Agenda 12/16/2008 Item #16B 3 Agenda Item No, 1683 December 16, 2008 Page 1 of 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Resolution to reduce the speed limit on Oakes Boulevard between Vanderbilt Beach Road and Immokalee Road from the current speed limit of forty- five miles per hour (45 mph) to thirty-five miles per hour (35 mph) OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners approve a Resolution to reduce the speed limit on Oakes Boulevard from the current posting of forty-five miles per hour (45 mph) to thirty-five miles per hour (35 mph), CONSIDERATIONS: Upon the request of local residents, the Collier County Traffic Operations Department has conducted a traffic engineering study to determine the appropriate speed limits on the referenced roadway. Oakes Boulevard is a collector road, recently restricted from truck traffic, passing through a residential neighborhood with eight local streets and numerous private driveways intersecting it. The existing speed limit is 45 mph. The road is two-lane, two-way with a double yellow center line denoting "NO PASSING" for its entire length. Only one intersection at Spanish Oaks has left-turn lanes that would allow vehicles protection while waiting to turn. Crash history shows the roadway experiencing 24 crashes within the past three years, with half of them being rear-end collisions. Given the roadway geometry and the nature of a residential neighborhood, it is recommended that the speed limit be reduced to 35 mph, FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost to change the existing speed limit signs from 45 to 35 on the referenced roads is approximately $400. Funds are budgeted in the Traffic Operations Department Operating Fund 101. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, is not quasi-judicial and requires no ex parte disclosure, requires only a majority vote for approval, and is otheIWise legally sufficient for Board action.-SRT GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Resolution. RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Resolution to reduce the speed limit on Oakes Boulevard between VanderbiJt Beach Road and Immokalee Road from the current speed limit of forty-five miles per hour (45 mph) to thirty-five miles per hour (35 mph); authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution, and authorize the County Manager or his designee to erect the appropriate traffic control signage, Prepared By: Robert W, Tipton, P,E., PTOE, Traffic Operations Director Attachments: (I) Resolution; (2) Tramc Engineering Study Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page I of I Agenda Item No, 1683 December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 6 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16B3 Recommendation to approve a Resolution to reduce the speed limit on Oakes Boulevard between Vanderbilt Beach Road and Immokalee Road from the current speed limit of forty. five miles per hour (45 MPH) to thirty-five miles per hour (35 MPH). 12/16/20089:0000 AM Prepared By Traffic Operations Director Date Robert W. Tipton, P .E. Transportation Services Traffic Operations 11125/20086:07:19 PM Approved By Robert W. Tipton, P.E. Transportation Services Traffic Operations Director Traffic Operations Date 11/25120086:06 PM Approved By Brian Hancock Transportation Division Operations Support Manager Transportation Administration Date 11126/200811:45AM Approved By Barbara LaPierre Transportation Services ManagemenUBudget Analyst Traffic Operations Date 1211120081:29 PM Approved By Scott R. Teach County Attorney Assistant County Attorney County Attorney Office Date 1212/20088:03 AM Approved By Norm E, Feder, AICP Transportation Services Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Admin. 12121200810:49 AM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Transportation Services Executive Secretary Transportation Services Admin Date 121212008 1 :07 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Administrative Services Applications Analyst Information Technology Date 1212/20083:59 PM Appro'ved By Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Offfce of Management & Budget Date 12/2120085:48 PM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 12/812008 9:58 PM file://C:IAgendaTestIExportII18-December%20 16, %2020081] 6.%20CONSENT%20AGE... ] 2/1 0/2008 Agenda Item No, 1663 December 16, 2008 Page 3 of6 RESOLUTION NO. 2008- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COlINTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING ^ SPEED LIMIT REDUCTION ON OAKES I101lLEVAIUl FIWM FORTY-FIVE MILES I'ER 1I011R (45 MPII) TO THIRTY-FIVE MILES I'ER 1I0UR (35 MI'H) WI...:REAS, Chapter 316, norida Statutcs, pcrmits lhe Board of County Commissioners (Bee) to alter estahlished speed limits on roads under its jurisdicl ion; and 'WHEREAS. Oakes Boulevard filils undcr Ihe jurisdiction of the BCe: and ",rHEREAS. in accordance with S""tion 316, Florida Statutes, the BCe may alter such existing spced limits as may be appropriate upon the ba,j, of an cngineering ill1d trallie investigation: and WHEREAS, the results of such cllginecring and tranie investigations indicate that the reduced .'peed limit is rcast>nable and safer under the conditions found to cxis!. NOW, THICRU'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARtl OF COUNTY COMMTSSIONf.RS Of' COLUEH COUNTY, FLORJDA,that: (1) The Bec does hereby establish a thirty-five miles per hour (35 MI'B) speed limit on Oakes Boulevard, and does hereby direct the County Manager or his designee to ert",t appropriate speed limit signs giving notice tl,ereof, (2j A copy of this Resolution ,hall he forwarded to the Collicr County Sheriffs Onice tor proper enforcement of the established speed limit., fi)r Oakes Boulevard. (3) The cJT"ctive date of the speed limit reduction shall be after written notification to the Shcrifrs Office and upon the po~ting of appropriate signage. This Resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote favoring slime this _lh day of December, 2008. Agenda Item No, 1683 December 16, 2008 Page 4 of 6 ArrEST: DWIGI IT E. BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA BY: D~pllty Clerk BY: Tom I-lenning, Chairman APpro~~o ~T:d Ie/SUfficiency: BY: cs-c)f 7 ~i.4") Scott R. Teach Deputy County Attorney Agenda Item No, 16B3 December 16, 2008 Page 5 of 6 Speed Limit Study Report Oaks Boulevard Robert W, Tipton, PE, PTOE, Traffic Operations Director Date: November 13, 2008 BACKGROUND Responding to a request from the neighborhood residents, the Collier County Traffic Operations Department has conducted an engineering and traffic investigation study to determine the appropriate speed limit on Oaks Boulevard. The primary purpose in the establishment of a speed zone is to provide improved vehicular and pedestrian safety by reducing the probability and severity of crashes. An established speed limit notifies the driver of the maximum speed that is considered acceptably safe for optimum weather, visibility, and traffic conditions, It is intended to establish the maximum speed limit at which the normal prudent driver can respond safely to driving problems encountered on the roadway. Oaks Boulevard is a two- way, two-lane connector road connecting Vanderbilt Beach Road on the south and Immokalee Road on the north. Its existing posted speed limit is 45 MPH in both directions. CRASH HISTORIES A crash history review of the entire roadway segment for the past three years (2005- 2007) has been conducted. In the 3-year period, there were a total of 24 crashes recorded-5 turning related crashes, 3 hit fixed object crashes, I side swipe, 3 run- off- road, and 12 rear-end crashes. Some of the crashes appear speed related. SPERD INVRSTlGATlON Florida Statutes require that the change of speed zone values as outlined in Sections 3 I 6, 183 and 316, I 89 F.S. be based upon an engineering and traffic investigation. The investigation is to include, but is not limited to, the measurements of prevailing speeds and other traffic engineering evaluations contained in the "Speed Zoning for Highways, Roads and Streets in Florida" manual (FDOT Manual Number 750-010-002, 1997 Edition). This manual was developed by the Florida Department of Transportation to promote uniformity in the establishment of state, municipal and county speed zones throughout the State of Florida. Three types of data were utilized in detennining the prevailing speed: 85th percentile speed - the speed at which 85% of the motorists drive at or below, the upper limit of the 10-mph pace, and the average test run speed. The reasoning behind the foregoing investigations is that the majority of drivers travel at a perceived reasonably safe speed Agenda Item No, 1683 December 16, 2008 Page 6 of6 for the various roadway conditions encountered, and that these investigations help determine what may be reasonable speed limits. Prevailing vehicle speeds were measured during free-flow traffic conditions on July21, 2008. The following data were collected: Location: Oaks Boulevard@ 14th Avenue N.W. 85th percentile speed: Southbound = 47 mph Northbound = 46 mph 1 O-mph pace: Both Southbound and Northbound = 38 mph - 48 mph Field test run speed = 40 mph ANAI,YSIS According to the above referenced speed zoning guidelines, a speed limit should not typically differ from the 85th percentile speed or upper limit of the 10-mph pace by more than 3 mph and it should not be less than 8 mph. Based purely upon the guidelines, the measured 85th percentile speed of 47 mph on southbound and 46 mph on northbound, as well as the 1 O-mph pace of 38-48 mph on both directions will yield a 40 or 45 mph speed limit. However, given the roadway's crash history and the fact that the road runs entirely within a residential neighborhood with driveways, it is more appropriate to set a 35 mph speed limit for the road. RECOMMENDA nON Based on the collected speed data, the crash history, the surroundings of the road (residential neighborhood), and the speed limit setting guidelines, it is recommended that the speed limit on Oaks Boulevard may be reduced to 35 mph. 2