Agenda 12/16/2008 Item # 9E EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Agenda Item No. 9E December 16, 2008 Page 1 of 8 APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER(S) TO COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE OBJECTIVE: To appoint I member to represent the City of Naples with the term expiring on May 22,2011, to the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: The Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee has I vacancy representing the City of Naples. This 9 member committee was created by Ordinance 2001-03 to assist the Board of County Commissioners with its establishment of unified beach erosion control and inlet management programs within the unincorporated and incorporated areas of Collier County, and to advise the Board of County Commissioners and the Tourist Development Council (TDC) of project priorities with respect to funding sources that are available to Collier County for restoration and protection of its shoreline. The committee is composed of 3 members from the unincorporated area of Collier County, 3 members from the City of Naples and 3 members from the City of Marco Island. Selection for membership on this committee will be based upon the applicant's familiarity with coastal processes, inlet dynamics, coastal management programs, or demonstrated interest in such programs; relevant education and experience; leadership and involvement in community affairs; and willingness to attend meetings and to undertake and complete assignments. After initial appointments, terms will be 4 years. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. The City of Naples has submitted Resolution No. 08-12291 endorsing a candidate to represent the City of Naples on the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee. ATTENDANCE: N/A CITY OF NAPLES RECOMMENDATION: Doug Finlay FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMMENDA nON: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment, appoint I member, and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointment. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners Agenda Date: DECEMBER 16, 2008 Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 9E December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 8 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: 9E Appointment of member to the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee. 12/16/2008900:00 AM Prepared By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners Bce Office Approved By John A. Yonkosky County Manager's Office Director of the Office of Management Office of Management & Budget Date 12/4/20088:50 AM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 12/8/20083:28 PM file:IIC:\AgendaTest\Export\ I 18-December%20 16, %202008\09.%20BOARD%200F%20... 12/10/2008 12/03/2008 15:12 2392131025 CITY Q.ERK Agenda Item No. 9E December 16, 2008 ~3wf8 AtJendoo :tt:ea 22 MeetLng c~ 12/3/09 RESOLUTION 09-122P1 A RJ:SOLUT:tON ENDORS:tNG A CAND~ TO lU:1?RESDl'J' THJ: CUT OF NAPLl!:S ON TIIJ: COLL:tE1l. COUNTY COAS:l'AL AIlV:t80itT ~TTU: roll Tim 1lALl'oNCJ: OF AN ma:XP:tRED 'l'E1Q( CONCLUC:tNG MAT 22, 2011; o:tRJ:C'1'ma THAT THl:S JUtCc.tMI:NDA:rION BE FOawAROEO TO TIlE BOARD 01' COLLIER COlJNTT ~SSIONEa.s; AND PROVID:tNG AN li:I'l!'I:C1::tVI! OA'I'J:. WHEREAS , by Ordinance 2001-03 the Board of Collier county Commil!Jl!lion.rg created a coastal Advisory Committee to include three members to represent the City of Naplee: and wm:1lEAS , there is currently one vacancy due to th= resignation of Oavid Buser on Septembe~ 25, 2006; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l'HJ: COONCn. 01' THE CJ:'1'Y OF NAPLES, FLORrDA: $QO;t.ion 1. That Doug Finlay is hereby endorsed for appoint:mene as a City of Naples representative on the collier County Coastal Advisory Committee for the balance of an unexpired term concluding May 22. 2011. SectJ.on 2. The City Clerk i8 hereby directed to forward this resolution to the Board of Colli~r County Commissioners for its consideration. S.ct1.on 3. This resolution 8hall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED IN OPEN ANI) REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY Cot1NCrL OF '1'H&: CZTY OF NAPLES, I!'LORIDA, :ruU 3RD 0A:!l OJ! OI:CDliIEJl, 2008. Bill Barnett, Mayor .A.t.te5iiit: App~oved as to form and legality: Tara A. Norman, City Clerk M:\KBP\00UMC%L\RKU\2DD8\OI-12291 Robert D. Pritt, City ~tt.orney pate filed with City Clerk: :2(01/2008 17:55 2392131025 CITY CLERK PAGE 02 Agenda Item No. 9E R ~1'=11"\ 2008 ---'~40f8 City of Naples Application for Volunteer Service Name DOllG f7Nl..A-, Home Phone E-mail-lliriNLAvCQ 10L. COflf Fax Home Address '"1'130 6vLP S/'f<J.'lF tfU(} tV, Business AJ.4 Business Phone Business Address Nit- Board or Committee Applied For I Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Member Category (if applicable) \Vhat other volunleer positions are you interested in? ~ t .-.~ , " . , "'.'l; ;; ~: ~i ~ :,~: I CITY OF N....PLes CITY CLERK ",._" yo 3 --Y-'I90 N,~IJ(~ Fls'hO, IIJl}- Are you a City' resident? '4r;,,~ If so, how long7__ ( 3 -t- Registered voter? '7 ...-:> Do you now hold public office? ^-'O If so, what is that office? Arc you employed by the City of Naples or any other goverrunental body? Ak) Are you related to anyone employed by the City of Naptes? _-1,JO Please list any City ofNapl,p boards or cOll,lmittees on which you. have Qrevlously served: t11BUK:. , CSAt3~ c.v.'tI1,..;;",,.. ..J , servlc. on m~ lhan on' ~rci ()rCOmlnltte". wllhllt tile ,,,,I'dictlon ot""aridull OPyernmental I bodi.. In. F1011. lilll)' COItllIltij~ du.'o",c!h()\!ftn.\~"lllir fb.!"i~I!!d'lt (:QjIj'tItlrtlQ,rl~6'ililt I I p....lud. tll.. Ippolnllnel1tor c~~ I _.,,"101) ffi)fu'lJloth., qu~ boliIrd,Qlccirilm~ I Plea.~e il1diCc.~A:8ity of NapJes board or committee on which you~!!'y serve: Do you serve on a board or committee of Collier CounlY or'other govemment? 'f~"$ Ifso, what is that board or committee? LuIt:.(;irJS r''+'-<; Plea list your community activities (s;j"c clubs, neighborhood associations, ete,) 1Vff'~ . 'i).(w t).'~/()u. 1~,""6 ,t-JsoCl4n>!f." oPN/IPcldS rtloo,,'zuvb ;>'l~ (>>.)~ A-SSy vc...,p S~ <:oCW7Q..,/ uC 'G:>~'H;""""""'r- Please attach you, 'tJIl~ and provide tht name tlnd add"!$s of II locfll individual ""MO CQ1J cortjlf'm Jour bDdgroulId a"d experience. Tltis appJlcatlon ~hollld bl! /onvarded 10 the CIt;y Clert's Olf/<e. 7J5 Eilf1rllr S"eel SOlllh, Naples, F1orid~ 3410]~6~96. 1/ yeu wish, please fllX your applkGd"" to th~ aluntion. '" thr CIty Clsrk at 23"'2!j~I02j, Questlo"s should be dlre</rd 10 U'-2JJ.}Of5. Thank YON lor )'011' wJJilnCrlt$J tD b~ off~rvice 10 YOUI conununity. I'lease Nole: Those appointed to City bauds, comminees or authorities may not represent entities before City government proceedings or rr1ay not do business witb the:: City, either directly or indirectly. A copy of the City's Code of Ethics (Artiet. lX of tho Cod. of Ordin""ces) will be: pTovidr.d by the City Clerk's Offit:~ upon reque... Pleas. call239.213.J01S. Confiun baclq~round and experience with; (Addres.'l M,'R"FI6OARDS\FOR~S\APPLCrN... REV!SW ,~, DOC Jo HrJ S'o/Z.o=:'( (Phone) ~2!eI/2003 17: 55 2392131025 C!TY CLE~ PAGE 03 Agenda Item No. 9E December 16, 2008 Page 5 of 8 ~ -'II ( t/ ,'~, . 7" Joyce and Douglas Finlay #5H 3430 GuIIShure Blvd.. N. Naples. Horida 34103 (941) 403-4490 Sl2810l The followi.lll: is 8 brief resume alld list of my iDterests. Agenda Item No. 9E December 16, 2008 Page 6 of 8 Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term Mr. Anthony P. Pires, Jr. 649-6555 05/22/01 05/22105 4 Years 209 Madison Drive 05/10/05 05/22/09 4 Years Naples, FL 34110 E-Mail: apires@wpl-Iegal.com District: 2 Category: Collier County ',J Ms. Heidemarie Kulpa ~s'To~ 777-2594 09/21/04 05/22/07 3 Years 766 Wiggins Bay Drive d-) 566-8389 05/08/07 OS/22111 4 Years Naples, FL 34110 E-Mail: HeidiKulpa@msn.com District: 2 Category: Collier County . Mr. Maurice James Burke Co"rl{l"tf.p.;f-o OS/22/07 OS/22/11 4 Years 5801 Glencove Drive, #508 598-3140 -f Naples, FL 34108 E~Mail: therightperson@msn.com District: 2 Category: Collier County Mr. Victor N. Rios 01/15/08 05122/09 I Year 970 Cape Marco Drive, Nit #508 642-8357 Marco Island, FL 34145 E-Mail: vnrios@marcocable.com District: I Category: Marco Island Councilman Ted Forcht 389-5000 04/08/08 OS/22/11 3 Years 50 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 E-Mail: District: I Category: Marco Island ..L .. ,.-.,_....-.,,_.'c.,--,_.,J,"1"_K_:.'.-"_;-"".:",>.,'_.,.~.,',,',-. WednesdOy. 'iidobe;i9;io08 --" ." "''''.=~:. '."~:XC-""lm'-.. '_C""';.""'~;:. ..m:. ;:", O;;'''.J~'': p~g~loh -'.;:;!.'.~:;",:'~,.,-' :'~'.",',1;;~ _,',7',.,:s;::W"'r,-"- Agenda Item No. 9E December 16. 2008 Page 7 of 8 [ Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term Mr, Larry N. Magel 10/28/08 OS/22/12 4 Years 2000 Royal Marco Way 642-5570 Marco Island, FL 34145 E-Mail: larryhideaway@aoLcom District: 1 Category: Marco Island Mr. Murray H. Hendel 05/11/04 OS/22/08 4 Years 4301 Gulf Shore Blvd., N. 262-0738 04/08/08 OS/22/12 4 Years Naples, FL 34103 E-Mail: murrp2h@aoI.com District: 4 Category: City of Naples . '~1 Mr. DavId Buser (f-"I~".1.:i? 06/12/07 OS/22/11 4 Years 5187 Starfish A venueq :;;,~ 263-9916 , ,- Naples, FL 34103 ( E-Mail: davidbuser@comcast.net District: 4 Category: City ofNap\es Councilman John F. Sorey, ill 213-1015 03/09/04 OS/22/05 I Year 735 Eighth Street, South 05/10/05 OS/22/09 4 Years Naples, FL 34102 E-Mail: District: 4 Category: City of Naples ( ~",,_:;.~: '-" "-":'--~"'~'_"'.' ";C"" _ ~;~r" Wednesdqy, Oel";;';' 29, 200S' .- ..,....-H , Page 2 of3 '-,_,>.C,, ",'z'"-':';'"-,,,- Agenda Item No. 9E December 16, 2008 Page 8 of 8 Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd Exp. Date DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate Term 2nd Term This 9 member committee was created on February 13, 2001 by Ordinance 2001-03 to assist the Board of County Commissioners with its establishment of unified beach erosion control and inlet management programs within the unincorporated and incorporated areas of Collier County, and to advise the Board of County Commissioners and the Tourist Development Council (TDC) of project priorities with respect to funding sources that are available to Collier County for restoration and protection of its shoreline, The committee is composed of 3 members from the unincorporated area of Collier County, 3 members from the City of Naples and 3 members from the City of Marco Island, Selection for membership on this committee will be based upon the applicanfs familiarity with coastal processes, inlet dynamics, coastal management programs, or demonstrated interest in such programs; relevant education and experience; leadership and involvement in community affairs; and willingness to attend meetings and to undertake and complete assignments, After initial appointments, terms will be 4 years, City of Naples - 213-1015 Marco Island - 389-5000 FL STAT: Staff: Gary McAlpin, Tourism Office: 252-5342 J.- 'W;d~~/J;;,Oc;~b;-29,' 2008'~')7~, -""'\'~ ',." 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