BCC Minutes 01/24/1978 R : 00 1\.'.\ Naples, Florida, January 24, 1978 J,ET IT DE REHEMDERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Doardls) of such special dis~~icts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Com- plcx with the following members present: Cllil.IRMl\N: C. R. "Russ" \'Iimer VICE-CIIAIRHAN: John A. Pistor Thomas P. Atcher Clifford \'lenzel David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Carol Russell, Deputy Clerk; Donald A. Pic};worth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Dr. Nono Spagna, Director of Community Development; Clifford Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer; Frank Wilcox, Purchasing Director; and Deputy Chief Raymond Dnrnett, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF ~tINU':i'ES: None V. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Proposed ordinance expanding the district boundaries for the Golden Gate Fire Control District (Hall). B. Propo~ed ordinance expanding the district boundaries for the Ochopee Area Fire control District (Hall). VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Request by Chief Reeves for authorization to ?ay benefits for CETA Em?loycp.s from district funds (Hall). D. Appointments to the Golden Gate Fire Control district Advisory Board (lIall). VII. STAFF REPORT A. Request for approval of bid award ~280 for motor vehicles (County Attorney). Page 8-11 283 bk 40 204 bk 40 Jnnuary 24, 1978 B. Request for adoption of resolution estnblishing pelicy concerni.1g tJ- ~ preparntion llnd adoption of proclamations and cartain resolutions (Morgan). Request for extension of provinional Une petition PU-76-14-C, Exxon Corporation, in Section 17, T52S, R34E near the jetport (County Attorney). Request for approv~l of petition PU-77-14-C, Naples Christian AC<ldcmy rcguesting Provision Use (3) of' the estates district for n school on Tract 36, Unit Golden Gate Estates ~hich is located in the former mini-mall on Golden Gate Parkway (County Attorney) C. D. Request for approval of petition PU-77-l7-C, Donnld Hardy requesting Provision Use (3) of the ~states district for a school on Tract 8, Unit 29, Golden Gate Estates which is located on the NW corner of 70th St. SW and Goldan Gate Parkway F. Request for awarding of contract for paving and drainage improvements for Taylor Road (Berzon). E. G. Request for consideration of , Proposal by ISI for new contrnct for Grant Consultation Services (Morgan). VIII. COLLIER COUNTY l'li\TER/SEWER UTILITY DIVISION IX. CLERK OF TilE DOARD A. Payment of Dills D. Budgct Amcndments C. Other X. ~1I SCELLl\.N EOUS BOARD ITEI-lS XI. CORRESPONDEHCE o A.. '1 XII. PUBLIC PETITIONS: None XIII. ITENS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION 1\.. Request by CETA Operations Director for Board to reconsider CETA projects from local agencies XIV. AD,JOURN l\.GENDA APPROVED l'l'ITIl ADDITIONS/DELETIONS Chairman Nimer stated that Commissioner Brown had requested that discussion regarding tho repair of the Immokalee Park Shelter and Bandstand be added under "Items For Discussion with Possible Action." Commissioner Pistor stated that Hr. Hall had suggested that the two advertised public hearings listed on the agenda be continued for two weeks until the meeting of February 7, 1978. Pages 12-13 1'lIgC1 14 Pagos IS-17 29, Pages 18-23 January 24, 1978 Commissioner ristor moved that the two advertised public hearings: A. Proposed ordinance cxpa~ding the district boundaries for the Golden Gate Fire Control District And n. Proposed ordinance expanding the district boundaries for the Ochopee Area Fire Control District be continued for two weeks and that the agenda be approved with noted additions and deletions. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0. ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS January 24, 1978 ADDITIONS VIII. COLLIER COUNTY WATER/SEWER UTILITY DIVISIO~ A. Old Business 1. Request by the Utility Director to provide adequate personnel support to implement the City/County Water Agreement of October 17, 1977. (Ber:on). XI I [. ITEHS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION B. Discussion of Proposed Legislation to be Placed Before the Collier County Legislative Delegation at Public lIearing January 25, 1978 (Pick\'/'orth) DELr:TIO~S VI. 01.0 BUSINESS A. Request hy Chief Reeves for authorization to pay benefits for CETA employees from District funds. \'11. STAFF REPORT D. Request for approval of Petitio~ PU-77-l~-C, Saples Christian Academy requesting Provionsal Use (3) of the Estates District for n school on Tract 36, Unit 29, Golden Gate Estates which is located in the former mini-mall on Golden Gate Parkway (I.etter of withdrawal received and is in Correspondence). Xl I I. lTE~(S POR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Request by CETA Operations Director for Board to reconsider projects fron local agencies. 285 bk 40 January 24, 1978 286 bk 40 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - NONE APPOINTMENTS TO TilE GOLDEN G:\'l'E FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY 80il.RD - MR. CLIFFORD DO~DES TO FILL VAC~NCY LEFT BY MRS. JENKS Commissioner Archer moved to appoint Mr. Clifford Doades to fill the vncancy left by Mrs. Jenks on the Golden Gate Fire Control District Advisory CommitteD at their recommendation, seconded by Commisoioner Pistor and carried 5/0. At the request of Commissioner Pistor, Commissioner Archer listed the following as members of the Golden Gate Fire Control District Advisory Committee: George T. Smith Roland B. Sanner, Jr. John Muellenberg Jack T. Barham Clifford L. DoadeB DID *280 FOR MOTOR VEHICLES A\'lARDED TO TAMIAMI FORD, COASTLAND CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH AND \'iAT~LACE !oIOTORS AS PER STAFF RECOMMENDATION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 13 and IS, 1977 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication (il~d with the Clerk, Purchasing Agent Wilcox advised that bids were received until 2:30 P.M. on Wednesdny, January 4, 1978 on Did '280 for furnishing and delivering twenty-six (26) vehicles for use by various departments. In answer to an inquiry made by Commisf:ioner Archer, Mr. Wilcox ~tated that the Ford Company docs not give "Fleet Consideration", as Chrysler and Plymouth Companies do, however, Mr. Wilcox further noted that the Ford Company, in most cases, was still low bidder even without Fleet Consideration. Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and cnrried, that Did #280 for motor vehicles be awarded to Tamiami Ford, Naples, Florida for 13 vehicles in the amount of $64,630.98; Coastland Chrysler Plymouth, Naples, Florida for 12 vehicles in the amount of $56,621.46; and to Wallace Motors, Ft. Myero, Florida for I . . J. L._ .J January 24, 1978 I vehicle in the amount of $9,789.61 as contained in the recom- mcndntion of the ilid Review Committee letter doted January 13, 1978 and that the Chairman and tho Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements. RESOLUTION R-78-l2 ESTAOLISHING POLICY CONCERNING PREPARATION AND ADOPTION OF PROCLAMATIONS AND CERTAIN RESOLUTIONS - ADOPTED Mrs. Mary Morgan, hdministrative Aide to the Board, explained that a standard policy is needed regarding the requests made by various groups to adopt proclamations and/or resolutions publicizing their specific projects. Mrs. Morgan presented a resolution estab- lishing this policy to be executed by the Chairman. Commissioner Wenzel contcnded that the various groups needed only to be inotructed to comply with this and did not feel a reso- lution was nccessary. Commissioner Archcr moved for the adoption of Resolution R-78-l2 estAbliShing a standArd policy regarding proclamations and/or reso- lutions rcqucsted by various groups, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/1 with Commissioner \'lenzel dissenting. * * * * * * * * * * * * 287 bk 40 * 290 bk 40 January 24, 1978 RESOLU'fION R-78-l3 REQUESTING EXTENSION OF pnOVISION^L USE PETITION PU-7('-14-C, rXXON CORPORATtON, IN SECTION 17, T52S, R34E NEAR THE JETPORT - ADOPTED Dr. Ncno Spagna, Dircctor of Community Development, explained that the petitioner, Exxon Corporation, cannot complete operations by the cxpiration date due to wcather conditions and is requesting an extension of the Provisional Use for an exploration well located 6 miles NW of thc Miami-Dade Jetport. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0 to adopt Resolution R-78-1J relating to Petition PU-76-14-C for extension of provisional Use for Exxon Corporation, in Section 17, T52S, R34E near the jetport. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 292 bk 40 January 24, 1978 R~QU~ST FOR APPROVAL OF PETITION PU-77-17-C, DONALD HARDY REQUEST- ING PROVISIC"IAL USE (3) OF TifF. ESTATES DISTRICT FOR II SCIfOOL ON THACT d, UNJ'r 29, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - DENIED Dr. Donald C. Ifardy described to the Doard the facility which he wished to construct on the Golden Gate Parkway as a pre-school c.:lre und learning center. He displayed an artists rendering of the structure, noting that it would be air-conditioned with a swimming pool and gym and reported that the fee per week would be $30.00. Traffic was discussed. It was reported that tho original recom- mendution of the Traffic Plunner had been for access to como from Golden Gate Parkway; however, the CAPC had requested that access come from 70th Street, S.W. Hr. Dob Foutz, a neighbor of the area, described said structure as a day-care center, not a school and did not feel that a business should be combined with a residence. Dr. Spagnn pointed out that a school has a teaching and edllca- tional progrnm while a day-care center has not and stated that Dr. llardy had submitted a curriculum specifying specifically what courses would be taught. Mrs. Conllie Vauqhn, a neighbor opposing this petition, expressed concern over the traffic problems. The access was discussed as to \~hether it \~as better to have the access from Golden Gate Parkway or 70th Street, S.W. Hr. Kermit Dunn, a neighbor representing several land and home- owners opposing this petition, pointed out that in this area they arc presently experiencing salt water intrusion. Mr. Dunn stated that he felt that this facility would increase this problem. Mr. Ralph MacNiven, resident of 70th Street, SW, stated that he '~as opposed to placing this largo business venture in a low-density neighborhood and expressed concern that more commercial businesses would move into the area. He stated that the residents wished this area to rerr..1in 10\~-density and rccorr.mended that Dr. Hardy locate this facility near the other commercial establishments on tho Parkway. ,. January 24, 197!l Both Donna MncNivcn and Mrs. Alex Garland, registored to spnnk in orposition to t~is petition, stated that their views had ~lrendy been expreqsed. Mr. A. R. Garland, a neighbor, also spoke opposing this pe- tition. A letter dated January 24, 1978 was read by Mr. Berzon from Donna M. and Kenncth C. Mullins opposing this petition and explain- ing that they were unable to attend this meeting. Mr. Wade Schroeder of the CAPe explained that they have beon trying for years to cut down the openings onto arterial highways ~nd that this is why the CAPC has recommended t.hat the access not be from Golden Gate Parkway. Also, Mr. Schroeder pointed out that the objecti()n~ of the neighbor5 to the Mental Health Clinic hau been unfounded, however, in this case, with the possibility of 75 children being enrolled at one time, he st~ted that he felt that it would be a very noisy place and to the detriment of the neighborhood. Commissioner Brown moved that the Staff kecommendation be accepted to approve pctition PU-77-17-C with the stipulations as outlined in the reference material, seconded by Chairman Wimer, Commissioner Archer requested that a roll call vote be made. Commissioncr Drmm Aye Cnairman Wimer Aye Commissioner Wenzel Nay Commissioner Pistor Nay Commissioncr Archer Nay Commissioner Archer explained that he was totally and completely in favor of this type of pre-school; however, he did not feel that the location was proper an~ encouraged the community to assist Dr. Hardy in trying to locate the school in an area where it could best serve Collier County. Motion failed by 3/2 vote. . . . * * . * * * * . * * * RECESS, 10,09 A.M. until lU:17 A.M. * * * * . * * * * * * * * * 293 bk 40 294 bk 40 January 24, 1978 PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TAYLOR ROAD - AWARDED TO WARREN DROTIIERS FOR $73,822.50 BASED ON UNIT PRICE DETERMINATION Utility Director Derzon identified Taylor Road as extending north and Routh off Pine Ridge Road. About a year ago, he said, this Doard had received a petition from many of the property owners there requesting that this road be paved and financed through a special assessment. The designR were pr~pared by the Engineering Department and bids were put out, reported Mr. Berzon, and the lowest bid receiv- ed was from Warren Brothers for $73,822.50, and will require an esti- mated 100 working days to com~lete the work. With the administrative costs added, Mr. Derzon said, the total assessable cost of the project would be $78,251.85 which would be a $15.10 per front foot assessme~t on the properties. The Engineering Department recommends that this low bid be accepted, said Mr. Derzon. Mr. Philip C. Morse, Jr., a property owner in the area, spoka strongly opposing tllis assessment and described it as "extraordinarily high." A letter was read by Mr. Berzon received from an attorney rep- resenting Mr. Robert Taylor, a property owner on Taylor Road, dated January 23, 1978 to the Board of County Commissioners explaining that Mr. Taylor had the northerly 660 feet of Taylor Road paved and indicated that he should be reimbursed for same. However, after discussion, it was determined that this road was not paved according to County specifications and was not acceptable. A lengthy discussion followed as to the pros and cons of how the cost of assessment could be lowered. Drainage was also discussed. Assistant County Engineor Barksdale pointed out that, in some cases, the County could assume some of the cost when there were drainage l~quirements other than for the road itself; however, in this project it is the actual roadside drainage only that has been costed to this job. Commissioner Drown made the motion to accept the staff recommenda- tion and accept the lowest bid made by Warren Drothers in the amount of $73,822.50 based on unit price determination for the paving of Taylor ...1' January 24, 1978 Road. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0. The staff was directed by the Chairman to evaluate this project in an ,~ttf..npt to lower the cost of aysessment. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL DY ISI FOR NEW CONTRACT FOR GRANT CONSUL- TATION SERVICES - NO CONSIDERATION ~~DE UNTIL AFTER MEETING WITH STAFF THIS DATE Mr. Joe Hale, President of International Systems, listed several grant applications and projects in which ISI has assisted Collier County in the first 10 or 11 months of the program and submitted a written summary to tho Doard. Mr. Ilale stated that his firm feels that it has worked very closely with the Collier County staff lInd hilS beon very effective. lie further said that his staff has learned the characteristics of this County and know best what the County is internsted in pursuing. In response to a question by Commissioner Wenzel as to the amount of aid received from this firm, Mr. Dob Graham, the County Project Coordinator, who has been working with ISI, reported that IS1 has been very helpful; however, he said that the majority of efforts in grant applications must come from the local agency. A meeting is scheduled for this afternoon between representa- tives of 151 and the County staff, stated Chairman Wimer, and a recom- mendution would be need cd from the Staff following this meeting in regard to any consideration for renewing the contract. UTILITY DIRECTOR AUTHORIZED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE PERSONNEL SUPPORT TO IMPLEMENT TilE CITY/COUNTY ''lATER 1\GREEr.lENT OF OCTODER 17,1977 Utility Director Irving Derzon explained that this request is for authorization to employ additional personnel needed primarily in connection with the implementation of the water agreement with the City of Naples. The pay grade and salary ranqe for these personnel are as follows: I) Utility Construction Superintendent - Pay Grade 41 - Salary Range - $14,185 - $19,864. 2) Utility Construction Mechanic II - Pay Grade 26 - Salary Range - $9,755 - $12,667. 3) Utility Construction Nechanic I, Two - Pay Grado 22 - Salary Range - $8,842 - $11,481 295 bk 40 296 bk 40 January 24, 1978 4) Customer Service Technicians lMeter Readers and Com- plaint Investigaturs), Three - Pay Grade 21 Salary Range - $8,611 - $11,190 Co:=issioner Archer noted thnt one of the strong points in the consideration givcn to the decision made between the City and County that ~here the City was required, by the turning over of certain oreas to the County, to reduce their forces that these people would be given first consideration in being hired by the County. Mr. Der- ~on stated that this would be done. ;.:otiO:l was made by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that authorization be given to fill the positions as outlined by the Utility Director. BUDGET /\:.lE::DNENT NO. 78-29 FOil REPL^CEMEN1' OF RADIO IN HELICOPTER IN THE /\:.:OuNT OF $600 - ,\DOPTED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reported th.:lt $600 is needed to re- place the radio which was in the helicopter when originally purchased and which cannot be used on the current frequency. CO~1.~lis5ioner \o.icnzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unnnim0usly, that Budget Amendment No. 78-29 be .:ldopted. "~'J U;' \""\..'..;..41' \..v,....,I.).)II'.'l..I\.) COlLlln. O:.J:HY,. rI.Ci~ID.\ Di-::;C~lrilC.': :,';) .IUST/FIC/HIO;'! Of: ^:.:a:a:.!ErH flEQUESTW (I'rcpilr'o in trlplJcalo. Dna con)' be rctili(1a~ J,' '~:lC r(:qu,~r,:ino O~pnrlr~')nt. rOn/11rc: oriSjn;)1 and orlo copy to f1:;cnl Off'j( Ui!) cnn f i n;':.1: i el/"I f,h0C'::; "lid 11~:iJCh f.Uppor t i ng d0'::UT.~,,.t~. I f nooded) Re~~cst of f.unds to purchase n replacement for Mobile Radio for the UHI-B Hc1icoptc~. The existing radio cannot be made to tune to the proper frcquencies. (This is origin,'11 cquipment received \-lith the helicopter) To have the radio overhauled. would be in excess of $1,000. ?i{[Pi,Ri:D OY OEPI\RTI,lENT !,Pi'....OV ilL ~y~ ~.1ANA~ER APPR0Y AL Johllll. PacCbr\TEl-18-78 Per ~!cmo DATE1-1B-78 ~ DATE {{J1hl r:-.:::-:-.-::- (nil S S EeT I 0.'1 TO DE CO:.;PLE1TD oy' F I NANCE) ^CCOWlT AI.:OUNT TO: (Increase) Equip8cnt - Civil Defense 001-3991-00-4022 $ 600 FROM: (Source of Funds) Contingencics OOI-210l-00-70l0 $ 600 .. .....,.--.... January 24, 1979 BUDGET I\MENDMENT NO. 78-30 TO PURC!lT\SE DOUBLE DRAI'lER FILING CI\BI- NETS, LEGT\!. SUE CADINETS AND REPLACE OLD SECRETARIAL CHAIRS FOR SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS IN AMOUNT OF $355 - ADOPTED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reported that $355 is needed by the Supervisor of Elections for double drawer filing cabinets, legal size cabinets and to replace some old secretarial chairs. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, to adopt Budget Amendment No. 78-30. I,\RO 0 r COLI NTY CO:-~'.II S S I m:;:: HS COl.L I EI{ COUNTY,. f'I.Oi~1 DII R E Q U ( 5 T r 0 R f\ U 0 G F. T ^ /.\ r; :: () ,.: r: r, T (Jj) I,elf".!! or t-:t"1\lOS t I niJ U:lfit... ~g:CTIONS DESCj{If'TION AND JUSTIFICATIOi-./ OF N.:El:O:':::::i n~:QUEST!:O (I'rapllr" In 1ripllCo'de. Ono cO"V be rololnod hy the requostlng DapDrtm3nt. Forward orlglnel V~~ ena copy to rl~cnl Olf;c Usa con-tl nuntlon r.hoot5 line! lit 1,,::11 5uPil';)r: i nSJ du::.u:r.!lnts, 1 ~ n::::~ccl) To nppropriatc fundn for the following: (1) 4-Drnwer Legol Size Cabinet (2) Double Drawer Filing Cnhinets (3) Secretarial Chairs @ $ 95.00 @ 40.00 ellch @ 60.00 ellch Totnl ^mount of Equipment $355 PREP/\HEO llY OEPllfnI.:cl'.:T I,P??'.i'I!IL Per Memo from hn II. PllccllATE 1-18-78 Edna Santa o,:,rE 1-6-"18 <THIS SECTION TO DE r.O~lPLET[[) OY rIK'\NCEl ACCOUNT I COUNTY 1.~~.N."9Sf'{ f,!'i'fKlV IlL DATE ^:'XlUNT TO: (Increase) Equipment-Supervisor of Elections 001-2440-00-4020 $ 355 FROM: (Source of Funds) Contingencies - General Fund 001-2101-00-7010 $ 355 , 1 ~'H~;1::';: ( _l-"j 'I ~I;::;~'" :~,:~;:" w.~';' ~'=~:. :~~:::=. ._J;~;~.';:"-': 11(, f'I:.clJl O(flcor, nf'ft,r receipt of 'l"~ ~;';>:'O\'3(~ origir.~ll irt':1 '11,:.1 C:\'.J:1"I'y r'::ln")~j\'.r, 111 f Irl'd 1/(1 1hi~. r<~CllluSt for [lcHtrd ['odo',,: l\OlC <:['pr-o'lill. Fol I:)..d:;~; Ib,"'\! ll.::ti0n, -111\1 nl:t.~ Or f !evr ~Ii.ll pro::o$s f.p~JI',l\'~(~ flud.]-,,! "....x.c.:-:.;, I:. -lhrl'::~:l t.,:?,,'.:;,,\: inn il:1J :.0;"\1 II COj'Y red f 1f'~:~~~~1I.?_ :to tile, ,:::s::::..::~!..n~ r1'1'.=:.r k'::;;_~::":;I)' .t(JJ:'-~::} :,:;_:.:.~~~lj~.::.~(.qlll p:n.~n I. 297 bk 40 298 bit 40 January 24, 1978 DUDGET 1\MENDMENT NO. 78-31 FOR OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR NEW TELEPHONE np~RATOR IN AMOUNT OF $315 - ADOPTED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reported that $315 is necded to pur- ch.:1SC office cquipment for the new telephonc operator. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously to adopt Dudget Amendment No. 78-31. !'lO';"D OJ: COi.J.'ITY CO:'::.11 S$lo:.:r::ns COLL I [R cou:n Y, FL.ORl 0.'\ R ( QUE S T fOR n U f) r. E T ^ /., F ;4 f) /., F IJ T "~1lrr.9 of 'kcqu&s1-Jng U~pt. r--r.AINTENAl DESC~If'rIO:~ N:O JUSTIFICI\TlO~l Or A'.:E~:I):.I!:jH Rt:QUESTED (Propnro In tripllclll'o. Ono co ~o roJ<linecJ L~' il10 rcr;lIcsling O"partment. forward ori!)iMI ond one copy to flzcnl Off ('so continuatIon !;hoo15 ond ot tllch supporting do~u;r.~ntz, If nceded) To trnnofer funds from Supplies and Equipment to Officc Equipment Accbunt 4020. To be used to set up EPABX Equipment and Operator, DErARTI-:EtH APi'R.OV AL Per Hemo from Lowell Raine~ATE 1-18-78 EPABX Account 2041 for Chair and desk ?REP;,!~EO OY John 11, PacO(:MTE 1-18-78 COUNTY !.:ANAGER APPf<OVAl t/) ,n1C/'l ~ ATE I -/q ~ (TillS SECTION TO DE CO:.:?LE.TCD OY FINA~CE) ACCOUNT N.:OUNT TO: (Increase) Office Equip, - Courthouse Bldg. l-!aint. 001-2670-00-4020 U12. FROM: (Source of Funds) Supplies & EquLp. EPA8X - Courtho\lllc Bld~, }~ilLnt, 001-2670-00-2041 $ 315 . -.--- ------.-------....----r-- I rli~!F'7. ~f;.1m\III!--' 1 ]1l0Ml::l Or CW:HY CO~.;~1ISSI0:\f:f1S '\Pi'j~O,/,\1. I IJUDCn N,:nm: _ ~y~T!:_LjJ:JJ:.._ ~~_~2t\/78 _ "1 _____.___.1 1\0. 78-31 TI.S "i~ciJl Oltlcer, Llr-lcr rcceipt or ':I1::l .!ljlprovod original fro:1 tho COlln.ty !,:,'I1;IUCr, \ fir,.,li;w 't'l1ir. rcquo~;t for r,:liInf ;'(.:\'10\'/ n:lj nppio'lid. Follo'.dnrJ (1:>.:1/'<.I 1,c:liol1, 'Ih,~ r1~( 91!! ~:,~.... II 1.11 proe.),.::; l.r:) ,\)\',; c: n~ltl~p t, r\'r.'':0d~,~nlll ~ 1I\1'?l:n~1 {,c7,,'.:n: I ng Md !'.cmd ~ co;>y r. \ -..... . - . January 24, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-32 FOR RENOVATION WORK IN PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE FOR MATERIALS IN NIOUNT OF $400 WITH MAINTENANCE DEPARTl-lENT TO ~NSTALL PARTITIONS - ADOPTED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reported that $400 is needed for materials to be used in renovation-type work in the Property Apprais- er's Office with the Maintenance Department to install the partitions. Commissioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, to Adopt Budget Amendment No. 78-32. l;vr\:-\'J U:' lAIUi'lll \...V,'.'11::'::'lUI'lr.rl:' COLt I FR COUNTY" fLOalDr\ ... .... ""( ..... ~ J. . V h PRO R ~n u () c r: T ^ ", r: H 0 ,., F. t~ T PE TY NIlr.',!l or 1i~!)tJng tJ,pt.~:.:....~!:ER DESCi\lPTION AND JUSTlrICI\TIO~r OF A!.:Et:Cl:.:i:::i ?::QUESTED (PrcJrJ/Jra In tri~liclJlo. Ono co' bo retained by tho raquos'ling OOp/lrtm9nt. forward original b:-::l ana cOP'1 to fl!.OclJl OU'; Usn continuation sheets nnd Dttnch 5upporti~~ dOCu~9nt!), If n~o:led) To appropriate funds for materials for partitions in the Property Appraiser's Office (Building C) ?REPi,:u:n BY OEP/IRTt,:E)iT AP?if)','!IL John H, PacCOATEl-18-78 O,;lE CCiJNTY !,W~,\Gm APi";,0'iAL OATF. (TillS SECTION TO m: CQ.',tPLETEO UY FINN';'::!'.) ACCOUNT NI.OUNT - TO: (Increase) Bldg, & Other Structures and/or Improvements 001-2670-00-4010 $~ FROM: (Source of Funds) COlltingencier; - General Fund 001-2101-00-7010 $~ II 'pJt;hY- ~;[ ~:i~;;_:~ ,~~~i' _::~: I O""~-/:'.~~:"'~=T::~C;:_ :~'a~ TIt~, f'j;.cnl OUicer', l1ftIJr rcc.::ir'l of 'III" ,,~;,:-o\'.:d orinl:llll fn'~: '1110 C"u:l't)' ~::ln"D~r, \r. fit,,!! i 1.0 thir, r0q\Jo,..t for' B~','rd j'\)\' I 0',/ !);'l:l "t'prowl!. rc>Il~,.,dl'.':: lb.11"() (lei j":l, '1110 Fl!'( or r ic~lr will "roc",'; r,r:Jr..)\'()(~ f111dq',1'1 !"~;I;'l:'-;l;ll!. 'lhrc'\:J~1 1,.":':~U'J;I: in:) i1~I~ ~.~nJ '.' cOi')' rc f' I ,I,' '-.. , " [) "rl"'," C ,.. ",,--' "'I"" ~~ ('If,I'\''1 ^(lllll'r"~n'l . Ir~.l :;t.t1.t.'~I.~~ '10 "tho rcqu.~:'!~.ln~r 1",.!~_.:.~:~~~~~r...\..I"~~__~__'::-"'_'..:-_6"~":- t 1_...- --.---:-:s ... 299 bk 40 300 bk 1\0 Jonudry 24, 1978 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTIlORIZED FOR PAYMENT ~ommissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor und c~rried, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by tho followinq warrnnts isoued from January 18, 1978 through January 24, 1978: FUND WARRANT NOS. BCC Payroll County Warrants - General Road & I3ridqe CETA Sewer Dist. "A" Assessments 138042 - 38416 2155 - 2324 11 7 38 - 39 RESIGNATION OF CLARENCE PETTIT FROM CONTRACTORS LICENSING BOARD - ACCEPTED. AUTIl(l~I7.l\TION GIVEN TIlAT LETTER AND CERTIFICATE OF APPRE- CIATION n~ S~NT TO MR. PETTIT Commissioner \~enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and CArried unanimously, to accept the resignation of Clarence Pettit (rom the Contractors Licensing Board und to authorize that appropriate letter And certificate of appreciation be sent to Mr. Pettit. LETTER TO HIGHLANDS COUNTY IN SUPPORT OF RESOLUTION REQUIRING CRHiE PREVENTION BEING TAUGPT IN SCHOOLS - APPROVED. Commissioner \'lenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner t'istor and unanimously carried, that the Chairman be authorized to sign an appro- priato letter to Ilighlnnds County supporting the.tr resolution requiring that crime prevention be taught in the schools. LEAVF:-OF-ABSENCE FOR R. T. BO\~ERS - APPROVED ~Iotion made by commissioner Pistor, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried, to approve the leave-of-absence from January 20, 1978 to Fcbrunry 17, 1978 for employee R. T. Bowers now in Nilples Community Hospital, as recommended by Road & Bridge Depart- mcnt Ilead. January 24, 1979 CIIAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN FORMS AND APPROPRIATE LETTER TO DEPl\RT- MENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TRl\NSHITTING Ml\TERIAL REGl\RDING GRANT nECEI VED FC':l DEVEI,OPMEN'r OF COMPRElIENSIVE PLAN Commissioner Pistor moved, secondod by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman to sign forms and an appropriate letter to the Department of Community Affairs transmit- ting material regarding grant received for development of Comprehen- sive Plan. LETTER RECEIVED FROM DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES REGARDING STATUS OF BOl\TING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RESPONSIBLE FOR FUNDS IN DEVELOPING DOAT RAMP FOR STATE ROAD 1951 - l\UTlIORIZl\TION GRANTED FOR APPROPRIATE SIGNATURES AND CIIECK IN AMOUNT OF $493.47 PREPARED AND RETURNED. STAFF INSTRUCTED TO WRITE LETTER TO DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES REGil.RDING COUNTY MONIES FOR BOAT RAMPS BEING UTILIZED BY DNR ~lrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative l\ide to the Board, stated that a letter had been received from the Department of Natural Resources regarding the status of the noating Improvement Project, Project #9-57-I, re the SR 951 Boat Ramp. The letter, said Mrs. Morgan, out- lined the alternatives to be followed by the County in order to up- date the DNR files for said Project. Motion made by Commissioner Wenzel, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried, to authorize submittal of appropriate documents, and that a check be prepared in the amount of $493.47 to be returned to DNR, as outlined. Chairman Wimer noted that there had been newspaper articles stating that the Department of Natural Resources has been utilizing County monies contributed to these funds for their own administrative budget. Chairman Wimer requested that a very strong letter be drafted uy the staff to DNR requesting that these County monies be returned to the County as mandated by the State statute. Mo~ion was made by commissioner Wenzel, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter to the Dcpartment of Natural Resources as requested by the Chairman. Commissioncr Wenzel recommended including the news- paper clippings, also. 301 bk 40 302 bk. 40 January 24, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ^PPLICATION TO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ~Y COUNTY WI~L RECEIVE $200. REFUND PREVIOUSLY PAID FOR BOND Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to sign an application to the Department of Revenue whereby the County will receive a $200 refund previously paid for a bond. Mrs. Mary Morgan, ^dministrative Aide to the Board, explained that this refund was due to the fact that the County has been desig- nated dealer of special fuels. CH^IRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER AND ^PPROPRIATE APPLICATION FORMS TO RECEIVE GRANTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT OF SALARIES FOR FEDERAL EM- PLOYEES TEMPORARILY ASSIGNED TO COUNTY Administrative Aide to the Doard Mary Morgan reported that there were grant funds available to pay part of salaries for federal em- ploynes on temporary assignment with the Coutny, possibly a Manage- mcnt il.nalyst or for Utility Engineers. Commi!3sioncr Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried, that the Chairmtln be authorized to sign an appropriate letter and application forms to receive these grants. GOLDEN GA'I'E COMMUNITY CENTER RECEIVES $1,734.30 FOR HELP IN PURCIIASE OF CHAIRS. NONEY PLACED IN DONATIONS ACCOUNT Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan reported that the Go'lden Gate Community 'Center 'has informed the County that a donation in the amount of $1,734.30 has been received by them from the Golden Gate Jr. Woman's Club which is to be applied to the cost of chair.s placed in the facility. Fiscal Officer lIall reported that the money has been placed in an appropriate Donations Account. NOTICE RECEIVED FROM PUDLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON ~ETITION TO OPERATE SOUTHWEST BUS TOURS OF MARCO ISLAND FOR TRANS- PORTATION TO ALL POINTS IN COLLIER COUNTY - SUPPORT GIVEN BY BOARD Administrative Aide to the Doard Mary Morgan reported that a notice has been received from the Public Service Commission of a public January 24, 1978 hearing on a petition to operate a motor carrier under the name of SouthweRt Dus Tours to transport passengers and baggago in both regular route and charter operations to all points in Collier County. Southwest Bus Tours is located on Marco Island, she said. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously,that the County support this petition to operate Southwest Bus Tours to all points in Collier County. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence bc filcd and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated January 17, 197B from Naples Christian Academy withdrawing th~ir provisional use petition due to the economics involved in remodeling the building; filed. 2. Letter dated January 13, 197B from Kenneth M. Myers, Senate Committec on Transportation, requesting completion of a questionnaire regarding the County's operation of the inspec- tion program to assist in a periodic review of motor vehicle inspection program in the State - xc to Engineering for completion with copy of completed quostionnaire to be filed with Clerk to the Board, 3. 1978 Legislative Awareness Seminar, sponsored by the FCCMA, will be held February 15 - 16, 1978 in Tallahassee in con- junction with and preceding the Annual Mid-Year Conference of the Florida I.cague of Cities; filed. 4. Letter dated January 13, 1978 from the Corps of F.ngineers requesting County representation at a preapplication inter- agcncy meeting for the remainder of the permits for the Marco Island development on Febru~ry 2, 1978, 9:00 A.M., Jacksonville; filed. 5. Copy of Variance No. 77-3-V-218 granted by DNR to Sergio E. G. ~lontes, Agent, Stanley Hole & Associates, for construction of three parking areas and a~cess road in Wiggins Pass State Recreation Area; xc to Planning; filed. 6. Copy of the Department of Offender Rehabilitation Inspection Report of County and Municipal Detention Facilities for Collier County Jail dated December 15, 1977; xc to Sheriff Rogers; filed. 7. Copy of the Department of Offender Rehabilitation Inspection Report of County and Municipal Detention Facilities for Immokalce Stockade dated December 13, 1977; xc to Jim Lester; filed. 8. Letter dated January 18, 1978 from Jack Whisnant, Immokalee Volunteer, Fire Chief, requesting removal of $12,000 cap funding the Fire Department; filed. 303 bk 40 304 bk 40 January 24, 1978 9. Copy ~f the Departm!nt nf Offender Rehabilitation Inspection Report of County and Municipal Detention Facilities for tho Naples City Jail dated December 15, 1977; xc to Naples police Department; filed. 10. Copy of the Department of Offender Rehabilitation Inspection Report of County and Municipal Detention Facilities for the Collier County Sub-Station. Date of inspection was December 13, 1977; xc to Immokalec Shariff's Department; filed. II.. Copy of the Florida Division of corrections ~eport of Inspec- tion of State Institution. Inspection on December 15, 1977; xc to Captain Wimberly lCopeland Road Prison); filed. 12. Copy of letter dated ,Janunry 14, 1978 from Paul A. !lowe, Sani- bel Island resident, to Eastern Tin, Chief, Buroau of Land' Water Management, requesting his determination as to legal status of the development with regard to Chapter 380, F.S.; fUuu. 13. Letter dated January 16, 1978 from Bill Barnett, Vice Chair- man of Parks and Recreation Advisory Board informing Board of impending opinion from City Council regarding outcome of Bayvicw Park; filed. 14. DER Notice of Public Meeting - xc to Environmental Consultant, Assistant County Engineer and Utility Director; filed. 15. Notice of PSC hearings re Joint application for All Sunshine tlovcrs, Inc., and Application of P M Trucking, Inc., Oxford Security Systems, Inc., B's Moving Company, Inc., and Asphalt Transportation Company; filed. MARCO ISLi\:-lD FIRE CON'l'ROL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION - SUPPORT GIVEN REQUEST DY DOARD AS PER STAFF RECOMMENDATION Fiscal Officer Harold Hnll explained that Marco Island Fire control D\strict is requesting legislation that would enable them to remove their dollar cnp, include emergency rescue service and given them authority to enter into ngreements with authorized governmental agencies for assistance outside the District. This request is in keeping with the Board's wishes following previous dis- cussions, said Mr. Hall. January 24, 1978 Commissioner Pintor mov~o thRt this request by Marco Island Fire Control District re~uesting legislation be supportcd as per staff recommendation, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried. NORTH NAPLES FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION - SUPPORT GIVEN REQUEST BY BOARD AS PER STAFF RECOMMENDATION Fiscal Officer lIarold Hall explained that North Naples Fire Control District is requesting legislation to expand their Dis- trict into the County Fire District '1. This proposal has been dis- cusfled with the stn[ f, said Mr. lIall, following tho appoarance of District Representatives before the County Commission and the request is in accord with the overall plan for the County. Commissioner Wenzel moved to support the request by the North Nuples Fire Control District for l~gislation as per the staff recom- mcnclation, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously. STAFF DI RECTED TO REPORT Dil.CK TO BOARD ANY CilANGES IN PARTICULAR BILLS THAT RELATE TO COLLIER COUNTY AFTER FINAL LEGISLATION IN ORDER TO DETERMINE IF ORIGINAL INTENT CARRIED THROUGH Commissioner Archer noted that, in some cases, Bills which arc given support by the County Commission are changcd a great deal beforc the final legislation. County Attorney pickworth suggested that the ~taff follow through where coordination is necessary and changes are proposed, and that a report be brought back to the Board for furtiler direction in regard to thosn Dills relating to Collier County. Chairman Wimcr directed the staff to follow through with any lcgislation cn which the Board has taken a position. EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION TO /\MEND BOUNDARIES - NOT SUPPORTED AS PER STAFF RECO~~ENDATION It was discussed and notcd that work was not completed between the staff and District representatives in regard to amending tho East Napl~s Fire Control District boundaries. Chief Washam of the 305 bk 40 January 24, 1978 306 bk 40 Fire Control District spoKe before the commission, stating thero are problems which need to be worked out. County Attorney Pickworth recommended that these problems be resolved and brought back before the nonrd in time for the Legislative Session in April. Commissioner Archer moved that this request be reconsidered between the st~ff and District representatives and that the Board take no action in regard to support at this time as per staff recom- mendation. Motion seconded by Commissionor Pistor and carried unani- mously. RESIDENTS OF EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR LEGISLA- TION THAT TIlEIR ARE1\ BE WITIlDRAWN FROM SAID DISTRICT AND ADDED TO GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT - LEGISLATION NOT SUPPORTED AS PER STAFF RECOMMENDATION Commissioner Archer moved, soconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried, thnt the request made by the residents of the East Naples Fire Control District that their area be withdrawn from said Dis- trist and added to Golden Gate Fire Control District not be supported ns per staff recommendation; that further study and analysis is needed. HI~'OKALF.E FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION AMENDING ACT TO REMOVE CAP ON MILLAGE - STAFF RECOMMENDATION ACCEPTED TO SUPPORT LEGISLATION Fiscal Officer Ilarold Ilall explained that the Immokalee Fire Control District is requesting that their millage be reduced from 3 mills to I mill and the $12,000 cap removed. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried that this legislation be supported to lower the millage of the Immokalee Fire Control District from 3 mills to 1 mill and re- moving the $12,000 dollar cap as per staff recommendation. January 24, 1978 NONPARTISAN ELECTION OF SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS - NOT SUPPORTED Commissioner Brown moved that Nonpartisan Election of School noard Members not be supported and that School Board Members declare the political party for which they stand, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3 to 2 with Commissioners Wimer and Pistor dis- senting. RESOLUTION R-7B-14 IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION REGARDING COmITY WATER- SEWER DISTRICT - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution R-78-14 in Support of Legisla- tion Regarding the County Water-Sewer District be adopted. It It It It It '" '" ~ '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 307 bk 40 '" 310 bl< tlO January 24, 1978 CITY OF NAPLES LEGISLATION nEQUEST IN REGARD TO ENFORCEMENT OF PRO- 11IDITION AGA~NST DOUDLE TAXATION - NO ACTION TAKEN AT THIS TIME After some discussion, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that no action be taken in regard to the City of Naples legislation request in regard to enforcement of Prohibition against Double Taxation. CITY OF N^PLES LEGISLATION REQUEST IN REGARD TO ADVERTISING TAX INCKEASES - NO ACTION TAKEN AT ~IIS TIME Motion was made by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that no action be taken in regard to the City of Naples legislation request in regard to advertising tax increllses. CITY OF NAPLES LEGISLATION REQUEST IN REG^RD TO FINANCING OF PROJECTS OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS - NO ACTION T^KEN AT THIS TIME Motion made by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that no action be taken in regard to the City of Naples legislation request in regard to financing of projects outside city limits. APPEAL OF DISMISSAL OF F()RMER EMPLOYEE MR. DAN NELSON - WAIVED Mr. Jim Siesky, Assistant County Attorney, related that Mr. Nelson had been duly notified of the meeting this date and, in his ~bsence. it was suggested thnt his appeal be waived. Motion was made by Commissioner Wenzel, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that the County Commissioners deem that Mr. Dan Nelson has waived his appeal by not appearing this date. REQUEST BY COMMISSIONER DROWN REGARDING RENOVATION OF IMMOKALEE BANDSTAND - CONTINUED TO MEETING NEXT WEEK IN ORDER TO RESEARCH PRIOR DECISION REG^RDING SAME County Attorney Pickworth reported that former action regarding the Immokalee Danostand had been made and staff would research this and bring before the Board next week, if necessary, as Commissioner Drown had notcd that this facility would be needed by April 1st for a fcstival in Immokalce. - I t. ._ ... .0..-...;' January 24, 197e PETITION RECEIVED PROTESTING THE REQUEST FOR A PE~tIT TO nUlLO A 3-STORY "BOATEI," WITH APARTMENTS ON 'I'IIE COMMERCIALLY ZONED SITE NE!\R OSCEOLA COURT AND n;LET ORIVE ON MARCO ISLAND A petition signed by 125 Marco Island residents was received by the Board of County Commissioners on January l7, 1978 requesting dcnial of a permit to build a three-story boatel with 5 apartments on the commercially zoned site near Osceola Court and Inlet Drive, Marco Island. Petition on file in office of Clerk of the Doard. VARIOUS EI\SEMENTS RE IMMOKI\LEE SEI'IER PROJECT ACCEPTED AND RECORDED IN TilE OFFICIAL RECORDS Pursuant to action taken by the Board on October 25, 1977, wherein thc Board approved the acceptance and expenditure of funds for the recording of all Utility Easements related to the Immokalee Sewer Project, Utility Director Irving Berzon submitted the fallowing Utility Easements, same having been recorded in the Official Records: 1. James Walter Spires, Sr. And Annette Spires 2. J. B. Gadsden, Jr. and Althea Gadsden * * * * * * * * * * * * * 311 bk 4 0 * January 24, 1978 314 bk 40 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. There being no further businoss for tho good of tho County the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: ll:SS A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL c ATTEST: \HLLII\M J. REAGAN, CLERK r , . ... ~ .. . l.. -, : f\ . ~, . \-#" '. f .j, ... , .tI. " l' ~~' ...... .~ f.'. ,~.... " ,( ~l,;'tf\\ .. ,." ,- ",