BCC Minutes 05/03/1978 S L__.. . I hd_j L--.J Naples, Florida, May 3, 1978 LET IT DE REMEMBERED, that the Chairman having issued the call and the Clerk having given due notice as prescribed by Ordinance No. 75-16, the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collior mot in SPECIAL OESSION on thi. date at 2105 P.M. with the following members present: , CHAIRMAN: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor Thomas P. Archer David C. Brown ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer 1 Donald A. Pickworth, County AttorneYI and Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk. Chairman Wimer explained that the purpose of the Special Meet- ing is to conduct a final interview with County Manager Designee Dean D. Hunter, Jr. and to discuss the proposed Employment Agreement between Collier County and Mr. Hunter. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND DEAN D. HUNTER, JR., COUNTY MANAGER DESIGNEE - APPROVED, AS REVISED, TO BE EXECUTED UPON VERBAL ACCEPTANCE OF SAME BY MR. HUNTER County Attorney Donald Pickworth reviewed each section of the above-referenced Agreement, prefacing his remarks by noting that a determination must be made regarding whether or not the position in question is to be designated "County Manager" or "County Administrator", following which the Agreement will be changed to reflect such decision for consistency in the Agreement and in the proposed ordinance estab- lishing th~ duti~R ~nd r~RponRibilities of said position. Sections 1, 2 and 3 were read by Mr. Pickworth and there were no objections voiced. Concerning Section 4 - Salary - Chairman Wimer observed that Mr. Hunter has indicated that the satisfactory base salary is $38,500 annually with an additicnal 9' representing fringe benefits, retirement, and the like, if acceptable to the Board. Mr. Hunter expressed his agreement with the Chairman. aOOK 04'1 'ACE 582 aoo~ 041 rACE 583 May 3, 1978 It was moved by r.ommissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Mr. Hunter be offered a base salary of $38,500 annually. Hr. Pickworth pointed out that during the discussions regarding compensation that Mr. Hunter desires compensation of $38,500 plus 10% deferred compensation contribution 1 however, if it is figured on the basis of 9\ contribution, which is equivalent to the current con- tribution rate to State retirement, the base salary will be approxi- mately $38,885 annually. Chairman Wimer stated that his preference is to keep the deferred compensation at 9' for consistency. Mr. Pick- worth explained that the base salary can be readjusted to the higher figure to cover the 1% lower contribution rate thereby equaling the proposed $38,500 base salary plus lOt retirement contribution. Mr. Hunter concurred with Commissioner Archer's statement that it is his understanding that the deferred compensation of 9' is to be paid to the association Mr. Hunter has participated in for a number of years rather than to the State. Commissioner Archer amended his motion to move that Mr. Hunter be offeree a base salary of $38,885 plus 9' deferred compensation. The amended motion was agreed to by the seconder of the motion and Chair- man Wimer directed that the records reflect the amended motion. Regarding Section 5 - Automobile - ~lr. Pickworth responded to Commissioner Archer that the provision regarding the use of a County vehicle is the same as that which existed previously with the wording t6 be added "from the County fleet". Mr. Pickworth read Sections 6, 7, 8 and 9 with no objections or , ' comments forthcoming. Section 10 - Retirement - is covered under Section 4, said Hr. Pickworth, and therefore is deleted from the Agreement; also, reference to retirement and pension system contribu- tions as contained in Section II - Paragraph B. l__~ _.1 L__qJ May 3, 1978 When asked to comment, Commissioner Pistor stated that, as long as the aforementioned proposed ordinance regarding the position, when adopted, is attached to the Employment Agreement, in his opinion, the Agreement covers all of the legal aspects required for the position and moved that the Board approve the contract with the necessary changes and/or additions suggested during the discussion. The motion died for lack of a uecond. The subject ordinance was briefly discussed with Mr. Hunter re- sponding affirmatively to Chairman Wimer's suggestion that he (Mr. Hunter) would be more "comfortable" if the ordinance is attached as part of the Employment Agreement. Commissioner Archer noted that there could be some changes made in the ordinance following the public hear- ing on same to be held May 9, 1978. Commissioner Pistor stated that it is the hope of the Board that Mr. Hunter's deciRion will be known prior to the public hearing with Mr. Hunter replying that he could consider the matter and give the Board a verbal answer prior to the public hearing date, following which the signed Agreement could be forwarded to him for his signature, with the ordinance attached. Referring to Paragraph D, Section l2 of the drafted Agreement, Mr. Pickworth noted that an effective date for the employee to com- mence his duties has yet to be established. Mr. Hunter stated that he will provide this information when he telephones his decision, add- ing that he would determine how close to thirty days could be arranged. Chairman Wimer observed that the general intent of the Board is that th. effective date will be thirty days following acceptance of the Board's offer, if possible. Commissioner Pistor moved, that Dean D. Hunter, Jr. be offered employment as County Administrator, or County Manager, according to the terms of the revised rough draft of the Employment Agreement. Com- missioner Archer seconded the motion which carried 4/0 with Commis- sioner Wenzel absent. 800K 041 'ACE 584 BOOK 041 r,m 585 May J, 1978 When asked for comments by Chairman Wimer, Mr. Hunter replied that all of the questions he had have been taken care of. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." There being no further business for the good of the County, the Special Meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 2:20 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK , .~ffJ;t:o?b; . + r---t C J .. ( ~-'t' n ~ - - - -' . .- ''"' ~ ". .... , 'I .', ,\ ,~ I ~ " ~ " f\-' ,. .- .' ,