Resolution 2001-045 r 8~, 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2001- 45 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERCHANGE MASTER PLAN FOR LANDS WITHIN ACTIVITY CENTER #9 AS SET FORTH IN THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND FUTURE LAND USE MAP AND MAP SERIES OF COLLIER COUNTY'S GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, Collier County, pursuant to Section 163.3161, et.sea., Florida Statutes, the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, was required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Future land Use Element, Section I.B.2 requires the development of an Interchange Master Plan for Activity Center #9 as contained in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Activity Center #9 contains lands generally located at State Road 84, Interstate 75 and Collier Boulevard as shown on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Collier County has prepared the Interchange Master Plan in accordance with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan as contained in Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the Interchange Master Plan establishes landscape, sign age, and architectural design concepts for lands within Activity Center #9; and WHEREAS, the Interchange Master Plan also provides transportation! land use strategies and conceptual transportation system improvements, including an updated Access Management Plan for lands within Activity Center #9; and WHEREAS, the Interchange Master Plan will be implemented through a zoning overlay and other amendments to the Collier County Land Development Code for private lands within Activity Center #9; and WHEREAS, the proposed entry and exit gateway features in the public rights-of-way, including landscaping, directional signage, and lighting elements shall be prioritized in Collier County's Capital Improvement Plan of the Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that; SECTION ONE: APPROVAL OF INTERCHANGE MASTER PLAN. The Board of County Commissioners hereby approves the Interchange Master Plan for Activity Center #9 attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein. /3 "e- THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion; seconded and majority vote this __ day of '::-e.e p Ill+~ 'j ,2001. '. 8A BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER Chairman"ames D. Ca~'l:er~''''''~ - '''~ r-~, ph.D. 2_. -/3 -~s I ~SA 1 Activity Center Plan Final pared for: Collier County Government November 2000 Prepared by: WilsOnMiller Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan Appendix A Appendix B 1 Introduction 2 Vision Statement 3 Design Deveh)pment 4 Land Use & Transportation 5 Implementation Strategies FSUTMS Model Ph)ts Signalized Intersection Analyses Arterial Analyses Pr4,~:ct l~_'adcrsl~ip Board .f COUlll5 Comnlissiont:rs 'Ftmoth3 J. (~OllStgtfltitlc, Chairman James D. Carter, Ph.D., Vice Chairman Bari)ara B. Jlerr) Daxid Brandl C.Ilicr (~OUlll; Staff Review Ii?am R.n Nino, AICP, ¢:urrcm l)bnni~u2 Ra~ Bcllox~s. Alt;P, Current Phmnine [rcm' q~morlin~ki, AIA, C,,mp~hcnsh c P~nnina l)a~d ~ t',-l,s, AICR (],,nprchcnsixc lqanni~ :Xm~ la~ t,,r, AICR (:,m~prchcnsix~: Plannin~ ~4n 14[sin~cr, AICR C.mprcht. nsixc Pt.mninff Pro|~urt~ ()xsnt'rs anti Jim I(.ath, lolla.ttc I'l 1), Supcrx Nlotcl D~x~ht NildittJt'~lll, Rt'J)a'SC[llitllxt Don Pick~orth. Rcprcscnlati&t, Pa~ Pa pinta u, ]ol~atc P I D Roi)crt Dnane, ReprcscntatK~c Bruce Andc~ m, Rcprcscntathc Art Lcnn.x, Mobil Gas Stcxc Millcg .~m~ Gas Station Cad~5 Dail3, MtDonalds Mau I.,fiacan.. ~ hire l~kc NlarEalc~ l~mblid~c, (;olden Gate Commerce Park R~,bert %mith, A lli~at*~t AIIcp lsnda Nlar~zalk,~sxski. Industrial Zonctl Br~an Milk, ]{cprcscn~alixc (a,'~ lJlack. Crac~'r ltarrcl \'( il',onNlJllc,', Int. Anit,t I.. Jctlkins. AI(:R l'r,,icct Plafmine Jct'J,r3 I.. Pcri'5, AICI~ l'ra~sportat~on Plannin~ KathcrixJt (]lhichclc, JJr,jtcl l)csi~n Bill Ih~crs, Pr.i,., ~ [)csl~n Robin Rcnli,~. RI.A. Pr, qct ~ l)rsien Introduction 2reVision Statement 3 Design Development 4--Land Use & Transportation 5 ...... Implementation Strategies Appendix A--FSUTMS Model Plots APpendix B :Signalized Intersection Analyses Arterial Analyses Wils . nMiller Section I Introduction BACKGROUND In the past decade, Collier County has placed greater emphasis on improving its aesthetic appearance. In 1996, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) adopted architectural guidelines that require all commercial development to build to higher standards that represent the quality of the community. During the 1997 Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR) Growth Management Plan (GMP) amendments, the BCC adopted an amendment that will further the efforts to improve the appearance of Collier County. The County expects to achieve this by developing an Interchange Master Plan (IMP) that will create a "gateway" into the greater Naples area at Activity Center #9, which is located at the intersection of 1-75 and Collier Boulevard. The GMP amendment specifically says: "The IMP is intended to create an enhanced "gateway"to Naples. The IMP process shall be initiated by the property owners and/or their representatives by meeting with the County planning staff within 60 days of the adoption of this Growth Management Plan amendment and a finding of compliance from the Department of Community Affairs. The purpose of the meeting will be to establish a mutually acceptable vision statement for Activity Center #9. The Interchange Master Plan shall be adopted by Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners, All rezones thereafter shall meet the intent of the vision statement. Subsequent to the development of the vision statement, new projects within Activity Center #9 are encouraged to have a unified plan of development in the form of a Planned Unit Development. The mixture of uses allowed in Interchange Activity Center #9 shall include the full array of commercial uses; residential and non-residential uses; institutional uses; Actiwty Center#9 Interchange Master Plan (iMP) Business Park; hotel/motel uses at a density consistent with the Land Development Code; industrial uses in the northeast, southwest and southeast quadrants. The mix and intensity of land uses shall meet the intent of the vision statement and be defined during the rezoning process. The entire Interchange Activity Center is eligible for up to 100% of the entire acreage to be developed for and of the uses referenced above, except the maximum amount of commercial acreage shall not exceed 55% of the total acreage (632.5 ac.) of Interchange Activity Center #9. The factors to consider during review of a rezone petition shall be compliance with the vision statement and those included in the Mixed Use Activity Center." STUDY PARAMETERS Subsequent to adopting the Activity Center #9 GMP amendment, the BCC established the study parameters for the IMR The components required in the IMP include the following: * Land Use amount, type, and location of land uses · Transportation and Access---traffic generation volume and characteristics of uses; shared access; frontage roads; restricted, or prohibited access · Landscaping/Buffers~requirements for unified landscape theme to enhance the "gateway" image · Signage--development of unified signage plan for the interchange · Architecture specific architectural standards for buildings · Map(s)---access features/restrictions/ requirements: possible locations of shared access, frontage or reverse frontage roads, bypass roads; location of required buffer areas; other components listed above as may be appropriate WilspnMiller Novernber 2000 Sectton 1, Page Section l---Introduction ,SA1 The BCC also established that the IMP provisions shall apply to properties that are zoned but undeveloped. Provisions shall be implemented in the Land Development Code (LDC) as a zoning overlay. STUDY PURPOSE The purpose of the IMP is to develop landscape, signage, and architectural design concepts that will create an enhanced gateway into Collier County. In addition, the IMP is also intended to develop transportation/land use strategies and conceptual transportation system improvements, including an updated Access Management Plan for lands within Activity Center #9. Figure 1-1 presents the IMP study area. Opportunities and Constraints As presented in Figure 1-2 on the following page, design opportunities and constraints were identified throughout Activity Center #9. The opportunities represent the existing conditions that will afford the greatest possibilities to achieve the defined objectives. The constraints are those existing conditions that may hinder the ability to achieve the defined objectives. The general design opportunities for the Activity Center #9 are as follows: * The exit #15 interchange offers landscaping opportunities . Existing right-of-way can accommodate design elements and pedestrian activity * Lakes and natural preserves create pleasant vistas for motorists * The area has adequate undeveloped property that will comply with the IMP * The existing hotels and restaurants create an active environment The general overall constraints for the Activity Center #9 are as follows: * Existing and approved developments may impede a cohesive design concept in certain locations * Multilane roadways and busy intersections complicate pedestrian movement ACTIVITY CENTER #9 [ ,F~ig~ure 1-1 Achvlty Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) NovernOer 2000 Section 1, Page 2 WilsOnMiller Section I--Introduction FutureTransportation Improvements Additional opportunities and constraints will be realized with the construction of future transportation improvements within Activity Center #9. The SR-84 Corridor Study recently completed for the FDOT recommended improving SR-84 to a multilane configuration along the existing alignment instead of realigning the corridor eastward to intersect with CR-951 one mile south of the current intersection. During the course of the study, it was determined that regardless of the alignment, the existing SR-84/CR-951 intersection would have to be grade separated due to the significant influence (and vicinity) of the 1-75 interchange coupled with the activity center development. Widening along the existing alignment was found to be more cost- effective and have fewer environmental impacts. A Preliminary Development and Environmental (PD&E) study is underway to determine the appropriate grade separation concept for the intersection. As a result of what likely is to be a staging of improvements (first a multilaning of SR-84 followed by a grade separation improvement), special access management considerations will be needed. The Access Management Plan recommended in Section 4--Land Use & Transportation will need to be updated in accordance with future roadway improvements, specifically the grade separation improvements. Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) WilspnMiller November2000 Section 1, Page 4 I Introduction 2---Vision State~nent 4---Land Use & Transportation 5---Implementation dix A n Analyses Section 2--Vision Statement 18Ali DEVELOPING THE VISION On July 11, 2000 a visioning meeting was conducted for the individuals who own property within the boundaries of Activity Center #9. During that meeting, the participating property owners and/or their representatives came to a consensus on a Vision Statement. This Vision Statement sets forth the goals of the implementation process, land use, the transportation system, and design elements. The BCC endorsed the Vision Statement at its August 1, 2000 meeting. Vision Statement Activity Center #9 will be a "Gateway" into Collier County. It will be a destination for res/dents, and the traveler's choice place to stop along 1-75 and Collier Boulevard. Both residents and travelers will be able to appreciate the essential quality of Collier County in this 633-acre Activity Center. employment centers, retail and service commemial, hotel/motel, community facilities, and residential development. A maximum of 55 percent of the total acreage may be devoted to retail commercial land uses. Transportation System/Access Primary access shall be provided by access roads generally controlled by traffic signals at arterial intersections. Direct access from development sites to the arterial road network shall be restricted to minor secondary connections. Each quadrant of the activity center shaft provide for internal interconnections between adjacent land uses. This will facilitate convenient and safe internal vehicular and pedestrian movements without affecting the external roadway network. In addition, Activity Center #9 will support future transit stops. Implementation Aft rezones within Activity Center #9 shaft be consistent with this Vision Statement. An IMP shaft be developed to further define the intent of this Vision Statement, and shaft be adopted by the BCC by resolution. Subsequent to the adoption of the IMP, an Activity Center #9 zoning overlay district shaft be adopted in the Land Development Code. Land Use Activity Center #9 shall be developed with a mix of uses that will serve residents and travelers. The mix of land uses shall be designed to complement the intensity of the intersection while providing the appropriate transitions to the nearby residential communities. Land uses shall be located in a manner that will enhance the overall appearance and function of the activity center. Land uses may include a mixture of office/business centers, light industrial The Design Elements Collier County has many exemplary characteristics--it is known for its beaches, golf courses, and the Everglades. Residents enjoy the opportunity to live, work, and play in beautiful rural areas and vibrant urban settings. Activity Center #9 is located on the urban edge of Collier County; therefore, emphasis will be placed on complementary design themes that reflect the influences such as the Everglades, rural areas, and Old Florida. Properties within Activity Center #9 shall be developed or redeveloped in accordance with one or more of the design themes defined in the IMP. The design themes shall be incorporated into the landscape, architecture, signage, gateway features, and roadway lighting design. Figure 2-1 iljustrates how all of these themes of the vision statement may be incorporated into Activity Center #9's future design. WilspnMiller Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (iMP) November2000 Section 2, Page 1 I--Introduction 2--Vision Statement 1--Design Devel0pment i~ ~:?~ 1. ~ ~ 4--Land Use & Transportation dix I F MS'~Model ~n Analyses Section 2 Design Development DESIGN DEVELOPMENT The design of Activity Center #9 is defined using character themes that shall be represented through these elements: · Architecture and signage · Landscape buffers · Boundary gateways · Arterial roadway elements Architecture and Signage As stated in the Vision Statement, three complementary character themes shall be used in the architecture and signage elements throughout Activity Center #9. The three character themes include the following: · Everglades · Rural · Old Florida The Everglades Character In the Everglades, architectural structures typically feature function first-- aesthetics are secondary. Designs in the Everglades reflect a pioneering spirit conveyed through neutral colors with minimum detailing of building facades. Simple roof lines, deep overhangs, porches (where feasible), and clerestory windows are some of the major architectural elements that shall define the Everglades Character theme. Figure 3-1 iljustrates elements represented in the Everglades Character. Architectural structures shall exhibit colors that support the Everglades theme. As shown in Figure 3-2, muted tones found in the Everglades accented by light values of the same color are desirable. Figure 3-2: Everglades Color Figure 3-1: Everglades Character Activity Center 119 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) November2000 Section 3. Page 1 WilsOnMiller Section 3 Design Development 8A 1 Rural The Rural Character Architecture in rural Collier County comprises minimum adornments, symmetrical facades, and a combination of roof types with a fair degree of articulation. Wood detailing, cupolas, and dormers are some of the major architectural elements that shall define the Rural Character theme. Figure 3-3 iljustrates elements represented in the Rural Character. Architectural structures shall exhibit ;. colors that support the Rural Florida theme. As shown in Figure 3-4, soft, natural earth tones with contrasting deep hue accents are desirable. Figure 3-4: Rural Colors Old Florida Character Old Florida architecture is unpretentious and inviting. It is beautifully adapted to its climate and quietly enhanced. Old Florida is a synthesis of many vernacular traditions ranging from the Victorian to those of Cracker and antebellum South. Peaked tin roofs, deep roof overhangs, generous porches, and ample windows are some of the traditional vernacular features of the Old Florida theme. Figure 3-5 iljustrates elements represented in the Old Florida Character. '2haracter Architectural structures shall exhibit colors to support the Old Florida theme. As shown in Figure 3-6, light or white trim colors coupled with soft, pastel tones are desirable. Figure 3-6: Old Florida Colors Ac,iv#y Oenter intercha ge Mas,er Pian WilspnMiller No vember 2000 Section 3, Page 2 Section 3 Design Development Landscape Buffers Two landscape buffei requirements shall apply to Activity Center #9: * Buffers adjacent to major arterial roadways * Buffers not adjacent to arterial roadways Adjacent Buffers Landscape buffers adjacent to arterial roadways shall include formal plantings to create a feeling of familiarity and continuity for the visitor in Activity Center #9. Primary landscape elements shall be chosen to reduce the scale of the adjacent roadway and commercial structures and to provide pedestrian comfort. Secondary landscape elements shall include formal, orderly planting beds with highly defined edges. Subtropical trees and plants in layered arrangements will provide visitors with a well-planned garden experience. Nonadjacent Buffers Landscape buffers that are not adjacent to arterial roadways shall be consistent with the established character themes by · using relaxed rhythms in planting areas. This will create a soft, natural effect that transitions from the formal pedestrian and vehicular paths. Native palms, grasses, and stands of hardwood trees with a natural progression of undergrowth shall comprise the major landscape elements within buffers. The landscaping plant palette selected for Activity Center #9 includes, but is not limited to, the following: Trees . Southern · Magnolia * Live Oak * Red Maple * Slash Pine * Dahoon Holly Bald Cypress White Geiger South Florida Slash Pine Pa/ms · Cabbage Palm * Paurotis Palm · Washington Palm Accents · Cardboard Zamia Shrubs · Leather Fern * Marlberry * Myrsine · Walters Viburnum * Sweet Viburnum * Indian Hawthorn * Florida Privet · Saw Palmetto · Fakahatchee * Shillings Holly 8A November2000 Section 3~ Page 3 Section 3--Design Development 8Al · Necklace Pod · Thryallis · Dwarf Fakahatchee · Sandankwa Viburnum Aquatic Plants · Leather Fern · Yellow Canna Vines · Bougainvillea · Confederate Jasmine Annuals · Egyptian Star Flower Ground Covers · Pink Muhly Grass · Swordfern · Sand Cordgrass Boundary Gateway Featu res Boundary gateway features shall define the entry/exit points of Activity Center #9. They shall be located within the right-of- way at the north and south boundaries on Collier Boulevard and at the west boundary on Davis Boulevard. A major gateway feature at the intersection of Collier Boulevard and 1-75 shall introduce Activity Center #9 to motorists on 1-75 by providing the following: · Directional signs/monumentation that are architectural in nature · Intensified plantings that introduce color, massing, and layering · Areas for display of local sculpture/ art elements that are intended for public display and enjoyment Each gateway feature shall be designed to complement the character themes, which will help define and implement Activity Center #9's Vision Statement. Figure 3-7 presents a conceptual design for a boundary gateway. Boundary Gateway ~oncept Activity Center ,¢9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) November2000 Section 3, Page 4 Wils nMiller Section 3--Design Development Arterial Roadway Landscaping As iljustrated in Figure 3-8 on the following page, arterial roadways shall include the following: · Sidewalks along all arterials to promote pedestrian activity and to interconnect adjacent commercial buildings · Street trees for shade, appropriate scale, and to separate pedestrians from motorists · Intersections that have pigmented crosswalks and colorful plantings to aid in motorist and pedestrian recognition · Median plantings for contrast with formal street trees through cjustering and layering · Median plantings should have view corridors to commercial buildings; appropriate view triangles shall be maintained at intersections Lighting and Directional Signage Special lighting fixtures shall be used along Activity Center #9's arterial roadways. The selected light fixture style shall complement all of the selected character themes. All directional signage within Activity Center #9 shall be unified and designed in a manner that is complementary to the selected character themes. November2000 Section 3, Page 5 Introduction 2---Vision State~ient 3 Design Development~.'.~-~~, ~ 4=-Land Use & Transportation 5 Implement on Stra ~ s . Plots: Analyses ~, ,. ST ---1 0 CANAL h Section 4iLand Use & Transportation 8A1 LAND USE The BCC adopted a study parameter to develop a land use plan that identifies the type and amount of land uses. As demonstrated in Figure 4-1, the IMP accomplishes this by developing an IMP Land Use Map that recognizes the existing zoning. It is guided by the study parameters and objectives. The IMP Land Use Map is not intended to be used as a zoning map, but rather as a general indicator of desirable future land use relationships. The Activity Center #9 GMP amendment defined the following: "The uses allowed in Interchange Activity Center #9 shall include the full array of commercial uses; residential and non-residential uses; institutional uses; Business Park with Activity Center #9; hotel/motel uses at a density consistent w/th the Land Development Code; industrial uses in the northeast, southwest and southeast quadrants. The entire Interchange Activity Center is eligible for up to 100% of the entire acreage to be developed for and of the uses referenced, except the maximum amount of commercial acreage shall not exceed 55% of the total acreage (632.5 ac.)." The location and configuration of the following four proposed land use designations with Activity Center #9 are delineated on the IMP Land Use Map: · Commercial--60 acres · Industrial--139 acres · Mixed-use Commercial--223 acres · Mixed-use Industrial--218 acres The following describes each land use designation including purpose, permitted uses, and intensity/density. Commercial This designation is intended to accommodate the full array of commercial uses as allowed in each commercial Actiwty Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) zoning district in the LDC, institutional uses, office, and hotel/motel uses at a density consistent with the LDC. Industrial This designation is reserved primarily for industrial type uses. Intensities of use shall be consistent with the GMP Industrial District. Mixed-use Commercial This designation is intended to accommodate a mix of commercial, office, and residential uses within the activity center. Land areas appropriate for this designation include retail, office, service, and residential. Residential density is allowed consistent with the GMP Density Rating System. Hotel/motel uses are allowed at a density consistent with the LDC. Mixed-use Industrial This designation is intended to identify the land areas appropriate for light industrial, retail, office, service, and residential. Intensities of industrial uses shall be consistent with the GMP Urban- Industrial District. The full array of commercial uses are allowed consistent with the commercial zoning districts in the LDC. Hotel/motel uses are allowed at a density consistent with the LDC. Residential density is allowed consistent with the GMP--Density Rating System. TRANSPORTATION EVALUATION Overview The transportation evaluation process included an evaluation of the travel demand model simulation and other non- modeling transportation assessment results. The process identified and WilsOnMiller November2000 Sectton 4. Page 1 8A1 Z m~m ~Z Section 4--Land Use & Transportation '8A 1 quantified problems/problem areas found in the evaluation. The transportation evaluation was used to assess a variety of improvements that may be recommended for consideration as part of the IMR Certain previously identified future improvements to the transportation network were assumed, including ramp improvements to the 1-75 interchange and the construction of a grade separation at the SR-84 and CR-951 intersection. Appropriate performance measures and evaluation criteria (eg., LOS, delay, volume to capacity ratio, etc.) were used to evaluate the future conditions. The transportation evaluation process also identified and evaluated potential transportation/land use strategies and infrastructure improvements that address system problems/problem areas. It considered strategies such as non-capital operational improvements, transportation demand management (TDM), and other land use/site-related techniques that may be applicable to the activity center concept. A variety of potential transportation and land use strategies and infrastructure improvements were tested. The results were evaluated against the established criteria. Performance measures and evaluation criteria results for potential strategies and improvements were compared against those of the base condition. Transportation infrastructure improvements that were considered included (but were not be limited to) access management improvements, intersection modifications, additional or modified freeway ramps, additional through-lanes, grade-separated intersection improvements, new road segments, etc. Close cooperation with state and local implementing transportation agencies ensured coordination in developing and analyzing potential strategies and improvements. Assumptions For the purposes of the future conditions analysis (FCA), a single land use data set for a buildout scenario was used to generate system traffic in and around Activity Center #9. The land use data set developed by the County/ Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for use in the "density reduction" buildout assessments was used. Although the study horizon year was undetermined, the analysis year data set was assumed to represent the area's buildout. The traffic analysis zones (TAZs) within the study area were reviewed and evaluated for consistency with the proposed development potential of lands included within Activity Center #9. A consensus on the appropriate land use variables (eg., number of dwelling units, number of employees, etc.) to be included in the study data set was achieved before any transportation alternatives assessment began. With regard to future land use improvements, several projects within the area (but not within the activity center boundary) that may impact the transportation system within the activity center were identified and considered in the analysis, either directly as part of the modeling effort or indirectly through observations. A number of initial assumptions were made based on approved plans and programs: the capacity improvements recognized in Collier County's Transportation Element of the GMP; the MPO's 2020 Long-Range Transportation Plan, including the 2020 Needs Assessment; and the recently completed SR-84 Corridor Study, which made specific recommendations about future improvements at the intersection of SR-84 and CR-951. Activity Center#9 Interchange Master ¢tan (IMP) WilsOnMiller November2000 Section 4, Page 3 Section 4---Land Use & Transportation 8Al Base (Current) Operating Conditions The major transportation system components within Activity Center #9 include 1-75, CR-951, and SR-84. Currently, the area is not served by public transportation, except for the occasional taxi cab and demand-response vehicles that may serve employers in the area. Tables 4-1a and 4-1b present the 1998 operational conditions of the major roadways and signalized intersections. The northern quadrants, which are substantially vacant of immediately adjacent land uses, are separated by CR- 951, a four-lane divided highway. This area is served by existing and future east/ west "access" roads located immediately outside the "limited access" (LA) boundaries of 1-75 (immediately north of the ramps). Additionally, a planned access point approximately 900 feet north of the existing access roads will provide signalized access control for future major developments east and west of CR-951. To allow all developments within the 4 D 46,300 33,075 B (0.71) 4 D 46,300 33,075 B (0.71) 4 D 44,300 23,739 C (0.54) 2 D 10,800 15,790 F (1.46) Table 4- la Existing Geometric Conditions Problems/ Problem Areas The interchange activity center will be populated by multiuse developments in all four quadrants. The problems/problem areas associated with transportation impacts, and most acutely, those issues dealing with access on the north side of the interstate corridor, are profoundly different from those issues on the south side. The major transportation links that serve Activity Center #9 include 1-75 (via Looking southeast across Activity Center I/9. exit #15), Collier Boulevard (CR-951), and Davis Boulevard (SR-84). The existing roadway lane geometry in Activity Center #9 is depicted in Figure 4-2 on the following page. O C C F E Table 4- lb northwest quadrant to access the future northern signalized access point, an interconnection is planned on the west side of CR-951. A similar, more circuitous connection is defined in planning documents approved for developments on the east side of CR-951. Current (base condition) problems are concentrated at the existing unsignalized access point. These problems are primarily associated with high volumes of truck traffic using the access road to reach the Collier County Water Treatment Plant and the Collier County Landfill. White Lake, a major industrial development, has Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (iMP) November2000 Section 4, Page 4 WiispnMiller Section 4--Land Use & Transportation Figure 4-2: Roadway Lane Geometry begun to attract land uses that will increase the intersection's traffic. A secondary problem is the access road's lack of adequate throat distance at the intersection with CR-951. Problems associated with the northern quadrants are summarized in Table 4-2. South of the 1o75 corridor, land uses are being developed with projects east and west of CR-951 at approximately 20-30 percent buildout. Gas station, restaurant, and hotel/motel facilities occupy the southwest and southeast quadrants of the interchange. The problem area south of the 1-75 corridor is the intersection of SR-84 and CR-951, located approximately 1,400 feet south of the 1-75 ramps. The LA limits extend to the SR-84 intersection. Therefore, all access to commercial development must pass through the SR-84/CR- 951 intersection. Heavy southbound and northbound volumes between the 1-75 ramps and SR-84 coupled with high turning volumes to/from SRo84 contribute to severe congestion and long delays, especially during the morning and evening peak hours. SR-84 west of CR-951 is currently two lanes with left turn lanes. CR-951 is a four-lane divided highway. East of CR-951, "Old SR- 84" is a two-lane roadway serving land development. It terminates east of the activity center boundary. With the exception of the delay at CFI-951, no traffic problems were identified for "Old SR-84" east of CR-951. It should be noted that a recently approved 1-75 interchange at Golden Gate Parkway scheduled for construction May be too close to 1-75 ramps to be signalized Inadequate throat distance Heavy truck movements to/from Access Road #1 Planned interconnect/on to future northern access (on east side of CR-951) is not direct and dependent upon others No currently available interconnect/on to future northern access (on east side of CR-951) Table 4-2 Activity Center #9 Interchange Master f~lan (IMP) WilsOnMiller November 2000 Section 4, Page 5 Section 4--Land Use & Transportation in 2004 may reduce the traffic bound for 1- 75 at this intersection. However, congestion will continue due to access to the land development activities competing with the projected increases in through- volumes that CR-951 will carry. Table 4-3 summarizes the problems associated with the southern quadrants. development. Widening along the existing alignment was found to be more cost- effective and have fewer environmental impacts. A Preliminary Development and Environmental (PD&E) study is underway to determine the appropriate grade separation concept for the intersection. As a result of what likely is to be a staging of improvements (first a multilaning of SR-84 Too close to 1-75 ramps Inadequate distances from intersection to driveways on SR-84 (west of CR-951) Inadequate PJW for additional turn lanes (eastbound approach) Excessive delays due to heavy east to north, south to west and north to west turning movements Heavy peak hour traffic volumes Over capacity in its current 2-lane configuration (LOS "F") Table 4-3 Potential Infrastructure Improvements A number of key system improvements have been identified previously and are either approved or being evaluated. As stated earlier, the future (2004) interchange at Golden Gate Parkway should provide an alternative for 1-75- bound traffic, thereby reducing some of the traffic that traverses the SR-84/CR- 951 intersection to access the interstate. The SR-84 Corridor Study recently completed for the FDOT recommended improving SR-84 to a multilane configuration along the existing alignment instead of realigning the corridor eastward to intersect with CR-951 one mile south of the current intersection. During the course of the study, it was determined that regardless of the alignment, the existing SR-84/CR-951 intersection would have to be grade separated due to the significant influence (and vicinity) of the 1-75 interchange coupled with the activity center Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan lIMP) followed by a grade separation improvement), special access management considerations' will be needed. Although currently not planned to be extended west, future Access Road #2, north of 1-75, was tested and evaluated as a connection between CR-951 and Santa Barbara Blvd. Table 4-4 summarizes the major roadway improvements that the Collier County MPO identified as necessary by 2024 within the activity center boundary. Table 4-5 identifies additional relatively Iow-cost infrastructure enhancements and operational improvements as potential of transportation system management (TSM) strategies. Potential Land Use Strategies Most of the lands within Activity Center #9 are zoned for a nonagricultural land use. The remaining A-Agriculture parcels likely will be rezoned in the future. WiisOnMiller November 2000 Section 4, Page 6 Section 4--Land Use & Transportation 8A 1 Widen from 4 to 6-lanes Widen from 4 to 8-lanes Widen from 4 to 6-lanes Grade Separation & signal modifications Widen from 2 to 4-lanes Improved traffic flow; reduced delay; improved LOS Improved traffic flow; reduced delay; improved LOS improved traffic flow; reduced delay; improved LOS Reduced congestion dudng peak periods; Improved traffic flow; reduced delay; improved LOS Improved traffic flow; reduced delay; improved LOS Table 4-4 Enhanced computer controlled traffic signal system; additional coordination Additional turn lanes Vadable Message Boards; in-vehicle information systems; advanced warning systems Quick response traffic control; motodst aid services; accident investigation areas; agency awareness; traffic signal preemption Non-Peak hours of Construction; minimization of lane closures; advanced traveler information Park-n-Ride Facilities; transit stations Improved traffic flow; reduced delay; improved LOS Improved traffic flow; reduced delay; improved LOS Reduces delay; allow travel plan adjustments Reduced congestion due to incidents; improves response time to accidents; improves system recovery time Reduces delay; allow travel plan adjustments; improves work-zone safety Reduced SOV usage; reduced congestion during peak periods Table 4-5 Collier County will have an opportunity to ensure that the development that follows the adoption of the IMP is planned and coordinated to be consistent with the Plan and subsequent LDC amendments. A variety of land use strategies that may be considered are discussed below. Due to the area's currently undeveloped land, significant opportunities exist to manage the appropriate development of much of the area north of the 1-75 corridor. Although generally identified for commercial or industrial uses such as retail, office (corporate and general), and warehousing and distribution centers, lands within the activity center are suitable Actiw'ty Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) for a mix of uses, including multifamily residential and institutional and support services, such as adult congregate living facilities, medical facilities, churches, and child care facilities. Mixed-use developments can significantly reduce the traffic impacts of land development within the activity center by providing varying peak periods of travel and by providing opportunities to minimize travel through maximizing "chained" or multipurpose trips. Residents in these developments are often able to shop for groceries, pick- up/drop-off dry cleaning, conduct personal banking, and pick up the kids--all without having to use the adjacent highway system. WilspnMiller Nover~ber 2000 Sect/on 4, Page 7 Section 4--Land Use & Transportation 8Al The value of varied peak hour travel demand of a mixed-use development should not be overlooked. Approximately 60-90 percent of the activity center's "congestion" is generally concentrated during the 2-3 peak hours during the morning/evening. In all but the most severely over-congested facilities, traffic during the remaining times of the day (the non-peak hours) is manageable. Historically (and currently), facilities are built to handle peak demands. Adopted LOS standards are based on the measure of congestion during the peak hour of the day. In addition to the infrastructure improvements that are needed as congestion increases, "gentler" approaches that involve travel behavior or TDM can effectively reduce peak hour demand and congestion. The TDM strategies in Table 4-6 should be considered where appropriate. Future Conditions The Future Conditions Analysis (FCA) examined the activity center in two parts: the northern half and southern half, This was done because 1) the northern quadrants are both substantially undeveloped and/or will be the subject of further land use decision-making processes, and 2) the FDOT is analyzing the southern quadrant's network as part of the SR-84/CR-951 PD&E. For the northwest quadrant, land owners provided potential buildout scenarios for analysis. Existing approved zoning was used for lands in the northeast quadrant. Activity Center North This portion of the analysis determined the future traffic impacts north of 1-75 on CR-951 with the addition of traffic generated by the proposed/approved development in the immediate vicinity. It also analyzed one signalized access versus two signalized access drives for the proposed development. Future year 2024 traffic volumes were derived using the MPO's Collier County 2024 travel demand model. Model modifications were made to the highway Commercial Retail/Office and Residential Hotel, Service Warehouse/Distribution Provides opportunities for internal capture and "trip chaining" Provides for different peak hour/peak direction travel demands Market rate rental housing; Affordable housing; Workforce housing Passive and active parks; greenways; Churches, Civic organizations "Flex-time"; staggered start/stop times; alternative work schedules Transit, ridesharing, and van-pooling incentives Improved bicycle & pedestrian facilities Activity Center Freight Management System; "Delivery Only" Hours; Delivery Access Routes Telecommuting, teleconferencing, teleshopping Concentrations of housing units that are available to the neighboring workforce; close proximity to retail/office services w/in the Activity Center Reduced traffic impact; services provided to neighboring residents; increased open space Reduces peak hour demand; spreads out demand over greater length of time Reduces peak hour demand, reduces parking requirements Reduces vehicular demand between uses; reduces congestion Coordinate & consolidate deliveries to minimize the number of freight vehicles needed, particularly during peak periods Reduces peak and non-peak travel demand Table 4-6 Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) WilspnMiller November2000 Section 4, Page 8 Section 4---Land Use & Transportation 8Al network and socioeconomic data (ZDATA) to better reflect the proposed development and the network's physical constraints. Figure 4-3 shows the FSUTMS highway network changes made to the model. Proposed traffic from development in the northeast and northwest quadrants was derived using the Institute of Traffic Engineer's (ITE's) current Trip Generation Manual (6th ed.) for the five developments on CR-951 north of 1-75: The changes included removing the proposed SR-84 east/west extension (eliminated by the MPO as a result of the SR-84 Corridor Study), removing the centroid connection to/from zone 310 to Golden Gate Parkway, and relocating the centroid connection to more accurately represent the travel paths to/from zone 289. Land use ZDATA revisions included refining forecast development levels for the zones surrounding the interchange. The employment level in zone 310 decreased from 1458 to 1030 while total dwelling units increased from 708 to 1319. Zone 311 was revised to include a 250- room hotel. Table 4-7 on the next page summarizes generation data. * White Lake ,, City Gate * Golden Gate Health Park (aka Commerce Park) * The Homan Parcel * Magnolia Pond Development potential was based on approved or planned project expectations. Traffic was assigned to the roadway network using the MPO model's traffic distribution for these zones. Model volume and distribution plots are included in the Appendix A. Background traffic was derived by applying a 9 percent k factor and 60 percent d factor to the MPO model's background peak season weekday traffic (PSWT). ACTIVITY CENTER #9 - REVISED 2024 FSUTMS MODEL NETWORK OVERLAY Figure 4-3 Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) November 2000 ,~ection 4, Page 9 WilspnMiller Section 4---Land Use & Transportation ACTIVITY CENTER #9 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation 8A Totals 916,000 sf 188 918 111 111 0 0 77 807 116,000 sf 332 361 69 69 124 134 139 158 '!,ilr 1,860,000 sf 300 2201 250 250 0 0 50 1951 i!~' 34,000 sf 470 65 26 26 0 0 445 60 ;~ 3,000 si 145 145 29 29 101 101 15 15 1135 3710 485 485 225 235 426 2991 Totals 30,000 sf 19 94 2 9 0 0 17 85 !i220,000 sf 508 549 31 47 157 170 320 332 588du 226 111 45 22 0 0 181 89 753 754 78 78 157 170 518 506 231 du 96 48 7 7 0 0 89 41 Totals 96 48 7 7 0 0 89 41 Totals du 552 598 115 115 164 178 273 305 194 95 29 29 0 0 165 66 746 693 144 144 164 178 438 371 Totals 65 ac 121 454 0 0 0 0 121 454 121 454 0 0 0 0 121 454 I ITE's Trip Generation Manual, 6th Edilk3n 2 Golden Gate Health Park interr3al capture is base on the following percentages: 10% office to retail: 20% residential to retail; other developelopmerlt internalization rate assumed at 10% of gross trips Table 4-7 Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) WilspnMiller November2000 Section 4, Page 10 Section 4--Land Use & Transportation 8A One Access Drive South Access Drive 126 [245) <156> f5 ~ F1 {2} ---~ 245 (165) <~1> 32 ~ LEGEND 242 Background Traffic {152} Whitebke Tragic [1002l Cilygate Traf6c (Full Build) (141) Passerby Capture <146> Golden Gate Commerce Park 242 Homer 131 Magnolia Pond ~_ 24 {152} {1002} (141) ~ {7) [47] ~- 21 (295) [1941] (94) North Accese Drive South Access Drive Activity Center #9 2024 PEAK SEASON PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC Clt~ Gate Full Build Scenario COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA Two Access Drives 76(149)<94> 10 -~ [4] {1} ~ 98 (66) <136> 13 ~ 50 {99) <62> 6 -~ [3] {1 } ~ 147 (99) <205> 197 L {91}[601](85) ~ {4}[24l -- {118}1777](38) 24{61}[401](56) (3) [23] 21 {177} [11641 (56) Figure 4-4 shows the expected 2024 PM peak hour peak season traffic for both one signal and two signalized access scenarios for full buildout of the proposed developments. Capacity calculations were performed for the traffic volumes shown in Figure 4- 4 using 1997 Highway Capacity Software (HCS 3.1). These calculations were performed for at-grade intersections with both one and two signalized access points along CR-951 for the proposed development. Signalized intersection and detailed arterial analyses were performed for the two scenarios and are included in Appendix B. Additionally maximum queue lengths were calculated using the red time equation for movements along CR-951. As shown in Figure 4-5, full buildout of the proposed developments will result in unacceptable LOS in the year 2024 with either one or two signalized at-grade intersections. Due to the proximity of 1-75 to the south, any type of grade separation does not seem feasible. Any loading to the north at Golden Gate Parkway seems improbable due to physical constraints (canals and neighborhoods). The only solution appears to be a reduction in proposed development. Of the five developments shown in Figure 4-4's traffic volumes, City Gate is the largest traffic generator and is the single project most likely to not build out to its maximum potential. For testing purposes, City Gate traffic was reduced to obtain acceptable operation of CR-951 north of 1-75. Figure 4-6 shows these reduced traffic volumes for City Gate for the one and two signal scenarios. As shown in Figure 4-6, City Gate traffic would have to be reduced by 80 percent for one signalized access point to operate acceptably. For two signalized access WilsOnMiller Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) November2000 Sechon 4, Page 11 Section 4--Land Use & Transportation 8A One Access Drive F 111.4 mph l 850 ft South Access Drive -- rF / 219.3 sec ] / 4.0 mph 1050 fl North Access Drive LEGEND South Access Drive Activity Center #9 2024 PEAK SEASON PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE City Gate Full Build Scenario COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Figure 4-5 Two Access Drives B / 35.6 mph 600 ft F / 5.0 mph 1050 ft E,~.~_~72.4 sec~J F 111.1 mph 900 ft 118.8 se~ F / 12.7 mph 900 fi: South Access Drive - One Access Drive ~26(248) <156> 16 ~ [2] {2} ~ (165) <341· 32 ~r LEGEND 242 Background Traffic {152} Whltetake Traffic / [1002J Cilyg~te Traffic (141) PasseCoy Capture H4~a~ 131 Ma~ia Pond 24 {152} 12~o} {7} {10~ 21 {295} 1388] (19) North Access Drive South Access Drive Activity Center #9 2024 PEAK SEASON PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC Reduced Clt7 Gate Development COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA Figure 4-6 Two Access Drives {91} [150] (22) {4) [6] {118} [195] (10) v 24 {61} 1201] (28) ~ {3) [12l -- 21 {177} [582] (28) Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) WilspnMiller November2000 Sect/on 4, Page 12 Section 4---Land Use & Transportation points to operate acceptably, City Gate would have to reduce its traffic by 50 percent. As shown in Figure 4-7, all intersections and arterial links are expected to operate at LOS D or better with the reduced CityGate traffic, with the exception of the southbound arterial link between the signalized access drives. This is due primarily to the short distance (900 ft.) between the two. Maximum queues were checked using the red time equation and were found to be acceptable. However, if LOS D is required for this link, City Gate traffic would need to be further reduced to approximately 65 percent of its maximum buildout condition. During the preparation of this report, additional reseamh on the signalization of the Access Rd. #1 intersection at CR-951 was being conducted by Tindale-Oliver, Inc. Results of that research were not available at the time of this printing. Alternative East- West Collector Roadway Analysis As part of the assessment of future roadway conditions, the study examined the impacts of an interconnecting roadway (Access Road #2) extending between Santa Barbara Blvd. and CR-951. The extension was tested as a four-lane collector in 2024. The assignment of traffic by the MPO model produced volumes of 7,100 (PSDT) on the new collector with little or no change to volumes on CR-951 and the other surrounding roadways. This indicates a rebalancing of traffic where increases in certain trips as a result of a network change are offset by reductions of certain other trips (i.e., gains offset losses). In addition, the relatively Iow volume of traffic (7,100 PSDT) assigned to the new extension indicates that a small portion of the trips to and through the area find the extension of much value. An examination of the model's trip-making One Access Drive South Access Drlv. C 129.8 mph 700 ft D / 55.0 sec] TD/18.6 mph 750 ft Nor~hAccess DHve LEGEND South Access Drive Activity Center #9 2024 PEAK SEASON PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE Reduced City Gate Development Scenario COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Figure 4-7 Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) Two Access Drives B / 39.3 mph 500 ft F I 11.4 mph 860 ft D / 44.6 sec I / 17.4 mph 650 ft ~f:,o / 54.6 sec I 18.5 mph 700 ft WilspnMiller November2000 Section 4, Page 13 Section 4--Land Use & Transportation characteristics indicates that approximately 80 percent of the new road's traffic is generated in the immediate vicinity of the access road by TAZ 310 (the zone bisected by the new roadway) and the zone immediately to the east of CR-951 (TAZ 311). This indicates that the road is of primary benefit to those developments immediate adjacent to it, with little or no benefit derived by the surrounding roadway network. Traffic volumes assigned to the major roads within the study simulated by the 2024 "with" and "without" models are presented in Table 4-8. additional changes were assumed for the land use forecast that the FDOT is using. However, access management strategies have been developed for the quadrants and have been included in the Access Management Plan contained herein. Future conditions related to the Access Management Plan assume two scenarios: * Interim at-grade improvements to SR-84 and the SR-84/CR-951 intersection * Buildout with a grade separation at the SR-84/CR-951 intersection Santa Barbara Blvd, to CR~951 NA 7,100 N. of Access Rd. #2 54,600 54,500 S. of Access Rd. #2 65,600 63,900 S. of 1-75 92,800 92,400 S. of SR-84 75,700 76,000 W. of CR-951 35,300 33,600 N. of Access Rd. #2 51,600 54,600 S. of Access Rd. #2 51,400 51,500 S. of Radio Rd. (CR-856) · 43,300 42,600 W, of CR-951 48,000 45,200 Table 4-8 Activity Center South The transportation network in the southern portion of the activity center is the subject of a PD&E analysis that URS Greiner is conducting under the FDOT's direction. The PD&E is intended to finalize the design concept(s) for the proposed at- grade and grade-separated improvements needed at the junction of SR-84, CR-951, and 1-75 to accommodate 20-year traffic. Because the future improvements will be dictated by the results of the FDOT's study, the activity center future conditions work did not include any additional travel demand analysis of the southern quadrants of Activity Center #9. No IMP Recommendations The IMP recommendations are divided into two areas: * Land Use Strategies * Infrastructure Improvements Land Use Strategies The following land use strategies should be considered for future land development requests within the activity center. 1. Require mixed-use developments for all future rezone requests. The value of mixed-use developments, especially when a residential component is included, should be maximized. Trip Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) WilspnMiller November2000 Section 4, Page 14 Section 4--Land Use & Transportation 8Al "chaining" and internal capture can significantly reduce the "new external trips" of a mixed-use project. 2. Promote Iow trip-generating commercial and industrial uses within existing and future commercial/ industrial developments. Consider maximum square footage or trip generation thresholds for high trip- generating land uses. Provide land development incentives for Iow trip- generating uses. 3. Require internal site interconnections between adjacent land uses to facilitate convenient and safe internal vehicular movements without affecting the external roadway network. 4. Consider site planning strategies that allow and encourage safe and convenient pedestrian movements between adjacent uses. 5, Require all future developments to commit to the support of future public transportation operations. New developments should be encouraged to anticipate future transit stop locations when designing the site access and circulation to land uses. Infrastructure Improvements 1-75 separates infrastructure improvements geographically and functionally: North of 1-75 1. Six-lane CR-951 (consideration should be given to an eight-lane section south of the new access road). 2. New signalized intersection of City Gate and Golden Gate Commerce Park project access roads approximately 900 feet north of the intersection of CR-951 with While Lake Boulevard and Access Road #2. 3. interconnect Access Road #2 to new project access road through the Golden Gate Commeme Park development. Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) 4. Relocate White Lake Boulevard to the east and interconnect it to new City Gate access road. 5. Maintain and signalize the existing median opening at intersection of CR- 951 with White Lake Boulevard and Access Road #2. 6. Relocate and bring the 1-75 westbound off-ramp under signal control. 7. Add northbound right turn deceleration lane at CR-951 and White Lake Boulevard. 8. Interconnect all signals. 9. Locate a park-and-ride lot within the activity center (may also be south of 1- 75). 10.Maintain access management restrictions as shown on the Access Management Plan. South of I- 75 1. Six-lane CR-951 (further consideration should be given to an eight-lane section south of 1-75 through the SR- 84 intersection). 2. Six-lane SR-84 from relocated Radio Road intersection to CR-951. 3. Interim at-grade improvements as part of the multilane reconstruction of SR- 84 (will require right-of-way acquisition): * Extend the southbound right turn lane of CR-951 approaching SR-84 ,, Design the SR-84 leg of the intersection to accommodate a free- flow southbound right turn movement * Construct a dedicated eastbound right turn lane on SR-84 approach to CR-951 * Construct a second eastbound left turn lane on SR-84 approach to CR- 951 * Construct a second northbound left turn lane on CR-951 approach to SR- 84 WilspnMiller November2000 Section 4 , Page 15 Section 4--Land Use & Transportation · Remove access connection to Burger King parcel and relocate access connection to Bedzel Circle in the Commerce Center · Analyze and modify existing gas station driveways (northwest and southwest of SR-84/CR-951 intersection) during multilaning 4. Interconnect all signals. 5. Future grade-separated improvements (to be determined by FDOT study). 6. Maintain access management restrictions as shown on the Access Management Plan. Access Management Plan Access management is a critical component to the safe and efficient operational interface between land uses and the adjacent street system. Strategies that help preserve the integrity of the arterial and collector roadways while accommodating the safe and convenient vehicle movement into and out of abutting land uses is the goal and hallmark of a well-managed system. On August 18, 1992 the Collier County BCC adopted Resolution No. 92-442 that established a policy for access management for the county's arterial and collector roadways. Recognizing the importance of access management issues regarding the uses within activity centers, Collier County adopted Policy 4.4 of the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. This required the development and adoption of Access Management Plans for each activity center shown on the county's Future Land Use Map. These Access Management Plans, ultimately adopted as part of the LDC (Appendix "E"), include the location of existing and future access connections (eg., driveways, entrance and access roads, etc.), median openings, and traffic signals. Additionally, the plans included the identification of existing conditions that may be subject to retrofit measures (eg., Act/vity Ceater //9 Interchange Master P/an (IMP) closing a median or removing a driveway connection). Because of the expansion of the boundary of Activity Center #9 and because of the level of current and projected traffic, it is appropriate for Collier County to reexamine the current Access Management Plan for Activity Center #9 and modify it as needed. Current Access Management P/an The currently adopted Access Management Plan originally was developed to be as consistent as possible with the access management guidelines and standards in the County's access management policy (Res. 92-442). The currently adopted Activity Center #9 Access Management Plan map as shown in Figure 4-8 reflects the current conditions and identifies proposed additions. The majority of the lands in this activity center will be part of planned developments that were subjected to a heightened level of scrutiny regarding access management issues. This helped establish a reasonable access management environment. Many of the projects are still undeveloped, which creates opportunities for adjusting the standards and guidelines to improve access management features without placing unnecessary burden on the landowners. Lastly, the current plan, while addressing access for adjacent lands, does not adequately address the need for future arterial and collector roadway improvements. In its current form, the plan does not include/anticipate the future need for turn lanes, additional through-lanes, grade-separated travel lanes, new interstate ramps, ramp modifications, etc. It also lacks measures to encourage and manage internal connections between projects to help minimize access connections to the arterial/collector system. WilspnMiller November 2000 Sechon 4, Page 16 I I Section 4--Land Use & Transportation Proposed Access Management Plan As demonstrated in Figure 4-9, the proposed Access Management Plan has been developed to be more specific than the current one. Once adopted as amendments to the LDC, the changes will serve as strict guidance to the state and county permitting agencies in the review and consideration of access management improvements. The proposed Access Management Plan maps have been developed in cooperation with state and county access management officials and in consultation with adjoining property owners. For ease of feature identification and use, the Access Management Plan maps have been divided into one or more panels for the areas north (Figure 4-10) and south (Figure 4-11) of 1-75. Access connections shown are to be regarded as specific in number and location; minor adjustments in the locations may be appropriately determined at the time of permitting. Specific features (eg., directional median openings) shall not be changed to another feature type, nor shall additional features be added (including driveway connections) without an appropriate amendment to the Access Management Plan map adopted in the LDC. Activity Center#9 Interchange Master Plan (IMP) November2000 Sect/on 4, Page 18 WilsOnMiller 8A lq APPENDIX B SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ANALYSES ARTERIAL ANALYSES HCS-Siqnals 3.lb File:N951250.hcs 8A 1 Paqe _1 Inter: Anal yst: WI LSONMI LLER Date: 12/13/99 E/W St: NORT~ ACCESS RD No. Lanes LGConFi g Vol tune Lane Wi dth RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R 2 1 2 L T R 1329 3 313 12.0 12. O 12.0 60 Signals Release 3. lb Ci ty/St: Proj #: Peri od: N/S St: COLLIER CO FL 2 SIGNAL CITY PM PEAK 2024 CR 951 GATE @ 50 % SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION Westbound L T R 2 1 2 L T R '526 16 434 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 SUMMARY Northbound L T R 2 3 1 L T R 363 2589 113 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Southbound L T R 2 3 1 L T R 94 1632 288 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Durat i on O. 25 Area Type: A1 1 Si gnal Phase Combi nati on 1 EB Left A Thru Ri ght Peds WB Left Thru Ri ght Peds NB Ri ght SB Ri ght Green Yel 1 ow Al 1 Red Cyd e Length: A Appr/ Lane Lane Group Grp Capcity 2 3 A A A A A A A other areas Operations 4 NB Left Thru Right Peds S8 Left Thru m ght Pecks EB Ri ght WB Right A 6 7 8 A A A A A A A A 17.0 7.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 O.O 180. 0 secs I ntersecti on Performance Surmnary. Adj Sat Rati os Lane Group F1 ow Rate (s) v/c g/C Del ay LOS A A A A A 6.0 9. 0 109.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 Approach Del ay LOS Eastbound L 350 T 74 R 474 Westbound L 564 T 190 R 442 Northbound L 389 T 3544 R 1409 Southbound L 136 T 3170 R 1193 3502 0.99 0.100 125.8 F 1900 0.04 0.039 83.5 F 2842 0.56 0.167 70.5 E 3502 0.98 0.161 108.5 F 1900 0.09 0.100 73.8 E 2842 0.89 0.156 94.3 F 3502 0.98 0.111 90.4 F 5187 0.77 0.683 19.1 B 1615 0.04 0.872 1.5 A 3502 O. 73 5187 0.54 1615 0.20 Intersecti on Del ay = 44.6 101.7 F 102.1 F 27.4 C O. 039 95.0 F O. 611 20.4 C 22.5 C O. 739 7.2 A (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = D HCS-Siqmals 3.lb File:N9512F.hcs 8A 1 Paqe Inter: Anal y~t: WI LSONMI LLER Date: 12/13/99 E/W St: NORTH ACCESS RD No. Lanes LGConfi g Vol ume Lane Wi dth RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R HCS: Signals Release 3. lb City/St: COLLIER CO FL Proj #: 2 SIGNAL CITY Period: PM PEAK 2024 N/S St' CR 951 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY l~stbound Northbound L T R L T R 2 1 2 L T R 329 5 313 12.0 12.0 IZ.O 60 2 1 2 L T R 933 28 777 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 2 3 1 L T R !363 2790 195 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 GATE FULL BUILD Southbound L T R 2 3 1 L T U 163 1660 288 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Duration 0.25 Area Phase Combination 1 2 EB Left A Thru Right Peds ~ Left A A Thru A Right A Peds NB Ri ght A A SB Ri ght A Green 13.0 31.0 Yellow 4.0 4.0 All Red 0.0 0.0 Cycle Length: 180.0 secs Appr/ Lane Lane Group Grp Capcity Type: All other areas Signal Operations 3 4 NB A A SB A A Left Thru Ri ght Peds Left Thru mght Peds mght mght 5 A A 6 7 8 A A A A A A A ~ A A ~ A 6.0 6.0 4.0 94.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 Intersection Performance Sur~nary_ Adj Sat Rati os Lane Group ow Rate (s) v/c g/C Del ay LOS Approach Del ay LOS Eastbound L 272 T 74 R 395 Westbound L 953 T 443 R 821 Northbound L 292 T 2968 R 1409 Southbound L 136 T 2738 R 1023 3502 1.27 0.078 231.0 F 1900 0.07 0.039 83.7 F 163.9 F 2842 0.67 0.139 78.1 E 3502 1.03 0.272 102.7 F 1900 0.07 0.233 53.8 D 91.1 F 2842 0.92 0.289 77.4 E 3502 1.31 0.083 223.8 F 5187 0.99 0.572 41.3 D 59.8 E 1615 0.10 0.872 1.6 A Intersection Delay = 72. 3502 1.26 5187 0.64 1615 0.23 4 0.039 231.6 F 0.528 30.5 C 44.7 D 0.633 14.3 B (sec/ve~ Intersection LOS = E ~C~S£Signals 3.lb File:SgSl120.hcs 8A 1 Inter: Anal yst: WI LSONMI LLER Date: 12/13/99 E/W St: SOUTH ACCESS RD No. Lanes LGConfi g Vol tune Lane ~ dth RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R 2 1 2 L T R 546 9 783 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 HCS: Si gnal s Rel ease 3. 1 b Ci ty/St: Proj #: Peri od: N/S St: COLLIER CO FL 1 SIGNAL CITY GATE @ 20 % DEV PM PEAK 2024 CR 951 SI GNALI ZED I NTERSECTI ON SUMMARY [ Westbound Northbound IL T R L T R I L T R 1723 54 404 112.0 12.0 12.0 60 Southbound L T R 2 3 1 L T R 907 2037 179 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 2 3 1 L T R 101 1343 481 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Durati on O. 25 Area Type: M 1 Si gnal Phase Combi nati on I 2 3 EB Left A Thru A Right A Peds WB Left A A Thru A A .Ri ght A A Peds NB Ri ght A A SB Ri ght A Green 33.0 8.0 9.0 Yell ow 4.0 4.0 4.0 All Red O. 0 0. O O.O Cycle Length: 180. O secs Appr/ Lane Lane Group Grp Capcity other areas Operations 4 NB Left Thru Ri ght Peds SB Left Thru right Peds Ell Right WB Right 5 6 7 A A A A A A 8 A A A A A A 15.0 32.0 57.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 O.O O. 0 2.0 Intersection Performance Stunmary. ^dj Sat Rati os Lane Group F1 ow Rate (s) v/c g/C Del ay LOS Approach Delay LOS Eastbound L 661 T IO6 R 1026 INestbound L 895 T 232 R 647 Northbound L 1012 T 2709 R 1301 Southbound L 311 T 1671 R 870 Intersecti 3502 0.87 0.189 82.9 F 1900 0.08 0.056 81.0 F 2842 0.74 0.361 53.1 D 3502 0.85 0.256 71.6 E 19OO 0.25 O. 122 72.0 E 2842 0.56 0.228 62.6 E 3502 0.94 0.289 65.0 E 5187 0.79 0.522 35.2 D 1615 0.10 0.806 3.7 A 3502 0.34 5187 0.85 1615 0.51 on Delay = 55.0- 66.0 E 68.8 E 42.8 D 0.089 77.4 E 0.322 59.0 E 52.7 D 0.539 26.6 C (sec/veh) Intersection LOS : D HCS-Siqnals 3,lb File:S9511F.hcs Paqe }{CS: Signals Release 3. lb Inter: Analyst: WlLSONMILLER Date: 12/13/99 E/W St: SOUTH ACCESS RD City/St' COLLIER CO FL Proj #: 1 SIGNAL CITY Peri od: PM PEAK 2024 N/S St: CR 951 GATE FULL BUILD No. Lanes LGConfi g Vol tune Lane Wi dth RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R 2 1 2 L T R 546 9 783 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 SI GNALI ZED I NTERSECTI ON SUMMARY Mst bound Nor t hbound L T R L T R 2 3 1 L T R 907 2037 508 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Southbound L T R 2 3 1 L T R 287 1343 481 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 2 1 2 L T R 2351 54 1319 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Duration 0.25 Phase Combi nati on 1 EB Left A Thru Ri ght Peds WB Left A Thru Ri ght Peds NB Ri ght A A SB Ri ght A Green 19.0 70. 0 Yel 1 ow 4.0 4.0 All Red 0.0 0.0 Cycle Length: 180.0 secs 2 3 A A A A A Area Type: A1 1 other areas Si gnal Operati OhS 4 NB Left Thru Ri ght Peds SI] Left Thru Ri ght Peds EB Ri ght A va mght A 5.0 8.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 Appr/ Lane Lane Group Grp Capcity 5 A A Intersection Performance Summary Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group ow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS 6 7 8 A A A A A A A A 19.0 33.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 2.0 Approach Delay LOS Eastbound L 370 T 53 R 632 Westbound L 1809 T 834 R 1437 Northbound L 603 T 1614 R 1391 Southbound L 156 T 951 R 520 Intersecti 3502 1.55 0.106 342.8 F 1900 0.17 0.028 87.0 F 2842 1.20 0.222 176.4 F 3502 1.37 0.517 212.8 F 1900 0.07 0.439 29.2 C 2842 0.92 0.506 51.3 D 3502 1.58 0.172 345.0 F 5187 1.33 0.311 214.2 F 1615 0.34 0.861 2.6 A 246.9 F 154.6 F 221.2 F 3502 1.94 0.044 529.8 F 5187 1.49 0.183 298.2 F 283.8 F 1615 0.85 0.322 69.8 E on Delay = 219.3 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = F HCS-Siqnals 3.lb File:S951235.hcs Paqe 1 Inter: Anal yst: Date: E/W St: WI LSONMILLER 12/13/99 SOUTH ACCESS RD No. Lanes LGConfig Volume Lane ~dth RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R 2 1 2 L T R '217 4 470 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 HCS: Signals Release 3. lb City/St' Proj #: Period: N/S St' COLLIER CO FL 2 SIGNAL CITY GATE @ 35% PM PEAK 2024 CR 951 SI GNALI ZED I NTERSECTI ON SUMMARY ~estbound L T R 2 1 2 L T R 600 11 245 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Northbound L T R 2 3 1 L T R 544 2396 152 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Southbound L T R 2 3 1 L T R 64 1986 193 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Durati on O. 25 Area Type: A11 Si gnal Phase Combi nati on 1 2 3 EB Left A Thru A Ri ght A Peds WB Left A A Thru A A Ri ght A A Peds NB Ri ght A A SB Ri ght A Green 11. O 13.0 6. O Yel 1 ow 4.0 4.0 4. O All Red 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cycle Length: 190. 0 secs Appr/ Lane Lane Group Grp Capcity other areas Operat ions 4 NB Left Thru Ri ght Peds SB Left Thru Ri ght Peds ESRight I~BRight 5 6 7 8 A A A A A A A A A A A A 6.0 18. 0 110.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 Intersecti on Performance Smmmary Adj Sat Rati os Lane Group F1 ow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Approach Delay LOS Eastbound L 221 T 70 R 583 Westbound L 535 T 240 R 509 Northbound L 535 T 3631 R 1420 Southbound L 129 T 3030 R 1088 Intersecti 3502 1.03 0.063 158.0 F 1900 0.06 0.037 88.7 F 2842 0.74 0.205 75.8 E 3502 1.18 0.153 180.1 F 1900 0.05 0.126 73.1 E 2842 0.38 0.179 69.2 E 3502 1.07 0.153 116.9 F 5187 0.69 0.700 16.7 B 1615 0.07 0.879 1.5 A 3502 0.52 5187 0.69 1615 0.13 on Delay = 54.1 104. 1 F 152.8 F 34.2 C O. 037 91.7 F 0.584 27.9 C 28.7 C O. 674 11.1 B (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = D HCS-Si~nals 3.lb File:S951250.hcs PacLe Inter: Analyst: WILSONMILLER Date: 12/13/99 E/W St: SOUTIt ACCESS RD No. Lanes LGConfi g Vol ume Lane Wi dth RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R 2 1 2 L T R '217 4 470 ,12.0 12.0 12.0 60 HCS: Signals Release 3. lb City/St: Proj #: Period: N/S St' COLLIER CO FL 2 SIGNAL CITY GATE PM PEAK 2024 CR 951 5O% SI GNALI ZED I NTERSECTI ON SUMMARY l~stbound L T R 2 1 2 L T R 808 15 313 12.0 12.0 12. O 60 Northbound L T R 2 3 1 L T R 544 2412 190 12.0 12.0 12. O 60 I Southbound IL t R } 2 3 1 I L T ]78 2102 193 112.0 12.0 12.0 6o Durati on O. 25 Phase EB Left Thru Ri ght Peds WB Left Thru Ri ght Peds NB Ri ght A SB Ri ght A Green 11.0 23.0 Yel 1 ow 4. O 4.0 Ail Red 0.0 0.0 Cycle Length: 178.0 secs Combi nat i on 1 A A Area Type: All other areas Si gnal Operati OhS 2 3 4 NB Left A Thru A Ri ght Peds A SB Left A A Thru A A Ri ght Peds A EB Ri ght A A WB Ri ght A 6.0 6.0 18.0 88.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 Appr/ Lane Lane Group Grp Capcity 5 A A Intersection Performance Smmmry Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Flow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS 6 7 8 A A A A A A A Approach Delay LOS Eastbound L 236 T 75 R 623 Westbound L 767 T 363 R 703 Northbound L 571 T 3235 R 1406 Southbound L 138 T 2594 R 962 3502 0.97 0.067 131.7 F 1900 0.05 0.039 82.6 F 89.5 F 2842 0.69 0.219 67.3 E 3502 1.11 0.219 136.3 F 1900 0.04 0.191 58.8 E 116.4 F 2842 0.38 0.247 56.0 E 3502 1.00 0.163 87.2 F 5187 0.78 0.624 24.8 C 34.9 C 1615 0.10 0.871 1.6 A Intersecti on Del ay = 54. 3502 0.59 5187 0.85 1615 0.15 6 O. 039 87. 5 F O. 500 40. 3 D 40. 5 D O. 596 16.0 B ($ec/veh) Intersection LOS = D HCS-Siqnals 3.lb File:SgS1250.hcs Paqe___l Inter: Analyst' WILSONMILLER Date: 12/13/99 E/W St: SOUTH ACCESS RI) No. Lanes LGConfi g Vol ume Lane Wi dth RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R 2 I 2 L T R 217 4 470 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 HCS: Si gnal s Rel ease 3. I b Ci ty/St: Proj #: Peri od: N/S St: COLLIER CO FL 2 SIGNAL CITY GATE FULL BUILD PM PEAK 2024 CR 951 SI GNALI ZED I NTERSECTI ON SUMMARY 1~estbound L T R 2 1 2 L T R 1418 26 542 12.0 12.0 12.0 6O Northbound L T R 2 3 1 L T R 544 2467 313 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Southbound L T R 2 3 1 L T R 124 2491 193 12.0 12.0 12.0 60 Duration 0.25 Phase Combination 1 EB Left A Thru Right Peds WB Left A Thru Right Peds NB Right A SB Ri ght A Green 6.0 Yellow 4.0 All Red 0.0 Cycle Length: 180.0 Area Type: All other areas Si gna] Operati OhS 2 3 4 NB Left A Thru A Ri ght Peds A SB Left A A Thru A A Ri ght Peds A EB Ri ght A I~B Ri ght A 47.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 secs Appr/ Lane Lane Group Grp Capcity 5 A A Intersection Performance Summary Adj Sat Rati os Lane Group FI ow Rate (s) v/c g/C Del ay LOS 6 7 8 A A A A A A A A 10. 0 79.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 2.0 Approach Delay LOS Eastbound L 136 T 74 R 489 Westbound L 1128 T 612 R 1074 Northbound L 409 T 2709 R 1409 Southbound L 136 T 2305 R 825 Intersecti 3502 1.68 0.039 420.8 F 1900 0.05 0.039 83.6 F 2842 0.88 0.172 89.9 F 3502 1.32 0.322 212.9 F 1900 0.04 0.322 42.0 D 2842 0.47 0.378 42.7 D 3502 1.40 0.117 261.5 F 5187 0.96 0.522 42.5 D 1615 0.19 0.872 1.8 A 203.5 F 168.0 F 75.9 E 3502 0.96 0.039 130.8 F 5187 1.14 0.444 115.0 F 111.3 F 1615 0.17 0.511 23.6 C on Delay = 118.8 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = F St eve Pi vni cki Wi 1 sonMi I I er I nc. HCS: Arterial s Rel ease 3. lb 8A1' Phone: 727- 615- 1319 E- Mai I: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Arteri al Name: Fi I e Case: Prepared By: Di recti on: Date: CR 951 2024 2 SIGNAL CITY GATE @ 100% WI LSONMI LLER Nort h- bound 12/14/99 Descri pti on of Arteri al Anal ysi s Peri od Length O. 25 hr Seg. Cross Street Name Length (~) Cl ass Free F1 ow Speed (mph) Running Time (sec) Section 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CR 951 SOUTH ACCESS RD NORTH ACCESS RD 0.28 2 45 28.3 0.20 2 45 21.8 1 2 Seg Intersecti on Del ay Esti mates Cycle Green v/c Lane Length Ratio Ratio Cap. C g/C X c PVG Arr. I Unit if Type Fac- Ext. Input AT t or (sec) Init. CntrI. Queue Delay (veh) (sec) Other Inter. Delay LOS (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 180. 0 180. 0 0.522 0.959 2709 0.572 0.990 2968 1.000 3.0 0.187 3.0 0 50.8 0.0 D 0 43. 1 0.0 D 13 14 15 8A Seg. Arterial Level of Service Sect. Inter. Sum of Sum of Running Control. Other Time by Length by Arterial Time Delay Delay Section Section Speed (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (mi) (mph) Arterial LOS by Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 28. 3 50. 8 0. 0 79. 1 O. 28 12. 7 2 21. 8 43. 1 O. 0 64.9 O. 20 11. I F F Grand Sum of Time (x) = 144.0 sec Grand Sum of Length (y) = 0. 48 mi 1 es Arterial Speed = 3600 x (y)/(x) = 12.0 mph Arterial Level of Service, LOS = F 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: I ntersecti on Fi I es i n the Anal ysi s E: \act i vi ty9\S9512F, hcs E: \acti vi ty9\Ng$1ZF, hcs Steve Pi vni cki Wi I sonMi 11 er I nc. HCS: Arterials Release 3. lb Phone: 727-615- 1319 E-Mai 1: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Arteri al Name: Fi I e Case: Prepared By: Di recti on: Bate: CR 951 2024 2 SIGNALS CITY GATE @ 50% Sout h- bound 12/14/99 Descri pti on of Arteri al Anal ysi s Peri od Length O. 25 hr Seg. Cross Street Name Free Art. Flow Running Length Class Speed Time (mi) (mpD (sec) Section 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CR 951 NORTtt ACCESS RD SOUT[IACCESS RD 1.06 I 50 76.3 0.20 2 45 21.8 Seg Intersecti on Del ay Esti mates Cycle Green v/c Lane Length Ratio Ratio Cap. C g/C X c PVG Arr. I Unit if Type Fac- Ext. Input AT tot (sec) Init. Cntrl. Queue Delay (veh) (se~ Other Inter. I)elay LOS (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 180. 0 178.0 0.611 0.542 3170 0.500 0.853 2594 3 1.000 3.0 3 0.800*3.0 0 20.7 0.0 C 0 41.4 0.0 D 13 14 15 Seg. Arteri al Level of Servi ce Sect. Inter. Sum of Sum of Running Control. Other Time by Length by Arterial Ti me Del ay Del ay Secti on Secti on Speed (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (mi) (mph) Arteri al LOS by Sect i on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 76.3 31.0 0. 0 107.3 1.06 35.6 2 21.8 122.5 0. 0 144.3 0.20 5.0 Grand Sum of Time (x) = 251.5 sec Grand Sum of Length (y) = 1.26 miles ^rterial Speed = 3600 x (y)/(x) = 18.0 mph Arterial Level of Service, LOS = E 1: 2: 3: 4: Intersection Files in the Analysis E: \acti vi ty9\N9512F, hcs E: \acti vi ty9\S9512F, hcs 5' 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Steve Pi vni cki Wi 1 sonMi I 1 er I nc. HCS: Arterials Rel ease 3. lb 1 Phone: 727- 615- 1319 E-Mai I: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Arteri al Name: Fi I e Case: Prepared By: Di recti on: Dar e: 2024 1 SIGNAL CITY GATE @ 100% WlLSONMILLER North-bound 12/14/99 Descri pti on of Arteri al Anal ysi s Peri od Length 0. 25 hr Seg. Cross Street Name Length Cl ass Free FI ow Speed (~ph) Running Time (sec) Secti on O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CR 951 SOUTH ACCESS RD O. 28 2 45 28.3 Seg Intersecti on Del ay Esti mates Cycle Green v/c Lane Length Ratio Ratio Cap. C g/C X c PVG Arr. I Unit if Type Fac- Ext. Input AT tor (sec) Init. Cntrl. Queue Delay (veh) (sec) Ot her Int er. Del ay LOS (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 180.0 0.311 1.328 1614 3 1. 000 3. 0 0 224.9 0.0 F 13 14 15 Seg. Arteri al Level of Service Sect. Inter. Running Control. Ti me Del ay (sec) (sec) Sum of Sum of Arteri al Other Ti me by Length by /h-terial LOS by Del ay Section Section Speed Section (sec) (sec) (mi) (mph) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 28.3 224.9 0.0 253.2 0.28 4.0 F Grand Sum of Time (x) = 253.2 sec Grand Sum of Length (y) = O. 28 mil es Arterial Speed = 3600 x (y)/(x) = 4.0 mph Arterial Level of Service, LOS = F l: 2: 3: 4: Int ersecti on E: \acti vi ty9\S9511F, hcs Files in t he Anal ysi s 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: I0: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Steve Pi vni cki Wi I sonMi 11 er I nc. tiCS: Art eri al s Rel ease 3. lb Phone: 727-615- 1319 E-Mail: OPERATIONAL A~IALYSI S Arteri al Name: Fi I e Case: Prepared By: Di recti on: Date: 2024 1 SIGNAL CITY GATE @ 10006 WI LSONMI LLER Sour h- bound 12/14/99 Descri pti on of Arteri al Anal ysi s Peri od Length O. 25 hr Seg. Cross Street Name Length (~) C1 ass Free FI ow Speed (mph) Running Ti me (sec) Section 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 CR 951 SOUTH ACCESS RD 1.26 I 50 90. 7 Seg Intersecti on Del ay Esti mates Cycle Green v/c Lane Length Ratio Rat i o Cap. C g/C X c PVG Arr. I Unit if Type Fac- Ext. Input AT tor (sec) Init. Cntr]. Queue Delay (red (sec) Other Inter. Delay LOS (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 180.0 0.183 1.487 951 3 1.000 3.0 0 307.2 0.0 F 13 14 15 '8Al Seg. Arteri al Level of Servi ce Sect. Inter. Sum of Sum of Running Control. Other Time by Length by Arterial Ti me Del ay Del ay Secti on Secti on Speed (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (mi) (mph) Arteri al LOS by Secti on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 90.7 307.2 0.0 398.0 1.26 11.4 F Grand Sum of Time (x) = 398.0 sec Grand Sum of Length (y) = 1.26 mil es Arterial Speed = 3600x (y)/(x) = 11.4 mph Arterial Level of Service, LOS = F 2: 3: 4: Intersecti on Fi 1 es i n the Anal ysi s E: \acti vi ty9\S951 IF. hcs 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Steve Pi vni cki Wi 1 sonMi 11 er I nc. ltCS: Arteri al s Rel ease 3. lb '8A 1 Phone: 727- 615- 1319 E- Mai 1: Fax: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Arteri al Name: Fi 1 e Case: Prepared By: Di recti on: Date: CR 951 2024 2 SIGNALS CITY GATE @ 50% WI LSONMI LLER Nort h- bound 12/14/99 Anal ysi s Peri od Length Descri pti on of Arteri al 0.25 hr Seg. Cross Street Name Length (~) CI ass Free Fl ow Speed (mph) Running Time (sec) Section 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CR 951 SOUTIt ACCESS RD NORTH ACCESS RD 0.28 2 45 28.3 0.20 2 45 21.8 Seg Intersection Delay Estimates Cycle Green v/c Lane Length Ratio Ratio Cap. C g/C X c PVG Arr. I Unit if Type Fac- Ext. Input AT tot (sec) Init. Cntrl. Queue Delay (ve~ (sec) Other Inter. Delay LOS (sec). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 178.0 180.0 0.624 0.785 3235 0.683 0.769 3544 3 1.000 3.0 3 O. 525 3.0 0 26.2 0.0 C 0 19.7 0.0 B 13 14 15 '8A 1 Seg. Arterial Level of Servi ce Sect. Inter. Sum of Sum of Running Control. Other Time by Length by Arterial Time Delay Delay Section Section Speed (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (mi) (mph) Arteri al LOS by Section 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 28.3 26.2 O. 0 54.5 O. 28 18.5 2 21.8 19. 7 0. 0 41.5 O. 20 17.4 D D Grand Sum of Time (x) = 96.0 sec Grand Sum of Length (y) : O. 48 miles Arteri al Speed : 3600 x (y)/(x) : 18.0 mph Arterial Level of Service, LOS = I) 1' 2: 3: 4: Intersection Files in the Analysis. E: \acti vi ty9\S951250, hcs E: \acti vi tygkN951250, hcs 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Steve Pi vni cki Wi I sonMi 11 er I nc. HCS: Arterial s Rel ease 3. lb Phone: 727-615- 1319 E- Mai 1: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Arteri al Name: Fi I e Case: Prepared By: Di recti on: Dar e: CR 951 2024 2 SIGNAL CITY GATE @ 100% WILSONMILLER South-bound 12/14/99 Descri pti on of ^rteri al Anal ysi s Peri od Length O. 25 hr Seg. Cross Street Name Length (~) C1 ass Free Fl ow Speed (mph) Running Time (sec) Section 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CR 951 NORTH ACCESS RD SOUTH ACCESS RD 1.06 1 50 0.20 2 45 76.3 21.8 Seg Intersecti on Del ay Esti mates Cycle Green v/c Lane Length Ratio Ratio Cap. C g/C X c PVG Arr. I Unit i f Type Fac- Ext. Input AT tot (sec) Init. CntrI. Queue Del ay (veh) (sec) Other Inter. Delay LOS (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 180.0 180.0 0.528 0.638 2738 0.444 1.138 2305 3 1.000 3.0 3 0.727 3.0 0 31.0 0.0 C 0 122.5 0.0 F 13 14 15 8A 1 Seg. Arterial LeYel of Service Sect. Inter. Sum of Sum of Running Control. Other Time by Length by Arterial Time Del ay Del ay Secti on Secti on Speed (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (mi) (mph) Arteri al LOS by Sect i on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 76.3 20. 7 O. 0 97.0 1.06 39.3 2 21.8 41.4 O. 0 63. 2 O. 20 11.4 B F Grand Sum 'of Time (x) = 160. 2 sec Grand Sum of Length (y) = 1.26 mil es Arterial Speed = 3600 x (y)/(x) = 28.3 mph Arterial Level of Service, LOS = C 1: E: 3: 4: Intersection Files in the Analysis E: \activityg\N951250. hcs E: \activity~\S951250. hcs 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: St eve Pi vni cki Wi I sonMi 11 er I nc. HCS: Arterial s Rel ease 3. lb Phone: 727-615- 1319 E-Mai I: OPERATI 0NAL ANALYSIS Arteri al Name: Fi I e Case: Prepared By: Di recti on: Dar e: 2024 2 SIGNALS CITY GATE @ 35 WILSONMILLER South-bound 12/14/99 Description of Arteri al Anal ysi s Peri od Length O. 25 hr Seg. Cross Street N~ Length (~) C1 ass Free Flow Speed (mph) Running Time (sec) Sect i on 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CR 951 SOUTH ACCESS RB 0.20 2 45 21.8 Seg Intersecti on Del ay Esti mates Cycle Green v/c Lane Length Rat i o Ratio Cap. C g/C X c PVG Arr. I Unit if Type Fac- Ext. Input AT tot (sec) Init. Cntrl. Queue Del ay (veh) (sec) Other Inter. Delay LOS (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 190.0 0.584 0.690 3030 4 O. 100'3. 0 0 16.9 0.0 B 13 14 15 1 Seg. ^rterial Level of Service Sect. Inter. Sum of Sum of Running Control. Other Time by Length by Arterial Ti me Del ay Del ay Secti on Secti on Speed (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (mi) ( Arteri al LOS by Secti on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 21.8 16.9 O. 0 38. 7 O. 20 18.6 D Grand Sum of Time (x) = 38. 7 sec Grand Sum of Length (y) = O. 20 mi 1 es Arterial Speed = 3600 x (y)/(x) = 18. 6 mph ^rterial Level of Service, LOS = D 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: I ntersecti on Fi 1 es i n the Anal ysi s E: \acti vi ty9\S951235, hcs Steve Pi vni cki Wi 1 sonMi 11 er I nc. HCS: Arterials Rel ease 3. lb 8A Phone: 727- 615- 1319 E-Mail: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Arteri al Name: Fi I e Case: Prepared By: Direct i on: Dar e: 2024 I SIGNAL CITY GATE AT 20% WlLSONMILLER North-bound 12/14/99 Descri pti on of Arteri al Analysis Period Length O. 25 hr Seg. Cross Street Name Length (~i) Art. CI ass Free F1 ow Speed (mph) Running Time (sec) Section 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CR 951 SOUTH ACCESS RD 0.28 2 45 28.3 Seg Intersecti on Del ay Esti mates Cycle Green v/c Lane Length Ratio Ratio Cap. C g/C X c PVG Arr. I Unit if Type Fac- Ext. Input AT tor (sec) Init. Cntrl. Queue Delay (veh) (sec) Other Inter. Delay LOS (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 180.0 O. 522 O. 791 2709 4 0.100'3.0 0 25.8 0.0 C 13 14 15 Seg. Arteri al Level of Servi ce Sect. Inter. Sum of Sum of Running Control. Other Time by Length by Arterial Ti me Del ay Del ay Secti on Secti on Speed (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (mi) (mph) Arteri al LOS by Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 28.3 25.8 0.0 54.1 0.28 18.6 Grand Sum of Ti me (x) = 54. 1 sec Grand Sum of Length (y) = O. 28 mi I es Arterial Speed = 3600 x (y)/(x) = 18. 6 mph Arterial Level of Service, LOS = I) 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Intersection Files in the Analysis E: \acti vi ty9\S951120, hcs Steve Pi vni cki Wi I sonMi I I er I nc. Arterials Release 3. lb 8A Phone: 727- 615- 1319 E-Mai I: OPERATIONAL AI~ALYSI S Arteri al Name: Fi I e Case: Prepared By: Di recti on: Dar e: 2024 1 SIGNAL CITY GATE @ 2096 WI LSONMI LLER Sour h- bound 12/14/99 Descri pti on of Arteri al Anal ysi s Peri od Length O. 25 hr Seg. Cross Street Name Length (~) C1 ass Free F1 ow Speed (mph) Running Ti me (sec) Sect i on 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CR 961 SOUTH ACCESS RD 1.26 1 50 90.7 Seg Intersection Delay Estimates Cycle Green v/c Lane Length Ratio Ratio Cap. C g/C X c PVG Arr. I Unit if Type Fac- Ext. Input AT tot (sec) Init. Cntrl. Queue Del ay (veh) (sec) Other Inter. Delay LOS (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 180.0 0.322 0.846 1671 3 1.000 3.0 0 61.5 0.0 E 13 14 15 Seg. Arterial Level of Servi ce Sect. Inter. Sum of Sum of Running Control. Other Time by Length by Arterial Time Delay Delay Section Section Speed (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (mi) (mi)!o Art eri al LOS by Sect i on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 90.7 61,5 0.0 152.2 1.26 29.8 C Grand Sum of Time (x) = 152. 2 sec Grand Sum of Length (y) = 1.26 mi I es Arterial Speed = 3600 x (y)/(x) = 29. 8 mph Arterial Level of Service, LOS = C 1' 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Intersection Files in the Analysis E: \acti vi ty9\S951120, hcs I Introduction Vision Statement Design Development 4--Land Use & Transportation Implementation Strate~tes ix A ~? r lion Analyses Section 5--Implementation Strategies IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES Implementation of the IMP requires a well planned strategy. The BCC must take certain steps to initiate the improvement processwto bring these design concepts off the paper and into Activity Center #9. The following strategies provide the structure under which the IMP's design concepts can be implemented. Zoning Overlay As required by the BCC's adopted IMP study parameters, establishing a zoning overlay district will be one of the implementation strategies. The purpose of the overlay district, which will encompass all properties within the boundaries of Activity Center #9, will be to encourage and direct development within the activity center. The overlay district will ensure that the design of landscape, architecture, and signage will be regulated and approved in accordance with the provision of the specific LDC section. Division 2.4 Landscaping and Buffering Division 2.5 Signage Division 2,6 Supplemental District Regulations Division 2.8 Architectural and Site Design Standards and Guidelines for Commercial Buildings and Projects Capital Improvement Plan The entry/exit gateway features, landscaping, directional signage, and lighting elements will occur within the public rights-of-way. The implementation mechanism for these projects will be the county's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Each element will have to be prioritized in the CIP with an identified funding source. In addition to local funding sources, such as general revenues and roadway revenues, Collier County should explore other applicable opportunities such as the Florida Highway Beautification Grant Program and Transportation Enhancement Activities. Land Development Code Amendments When establishing the study parameters, the BCC decided that the IMP shall apply to all undeveloped property within Activity Center #9. The activity center contains approved PUDs that are required to be developed in accordance with cited sections of the LDC (i.e., landscaping and buffering, signage). Therefore, these sections will need to be amended to provide a directional link to the Activity Center #9 zoning overlay district. LDC sections that will need to be amended include the following: Activ/ty Center #9 Interchange Master Plan (iMP) November2000 Section 5, Page I WilspnMiller I Introduction 2---Vision Statement 3 Design DevelOpment 1 4 Land Use & Transportation $, Implementat~ A--FS n Analyses 8Al~ APPENDIX A FSUTMS MODEL PLOTS 8A1 8~ rSA 1 / / / ,0 8Al '8A1 I Introduction 2--Vision Statement 3 ...... Design Development , 4----Land Use & lransportation f Implementat on Stra ~ ~.:!~' ...... ' ~dix A-- -~Model Plots'- on Analyses "8A 1 Naples Fort Myers Sarasota Bradenton Tampa www-w//sonm/lle~.com 800-649~4336 Tallahassee