOOK OOr~l:t 05 . . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 60 of 104 I The lite illocated in the lOUtheast quadrant oflrnrnokalee ROld and AilJlort-Pulling Road, which baa been designlted as an Activity Center on the Collier County Future Land Use Map. Be<:ause of this location, Ibis site has luperior mljor arterial acces,. Therefore, thi, site would besl be served by placemenl of commercilllctivities. 4. The site designation funher suggests lhatthis parcel be developed to best serve the adjlcent residentillareaJ. S. The project lite il compltible with Idjacent land uses through the intemalltTlllgement orllnlctures, the pllcement ofland buffers, and lakes, and the proposed developmenl standards conlained herein. 6. The project will be lerved by I complete range of ,ervices Ind utilities as approved by Collier County, 7. The lite baa been designed as Neh; to contain a cypress/restoration/preservation/ Jlol11lWlter management area 10 best serve and preserve the natural functions orthe lite and to serve as amenities to the project. 8. All final local development orden for the Irnrnokalee ROld Center PUD are subject to the Collier County Adequate Public Facililies Onfmance. 9. This Ordinance IhalI be known and cited as the "Inunokalec Road Center Planned Unit Development Ordinance. " " aODK Page 2 061p,Gl 06 I ~ J ~ Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 61 of 104 SEmON n PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND OWNERSHIP PHYSICAL DESCRIP110N 11IlI project lite, known u the Immokalee Road Center Planned Unit Development, is 10elted in Section 25, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. Currently, lhe site is divided into two parcels by a public right-of-way; Parcell hu an acreage of+l- 8.14; Parcel II hu an acreage of+(- 1.97. It is the intenl of the ownersfdeveloper to vacate the existing road right-of-way, ulility and drainage easement for an additional +(- 0.94 acres bringing the total _ge to +(- 11.05 for the site. The siteiszoned, A, A-ST, and RSF-1. To the north, the project fionll bnmolcaIee Road. To the south, the site is adjacent to a lake that is within C-4 zoning. Developed C-4 zoning lies to the wesl. To the east, the site is bounded by improved C-2 zoning and RSF-3 zoning. PROJECT DESCRIPTJON It iI the intent oftbe owners to rezone the land to a Planned Unit Development, consistins of . lOW building area, including outparcels, wbich will not exceed 118,150 square feet of usable c:ommercial fioor space, required parking, and approximately 2.50 acres cypressire.storationfpre- aervationfSlormwater management aRa. The final location ofland uses oflhe Immokalce Road Center PlaMed Unit Development shall be ..tablished althe time of Final Plalling or Site Development Plan application, subject to the provisions of Section, CHANGES AND AMF.NDMF-NTS, of the !.DC,to wbich amendments may be made from time to time. SIte infi'utnIcture improvements, including but not limited to clearing, grading. earthwork, and lite drainage work will be performed in accordance wilh all applicable ColUer County Codes and Onlinlnces. Acceu to the various tracts will be provided by direct ingrcssfegress from Immokalee Road and via. crossleasementagreement with WalMart Corporation, developers ofthe adjacent sitclo thc _. LEGAL DESCRIPTION See IlI8Cbed I. description. OWNDlSHlP The propoted project sile is owned by 1. D. Nicewondcr, 1r., Carolyn L. Nicewonder, Sherry J. N1cewonder, and MarIe D. Nicewonder, P~e3 IODK 061rm 07 . . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 62 of 104 I .- AIlO<lI T, Cl"ANT. JR. ..- 'O""UT H.. BANKS .10....... W. I:IINI''' ITIVIN K. MOIl"1IION .....o...w b. TtL TON :~C.COONE" "".~"'; DAN W. OJC;:KIV l(" ItINTON". klllLfNQ . OIO"aE J. teA"'..", "'CHML L H.....ON <rMO_1. 'INOLKV ,~.. W. OAVIO tel..,. JtIlI. ::. W. ."ITT ItOMr"OV ii.: . CA'U. A. aa"R.co '.: GA"Y ". eULL L:.llIVIN M. WINTK" . .',ftI_NW.All...... .1\". ,~. _ .....,...,., ~aTa" L. BUt_ON ,'m~SON ENGINEERING,INC. :~~' . CIVIL. ENGINEERS ANO UNO SURVEYORS February 14, 1992 DESClIIPTION PAIICELS I l II LYING 1H 'IllS 11II-1/4 OF TIlE NW-l/4 SECl'ION 25. T. 48 s.. R. 25 E. COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Tract. or parcels or land lyi01 in the northwe.t quarter (11II-1/4) or the northweat quarter (NII-l/4) ot Section 25. Township 48 South. lIan,e 25 Eut. CoUier County. Floride which tractt or parc.ls .... deac:rlbed .. roll"".: P AIIcn I Beine allot the landl .. de.cr1bed :In deed recorded in Orric1al Record Book 1504 It Pare 445. Parc.l Number One el recorded in tho public record. or Colliar County L.ESS the north.rly 50.00 teet thereof bdn, more particularly delcribed al tollo,,", FrotI the northwl t corner or ..id Sect.ion 25 r'Un S 00. 01' 54" E alon<< th. watt line of .aid .actlon rOf" 100.00 teet to an 1ntorucUon with the .outhl:ln. or County Road 846 (I....k.l.. Rold) be1n, 100.00 teet wide. thence run S 89' 15' 10. E alone uid line tor 662.08 teet to an intarl.ction ..1th the ....t line or the ...t halr (E-1/2) ot .eid rrection. .1.0 being the northwest corner or the land. a. described in deed .. recorded in Otficial Record Book 1504 at Pere ~~5. Parcd NlIIlber One; tbenc. run S 00' O~' 05. E .lone u1d line .tor 50,00 feet to an intar.action with a line that is 50.00 teet lOUth ot (ae ....ur.d on a perpendicular) and parall.l with the soutb line of .eid County Roed 846 and the Po:lnt of Ilerinning, Fro. ..id Point or Beeinn1ng run S 89' 15' 10. E &lon, uid parallel l:lne tor 662.18 r..t to an intersection with the e..t line ot the land. .. described in .aid d..d, allO beine the .... t line 0 r the pl. t of Four S..lons. al recorded in Plat Book 10 ,at Pace 95, Public Record.. Collier Count.)'.' Floride; th.nce run S 00' 10' 04" I along .aid line tor 535.45 tea. to the .outh...t corner of landl ae daacr1bed in de.d r.cOrded in Otficial Record Book 1504 at pa.. 4~5. P.rc.l NUmber One. allo being tho nOrtb line ot a 60 toot wide public right-ot-wey as delcribed in Offici.l Record Book 454 at Pare 219, aaid public recordl: th.nce run N 89' 13' 39" II alone said lina ror 663.11 te.t to the aouthwelt corner of the landl .. d..el'ibed in Orticial Record Ilook 1504 .t Pego 445, Parcel Nu.ber One. oliO being the we.t line ot the 880t helf (E-l/2) or laid rraction; thane. run N 00' 04' OS" W alOftI' sa:!d line ror 535.1~ t..t to the Point of aeginning. Containing 8.1~ aere., more O~ less. lOOK 061rm 08 P.s' , . -.... Agenda Item No. 7B December 2. 2008 Page 63 of 104 ~ .... :.1/:..... ....;;:" '.: . 'r:.' .~~:~. 'liIiaoN IlNOINa'I:I'lINO.INC. ~;.' Parc.lI I end II . .,. F.b......,. 1~. 1992 p.... 2 SUBJECT ro a..aoantl, NnricUolll o.n4 .....rv.tion. of record. AND PAlICELlI ., Baift&' 011 of tho lend. .. d..cribed ift the following deed. record.d in Official R.cord Book 157~ at Page 406 and Orric1al R.cord Book 15~ at Page '~45, Parcel Number 'l\Io and Officiel R,cord Book 518 at Pap 779 and Orficial R.cord Book ~62 aC Page 959 LESS tho .outh.rly 450.00 reet thereor beinr mol'. particularly do.cribed 81 tollow.: From th. northwea t: eom.r or ..id S.ct:lon 25 run S 00. 01 t S'p' E along the v.at line of saic! ..ction for 7~~.91 f..t, thonc. run S 89' 13' 39' E d.porting su~ .ecUon line for 693.22 toat to the north...n cornar of the int.nt of tho doed .. d..cribed in Official Record Book 1574 ot Page 406. ColUer County Record. end the Point of llag1Minr. Fro. oaid Point of Begirin1nr continuo S 89' 13' 39' I> alona- the south line or a road ril'ht-cf-Way ...eCl8nt recorded ift Ofr:tciel lIecord Book ~54 at Pago 219. ..i~ ])\lbl1c record. for 633.21 reet to tho no..the..t como.. or lands .. describ.d 1n do.d ...co..dod in Official Record Book 462 ot Pare 959, also beinr on int.r..ction ..ith the ....t lin. Of Four Se..on. plat ...corded in Pl.t Book 10 at Pag. 95 or .aid public ..ecord.: th.nc. run S 00' 10" 04" It .long o.id ....t lino to.. 135.40 ro.t to an .inter.ection wl.th a Un. that is 450.00 Coat no..therl)' Of (.. ....u...d on 0 p.rpendicular)' one! p....ll.l wl.th the south line ot said fraction. 11110 be1ng tho south lino ot the lando .. de.cE'ibed in the .tOt.....tion.d deed.; thence run N 89' 12' 07' W along .aid pa.-allel lin. ro.. 633.45' f.et to an 1ntorsection wi th the .....t Un. ot tho 'landS doocribee! ift dood recorded :l.n Orr:l.c1al lIecor1l Book 1574 .t Pap 406 0100 b.inc tho .ut lift. Dr 0 30.00 foot road r1ght-of-w.y .s r.eord.d in OffIcIal R.cord Book ~54 ot Pog. 219 of ..id publ1c ....COrda; thenco run N 00' O~, OS' W along said lIne for 135.11 r.et to the PoInt of Beginning. COftta1n1nr 1.97 .cr.... .or. or 1.... SUBJECT TO .asellent.. re.triction. and releE'V4t1ona or recore!. Bearinrl hereinabove ..nt1one4 are baled on the north line or said Section 25 to bear S 89' 15' 10" E .. shown on the ~lat or Four S....on. Unit Two .. recorded In Plet Book 12 et Pap 6. Colae. County Public Record.. 800K 061 'l~t 09 ~."pCd. ~A~ HI ..1 W. No,...... . prorOlslon.1 _and Survoyc.. Florida Co~' 'ricate Ho. 4500 NliN/pd 25057 Pit_fit " At ~~\'\ !.~.;;. H, . .:;.~. . ;;. ..' :'HNSON ENGINEERING, INC. . . .- MCHII. T. QIOANT.~. . -..... 'OJ"I~''T 101, .....NK. . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 64 of 104 CIVIL. r.NGINr.!:RS ANO L..ANO SURVEYORS June 5. 1992 DESCRIPTION LYINQ IN 'nlE 1lW-1/4 OF 'nlE 1lW-1/4 SECTION 25. T. 48 s.. R. 25 E. COWDl CO\lN'l'Y, FLORIIlA A tract or peree1 or llnd lY1ni: in the northwest quarter (llW-l/4) or the north..ut quart.r (NII-l/4) or S.ction 25, Township 48 South, lIan.. 25 East. Colli,r County. Florida wh1c.h trlct or pere.1 11 dllcr1bad ... roll....., e.1ft<< 111 or a road r1eht-or-..ay .......ent .. d.scribed in de.d record.d in Orr1c1al R.cord BOok 454 at pace 219 in tho Publ1c Reoord. or Callier County LESS the loutherly 450.00 r.et thereor b.in<< ....... particularI)' delcribed I. rollo...: From tht north....t eorner or ",1d Section 25 run S 00' 01' 54" t alone the ..ut 11"e or eaid S.ction ror 744.91 tnt; thence run S 89' 13' 39- E d.partin<< .aid Stction 1:lne tor 693.22 reat to the northwe.t; corner or the int.nt; ot died as describad in Orticia1 Record Book 1574 at pan 406. Collier County Record. ....d the Point or Be<<inninlr' Fr.... .&1d Po1nt or SeriMine run S 00' 04' 05" E: .10ne thl eut I1ftt or .aid rieht-or-w.y eas..,ent; recorded in Orrio1l1 Record Book 454 at pq. 219. also bttine the ....t l1fte or lend. described in d..d. recorded in Otricial ll.cord Book 1574 et pare ~06 or laid Publie Records tor 135.11 rllt to an interuction with a I1n. th.t 11 450.00 rett northerly or en eauured on . perpendicular) ....d perallal ..ith tho aauth line or'.aid tr.ction: thence run N 89' 12' 07" W .10n<< said paral101 lina ror 30.00 roat to an inters.ction with tha "elt line or l&ncl. dascribed in .aid Ortici.l ~.cord Book 454 It II",. 219: thence run II 00' 04' 05" W Ilone ..id 11n. tor 195.10 t.et to the northwe.t ccrner or laid Ofricial lIecord BOok 45~ It PI,. 219; th~nca run S 89' 13' 39" E along the north line or ..1d d..d ror 663.11 re.t to the north...t corn.r or ..1d da.d ....d an inte....ction with the ..t.t line or the Pl.t or Four Se.oon. .. rlco..d.d in Plat Book 10 .t.pa<<. 95 or ..1d Public Record.; thence run S 00. 10' 04" E 110nr .lid l1ne to tho .outhe.it corner or aaid Ortic1al Rlco..d Book 454 at P.<<. 219; th.nce run H 89" 13' 39" \I elone tho southerl)' 11n. or aaid .....d ri<<ht-or-..ay .....,.nt ..co..ded in Orficial Record Book 454 at pare 219 for 633.21 r.et to the Point Of BariMine. aOOK 061 PAL! 10 1'0.. 6 ','. . -- , ~ Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 65 of 104 Collier County Conta1ft1ns 1.01 acre.. mo.... or leu. S1lB3liC1' TO ....nnta. rtstr1cUons and ,,"rvat1oM or ...ecmS . B....u.r. he...i....bov. .....tl.onl1l. .... b..ed 0... the north li...e or laid S.ction 25 to b.... s 89. 15' 10. E as ahown on the Plat or Four s.uon U...it 'lWo .. recorded in Plat BooIc 12 at p.p 6. Collin Caunty Public Recorde. ~..:<~ (/. ~ i ael W. Norellll pror...icnal 1.11II4 Surv.)'C!' Florida Certificate No. ~500 KWN/lce 25057 IODK 06I,.~ 11 PaC' 7 . . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 66 of 104 I SECl10N III PROJEcr DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS 3.1 PURPOSE A The purpose of this Sec:tion is to delineate and generally descnbe the projec:t plan of developmen~ relationships to Ipplicable County ordinances, lhe respective land uses of the traC\J included in the project, as well as other project relltionships. 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJEcr PLAN AND PROPOSED LAND USES TIle project Master Plan, is iIIustnlted by Alllchment "I", PIIMed Unit Development MISter Plan. The propouJ is to develop the parcel into I PIIMed Unit Developmen~ consisting of .1DIaI building IU'CI, including outparcels, which will not exceed 118,1 SO square feet of ullble commercial lIoor 'Plce, required parking, and Ipproximately 2.50 acres cypresslreS10nllionl p.-vationlslonnwaler managemenllU'ea. 3.3 GENERAL REGULA nONS FOR DEVELOPMENT A Regulltions for development oflmmokaJec ROld Center PUD shall be in lceordance with the contents of this document, PUD-Planned Unit Development District and other Ippllcable section. and pllU of the Collier County Land Development Code (IDC) in etrccl at the lime of building pennilapplicalion. WIlerethese regulations fail 10 provide developmental .tandards, then the provision. of the most simillU' district in the LDC shaJJ apply. B. Unless otherwise noted, the definitions ohlllem. shaJJ be the llIOe as Ihe definitions set forth in the LDC in efl'ect at the time of building pennit application. C. AD conditions imposed in the approved PUD DocumentshaU depict the restrictions forthe development oflhe Invno~alee ROld Cenler PUD and shall bCClme part of the regulations ....hich govern the manner in ....hich the PUD aile may be developed. The graphic material contained in this document shall be conceptual in nature. The graphiCl contained in the Final Site Development Plan submitted prior to application for building permit(s) shall become part of the regulations which govern the manner in which the PUD site may b"C developed. D. Unless specifically waived through any variance or waiver provisions from any other applicable regulations, the provisions of those regulations not olherwise provided for in this PUD remain in full force and efl'ect. B. Development pennilled by the approval ofthi. Petition wiD be subject to a Concurrency Review under the provisionso(the Adequale Public Facilities Ordinlnce No. 90-24 It the earliest or nClC\ to occur of either final SDP approval, final pllt approval, or building permit issuance applicable to lhis development. Page g BOOK 061Pl~[ 12 - -- ~ ; ~~% ~';'1 4" t._\ 'I!'~:'~ ( " .'- , fl.:~ . ~,'~.. <, . -," ., -. Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 67 of 104 F. A Record Pial for all or part oflhe Planned Unit Development and (final .ite development plans for Ihe development) .hall receive approvals at the appropriate County leveb 10 insure thatlhe plan, comply with the Planned Unit Development Master Plan, the County Land Development Code, and the plattinslaws of the State of Florida. G. The PUD Master Plan, constitutes the required PUD Development Plan. Subsequent to or concurrent with PUD approval, a Preliminary Subdivision Plat, if applicable, .hall be submitted for the enlire area covered by the PUD Master Plan, Any division of property and the development ofthe land shall be in compliance with the County Land Development Code, and the platting law. ofthe State of Florida. K The provisions oCDivision 3.3, SITE DRvm..nPMENT PLANS, of the LDC, when applicable, ahallapply to the development ofaD platted tracta, orparcel. ofland as provided in said Division 3.3 prior to the issuance of a building permit or other development order. I. Appropriate instrument. win be provided at the time of infrastructural improvement. regarding any dedications and method for providing perpetusl mainlenance of common &aUties. JDD! 061m! 13 Page 9 . . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 68 of 104 SECTION IV COMMERCIAL AREA PLAN 4.1 PUlU'OSE The purpose of this Section is to identify the types of commercial uses and development llandInIa that will be applied to the Immolcalee ROBd Center PUD. 4.2 DEVELOPMENT EMPHASIS A. Thia project ohall comply with the Growth Management Plan by developing in compliance with the Future Land Uae Element of th. Growth Management Plan for Collier County. Currently, this parcel is desisnated as an Activity Center in accor- dance with the Future Land Us. Map ofth. Growth Management Plan. The requested rezoning to a commercial planned unit development furthers the goals, objectives, and policies of the Growth Management Plan by concentrating commercial development at an intersection of major arterial roads, therefore, lessening the traffic impact. Fwther, the market study for this project substantiates the n~ for additional com- mercial facilities in the North Naples Planning Community DistriClto service the IUmllllId"mg residential areas. 4.3 PmMlTRD USES . The foUowing uses, as defined with a number from the Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987), or as otherwise provided for within this Section, are permiUed as ofiighl, or u uses acc:euory to permitted principal uses in the Irnmolcalee Road Cenler PUD. A PERMITI'ED PRINCIPAL USES AND STRUCTURES I. Accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping seMces (8721); 2. Amusements and recrealion services -Indoor (groups 7911, 7933, 7991, 7993); 3. Apparel and accessory Slllres (sroups 5611-5699); .4. Auto and home supply stores (553 I); 5, Business services (groups 7311, 7313, 7322-7338, 7361 -7379, 7384, 7389 except as auclioning services, bottle labeling, bronzing, field warehousing, packaging and labeling, salvaging of damaged merchandise, scrap steel CUlling and slitting); Page 10 80lIK 061 PIGt 14 ~ .J 1 ,-1 'N ~,1 ..;.:"\ ;\..t{ .'.." . .. ... .~. . . '.....'= ~.. '~,f ~,. ,: '. . ~ I~::~' ~" ~ . . . .. . Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 69 of 104 6. Civic, lOCial, lII1d fntemal wociations (8641); 7.. Depository institutions (groups 60 I 1-6099); 8. Eating and drinlcing places (groups 5812-5813 except contract feeding, industrial feeding, bottle clubs and cabarets); a. Exception for re!laurants and drive-through restaurants: Restaurants and drive-through restaurants which do not contain indoor seating will be prohibited from this PUD. 9. Engineering, archilectural, and surveying services (groups 871\.8713); 10. Food 1I0res (groups 541 1-5499); II. General merchandise stores (groups 5311-5399); 12. Hardwarellores (5251); 13. Health services (groups 8011-8049, 8082); 14. Home furniture, furnishing, and equipmenlllores (groups 5712-5736); IS. . Insurance carriers. agencies, and brokers (groups 6311-6399, 6411); 16. Legal services (811 I); 17. Management and public relations services (groups 8741-8743, 8748); 18. Miscelllll1eDu, pel'lOnalservice.s (7291); 19. Miscellaneous repair services (groups 7622, 7629-7631, 7641,7699 e:<ceptagricul- tural equipment repair, awning repair, beer pump coil cleaninglll1d repair, blaclcsmith &hops, catch basin, septic WIIc lII1d COllpooJ cleaning, coppersmithing, farm machinery repair, fire equipment repair, fUrnace and chimney cleaning, indu!lrialtruclc repair, machinery cleaning, repair ofservice IIation equipment. boller cleaning, tinsmithing, lraCIor repair); 20. MilceI1aneou.s retail (group. 5912-5963 and 5992-5999); 2 I. MulClllll. and art galleries (8412); 22. Non-depository credit instilUliOlll (groups 61) 1-6163); 23. Paint, glass, lII1d wallpaper stores (5231); 24. PerlOw serviCCl (groups 7212, 72)5, 7221.7251,7291); 25. Public administration (group. 91\ 1-9199,9229,9311,9411-9451,9511-9532, 9611- 96(1); 26. Real estate (grOllp.6531-6541); 27. Retail nurseries, lawn and garden supply stores (5261); 28. Security and commodity brokers, dealers, exchanges and services (groups 6211-6289); 29, United States Postal Service (431 I); 30. Used merchandise stores (5932); 31. Video tape rental (7841); 32.. A1ry other commercial use or professional serviCe which is .comparable in nalUre with the foregoing uses and which the Current Planning Manager determines to be compa- tible in the district. SOOl C61 mE 15 Page 11 . . . Agenda Item No. 78 December 2. 2008 Page 70 of 104 B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES I. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the uses permitted in the C-lrr District, Section 2.2.12 of the LDC, the C-2 District, Section 2.2.13 of the LOC, lhe C-3 District, Section 2.2.14 of the LOC, and the C-4 District, Section 2.2,15 cfthe LDC. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS The foDowing dimensional standards .hall .pply to all permitted principal and accessory uses in the 1mmo1calce Road Center PUD. A. MINJMlJM LOT AREA: Ten thousand (10,000) square feet. B. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: One-hundred feel (100'). C. MINIMUM V ARD REQUIREMENTS: 1. Depth ofliont yard setb.c1c - Twenty-five feet (25'), plus one fOOl (I') for each one fool (1') of building height over fifty fcct (SO'). Dcplh of side yard setback - Fifteen feet (IS'). Depth of rear yard setback - Zero fcct (0') Depth of any yard abutting a residential parcel - Twenty-five feet (25'). 2. 3. 4. D. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Fifty feet (SO'). . E. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES: One-thousand (1,000) square feet gross floor area for each building on the ground floor, F. OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING REQUIREMENTS: ~ required in Division 2.3 of the LOC. G. LANDSCAPING: As required in Division 2,4 of the LDC. 1. Exception for landscaped buffer on southern perimeter oflllis project: The southern boundary oftllis project .haI1 be provided wilh eilher a ten foot (10') IlIldscaped buffer or a combination three fool (3') landscaped buffer! six fOOl (6') masonry wall. lOOK 061 p"t 16 Page 12 -, ..i ~ ,At Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 71 of 104 2. Exception Cor landscaped buffer on northern perimeter oCthis project: The buffer on the northern end oCthe subject property (adjacent to InunokaJee Road) shall have a minimum width oCthirty feet (30'). H. MERCHANDISE STORAGE AND DISPLAY: Unless specifically permined Cor a use, outside storage or display of merchandise is prohibited. L SIGNS: M required in Division 2.5 of the LOC. J. LIGIITJNG: Lighting shall be located so lhat no light is aimed directly toward a property designated residential iflighting is located within two-hundred feet (200') of residential property. K. ARCHITECTURAL mEME: The main parcel of the subject property will have a central arehitecturaltheme, which shall be submilled to the Collier County Current Planningllafl' for comments and recommendations atlhe time of approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plat. "OK 001 PIGt 17 Page 13 . Page 14 . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 72 of 104 SECI10N V DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS PmlJI'OSE The pwpose of this Section is 10 set forth the development commitments for lhe development oftbe project. GENERAL A. All racDiti.. shall be construcled in strict sccordance with Final Site Developmenl Plans, FIIlIl Subdivision Plans and all applicable State and local laws, codes, and regulations applicable to thisPOO and in effect atlhe timeoCbuilding permit application. Except where specifically noted or ..ated otherwise, the standards and specifications of the official LDC shall apply to this project even iflhe land within the POOis not to be platted. The developer, his successor and assignJ shaD be responsible for the commitments outlined in this document. The developer, his successor or assignee shall agree to follow the PUD Master Plan and the regulations of the POO Document as adopted and any other conditio,," or modifications as may be agreed to in the rezoning of the property. In addition. the developerwillagree to convey to any successor or assignee in title any commitments within this agreement. . PUD MASTER PLAN A. The PUD Master Plan. identified as Attachment 'I', iDustrates the proposed development and is conceptual in nature, Proposed tract, lot, or land use boundaries or apecialland use boundaries shall not be construed to be final and maybe varied at any subsequent approval phase as may be executed at the time of Final Plauina or Site Development Plan application. subject to the provisions of, Section, CHANGES AND AMEND. . MENTS. of the LDC, to which amendments may be made from time to lime. B. All necessary easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be granted to insure the conlinued operation and mainlenance orall service utilities and all common areas in the project. leeK (Jf)jlpltE llti "......, .,J , (:it ,.SA :~~?..,~. ~. .;,; '"0;' --1 Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 73 of 104 U SCHEDULE OF DEVEl.OPMENTIMONlTORING REPORT A. The Developer intends to begin development of the project as early a.s possible upon approval of the petition by the Board of County Commissioners and continue working until all of the site improvements along with the required buildings are completed in accordance with the conditions ofthe approved PUD Document. It is estimated that completion of this project will be within five (5) years from date of County approval, i.e., by the year 1998, llSSllming that County approval is in 1993. This PUD shall be subject to the Sunset Provisions of Section 2.7,3.4, of the LOC. B. Monitoring Report: An annual monitoring report shall be submitted pursuant 10 Section, of the LDC. 50S MAlNTENANCE OF COMMON AREAS A. In the event of private streets, common open spaces, or any other such private ameni- ties, the maintenance of said amenities shall remain the responsibility of the property owner, hislher successor in lide or assignee. WATER SUPPLY A. Tho WIlter distribution system, which is County owned and operated and located in the Immoblee Road right-of-way, will provide potable water to this project. The project's on-site water dlstn'bution system will be connected 10 the existing wBter main located in the Immokalee Road right-or-way. 5.7 SOLID WASTE COLLEcrJON AND DISPOSAL A. Solid Waste Collection and Disposal shall be handled brlhe County franchise holder at the time ofissuance of permits. aoDK C6h~! 19 Page IS . . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 74 of 104 TRANSPORTATION A. A median opening in the location .hown on the Planned Unit Development Master Plan is 10 be consuucted as part orthe Immokalee Road Widening Construction Project in accordance with the Right-of.Way Dedication Agreemenl between the owner and Collier County. Auxiliary lanes required to serve the Immokalee Road Center PISMed Unit Developmenl will be constructed as pan of the site's infrastructure improvemenls. Cost of these improvements will be paid for by the developer. B. Arterial level street lighting shall be provided al all project entrances. C. Impact fees .hall be paid in Iccordance with Ordinance No. 92.22. D. No direct leee.lto Immokalee ROld ....n be pennilled from any outparcels. All access to OIItparcels lhall be provided from the internal .ite circulalion. E. In order to facilitate the Immokalee Road four-lining project, the permilting of the driveway onto lmmokalee Road shall be issued with close coordination with the Transportltion Capital Projects staff. F. The developer shall provide I fair share contnbution toward the capital cost of traffic signals It any project entrance when deemed warranted by Collier County Transportation Services. WATER MANAGEMENT . A Prior 10 the approval otthe final construction plans, the developer shaD provide evidence of the right to cIisclJarse into the existing ditch thlt is located between the project IJld the Airport-Pulling Road canaI. B. An analyois on lhe capacity oftha entire length oflhe existing ditch shall be provided. It any improvements are needed to handle the runoff generated by the projeet, these improvements shall be made by the developer. C. Prior to the approvaforthe final construction plans, a South Florida Water Management 'District Surface Water Management Permit shall be obtained, since CoDier County does not peri'onn the permitting procedure to pennit water management systems to use wetland.. IODK 061PIGE 20 Page 16 . .-.... ..) ~ ~ Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 75 of 104 ELI:CTRIC POWER SERVICE The applicable entity win provide electric power service to the project TELEVISION CABLE SERVICE The applicable entity will provide television cable service to the project. f'IRE PRF.VENTION The development wm comply with all applicable fire codes and regulations. The North Naples rue Control and Rescue District will provide service to thc project. ll'11LITIES EASEMENTS E!uemenll shall be provided fo: all utilities as required by the Collier County Land Develop- ment Code. r.NVIRnNMENTAL A. The developer shall mitigate forthe loss ofwellands as proposed in the Wetland Mitigation Plan dated November, 1992 (revised ranUlI}', 1993), by: I. Creating a 0.3 acre herbaceous pond. 2. Creating a 0.7 acre cypress weiland. 3. Restoring 1.5 acres of cypress wetlands. 4. Donating 9 acres of off-site cypress wetlands to the Corkscrew Regional Water- shed Trust. .. The donation agreement is to be completed within six (6) months of the approval ofthis PlaMed Unit Development. All of the aforementioned requirements shall be completed prior to the issuance of ~ Certi. ficatel..ofOccupancy for this project. B. A gopher tortoise relOCAtion plan shsll be submitted and approved by Project Plan Review prior to the approval of the final construction plans. Said plan shan also be reviewed and approved by tbe Florida Game and Fresh Waler Fish Convnission. RelOCAtion of gopher tortoises <hall occur prior to lhe pre-conStruction meeting. c. Cypress trees shall be transplanted from tbe impacted ar.a, using a tree spade. 10 tbe areas ofreercation. restoration, or preservation. Page 17 aOOK 061 Pl~l 21 . '," " '!". , ,. -:,:; . /" '. 1'., i:" ~~ I'.... *'~: . ." :... ~'.~. J.{:' Y;-"f ;tl' ~, ....i'! ;~'. t,i' .~ -:ti:, 'o!' ;~'" '1,. .' '.,i' .'. . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 76 of 104 D. Oak trees on lite shall be relained ifthey fall in any landscape area or can be incorporated into tree islands within the parking 101. E. Royal palms on site shall be transplanted into areas oflandscaping or retention (or shall be offered for off site transplantation prior to any site alterations). F. Mulch, seed source and plantin85 from lhe existing temporary pond on aite shall be used to IUpplementthe creation and enhancement of the herbaceous wetland pond. G. The proposed preserve shall be placed under a perpetual conservation easement similar to or 81 per F.S. Section 704.06 in favor of Collier County. 5.15 ENGINEERING A. This project shall be required to meet all County Ordinances in effect at the time final construction documents are submilled for development approval. 5.1' tmLmES A. Water distribution, sewage collection and transmission and interim water andlor sewage treatment facilities to serve the project are to be designed, constNcted, conveyed, owned and maintained in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 88-76, as amended, and other applicable County rules and regulations. B. All customers coMecting to the water distribution and sewage collection facilities to be . COnstNcted will be alSlomers of the County and will be billed by the County in accordance with the County's established rates. C. The on.site waler distribution system 10 serve lhe project must be COMected to the District's 12 inch waler main on the south side of Immolcalee Road consistent with the main sizing requirements specified in the County's Water Master Plan and extended throughout the project. During design of these facilities, dead-end mains shall be eliminated by looping the inlemal pipeline network. D. . The utility construction documents for the project's sewerage system shall be prepared SO that all sewage flowing to the County's master pump station is transmitted by one (1) main on-site pump station. Due 10 the design and configuration of the master pump station, flow by gravity into the station will not be possible. The Developer's Engineer shall meet with the County Staff prior to commencing preparation of construction drawings, so that all aspects of the sewerage system design can be coordinated with the County's ICWet mISter plan. aOOK C6ha~t 22 Page 18 -. j Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 77 of 104 E. The existing off.site water facilities of the District must be evaluated for hydrau6c caplcity to serve this project and reinforced u required, ifneccssary, consistent with the County's Wlter Muter Plan to insure that the District's wlter system can hydrau6caJly provide I sufficienl qUlntity ofwlter to meet the Inlicipated demands of the projectsnd the District's existing committed capacity. F. The existing off-site ICWIIge transmission facilities oflhe District must be evaluated for hydraulic capacity to serve this project and improved u required outside the project's boundsry to provide adequate capacity to transport lhe additional wutewater genenled without adverse impact to the existing transmission facilities. 5.17 RETENTION AND PRESERVE AREAS AND USES The designated area for retention and preservation/water management shall not be used for any Iype of development. 5.11 OPEN SPACE REOUIREMENT The project'l finaJ aite development plan will be designed to include I minimum of thirty percent (30"/0) ofop... space. Open space requirements for the site will include the 2.50 acrea cypreal restontionfpreservltionlstonnwatet management area, the perimeter buffer, and the miscella- ....., neaus green areas throughout Ihe site. t-4 1 J' " 1.." I,'.: . ,. ;." ., , ~t.;~: . . W ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS FOR COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE It is the intent of the owner/developer to fonn an usociation of property owne~ who will be responsible forthe care and maintenanceofsD common areas, including. but not limited to: parlcing areas, green areas. and the cypress restoration/water management area. 5.10 CLEARING OF SUBJECI' PROPERTY The property owners hereby agree to raze the existing unhabitable structures, \0 c1_undesirable veset&tion, and, in general, \0 improve lhe appesrance oflhe property, The afor~entioned 'improvements' shall be completed within thirty (30) days of completion of the ImmobleeRoad Four-Laning Widening Project, or u soon u possible after all required pennits are obtained. aoo~ 001 PAGE 23 rage 19 . ,,-- j --- IlII I .1 ~ ~ ( . I . . , . - I . I ! , jm, r "') I l I, I II II 1 " I .1 ij h ... II ,;- i '-- ~i I I~ II n;1 I I . ~!il k ~:i ~~-_.__.. I I ~ I .11 L . .I"p. ~ 1 · 'l' I:'" I 4 I i' p~~ la ~ ! 'I I III " .r. ~ I! I II . , . An.CMIItNT .,. . IODK 001 PA~l 24 Agenda Item No. 7B December 2. 2008 Page 78 of 104 H . " JI -, - . uu ~.... . , .. " Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 79 of 104 , ~ ~ L"" ~ I -. ~~~~~.~'!!-" LIJ ::::t ~=.-::.Y~-:::~.J~S'I-i .J .-. --~~.. Ni I'-:'~~~~I~ N I~~ ._Yo [' -.:r.=:-=--~.&:.~' .~~: ...... .,._ c 0 U N T Y : .&:'_..c=.-=--:e=" :.eo:"!--'- ~ - j4': _~~~;'7:,f~~. _--:..._______ _ -:.:--i-~~A--'r.-.:;,i ...~. .. ,_.' . -~ .:~~~~~ . \.. -~ C'04 N'T v,;::-"~ ~'=_.~'---- ._~ ~ _ l:r _'.': ::.&:. . _.oT~" :-.t""... -&., .' I . .l.=.!.'~'.-':u1'~"'?-i.t,-~~_/" . ._-_-:..-~..- =..;:~~-."'~:':I ;..1\ _ =;t7::.~:r~~_.ij.:r;--~~" 'r' I ~-, '"T'~. ..' ..,-- .. I " I II 1:' ....." "'?-:..,,'..... ;~-~! i#~ , , ' I' :=:':Z"':;l .~. ~.__. , . : i +,~r-\)c.:l~)?\1 . '; L' .. ~ ~v ~. i ""i:";l :.:::;;/ -....g : ... ..- '-. ., "'_._' LEE I ~ R -+- -- ':' ~:,;" ". , ---;-., ~':! .~, . .. . .. ....~ ':,~:;?: (") Y' Q l . .. - . . .... ,. .j- :'"r." ~.: C'l AlTACIIMENT"l" ~ c:. LOCATION MAP IMMOKALEE ROAD CENTER PUD -+- lOOK 06h~[ 25 . . . Agenda Item No. 78 December 2, 2008 Page 80 of 104 ". or n.ORIDA I. DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts ln an~ for the Twent1eth Ju~1clal Clrcu1t, Col11er County, Florl~a. do hereby cert1fy that the foregoing Is . true copy of: Or~lnance No. 93-26 wh1ch wee a~opte~ by the Boar~ at County Commlssloners on the 26th day of Mey. 1993, ~urlng Regular Sesslon. WITNESS my hand en~ the ottlclal Beal at the Board at County Co.-leelonerB at Colller County, Florida, thls 3rd day ot June, 1993. . DWIGHT I!. BROCK ..\.,:\iJ~.' "~'. Clerk ot Courts end Cle~Ii:' ..... ", Ex-off1clo to Board of:, '.'" ..' County Comm1..1oners .,. ..~ ~/Maureen Ken n .:~,) " fy: /s Deputy Clerk -'." .1 '1'1',\. .. i. >>OOK 061 mt 26 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Agenda Item No. 7B D~'C:q~~':."" A, 2008 Page 81 of 104 .." EXHIBIT H LOCATION MAP -, AERIAL OVERLAY - LOCATION MAP IMMOKALEE ROAD CENTER PUD MASTER PLAN PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfemandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com PDI PN.' 08.01001 ... OCTOBER 2008 co"'''' _00 '-o~ ONe ZNN .~'" "'"' co'" ",E", "0"'0.. c:'"' C1lC1l ",0 <( ~ ~ sa z,-, f>;1 Oz ( ~~ < r:::<=> " ...,., < -- "'5 ~ "'", E . ~ tl@ ~o z ~~ >z .. ~i5 ~.... '" . ..- - -luri:.... I ....s;':'" 1!!f""~ ~,,-- ... r " . .. . u <=> !.' 0 "is. ~ 8" ~-o .l:l i3 ~ '" UM I ",'" t !;II) ~ ci i.S 0:: Z 41 g tl u UN~g J:l _ <'l:l n:l ~n~ ~u.@ 0 L I ~ :: ~;: 8 :t;po~ 1i~~~ f t j:C; 4)::G CIIl"Cc;jt-- ~ g ~ .. 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Recorded In Public Records OR 3553 PG 1763 and 1765) PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Engineen, Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.698] E: mfemandez@planoingdevelopmentinc.com PD/ PN: 08.01001 OCTOBER 2008 a:>"'''' 1'--00 o~ "--\ N ...... _0 NU") -Ci3co $"cQ) -E'" "'w'" "0 "n. c w 1l,o <C LII:'Ddi~1 Iliil i 111 i1!p'l I ,I I Iii if.! :mi1i I III ill 11 ~ ~!.. i.'li:', j' i I ~ ~ I !,'I 3 II MO,". D'h . I r. .1 ~.. ~~!: ,111.,1111 f i1,t ~ G 'II I IE/I" ... i 19 ~I~ l'~li~ I IHI ~~I'I!llil a m IiI .:1,." . :. i' = I' I ~ ~.lli: I~M I !lil~ jili !II".".'I. IPJ1"III'1 ,III hi J! II " "I 111ft 1.1;. .. "" .:J .. . .. I I I I I , l________ I . , I ! l. I H' ~ I ,'; I " L .... '.... .h .,0 , ":1J 'iJ J-'SI'~"'1 I" III i II; II 1.1,1 'I ' ~I d;J I II,!, 111'1 ~ I " 1.1 ll!lj~~ :!I!ll ~l! 'II! Ii 1'1 H, lid 1II'g ~ I! IHI il~~!'~R!! III i~! 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I J 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD SIGN VARIANCE PETITION SV -2008-AR-13395 Agenda Item No. 7B geBtlR'lESr d, A008 Page 87 of 104 EXHIBIT K SITE PLAN ~ Revised Date: July 7, 2008 At PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants. Engineers. Planners and Landscape Architects Certificate of Authorization Number: 8450 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 T: 239.263.6934 F: 239.263.6981 E: mfemandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com PDI PN: 08.01001 OCTOBER 2008 co"'" ....00 o~ .~ .., -EO> "'.,'" -0 "Cl c ., 8,0 <l: . . ffi !~ 15;;;::1 :&Z ,c Clg~ llft lil W 0~1=~ lI;~!a~ f.d'illl .. "W z" a:~ lI;!1! :rIll "'.. "w z!;: I=w !au lI'i ~ ~ ~ lI! ~ i -- --==:''''=-'- -::IIIJVI.I'I" - ...- .- -- 1IrDC.........""..._...01JII8r.J1lm -..--- .. ---..- ~Di'l'C8IM'II_1UfmIKD1IIIiIIoG1MI:I ClitWlOdllO:JNl_73A3ll ONJNNY1J & .- m .mmrD MtmlOIS .r.uB -- ~.""'W aIII' -..__ - M.tUI..IIN.anu ,.._....n'.III._ lJl .... 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B' ..c '+-< o ""'-<COOO"'d" ~8~ .-,..jN........ .0 NO") ~Q;Q) .......0 Q) mEg> -oQ)a. ,," Q)Q) ",0 <( , -'9 .,.... b .. ~ N ~ 01 .e ~ "" " r- 0 ... r- M 00 ! N M N 0 <l) 'd "' 00 ~ 0 0 j N lJ .~ ~ ~ 0 U ~ " B " 0 S 0 '-' ... <l) "' '" ... D [;i .~ - - 0 '-' "' [;i S - - j \\ ,. /'1 " I ! . ~r.._,Jrr;:_ _ n ,,[ _1liJl_:,[f~ "" ~.r ", ~_ .~ .,':......, '. ~F":_l .....,.,... ",,--~ ,~"'. Agenda Item NO"'1!j3 December 2, 20CTS Page 94 of 104 ., . tio~~ 't/Id&, 5t;N J :.j ~" .. ~''- ,-~ .:,~~::~:- ;;:.; . '.~' 'r . "i_'~1;1~::~'~~ ~\;::::' ,~;~~t:'~;.: J,.f" "';J'~iW ~~.>:',::~;:~;:~~';;! "" ~:,:;.. '.. ~ . ~ ......-~. .. ~ vtL4N 61GN la:RIlIN I . ~V~ Plwe~ ~ff:"- .... ~ .... '~~'-'". <-'.~ . " I "'- ~o:,~~. ""'I' '~ ---'.. . . .\? ,~' 1\\ . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 200S Page 96 of 104 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Case No.: 04-3587-CA Petitioner, Parcel No.: 136 ,.'", '-"' ;:: - ,,,, -;;J .. -: n"" (~-:. f....) SI'.. r--:' :- vs. -> '.'"3. .- l"""l '.". ~\ "'" .t. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAPLES, et a!., \ .... M. -'-'OU \ riled in Co GAS rnputer -~ Respondents. / -~~ STIPU~~" ~~~GMENT /C}1 0 PARCEL 1 :/ ~\ THIS CAUSE havini/cot= w~ the Cuw<i\lpon ~nt ttotion made by Petitioner, COLLIER COUNTY, FL01ID~' Y ~o n i~.ed counsel, and Respondent, r \' \ 1""'J IMMOKALEE ROAD, INC. ~'an ro e cfJ.'el' for entry of a Stipulated . %...~.. Final Judgment as 10 Parcel 13 . It appeanng to t W.. the partIes are authOrIzed to r . make such motion, the Court findi r*a ~ . i~"t6be paid by Petitioner, COLLIER HI: C1"R/ COUNTY, FLORIDA, is the full compens""ii~pondent, IMMOKALEE ROAD, INC., and the Court being otherwise fully advised in the premises thereof, it is thereupon, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Respondent, lMMOKALEE ROAD. INC have and recover from Petitioner, COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. the sum of One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred Dollars and No/I00 ($113,600.00) for Parcel 136 as full payment for the property interests taken and for damages resulting to the remainder. if less than the entire property was taken, business damages. and for all other damages in connection with said parcel; it is further ~ - ~ ~ ., ~ ~ 0 ~ "" ~ - -- - n _0 ~- _ C> -- ~ C> ~- ~ ~):J - c...n ~~t-' ...;; ..a::a C> t-' "!': e -.J ~~ c:::> - ~ :.:!;: CJI ~- ::It:SI c;:-. '" " ....~ c....> ~~-.. "" c -" o "" ~~~ n:::: Cl It- _ .- - .. - -,,<=> goo ~U'1 ." 0-- " ... ~ - - " o::l - ~ - C> C> . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 200S Page 97 of 104 ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court shall forthwith, pay to the Tax Collector of Collier County, the amoun1 of pro-rated taxes due on the above-referenced parcel, if any, and upon payment this suit shall stand dismissed as to the Tax Collector of Collier County. as to Parcel 136; and it is further ORDERED that Respondent, IMMOKALEE ROAD, INC., receive from Petitioner, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as attorney's fee the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollan and No/100 (51,500.00), it is further ORDERED that except as provided herein no other costs should be awarded In connection with the above_caus~e ofacti~~el No. 136; it is further ORDERED that disbursem (;ujUl moun j:ndred Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred Dollars and No/lO ($)1~. as to Parcel 36, ess any amount paid to the Collier County Tax Collector as .~~ er order of this Court; and it is further. n \Y~ f- J ..... ~/ ORDERED that Petiti \~OLLIER COUN F~O~/. shall pay the total amount of One Thousand Five Hundre ~ and NollOO (~~~l- 0) to the PAULICH, SLACK & ~Y;::~0'\.-: J r:l."R C ~ ~.Jr., Esq., PAULICH, SLACK & WOLFF, C> ::0 '-"> c;r. ex> CJ'I ...., <:"ll SOl Anchor Road Dr., Ste. 20S, Naples, FL 34103, for attorney's fees; it is further ORDERED that title to Parcel 136, a Perpetual. Non-Exclusive Road Right of Way, c::> ex> CJ'I --:J Drainage & Utility Easement. being fully described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. which vested in Petitioner, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. pursuant to the Stipulated Order of Taking dated December 17, 2004, and the deposit of money heretofore made, is approved, ratified, and confirmed; it is further 2 . . Agenda Item No. 76 December 2, 2008 Page 98 of 104 ORDERED that the Notice of Lis Pendens filed in this action and recorded in Official Record Book 3610, Page 1019, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida be dismissed as to Parcel 136; it is further ORDERED that this Stipulated Final Judgment is 10 be recorded in the Official Records of Collier Counly, Florida: it is therefore DONE A~ O~ERED in Chambers at Naples, Collier County, Florida this ;2.~y ,,/\-J>'\/ ,2004. of 0'>' 0'> \\1'\ ~ _ Ted Brousseau //\f'R CO(j~CUIT COURT JUDGE Conformed Copies: /O;\)~:;:._---<.-.....J\;>'0. /( ,/ ^,' J~\ / v / , v'Heidi F. Ashton, Esq. / ,< ' ./Frank X. Kowalski, Jr., Esq. / / ~~\ \ \ vKevi.n He~dricks, Acquisition r gr(CC, ([o\\!f~~. \ ~ervlce LIst , I ) I "'Bookkeeping \ ("'i \\ ) f- "'50,...,.,., /-r a..<,. l.L-tt< e.!-of ,r ' ' ,?:: JOINT MOTH5 FOR STIPULAT F~Ni' DGMENT V;.(\AS TO PARCEL 1'J(! 1('-';/ . '\.rr:~",/ The parties hereby stiPulat~~ ' "" ~~(this Court to enter the foregoing ~;:/"" Stipulated Final Judgment as to Parcel 136. - o :oa c....> O"'l co <...n ....., c:-, 1!&'/DLf ~/?~ FRANK X. KOW ALKSI, JR., ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 1891 ] 4 PAULICH. SLACK & WOLFF 80] Anchor Road Dr., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34103 (239) 261 -0554 - Telephone (239) 261 -0554 - Facsimile ATTORNEY FOR RESPONDENT Dated: Dated: -uJ ,S;JD~i il~(L1. I ^--- HEIDI F. ASHTON, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 966770 COLLIER COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Hannon Turner Building 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34\ ] 2 (239) 774-8400 - Telephone (239) 774-0225 - Facsimile ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER c::> co <...n co 3 , , SERVICE LIST Collier County v. First National Bank of Naples, et al. . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 200S Page 99 of 104 PARCEL 136 AAdvisor Realty, Inc. c/o Kevin Fischer, Registered Agent 150 Weber Blvd. North Naples, FL 34120 Nonna Maria, Inc. d/b/a Nonna Maria c/o Edison Villarraga, Registered Agent 6110 24th Avenue NW Naples, FL 34110 Flamboyant, Inc. c/o Registered Agent Fowler White Boggs Banker P.A. 5811 Pelican Bay Blvd., Suite 600 Naples, FL 34108 L'lmage, Inc. d/b/a L'Image - The Salon clo Sandra Darling, Regislered Agent 2860 Citrus Lake Drive, R202 Naples, FL 34109 Oliver & Associates, P.L. d/b/a Uptown Pet Hospital c/o Dr. Fitzgerald Oliver, Registered Agent 4075 Pine Ridge Road, Unit 14 Naples, FL 34119 MT Golf, L.L.c. d/b/a A!t's Gol c/o Todd Sampson, Registered 2700 Immokalee Road. Bldg. 20 Naples, FL 34110 Picture Warehouse, Inc. c/o Stephen L. Palinchak, Registered Agent 15495 Tamiami Trail, N., #121 \f,R C ~L3411O :v\~ 1\1 ~ s Spect ctronics, L.L.C. dlb/a Spe ialt Electronics em ana va~atla, Registered Agent \ ke rive 3 10 r-. es si ~ {t';, ,U~to rber Shop ,-pL 27 J , e Road, Suite II :, r., Naple, L ;04110 Alfs Golf Shop, Inc. -)p I' , ('-(~:/ c/o Alfonso Martinez, Registered Agent ~~town General & Aesthetic Dentistry. P.A. 15369 S. Dixie Highway c/o Armando L. Pino, Registered Agent Miami, FL 33157 2700 Immokalee Road, Suite 5 Naples, FL 34110 C> ::a Larry's of Bonita. L.L.c. dlb/a pelic c/o Patty Walbert. Registered Age 2700 Immokalee Road. Unit 13 Naples, FL 34110 c....> a-. ex> <..n ..." en Murnane-Fortune. L.L.c. dlb/a Tie the Knot Bridal Couture Collections c/o Cohen & Grigsby, P.c., Registered Agent 27200 Riverview Center Blvd., Suite 309 Naples, FL 34134 Wilrock, L.L.C. dIb/a Jason's Deli c/o Scott D. Willis, Registered Agent 14009 Shimmering Lake Court Fort Myers. FL 33907 c::> ex> <..n '-D Naples Spa & Tan. Inc. c/o Quinones A. Jorge, Jr., Registered Agent 180 11th Street SW Naples. FL 34117 World of Rugs, Inc. c/o Joseph Hackler, Registered Agent 10915 SE Pine Grove Street Tequesta, FL 33469 I . SERVICE LIST Collier County v. First National Bank of Naples, et al. . . Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 200S Page 100 of 104 . ..', . Metro PCS. Inc. Capitol Corporate Services. Inc., Reg. Agent 1333 North Duval Street Tallahassee, FL 32303 Causeway Lumber Company, Inc. c/o Scott M, Whidden, Registered Agent 2601 S. Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Club Zero 2650 Immokalee Road. Bldg. 300, Suite 3 Naples, FL 34109 NCR/West Coast Insulation 3218 Marion Street Fort Myers, FL 33916 Baskins Dunkin 2650 lmmokalee Road., Bldg. 300, Suite 1 Naples, FL 34109 Home Building Services, Inc. 8] 00 C edar Tree Lane Naples, FL 34116 USA Dry Cleaners Phoenix Associates of South Florida. Inc. 2650 Immokalee Road. Bldg. 200C. Suite 26 1786 Trade Center Way #2 Naples. FL 34109 /'/\€R CeJ~(L 34109 / ;\;\,>.----.....-... IV -;''', European Recliners. Inc. /rq>/ Lee De$1p+LC c/o Charles W. Brooks. Regislered,Agetrt'~ 3300 PaI'"l;, A~nue 501 N. Orlando Avenue, Suite 13,\1 I 'h..::::'--Ni't\Myers\;L\33901 Winter Park, FL 32789 (frr:J(7\'\ \ ~ \ GTNails [!t r~illJ la s T:~ll i Trail #200 2650 lmmokalee Road, Bldg. 20~. ~ 0 Pl.e , ~ Naples, FL341 09 \'-(r\ ", / :;) ::f~\ GEi,~ ItaLEtanchise Finance Corporation E. T. Karale \i r""- 17207 ...~A'crimeter Drive 2650 Immokalee Road, Bldg. 200A, SUlt:.0'~~9te(AZ 85225 Naples, FL 341 09 "'<~S>/ ...... tropic Interiors Blueskies Everyday L.L.C. 2650 lmmokalee Road d/b/a CiCi's Pizza Bldg. 200C, Suite 24 c/o Paul Blackman, Registered Agent Naples, FL 34109 2700 lmmokalee Road Naples. FL 34110 ~ :x:s ....., 0"\ co <..n """ Q c::> co 0"\ c::> J & S Corporation of Marco d/b/a Summer Day Low Carb Superstore c/o Sarah Asbell, Regislered Agent 419 Nassau Court Marco Island. FL 34145 Collier County Tax Collector clo E. Glenn Tucker. Esquire RHODES TUCKER & GARRETSON P. O. Box 887 Marco Island. FL 34146 First Integrity Bank NA \ \ \ NE 410 Street Staples MN 56479 2 . . . EXHIBIT A /..2- HM HOLE MONlCS EJ<<IBIE.l'UIIBS'UfttltflS II5lIElanWty. .....R!IdIk)411&.PIJIIlI:23I.254JOll(l.far23i..254.2l1l1 100 TiM PROmer 12??oo67 711613 REF. DWG. ftB-42fi9 PARCEL NO. n6 PERI'e'T1JAl,. NOII-l!XCW8IIIE ROAD RIGHT-OF_V, PAAlNAGE ANllllT11JlY EAIlEMeNT Ll!OAL DI!SCRIP11ON ....- APARCJ!L OPLAND LOCATED IN THE NOR'l1lWIlST QUARTER OP SBCfION 25, TOWl:!SHJJ> 48 SOtn"H, RANGI!25llAST. COUJBR ""'!"'TI'. PLORlDA. BBlNO MORE PART! f{:'~LLOWS: COMMI!NCBATTllBNORTIIWl!ST CORNl!ROPSBCTION25. T ~~ COUJllll COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE SAME BBlNO APOlNT Y R101IT -OJ'. lMMOIW.lll! WAD; TIlI!NCB RUN N."')4'1lO"Ii.. ALONO UNB OF TIlE NOR QUARTBR OF SAID SBCTION 25 AND ALONO nm NOR Y OIIT -QP-W AY LINE OF lMMO ROAD. FOR A DISTANCB OP 662.07 PIlKT TO TIlE NOR OF OP TIlE NOJ\THWEST Ql:lAR'JllR OF THE NORTHWI!ST QUAR 25;, S.OI"'" ALONO THE WEST LINE OP nm BASTHALP OF THE QUARTER OP SAlDSBCTION 25, PORA DISTANCB BOUNDARY OF A 50.00 POOTRIOIIT-OJ'.WAY EAS THEPUBUCRECORDS OPCOLLlllRCOUNTY,FLO A; OP LAND IIEllEIN DESCRIBED; TIlENCE RUN N.8"14 Q!I"J. sourRERLY IUOIIT-OP.WAY EASBMENl'. FOR A D PORADISTANCBOP LS'ooFEET:THENCBRUN S.89'1 . RUNN.Ol..)4.3....'W. FORA DISTANCEOP S.OOPEET; FEET TO A MOO ON TIlE WEST UNa OF THE l!AS1' NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SBCTION 25; nmNCB THE l!AST HALF OF TIlE NOJ\TllWBST QUAR'JllR OF THE pOR A DlST ANCB OF 10.00 FEET TO TIIB OR LESS. B1lARINDS IU!I'J!I, TO TIIB NORTII LINl! OPTIlBNORTIIWl!ST QUAR'll!R OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHlP 4' SOUJ:ll, RANlll!25 l!AST, COU.ll!R COUNTY, FLORIDA. AS BHlNQ N."'14'00"l!. IIOU!~, INC. Cl!RTlPicATIIlIIOF AtmlORl7.lJlONLB *1772 ,:. ... . BY '~"#k;' '.: , ':TlmMAS~ .. ,.. - . . ~;;"'~:_' ~~'-. "/"l;'~;' ';.~.; .-. ~. F.S.M. #5628 STATEOFPLORIDA 'n . ...-....' ...':' ~. !.' . ':;.:~ FOUO NO.m\\.H.I'C(:.Q;). ..- - l~'. Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 200S Page 101 of 104 c:> :x:s u.> a-. 00 ...... ~ G':l c::> 00 a-. ~ Ill"'''' ",00 o~ ON_ Z .0 NN E~o '" "'~ _.0 -E'" "'",'" "u'" c ",a. gj,O <( . I ' w. tVJ:J<.H1'6'JIoD'ON OIlQ.:U-T--------_ U r--' . I, ZoOoO I' I~N~a~ I I III to In vi 0 I I I is to....... I J I , I I i I I : ~---t------ I I, , , , , , 'I i I.. b'I~11 ) F-Sj ~ , I ! ~ I L_j",- L2 _______ l:;oOQooJ,SOllo<J'ON P110~ ! -~. I. ,<\) ~@!:i1,:", I /:\,/~ ! ~r~.J') i , ""1 ." ,=_, -y~, /1~/'/' . I ~ '\. ~ I /~/ l ~dJ\)~ ~---~I i~(~I\ rC~t\\1 \ il \ \\' 'I ~ I '4; \ '1/. \ \ lj ~ I, ~ \\ 1 IJ .;"'0.. I ~J / :- - --;,,; "'<'jF"~' . / i . '''<c~o,) RI'a~r I ~ -----+- ~ I 1;; , ,'" , , I "?'<.I i "'~'\Id . , I I L___ \ ! , I I:; i I' " '01~' , 100.0' ~ . ~ : I '!. ,. . ~ ':! ,: \ .i I ~ II ~~ iI ! 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Ii . ~s u iil ~ tJ 10.0' I L4 0.1 .~ S gi!j .... lH3Y13SV3 AlIlun ON\( 30\IN1VlIO 'A_.tO-J.H!)I~ ~ 3MlO10X3-NON "1Ifn.Lid~... -;?Pz II f lJS1100I ior Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 2008 Page 103 of 104 RESOLUTION NO. 08 -_ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER SV-2008-AR-13395, DENYING A VARIANCE FROM SUBSECTION 5.06.04.C.I. OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, CONCERNING THE DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS LOCATED AT 2600 IMMOKALEE ROAD, IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the POWel" to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as axe necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pwsuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (lDC) (Ordinance No. 04-41, as amended) which establishes regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of variances; and WHEREAS, Petitioner, Immokalee-Wood LLC, owns and operates the property located at 2600 Immokalee Road, Naples, Florida and seeks to alter the signage on the property to allow east-bound passengers the opportunity to see a sign for the property prior to passing it by; and WHEREAS, Petitionel" requests a variance from Subsection 5.06.04.C.l of the LDC which requires a minimum separation of 1,000 feet between signs, to allow a sign with a separation distance of 276 % feet from another sign located within the Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals (Board) has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by the Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Board has held a public hearing with due notice made, and all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in public meeting assembled, and the Board having considered the advisability of granting this variance and all matters presented. Page 1 of2 Agenda Item No. 7B December 2, 200S Page 104 of 104 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that for the reasons set forth in the record, the Board hereby denies the variance from Subsection 5.06.04.C.1. of the LDC as requested in Petition SV- 2008-AR-13395, filed by Michael R. Fernandez of Planning Development, Inc., on behalf of the Petitioner, Immokalee-Wood ILC, concerning the subject property located at 2600 Immokalee Road, Naples, Collier County, Florida, one parcel east of the intersection of Airport-Pulling Road and Immokalee Road on the south side of Immokalee Road and more particularly described as: Condominium Unit No.2, of UPTOWN CENTER, A COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condominium, thereof; as recorded in Official Records Book 3553, Page 1741, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, all being located within Section 25, Township 48 South, and Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution denying Petition Number SV-2008- AR-13395 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote this _ day of ,2008. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK., CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLffiR COUNTY FLORIDA By: , Deputy Clerk By: TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Steven T. Williams Assistant COIDlty Attorney .s'T'"c..J 08.cJ'S.00862116 11-20-08 STW Dcrnal Page 2 of2