BCC Minutes 05/02/1978 R t__! L__' t_.J Naples, Florida, May 2, 1978 '\ LET IT BE REMEMEPED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing .~ Doard(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Build~ng "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-CHAIID'~N: John A. Pistor Thomas P. Archer David C. Brown Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Carol Russell, Deputy Clerk, Donald A. PiCkworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development; Carl Clemmer, Zon- ing Director; Clifford Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer (9:45 A.M.); Sheriff's Department. Doh Dunnivan, Traffic Engineer; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, AGENDA AM I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 18, 1978 rVA. PRESENTATION OF SERVICE CERTIFICATE V. '. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEA~ A. Proposed Animal Control Ordinance (Pickworth). VI. OLD BUSINESS Pg 7-22 VII. STAFF REPORT A. Authorization to Advertise 1. Proposed No-Smoking Ordinance (5/23/78). 2. Formation of Cocohatchee Street Road Improvement District (5/23/78). ~ . " : ,t- ICOK 041 fA&( 52B ',. L. I___.j I__J ~.' May 2, 1978 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS/DELETIONS Commissioner Wenzel stated that he wished to add two items, one fOllowing Item IV-A and one in the Staff Report. Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett added discussion on Group In- surance under Item XIII; Items for Discussion and Possible Aclion. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Arch~r and I carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the above additions and with the fOllowing Additions/Deletions: ADDITIONS ~~D DELETIONS May 2. 1978 ADD IT IO:-lS IV. APPROVAL OF ~IINUTES: April 11. 1978 VI. OLD BUSINESS , A. Petition OSP-78-1-C by Douglas Rondeau requesting off streot parking on the ESO' of tho W200' and the E140' of the W500' of XI/2 of Lot 82, NICLP and the E50' of the W400' of the SI/2 of Lot 82, NICLF located behind Moorings Carpet & Tile on the North Trail-- deferred from April 25, 1978 (Pickworth). B. Petitjon COP-78-I-C by Douglas Rondeau requesting alcoholic beverage zoning approval for the E160' of W360' of NI/2 of Lot 82. NICLF located behind Moorings Carpet Q Tile on the North Trai1--doferred from April 25, 1978 (Pickworth). VII. STAFF REPORT A. Authorization to Advertise B. Formation of Cocohatchee Street Road Improvement District--rcquest date for public hearing b.e changed to 6/6/78. L. Acceptance of Deed frow the City of Naples for Bayview Park (Berzon). XIII. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION fu~D POSSIBLE ACTION n. Discussion of Mosquito Control for Immoka1ee Area. MINUTES OF APRIL 11 AND 18, 1978 - APPROVED Commissioner Pia tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried, that the Minutes of April II and l8, 1978 be approved as recorded. /k ~ ,I! aoor 041 fACf S30' 600K 041 rAGt53f I' ~~ .. , . May 2, 1978 FIVE YEAR SE~VICE CER~IFICATE PRESENTED TO JEFFERY PERRY A rive year service certificate was presented to Jeffery L. Perry by Chairman Nimer. Chairman Wimer commended Mr. Perry for his five years of continuous service to Collier County. PROCLAMATION 78-68 RECOGNIZING PREVENT-A-CARE WEEK BEGINNING MAY 5, 1978 - ADOPTED Commissionor Wenzel related that he had received a call asking the Doard to adopt the resolution that has been adopted in the past recognizing Prevent-A-Care Week beginning Friday, May 5, 1978. The Health Exposition will be held at Coast1and Mall at Noon, May 5, 1978, he explained. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried/to draft and adopt a proclamation recognizing Prevent-A-Care Week. .. .. .. .. .. . \ , . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ;OOK 041,ACE533 . . May 2, 1978 ,ORDIN^NCE 7R-l6 RE A~IM^L CONTROL - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ^pril 13, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider a proposed ordinanco re animal control. Mr. Gone Staudenmaier, Animal Control Officer, camQ forward to answer any questions from the Board and the public. Commissioner Brown expressed the need for a neutering program in the County and recommended that a portion of the license fee be used for such a program. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, to earmark $l of the $3 license foe to be used for a neutering program. Motion carried 4/1 with Commissioner Archer dissenting. Commissioner Pistor related that certain persons have stated that they will not obtain a license as their dog or cat nover leaves tho home or is never off a leash when walking. This was discussed with Mr. Staudenmaier regarding the portion of the ordinance which states that the animal control officer may go on private property and sieze animals. Mr. Staudenmaier explained that there were pro- tections by the Courts that will not allow these officers to go indiscriminately on property and pick up animals. l-Ir. Ralph W. Yokum spoke in favor of the ordinance. Mr. Mike Zewalk also spoke in favor of the ordinance, however, he recommended an amendment to the oroinance wherein it states that those over 65 years of age are exempt from obtaining the license. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the 65 year old exemption on Page 13, Item C, Paragraph 2, be eliminated. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously to delete the phrase, "and persons more than 65 years of age". There being no oth~r persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously. L I _____...l .. _..__ J May 2, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved that the Ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted with the two amendments listed below and PlItered in Ordinance Book No.8. a. $1 of $3 license fee earmarked for program to neuter animals b. Persons over 65 years of age not be exempted from licensing animals . , I . Motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/l ~ith Commissioner Archer dissenting. o It!) 1:, ,\',cr. ~:O. -Z.!-.!b AN ORDINANCE 1'ItOVIDJ.NG FO:t 'filE 1.1CEtlSI::C; MiD nA3mS VACCINATION OF DOGS AND C!.'fS; P?OVIDli:C; }-'Qj{ THE RABIES VACCINATION OF OTJiER ANU1.\LS; DEFI:-:Ii-:G T!iI~. powms AND DUTIES OF TilE :INIl1AL REGUL"TlO~1 OFFICBR' DEnNING TIlE POHERS AND DUTIES OF 'THE Hr.:\L'TH OFfICEr... PROVIDING FOR 'fllf:: DUTIES OF ANI~:"l,L o:.n':ERS; l'ROilllH- ' TING INTERFERENCE HITII THE ANUL-\.L REGULA'rIO:-: OFFICI-:R; PROHIBITING INllUHANJ:: 'l'REA'i'HENT OF I,NU~\LS; PROVIDING FOR QUARANTINE OF ANHIALS; REGULATIl\G KEi.:m:J.s. PI-:-r SHOPS AND ANIl-lAL EXIlIIHTORS; PROVIDING FOR IHPOUND- }lENT. ADOPTION. AND REDE;.lPTION OF ANnIALS; REGULA- TING ANIHALS HUNNING AT L!,RGE. VICIOUS J..~aHALS. PSITTACINE BIRDS. AND NUISANCES; PROVIDH:G Foa CONSTRUCTION. PURPOSE. CO~1!"I.ICT. SEVERANCE. RE- PEAL OF ORDINANCE 1/~-'~9. PENALTIES. AND EFFECTIVE . DATE.. . PETITION OSP-7B-l-C BY DOUGLAS RONDEAU - SEE ACTION TAKEN LATER IN TilE MEETING After some discussion, it was determined that there was a mis- understanding as to whether the Board had requested that the Creech Road access be eliminated. Also, a method of providing circulation between the two parking lots was needed. Therefore, Chairman Wimer requested that the petitioner discuss this with Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development~ Bob Dunnivan, Traffic Director; Clifford Barksdalo, Assistant County Engineer; and Steve Fairley, an associate of Mr. Rondeau's. Chairman Wimer asked that this item &OOK 041 rACf 531 l\ ',., ~OOK 041 r.\cESaS May 2, 1978 be continued until later in the meeting while the discussion was being held. After a short recess, the Board continued on with the agenda. * * * * * * * . . . . . . . RECESS: 10:06 A.M. to lOll? A.M. . * * * * * * . . . . . . * PETITION COP-78-l-C BY DOUGLAS RONDEAU - SEE ACTION TAKEN LATER IN TilE MEETING As there was a misunderstanding regarding the previous item, Chairman Wimer asked that this companion item be deferred until later in the meeting. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE PROPOSED NO-SMOKING ORDINANCE ON MAY 23, 1978 AND THE FORMATION OF THE COCOHATCHEE STREET ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ON JUNE 6, 1978 - APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, to authorize the advertising of the proposed No-Smoking Ordinance on May 23, 1978 and the formation of the Cocohatchee Street Road Improvement District on June 6, 1978. RESOLUTION 78-7l PROVIDINC FOR ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE - ADOPTED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried ?nanimously, to adopt Resolution 78-71 Providing for Abate- ment of Public Nuisance. . . . . , . . . . . . . . &OQK 041 rACE 537' May 2, 197B RESOLUTION 78-72 RE PETITION IAU-?8-2-I BY JAMES HILL REQUESTING INTERIM USE 'JF PROPERfY IN NOPTII GOLDEN GATE FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRAZING CATTLE - ADOPTED Chairman Wimer explained that the petitioner had driven from Okeechobee and requested that this item be discussed before Item C. Mr. Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director, reported that the Immoka- lee Arca Planning Commission has approved the interim agriculture use of property .in North Golden Gate for the purpose of grazing cattle for a period not to exceed two years. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution 78-72 re Petition IAU- 78-2-1 by James Hill, granting interim use o~ property in North Golden Gate for the purpose of grazing cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . * _ J '.______J May 2, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-73 RELATING TO REMOVAL OF SEABOARD COASTLINE RAIL- ROAD FROM CE!'".T^IN POR'l'IONS OF ("OLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED. MEMBERS OF ~EABO^RD CO^STLINE TASK FORCE GIVEN CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIA- TION Mr. Wes Downing began the presentation by extending thanks to the Commissioners for the support given for the study made by the Seaboard Coastline Task Force. Not only for the direct finan- cial support, he said, but for the time spent by the Planning De- partment, the area Zoning and Planning Board and, particularly, Rich Woodruff was commended for the detailed report he had prepared. Mr. Downing explained that the basic problem is that the Sea- board Coastline Task Force had arrived at a decision to relocate the railroad in an area north of Immoka1ee Road. However, the Re- location Committee of the railroad has recommended that the terminus be moved into the Estero area which would leave the area of Collier County that has the maximum amvunt of growth with no railroad ser- vice, reported Mr. Downing. The railroad states that this can be done, he said, due to legislation passed in 1976 which allows the railroad to be moved over the objections of the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners if the railroad operation is not finan- cially feasible. If there is Objection, reported Mr. Downing, there will possibly be a two year delay of the expansion of Goodlette-Fra~k Road before a decision can be made, thereby causing an added tax bur- den to the citizens of Collier County. This was discussed at length. Commissioner Archer moved for the approval of the report which had been submitted by the Seaboard Coastline Task Force., with the recommendations made on Page 30, and for the adoption of Resolution 78-73 opposing the removal of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad from certain portions of Collier County. Motion was seconded by Commis- sioner Brown and carried unanimously. Several members of the Seaboard Coastline Task Force were pre- sented Certificates of Appreciationl 1001l 041 'ACE 540 ."':',0* aoC( 041 tACt 54f May 2, 1978 Mr. Harry Cunningham Mr. Egon Hill Mr. Bill McGrath Mr. Lamar Gable 'presently out-ot-town) Chairman Wimer directed staff to follow through with the recom- mendations as outlined that the Board has adopted and requested staff to bring forth recommendations for a negotiating team, also. *On file in office of Clerk of the Board. . * * . * * . . . * * * * * * * * * ,,-.-- ... I.,__-A t___~__ , May 2, 1978 ADDITIONS TO THE PERSONNEL POLICY COVERING OVERTIME AND MATERNITY I.EAVE - APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor anc carried unanimousl~ to approve the additions to the Personnel polic covering overtime and maternity leave. SECTION 23: OVERTIME POLICY n=.! Purpose Overtime is defined as work performed by any employee beyond the established work day. 23-2 Pay Overtime pay shall be in accordance with our Compensation Plan and approved by the Department Head. n=l General Under the existing Wage and Hour Laws and employmant practices governing County employm.nt, there is no question that County employees may be called upon anj required to ''1ork overtime, if in the opinion of the Supervisor thls is necessary to keep up with the demands of the job being performed. At the time of hire, all employees are advised of this requirement as a condition of employment. All employees are advised that overtime may be necessary for, but not limited to, the folla~ing reasons: (n) An accumulation of work due to unexpected and/or excessive absenteeism. (b) An abnormal increase in the work load for short and unexpected periods of time. The above reasons may occur when servin; 'the public needs in such locations, but not limited to, the MVI Station, Sewage Treatment Plant, Water Distribution Service, Garbage Transfer Stations, Sanitary Landfill Operations, Road & Bridge Operations, Data Processing, and within any of the other' 'Coun,ty Departments. ~ Disciplinarv Actions If employees refuse to w~k overtime for no other justified reason than that he or she "just does not want to", then disciplinary action is in order and should be taken immediately in Accordance with Personnel Policy # 16. AH:cg 4-18-78 . A~on~p~ ~v ~r.r. ~'?'7R .-.~-- . \- ---~ May 2, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-69 RE PETITION OSP-78-l-C AND RESOLUTION 78-70 RE PETITION CC?-78-l-C rlY DOUGL~S RONDEAU FOR OFF-STREET PARKING AND ALCOHOLIC CONSUMPTION ON PREMISES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED BEHIND MOORINGS CARPET & TILE ON NORTH TRAIL - ADOPTED. PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED Following the discussion held with the petitioner, Dr. Neno Spagna reported that petitioner is agreeable to provide an l8' driveway connecting the parking lot along the .outhern porti~~.of the property over into the other proposed area. Also requested,. stated Dr. Spagna, was that petitioner provide 27' of right-of-way along the north side of Creech Road at petitioner's convenience or at such time as requested by County. With these changes, stated Dr. Spagna, staff recommends approval of Petition OSP-78-1-C and Petition COP-78-1-C. Mr. Mike Zcwalk was registered to speak. "That sounds good," he stated after Dr. Spagna explained the changes agreed upon by petitioner. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously to close the public hearing. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution 78-69 re Petition OSP-78-l-C by Douglas Rondeau requesting off-street parking on the E 50' of the W 200' and the E 140' of the W 500' of N 1/2 of Lot 82, NICLF and the E 50' of the W 400' of the S l/2 of Lot 82 and Resolution 78-70 re Petition COP-78-l-C by Dou~las Rondeau requesting alcoholic beverage zoning approval for the E 160' of W 360' of N l/2 of Lot 82 and that petitioner's Agreement to stipulation be accepted and recorded. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. lOOK 041 'ACE 546 aOOK 04t 'ACE 555 May 2, 1978 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR IMP~RIAL GOLF ESTATES, PHASE I - GRANTED WI'I'H STIPULilTION THAT ANY FUR:"HER DEVELOPMENT BE HELD UP UNTIL MASSIVE DRAINAGE PLAN APPROVED BY WATER MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Spagna indicated on an exhibit map the overall develop- ment of Imperial Golf Estates, Phase I. He stated that all the requirements of the Group Housing Zoning had been as granted by the Board previously, however, the only difference from the origi- nal was the removal of a connector road in the Final Plat. Staff has no objection to this, said Dr. Spagna, and pointed out that this petition has been reviewed by the Engineering and Zoning De- partmcnts and recommended for approval. Mr. Thomas E. Maloney, representing Mr. Joseph Weinfeld, a land- owner whose land lies north of the subject plat, stated that his client opposes the removal of the connector road from the Final Plat as without this road his client has no practicable access. Mr. '?'H, ~A Mal0ney read into the record a letter to Mr. Weinfeld f~e~~~ \ ~ i>iel.er regarding the original plan to construct a connector road pro- viding access to Mr. Weinfeld's property. Commissioner Wenzel point- ed out that these roads arc private roads, however, and the Board has no authority to require an access road. Mr. Art Quinnell, representing Mr. Sheehan, the petitioner in subject case, pointed out on the exhibit map the provision for a 60' access easement across the north portion of the property. Mr. Berzon described the drainage aspects and related that a conceptual plan prepared by another engineering firm was approved by the Water Management Advisory Board three years ago for this phase of the development. Mr. Berzon recommended that no further develop- . " ment be'made until a massive drainage plan for this area is approved by the WMAB. Chairman Wimer recommended that Mr. Maloney, Mr. Weinfeld, Mr. Quinnell and Mr. Sheehan discuss the matter and perhaps there will be no problem at all as it was brought out during discussion that there were, in fact, other accesses to the Weinfeld property. t__~.__.._... L---A l-J May 2, 1978 Commissioner Wenze~, moved to approve the Final Plat of Imperial ----Colf Estates, Phase I with the stipulation recommende!:! by the Utility Director that no further development be ma!:!e until a massive drainaqe plan for the area is approved by the Water Manaqement Advisory Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor an!:! carried una~imously. CHANGE ORDERS NO.1, 2 AND 3 RE VENETIAN BAY CONSTRUCTORS INC. FOR SATELLITE SERVICE BUILDING - APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconde!:! by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, to approve Change Or!:!ers No. l, 2 and 3 for the Satellite Service Building as follows: Change Order '1 to venetian Bay Constructors Inc in the amount of $3,500 for the a!:!dition of lO windows. Change Order '2 to Venetian Bay ConstructorsInc. in the amount of $569 for Hot Dip Galvanizing in lieu of painting. Change Order '3 to venetian Bay Constructors Inc. to deduct $99.24 which in~ludes the Addition of Thirty Strap Anchors and yives credit for install- ing EMT Thinwall Electrical Con!:!uits versus rigi!:! conduits. * * * * * . * * * * * * * 'OOK 041 ~m fifiR ...__.~_. - L---' L--.J May 2, 1978 1< 1< 1< .. .. .. .. * * * * * * .. RECESS: ll:07 A.M. to 11:16 A.M. .. 1< .. .. .. .. .. * . * III * * * i:':~NCE EASEMENT ALONG AIRPORT PROPERTY RE FOUR-LANING OF AIRPORT ROAD PROJECT - ACCEPTED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried/to accept from the City of Naples a fence easement along the Airport Property for four-laning of Airport Road project. * * * .. * .. .. * .. * * * * * * * * * lOOK 04i rACE 580 aopK 041 rm 563 May 2, 1978 DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR BIG CYPRESS GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES - ACCEPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, to accept the drainage easement from the Coun- try Club of Naples, Inc. for the Big Cypress Golf and County Club Estates. . . * * * . * . * . , . . * . * * . . . . t.___ l_ __.... '---' " May 2, 1978 REPORT BY COJ..MITTEE ON DOUBLE '.:'AXATION - NO REPORT AVAILABLE This item was not discussed as there was no report available. CONTRACT FOR ALTERATIONS IN NEW CETA OFFICES AWARDED TO VENETIAN B^Y CONSTRUCTORZ FOR $7,954, COMPETITIVE BID WAIVED Mr. Jim M~erpohl, CETA Program Director, related to the Board . , a proposal for rennovations in the offices that have been approved for CETA's relocation outside of the courthouse complex. He sum- marized the changes and stated that the cost of the alterations will be borne by the CETA Program. Two proposals were received, as competitive bids were not solicited, stated Mr. Hall. He recommended that the competitive bid be waived as there is a time factor involved. The two proposals were as follows: George M. Kraft Co. $10,400 Venetian Bay Constructors, Inc. $7,954 Commissioner Archer moved that the contract for alterations in the new CETA offices be awarded to Venetian Bay Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $7,954 with the competitive bid being waived. Motion seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/l with Com- missioner Brown dissenting. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." 0"" nA1 .,~,. ~~n ,. J----t L---i L......J May 2, 1978 DEED FROM CITY OF NA~LES FOR BAYVIEW PARK - ACCEPTED. ATTORNEY DlRECT~ TO DRAFT LETTER TO CITY REGARDING ITEM '2 CONCERNING BOAT RAMP Resolution No. 2944 approved by the City on April 19, 1978 authorizing a deed conveying Bayview Park to Collier County was discussed with the six stipulations listed therein. Commissioner Archer took exception to Item '2 which states that the park shall operate only during daylight hours. He stated that his main concern regards the use of the boat ramp, since most of the best fishing is done dark and felt that the boat ramp should be available 24 hours. Following discussion, Commissioner Archer moved for approval of the agreement with the City deeding over Bayview Park with the six stipulations. A cover letter also to be sent requesting clarification: of Item 12 with respect to the boat ramp facilities only. Motion seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried. 11 * . . 11 11 . · 11 . 11 11 11 . . Mot 04 t mr: flR~ ~OOK 041 rACE 571 May 2, 1978 REQUEST FOR PURCHASF. OF UTILITY VEHICLE FOR USE IN WATER ME'l'J::R RFADING - MPPROVED Mr. Irving Derzon, Utility Director, reported that a utility vehicle for use in water meter reading is needed at this time, i.e. a sub-compact, 4-cylinder pick-up truck with authorization being requested up to $4,500. . . . . .. . * * .. .. * .. .. .. Chairman Wimer left the meeting for a few minutes and Vice- Chairman pistor presided. * * * .. .. .. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, to authorize up to $4,500 to purchase a utility vehicle for use in water meter reading. ROUTINE DILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Commissioncr Archer moved, seconded by CommiRsioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from April 26, 1978 through May 2, 1978: FUND " . Road and Bridge Golden Gate I & S Collier County Fire District Immokalee Water/Sewer Assessment , Utility Clearing Special MSTD's Collier County Lighting Sewer District "A" 0 & M Marco Water , Sewer Victoria Park Drainage Collier County Water/Sewer Aquatic Weed Improvement Revenue Cert. Improvement Trust Golden Gate Fire Henderson Creek Fire Ochopee Fire District CETA Water Management Sewer District "A" Revenue Collier County Water/Sewer Utility Division Municipal Service Taxing District Anti-Recession/Federal Rev. Sha~ Grants & Gifts Immoknlee Lighting General Revenue BCC Payroll WARRANT NOS. 24 9 11 7 44 - 49 10 9 6 9 5 8 11 10 14 9 3 10 14 17 19 6 15 12 11 4 4928 - 5106 42815 - 43220 ..---~.. 1... ._ ....-..j \...._-~--~ May 2, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMF~T NO. 7e-92 FOR ADDITIONAL "EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKS" IN THE AMOUNT OF $350 FOR PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, to adopt Budget Amendment No. 78-92 in the amount of $350 to obtain additional "Employee Handbooks" for the Personnel Department. .UCH COU;Jf~:'-fLORiD~""J _p-!!.D G F. T ^'1-l F. NOt.;'.: f" T _"'-4..........__ _ Nf.llflo) of Hoqu,:;h1-lng D,)pt.JtR.SQ~F;~.... :SS!11I'TlOi~ J.l,!D JUSTlrICATlOi~ OF N,IEtlO:.jF.flT m:QUESn:O (1~"cpllrQ In trlpllcnto. Ono co I rctlll~lcd l>!' the rcquc~..tlng OCl'c1J"frr.nnt. ronrnrd ortglniJl end onri copy to flsc'JI O(f~~c ,9 conhnuiJhon sheats llnd D'ftar:h supporting documents, If noedod) To provide funds needed for additional "Employee Handbooks" ~r.p.m::D GY lorold L. Hall OI\TE 5/1/78 DEPARTI-!ENT APPROVAL Per Memo from Anne Hora DATE 4/25178 COU:-ITY IJ.ANAGER APPROY AL Per Memo from D. Pickwor DATE 4/25/78 II S ,SECTION TO [l[: COi'-IPLLT.ED DY FINN-lCE) ACCOUNT N.:OUNT TO: (Increase) Office Supplies & Printing 001-2552-00-2050 $350.00 FRON: (Source of Funds) Contractual Services- PhysiciansOOl-2552-00-3410 $350.00 -.- "---.--.-.----- ------,...-----'----------------1:: ~,:cV;7L'-- . 1130.o.HD OF COUNTY COw"sSlor~ms APPi\oVAL BUOGET tJ.!r::;,o;.lENl r'!--?t",7r DATE May 2,1918' D.C. 00. '18-92 o I!.c" , Officer, Zlftcr 'r-;;~-cl;t ofth;:;;':~rtDtn"l ,;;;thO County r.1.:!l1tlo.,r, ~tTll 11<tII7.o 1hls re<1l1e~;-f for [1o"rJ rcvlc',., clOd ~pproval. rollo'{llng &'C1rd oc,tlon, 1ho ft!>cal fJc(:r lit.! I procl),~s l.ppr,w~u nudso1 !\Il1cndrllon-ts 1hrough Accounting end send a copy roftl (1,11 !".t;,.u'!i lo th" ,',..n,,"'l"".tttlrl n,"'~,~I.t,.\,..n" ,..._...._ "'................t__ -- .. .~... · ......t.......__... . BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-93 FOR PURCHASE OF ONE 5-DRAWER STACKING CABI- NET FOR ZONING DEPARTMENT IN AMOUNT OF $41l - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, to adopt Budget Amendment No. 78-93 in the amount of $411 for the purchase of one 5-drawer stacking cabinet for the Zoning Department. 1001 041 rACE 51 J May 2, 1978 ARD OF COUNTY ~MISS10NF.RS COLI. I ER COUNTY. FLO!;. DA Oopt. ZONING DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF AMENDMENT REQUESTED (Prepare In trlpllcato. One copy' be retalnod by tho roquestlng Department. Forward orIgInal end one copy to FIscal Office Use continuation sheots and attach supporting documents, If noeded) To appror.rlate funds for purchase of one S drawer , 30" x 42' stacking cabinet to store linen., tracings of the County and mi1ar tracings. t'HtYAKI:.U UY Uf:.PARTMENT .\PPROVAL I COUNT . AGE John Pace & C. Clemmer Per. Memo from C. Clemmer DATE 4-28-78 DATE 4-21-78 (TillS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY FINANCE) ACCOUNT AMOUNT TO: (Increase) Equipment 01-3440-03-4020 $411.00 FROM: (Source of Funds) Continp,encies 01-2101-00-7010 ~411. 00 BOARD OF COUNTY COll.M I 55 I ONERS APPROVAL I BUDGET AMENDMENT May 2/ 1978. i NO. ;8-93 . e 'Iseal Offleor, nfter receipt of tho epprovQd original from the County ~~negor, ~IIJ flnallzo this requost for 80Drd revlow and approval. FollowIng Board actIon. the Fiscal Officer will process &ror~vo~ Budget Amendmonts through Accounting and send 8 copy refle. t nal status to t~..c: req~e..?_~!..ng Dop/)rtment,.:J::~PY..to Pur~hastng on capItal ,equIpment. BUDGET CHANGES NEEDED IN THE SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET FOR FY 1977-78 - AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO ADVERTISE FOR PUBLIC HEARING MAY 16. 1978 Mr. Harold Hall, Fiscal Officer, explained that in the Specia. Funds some budget changes are needed which will require a public hearing..:. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, to authorize the advertising for the public hearing regarding the budget changes needed in the supplemental budge~ for FY 1977-78. Motion carried unanimously. NOTE: Advertised for public hearing May 16, 1978. l__.. \._J L_j Hay 2, 1978 RELOCATION OF OFFICFS AND PARTITIONS IN CLERK'S AREA ON THIRD FLOOR AfPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, to approve the spending of approximately $2,500 for rennovations in the Clerk's Offices on the third floor and that the proposal by George Kraft Co., be approved. Motion carried unanimously. , CHAIRMAN WIMER ANNOUNCES MEETING ON MAY 3, 1978 AT 2:00 P.M. WITH MR. HUNTER, PROPOSED COUNTY MANAGER Chairman Wimer announced that Mr. Dean Hunter is to be in Naples on Wednesday, May 3, 1978. A meeting time was set for 2100 P.M. for Mr. Hunter to meet with all of the Commissioners to discuss the vacant County Manager position. REQUEST BY DR. SPAGNA THAT BOARD SET UP AND APPOINT MEMBERS TO A CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY TRANSIT STUDY - CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK A memo dated April 27, 1978 from Dr. Neno J. Spagna, Communit.y Development Administrator, was received listing several names sug- gested for n Citizens Advisory Committee for the Collier County Transit Study. However, as the Commissioners had not reviewed this memo as yet, this item was continued until next week's meeting. REQUEST FROM CITY MANAGER GEORGE PATTERSON REGARDING THE POSSIBIL~TY OF A JOINT COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC STUDY BEING CONDUCTED FOR WESTERN COLLIER COUNTY - STAFF WILL REVIEW AND COME BACK WITH RECOMMENDATION A letter dated April 24, 1978 from City Manager George Patter- son was received regarding the possibility of a joint comprehensive traffic study being conducted for western Collier County. Chairman Wimer directed the Staff to review thiB letter and return to theoard with a recommendation. LEAVE-OF-ABSENCE FOR ROAD & BRIDGE EMPLOYEE, JOSE P. ALVARIZ - GRANTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, to approve the leave-of-absence for Road and Bridge Department employee, Jose P. Alvarez as he is recuperating from surgery. Leave begins April 24, 1978 and expires July 23, 1978. aOOK 041 rm 574 ~DO!t 041 rAGE 575 May 2, 1978 SACC SENDING ITS AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE TO FARMWORKERS VILLAGB IN TMMOKAJ.EE FOR L..JNCHEON MAY lS, 1978 An invitation dated April 26, 1978 to the SOard of county Com- missioners from Commissioner Brown was received, related County Attorney pickworth. The invitation is for a luncheon being held in Immokalco on Monday, May 15, 1978 for the State Association of County Commissioner's Agriculture Committee who will be visiting in Immokalee to review the oporation and setup of the Farmworkers Village, explained Commissioner Brown. Commissioners are to inform Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide, or Miss Fae Nichols, County Manager's Office, if they plan to attend, stated Chairman Wimer. RESIGNATION OF JOHN T. CONROY FROM SOUTHWEST FLORIDA MENTAL HEALTH DISTRICT BOARD - ACCEPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, to accept the resignation of John T. Con- roy from the Southwest Florida Mental Health District Board and to authorize the Chairman to sign a letter of appreoiation to Mr. Conroy. STAFF DIRECTED TC FORWARD LETTER FROM BARBARA DANIELS REGARDING BIR- DON ROAD TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT A letter dated April 26, 1978 to Commissioner Brown from Mrs. Barbara Daniels regarding the paving of Birdon Road was received, stated County Attorney Pickworth. This letter will be forwarded to the Engineering Department, he reported. STAFF TO REVIEW AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION REGARDING INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING BUFFER BEHIND CHLUMSKY BUILDING ON SANDPIPER I '-County Attorn~:' pickworth reported that a letter has been received from Brad Estes, Assistant to City Manager, regarding a proposal received from the Royal Harbor property OWners Association to plant a screening hedge behind the Chlumsky Building on Gandpiper. The Association will pay one-half of the installation cost and the ,-" . I ~_ _.J MAy 2, 1978 City will bear the other one-half, said Mr. Pickworth. The City will do the actual maintenance which is estimated to coat approximately $1,250 per year based on costs as they exist now, and the County would reimburse the City for one-half of the maintenance cost. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner pis tor and carried, for the staff to move forward in working out the proposal. FISCAL OFFICER DIRECTED TO COMPLETE AND FORWARD QUESTIONNAIRE RE NACO PUBLIC OFFICIAL LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM ' Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carriod, to forward questionnaire received from National Association of Counties re Public Official Liability Insurance Program to Fiscal Of f icer lIall for completion. ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO REVIEW AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION REGARDING PRO- POSED PLATTING LEGISLATION County Attorney Pickworth reported that a memo from Florida Counties has been received dated April 27, 1978 from Michael wm. Morell, Field Services Administrator, regarding two proposed com- mittee Bills relating to the platting of subdivisions. Mr. Pickworth stated that he would review said Bills and return to the Board with his recommendation. STAFF TO LOOK INTO AND MAKE PROPER APPOINTMENTS OF REGULAR AND ALTERNATE MEMBERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL County Attorney Pickworth related that a letter dated April 27, 1978 has been received from Mike Taylor, member of the Environmental Advisory Council. Mr. Taylor pointed out in his letter, said Mr. Pickworth, that he was appointed a regular member while other members of the committee served as alternates prior to being made full members. Chairman Wimer stated that the usual policy should be followed and Mr. pickworth was directed to discuss this with Mrs. Mary Morgan, Adminis- trative Aide, to get the matter straightened out. BOOK 041 ,\~~ ~7R nOCK 041 rACE 577 May 2, 1978 APPLICATIOl. RE "701" COMPREH:::NSIVE PLANNING ASSISTANCE FROM SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL FORWARDED TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT County Attorney pickworth explained that a letter dated April 24, 1978 was received from the Southwest Regional Planning Council trans- mitting a copy of its FY 1978-79 application to HUD for "70l" funds. Mr. Pickworth reported that said copy will be forwarded to the P1an- ning Department for review and comments. MANAGEMENT TEAM TO REVIEW IN ORDER TO DETERMINE REY PERSONNEL TO ATTE~ 19TH ANNUAL PLANNING AND ZONING CONFERENCE County Attorncy Pickworth reported that the Management Team will review and determinc key personnel to attend the 19th Annual Planning and zoning Conference. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, to authorize the expenditure of funds if any of the Com- missioners plan to attend. STAFF TO MAKE RECOMMENDATION REGARDING PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES TO BE TRAINED FOR EMPLOYMENT IN LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS FOR TITLE II CE'l'A County Attornoy pickworth reported that the staff will review and make recommendations regarding prospective candidates to be trained for employment in labor-management relations under CETA Title II. RESOLUTION FROM HENDRY COUNTY RE PAYMENT OF LEGAL FEES FOR THE IN- SOLVENT AND INDIGENT. ATTORNEY TO REVIEW AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION AS TO COLLIER COUNTY ADOPTING SUCH A RESOLUTION County Attorney pickworth reported that a copy of a Resolution adopted by Hendry County regarding legal fees for the insolvent and indigent has been received with a request that Collier County review and adopt a similar resolution and forward to the legislative delega- ation. Chairman Wimer directed County Attorney Pickworth to review and make recommendation to the Board at the meeting on May 9, 1978. L__l , "J &....--i May 2, 1978 25. Letter dated April 25, 1978 from Computer Election Systems confirming their teleg~am regarding the outcome of litiga- tion with Fidlar , Chambers on an out-of-court basisJ filed. 26. PSC Notices: Docket N< i80263-KC Issued: Apdl 24, 1978 re Wales Trucking Inc. for a certificate of Public Convenience and Nec'~'ity to Operate as a Motor Carrier. Docket No. 7B0255-CCT Issued: April 24, 1978 Commercial Carrier Corporation for a Certificate of Public Conven- ience and Necessity to operate as Motor Carrier. Docket No. 7B0246-CCT Issued April 24, 1978 re Miami Transfer Co., Inc. for an Extension of Certificate. PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL EMPLOYEE INSURANCE - APPROVED AS PER STAFF RECOHMENDATION Fiscal Officer Harold Hall related that an investigation has been made with other counties regarding supplemental employee insurance. He said that the Management Team has reviewed this insurance and no negative aspects have been found. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, to approve the proposed supplemental ~mp1oyee insurance based on the recommendation of the Staff, i.e. that the Board designate Founders' Life Assurance Company to provide the supplemental insurance discussed and authorize payroll deductions for this benefit to the employees. MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR IMMOKALEE AREA - MR. BRANDT WATSON AND DR. ANTELL TO MEET WITH STAFF TO REVIEW AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION IN TWO WEEKS Commissioner Brown noted that several counties have programs to combat an encephalitis epidemic and felt that Collier County should have a program of this kind. Mr. Brandt Watson, Director of Collier Mosquito Control District, explained several ways in which detection of the encephalitis mosquito is being done in the more populated Areas of Collier County. Immokalee has no mosquito control whatsoever, stated Commissioner Brown. 800K 041 mE 580 ,"OOK 041 rACE 581 May 2, 1978 After somo discussion, Chairman Wimer directed that Mr. Watson meet with Dr. Antell of the Collier County Health Department and tho staff and report back to the Board in two weeks regarding a mos- quito control plan for the Immokalee area. GROUP INSURANCE RE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - STAFF TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO BOARD Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett reported that a dollar rate of $75 for a semi-private room was being placed in the insurance for the Sheriff's Department. Deputy Barnett stated that it had been the understanding of the Shariff's Department that no specific dollar amnunt be made as hospital rates are subject to change. Chairman Wimer directed Mrs. Bora of the Per80nnel Department to look into this and determine what negotiations should be made regarding group hp.alth insurance for the Sheriff's Department. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. * * ,. * ,. ,. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Timez 12:30 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPEC) DISTRICTS DER ITS CONTROL C. CLERK ';" .. . J I ': " ~ ,," \..