Resolution 2001-007 178 RESOLUTION NO. Ol-~ RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-2000- 24, FOR AN AFTER-THE-FACT VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of variances; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals, being the duly elected constituted Board of the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has considered the advisability of a 25.6-foot after-the-fact variance from the required side yard setback of 30 feet to 4.4 feet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", in an "E" Estates Zone for the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Section 2.7.5 of the Zoning Regulations of said Land Development Code for the unincorporated area of Collier County; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in public meeting assembled, and the Board having considered all matters presented; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida, that: The Petition V -2000-24 filed by Michael and Lorraine LaPlatte, with respect to the property hereinafter described as: The east 180 feet of Tract 84, Golden Gate Estates Unit 32, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Pages 21 through 22 of the Official Records of Collier County, Florida. be and the same hereby is approved for a 25.6-foot after-the-fact variance from the required side yard setback of 30 feet to 4.4 feet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit" A", of the "E" Estates Zoning District wherein said property is located, subject to the following conditions: 1. This variance is for the encroachment shown in Exhibit "A" only. Any other encroachment shall require a separate variance. -1- 't " , 17 B ~,~ 2. In the case of the destruction of the encroaching structure, for any reason, to an extent equal to or greater than 50 percent of the actual replacement cost of the structure at the time of its destruction, any reconstruction shall conform to the provisions of the Land Development Code in effect at the time of reconstruction. BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number V -2000-24 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this q-tA day of ::!aJ1ua..ry ,2001. , ~,;' AT:TE$T: ".PWI6H;T"'E-.l3ROCK, CLERK .' .'-, '~'r. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNT , FLORIDA " " , .:- .1 I, I '. ~ ." . ~,r/8lj~'*~' ~~ ( - ." \ -'.. ~ : \' " At~,~ Isi ~ Cha1rwa.S '< I, , s'1gnat,\Ir,.e ..only. "- ,- . """:~ ";, 'A'pPt;"~e((as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: . Y') )(Lv~/~L.L. J)I, iJt-LuLt.(cL Marjorie . Student Assistant County Attorney G:N.2000.24/FRlcw -2- FLOOD ZONE: X COMMUNITY PANEL 1C0067-0425d .... DATED: 6-3-86 (FLOOD ZONE: "B","C":o", ole "X" ARE NOT CERTIfICATION IN DESIGNATED FLOOD HAZARD ZONE AREA,) I CER11ry THA T THIS SURVEY WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND THAT IT MEETS NOT!:, THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORTH BY THE BOARD Of PROfESSIONAL IN COMPLlANCE WITH r.A,C LAND SURVEYOR.S AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6. FLDRIDA AOMINISTRATI\It 61GI7-6,0031 (5) (El <lr LOCAlION or CODfr' P~U it Tzzno7;;H?,'027. FLORIDA STATUTES. EASEMENTS OR RIGHT-or-WAY OF RECORD, ~ Z c; q O1HER THAN THOS!: ON RECORD PLAT, IS ,,- {f REDUIRED. THIS INFORMATION MUST BE BY _____ _ _ -1.- ____ ____________ SURVEY DATE: _.11___:_____ rURNISHED TO THE SURVEYOR AND MAPPER CLINTON W, FINSTAD, PLS 1245;\ JEFFRY H. HILUGOSS. PLS ,4488 LELAND F, DySARD, PlS 13859 KENNETH W, SMITH. PSM 15744 STEPHEN MACDONALD, PlS '4001 LELAND E. BEDWELL, PSM Isee4 c, DR(;:W URANCH. PSI( 15542 ERROL A, AYUSO. PSM 15955 NOTE:, Ir APPLICABLe, reNCE:S SHOIo'N HCANIJER ~jOT ^ CERTIFICA liON or Tl1LE. lONING. EASEMENTS OR rREEDOM or ENCUMBRANCES. ON Df? orr LlNE:S. (APPf?OX, LOCATION ONL Y) NOT VALID WITHOUT SURVEYOR'S SICl-IA1URE AND EMBOSSED SEAL S'JPI/EY IS VALID FOR 90 DAYS PLEASE RErER 10 REVERSE SIDE FOR GENERAL NOTES ole ABBREVIATIONS, 4760 N, TAMIAMI TRAIL. SUITE 22 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34103 941-643-2822 FAX 643-3593 ,'Y KETCH OF IlOUNDARY SURVEY FOR CONSTRUCTION OT FOR DESIGN ,."' 5/'~ NO ID S 1RCfT AD/JRCSS. ~075 rAHARIND RIDGC Dfo'fVC NAf'i.CS. rLURlDA '<--- IICNAINIJC. or r/MC.T ,. DeTAIL ',,' SCALC l' = 30' '3,J' SC"CCNCD POOf. AReA ~ " '" ~ 8 ~i tl:: ;;:~ ~i >! e8.e' .,...)' Cl/IC Q 0; nNGLC STOfIY flCSIDCNCC ~ ;., roi cavcRC D :1' ~,);6'I'CNrflr ".J' , " II rift ~,... ,.., ~I'!!!..1!"~_ "'. IOU'Ir"A1 CAKNCN7 .N.IIP'.fD'.f.1~:I~~.". cm FN 1I.f~or Clt, nm (l1f . rr NOID LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 111[ CASr 180 FC[T Of' rRIIcr 84, GOI.DCN GIITC [SrAT[S. UNIT 3Z ACCORDING ra THe PLAT rll[ff!T AS RCCORDeD IN PLA 1 /J(}{]/( 7. PAGCS 21 THflOIJGH 22, 1NCLUSIVf, or rN[ PU81.1C ... RCCORDS or C[)LUCR C1JUN1r. f'LORI/JII. '- CERTIFIED TO : r /o/ICfiAEL LoPLllTr[ AND UJflf?AIN[ K, [DPLATrC; nRS1 NATJ~IIIDe HORrGAGC CORPORATION. Irs succrssDIi's AWD/OR ASSIGNS; COLt/CR 11 nc INSUI?IlNCC IIGCNCY or NAPLCS. INC, srnlA!/T 11 nc GUARIINTY COHPANY '- F.L,A, SURVEYS CORP, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS It MAPPERS-LB 6569 [lR^WN 8'(, S,) Exhibit 78 ----I I r-.cr 13 rJlAC T " ~ S.89'40"0'F;, 180' (0) $,"."'04'&, '.SP' (H) : r/'N .... U' ~ 1J.7' C I I I I I I I "+"e+,' I I c, ...' IT I'IMCI I '4 IJN(r 31 I I I I I I I S* DeTAIL 'A' o."rllt 3/'" NO,. TIIAcr /If VI<< '.Nee g ~ g~ ..'=> ~! ~~ ~ :,; :) ;,<. ;::"" " ,..'" ~~ <-i ! .,. SCALE ,~ ,. tOO' Io'CLl r--,.,,6 I I I Jff" I , ~8~' '1I''''~9~) ...!:!: GTe U' r(. '/I~ NO JD (1J(jC IT I'/4VCHCN lAStS aF AIf rMWllNllI.D<< I/II/v( (f) ,tit ..vrM.C S v. rt', HB"4Q''''''V. 6~'.'3' r"J ,,,. (p) ~ N."'<fI"""W, UID.D (H) /01.89 '40"0'',/, 180' (D) FND '" . TrNQ1J ~ o n l5G 100 GRAPHIC SCALE I .00 REVISIONS .. "'"",..... l\.1C"U.' COITTAflolV 01 \/D. 17 367 PROJECT NO: 99-11972 "A"