Agenda 12/16/2008 Item # 6C COLLIER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER Agenda Item No. 6C December 16, 2008 Page 1 of 7 3301 East Tamiami Trail. Naples, Florida 34112. (239) 252-8383. FAX: (239) 252-4010 December 1, 2008 Mr. John Martinowich 886 Wyndemere Way Naples, FL 34105 Re: Public Petition Request to Discuss Billing, Surcharges and Fees for Utility Billing Account #02002645002 Dear Mr. Martinowich: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of December 16, 2008 regarding the above referenced subject. Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. If the subject matter is currently under litigation or is an on-going Code Enforcement case, the Board will hear the item but will not discuss the item after it has been presented. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be tD advi5e them of your concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building "F") of the government complex. Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely" ~ "A..-z'" ",pr' . , . ?://z--tj . / mes V. Mudd" County Manager JVM/jb cc: Jeffrey Klatzkow, County Attorney Jim DeLony, Public Utilities Administrator Agenda Item No. 6C December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 7 Reauest to Soeak under Public Petitioo Please print Name: ,....:TbflA/ MA~rtN() WI (!# Address: gl~ W Y II DE-MERlE" W fl-y N/i-fJL eS Phone: ~g9, ,Up';, 'A '1-0 .8 Date of the Board Meeting YOU wish to soeak; ,lJeeL.m1x/v lIP #t-t ~ I Must circle yes or no: Is this subject matter under ltigdon at thls time? Is this subject matter an ongoing Code Enforc:.enMHlt cue? v..@ v.,€; Note: If eI1her .ns_r Is "yes", the Board will hear the item but will have no discussion regarding the item after It is preHnted. Please eXDlain in detsil the reason YOU are reauestina to soeak IlIltach additional Daae if necessary): ~~ID?~!~_~~~~~\T~.'."ryln~_ Z.d esv:H eo gZ >.ON '.,",::. ".- Agenda Item No. 6e December 16, 2008 Page 3 of? . County Manager Collier County Government Complex 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples. FL 34112 RE: Utility Billing Account #02002645002, , Conier County Utilities Billing for the period July 18 through August 20, 2008 billed OlD' account for 124,000 gallons of water usage. The residence was lJDOCCUPied dming thiS period except for 8 days firom July 23 through the 31St. , We believe this usage is in error and should be Corrected to be in line with what is our normal usage pattern. Please see the attached correspondenCe to the, CQllier County Utiliti~, ailling Customer Service Department, dated September 12, ZOOS aMtm: respOnse~ October 13th, 2008. Joe Bellone's response fiUled to addreSs the fact that the meter'could not be read on or about July 20, 2008, due to a malfunction of the RF tnulsnntter. The RF uansmitter was replaced on July 21, at which time a manual meter ~ was 1aken, nsulting in the 124,000 gallon water usage bill. At the time ~fthe Ie8ding, according to Gary Morocco, Supervisor Customer Service, there "''85'~.water flowhigthrougb the meter. As stated in oUr September 1~ 2008 letter, this amount ofunnotioed water usage is impossible. We take exception to Peter Lund's, Interim Manager Customer Service and Code Enforc:ement, assertion that an open mucet or an open toilet flapper accounted for the water usage. On occasion, an outside faucet has been left rllrming causing excessive pooling of2" to 3" of water with only an estimated 3000 gallons of discbarge. Since the property is being monitored on a weekly basis. t 24,000 gallons would have caused flooding into the street or damage to the interior hardwood floors, and is inconceivable that it would go unnoticed. The inside:fiwcets are equipped with water flow restrictors, precluding 124.000 gallon discharge. Furtbermore.it is physically impossible for a leaky toilet flapper to discharge this amount of water tbrough a 3/8" supply line within the billing period. . In short, identification of the RF trar1Smitterproblem resulted in 'the excessive usage reading, and replacement of the faulty transmitter,' (we also have a new meter number on our account,. but they say it wasn't replaced) rectified the unusual ~~we have been back on a normal usage pattern. -' ' We contend that we did not "use" the 124,OOO'gallons of water (wDichwoWdbe the equivalent of refilling our pool I 0 times),' within the billing period. We are asking to be credited for the amount billed, plus associated penalty fees and sp:reharges.. . €'d evv: ~ ~ SO Sl ^ON Agenda Item No. 6e December 16. 2008 Page 4 of 7 Collier County Publli: Vdlities Division September 12, 2008 Collier County Utilities Billing - Customer Service ' 4420 MercantileAvc. Naples. Florida 34104 Re: AccoUDt 02002645002 To Whom it may COIlCiCm, I am writing pursuant to our recent conwrsations Mgarding the revised utility bill dated moros, We were not in residence during the biIlin& period aad did not "usc"1hc 124.000 gallons for which we were billed. We are looking for a credit for the full amount of and any additional surcharges or penalties !bat may have been applied. We have paid for the water availability charge of$40.53 for the J'uno/1uly period, _Ill ~;..-~ amoun1 of$52.00 for the 1.000 gallons ofwater used during the July/August billing cycle. As discussed, all are in agreanent, including Gary MoIOCCll, SuperIisor Customer Services, that no one could possibly "use" 124,000 gallons ofWlllm in th8t time period with no ODe noticing. We have Naples Pool. our cmnmllnity security (Wyndemel'e), Ray's Lan~ and 2 different neiahbors c~1rnIg the pto~ ft:equemly during each month. The sopposed amount of water "used" in 1uly is enough to fill our pool 1 0 times, and if "used" as a result of broken pipes, would have been l1.IIIDing down the street, eroding our lawn, or creating an upbeaval in our homes' flooring. DOlle ofwhich bu happem:d. It is iIIteresti.og that when someooe was ~""d to look lit the meter. there was no water being used at that time. How can 124.000 gallons of water be "used" and then miraculously stop with DO sign of any water being used? Also, since we m:eived the 1uly bill, and were infonMd that there WllS a defective RF tnII1SIJlitt<< which was changed. usage for the next billing period 7121 - 8/26 is back to a typical 1,000 gallon usage (while not in residence). FUI'Ibem1ore, prior to retirement I was Vice President of Customer Services for United Water Resources, then the largest Water Company in the Uni1r:d StlIll:s, IIId 1herefore am vexy fimilliar with problems in water meters and RF sys1emS. as wen as the volumes of water used by an individual household. Again, 124,000 gaIlous of_,. 'beYODd any single households' possible lISlIge in a 30 day time period. We are also still waitiog fur the corrected Auauat 26"- bill. per a." 'N. ... die estimated amount paid of$52.00 for the 1,000 gallons used plus __. ., We "I'I"",,;'e the service provided by your Customer Service (Mil . . 'ia~ to Msolve this problem, and hope that the credit will be applied "1lOaIl~pciuible. TIllmk you for your attention to this serious 1IIlIlIer.' Regards, John Martinowich v'd llt>t>:\\ 90 9<: AON Public Utilities : Your Account Y our Account Log Off Your Account USAGE HISTORY: (See Chart) WATER USAGE DATE II USAGE' September 27, 2007 Ol:iobBl' 30. 2001 NoYernber27.2007 ber28.2007 ry 29. 2008 Febn.Ia1y 26. 2008 M.-ch 2.7,2008 'AprIl 23, 2008 May 22. 2008 June 24, 2008 J"y 30,2008 Auglllt 28. 2008 September 30. 200B 3 4 . 8 6 . 8 1 ?i>.n1e;NTS HlSTORY: DAlE PAID pt8m1:ler 10, 2007 10000ber 15, 2007 INovember 19. 2007 Doe8mber 13. 2007 14,2008 " II II I , : II " I i 1 2108 IN.-ch 17.2808 IAprll11.2008 Mey VT. 2_ June 09, 2008 t 07. 2008 jSepl8mber GI; 2008, . Cont8nt updal8d satunilly, 0ct0ber14, 2006 http://apps.c:olliergov.netlpudlserv/acctIBiIlinLACCOUIds_DatLcfm g'd Agenda ItElrn t>IQ ec De<y=~~2~f~ . . '. "~n'i~: ,. , . .: 'lfMi~*~~,~,#~~;J, 10/612008 evv: ~ ~ 90 9~ M>N Agenda Item No. 6C December 16, 2008 Page 6 of 7 colffk CoKKty .:' .:,._.;..:...:::;.;<:l....:~~;:-:~:f~..:c:::"~ ,.:~.:l::-'~:.:.~-.,_..~._.-.. " ,UtIItJ.... '" c.-.. ServIce 442t1l.l:l8llle An., N.plel, n. 34164 . M_ Number: (239) 252-2350 WderlSewer BIIiDE .. T..... C . : tIoIl Servlee: (239) 2S1-2310 Z4 How JaIio ec._ (239) 213-!ll88 , October13,2008 Mr. J. Martinowich 886 Wyndemere Way Naples, A 34105 RE: Utility Billing Account #I 02002845002 Dear Mr. Martinowich: Thank you for your letter daled September 12,2008. As you indiallB/JJtis:rriIcIlllythatsuch a large volume of wale/' would be used when the ptoperty owneIS Were not In JeSidence, unless through unusual ciraJmslBnces_ However, it is WI)' posslblefi>r an open faucet or an open toilet flapper to use 124,000 gallons of water from July 18 to AUgust 20, 2008. In your leller you s1aI8d that you have a pool company, 1and8capers, and n ':-bofa checking your residence when you are 8!Nf!tY. It is very possible that someone could h8w accidently left a faucet running for a period of time before it was discO\lel'ed and ~. Our technicians physically read your meter and Gary Morocco,Sapet.risor, Customer Service, ordered a 10 gaBon test at no charge to you, to ensure there were no issues regarding the operation of the meter. The res"* of the 10 gallon test shOW8d the mater is operating property. We can also offer to send the meter _y 1D the manufadul'l!f" for a bench .... and have a tempQrary meter inSlaled while it is 8!Nf!tY _ If the meter Is wilhin 3% of accuracy, your account wiD be charged $250. If the meter does not operate within 3% of lICQIracy, there will be no charge for the test and your account will be adjulded accordingly. Given the above, it is my opilion 1hat the waller did flow th~ .. iI1IIlIIr and 1haI the usage volume re~' 1 r'qlC' was colT8Ct.:>i!:~f+:;'V' As Gary Morocco 8XPIainecl to you in a recent telepholle con_I t 1.... Coller County Water-Sewer District Unlorm Billing, ~..6'1Q and Regula1Dry Slllhdb." Oninanoe 2001- 73 stales that "no water or sewer diaposal service shaI be fi.u,,bd ., ........eeI free d charge 1D any person, finn, COlJloretlon or gcMll'T1ment body." Th . .r{.i.,~ _b 8Mvioee provided lD and used in and on a property 8nllll be d -v6d 110 ~.~~ .~. '11Jl1hBt property based on the meter usage l8COIdecl. . I apologize for the blling error in August 26. this has been ......."r,1~$1 ,110.36 has been adjuslBd from your aocount. A penalty .....blE' 4' ~~'~~,"'$54.56 asd September 30, 2008 wi! be credited to your aocount becauae ...~ 0CCUTed dt.Wlng the investigation period. 9'd "9V:~~ 90 9<: hON . .<};; '.' ;". ......:~,lj...:~~:~~;~i~~t~<:)..ir.~ ' .: ....-; Agenda It6''U No 6C December 16, 2008 Page 7 of1 . Page 2 October 13. 2008 . Your current balance minus the penally of $54.56 is $1,091.18 as of 'October 6,2008. We may only adjust an account for WiRer loss on receiptaf evkIenoetn :llefam of an invoice from. a leak. dtjIIe. ctionoompany or PlUmber." . The .maxm.. .um~... rler loss will then be cafculated up to but not to exceed $250. We can offer you a ; ... plan to ease the burden of the unpaid balance on your' accotI'1t. at your request. ; .: -; .... ~ We have done aD we can on behaI d 1he Utilly EHrIg and Custc.... SINice Department to enSlA the meter is functioning conectty. The full balance is due and '~P8YabIe within fifteen (15) days of receipt of "is letter. Failure to do so, wiU10ul a signed .~ plan, will result in discontinuance at water service. Sincerely, I know that you appreciaIe the importance we;place onbeirw and that we are oblgedto review allwatel' loss casesil PeteI'Lund Interim I\4anager Customer Service and Code Enforcement cc: Joe Belone Interim Re\IemJe Manager Utility Biling and Customer Service . '.~ ,i. . ,.I.;f-'.; .'. ~ ! . L'd egv: n 90 9Z AON