Agenda 12/16/2008 Item #16F 5 Agenda Item No. 16F5 December 16, 2008 Page 1 of 26 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Memorandum of Understanding amending and revising the Year 2006-2009 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters Local 1826 International Association of Firefighters, Inc. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners approves a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining the Union's waiving the 2% annual merit pay provision for FY09, which is the final year of the CUlTent collective bargaining agreement, along with acceptance of revisions to Article 9 pertaining to grievances and Article 16 pertaining to bereavement. CONSIDERATIONS: On October 21, 2008, representatives from Collier County met with representatives from the Southwest Florida Professional Firefightcrs Local 1826 International Association of Firefighters, lnc, (hereafter, the "Union"); the Union representing the Collier Emergency Medical Services/Fire bargaining unit. The purpose for this publicly noticed meeting was to discuss and negotiate the possibility of the Union waiving the 2% annual merit pay provision for the final year of the CUlTent collective bargaining agreement ("CBA") due to budget concerns and the County's decision to refrain from providing a merit increase to any of its non- union personneL As a result of that meeting, the parties negotiated, subject to the approval of the Collier County Board of Commissioners and the Union: (1) a waiver of merit pay under Article 20 of the CUlTent CBA for the remaining year of the agreement, (2) revisions to Article 9 of the CBA primarily pertaining to the manner of grieving matters relating to discipline and discharge of employees, (3) revisions to Article 16 of the CBA to allow up to two shifts of bereavement leave (48 hours) rather than just 24 hours of leave, and including step-father-in-Iaws, step-mother-in- laws, grandfather-in-Iaws, and grandmother-in-Iaws in the definition of "immediate family members." On November 21,2008, the Union certified that by vote of its membership it agreed to waive the merit pay provision for the final year of the CBA in exchange for the aforementioned revisions to Articles 9 and 16 of the CBA. FISCAL IMPACT: A savings of $178,838 would be realized m Fund 490 - Emergency Medical Services, LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, is not quasi-judicial and requires no ex paJie disclosure, requires only a majority vote for approval. and is otherwise legally sufficient for Board aetion,-SRT GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact resulting from this action. "'..~v_.,,,._,,,.. Agenda Item No. 16F5 December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 26 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding amending and revising the Year 2006-2009 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters Local 1826 International Association of Firefighters, Inc.; and, 2. Authorize the Chainnan to execute said Memorandum of Understanding. PREPARED BY: Artie Bay, Supervisor-Accounting, Emergency Medical Services Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 of 1 Agenda item No. 16F5 December 16. 2008 Page 3 of 26 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16F5 Recommendation to approve a Memorandum of Understanding amending and reviSing the Year 2006-2009 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters Local 1 826 International Association of Firefighters, Jne. 12116/2008 900:00 AM Prl'pared By Artie Bay Bureau of Emergency Services Senior Administrative A.ssistant Date EMS 1215120084:17:15 PM Approved By EMS Chief Date Jeff Page Bureau of Emergency Services EMS 1215/20085:26 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney Office 12/812008 1 :06 PM Approwd B}" Dan E. Summers County Manager's Office Bureau of Emergency Services Director Bureau of Emergency Services Date 1218/20082:39 PM Approvl'd By OMS Coordinator Administrative Services Applications Analyst : ate Information Technology 12/9/20088;38 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor County Manager's Office Management & Budget Analyst Office of Management & Budget Date 12/9/200810:19 AM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 1219/200811 :45 AM file://C:\AgendaTest\ExPOIi\ 118-December%20 16.%202008\ 16.%,20CONSENT%20AGE... 12/1 0/2008 item t'~o, 16F5 ~ec:elTIber 16. 2008 Page 4 of 26 MEMOR<\NDUM of UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COLLIER COU:\'TY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 1826 INTERNA T10NAL ASSOCIA nON OF FIREFIGHTERS, INe. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, (hereafter "County") hereby enters into this Memorandum of Understanding amending and revising the Year 2006-2009 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters Local 1826 International Association of Firefighters, Inc. (hereafter "Union") based on the mutual consideration specified herein and state and agree as follows: 1. On October 21, 2008, representatives from Collier County met with representatives from the Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters Local 1826 International Association of Firefighters, Inc. (hereafter, the "Union"); the Union rcprcscnting the Collier Emergency Medical Services/Fire bargaining unit. The purpose for this publicly noticed meeting was to discuss and negotiate the possibility of the Union waiving the 2% annual merit pay provision for the final year of the current collective bargaining agreement ("CBA") due to budget concerns and the County's decision to refrain from providing a merit increase to any of its non-union personnel. This paragraph defines, in as few words as possible, the purpose of the memorandum of understanding and outlines the terms orthe contract. As a result of that meeting, the panies negotiated, subject to the approval of the Collier County Board of Commissioners and the Union: (I) a waiver of merit pay under Article 20 of the current CBA for the remaining year of the agreement, (2) revisions to Article 9 of the CBA primarily pertaining to the manner of grieving matters relating to discipline and discharge of cmployces, (3) revisions to Article 16 of the CBA to allow up to two shifts of bereavement leave (48 hours) rather than just 24 hours of leave, and including step-fathcr-in-Iaws, step-mother-in- laws, grandfather-in-law..s, and grandmother-in-Iaws in the definition of "immediate family members." 2. On November 21, 2008. the Union certified that by vote of its membership it agreed to waive the merit pay provision for the final year of the CBA in exchange for the aforementioned rcvisions to Articles 9 and 16 of the CBA. A copy of the Union's cel1ification of its vote on this amendmcntto the original 2006-2009 Year CBA is attached as Exhibit "A." A copy of the three ahove-referenced Al1icles is attached hereto in strikethrough and underscored version, as well as, a "clean" version that has been signed by duly authorized members of the Union and the County upon approval is attached as Exhihits "8" and "e" Agenda Item No. 16F5 December 16, 2008 Page 5 of 26 3. The proposed revisions agreed upon for those three Articles are agreed to run through the remainder of the current CBA through and including, September 30, 2009, The revision with respect to Article 16 pertaining to bereavement leave shall be effective retroactively to October 1,2008. 4. All remammg terms of the 2006-2009 Year CBA shall remain unchanged unless otherwi se agreed in writing by the Parties. IN Wlr-IESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on this 16th day of December, 2008. A TrEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: TOM HENNING, Chairman Scott R. Teach, Deputy County Attorney :\g:mda Item ~Jo. 16 5 De::;ernber 16. 20 8 P0ge 6 of 6 W"'\~ ~~v~AS Type or Print Name Wall Stevens, ice Presi en Licensed Bargaining Agent for Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters & Paramedics, International Association of Firefighters, Local 1826 I)..-~~Ok Date WITNESS: ~/~- By 11;...~~../ 4./~'.',J<o Type or Print Name -1/"';.) 11 r>?5"c,Jer ype or Print Name An. re her, District 14 DVP Soulhw st Florida Professional Firefighters & Paramedics, International Association of Firetlghters, Local 1826 I J.-- '6-0 S Date WITNESS:, r /) ! Q}\WlUA.~~~/ By: Hrly'\Cl +\.t<\I\1b..V\<:W7 Type or Print Name - THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO ~A.TIFICATION BY THE BARGAINING UNIT AND THE COLLIER COLNTY BO/\.RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. o Agenda Item No. 16F5 December 16, 2008 SOUTHWEST FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS & P~{jS LOCAL 1826/ LA.F.F., INC. 2030 West 1st Street. Suite C . Fort Myers, Florida 33901 (239) 334-8222 . (239) 334-8233 . Fax: (239) 334-8228 E-mail: www.loca11826.com PRI""lCIPAL OFFlr.ER...9 R-:4.LT STEVENS Prcsidf.--nt Exhibit A December 4, 2008 MIKE HOLOBINKO Vu.'C ?rr.:.silknt Scott Teach Deputy County Attorney Collier County, Florida MATT GALEII'SKl Secretary 1I7LLIAM SIMPSON Field Repre/fenca.rk.-e Dear Scott, mSTRlc.TS DISTRICT 1 F'fJrfM.ve1"K This letter will represent our ratification results. The ratification vote was held on November 19th, 20th, 21 st. The bargaining members of Southwest Florida Professional Firefighters and Paramedics, District 14 resulted in an approval of the ratification of the negotiated language. I would like to thank you and the administrative staff of Collier EMS for working with us to resolve these issues during these difficult financial times. DISTRICT 2 Lee Cu. b'MS DISTRICT 3 Fl)rt MyeT!! &ach DISTRICT 4 North Fort Myers DISTIUCT 5 South Trail !STlUCT 6 ~htgh A.cres ~" Walt Steven President IAFF, Local 1826 Received DEe 0 5 20f18 EMs Depf. DISTRICT 7 lona McGregor DlSTRlCT S Tior: D1STIUCT 9 San Carl08 Parh DISTRICT] 0 Lt~ Gu. GFR DISTRICT 11 Ellteh:J DISTRICT J 2 Hny.shnre DISTRICT J3 l1ncl1!;lurul DISTRICT 14 Collier en, EMS DlSTRlCT 15 Furt M)":"" &w....h- Deputy Chi~f8 DISTRICT 16 Fort Myers Assf. Ghief~ DISTRICT 17 Sanibel DISTRICT 18 Fort .\().'f::t'8 Shores STIUCT 19 !tiJ;1h AcreR Baua[i...;l, Chi4il i\ffiliated with, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIOHTJ;"RS Flmida Prqfes.,;umal Fire Fighter... ...~ j(l ,t.\S'\DV /1~.erJi- Hom No Jc~("' . '::J ;Iud 'I\..., . l,ji..V;;> Exhibit B Decemg~~~6d~~-<J~ ARTICLE 9 GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURE Section 9.1 - Purpose In a mutual effort to provide a harmonious working relationship bctween the parties to this Agreement it is agreed to and understood by both parties that there shall be a procedure for the resolution of grievances between the parties arising from any alleged violation of a specific term of this, ,'.greemeHt ether Ihan aH)' mattem rela/iHg to diseipliHe aHa aiseharge. Section 9.2 Grievance A. For the purpose of this Agreement. a grievance is defined as a dispute, claim or complaint that any employee or group of employees may have as to the interpretation, application, and/or alleged violation of some express provision of this Agreement which is subject to the Grievance Procedure. B. ,'.H)' grievance iHyelviHg diseipliRe, Olp te aHS iaehu!iRg teFfniFlaaeH is govemea BY the COOll1t) PoliE)' as descriBed iH SeetieR 9.6 an.d is Het !"Hbjeet to the GrienlHee aRa .\reitr.atioH Prooedure. DisciflliFlar;' ae:ioHs that do not iFlvolve susfleRsioFl or termi!1a/ioR are subject te the Grievlll1ee ProesaOlre threOlgh Stefl 3, Enll Rot to arbitriltioR OlRacr this ,'.rtick GJ:!. The Union or employee may abandon or settle a grievance. Grievances settled under this Article shall be non-precedent setting and cannot be offered as evidence or as precedent in any subsequent arbitration case unless the Union and the County :J r\1..~:S\OS' Agenda item NO.1 tW) O~ December 16. 2QOfl. '"'- Page 9 o^~ mutually agree in writing that the grievance is precedent setting. D. No grievance can be amended or supplemented after the initial management response at Step I without the written consent of the Emergency Medical Services/Fire Chief. E. There is no duty to arbitrate any grievance where the factual basis of the grievance occurred prior to the execution of this Agreement or after the expiration of this Agreement. Section 9.3 - Rieht of Individuals to A Just Grievance Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent any employee from presenting, at any time, his/her own grievance in person and having such grievances adjusted; provided the adjustment is not inconsistent "ith the terms of this Agreement. If the grieved employee requests Union representation, the grievant will notify the Emergency Medical ServiceslFire Chief or designee. It is the responsibility of the grievant to notify the Union of any meeting called for the resolution of such grievances. Section 9.4 - General A. A reasonable effort will be made by the parties to settle all grievances as soon as possible. The time limits set forth shall be strictly complied with, and can only be extended by mutual agreement of the partics in ",'fiting. Any grievance shall be considered settled at the last level considered if the grievant fails to timely process the grievance. B. The Union will not be required to process grievances for employees who )fJ ,tl~lo8 ;"genda Item No. 106J ) Dece."Tlber 16, 20..)Q8" Or Page 1 0 tiI"J....' are not members of the Union. C. TRe semmeAsiRg ef aA)' praeeeaiAgs agaiRst tRe CelfAty iA a sellrt of law or eqaity, or Before tRe Pll131iE Empleyee RelatieRs CemmisoieA, Br aAY etRer administrative ageAe)' far misRj3j31ieaticJR or misiAteFflretatiOR sf the teffilS ef this .^.greemeAt, sRRII Be seemed aR eleetieA ef remes)' ans shall Be seemeEl a waiver B)' tAe employee ar tRe VAioA of its/their rigl1t t8 resort te th8 grie':aRse aRS arBitratieA procesllre EeAtRiAes ill this .^.rtiele. IRe iltitizatiell oftRe arllitFalieA rreeedlfFe llRser this :\rtiete for the resollllioll of alleged vialatieA3 eftRis /\greemeAt sAall cORmitilte a .....ai,:er of aBY riglTtG ef the part)' wAo iRitiates the areitratiol1 ma)' haYe to ale R elmrge ell tRe issue witR IRe Pllhlie EmrttlJ'eeG RelatieBG CemmissieB er all)' otRer state er feaeral ageAE)'. Section 9.5 - ReQuirements of Written Grievance All grievances, as outlined above, must be In ,,"Titing and must contain the follo,,"ing information: (1) Article and Section of the Agreement alleged to have been violated; (2) A full statement of the grievance, giving facts, dates and times of events, and if possible, specific violations. The gricvance shall also contain the remedy or adjustmcnt desired; (3) Signature of aggrieved employcc and date signed; and (4) Signature of the Union representative (must be a designated official or stcward) if the grievance requests Union representation. (5) A class grievance may be tiled when a single issue applies to more than one employee and in such cascs the clccted employee representative or Principal Officer must sib'Il the grievance form. ;; f tt.' sf"" Agenda Item NO.1 tV>') December 16, 200l! ..(j (; Page 11 off~.1\ II Any grievance not containing the abave infarmation set farth abave mav be pracessed thraul!h the I!rievance orocedure. but is Hot II grieY!\Hee ana shall nat be subject ta arbitratian absent the mutual consent af the parties. The grie':allce form ffiH5t be SHBmittea aile eaffijllelea 1ft full. SeetiBR 9.6 SHsoeRsieBlDisehdiRe All grievances afla lljljlcals af actioll in':olvillg discij:1lille ar disclmrge will Be gsveFlled BY tIle Callier Ceullty I h:lffiaft Resfl\,/rces Practices aRd Pmceallfes aRE! Cal:ll1ty :\l!miRisll'al0r'S (MftIlager) /\!;6FlCY ("CM.".") IflstmctiaR Mallal:ll, as ElHleReeEi, t8 j:1ermit \illiaR rej:1reselltatiaR that is iR effect f'Or all sther Csllier CaHill)' RaR e)(effijlt empleyees. .". eepy afthe carrelll CM.". is attacReEi as .'\ppeRE!in f.. Section 9.+6 - Steps Grievances shall be processed in accordance with the following procedures: STEP 1: The grievant shall present in writing hislher grievance to hislher immediate supervisor within fourteen (14) calendar days af the Dccurrence of the action giving rise ta the grievance. Discussions will be informal far the purpose af settling differences in the simplest and mast effective manner. The supervisor shall reach a decision and communicate in writing to the grievant within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the grievance was presented. Failure of the supervisor to timely rcspond shall be considered a denial of the b>Tievance and shall entitle the grievant to appeal to Step 2, STEP 2: If the grievance is not settled at Step I, the grievant, within seven Sf t~(st"f "gccl"a 'tQ111 No '(~F S !h~, '-' ''-' . ,,J :J December 16, 20 ",," Page '12 of(?~..."" f.K) (7) calendars days of the answer in Step I, may present it to the Chief of Emergency Medical Services/Fire. The Emergency Medical Services/Fire Chief shall investigate the alleged grievance and may conduct a mccting with the grievant. The Emergency Medical Services/Fire Chief shall notify the aggrieved employee of the decision no later than seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the grievance at Step 2. Failure of the Emergency Medical Services/Fire Chief to timely respond shall be considered a denial of the grievance and shall entitle the grievant to appeal to Step 3. STEP 3: If the grievance is not settled in Step 2, the grievant, within seven (7) calendar days of the answer in Step 2, may present the ,vritten grievance to the Director of the Bureau of Emergency Services (the "Director"). The Director shall investigate the alleged grievance and may conduct a hearing or meeting with the grievant. The Director shall notifY the aggrieved employee in writing of the decision not later than seven (7) calendar days following the submission of the grievance at Step 3. Failure of the Director to timely respond shall be considered a denial of the grievance and shall entitle the grievant to appeal to Step 4. STEP 4: If a grievance, as dcfined in this Article, has not been satisfactorily resolved within the grievance procedures, the grievant may request arbitration in writing to the Human Resource Department no later than seven (7) calendar days aftcr thc rcsponse is received. Section 9.87 - Arbitration Whenever the aggrieved employee requests arbitration In accordance with the ;r~ ,~slo' Agenda Item No. 4J:~- of December 16, ;>OJ)s4 ~ Page 13 "~6 provisions of Section 9.7, the grievant may request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to submit a panel of seven (7) arbitrators. The request must be made within fourteen (14) calendar days of the denial of the grievance at Step 3. Arbitrators shall be selected from such panel by alternately striking names from this list (the grievant shall strike first) until the last name is reached. The Union reserves the sole authority over whether to proceed to arbitration on a particular grievance. Section 9.98 - Rules Applicable to Grievance! Arbitration The following general rules are applicable to this Article: A. The arbitrator shall not have the power to add to, subtract from, modi fy, or alter the terms of this Agreement. B. The arbitrator shall have no power to establish wage scales, rates of pay for new jobs, or to change any wage, except when the wage being paid is in violation of the Agreement, or when he is otherv:ise specifically empowered to do so by both parties. C. The arbitrator shall have only the power to rule on grievances arising under this Agreement, as defined under Section 9.2 and which comply with the requirements of Section 9.4 (A) and (C), Section 9.5 and the time limits established by this Article. D. The arbitrator shall determine each dispute in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and in accord with a Submission Agreement, if one can be agreed to. If there is no Submission Agreement, then the arbitrator will rely on the grievance under Step 1 of Section 9.+9,. E. The arbitrator shall not receive into evidence nor rely upon any past 5 t 1z.(S-(oY f:.~~n'"~ r'om No 'I"'--~' '''::1~Udll~ .~.) _ DecelTlber 16, 20Q8l. .O'Y Page 14 Jf~~ practices that occurred prior to the date of execution of this Agreement. F. The arbitrator's sole authority with regard to monetary awards is the fw:ara sf baek pay to make the employee whole for all lost wages and other lost benefits of a monetary value. No interest, costs or other damages of any type whatsoever may be awarded. G. Therc is no duty to arbitrate any grievance where the factual ba~is of the grievance occurred prior to the execution of this Agreement or after the expiration of this Agreement. Section 9.M9 - Appeals The ruling of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the UniDn, on all bargaining unit employees and on the County; provided, however, that the arbitrator's decision is not outside or beyond the scope of the arbitrator's jurisdiction and authority as set forth in this Agreement. Section 9.10+ - Costs 1l1e costs of the arbitration shall be split equally between the parties. Each side desiring a transcript will pay for it. If both parties obtain or use a copy of the transcript, the cost of the court reporter's fees and transcript shall be equally split between the parties. Expenses, including wages for witnesses, shall be borne by the party calling them. 3~ Ltl~~6i Agenda Item No. 16~5 December 16, 20p811 tJ6 Page 15 qfj.S.... ARTICLE 16 BEREA VEMENT/JURY DUTYIWITNESS DUTY Section 16.1 - Bereavement A regular full-time employee may be granted, upon request, up to twenty-four (24) hours of bereavement leave with pay, due to the death in his/her immediate family, "Immediate family" shall mean father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, son, daughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law, stepfather, steofather-in-Iaw. stepmother, stepmother-in-law, stepson, stepdaughter, grandfather, grandfather-in-law, grandmother, grandmother-in-law. b'l'andchildren, foster child, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew or other close relatives living with the employee. Leave in excess of the leave under this Section may be granted and, if granted, will be charged to the cmployee's accrued vacation leave or compensatory leave. If accrued vacation leave, or compensatory leave is not available, additional leave granted will be without pay. Employees with nD available vacation or compensatory leave may also request leave through the sick leave bank process. In the event of an emergency illness of any of the above family members, the employee may take seventy-two (72) hours of emergency leave for serious illness or injury from their vacation leave with the approval of the Director or designee, The County reserves the right to require proof of relationship for use of bereavement leave. Section 16.2 - Jurv Duty \Vhen a regular employee is required to serve on jury duty, the employee shall be 'Sf \uS(,r ",genda Item NO.1!- 5 December 16, 200 oy Page 16 fJi~ \' , relieved of responsibility for his or her regular work shift and the County shall pay the employee the amount that would have been received at the employee's regular straight- time rate of pay had the employee worked the employee's regular work shift, All employees who are required to serve on jury duty shall report to their supervisor that they have been subpoenaed for jury duty within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving notice, when possible, but in no event later than the beginning of the next work shift When an employee is released or is excuscd from jury duty for the remainder of a workday or permanently, the employee shall, as soon as possible, notify his or her supervisor of availability for work Payments received by the employee for jury duty, except for meals, travel and lodging expenses, shall be endorsed to the County. Section 16.3 - Witness Duty Any employee who, upon the request by and for the benefit of the County, IS subpoenaed to any court proceeding involving the County, or is subpoenaed to appear in court in a civil or criminal matter in which the employee is not personally or monetarily interested, or is subpoenaed to appear for deposition in any matter related to their job duties with the County, shall be paid one and one-half (I 1/2) times his or hcrrate of pay f()r each hour spent off-duty in serving as a witness in trial or deposition. Payments received by the employee for witness duty, except for meals, travel and lodging expenses, shall be endorsed to the County. Court proceedings mean an appearance in court; it does not include any other appearance before any other tribunal, except for appearances on behalf of the County which arise out of the perfonnance of duties as a Collier County EMS/Fire employee. 5. \2.\s\o' Agenda Item No. 1,,~':l; December 16, ztl'j8' <l Ii Page 17,,,,20\' b An employee who appears in Court as a plaintiff, defendant or witness due to personal litigation will use accrued vacation leave or, if not available, will be on leave without pay. Section 16.4 - Time Worked Paid court appearance leaves and depositions under this Article will be considered time worked for overtime purposes. Section 16.5 - County Policv The County Administrative Procedures regarding Bereavement, Jury Duty, Witness Duty and Court Leave will not apply to employees covered by this Agreement. --T- .. ~ '0 L{')OO..D LL6::t' ~(J ~~ I "'" ~ - ] ~ Q) " ~Q)'" ~ C.o ro ~EIl. 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Si \1..\,{ of Exhibit C b,genda item~<'t6F5 l( Decembe , ')OO\;() II Pag' 19 0!-\:6 ).' \ ARTICLE 9 GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURE Section 9.1 - Purnose In a mutual effort to provide a harmonious working relationship between the parties to this Agreement, it is agreed to and understood by both parties that there shall be a procedure for the resolution of grievances between the parties arising from any alleged violation of a specific term of this Agreement. Section 9.2 Grievance A. For the purpose of this Agreement, a grievance is defined as a dispute, claim or complaint that any employee or group of employees may have as to the interpretation, application, and/or alleged violation of some express provision of this Agreement which is subject to the Grievance Procedure. B. The Union or employee may abandon or settle a grievance. Grievances settled under this Article shall be non-precedent setting and cannot bc offered as evidence or as precedent in any subsequent arbitration case unless the Union and the County mutually agree in VlTiting that the grievance is precedent setting. C. No grievance can be amended or supplemented after the initial management response at Step I without the wriUen consent of the Emergency Medical Services/Fire Chief. D. There is no duty to arbitrate any grievance where the factual basis of the grievance occurred prior to the execution of this Agreement or after the expiration of this Agrecment. Section 93 - Ril!'ht ofTndividuals to a Just Grievance Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent any employee from presenting, at any time, his/her own grievance in person and having such grievances adjusted; provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. If the grieved employee requests Union representation, the grievant will notify the Emergency Medical Services/Fire Chief or designee. It is the responsibility of the grievant to notify the Union of any meeting called for the resolution of such gnevances. ._.~_.---,.._._-- J~ d..\S(~8 6ncn"a ItP'"'l '10 10^~ '~~ ''-' ,~" F ,. D?cember 16~ 6g Page 20 of 26'-\,.' ,}< Section 9.4 - General A. A reasonable effort will be made by the parties to settle all grievances as soon as possible. The time limits set forth shall be strictly complied with, and can only be extended by mutual agreement of the parties in "'Titing. Any grievance shall be considered settled at the last level if the grievant fails to timely process the gricvance. B. The Union will not be required to process grievances for cmployees who are not members of the Union, but may be present at any lYleeting where the grievance may be settled. The County shall notify the Union of any such meeting. Section 9.5 - Reouirements of Written Grie"'ance All grievances, as outlined above, must be m wTiting and must contain the following information: (1) Article and section of the agreement alleged to have been violated (2) A full statement of the grievance, giving facts, dates and times of events, and if possible, specific violations. The grievance shall also contain the remedy or adjustment desired; (3) Signature of aggrieved employee and date signed: and (4) Signature of the Union representati ve (must be a designated official or steward) if the grievance requests Union representation. (5) A class grievance may be filed when a single issue applies to more than one employee and in such cases the elected employee representative or Principal Otlicer must sign the grievance form. Any grievance not contammg the above information set forth above may be processed through the grievance procedure, but shall not be subject to arbitration absent the mutual consent of the parties. Section 9.6 - Stens Grie".".ances shall be processed iH acc;ordiiw..:e \.vith ihe following procedures: STEP): The grievant shall present in \Hiting his/her grievance to his/her immediate supervisor within fout1een (14) calendar days of the occurrence of the ",,1-; ..... ,'t;~,;.., T "';"'A +'" tha T ..;,oy-.-n..."", D:"""~":"''''''' .~II 'L. :~.(.'~_~I.(.'- 11' purpo-c-..-f ........uOu bA vu...g .......:0... lV I J"- 5J.l......~alJ\...... l.;:'...U:):)IVU;' V\111 lie HIlUIUlc1.1 lUr Je ::,1,; U settling differences in the sin1plest and most effective mar.....'1er. The supen'isor 1 r 12.\ slo'i Agenda Item No. 16<< Gcg December 16, ~s')J;' Page 21 o(~ shall reach a decision and communicate in writing to the grievant within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the gricvance was presented. Failure of the supervisor to timely respond shall be considered a denial of the grievance and shall entitle the grievant to appeal to Step 2. STEP 2: If the grievance is not settled at Step I, the grievant, within seven (7) calendars days of the answer in Step I, may present it to the Chief of Emergency Medical Services/Fire. The Emergency Medical Services/Fire Chief shall investigate the alleged grievance and may conduct a meeting with the grievant. The Emergency Medical Services/Fire Chief shall notify, the aggrieved employee of the decision no later than seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the grievance at Step 2. Failure of the Emergency Medical ServicesIFire Chief to timely respond shall be considered a denial of the grievance and shall entitle the grievant to appeal to Step 3. STEP 3: If the grievance is not settled in Step 2, the grievant, within seven (7) calendar days of the answer in Step 2, may present the written grievance to the Director of the Bureau of Emergency Services (the .'Director"). The Director shall investigate the alleged grievance and may conduct a hearing or meeting with the grievant. The Director shall notify the aggrieved employee in writing of the decision not later than seven (7) calendar days following the submission of the grievance at Step 3. Failure of the Director to timely respond shall be considered a denial of the grievance and shall entitle the grievant to appeal to Step 4. STEP 4: If a grievance, as defined in this Article, has not been satisfactorily resolved within the grievance procedures, the grievant may request arbitration in ""Titing to the Human Resource Department no later than seven (7) calendar days after the response is received, Section 9.7 - Arbitration Whenever the aggrieved employee requests arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.6, the grievant may request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to submit a panel of seven (7) arbitrators. The request must be made within fourteen (14) calendar days of the denial of the grievance at Step 3. Arbitrators shall be selected from such panel by alternately striking names from this list (the grievant shall strike first) until the last name is reached. The Union reserves the sole authority over whether to proceed to arbitration on a particular grievance. Section 9.8 - Rules Aonlicable to Grievance! Arhitration The following general rules are applicable to this Articlc: A. The arbitrator shall not have the power to add to, subtract from, modify, or altcr the terms of this Agreement. Sf (t1s\o~ E. F. !\genda Item No. ~6;::c ~ December 16, . AU Page 22 0 1..1-'~ B. The arbitrator shall have no power to establish wage scales, rates of pay for new jobs, or to change any wage, except when the wage being paid is in violation of the Agreement, or when he is otherwise specifically empowered to do so by both parties. c. The arbitrator shall have only the power to rule on grievances ansmg under this Agreement, as defined under Section 9.2 and which comply with the requirements of Section 9.4 (A) and (C), Section 9.5 and the time limits established by this /u1icle. D. The arbitrator shall determine each dispute in accordance ",ith the terms of this Agreement and in accord with a Submission Agreement, if one can be agrecd to. If there is no Submission Agreement, then the arbitrator will rely on the grievance under Step 1 of Section 9.7. The arbitrator shall not receive into evidence nor rely upon any past practices that occurred prior to the date of execution of this Agreement. The arbitrator's sole authority with regard to monetary awards is to make the employee whole for all lost wages and other lost benefits of a monetary value. No interest, costs or other damages of any type whatsoever may be awarded. Section 9.10 - Anneals The ruling of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the Union, on all bargaining unit employees and on the County; provided, however, that the arbitrator's decision is not outside or beyond the scope of the arbitrator's jurisdiction and authority as set forth in this Agreement. Section 9.11 - Costs TIle costs of the arbitration shall be split equally between the parties. Each side desiring a transcript will pay for it. If both parties obtain or use a copy of the transcript, the cost of the court reporter's fees and transcript shall be equally split between the parties. Expenses, including wages for witnesses, shall be borne by the party calling them. S'~ \z.\s-l,.$ Agenda Item NOj 1 ii~ December 16,~cr8..oC Page 2ft-Ii(: · ARTICLE 16 BEREA VEMENT/JURY DUTY /WITNESS DUTY Section 16.1 - Bereavement A regular full-time employee shall be granted, upon request, up to two shifts of bereavement leave with pay, due to the death in his/her immediate family. "Immediate family" shall mean father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, son, daughter, father-in- law, mother-in-law, stepfather, stepfather-in-law, stepmother, stepmother-in-law, stepson, stepdaughter, grandfather, grandfather-in-law, grandmother, grandmother-in-law, grandchildren, foster child, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew or other close relatives living with the employee. Leave in excess of the leave under this Section may be granted and, if granted, will be charged to the employee's accrued vacation leave or compensatory leave. If accrued vacation leave, or compensatory leave is not available, additional leave granted will be without pay. Employees with no available vacation or compensatory leave may also request leave through the sick leave bank process. In the event of an emergency illness of any of the above family members, the employee may take seventy-two (72) hours of emergency leave for serious illness or injury from their vacation leave with the approval of the Director or designee. The County reserves the right to require proof ofrelationship for use of bereavement leave. Section 16.2 - Jurv Dutv When a regular employee is required to serve on jury duty, the employee shall be relieved of responsibility for his or her regular work shift and the County shall pay the :Sf ft.-\S"tpS' .l\~enda ltem No. 1t)r\':;:) December 16, 2tr.18 0 So rage 21}~~\: 0 employee the amount that would have been received at the employee's regular straight- time rate of pay had the employee worked the employee's regular work shift All employees who are required to serve on jury duty shall report to their supervisor that they have been subpoenaed for jury duty within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving notice, when possible, but in no event later than the beginning of the next work shift. When an employee is relea,ed or is excused from jury duty for the remainder of a workday or permanently, the employee shall, as soon as possible, notify his or her supervisor of availability for work. Payments received by the employee for jury duty, except for meals, travel and lodging expenses, shall be endorsed to the County. Section 16.3 - Witness Dutv Any employee who, upon the request by and for the benefit of the County, is subpoenaed to any court proceeding involving the County. or is subpoenaed to appear in court in a civil or criminal mat1er in which the employee is not personally or monetarily interested, or is subpoenaed to appear for deposition in any matter related to their job duties with the County, shall be paid one and one-half (I 1/2) times his or her rate of pay for each hour spent otT-duty in serving as a witness in trial or deposition. Payments received by the employee for witness duty. except for meals. lravel and lodging expenses, shall be endorsed to the County. Court proceedings mean an appearance in eourt; it does not include any other appearance before any other tribunal, except for appearances on behalf of thc County which arise out of the performance of duties as a Collier County EMS/Fire employee. An employee who appears in Court as a plaintiff, defendant or witness due to Sf tdS\D3 Agenda Item No. 1~:S December 16; 2,[Ioa .08 Page 2"}~~ personal litigation will use accrued vacation leave or, if not available, will be on leave without pay. Section 16.4 - Time Worked Paid court appearance leaves and depositions under this Article will be considered time worked for overtime purposes. Section 16.5 - County Policv The County Administrative Procedures regarding Bereavement, Jury Duty, Witness Duty and Court Leave will not apply to employees covered by this Agreement. ~ . 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